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We happily include these Sampler Disks with each order. They are a great way to introduce your friends to the fun of Old Time Radio. This edition includes selections from American Trail and The Marx Brothers.


105 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 43 hours, 12 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
46 Audio CDs

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or order disks individually: Add to Cart
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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Old Time RadioOnce you add any radio show in your shopping cart, select a sampler CD to be included in your order free of charge. If you would prefer to purchase an extra copy of this sampler CD, you can click ADD TO CART above.

Whether you decide to blast along the American Trail in an oxen train, listen to ol' Babe smacking a high flyer, or snicker at the Marx Brothers' antics, you'll enjoy this mighty fine sampler. It contains a single episode from over 100 series and is included free-of-charge when you add it to your shopping cart at checkout.

See also SAMPLER #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8, #9#10, #11#12, and #13.

    Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

    These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

    • Show Rating

      146     29


      The disc I purchased contained Dr. Christian and the Babe Ruth Show. The Babe Ruth Show is a dramatization of an incident from his past days as a New York Yankee. The Dr. Christian is a light drama, where Dr. Christian is the local small town doctor with fatherly advice as needed.

      Dan Verified Purchase

      This OTRCAT Sampler #1 provides a great selection of various types of programs from the Golden age of radio. I can listen to the various genres (e.g. action, adventure, comedy, cowboys, detectives, police, superheroes, etc.) and I am able to enjoy most every single episode on the CD.

      Wallace Verified Purchase

      Episodes never get out of style.

      Stephen Verified Purchase

      I always find something "new" (at least for me) when I listen to the sampler discs.

      John Verified Purchase

      I love everything I've gotten from OTR and I wish all companies were as efficient! My only thing is more samplers!

      Veleda Verified Purchase

      This is a great variety of shows series

      Everett Verified Purchase

      honestly the best way to see if you like the old time stuff - a great sampler. I just can't imagine anyone not finding something they really like in this set.

      Jill Verified Purchase

      WOW, it is just like listening to the radio years ago. Young people give a try and see how grandma grew up. It will be an experience, in fact give grandma an MP3 player and one of these CDs and see her face light up.

      Nancy Verified Purchase

      My ability to listen to enjoyable otr radio shows is priceless! They are a great company to work with as well. I am not a technologically adept person and needed to ask for help in my first attempt to download and listen, and they responded quickly and helpfully.

      Freda Verified Purchase

      Overall, an excellent introduction to old time radio. A few of the shows had so much static as to be unlistenable in the car. Life of Riley had such bad dropouts in the middle area as to make it unlistenable, also. But overall, this is an excellent collection.

      John Verified Purchase

      Great selection!

      Duane Verified Purchase

      nice to hear something other than rap during corona lock down.

      James Verified Purchase

      Great freebie, I love these old time radio classics. Thank you.

      Bobbi Verified Purchase

      The radio shows are living history. I listen to my collection in chronological order. They are the hopes & fears of the world and experiencing the history is a different way to study it. The samplers are a nice variety to expose the listener to shows so if they like it, the listener can look further into the show. I have bought into numerous shows just because of listening to one episode from a sampler. I have also not bought into shows, thankfully because of listening to an episode from a sampler. Sometimes good ideas on paper does not make for good entertainment. Ortcat is a great company to work with, the variety of shows is outstanding, and this is a well ran company.

      Shaun Verified Purchase

      This is probably my favorite of the OTRCAT Samplers. One program each from some of my favorite series plus many programs that are new to me. I am glad to have the full collection of Samplers.

      Jack Verified Purchase

      My wife is a dedicated Ozzie & Harriet fan. Now she has the complete series for listening pleasure. OTRCAT.com fulfilled her entire request. Thank You.

