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Lux Radio Theater

The idea of Motion Pictures without the "picture" should not have worked, but The Lux Radio Theatre became a classic of Hollywood and the Golden Age of Radio. This series features the greatest Hollywood stars doing one-hour versions of their biggest motion pictures.

Lux Radio Theater

799 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 759 hours, 39 min)
available in the following formats:

33 MP3 CDs
798 Audio CDs

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"The Day Earth Stood Still"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Drama (1934 -55)

"Ladies and gentlemen, Lux presents Hollywood!"

Rita HayworthThe Lever Brothers' Soap Works was founded in 1855 in Cheshire, England. The Brothers hired a chemist who invented a new soap-making process that used glycerin and vegetable oils to replace the traditional tallow. The resulting product, marketed as "Sunshine Flakes Laundry Soap". In 1900, the product was given a new name, "LUX", which is Latin for "Light" and implied Luxury.

In the 1920s, the company discovered that women were using LUX as a toilet soap because of its soft, gentle suds. A reformulated LUX with added fragrance and the tagline "Made as fine as French Soap" was introduced to the American market as a toilet soap. Marketers began a print campaign to associate Lux with the beauty and glamor of Stage and Screen Stars, claiming that '9 out of 10' Stars relied on Lux as part of their beauty routine.

The connection with showbiz beauties made LUX's foray into broadcasting somewhat inevitable. Created by the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency, The Lux Radio Theatre debuted from New York on October 14, 1934, featuring an adaptation of the play and silent picture 7th Heaven (1927, Fox Studios, re-released the same year with a Movietone synchronized soundtrack). The Blue Network program continued to adapt film and Broadway scripts until the spring of 1936 when production moved to Hollywood and adaptations were nearly exclusive from films. The move to the West coast also marked a switch from the Blue Network to CBS and the introduction of Cecil B. DeMille as host.

The concept of LUX Radio Theatre seems too unlikely to work. Motion Pictures without the pictures? Even during the Great Depression, an estimated sixty percent of Americans were willing to pay to go to the movies regularly. Home listeners could expect a dependable format from the show. The host would describe why the audience should be excited for the evening's radio play while slipping in a few references to how Lux soap was part of the beauty routines of their favorite Hollywood leading ladies and starlets. The radio play itself would be presented in three acts, each separated by another subtle or not-so-subtle plug for Lux, and after the play's conclusion, the host would have a friendly chat with the evening's stars, eliciting bonhomie from the leading man and a 'candid' scripted plug for the Beauty Soap's efficacy from the leading lady.

Cecil DeMille

Most of the scripts adapted for LUX were for pictures that were no longer seen on the big screen, so the studios and the Stars stood to make some easy money from the show. The Stars who appeared on the program got to plug their current movie projects as well as the Toilet Soap, and they were familiar enough to listeners that their message was meaningful (especially for the sponsor).

A measure of a program's importance is the number of imitators it inspires. There were several other movie adaptation anthologies during the Golden Age and the most successful was The Screen Guild Theater which ran for 14 seasons, beginning in 1939. Radio Theatre's importance to Lever Bros can be seen in the fact that The Screen Guild Theater was sponsored by Lux-competitor Lady Esther Cosmetics from 1942 to 1947.

Both programs depended on their ability to attract A-List Actors to the airwaves. The Actors seemed to enjoy appearing on the programs for the sheer fun of the evening, they would collect a healthy appearance fee for their hour of work on Lux, the fees for the 22-minute Screen Guild job were generally waived as a donation to the Motion Picture Country Home and Relief Fund. Even though Screen Guild Theater was generally able to consistently attract bigger name Stars, it was never as "glamorous" as a Lux movie adaptation.

A large portion of that glamor came from Radio Theatre's long-time producer/director/host, Cecil B. DeMille. Known for making consistently huge motion pictures, DeMille directed Hollywood's first feature-length picture, The Squaw Man (Lasky Pictures) in 1914. The very name DeMille came to mean Motion Picture, and he began appearing on Lux on June 1, 1936. 

The Lux Radio Theatre was a one-of-a-kind OTR show. Imagine the greatest Hollywood stars doing one-hour versions of their biggest motion pictures, complete with full orchestra, live on stage with a studio audience.

The one-and-only Cecil B. DeMille was your host ('36-45) for a lavish production of what was to become a veritable film checklist of many of Hollywood's best films from the mid-30s right through the mid 50s. The first Lux film adaptation was "The Legionnaire and the Lady," with Marlene Dietrich and Clark Gable, based on the film Morocco.  Every genre is included, from darkest noir crime dramas to historical epics to bubbly musicals and broad comedies.

The stars of the movie are usually in the productions, although sometimes contracts or schedules meant that another star took the part. In some another star would be featured in one of the major roles. Some stars were paid upward of $5000 for their appearance on Lux Radio Theater.  The productions were live, with full orchestra, and many Hollywood legends were unused to performing in public without the benefit of retakes. Needless to say, the performances in every show are singular.

Lux Advertisement

As he aged, DeMille's politics became more conservative. Although he had attained the heights of the studio system hierarchy, DeMille stood by the labor movement and "the little guys" in Hollywood and was a member of the American Federation of Radio Artist (AFRA). However, his sense of independence would not allow him to support "closed shop" policies, feeling that union membership should be an individual choice.

Late in 1944, AFRA was lobbying to mandate "closed shop" policies in California and assessed a $1 payment from all of its members. DeMille, who was earning $100,000 annually (in 1944 dollars!) from the Lux program refused to pay the $1 or allow someone else to pay in his name. He was therefore forced to resign from AFRA, and because Radio Theatre was already a closed shop, he had to leave the program.

After DeMille's last broadcast on January 22, 1945, Lux used a series of different hosts before settling on motion picture director William Keighley, who had directed Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938, Warner Bros) and led the 1st Motion Picture Unit during the War. Ratings went into a steep decline when Keighley left the show in 1952, but by this time Lever Bros and NBC were focused on bringing the Lux Theatre magic to the small screen. NBC broadcast Lux Video Theatre from 1954 to 1957, but it never really caught on.  The TV show was replaced by The Lux Show Starring Rosemary Clooney, a variety show, and Lux Radio Theatre went off the air on June 7, 1955.

Many of the greatest names in film appeared in the series, most in the roles they made famous on the screen, including Ann Harding, Barbara Britton, Barry SullivanWilliam HoldenOtto KrugerMiriam HopkinsBarbara Stanwyck, Charlton Heston, Dana Andrews, Lauren Bacall, Lucille Ball, Marsha HuntHelen Hayes, Humphrey Bogart, Bing Crosby, Cary Grant, Bob Hope, Agnes Moorehead, Marlene Dietrich, Vincent Price, Frank Sinatra, Loretta Young, Maureen O'Hara, Rita Hayworth, James Stewart, John Wayne, Orson WellesMary Astor, Irene Dunne, Charles Laughton, Madeleine Carroll, Mala Powers, Ida Lupino, Mary Martin, Barbara HaleJoe E. Brown, Terry Moore, Greer Garson, Kay Francis, Van Heflin, Joseph Cotten, Alida Valliand Robert Young.The Lux Radio Theatre is a masterpiece in OTR's crown, and each show is a historical time capsule that takes us back to the glamour of the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Fans of Lux Radio may also be interested in the condensed collection, Best of Lux Radio.  See also Academy Award Theater, Hollywood Star Time, Cresta Blanca Hollywood Players, General Electric Theater, Theater of Romance, Your Movietime Radio Theater, and Skippy Hollywood Theater. See also: Lux Radio South African and Lux Radio Westerns.

Agnes Moorehead Lauren Bacall Bogart Marlene Dietrich Vincent Price


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    44     25


    I recently got several OTR cd's that I had been looking for for some years. They are all very affordable, many are very rare, and all are extremely entertaining. Thank you very much. Very professional and prompt delivery and help.

    Michael Verified Purchase

    Wanted to let you know I received my "Laura" cd. Thank you so much for your fast service and the high quality of your products! It's one of my favorite radio shows and the quality of the cd you sent is amazing. Will stay a regular customer and recommend you to other old time radio lovers.

    Lynn Verified Purchase

    I love LRT! Iisten to it every night and it helps put me to sleep. I love listening to all these old actors and actresses. It brings back such wonderful memories. I am 87 years old! They don’t make movies like that anymore!

    Mary Verified Purchase

    I am interested in having the Lux Radio broadcasts of "Going My Way" and the Bells of St. Mary's".

    Bernard Verified Purchase

    One writer said that Lux Radio Theater was the crown jewel of old time radio. I think this is true. I love listening to the movie dramatizations, some with the original cast members. I especially like listening to dramatizations of movies I know and love, and have discovered a lot of movies I’d like to see if given the chance. Some of my favorites are “The Awful Truth,” Air Force,” “Hold Back the Dawn,” and “The War Against Mrs. Hadley.” I could go on but I don’t want to make this too long. Thank you Jon for working so hard to keep a dying form of entertainment alive. I’m so happy I discovered you many years ago. You have given me tons of pleasant hours!


    I agree with saying 'I love it'.................R

    Richard Verified Purchase

    This series was wonderful to listen to with an older friend who was in a personal care home, had lost his vision and was pretty much confined to his chair or his bed. I visited him one afternoon a week and we often listened to one of the Lux shows, many of which he remembered having seen in the theatre when he was a boy or young man. He loved the shows and so did I. He is gone now, but we had good times with Old Time Radio. It isn't always easy to know what to talk about when you are doing regular visits like that, so the shows gave us conversation starters in addition to their intrinsic entertainment value. I highly recommend Old Time Radio in general to people who have older friends or relatives in similar situations, and especially Lux Radio Theatre. It can't fix everything, but it sure can bring some joy where joy is sometimes in short supply. Thank you, Jon and OTRCAT, for what you do.

    James l Verified Purchase

    Love these radio versions of full-length movies, particularly The Third Man, Angels in the Outfield and Miracle on 34th Street, among many others.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    What an amazing show! Great movies re-done for radio, with many times, the original movie actors. What a delight!

    Paul Verified Purchase

    I agree fully!


    Lux Broadcast, sampler 4 *wow*

    Richard Verified Purchase

    I have been buying the Lux Radio theater CD's for several years now. When I was a teenager I would listen to Lux Radio theater on the radio every Monday night. I loved the story/movie/plays then and now 60 years later I can listen to them again. They are wonderful and most of them have the original stars from the movie. They are so well done. I keep buying them and will do so until I have every Lux Radio theater program. Thank you OTR for bringing so much happiness into my life.

    Darlene Verified Purchase

    If I only had one series to own, it would be Lux Radio Theatre. For driving pleasure, what is better than these hour long reworks of first rate movies, many with the original stars. If you're an audio book fan, these will blow you away with the quality acting, sound patterns and music. If I've seen the movie, it's a joyous mental replay. For those I haven't seen, it's the opportunity to direct my own mental play. You can't run these at work though - it's too hard to work while your imagination flies.

    Steven Verified Purchase

    I love lux radio so good ! I too had to watch the movie versions and some I already saw. Loved the lux version of shop around the corner . Witch of course the meg ryan version was based on .

    Alice Verified Purchase

    Their programs were SO accurate to the movie scripts, too. Check out My Man Godfrey as an example

    Rich Verified Purchase

    LRT was the best. So much variety and the stars...oh my the stars!

    Susan Verified Purchase

    If you get a chance to listen to The Third Man with Joseph Cotten reprising his original Holly Martins role I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. There is another Lux Radio version with Ray Milland but I’ve never heard it although I assume it would be just as good.

    Ian Verified Purchase

    I recommend listening to “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Donna Reed, James Stewart, and Victor Moore. We listen to it every Christmas Eve. Top-notch radio acting.

    Ken Verified Purchase

    So many stars from radio and the various movie studios, listening to who would appear next week was the final part of a perfect show.

