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Old Time Radio Show Ratings by Year

Jack BennyNetwork Radio Ratings during the golden age of radio determined whether a particular radio program stayed on the air. "Audience Estimates" are the basis of broadcast ratings, and the keyword is estimate. Radio shows like the Jack Benny Program, Amos 'n' Andy, and Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Fibber McGee and Molly consistently ranked high and were therefore on the airwaves for many enchanting years. 

There is no way of directly evaluating what each radio in America has tuned in at any single moment. Statisticians, who have studied the polling methods of George Gallup, claim they can give us an accurate estimate, based on their samples, and they may be correct. The different means of collecting their samples may be suspect, however.

Fred Allen, who was notorious for disparaging the ratings systems, loudly complained that the Hooperatings favored inferior programming. Claude Hooper, whose surveys were the basis for the ratings, calmly replied that the rating didn't reflect the quality of the program, but the quantity of listeners. Allen later replied that if a radio comedian were ever seen looking particularly down in the mouth, it was probably because he was "caught with his Hooperating down, that's all."

Burns AllenThe different ways of ranking and rating programs allow for the creation of several different ways to list the best (and worst) performing shows. There is an interesting statistical anomaly in the ratings of the top ten comedy programs over the entire period considered in Jim Ramsburg's book Network Radio Ratings, 1932-1953. Whether determined by total ranking points, average ranking, or top ranking points (and these statistics seem consistent for many different estimates), the same ten programs make the list. The only difference is the order in which the appear on the list.

The Jack Benny Program is consistently at the top of the list. The second and third spots over the entire era are filled by Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, and Fibber McGee and Molly. The rest of the top Ten is filled out (in no particular order) by Amos 'n' Andy, Bob Hope, Burns and Allen, our friend and ratings hater Fred Allen, and Red Skelton.

Needless to say, these ten shows are far from being the only exceptional comedy shows from the era. The modern fan of OTR can benefit from the old ratings, however, using them as a guide in choosing the programming that they might enjoy on Mp3.

In 1934 C.E. Hooper, Inc., published their first Network Hooperatings and used a "coincidental telephone call method."

Bergen McCarthyThe argument for Public Radio is that it is a "Listener Supported" media. Whether or not this is important is a debate for another time and forum, but it does bring us the definition of Commercial Radio, which is "Advertiser Supported." 

Advertisers have a great interest in determining how effective their advertisements are. In some cases advertising campaigns could run into millions of dollars, and no company can afford to invest that kind of money without a reasonable expectation that their message was getting through to the audience that they wanted it too. This was comparatively simple for periodical print media. The publishers of newspapers and magazines had a pretty accurate idea of who was buying and reading their material. If a magazine had a circulation of 75,000 and was read by rural housewives in the midwest, its advertising might be skewed more towards chicken incubators than to evening wear.

Radio was a different sort of animal. Radio's message went from the microphone to the broadcast antenna and then who knew who might receive it and tune it in. Advertisers needed to know, and in the early days of radio several methods were proposed to measure a program or a network's popularity. When the Amos 'n' Andy program first became popular nationwide, many restaurants and movie theaters found they had increased business if they played the Amos 'n' Andy broadcast. 


Another, less verifiable scheme was to wire a 60 watt light bulb into radio sets. Through a complicated mathematical formula based on power consumption at the local power companies, supposedly the number of radios turned on could be determined. Whether the measuring equipment at the local power company could actually sense the change in load isn't known, but one light bulb manufacturer did buy a large block of late Sun night programming with the purpose of getting people to stay up late and thereby increase the wear and replacement of their light bulbs!

The Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting, Inc, (C.A.B.) was formed in Princeton, New Jersey, and supported by advertising agencies, advertisers, and networks. The C.A.B. hired Archibald Crossely in 1929 to measure "the unseen audience". Crossely's methods seem relatively crude, but at the time they were pretty much the only game in town.  Crossely had worked with George Gallup, who pioneered public opinion polling. Crossely's employees would choose random phone numbers from the directories of 80 cities over a period of sixteen years. When called, listeners would be asked about their listening habits for the past week. 

There are some obvious limitations to Crossely's methodology. First of all his calls made for a very limited sample of listeners; home telephone service in the thirties and forties was relatively limited, so the data largely ignored minorities and lower income listeners. Crossely's questions required the respondents to recall what they may have been listening to several days prior, and so weren't always accurate. It is also thought that because the advertisers were paying for the Crossely's the results could have been skewed. Nonetheless, the Crossely rating became very important to the radio industry, and when the company folded in 1946, TIME magazine reported  that "Even top stars like Jack Benny and Edgar Bergen worried more about their “Crossleys” than their hairlines."

In 1934 C.E. Hooper, Inc., published their first Network Hooperatings. Although the methods of the Hooperatings were similar to the C.A.B., from the outset Hooper used a "coincidental telephone call method". Rather than asking listeners what they had listened to, respondents were asked if they were listening to the radio, what they were listening to at the time of the call, what station and network the program was on, and if they knew who the sponsor was. The C.A.B. eventually adopted the "coincidental call" questioning, but the Hooperatings still managed to supplant the Crossely's.

A number of other rating and audience measurements were attempted. Some surveys, notably Broadcast Measurement Bureau, depended upon mail-out surveys and listening diaries. However the diaries were subject to a great deal of inaccuracy. They were intended to be filled out while listening, but often respondents would wait until just before mailing to fill them out, and the data would be based on recall. Other respondents reported that the recording duties would be turned over to the children in the house, again tainting the data.

Fibber McGee and Molly on PhoneThe A.C. Nelsen Company of Chicago had established itself by supplying marketing data to the food, drug, and liquor industry, and attempted to bring their expertise to broadcasting. Their data was collected by installing Audimeters on home radio sets. Before the meters were installed, the household would be thoroughly investigated and the results weighted by income level, time zone, and family make up. The data from the electronic Audimeter was collected and analyzed monthly. The results were incredibly accurate and useful, but the methodology was expensive and the results were found to be more useful to the national networks than local stations. The local broadcasters still depended upon the Hooperating. Nielsen's scientific electronic analysis would become the standard for the television industry.

For current fans of Old Time Radio, C.A.B. and Hooperatings make for interesting comparisons in deciding what programs they might enjoy listening to, but ultimately they make their own decisions based on how much they personally enjoy the shows. The various collections put together by the staff of OTRCat make a great starting point along with researching the various articles about the stars and programs about the Golden Age of Radio broadcast. Some listeners object to the old commercials left in OTR recordings, while others appreciate them for their entertainment and nostalgia value. Harlow Wilcox's enthusiasm for Johnson's Wax is an important part of Fibber McGee and Molly. Hearing the cast sing "Jay, Eee, Ell ell... Ooohhh!" sets the mood for the Jack Benny Show. However, more than one listener has complained about craving a refreshing long Fatima Cigarette after an evening listening to Dragnet.

1930-1931 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Cheerio Mon-Sat 8:30 AM NBC(Red) SUSTAINING 9.0
Gene & Glenn Mon-Sat 8:00 AM NBC(Red) Quaker Oats 5.1
National Farm & Home Hour Mon-Sat 12:30 PM NBC(Blue) SUSTAINING 4.0
Radio Homemaker's Club (Ida Bailey Allen) Mon. & Thurs 10:00 AM, Tues 10:45 AM,
Wed 10:15 AM, Fri 11:00 AM
Columbia Multi Sponsors 3.3
Betty Crocker Wed. & Fri. 10:30 AM NBC(Red) General Mills 2.3
Our Daily Food Mon-Sat 9:45 AM NBC(Red) A&P Food Stores 2.3

1930-1931 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Sat 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 53.4
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 36.5
Atwater-Kent Hour (Frances Alda) Sun 9:15 PM NBC(Red) Atwater-Kent Radios 31.0
Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra Tue, Thurs, Sat. 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 27.8
Camel Pleasure Hour Wed 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Camel 27.5
Collier's Hour Sun 8:15 PM NBC(Blue) Collier's Magazine 27.0
RKO Theater Fri 10:30 PM NBC(Red) R. Keith Orpheum 26.0
General Motors Hour Mon 9:30 PM NBC(Red) General Motors 26.0
House Of Magic (Floyd Gibbons) Sat 9:00 PM NBC(Red) General Electric 25.0
Palmolive Radio Hour (Olive Palmer & Paul Oliver) Wed 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Palmolive Soap, Palmolive Shaving Cream 24.5
The A&P Gypsies Mon 8:30 PM NBC(Red) A&P Food Stores 23.0
Armour Program Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 23.0
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 23.0
Billy Jones & Ernie Hare Fri 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Interwoven 22.0
Cliquot Club Eskimos Fri 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Cliquot Club Ginger Ale 21.5
Chase & Sanborn Choral Orchestra Sun 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 21.0
Arco Birthday Party Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Arco Publishing 19.5
Armstrong Quakers Orchestra Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Blue) Armstrong Rugs 19.5
Coca Cola Hour Wed 10:30 PM NBC(Red) Coca Cola 19.5
Pure Oil Brass Band Tues 8:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pure Oil 19.0
Real Folks Mon 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Vaseline Petroleum Jelly 19.0
Empire Builders Wed 10:00 PM NBC(Blue) Great Northern Railroad 18.0
Enna Jettick Melodies Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Blue) Enna Jettick Shoes 18.0
Rochester Civic Orchestra Mon 10:00 PM NBC(Blue) Stromberg-Carlson Radios 18.0
Blackstone Program (Frank Crummit) Tues 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Blackstone Cigars 17.0
Maytag Dance Orchestra Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Maytag Washing Machines 16.5
Mobiloil Concert Wed 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Mobiloil 16.5
Phil Cook, The Quaker Man Mon-Fri 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Quaker Oats 16.1
Westinghouse Salute Tues 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Westinghouse 16.0

1931-1932 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Sat 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 38.1
Eddie Cantor Show Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 28.9
The Rise Of The Goldbergs Mon-Sat 7:45 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 25.7
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 24.7
Sun At Seth Parker's Sun 10:45 PM NBC(Red) SUSTAINING 23.4
Eno Crime Club Tues. & Wed. 9:30 PM Columbia Eno Effervescent Salt 22.8
Firestone Concert Mon 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Firestone Tires 21.9
Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra Tue., Thurs., Sat. 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 19.6
Paul Whiteman's Orchestra Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pontiac 19.1
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Literary Digest 18.9
Mary & Bob's True Stories Tues 8:30 PM NBC(Red) True Story Magazine 18.6
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 18.2
The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Thurs 9:30 PM NBC(Red) G. Washington's Coffee 17.7
Cliquot Club Eskimos Fri 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Cliquot Club Ginger Ale 15.9
Blackstone Program (Frank Crummit) Tues 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Blackstone Cigars 14.9
The A&P Gypsies Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Red) A&P Food Stores 14.8
Guy Lombardo's Orchestra Mon 10:00 PM Columbia Robt Burns Cigarillos 14.7
Buick Concert Sun 9:45 PM NBC(Red) Buick 14.6
Armour Program Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 14.5
Kate Smith Show Mon-Thurs 8:30 PM Columbia LaPalina Cigars 14.3

1932-1933 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Eddie Cantor Show Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 58.6
Jack Pearl Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 47.2
Ed Wynn, The Fire Chief Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline 44.8
Maxwell House Show Boat Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 34.6
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 33.9
Ben Bernie Pabst Program Tues 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Blue Ribbon Malt Extract 33.7
Burns & Allen Show Wed 9:30 PM Columbia Robt Burns Cigarillos 33.3
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 29.4
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 7:00 PM Columbia Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 24.2
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 23.3
Sinclair Weiner Minstrels Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Sinclair Oil 22.7
Flywheel, Shyster, & Flywheel (5 Star Theater) Mon 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Esso/'Standard'/ Colonial Beacon 22.1
Chevrolet Program (Al Jolson) Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Chevrolet 22.0
First Nighter Fri 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Campana Sales Company 21.5
Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) G. Washington's Coffee 21.4
Armour Program (Ed East & Ralph Dumke) Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 20.5
Carnation Contented Hour Mon 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Carnation Evaporated Milk 19.6
Blackstone Plantation (Frank Crummit) Tues 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Blackstone Cigars 19.3
Human Side Of The News (Edwin C. Hill) Tue., Thurs., Sat. 10:30 PM Columbia SUSTAINING 18.7
Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra Sat 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 18.7
Fu Manchu Mysteries Mon 8:30 PM Columbia Campana Italian Balm 16.8
Eddie Cantor Show Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 58.6
Jack Pearl Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 47.2
Ed Wynn, The Fire Chief Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline 44.8
Maxwell House Show Boat Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 34.6
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 33.9
Ben Bernie Pabst Program Tues 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Blue Ribbon Malt Extract 33.7
Burns & Allen Show Wed 9:30 PM Columbia Robt Burns Cigarillos 33.3
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 29.4
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 7:00 PM Columbia Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 24.2
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 23.3
Sinclair Weiner Minstrels Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Sinclair Oil 22.7
Flywheel, Shyster, & Flywheel (5 Star Theater) Mon 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Esso/'Standard'/ Colonial Beacon 22.1
Chevrolet Program (Al Jolson) Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Chevrolet 22.0
First Nighter Fri 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Campana Sales Company 21.5
Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) G. Washington's Coffee 21.4
Armour Program (Ed East & Ralph Dumke) Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 20.5
Carnation Contented Hour Mon 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Carnation Evaporated Milk 19.6
Blackstone Plantation (Frank Crummit) Tues 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Blackstone Cigars 19.3
Human Side Of The News (Edwin C. Hill) Tue., Thurs., Sat. 10:30 PM Columbia SUSTAINING 18.7
Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra Sat 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 18.7
Fu Manchu Mysteries Mon 8:30 PM Columbia Campana Italian Balm 16.8

