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The Grantland Rice Story

Grantland Rice was one of the most important media figures during golden age of sports known for his descriptive style of sports news broadcasting.

Grantland Rice Story

52 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 11 hours, 35 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
11 Audio CDs

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"Knute Rockne"


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Grantland Rice
(1880 – 1954)

Grantland Rice
The 1920's were, among other things, the Golden Age Of American Sports. The world was changing at a dizzying rate. It was the era of Jazz, Speakeasy's, and Flappers. The national mood after WWI was high, prosperity was everywhere, and the miracle of radio was entering more homes.

Grantland RiceThe sporting world was developing its first legends. Professional baseball had lost much of its glory in the 1919 Black Socks Scandal. Several of the players on the Chicago White Socks team had accepted bribes to lose games during the 1919 World Series. While the Great American Game was rocked by the scandal, a hard drinking, cigar chomping hero stepped onto the diamond named Babe Ruth. Ruth was not someone any parent would choose for a role model, but his talents on the field, especially pounding homeruns out of the park, was exciting enough to bring America back to the ball park.

Jack Dempsey was a role model. He had been the Heavy Weight Boxing Champion through the first part of the decade, but was beaten fairly by Gene Tunney in 1926. Dempsey tried to regain the title in 1927, but was beaten, not so much by Tunney, but by the "Long Count". While in retirement Dempsey was known for his benevolence. He sponsored the Ride of Champions Rodeo event in Reno, Nevada, which was won by legendary cowboy Pete Knight.

Man O' War was one of the greatest Thoroughbred racehorses of all time. After WWI he won 20 of 21 races and $249,465 in purse money. Nick named "Big Red", it was acknowledged that the only reason he hadn't won the Triple Crown was that he did not race in the Kentucky Derby, though he won the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes, and he beat the previous winner of the Triple Crown, Sir Barton.

The Grantland Ricemost famous football team of the period was Notre Dame, coached by Knute Rockne. Notre Dame's 1924 backfield featured Stuhledreher, Crowley, Miller, and Layden, "The Four Horsemen." Notre Dame went undefeated in 1924, including the Rose Bowl and the National Championship.

Although radio had been developed by the 20's, the networks were still in their infancy, and receivers were still a rarity in most homes. For fans to be able to follow sporting figures they had to read about them in newspapers. The greatest of the sportswriters was Grantland Rice. Rice was was born in Murfreesboro Tenn, the grandson of a Confederate General. After graduating from Vanderbilt he took newspaper jobs in Atlanta and Cleveland before becoming the sportswriter for the Nashville Tennessean. From there he moved in to a number of prestigious papers in the Northeast.

Rice was known for his verse almost as much as his writing style. He lacked the play-by-play style used by many sports writers of the period, but was appreciated for his descriptions of the grandeur and pageantry of sport, and his ability to raise athletes to an almost god-like status while keeping them very human.

Just before his death in 1954 Rice finished his autobiography, The Tumult and The Shouting. Jimmy Powers reads from the book in the 1955 radio series, The Grantland Rice Story, as well as interviewing some of the surviving athletes that Rice records in his book.

See also: Grantland Rice Collection

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    One of the greatest sportswriters and storytellers ever, author of "For when the One Great Scorer comes / To write against your name, / He marks not that you won or lost / But how you played the game." This collection from Otr Cat was one of the most enjoyable purchases I have made from them (among many). It's essentially reading from Rice's memoir "The Tumult and the Shouting" (some excisions). and it's terrific. Rice knew everyone and everything about everyone in the sports world, college and pro and animal, and he spun perfect little stories about them. Highly recommended.

