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We happily include these Sampler Disks with each order. They are a great way to introduce your friends to the fun of Old Time Radio. This edition includes selections from Judy Canova and The Scarlet Pimpernel.


119 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 46 hours, 47 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
50 Audio CDs

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or order disks individually: Add to Cart
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Old Time RadioOnce you add any radio show in your shopping cart, select a sampler CD to be included in your order free of charge. If you would prefer to purchase an extra copy of this sampler CD, click here and then click ADD TO CART above.

Whether you enjoy an evening in pigtails and calico with Judy Canova, halirious bloopy bloopers with people stumbling over their own words, sports galore, or French Revolutionary tales by Scarlet Pimpernel, you will enjoy this mighty fine sampler. Comedy, drama, farce, and bloopers.

See also SAMPLER #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8, #9#10, #11#12, and #13.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    91     18


    Love these samplers. You'll sometimes discover amazing radio that you may never have listened to otherwise.

    Nor Verified Purchase

    When I found this Website it was the best thing that could have happened. Entirely different from the main published music sites and to be given a free sampler disc with each order is worth while considering.I fulli recommend these samplers.


    The disc I received had 2 soaps-Oxydol's own Ma Perkins and Mary Noble, Backstage Wife. I was familiar with both of them. The other 2 programs were the first I heard- Jerry of Fair Oaks and Magic Island. Jerry sort of is like Jack Armstrong or something similar aimed at young adults. Magic Island is the most intriguing. This was the first episode of a serial type adventure in the spirit of say I Love A Mystery. I wouldn't mind hearing more of this island that appears and disappears.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I Love the variety in the samplers. Sometimes I find some show I rarely heard of. But there's a awful lot to go through and sometimes a lot of chaff along with delicious wheat.

    Peter Verified Purchase

    I enjoy these sampler discs. I always find something I had never heard of, or, better yet, a show I never enjoyed years ago...and enjoy now!