1933-1934 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Eddie Cantor Show Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 50.2
Maxwell House Show Boat Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 45.9
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 39.0
Baker's Broadcast Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Fleischmann's Yeast 35.2
Ed Wynn, The Fire Chief Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline 31.6
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Sunoco 30.7
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 30.3
Burns & Allen Show Wed 9:30 PM Columbia White Owl Cigars 30.2
Paul Whiteman Revue Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 29.9
First Nighter Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Campana Sales Company 28.0
Armour Program (Phil Baker) Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 27.1
Ben Bernie Pabst Program Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon Ale 26.5
Chevrolet Program (Jack Benny) Sun 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Chevrolet 25.3
Bing Crosby Entertains Mon 8:30 PM Columbia Woodbury's Facial Soap 25.1
Sinclair Weiner Minstrels Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Sinclair Oil 25.1
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 21.3
Byrd Expedition Broadcasts Sat 10:00 PM Columbia General Foods 19.1
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 7:00 PM Columbia Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 18.5
Sal Hepatica Revue (Fred Allen) Wed 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Sal Hepatica 18.5
Jack Pearl Show Wed 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Royal Gelatin 18.0
Eno Crime Club Tues. & Wed. 8:00 PM NBC(Blue) Eno Effervescent Salt 17.9
American Album Of Familiar Music Sun 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Bayer Aspirin 17.8
Gulf Headliners (Will Rogers) Sun 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Gulf Oil 17.8
Eddie Cantor Show Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 50.2
Maxwell House Show Boat Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 45.9
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 39.0
Baker's Broadcast (Joe Penner) Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Fleischmann's Yeast 35.2
Ed Wynn, The Fire Chief Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline 31.6
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Sunoco 30.7
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 30.3
Burns & Allen Show Wed 9:30 PM Columbia White Owl Cigars 30.2
Paul Whiteman Revue Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 29.9
First Nighter Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Campana Sales Company 28.0
Armour Program (Phil Baker) Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 27.1
Ben Bernie Pabst Program Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon Ale 26.5
Chevrolet Program (Jack Benny) Sun 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Chevrolet 25.3
Bing Crosby Entertains Mon 8:30 PM Columbia Woodbury's Facial Soap 25.1
Sinclair Weiner Minstrels Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Sinclair Oil 25.1
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 21.3
Byrd Expedition Broadcasts Sat 10:00 PM Columbia General Foods 19.1
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 7:00 PM Columbia Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 18.5
Sal Hepatica Revue (Fred Allen) Wed 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Sal Hepatica 18.5
Jack Pearl Show Wed 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Royal Gelatin 18.0
Eno Crime Club Tues. & Wed. 8:00 PM NBC(Blue) Eno Effervescent Salt 17.9
American Album Of Familiar Music Sun 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Bayer Aspirin 17.8
Gulf Headliners (Will Rogers) Sun 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Gulf Oil 17.8
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 38.5
Maxwell House Show Boat Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 37.3
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Jell-O Gelatin 36.4
Hour Of Smiles (Fred Allen) Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Ipana, Sal Hepatica 32.0
Baker's Broadcast (Joe Penner) Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Fleischmann's Yeast 30.3
Ed Wynn, The Fire Chief Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline 25.8
Palmolive Beauty Box Theater (Gladys Swarthout) Tues 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Palmolive Soap 25.8
Guy Lombardo's Orchestra Wed 10:00 PM NBC(Red) St. Joseph Aspirin 23.5
Hoover Sentinels Sun 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Hoover Vacuum Cleaners 23.5
Ben Bernie Pabst Program Tues 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon Ale 23.2
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Sunoco 23.1
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 22.6
Armour Program (Phil Baker) Fri 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Armour & Company 22.5
Mary Pickford Dramas Wed 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Royal Gelatin 22.5
Paul Whiteman Revue Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 22.5
The March Of Time Fri 9:00 PM Columbia Time Magazine 20.9
Sinclair Weiner Minstrels Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Sinclair Oil 20.8
First Nighter Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Campana Sales Company 20.5
Gulf Headliners (Will Rogers) Sun 7:30 PM Columbia Gulf Oil 20.5
Cities Service Concert (Jessica Dragonette) Fri 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Cities Service 19.8
Let's Dance (Xavier Cugat's Orchestra) Sat 10:30 PM NBC(Red) National Biscuit Company 19.8
Burns & Allen Show Wed 9:30 PM Columbia White Owl Cigars 19.6
The Gibson Family Sat 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 19.1
Boake Carter Mon-Fri 7:45 PM Columbia Philco Radios 18.9
Opera Guild Broadcasts (Deems Taylor) Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 18.4
Packard Program (G. Martinelli's Orchestra) Tues 8:30 PM NBC(Blue) Packard Motors 18.0

1935-1936 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 45.2
Fleischmann's Yeast Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Fleischmann's Yeast 28.2
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Blue) Jell-O Gelatin 26.8
The March Of Time Mon-Fri 10:30 PM Columbia Remington-Rand 23.5
Burns & Allen Show Wed 8:30 PM Columbia Campbell's Soup 23.0
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic 22.6
First Nighter Fri 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Campana Italian Balm 22.2
Town Hall Tonight (Fred Allen) Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Ipana, Sal Hepatica 22.2
Maxwell House Show Boat Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 21.1
Shell Chateau (Al Jolson) Sat 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Shell Oil 20.9
Gulf Headliners (Phil Baker) Sun 7:30 PM Columbia Gulf Oil 20.4
Believe It Or Not Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Blue) Fleischmann's Yeast 19.6
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Jergens Lotion 19.2
Boake Carter Mon-Fri 7:45 PM Columbia Philco Radios 17.5
Eddie Cantor Show Sun 7:00 PM Columbia Pebeco Tooth Paste 16.1
Pick & Pat Mon 8:30 PM Columbia Dill's Best Pipe Tobacco 15.9
Gang Busters Wed 10:00 PM Columbia Palmolive Shaving Cream 14.9
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 14.8
Rubinoff's Orchestra Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Red) Chevrolet 14.6
One Man's Family Wed 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Royal Gelatin 14.5
Fred Waring & The Pennsylvanians Tues 9:30 PM Columbia Ford Motor Company 14.0

1936-1937 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Texaco Town (Eddie Cantor) Sun 8:30 PM Columbia Texaco 29.1
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Jell-O Gelatin 28.6
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 25.1
Burns & Allen Show Wed 8:30 PM Columbia Campbell's Soup 24.0
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Thurs 9:00 PM Columbia Chrysler Corporation 23.2
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 22.4

1938-1939 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC(Red) Oxydol 11.3
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri 1:00 PM Columbia Oxydol 10.0
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC(Red) Camay 9.8
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC(Red) "Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes" 9.6
The O'Neills Mon-Fri 12:15 PM NBC(Red) "Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes" 8.5
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:30 PM Columbia Chipso 8.0
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:15 PM Columbia "Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes" 7.9
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.7
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC(Red) Dr. Lyon's 7.3
Big Sister Mon-Fri 11:00 AM Columbia Rinso 7.3
Dick Tracy Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC(Red) "Quaker Puffed Wheat, Quaker Puffed Rice" 6.9
Palmolive's Hilltop House Mon-Fri 10:30 AM Columbia Palmolive Soap 6.9
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 6.8
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC(Red) Crisco 6.8
Pretty Kitty Kelly Mon-Fri 10:00 AM Columbia "Wonder Bread, Hostess Cakes" 6.5
Bachelor's Children Mon-Fri 9:45 AM Columbia Old Dutch Cleanser 6.2
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 10:15 AM Columbia Super Suds 5.9
Betty & Bob Mon-Fri 2:00 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 5.8
Hymns Of All Churches Mon-Fri 2:45 PM NBC(Red) Gold Medal Flour 5.8
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 AM Columbia Spry 5.7
David Harum Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC(Red) Bab-O 5.7
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 11:45 AM NBC(Red) Chipso 5.7
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM Columbia Angelus Cosmetics 5.7
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC(Blue) "Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes" 5.6
This Day Is Ours Mon-Fri 1:45 PM Columbia Crisco 5.6
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 11:15 AM NBC(Blue) Crisco 5.6
Girl Alone Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC(Red) "Quaker Oats, Mother's Oats" 5.5
Valiant Lady Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC(Red) Bisquick 5.4
Little Orphan Annie Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC(Red) Ovaltine 5.3

1937-1938 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC(Red) "Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes" 10.4
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC(Red) Crisco 8.8
The O'Neills Mon-Fri 12:15 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap 8.6
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 8.2
The Woman In White Mon-Fri 10:45 AM NBC(Red) Pillsbury Flour Mills 8.0
Little Orphan Annie Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC(Red) Ovaltine 7.8
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri 4:30 PM Columbia Oxydol 7.5
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC(Red) Chipso 7.1
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC(Red) PandG White Naphtha Soap 6.9
Dick Tracy Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Quaker Oats 6.8
David Harum Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC(Red) Bab-O 6.6
Tom Mix Ralston Straightshooters Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC(Blue) Ralston 6.4
Big Sister Mon-Fri 11:30 AM Columbia Rinso 6.3
Your News Parade (Edwin C. Hill) Mon-Fri 12:15 PM Columbia Lucky Strike 6.2
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 11:15 AM NBC(Red) Dr. Lyon's 5.9
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 5.6
Pretty Kitty Kelly Mon-Fri 10:00 AM Columbia Wonder Bread, Hostess Cakes 5.6
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 AM Columbia Spry 5.5
Mrs. Wiggs Of The Cabbage Patch Mon-Fri 10:00 AM NBC(Red) Old English Wax 5.3
Stepmother Mon-Fri 10:45 AM Columbia Colgate Tooth Powder 5.0
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 10:45 AM Columbia Oxydol 4.9
Palmolive's Hilltop House Mon-Fri 5:45 PM Columbia Palmolive Soap 4.9

1937-1938 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Chase & Sanborn Hour (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 39.4
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Jell-O Gelatin 34.0
Burns & Allen Show Mon 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Grape-Nuts 27.5
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 25.5
Lifebuoy Program (Al Jolson) Tues 8:30 PM Columbia Lifebuoy Health Soap, Rinso 23.5
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 23.1
Texaco Town (Eddie Cantor) Wed 8:30 PM Columbia Texaco 23.1
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Thurs 9:00 PM Columbia Chrysler Corporation 22.2
Royal Gelatin Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Royal Gelatin 22.0
Town Hall Tonight (Fred Allen) Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Ipana, Sal Hepatica 20.5
Amos 'n' Andy Mon-Fri 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Campbell's Soup 17.4
Hollywood Hotel (Dick Powell) Fri 9:00 PM Columbia Campbell's Soup 17.4
Al Pearce & His Gang Tues 9:00 PM Columbia Ford Motor Company 16.7
The Park Ave. Penners (Joe Penner) Sun 6:00 PM Columbia Cocomalt 16.1
One Man's Family Wed 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Tender Leaf Tea 15.6
Big Town Tues 8:00 PM Columbia Rinso 15.0
Fibber McGee & Molly Mon 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Johnson's Wax 14.8
That Good Gulf Program (Phil Baker) Sun 7:30 PM Columbia Gulf Oil 14.8
Believe It Or Not Sat 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Post's Bran Flakes, Huskies 14.7
Camel Caravan (Jack Oakie's College) Tues 9:30 PM Columbia Camel Cigarettes 14.6
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:30 PM NBC(Blue) Jergens Lotion 13.8
Gang Busters Wed 10:00 PM Columbia Palmolive Shaving Cream 13.7
Vox Pop, The Voice Of The People Tues 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Mollé Brushless 13.4
Your Hit Parade Sat 10:00 PM Columbia Lucky Strike 13.4

1938-1939 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC(Red) Oxydol 11.3
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri 1:00 PM Columbia Oxydol 10.0
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC(Red) Camay 9.8
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 9.6
The O'Neills Mon-Fri 12:15 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 8.5
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:30 PM Columbia Chipso 8.0
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:15 PM Columbia Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 7.9
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.7
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC(Red) Dr. Lyon's 7.3
Big Sister Mon-Fri 11:00 AM Columbia Rinso 7.3
Dick Tracy Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Quaker Puffed Wheat, Quaker Puffed Rice 6.9
Palmolive's Hilltop House Mon-Fri 10:30 AM Columbia Palmolive Soap 6.9
Jack Armstrong,The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 6.8
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC(Red) Crisco 6.8
Pretty Kitty Kelly Mon-Fri 10:00 AM Columbia Wonder Bread, Hostess Cakes 6.5
Bachelor's Children Mon-Fri 9:45 AM Columbia Old Dutch Cleanser 6.2
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 10:15 AM Columbia Super Suds 5.9
Betty & Bob Mon-Fri 2:00 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 5.8
Hymns Of All Churches Mon-Fri 2:45 PM NBC(Red) Gold Medal Flour 5.8
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 AM Columbia Spry 5.7
David Harum Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC(Red) Bab-O 5.7
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 11:45 AM NBC(Red) Chipso 5.7
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM Columbia Angelus Cosmetics 5.7
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC(Blue) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 5.6
This Day Is Ours Mon-Fri 1:45 PM Columbia Crisco 5.6
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 11:15 AM NBC(Blue) Crisco 5.6
Girl Alone Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC(Red) Quaker Oats, Mother's Oats 5.5
Valiant Lady Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC(Red) Bisquick 5.4
Little Orphan Annie Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC(Red) Ovaltine 5.3

1938-1939 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Chase & Sanborn Hour (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 35.1
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Jell-O Gelatin 31.4
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 27.0
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 24.5
Good News Of 1939 Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 20.2
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Thurs 9:00 PM Columbia Chrysler Corporation 19.0
Big Town Tues 8:00 PM Columbia Rinso 18.9
Burns & Allen Show Fri 8:30 PM Columbia Chesterfield 18.6

1938-1939 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Town Hall Tonight (Fred Allen) Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Ipana, Sal Hepatica 18.1
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 18.0
Camel Caravan (Eddie Cantor) Mon 7:30 PM Columbia Camel Cigarettes 17.1
Lifebuoy Program (Al Jolson) Tues 8:30 PM Columbia Lifebuoy Health Soap, Rinso 16.8
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Johnson's Wax 16.7
Kate Smith Hour Thurs 8:00 PM Columbia Calumet, Swans Down Cake Flour 16.7
Gang Busters Wed 8:00 PM Columbia Palmolive Shave Cream 16.4
Royal Gelatin Hour (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Royal Gelatin 16.4
Pepsodent Show (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Antiseptic 16.2
We The People Tues 9:00 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 16.2
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Sunoco 15.7
Al Pearce & His Gang Mon 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Grape-Nuts 15.5
Gulf Screen Guild Theater Sun 7:30 PM Columbia Gulf Oil 15.4
Your Hit Parade Sat 10:00 PM Columbia Lucky Strike 15.3
One Man's Family Wed 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Tender Leaf Tea 15.2