      William Verified Purchase

      These old radio shows are great

      Perry Verified Purchase

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    • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

      105 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 43 hours, 12 min
      105 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
      total playtime 43 hours, 12 min
      Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

      1. 105 shows – total playtime 43 hours, 12 minutes
      2. Adv In Research George Westinghouse.mp3
      3. Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen 1039.mp3
      4. American in England 420824 04 Woman of Britain.mp3
      5. American Trail 01 Dispatch From NY.mp3
      6. Amos Andy Cat Burglar 531101.mp3
      7. Avenger 02 Mystery Giant Brain.mp3
      8. Babe Ruth 340416 ep 001 Dusty Collins.mp3
      9. Barrie Craig 511205 Paper Bullet.mp3
      10. Bing Crosby 431230 with Cass Daley.mp3
      11. Black Museum Bedsheet.mp3
      12. Black Stone Magic Detective 481121 Organ Murder.mp3
      13. Bold Venture 500616 Blue Moon.mp3
      14. Boston Blackie 470903 Fifty Dollar Shoeshine.mp3
      15. Box 13 481107 Suicide or Murder.mp3
      16. Broadway Is My Beat 500724 Celia Jordan Case.mp3
      17. Burns Allen 400529 Sweeping into Office.mp3
      18. Campbell Playhouse 390324 16 Twentieth Century.mp3
      19. Can You Top This 420421 Restaurants.mp3
      20. Captain Midnight 391123 Episode 28.mp3
      21. Casey 470424 The Gentle Strangler.mp3
      22. Cavalcade Of America 480927 579 Incident at Niagara.mp3
      23. Chandu the Magician 481208.mp3
      24. Charlie Chan 451 The Case Of The Marching Ants.mp3
      25. Cisco Kid 530714 ep 103 War at Oak Pass.mp3
      26. Command Performance 421224 1942 Christmas Special.mp3
      27. Commercial 1943 WWII Waste Kitchen Fat.mp3
      28. Corsican Bros Episode 01.mp3
      29. Dangerous Assignment 500424 The Nazi The Physicist.mp3
      30. Dark Fantasy 411128 The Thing from the Sea.mp3
      31. Dimension X The Martian Chronicles.mp3
      32. Dr Christian 371114 steve and charlotte story.mp3
      33. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Pt 2.mp3
      34. Dr Six Gun 541031 No Guns Ordinance.mp3
      35. Dragnet 501221 22 Rifle for Christmas.mp3
      36. Easy Aces 0002 Jane buys Johnny 2 suits.mp3
      37. Escape 500505 Man Who Stole The Bible.mp3
      38. Exploring Tomorrow 12 The Liar Isaac Asimov.mp3
      39. Falcon Curious Cop.mp3
      40. Fat Man Murder Sends A Christmas Card.mp3
      41. Fibber McGee 411230 FixIt McGee.mp3
      42. Five Min Mystery 103 Too Early Bird.mp3
      43. Fort Laramie 560205 Squaw Man.mp3
      44. Frank Race 37 Pharaohs Staff.mp3
      45. Frontier Gentleman 580615 The Well.mp3
      46. Fu Manchu 390508 Insidious Dr Fu.mp3
      47. Gildersleeve 431031 Halloween Party.mp3
      48. Glen Miller 400710 c.mp3
      49. Green Hornet 421114 Torpedo on Wheels.mp3
      50. Gunsmoke The Imposter.mp3