    John Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    119 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 46 hours, 47 min
    119 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 46 hours, 47 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 119 shows – total playtime 46 hours, 47 minutes
    2. Academy Award 460807 Watch On The Rhine.mp3
    3. Adventures by Morse 441216 50 Its Dismal To Die 1o3.mp3
    4. Alan Young 441212 Alan Writes An Opera.mp3
    5. Aldrich Family 521102 Overdue Library Book.mp3
    6. All Star Western Theater 460929 The Cowboy Dentist.mp3
    7. Archie Andrews 480612 Archie Fights A Cold.mp3
    8. Beulah 570000 Honorary Santa.mp3
    9. Big Jon Sparkie Over The Falls In An Airplane.mp3
    10. Blondie 440619 Dagwood Has A Dream.mp3
    11. Blooper Looks like the Mail man.mp3
    12. Blue Beetle 400710 Saved By A Hair.mp3
    13. Bob Hope 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.mp3
    14. Bob Ray 491212 Boston Mary Cries Terrence Mccaffigen.mp3
    15. Bobby Benson 500527 Den Of Thieves.mp3
    16. Buckrogers 380404 Origin Story.mp3
    17. Bulldog Drummond Death Loops The Loop.mp3
    18. Candy Matson 490404 Donna Dunham Case.mp3
    19. Childrens Collection Sleepy Joe 11 Brer Rabbitbear Big Snow.mp3
    20. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley, The Wailing Whale.mp3
    21. Cloak Dagger 500618 Kachlinstory.mp3
    22. Clyde Beatty 039 Flying Politos.mp3
    23. Counter Spy 420914 Spy Submarine Logansport.mp3
    24. Crime Classics 530629 Sudden Death Of James Fisk J.mp3
    25. Crime Club 461202 Death Blew Out The Match.mp3
    26. Cruise of the Poll Parrot 370925 Ep 1.mp3
    27. Damon Runyan 490612 Broadway Complex.mp3
    28. Danger Dr Danfield 460929 Harriet Miller.mp3
    29. Dennis Day 470423 029 Helps Mr Anderson Write A Story.mp3
    30. Destination Freedom 480905 James Weldon Johnson.mp3
    31. Dick Cole 01 Thieves.mp3
    32. Dinah Shore Birdseye 460314 Groucho Marx Hypochondriac.mp3
    33. Dizzy Dean 480703 01 Lefty Gomez.mp3
    34. Doctor Kildare 501208 A Morgan.mp3
    35. Dr Tim 003 Guest In Number Two.mp3
    36. Duffys Tavern 440307 Tax Advice From Cnl Stoopnagle.mp3
    37. Edgar Bergan Charlie McCarthy 461117 Tallulah Bankhead.mp3
    38. Ellery Queen Minute Mysteries Curious Gangland Killing.mp3
    39. Encore Theater 460806 A Man To Remember.mp3
    40. Family Doctor 32 01 False Witness.mp3
    41. Father Knows Best 530115 The Boy Next Door.mp3
    42. Fifth Horseman 460704 Rehersal.mp3
    43. First Nighter 391013 59 Symphony with your Spagettii.mp3
    44. Flash Gordon 351019 025 Flash, Dale and Dr. Zarkoff Cr.mp3
    45. Frakenstein Pt1.mp3
    46. Fred Allen 480425 Scalping Baseball Tickets.mp3
    47. Frontier Town 521010 Tod Ford.mp3
    48. Gangbusters Quincy Killers.mp3
    49. Ghost Corp 01 Knives of el Malek 1.mp3
    50. GI JIVE AFRS 509 Rhum Boogie.mp3
    51. Goldbergs 105x 411014 Jake Is Upset.mp3
    52. Green Valley Line 1934 Ep12 Foul Play.mp3
    53. Halls Of Ivy 490622 Dr Halls Reappointment.mp3
    54. Haunting Hour 13 Uptown Express.mp3
    55. Henry Morgan 471030.mp3
    56. Hermit's Cave 00 Spirits Of Vengence.mp3
    57. Honest Harold 510328 First Day Of School.mp3
    58. Hop Harrigan 440127 Nazi Threat.mp3
    59. I Love Adventure 480530 06 Finishing School Kidnapping.mp3
    60. Ignorant 441013 Married Men Live Longer.mp3
    61. Information Please 430122 Alfred Hitchcock.mp3
    62. Jerry At Fair Oaks Ep 19 Paul Rides Splendor.mp3
    63. Jimmy Durante 481217 Alan Young.mp3
    64. Judy Canova 470426 Going To An Opera Masquerade.mp3
    65. Jungle Jim 380903 Karnak The Killer.mp3
    66. Lets Pretend 470823 Mell A Lot.mp3
    67. Life With Luigi 500103 Pietro Needs An Overcoat.mp3
    68. Ma Perkins 038 e4434 Sylvester tricked Willie.mp3
    69. Magic Island 1936 e001.mp3
    70. Man Called X 470619 Silver Scarab.mp3
    71. Mark Trail 500306 Vampires From The Deep.mp3
    72. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Mars Pregnant.mp3
    73. Mayor 421224 213 A Christmas Carol.mp3
    74. Michael Shayne 490115 Tahlans Tears.mp3
    75. Milton Berle 471021 33 Good Health.mp3
    76. MMT 460823 2046 St. Louis Lady.mp3
    77. Moon Over Africa 350316 Talkinghead.mp3
    78. Mr and Mrs North 531006 521 Brother Danny.mp3
    79. Mr Keene 500601 Quicksand Murder Case.mp3
    80. Mr President 480328 George Washington.mp3