1939-1940 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 NBC(Red) Oxydol 10.4
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri  3:45  PM NBC(Red) Crisco 10.4
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri  5:30  PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 9.8
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC(Red) Dr. Lyon's 9.6
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri  1:00  PM Columbia Oxydol 9.6
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri  4:15  PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 9.6
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri  3:30  PM NBC(Red) Camay 9.4
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri  12:45  PM Columbia Anacin 9.3
David Harum Mon-Fri  11:00  AM NBC(Red) Bab-O 9.0
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri  3:00  PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow 8.9
Girl Alone Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Quaker Oats, Mother's Oats 8.6
The O'Neills Mon-Fri  12:15  PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 8.5
Midstream Mon-Fri  5:15  PM NBC(Red) Teel Liquid Dentifrice 8.4
The Woman In White Mon-Fri 10:45 PM NBC(Red) Pillsbury Flour Mills 8.3
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri  11:45  AM NBC(Red) PandG White Naphtha Soap 8.2
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:45 PM Columbia Chipso 8.2
Smiling Ed McConnell Mon-Fri  4:45  PM Columbia Taystee Bread 8.2
Palmolive's Hilltop House Mon-Fri 10:30 AM Columbia Palmolive Soap 8.0
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC(Red) Bayer Aspirin 7.7
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:15 PM Columbia Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 7.3
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM Columbia Angelus Cosmetics 7.2
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 11:15 AM NBC(Red) Chipso 7.2
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM Columbia Diamond Crystal Salt 7.2
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC(Red) Bayer Aspirin 7.0
Arnold Grimm's Daughter Mon-Fri 2:15 PM NBC(Red) Softasilk Cake Flour 6.9
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri 10:15 AM Columbia Concentrated Super Suds 6.9
Valiant Lady Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 6.9
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 AM Columbia Spry 6.8

1939-1940 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Chase & Sanborn Hour (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 34.6
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Jell-O Gelatin 34.1
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues  9:30  PM NBC(Red) Johnson's Wax 30.8
One Man's Family Sun 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Tender Leaf Tea 28.7
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap  26.9
Pepsodent Show (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Liquid Dentifrice, Pepsodent Antiseptic  25.0
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 23.3
Fitch Bandwagon (Tobe Reed) Sun  7:30  PM NBC(Red) Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampoo 22.4
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Thurs  9:00  PM Columbia Chrysler Corporation 21.6
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed  10:00  PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 21.2
Pot O' Gold Tues  8:30  PM NBC(Red) Tums 21.1
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Jergens Lotion 20.0
Kate Smith Hour Fri 8:00 PM Columbia Calumet, Swans Down Cake Flour 19.6
Good News Of 1940 Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 17.7
Battle Of The Sexes Tues  9:00  PM NBC(Red) Mollé Brushless 17.5
Big Town Tues 8:00 PM Columbia Rinso 17.5
Gang Busters Sat 8:00 PM Columbia Cue Magazine 17.5
First Nighter Fri 9:30 PM Columbia Campana Italian Balm 17.1
We The People Tues 9:00 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 16.9
Town Hall Tonight Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Ipana, Sal Hepatica 16.6
Texaco Star Theater (Ken Murray) Wed 9:00 PM Columbia Texaco 16.4
Burns & Allen Show Wed 7:30 PM Columbia Hinds Honey & Almond Cream 15.8
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC(Red) Oxydol 10.0
The O'Neills Mon-Fri 12:15 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 9.6
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC(Red) Camay 9.4
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:00 PM Columbia Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 9.3
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:45 PM Columbia Chipso 9.2
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri  12:00  PM Columbia Diamond Crystal Salt 8.9
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri  5:30  PM NBC(Red) Wheaties 8.8
The Woman In White Mon-Fri  1:15  PM Columbia Camay 8.8
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri  3:00  PM NBC(Red) Ivory Snow 8.5
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri  2:00  PM Columbia Post Toasties, Huskies 8.5
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri  12:45  PM Columbia Anacin 8.3
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri  12:30  PM Columbia Hopper Cosmetics 8.2
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri  3:45  PM NBC(Red) Crisco 8.2
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri  1:30  PM Columbia Crisco 8.1
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri  4:15  PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.7
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri  10:45  AM NBC(Red) PandG White Naphtha Soap 7.4
The Light Of The World Mon-Fri  2:45  PM NBC(Red) Softasilk Cake Flour 7.3
Road Of Life Mon-Fri  11:30  AM NBC(Red) Chipso 7.3
Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne Mon-Fri  2:15  PM Columbia LaFrance, Satina 7.0
Valiant Lady Mon-Fri  2:30  PM NBC(Red) Bisquick 6.9
The Man I Married Mon-Fri  11:00  AM NBC(Red) Oxydol 6.8
Myrt & Marge Mon-Fri  10:15  AM Columbia Super Suds 6.8
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri  11:45  AM Columbia Spry 6.7
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri  4:00  PM NBC(Red) Dr. Lyon's 6.6
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri  12:15  PM Columbia Prudential Insurance 6.6
Bachelor's Children Mon-Fri  9:45  AM Columbia Old Dutch 6.3
Big Sister Mon-Fri  11:30  AM Columbia Rinso 6.3
The Shadow Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Blue Coal 13.5
The Moylan Sisters Sun 5:00 PM NBC(Blue) Thrivo Dog Food 12.4
Olivio Santero Sun 5:15 PM NBC(Blue) Vogt Scrapple 9.6
Quixie Doodle Sun 5:30 PM Columbia Mennen 7.9
The Pause That Refreshes (André Kostelanetz's Orch.) Sun 4:30 PM Columbia Coca Cola 5.6
Lincoln Highway Sat 10:00 AM NBC(Red) Shinola Shoe Polish 5.3
Your Dream Come True Sun 5:30 PM NBC(Red) Quaker Oats 4.9

1940-1941 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Luncheon At The Waldorf Sat 1:30 PM NBC(Blue) Camel Cigarettes 4.7
Metropolitan Opera Auditions Sun 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Sherwin Williams Paints 4.6
Chicago Women's Symphony Orchestra Sun 5:00 PM Columbia Libby-Owens-Ford Glass 4.5
The Musical Steelmakers Sun 5:00 PM Mutual Wheeling Steel 2.4

1940-1941 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny)  Sun 7:00 PM NBC(Red) Jell-O 36.2
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 32.2
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Antiseptic 28.2
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Johnson's Wax 27.4
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap  
The Aldrich Family Thurs 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Jell-O 26.3
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Jergens Lotion 24.8
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Frank Morgan & Fanny Brice) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 23.4
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Thurs 9:00 PM Columbia Chrysler Corporation 19.8
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 18.8
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 18.6
Truth Or Consequences Sat 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap 18.4
Big Town Wed 8:00 PM Columbia Rinso 18.3
Kate Smith Hour Fri 8:00 PM Columbia Grape-Nuts, Grape-Nuts Flakes 18.1
. Fitch Bandwagon (Tobe Reed) Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Red) Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampoo 17.8
One Man's Family Sun 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Tender Leaf Tea 17.6
Sealtest Program (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Sealtest 17.2
Gulf Screen Guild Theater Sun 7:30 PM Columbia Gulf Oil 16.2
Kaltenborn Edits The News Tue., Thurs., Sat. 7:45 PM NBC(Red) Pure Oil 16.2
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Sunoco 16.0
Your Hit Parade Sat 9:00 PM Columbia Lucky Strike 15.9

1941-1942 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:00 PM Columbia Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 9.?*
The Woman In White Mon-Fri 1:15 PM Columbia Oxydol 9.?*
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 8.7
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 11:15 AM NBC(Red) PandG White Naphtha Soap 8.?*
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM Columbia BiSoDoL Mints, BiSoDoL Powder,Kolynos Tooth Paste  8.?*
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC(Red) Oxydol 8.?*
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM Columbia Anacin 8.?*
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:45 PM Columbia Chipso 8.?*
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 10:45 AM NBC(Red) Chipso 8.?*
Against The Storm Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC(Red) Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 7.?*
Big Sister Mon-Fri 12:15 PM Columbia Rinso 7.?*
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Face Creams 7.?*
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC(Red) Ivory Snow 7.?*
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC(Red) Post's Bran Flakes 7.?*
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 11:15 AM NBC(Red) Crisco 7.?*
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 1:30 PM Columbia Crisco 7.?*
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Calumet, Swans Down Cake Flour 7.?*
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 2:00 PM Columbia Post Toasties 7.?*
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC(Red) Bayer Aspirin 7.?*
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM Mutual Wheaties 6.5
Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne Mon-Fri 2:15 PM Columbia LaFrance, Satina 6.?*
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC(Red) Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 6.?*
Valiant Lady Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC(Red) Wheaties, Bisquick 6.?*
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC(Red) Crisco 6.?*
The Bartons Mon-Fri 11:30 AM NBC(Red) Duz 6.?*
Arnold Grimm's Daughter Mon-Fri 2:45 PM NBC(Red) Softasilk Cake Flour, Gold Medal Flour 6.?*
Lone Journey Mon-Fri 11:30 AM NBC(Red) Dreft 6.?*

1941-1942 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Blue Coal 14.5
William L. Shirer Sun 5:45 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 9.9
Prudential Family Hour Sun 5:00 PM Columbia Prudential Insurance 9.4
Lincoln Highway Sat 11:00 AM NBC(Red) Shinola Shoe Polish 8.4
The Moylan Sisters Sun 5:00 PM NBC(Blue) Thrivo Dog Food 8.2
Bob Becker Talks About Dogs Sun 3:00 PM NBC(Red) Red Heart Dog Food 8.0
The Pause That Refreshes (André Kostelanetz's Orch.) Sun 4:30 PM Columbia Coca Cola 8.0
Tony Wons' Scrapbook Sun 4:15 PM NBC(Red) Hallmark Cards 6.4
Olivio Santoro Sun 5:15 PM NBC(Blue) Vogt Scrapple 6.1
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon Columbia Armstrong Rugs 5.2
Metropolitan Opera Auditions Sun 5:00 PM NBC(Red) Sherwin Williams Paints 5.0
George Fisher Sun 1:15 PM Mutual Marrow Oil 4.4
The Musical Steelmakers Sun 5:30 PM NBC(Blue) Wheeling Steel 4.1

1941-1942 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Chase & Sanborn 35.2
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Johnson's Wax 33.3
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:00 PM NBC(Blue) Jergens Lotion 33.1
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Pepsodent Tooth Paste,Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Antiseptic, Pepsodent Tooth Brush 31.7
Jell-O Program (Jack Benny) Sun  7:00  PM NBC(Red) Jell-O Gelatin,Jell-O Pudding  31.0
The Aldrich Family Thurs 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Postum 30.9
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 30.?*
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Frank Morgan & Fanny Brice) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 28.9
Raleigh Cigarette Program (Red Skelton) Tues 10:30 PM NBC(Red) Raleigh Cigarettes 28.0
Time To Smile (Eddie Cantor) Wed 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Ipana, Sal Hepatica 22.2
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Lucky Strike 22.? *
Kraft Music Hall Thurs 9:00 PM NBC(Red) Kraft 21.1
Major Bowes Amateur Hour Thurs 9:00 PM Columbia Chrysler Corporation 20.7
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM NBC(Blue) Sunoco 20.1
One Man's Family Sun 8:30 PM NBC(Red) Standard Brands 20.? *
Orson Welles Theater Mon 10:00 PM Columbia Lady Esther Cosmetics 20.? *
Fitch Bandwagon (Tobe Reed) Sun 7:30 PM NBC(Red) Fitch's DandruffRemover Shampoo 19.8
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC(Red) Vitalis 19.7
Sealtest Program (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC(Red) Sealtest 19.6
Kate Smith Hour Fri 8:00 PM Columbia Grape-Nuts, Grape-Nuts Flakes  19.3
New Swan Program Tues 7:30 PM NBC(Red) Swan Soap 19.3
Gay '90's Revue Mon 8:30 PM Columbia Model Pipe Tobacco 18.1

1931-1943 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Big Sister Mon-Fri 12:15 PM Columbia Rinso 8.9
Aunt Jenny's  Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 PM Columbia Spry 8.6
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O  8.6
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's Bran Flakes 8.4
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM Columbia BiSoDoL Mints, BiSoDoL Powder, Kolynos Tooth Paste  8.4
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 8.0
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Calumet 7.8
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 7.6
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM Columbia Anacin 7.6
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM Columbia Oxydol 7.6
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:00 PM Columbia Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes 7.5
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 7.5
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 7.4
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.2
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Duz 7.1
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 6.9
Vic & Sade Mon-Fri 1:30 PM Columbia Ivory Flakes 6.7
The Story Of Mary Marlin Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Ivory Snow 6.6
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Anacin 6.5
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri 1:45 PM Columbia Duz 6.2
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC Wheaties 6.2
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 2:00 PM Columbia Post Toasites 6.1
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 5.9
Bright Horizon Mon-Fri 11:30 AM Columbia Swan Soap 5.8
Jack Armstrong,  The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM Blue Wheaties 5.8
Kitty Foyle Mon-Fri 10:15 AM Columbia General Mills 5.7
Joyce Jordan, M.D. Mon-Fri 2:15 PM Columbia Postum 5.6

1942-1943 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
William L. Shirer Sun 5:45 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 10.3
Prudential Family Hour Sun 5:00 PM Columbia Prudential Insurance 9.3
World News Parade Sun 3:15 PM NBC Sheaffer Pens 7.8
The Pause That Refreshes (André Kostelanetz's Orch.) Sun 4:30 PM Columbia Coca Cola 7.6
Westinghouse Program (John Charles Thomas) Sun 2:30 PM NBC Westinghouse 7.5
Those We Love Sun 2:00 PM Columbia Sanka Coffee 6.4
World News Today Sun 2:30 PM Columbia Admiral Radios 6.2
Col. Stoopnagle's Stooperoos Sun 1:45 PM Columbia Schutter Candy Company 5.5
Upton Close Sun 5:15 PM Mutual Lumbermens Insurance 4.9
The Musical Steelmakers Sun 5:30 PM Blue Wheeling Steel 2.9
Lutheran Hour Sun 1:30 PM Mutual Lutheran Laymen 2.2
Pilgrim Hour Sun 2:00 PM Mutual Gospel Broadcasting 1.9