    David Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    799 recordings on 33 MP3 CDs for just $160.00. Total playtime 759 hours, 39 min
    799 recordings on 33 MP3 CDs for just $160.00
    total playtime 759 hours, 39 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 351028 Dulcy (ZaSu Pitts, Gene Lockhart).mp3
    3. Lux 360601 Legionnaire Lady (Marlene Dietrich, Clark Gable).mp3
    4. Lux 360608 Thin Man (William Powell, Myrna Loy).mp3
    5. Lux 360615 Burlesque (Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler).mp3
    6. Lux 360622 Dark Angel (Merle Oberon, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    7. Lux 360629 Irene (Jeanette MacDonald, Regis Toomey).mp3
    8. Lux 360706 Voice Bugle Ann (Lionel Barrymoore, Anne Shirley).mp3
    9. Lux 360713 Brat (Marion Davies, Joel McCrea).mp3
    10. Lux 360720 Barker (Claudette Colbert, Walter Huston).mp3
    11. Lux 360727 Chained (Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone).mp3
    12. Lux 360817 Vagabond King (John Boles, Evelyn Venable).mp3
    13. Lux 360824 One Sun Afternoon (Jack Oakie, Helen Twelvetrees).mp3
    14. Lux 360831 Cheating Cheaters (George Raft, June Lang).mp3
    15. Lux 360907 Is Zat So (James Cagney_ Robert Armstrong).mp3
    16. Lux 360914 Quality Street (Brian Ahern, Ruth Chatterton).mp3
    17. Lux 360928 Plutocrat (Wallace Beery, Cecelia Parker).mp3
    18. Lux 361005 Elmer the Great (Joe E. Brown, June Travis).mp3
    19. Lux 361012 Curtain Rises (Ginger Rogers, Warren William).mp3
    20. Lux 361026 Sat Children (Robert Taylor, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    21. Lux 361102 Virginian (Gary Cooper, Charles Bickford).mp3
    22. Lux 361109 Alias Jimmy Valentine (Pat OBrien, Madge Evans).mp3
    23. Lux 361116 Conversation Piece (Lily Pons, Adolphe Menjo).mp3
    24. Lux 361123 Story of Luis Pasteur (Paul Muni, Fritz Lieber).mp3
    25. Lux 361130 Poly of the Circus (Loretta Young, James Gleason).mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 361207 Grand Duchess and the Waiter (Robert Montgomery).mp3
    3. Lux 361214 Madame SansGene (Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor).mp3
    4. Lux 361221 Gold Diggers (J.Blondell, R.Powell) No Ending.mp3
    5. Lux 361228 Cavalcade (Herbert Marshall, Madeleine Carrol).mp3
    6. Lux 370104 Men in White (Spencer Tracy, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    7. Lux 370111 Gilded Lily (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    8. Lux 370118 Criminal Code (E.G.Robinson, Beverly Robert).mp3
    9. Lux 370125 Tonight or Never (J.MacDonald, Melvin Douglas).mp3
    10. Lux 370201 Mister Deeds Goes to Town (G.Cooper Jean Arthur).mp3
    11. Lux 370208 Graustark (Gene Raymond, Anna Sten).mp3
    12. Lux 370215 Brewsters Millions (Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone).mp3
    13. Lux 370222 Captain Blood (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    14. Lux 370301 Cappy Ricks (Charles Winninger, Richard Arlen).mp3
    15. Lux 370308 Madame Butterfly (Cary Grant, Grace Moore).mp3
    16. Lux 370315 Desire (Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    17. Lux 370322 Death Takes Holiday (F.March, Flo Eldridge).mp3
    18. Lux 370329 Dulcy (George Burns, Gracie Allen).mp3
    19. Lux 370405 Farewell to Arms (C.Gable, Josephine Hutchinson).mp3
    20. Lux 370412 Dodsworth (Walter Huston) End Cut.mp3
    21. Lux 370419 Alibi Ike (Joe E. Brown, Helen Chandler).mp3
    22. Lux 370426 Magnificent Obsession (R.Taylor, Irene Dunne).mp3
    23. Lux 370503 Hands Across the Table (C.Colbert, Joel McCrea).mp3
    24. Lux 370510 Mary of Scotland (Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone).mp3
    25. Lux 370517 Another Language (Bette Davis, Fred MacMurray).mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Lux 370524 Under Two Flags (H.Marshall, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    3. Lux 370531 Plainsman (Fredrick March, Jean Arthur).mp3
    4. Lux 370607 British Agent (Errol Flynn, Frances Farmer).mp3
    5. Lux 370614 Madame X (James Stewart, Ann Harding).mp3
    6. Lux 370621 Monsieur Beaucaire (Leslie Howard, Elissa Landi).mp3
    7. Lux 370628 Front Page (Walter Winchell, James Gleason).mp3
    8. Lux 370705 Beau Brummel (Robert Montgomery, Madge Evans).mp3
    9. Lux 370913 A Star is Born (Robert Montgomery, Janet Gaynor).mp3
    10. Lux 370920 Outsider (Fredrick March, Florence Eldridge).mp3
    11. Lux 371004 Dodsworth (Walter Huston, Nan Sunderland).mp3
    12. Lux 371011 Stella Dallas (Barbara Stanwyck, John Boles).mp3
    13. Lux 371018 Up Pops the Devil (Fred MacMurray, Madge Evans).mp3
    14. Lux 371025 Arrowsmith (Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray).mp3
    15. Lux 371101 A Free Soul (Ginger Rogers, Don Ameche).mp3
    16. Lux 371108 She Loves Me Not (Bing Crosby, Joan Blondell).mp3
    17. Lux 371115 Come and Get It (Edward Arnold, Ann Shirley).mp3
    18. Lux 371122 Petrified Forest (H.Marshall, Margaret Sullivan).mp3
    19. Lux 371129 Peg O My Heart (Marion Davies, Brian Aherne).mp3
    20. Lux 371206 These Three (Barbara Stanwyck, Errol Flynn).mp3
    21. Lux 371213 Thirty Nine Steps (Robert Montgomery, Ida Lupino).mp3
    22. Lux 371220 Song of Songs (MDietrich, Douglas Fairbanks jr).mp3
    23. Lux 371227 Beloved Enemy (Madeleine Carroll, Brian Aherne).mp3
    24. Lux 380103 Alice Adams (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray).mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 45 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Lux 380110 Enter Madame (Grace Moore, Basil Rathbone).mp3
    3. Lux 380117 Disraeli (George Arliss, Florence Arliss).mp3
    4. Lux 380124 Clarence (Bob Burns, Gail Patrick).mp3
    5. Lux 380131 Green Light (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland).mp3
    6. Lux 380207 Anna Christie (Joan Crawford, Spencer Tracy).mp3
    7. Lux 380214 Brief Moment (Ginger Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks).mp3
    8. Lux 380221 Romance (Madeleine Carroll, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    9. Lux 380228 Forsaking All Others (Bette Davis, Joel McCrea).mp3
    10. Lux 380307 Poppy (W.C. Fields, John Payne, Ann Shirley).mp3
    11. Lux 380314 Boss (Edward Arnold, Fay Wray).mp3
    12. Lux 380321 Man Who Played God (George Florence Arliss).mp3
    13. Lux 380328 Naughty Marietta (Lawrence Tibbett, Helen Jepson).mp3
    14. Lux 380404 Dark Victory (Barbara Stanwyck, Melvyn Douglas).mp3
    15. Lux 380411 Mary Burns, Fugitive (Miriam Hopkins, H.Fonda).mp3
    16. Lux 380418 Mad About Music (Deanna Durbin, Gail Patrick).mp3
    17. Lux 380425 Dangerous (Madeleine Carroll, Don Ameche).mp3
    18. Lux 380502 Prisoner of Shark Island (Gary Cooper, Fay Wray).mp3
    19. Lux 380509 My Man Godfrey (William Powell, Carol Lombard).mp3
    20. Lux 380516 Girl from 10th Avenue (L.Young, Geroge Brent).mp3
    21. Lux 380523 Letter (Merle Oberon, Walter Huston).mp3
    22. Lux 380530 I Met My Love Again (Joan Bennett, Henry Fonda).mp3
    23. Lux 380606 A Dolls House (Joan Crawford, Basil Rathbone).mp3
    24. Lux 380613 Theodora Goes Wild (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne).mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Lux 380926 Seven Keys to Baldpate (J.Benny, Mary Livingston).mp3
    3. Lux 381031 That Certain Woman (Carole Lombard Basil Rathbone.mp3
    4. Lux 381114 Buccaneer (Clark Gable).mp3
    5. Lux 381121 Confession (Miriam Hopkins).mp3
    6. Lux 381212 Scarlet Pimpernel (L.Howard, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    7. Lux 381219 Kid Galahad (Wayne Morris, Edward G Robinson).mp3
    8. Lux 381226 Snow White (B.Gilber R.Atwel M.Olsen S.Buchanan).mp3
    9. Lux 390102 Perfect Specimen (Errol Flynn, Joan Blondell).mp3
    10. Lux 390109 Mayerling (William Powell. Janet Gaynor.mp3
    11. Lux 390116 Front Page Woman (P.Goddard, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    12. Lux 390123 Cardinal Richelieu (George Arliss Florence Arlis).mp3
    13. Lux 390130 Arkansas Traveler (Bob Burns, Fay Bainter).mp3
    14. Lux 390206 Count Monte Cristo (R.Montgomery, J. Hutchinson).mp3
    15. Lux 390213 Return of Peter Grimm (L.Barrymoore, M.OSullivan).mp3
    16. Lux 390220 Stage Door (Ginger Rogers, Rosalind Russell).mp3
    17. Lux 390227 Ceiling Zero (James Cagney, Ralph Bell).mp3
    18. Lux 390306 OneWay Passage (William Powell, Kaye Francis).mp3
    19. Lux 390313 So Big (Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster).mp3
    20. Lux 390320 It Happened One Night (C.Colbert, C.Gable) (R).mp3
    21. Lux 390320 It Happened One Night (C.Colbert, Clark Gable).mp3
    22. Lux 390327 A Mans Castle (Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy) (R).mp3
    23. Lux 390327 A Mans Castle (Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy).mp3
    24. Lux 390403 Silver Dollar (Edward Arnold, Anita Louise).mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Lux 390410 Lives Bengal Lancer (Errol Flynn, Brian Ahern).mp3
    3. Lux 390417 Bullets Ballots (Edward G. Robinson, Mary Astor).mp3
    4. Lux 390424 Broadway Bill (Robert Taylor, Francis Dee).mp3
    5. Lux 390501 Lady for a Day (Mae Robson, Warren William).mp3
    6. Lux 390508 Lifef Emile Zola (Paul Muni, J.Hutchinson).mp3
    7. Lux 390515 Tovarich (William Powell, Miriam Hopkins).mp3
    8. Lux 390522 Angels with Dirty Faces (J.Cagney, Pat OBrien).mp3
    9. Lux 390529 Only Angels Have Wings (C.Grant, Jean Arthur) (R).mp3
    10. Lux 390529 Only Angels Have Wings (Cary Grant, Jean Arthur).mp3
    11. Lux 390605 Prisoner Zenda (R.Colman, Doug Fairbanks Jr.).mp3
    12. Lux 390612 White Banners (Fay Bainter, Jackie Cooper).mp3
    13. Lux 390619 ExMrs Bradford (W.Powell, Claudette Colbert).mp3
    14. Lux 390626 Mrs. Moonlight (Janet Gaynor, George Brent).mp3
    15. Lux 390703 Bordertown (Don Ameche, Joan Bennett).mp3
    16. Lux 390710 Ruggles of Red Gap (C.Ruggles, C.Laughton).mp3
    17. Lux 390911 Awful Truth (Cary Grant, Claudette Colbert).mp3
    18. Lux 390918 Wuthering Heights (Barbara Stanwyck, Brian Ahern).mp3
    19. Lux 390925 She Married Her Boss (G.Rogers, George Brent).mp3
    20. Lux 391002 You Cant Take It with You (E.Arnold, R.Cummings).mp3
    21. Lux 391009 Sisters (Irene Dunne, David Niven).mp3
    22. Lux 391016 If I Were King (D.Fairbanks Jr, Francis Dee).mp3
    23. Lux 391023 Invitation to Happiness (F. MacMurray, M.Carroll).mp3
    24. Lux 391030 Old Maid (Loretta Young, Miriam Hopkins).mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Lux 391106 Only Yesterday (Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent).mp3
    3. Lux 391113 Champ (Noah Berry).mp3
    4. Lux 391120 Goodbye, Mister Chips (L.Olivier, James Hilton).mp3
    5. Lux 391127 Pygmalion (Jean Arthur, Brian Aherne).mp3
    6. Lux 391204 A Man to Remember (Bob Burns, Anita Louise).mp3
    7. Lux 391211 In Name Only (Carole Lombard, Cary Grant).mp3
    8. Lux 391218 Four Daughters (J.Garfield, P. R. Lane).mp3
    9. Lux 391225 Pinocchio (W.Catlett, Davey Lee, Cliff Edwards).mp3
    10. Lux 400101 Sorrell and Son (Herbert Marshall).mp3
    11. Lux 400108 Dark Victory ( Bette Davis, Spencer Tracy).mp3
    12. Lux 400115 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, Ralph Bellamy).mp3
    13. Lux 400122 Bachelor Mother (Ginger Rogers, Fredric March).mp3
    14. Lux 400129 Intermezzo (Herbert Marshall, Ingrid Bergman).mp3
    15. Lux 400205 Young At Heart (May Robson, Don Ameche).mp3
    16. Lux 400212 Sidewalks of London (C.Laughton, Elsa Lanchester).mp3
    17. Lux 400219 Made for Each Other (C.Lombard, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    18. Lux 400226 Swing High, Swing Low (R.Vallee, Una Merkle) (R).mp3
    19. Lux 400226 Swing High, Swing Low (Rudy Vallee, Una Merkle).mp3
    20. Lux 400304 Trade Winds (E.Flynn, Joan Bennett, Mary Astor).mp3
    21. Lux 400311 My Son, My Son (Madeleine Carroll, Brian Aherne).mp3
    22. Lux 400318 Rains Came (George Brent, Kay Francis).mp3
    23. Lux 400325 Remember the Night (F.MacMurray, B.Stanwyck).mp3
    24. Lux 400401 Love Affair (Irene Dunn, William Powell).mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 49 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 400408 Mama Loves Papa (Fibber McGee Molly) AFRS.mp3
    3. Lux 400408 Mama Loves Papa (Fibber McGee Molly).mp3
    4. Lux 400415 Underpup (Robert Cummings).mp3
    5. Lux 400422 Abe Lincoln in Illinois (R.Massey, Fay Bainter).mp3
    6. Lux 400429 Smilin Through (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck).mp3
    7. Lux 400506 Our Town (William Holden, Martha Scott).mp3
    8. Lux 400513 True Confessions (Loretta Young, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    9. Lux 400520 Midnight (Claudetta Colbert, Don Ameche).mp3
    10. Lux 400527 Vigil in the Night (O.de Havilland, H.Marshall).mp3
    11. Lux 400603 Alexanders Ragtime Band (A.Faye, Ray Milland).mp3
    12. Lux 400610 Till We Meet Again (Merle Oberon, Pat OBrien).mp3
    13. Lux 400617 After the Thin Man (William Powell, Myrna Loy).mp3
    14. Lux 400624 ShowBoat (I.Dunne Allan Jones Charles Wininger).mp3
    15. Lux 400701 Alias the Deacon (Bob Burns).mp3
    16. Lux 400708 To the Ladies (Helen Hayes, Otto Kruge).mp3
    17. Lux 400909 Manhattan Melodrama (W.Powell, D.Ameche, M.Loy).mp3
    18. Lux 400916 Love is News (Bob Hope, Madeleine Carroll).mp3
    19. Lux 400923 Westerner (Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan).mp3
    20. Lux 400930 His Girl Fri (Claudette Colbert Fred MacMurray).mp3
    21. Lux 401007 Wings of the Navy (George Brent, O.de Haviland).mp3
    22. Lux 401014 Littlest Rebel (Shirley Temple, Claude Rains).mp3
    23. Lux 401021 Lillian Russell (Alice Faye, Edward Arnold).mp3
    24. Lux 401028 Strike Up the Band (Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney).mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 401104 Wuthering Heights (Ida Lupino, Basil Rathbone).mp3
    3. Lux 401111 Nothing Sacred (D.Fairbanks Jr., Joan Bennett).mp3
    4. Lux 401118 Rage of Manhattan (Tyrone Power, Annabella).mp3
    5. Lux 401125 Jezebel (Loretta Young, Brian Donlevy).mp3
    6. Lux 401202 Knute Rockne, All American (P.OBrien, R.Reagan).mp3
    7. Lux 401209 My Favorite Wife (L.Olivier, Rosalind Russell).mp3
    8. Lux 401216 Fifth Avenue Girl (Ginger Rogers, Edward Arnold).mp3
    9. Lux 401223 Young Tom Edison (M.Rooney, Virginia Weilder).mp3
    10. Lux 401230 A Little Bit of Heaven (G.Jean, C. Abrey Smith).mp3
    11. Lux 410106 Vivacious Lady (Alice Faye, Don Ameche).mp3
    12. Lux 410113 Libel (Ronald Colman, Otto Kruger).mp3
    13. Lux 410120 Cowboy the Lady (Gene Autry, Meryl Oberon).mp3
    14. Lux 410127 Captain January (Shirley Temple, Gene Lockhart).mp3
    15. Lux 410203 Rebecca (R. Colman, Ida Lupino) Missing Intro..mp3
    16. Lux 410210 Moons Our Home (Carole Lombard, James Stewart).mp3
    17. Lux 410217 Johnny Apollo (Dorothy Lamour, Burgess Meredith).mp3
    18. Lux 410224 Whole Towns Talking (Fibber McGee Molly).mp3
    19. Lux 410303 My Bill (Kay Francis, Warren William).mp3
    20. Lux 410310 Awful Truth (Bob Hope, Constance Bennett).mp3
    21. Lux 410317 Cheers for Miss Bishop (M.Scott, W.Gargan) No Opn.mp3
    22. Lux 410324 Flight Command (Robert Taylor, Ruth Hussey).mp3
    23. Lux 410331 Stablemates (M.Rooney, Wallace Beery, Fay Wray).mp3
    24. Lux 410407 StandIn (Joan Bennett, Walter Baxter).mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 410414 Dust be My Destiny (John Garfield, Claire Trevor).mp3
    3. Lux 410421 Letter (Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    4. Lux 410428 Wife, Husband Friend (Geo. Brent, Pricilla Lane).mp3
    5. Lux 410505 Kitty Foyle (Ginger Rogers, Dennis Morgan).mp3
    6. Lux 410512 Craigs Wife (Rosalind Russell, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    7. Lux 410519 Model Wife (Joan Blondell, Dick Powell).mp3
    8. Lux 410526 Virginia City (Errol Flynn, Martha Scott)..mp3
    9. Lux 410602 They Drive Night (G.Raft L.Turner L.Ball) No opcl.mp3
    10. Lux 410609 Mr. Mrs. Smith (Bob Hope, Carole Lombard).mp3
    11. Lux 410616 Lady Cheyenne (L.Young, R.Preston, Ed. Arnold).mp3
    12. Lux 410623 Shop Around Corner (C.Colbert, Don Ameche).mp3
    13. Lux 410630 I Love You Again (Myrna Loy, Cary Grant).mp3
    14. Lux 410707 Algiers (Charles Boyer, Hedy Lamarr).mp3
    15. Lux 410908 Tom, Dick, Harry (G.Rogers, Burgess Meredith).mp3
    16. Lux 410915 Lost Horizon (Ronald Colman, Donald Crisp).mp3
    17. Lux 410922 Lydia (Merle Oberon, Edna May Oliver, J.Cotton).mp3
    18. Lux 410929 Third Finger Left Hand (D.Fairbanks Martha Scott).mp3
    19. Lux 411006 Unfinished Business (Irene Dunne, Don Ameche).mp3
    20. Lux 411013 Buck Privates (Bud Abbott, Lou Costello).mp3
    21. Lux 411020 Blood and Sand (Tyrone Power, Annabella).mp3
    22. Lux 411027 Her First Beau (Jackie Cooper, Jane Withers).mp3
    23. Lux 411103 Hired Wife (William Powell, Myrna Loy).mp3
    24. Lux 411110 Hold Back the Dawn (Charles Boyer, Susan Haywood).mp3
    25. Lux 411117 Merton Movies (Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland).mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 24 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 411124 Maisie Was a Lady (Ann Southern, Lew Ayers).mp3
    3. Lux 411201 A Mans Castle (Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman).mp3
    4. Lux 411208 Doctor Takes Wife (Melvyn Douglas, V.Bruce).mp3
    5. Lux 411215 All This and Heaven Too (Charles Boyer, B.Davis).mp3
    6. Lux 411222 Remember the Night (Fred MacMurray, Jean Arthur).mp3
    7. Lux 411229 Bride Came C.O.D. (Bob Hope, Hedy Lamarr).mp3
    8. Lux 420105 Smilin Through (J.MacDonald B.Aherne G.Raymond).mp3
    9. Lux 420112 Tale Two Cities (R.Colman, Edna Best, V.Felto).mp3
    10. Lux 420119 Devil and Miss Jones (L.Turner, L.Barrymore).mp3
    11. Lux 420126 Here Comes Jordon (C.Grant, C.Rains, E.Keyes).mp3
    12. Lux 420202 Skylark (C.Colbert, R.Milland, Brian Aherne).mp3
    13. Lux 420209 City for Conquest (A.Faye, R.Preston, Cy Kendell).mp3
    14. Lux 420216 Blossoms in the Dust (G.Garson, Walter Pidgeon).mp3
    15. Lux 420223 Appointment for Love (Charles Boyer, Myrna Loy).mp3
    16. Lux 420302 Great Lie (L.Young, George Brent, Mary Astor).mp3
    17. Lux 420309 Lady Eve (B.Stanwyck, R.Milland, Charles Coburn).mp3
    18. Lux 420316 Manpower (M.Dietrich, E.G.Robinson, George Raft).mp3
    19. Lux 420323 Strawberry Blonde (D.Ameche R.Hayworth G.Patrick).mp3
    20. Lux 420330 I Wanted Wings (R.Milland, W.Holden, V.Lake).mp3
    21. Lux 420406 Fighting 69th (P.OBrien, R.Preston, R.Bellamy).mp3
    22. Lux 420413 NW Mounted Police (G.Cooper, P.Goddard) No opcls.mp3
    23. Lux 420420 One Foot in Heaven (Fredric March, Martha Scott).mp3
    24. Lux 420427 Penny Serenade (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck).mp3
    25. Lux 420504 Suspicion (J.Fontaine, Brian Aherne, Nigel Bruce).mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 420511 Last of Mrs. Cheyney (N.Shearer, Walter Pidgeon).mp3
    3. Lux 420518 Man to Remember (L.Barrymore, A.Louise, G.Ford).mp3
    4. Lux 420525 Test Pilot (R.Taylor, R.Hayworth, Robert Preston).mp3
    5. Lux 420601 Ball of Fire (Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    6. Lux 420608 Arise My Love (Loretta Young, Ray Milland).mp3
    7. Lux 420615 You Belong To Me (Merle Oberon, George Brent).mp3
    8. Lux 420622 Bedtime Story (Loretta Young, Don Ameche).mp3
    9. Lux 420629 Champ (W.Beery, Josephine Hutchinson, Noah Beery).mp3
    10. Lux 420706 Love Affair (Charles Boyer, Irene Dunne).mp3
    11. Lux 420713 Hm Pulham, Esq (Hedy Lamarr, Robert Young).mp3
    12. Lux 420914 This Above All (Tyrone Power, Barbara Stanwyck).mp3
    13. Lux 420921 How Green Was My Valley (W.Pidgeon, Donald Crisp).mp3
    14. Lux 420928 Magnificent Dope (D.Ameche, H.Fonda, Lynn Bari).mp3
    15. Lux 421005 Love Crazy (W.Powell, Hedy Lamarr, Gale Gordon).mp3
    16. Lux 421012 Morning Glory (J.Garland, J.Payne, Adolph Menjou).mp3
    17. Lux 421019 My Favorite Blonde (Bob Hope, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    18. Lux 421026 Wake Island (Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston).mp3
    19. Lux 421102 A Womans Face (I.Lupino, B.Aherne, Conrad Veldt).mp3
    20. Lux 421116 To Mary with Love (I.Dunne R.Milland Otto Kruger).mp3
    21. Lux 421123 Gay Sisters (B.Stanwyck, R.Young) Broken Discs.mp3
    22. Lux 421130 Broadway (George Raft, Lloyd Nolan, Janet Blair).mp3
    23. Lux 421207 War Against Mrs. Hadley (F.Bainter, E.Arnold).mp3
    24. Lux 421214 Algiers (Charles Boyer, L.Young, J. Carroll Nash).mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 421221 Pied Piper (F.Morgan, R.McDowall, Anne Baxter).mp3
    3. Lux 421228 A Star is Born (Judy Garland, Walter Pidgeon).mp3
    4. Lux 430104 Bugle Sounds (Wallace Beery, Marjorie Rambeau).mp3
    5. Lux 430111 She Knew All the Answers (J.Bennett, P.Foster).mp3
    6. Lux 430118 My Gal Sal (Mary Martin Dick Powell Norman Field).mp3
    7. Lux 430125 This Gun Hire (A.Ladd, J.Blondell, Laird Cregar).mp3
    8. Lux 430201 ShowOff (Hal Peary, Una Merkle).mp3
    9. Lux 430208 Maltese Falcon (E.G.Robinson G.Patrick L.Cregar).mp3
    10. Lux 430215 Are Husbands Necessary (B.Burns, G.Allen).mp3
    11. Lux 430222 This Is the Army (All Soldier Cast).mp3
    12. Lux 430301 Lady is Willing (Kay Francis, George Brent).mp3
    13. Lux 430308 Reap Wild Wind (P.Goddard R.Milland J.Carradine).mp3
    14. Lux 430315 Libel (Edna Best, Ronald Colman, Otto Kruger).mp3
    15. Lux 430322 Each Dawn I Die (G.Raft, F.Tone, L.Bari).mp3
    16. Lux 430329 Crossroads (Lana Turner, Pierre Aumont).mp3
    17. Lux 430405 Road to Morocco (Bob Crosby, Bing Hope).mp3
    18. Lux 430412 Once upon a Honeymoon (C.Colbert B.Aherne).mp3
    19. Lux 430419 A Night to Remember (Ann Southern, Robert Young).mp3
    20. Lux 430426 Lady Has Plans (William Powell, Rita Hayworth).mp3
    21. Lux 430503 Navy Comes Through (Pat OBrien, Ruth Hussey).mp3
    22. Lux 430510 Now, Voyager (Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid).mp3
    23. Lux 430517 Talk of the Town (Ronald Colman, Jean Arthur).mp3
    24. Lux 430524 Hitlers Children (Bonita Granville, Otto Kruger).mp3
    25. Lux 430531 Major and the Minor (Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland).mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 430607 My Friend Flicka (Roddy McDowall, George Brent).mp3
    3. Lux 430614 Philadelphia Story (Robert Taylor, Loretta Young).mp3
    4. Lux 430621 In Which We Serve (Ronald Colman, Edna Best).mp3
    5. Lux 430628 Great Mans Lady (Barbara Stanwyck, Joseph Cotton).mp3
    6. Lux 430705 My Sister Eileen (Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne).mp3
    7. Lux 430712 Air Force (George Raft, Harry Carey).mp3
    8. Lux 430913 Phantom of Opera (Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster).mp3
    9. Lux 430920 Flight for Freedom (R.Russell, George Brent).mp3
    10. Lux 430927 Ladies in Retirement (Ida Lupino, Dame MayWhitty).mp3
    11. Lux 431004 Pride of the Yankees (G.Cooper, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    12. Lux 431011 Heaven Can Wait (Don Ameche, Maureen OHara).mp3
    13. Lux 431018 Mister Lucky (Cary Grant, Larraine Day) (R).mp3
    14. Lux 431018 Mister Lucky (Cary Grant, Larraine Day).mp3
    15. Lux 431024 Slightly Dangerous (Lana Turner, Victure Mature).mp3
    16. Lux 431101 So Proudly We Hail (C.Colbert, Veronica Lake).mp3
    17. Lux 431107 Salute to the Marines (Fay Bainter, W.Beery) (R).mp3
    18. Lux 431107 Salute to the Marines (Fay Bainter, W.Beery).mp3
    19. Lux 431115 Hello Frisco Hello (A.Faye, R.Young, E.Marr) (R).mp3
    20. Lux 431115 Hello Frisco Hello (A.Faye, R.Young, Eddie Marr).mp3
    21. Lux 431122 China (Loretta Young, Alan Ladd, William Bendix).mp3
    22. Lux 431129 Navy Comes Through (Pat OBrien, Ruth Warrick).mp3
    23. Lux 431206 Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) (R).mp3
    24. Lux 431206 Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon)..mp3
    25. Lux 431213 Five Graves to Cairo (Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter).mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 15: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 431220 Dixie (B.Crosby D.Lamour Barry Sullivan).mp3
    3. Lux 431227 Kathleen (Shirley Temple, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    4. Lux 440103 Shadow of a Doubt (William Powell, Teresa Wright).mp3
    5. Lux 440110 Constant Nymph (Charles Boyer, Maureen OSullivan).mp3
    6. Lux 440124 Casablanca (Alan Ladd, Hedy Lamarr, John Lodar).mp3
    7. Lux 440130 Random Harvest (Ronald Colman, Greer Garson).mp3
    8. Lux 440207 His Butlers Sister (Deanna Durbin, Pat OBrien).mp3
    9. Lux 440207 His Butlers Sister (E.Durbin, P.OBrien) (R).mp3
    10. Lux 440214 Fallen Sparrow (Robert Young, Maureen OHara).mp3
    11. Lux 440221 Wake Up and Live (Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Maxwell).mp3
    12. Lux 440228 Guadalcanal Diary (P.Foster, William Bendix) (R).mp3
    13. Lux 440228 Guadalcanal Diary (P.Foster, William Bendix).mp3
    14. Lux 440306 Letter (B.Davis, Herbert Marshall, Vincent Price).mp3
    15. Lux 440313 In Old Oklahoma (Roy Rogers, Martha Scott).mp3
    16. Lux 440320 Hard Way (Miriam Hopkins, Franchot Tone).mp3
    17. Lux 440327 Phantom Lady (Brian Aherne, Ella Rains) (R).mp3
    18. Lux 440327 Phantom Lady (Brian Aherne, Ella Rains).mp3
    19. Lux 440403 Destroyer (Edward G. Robinson, Dennis OKeefe).mp3
    20. Lux 440410 Happy Land (Don Ameche, Frances Dee).mp3
    21. Lux 440417 Coney Island (A.Ladd, D.Lamour, Chester Morris).mp3
    22. Lux 440424 This Land is Mine (C.Laughton, M.OSullivan).mp3
    23. Lux 440501 Appointment for Love (P.Lukas, O.de Havilland,).mp3
    24. Lux 440508 Penny Serenade (Irene Dunne, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    25. Lux 440515 Action in the North Atlantic (G.Raft, R.Massey).mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 24 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 56 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 16: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 440522 Springtime Rockies (B.Grable, D.Powell)BE Cut.mp3
    3. Lux 440529 Old Acquaintance (Alexis Smith, Miriam Hopkins).mp3
    4. Lux 440605 Jane Eyre (Orson Welles, Loretta Young).mp3
    5. Lux 440612 Naughty Marietta (J.MacDonald, Nelson Eddy) (R).mp3
    6. Lux 440612 Naughty Marietta (J.MacDonald, Nelson Eddy) BECut.mp3
    7. Lux 440619 Lost Angel (Margaret OBrien, James Craig).mp3
    8. Lux 440625 Christmas in July (Dick Powel, Linda Darnel).mp3
    9. Lux 440703 It Happened Tomorrow (Don Ameche, Anne Baxter).mp3
    10. Lux 440904 Maytime (Nelson Eddy, Jeanette MacDonald).mp3
    11. Lux 440911 Break of Hearts (Orson Welles, Rita Hayworth).mp3
    12. Lux 440918 Suspicion (Olivia de Havilland, William Powell).mp3
    13. Lux 440925 Lucky Partners (Don Ameche, Lucille Ball).mp3
    14. Lux 441002 Home in Indiana (W. Brennan, Charlotte Greenwood).mp3
    15. Lux 441009 In Old Chicago (Dorothy Lamour, Robert Young).mp3
    16. Lux 441016 Seventh Heaven (Jennifer Jones, Van Johnson).mp3
    17. Lux 441023 Story of Dr Wassell (Gary Cooper Barbara Britton).mp3
    18. Lux 441030 Standing Room Only (P.Goddard Fred MacMurray) (R).mp3
    19. Lux 441030 Standing Room Only (P.Goddard, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    20. Lux 441106 Pied Piper (Frank Morgan, Signe Hasso).mp3
    21. Lux 441113 Magnificent Obsession (C.Colbert, Don Ameche).mp3
    22. Lux 441120 It Started With Eve (C.Laughton, Susanna Foster).mp3
    23. Lux 441127 Dark Waters (Merle Oberon, Preston Foster).mp3
    24. Lux 441204 Unguarded Hour (Robert Montgomery, Larraine Day).mp3
    25. Lux 441211 Casanova Brown (Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell).mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 17: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 441218 Berkeley Square (R.Colman, Maureen OSullivan).mp3
    3. Lux 441225 Vagabond King ( Dennis Morgan, Kathyrn Grayson).mp3
    4. Lux 450101 Bride by Mistake (L.Day, Marsha Hunt John Hodiak).mp3
    5. Lux 450108 I Never Left Home (Bob Hope, Jerry Colonna).mp3
    6. Lux 450115 Master Race (George Coulouris, Nancy Gates).mp3
    7. Lux 450122 Tender Comrade (Olivia de Havilland, June Duprez).mp3
    8. Lux 450129 Lady in the Dark (Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland).mp3
    9. Lux 450205 Laura (Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney, Vincent Price).mp3
    10. Lux 450212 For Whom the Bell Tolls (I.Bergman, Gary Cooper).mp3
    11. Lux 450219 Sunday Dinner for Soldier (J.Hodiak Anne Baxter).mp3
    12. Lux 450226 Bedtime Story (Cary Grant, Greer Garson).mp3
    13. Lux 450305 Disputed Passage (Ladd A.Tamiroff A.Richards) (R).mp3
    14. Lux 450312 Devil and Miss Jones (F.Morgan, Linda Darnell).mp3
    15. Lux 450319 Grissleys Millions (Pat OBrien, Lynn Bari).mp3
    16. Lux 450326 A Tale of Two Cities (O.Welles, Rosemary DeCamp).mp3
    17. Lux 450402 Swanee River (Al Jolson, Dennis Morgan).mp3
    18. Lux 450409 Suspect (Charles Laughton, Ella Raines).mp3
    19. Lux 450416 Only Yesterday (Ida Lupino, Robert Young).mp3
    20. Lux 450423 Petrified Forest (Ronald Colman, Susan Hayward).mp3
    21. Lux 450430 Moontide (Humphrey Bogart, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    22. Lux 450507 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, James Dunne) (R).mp3
    23. Lux 450507 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, James Dunne).mp3
    24. Lux 450514 Alexander Graham Bell (Don Ameche, June Duprez).mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 18: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 450521 And Now Tomorrow (Alan Ladd, Loretta Young).mp3
    3. Lux 450528 Kentucky (L.Day, Walter Brennan, Tom Drake).mp3
    4. Lux 450604 Intermezzo (Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    5. Lux 450611 Murder, My Sweet (D.Powell, C.Trevor, G.Mohr).mp3
    6. Lux 450618 Canterville Ghost (C.Laughton, M.OBrien, G.Mohr).mp3
    7. Lux 450625 Woman in Window (E.G.Robinson J.Bennett D.Duryea).mp3
    8. Lux 450827 Practically Yours (C.Colbert, Ray Milland) (R).mp3
    9. Lux 450827 Practically Yours (C.Colbert, Ray Milland).mp3
    10. Lux 450903 Enchanted Cottage (Robert Young, Dorothy McGuire).mp3
    11. Lux 450917 Christmas Holiday (Loretta Young, William Holden).mp3
    12. Lux 451001 Mr Skeffington (Bette Davis).mp3
    13. Lux 451008 Roughly Speaking (Rosaly Russell, Jack Carson).mp3
    14. Lux 451015 Medal for Benny (D.Lamour, Arturo deCordova) AFRS.mp3
    15. Lux 451029 Affaires of Susan (Joan Fontaine, George Brent).mp3
    16. Lux 451105 Destry Rides Again (James Stewart Joan Blondell).mp3
    17. Lux 451112 Guest in the House (Robert Young, Anne Baxter).mp3
    18. Lux 451119 Keys of the Kingdom (Ronald Colman, Ann Harding).mp3
    19. Lux 451126 Salty ORoarke (Alan Ladd, William Demarest).mp3
    20. Lux 451203 Blood on the Sun (James Cagney, Silvia Sidney).mp3
    21. Lux 451210 Guest Wife (Olivia de Haviland, Don Ameche).mp3
    22. Lux 451217 Made for Each Other (James Stewart, Marsha Hunt).mp3
    23. Lux 451224 Ill Be Seeing You (Joseph Cotten, Dot McGuire).mp3
    24. Lux 451231 Pride of the Marines (J.Garfield, Eleanor Parker).mp3
    25. Lux 460107 You Came Along (Van Johnson, Lizabeth Scott).mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 25 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 19: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 460114 Valley of Decision (Greer Garson, Gregory Peck).mp3
    3. Lux 460121 Johnny Eager (R.Taylor, S.Peters, VV.Heflin).mp3
    4. Lux 460128 Clock (Judy Garland, John Hodiak) (R).mp3
    5. Lux 460128 Clock (Judy Garland, John Hodiak) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 460204 This Love of Ours (Rita Hayworth, Charles Calden).mp3
    7. Lux 460211 Now Voyager (Bette Davis, Gregory Peck).mp3
    8. Lux 460218 Captain January (M.OBrien L.Barrymoore) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 460225 Thunderhead, Son of Flicka (R.McDowall, P.Foster).mp3
    10. Lux 460304 Amazing Mrs Holliday (G.Tierney, W.Brennan) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 460311 Presenting Lily Mars (J.Allyson, Van Heflin) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 460318 A Tale of Two Cities (R.Colman, H.Angel) AFRS.mp3
    13. Lux 460325 Wonderman (Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo) (R).mp3
    14. Lux 460401 Barnacle Bill (Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main) (R).mp3
    15. Lux 460408 Honky Tonk (Lana Turner, John Hodiak).mp3
    16. Lux 460415 Whistle Stop (Alan Ladd, Evelyn Keyes).mp3
    17. Lux 460422 Love Letters (Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    18. Lux 460429 Gaslight (Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer).mp3
    19. Lux 460506 Tomorrow Forever (Claudette Colbert Van Heflin).mp3
    20. Lux 460513 Pardon My Past (F.MacMurray, Margurite Chapman).mp3
    21. Lux 460520 Deadline at Dawn (Joan Blondell, Paul Lukas).mp3
    22. Lux 460527 Music for Millions (M.OBrien, J.Durante) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 460603 None but Lonely Heart (E.Barrymoore, B.Aherne).mp3
    24. Lux 460610 Now Tomorrow (Olivia de Havilland, John Lund) HRT.mp3
    25. Lux 460617 Fallen Angel (Linda Darnell, Maureen OHara) HRT.mp3
    26. Lux 460624 State Fair (J.Crain, D.Haymes, Vivian Blaine).mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 27 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 20: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 460826 Without Reservations (C.Colbert, R.Cummings) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 460902 Our Vines Have Tender Grapes (Margaret OBrien).mp3
    4. Lux 460909 Barretts of Winpole Street (L.Young, B.Aherne).mp3
    5. Lux 460915 Madam Curie (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) (R).mp3
    6. Lux 460915 Madam Curie (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 460923 Sentimental Journey (John Payne, Lynn Barri).mp3
    8. Lux 460930 Coney Island (Bette Grable, Victure Mature).mp3
    9. Lux 461007 Dragonwyck (Vincent Price, Gene Tierney) HRT.mp3
    10. Lux 461014 To Have and Have Not (H.Bogart, Lauren Bacall).mp3
    11. Lux 461021 Miss Susie Slagles (J.Caufield, W.Holden) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 461028 From this Day Forward (J.Fontaine, M.Stevens).mp3
    13. Lux 461104 Ive Always Loved You (J.Cotten, C.McLeod).mp3
    14. Lux 461111 Gallant Journey (Glenn Ford, Janet Blair).mp3
    15. Lux 461118 OSS (Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake).mp3
    16. Lux 461125 Mrs. Parkington (G.Garson, W.Pidgeon) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 461202 Meet Me in Saint Louis (J.Garland, M.OBrien).mp3
    18. Lux 461209 Together Again (Irene Dunne, Walter Pidgeon) AFRS.mp3
    19. Lux 461216 Killer Cates (J.Benny, G.Patrick, A.Reed).mp3
    20. Lux 461223 Do You Love Me (Dick Haymes, Maureen OHara) HRT.mp3
    21. Lux 461230 CrackUp (Pat OBrien, Lynn Barrie).mp3
    22. Lux 470106 553 Till the End of Time.mp3
    23. Lux 470113 554 The Green Years.mp3
    24. Lux 470120 Anna the King of Siam (Rex Harrison, Irene Dunne).mp3
    25. Lux 470127 556 Cluny Brown.mp3
    26. Lux 470203 National Velvet (Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney).mp3
    27. Lux 470210 Frenchmens Creek (Joan Fontaine, David Niven) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 470217 Devotion (J.Wyman, V.Bruce, Vincent Price) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 26 shows – total playtime 25 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 21: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 470224 Kitty (Paulette Goddard, Patrick Knowles).mp3
    3. Lux 470303 Somewhere in the Night (John Hodiak, Lynn Bari).mp3
    4. Lux 470310 Its a Wonderful Life (James Stewart, Donna Reed).mp3
    5. Lux 470317 Leave Her to Heaven (Gene Tierney, Cornell Wilde).mp3
    6. Lux 470324 Smoky (Joel McCrea, Constance Moore) AFRS.mp3
    7. Lux 470407 Alexanders Ragtime Band (Al Jolson, Dinah Shore).mp3
    8. Lux 470414 Monsieur Beaucaire (Bob Hope, Joan Caulfield) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 470421 My Reputation (Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent).mp3
    10. Lux 470428 My Darling Clementine (Henry Fonda Richard Conte).mp3
    11. Lux 470505 Egg and I (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    12. Lux 470512 Johnny Oclock (Dick Powell, Lee J. Cobb).mp3
    13. Lux 470519 It Happened 5th Ave (V.Moore, D.DeFore) AFRS.mp3
    14. Lux 470526 Vacation from Marriage (D.Kerr, V.Heflin).mp3
    15. Lux 470602 Jazz Singer (Al Jolson, Gail Patrick).mp3
    16. Lux 470609 One More Tomorrow (Jane Wyman, Dennis Morgan).mp3
    17. Lux 470609 One More Tomorrow (rehearsal).mp3
    18. Lux 470616 Other Love (B.Stanwyck, G.Brent, R.Conte).mp3
    19. Lux 470623 Cynthia (Elizabeth Taylor, G.Murphy, Mary Astor).mp3
    20. Lux 470825 A Stolen Life (Bette Davis, Glenn Ford) No OpCls.mp3
    21. Lux 470901 579 Three Wise Fools.mp3
    22. Lux 470908 Margie (Jeanne Crain, Glen Langan).mp3
    23. Lux 470915 Seventh Veil (Ida Lupino, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    24. Lux 470922 Two Years Before the Mast (A.Ladd, Wanda Hendrix).mp3
    25. Lux 470929 Web (Vincent Price, Ella Rains, Edmond OBrien).mp3
    26. Lux 471006 Undercurrent (Kathrine Hepburn, Robert Taylor).mp3
    27. Lux 471013 Great Expectation (R.Cummings, Ann Blyth) No OpCl.mp3

