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The Six Shooter

James Stewart's Radio vehicle, The Six Shooter, is bound to draw comparisons with Gunsmoke, but they are very different high-quality programs. Jimmy Stewart plays the honorable drifter Britt Ponsett in the well-made Western, The Six Shooter.

Six Shooter

41 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 19 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
21 Audio CDs

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"The Silver Buckle"

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Six Shooter Starring Jimmy Stewart
Western Drama (1953 - 1954) starring Jimmy Stewart

The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged his skin is sun-dyed brown
the gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl, its handle unmarked.
People call them both "the Six Shooter."

Western on the radio began as kiddie fare with a definite division between the "white hat" good guys and the "black hat" villains. Although they were created for the younger set, producers noted that they had a great deal of appeal to grown-ups as well. In the Late-Forties "adult Westerns" began to rise in popularity. Adult westerns dealt with issues beyond good versus evil, the growing sub-genre looked at questions of right and wrong.

Jimmy Stewart publicity photo

Although there were a few earlier examples of Adult Westerns on the Radio, Gunsmoke, which debuted in 1952, has been largely credited as bringing the sub-genre to radio prominence. Praised for its 'gritty reality', Gunsmoke episodes often ended with a tragic twist and good-guy Marshal Matt Dillon would not always win.

NBC had to answer Gunsmoke's success and did so with The Six Shooter starring James Stewart, debuting September 20, 1953. Stewart, who was not only at the top of the Movie Business's A-list but was also a genuine War Hero, having entered the Army Air Corps as a Private and commissioned a 2ndLT soon after Pearl Harbor. Although he was still under contract with MGM, he served for a time with the First Motion Picture Unit before demanding a combat assignment. After instructing pilots in New Mexico, Stewart was sent to England as part of the 445th Bombardment Group and piloted B-24 Liberators over Germany.

While many Radio Row figures worked the airwaves while waiting for their film careers to take off, James Stewart was interested in radio work as a change of pace. He had appeared on several programs in support of his films but had yet to have a recurring role on the radio, so he brought enthusiasm as well as his talent to the role of Britt Ponset. 

Comparisons between Marshall Matt Dillon and Britt Ponset are inevitable. Both are experts with their guns but are weighed down by the realization of the finality of solving problems with gunplay. With this in mind, both Ponset and Dillon tried to avoid pulling their guns and were nearly always more than justified when they did. The biggest difference was the worlds the two men lived in.

Jimmy Stewart and rifle.

Dodge City represented the encroachment of civilization on the wild frontier, and Marshal Dillon represented the authority of Law and Order. Britt Ponset was a mythical wandering cowboy; although he respected the domesticating influence of civilization he would not allow himself to be tied down by it. He shared a sense of justice with Marshal Dillon, but while Dillon would end his adventures by returning to Dodge and his friends, Ponset would ride off into the sunset afterward, bound to find another injustice unfolding around the next bend in the trail.

Sadly, even though it was one of the best produced and acted Westerns of the OTR period, The Six Shooter lasted just a single season. Of 39 episodes. Liggett & Myers Tobacco was anxious to underwrite the project to pitch Chesterfield Cigarettes. However, recognizing that an association with cigarettes could damage the 'good guy' reputation which was so vital to his movie success. Coleman Outdoor Products signed on to pitch their Home Space Heaters, which was enough for the network to give the show a green light. After the first four episodes, Coleman dropped their sponsorship. Still unwilling to accept cigarette sponsorship, The Six Shooter finished the season as a network sustained program. Given Stewart's Star-appeal and the quality of the program, surely a sponsor outside of the tobacco industry could have been found, but the Star and Producers seem to have been satisfied in creating just 39 episodes of some of radio's best rather than extending the project.