1942-1943 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Pepsodent Show (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Antiseptic,Pepsodent Tooth Brush 40.9
Raleigh Cigarette Program (Red Skelton) Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 40.7
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 37.7
Chase & Sanborn Program(Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn 34.8
Grape-Nuts & Grape-Nuts Flakes Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC Grape-Nuts, Grape-Nuts Flakes   
The Aldrich Family Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Postum 31.5
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Vitalis 28.3
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Frank Morgan & Fanny Brice) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC(Red) Maxwell House 27.5
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM Columbia Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 27.0
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed 10:00 PM NBC Lucky Strike 26.2
Abbott & Costello Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Camel Cigarettes 24.6
Sealtest Program (Rudy Vallee) Thurs 9:30 PM NBC Sealtest 23.8
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Kraft 23.1
Fitch Bandwagon (Tobe Reed) Sun 7:30 PM NBC Fitch's Dandruff  Remover Shampoo 22.5
Texaco Star Theater (Fred Allen) Sun 9:30 PM Columbia Texaco 21.6
Time To Smile Wed 9:00 PM NBC Ipana, Sal Hepatica 21.4
Take It Or Leave It Sun 10:00 PM Columbia Eversharp-Schick, Eversharp Pens & Pencils 21.3
Lady Esther  Screen Guild Theater Mon 10:00 PM Columbia Lady Esther Cosmetics 20.9
The March Of Time Thurs 10:30 PM NBC Time Magazine 19.6
New Swan Program (Burns & Allen) Tues 9:00 PM Columbia Swan Soap 19.3

1943-1944 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Certo 9.0
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's Bran Flakes 8.7
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 8.6
Big Sister Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Rinso 8.4
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 8.4
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O  8.2
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 8.0
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 7.9
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Sanka Coffee 7.6
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Bayer Aspirin, Phillips' Face Creams 7.6
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 7.3
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri  5:30  PM NBC Anacin 7.0
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 6.9
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 6.9
Breakfast With Brenneman Mon-Fri 11:00 AM Blue Ivory Flakes, Kellogg's Pep 6.8
Aunt Jenny's  Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 PM CBS Spry 6.6
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap 6.6
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Benefax Multi Vitamins, BiSoDoL Mints, Kolynos Tooth Paste 6.6
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 6.3
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Duz 6.0
The Light Of The World Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC Softasilk Cake Flour, Kix, Cheerioats 5.9
Jack Armstrong,  The All American Boy Mon-Fri  5:30  PM Blue Wheaties 5.6
Joyce Jordan, M.D. Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Postum 5.6
Today's Children Mon-Fri 2:15 PM NBC Bisquick 5.6
We Love & Learn Mon-Fri 2:30 PM CBS Post's Raisin Bran 5.6
A Woman Of America Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Ivory Snow 5.5
Bright Horizon Mon-Fri 11:30 AM CBS Swan Soap 5.4
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Post Toasties 5.4

1943-1944 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Blue Coal 12.8
Westinghouse Program (John Charles Thomas) Sun 2:30 PM NBC Westinghouse 9.3
Prudential Family Hour Sun 5:00 PM CBS Prudential Insurance 8.2
The Pause That Refreshes (André Kostelanetz's Orch.) Sun 4:30 PM CBS Coca Cola 8.1
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Dari-Rich 7.3
World News Parade Sun 4:15 PM NBC Sheaffer Pens 6.7
Those We Love Sun 2:00 PM CBS Sanka Coffee 6.6
New York Philharmonic Sun 3:00 PM CBS U.S. Rubber 5.8
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 5.7
Stradivari Orchestra (Paul Lavalle) Sun 12:30 PM NBC Prince Matchibelli 5.5
Irene Rich Dramas Sun 5:45 PM CBS Welch's Grape Juice 5.4
NBC Symphony Orchestra Sun 5:00 PM NBC General Motors 5.4
Upton Close Sun 3:15 PM Mutual Lumbermens Insurance 5.4
Fun Valley (Al Pearce) Sun 4:00 PM Blue Dr. Pepper 5.3
World News Today Sun 2:30 PM CBS Admiral Radios 5.3
Dick Powell Show Sat 1:00 PM CBS Campana Products 5.0
Report On Rationing Sun 3:00 PM NBC Candy Council 5.0
The Musical Steelmakers Sun 5:30 PM Blue Wheeling Steel 4.5
Burl Ives: Melodies Of Home Sat 1:45 PM CBS General Mills 4.3
Mother & Dad Sat 5:00 PM CBS Allegheny Steel 4.1
Ceiling Unlimited Sun 2:00 PM CBS Lockheed Aircraft 4.1
Meet Corliss Archer Sat 5:00 PM Blue Anchor Hocking Glass 3.8
Where Do We Stand? Sun 5:00 PM Blue Clark Gum 3.8
Curt Massey Show Sat 5:45 PM NBC Schutter Candy Company 3.6
Hot Copy Sun 3:30 PM Blue O' Cedar Polish 3.5
Fashions In Rations Sat 11:30 AM CBS Servel Refrigerators 3.4
Hook & Ladder Follies Sat 11:00 AM NBC Goodyear Tires 3.4

1943-1944 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 31.9
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Antiseptic, Pepsodent Tooth Brush 31.6
Raleigh Cigarette Program (Red Skelton) Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 31.4
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn 29.2
Grape-Nuts & Grape-Nuts Flakes Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC Grape-Nuts, Grape-Nuts Flakes 27.9
The Aldrich Family Thurs 8:30 PM NBC  Postum 26.3
Sealtest Village Store (Joan Davis) Thurs 9:30 PM NBC Sealtest 24.2
Abbott & Costello Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Camel Cigarettes 24.0
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Vitalis 22.9
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Frank Morgan & Fanny Brice) Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Maxwell House 22.5
The Jergens Journal Sun 9:00 PM Blue Jergens Lotion 22.4
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed 10:00 PM NBC Lucky Strike 22.2
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby)  Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Kraft 22.2
Take It Or Leave It Sun 10:00 PM CBS Eversharp-Schick, Eversharp Pens & Pencils 20.2
Texaco Star Theater (Fred Allen) Sun 9:30 PM CBS Texaco 19.8
Your Hit Parade Sat 9:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 19.1
Lady Esther Screen Guild Theater Mon 10:00 PM CBS Lady Esther Cosmetics 19.0
New Swan Show (Burns & Allen) Tues 9:00 PM CBS Swan Soap 18.1
Eddie Cantor Show Wed 9:30 PM NBC Ipana, Toushay 17.7
Amos 'n' Andy Show Fri 10:00 PM NBC Rinso 17.1
Bob Burns Show Thurs 7:30 PM NBC Lifebuoy Health Soap, Lifebuoy Shaving Cream 17.1
Mr. & Mrs. North Wed 8:00 PM NBC Woodbury Facial Soap 16.9

1944-1945 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Certo 9.2
Breakfast In Hollywood Mon-Fri 11:00 AM Blue Ivory Flakes, Kellogg's Pep 8.7
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 8.3
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 8.3
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's Bran Flakes 8.3
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Calumet 7.9
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 7.6
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 7.4
Big Sister Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Rinso 7.4
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 7.3
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Bayer Aspirin 7.2
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 7.2
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.0
Today's Children Mon-Fri 2:15 PM NBC Bisquick 6.9
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Spry 6.6
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap 6.6
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 6.4
Gilbert Martyn Mon-Fri 11:30 AM Blue Kellogg's Cereals 6.2
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS BiSoDoL Mints 6.1
Criso's Radio Newspaper (Bernadine Flynn) Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco 5.9
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM Blue Wheaties 5.6
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Anacin 5.6
Front Page Farrell Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC Freezone 5.5
Breakfast Club Mon-Sat 9:00 AM Blue Multi Sponsors 5.4
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 2:00 PM NBC Cheerioats 5.4
The Woman In White Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC Betty Crocker Soup Ingredients 5.4
The Goldbergs Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 5.0
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Duz 4.9

1944-1945 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Blue Coal 13.8
Westinghouse Program (John Charles Thomas) Sun 2:30 PM NBC Westinghouse 10.0
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 9.1
William L. Shirer Sun 5:45 PM CBS Williams Shaving Cream 8.4
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Dari-Rich 8.1
Those We Love Sun 2:00 PM CBS Sanka Coffee 8.0
World News Parade Sun 3:00 PM NBC Sheaffer Pens 7.8
The N-K Showroom (The Andrews Sisters) Sun 4:30 PM Blue Nash, Kelvinator 7.6
Billie Burke Show Sat  11:30  AM CBS Servel Refrigerators 7.4
Prudential Family Hour Sun 5:00 PM CBS Prudential Insurance 7.4
Grand Central Station Sat 1:00 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 6.5
Nelson Eddy Show Sun 5:30 PM CBS Electric Companies 6.4
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 5.7
World News Today Sun 2:30 AM CBS Admiral Radios 5.1
Report To The Nation Sat 1:30 PM CBS Continental Can Company 4.9
Sammy Kaye's Orchestra Sun 1:30 PM Blue Tangee Cosmetics 4.8
John W. Vandercook Sat 5:30 PM NBC ? 4.6
Stradivari Orchestra (Paul Lavalle) Sun 12:30 PM NBC Prince Matchabelli 4.6
Grand Hotel Sat 5:00 PM NBC Campana Products 4.5
New York Philharmonic Sun 3:00 PM CBS U.S. Rubber 4.5
Matinee Theater Sun 2:00 PM CBS Vicks Vaporub, Vicks Va-Tro-Nol, Vitamins Plus 4.4
John B. Kennedy Sun 1:00 PM Blue Harvel Watches 4.3
Music America Loves Best Sun 4:30 PM NBC RCA Victor 4.3
NBC Symphony Orchestra Sun 5:00 AM NBC General Motors 4.2
Nick Carter, Master Detective Sun 3:30 PM Mutual Lin-X Cleaning Products, Kemtone 4.2

1944-1945 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues  10:00  PM NBC Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder, Pepsodent Antiseptic,Pepsodent Tooth Brush 34.1
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 30.8
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Kraft 25.8
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:00 PM NBC Jergens Lotion 25.3
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Vitalis, Ipana, Sal Hepatica 25.1
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap   24.5
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn 24.2
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC Lucky Strike 24.2
Sealtest Village Store (Joan Davis) Thurs 9:30 PM NBC Sealtest 24.0
Lady Esther Screen Guild Theater Mon 10:00 PM CBS Lady Esther Cosmetics 23.4
Eddie Cantor Show Wed 9:00 PM NBC Ipana, Trushay 21.0
Abbott & Costello Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Camel Cigarettes 20.7
Raleigh Room (Hildegarde) Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 19.3
Take It Or Leave It Sun 10:00 PM CBS Eversharp-Schick, Eversharp Pens & Pencils 18.6
Bob Burns Show Thurs 7:30 PM NBC Lifebuoy Health Soap 18.5
Kay Kyser's Kollege Wed 10:00 PM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Soap 18.5
Your Hit Parade Sat 9:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 17.8
Birds Eye Open House (Dinah Shore) Thurs 6:30 PM NBC Birds Eye Frosted Foods 17.6
New Swan Show (Burns & Allen) Mon 8:30 PM CBS Swan Soap 17.6
The Adventures Of The Thin Man Fri 8:30 PM CBS Post Toasties 17.3
The Aldrich Family Fri 8:00 PM CBS Postum 16.9
Amos 'n' Andy Show Fri 10:00 PM NBC Rinso 16.5
Can You Top This? Sat 9:30 PM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Shave Cream 16.5
Duffy's Tavern Fri 8:30 PM NBC Vitalis, Trushay 16.3
The Great Gildersleeve Sun 6:30 PM NBC Parkay Margarine 16.3

1945-1946 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Breakfast in Hollywood Mon-Fri 11:00 AM Blue Ivory Flakes, Kellogg's Pep 8.3
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 8.2
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 8.0
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 7.6
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Sure-Jell 7.5
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 7.0
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS American Home Products 7.0
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 6.9
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 6.9
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap 6.8
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 6.8
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Sanka Coffee 6.7
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Bayer Aspirin 6.7
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's 40% Bran Flakes 6.7
Big Sister Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Rinso 6.4
Today's Children Mon-Fri 2:15 PM NBC General Mills 6.2
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy Mon-Fri 5:30 PM Blue Wheaties 6.1
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 6.1
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco 6.1
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Anacin 5.9
Gilbert Martyn Mon-Fri 11:30 AM Blue Kellogg's Cereals 5.7
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 2:00 PM NBC General Mills 5.7
The Woman In White Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC Wheaties 5.6
Breakfast Club Mon-Sat 9:00 AM Blue Multi Sponsors 5.5
Front Page Farrell Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC BiSoDoL Mints 5.5
Terry & The Pirates Mon-Fri 5:00 PM Blue Quaker Puffed Wheat, Quaker Puffed Rice 5.4
Hymns Of All Churches Mon-Thurs 2:45 PM NBC General Mills 5.2
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 5.2
A Woman's Life Mon-Fri 11:30 AM CBS Lever Brothers 4.9
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Spry 4.9
Tom Mix Ralston Straightshooters Mon-Fri  5:45  PM Mutual Ralston, Instant Ralston, Shredded Ralston 4.9
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM Blue Libby's Canned Foods 4.8

1945-1946 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Blue Coal 11.8
One Man's Family Sun 3:30 PM NBC Tender Leaf Tea, Fleischmann's Yeast 11.1
Westinghouse Program Sun 2:30 PM NBC Westinghouse 9.6
Carmen Cavallero's Orch. Sun 3:00 PM NBC Sheaffer Pens 9.5
Prudential Family Hour Sun 5:00 PM CBS Prudential Insurance 8.7
Grand Central Station Sat 1:00 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 8.6
Nelson Eddy Show Sun 4:30 PM NBC Electric Companies 8.4
Sun Serenade (Sammy Kaye's Orchestra) Sun 1:30 PM NBC Rayve Creme Shampoo 8.2
Darts For Dough Sun 4:30 PM Blue Dr. Pepper 8.0
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Dari-Rich 7.6
Gene Autry's Melody Ranch Sun 5:30 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum, Doublemint Gum 7.5
Quick As A Flash Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Helbros Watches 7.1
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 7.0
Billie Burke Show Sat 11:30 AM CBS Listerine Tooth Paste 6.6
Smoke Dreams Sun 2:00 PM Blue La Fenrich Cigars 6.6
Murder Is My Hobby Sun 4:00 PM Mutual Crystex 6.2
Radio Reader's Digest Sun 2:00 PM CBS Hallmark Cards 6.0
Harvest Of Stars Sun 2:00 PM NBC International Harvester 5.8
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 5.6
Hollywood Startime Sun 2:30 PM CBS Frigidaire 5.5
William L. Shirer Sun 5:45 PM CBS Williams Shaving Cream 5.4