    Jeff Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    52 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 11 hours, 35 min
    52 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 11 hours, 35 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 52 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 35 minutes
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 01 Beginning At Beginning.mp3
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 02 Big Fellow Babe Ruth.mp3
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 03 Man O War.mp3
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 04 Jack Dempsey Man From Maumee Bay.mp3
    6. Grantland Rice Story 55 05 Dempseytunney Fights.mp3
    7. Grantland Rice Story 55 06 Great Athletespast And Present.mp3
    8. Grantland Rice Story 55 07 Story Of Big Bill Tilden.mp3
    9. Grantland Rice Story 55 08 Golf And Its Champions.mp3
    10. Grantland Rice Story 55 09 Incredible Man Walter Hagen.mp3
    11. Grantland Rice Story 55 10 Grannys Alltime Pitching Selectn.mp3
    12. Grantland Rice Story 55 11 Jack Dempseys Early Ring Career.mp3
    13. Grantland Rice Story 55 12 Grannys Story Of Gene Tunney.mp3
    14. Grantland Rice Story 55 13 War Cloudsworld War I.mp3
    15. Grantland Rice Story 55 14 Bobby Jonesthe Incomparable Youth.mp3
    16. Grantland Rice Story 55 15 Footballs Beloved Knute Rockne.mp3
    17. Grantland Rice Story 55 16 Immortal Bobby Jones.mp3
    18. Grantland Rice Story 55 17 Babe Didrikson Zaharias.mp3
    19. Grantland Rice Story 55 18 Grannys Alltime Baseball Team.mp3
    20. Grantland Rice Story 55 19 Baseball Managers.mp3
    21. Grantland Rice Story 55 20 Grannys Alltime Football Team.mp3
    22. Grantland Rice Story 55 21 Magnificent Screwballs.mp3
    23. Grantland Rice Story 55 22 Fabulous Ty Cobb.mp3
    24. Grantland Rice Story 55 23 Footballs Famous Coaches.mp3
    25. Grantland Rice Story 55 24 Footballs Advance Guard.mp3
    26. Grantland Rice Story 55 25 Uncle Remus And Some Others.mp3
    27. Grantland Rice Story 55 26 My Friend Joe Louis.mp3
    28. Grantland Rice Story 55 27 Sport Films.mp3
    29. Grantland Rice Story 55 28 Sports Writers.mp3
    30. Grantland Rice Story 55 29 Bantam Ben Hogan.mp3
    31. Grantland Rice Story 55 30 Through Mists.mp3
    32. Grantland Rice Story 55 31 Polos Greatest.mp3
    33. Grantland Rice Story 55 32 Jim Thorpe.mp3
    34. Grantland Rice Story 55 33 Tv And Sport.mp3
    35. Grantland Rice Story 55 34 Knute Rockne.mp3
    36. Grantland Rice Story 55 35 Grannys Own Voice.mp3
    37. Grantland Rice Story 55 36 An Appraisal Of Game Football.mp3
    38. Grantland Rice Story 55 37 Turkey Hunting.mp3
    39. Grantland Rice Story 55 38 Man Who Hates To Lose.mp3
    40. Grantland Rice Story 55 39 Gene Tunney 2 Nd Installment.mp3
    41. Grantland Rice Story 55 40 Red Blaik Of Army.mp3
    42. Grantland Rice Story 55 41 Mighty Mites.mp3
    43. Grantland Rice Story 55 42 Writers And Pals.mp3
    44. Grantland Rice Story 55 43 Ed Furgols Greatest Victory.mp3
    45. Grantland Rice Story 55 44 Irwin S Cobb A Man Of Heart.mp3
    46. Grantland Rice Story 55 45 Sports Public And Ted Williams.mp3
    47. Grantland Rice Story 55 46 Ruths Homer.mp3
    48. Grantland Rice Story 55 47 Big Game.mp3
    49. Grantland Rice Story 55 48 What Makes A Competitor.mp3
    50. Grantland Rice Story 55 49 Famous Football Coaches.mp3
    51. Grantland Rice Story 55 50 Uncrowned Champs.mp3
    52. Grantland Rice Story 55 51 Granddaddy Blues-Football Memory.mp3
    53. Grantland Rice Story 55 52 Memorable Tributes To Granny Rice.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    52 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 11 hours, 35 min
    52 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    343 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 35 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 52 shows – 343 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 35 minutes
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 01 Beginning At Beginning.mp3
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 02 Big Fellow Babe Ruth.mp3
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 03 Man O War.mp3
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 04 Jack Dempsey Man From Maumee Bay.mp3
    6. Grantland Rice Story 55 05 Dempseytunney Fights.mp3
    7. Grantland Rice Story 55 06 Great Athletespast And Present.mp3
    8. Grantland Rice Story 55 07 Story Of Big Bill Tilden.mp3
    9. Grantland Rice Story 55 08 Golf And Its Champions.mp3
    10. Grantland Rice Story 55 09 Incredible Man Walter Hagen.mp3
    11. Grantland Rice Story 55 10 Grannys Alltime Pitching Selectn.mp3
    12. Grantland Rice Story 55 11 Jack Dempseys Early Ring Career.mp3
    13. Grantland Rice Story 55 12 Grannys Story Of Gene Tunney.mp3
    14. Grantland Rice Story 55 13 War Cloudsworld War I.mp3
    15. Grantland Rice Story 55 14 Bobby Jonesthe Incomparable Youth.mp3
    16. Grantland Rice Story 55 15 Footballs Beloved Knute Rockne.mp3
    17. Grantland Rice Story 55 16 Immortal Bobby Jones.mp3
    18. Grantland Rice Story 55 17 Babe Didrikson Zaharias.mp3
    19. Grantland Rice Story 55 18 Grannys Alltime Baseball Team.mp3
    20. Grantland Rice Story 55 19 Baseball Managers.mp3
    21. Grantland Rice Story 55 20 Grannys Alltime Football Team.mp3
    22. Grantland Rice Story 55 21 Magnificent Screwballs.mp3
    23. Grantland Rice Story 55 22 Fabulous Ty Cobb.mp3
    24. Grantland Rice Story 55 23 Footballs Famous Coaches.mp3
    25. Grantland Rice Story 55 24 Footballs Advance Guard.mp3
    26. Grantland Rice Story 55 25 Uncle Remus And Some Others.mp3
    27. Grantland Rice Story 55 26 My Friend Joe Louis.mp3
    28. Grantland Rice Story 55 27 Sport Films.mp3
    29. Grantland Rice Story 55 28 Sports Writers.mp3
    30. Grantland Rice Story 55 29 Bantam Ben Hogan.mp3
    31. Grantland Rice Story 55 30 Through Mists.mp3
    32. Grantland Rice Story 55 31 Polos Greatest.mp3
    33. Grantland Rice Story 55 32 Jim Thorpe.mp3
    34. Grantland Rice Story 55 33 Tv And Sport.mp3
    35. Grantland Rice Story 55 34 Knute Rockne.mp3
    36. Grantland Rice Story 55 35 Grannys Own Voice.mp3
    37. Grantland Rice Story 55 36 An Appraisal Of Game Football.mp3
    38. Grantland Rice Story 55 37 Turkey Hunting.mp3
    39. Grantland Rice Story 55 38 Man Who Hates To Lose.mp3
    40. Grantland Rice Story 55 39 Gene Tunney 2 Nd Installment.mp3
    41. Grantland Rice Story 55 40 Red Blaik Of Army.mp3
    42. Grantland Rice Story 55 41 Mighty Mites.mp3
    43. Grantland Rice Story 55 42 Writers And Pals.mp3
    44. Grantland Rice Story 55 43 Ed Furgols Greatest Victory.mp3
    45. Grantland Rice Story 55 44 Irwin S Cobb A Man Of Heart.mp3
    46. Grantland Rice Story 55 45 Sports Public And Ted Williams.mp3
    47. Grantland Rice Story 55 46 Ruths Homer.mp3
    48. Grantland Rice Story 55 47 Big Game.mp3
    49. Grantland Rice Story 55 48 What Makes A Competitor.mp3
    50. Grantland Rice Story 55 49 Famous Football Coaches.mp3
    51. Grantland Rice Story 55 50 Uncrowned Champs.mp3
    52. Grantland Rice Story 55 51 Granddaddy Blues-Football Memory.mp3
    53. Grantland Rice Story 55 52 Memorable Tributes To Granny Rice.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    52 recordings on 11 Audio CDs. Total playtime 11 hours, 35 min
    52 recordings on 11 Audio CDs
    total playtime 11 hours, 35 min