      51. Hall of Fantasy 530601 022 The Tell Tale Heart.mp3
      52. Harry Lime 0051 Blue Caribou.mp3
      53. Have Gun Will Travel 590222 014 Winchester Quarantine.mp3
      54. I Love a Mystery 491031 Things that Cries in the Night 01.mp3
      55. I Was a Communist for the FBI 520507 The Little Red.mp3
      56. Inner Sanctum 490925 Lonely Sleep.mp3
      57. Jack Benny 480201 Jack and Mary See Colman s Movie.mp3
      58. Journey into Space 541006 The Red Planet.mp3
      59. Let George Do It 471003 Forty Two on a Rope.mp3
      60. Life of Riley 480103 Two Dates For Junior.mp3
      61. Lights Out 380330 Valse Trieste.mp3
      62. Lone Ranger 381207 The Origin of Tonto.mp3
      63. Luke Slaughter 580303 Tracks out of Tombstone.mp3
      64. Lux Radio Theater 470310 Its A Wonderful Life.mp3
      65. Maisie 500119.mp3
      66. Marx Brothers Attorney At Law With Bing Crosby.mp3
      67. Mel Blanc 461119 The Astrologer.mp3
      68. Mr District Attorney Bank Killer.mp3
      69. My Favorite Husband 480820 Liz teaches the samba.mp3
      70. Mysterious Traveler 511106 behind the locked door.mp3
      71. Mystery in the Air (Peter Lorre) 470807 Marv. Barrastro.mp3
      72. Nero Wolfe 501020 Stamped for Murder.mp3
      73. Nick Carter 430706 Echo of Death.mp3
      74. Nightbeat 001 Zero.mp3
      75. Our Miss Brooks 490116 Student Government Day.mp3
      76. Ozzie Harriet Randolph s Party.mp3
      77. Pat Novak For Hire (Jack Webb) 490423 Rita Malloy.mp3
      78. Philip Marlowe 470617 001 Red Wind 1 st.mp3
      79. Philo Vance 490215 Butler Murder Case.mp3
      80. Quiet Please 480202 035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
      81. Richard Diamond 490515 Ralph Chase Case.mp3
      82. Ripley One Minute Shorts 001 Egyptian Shoe.mp3
      83. Rocky Fortune 531222 Plot To Murder Santa.mp3
      84. Saint 500806 The Corpse Said Ouch.mp3
      85. Sam Spade 501208 The Dry Gulch Caper.mp3
      86. Sealed Book Design For Death.mp3
      87. Sgt Preston of the Yukon 431030 Bank Robbery.mp3
      88. Sherlock Holmes 450430 Unfortunate Tobacconist.mp3
      89. Six Shooter 18 540117 The Silver Buckle.mp3
      90. Space Patrol 530425 Prisoner of Pluto.mp3
      91. Superman 410210 Dragon s Teeth The Part 1.mp3
      92. Suspense 561111 Three Skeleton Key Vincent Price.mp3
      93. Tarzan 511220 Congo Christmas.mp3
      94. Texas Rangers 520120 062 Blood Trail.mp3
      95. This is your FBI 520208 The Face.mp3
      96. Tom Mix 1945 Vanishing Village Pt 1.mp3
      97. Two Thousand Plus Men From Mars.mp3
      98. Unexpected The Cripple.mp3
      99. Voyage Scarlet Queen 471210 Wandering Master Warlord.mp3
      100. Weird Circle ep05 Declared Insane.mp3
      101. Whistler 500507 417 Fatal Error.mp3
      102. Wild Bill Hickock 013 Warpath or Peace.mp3
      103. WWII Soldiers of the Press 3.mp3
      104. X Minus One 550508 Mars Is Heaven.mp3
      105. You Bet Your Life 491001 Secret Word Clock.mp3
      106. Ytjd 590329 632 Jimmy Carter Matter.mp3
    • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