    1. Volume 22 – 26 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 22: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 471020 13 Rue Madeleine (R.Montgomery, L.Nolan) No OpCl.mp3
    3. Lux 471027 Stairway To Heaven (Ray Milland, Ann Blyth).mp3
    4. Lux 471103 Singapore (Fred MacMurray, Ava Gardner).mp3
    5. Lux 471110 Dark Corner (Lucille Ball, Mark Stevens).mp3
    6. Lux 471117 Nobody Lives Forever (Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan).mp3
    7. Lux 471124 Saratoga Trunk (Ida Lupino, Zachery Scott).mp3
    8. Lux 471201 Ghost Mrs Muir (Charles Boyer, Madeleine Carrol).mp3
    9. Lux 471208 Ride the Pink Horse (Robert Montgomery).mp3
    10. Lux 471215 Magic Town (James Stewart, Jane Wyman).mp3
    11. Lux 471222 Miracle on 34th Street (M.OHara, Edmond Gwenn).mp3
    12. Lux 471229 Anchors Aweigh (F.Sinatra G.Kelly, K.Grayson).mp3
    13. Lux 480105 Farmers Daughter (Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    14. Lux 480112 Kiss of Death (Victor Mature, Colleen Gray).mp3
    15. Lux 480119 Yearling (Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman).mp3
    16. Lux 480126 Notorious (Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    17. Lux 480202 Mother Wore Tights (Bette Grable, Dan Dailey).mp3
    18. Lux 480209 Lady in the Lake (R.Montgomery, A.Totter, G.Mohr).mp3
    19. Lux 480216 Al Jolson Story (Al Jolson, Evelyn Keyes).mp3
    20. Lux 480301 Bad Bascombe (Wallace Beery, Margaret OBrien).mp3
    21. Lux 480308 Spellbound (Joseph Cotten, Valle, Gerald Mohr).mp3
    22. Lux 480329 I Love You Again (William Powell, Ann Southern).mp3
    23. Lux 480405 Daisy Kenyon (I.Lupino, J.Chandler, D.Andrews).mp3
    24. Lux 480412 Perfect Marriage (R.Milland, L.Scott, G.Mohr).mp3
    25. Lux 480419 Random Harvest (Ronald Colman, Greer Garson).mp3
    26. Lux 480426 Dear Ruth (Joan Caufield, William Holden).mp3
    27. Lux 480503 Cloak and Dagger (Ronald Reagan, Lili Palmer).mp3

    1. Volume 23 – 26 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 23: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 480510 Intrigue (George Raft, June Haverick).mp3
    3. Lux 480524 Walk Alone (Chandler B.Lancaster L.Scott)No OpCl.mp3
    4. Lux 480531 Miracle of Bells (Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra).mp3
    5. Lux 480614 Jane Eyre (Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery).mp3
    6. Lux 480830 622 I Remember Mama.mp3
    7. Lux 480913 Another Part of Forest (Walter Huston, V.Price).mp3
    8. Lux 480920 Gentlemans Agreement (Gegrory Peck, Ann Baxter).mp3
    9. Lux 481015 Double Indemnity (B.Lancaster, J.Bennett) Not LUX.mp3
    10. Lux 481018 Razors Edge (Ida Lupino, Mark Stevens) No OpCl.mp3
    11. Lux 481108 Pitfall (D.Powell, J.Wyatt, Lizbeth Scott) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 481115 Body Soul (John Garfield, Jane Wyman).mp3
    13. Lux 481122 Big Clock (Ray Milland, Maureen OSullivan).mp3
    14. Lux 481129 Brief Encounter (G.Garson, Van Heflin) No OpCl.mp3
    15. Lux 481206 Foxes of Harrow (Maureen OHara, John Hodiak).mp3
    16. Lux 481213 Seventh Veil (Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery).mp3
    17. Lux 481220 Miracle on 34th Street (M.OHara, Edmond Gwynn).mp3
    18. Lux 481227 Luck of the Irish (Ann Baxter, Dana Andrews).mp3
    19. Lux 490110 Velvet Touch (S.Greenstreet, G.Mohr) No OpCl.mp3
    20. Lux 490131 Street with No Name (Mark Stevens, R.Widmark).mp3
    21. Lux 490214 Sitting Pretty (Clifton Webb, Robert Young).mp3
    22. Lux 490228 Apartment for Peggy (Jeanne Crain, W.Holden).mp3
    23. Lux 490307 Red River (John Wayne, Joanne Dru, W.Brennan).mp3
    24. Lux 490314 What a Woman (Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings).mp3
    25. Lux 490418 Sierra Madre (H.Bogart F.Lovejoy W.Huston G.Mohr).mp3
    26. Lux 490425 When My Baby Smiles Me (Bette Grable, Dan Dailey).mp3
    27. Lux 490509 Paradine Case (Joseph Cotten Valli Louis Jourdan).mp3

    1. Volume 24 – 24 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 24: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 490516 April Showers (Jack Carson, Dorothy Lamour).mp3
    3. Lux 490523 To the Ends of Earth (Dick Powell, Signe Hasso).mp3
    4. Lux 490606 Mildred Pierce (Rosalyn Russell, Zachary Scott).mp3
    5. Lux 490613 Bachelor the Bobby Soxer (C.Grant, S.Temple).mp3
    6. Lux 490620 Merton of the Movies (Mickey Rooney, Arlene Dahl).mp3
    7. Lux 490627 Every Girl Should Marry (C.Grant, G.Mohr) HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 490829 June Bride (James Stewart, Bette Davis).mp3
    9. Lux 490905 Saigon (John Lund, Lizabeth Scott) (HRT).mp3
    10. Lux 490912 Deep Waters (Dana Andrews, Donna Reed).mp3
    11. Lux 490919 Green Dolphin Street (Lana Turner, Van Heflin).mp3
    12. Lux 490926 Emperor Waltz (Bing Crosby, Ann Blyth).mp3
    13. Lux 491003 Happens Every Spring (R.Milland Colleen Townsend).mp3
    14. Lux 491010 Mr Blandings Builds Dream Home (C.Grant, I.Dunne).mp3
    15. Lux 491017 Mother was a Freshman (Loretta Young Van Johnson).mp3
    16. Lux 491024 Scudda Hoo Scudda Hay (June Haver Lon McAllister).mp3
    17. Lux 491031 Portrait of Jenny (Joseph Cotten, Anne Baxter).mp3
    18. Lux 491107 High Wall (Van Heflin, Janet Leigh).mp3
    19. Lux 491114 Mother Wore Tights (B.Grable, Dan Daily)bad snd.mp3
    20. Lux 491121 Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope, L.Ball, G.Mohr) HRT.mp3
    21. Lux 491128 Key Largo (Edward G. Robinson, Claire Trevor).mp3
    22. Lux 491219 Bishops Wife (Tyrone Power, David Niven).mp3
    23. Lux 500109 Sorry, Wrong Number (B.Stanwyck, Burt Lancaster).mp3
    24. Lux 500116 Mr Belvedere Goes to College (C.Webb, C.Gray).mp3
    25. Lux 500123 Ill Be Yours (W.Bendix, A.Blyth, R.Cummings) AFRS.mp3

    1. Volume 25 – 24 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 46 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 25: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 500130 California (Ray Milland, Lizabeth Scott) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 500213 Stratton Story (James Stewart, June Allyson).mp3
    4. Lux 500220 Letter to Three Wives (P.Douglas, Linda Darnell).mp3
    5. Lux 500227 Easy to Wed (Van Johnson, Ester Williams).mp3
    6. Lux 500306 Slatterys Hurricane (M.OHara, Richard Conte).mp3
    7. Lux 500313 Little Women (J.Allyson, M.OBrien, P.Lawford).mp3
    8. Lux 500320 Father Was a Fullback (P.Douglas, M.OHara).mp3
    9. Lux 500327 Man Who Came to Dinner (Clifton Webb, L.Ball).mp3
    10. Lux 500403 Come to the Stable (Loretta Young, H.Marlow)Tinny.mp3
    11. Lux 500410 Snake Pit (O.de Havilland, M.Stevens, Leo Den).mp3
    12. Lux 500424 Mrs. Mike (Dick Powell, Gene Tierney)No OpenClose.mp3
    13. Lux 500501 All My Sons (Burt Lancaster, Edward Arnold).mp3
    14. Lux 500508 Life of Riley (William Bendix, Rosemary DeCamp).mp3
    15. Lux 500522 Jolson Sings Again (Al Jolson, Barbara Hale).mp3
    16. Lux 500612 Corn is Green (Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    17. Lux 500619 John Loves Mary (Ronald Reagan, Patricia ONeal).mp3
    18. Lux 500911 Heiress (Olivia de Havilland, Louie Calhurn) AFRS.mp3
    19. Lux 501016 House of Strangers (A.Baxter, R.Conte) AFRS.mp3
    20. Lux 501030 Double Indemnity (Barbara Stanwyck, F.MacMurray).mp3
    21. Lux 501106 Rebecca (Laurence Olivier, Vivian Leigh).mp3
    22. Lux 501113 Wabash Avenue (B.Grable, V.Mature, G.Mohr) AFRS.mp3
    23. Lux 501127 Youre My Everything (Anne Baxter, Phil Harris).mp3
    24. Lux 501218 Holiday Affair (Larraine Day, Robert Mitchum).mp3
    25. Lux 501225 Wizard of Oz (Judy Garland).mp3

    1. Volume 26 – 27 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 26: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 510108 Once More My Darling (Van Heflin, Anne Blyth).mp3
    3. Lux 510122 Broken Arrow (B.Lancaster, J.Chandler, D.Paget).mp3
    4. Lux 510129 Treasure Island (J.Mason, B.Drisco, Nigel Bruce).mp3
    5. Lux 510212 Battleground (Vance Johnson, John Hodiak) No OpCl.mp3
    6. Lux 510219 Dear Wife (William Holden, Joan Caulfield).mp3
    7. Lux 510305 Panic in the Street (R.Widmark, Paul Douglas).mp3
    8. Lux 510312 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (John Wayne, Mel Ferrer).mp3
    9. Lux 510326 Seventh Heaven (Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell).mp3
    10. Lux 510402 Where the Sidewalk Ends (A.Baxter, D.Andrews).mp3
    11. Lux 510409 Third Man (Joseph Cotten, Evelyn Keyes).mp3
    12. Lux 510430 744 Down to the Sea in Ships.mp3
    13. Lux 510507 Cheaper by the Dozen (Clifton Webb) ..mp3
    14. Lux 510604 749 A Ticket to Tomahawk.mp3
    15. Lux 510618 Edward My Son (Walter Pidgeon, Deborah Kerr) AFRS.mp3
    16. Lux 510625 Reformer and Redhead (Dick Powell, June Allyson).mp3
    17. Lux 510903 754 Payment on Demand.mp3
    18. Lux 510910 Fancy Pants (Bob Hope, Lucille Ball).mp3
    19. Lux 510917 Sunset Boulevard (Gloria Swanson, William Holden).mp3
    20. Lux 510924 Movietime, USA (50th Anniv of Motion Pictures).mp3
    21. Lux 511001 All About Eve (Bette Davis, Gary Merrill) (R).mp3
    22. Lux 511015 Mr. 880 (Edmond Gwenn, Dana Andrews, Mala Powers).mp3
    23. Lux 511022 Margie (Jeanne Crain, Hugh Marlowe, Jane Darwell).mp3
    24. Lux 511029 Id Climb Highest Mountain (Ann Blyth, Dennis Day).mp3
    25. Lux 511112 Winchester 73 (James Stewart, Stephen McNally).mp3
    26. Lux 511119 Samson and Delilah (Hedy Lamarr, Victure Mature).mp3
    27. Lux 511203 Strangers on a Train (F.Lovejoy, Ray Milland) (R).mp3
    28. Lux 511210 Lemon Drop Kid (Bob Hope, Marilyn Maxwell).mp3

    1. Volume 27 – 28 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 27: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 511224 Alice in Wonderland (Cathy Beaumont, Ed Wynn) (R).mp3
    3. Lux 520114 Goodbye, My Fancy (B.Stanwyck, Frank Lovejoy).mp3
    4. Lux 520121 Cpt Horatio Hornblower (G.Peck, Virginia Mayo).mp3
    5. Lux 520128 Branded (B.Lancaster, C.Pickford, Nancy Gates).mp3
    6. Lux 520204 Take Care My Little Girl (J.Crain D.Robertson)HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 520211 Show Boat (Ava Gardner, Katharine Grayson) HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 520225 My Blue Heaven (Betty Grable, Dan Dailey).mp3
    9. Lux 520303 Young Man with a Horn (Kirk Douglas, Jo Stafford).mp3
    10. Lux 520317 Top O The Morning (B.Fitzgerald, A.Blyth, D.Day).mp3
    11. Lux 520324 783 Come to the Stable.mp3
    12. Lux 520331 784 I Can Get It for You Wholesale.mp3
    13. Lux 520407 Union Station (William Holden, Nancy Olsen) HRT.mp3
    14. Lux 520428 No Highway in the Sky J.Stewart, M.Dietrich).mp3
    15. Lux 520922 Ill Never Forget You (T.Power, Debra Pagent).mp3
    16. Lux 520929 Adam Evelyn (Jean Simmons, Stewart Granger) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 521006 Model and the Marriage Broker (Thelma Ritter).mp3
    18. Lux 521013 Five Fingers (James Mason, Pamela Kellino).mp3
    19. Lux 521020 My Six Convicts (D.Andrews, M.Mitchell) HRT.mp3
    20. Lux 521103 Viva Zapata (Charlton Heston, Jean Peters).mp3
    21. Lux 521110 Grounds for Marriage (Van Johnson, K.Grayson) HRT.mp3
    22. Lux 521117 Submarine Command (W.Holden, Alexis Smith) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 521201 King Solomons Mines (D.Kerr, Stewart Granger).mp3
    24. Lux 521208 Strictly Dishonorable (Janet Leigh, F.Lamas).mp3
    25. Lux 521215 African Queen (Humphrey Bogart, Greer Garson).mp3
    26. Lux 521222 Les Miserables (Ronald Colman, Deborah Paget).mp3
    27. Lux 521229 Westward Women (Robert Taylor, Denise Darcel) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 530105 Phone Call Stranger (S.Winters, G.Merrill) HRT.mp3
    29. Lux 530112 Will Rogers Story (W.Rogers Jr, Jane Wyman) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 28 – 28 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 28: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 530119 Appointment Danger (W.Holden, Colleen Gray) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 530126 September Affair (Joseph Cotten, J.Fontaine) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 530202 Captain Carey, USA (C.Heston, Wanda Hendricks).mp3
    5. Lux 530209 With a Song in My Heart (S.Hayward, D.Wayne) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 530216 Lady in the Dark (Judy Garland, John Lund) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 530223 Youre My Everything (Jeanne Craine Dan Dailey)HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 530302 Close to My Heart (Ray Milland Phylis Baxter) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 530309 People vs OHara (W.Pidgeon J.Leigh) HRT.mp3
    10. Lux 530316 This Woman Is Dangerous (V.Mayo, D.Morgan) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 530323 821 Fourteen Hours.mp3
    12. Lux 530330 Miracle Our Lady Fatima (J. Carrol Naish) HRT.mp3
    13. Lux 530406 Angels in Outfield (J.Leigh, George Murphy).mp3
    14. Lux 530420 Deadline, USA (Dan Dailey, Deborah Paget) HRT.mp3
    15. Lux 530504 Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie (Jean Peters) HRT.mp3
    16. Lux 530511 Bishops Wife (Cary Grant, Phylis Thaxter).mp3
    17. Lux 530518 Girl in White (June Allyson, Steve Forrest) HRT.mp3
    18. Lux 530525 Lure of the Wilderness (J.Peters, Jeffrey Hunter).mp3
    19. Lux 530601 High Tor (William Holden, Parley Baer) No OpCl.mp3
    20. Lux 530608 China Run (Virginia Mayo, John Dehner) HRT.mp3
    21. Lux 530615 Lady the Tumblers (Fred MacMurray) HRT.mp3
    22. Lux 530622 Fall of Maggie Phillips (Dorothy McGuire) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 530629 One More Spring (Jean Crain) HRT.mp3
    24. Lux 530706 Cynara (Joseph Cotten) HRT.mp3
    25. Lux 530713 Physician in Spite of Himself (Robert Young) SRT.mp3
    26. Lux 530720 Birds (Herbert Marshall) SRT.mp3
    27. Lux 530727 One Foot in Heaven (D.Andrews, Steve Forrest) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 530803 Romance to a Degree (Joseph Cotten) LST.mp3
    29. Lux 530810 Leave Her to Heaven (Joan Fontaine) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 29 – 26 shows – total playtime 23 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 29: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 530817 Affairs of Susan (Anne Baxter) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 530817 Edward, My Son (Walter Pidgeon, Irene Tedrow) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 530831 One Last September (Claire Trevor) HRT.mp3
    5. Lux 530907 My Cousin Rachel (O.de Havilland, Ron Randell).mp3
    6. Lux 530914 Steel Trap (Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 530921 I Confess (Cary Grant, Phylis Thaxter).mp3
    8. Lux 530928 Presidents Lady (Charlton Heston, Joan Fontaine).mp3
    9. Lux 531005 Our Very Own (Terry Moore, June Evans) HRT.mp3
    10. Lux 531012 Breaking Sound Barrier (R.Newton DD.Mcguire) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 531019 Taxi (Dan Dailey, Colleen Grey) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 531026 Skirts Ahoy (Esther Williams, Barry Sullivan) HRT.mp3
    13. Lux 531102 Because of You (June Allyson, Jeff Chandler) HRT.mp3
    14. Lux 531109 Thunder On Hill (C.Colbert, Barbara Rush) HRT.mp3
    15. Lux 531116 It Grows on Trees (Ginger Rogers) HRT.mp3
    16. Lux 531123 Browning Version (Ronald Colman, Bonita Hume) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 531130 Undercurrent (Joan Fontaine, Mel Ferrer) HRT.mp3
    18. Lux 531207 Man On A Tightrope (E.G.Robinson, Terry Moore).mp3
    19. Lux 531214 Million Dollar Mermaid (E.Williams W.Pidgeon) HRT.mp3
    20. Lux 531221 Peter Pan (Bobby Driscol).mp3
    21. Lux 531228 June Bride (Irene Dunne, Fred MacMurray)No OpCl.mp3
    22. Lux 540104 Day the Earth Stood Still (M.Rene, Jean Peters).mp3
    23. Lux 540111 Anybody Seen My Gal (Gene Lockhart, Laurie Piper).mp3
    24. Lux 540118 Winslow Boy (Ray Milland, Brian Aherne).mp3
    25. Lux 540125 People Will Talk (Jeanne Crain, Cary Grant) HRT.mp3
    26. Lux 540201 Laura (Gene Tierney, Victor Mature).mp3
    27. Lux 540215 Trouble Along Way (June Haver, Jack Carson) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 30 – 30 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 30: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 540301 Mississippi Gambler (T.Power, L.Christian) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 540308 Glass Menagerie (Jane Wyman, Fay Bainter) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 540315 Jeopardy (B.Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan) No OpCl.mp3
    5. Lux 540322 Carbine Williams (Ronald Reagan, Wendel Cory) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 540329 A Blueprint for Murder (D.Dailey, Dorothy McGuire.mp3
    7. Lux 540405 Welcome Stranger (C.Grant, Barry Fitzgerald) HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 540412 Strangers on a Train (V.Mayo, Dana Andrews) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 540419 Star (Ida Lupino, Edmond OBrien).mp3
    10. Lux 540426 Detective Story (K.Douglas, E.Parker, W.Conrad).mp3
    11. Lux 540503 879 Going My Way.mp3
    12. Lux 540510 880 Holy Matrimony.mp3
    13. Lux 540531 What a Woman (Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings).mp3
    14. Lux 540607 Naked Jungle (Charlton Heston, Donna Reed) HRT.mp3
    15. Lux 540614 Mildred Pierce (Claire Trevor, Zachery Scott) HRT.mp3
    16. Lux 540621 Pick Up South Street (T.Ritter, Terri Moore) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 540628 Goodbye My Fancy (Rosalind Russell, Robert Young).mp3
    18. Lux 540914 Wuthering Heights (Merle Oberon Cameron Mitchell).mp3
    19. Lux 540921 So Big (Ida Lupino Robert Stack).mp3
    20. Lux 541005 Turning Point (F.MacMurray, Joanne Dru)No opclose.mp3
    21. Lux 541012 Great Expectations (Hudson, Rush, Swanson) HRT.mp3
    22. Lux 541019 David and Bathsheba (A.Dahl, M.Rennie) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 541026 Song of Bernadette (Ann Blyth, C.Bickford) HRT.mp3
    24. Lux 541102 Big Trees (Van Heflin, Nancy Gates) HRT.mp3
    25. Lux 541109 My Man Godfrey (Jeff Chandler, Julie Adams).mp3
    26. Lux 541116 Mother Didnt Tell Me (D.Mcguire, F.Lovejoy) HRT.mp3
    27. Lux 541123 All About Eve (Ann Blyth, Ida Lupino) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 541130 Blue Gardenia (Dana Andrews, Ruth Roman) HRT.mp3
    29. Lux 541207 Battleground (Van Johnson, George Murphy) HRT.mp3
    30. Lux 541214 Secret of the Incas (C.Heston, Nichole Morray).mp3
    31. Lux 541221 Miracle on 34th Street (Edmond Gwenn).mp3

    1. Volume 31 – 18 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 31: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 541227 Iron Mistress (Virginia Mayo, John Lund) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 550104 Mother Wore Tights (Dan Dailey, Mitzi Gaynor) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 550111 Island in the Sky (Dick Powell) HRT.mp3
    5. Lux 550118 Awful Truth (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 550125 Sangree (Arlene Dahl, Ceasar Romero) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 550201 Five Fingers (James Mason) HRT AFRTS.mp3
    8. Lux 550208 War of the Worlds (Dana Andrews, Pat Crowley).mp3
    9. Lux 550215 Treasure Sierra Madre (E.OBrien, W.Brennan).mp3
    10. Lux 550222 Shane (Alan Ladd, Van Heflin, Ruth Hussey) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 550301 Bishops Wife (Cary Grant, Phyllis Thaxter).mp3
    12. Lux 550308 Walls Of Jericho (Cornell Wilde, Terry Moore) HRT.mp3
    13. Lux 550315 Gentlemans Agreemnt (Ray Milland Dorothy McGuire).mp3
    14. Lux 550322 Rawhide (Donna Reed, Jeffrey Hunter).mp3
    15. Lux 550329 Trouble Along the Way (Van Johnson, Joanne Dru).mp3
    16. Lux 550412 Stairway to Heaven (David Niven, Barbara Rush).mp3
    17. Lux 550510 Together Again (Maureen OHara, Carlton Young).mp3
    18. Lux 550530 Petrified Forest (H.Bogart L.Bacall Henry Fonda).mp3
    19. Lux 550531 Rope of Sand (Barry Sullivan) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 32 – 21 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 32: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux SA 671113 0916 Sacred Flame.mp3
    3. Lux SA 671218 0921 Stranger In The House.mp3
    4. Lux SA 680605 Dodo In Love.mp3
    5. Lux SA 690616 0999 Well Dressed Man.mp3
    6. Lux SA 691006 1015 Sound Of Murder.mp3
    7. Lux SA 691020 1017 Trap For A Lonely Man.mp3
    8. Lux SA 700203 Non Stop To Victoria.mp3
    9. Lux SA 700316 1038 Late Edwina Black.mp3
    10. Lux SA 710712 1107 Hallajuah Corner.mp3
    11. Lux SA 710803 Goodnight Mrs Puffin.mp3
    12. Lux SA 711124 Dialogue In A Compartment.mp3
    13. Lux SA 711213 Home Beauty.mp3
    14. Lux SA 711227 Waters Of The Moon.mp3
    15. Lux SA An Act Of Mercy.mp3
    16. Lux SA Ask Me No Questions.mp3
    17. Lux SA Brief Encounter.mp3
    18. Lux SA Camille 1972.mp3
    19. Lux SA Desperate Hours.mp3
    20. Lux SA Detectives Are Not Always Right.mp3
    21. Lux SA Home At Seven.mp3
    22. Lux SA Lady Grumleys Photograph 1974.mp3