1945-1946 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 30.8
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder 29.8
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 27.0
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn 26.9
Raleigh Cigarette Program (Red Skelton) Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 25.7
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC Lucky Strike 24.1
Lady Esther Screen Guild Theater Mon 10:00 PM CBS Lady Esther Cosmetics 23.4
Fred Allen Show Sun 8:30 PM NBC Blue Bonnet Margarine, Tender Leaf Tea 22.7
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Vitalis, Ipana, Sal Hepatica 21.1
The Jergens Jounral (Walter Winchell)  Sun 9:00 PM Blue Jergens Lotion 20.3
The Great Gildersleeve Sun 6:30 PM NBC Parkay Margarine 19.7
Eddie Cantor Show Wed 9:00 PM NBC Ipana, Trushay 19.5
Abbott & Costello Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Camel Cigarettes 19.4
Sealtest Program (Jack Haley) Thurs 9:30 PM NBC Sealtest 19.3
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Burns & Allen) Thurs 8:00 PM NBC Maxwell House 19.1
Take It Or Leave It Sun 10:00 PM CBS Eversharp-Schick, Eversharp Pens & Pencils 18.8
A Date With Judy Tues 8:30 PM NBC Tums 18.4
Joan Davis Time Mon 8:30 PM CBS Swan Soap 18.1
New Fitch Bandwagon (Cass Daley) Sun 7:30 PM NBC Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampoo 18.0
Kraft Music Hall (Bing Crosby) Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Kraft 17.5

1946-1947 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Sure Jell 8.8
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 8.1
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's 40% Bran Flakes 7.9
Breakfast In Hollywood Mon-Fri 11:00 AM ABC Ivory Flakes, Kellogg's Pep 7.5
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 7.5
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 7.3
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 7.3
Big Sister Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap 7.2
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 7.2
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 7.2
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Bayer Aspirin 7.0
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS BiSoDoL Mints 6.7
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 6.5
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 6.5
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Anacin 6.5
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco 6.3
Kate Smith Speaks Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Sanka Coffee 6.2
Breakfast Club Mon-Fri 9:00 AM ABC Swift & Company, Philco Radios, Kellogg's Cereals 6.1
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Ivory Snow 6.1
Front Page Farrell Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC BiSoDoL Mints 6.0
The New Adventures Of Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Camay, Ivory Flakes 5.7
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS LaFrance, Satina 5.7
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Crisco, Ivory Flakes 5.6
The Woman In White Mon-Sat 2:15 PM NBC Wheaties 5.4
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 5.3
Tom Mix Ralston Straightshooters Mon-Fri 5:45 PM Mutual Ralston, Shredded Ralston 5.3
My True Story Mon-Thurs 10:00 AM ABC Libby's Canned Foods 5.2
Joyce Jordan, M.D. Mon-Fri 10:45 AM NBC Dreft 4.9
General Electric House Party (Art Linkletter) Mon-Fri 4:00 PM CBS General Electric Appliances 4.7
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 4.7

1946-1947 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:00 PM Mutual Blue Coal 13.3
Carmen Cavallero's Orchestra Sun 3:00 PM NBC Sheaffer Pens 11.6
One Man's Family Sun 3:30 PM NBC Tender Leaf  Tea, Fleischmann's Yeast, Royal Pudding  10.1
Harvest Of Stars Sun 2:00 PM NBC International Harvester 9.4
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Dari-Rich 8.9
Counterspy Sun 5:30 PM ABC Bit O' Honey 8.9
The House Of Mystery Sun 4:00 PM Mutual Post Toasties 8.8
The Quiz Kids Sun 4:00 PM NBC Alka Seltzer, One A Day 8.3
County Fair Sat 1:30 PM CBS Borden's Dairy Products 8.1
Sammy Kaye's Serenade Sun 1:30 PM ABC Richard Hudnut 7.9
RCA Victor Show Sun 2:00 PM NBC RCA Victor 7.7
The Hour Of Charm Sun 4:30 PM CBS Electric Companies 7.4
True Detective Mysteries Sun 4:30 PM Mutual Oh Henry! 7.3
Hoagy Carmichael Show Sun 5:30 PM CBS Luden's Cough Drops 7.1
Prudential Family Hour Sun  5:00  PM CBS Prudential Insurance 6.9
Grand Central Station Sat 1:00 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 6.8
Quick As A Flash Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Helbros Watches 6.8
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 6.5
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 6.3
Give & Take Sat 2:00 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 6.2
World Front Sat 12:00 Noon NBC Bunte Candy Company 5.3
William L. Shirer Sun 5:45 PM CBS Williams Shaving Cream 5.1

1946-1947 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 30.2
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC Pepsodent Tooth Paste,Pepsodent Tooth Powder 30.2
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn 27.4
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC Lucky Strike 27.0
Raleigh Cigarette Program (Red Skelton) Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 25.4
Fred Allen Show Sun 8:30 PM NBC Blue Bonnet Margarine, Tender Leaf Tea   24.9
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 23.8
Lady Esther Screen Guild Theater Mon 10:00 PM CBS Lady Esther Cosmetics 23.8
Amos 'n' Andy Show Tues 9:00 PM NBC Rinso 22.5
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Ipana, Sal Hepatica 22.4
The Jergens Journal Sun 9:00 PM ABC Jergens Lotion 22.0
Fitch Bandwagon (Phil Harris-Alice Faye) Sun 7:30 PM NBC Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampoo 21.0
Duffy's Tavern Wed 9:00 PM NBC Ipana, Trushay 19.4
Suspense Thurs 8:00 PM CBS Roma Wine 18.0
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Burns & Allen) Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Maxwell House 17.9
Judy Canova Show Sat 10:00 PM NBC Colgate Tooth Powder, Palmolive Soap 17.8
Bob Hawk Show Mon 7:30 PM CBS Camel Cigarettes 17.6
Blondie Sun 7:30 PM CBS Super Suds 17.3
Take It Or Leave It Sun 10:00 PM CBS Eversharp-Schick, Eversharp Pens & Pencils 17.2
Eddie Cantor Show Thurs 10:30 PM NBC Pabst Blue Ribbon 17.1
The Great Gildersleeve Wed 8:30 PM NBC Parkay Margarine 16.9
The Aldrich Family Thurs 8:00 PM NBC Grape-Nuts 16.8

1947-1948 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Big Sister Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap 7.9
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 7.8
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Hopper's White Clay Pack  7.5
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 7.4
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 7.4
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Calumet 7.3
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.2
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 11:00 AM CBS Chesterfield 6.9
Breakfast In Hollywood Mon-Fri 11:00 AM ABC Ivory Flakes, Kellogg's Pep 6.8
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Bayer Aspirin 6.7
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Ivory Soap 6.7
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's 40% Bran Flakes, Postum 6.6
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 6.5
Breakfast Club Mon-Fri 9:00 AM ABC Swift & Company, Philco Radios, Kellogg's Cereals 6.4
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 6.4
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 6.3
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Libby's Canned Foods 6.2
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Anacin 6.0
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Ivory Snow 6.0
Grand Slam Mon-Fri 11:30 AM CBS Wonder Bread 5.9
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 5.9
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 5.7
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 10:30 AM NBC Duz 5.6
Front Page Farrell Mon-Sat 5:45 PM NBC Aerowax, Kolynos Tooth Paste 5.5
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco 5.3

1947-1948 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:00 PM Mutual Blue Coal 13.0
Harvest Of Stars Sun 2:00 PM NBC International Harvester 11.2
True Detective Mysteries Sun 4:30 PM Mutual Oh Henry! 10.9
Eddie Howard's Orchestra Sun 3:00 PM NBC Sheaffer Pens 9.9
The Quiz Kids Sun 4:00 PM NBC Alka Seltzer, One A Day  9.8
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 9.1
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Dari-Rich 9.0
Counterspy Sun 5:30 PM ABC Bit O' Honey 8.0
RCA Victor Program Sun 2:00 PM NBC RCA Victor 8.0
Grand Central Station Sat 1:00 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 7.8
Quick As A Flash Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Helbros Watches 7.5
The House Of Mystery Sun 4:00 PM Mutual Post Toasties 7.4
Juvenile Jury Sun 3:30 PM Mutual Gaines Dog Food 6.8
County Fair Sat 1:30 PM CBS Borden's Dairy Products 6.0
Adventurer's Club Sat 11:30 AM CBS Sheaffer Pens 5.9
The Hour Of Charm Sun 5:30 PM CBS Electric Companies 5.9
Ford Theater Sun 5:00 PM NBC Ford Motor Company 5.7
Give & Take Sat 2:00 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 5.6
Here's To You Sun 5:15 PM CBS Hires Root Beer 4.7
Archie Andrews Sat 10:30 AM NBC Swift's Premium Franks 4.6
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 4.3
William L. Shirer Sun 1:00 PM Mutual Piedmont Clothes 3.9

1947-1948 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Fred Allen Show Sun 8:30 PM NBC Ford Motor Company 28.7
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 27.7
Chase & Sanborn Program (Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy) Sun 8:00 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn 26.2
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM NBC Lucky Strike 26.0
Truth Or Consequences Sat 8:30 PM NBC Duz 25.7
Pepsodent Program (Bob Hope) Tues 10:00 PM NBC Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Tooth Powder   24.7
Amos 'n' Andy Show Tues 9:00 PM NBC Rinso 24.7
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 22.9
Fitch Bandwagon (Phil Harris-Alice Faye) Sun 7:30 PM NBC Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampoo 22.2
The Jergens Journal (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:00 PM ABC Jergens Lotion 21.9
Raleigh Cigarette Program(Red Skelton) Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 21.8
Kraft Music Hall (Al Jolson) Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Kraft 21.4
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Ipana, Sal Hepatica 21.2
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts  Mon 8:30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup 20.8
Duffy's Tavern Wed 9:00 PM NBC Vitalis, Trushay 19.1
Sealtest Program (Jack Carson) Thurs 9:30 PM NBC Sealtest 18.6
Life Of Riley Sat 8:00 PM NBC Dreft, Prell 18.4
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Burns & Allen) Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Maxwell House 18.1
My Friend Irma Mon 10:00 PM CBS Swan Soap 18.1
Bob Hawk Show Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Camel Cigarettes 18.0
This Is Your FBI Fri 8:30 PM ABC Equitable Insurance 17.1
Judy Canova Show Sat 9:30 PM NBC Halo, Super Suds, Colgate Dental Cream 16.8
Philco Radio Time (Bing Crosby) Wed 10:00 PM ABC Philco Radios 16.8

1948-1949 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 9.1
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Calumet 8.2
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri  5:15  PM NBC Post's 40% Bran Flakes, Postum  7.8
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri  4:30  PM NBC Bayer Aspirin 7.6
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri  12:45  PM CBS Anacin 7.6
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri  4:45  PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O  7.4
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri  4:00  PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 7.3
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri  5:30  PM NBC Anacin 7.2
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri  1:45  PM CBS Duz 7.1
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:30 AM CBS Chesterfield, Nabisco, Glass Wax 7.0
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Ivory Snow 7.0
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 7.0
Front Page Farrell Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC Aerowax, Kolynos Tooth Paste 6.8
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Oxydol 6.8
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco 6.8
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 6.7
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 6.7
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Hopper's White Clay Pack 6.6
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri  3:30  PM NBC Camay 6.5
Big Sister Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap, Spic and Span 6.2
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Libby's Canned Foods 6.2
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Post Toasties 6.2
Grand Slam Mon-Fri 11:30 AM CBS Wonder Bread 6.1
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Spic and Span 5.8
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 5.7
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 5.7
Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy (Alternating Weeks)Mon., Wed., Fri.  5:30  PMTue. & Thurs.  5:30 PM ABC Wheaties 5.4
Sky King (Alternating Weeks)Tue. & Thurs.  5:30 PMMon., Wed., Fri.  5:30  PM ABC Peter Pan Peanut Butter 5.1
Breakfast Club Mon-Fri 9:00 AM ABC Swift & Company, Philco Radios, Kellogg's Cereals 4.8
General Electric House Part (Art Linkletter) Mon-Fri 4:00 PM CBS General Electric Appliances 4.8

1948-1949 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Shadow Sun 5:00 PM Mutual Blue Coal 13.2
True Detective Mysteries Sun 4:30 PM Mutual Oh Henry! 10.7
Grand Central Station Sat 12:30 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 8.9
Quick As A Flash Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Helbros Watches 8.9
The House Of Mystery Sun 4:00 PM Mutual Post Toasties 8.0
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 7.5
Give & Take Sat 1:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent, Toni Creme Shampoo 7.0
The Quiz Kids Sun 4:00 PM NBC Alka Seltzer, One A Day 6.8
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 1:00 PM CBS Armour Star Foods 6.7
Junior Miss Sat 11:30 AM CBS Rayve Creme Shampoo, Rayve Home Permanent 6.6
One Man's Family Sun 3:30 PM NBC Chase & Sanborn, Blue Bonnet Margarine 6.6
Strike It Rich Sun 5:30 PM CBS Luden's Cough Drops 6.6
True Or False Sat 5:30 PM Mutual Shotwell Candy Company 5.8
Juvenile Jury Sun 3:30 PM Mutual Gaines Dog Food 5.3
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 4.8
Smilin' Ed McConnell Sat 11:30 AM NBC Buster Brown Shoes 4.6
Longines Choraliers Sun 5:00 PM CBS Longines Watches 4.3
Longines Symphonette Sun 2:00 PM CBS Longines Watches 4.1
RCA Victor Show Sun 5:30 PM NBC RCA Victor 28.6
New York Philharmonic Sun 3:00 PM CBS Mobilgas/Socony Oil 3.7
Handy Man Sat 2:00 PM CBS William Wise 3.6
Metropolitan Opera Sat 2:00 PM ABC Texaco 3.5
Get More Out Of Life Sat 2:15 PM CBS William Wise 3.4