For more great Jimmy Stewart performance, see also: The Jimmy Stewart Collection. For other excellent western series, see also: Frontier Gentleman, Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, and Luke Slaughter of Tombstone.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    81     11


    Jimmy Stewart was a great actor and great voice on radio Six Shooter is a very good well written series Only Gunsmoke is a better western

    Cynthia Verified Purchase

    Hello fellow adventurers in sound. This show is fantastic. I really enjoy the performances and the audio quality is excellent. I love Gunsmoke, this show is a wonderful change of pace. And I was surprised by the subtle nuances of drama between the words. Hail to the sound affects team. ??

    Craig Verified Purchase

    Jimmy Stewart. What a talent. And what a great voice for radio! Especially a Western. Great actor, quality scripts, good production values on episodes. A gem!

    Michael Verified Purchase

    Great Series. Up there with Have Gun Will Travel and Gunsmoke

    Bryan Verified Purchase

    I fell in love with Jimmy Stewart when I finally watched one of his movies my mom asked me to watch. Then I heard the Christmas show from the six Shooter. Loved his voice and how he could tell a story just using his voice. Wanted to hear the rest of his Six Shooter shows so had to order! Would recommend if you are a Jimmy Stewart fan!

    Cindy Verified Purchase

    The Six Shooter may be the best OTR western that very few have ever heard. Suffering from a lack of sponsorship, the show lasted only one season, yet the listener is drawn into the world of Brent Ponset as portrayed by James "Jimmy" Stewart; his narration is typical "Stewart," and by that I mean one of the finest portrayals of any character in old time radio. Just like any James Stewart movie is outstanding due to his acting, so too the "Six Shooter" is a must own and listen for any old time radio enthusiast. Stewart's careful inflections and acting throughout the series, especially in the episode the "Silver Buckle," makes the listener wanting to come back for more. Unfortunately much too short a series that ended poignantly with a "tear-jerker," the series is much recommended and the quality from otrcat is superb. A must buy, you will not be disappointed!

    Jay Verified Purchase

    I really like Jimmy Stewart in the starring role, he's perfect. I also like that for a man known for being fast with his gun, that's rarely how he solves problems. He uses his brain instead of bullets. And finally, the mix of humor, action and drama is well balanced and cleverly executed.

    Trina Verified Purchase

    I have always been a fan of Jimmy Stewart. I think he fits the role of Britt Ponset very nicely. I really enjoy this series.

    Rodrick Verified Purchase

    A brilliant series with the perfect leading man and excellent supporting cast.

    Francis Verified Purchase

    Good stories and the great James Stewart make Sixshooter a hit. Too bad the show didn't last longer.

    Daniel Verified Purchase

    how sad only one year

    Frank Verified Purchase

    I purchased the six shooter series years ago. I have almost all of the western and detective shows from OTR. I grew up on the radio as did my husband. We listen EVERY night to go to sleep. Highly recommend any shows from this company.

    Theresa Verified Purchase

    Love that show

    Buddy Verified Purchase

    A chance to hear the stars in other types of media is always a win. We all know Stewart from films and TV, but to have an old time radio series with him is such a win for everyone. Not a super big fan of Westerns, but I found this series to be very enjoyable and well worth the listen.

    Thomas Verified Purchase

    The Six Shooter was a great series! James Stewart really flexed his acting muscles with dialog delivered in a whisper that must have had the audience on the edge of their seats!

    Fran Verified Purchase

    This is a brilliant show - not just because Jimmy Stewart is a great actor in his own right, but because it is very well-written and directed. You can't go wrong with it. Even if you're not a big fan of Westerns, this show transcends the conventions of the genre. William Scott