    1. Volume 33 – 20 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 33: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux SA Lame Dogs In The Living Room 1965.mp3
    3. Lux SA Mayerling Affair.mp3
    4. Lux SA Mr Harringtons Washing.mp3
    5. Lux SA Night Run.mp3
    6. Lux SA Night Was Our Friend.mp3
    7. Lux SA Nonstop To Victoria.mp3
    8. Lux SA Operation Contraband.mp3
    9. Lux SA Out Of The Rain.mp3
    10. Lux SA Portrait In Black.mp3
    11. Lux SA Public Prosecutor.mp3
    12. Lux SA Return Journey.mp3
    13. Lux SA Sailor Beware.mp3
    14. Lux SA Sellout 1977.mp3
    15. Lux SA Story Of Jacqueline.mp3
    16. Lux SA Take Care On Wednesday.mp3
    17. Lux SA The Cruel Sea 1962.mp3
    18. Lux SA The Day The Unicorns Danced.mp3
    19. Lux SA The Man Upstairs.mp3
    20. Lux SA The Rose Without A Thorn.mp3
    21. Lux SA Youre Not The Woman I Married.mp3
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    799 recordings on 33 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $160.00. Total playtime 759 hours, 39 min
    799 recordings on 33 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $160.00
    20865 MB – total playtime 759 hours, 39 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 24 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Lux 351028 Dulcy (ZaSu Pitts, Gene Lockhart).mp3
    3. Lux 360601 Legionnaire Lady (Marlene Dietrich, Clark Gable).mp3
    4. Lux 360608 Thin Man (William Powell, Myrna Loy).mp3
    5. Lux 360615 Burlesque (Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler).mp3
    6. Lux 360622 Dark Angel (Merle Oberon, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    7. Lux 360629 Irene (Jeanette MacDonald, Regis Toomey).mp3
    8. Lux 360706 Voice Bugle Ann (Lionel Barrymoore, Anne Shirley).mp3
    9. Lux 360713 Brat (Marion Davies, Joel McCrea).mp3
    10. Lux 360720 Barker (Claudette Colbert, Walter Huston).mp3
    11. Lux 360727 Chained (Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone).mp3
    12. Lux 360817 Vagabond King (John Boles, Evelyn Venable).mp3
    13. Lux 360824 One Sun Afternoon (Jack Oakie, Helen Twelvetrees).mp3
    14. Lux 360831 Cheating Cheaters (George Raft, June Lang).mp3
    15. Lux 360907 Is Zat So (James Cagney_ Robert Armstrong).mp3
    16. Lux 360914 Quality Street (Brian Ahern, Ruth Chatterton).mp3
    17. Lux 360928 Plutocrat (Wallace Beery, Cecelia Parker).mp3
    18. Lux 361005 Elmer the Great (Joe E. Brown, June Travis).mp3
    19. Lux 361012 Curtain Rises (Ginger Rogers, Warren William).mp3
    20. Lux 361026 Sat Children (Robert Taylor, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    21. Lux 361102 Virginian (Gary Cooper, Charles Bickford).mp3
    22. Lux 361109 Alias Jimmy Valentine (Pat OBrien, Madge Evans).mp3
    23. Lux 361116 Conversation Piece (Lily Pons, Adolphe Menjo).mp3
    24. Lux 361123 Story of Luis Pasteur (Paul Muni, Fritz Lieber).mp3
    25. Lux 361130 Poly of the Circus (Loretta Young, James Gleason).mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 24 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Lux 361207 Grand Duchess and the Waiter (Robert Montgomery).mp3
    3. Lux 361214 Madame SansGene (Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor).mp3
    4. Lux 361221 Gold Diggers (J.Blondell, R.Powell) No Ending.mp3
    5. Lux 361228 Cavalcade (Herbert Marshall, Madeleine Carrol).mp3
    6. Lux 370104 Men in White (Spencer Tracy, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    7. Lux 370111 Gilded Lily (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    8. Lux 370118 Criminal Code (E.G.Robinson, Beverly Robert).mp3
    9. Lux 370125 Tonight or Never (J.MacDonald, Melvin Douglas).mp3
    10. Lux 370201 Mister Deeds Goes to Town (G.Cooper Jean Arthur).mp3
    11. Lux 370208 Graustark (Gene Raymond, Anna Sten).mp3
    12. Lux 370215 Brewsters Millions (Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone).mp3
    13. Lux 370222 Captain Blood (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    14. Lux 370301 Cappy Ricks (Charles Winninger, Richard Arlen).mp3
    15. Lux 370308 Madame Butterfly (Cary Grant, Grace Moore).mp3
    16. Lux 370315 Desire (Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    17. Lux 370322 Death Takes Holiday (F.March, Flo Eldridge).mp3
    18. Lux 370329 Dulcy (George Burns, Gracie Allen).mp3
    19. Lux 370405 Farewell to Arms (C.Gable, Josephine Hutchinson).mp3
    20. Lux 370412 Dodsworth (Walter Huston) End Cut.mp3
    21. Lux 370419 Alibi Ike (Joe E. Brown, Helen Chandler).mp3
    22. Lux 370426 Magnificent Obsession (R.Taylor, Irene Dunne).mp3
    23. Lux 370503 Hands Across the Table (C.Colbert, Joel McCrea).mp3
    24. Lux 370510 Mary of Scotland (Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone).mp3
    25. Lux 370517 Another Language (Bette Davis, Fred MacMurray).mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 23 shows – 629 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Lux 370524 Under Two Flags (H.Marshall, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    3. Lux 370531 Plainsman (Fredrick March, Jean Arthur).mp3
    4. Lux 370607 British Agent (Errol Flynn, Frances Farmer).mp3
    5. Lux 370614 Madame X (James Stewart, Ann Harding).mp3
    6. Lux 370621 Monsieur Beaucaire (Leslie Howard, Elissa Landi).mp3
    7. Lux 370628 Front Page (Walter Winchell, James Gleason).mp3
    8. Lux 370705 Beau Brummel (Robert Montgomery, Madge Evans).mp3
    9. Lux 370913 A Star is Born (Robert Montgomery, Janet Gaynor).mp3
    10. Lux 370920 Outsider (Fredrick March, Florence Eldridge).mp3
    11. Lux 371004 Dodsworth (Walter Huston, Nan Sunderland).mp3
    12. Lux 371011 Stella Dallas (Barbara Stanwyck, John Boles).mp3
    13. Lux 371018 Up Pops the Devil (Fred MacMurray, Madge Evans).mp3
    14. Lux 371025 Arrowsmith (Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray).mp3
    15. Lux 371101 A Free Soul (Ginger Rogers, Don Ameche).mp3
    16. Lux 371108 She Loves Me Not (Bing Crosby, Joan Blondell).mp3
    17. Lux 371115 Come and Get It (Edward Arnold, Ann Shirley).mp3
    18. Lux 371122 Petrified Forest (H.Marshall, Margaret Sullivan).mp3
    19. Lux 371129 Peg O My Heart (Marion Davies, Brian Aherne).mp3
    20. Lux 371206 These Three (Barbara Stanwyck, Errol Flynn).mp3
    21. Lux 371213 Thirty Nine Steps (Robert Montgomery, Ida Lupino).mp3
    22. Lux 371220 Song of Songs (MDietrich, Douglas Fairbanks jr).mp3
    23. Lux 371227 Beloved Enemy (Madeleine Carroll, Brian Aherne).mp3
    24. Lux 380103 Alice Adams (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray).mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 23 shows – 625 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 45 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Lux 380110 Enter Madame (Grace Moore, Basil Rathbone).mp3
    3. Lux 380117 Disraeli (George Arliss, Florence Arliss).mp3
    4. Lux 380124 Clarence (Bob Burns, Gail Patrick).mp3
    5. Lux 380131 Green Light (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland).mp3
    6. Lux 380207 Anna Christie (Joan Crawford, Spencer Tracy).mp3
    7. Lux 380214 Brief Moment (Ginger Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks).mp3
    8. Lux 380221 Romance (Madeleine Carroll, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    9. Lux 380228 Forsaking All Others (Bette Davis, Joel McCrea).mp3
    10. Lux 380307 Poppy (W.C. Fields, John Payne, Ann Shirley).mp3
    11. Lux 380314 Boss (Edward Arnold, Fay Wray).mp3
    12. Lux 380321 Man Who Played God (George Florence Arliss).mp3
    13. Lux 380328 Naughty Marietta (Lawrence Tibbett, Helen Jepson).mp3
    14. Lux 380404 Dark Victory (Barbara Stanwyck, Melvyn Douglas).mp3
    15. Lux 380411 Mary Burns, Fugitive (Miriam Hopkins, H.Fonda).mp3
    16. Lux 380418 Mad About Music (Deanna Durbin, Gail Patrick).mp3
    17. Lux 380425 Dangerous (Madeleine Carroll, Don Ameche).mp3
    18. Lux 380502 Prisoner of Shark Island (Gary Cooper, Fay Wray).mp3
    19. Lux 380509 My Man Godfrey (William Powell, Carol Lombard).mp3
    20. Lux 380516 Girl from 10th Avenue (L.Young, Geroge Brent).mp3
    21. Lux 380523 Letter (Merle Oberon, Walter Huston).mp3
    22. Lux 380530 I Met My Love Again (Joan Bennett, Henry Fonda).mp3
    23. Lux 380606 A Dolls House (Joan Crawford, Basil Rathbone).mp3
    24. Lux 380613 Theodora Goes Wild (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne).mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 23 shows – 625 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Lux 380926 Seven Keys to Baldpate (J.Benny, Mary Livingston).mp3
    3. Lux 381031 That Certain Woman (Carole Lombard Basil Rathbone.mp3
    4. Lux 381114 Buccaneer (Clark Gable).mp3
    5. Lux 381121 Confession (Miriam Hopkins).mp3
    6. Lux 381212 Scarlet Pimpernel (L.Howard, Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    7. Lux 381219 Kid Galahad (Wayne Morris, Edward G Robinson).mp3
    8. Lux 381226 Snow White (B.Gilber R.Atwel M.Olsen S.Buchanan).mp3
    9. Lux 390102 Perfect Specimen (Errol Flynn, Joan Blondell).mp3
    10. Lux 390109 Mayerling (William Powell. Janet Gaynor.mp3
    11. Lux 390116 Front Page Woman (P.Goddard, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    12. Lux 390123 Cardinal Richelieu (George Arliss Florence Arlis).mp3
    13. Lux 390130 Arkansas Traveler (Bob Burns, Fay Bainter).mp3
    14. Lux 390206 Count Monte Cristo (R.Montgomery, J. Hutchinson).mp3
    15. Lux 390213 Return of Peter Grimm (L.Barrymoore, M.OSullivan).mp3
    16. Lux 390220 Stage Door (Ginger Rogers, Rosalind Russell).mp3
    17. Lux 390227 Ceiling Zero (James Cagney, Ralph Bell).mp3
    18. Lux 390306 OneWay Passage (William Powell, Kaye Francis).mp3
    19. Lux 390313 So Big (Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster).mp3
    20. Lux 390320 It Happened One Night (C.Colbert, C.Gable) (R).mp3
    21. Lux 390320 It Happened One Night (C.Colbert, Clark Gable).mp3
    22. Lux 390327 A Mans Castle (Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy) (R).mp3
    23. Lux 390327 A Mans Castle (Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy).mp3
    24. Lux 390403 Silver Dollar (Edward Arnold, Anita Louise).mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 23 shows – 629 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 53 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Lux 390410 Lives Bengal Lancer (Errol Flynn, Brian Ahern).mp3
    3. Lux 390417 Bullets Ballots (Edward G. Robinson, Mary Astor).mp3
    4. Lux 390424 Broadway Bill (Robert Taylor, Francis Dee).mp3
    5. Lux 390501 Lady for a Day (Mae Robson, Warren William).mp3
    6. Lux 390508 Lifef Emile Zola (Paul Muni, J.Hutchinson).mp3
    7. Lux 390515 Tovarich (William Powell, Miriam Hopkins).mp3
    8. Lux 390522 Angels with Dirty Faces (J.Cagney, Pat OBrien).mp3
    9. Lux 390529 Only Angels Have Wings (C.Grant, Jean Arthur) (R).mp3
    10. Lux 390529 Only Angels Have Wings (Cary Grant, Jean Arthur).mp3
    11. Lux 390605 Prisoner Zenda (R.Colman, Doug Fairbanks Jr.).mp3
    12. Lux 390612 White Banners (Fay Bainter, Jackie Cooper).mp3
    13. Lux 390619 ExMrs Bradford (W.Powell, Claudette Colbert).mp3
    14. Lux 390626 Mrs. Moonlight (Janet Gaynor, George Brent).mp3
    15. Lux 390703 Bordertown (Don Ameche, Joan Bennett).mp3
    16. Lux 390710 Ruggles of Red Gap (C.Ruggles, C.Laughton).mp3
    17. Lux 390911 Awful Truth (Cary Grant, Claudette Colbert).mp3
    18. Lux 390918 Wuthering Heights (Barbara Stanwyck, Brian Ahern).mp3
    19. Lux 390925 She Married Her Boss (G.Rogers, George Brent).mp3
    20. Lux 391002 You Cant Take It with You (E.Arnold, R.Cummings).mp3
    21. Lux 391009 Sisters (Irene Dunne, David Niven).mp3
    22. Lux 391016 If I Were King (D.Fairbanks Jr, Francis Dee).mp3
    23. Lux 391023 Invitation to Happiness (F. MacMurray, M.Carroll).mp3
    24. Lux 391030 Old Maid (Loretta Young, Miriam Hopkins).mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 23 shows – 624 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Lux 391106 Only Yesterday (Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent).mp3
    3. Lux 391113 Champ (Noah Berry).mp3
    4. Lux 391120 Goodbye, Mister Chips (L.Olivier, James Hilton).mp3
    5. Lux 391127 Pygmalion (Jean Arthur, Brian Aherne).mp3
    6. Lux 391204 A Man to Remember (Bob Burns, Anita Louise).mp3
    7. Lux 391211 In Name Only (Carole Lombard, Cary Grant).mp3
    8. Lux 391218 Four Daughters (J.Garfield, P. R. Lane).mp3
    9. Lux 391225 Pinocchio (W.Catlett, Davey Lee, Cliff Edwards).mp3
    10. Lux 400101 Sorrell and Son (Herbert Marshall).mp3
    11. Lux 400108 Dark Victory ( Bette Davis, Spencer Tracy).mp3
    12. Lux 400115 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, Ralph Bellamy).mp3
    13. Lux 400122 Bachelor Mother (Ginger Rogers, Fredric March).mp3
    14. Lux 400129 Intermezzo (Herbert Marshall, Ingrid Bergman).mp3
    15. Lux 400205 Young At Heart (May Robson, Don Ameche).mp3
    16. Lux 400212 Sidewalks of London (C.Laughton, Elsa Lanchester).mp3
    17. Lux 400219 Made for Each Other (C.Lombard, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    18. Lux 400226 Swing High, Swing Low (R.Vallee, Una Merkle) (R).mp3
    19. Lux 400226 Swing High, Swing Low (Rudy Vallee, Una Merkle).mp3
    20. Lux 400304 Trade Winds (E.Flynn, Joan Bennett, Mary Astor).mp3
    21. Lux 400311 My Son, My Son (Madeleine Carroll, Brian Aherne).mp3
    22. Lux 400318 Rains Came (George Brent, Kay Francis).mp3
    23. Lux 400325 Remember the Night (F.MacMurray, B.Stanwyck).mp3
    24. Lux 400401 Love Affair (Irene Dunn, William Powell).mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 23 shows – 627 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 49 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. Lux 400408 Mama Loves Papa (Fibber McGee Molly) AFRS.mp3
    3. Lux 400408 Mama Loves Papa (Fibber McGee Molly).mp3
    4. Lux 400415 Underpup (Robert Cummings).mp3
    5. Lux 400422 Abe Lincoln in Illinois (R.Massey, Fay Bainter).mp3
    6. Lux 400429 Smilin Through (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck).mp3
    7. Lux 400506 Our Town (William Holden, Martha Scott).mp3
    8. Lux 400513 True Confessions (Loretta Young, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    9. Lux 400520 Midnight (Claudetta Colbert, Don Ameche).mp3
    10. Lux 400527 Vigil in the Night (O.de Havilland, H.Marshall).mp3
    11. Lux 400603 Alexanders Ragtime Band (A.Faye, Ray Milland).mp3
    12. Lux 400610 Till We Meet Again (Merle Oberon, Pat OBrien).mp3
    13. Lux 400617 After the Thin Man (William Powell, Myrna Loy).mp3
    14. Lux 400624 ShowBoat (I.Dunne Allan Jones Charles Wininger).mp3
    15. Lux 400701 Alias the Deacon (Bob Burns).mp3
    16. Lux 400708 To the Ladies (Helen Hayes, Otto Kruge).mp3
    17. Lux 400909 Manhattan Melodrama (W.Powell, D.Ameche, M.Loy).mp3
    18. Lux 400916 Love is News (Bob Hope, Madeleine Carroll).mp3
    19. Lux 400923 Westerner (Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan).mp3
    20. Lux 400930 His Girl Fri (Claudette Colbert Fred MacMurray).mp3
    21. Lux 401007 Wings of the Navy (George Brent, O.de Haviland).mp3
    22. Lux 401014 Littlest Rebel (Shirley Temple, Claude Rains).mp3
    23. Lux 401021 Lillian Russell (Alice Faye, Edward Arnold).mp3
    24. Lux 401028 Strike Up the Band (Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney).mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 23 shows – 626 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 47 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. Lux 401104 Wuthering Heights (Ida Lupino, Basil Rathbone).mp3
    3. Lux 401111 Nothing Sacred (D.Fairbanks Jr., Joan Bennett).mp3
    4. Lux 401118 Rage of Manhattan (Tyrone Power, Annabella).mp3
    5. Lux 401125 Jezebel (Loretta Young, Brian Donlevy).mp3
    6. Lux 401202 Knute Rockne, All American (P.OBrien, R.Reagan).mp3
    7. Lux 401209 My Favorite Wife (L.Olivier, Rosalind Russell).mp3
    8. Lux 401216 Fifth Avenue Girl (Ginger Rogers, Edward Arnold).mp3
    9. Lux 401223 Young Tom Edison (M.Rooney, Virginia Weilder).mp3
    10. Lux 401230 A Little Bit of Heaven (G.Jean, C. Abrey Smith).mp3
    11. Lux 410106 Vivacious Lady (Alice Faye, Don Ameche).mp3
    12. Lux 410113 Libel (Ronald Colman, Otto Kruger).mp3
    13. Lux 410120 Cowboy the Lady (Gene Autry, Meryl Oberon).mp3
    14. Lux 410127 Captain January (Shirley Temple, Gene Lockhart).mp3
    15. Lux 410203 Rebecca (R. Colman, Ida Lupino) Missing Intro..mp3
    16. Lux 410210 Moons Our Home (Carole Lombard, James Stewart).mp3
    17. Lux 410217 Johnny Apollo (Dorothy Lamour, Burgess Meredith).mp3
    18. Lux 410224 Whole Towns Talking (Fibber McGee Molly).mp3
    19. Lux 410303 My Bill (Kay Francis, Warren William).mp3
    20. Lux 410310 Awful Truth (Bob Hope, Constance Bennett).mp3
    21. Lux 410317 Cheers for Miss Bishop (M.Scott, W.Gargan) No Opn.mp3
    22. Lux 410324 Flight Command (Robert Taylor, Ruth Hussey).mp3
    23. Lux 410331 Stablemates (M.Rooney, Wallace Beery, Fay Wray).mp3
    24. Lux 410407 StandIn (Joan Bennett, Walter Baxter).mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 24 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. Lux 410414 Dust be My Destiny (John Garfield, Claire Trevor).mp3
    3. Lux 410421 Letter (Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    4. Lux 410428 Wife, Husband Friend (Geo. Brent, Pricilla Lane).mp3
    5. Lux 410505 Kitty Foyle (Ginger Rogers, Dennis Morgan).mp3
    6. Lux 410512 Craigs Wife (Rosalind Russell, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    7. Lux 410519 Model Wife (Joan Blondell, Dick Powell).mp3
    8. Lux 410526 Virginia City (Errol Flynn, Martha Scott)..mp3
    9. Lux 410602 They Drive Night (G.Raft L.Turner L.Ball) No opcl.mp3
    10. Lux 410609 Mr. Mrs. Smith (Bob Hope, Carole Lombard).mp3
    11. Lux 410616 Lady Cheyenne (L.Young, R.Preston, Ed. Arnold).mp3
    12. Lux 410623 Shop Around Corner (C.Colbert, Don Ameche).mp3
    13. Lux 410630 I Love You Again (Myrna Loy, Cary Grant).mp3
    14. Lux 410707 Algiers (Charles Boyer, Hedy Lamarr).mp3
    15. Lux 410908 Tom, Dick, Harry (G.Rogers, Burgess Meredith).mp3
    16. Lux 410915 Lost Horizon (Ronald Colman, Donald Crisp).mp3
    17. Lux 410922 Lydia (Merle Oberon, Edna May Oliver, J.Cotton).mp3
    18. Lux 410929 Third Finger Left Hand (D.Fairbanks Martha Scott).mp3
    19. Lux 411006 Unfinished Business (Irene Dunne, Don Ameche).mp3
    20. Lux 411013 Buck Privates (Bud Abbott, Lou Costello).mp3
    21. Lux 411020 Blood and Sand (Tyrone Power, Annabella).mp3
    22. Lux 411027 Her First Beau (Jackie Cooper, Jane Withers).mp3
    23. Lux 411103 Hired Wife (William Powell, Myrna Loy).mp3
    24. Lux 411110 Hold Back the Dawn (Charles Boyer, Susan Haywood).mp3
    25. Lux 411117 Merton Movies (Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland).mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 24 shows – 630 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 55 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. Lux 411124 Maisie Was a Lady (Ann Southern, Lew Ayers).mp3
    3. Lux 411201 A Mans Castle (Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman).mp3
    4. Lux 411208 Doctor Takes Wife (Melvyn Douglas, V.Bruce).mp3
    5. Lux 411215 All This and Heaven Too (Charles Boyer, B.Davis).mp3
    6. Lux 411222 Remember the Night (Fred MacMurray, Jean Arthur).mp3
    7. Lux 411229 Bride Came C.O.D. (Bob Hope, Hedy Lamarr).mp3
    8. Lux 420105 Smilin Through (J.MacDonald B.Aherne G.Raymond).mp3
    9. Lux 420112 Tale Two Cities (R.Colman, Edna Best, V.Felto).mp3
    10. Lux 420119 Devil and Miss Jones (L.Turner, L.Barrymore).mp3
    11. Lux 420126 Here Comes Jordon (C.Grant, C.Rains, E.Keyes).mp3
    12. Lux 420202 Skylark (C.Colbert, R.Milland, Brian Aherne).mp3
    13. Lux 420209 City for Conquest (A.Faye, R.Preston, Cy Kendell).mp3
    14. Lux 420216 Blossoms in the Dust (G.Garson, Walter Pidgeon).mp3
    15. Lux 420223 Appointment for Love (Charles Boyer, Myrna Loy).mp3
    16. Lux 420302 Great Lie (L.Young, George Brent, Mary Astor).mp3
    17. Lux 420309 Lady Eve (B.Stanwyck, R.Milland, Charles Coburn).mp3
    18. Lux 420316 Manpower (M.Dietrich, E.G.Robinson, George Raft).mp3
    19. Lux 420323 Strawberry Blonde (D.Ameche R.Hayworth G.Patrick).mp3
    20. Lux 420330 I Wanted Wings (R.Milland, W.Holden, V.Lake).mp3
    21. Lux 420406 Fighting 69th (P.OBrien, R.Preston, R.Bellamy).mp3
    22. Lux 420413 NW Mounted Police (G.Cooper, P.Goddard) No opcls.mp3
    23. Lux 420420 One Foot in Heaven (Fredric March, Martha Scott).mp3
    24. Lux 420427 Penny Serenade (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck).mp3
    25. Lux 420504 Suspicion (J.Fontaine, Brian Aherne, Nigel Bruce).mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 23 shows – 623 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. Lux 420511 Last of Mrs. Cheyney (N.Shearer, Walter Pidgeon).mp3
    3. Lux 420518 Man to Remember (L.Barrymore, A.Louise, G.Ford).mp3
    4. Lux 420525 Test Pilot (R.Taylor, R.Hayworth, Robert Preston).mp3
    5. Lux 420601 Ball of Fire (Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    6. Lux 420608 Arise My Love (Loretta Young, Ray Milland).mp3
    7. Lux 420615 You Belong To Me (Merle Oberon, George Brent).mp3
    8. Lux 420622 Bedtime Story (Loretta Young, Don Ameche).mp3
    9. Lux 420629 Champ (W.Beery, Josephine Hutchinson, Noah Beery).mp3
    10. Lux 420706 Love Affair (Charles Boyer, Irene Dunne).mp3
    11. Lux 420713 Hm Pulham, Esq (Hedy Lamarr, Robert Young).mp3
    12. Lux 420914 This Above All (Tyrone Power, Barbara Stanwyck).mp3
    13. Lux 420921 How Green Was My Valley (W.Pidgeon, Donald Crisp).mp3
    14. Lux 420928 Magnificent Dope (D.Ameche, H.Fonda, Lynn Bari).mp3
    15. Lux 421005 Love Crazy (W.Powell, Hedy Lamarr, Gale Gordon).mp3
    16. Lux 421012 Morning Glory (J.Garland, J.Payne, Adolph Menjou).mp3
    17. Lux 421019 My Favorite Blonde (Bob Hope, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    18. Lux 421026 Wake Island (Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston).mp3
    19. Lux 421102 A Womans Face (I.Lupino, B.Aherne, Conrad Veldt).mp3
    20. Lux 421116 To Mary with Love (I.Dunne R.Milland Otto Kruger).mp3
    21. Lux 421123 Gay Sisters (B.Stanwyck, R.Young) Broken Discs.mp3
    22. Lux 421130 Broadway (George Raft, Lloyd Nolan, Janet Blair).mp3
    23. Lux 421207 War Against Mrs. Hadley (F.Bainter, E.Arnold).mp3
    24. Lux 421214 Algiers (Charles Boyer, L.Young, J. Carroll Nash).mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 24 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. Lux 421221 Pied Piper (F.Morgan, R.McDowall, Anne Baxter).mp3
    3. Lux 421228 A Star is Born (Judy Garland, Walter Pidgeon).mp3
    4. Lux 430104 Bugle Sounds (Wallace Beery, Marjorie Rambeau).mp3
    5. Lux 430111 She Knew All the Answers (J.Bennett, P.Foster).mp3
    6. Lux 430118 My Gal Sal (Mary Martin Dick Powell Norman Field).mp3
    7. Lux 430125 This Gun Hire (A.Ladd, J.Blondell, Laird Cregar).mp3
    8. Lux 430201 ShowOff (Hal Peary, Una Merkle).mp3
    9. Lux 430208 Maltese Falcon (E.G.Robinson G.Patrick L.Cregar).mp3
    10. Lux 430215 Are Husbands Necessary (B.Burns, G.Allen).mp3
    11. Lux 430222 This Is the Army (All Soldier Cast).mp3
    12. Lux 430301 Lady is Willing (Kay Francis, George Brent).mp3
    13. Lux 430308 Reap Wild Wind (P.Goddard R.Milland J.Carradine).mp3
    14. Lux 430315 Libel (Edna Best, Ronald Colman, Otto Kruger).mp3
    15. Lux 430322 Each Dawn I Die (G.Raft, F.Tone, L.Bari).mp3
    16. Lux 430329 Crossroads (Lana Turner, Pierre Aumont).mp3
    17. Lux 430405 Road to Morocco (Bob Crosby, Bing Hope).mp3
    18. Lux 430412 Once upon a Honeymoon (C.Colbert B.Aherne).mp3
    19. Lux 430419 A Night to Remember (Ann Southern, Robert Young).mp3
    20. Lux 430426 Lady Has Plans (William Powell, Rita Hayworth).mp3
    21. Lux 430503 Navy Comes Through (Pat OBrien, Ruth Hussey).mp3
    22. Lux 430510 Now, Voyager (Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid).mp3
    23. Lux 430517 Talk of the Town (Ronald Colman, Jean Arthur).mp3
    24. Lux 430524 Hitlers Children (Bonita Granville, Otto Kruger).mp3
    25. Lux 430531 Major and the Minor (Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland).mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 24 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 14: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 430607 My Friend Flicka (Roddy McDowall, George Brent).mp3
    3. Lux 430614 Philadelphia Story (Robert Taylor, Loretta Young).mp3
    4. Lux 430621 In Which We Serve (Ronald Colman, Edna Best).mp3
    5. Lux 430628 Great Mans Lady (Barbara Stanwyck, Joseph Cotton).mp3
    6. Lux 430705 My Sister Eileen (Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne).mp3
    7. Lux 430712 Air Force (George Raft, Harry Carey).mp3
    8. Lux 430913 Phantom of Opera (Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster).mp3
    9. Lux 430920 Flight for Freedom (R.Russell, George Brent).mp3
    10. Lux 430927 Ladies in Retirement (Ida Lupino, Dame MayWhitty).mp3
    11. Lux 431004 Pride of the Yankees (G.Cooper, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    12. Lux 431011 Heaven Can Wait (Don Ameche, Maureen OHara).mp3
    13. Lux 431018 Mister Lucky (Cary Grant, Larraine Day) (R).mp3
    14. Lux 431018 Mister Lucky (Cary Grant, Larraine Day).mp3
    15. Lux 431024 Slightly Dangerous (Lana Turner, Victure Mature).mp3
    16. Lux 431101 So Proudly We Hail (C.Colbert, Veronica Lake).mp3
    17. Lux 431107 Salute to the Marines (Fay Bainter, W.Beery) (R).mp3
    18. Lux 431107 Salute to the Marines (Fay Bainter, W.Beery).mp3
    19. Lux 431115 Hello Frisco Hello (A.Faye, R.Young, E.Marr) (R).mp3
    20. Lux 431115 Hello Frisco Hello (A.Faye, R.Young, Eddie Marr).mp3
    21. Lux 431122 China (Loretta Young, Alan Ladd, William Bendix).mp3
    22. Lux 431129 Navy Comes Through (Pat OBrien, Ruth Warrick).mp3
    23. Lux 431206 Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) (R).mp3
    24. Lux 431206 Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon)..mp3
    25. Lux 431213 Five Graves to Cairo (Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter).mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 24 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 15: $5.00
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    2. Lux 431220 Dixie (B.Crosby D.Lamour Barry Sullivan).mp3
    3. Lux 431227 Kathleen (Shirley Temple, Herbert Marshall).mp3
    4. Lux 440103 Shadow of a Doubt (William Powell, Teresa Wright).mp3
    5. Lux 440110 Constant Nymph (Charles Boyer, Maureen OSullivan).mp3
    6. Lux 440124 Casablanca (Alan Ladd, Hedy Lamarr, John Lodar).mp3
    7. Lux 440130 Random Harvest (Ronald Colman, Greer Garson).mp3
    8. Lux 440207 His Butlers Sister (Deanna Durbin, Pat OBrien).mp3
    9. Lux 440207 His Butlers Sister (E.Durbin, P.OBrien) (R).mp3
    10. Lux 440214 Fallen Sparrow (Robert Young, Maureen OHara).mp3
    11. Lux 440221 Wake Up and Live (Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Maxwell).mp3
    12. Lux 440228 Guadalcanal Diary (P.Foster, William Bendix) (R).mp3
    13. Lux 440228 Guadalcanal Diary (P.Foster, William Bendix).mp3
    14. Lux 440306 Letter (B.Davis, Herbert Marshall, Vincent Price).mp3
    15. Lux 440313 In Old Oklahoma (Roy Rogers, Martha Scott).mp3
    16. Lux 440320 Hard Way (Miriam Hopkins, Franchot Tone).mp3
    17. Lux 440327 Phantom Lady (Brian Aherne, Ella Rains) (R).mp3
    18. Lux 440327 Phantom Lady (Brian Aherne, Ella Rains).mp3
    19. Lux 440403 Destroyer (Edward G. Robinson, Dennis OKeefe).mp3
    20. Lux 440410 Happy Land (Don Ameche, Frances Dee).mp3
    21. Lux 440417 Coney Island (A.Ladd, D.Lamour, Chester Morris).mp3
    22. Lux 440424 This Land is Mine (C.Laughton, M.OSullivan).mp3
    23. Lux 440501 Appointment for Love (P.Lukas, O.de Havilland,).mp3
    24. Lux 440508 Penny Serenade (Irene Dunne, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    25. Lux 440515 Action in the North Atlantic (G.Raft, R.Massey).mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 24 shows – 630 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 56 minutes
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      Volume 16: $5.00
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    2. Lux 440522 Springtime Rockies (B.Grable, D.Powell)BE Cut.mp3
    3. Lux 440529 Old Acquaintance (Alexis Smith, Miriam Hopkins).mp3
    4. Lux 440605 Jane Eyre (Orson Welles, Loretta Young).mp3
    5. Lux 440612 Naughty Marietta (J.MacDonald, Nelson Eddy) (R).mp3
    6. Lux 440612 Naughty Marietta (J.MacDonald, Nelson Eddy) BECut.mp3
    7. Lux 440619 Lost Angel (Margaret OBrien, James Craig).mp3
    8. Lux 440625 Christmas in July (Dick Powel, Linda Darnel).mp3
    9. Lux 440703 It Happened Tomorrow (Don Ameche, Anne Baxter).mp3
    10. Lux 440904 Maytime (Nelson Eddy, Jeanette MacDonald).mp3
    11. Lux 440911 Break of Hearts (Orson Welles, Rita Hayworth).mp3
    12. Lux 440918 Suspicion (Olivia de Havilland, William Powell).mp3
    13. Lux 440925 Lucky Partners (Don Ameche, Lucille Ball).mp3
    14. Lux 441002 Home in Indiana (W. Brennan, Charlotte Greenwood).mp3
    15. Lux 441009 In Old Chicago (Dorothy Lamour, Robert Young).mp3
    16. Lux 441016 Seventh Heaven (Jennifer Jones, Van Johnson).mp3
    17. Lux 441023 Story of Dr Wassell (Gary Cooper Barbara Britton).mp3
    18. Lux 441030 Standing Room Only (P.Goddard Fred MacMurray) (R).mp3
    19. Lux 441030 Standing Room Only (P.Goddard, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    20. Lux 441106 Pied Piper (Frank Morgan, Signe Hasso).mp3
    21. Lux 441113 Magnificent Obsession (C.Colbert, Don Ameche).mp3
    22. Lux 441120 It Started With Eve (C.Laughton, Susanna Foster).mp3
    23. Lux 441127 Dark Waters (Merle Oberon, Preston Foster).mp3
    24. Lux 441204 Unguarded Hour (Robert Montgomery, Larraine Day).mp3
    25. Lux 441211 Casanova Brown (Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell).mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 23 shows – 625 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
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      Volume 17: $5.00
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    2. Lux 441218 Berkeley Square (R.Colman, Maureen OSullivan).mp3
    3. Lux 441225 Vagabond King ( Dennis Morgan, Kathyrn Grayson).mp3
    4. Lux 450101 Bride by Mistake (L.Day, Marsha Hunt John Hodiak).mp3
    5. Lux 450108 I Never Left Home (Bob Hope, Jerry Colonna).mp3
    6. Lux 450115 Master Race (George Coulouris, Nancy Gates).mp3
    7. Lux 450122 Tender Comrade (Olivia de Havilland, June Duprez).mp3
    8. Lux 450129 Lady in the Dark (Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland).mp3
    9. Lux 450205 Laura (Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney, Vincent Price).mp3
    10. Lux 450212 For Whom the Bell Tolls (I.Bergman, Gary Cooper).mp3
    11. Lux 450219 Sunday Dinner for Soldier (J.Hodiak Anne Baxter).mp3
    12. Lux 450226 Bedtime Story (Cary Grant, Greer Garson).mp3
    13. Lux 450305 Disputed Passage (Ladd A.Tamiroff A.Richards) (R).mp3
    14. Lux 450312 Devil and Miss Jones (F.Morgan, Linda Darnell).mp3
    15. Lux 450319 Grissleys Millions (Pat OBrien, Lynn Bari).mp3
    16. Lux 450326 A Tale of Two Cities (O.Welles, Rosemary DeCamp).mp3
    17. Lux 450402 Swanee River (Al Jolson, Dennis Morgan).mp3
    18. Lux 450409 Suspect (Charles Laughton, Ella Raines).mp3
    19. Lux 450416 Only Yesterday (Ida Lupino, Robert Young).mp3
    20. Lux 450423 Petrified Forest (Ronald Colman, Susan Hayward).mp3
    21. Lux 450430 Moontide (Humphrey Bogart, Virginia Bruce).mp3
    22. Lux 450507 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, James Dunne) (R).mp3
    23. Lux 450507 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, James Dunne).mp3
    24. Lux 450514 Alexander Graham Bell (Don Ameche, June Duprez).mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 24 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. Lux 450521 And Now Tomorrow (Alan Ladd, Loretta Young).mp3
    3. Lux 450528 Kentucky (L.Day, Walter Brennan, Tom Drake).mp3
    4. Lux 450604 Intermezzo (Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    5. Lux 450611 Murder, My Sweet (D.Powell, C.Trevor, G.Mohr).mp3
    6. Lux 450618 Canterville Ghost (C.Laughton, M.OBrien, G.Mohr).mp3
    7. Lux 450625 Woman in Window (E.G.Robinson J.Bennett D.Duryea).mp3
    8. Lux 450827 Practically Yours (C.Colbert, Ray Milland) (R).mp3
    9. Lux 450827 Practically Yours (C.Colbert, Ray Milland).mp3
    10. Lux 450903 Enchanted Cottage (Robert Young, Dorothy McGuire).mp3
    11. Lux 450917 Christmas Holiday (Loretta Young, William Holden).mp3
    12. Lux 451001 Mr Skeffington (Bette Davis).mp3
    13. Lux 451008 Roughly Speaking (Rosaly Russell, Jack Carson).mp3
    14. Lux 451015 Medal for Benny (D.Lamour, Arturo deCordova) AFRS.mp3
    15. Lux 451029 Affaires of Susan (Joan Fontaine, George Brent).mp3
    16. Lux 451105 Destry Rides Again (James Stewart Joan Blondell).mp3
    17. Lux 451112 Guest in the House (Robert Young, Anne Baxter).mp3
    18. Lux 451119 Keys of the Kingdom (Ronald Colman, Ann Harding).mp3
    19. Lux 451126 Salty ORoarke (Alan Ladd, William Demarest).mp3
    20. Lux 451203 Blood on the Sun (James Cagney, Silvia Sidney).mp3
    21. Lux 451210 Guest Wife (Olivia de Haviland, Don Ameche).mp3
    22. Lux 451217 Made for Each Other (James Stewart, Marsha Hunt).mp3
    23. Lux 451224 Ill Be Seeing You (Joseph Cotten, Dot McGuire).mp3
    24. Lux 451231 Pride of the Marines (J.Garfield, Eleanor Parker).mp3
    25. Lux 460107 You Came Along (Van Johnson, Lizabeth Scott).mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 25 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 19: $5.00
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    2. Lux 460114 Valley of Decision (Greer Garson, Gregory Peck).mp3
    3. Lux 460121 Johnny Eager (R.Taylor, S.Peters, VV.Heflin).mp3
    4. Lux 460128 Clock (Judy Garland, John Hodiak) (R).mp3
    5. Lux 460128 Clock (Judy Garland, John Hodiak) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 460204 This Love of Ours (Rita Hayworth, Charles Calden).mp3
    7. Lux 460211 Now Voyager (Bette Davis, Gregory Peck).mp3
    8. Lux 460218 Captain January (M.OBrien L.Barrymoore) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 460225 Thunderhead, Son of Flicka (R.McDowall, P.Foster).mp3
    10. Lux 460304 Amazing Mrs Holliday (G.Tierney, W.Brennan) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 460311 Presenting Lily Mars (J.Allyson, Van Heflin) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 460318 A Tale of Two Cities (R.Colman, H.Angel) AFRS.mp3
    13. Lux 460325 Wonderman (Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo) (R).mp3
    14. Lux 460401 Barnacle Bill (Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main) (R).mp3
    15. Lux 460408 Honky Tonk (Lana Turner, John Hodiak).mp3
    16. Lux 460415 Whistle Stop (Alan Ladd, Evelyn Keyes).mp3
    17. Lux 460422 Love Letters (Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    18. Lux 460429 Gaslight (Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer).mp3
    19. Lux 460506 Tomorrow Forever (Claudette Colbert Van Heflin).mp3
    20. Lux 460513 Pardon My Past (F.MacMurray, Margurite Chapman).mp3
    21. Lux 460520 Deadline at Dawn (Joan Blondell, Paul Lukas).mp3
    22. Lux 460527 Music for Millions (M.OBrien, J.Durante) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 460603 None but Lonely Heart (E.Barrymoore, B.Aherne).mp3
    24. Lux 460610 Now Tomorrow (Olivia de Havilland, John Lund) HRT.mp3
    25. Lux 460617 Fallen Angel (Linda Darnell, Maureen OHara) HRT.mp3
    26. Lux 460624 State Fair (J.Crain, D.Haymes, Vivian Blaine).mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 27 shows – 693 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 13 minutes
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      Volume 20: $5.00
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    2. Lux 460826 Without Reservations (C.Colbert, R.Cummings) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 460902 Our Vines Have Tender Grapes (Margaret OBrien).mp3
    4. Lux 460909 Barretts of Winpole Street (L.Young, B.Aherne).mp3
    5. Lux 460915 Madam Curie (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) (R).mp3
    6. Lux 460915 Madam Curie (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 460923 Sentimental Journey (John Payne, Lynn Barri).mp3
    8. Lux 460930 Coney Island (Bette Grable, Victure Mature).mp3
    9. Lux 461007 Dragonwyck (Vincent Price, Gene Tierney) HRT.mp3
    10. Lux 461014 To Have and Have Not (H.Bogart, Lauren Bacall).mp3
    11. Lux 461021 Miss Susie Slagles (J.Caufield, W.Holden) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 461028 From this Day Forward (J.Fontaine, M.Stevens).mp3
    13. Lux 461104 Ive Always Loved You (J.Cotten, C.McLeod).mp3
    14. Lux 461111 Gallant Journey (Glenn Ford, Janet Blair).mp3
    15. Lux 461118 OSS (Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake).mp3
    16. Lux 461125 Mrs. Parkington (G.Garson, W.Pidgeon) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 461202 Meet Me in Saint Louis (J.Garland, M.OBrien).mp3
    18. Lux 461209 Together Again (Irene Dunne, Walter Pidgeon) AFRS.mp3
    19. Lux 461216 Killer Cates (J.Benny, G.Patrick, A.Reed).mp3
    20. Lux 461223 Do You Love Me (Dick Haymes, Maureen OHara) HRT.mp3
    21. Lux 461230 CrackUp (Pat OBrien, Lynn Barrie).mp3
    22. Lux 470106 553 Till the End of Time.mp3
    23. Lux 470113 554 The Green Years.mp3
    24. Lux 470120 Anna the King of Siam (Rex Harrison, Irene Dunne).mp3
    25. Lux 470127 556 Cluny Brown.mp3
    26. Lux 470203 National Velvet (Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney).mp3
    27. Lux 470210 Frenchmens Creek (Joan Fontaine, David Niven) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 470217 Devotion (J.Wyman, V.Bruce, Vincent Price) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 26 shows – 687 MB – total playtime 25 hours
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      Volume 21: $5.00
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    2. Lux 470224 Kitty (Paulette Goddard, Patrick Knowles).mp3
    3. Lux 470303 Somewhere in the Night (John Hodiak, Lynn Bari).mp3
    4. Lux 470310 Its a Wonderful Life (James Stewart, Donna Reed).mp3
    5. Lux 470317 Leave Her to Heaven (Gene Tierney, Cornell Wilde).mp3
    6. Lux 470324 Smoky (Joel McCrea, Constance Moore) AFRS.mp3
    7. Lux 470407 Alexanders Ragtime Band (Al Jolson, Dinah Shore).mp3
    8. Lux 470414 Monsieur Beaucaire (Bob Hope, Joan Caulfield) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 470421 My Reputation (Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent).mp3
    10. Lux 470428 My Darling Clementine (Henry Fonda Richard Conte).mp3
    11. Lux 470505 Egg and I (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray).mp3
    12. Lux 470512 Johnny Oclock (Dick Powell, Lee J. Cobb).mp3
    13. Lux 470519 It Happened 5th Ave (V.Moore, D.DeFore) AFRS.mp3
    14. Lux 470526 Vacation from Marriage (D.Kerr, V.Heflin).mp3
    15. Lux 470602 Jazz Singer (Al Jolson, Gail Patrick).mp3
    16. Lux 470609 One More Tomorrow (Jane Wyman, Dennis Morgan).mp3
    17. Lux 470609 One More Tomorrow (rehearsal).mp3
    18. Lux 470616 Other Love (B.Stanwyck, G.Brent, R.Conte).mp3
    19. Lux 470623 Cynthia (Elizabeth Taylor, G.Murphy, Mary Astor).mp3
    20. Lux 470825 A Stolen Life (Bette Davis, Glenn Ford) No OpCls.mp3
    21. Lux 470901 579 Three Wise Fools.mp3
    22. Lux 470908 Margie (Jeanne Crain, Glen Langan).mp3
    23. Lux 470915 Seventh Veil (Ida Lupino, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    24. Lux 470922 Two Years Before the Mast (A.Ladd, Wanda Hendrix).mp3
    25. Lux 470929 Web (Vincent Price, Ella Rains, Edmond OBrien).mp3
    26. Lux 471006 Undercurrent (Kathrine Hepburn, Robert Taylor).mp3
    27. Lux 471013 Great Expectation (R.Cummings, Ann Blyth) No OpCl.mp3

