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Terry and the Pirates

Action package juvenile adventure series follows Terry and his friends as he explores the Asian jungles in search of his father.

Terry and the Pirates

178 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 41 hours, 23 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
39 Audio CDs

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"Abduction Of Ginger Lee"

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Terry & The Pirates
Comic-strip adventure
serial (1937 -

Terry and the Pirates coverThe famed comics creator Milt Caniff created Terry & the Pirates, an action-packed adventure newspaper comics story that was adapted for radio. The first run of the show in the late 30s is considered lost, but many of the 1940s episodes are just as exciting as when kids who are now grandparents thrilled to hearing them on the radio.

Terry Lee is a young teenager who lives in the Orient, and he's lucky enough to know some of the greatest fighting guys a boy could imagine! Pat Ryan is Terry's best pal. Flip Corkin and Hotshot Charlie, plus Connie the coolie, and then there's Burma and Elita, who can fight too. Owen Jordan played Terry through most of the war years, and Bud Collyer, who was Superman on radio, was one of several playing Pat Ryan. Great actress Agnes Moorehead (of many old time radio shows including Suspense) was one of the incarnations of the Dragon Lady. The casts were solid, the acting great fun, and the music and sound effects are action-packed. Commercials are for Libby Porducts or Quaker Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rice!

Marion Sweet played the role of The Dragon Lady in the old time radio classic.
Marion Sweet - "The Dragon Lady"
from Terry and the Pirates
The "pirates" are run by a beautiful baddie called the Dragon Lady, and for years they have been the scourge of the orient. But in the 1940s, Terry and his pals are plunged into the War effort, and take up fighting not only "Japs" but also Nazi spies and saboteurs are thick in the orient, too!

The plots were written by Albert Barker and veered wildly off the pages of Caniff's well-developed comic strip, but it didn't matter. It's great juvenile thriller radio, even if the treasure is sometimes scratched and quite a bit of it is now lost.

For other aviation adventure series, see also: Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio, Anne of the Airlines, Air Stories of the World War, Captain Midnight,Hop Harrigan, Howie Wing, A Saga of Aviation, Rare Aviation Old Time Radio Shows, Airmail MysterySky King, Speed Gibson, Tailspin Tommy, Terry & the Pirates, Sky King, Sky Blazers and Smilin' Jack.

For other great serials, see also: Jerry at Fair Oaks, Adventures of Dick Cole, Bobby Benson, Buck Rogers, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, Hop Harrigan, Jungle Jim, Magic Island, Sgt Preston, Sky King, Speed Gibson, SupermanCharles Lindbergh Recordings, Amelia Earhartand Tom Mix. See also: Pirates Collection.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    6     1


    I love this show as well as the comic strip. Some scratchy episodes but most sound good and lots of them. Fun action for kids and adults alike.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    I remember reading the comic strip as a kid and these old radio shows bring them to life again. Thanks!

    Justin Verified Purchase

    Milton Caniff's "Terry and the Pirates", a great newspaper comic strip made a wo0nderful adventure serial for pre-teens in radio. John A. Southard