    William Verified Purchase

    Like others posting here I'm in my 70's and have listened to "Old Time Radio" as a youngster, when programs like "Gunsmoke" and "Dragnet" were originally aired, and now via digital files on my phone. While my favorite genres are adventure, suspense, science fiction, and detective stories, westerns like "The Six Shooter," "Gunsmoke," "Have Gun Will Travel," and "Tales of the Texas Rangers" are in my play rotation. Jimmy Stewart is excellent as Britt Ponset, the "Six Shooter," and his professional acting talent really shines through. While "The Six Shooter" was not a long-lived program like "Gunsmoke," "Dragnet," or "Suspense," each episode is engaging and makes me look forward to the next one. A typical adult western, it has all the elements - a memorable theme song, the lone rider with a reputation drifting from place to place, each stop along the way bringing trouble of some sort, followed by resolution and moving on. All of the technical details are excellent - voice acting, sound effects, music, writing, high production value - but sound quality can vary from episode to episode depending on the quality of the surviving transcription disc. The big advantage we have today is that great old time radio shows like "The Six Shooter" can be replayed and enjoyed again at will - something that wasn't possible when they were originally aired. I'm so thankful that these great, golden oldie radio shows have survived because wise people saved their transcriptions and converted them to digital format. As the old saw goes, "They aren't making 'em like these old shows anymore," and I'm enjoying the heck out of 'em.

    Dave Verified Purchase

    The show is good, but I like comedy better

    Rob Verified Purchase

    I'm closing in on my eighth decade, and looking forward to it. Like so many others who were around before September 30, 1962, I was a big fan of OTR. And, through OTRCat, I enjoy, and have a fine collection of many of the shows I liked back then. Now, I'm also discovering and listening to shows I skipped or didn't know existed. The Six Shooter belongs to the latter category, with Jimmy Stewart as Britt Ponset, a frontier wanderer, and kind of folksy Sugarfoot. The 38 or 39 episodes are each exciting, well-written, and entertaining. (But, although memorable, I don't like the inherent sadness of the theme, Highland Lament.) So, Happy New Year, Jon! Thank you, OTRCat! —Dave Weiser

    Dave Verified Purchase

    Since I'm in my 70s I have listened to OTR when it was the only thing available till today. I listen more now than when young I think because of MP3 and being retired. I love Westerns of any kind but J Stewart adds an extra touch of reality. He, Wm Conrad in "Gunsmoke", and R Boone in "Have Gun Will Travel". All showed the essence of the old west which was to help those innocent of wrongdoing who need help.

    Charles Verified Purchase

    Magnfique !...uniquely entertaining.--Z'Toulouse d'Amélie Renoncule a'Chevalier


    Hello, I am the producer of the Classic Radio Club of Boston. Years ago I purchases many MP3s. There must be thousands of shows that I have listened to and, many that I use on my broadcast. The price of each MP3 is truly a bargain. Frank Brangiforte

    Frank Verified Purchase

    Fantastic entertainment!!!

    Buddy Verified Purchase

    I've listened to a LOT of OTR shows and I can say that this series is absolutely my favorite one. I so wish there were more of them. Jimmy Stewart was an amazing actor and TRULY one of the good guys.