1948-1949 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 28.6
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 26.9
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 26.4
Kaiser-Frazer News (Walter Winchell) Sun 9:00 PM ABC Kaiser-Frazer 25.0
New Swan Show (Bob Hope) Tues 9:00 PM NBC Swan Soap 23.8
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8:30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup 22.1
My Friend Irma Mon 10:00 PM CBS Pepsodent Tooth Paste 21.5
Amos 'n' Andy Show Sun 7:30 PM CBS Rinso 20.1
Stop The Music! Sun 8:00 PM ABC Old Gold, Smith Brothers Cough Drops 20.0
People Are Funny Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 19.1
A Day In The Life Of Dennis Day Sat 10:00 PM NBC Palmolive Soap, Palmolive Shave Cream 17.7
Big Town Tues 10:00 PM NBC Lifebuoy Health Soap 17.7
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Ipana, Sal Hepatica 17.6
Duffy's Tavern Wed 9:00 PM NBC Vitalis, Mum, Benex Shave Cream 17.3
Casey, Crime Photographer Thurs 9:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent, Toni Creme Shampoo 16.8
Suspense Thurs 9:00 PM CBS Auto-Lite 16.4
Bob Hawk Show Mon 10:30 PM CBS Camel Cigarettes 16.2
Maxwell House Coffee Time (Burns & Allen) Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Maxwell House 16.1
Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show Sun 7:30 PM NBC Rexall 16.1
This Is Your FBI Fri 8:30 PM ABC Equitable Insurance 16.1
Mr. Keen, Tracer Of Lost Persons Thurs 8:30 PM CBS Anacin, Kolynos Tooth Paste 15.9
The Fat Man Fri 8:00 PM ABC Pepto Bismol 15.7
Philco Radio Time (Bing Crosby) Wed 10:00 PM ABC Philco Radios 15.7
Truth Or Consequences Sat 8:30 PM NBC Duz 15.6

1949-1950 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Hopper's White Clay Pack 11.0
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:15 AM CBS Chesterfield, Nabisco, Glass Wax 10.5
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 10.2
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 10.1
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 9.9
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap 9.9
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Crisco 9.9
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 9.4
Big Sister Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap, Spic and Span 9.3
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 9.2
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 8.9
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 8.8
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 8.7
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 8.6
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Ivory Snow 8.0
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Post Toasties 8.0
Straight Arrow Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30 PM Mutual Nabisco Shredded Wheat 7.8
Alka Seltzer Time (Curt Massey) Mon-Fri 5:45 PM CBS Alka Seltzer 7.7
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Calumet 7.7
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 7.7
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Dreft 7.6
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's 40% Bran Flakes, Postum 7.6
Tom Mix Ralston Straightshooters Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30 PM Mutual Ralston, Shredded Ralston 7.6
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Spic and Span 7.2
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco 7.1
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri 2:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 7.0
Grand Slam Mon-Fri 11:30 AM CBS Wonder Bread 6.9

1949-1950 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Grand Central Station Sat 12:30 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 13.4
True Detective Mysteries Sun 5:30 PM CBS Oh Henry! 12.3
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 11.9
Give & Take Sat 1:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent, Toni Creme Shampoo 10.8
Martin Kane, Private Eye Sun 4:30 PM Mutual Sano Cigarettes 10.5
The Shadow Sun 5:00 PM Mutual Bromo Quinine 10.5
County Fair Sat 2:00 PM CBS Borden's Dairy Products 9.9
Junior Miss Sat 11:30 AM CBS Rayve Creme Shampoo, Rayve Home Permanent 9.8
The House Of Mystery Sun 4:00 PM Mutual Post Toasties 8.4
Fred Waring's Orchestra & Chorus Sat 10:00 AM NBC Green Giant Canned Vegetables 6.8
Mary Lee Taylor Sat 10:30 AM NBC Pet Evaporated Milk 6.7
The Quiz Kids Sun 3:30 PM NBC Alka Seltzer, One A Day 6.5
Smilin' Ed McConnell Sat 11:30 AM NBC Buster Brown Shoes 6.3
Juvenile Jury Sun 3:30 PM Mutual Gaines Dog Food 5.7
Metropolitan Opera Sat 2:00 PM ABC Texaco 5.5
Handy Man Sat 2:00 PM CBS William Wise 4.3
Get More Out Of Life Sat 2:15 PM CBS William Wise 4.3
Lassie Sat 11:00 PM NBC Red Heart Dog Food 4.2
Harvest Of Stars Sun 5:30 PM NBC International Harvester 3.9
The Greatest Story Ever Told Sun 5:30 PM ABC Goodyear Tires 3.5
National Farm & Home Hour Sat 1:00 PM NBC Allis Chalmers 3.4
True Or False Sat 5:00 PM Mutual Anahist Antihistamine, Anahist Atomizer 3.3

1949-1950 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 25.3
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 25.2
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8:30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup, Lipton Frostee 21.3
My Friend Irma Mon 10:00 PM CBS Pepsodent Tooth Paste 20.8
Edgar Bergen- Charlie McCarthy Show Sun 8:00 PM CBS Coca Cola 20.4
Amos 'n' Andy Show Sun 7:30 PM CBS Rinso 19.7
Mystery Theater Tues 8:00 PM CBS Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, Bayer Aspirin 19.0
Red Skelton Show Sun 8:30 PM CBS Tide 19.0
The FBI In Peace & War Thurs 8:00 PM CBS Lava Soap 18.2
Bing Crosby Show Wed 9:30 PM CBS Chesterfield 18.0
Walter Winchell Sun 9:00 PM ABC Richard Hudnut 18.0
Mr. Keen, Tracer Of Lost Persons Thurs 8:30 PM CBS Anacin, Kolynos Tooth Paste 17.9
Dr. Christian Wed 8:00 PM CBS Vaseline Petroleum Jelly,Vaseline Hair Tonic,Vaseline Cream Hair Tonic 17.0
Casey, Crime Photographer Thurs 9:30 PM CBS Philip Morris 16.9
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Johnson's Wax 16.9
Judy Canova Show Sat 10:00 PM NBC Halo, Colgate Dental Cream,Super Suds 16.9
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM CBS DeSoto, Plymouth 16.9
Life With Luigi Tues 9:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 16.4
Youth Opportunity Program (Horace Heidt) Sun 9:30 PM CBS Philip Morris 16.2
Bob Hawk Show Mon 10:30 PM CBS Camel Cigarettes 16.1
Inner Sanctum Mystery Mon 8:00 PM CBS Bromo Seltzer 16.0
Life Of Riley Fri 10:00 PM NBC Pabst Blue Ribbon 15.8
Mr. Chameleon Wed 8:00 PM CBS Bayer Aspirin 15.6
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Vitalis, Sal Hepatica 15.6
Suspense Thurs 9:00 PM CBS Auto Lite 15.6
Beulah Mon-Fri 7:00 PM CBS Dreft 15.5
The Great Gildersleeve Wed 8:30 PM NBC Parkay Margarine 15.3

1950-1951 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 9.4
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Hopper's White Clay Pack 9.3
Big Sister Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap, Spic and Span 8.9
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 8.9
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 8.3
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 8.2
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 7.7
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Ivory Snow 7.7
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dr. Lyon's 7.6
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco, Joy 7.6
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Camay 7.5
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Ivory Soap, Duz 7.4
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 6.9
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Crisco 6.9
Sky King Tues. & Thurs. 5:30 PM Mutual Peter Pan Peanut Butter 6.9
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Calumet 6.9
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM Mutual Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, Bayer Aspirin 6.8
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 6.8
Mark Trail Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:00 PM Mutual Kellogg's Pep, Kellogg's Corn Flakes 6.7
Straight Arrow Tues. & Thurs. 5:00 PM Mutual Nabisco Shredded Wheat 6.7
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:00 AM CBS Multi Sponsors 6.6
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O  
Clyde Beatty's Adventures Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30 PM Mutual Kellogg's Cereals 6.5
Portia Faces Life Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Post's 40% Bran Flakes, Postum  
Double Or Nothing Mon-Fri 2:00 PM NBC Campbell's Soup, Campbell's Pork & Beans  
Welcome Travelers Mon-Fri 10:00 AM NBC Drene, Lava Soap, Spic and Span  
Pillsbury House Party (Art Linkletter) Mon-Fri 10:30 AM CBS Pillsbury 6.1
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS General Foods 6.0
Alka Seltzer Time (Curt Massey) Mon-Fri 5:45 PM CBS Alka Seltzer 5.9
Front Page Farrell Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC Aerowax, Kolynos Tooth Paste 5.9
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Dreft 5.9
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri 2:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 5.9
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Spic and Span 5.5

1950-1951 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 1:00 PM CBS Armour Star Foods 10.0
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 9.9
True Detective Mysteries Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Oh Henry! 9.0
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 8.4
Grand Central Station Sat 12:30 PM CBS Pillsbury Sno Sheen Cake Flour 8.3
The Shadow Sun 5:00 PM Mutual U.S. Air Force Recruiting 8.2
Somerset Maugham Theater Sat 11:30 AM CBS By-Mark 7.8
Give & Take Sat 1:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 7.6
Martin Kane, Private Eye Sun 4:30 PM Mutual Sano Cigarettes 6.7
Morton Downey Show Sat 10:30 AM CBS Coca Cola 6.2
Mary Lee Taylor Sat 10:30 AM NBC Pet Evaporated Milk 5.8
Smilin' Ed McConnell Sat 11:30 AM NBC Buster Brown Shoes 5.4
Music With The Hormel Girls Sat 2:00 PM CBS Spam, Dinty Moore Beef Stew,Hormel Canned Foods 4.8
Longines Symphonette Sun 2:00 PM CBS Longines Watches 4.7
Metropolitan Opera Sat 2:00 PM ABC Texaco 4.6
Eric Severeid Sun 5:45 PM CBS Chamberlain's Lotion 4.6
Carnation Family Party Sat 10:00 AM CBS Carnation Evaporated Milk 4.4
Arthur Godfrey Digest Sun 4:30 PM CBS Reddi-Wip 4.3
Frank Sinatra Show Sun 5:00 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 4.1
American Forum Sun 1:30 PM NBC American Truck Association 4.0
The Falcon Sun 4:00 PM NBC Kraft Salad Oil, Kraft Caramels 4.0
The Quiz Kids Sun 3:00 PM NBC Alka Seltzer, One A Day 4.0

1950-1951 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap 21.0
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun  7:00  PM CBS Lucky Strike 19.9
Amos 'n' Andy Show Sun  7:30  PM CBS Rexall 16.9
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon  8:30  PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup,Lipton Frostee 16.3
Edgar Bergen-Charlie McCarthy Show Sun  8:00  PM CBS Coca Cola 15.9
Walter Winchell Sun 9:00 PM ABC Richard Hudnut 15.7
Red Skelton Show Sun 8:30 PM CBS Tide 14.3
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Pet Milk 13.7
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM NBC DeSoto, Plymouth 13.7
Father Knows Best Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Post Toasties 13.4
My Friend Irma Mon 10:00 PM CBS Pepsodent Tooth Paste 13.4
Mr. Chameleon Wed 8:00 PM CBS Bayer Aspirin 13.2
Mr. District Attorney Wed 9:30 PM NBC Vitalis, Sal Hepatica 13.0
Hollywood Star Playhouse Mon 8:30 PM CBS Bromo Seltzer 12.9
The Big Story Wed 10:00 PM NBC Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes 12.8
People Are Funny Tues 10:30 PM NBC Raleigh Cigarettes 12.8
Bob Hope Show Tues 9:00 PM NBC Chesterfield 12.7
Dr. Christian Wed 8:30 PM CBS Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, Vaseline Hair Tonic,Vaseline Cream Hair Tonic 12.7
Mystery Theater Tues 8:00 PM CBS Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia,Bayer Aspirin 12.6
Gene Autry's Melody Ranch Sat  8:00  PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum,Wrigley's Doublemint 12.4
Big Town Tues 10:00 PM NBC Lifebuoy Health Soap 12.3
Life With Luigi Tues 9:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 12.3
Baby Snooks Show Tues 8:30 PM NBC Tums 12.0
Mr.  & Mrs. North Tues 8:30 PM CBS Palmolive Soap, Halo 12.0
The Aldrich Family Thurs 8:00 PM NBC Jell-O Gelatin, Jell-O Pudding & Pie Filling 11.9
Truth Or Consequences Tues 9:30 PM CBS Philip Morris 11.9
Beulah Mon-Fri 7:00 PM CBS Dreft 11.6

1951-1952 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Hopper's White Clay Pack 8.4
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 7.6
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 7.2
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri  12:15  PM CBS Spry 7.1
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri  10:00  AM CBS Multi Sponsors 7.0
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 7.0
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri  3:30  PM NBC Camay, Joy 7.0
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri  1:45  PM CBS Duz 7.0
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri  2:30  PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 6.9
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri  3:45  PM NBC Ivory Soap, Duz 6.8
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Crisco 6.8
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 6.7
Big Sister Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap, Spic and Span 6.6
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 6.5
Strike It Rich Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Vel Powder, Colgate Dental Cream  
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Dreft 6.3
The Brighter Day Mon-Fri 2:45 PM CBS Ivory Flakes, Cheer 6.2
Double Or Nothing Mon-Fri 10:30 AM NBC Campbell's Soup, Campbell's Pork & Beans 6.1
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Post Toasties, Jell-O Gelatin 6.0
Alka Seltzer Time (Curt Massey) Mon-Fri  5:45  PM CBS Alka Seltzer 5.9
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 5.9
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco, Joy 5.8
The Woman In My House Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC SweetHeart Soap 5.7
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Tide 5.6
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, Bayer Aspirin 5.5
Wild Bill Hickok Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30 PM Mutual Kellogg's Sugar Corn Pops 5.5

1951-1952 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
True Detective Mysteries Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Oh Henry! 8.4
The Shadow Sun  5:00  PM Mutual Wildroot Cream-Oil 7.6
Grand Central Station Sat  1:00  PM CBS White Rain, Prom Home Permanent 7.5
Theater Of Today Sat  12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 7.0
Martin Kane, Private Eye Sun  4:30  PM NBC Sano Cigarettes 6.2
City Hospital Sat  1:30  PM CBS Arrid, Carter's Little Liver Pills 5.7
Stars Over Hollywood Sat  12:30  PM CBS Carnation Evaporated Milk 5.5
Let's Pretend Sat  11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 5.1
Give & Take Sat  11:00  AM CBS Cannon Mills 4.9
King Arthur Godfrey's Roundtable Sun  5:00  PM CBS Kingan's Canned Foods 4.8
Mary Lee Taylor Sat  10:30  AM NBC Pet Evaporated Milk 4.2
Somerset Maugham Theater Sat  11:30  AM NBC By-Mart 4.2
National Farm & Home Hour Sat  1:00  PM NBC Allis Chalmers 4.0
American Forum Of The Air Sun  2:00  PM NBC American Truck Association 3.3
Hour Of Decision (Billy Graham) Sun  3:30  PM ABC Billy Graham 3.0
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Sun  4:00  PM ABC Gospel Broadcasting 2.9
Space Patrol Sat  10:30  AM ABC Ralston, Instant Ralston 2.6
Sun Gatherin' Sun  8:30  AM ABC General Foods 2.5
Man On The Farm Quiz Sat  12:00  Noon Mutual Quaker Oats 2.3
Radio Bible Class Sun  10:00  AM Mutual Bible Class 1.8
Voice Of Prophecy Sun  10:30  AM Mutual Voice, Inc. 1.8
Lutheran Hour Sun  1:30  PM Mutual Lutheran Laymen 1.5