    John Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    178 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 41 hours, 23 min
    178 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 41 hours, 23 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 89 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Terry-Pirates 411117 031 Terry Connie And Pat.mp3
    3. Terry-Pirates 411118 032 Terry Connie And Pat.mp3
    4. Terry-Pirates 411119 033 Radio Device Missing.mp3
    5. Terry-Pirates 411120 034 Cabinets Switched.mp3
    6. Terry-Pirates 411120 035 Escape In Progress.mp3
    7. Terry-Pirates 411124 036 Enemy Overpowered.mp3
    8. Terry-Pirates 411125 037 General Chang Held.mp3
    9. Terry-Pirates 411126 038 Approaching With Care.mp3
    10. Terry-Pirates 411127 039 Gen.chang Is Imposter.mp3
    11. Terry-Pirates 411128 040 Radio Turned Over.mp3
    12. Terry-Pirates 411201 041 Snow Bound.mp3
    13. Terry-Pirates 411202 042 Icy Winds Of China.mp3
    14. Terry-Pirates 411203 043 Mountain Madness.mp3
    15. Terry-Pirates 411204 044 Hideho.mp3
    16. Terry-Pirates 411205 045 Rescued.mp3
    17. Terry-Pirates 411208 046 Charming Mr Penington Hook.mp3
    18. Terry-Pirates 411209 047 Intrigue In Min Chow.mp3
    19. Terry-Pirates 411210 048 Missing Scientist.mp3
    20. Terry-Pirates 411211 049 Clue In The Snow.mp3
    21. Terry-Pirates 411212 050 Amazing Gas Of Destruction.mp3
    22. Terry-Pirates 411215 051 Terrys Fatal Mistake.mp3
    23. Terry-Pirates 411216 052 Midnight Stranger.mp3
    24. Terry-Pirates 411217 053 Locked In The Gas Chamber.mp3
    25. Terry-Pirates 411218 054 Sos Reveals The Villain.mp3
    26. Terry-Pirates 411219 055 Hook Captured.mp3
    27. Terry-Pirates 411222 056 Doctor Found.mp3
    28. Terry-Pirates 411223 057 Poison Gas Explosion.mp3
    29. Terry-Pirates 411224 058 Gas Destroys Steel.mp3
    30. Terry-Pirates 411225 059 Christmas Presents Exchang.mp3
    31. Terry-Pirates 411226 060 Secret Formula Safe.mp3
    32. Terry-Pirates 411229 061 Taking Pictures.mp3
    33. Terry-Pirates 411230 062 To Be Nurses.mp3
    34. Terry-Pirates 411231 063 Terrys Double Seen.mp3
    35. Terry-Pirates 420000 Burma Working In Hospital In Chi.mp3
    36. Terry-Pirates 420000 In Calcutta India.mp3
    37. Terry-Pirates 420101 064 Mrs.finch.mp3
    38. Terry-Pirates 420102 065 Discussing Note.mp3
    39. Terry-Pirates 420105 066 Identity Switch.mp3
    40. Terry-Pirates 420106 067 Impersonation Test.mp3
    41. Terry-Pirates 420107 068 April Forced To Join.mp3
    42. Terry-Pirates 420108 069 Food Drugged.mp3
    43. Terry-Pirates 420109 070 Meeting Captain Blaze.mp3
    44. Terry-Pirates 420112 071 Cheery Blaze Fooled.mp3
    45. Terry-Pirates 420113 072 Cheery Blaze Told Truth.mp3
    46. Terry-Pirates 420114 073 Dragon Lady Captured.mp3
    47. Terry-Pirates 420115 074 Blaze And Dragon Lady.mp3
    48. Terry-Pirates 420116 075 Kidnapping Mixup.mp3
    49. Terry-Pirates 420119 076 Rescuing Cheery.mp3
    50. Terry-Pirates 420120 077 Terry Finds Transmitter.mp3
    51. Terry-Pirates 420121 078 Dragon Lady Wont Stop.mp3
    52. Terry-Pirates 420122 079 Oil Drums Foil Attack.mp3
    53. Terry-Pirates 420123 080 Plan To Use Loudspeaker.mp3
    54. Terry-Pirates 420126 081 Dl Tries To Escape.mp3
    55. Terry-Pirates 420127 082 Loudspeakers Scare.mp3