    Ron Blessing

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    41 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 19 hours, 52 min
    41 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 19 hours, 52 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 41 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 52 minutes
    2. Six Shooter 520413 Hollywood Star Playhouse.mp3
    3. Six Shooter 530715 00 Audition Show.mp3
    4. Six Shooter 530920 01 Jenny.mp3
    5. Six Shooter 530927 02 The Coward.mp3
    6. Six Shooter 531004 03 The Stampede.mp3
    7. Six Shooter 531011 04 Silver Annie.mp3
    8. Six Shooter 531018 05 Rink Larkin.mp3
    9. Six Shooter 531025 06 Red Lawsons Revenge.mp3
    10. Six Shooter 531101 07 Ben Scofield.mp3
    11. Six Shooter 531108 08 The Capture Of Stacy Gault.mp3
    12. Six Shooter 531115 09 Escape From Smoke Falls.mp3
    13. Six Shooter 531122 10 Gabriel Starbuck.mp3
    14. Six Shooter 531129 11 Sheriff Billy.mp3
    15. Six Shooter 531206 12 A Pressing Engagement.mp3
    16. Six Shooter 531213 13 More Than Kin.mp3
    17. Six Shooter 531220 14 Britt Ponsetts Christmas Carol.mp3
    18. Six Shooter 531227 15 Cora Plummer Quincy.mp3
    19. Six Shooter 540103 16 A Friend In Need.mp3
    20. Six Shooter 540110 17 Hirams Gold Strike.mp3
    21. Six Shooter 540117 18 The Silver Buckle.mp3
    22. Six Shooter 540124 19 Helen Bricker.mp3
    23. Six Shooter 540131 20 Trail To Sunset.mp3
    24. Six Shooter 540207 21 Apron Faced Sorrel.mp3
    25. Six Shooter 540214 22 Quiet City.mp3
    26. Six Shooter 540221 23 Battle At Tower Rock.mp3
    27. Six Shooter 540307 24 Cheyenne Express.mp3
    28. Six Shooter 540314 25 Thicker Than Water.mp3
    29. Six Shooter 540321 26 Duel At Lockwood.mp3
    30. Six Shooter 540401 27 Aunt Emma.mp3
    31. Six Shooter 540408 28 General Guilfords Widow.mp3
    32. Six Shooter 540415 29 Crisis At Easter Creek.mp3
    33. Six Shooter 540422 30 Johnny Springer.mp3
    34. Six Shooter 540429 31 Revenge At Harness Creek.mp3
    35. Six Shooter 540506 32 Anna Norquest.mp3
    36. Six Shooter 540513 33 The Double Seven.mp3
    37. Six Shooter 540520 34 The Shooting Of Wyatt King.mp3
    38. Six Shooter 540527 35 Blood Relations.mp3
    39. Six Shooter 540603 36 Silver Threads.mp3
    40. Six Shooter 540610 37 The New Sheriff.mp3
    41. Six Shooter 540617 38 When The Shoe Doesnt Fit.mp3
    42. Six Shooter 540624 39 Myra Barker.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    41 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 19 hours, 52 min
    41 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    546 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 52 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 41 shows – 546 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 52 minutes
    2. Six Shooter 520413 Hollywood Star Playhouse.mp3
    3. Six Shooter 530715 00 Audition Show.mp3
    4. Six Shooter 530920 01 Jenny.mp3
    5. Six Shooter 530927 02 The Coward.mp3
    6. Six Shooter 531004 03 The Stampede.mp3
    7. Six Shooter 531011 04 Silver Annie.mp3
    8. Six Shooter 531018 05 Rink Larkin.mp3
    9. Six Shooter 531025 06 Red Lawsons Revenge.mp3
    10. Six Shooter 531101 07 Ben Scofield.mp3
    11. Six Shooter 531108 08 The Capture Of Stacy Gault.mp3
    12. Six Shooter 531115 09 Escape From Smoke Falls.mp3
    13. Six Shooter 531122 10 Gabriel Starbuck.mp3
    14. Six Shooter 531129 11 Sheriff Billy.mp3
    15. Six Shooter 531206 12 A Pressing Engagement.mp3
    16. Six Shooter 531213 13 More Than Kin.mp3
    17. Six Shooter 531220 14 Britt Ponsetts Christmas Carol.mp3
    18. Six Shooter 531227 15 Cora Plummer Quincy.mp3
    19. Six Shooter 540103 16 A Friend In Need.mp3
    20. Six Shooter 540110 17 Hirams Gold Strike.mp3
    21. Six Shooter 540117 18 The Silver Buckle.mp3
    22. Six Shooter 540124 19 Helen Bricker.mp3
    23. Six Shooter 540131 20 Trail To Sunset.mp3
    24. Six Shooter 540207 21 Apron Faced Sorrel.mp3
    25. Six Shooter 540214 22 Quiet City.mp3
    26. Six Shooter 540221 23 Battle At Tower Rock.mp3
    27. Six Shooter 540307 24 Cheyenne Express.mp3
    28. Six Shooter 540314 25 Thicker Than Water.mp3
    29. Six Shooter 540321 26 Duel At Lockwood.mp3
    30. Six Shooter 540401 27 Aunt Emma.mp3
    31. Six Shooter 540408 28 General Guilfords Widow.mp3
    32. Six Shooter 540415 29 Crisis At Easter Creek.mp3
    33. Six Shooter 540422 30 Johnny Springer.mp3
    34. Six Shooter 540429 31 Revenge At Harness Creek.mp3
    35. Six Shooter 540506 32 Anna Norquest.mp3
    36. Six Shooter 540513 33 The Double Seven.mp3
    37. Six Shooter 540520 34 The Shooting Of Wyatt King.mp3
    38. Six Shooter 540527 35 Blood Relations.mp3
    39. Six Shooter 540603 36 Silver Threads.mp3
    40. Six Shooter 540610 37 The New Sheriff.mp3
    41. Six Shooter 540617 38 When The Shoe Doesnt Fit.mp3
    42. Six Shooter 540624 39 Myra Barker.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    41 recordings on 21 Audio CDs. Total playtime 19 hours, 52 min
    41 recordings on 21 Audio CDs
    total playtime 19 hours, 52 min