1951-1952 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Amos 'n' Andy Show Sun 7:30 PM CBS Rexall 17.0
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 16.2
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes,  Lux Toilet Soap  15.0
Edgar Bergen- Charlie McCarthy Show Sun 8:00 PM CBS Coca Cola 14.7
Walter Winchell Sun 9:00 PM ABC Richard Hudnut 12.8
Our Miss Brooks Sun 6:30 PM CBS Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Shave Cream   11.8
Mr. & Mrs. North Tues 8:30 PM CBS Palmolive Soap 11.5
Suspense Mon 8:00 PM CBS Auto Lite 11.3
People Are Funny Tues 8:00 PM CBS Mars Forever Yours, Mars Milky Way 11.1
Dragnet Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Fatima Cigarettes 11.0
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8:30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup, Lipton Frostee 10.9
This Is Your FBI Fri 8:30 PM ABC Equitable Insurance 10.8
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Pet Milk 10.7
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM NBC DeSoto, Plymouth 10.5
The Big Story Wed 9:30 PM NBC Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes 10.1
Mr. Keen, Tracer Of Lost Persons Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Anacin, Chesterfield, RCA Victor, Dentyne, Beeman's Pepsin Gum 10.1
Dr. Christian Wed 8:30 PM CBS Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, Vaseline Hair Tonic, Vaseline Cream Hair Tonic 10.0
The Adventures Of Ozzie & Harriet Fri 9:00 PM ABC H. J. Heinz 57 Varieties 10.0
Life With Luigi Thurs 9:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 9.8
Gang Busters Sat 9:00 PM CBS Post Cereals 9.4
Mr. District Attorney Fri 9:30 PM ABC Vitalis, Sal Hepatica, Bufferin 9.3
Bob Hawk Show Mon 10:30 PM CBS Camel Cigarettes 9.2

1952-1953 Daytime

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Hopper's White Clay Pack 7.5
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin 7.2
Aunt Jenny's  Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 6.9
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 10:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 6.9
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:00 AM CBS Multi Sponsors 6.5
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 6.4
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Duz, Camay 6.4
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Crisco 6.2
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Tide, Joy, Dreft 6.2
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri 2:30 PM NBC Toni Home Permanent, Air wick, Nylast 6.2
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Blue Cheer 6.1
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 6.1
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Crisco 6.0
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 5.8
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia 5.6
The Brighter Day Mon-Fri 2:45 PM CBS Blue Cheer 5.6
Double Or Nothing Mon-Fri 10:30 AM NBC Campbell's Soup, Campbell's Pork & Beans 5.5
Welcome Travelers Mon-Fri 10:00 AM NBC Blue Cheer, Prell, Spic and Span, Joy 5.5
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Ivory Snow 5.4
Strike It Rich Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Vel Powder 5.3
Life Can Be Beautiful Mon-Fri 3:00 PM NBC Tide 5.2
Julie Of Hilltop House Mon-Fri 3:00 PM CBS Alka Seltzer 5.1
The Woman In My House Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC SweetHeart Soap 5.1
Wild Bill Hickok Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30 PM Mutual Kellogg's Sugar Corn Pops 5.1
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Post Toasties,  Postum 5.0
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 5.0
Sky King Tues. & Thurs. 5:30 PM Mutual Peter Pan Peanut Butter 4.9
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco, Joy 4.9
Alka Seltzer Time (Curt Massey) Mon-Fri 5:45 PM CBS Alka Seltzer 4.8
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, Bayer Aspirin 4.8
The Doctor's Wife Mon-Fri 5:45 PM NBC Ex-Lax 4.5
Bobby Benson Mon 5:00 PM Mutual Kraft 4.4
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Colgate Dental Cream,  Palmolive Soap, Fab 4.4

1952-1953 Daytime Weekend

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Carnation Evaporated Milk 4.9
True Detective Mysteries Sun 5:30 PM Mutual Oh Henry! 4.8
Theater Of Today Sat 12:00 Noon CBS Armstrong Rugs 4.5
The Shadow Sun 5:00 PM Mutual Multi Sponsors 4.1
National Farm & Home Hour Sat 1:00 PM NBC Allis Chalmers 4.0
Fun For All Sat 1:00 PM CBS White Rain, Prom Home Permanent 3.9
Longines Symphonette Sun 2:00 PM CBS Longines Watches 3.4
Music With The Hormel Girls Sat 2:00 PM CBS Spam, Dinty Moore Beef Stew, Hormel Canned Foods 3.3
Hollywood Star Playhouse Sun 5:00 PM NBC American Association Of Bakers 3.3
Space Patrol Sat 10:30 AM ABC Ralston, Instant Ralston 3.2
Let's Pretend Sat 11:00 AM CBS Cream Of Wheat 3.1
World News Today Sun 5:30 PM CBS Admiral Radios 3.1
City Hospital Sat 1:30 PM CBS Arrid, Carter's Little Liver Pills 3.0
Mary Lee Taylor Sat 10:30 AM NBC Pet Evaporated Milk 2.8
Counterspy Sun 5:30 PM NBC Gulf Oil 2.5
King Arthur Godfrey's Roundtable Sun 5:00 PM CBS Kingan's Canned Foods 2.5
New York Philharmonic Sun 2:30 PM CBS Willys Motors 2.5
Give & Take Sat 11:30 AM CBS Cannon Mills 2.4
Hour Of Decision (Billy Graham) Sun 3:30 PM ABC Billy Graham 2.2
Sun Gatherin Sun 8:30 AM CBS General Foods 2.2
Man On The Farm Quiz Sat 12:00 Noon Mutual Quaker Oats 1.5
Lutheran Hour Sun 1:30 PM Mutual Lutheran Laymen 1.4
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Sun 4:00 PM ABC Gospel Broadcasting 1.3
Radio Bible Class Sun 10:00 AM Mutual Bible Class 1.3
Bad To God Hour Sun 9:30 AM Mutual Chr Reformed 0.9
Frank & Ernest Sun 11:00 AM Mutual Dawn Bible 0.9
Herald Of Truth Sun 1:00 PM ABC Church Of Christ 0.9
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 9:30 AM ABC Voice, Inc. 0.9
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 10:30 AM Mutual Voice, Inc. 0.8

1952-1953 Evening

Program Title



C.A.B. Rating
Amos 'n' Andy Show Sun 7:30 PM CBS Rexall 14.2
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun  7:00  PM CBS Lucky Strike 12.8
Edgar Bergen- Charlie McCarthy Show Sun 8:00 PM CBS Richard Hudnut 11.9
People Are Funny Tues 8:00 PM CBS Mars Forever Yours, Mars Milky Way  14.1
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap, Silver Dust, Chlorodent 11.0
Our Miss Brooks Sun 6:30 PM CBS Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Shave Cream   9.4
Life With Luigi Tues 9:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 8.8
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM NBC DeSoto, Plymouth 8.5
My Little Margie Sun 8:30 PM CBS Philip Morris 8.3
Suspense Mon 8:00 PM CBS Auto Lite 8.1
Mr. & Mrs. North Tues 8:30 PM CBS Palmolive Soap, Halo 7.9
The Big Story Wed 9:30 PM NBC Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes 7.9
Bob Hawk Show Mon 10:00 PM CBS Camel Cigarettes 7.8
The Great Gildersleeve Wed 8:30 PM NBC Parkay Margarine, Kraft Salad Oil, Kraft Mustard 7.6
Fibber McGee & Molly Tues 9:30 PM NBC Reynolds Wrap, Reynolds Aluminum 7.4
Gene Autry's Melody Ranch Sat 8:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum, Wrigley's Doublemint 7.4
My Friend Irma Tues 9:30 PM CBS Camel Cigarettes 7.4
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8 :30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup, Lipton Frostee 7.3
Gang Busters Sat 9:00 PM CBS Post Cereals 7.1
Philip Morris Playhouse Wed 9:00 PM CBS Philip Morris 6.9
The FBI In Peace & War Wed 8:00 PM CBS Lava Soap, Brylcreem, Nescafé 6.7
Dr. Christian Wed 8:30 PM CBS Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, Vaseline Hair Tonic, Vaseline Cream Hair Tonic 6.6
The Railroad Hour Mon 8:00 PM NBC America's Railroads 6.6
Bing Crosby Show Thurs 9:30 PM CBS General Electric 6.5
Father Knows Best Thurs 8:30 PM NBC Postum 6.5
Theater Guild Of The Air Sun 8:30 PM NBC U.S. Steel 6.5

1953-1954 Daytime

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Aerowax, Wizard Wick 6.9
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Anacin, BiSoDoL Mints, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee 6.8
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Duz 6.8
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 6.5
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri 2:30 PM CBS Bristol-Myers 6.4
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 6.3
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 6.2
The Brighter Day Mon-Fri 2:45 PM CBS Blue Cheer 6.1
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Blue Cheer 6
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 6
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:00 AM CBS Multi Sponsors 5.7
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Tide, Dreft, Joy 5.7
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, Bayer Aspirin 5.7
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco, Joy 5.7
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Post Toasties, Jell-O 5.6
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Crisco 5.5
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM NBC Ivory Snow, Camay 5.5
Julie Of Hilltop House Mon-Fri 3:00 PM CBS Alka Seltzer 5.3
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O 5.3
House Party (Art Linkletter) Mon-Fri 3:15 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 5.1
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Duz, Camay 5.1
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, Bayer Aspirin 4.7
Wild Bill Hickok Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30 PM Mutual Kellogg's Sugar Corn Pops 4.7
Road Of Life Mon-Fri 3:15 PM NBC Crisco 4.6
Sky King Tues. & Thurs. 5:30 PM Mutual Peter Pan Peanut Butter 4.5
Strike It Rich Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Vel Powder, Halo 4.5
The Woman In My House Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC SweetHeart Soap 4.5
Whispering Streets Mon-Fri 10:25 AM ABC General Mills 4.5
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Soap, Fab 4.3
Alka Seltzer Time (Curt Massey) Mon-Fri 5:45 PM CBS Alka Seltzer 4.1
Front Page Farrell Mon-Fri 5:15 PM NBC Aerowax, Kolynos Tooth Powder, Melcalose, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, Autobrite 4
Sgt. Preston Of The Yukon Tues., & Thurs. 5:00 PM Mutual Quaker Puffed Wheat, Quaker Puffed Rice 4
Welcome Travelers Mon-Fri 10:00 AM NBC Spic and Span, Joy, Blue Cheer, Prell 4
The Phrase That Pays Mon-Fri 11:30 AM NBC Colgate-Palmolive 3.9

1953-1954 Daytime Weekend

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
Stars Over Hollywood Sat 12:30 PM CBS Carnation Evaporated Milk 5.5
City Hospital Sat 1:00 PM CBS Arrid, Carter's Little Liver Pills 4.7
Mary Lee Taylor Sat 10:30 AM NBC Pet Evaporated Milk 3.8
Music With The Hormel Girls Sat 1:30 PM CBS Spam, Dinty Moore Beef Stew,Hormel Canned Foods 3.2
Space Patrol Sat 10:30 AM ABC Ralston, Instant Ralston 3.1
National Farm & Home Hour Sat 1:00 PM NBC Allis Chalmers 2.9
Hour Of Decision (Billy Graham) Sun 3:30 PM ABC Billy Graham 2.4
The Greatest Story Ever Told Sun 5:30 PM ABC Goodyear Tires 2.4
Man On The Farm Quiz Sat 12:00 Noon Mutual Quaker Oats 2
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Sun 4:00 PM ABC Gospel Broadcasting 1.9
Sun Gatherin' Sun 8:30 AM CBS General Foods 1.9
Lutheran Hour Sun 1:30 PM Mutual Lutheran Laymen 1.5
Radio Bible Class Sun 10:00 AM Mutual Bible Class 1.3
Herald Of Truth Sun 1:00 PM ABC Church Of Christ 1.2
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 10:30 AM Mutual Voice, Inc. 1.1
Frank & Ernest Sun 11:00 AM Mutual Dawn Bible 1
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 9:30 AM ABC Voice, Inc. 1
Wings Of Healing Sun 9:00 AM Mutual Dr. Thomas Wyatt 0.7
Healing Waters (Oral Roberts) Sun 2:00 PM ABC Oral Roberts 0.4
Revival Time Sun 10:30 AM ABC Assemblies Of God 0.3
World Of Tomorrow Sun 12:30 PM ABC Church Of God 0.3

1953-1954 Evening

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
People Are Funny Tues 8:00 PM CBS Mars Forever Yours, Mars Milky Way 8.4
Amos 'n' Andy Show Sun 7:30 PM CBS Rexall 8.2
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 8.2
My Little Margie Sun 8:30 PM CBS Philip Morris 6.5
Our Miss Brooks Sun 6:30 PM CBS Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Shave Cream 6.3
The Big Story Wed 9:30 PM NBC Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes 6.3
Lux Radio Theater Mon 9:00 PM CBS Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap, Lux Liquid 6.2
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM NBC DeSoto, Plymouth 6.2
Mr. & Mrs. North Tues 8:30 PM CBS Palmolive Soap 6.1
Walk A Mile Wed 8:00 PM NBC Camel Cigarettes 6.1
Bing Crosby Show Sun 8:00 PM CBS General Electric 6
My Friend Irma Tues 9:30 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 6
Suspense Mon 8:00 PM CBS Auto Lite 6
The Great Gildersleeve Wed 8:30 PM NBC Parkay Margarine, Kraft Oil, Kraft Cheese 5.8
NBC News Of The World (Morgan Beatty) Mon-Fri 7:30 PM NBC Alka Seltzer 5.8
Truth Or Consequences Thurs 9:00 PM NBC Pet Milk 5.8
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8:30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup, Lipton Frostee 5.2
Two For The Money Sat 9 :00 PM CBS Old Gold Cigarettes, Old Gold King Size Cigarettes 5.1
Mr. Keen, Tracer Of Lost Persons Fri 8:00 PM CBS Procter & Gamble 4.8
Edgar Bergen- Charlie McCarthy Show Sun 9:30 PM CBS Lanolin Plus 4.7
Walter Winchell Sun 9:00 PM ABC Multi Sponsors 4.7
The FBI In Peace & War Wed 8:00 PM CBS Lava Soap, Brylcreem, Nescafé 4.5
The Telephone Hour Mon 9:00 PM NBC Bell System 4.5
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar Tues 9:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 4.1
The Railroad Hour Mon 8:00 PM NBC America's Railroads 4.1
Gene Autry's Melody Ranch Sun 6:00 PM NBC Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 4
Hallmark Hall Of Fame Sun 9:00 PM CBS Hallmark Cards 4
Meet Mr. McNutley Thurs 9:00 PM CBS General Electric 4
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM CBS Kaiser-Frazer 4
Cecil Brown Sun 6:30 PM Mutual Farm Mutual 3.9
Julius La Rosa Show Mon., Wed., Fri. 7:35 PM CBS Campana Products 3.9
Gabriel Heatter Mon-Fri 7:30 PM Mutual Multi Sponsors 3.8
Squad Room Sun 6:30 PM Mutual Multi Sponsors 3.7
Fibber McGee & Molly Mon-Fri 10:00 PM NBC Tums, Paper Mate, Richard Hudnut, Dial Shampoo, Woman's Home Companion 3.6
Taylor Grant Sun 9:15 PM ABC Old Gold Cigarettes, Old Gold King Size Cigarettes 3.6
Family Skeleton Mon-Fri 7:00 PM CBS SweetHeart Soap, Prom, White Rain 3.3