      105 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 43 hours, 12 min
      105 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
      599 MB – total playtime 43 hours, 12 min
      Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

      1. 105 shows – 599 MB – total playtime 43 hours, 12 minutes
      2. Adv In Research George Westinghouse.mp3
      3. Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen 1039.mp3
      4. American in England 420824 04 Woman of Britain.mp3
      5. American Trail 01 Dispatch From NY.mp3
      6. Amos Andy Cat Burglar 531101.mp3
      7. Avenger 02 Mystery Giant Brain.mp3
      8. Babe Ruth 340416 ep 001 Dusty Collins.mp3
      9. Barrie Craig 511205 Paper Bullet.mp3
      10. Bing Crosby 431230 with Cass Daley.mp3
      11. Black Museum Bedsheet.mp3
      12. Black Stone Magic Detective 481121 Organ Murder.mp3
      13. Bold Venture 500616 Blue Moon.mp3
      14. Boston Blackie 470903 Fifty Dollar Shoeshine.mp3
      15. Box 13 481107 Suicide or Murder.mp3
      16. Broadway Is My Beat 500724 Celia Jordan Case.mp3
      17. Burns Allen 400529 Sweeping into Office.mp3
      18. Campbell Playhouse 390324 16 Twentieth Century.mp3
      19. Can You Top This 420421 Restaurants.mp3
      20. Captain Midnight 391123 Episode 28.mp3
      21. Casey 470424 The Gentle Strangler.mp3
      22. Cavalcade Of America 480927 579 Incident at Niagara.mp3
      23. Chandu the Magician 481208.mp3
      24. Charlie Chan 451 The Case Of The Marching Ants.mp3
      25. Cisco Kid 530714 ep 103 War at Oak Pass.mp3
      26. Command Performance 421224 1942 Christmas Special.mp3
      27. Commercial 1943 WWII Waste Kitchen Fat.mp3
      28. Corsican Bros Episode 01.mp3
      29. Dangerous Assignment 500424 The Nazi The Physicist.mp3
      30. Dark Fantasy 411128 The Thing from the Sea.mp3
      31. Dimension X The Martian Chronicles.mp3
      32. Dr Christian 371114 steve and charlotte story.mp3
      33. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Pt 2.mp3
      34. Dr Six Gun 541031 No Guns Ordinance.mp3
      35. Dragnet 501221 22 Rifle for Christmas.mp3
      36. Easy Aces 0002 Jane buys Johnny 2 suits.mp3
      37. Escape 500505 Man Who Stole The Bible.mp3
      38. Exploring Tomorrow 12 The Liar Isaac Asimov.mp3
      39. Falcon Curious Cop.mp3
      40. Fat Man Murder Sends A Christmas Card.mp3
      41. Fibber McGee 411230 FixIt McGee.mp3
      42. Five Min Mystery 103 Too Early Bird.mp3
      43. Fort Laramie 560205 Squaw Man.mp3
      44. Frank Race 37 Pharaohs Staff.mp3
      45. Frontier Gentleman 580615 The Well.mp3
      46. Fu Manchu 390508 Insidious Dr Fu.mp3
      47. Gildersleeve 431031 Halloween Party.mp3
      48. Glen Miller 400710 c.mp3
      49. Green Hornet 421114 Torpedo on Wheels.mp3
      50. Gunsmoke The Imposter.mp3
      51. Hall of Fantasy 530601 022 The Tell Tale Heart.mp3
      52. Harry Lime 0051 Blue Caribou.mp3
      53. Have Gun Will Travel 590222 014 Winchester Quarantine.mp3
      54. I Love a Mystery 491031 Things that Cries in the Night 01.mp3
      55. I Was a Communist for the FBI 520507 The Little Red.mp3
      56. Inner Sanctum 490925 Lonely Sleep.mp3
      57. Jack Benny 480201 Jack and Mary See Colman s Movie.mp3
      58. Journey into Space 541006 The Red Planet.mp3
      59. Let George Do It 471003 Forty Two on a Rope.mp3
      60. Life of Riley 480103 Two Dates For Junior.mp3
      61. Lights Out 380330 Valse Trieste.mp3
      62. Lone Ranger 381207 The Origin of Tonto.mp3
      63. Luke Slaughter 580303 Tracks out of Tombstone.mp3
      64. Lux Radio Theater 470310 Its A Wonderful Life.mp3
      65. Maisie 500119.mp3
      66. Marx Brothers Attorney At Law With Bing Crosby.mp3
      67. Mel Blanc 461119 The Astrologer.mp3
      68. Mr District Attorney Bank Killer.mp3
      69. My Favorite Husband 480820 Liz teaches the samba.mp3
      70. Mysterious Traveler 511106 behind the locked door.mp3
      71. Mystery in the Air (Peter Lorre) 470807 Marv. Barrastro.mp3
      72. Nero Wolfe 501020 Stamped for Murder.mp3
      73. Nick Carter 430706 Echo of Death.mp3
      74. Nightbeat 001 Zero.mp3
      75. Our Miss Brooks 490116 Student Government Day.mp3
      76. Ozzie Harriet Randolph s Party.mp3
      77. Pat Novak For Hire (Jack Webb) 490423 Rita Malloy.mp3
      78. Philip Marlowe 470617 001 Red Wind 1 st.mp3
      79. Philo Vance 490215 Butler Murder Case.mp3
      80. Quiet Please 480202 035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
      81. Richard Diamond 490515 Ralph Chase Case.mp3
      82. Ripley One Minute Shorts 001 Egyptian Shoe.mp3
      83. Rocky Fortune 531222 Plot To Murder Santa.mp3
      84. Saint 500806 The Corpse Said Ouch.mp3
      85. Sam Spade 501208 The Dry Gulch Caper.mp3
      86. Sealed Book Design For Death.mp3
      87. Sgt Preston of the Yukon 431030 Bank Robbery.mp3
      88. Sherlock Holmes 450430 Unfortunate Tobacconist.mp3
      89. Six Shooter 18 540117 The Silver Buckle.mp3
      90. Space Patrol 530425 Prisoner of Pluto.mp3
      91. Superman 410210 Dragon s Teeth The Part 1.mp3
      92. Suspense 561111 Three Skeleton Key Vincent Price.mp3
      93. Tarzan 511220 Congo Christmas.mp3
      94. Texas Rangers 520120 062 Blood Trail.mp3
      95. This is your FBI 520208 The Face.mp3
      96. Tom Mix 1945 Vanishing Village Pt 1.mp3
      97. Two Thousand Plus Men From Mars.mp3
      98. Unexpected The Cripple.mp3
      99. Voyage Scarlet Queen 471210 Wandering Master Warlord.mp3
      100. Weird Circle ep05 Declared Insane.mp3
      101. Whistler 500507 417 Fatal Error.mp3
      102. Wild Bill Hickock 013 Warpath or Peace.mp3
      103. WWII Soldiers of the Press 3.mp3
      104. X Minus One 550508 Mars Is Heaven.mp3
      105. You Bet Your Life 491001 Secret Word Clock.mp3
      106. Ytjd 590329 632 Jimmy Carter Matter.mp3
    • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