    56. Terry-Pirates 420128 083 Firing Squad For Three.mp3
    57. Terry-Pirates 420129 084 Truck Crashes In River.mp3
    58. Terry-Pirates 420130 085 Under The Waterfall.mp3
    59. Terry-Pirates 420202 086 Cheery Takes Singsing.mp3
    60. Terry-Pirates 420203 087 Singsing Captured.mp3
    61. Terry-Pirates 420204 088 Down Cliff On Rope.mp3
    62. Terry-Pirates 420205 089 Burma Goes Up The Cliff.mp3
    63. Terry-Pirates 420206 090 Dragon Lady Goes Up.mp3
    64. Terry-Pirates 420209 091 Pat Shoots.mp3
    65. Terry-Pirates 420210 092 Single File On Ledge.mp3
    66. Terry-Pirates 420211 093 Captain Blaze Considers.mp3
    67. Terry-Pirates 420212 094 Making A Smokescreen.mp3
    68. Terry-Pirates 420213 095 Hennick Saves Blaze.mp3
    69. Terry-Pirates 420216 096 Orphanage On Fire.mp3
    70. Terry-Pirates 420217 097 Mrs.finch Tells Why.mp3
    71. Terry-Pirates 420218 098 Han Kidnaps April.mp3
    72. Terry-Pirates 420219 099 Big Stoop Helps.mp3
    73. Terry-Pirates 420224 102 Terry Pilots.mp3
    74. Terry-Pirates 420225 103 Jap Soldiers Approach.mp3
    75. Terry-Pirates 420304 108 From Irrawady To Hanoi.mp3
    76. Terry-Pirates 420305 109 Hanoi Train Station.mp3
    77. Terry-Pirates 420306 110 Pat Tells Slugger.mp3
    78. Terry-Pirates 420309 111 Slugger Delivers Crate.mp3
    79. Terry-Pirates 420310 112 Duplexus Plantation.mp3
    80. Terry-Pirates 420311 113 April Arrives.mp3
    81. Terry-Pirates 420312 114 Dillon Kane Found.mp3
    82. Terry-Pirates 420313 115 Message To Yellowhair.mp3
    83. Terry-Pirates 420316 116 Escape From Temple.mp3
    84. Terry-Pirates 420323 121 Using A Net.mp3
    85. Terry-Pirates 420324 122 Sanjack Holds April.mp3
    86. Terry-Pirates 420325 123 Baron And Slugger.mp3
    87. Terry-Pirates 420326 124 Following The Baron.mp3
    88. Terry-Pirates 420327 125 Baron And Slugger.mp3
    89. Terry-Pirates 420330 126 Sanjacks Island Burns.mp3
    90. Terry-Pirates 460902 Pat Ryan Above Yacht Ventura.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 89 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Terry-Pirates 420331 127 Rescued From River.mp3
    3. Terry-Pirates 420401 128 Smythe Heatherstone.mp3
    4. Terry-Pirates 420402 129 Terry Nurses Dl.mp3
    5. Terry-Pirates 420403 130 Dragon Ladys Secet.mp3
    6. Terry-Pirates 420406 131 April Will Sing.mp3
    7. Terry-Pirates 420407 132 Dragon Lady Comes.mp3
    8. Terry-Pirates 420408 133 April And Fu Ling.mp3
    9. Terry-Pirates 420409 134 Kidnapping.mp3
    10. Terry-Pirates 420410 135 Slugger Uses Rainbow.mp3
    11. Terry-Pirates 420416 139 Mind Reading Act.mp3
    12. Terry-Pirates 420420 141 Jigger.mp3
    13. Terry-Pirates 420421 142 Pat And Terry Captured.mp3
    14. Terry-Pirates 420422 143 Rescued By Slugger.mp3
    15. Terry-Pirates 420423 144 Smiley Knocked Out.mp3
    16. Terry-Pirates 420424 145 Pat To Lead Chinese.mp3
    17. Terry-Pirates 420427 146 Capturing Invader Car.mp3
    18. Terry-Pirates 420428 147 Pat Addresses Troops.mp3
    19. Terry-Pirates 420429 148 Dude Teaches Terry.mp3
    20. Terry-Pirates 420430 149 Searching For Fu Ling.mp3
    21. Terry-Pirates 420501 150 Rescuing Fu Ling.mp3
    22. Terry-Pirates 420504 151 Dude Leaves.mp3
    23. Terry-Pirates 420505 152 Terrys Planespotter.mp3
    24. Terry-Pirates 420506 153 Plane Spotting Contest.mp3
    25. Terry-Pirates 420507 154 Japs Plan A Trap.mp3