    81. MSA Old Tales and New 500816 Three Billy Goats Gruff.mp3
    82. Murder At Midnight 470106 Ace Of Death.mp3
    83. My Friend Irma 470721 e015 Piano Lessons For Junior.mp3
    84. Mystery is my Hobby Stolen Rembrandts.mp3
    85. Name of the Law 360628 July Fourth Picnic.mp3
    86. Nightwatch 540925 e23 Motel Sheets and Lock Out.mp3
    87. Omar Wizard Of Persia Ep1 1931.mp3
    88. One Mans Family Epb77 C11.mp3
    89. Phil Harris Alice Faye 491225 Jack Benny As Santa.mp3
    90. Police HQ 20 Infiltrating the Mob.mp3
    91. Quiz Kids What will Dewey wear in the White House 1948.mp3
    92. Radiocityplayhouse 490425 Witness For The Prosecution.mp3
    93. Red Skeleton 460205 Hospital Capers.mp3
    94. Rocky Jordan 490814 Cairo Vendetta.mp3
    95. Rogues Gallery 460131 Fake Will.mp3
    96. Roy Rogers 450508 025 Legend Of Pecos Bill.mp3
    97. SamnHenry 260420 At the Dentist.mp3
    98. Scarlet Pimperial Ep 01 Madame Susan.mp3
    99. Scarlet Queen 471203 Green Tourist.mp3
    100. Sciencemagazineoftheair200000flyers.mp3
    101. Screen Directors 490501 Trouble with Women.mp3
    102. Sealedtest Variety 481118 10 Cavalcade Gild.mp3
    103. Secret Agent K7 Returns 1939 Bombing Planes.mp3
    104. Silent Men 511223 Souvenirs of War.mp3
    105. Sky King 510412 Lady Sheriff.mp3
    106. Son of Porthos 1.mp3
    107. Speed Gibson 390121 Davis Shot By Octopusgang.mp3
    108. Sports Baseball 340920 Yankees V D.tigers P1.mp3
    109. Straightarrow 480506 Stage To Calvaydos.mp3
    110. Strange Dr Weird 421212 Themanwhotalkedwithdeath.mp3
    111. Terry The Pirates 470115 Abduction Of Ginger Lee.mp3
    112. Top Secret 500625 0003 A Package In Tangiers.mp3
    113. Vic Sade 390102 Lodge Regalia Out On Loan.mp3
    114. Whisperer 510708 Tea Time For Teenagers.mp3
    115. Witch Tale 330306 Graveyard Mansion.mp3
    116. Words at War 440627 52 Fair Stood the Winds of France.mp3
    117. World Adventurers Club 01 Papua Escape.mp3
    118. You Are There 471106 Thelisteningyears.mp3
    119. Young Widder Brows Ellen talks to Sister.mp3
    120. Your Hit Parade 440715 Ill Be Seeing You.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    119 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 46 hours, 47 min
    119 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    655 MB – total playtime 46 hours, 47 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 119 shows – 655 MB – total playtime 46 hours, 47 minutes
    2. Academy Award 460807 Watch On The Rhine.mp3
    3. Adventures by Morse 441216 50 Its Dismal To Die 1o3.mp3
    4. Alan Young 441212 Alan Writes An Opera.mp3
    5. Aldrich Family 521102 Overdue Library Book.mp3
    6. All Star Western Theater 460929 The Cowboy Dentist.mp3
    7. Archie Andrews 480612 Archie Fights A Cold.mp3
    8. Beulah 570000 Honorary Santa.mp3
    9. Big Jon Sparkie Over The Falls In An Airplane.mp3
    10. Blondie 440619 Dagwood Has A Dream.mp3
    11. Blooper Looks like the Mail man.mp3
    12. Blue Beetle 400710 Saved By A Hair.mp3
    13. Bob Hope 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.mp3
    14. Bob Ray 491212 Boston Mary Cries Terrence Mccaffigen.mp3
    15. Bobby Benson 500527 Den Of Thieves.mp3
    16. Buckrogers 380404 Origin Story.mp3
    17. Bulldog Drummond Death Loops The Loop.mp3
    18. Candy Matson 490404 Donna Dunham Case.mp3
    19. Childrens Collection Sleepy Joe 11 Brer Rabbitbear Big Snow.mp3
    20. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley, The Wailing Whale.mp3
    21. Cloak Dagger 500618 Kachlinstory.mp3
    22. Clyde Beatty 039 Flying Politos.mp3
    23. Counter Spy 420914 Spy Submarine Logansport.mp3
    24. Crime Classics 530629 Sudden Death Of James Fisk J.mp3
    25. Crime Club 461202 Death Blew Out The Match.mp3
    26. Cruise of the Poll Parrot 370925 Ep 1.mp3
    27. Damon Runyan 490612 Broadway Complex.mp3
    28. Danger Dr Danfield 460929 Harriet Miller.mp3
    29. Dennis Day 470423 029 Helps Mr Anderson Write A Story.mp3
    30. Destination Freedom 480905 James Weldon Johnson.mp3
    31. Dick Cole 01 Thieves.mp3
    32. Dinah Shore Birdseye 460314 Groucho Marx Hypochondriac.mp3
    33. Dizzy Dean 480703 01 Lefty Gomez.mp3
    34. Doctor Kildare 501208 A Morgan.mp3
    35. Dr Tim 003 Guest In Number Two.mp3
    36. Duffys Tavern 440307 Tax Advice From Cnl Stoopnagle.mp3
    37. Edgar Bergan Charlie McCarthy 461117 Tallulah Bankhead.mp3