    1. Volume 22 – 26 shows – 692 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 10 minutes
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      Volume 22: $5.00
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    2. Lux 471020 13 Rue Madeleine (R.Montgomery, L.Nolan) No OpCl.mp3
    3. Lux 471027 Stairway To Heaven (Ray Milland, Ann Blyth).mp3
    4. Lux 471103 Singapore (Fred MacMurray, Ava Gardner).mp3
    5. Lux 471110 Dark Corner (Lucille Ball, Mark Stevens).mp3
    6. Lux 471117 Nobody Lives Forever (Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan).mp3
    7. Lux 471124 Saratoga Trunk (Ida Lupino, Zachery Scott).mp3
    8. Lux 471201 Ghost Mrs Muir (Charles Boyer, Madeleine Carrol).mp3
    9. Lux 471208 Ride the Pink Horse (Robert Montgomery).mp3
    10. Lux 471215 Magic Town (James Stewart, Jane Wyman).mp3
    11. Lux 471222 Miracle on 34th Street (M.OHara, Edmond Gwenn).mp3
    12. Lux 471229 Anchors Aweigh (F.Sinatra G.Kelly, K.Grayson).mp3
    13. Lux 480105 Farmers Daughter (Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    14. Lux 480112 Kiss of Death (Victor Mature, Colleen Gray).mp3
    15. Lux 480119 Yearling (Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman).mp3
    16. Lux 480126 Notorious (Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten).mp3
    17. Lux 480202 Mother Wore Tights (Bette Grable, Dan Dailey).mp3
    18. Lux 480209 Lady in the Lake (R.Montgomery, A.Totter, G.Mohr).mp3
    19. Lux 480216 Al Jolson Story (Al Jolson, Evelyn Keyes).mp3
    20. Lux 480301 Bad Bascombe (Wallace Beery, Margaret OBrien).mp3
    21. Lux 480308 Spellbound (Joseph Cotten, Valle, Gerald Mohr).mp3
    22. Lux 480329 I Love You Again (William Powell, Ann Southern).mp3
    23. Lux 480405 Daisy Kenyon (I.Lupino, J.Chandler, D.Andrews).mp3
    24. Lux 480412 Perfect Marriage (R.Milland, L.Scott, G.Mohr).mp3
    25. Lux 480419 Random Harvest (Ronald Colman, Greer Garson).mp3
    26. Lux 480426 Dear Ruth (Joan Caufield, William Holden).mp3
    27. Lux 480503 Cloak and Dagger (Ronald Reagan, Lili Palmer).mp3

    1. Volume 23 – 26 shows – 659 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 58 minutes
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      Volume 23: $5.00
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    2. Lux 480510 Intrigue (George Raft, June Haverick).mp3
    3. Lux 480524 Walk Alone (Chandler B.Lancaster L.Scott)No OpCl.mp3
    4. Lux 480531 Miracle of Bells (Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra).mp3
    5. Lux 480614 Jane Eyre (Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery).mp3
    6. Lux 480830 622 I Remember Mama.mp3
    7. Lux 480913 Another Part of Forest (Walter Huston, V.Price).mp3
    8. Lux 480920 Gentlemans Agreement (Gegrory Peck, Ann Baxter).mp3
    9. Lux 481015 Double Indemnity (B.Lancaster, J.Bennett) Not LUX.mp3
    10. Lux 481018 Razors Edge (Ida Lupino, Mark Stevens) No OpCl.mp3
    11. Lux 481108 Pitfall (D.Powell, J.Wyatt, Lizbeth Scott) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 481115 Body Soul (John Garfield, Jane Wyman).mp3
    13. Lux 481122 Big Clock (Ray Milland, Maureen OSullivan).mp3
    14. Lux 481129 Brief Encounter (G.Garson, Van Heflin) No OpCl.mp3
    15. Lux 481206 Foxes of Harrow (Maureen OHara, John Hodiak).mp3
    16. Lux 481213 Seventh Veil (Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery).mp3
    17. Lux 481220 Miracle on 34th Street (M.OHara, Edmond Gwynn).mp3
    18. Lux 481227 Luck of the Irish (Ann Baxter, Dana Andrews).mp3
    19. Lux 490110 Velvet Touch (S.Greenstreet, G.Mohr) No OpCl.mp3
    20. Lux 490131 Street with No Name (Mark Stevens, R.Widmark).mp3
    21. Lux 490214 Sitting Pretty (Clifton Webb, Robert Young).mp3
    22. Lux 490228 Apartment for Peggy (Jeanne Crain, W.Holden).mp3
    23. Lux 490307 Red River (John Wayne, Joanne Dru, W.Brennan).mp3
    24. Lux 490314 What a Woman (Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings).mp3
    25. Lux 490418 Sierra Madre (H.Bogart F.Lovejoy W.Huston G.Mohr).mp3
    26. Lux 490425 When My Baby Smiles Me (Bette Grable, Dan Dailey).mp3
    27. Lux 490509 Paradine Case (Joseph Cotten Valli Louis Jourdan).mp3

    1. Volume 24 – 24 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 4 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 24: $5.00
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    2. Lux 490516 April Showers (Jack Carson, Dorothy Lamour).mp3
    3. Lux 490523 To the Ends of Earth (Dick Powell, Signe Hasso).mp3
    4. Lux 490606 Mildred Pierce (Rosalyn Russell, Zachary Scott).mp3
    5. Lux 490613 Bachelor the Bobby Soxer (C.Grant, S.Temple).mp3
    6. Lux 490620 Merton of the Movies (Mickey Rooney, Arlene Dahl).mp3
    7. Lux 490627 Every Girl Should Marry (C.Grant, G.Mohr) HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 490829 June Bride (James Stewart, Bette Davis).mp3
    9. Lux 490905 Saigon (John Lund, Lizabeth Scott) (HRT).mp3
    10. Lux 490912 Deep Waters (Dana Andrews, Donna Reed).mp3
    11. Lux 490919 Green Dolphin Street (Lana Turner, Van Heflin).mp3
    12. Lux 490926 Emperor Waltz (Bing Crosby, Ann Blyth).mp3
    13. Lux 491003 Happens Every Spring (R.Milland Colleen Townsend).mp3
    14. Lux 491010 Mr Blandings Builds Dream Home (C.Grant, I.Dunne).mp3
    15. Lux 491017 Mother was a Freshman (Loretta Young Van Johnson).mp3
    16. Lux 491024 Scudda Hoo Scudda Hay (June Haver Lon McAllister).mp3
    17. Lux 491031 Portrait of Jenny (Joseph Cotten, Anne Baxter).mp3
    18. Lux 491107 High Wall (Van Heflin, Janet Leigh).mp3
    19. Lux 491114 Mother Wore Tights (B.Grable, Dan Daily)bad snd.mp3
    20. Lux 491121 Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope, L.Ball, G.Mohr) HRT.mp3
    21. Lux 491128 Key Largo (Edward G. Robinson, Claire Trevor).mp3
    22. Lux 491219 Bishops Wife (Tyrone Power, David Niven).mp3
    23. Lux 500109 Sorry, Wrong Number (B.Stanwyck, Burt Lancaster).mp3
    24. Lux 500116 Mr Belvedere Goes to College (C.Webb, C.Gray).mp3
    25. Lux 500123 Ill Be Yours (W.Bendix, A.Blyth, R.Cummings) AFRS.mp3

    1. Volume 25 – 24 shows – 626 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 46 minutes
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      Volume 25: $5.00
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    2. Lux 500130 California (Ray Milland, Lizabeth Scott) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 500213 Stratton Story (James Stewart, June Allyson).mp3
    4. Lux 500220 Letter to Three Wives (P.Douglas, Linda Darnell).mp3
    5. Lux 500227 Easy to Wed (Van Johnson, Ester Williams).mp3
    6. Lux 500306 Slatterys Hurricane (M.OHara, Richard Conte).mp3
    7. Lux 500313 Little Women (J.Allyson, M.OBrien, P.Lawford).mp3
    8. Lux 500320 Father Was a Fullback (P.Douglas, M.OHara).mp3
    9. Lux 500327 Man Who Came to Dinner (Clifton Webb, L.Ball).mp3
    10. Lux 500403 Come to the Stable (Loretta Young, H.Marlow)Tinny.mp3
    11. Lux 500410 Snake Pit (O.de Havilland, M.Stevens, Leo Den).mp3
    12. Lux 500424 Mrs. Mike (Dick Powell, Gene Tierney)No OpenClose.mp3
    13. Lux 500501 All My Sons (Burt Lancaster, Edward Arnold).mp3
    14. Lux 500508 Life of Riley (William Bendix, Rosemary DeCamp).mp3
    15. Lux 500522 Jolson Sings Again (Al Jolson, Barbara Hale).mp3
    16. Lux 500612 Corn is Green (Olivia de Havilland).mp3
    17. Lux 500619 John Loves Mary (Ronald Reagan, Patricia ONeal).mp3
    18. Lux 500911 Heiress (Olivia de Havilland, Louie Calhurn) AFRS.mp3
    19. Lux 501016 House of Strangers (A.Baxter, R.Conte) AFRS.mp3
    20. Lux 501030 Double Indemnity (Barbara Stanwyck, F.MacMurray).mp3
    21. Lux 501106 Rebecca (Laurence Olivier, Vivian Leigh).mp3
    22. Lux 501113 Wabash Avenue (B.Grable, V.Mature, G.Mohr) AFRS.mp3
    23. Lux 501127 Youre My Everything (Anne Baxter, Phil Harris).mp3
    24. Lux 501218 Holiday Affair (Larraine Day, Robert Mitchum).mp3
    25. Lux 501225 Wizard of Oz (Judy Garland).mp3

    1. Volume 26 – 27 shows – 695 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 19 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 26: $5.00
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    2. Lux 510108 Once More My Darling (Van Heflin, Anne Blyth).mp3
    3. Lux 510122 Broken Arrow (B.Lancaster, J.Chandler, D.Paget).mp3
    4. Lux 510129 Treasure Island (J.Mason, B.Drisco, Nigel Bruce).mp3
    5. Lux 510212 Battleground (Vance Johnson, John Hodiak) No OpCl.mp3
    6. Lux 510219 Dear Wife (William Holden, Joan Caulfield).mp3
    7. Lux 510305 Panic in the Street (R.Widmark, Paul Douglas).mp3
    8. Lux 510312 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (John Wayne, Mel Ferrer).mp3
    9. Lux 510326 Seventh Heaven (Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell).mp3
    10. Lux 510402 Where the Sidewalk Ends (A.Baxter, D.Andrews).mp3
    11. Lux 510409 Third Man (Joseph Cotten, Evelyn Keyes).mp3
    12. Lux 510430 744 Down to the Sea in Ships.mp3
    13. Lux 510507 Cheaper by the Dozen (Clifton Webb) ..mp3
    14. Lux 510604 749 A Ticket to Tomahawk.mp3
    15. Lux 510618 Edward My Son (Walter Pidgeon, Deborah Kerr) AFRS.mp3
    16. Lux 510625 Reformer and Redhead (Dick Powell, June Allyson).mp3
    17. Lux 510903 754 Payment on Demand.mp3
    18. Lux 510910 Fancy Pants (Bob Hope, Lucille Ball).mp3
    19. Lux 510917 Sunset Boulevard (Gloria Swanson, William Holden).mp3
    20. Lux 510924 Movietime, USA (50th Anniv of Motion Pictures).mp3
    21. Lux 511001 All About Eve (Bette Davis, Gary Merrill) (R).mp3
    22. Lux 511015 Mr. 880 (Edmond Gwenn, Dana Andrews, Mala Powers).mp3
    23. Lux 511022 Margie (Jeanne Crain, Hugh Marlowe, Jane Darwell).mp3
    24. Lux 511029 Id Climb Highest Mountain (Ann Blyth, Dennis Day).mp3
    25. Lux 511112 Winchester 73 (James Stewart, Stephen McNally).mp3
    26. Lux 511119 Samson and Delilah (Hedy Lamarr, Victure Mature).mp3
    27. Lux 511203 Strangers on a Train (F.Lovejoy, Ray Milland) (R).mp3
    28. Lux 511210 Lemon Drop Kid (Bob Hope, Marilyn Maxwell).mp3