    26. Terry-Pirates 420508 155 Japs Use Pat And Terry.mp3
    27. Terry-Pirates 420511 156 Dude And Terry.mp3
    28. Terry-Pirates 420512 157 Dude Terry Captured.mp3
    29. Terry-Pirates 420513 158 Klang Uses Plane.mp3
    30. Terry-Pirates 420514 159 Plane Shot Down.mp3
    31. Terry-Pirates 420515 160 Dude Terry Escape.mp3
    32. Terry-Pirates 420518 161 Teaching Slugger.mp3
    33. Terry-Pirates 420519 162 Escaping From Yankuk.mp3
    34. Terry-Pirates 420520 163 Jap Patrol Boards Junk.mp3
    35. Terry-Pirates 420525 166 Driving Invader Tank.mp3
    36. Terry-Pirates 420526 167 Enemy Marching.mp3
    37. Terry-Pirates 420527 168 Bridge Collapses.mp3
    38. Terry-Pirates 420528 169 Planes Heard Overhead.mp3
    39. Terry-Pirates 420529 170 Pat Appointed Colonel.mp3
    40. Terry-Pirates 420706 On Enemy Ground.mp3
    41. Terry-Pirates 430000 Calcutta Spies.mp3
    42. Terry-Pirates 430331 Capt Blaze Saved.mp3
    43. Terry-Pirates 440110 The Baron In Disguise.mp3
    44. Terry-Pirates 440127 Pats Disguise Uncovered.mp3
    45. Terry-Pirates 440203 Real Baron Is Alive.mp3
    46. Terry-Pirates 440927 Search For Abner Kane.mp3
    47. Terry-Pirates 441019 Air Attack.mp3
    48. Terry-Pirates 450508 Returning To The Usa.mp3
    49. Terry-Pirates 450924 Green Fog.mp3
    50. Terry-Pirates 461200 The Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    51. Terry-Pirates 461202 Bugging Of Room 301.mp3
    52. Terry-Pirates 461203 Recording.mp3
    53. Terry-Pirates 461204 Representative Moss Bunker.mp3
    54. Terry-Pirates 461205 Fatal Evidence.mp3
    55. Terry-Pirates 461206 Search For Dr Quill.mp3
    56. Terry-Pirates 461209 Search For Dr Quill.mp3
    57. Terry-Pirates 461211 041 Aprehending Cuthney.mp3
    58. Terry-Pirates 461212 Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    59. Terry-Pirates 461213 042 Fatal Evidence.mp3
    60. Terry-Pirates 461216 043 The Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    61. Terry-Pirates 461220 045 Meeting In Hong Kong.mp3
    62. Terry-Pirates 461223 046 Search For Dr.quill.mp3
    63. Terry-Pirates 461225 047 Christmas Program In Rhyme.mp3
    64. Terry-Pirates 461226 In Chung King China.mp3
    65. Terry-Pirates 470110 The Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    66. Terry-Pirates 470112 Gold Detector Ring.mp3
    67. Terry-Pirates 470113 Baiting A Trap.mp3
    68. Terry-Pirates 470114 Springing The Trap.mp3
    69. Terry-Pirates 470115 Abduction Of Ginger Lee.mp3
    70. Terry-Pirates 470116 Mind Slave.mp3
    71. Terry-Pirates 470117 Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    72. Terry-Pirates 470120 Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    73. Terry-Pirates 470206 Board the Riverboat.mp3
    74. Terry-Pirates 470217 Mechanical Eye.mp3
    75. Terry-Pirates 470317 The Green Swamp.mp3
    76. Terry-Pirates 470429 Adventure without a Name.mp3
    77. Terry-Pirates 470430 Adventure without a Name.mp3
    78. Terry-Pirates 470520 Puzzle Of The 13 Orphans.mp3
    79. Terry-Pirates 470529 Adv.of The Limestone Ledge.mp3
    80. Terry-Pirates 470714 Case Of The Goofy Gosling.mp3
    81. Terry-Pirates 470801 Escape In August.mp3
    82. Terry-Pirates 470912 The Gold Detector Ring.mp3
    83. Terry-Pirates 471014 Deadly Current.mp3
    84. Terry-Pirates 471017 The Mechanical Eye.mp3
