"The Theater" is Drama, but there is more to Drama than that. The craft of acting and the techniques of putting on a show are certainly elements of drama. In some ways they are refined and improved in the modern age by Movies and Television (this is open to argument). Radio Drama, the so called "Theater of the Mind", may be the most powerful form of Drama.
Perhaps this is a result of the audience's "willing suspension of disbelief", which is considered an essential ingredient of any type of story telling. The suspension of disbelief allows the story-teller to weave a tale about cavemen fleeing predatory dinosaurs when dinosaurs had been extinct for eons before the first cave-man stood erect. While this may be a difficult sell on the screen, because radio asks little of its audience, the audience is more willing to participate in the imagery of the story.
The genre of drama is often categorized as a contrast to comedy. But Drama is represented by the twin masks of Comedy and Tragedy. Classically, Tragedies are tales where the characters meet a terrible fate because of their own flaws. Whether that fate is deserved or not, the audience is sympathetic to the character. In contrast, Comedies are generally stories with a Happy Ending. Through the years, Comedy has become more defined as a work intended to make the audience laugh.
It is in the genre of Drama that more emotional and heart-rending themes are explored. These theme can range from class divisions, marital or sibling infidelity, racial strife, moral dilemma, corruption, or even natural phenomena. A central part of any Drama is conflict. It is the task of the story-teller to define this conflict. The entertainment for the audience is seeing how the characters resolve the conflict. The results should always be somewhat in doubt, which leads us back to the suspension of disbelief.
In Historical Drama, where the audience knows the result of the conflict, the characters themselves do not know. Observing how they move through the resolution, and seeing how they react to fate is the payoff for the audience. In the Historical Drama, Horizons West, most audiences are aware that Lewis and Clark managed to cross the Continent to the Pacific Ocean, and return to the East. But that doesn’t make the drama any less entertaining.
Romance Dramas of course deal with Romantic Love, and the pitfalls, twists, and eventually happiness that Romantic Love entails. Most Romances are also melodramas,in which the plots and the characters are often exaggerated for emotional effect. Soap Operas are usually melodramas, as evidenced by some of their other labels, like Weepies or "Cry in Your Dishwater Shows". It is hard to believe that there could be anyone as evil as those who stand between Ruth Evans and the man she loves, Dr. John Wayne, in Big Sister. But we tune in every afternoon, because Ruth has captured our hearts.
Sports Drama is an interesting "sub-sub" genre of historical dramas. While it can be said sports are not truly Drama, there is no arguing that many scenes from the world of sports are truly Dramatic. Also, dramatized stories from the lives of great sports figures, such as Babe Ruth or those celebrated in the writings of Grantland Rice certainly have lessons and virtues that are valuable lessons to young audiences.
Western Drama are usually too highly fictionalized to be considered Historical Drama, even when they are based on real events and situations that occurred on the American Frontier between the end of the Civil War and the early years of the Twentieth century. Some of the Westerns intended for younger audiences were highly Melodramatic. More mature Westerns, such as The Six Shooter and Gunsmoke explore themes that appeal to any drama fan; cheating, double-dealing, honesty, intolerance, infidelity and so on.
There is nothing more dramatic and thrilling than a good scare, and radio doesn't disappoint with it great Thriller Anthologies like Arch Oboler's Plays, Inner Sanctum Mysteries, or, perhaps the greatest Radio feature of all time, Suspense!These shows, along with a number of similar features, gave audiences plenty of thrills, and probably night mares to kids listening when they should have been in bed!
Literary Drama popularity of literary drama shows on radio is not surprising. Programs like American Novels, Readers Digest Theater, Tell it Again and Studio One each turned to the literature of novels and short stories for story material. Few great novels, such as the Leatherstocking Tales by James Fenimore Cooper and Le Miserablesadapted by Orson Welles further demonstrate that literature and radio were a good fit. Literary purists will argue that much of the beauty of the work is lost when adapted to radio, especially when a great piece like Moby Dick is reduced to a half hour. While this may be true to a degree, the radio adaptations may be the spark that attracts a young mind to begin appreciating great literature.
The most important elements of drama are the elements of good storytelling; characters, conflict, narrative, and resolution. It is true in the age of eBooks and Podcasts; it was true in the Golden age of Radio; it has been true since the first caveman, speaking around the campfire, told of his companion’s bravery on the mammoth hunt.
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