    38. Ellery Queen Minute Mysteries Curious Gangland Killing.mp3
    39. Encore Theater 460806 A Man To Remember.mp3
    40. Family Doctor 32 01 False Witness.mp3
    41. Father Knows Best 530115 The Boy Next Door.mp3
    42. Fifth Horseman 460704 Rehersal.mp3
    43. First Nighter 391013 59 Symphony with your Spagettii.mp3
    44. Flash Gordon 351019 025 Flash, Dale and Dr. Zarkoff Cr.mp3
    45. Frakenstein Pt1.mp3
    46. Fred Allen 480425 Scalping Baseball Tickets.mp3
    47. Frontier Town 521010 Tod Ford.mp3
    48. Gangbusters Quincy Killers.mp3
    49. Ghost Corp 01 Knives of el Malek 1.mp3
    50. GI JIVE AFRS 509 Rhum Boogie.mp3
    51. Goldbergs 105x 411014 Jake Is Upset.mp3
    52. Green Valley Line 1934 Ep12 Foul Play.mp3
    53. Halls Of Ivy 490622 Dr Halls Reappointment.mp3
    54. Haunting Hour 13 Uptown Express.mp3
    55. Henry Morgan 471030.mp3
    56. Hermit's Cave 00 Spirits Of Vengence.mp3
    57. Honest Harold 510328 First Day Of School.mp3
    58. Hop Harrigan 440127 Nazi Threat.mp3
    59. I Love Adventure 480530 06 Finishing School Kidnapping.mp3
    60. Ignorant 441013 Married Men Live Longer.mp3
    61. Information Please 430122 Alfred Hitchcock.mp3
    62. Jerry At Fair Oaks Ep 19 Paul Rides Splendor.mp3
    63. Jimmy Durante 481217 Alan Young.mp3
    64. Judy Canova 470426 Going To An Opera Masquerade.mp3
    65. Jungle Jim 380903 Karnak The Killer.mp3
    66. Lets Pretend 470823 Mell A Lot.mp3
    67. Life With Luigi 500103 Pietro Needs An Overcoat.mp3
    68. Ma Perkins 038 e4434 Sylvester tricked Willie.mp3
    69. Magic Island 1936 e001.mp3
    70. Man Called X 470619 Silver Scarab.mp3
    71. Mark Trail 500306 Vampires From The Deep.mp3
    72. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Mars Pregnant.mp3
    73. Mayor 421224 213 A Christmas Carol.mp3
    74. Michael Shayne 490115 Tahlans Tears.mp3
    75. Milton Berle 471021 33 Good Health.mp3
    76. MMT 460823 2046 St. Louis Lady.mp3
    77. Moon Over Africa 350316 Talkinghead.mp3
    78. Mr and Mrs North 531006 521 Brother Danny.mp3
    79. Mr Keene 500601 Quicksand Murder Case.mp3
    80. Mr President 480328 George Washington.mp3
    81. MSA Old Tales and New 500816 Three Billy Goats Gruff.mp3
    82. Murder At Midnight 470106 Ace Of Death.mp3
    83. My Friend Irma 470721 e015 Piano Lessons For Junior.mp3
    84. Mystery is my Hobby Stolen Rembrandts.mp3
    85. Name of the Law 360628 July Fourth Picnic.mp3
    86. Nightwatch 540925 e23 Motel Sheets and Lock Out.mp3
    87. Omar Wizard Of Persia Ep1 1931.mp3
    88. One Mans Family Epb77 C11.mp3
    89. Phil Harris Alice Faye 491225 Jack Benny As Santa.mp3
    90. Police HQ 20 Infiltrating the Mob.mp3
    91. Quiz Kids What will Dewey wear in the White House 1948.mp3
    92. Radiocityplayhouse 490425 Witness For The Prosecution.mp3
    93. Red Skeleton 460205 Hospital Capers.mp3
    94. Rocky Jordan 490814 Cairo Vendetta.mp3
    95. Rogues Gallery 460131 Fake Will.mp3
    96. Roy Rogers 450508 025 Legend Of Pecos Bill.mp3
    97. SamnHenry 260420 At the Dentist.mp3
    98. Scarlet Pimperial Ep 01 Madame Susan.mp3
    99. Scarlet Queen 471203 Green Tourist.mp3
    100. Sciencemagazineoftheair200000flyers.mp3
    101. Screen Directors 490501 Trouble with Women.mp3
    102. Sealedtest Variety 481118 10 Cavalcade Gild.mp3
    103. Secret Agent K7 Returns 1939 Bombing Planes.mp3
    104. Silent Men 511223 Souvenirs of War.mp3
    105. Sky King 510412 Lady Sheriff.mp3
    106. Son of Porthos 1.mp3
    107. Speed Gibson 390121 Davis Shot By Octopusgang.mp3
    108. Sports Baseball 340920 Yankees V D.tigers P1.mp3
    109. Straightarrow 480506 Stage To Calvaydos.mp3
    110. Strange Dr Weird 421212 Themanwhotalkedwithdeath.mp3
    111. Terry The Pirates 470115 Abduction Of Ginger Lee.mp3
    112. Top Secret 500625 0003 A Package In Tangiers.mp3
    113. Vic Sade 390102 Lodge Regalia Out On Loan.mp3
    114. Whisperer 510708 Tea Time For Teenagers.mp3
    115. Witch Tale 330306 Graveyard Mansion.mp3
    116. Words at War 440627 52 Fair Stood the Winds of France.mp3
    117. World Adventurers Club 01 Papua Escape.mp3
    118. You Are There 471106 Thelisteningyears.mp3
    119. Young Widder Brows Ellen talks to Sister.mp3
    120. Your Hit Parade 440715 Ill Be Seeing You.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    119 recordings on 50 Audio CDs. Total playtime 46 hours, 47 min
    119 recordings on 50 Audio CDs
    total playtime 46 hours, 47 min