    1. Volume 27 – 28 shows – 694 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 16 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 27: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lux 511224 Alice in Wonderland (Cathy Beaumont, Ed Wynn) (R).mp3
    3. Lux 520114 Goodbye, My Fancy (B.Stanwyck, Frank Lovejoy).mp3
    4. Lux 520121 Cpt Horatio Hornblower (G.Peck, Virginia Mayo).mp3
    5. Lux 520128 Branded (B.Lancaster, C.Pickford, Nancy Gates).mp3
    6. Lux 520204 Take Care My Little Girl (J.Crain D.Robertson)HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 520211 Show Boat (Ava Gardner, Katharine Grayson) HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 520225 My Blue Heaven (Betty Grable, Dan Dailey).mp3
    9. Lux 520303 Young Man with a Horn (Kirk Douglas, Jo Stafford).mp3
    10. Lux 520317 Top O The Morning (B.Fitzgerald, A.Blyth, D.Day).mp3
    11. Lux 520324 783 Come to the Stable.mp3
    12. Lux 520331 784 I Can Get It for You Wholesale.mp3
    13. Lux 520407 Union Station (William Holden, Nancy Olsen) HRT.mp3
    14. Lux 520428 No Highway in the Sky J.Stewart, M.Dietrich).mp3
    15. Lux 520922 Ill Never Forget You (T.Power, Debra Pagent).mp3
    16. Lux 520929 Adam Evelyn (Jean Simmons, Stewart Granger) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 521006 Model and the Marriage Broker (Thelma Ritter).mp3
    18. Lux 521013 Five Fingers (James Mason, Pamela Kellino).mp3
    19. Lux 521020 My Six Convicts (D.Andrews, M.Mitchell) HRT.mp3
    20. Lux 521103 Viva Zapata (Charlton Heston, Jean Peters).mp3
    21. Lux 521110 Grounds for Marriage (Van Johnson, K.Grayson) HRT.mp3
    22. Lux 521117 Submarine Command (W.Holden, Alexis Smith) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 521201 King Solomons Mines (D.Kerr, Stewart Granger).mp3
    24. Lux 521208 Strictly Dishonorable (Janet Leigh, F.Lamas).mp3
    25. Lux 521215 African Queen (Humphrey Bogart, Greer Garson).mp3
    26. Lux 521222 Les Miserables (Ronald Colman, Deborah Paget).mp3
    27. Lux 521229 Westward Women (Robert Taylor, Denise Darcel) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 530105 Phone Call Stranger (S.Winters, G.Merrill) HRT.mp3
    29. Lux 530112 Will Rogers Story (W.Rogers Jr, Jane Wyman) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 28 – 28 shows – 684 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 54 minutes
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      Volume 28: $5.00
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    2. Lux 530119 Appointment Danger (W.Holden, Colleen Gray) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 530126 September Affair (Joseph Cotten, J.Fontaine) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 530202 Captain Carey, USA (C.Heston, Wanda Hendricks).mp3
    5. Lux 530209 With a Song in My Heart (S.Hayward, D.Wayne) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 530216 Lady in the Dark (Judy Garland, John Lund) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 530223 Youre My Everything (Jeanne Craine Dan Dailey)HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 530302 Close to My Heart (Ray Milland Phylis Baxter) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 530309 People vs OHara (W.Pidgeon J.Leigh) HRT.mp3
    10. Lux 530316 This Woman Is Dangerous (V.Mayo, D.Morgan) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 530323 821 Fourteen Hours.mp3
    12. Lux 530330 Miracle Our Lady Fatima (J. Carrol Naish) HRT.mp3
    13. Lux 530406 Angels in Outfield (J.Leigh, George Murphy).mp3
    14. Lux 530420 Deadline, USA (Dan Dailey, Deborah Paget) HRT.mp3
    15. Lux 530504 Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie (Jean Peters) HRT.mp3
    16. Lux 530511 Bishops Wife (Cary Grant, Phylis Thaxter).mp3
    17. Lux 530518 Girl in White (June Allyson, Steve Forrest) HRT.mp3
    18. Lux 530525 Lure of the Wilderness (J.Peters, Jeffrey Hunter).mp3
    19. Lux 530601 High Tor (William Holden, Parley Baer) No OpCl.mp3
    20. Lux 530608 China Run (Virginia Mayo, John Dehner) HRT.mp3
    21. Lux 530615 Lady the Tumblers (Fred MacMurray) HRT.mp3
    22. Lux 530622 Fall of Maggie Phillips (Dorothy McGuire) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 530629 One More Spring (Jean Crain) HRT.mp3
    24. Lux 530706 Cynara (Joseph Cotten) HRT.mp3
    25. Lux 530713 Physician in Spite of Himself (Robert Young) SRT.mp3
    26. Lux 530720 Birds (Herbert Marshall) SRT.mp3
    27. Lux 530727 One Foot in Heaven (D.Andrews, Steve Forrest) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 530803 Romance to a Degree (Joseph Cotten) LST.mp3
    29. Lux 530810 Leave Her to Heaven (Joan Fontaine) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 29 – 26 shows – 632 MB – total playtime 23 hours
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      Volume 29: $5.00
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    2. Lux 530817 Affairs of Susan (Anne Baxter) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 530817 Edward, My Son (Walter Pidgeon, Irene Tedrow) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 530831 One Last September (Claire Trevor) HRT.mp3
    5. Lux 530907 My Cousin Rachel (O.de Havilland, Ron Randell).mp3
    6. Lux 530914 Steel Trap (Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 530921 I Confess (Cary Grant, Phylis Thaxter).mp3
    8. Lux 530928 Presidents Lady (Charlton Heston, Joan Fontaine).mp3
    9. Lux 531005 Our Very Own (Terry Moore, June Evans) HRT.mp3
    10. Lux 531012 Breaking Sound Barrier (R.Newton DD.Mcguire) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 531019 Taxi (Dan Dailey, Colleen Grey) HRT.mp3
    12. Lux 531026 Skirts Ahoy (Esther Williams, Barry Sullivan) HRT.mp3
    13. Lux 531102 Because of You (June Allyson, Jeff Chandler) HRT.mp3
    14. Lux 531109 Thunder On Hill (C.Colbert, Barbara Rush) HRT.mp3
    15. Lux 531116 It Grows on Trees (Ginger Rogers) HRT.mp3
    16. Lux 531123 Browning Version (Ronald Colman, Bonita Hume) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 531130 Undercurrent (Joan Fontaine, Mel Ferrer) HRT.mp3
    18. Lux 531207 Man On A Tightrope (E.G.Robinson, Terry Moore).mp3
    19. Lux 531214 Million Dollar Mermaid (E.Williams W.Pidgeon) HRT.mp3
    20. Lux 531221 Peter Pan (Bobby Driscol).mp3
    21. Lux 531228 June Bride (Irene Dunne, Fred MacMurray)No OpCl.mp3
    22. Lux 540104 Day the Earth Stood Still (M.Rene, Jean Peters).mp3
    23. Lux 540111 Anybody Seen My Gal (Gene Lockhart, Laurie Piper).mp3
    24. Lux 540118 Winslow Boy (Ray Milland, Brian Aherne).mp3
    25. Lux 540125 People Will Talk (Jeanne Crain, Cary Grant) HRT.mp3
    26. Lux 540201 Laura (Gene Tierney, Victor Mature).mp3
    27. Lux 540215 Trouble Along Way (June Haver, Jack Carson) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 30 – 30 shows – 691 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 10 minutes
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      Volume 30: $5.00
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    2. Lux 540301 Mississippi Gambler (T.Power, L.Christian) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 540308 Glass Menagerie (Jane Wyman, Fay Bainter) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 540315 Jeopardy (B.Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan) No OpCl.mp3
    5. Lux 540322 Carbine Williams (Ronald Reagan, Wendel Cory) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 540329 A Blueprint for Murder (D.Dailey, Dorothy McGuire.mp3
    7. Lux 540405 Welcome Stranger (C.Grant, Barry Fitzgerald) HRT.mp3
    8. Lux 540412 Strangers on a Train (V.Mayo, Dana Andrews) HRT.mp3
    9. Lux 540419 Star (Ida Lupino, Edmond OBrien).mp3
    10. Lux 540426 Detective Story (K.Douglas, E.Parker, W.Conrad).mp3
    11. Lux 540503 879 Going My Way.mp3
    12. Lux 540510 880 Holy Matrimony.mp3
    13. Lux 540531 What a Woman (Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings).mp3
    14. Lux 540607 Naked Jungle (Charlton Heston, Donna Reed) HRT.mp3
    15. Lux 540614 Mildred Pierce (Claire Trevor, Zachery Scott) HRT.mp3
    16. Lux 540621 Pick Up South Street (T.Ritter, Terri Moore) HRT.mp3
    17. Lux 540628 Goodbye My Fancy (Rosalind Russell, Robert Young).mp3
    18. Lux 540914 Wuthering Heights (Merle Oberon Cameron Mitchell).mp3
    19. Lux 540921 So Big (Ida Lupino Robert Stack).mp3
    20. Lux 541005 Turning Point (F.MacMurray, Joanne Dru)No opclose.mp3
    21. Lux 541012 Great Expectations (Hudson, Rush, Swanson) HRT.mp3
    22. Lux 541019 David and Bathsheba (A.Dahl, M.Rennie) HRT.mp3
    23. Lux 541026 Song of Bernadette (Ann Blyth, C.Bickford) HRT.mp3
    24. Lux 541102 Big Trees (Van Heflin, Nancy Gates) HRT.mp3
    25. Lux 541109 My Man Godfrey (Jeff Chandler, Julie Adams).mp3
    26. Lux 541116 Mother Didnt Tell Me (D.Mcguire, F.Lovejoy) HRT.mp3
    27. Lux 541123 All About Eve (Ann Blyth, Ida Lupino) HRT.mp3
    28. Lux 541130 Blue Gardenia (Dana Andrews, Ruth Roman) HRT.mp3
    29. Lux 541207 Battleground (Van Johnson, George Murphy) HRT.mp3
    30. Lux 541214 Secret of the Incas (C.Heston, Nichole Morray).mp3
    31. Lux 541221 Miracle on 34th Street (Edmond Gwenn).mp3

    1. Volume 31 – 18 shows – 431 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 42 minutes
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      Volume 31: $5.00
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    2. Lux 541227 Iron Mistress (Virginia Mayo, John Lund) HRT.mp3
    3. Lux 550104 Mother Wore Tights (Dan Dailey, Mitzi Gaynor) HRT.mp3
    4. Lux 550111 Island in the Sky (Dick Powell) HRT.mp3
    5. Lux 550118 Awful Truth (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne) HRT.mp3
    6. Lux 550125 Sangree (Arlene Dahl, Ceasar Romero) HRT.mp3
    7. Lux 550201 Five Fingers (James Mason) HRT AFRTS.mp3
    8. Lux 550208 War of the Worlds (Dana Andrews, Pat Crowley).mp3
    9. Lux 550215 Treasure Sierra Madre (E.OBrien, W.Brennan).mp3
    10. Lux 550222 Shane (Alan Ladd, Van Heflin, Ruth Hussey) HRT.mp3
    11. Lux 550301 Bishops Wife (Cary Grant, Phyllis Thaxter).mp3
    12. Lux 550308 Walls Of Jericho (Cornell Wilde, Terry Moore) HRT.mp3
    13. Lux 550315 Gentlemans Agreemnt (Ray Milland Dorothy McGuire).mp3
    14. Lux 550322 Rawhide (Donna Reed, Jeffrey Hunter).mp3
    15. Lux 550329 Trouble Along the Way (Van Johnson, Joanne Dru).mp3
    16. Lux 550412 Stairway to Heaven (David Niven, Barbara Rush).mp3
    17. Lux 550510 Together Again (Maureen OHara, Carlton Young).mp3
    18. Lux 550530 Petrified Forest (H.Bogart L.Bacall Henry Fonda).mp3
    19. Lux 550531 Rope of Sand (Barry Sullivan) HRT.mp3

    1. Volume 32 – 21 shows – 510 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 32: $5.00
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    2. Lux SA 671113 0916 Sacred Flame.mp3
    3. Lux SA 671218 0921 Stranger In The House.mp3
    4. Lux SA 680605 Dodo In Love.mp3
    5. Lux SA 690616 0999 Well Dressed Man.mp3
    6. Lux SA 691006 1015 Sound Of Murder.mp3
    7. Lux SA 691020 1017 Trap For A Lonely Man.mp3
    8. Lux SA 700203 Non Stop To Victoria.mp3
    9. Lux SA 700316 1038 Late Edwina Black.mp3
    10. Lux SA 710712 1107 Hallajuah Corner.mp3
    11. Lux SA 710803 Goodnight Mrs Puffin.mp3
    12. Lux SA 711124 Dialogue In A Compartment.mp3
    13. Lux SA 711213 Home Beauty.mp3
    14. Lux SA 711227 Waters Of The Moon.mp3
    15. Lux SA An Act Of Mercy.mp3
    16. Lux SA Ask Me No Questions.mp3
    17. Lux SA Brief Encounter.mp3
    18. Lux SA Camille 1972.mp3
    19. Lux SA Desperate Hours.mp3
    20. Lux SA Detectives Are Not Always Right.mp3
    21. Lux SA Home At Seven.mp3
    22. Lux SA Lady Grumleys Photograph 1974.mp3

    1. Volume 33 – 20 shows – 492 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 54 minutes
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      Volume 33: $5.00
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    2. Lux SA Lame Dogs In The Living Room 1965.mp3
    3. Lux SA Mayerling Affair.mp3
    4. Lux SA Mr Harringtons Washing.mp3
    5. Lux SA Night Run.mp3
    6. Lux SA Night Was Our Friend.mp3
    7. Lux SA Nonstop To Victoria.mp3
    8. Lux SA Operation Contraband.mp3
    9. Lux SA Out Of The Rain.mp3
    10. Lux SA Portrait In Black.mp3
    11. Lux SA Public Prosecutor.mp3
    12. Lux SA Return Journey.mp3
    13. Lux SA Sailor Beware.mp3
    14. Lux SA Sellout 1977.mp3
    15. Lux SA Story Of Jacqueline.mp3
    16. Lux SA Take Care On Wednesday.mp3
    17. Lux SA The Cruel Sea 1962.mp3
    18. Lux SA The Day The Unicorns Danced.mp3
    19. Lux SA The Man Upstairs.mp3
    20. Lux SA The Rose Without A Thorn.mp3
    21. Lux SA Youre Not The Woman I Married.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    799 recordings on 798 Audio CDs. Total playtime 758 hours, 27 min
    799 recordings on 798 Audio CDs
    total playtime 758 hours, 27 min

    Lux Radio Theater Disc A001

    1. Lux SA An Act Of Mercy

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A002

    1. Lux SA Ask Me No Questions

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A003

    1. Lux SA Brief Encounter

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A004

    1. Lux SA Camille 1972

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A005

    1. Lux SA Desperate Hours

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A006

    1. Lux SA Detectives Are Not Always Right

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A007

    1. Lux SA Home At Seven

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A008

    1. Lux SA Lady Grumleys Photograph 1974

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A009

    1. Lux SA Lame Dogs In The Living Room 1965

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A010

    1. Lux SA Mayerling Affair

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A011

    1. Lux SA Mr Harringtons Washing

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A012

    1. Lux SA Night Run

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A013

    1. Lux SA Night Was Our Friend

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A014

    1. Lux SA Nonstop To Victoria

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A015

    1. Lux SA Operation Contraband

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A016

    1. Lux SA Out Of The Rain

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A017

    1. Lux SA Portrait In Black

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A018

    1. Lux SA Public Prosecutor

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A019

    1. Lux SA Return Journey

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A020

    1. Lux SA Sailor Beware

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A021

    1. Lux SA Sellout 1977

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A022

    1. Lux SA Story Of Jacqueline

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A023

    1. Lux SA Take Care On Wednesday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A024

    1. Lux SA The Cruel Sea 1962

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A025

    1. Lux SA The Day The Unicorns Danced

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A026

    1. Lux SA The Man Upstairs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A027

    1. Lux SA The Rose Without A Thorn

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A028

    1. Lux SA Youre Not The Woman I Married

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A029

    1. Lux 351028 Dulcy (ZaSu Pitts, Gene Lockhart)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A030

    1. Lux 360601 Legionnaire Lady (Marlene Dietrich, Clark Gable)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A031

    1. Lux 360608 Thin Man (William Powell, Myrna Loy)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A032

    1. Lux 360615 Burlesque (Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A033

    1. Lux 360622 Dark Angel (Merle Oberon, Herbert Marshall)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A034

    1. Lux 360629 Irene (Jeanette MacDonald, Regis Toomey)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A035

    1. Lux 360706 Voice Bugle Ann (Lionel Barrymoore, Anne Shirley)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A036

    1. Lux 360713 Brat (Marion Davies, Joel McCrea)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A037

    1. Lux 360720 Barker (Claudette Colbert, Walter Huston)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A038

    1. Lux 360727 Chained (Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A039

    1. Lux 360817 Vagabond King (John Boles, Evelyn Venable)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A040

    1. Lux 360824 One Sun Afternoon (Jack Oakie, Helen Twelvetrees)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A041

    1. Lux 360831 Cheating Cheaters (George Raft, June Lang)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A042

    1. Lux 360907 Is Zat So (James Cagney_ Robert Armstrong)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A043

    1. Lux 360914 Quality Street (Brian Ahern, Ruth Chatterton)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A044

    1. Lux 360928 Plutocrat (Wallace Beery, Cecelia Parker)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A045

    1. Lux 361005 Elmer the Great (Joe E. Brown, June Travis)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A046

    1. Lux 361012 Curtain Rises (Ginger Rogers, Warren William)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A047

    1. Lux 361026 Sat Children (Robert Taylor, Olivia de Havilland)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A048

    1. Lux 361102 Virginian (Gary Cooper, Charles Bickford)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A049

    1. Lux 361109 Alias Jimmy Valentine (Pat OBrien, Madge Evans)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A050

    1. Lux 361116 Conversation Piece (Lily Pons, Adolphe Menjo)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A051

    1. Lux 361123 Story of Luis Pasteur (Paul Muni, Fritz Lieber)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A052

    1. Lux 361130 Poly of the Circus (Loretta Young, James Gleason)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A053

    1. Lux 361207 Grand Duchess and the Waiter (Robert Montgomery)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A054

    1. Lux 361214 Madame SansGene (Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A055

    1. Lux 361221 Gold Diggers (J.Blondell, R.Powell) No Ending

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A056

    1. Lux 361228 Cavalcade (Herbert Marshall, Madeleine Carrol)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A057

    1. Lux 370104 Men in White (Spencer Tracy, Virginia Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A058

    1. Lux 370111 Gilded Lily (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A059

    1. Lux 370118 Criminal Code (E.G.Robinson, Beverly Robert)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A060

    1. Lux 370125 Tonight or Never (J.MacDonald, Melvin Douglas)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A061

    1. Lux 370201 Mister Deeds Goes to Town (G.Cooper Jean Arthur)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A062

    1. Lux 370208 Graustark (Gene Raymond, Anna Sten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A063

    1. Lux 370215 Brewsters Millions (Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A064

    1. Lux 370222 Captain Blood (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A065

    1. Lux 370301 Cappy Ricks (Charles Winninger, Richard Arlen)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A066

    1. Lux 370308 Madame Butterfly (Cary Grant, Grace Moore)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A067

    1. Lux 370315 Desire (Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A068

    1. Lux 370322 Death Takes Holiday (F.March, Flo Eldridge)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A069

    1. Lux 370329 Dulcy (George Burns, Gracie Allen)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A070

    1. Lux 370405 Farewell to Arms (C.Gable, Josephine Hutchinson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A071

    1. Lux 370412 Dodsworth (Walter Huston) End Cut

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A072

    1. Lux 370419 Alibi Ike (Joe E. Brown, Helen Chandler)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A073

    1. Lux 370426 Magnificent Obsession (R.Taylor, Irene Dunne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A074

    1. Lux 370503 Hands Across the Table (C.Colbert, Joel McCrea)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A075

    1. Lux 370510 Mary of Scotland (Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A076

    1. Lux 370517 Another Language (Bette Davis, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A077

    1. Lux 370524 Under Two Flags (H.Marshall, Olivia de Havilland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A078

    1. Lux 370531 Plainsman (Fredrick March, Jean Arthur)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A079

    1. Lux 370607 British Agent (Errol Flynn, Frances Farmer)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A080

    1. Lux 370614 Madame X (James Stewart, Ann Harding)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A081

    1. Lux 370621 Monsieur Beaucaire (Leslie Howard, Elissa Landi)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A082

    1. Lux 370628 Front Page (Walter Winchell, James Gleason)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A083

    1. Lux 370705 Beau Brummel (Robert Montgomery, Madge Evans)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A084

    1. Lux 370913 A Star is Born (Robert Montgomery, Janet Gaynor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A085

    1. Lux 370920 Outsider (Fredrick March, Florence Eldridge)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A086

    1. Lux 371004 Dodsworth (Walter Huston, Nan Sunderland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A087

    1. Lux 371011 Stella Dallas (Barbara Stanwyck, John Boles)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A088

    1. Lux 371018 Up Pops the Devil (Fred MacMurray, Madge Evans)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A089

    1. Lux 371025 Arrowsmith (Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A090

    1. Lux 371101 A Free Soul (Ginger Rogers, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A091

    1. Lux 371108 She Loves Me Not (Bing Crosby, Joan Blondell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A092

    1. Lux 371115 Come and Get It (Edward Arnold, Ann Shirley)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A093

    1. Lux 371122 Petrified Forest (H.Marshall, Margaret Sullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A094

    1. Lux 371129 Peg O My Heart (Marion Davies, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A095

    1. Lux 371206 These Three (Barbara Stanwyck, Errol Flynn)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A096

    1. Lux 371213 Thirty Nine Steps (Robert Montgomery, Ida Lupino)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A097

    1. Lux 371220 Song of Songs (MDietrich, Douglas Fairbanks jr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A098

    1. Lux 371227 Beloved Enemy (Madeleine Carroll, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A099

    1. Lux 380103 Alice Adams (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A100

    1. Lux 380110 Enter Madame (Grace Moore, Basil Rathbone)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A101

    1. Lux 380117 Disraeli (George Arliss, Florence Arliss)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A102

    1. Lux 380124 Clarence (Bob Burns, Gail Patrick)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A103

    1. Lux 380131 Green Light (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A104

    1. Lux 380207 Anna Christie (Joan Crawford, Spencer Tracy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A105

    1. Lux 380214 Brief Moment (Ginger Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A106

    1. Lux 380221 Romance (Madeleine Carroll, Herbert Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A107

    1. Lux 380228 Forsaking All Others (Bette Davis, Joel McCrea)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A108

    1. Lux 380307 Poppy (W.C. Fields, John Payne, Ann Shirley)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A109

    1. Lux 380314 Boss (Edward Arnold, Fay Wray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A110

    1. Lux 380321 Man Who Played God (George Florence Arliss)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A111

    1. Lux 380328 Naughty Marietta (Lawrence Tibbett, Helen Jepson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A112

    1. Lux 380404 Dark Victory (Barbara Stanwyck, Melvyn Douglas)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A113

    1. Lux 380411 Mary Burns, Fugitive (Miriam Hopkins, H.Fonda)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A114

    1. Lux 380418 Mad About Music (Deanna Durbin, Gail Patrick)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A115

    1. Lux 380425 Dangerous (Madeleine Carroll, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A116

    1. Lux 380502 Prisoner of Shark Island (Gary Cooper, Fay Wray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A117

    1. Lux 380509 My Man Godfrey (William Powell, Carol Lombard)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A118

    1. Lux 380516 Girl from 10th Avenue (L.Young, Geroge Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A119

    1. Lux 380523 Letter (Merle Oberon, Walter Huston)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A120

    1. Lux 380530 I Met My Love Again (Joan Bennett, Henry Fonda)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A121

    1. Lux 380606 A Dolls House (Joan Crawford, Basil Rathbone)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A122

    1. Lux 380613 Theodora Goes Wild (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A123

    1. Lux 380926 Seven Keys to Baldpate (J.Benny, Mary Livingston)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A124

    1. Lux 381031 That Certain Woman (Carole Lombard Basil Rathbone

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A125

    1. Lux 381114 Buccaneer (Clark Gable)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A126

    1. Lux 381121 Confession (Miriam Hopkins)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A127

    1. Lux 381212 Scarlet Pimpernel (L.Howard, Olivia de Havilland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A128

    1. Lux 381219 Kid Galahad (Wayne Morris, Edward G Robinson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A129

    1. Lux 381226 Snow White (B.Gilber R.Atwel M.Olsen S.Buchanan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A130

    1. Lux 390102 Perfect Specimen (Errol Flynn, Joan Blondell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A131

    1. Lux 390109 Mayerling (William Powell. Janet Gaynor

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A132

    1. Lux 390116 Front Page Woman (P.Goddard, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A133

    1. Lux 390123 Cardinal Richelieu (George Arliss Florence Arlis)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A134

    1. Lux 390130 Arkansas Traveler (Bob Burns, Fay Bainter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A135

    1. Lux 390206 Count Monte Cristo (R.Montgomery, J. Hutchinson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A136

    1. Lux 390213 Return of Peter Grimm (L.Barrymoore, M.OSullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A137

    1. Lux 390220 Stage Door (Ginger Rogers, Rosalind Russell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A138

    1. Lux 390227 Ceiling Zero (James Cagney, Ralph Bell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A139

    1. Lux 390306 OneWay Passage (William Powell, Kaye Francis)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A140

    1. Lux 390313 So Big (Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A141

    1. Lux 390320 It Happened One Night (C.Colbert, C.Gable) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A142

    1. Lux 390320 It Happened One Night (C.Colbert, Clark Gable)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A143

    1. Lux 390327 A Mans Castle (Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A144

    1. Lux 390327 A Mans Castle (Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A145

    1. Lux 390403 Silver Dollar (Edward Arnold, Anita Louise)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A146

    1. Lux 390410 Lives Bengal Lancer (Errol Flynn, Brian Ahern)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A147

    1. Lux 390417 Bullets Ballots (Edward G. Robinson, Mary Astor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A148

    1. Lux 390424 Broadway Bill (Robert Taylor, Francis Dee)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A149

    1. Lux 390501 Lady for a Day (Mae Robson, Warren William)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A150

    1. Lux 390508 Lifef Emile Zola (Paul Muni, J.Hutchinson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A151

    1. Lux 390515 Tovarich (William Powell, Miriam Hopkins)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A152

    1. Lux 390522 Angels with Dirty Faces (J.Cagney, Pat OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A153

    1. Lux 390529 Only Angels Have Wings (C.Grant, Jean Arthur) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A154

    1. Lux 390529 Only Angels Have Wings (Cary Grant, Jean Arthur)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A155

    1. Lux 390605 Prisoner Zenda (R.Colman, Doug Fairbanks Jr.)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A156

    1. Lux 390612 White Banners (Fay Bainter, Jackie Cooper)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A157

    1. Lux 390619 ExMrs Bradford (W.Powell, Claudette Colbert)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A158

    1. Lux 390626 Mrs. Moonlight (Janet Gaynor, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A159

    1. Lux 390703 Bordertown (Don Ameche, Joan Bennett)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A160

    1. Lux 390710 Ruggles of Red Gap (C.Ruggles, C.Laughton)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A161

    1. Lux 390911 Awful Truth (Cary Grant, Claudette Colbert)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A162

    1. Lux 390918 Wuthering Heights (Barbara Stanwyck, Brian Ahern)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A163

    1. Lux 390925 She Married Her Boss (G.Rogers, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A164

    1. Lux 391002 You Cant Take It with You (E.Arnold, R.Cummings)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A165

    1. Lux 391009 Sisters (Irene Dunne, David Niven)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A166

    1. Lux 391016 If I Were King (D.Fairbanks Jr, Francis Dee)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A167

    1. Lux 391023 Invitation to Happiness (F. MacMurray, M.Carroll)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A168

    1. Lux 391030 Old Maid (Loretta Young, Miriam Hopkins)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A169

    1. Lux 391106 Only Yesterday (Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A170

    1. Lux 391113 Champ (Noah Berry)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A171

    1. Lux 391120 Goodbye, Mister Chips (L.Olivier, James Hilton)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A172

    1. Lux 391127 Pygmalion (Jean Arthur, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A173

    1. Lux 391204 A Man to Remember (Bob Burns, Anita Louise)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A174

    1. Lux 391211 In Name Only (Carole Lombard, Cary Grant)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A175

    1. Lux 391218 Four Daughters (J.Garfield, P. R. Lane)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A176

    1. Lux 391225 Pinocchio (W.Catlett, Davey Lee, Cliff Edwards)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A177

    1. Lux 400101 Sorrell and Son (Herbert Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A178

    1. Lux 400108 Dark Victory ( Bette Davis, Spencer Tracy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A179

    1. Lux 400115 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, Ralph Bellamy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A180