    85. Terry-Pirates 471020 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    86. Terry-Pirates 471024 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    87. Terry-Pirates 471031 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    88. Terry-Pirates 471100 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    89. Terry-Pirates 471107 The Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    90. Terry-Pirates War Stamp Pitch For Kids.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    178 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 41 hours, 23 min
    178 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1137 MB – total playtime 41 hours, 23 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 89 shows – 565 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 34 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Terry-Pirates 411117 031 Terry Connie And Pat.mp3
    3. Terry-Pirates 411118 032 Terry Connie And Pat.mp3
    4. Terry-Pirates 411119 033 Radio Device Missing.mp3
    5. Terry-Pirates 411120 034 Cabinets Switched.mp3
    6. Terry-Pirates 411120 035 Escape In Progress.mp3
    7. Terry-Pirates 411124 036 Enemy Overpowered.mp3
    8. Terry-Pirates 411125 037 General Chang Held.mp3
    9. Terry-Pirates 411126 038 Approaching With Care.mp3
    10. Terry-Pirates 411127 039 Gen.chang Is Imposter.mp3
    11. Terry-Pirates 411128 040 Radio Turned Over.mp3
    12. Terry-Pirates 411201 041 Snow Bound.mp3
    13. Terry-Pirates 411202 042 Icy Winds Of China.mp3
    14. Terry-Pirates 411203 043 Mountain Madness.mp3
    15. Terry-Pirates 411204 044 Hideho.mp3
    16. Terry-Pirates 411205 045 Rescued.mp3
    17. Terry-Pirates 411208 046 Charming Mr Penington Hook.mp3
    18. Terry-Pirates 411209 047 Intrigue In Min Chow.mp3
    19. Terry-Pirates 411210 048 Missing Scientist.mp3
    20. Terry-Pirates 411211 049 Clue In The Snow.mp3
    21. Terry-Pirates 411212 050 Amazing Gas Of Destruction.mp3
    22. Terry-Pirates 411215 051 Terrys Fatal Mistake.mp3
    23. Terry-Pirates 411216 052 Midnight Stranger.mp3
    24. Terry-Pirates 411217 053 Locked In The Gas Chamber.mp3
    25. Terry-Pirates 411218 054 Sos Reveals The Villain.mp3
    26. Terry-Pirates 411219 055 Hook Captured.mp3
    27. Terry-Pirates 411222 056 Doctor Found.mp3
    28. Terry-Pirates 411223 057 Poison Gas Explosion.mp3
    29. Terry-Pirates 411224 058 Gas Destroys Steel.mp3
    30. Terry-Pirates 411225 059 Christmas Presents Exchang.mp3
    31. Terry-Pirates 411226 060 Secret Formula Safe.mp3
    32. Terry-Pirates 411229 061 Taking Pictures.mp3
    33. Terry-Pirates 411230 062 To Be Nurses.mp3
    34. Terry-Pirates 411231 063 Terrys Double Seen.mp3
    35. Terry-Pirates 420000 Burma Working In Hospital In Chi.mp3
    36. Terry-Pirates 420000 In Calcutta India.mp3
    37. Terry-Pirates 420101 064 Mrs.finch.mp3
    38. Terry-Pirates 420102 065 Discussing Note.mp3
    39. Terry-Pirates 420105 066 Identity Switch.mp3
    40. Terry-Pirates 420106 067 Impersonation Test.mp3
    41. Terry-Pirates 420107 068 April Forced To Join.mp3
    42. Terry-Pirates 420108 069 Food Drugged.mp3
    43. Terry-Pirates 420109 070 Meeting Captain Blaze.mp3
    44. Terry-Pirates 420112 071 Cheery Blaze Fooled.mp3
    45. Terry-Pirates 420113 072 Cheery Blaze Told Truth.mp3
    46. Terry-Pirates 420114 073 Dragon Lady Captured.mp3