    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A001

    1. Big Jon Sparkie Over The Falls In An Airplane
    2. Blooper Looks like the Mail man
    3. Bob Hope 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
    4. Bulldog Drummond Death Loops The Loop

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A002

    1. Childrens Collection Sleepy Joe 11 Brer Rabbitbear Big Snow
    2. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley, The Wailing Whale
    3. Clyde Beatty 039 Flying Politos

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A003

    1. Dick Cole 01 Thieves
    2. Dr Tim 003 Guest In Number Two
    3. Ellery Queen Minute Mysteries Curious Gangland Killing
    4. Family Doctor 32 01 False Witness

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A004

    1. Frakenstein Pt1
    2. Gangbusters Quincy Killers
    3. Ghost Corp 01 Knives of el Malek 1
    4. GI JIVE AFRS 509 Rhum Boogie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A005

    1. Green Valley Line 1934 Ep12 Foul Play
    2. Haunting Hour 13 Uptown Express
    3. Hermit's Cave 00 Spirits Of Vengence

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A006

    1. Jerry At Fair Oaks Ep 19 Paul Rides Splendor
    2. Ma Perkins 038 e4434 Sylvester tricked Willie
    3. Magic Island 1936 e001
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Mars Pregnant

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A007

    1. Mystery is my Hobby Stolen Rembrandts
    2. Omar Wizard Of Persia Ep1 1931
    3. One Mans Family Epb77 C11
    4. Police HQ 20 Infiltrating the Mob

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A008

    1. Quiz Kids What will Dewey wear in the White House 1948
    2. Scarlet Pimperial Ep 01 Madame Susan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A009

    1. Secret Agent K7 Returns 1939 Bombing Planes
    2. Son of Porthos 1
    3. World Adventurers Club 01 Papua Escape
    4. Young Widder Brows Ellen talks to Sister

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A010

    1. Sciencemagazineoftheair200000flyers
    2. SamnHenry 260420 At the Dentist
    3. Witch Tale 330306 Graveyard Mansion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A011

    1. Sports Baseball 340920 Yankees V D.tigers P1
    2. Moon Over Africa 350316 Talkinghead

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A012

    1. Flash Gordon 351019 025 Flash, Dale and Dr. Zarkoff Cr
    2. Name of the Law 360628 July Fourth Picnic
    3. Cruise of the Poll Parrot 370925 Ep 1
    4. Buckrogers 380404 Origin Story

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A013

    1. Jungle Jim 380903 Karnak The Killer
    2. Vic Sade 390102 Lodge Regalia Out On Loan
    3. Speed Gibson 390121 Davis Shot By Octopusgang
    4. First Nighter 391013 59 Symphony with your Spagettii

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A014

    1. Blue Beetle 400710 Saved By A Hair
    2. Goldbergs 105x 411014 Jake Is Upset
    3. Counter Spy 420914 Spy Submarine Logansport

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A015

    1. Strange Dr Weird 421212 Themanwhotalkedwithdeath
    2. Mayor 421224 213 A Christmas Carol

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A016

    1. Information Please 430122 Alfred Hitchcock
    2. Hop Harrigan 440127 Nazi Threat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A017