    1. Lux 400122 Bachelor Mother (Ginger Rogers, Fredric March)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A181

    1. Lux 400129 Intermezzo (Herbert Marshall, Ingrid Bergman)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A182

    1. Lux 400205 Young At Heart (May Robson, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A183

    1. Lux 400212 Sidewalks of London (C.Laughton, Elsa Lanchester)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A184

    1. Lux 400219 Made for Each Other (C.Lombard, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A185

    1. Lux 400226 Swing High, Swing Low (R.Vallee, Una Merkle) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A186

    1. Lux 400226 Swing High, Swing Low (Rudy Vallee, Una Merkle)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A187

    1. Lux 400304 Trade Winds (E.Flynn, Joan Bennett, Mary Astor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A188

    1. Lux 400311 My Son, My Son (Madeleine Carroll, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A189

    1. Lux 400318 Rains Came (George Brent, Kay Francis)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A190

    1. Lux 400325 Remember the Night (F.MacMurray, B.Stanwyck)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A191

    1. Lux 400401 Love Affair (Irene Dunn, William Powell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A192

    1. Lux 400408 Mama Loves Papa (Fibber McGee Molly) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A193

    1. Lux 400408 Mama Loves Papa (Fibber McGee Molly)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A194

    1. Lux 400415 Underpup (Robert Cummings)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A195

    1. Lux 400422 Abe Lincoln in Illinois (R.Massey, Fay Bainter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A196

    1. Lux 400429 Smilin Through (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A197

    1. Lux 400506 Our Town (William Holden, Martha Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A198

    1. Lux 400513 True Confessions (Loretta Young, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A199

    1. Lux 400520 Midnight (Claudetta Colbert, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A200

    1. Lux 400527 Vigil in the Night (O.de Havilland, H.Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A201

    1. Lux 400603 Alexanders Ragtime Band (A.Faye, Ray Milland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A202

    1. Lux 400610 Till We Meet Again (Merle Oberon, Pat OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A203

    1. Lux 400617 After the Thin Man (William Powell, Myrna Loy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A204

    1. Lux 400624 ShowBoat (I.Dunne Allan Jones Charles Wininger)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A205

    1. Lux 400701 Alias the Deacon (Bob Burns)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A206

    1. Lux 400708 To the Ladies (Helen Hayes, Otto Kruge)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A207

    1. Lux 400909 Manhattan Melodrama (W.Powell, D.Ameche, M.Loy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A208

    1. Lux 400916 Love is News (Bob Hope, Madeleine Carroll)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A209

    1. Lux 400923 Westerner (Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A210

    1. Lux 400930 His Girl Fri (Claudette Colbert Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A211

    1. Lux 401007 Wings of the Navy (George Brent, O.de Haviland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A212

    1. Lux 401014 Littlest Rebel (Shirley Temple, Claude Rains)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A213

    1. Lux 401021 Lillian Russell (Alice Faye, Edward Arnold)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A214

    1. Lux 401028 Strike Up the Band (Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A215

    1. Lux 401104 Wuthering Heights (Ida Lupino, Basil Rathbone)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A216

    1. Lux 401111 Nothing Sacred (D.Fairbanks Jr., Joan Bennett)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A217

    1. Lux 401118 Rage of Manhattan (Tyrone Power, Annabella)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A218

    1. Lux 401125 Jezebel (Loretta Young, Brian Donlevy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A219

    1. Lux 401202 Knute Rockne, All American (P.OBrien, R.Reagan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A220

    1. Lux 401209 My Favorite Wife (L.Olivier, Rosalind Russell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A221

    1. Lux 401216 Fifth Avenue Girl (Ginger Rogers, Edward Arnold)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A222

    1. Lux 401223 Young Tom Edison (M.Rooney, Virginia Weilder)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A223

    1. Lux 401230 A Little Bit of Heaven (G.Jean, C. Abrey Smith)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A224

    1. Lux 410106 Vivacious Lady (Alice Faye, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A225

    1. Lux 410113 Libel (Ronald Colman, Otto Kruger)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A226

    1. Lux 410120 Cowboy the Lady (Gene Autry, Meryl Oberon)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A227

    1. Lux 410127 Captain January (Shirley Temple, Gene Lockhart)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A228

    1. Lux 410203 Rebecca (R. Colman, Ida Lupino) Missing Intro.

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A229

    1. Lux 410210 Moons Our Home (Carole Lombard, James Stewart)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A230

    1. Lux 410217 Johnny Apollo (Dorothy Lamour, Burgess Meredith)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A231

    1. Lux 410224 Whole Towns Talking (Fibber McGee Molly)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A232

    1. Lux 410303 My Bill (Kay Francis, Warren William)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A233

    1. Lux 410310 Awful Truth (Bob Hope, Constance Bennett)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A234

    1. Lux 410317 Cheers for Miss Bishop (M.Scott, W.Gargan) No Opn

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A235

    1. Lux 410324 Flight Command (Robert Taylor, Ruth Hussey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A236

    1. Lux 410331 Stablemates (M.Rooney, Wallace Beery, Fay Wray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A237

    1. Lux 410407 StandIn (Joan Bennett, Walter Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A238

    1. Lux 410414 Dust be My Destiny (John Garfield, Claire Trevor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A239

    1. Lux 410421 Letter (Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A240

    1. Lux 410428 Wife, Husband Friend (Geo. Brent, Pricilla Lane)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A241

    1. Lux 410505 Kitty Foyle (Ginger Rogers, Dennis Morgan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A242

    1. Lux 410512 Craigs Wife (Rosalind Russell, Herbert Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A243

    1. Lux 410519 Model Wife (Joan Blondell, Dick Powell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A244

    1. Lux 410526 Virginia City (Errol Flynn, Martha Scott).

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A245

    1. Lux 410602 They Drive Night (G.Raft L.Turner L.Ball) No opcl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A246

    1. Lux 410609 Mr. Mrs. Smith (Bob Hope, Carole Lombard)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A247

    1. Lux 410616 Lady Cheyenne (L.Young, R.Preston, Ed. Arnold)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A248

    1. Lux 410623 Shop Around Corner (C.Colbert, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A249

    1. Lux 410630 I Love You Again (Myrna Loy, Cary Grant)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A250

    1. Lux 410707 Algiers (Charles Boyer, Hedy Lamarr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A251

    1. Lux 410908 Tom, Dick, Harry (G.Rogers, Burgess Meredith)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A252

    1. Lux 410915 Lost Horizon (Ronald Colman, Donald Crisp)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A253

    1. Lux 410922 Lydia (Merle Oberon, Edna May Oliver, J.Cotton)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A254

    1. Lux 410929 Third Finger Left Hand (D.Fairbanks Martha Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A255

    1. Lux 411006 Unfinished Business (Irene Dunne, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A256

    1. Lux 411013 Buck Privates (Bud Abbott, Lou Costello)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A257

    1. Lux 411020 Blood and Sand (Tyrone Power, Annabella)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A258

    1. Lux 411027 Her First Beau (Jackie Cooper, Jane Withers)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A259

    1. Lux 411103 Hired Wife (William Powell, Myrna Loy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A260

    1. Lux 411110 Hold Back the Dawn (Charles Boyer, Susan Haywood)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A261

    1. Lux 411117 Merton Movies (Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A262

    1. Lux 411124 Maisie Was a Lady (Ann Southern, Lew Ayers)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A263

    1. Lux 411201 A Mans Castle (Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A264

    1. Lux 411208 Doctor Takes Wife (Melvyn Douglas, V.Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A265

    1. Lux 411215 All This and Heaven Too (Charles Boyer, B.Davis)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A266

    1. Lux 411222 Remember the Night (Fred MacMurray, Jean Arthur)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A267

    1. Lux 411229 Bride Came C.O.D. (Bob Hope, Hedy Lamarr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A268

    1. Lux 420105 Smilin Through (J.MacDonald B.Aherne G.Raymond)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A269

    1. Lux 420112 Tale Two Cities (R.Colman, Edna Best, V.Felto)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A270

    1. Lux 420119 Devil and Miss Jones (L.Turner, L.Barrymore)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A271

    1. Lux 420126 Here Comes Jordon (C.Grant, C.Rains, E.Keyes)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A272

    1. Lux 420202 Skylark (C.Colbert, R.Milland, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A273

    1. Lux 420209 City for Conquest (A.Faye, R.Preston, Cy Kendell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A274

    1. Lux 420216 Blossoms in the Dust (G.Garson, Walter Pidgeon)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A275

    1. Lux 420223 Appointment for Love (Charles Boyer, Myrna Loy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A276

    1. Lux 420302 Great Lie (L.Young, George Brent, Mary Astor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A277

    1. Lux 420309 Lady Eve (B.Stanwyck, R.Milland, Charles Coburn)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A278

    1. Lux 420316 Manpower (M.Dietrich, E.G.Robinson, George Raft)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A279

    1. Lux 420323 Strawberry Blonde (D.Ameche R.Hayworth G.Patrick)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A280

    1. Lux 420330 I Wanted Wings (R.Milland, W.Holden, V.Lake)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A281

    1. Lux 420406 Fighting 69th (P.OBrien, R.Preston, R.Bellamy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A282

    1. Lux 420413 NW Mounted Police (G.Cooper, P.Goddard) No opcls

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A283

    1. Lux 420420 One Foot in Heaven (Fredric March, Martha Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A284

    1. Lux 420427 Penny Serenade (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A285

    1. Lux 420504 Suspicion (J.Fontaine, Brian Aherne, Nigel Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A286

    1. Lux 420511 Last of Mrs. Cheyney (N.Shearer, Walter Pidgeon)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A287

    1. Lux 420518 Man to Remember (L.Barrymore, A.Louise, G.Ford)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A288

    1. Lux 420525 Test Pilot (R.Taylor, R.Hayworth, Robert Preston)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A289

    1. Lux 420601 Ball of Fire (Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A290

    1. Lux 420608 Arise My Love (Loretta Young, Ray Milland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A291

    1. Lux 420615 You Belong To Me (Merle Oberon, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A292

    1. Lux 420622 Bedtime Story (Loretta Young, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A293

    1. Lux 420629 Champ (W.Beery, Josephine Hutchinson, Noah Beery)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A294

    1. Lux 420706 Love Affair (Charles Boyer, Irene Dunne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A295

    1. Lux 420713 Hm Pulham, Esq (Hedy Lamarr, Robert Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A296

    1. Lux 420914 This Above All (Tyrone Power, Barbara Stanwyck)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A297

    1. Lux 420921 How Green Was My Valley (W.Pidgeon, Donald Crisp)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A298

    1. Lux 420928 Magnificent Dope (D.Ameche, H.Fonda, Lynn Bari)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A299

    1. Lux 421005 Love Crazy (W.Powell, Hedy Lamarr, Gale Gordon)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A300

    1. Lux 421012 Morning Glory (J.Garland, J.Payne, Adolph Menjou)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A301

    1. Lux 421019 My Favorite Blonde (Bob Hope, Virginia Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A302

    1. Lux 421026 Wake Island (Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A303

    1. Lux 421102 A Womans Face (I.Lupino, B.Aherne, Conrad Veldt)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A304

    1. Lux 421116 To Mary with Love (I.Dunne R.Milland Otto Kruger)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A305

    1. Lux 421123 Gay Sisters (B.Stanwyck, R.Young) Broken Discs

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A306

    1. Lux 421130 Broadway (George Raft, Lloyd Nolan, Janet Blair)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A307

    1. Lux 421207 War Against Mrs. Hadley (F.Bainter, E.Arnold)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A308

    1. Lux 421214 Algiers (Charles Boyer, L.Young, J. Carroll Nash)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A309

    1. Lux 421221 Pied Piper (F.Morgan, R.McDowall, Anne Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A310

    1. Lux 421228 A Star is Born (Judy Garland, Walter Pidgeon)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A311

    1. Lux 430104 Bugle Sounds (Wallace Beery, Marjorie Rambeau)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A312

    1. Lux 430111 She Knew All the Answers (J.Bennett, P.Foster)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A313

    1. Lux 430118 My Gal Sal (Mary Martin Dick Powell Norman Field)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A314

    1. Lux 430125 This Gun Hire (A.Ladd, J.Blondell, Laird Cregar)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A315

    1. Lux 430201 ShowOff (Hal Peary, Una Merkle)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A316

    1. Lux 430208 Maltese Falcon (E.G.Robinson G.Patrick L.Cregar)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A317

    1. Lux 430215 Are Husbands Necessary (B.Burns, G.Allen)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A318

    1. Lux 430222 This Is the Army (All Soldier Cast)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A319

    1. Lux 430301 Lady is Willing (Kay Francis, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A320

    1. Lux 430308 Reap Wild Wind (P.Goddard R.Milland J.Carradine)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A321

    1. Lux 430315 Libel (Edna Best, Ronald Colman, Otto Kruger)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A322

    1. Lux 430322 Each Dawn I Die (G.Raft, F.Tone, L.Bari)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A323

    1. Lux 430329 Crossroads (Lana Turner, Pierre Aumont)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A324

    1. Lux 430405 Road to Morocco (Bob Crosby, Bing Hope)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A325

    1. Lux 430412 Once upon a Honeymoon (C.Colbert B.Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A326

    1. Lux 430419 A Night to Remember (Ann Southern, Robert Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A327

    1. Lux 430426 Lady Has Plans (William Powell, Rita Hayworth)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A328

    1. Lux 430503 Navy Comes Through (Pat OBrien, Ruth Hussey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A329

    1. Lux 430510 Now, Voyager (Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A330

    1. Lux 430517 Talk of the Town (Ronald Colman, Jean Arthur)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A331

    1. Lux 430524 Hitlers Children (Bonita Granville, Otto Kruger)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A332

    1. Lux 430531 Major and the Minor (Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A333

    1. Lux 430607 My Friend Flicka (Roddy McDowall, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A334

    1. Lux 430614 Philadelphia Story (Robert Taylor, Loretta Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A335

    1. Lux 430621 In Which We Serve (Ronald Colman, Edna Best)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A336

    1. Lux 430628 Great Mans Lady (Barbara Stanwyck, Joseph Cotton)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A337

    1. Lux 430705 My Sister Eileen (Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A338

    1. Lux 430712 Air Force (George Raft, Harry Carey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A339

    1. Lux 430913 Phantom of Opera (Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A340

    1. Lux 430920 Flight for Freedom (R.Russell, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A341

    1. Lux 430927 Ladies in Retirement (Ida Lupino, Dame MayWhitty)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A342

    1. Lux 431004 Pride of the Yankees (G.Cooper, Virginia Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A343

    1. Lux 431011 Heaven Can Wait (Don Ameche, Maureen OHara)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A344

    1. Lux 431018 Mister Lucky (Cary Grant, Larraine Day) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A345

    1. Lux 431018 Mister Lucky (Cary Grant, Larraine Day)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A346

    1. Lux 431024 Slightly Dangerous (Lana Turner, Victure Mature)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A347

    1. Lux 431101 So Proudly We Hail (C.Colbert, Veronica Lake)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A348

    1. Lux 431107 Salute to the Marines (Fay Bainter, W.Beery) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A349

    1. Lux 431107 Salute to the Marines (Fay Bainter, W.Beery)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A350

    1. Lux 431115 Hello Frisco Hello (A.Faye, R.Young, E.Marr) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A351

    1. Lux 431115 Hello Frisco Hello (A.Faye, R.Young, Eddie Marr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A352

    1. Lux 431122 China (Loretta Young, Alan Ladd, William Bendix)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A353

    1. Lux 431129 Navy Comes Through (Pat OBrien, Ruth Warrick)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A354

    1. Lux 431206 Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A355

    1. Lux 431206 Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon).

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A356

    1. Lux 431213 Five Graves to Cairo (Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A357

    1. Lux 431220 Dixie (B.Crosby D.Lamour Barry Sullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A358

    1. Lux 431227 Kathleen (Shirley Temple, Herbert Marshall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A359

    1. Lux 440103 Shadow of a Doubt (William Powell, Teresa Wright)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A360

    1. Lux 440110 Constant Nymph (Charles Boyer, Maureen OSullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A361

    1. Lux 440124 Casablanca (Alan Ladd, Hedy Lamarr, John Lodar)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A362

    1. Lux 440130 Random Harvest (Ronald Colman, Greer Garson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A363

    1. Lux 440207 His Butlers Sister (Deanna Durbin, Pat OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A364

    1. Lux 440207 His Butlers Sister (E.Durbin, P.OBrien) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A365

    1. Lux 440214 Fallen Sparrow (Robert Young, Maureen OHara)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A366

    1. Lux 440221 Wake Up and Live (Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Maxwell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A367

    1. Lux 440228 Guadalcanal Diary (P.Foster, William Bendix) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A368

    1. Lux 440228 Guadalcanal Diary (P.Foster, William Bendix)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A369

    1. Lux 440306 Letter (B.Davis, Herbert Marshall, Vincent Price)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A370

    1. Lux 440313 In Old Oklahoma (Roy Rogers, Martha Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A371

    1. Lux 440320 Hard Way (Miriam Hopkins, Franchot Tone)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A372

    1. Lux 440327 Phantom Lady (Brian Aherne, Ella Rains) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A373

    1. Lux 440327 Phantom Lady (Brian Aherne, Ella Rains)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A374

    1. Lux 440403 Destroyer (Edward G. Robinson, Dennis OKeefe)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A375

    1. Lux 440410 Happy Land (Don Ameche, Frances Dee)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A376

    1. Lux 440417 Coney Island (A.Ladd, D.Lamour, Chester Morris)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A377

    1. Lux 440424 This Land is Mine (C.Laughton, M.OSullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A378

    1. Lux 440501 Appointment for Love (P.Lukas, O.de Havilland,)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A379

    1. Lux 440508 Penny Serenade (Irene Dunne, Joseph Cotten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A380

    1. Lux 440515 Action in the North Atlantic (G.Raft, R.Massey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A381

    1. Lux 440522 Springtime Rockies (B.Grable, D.Powell)BE Cut

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A382

    1. Lux 440529 Old Acquaintance (Alexis Smith, Miriam Hopkins)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A383

    1. Lux 440605 Jane Eyre (Orson Welles, Loretta Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A384

    1. Lux 440612 Naughty Marietta (J.MacDonald, Nelson Eddy) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A385

    1. Lux 440612 Naughty Marietta (J.MacDonald, Nelson Eddy) BECut

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A386

    1. Lux 440619 Lost Angel (Margaret OBrien, James Craig)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A387

    1. Lux 440625 Christmas in July (Dick Powel, Linda Darnel)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A388

    1. Lux 440703 It Happened Tomorrow (Don Ameche, Anne Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A389

    1. Lux 440904 Maytime (Nelson Eddy, Jeanette MacDonald)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A390

    1. Lux 440911 Break of Hearts (Orson Welles, Rita Hayworth)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A391

    1. Lux 440918 Suspicion (Olivia de Havilland, William Powell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A392

    1. Lux 440925 Lucky Partners (Don Ameche, Lucille Ball)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A393

    1. Lux 441002 Home in Indiana (W. Brennan, Charlotte Greenwood)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A394

    1. Lux 441009 In Old Chicago (Dorothy Lamour, Robert Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A395

    1. Lux 441016 Seventh Heaven (Jennifer Jones, Van Johnson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A396

    1. Lux 441023 Story of Dr Wassell (Gary Cooper Barbara Britton)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A397

    1. Lux 441030 Standing Room Only (P.Goddard Fred MacMurray) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A398

    1. Lux 441030 Standing Room Only (P.Goddard, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A399

    1. Lux 441106 Pied Piper (Frank Morgan, Signe Hasso)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A400

    1. Lux 441113 Magnificent Obsession (C.Colbert, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A401

    1. Lux 441120 It Started With Eve (C.Laughton, Susanna Foster)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A402

    1. Lux 441127 Dark Waters (Merle Oberon, Preston Foster)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A403

    1. Lux 441204 Unguarded Hour (Robert Montgomery, Larraine Day)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A404

    1. Lux 441211 Casanova Brown (Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A405

    1. Lux 441218 Berkeley Square (R.Colman, Maureen OSullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A406

    1. Lux 441225 Vagabond King ( Dennis Morgan, Kathyrn Grayson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A407

    1. Lux 450101 Bride by Mistake (L.Day, Marsha Hunt John Hodiak)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A408

    1. Lux 450108 I Never Left Home (Bob Hope, Jerry Colonna)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A409

    1. Lux 450115 Master Race (George Coulouris, Nancy Gates)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A410

    1. Lux 450122 Tender Comrade (Olivia de Havilland, June Duprez)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A411

    1. Lux 450129 Lady in the Dark (Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A412

    1. Lux 450205 Laura (Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney, Vincent Price)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A413

    1. Lux 450212 For Whom the Bell Tolls (I.Bergman, Gary Cooper)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A414

    1. Lux 450219 Sunday Dinner for Soldier (J.Hodiak Anne Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A415

    1. Lux 450226 Bedtime Story (Cary Grant, Greer Garson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A416

    1. Lux 450305 Disputed Passage (Ladd A.Tamiroff A.Richards) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A417

    1. Lux 450312 Devil and Miss Jones (F.Morgan, Linda Darnell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A418

    1. Lux 450319 Grissleys Millions (Pat OBrien, Lynn Bari)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A419

    1. Lux 450326 A Tale of Two Cities (O.Welles, Rosemary DeCamp)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A420

    1. Lux 450402 Swanee River (Al Jolson, Dennis Morgan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A421

    1. Lux 450409 Suspect (Charles Laughton, Ella Raines)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A422

    1. Lux 450416 Only Yesterday (Ida Lupino, Robert Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A423

    1. Lux 450423 Petrified Forest (Ronald Colman, Susan Hayward)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A424

    1. Lux 450430 Moontide (Humphrey Bogart, Virginia Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A425

    1. Lux 450507 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, James Dunne) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A426