      105 recordings on 46 Audio CDs. Total playtime 43 hours, 12 min
      105 recordings on 46 Audio CDs
      total playtime 43 hours, 12 min

      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A001

      1. Adv In Research George Westinghouse
      2. Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen 1039
      3. American Trail 01 Dispatch From NY

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A002

      1. Avenger 02 Mystery Giant Brain
      2. Black Museum Bedsheet
      3. Charlie Chan 451 The Case Of The Marching Ants
      4. Commercial 1943 WWII Waste Kitchen Fat

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A003

      1. Corsican Bros Episode 01
      2. Dimension X The Martian Chronicles
      3. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Pt 2
      4. Easy Aces 0002 Jane buys Johnny 2 suits

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A004

      1. Exploring Tomorrow 12 The Liar Isaac Asimov
      2. Falcon Curious Cop

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A005

      1. Fat Man Murder Sends A Christmas Card
      2. Five Min Mystery 103 Too Early Bird
      3. Frank Race 37 Pharaohs Staff

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A006

      1. Gunsmoke The Imposter
      2. Harry Lime 0051 Blue Caribou
      3. Marx Brothers Attorney At Law With Bing Crosby

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A007

      1. Mr District Attorney Bank Killer
      2. Nightbeat 001 Zero

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A008

      1. Ozzie Harriet Randolph s Party
      2. Ripley One Minute Shorts 001 Egyptian Shoe
      3. Sealed Book Design For Death

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A009

      1. Tom Mix 1945 Vanishing Village Pt 1
      2. Two Thousand Plus Men From Mars
      3. Unexpected The Cripple

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A010

      1. Weird Circle ep05 Declared Insane
      2. Wild Bill Hickock 013 Warpath or Peace
      3. WWII Soldiers of the Press 3

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A011

      1. Babe Ruth 340416 ep 001 Dusty Collins
      2. Dr Christian 371114 steve and charlotte story

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A012

      1. Lights Out 380330 Valse Trieste
      2. Lone Ranger 381207 The Origin of Tonto

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A013

      1. Campbell Playhouse 390324 16 Twentieth Century

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A014

      1. Fu Manchu 390508 Insidious Dr Fu
      2. Captain Midnight 391123 Episode 28
      3. Burns Allen 400529 Sweeping into Office
      4. Glen Miller 400710 c

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A015

      1. Superman 410210 Dragon s Teeth The Part 1
      2. Dark Fantasy 411128 The Thing from the Sea
      3. Fibber McGee 411230 FixIt McGee