    1. Duffys Tavern 440307 Tax Advice From Cnl Stoopnagle
    2. Blondie 440619 Dagwood Has A Dream

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A018

    1. Words at War 440627 52 Fair Stood the Winds of France
    2. Your Hit Parade 440715 Ill Be Seeing You

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A019

    1. Ignorant 441013 Married Men Live Longer
    2. Alan Young 441212 Alan Writes An Opera

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A020

    1. Adventures by Morse 441216 50 Its Dismal To Die 1o3
    2. Roy Rogers 450508 025 Legend Of Pecos Bill

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A021

    1. Rogues Gallery 460131 Fake Will
    2. Red Skeleton 460205 Hospital Capers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A022

    1. Dinah Shore Birdseye 460314 Groucho Marx Hypochondriac
    2. Fifth Horseman 460704 Rehersal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A023

    1. Encore Theater 460806 A Man To Remember
    2. Academy Award 460807 Watch On The Rhine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A024

    1. MMT 460823 2046 St. Louis Lady
    2. All Star Western Theater 460929 The Cowboy Dentist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A025

    1. Danger Dr Danfield 460929 Harriet Miller
    2. Edgar Bergan Charlie McCarthy 461117 Tallulah Bankhead

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A026

    1. Crime Club 461202 Death Blew Out The Match
    2. Murder At Midnight 470106 Ace Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A027

    1. Terry The Pirates 470115 Abduction Of Ginger Lee
    2. Dennis Day 470423 029 Helps Mr Anderson Write A Story

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A028

    1. Judy Canova 470426 Going To An Opera Masquerade
    2. Man Called X 470619 Silver Scarab

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A029

    1. My Friend Irma 470721 e015 Piano Lessons For Junior
    2. Lets Pretend 470823 Mell A Lot

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A030

    1. Milton Berle 471021 33 Good Health
    2. Henry Morgan 471030

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A031

    1. You Are There 471106 Thelisteningyears
    2. Scarlet Queen 471203 Green Tourist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A032

    1. Mr President 480328 George Washington
    2. Fred Allen 480425 Scalping Baseball Tickets

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A033

    1. Straightarrow 480506 Stage To Calvaydos
    2. I Love Adventure 480530 06 Finishing School Kidnapping

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A034

    1. Archie Andrews 480612 Archie Fights A Cold
    2. Dizzy Dean 480703 01 Lefty Gomez

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A035

    1. Destination Freedom 480905 James Weldon Johnson
    2. Sealedtest Variety 481118 10 Cavalcade Gild

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A036

    1. Jimmy Durante 481217 Alan Young
    2. Michael Shayne 490115 Tahlans Tears

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A037

    1. Candy Matson 490404 Donna Dunham Case
    2. Radiocityplayhouse 490425 Witness For The Prosecution

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A038

    1. Screen Directors 490501 Trouble with Women
    2. Damon Runyan 490612 Broadway Complex

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A039

    1. Halls Of Ivy 490622 Dr Halls Reappointment
    2. Rocky Jordan 490814 Cairo Vendetta

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A040

    1. Bob Ray 491212 Boston Mary Cries Terrence Mccaffigen
    2. Phil Harris Alice Faye 491225 Jack Benny As Santa

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A041

    1. Life With Luigi 500103 Pietro Needs An Overcoat
    2. Mark Trail 500306 Vampires From The Deep

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A042

    1. Bobby Benson 500527 Den Of Thieves
    2. Mr Keene 500601 Quicksand Murder Case

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A043

    1. Cloak Dagger 500618 Kachlinstory
    2. Top Secret 500625 0003 A Package In Tangiers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A044

    1. MSA Old Tales and New 500816 Three Billy Goats Gruff
    2. Doctor Kildare 501208 A Morgan

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    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A045

    1. Honest Harold 510328 First Day Of School
    2. Sky King 510412 Lady Sheriff

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    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A046

    1. Whisperer 510708 Tea Time For Teenagers
    2. Silent Men 511223 Souvenirs of War

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    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A047

    1. Frontier Town 521010 Tod Ford
    2. Aldrich Family 521102 Overdue Library Book

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    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A048

    1. Father Knows Best 530115 The Boy Next Door
    2. Crime Classics 530629 Sudden Death Of James Fisk J

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    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A049

    1. Mr and Mrs North 531006 521 Brother Danny
    2. Nightwatch 540925 e23 Motel Sheets and Lock Out

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    OTRCAT SAMPLER 02 Disc A050

    1. Beulah 570000 Honorary Santa

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