    Six Shooter Disc A001

    1. Six Shooter 520413 Hollywood Star Playhouse
    2. Six Shooter 530715 00 Audition Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A002

    1. Six Shooter 530920 01 Jenny
    2. Six Shooter 530927 02 The Coward

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A003

    1. Six Shooter 531004 03 The Stampede
    2. Six Shooter 531011 04 Silver Annie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A004

    1. Six Shooter 531018 05 Rink Larkin
    2. Six Shooter 531025 06 Red Lawsons Revenge

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A005

    1. Six Shooter 531101 07 Ben Scofield
    2. Six Shooter 531108 08 The Capture Of Stacy Gault

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A006

    1. Six Shooter 531115 09 Escape From Smoke Falls
    2. Six Shooter 531122 10 Gabriel Starbuck

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A007

    1. Six Shooter 531129 11 Sheriff Billy
    2. Six Shooter 531206 12 A Pressing Engagement

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A008

    1. Six Shooter 531213 13 More Than Kin
    2. Six Shooter 531220 14 Britt Ponsetts Christmas Carol

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A009

    1. Six Shooter 531227 15 Cora Plummer Quincy
    2. Six Shooter 540103 16 A Friend In Need

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A010

    1. Six Shooter 540110 17 Hirams Gold Strike
    2. Six Shooter 540117 18 The Silver Buckle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A011

    1. Six Shooter 540124 19 Helen Bricker
    2. Six Shooter 540131 20 Trail To Sunset

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A012

    1. Six Shooter 540207 21 Apron Faced Sorrel
    2. Six Shooter 540214 22 Quiet City

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A013

    1. Six Shooter 540221 23 Battle At Tower Rock
    2. Six Shooter 540307 24 Cheyenne Express

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A014

    1. Six Shooter 540314 25 Thicker Than Water
    2. Six Shooter 540321 26 Duel At Lockwood

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A015

    1. Six Shooter 540401 27 Aunt Emma
    2. Six Shooter 540408 28 General Guilfords Widow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A016

    1. Six Shooter 540415 29 Crisis At Easter Creek
    2. Six Shooter 540422 30 Johnny Springer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A017

    1. Six Shooter 540429 31 Revenge At Harness Creek
    2. Six Shooter 540506 32 Anna Norquest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A018

    1. Six Shooter 540513 33 The Double Seven
    2. Six Shooter 540520 34 The Shooting Of Wyatt King

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A019

    1. Six Shooter 540527 35 Blood Relations
    2. Six Shooter 540603 36 Silver Threads

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A020

    1. Six Shooter 540610 37 The New Sheriff
    2. Six Shooter 540617 38 When The Shoe Doesnt Fit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Six Shooter Disc A021

    1. Six Shooter 540624 39 Myra Barker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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