1954-1955 Daytime

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Ivory Flakes 5.5
Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Oxydol 5.5
Perry Mason Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Tide 5.3
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri 2:30 PM CBS Prom, White Rain 5.3
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Crisco, Joy 5.3
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Bayer Aspirin, Haley's M-O, Prom, White Rain 5.3
Backstage Wife Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Blue Cheer 5.2
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 5.2
Our Gal Sun Mon-Fri 12:45 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 5.2
The Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Ivory Soap, New Pink Dreft 5.1
Stella Dallas Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Multi Sponsors 5.1
The Woman In My House Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC SweetHeart Soap 4.8
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Maxwell House 4.8
Just Plain Bill Mon-Fri 5:00 PM NBC Alka Seltzer 4.7
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 12:15 PM CBS Spry 4.6
The Brighter Day Mon-Fri 2:45 PM CBS Blue Cheer 4.6
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 3:45 PM NBC Spic and Span, Tide 4.5
Lorenzo Jones Mon-Fri 4:30 PM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Palmolive Soap, Fab 4.2
Whispering Streets Mon-Fri 10:30 AM ABC General Mills, Prom, White Rain 4.2
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Golden Fluffo, Tide 4.1
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:00 AM CBS Multi Sponsors 4
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Multi Sponsors 4
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 10:45 PM ABC Carnation Evaporated Milk, Friskies Dog Food 4
House Party (Art Linkletter) Mon-Fri 3:15 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.6
Queen For A Day Mon-Fri 11:30 AM Mutual Multi Sponsors 3.3
Breakfast Club Mon-Fri 9:00 AM ABC Multi Sponsors 3.1
Rosemary Mon-Fri 11:45 AM CBS Tide 3.1
Strike it Rich Mon-Fri 11:00 AM NBC Colgate Dental Cream, Fab, Halo 3.1

1954-1955 Daytime Weekend

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
National Farm & Home Hour Sat 1:00 PM NBC Allis Chalmers 4
Gunsmoke Sat 12:30 PM CBS Chesterfield 3.6
Robert Q. Lewis Show Sat 11:00 AM CBS Multi Sponsors 2.7
Space Patrol Sat 10:30 AM ABC Nestlè's Candy Bars 2.6
Nutralite Radio Theater Sun 5:30 PM NBC Nutralite Vitamins 2.1
Metropolitan Opera Sun 2:00 PM ABC Texaco 1.5
Hour Of Decision (Billy Graham) Sun 3:30 PM ABC Billy Graham 1.5
Longines Symphonette Sun 2:00 PM CBS Longines Watches 1.5
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Sun 4:00 PM ABC Gospel Broadcasting 1.5
The Greatest Story Ever Told Sat 5:30 PM ABC Goodyear Tires 1.3
Christian Science Heals Sun 1:15 PM Mutual Christian Science 1
Global Frontiers Sun 1:00 PM Mutual Thomas Wyatt 0.9
Herald Of Truth Sun 1:00 PM ABC Church Of Christ 0.9
Radio Bible Class Sun 10:00 AM Mutual Bible Class 0.9
Frank & Ernest Sun 11:00 AM Mutual Dawn Bible 0.8
Lutheran Hour Sun 1:30 PM Mutual Lutheran Laymen 0.8
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 9:30 AM ABC Voice, Inc. 0.8
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 10:30 AM Mutual Voice, Inc. 0.6
Wings Of Healing Sun 9:00 AM Mutual Dr. Thomas Wyatt 0.5
Hour Of Decision (Billy Graham) Sun 10:00 AM Mutual Billy Graham 0.2

1954-1955 Daytime Evening

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
Lucky Strike Program (Jack Benny) Sun 7:00 PM CBS Lucky Strike 5.8
Dragnet Tues 8:30 PM NBC Chesterfield 5.7
Our Miss Brooks Sun 8:00 PM CBS Anacin, BiSoDoL Mints 5.6
Lux Radio Theater Tues 9:00 PM NBC Lux Flakes, Lux Toilet Soap, Spry, Rinso Blue 5.2
People Are Funny Tues 8:00 PM CBS Mars Forever Yours, Mars Milky Way 5.2
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM NBC DeSoto, Plymouth 4.9
The FBI In Peace & War Wed 8:00 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 4.2
My Little Margie Sun 8:30 PM CBS Philip Morris, Philip Morris King Size 4.1
NBC News Of The World (Morgan Beatty) Mon-Fri 7:15 PM NBC Alka Seltzer 4
The Big Story Wed 9:30 PM NBC Lucky Strike 4
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8:30 PM CBS Lipton Tea, Lipton Soup 3.7
The Great Gildersleeve Sun-Thurs 10:15 PM NBC Viceroy, Country Gentleman Magazine 3.6
Amos 'n' Andy Music Hall Mon-Fri 9:30 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.5
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM CBS Oldsmobile, Delco Auto Parts 3.4
New Edgar Bergen Hour Sun 9:00 PM NBC Kraft 3.3
Roy Rogers Show Thurs 8:00 PM NBC Dodge 3.3
Arthur Godfrey Digest Fri 8:30 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.1
Bing Crosby Show Mon-Fri 9 : 15 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.1
Fibber McGee & Molly Sun-Thurs 8:00 PM NBC Tums, Dial Shampoo, Woman's Home Companion 3
Hallmark Hall Of Fame Sun 6:30 PM CBS Hallmark Cards 3
Walter Winchell Sun 9:00 PM ABC American Safety Razor 2.9
Tennesse Ernie Show Mon-Fri 7:00 PM CBS Philip Morris 2.8
Edward R. Murrow Mon-Fri 7:45 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 2.7
Treasury Agent Tues 8:00 PM Mutual "Ennds" Chlorophyll Tablets, Winston 2.7
Two For The Money Sat 9:00 PM CBS Old Gold Cigarettes, Old Gold King Size,Old Gold Filter Kings 2.6
Bob Hope Show Thurs 8:30 PM NBC American Dairy Association 2.5
The Lone Ranger Mon., Wed., Fri. 7:30 PM NBC Cheerios, Wheaties 2.5

1955-1956 Daytime

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
The Guiding Light Mon-Fri 1:45 PM CBS Tide, Gleem 4.7
The Romance Of Helen Trent Mon-Fri 12:30 PM CBS Feen-a-mint 4.7
Young Dr. Malone Mon-Fri 1:30 PM CBS Prom, White Rain 4.7
Ma Perkins Mon-Fri 1:15 PM CBS Procter & Gamble 4.5
Arthur Godfrey Time Mon-Fri 10:00 AM CBS Multi Sponsors 4.4
This Is Nora Drake Mon-Fri 2:30 PM CBS Bristol-Myers 4.2
The Road Of Life Mon-Fri 1:00 PM CBS Hazel Bishop 4.1
The Brighter Day Mon-Fri 2:15 PM CBS Hazel Bishop, Swans Down Cake Mix 3.9
Wendy Warren & The News Mon-Fri 12:00 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.9
Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories Mon-Fri 2:45 PM CBS Spry, Breeze, Silver Dust, Franco-American Canned Foods 3.7
House Party (Art Linkletter) Mon-Fri 3:00 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.4
The Second Mrs. Burton Mon-Fri 2:00 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.3
When A Girl Marries Mon-Fri 10:30 PM ABC Multi Sponsors 3.2
Pepper Young's Family Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Golden Fluffo, Tide 3.1
My True Story Mon-Fri 10:00 AM ABC Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia,Bayer Aspirin 3
The Woman In My House Mon-Fri 4:45 PM NBC Alka Seltzer 2.9
The Lone Ranger Mon-Fri 5:30 PM NBC Multi Sponsors 2.7
Breakfast Club Mon-Fri 9:00 AM ABC Multi Sponsors 2.6
Young Widder Brown Mon-Fri 4:15 PM NBC Phillips' Tooth Paste, Haley's M-O,Bayer Aspirin  
Fibber McGee & Molly Mon-Fri 11:45 AM NBC Alka Seltzer 2.5
Make Up Your Mind Mon-Fri 11:30 AM CBS Wonder Bread 2.4
The Right To Happiness Mon-Fri 4:00 PM NBC Tide 2.4
Queen For A Day Mon-Fri 11:30 AM Mutual Multi Sponsors 1.6
Story Time Mon-Fri 11:05 AM Mutual Multi Sponsors 1.4
Hotel For Pets Mon-Fri 3:30 PM NBC Puss 'n Boots Cat Food 1.1

1955-1956 Daytime Weekend

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
National Farm & Home Hour Sat 1:00 PM NBC Allis Chalmers 4
Gunsmoke Sat 12:30 PM CBS L&M Filters 3.2
Woolworth Hour Sun 1:00 PM CBS F. W. Woolworth 2.1
Hour Of Decision (Billy Graham) Sun 3:30 PM ABC Billy Graham 1.4
Lutheran Hour Sun 1:30 PM Mutual Lutheran Laymen 1.1
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Sun 4:00 PM ABC Gospel Broadcasting 1
Radio Bible Class Sun 10:00 AM Mutual Bible Class 0.9
The Greatest Story Ever Told Sun 5:30 PM ABC Goodyear Tires 0.9
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 10:30 AM Mutual Voice, Inc. 0.9
Frank & Ernest Sun 11:00 AM Mutual Dawn Bible 0.8
Christian Science Heals Sun 12:45 PM Mutual Christian Science 0.6
Voice Of Prophecy Sun 9:30 AM ABC Voice, Inc. 0.6
Herald Of Truth Sun 1:00 PM ABC Church Of Christ 0.5
Back To God Hour Sun 9:30 AM Mutual Chr Reformed 0.4
Radio Bible Class Sun 8:00 AM ABC Bible Class 0.4
Revival Time Sun 10:30 AM ABC Assemblies Of God 0.2
Wings Of Healing Sun 9:00 AM Mutual Dr. Thomas Wyatt 0.1

1955-1956 Evening

Program Title Time Network Sponsor C.A.B. Rating
Our Miss Brooks Sun 8:05 PM CBS White Rain, Deep Magic 4.3
New Edgar Bergen Hour Sun 7:05 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 3.9
Two For The Money Sun 8:30 PM CBS Old Gold Cigarettes, Old Gold King Size,Old Gold Filter Kings 3.9
Dragnet Tues 8:30 PM NBC Multi Sponsors 3.6
People Are Funny Tues 8:00 PM NBC Mars Forever Yours, Milky Way, Prom, Pamper Shampoo 3.5
Lowell Thomas Mon-Fri 6:45 PM CBS Oldsmobile, Delco Auto Parts 3.4
Gunsmoke Sun 6:30 PM CBS L&M Filters 3.3
NBC News Of The World (Morgan Beatty) Mon-Fri 7:30 PM NBC Alka Seltzer 3.3
Gene Autry's Melody Ranch Sun 6:00 PM CBS Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 3.2
One Man's Family Mon-Fri 7:45 PM NBC SweetHeart Soap, Prom, White Rain 3.2
The Great Gildersleeve Thurs 8:00 PM NBC Multi Sponsors 3.2
You Bet Your Life Wed 9:00 PM NBC DeSoto, Plymouth 3.2
Amos 'n' Andy Music Hall Mon-Fri 9:30 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 2.4
Treasury Agent Tues 8:00 PM Mutual "Ennds" Chlorophyll Tablets, Winston 2.3
True Detective Mysteries Mon 8:00 PM Mutual BiSoDoL Powder, Viceroy, Curtiss Candy Company 2.3
Bing Crosby Show Mon-Fri 7:30 PM CBS Multi Sponsors 2.2
Fibber McGee & Molly Sun-Thurs 10:00 PM NBC Tums, Paper Mate, Richard Hudnut Shampoo 2.2
Official Detectiv Thurs 8 :00 PM Mutual Multi Sponsors 2.1
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Mon 8:30 PM CBS Toni Home Permanent 2
Gang Busters Wed 8:00 PM Mutual Multi Sponsors 2
Counterspy Fri 8:00 PM Mutual Multi Sponsors 1.8
Cities Service Band of America Mon 9:30 PM NBC Cities Service 1.7
The Telephone Hour The Telephone Hour NBC Bell System 1.7
Tomorrow's Headlines (Don Gardiner) Sun 6:15 PM ABC Air Wick, Nylast 1.4
Fulton Lewis, Jr. Mon-Fri 7:00 PM Mutual Co-op Local Sponsors 1.3
Gillette Cavalcade Of Sports Fri 10:00 PM NBC Gillette Razors & Blue Blades, Gillette Foamy,Paper Mate 1.3
The Voice Of Firestone Mon 8:00 PM ABC Firestone Tires 1.2
Paul Harvey Sun 6:15 PM ABC Banker's Life 1.2
Henry J. Taylor Mon 8:00 PM NBC General Motors 1.1
Bob Considine Sun 6:30 PM Mutual Mutual Of Omaha 1
Jackson & The News Mon-Fri 6:00 PM CBS Metropolitan Life 1
Blue Ribbon Bouts Wed 10:05 PM ABC Pabst Blue Ribbon 1
Sports Today (Bill Stern) Mon-Fri 6:30 PM ABC Allstate Insurance 1
Edward P. Morgan Mon-Fri 7:00 PM ABC American Federation of Labor 0.6

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