    Grantland Rice Story Disc A001

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 01 Beginning At Beginning
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 02 Big Fellow Babe Ruth
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 03 Man O War
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 04 Jack Dempsey Man From Maumee Bay
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 05 Dempseytunney Fights

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A002

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 06 Great Athletespast And Present
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 07 Story Of Big Bill Tilden
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 08 Golf And Its Champions
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 09 Incredible Man Walter Hagen
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 10 Grannys Alltime Pitching Selectn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A003

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 11 Jack Dempseys Early Ring Career
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 12 Grannys Story Of Gene Tunney
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 13 War Cloudsworld War I
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 14 Bobby Jonesthe Incomparable Youth
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 15 Footballs Beloved Knute Rockne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A004

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 16 Immortal Bobby Jones
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 17 Babe Didrikson Zaharias
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 18 Grannys Alltime Baseball Team
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 19 Baseball Managers
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 20 Grannys Alltime Football Team

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A005

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 21 Magnificent Screwballs
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 22 Fabulous Ty Cobb
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 23 Footballs Famous Coaches
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 24 Footballs Advance Guard
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 25 Uncle Remus And Some Others

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A006

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 26 My Friend Joe Louis
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 27 Sport Films
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 28 Sports Writers
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 29 Bantam Ben Hogan
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 30 Through Mists

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A007

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 31 Polos Greatest
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 32 Jim Thorpe
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 33 Tv And Sport
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 34 Knute Rockne
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 35 Grannys Own Voice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A008

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 36 An Appraisal Of Game Football
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 37 Turkey Hunting
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 38 Man Who Hates To Lose
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 39 Gene Tunney 2 Nd Installment
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 40 Red Blaik Of Army

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A009

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 41 Mighty Mites
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 42 Writers And Pals
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 43 Ed Furgols Greatest Victory
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 44 Irwin S Cobb A Man Of Heart
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 45 Sports Public And Ted Williams

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A010

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 46 Ruths Homer
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 47 Big Game
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 48 What Makes A Competitor
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 49 Famous Football Coaches
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 50 Uncrowned Champs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Grantland Rice Story Disc A011

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 51 Granddaddy Blues-Football Memory
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 52 Memorable Tributes To Granny Rice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00