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A016

      1. Can You Top This 420421 Restaurants
      2. American in England 420824 04 Woman of Britain

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A017

      1. Green Hornet 421114 Torpedo on Wheels

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A018

      1. Command Performance 421224 1942 Christmas Special

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A019

      1. Nick Carter 430706 Echo of Death
      2. Sgt Preston of the Yukon 431030 Bank Robbery

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A020

      1. Gildersleeve 431031 Halloween Party
      2. Bing Crosby 431230 with Cass Daley

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A021

      1. Sherlock Holmes 450430 Unfortunate Tobacconist
      2. Mel Blanc 461119 The Astrologer

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A022

      1. Lux Radio Theater 470310 Its A Wonderful Life

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A023

      1. Casey 470424 The Gentle Strangler
      2. Philip Marlowe 470617 001 Red Wind 1 st

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A024

      1. Mystery in the Air (Peter Lorre) 470807 Marv. Barrastro
      2. Boston Blackie 470903 Fifty Dollar Shoeshine

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A025

      1. Let George Do It 471003 Forty Two on a Rope
      2. Voyage Scarlet Queen 471210 Wandering Master Warlord

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A026

      1. Life of Riley 480103 Two Dates For Junior
      2. Jack Benny 480201 Jack and Mary See Colman s Movie

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A027

      1. Quiet Please 480202 035 Pathetic Fallacy
      2. My Favorite Husband 480820 Liz teaches the samba

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A028

      1. Cavalcade Of America 480927 579 Incident at Niagara
      2. Box 13 481107 Suicide or Murder
      3. Black Stone Magic Detective 481121 Organ Murder

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A029

      1. Chandu the Magician 481208
      2. Our Miss Brooks 490116 Student Government Day
      3. Philo Vance 490215 Butler Murder Case

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A030

      1. Pat Novak For Hire (Jack Webb) 490423 Rita Malloy
      2. Richard Diamond 490515 Ralph Chase Case

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A031

      1. Inner Sanctum 490925 Lonely Sleep
      2. You Bet Your Life 491001 Secret Word Clock
      3. I Love a Mystery 491031 Things that Cries in the Night 01

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A032

      1. Maisie 500119
      2. Dangerous Assignment 500424 The Nazi The Physicist

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A033

      1. Escape 500505 Man Who Stole The Bible
      2. Whistler 500507 417 Fatal Error

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A034

      1. Bold Venture 500616 Blue Moon
      2. Broadway Is My Beat 500724 Celia Jordan Case

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A035

      1. Saint 500806 The Corpse Said Ouch
      2. Nero Wolfe 501020 Stamped for Murder

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A036

      1. Sam Spade 501208 The Dry Gulch Caper
      2. Dragnet 501221 22 Rifle for Christmas

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A037

      1. Mysterious Traveler 511106 behind the locked door
      2. Barrie Craig 511205 Paper Bullet

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A038

      1. Tarzan 511220 Congo Christmas
      2. Texas Rangers 520120 062 Blood Trail

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A039

      1. This is your FBI 520208 The Face
      2. I Was a Communist for the FBI 520507 The Little Red

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A040

      1. Space Patrol 530425 Prisoner of Pluto
      2. Hall of Fantasy 530601 022 The Tell Tale Heart

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A041

      1. Cisco Kid 530714 ep 103 War at Oak Pass
      2. Amos Andy Cat Burglar 531101

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A042

      1. Rocky Fortune 531222 Plot To Murder Santa
      2. Six Shooter 18 540117 The Silver Buckle

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A043

      1. Journey into Space 541006 The Red Planet
      2. Dr Six Gun 541031 No Guns Ordinance

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A044

      1. X Minus One 550508 Mars Is Heaven
      2. Fort Laramie 560205 Squaw Man

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A045

      1. Suspense 561111 Three Skeleton Key Vincent Price
      2. Luke Slaughter 580303 Tracks out of Tombstone
      3. Frontier Gentleman 580615 The Well

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
      OTRCAT SAMPLER 01 Disc A046

      1. Have Gun Will Travel 590222 014 Winchester Quarantine
      2. Ytjd 590329 632 Jimmy Carter Matter

      Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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