    1. Lux 450507 Sing You Sinners (Bing Crosby, James Dunne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A427

    1. Lux 450514 Alexander Graham Bell (Don Ameche, June Duprez)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A428

    1. Lux 450521 And Now Tomorrow (Alan Ladd, Loretta Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A429

    1. Lux 450528 Kentucky (L.Day, Walter Brennan, Tom Drake)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A430

    1. Lux 450604 Intermezzo (Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A431

    1. Lux 450611 Murder, My Sweet (D.Powell, C.Trevor, G.Mohr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A432

    1. Lux 450618 Canterville Ghost (C.Laughton, M.OBrien, G.Mohr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A433

    1. Lux 450625 Woman in Window (E.G.Robinson J.Bennett D.Duryea)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A434

    1. Lux 450827 Practically Yours (C.Colbert, Ray Milland) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A435

    1. Lux 450827 Practically Yours (C.Colbert, Ray Milland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A436

    1. Lux 450903 Enchanted Cottage (Robert Young, Dorothy McGuire)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A437

    1. Lux 450917 Christmas Holiday (Loretta Young, William Holden)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A438

    1. Lux 451001 Mr Skeffington (Bette Davis)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A439

    1. Lux 451008 Roughly Speaking (Rosaly Russell, Jack Carson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A440

    1. Lux 451015 Medal for Benny (D.Lamour, Arturo deCordova) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A441

    1. Lux 451029 Affaires of Susan (Joan Fontaine, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A442

    1. Lux 451105 Destry Rides Again (James Stewart Joan Blondell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A443

    1. Lux 451112 Guest in the House (Robert Young, Anne Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A444

    1. Lux 451119 Keys of the Kingdom (Ronald Colman, Ann Harding)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A445

    1. Lux 451126 Salty ORoarke (Alan Ladd, William Demarest)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A446

    1. Lux 451203 Blood on the Sun (James Cagney, Silvia Sidney)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A447

    1. Lux 451210 Guest Wife (Olivia de Haviland, Don Ameche)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A448

    1. Lux 451217 Made for Each Other (James Stewart, Marsha Hunt)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A449

    1. Lux 451224 Ill Be Seeing You (Joseph Cotten, Dot McGuire)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A450

    1. Lux 451231 Pride of the Marines (J.Garfield, Eleanor Parker)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A451

    1. Lux 460107 You Came Along (Van Johnson, Lizabeth Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A452

    1. Lux 460114 Valley of Decision (Greer Garson, Gregory Peck)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A453

    1. Lux 460121 Johnny Eager (R.Taylor, S.Peters, VV.Heflin)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A454

    1. Lux 460128 Clock (Judy Garland, John Hodiak) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A455

    1. Lux 460128 Clock (Judy Garland, John Hodiak) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A456

    1. Lux 460204 This Love of Ours (Rita Hayworth, Charles Calden)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A457

    1. Lux 460211 Now Voyager (Bette Davis, Gregory Peck)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A458

    1. Lux 460218 Captain January (M.OBrien L.Barrymoore) HRT

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A459

    1. Lux 460225 Thunderhead, Son of Flicka (R.McDowall, P.Foster)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A460

    1. Lux 460304 Amazing Mrs Holliday (G.Tierney, W.Brennan) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A461

    1. Lux 460311 Presenting Lily Mars (J.Allyson, Van Heflin) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A462

    1. Lux 460318 A Tale of Two Cities (R.Colman, H.Angel) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A463

    1. Lux 460325 Wonderman (Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A464

    1. Lux 460401 Barnacle Bill (Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A465

    1. Lux 460408 Honky Tonk (Lana Turner, John Hodiak)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A466

    1. Lux 460415 Whistle Stop (Alan Ladd, Evelyn Keyes)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A467

    1. Lux 460422 Love Letters (Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A468

    1. Lux 460429 Gaslight (Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A469

    1. Lux 460506 Tomorrow Forever (Claudette Colbert Van Heflin)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A470

    1. Lux 460513 Pardon My Past (F.MacMurray, Margurite Chapman)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A471

    1. Lux 460520 Deadline at Dawn (Joan Blondell, Paul Lukas)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A472

    1. Lux 460527 Music for Millions (M.OBrien, J.Durante) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A473

    1. Lux 460603 None but Lonely Heart (E.Barrymoore, B.Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A474

    1. Lux 460610 Now Tomorrow (Olivia de Havilland, John Lund) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A475

    1. Lux 460617 Fallen Angel (Linda Darnell, Maureen OHara) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A476

    1. Lux 460624 State Fair (J.Crain, D.Haymes, Vivian Blaine)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A477

    1. Lux 460826 Without Reservations (C.Colbert, R.Cummings) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A478

    1. Lux 460902 Our Vines Have Tender Grapes (Margaret OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A479

    1. Lux 460909 Barretts of Winpole Street (L.Young, B.Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A480

    1. Lux 460915 Madam Curie (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A481

    1. Lux 460915 Madam Curie (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A482

    1. Lux 460923 Sentimental Journey (John Payne, Lynn Barri)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A483

    1. Lux 460930 Coney Island (Bette Grable, Victure Mature)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A484

    1. Lux 461007 Dragonwyck (Vincent Price, Gene Tierney) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A485

    1. Lux 461014 To Have and Have Not (H.Bogart, Lauren Bacall)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A486

    1. Lux 461021 Miss Susie Slagles (J.Caufield, W.Holden) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A487

    1. Lux 461028 From this Day Forward (J.Fontaine, M.Stevens)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A488

    1. Lux 461104 Ive Always Loved You (J.Cotten, C.McLeod)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A489

    1. Lux 461111 Gallant Journey (Glenn Ford, Janet Blair)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A490

    1. Lux 461118 OSS (Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A491

    1. Lux 461125 Mrs. Parkington (G.Garson, W.Pidgeon) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A492

    1. Lux 461202 Meet Me in Saint Louis (J.Garland, M.OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A493

    1. Lux 461209 Together Again (Irene Dunne, Walter Pidgeon) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A494

    1. Lux 461216 Killer Cates (J.Benny, G.Patrick, A.Reed)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A495

    1. Lux 461223 Do You Love Me (Dick Haymes, Maureen OHara) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A496

    1. Lux 461230 CrackUp (Pat OBrien, Lynn Barrie)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A497

    1. Lux 470106 553 Till the End of Time

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A498

    1. Lux 470113 554 The Green Years

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A499

    1. Lux 470120 Anna the King of Siam (Rex Harrison, Irene Dunne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A500

    1. Lux 470127 556 Cluny Brown

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A501

    1. Lux 470203 National Velvet (Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A502

    1. Lux 470210 Frenchmens Creek (Joan Fontaine, David Niven) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A503

    1. Lux 470217 Devotion (J.Wyman, V.Bruce, Vincent Price) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A504

    1. Lux 470224 Kitty (Paulette Goddard, Patrick Knowles)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A505

    1. Lux 470303 Somewhere in the Night (John Hodiak, Lynn Bari)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A506

    1. Lux 470310 Its a Wonderful Life (James Stewart, Donna Reed)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A507

    1. Lux 470317 Leave Her to Heaven (Gene Tierney, Cornell Wilde)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A508

    1. Lux 470324 Smoky (Joel McCrea, Constance Moore) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A509

    1. Lux 470407 Alexanders Ragtime Band (Al Jolson, Dinah Shore)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A510

    1. Lux 470414 Monsieur Beaucaire (Bob Hope, Joan Caulfield) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A511

    1. Lux 470421 My Reputation (Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A512

    1. Lux 470428 My Darling Clementine (Henry Fonda Richard Conte)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A513

    1. Lux 470505 Egg and I (Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A514

    1. Lux 470512 Johnny Oclock (Dick Powell, Lee J. Cobb)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A515

    1. Lux 470519 It Happened 5th Ave (V.Moore, D.DeFore) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A516

    1. Lux 470526 Vacation from Marriage (D.Kerr, V.Heflin)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A517

    1. Lux 470602 Jazz Singer (Al Jolson, Gail Patrick)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A518

    1. Lux 470609 One More Tomorrow (Jane Wyman, Dennis Morgan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A519

    1. Lux 470609 One More Tomorrow (rehearsal)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A520

    1. Lux 470616 Other Love (B.Stanwyck, G.Brent, R.Conte)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A521

    1. Lux 470623 Cynthia (Elizabeth Taylor, G.Murphy, Mary Astor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A522

    1. Lux 470825 A Stolen Life (Bette Davis, Glenn Ford) No OpCls

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A523

    1. Lux 470901 579 Three Wise Fools

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A524

    1. Lux 470908 Margie (Jeanne Crain, Glen Langan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A525

    1. Lux 470915 Seventh Veil (Ida Lupino, Joseph Cotten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A526

    1. Lux 470922 Two Years Before the Mast (A.Ladd, Wanda Hendrix)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A527

    1. Lux 470929 Web (Vincent Price, Ella Rains, Edmond OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A528

    1. Lux 471006 Undercurrent (Kathrine Hepburn, Robert Taylor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A529

    1. Lux 471013 Great Expectation (R.Cummings, Ann Blyth) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A530

    1. Lux 471020 13 Rue Madeleine (R.Montgomery, L.Nolan) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A531

    1. Lux 471027 Stairway To Heaven (Ray Milland, Ann Blyth)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A532

    1. Lux 471103 Singapore (Fred MacMurray, Ava Gardner)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A533

    1. Lux 471110 Dark Corner (Lucille Ball, Mark Stevens)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A534

    1. Lux 471117 Nobody Lives Forever (Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A535

    1. Lux 471124 Saratoga Trunk (Ida Lupino, Zachery Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A536

    1. Lux 471201 Ghost Mrs Muir (Charles Boyer, Madeleine Carrol)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A537

    1. Lux 471208 Ride the Pink Horse (Robert Montgomery)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A538

    1. Lux 471215 Magic Town (James Stewart, Jane Wyman)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A539

    1. Lux 471222 Miracle on 34th Street (M.OHara, Edmond Gwenn)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A540

    1. Lux 471229 Anchors Aweigh (F.Sinatra G.Kelly, K.Grayson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A541

    1. Lux 480105 Farmers Daughter (Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A542

    1. Lux 480112 Kiss of Death (Victor Mature, Colleen Gray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A543

    1. Lux 480119 Yearling (Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A544

    1. Lux 480126 Notorious (Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A545

    1. Lux 480202 Mother Wore Tights (Bette Grable, Dan Dailey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A546

    1. Lux 480209 Lady in the Lake (R.Montgomery, A.Totter, G.Mohr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A547

    1. Lux 480216 Al Jolson Story (Al Jolson, Evelyn Keyes)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A548

    1. Lux 480301 Bad Bascombe (Wallace Beery, Margaret OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A549

    1. Lux 480308 Spellbound (Joseph Cotten, Valle, Gerald Mohr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A550

    1. Lux 480329 I Love You Again (William Powell, Ann Southern)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A551

    1. Lux 480405 Daisy Kenyon (I.Lupino, J.Chandler, D.Andrews)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A552

    1. Lux 480412 Perfect Marriage (R.Milland, L.Scott, G.Mohr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A553

    1. Lux 480419 Random Harvest (Ronald Colman, Greer Garson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A554

    1. Lux 480426 Dear Ruth (Joan Caufield, William Holden)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A555

    1. Lux 480503 Cloak and Dagger (Ronald Reagan, Lili Palmer)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A556

    1. Lux 480510 Intrigue (George Raft, June Haverick)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A557

    1. Lux 480524 Walk Alone (Chandler B.Lancaster L.Scott)No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A558

    1. Lux 480531 Miracle of Bells (Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A559

    1. Lux 480614 Jane Eyre (Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A560

    1. Lux 480830 622 I Remember Mama

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A561

    1. Lux 480913 Another Part of Forest (Walter Huston, V.Price)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A562

    1. Lux 480920 Gentlemans Agreement (Gegrory Peck, Ann Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A563

    1. Lux 481015 Double Indemnity (B.Lancaster, J.Bennett) Not LUX

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A564

    1. Lux 481018 Razors Edge (Ida Lupino, Mark Stevens) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A565

    1. Lux 481108 Pitfall (D.Powell, J.Wyatt, Lizbeth Scott) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A566

    1. Lux 481115 Body Soul (John Garfield, Jane Wyman)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A567

    1. Lux 481122 Big Clock (Ray Milland, Maureen OSullivan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A568

    1. Lux 481129 Brief Encounter (G.Garson, Van Heflin) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A569

    1. Lux 481206 Foxes of Harrow (Maureen OHara, John Hodiak)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A570

    1. Lux 481213 Seventh Veil (Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A571

    1. Lux 481220 Miracle on 34th Street (M.OHara, Edmond Gwynn)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A572

    1. Lux 481227 Luck of the Irish (Ann Baxter, Dana Andrews)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A573

    1. Lux 490110 Velvet Touch (S.Greenstreet, G.Mohr) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A574

    1. Lux 490131 Street with No Name (Mark Stevens, R.Widmark)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A575

    1. Lux 490214 Sitting Pretty (Clifton Webb, Robert Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A576

    1. Lux 490228 Apartment for Peggy (Jeanne Crain, W.Holden)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A577

    1. Lux 490307 Red River (John Wayne, Joanne Dru, W.Brennan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A578

    1. Lux 490314 What a Woman (Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A579

    1. Lux 490418 Sierra Madre (H.Bogart F.Lovejoy W.Huston G.Mohr)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A580

    1. Lux 490425 When My Baby Smiles Me (Bette Grable, Dan Dailey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A581

    1. Lux 490509 Paradine Case (Joseph Cotten Valli Louis Jourdan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A582

    1. Lux 490516 April Showers (Jack Carson, Dorothy Lamour)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A583

    1. Lux 490523 To the Ends of Earth (Dick Powell, Signe Hasso)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A584

    1. Lux 490606 Mildred Pierce (Rosalyn Russell, Zachary Scott)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A585

    1. Lux 490613 Bachelor the Bobby Soxer (C.Grant, S.Temple)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A586

    1. Lux 490620 Merton of the Movies (Mickey Rooney, Arlene Dahl)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A587

    1. Lux 490627 Every Girl Should Marry (C.Grant, G.Mohr) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A588

    1. Lux 490829 June Bride (James Stewart, Bette Davis)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A589

    1. Lux 490905 Saigon (John Lund, Lizabeth Scott) (HRT)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A590

    1. Lux 490912 Deep Waters (Dana Andrews, Donna Reed)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A591

    1. Lux 490919 Green Dolphin Street (Lana Turner, Van Heflin)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A592

    1. Lux 490926 Emperor Waltz (Bing Crosby, Ann Blyth)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A593

    1. Lux 491003 Happens Every Spring (R.Milland Colleen Townsend)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A594

    1. Lux 491010 Mr Blandings Builds Dream Home (C.Grant, I.Dunne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A595

    1. Lux 491017 Mother was a Freshman (Loretta Young Van Johnson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A596

    1. Lux 491024 Scudda Hoo Scudda Hay (June Haver Lon McAllister)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A597

    1. Lux 491031 Portrait of Jenny (Joseph Cotten, Anne Baxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A598

    1. Lux 491107 High Wall (Van Heflin, Janet Leigh)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A599

    1. Lux 491114 Mother Wore Tights (B.Grable, Dan Daily)bad snd

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A600

    1. Lux 491121 Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope, L.Ball, G.Mohr) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A601

    1. Lux 491128 Key Largo (Edward G. Robinson, Claire Trevor)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A602

    1. Lux 491219 Bishops Wife (Tyrone Power, David Niven)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A603

    1. Lux 500109 Sorry, Wrong Number (B.Stanwyck, Burt Lancaster)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A604

    1. Lux 500116 Mr Belvedere Goes to College (C.Webb, C.Gray)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lux Radio Theater Disc A605

    1. Lux 500123 Ill Be Yours (W.Bendix, A.Blyth, R.Cummings) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A606

    1. Lux 500130 California (Ray Milland, Lizabeth Scott) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A607

    1. Lux 500213 Stratton Story (James Stewart, June Allyson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A608

    1. Lux 500220 Letter to Three Wives (P.Douglas, Linda Darnell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A609

    1. Lux 500227 Easy to Wed (Van Johnson, Ester Williams)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A610

    1. Lux 500306 Slatterys Hurricane (M.OHara, Richard Conte)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A611

    1. Lux 500313 Little Women (J.Allyson, M.OBrien, P.Lawford)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A612

    1. Lux 500320 Father Was a Fullback (P.Douglas, M.OHara)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A613

    1. Lux 500327 Man Who Came to Dinner (Clifton Webb, L.Ball)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A614

    1. Lux 500403 Come to the Stable (Loretta Young, H.Marlow)Tinny

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A615

    1. Lux 500410 Snake Pit (O.de Havilland, M.Stevens, Leo Den)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A616

    1. Lux 500424 Mrs. Mike (Dick Powell, Gene Tierney)No OpenClose

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A617

    1. Lux 500501 All My Sons (Burt Lancaster, Edward Arnold)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A618

    1. Lux 500508 Life of Riley (William Bendix, Rosemary DeCamp)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A619

    1. Lux 500522 Jolson Sings Again (Al Jolson, Barbara Hale)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A620

    1. Lux 500612 Corn is Green (Olivia de Havilland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A621

    1. Lux 500619 John Loves Mary (Ronald Reagan, Patricia ONeal)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A622

    1. Lux 500911 Heiress (Olivia de Havilland, Louie Calhurn) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A623

    1. Lux 501016 House of Strangers (A.Baxter, R.Conte) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A624

    1. Lux 501030 Double Indemnity (Barbara Stanwyck, F.MacMurray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A625

    1. Lux 501106 Rebecca (Laurence Olivier, Vivian Leigh)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A626

    1. Lux 501113 Wabash Avenue (B.Grable, V.Mature, G.Mohr) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A627

    1. Lux 501127 Youre My Everything (Anne Baxter, Phil Harris)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A628

    1. Lux 501218 Holiday Affair (Larraine Day, Robert Mitchum)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A629

    1. Lux 501225 Wizard of Oz (Judy Garland)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A630

    1. Lux 510108 Once More My Darling (Van Heflin, Anne Blyth)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A631

    1. Lux 510122 Broken Arrow (B.Lancaster, J.Chandler, D.Paget)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A632

    1. Lux 510129 Treasure Island (J.Mason, B.Drisco, Nigel Bruce)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A633

    1. Lux 510212 Battleground (Vance Johnson, John Hodiak) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A634

    1. Lux 510219 Dear Wife (William Holden, Joan Caulfield)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A635

    1. Lux 510305 Panic in the Street (R.Widmark, Paul Douglas)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A636

    1. Lux 510312 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (John Wayne, Mel Ferrer)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A637

    1. Lux 510326 Seventh Heaven (Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A638

    1. Lux 510402 Where the Sidewalk Ends (A.Baxter, D.Andrews)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A639

    1. Lux 510409 Third Man (Joseph Cotten, Evelyn Keyes)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A640

    1. Lux 510430 744 Down to the Sea in Ships

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A641

    1. Lux 510507 Cheaper by the Dozen (Clifton Webb) .

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A642

    1. Lux 510604 749 A Ticket to Tomahawk

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A643

    1. Lux 510618 Edward My Son (Walter Pidgeon, Deborah Kerr) AFRS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A644

    1. Lux 510625 Reformer and Redhead (Dick Powell, June Allyson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A645

    1. Lux 510903 754 Payment on Demand

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A646

    1. Lux 510910 Fancy Pants (Bob Hope, Lucille Ball)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A647

    1. Lux 510917 Sunset Boulevard (Gloria Swanson, William Holden)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A648

    1. Lux 510924 Movietime, USA (50th Anniv of Motion Pictures)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A649

    1. Lux 511001 All About Eve (Bette Davis, Gary Merrill) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A650

    1. Lux 511015 Mr. 880 (Edmond Gwenn, Dana Andrews, Mala Powers)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A651

    1. Lux 511022 Margie (Jeanne Crain, Hugh Marlowe, Jane Darwell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A652

    1. Lux 511029 Id Climb Highest Mountain (Ann Blyth, Dennis Day)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A653

    1. Lux 511112 Winchester 73 (James Stewart, Stephen McNally)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A654

    1. Lux 511119 Samson and Delilah (Hedy Lamarr, Victure Mature)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A655

    1. Lux 511203 Strangers on a Train (F.Lovejoy, Ray Milland) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A656

    1. Lux 511210 Lemon Drop Kid (Bob Hope, Marilyn Maxwell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A657

    1. Lux 511224 Alice in Wonderland (Cathy Beaumont, Ed Wynn) (R)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A658

    1. Lux 520114 Goodbye, My Fancy (B.Stanwyck, Frank Lovejoy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A659

    1. Lux 520121 Cpt Horatio Hornblower (G.Peck, Virginia Mayo)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A660

    1. Lux 520128 Branded (B.Lancaster, C.Pickford, Nancy Gates)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A661

    1. Lux 520204 Take Care My Little Girl (J.Crain D.Robertson)HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A662

    1. Lux 520211 Show Boat (Ava Gardner, Katharine Grayson) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A663

    1. Lux 520225 My Blue Heaven (Betty Grable, Dan Dailey)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A664

    1. Lux 520303 Young Man with a Horn (Kirk Douglas, Jo Stafford)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A665

    1. Lux 520317 Top O The Morning (B.Fitzgerald, A.Blyth, D.Day)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A666

    1. Lux 520324 783 Come to the Stable

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A667

    1. Lux 520331 784 I Can Get It for You Wholesale

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A668

    1. Lux 520407 Union Station (William Holden, Nancy Olsen) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A669

    1. Lux 520428 No Highway in the Sky J.Stewart, M.Dietrich)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A670

    1. Lux 520922 Ill Never Forget You (T.Power, Debra Pagent)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A671

    1. Lux 520929 Adam Evelyn (Jean Simmons, Stewart Granger) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A672

    1. Lux 521006 Model and the Marriage Broker (Thelma Ritter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A673

    1. Lux 521013 Five Fingers (James Mason, Pamela Kellino)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A674

    1. Lux 521020 My Six Convicts (D.Andrews, M.Mitchell) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A675

    1. Lux 521103 Viva Zapata (Charlton Heston, Jean Peters)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A676

    1. Lux 521110 Grounds for Marriage (Van Johnson, K.Grayson) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A677

    1. Lux 521117 Submarine Command (W.Holden, Alexis Smith) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A678

    1. Lux 521201 King Solomons Mines (D.Kerr, Stewart Granger)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A679

    1. Lux 521208 Strictly Dishonorable (Janet Leigh, F.Lamas)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A680

    1. Lux 521215 African Queen (Humphrey Bogart, Greer Garson)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A681

    1. Lux 521222 Les Miserables (Ronald Colman, Deborah Paget)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A682

    1. Lux 521229 Westward Women (Robert Taylor, Denise Darcel) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A683

    1. Lux 530105 Phone Call Stranger (S.Winters, G.Merrill) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A684

    1. Lux 530112 Will Rogers Story (W.Rogers Jr, Jane Wyman) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A685

    1. Lux 530119 Appointment Danger (W.Holden, Colleen Gray) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A686

    1. Lux 530126 September Affair (Joseph Cotten, J.Fontaine) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A687

    1. Lux 530202 Captain Carey, USA (C.Heston, Wanda Hendricks)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A688

    1. Lux 530209 With a Song in My Heart (S.Hayward, D.Wayne) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A689

    1. Lux 530216 Lady in the Dark (Judy Garland, John Lund) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A690

    1. Lux 530223 Youre My Everything (Jeanne Craine Dan Dailey)HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A691

    1. Lux 530302 Close to My Heart (Ray Milland Phylis Baxter) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A692

    1. Lux 530309 People vs OHara (W.Pidgeon J.Leigh) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A693

    1. Lux 530316 This Woman Is Dangerous (V.Mayo, D.Morgan) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A694

    1. Lux 530323 821 Fourteen Hours

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A695

    1. Lux 530330 Miracle Our Lady Fatima (J. Carrol Naish) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A696

    1. Lux 530406 Angels in Outfield (J.Leigh, George Murphy)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A697

    1. Lux 530420 Deadline, USA (Dan Dailey, Deborah Paget) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A698

    1. Lux 530504 Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie (Jean Peters) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A699

    1. Lux 530511 Bishops Wife (Cary Grant, Phylis Thaxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A700

    1. Lux 530518 Girl in White (June Allyson, Steve Forrest) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A701

    1. Lux 530525 Lure of the Wilderness (J.Peters, Jeffrey Hunter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A702

    1. Lux 530601 High Tor (William Holden, Parley Baer) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A703

    1. Lux 530608 China Run (Virginia Mayo, John Dehner) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A704

    1. Lux 530615 Lady the Tumblers (Fred MacMurray) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A705

    1. Lux 530622 Fall of Maggie Phillips (Dorothy McGuire) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A706

    1. Lux 530629 One More Spring (Jean Crain) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A707

    1. Lux 530706 Cynara (Joseph Cotten) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A708

    1. Lux 530713 Physician in Spite of Himself (Robert Young) SRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A709

    1. Lux 530720 Birds (Herbert Marshall) SRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A710

    1. Lux 530727 One Foot in Heaven (D.Andrews, Steve Forrest) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A711

    1. Lux 530803 Romance to a Degree (Joseph Cotten) LST

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A712

    1. Lux 530810 Leave Her to Heaven (Joan Fontaine) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A713

    1. Lux 530817 Affairs of Susan (Anne Baxter) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A714

    1. Lux 530817 Edward, My Son (Walter Pidgeon, Irene Tedrow) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A715

    1. Lux 530831 One Last September (Claire Trevor) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A716

    1. Lux 530907 My Cousin Rachel (O.de Havilland, Ron Randell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A717

    1. Lux 530914 Steel Trap (Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A718

    1. Lux 530921 I Confess (Cary Grant, Phylis Thaxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A719

    1. Lux 530928 Presidents Lady (Charlton Heston, Joan Fontaine)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A720

    1. Lux 531005 Our Very Own (Terry Moore, June Evans) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A721

    1. Lux 531012 Breaking Sound Barrier (R.Newton DD.Mcguire) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A722

    1. Lux 531019 Taxi (Dan Dailey, Colleen Grey) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A723

    1. Lux 531026 Skirts Ahoy (Esther Williams, Barry Sullivan) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A724

    1. Lux 531102 Because of You (June Allyson, Jeff Chandler) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A725

    1. Lux 531109 Thunder On Hill (C.Colbert, Barbara Rush) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A726

    1. Lux 531116 It Grows on Trees (Ginger Rogers) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A727

    1. Lux 531123 Browning Version (Ronald Colman, Bonita Hume) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A728

    1. Lux 531130 Undercurrent (Joan Fontaine, Mel Ferrer) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A729

    1. Lux 531207 Man On A Tightrope (E.G.Robinson, Terry Moore)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A730

    1. Lux 531214 Million Dollar Mermaid (E.Williams W.Pidgeon) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A731

    1. Lux 531221 Peter Pan (Bobby Driscol)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A732

    1. Lux 531228 June Bride (Irene Dunne, Fred MacMurray)No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A733

    1. Lux 540104 Day the Earth Stood Still (M.Rene, Jean Peters)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A734

    1. Lux 540111 Anybody Seen My Gal (Gene Lockhart, Laurie Piper)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A735

    1. Lux 540118 Winslow Boy (Ray Milland, Brian Aherne)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A736

    1. Lux 540125 People Will Talk (Jeanne Crain, Cary Grant) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A737

    1. Lux 540201 Laura (Gene Tierney, Victor Mature)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A738

    1. Lux 540215 Trouble Along Way (June Haver, Jack Carson) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A739

    1. Lux 540301 Mississippi Gambler (T.Power, L.Christian) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A740

    1. Lux 540308 Glass Menagerie (Jane Wyman, Fay Bainter) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A741

    1. Lux 540315 Jeopardy (B.Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan) No OpCl

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A742

    1. Lux 540322 Carbine Williams (Ronald Reagan, Wendel Cory) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A743

    1. Lux 540329 A Blueprint for Murder (D.Dailey, Dorothy McGuire

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A744

    1. Lux 540405 Welcome Stranger (C.Grant, Barry Fitzgerald) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A745

    1. Lux 540412 Strangers on a Train (V.Mayo, Dana Andrews) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A746

    1. Lux 540419 Star (Ida Lupino, Edmond OBrien)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A747

    1. Lux 540426 Detective Story (K.Douglas, E.Parker, W.Conrad)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A748

    1. Lux 540503 879 Going My Way

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A749

    1. Lux 540510 880 Holy Matrimony

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A750

    1. Lux 540531 What a Woman (Rosalind Russell, Robert Cummings)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A751

    1. Lux 540607 Naked Jungle (Charlton Heston, Donna Reed) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A752

    1. Lux 540614 Mildred Pierce (Claire Trevor, Zachery Scott) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A753

    1. Lux 540621 Pick Up South Street (T.Ritter, Terri Moore) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A754

    1. Lux 540628 Goodbye My Fancy (Rosalind Russell, Robert Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A755

    1. Lux 540914 Wuthering Heights (Merle Oberon Cameron Mitchell)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A756

    1. Lux 540921 So Big (Ida Lupino Robert Stack)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A757

    1. Lux 541005 Turning Point (F.MacMurray, Joanne Dru)No opclose

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A758

    1. Lux 541012 Great Expectations (Hudson, Rush, Swanson) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A759

    1. Lux 541019 David and Bathsheba (A.Dahl, M.Rennie) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A760

    1. Lux 541026 Song of Bernadette (Ann Blyth, C.Bickford) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A761

    1. Lux 541102 Big Trees (Van Heflin, Nancy Gates) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A762

    1. Lux 541109 My Man Godfrey (Jeff Chandler, Julie Adams)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A763

    1. Lux 541116 Mother Didnt Tell Me (D.Mcguire, F.Lovejoy) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A764

    1. Lux 541123 All About Eve (Ann Blyth, Ida Lupino) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A765

    1. Lux 541130 Blue Gardenia (Dana Andrews, Ruth Roman) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A766

    1. Lux 541207 Battleground (Van Johnson, George Murphy) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A767

    1. Lux 541214 Secret of the Incas (C.Heston, Nichole Morray)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A768

    1. Lux 541221 Miracle on 34th Street (Edmond Gwenn)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A769

    1. Lux 541227 Iron Mistress (Virginia Mayo, John Lund) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A770

    1. Lux 550104 Mother Wore Tights (Dan Dailey, Mitzi Gaynor) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A771

    1. Lux 550111 Island in the Sky (Dick Powell) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A772

    1. Lux 550118 Awful Truth (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A773

    1. Lux 550125 Sangree (Arlene Dahl, Ceasar Romero) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A774

    1. Lux 550201 Five Fingers (James Mason) HRT AFRTS

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A775

    1. Lux 550208 War of the Worlds (Dana Andrews, Pat Crowley)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A776

    1. Lux 550215 Treasure Sierra Madre (E.OBrien, W.Brennan)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A777

    1. Lux 550222 Shane (Alan Ladd, Van Heflin, Ruth Hussey) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A778

    1. Lux 550301 Bishops Wife (Cary Grant, Phyllis Thaxter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A779

    1. Lux 550308 Walls Of Jericho (Cornell Wilde, Terry Moore) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A780

    1. Lux 550315 Gentlemans Agreemnt (Ray Milland Dorothy McGuire)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A781

    1. Lux 550322 Rawhide (Donna Reed, Jeffrey Hunter)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A782

    1. Lux 550329 Trouble Along the Way (Van Johnson, Joanne Dru)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A783

    1. Lux 550412 Stairway to Heaven (David Niven, Barbara Rush)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A784

    1. Lux 550510 Together Again (Maureen OHara, Carlton Young)

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A785

    1. Lux 550531 Rope of Sand (Barry Sullivan) HRT

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A786

    1. Lux SA 671113 0916 Sacred Flame

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A787

    1. Lux SA 671218 0921 Stranger In The House

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A788

    1. Lux SA 680605 Dodo In Love

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    1. Lux SA 690616 0999 Well Dressed Man

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A790

    1. Lux SA 691006 1015 Sound Of Murder

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A791

    1. Lux SA 691020 1017 Trap For A Lonely Man

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A792

    1. Lux SA 700203 Non Stop To Victoria

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A793

    1. Lux SA 700316 1038 Late Edwina Black

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A794

    1. Lux SA 710712 1107 Hallajuah Corner

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A795

    1. Lux SA 710803 Goodnight Mrs Puffin

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A796

    1. Lux SA 711124 Dialogue In A Compartment

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A797

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    Lux Radio Theater Disc A798

    1. Lux SA 711227 Waters Of The Moon

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