    47. Terry-Pirates 420115 074 Blaze And Dragon Lady.mp3
    48. Terry-Pirates 420116 075 Kidnapping Mixup.mp3
    49. Terry-Pirates 420119 076 Rescuing Cheery.mp3
    50. Terry-Pirates 420120 077 Terry Finds Transmitter.mp3
    51. Terry-Pirates 420121 078 Dragon Lady Wont Stop.mp3
    52. Terry-Pirates 420122 079 Oil Drums Foil Attack.mp3
    53. Terry-Pirates 420123 080 Plan To Use Loudspeaker.mp3
    54. Terry-Pirates 420126 081 Dl Tries To Escape.mp3
    55. Terry-Pirates 420127 082 Loudspeakers Scare.mp3
    56. Terry-Pirates 420128 083 Firing Squad For Three.mp3
    57. Terry-Pirates 420129 084 Truck Crashes In River.mp3
    58. Terry-Pirates 420130 085 Under The Waterfall.mp3
    59. Terry-Pirates 420202 086 Cheery Takes Singsing.mp3
    60. Terry-Pirates 420203 087 Singsing Captured.mp3
    61. Terry-Pirates 420204 088 Down Cliff On Rope.mp3
    62. Terry-Pirates 420205 089 Burma Goes Up The Cliff.mp3
    63. Terry-Pirates 420206 090 Dragon Lady Goes Up.mp3
    64. Terry-Pirates 420209 091 Pat Shoots.mp3
    65. Terry-Pirates 420210 092 Single File On Ledge.mp3
    66. Terry-Pirates 420211 093 Captain Blaze Considers.mp3
    67. Terry-Pirates 420212 094 Making A Smokescreen.mp3
    68. Terry-Pirates 420213 095 Hennick Saves Blaze.mp3
    69. Terry-Pirates 420216 096 Orphanage On Fire.mp3
    70. Terry-Pirates 420217 097 Mrs.finch Tells Why.mp3
    71. Terry-Pirates 420218 098 Han Kidnaps April.mp3
    72. Terry-Pirates 420219 099 Big Stoop Helps.mp3
    73. Terry-Pirates 420224 102 Terry Pilots.mp3
    74. Terry-Pirates 420225 103 Jap Soldiers Approach.mp3
    75. Terry-Pirates 420304 108 From Irrawady To Hanoi.mp3
    76. Terry-Pirates 420305 109 Hanoi Train Station.mp3
    77. Terry-Pirates 420306 110 Pat Tells Slugger.mp3
    78. Terry-Pirates 420309 111 Slugger Delivers Crate.mp3
    79. Terry-Pirates 420310 112 Duplexus Plantation.mp3
    80. Terry-Pirates 420311 113 April Arrives.mp3
    81. Terry-Pirates 420312 114 Dillon Kane Found.mp3
    82. Terry-Pirates 420313 115 Message To Yellowhair.mp3
    83. Terry-Pirates 420316 116 Escape From Temple.mp3
    84. Terry-Pirates 420323 121 Using A Net.mp3
    85. Terry-Pirates 420324 122 Sanjack Holds April.mp3
    86. Terry-Pirates 420325 123 Baron And Slugger.mp3
    87. Terry-Pirates 420326 124 Following The Baron.mp3
    88. Terry-Pirates 420327 125 Baron And Slugger.mp3
    89. Terry-Pirates 420330 126 Sanjacks Island Burns.mp3
    90. Terry-Pirates 460902 Pat Ryan Above Yacht Ventura.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 89 shows – 572 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 48 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Terry-Pirates 420331 127 Rescued From River.mp3
    3. Terry-Pirates 420401 128 Smythe Heatherstone.mp3
    4. Terry-Pirates 420402 129 Terry Nurses Dl.mp3
    5. Terry-Pirates 420403 130 Dragon Ladys Secet.mp3
    6. Terry-Pirates 420406 131 April Will Sing.mp3
    7. Terry-Pirates 420407 132 Dragon Lady Comes.mp3
    8. Terry-Pirates 420408 133 April And Fu Ling.mp3
    9. Terry-Pirates 420409 134 Kidnapping.mp3
    10. Terry-Pirates 420410 135 Slugger Uses Rainbow.mp3
    11. Terry-Pirates 420416 139 Mind Reading Act.mp3
    12. Terry-Pirates 420420 141 Jigger.mp3
    13. Terry-Pirates 420421 142 Pat And Terry Captured.mp3
    14. Terry-Pirates 420422 143 Rescued By Slugger.mp3
    15. Terry-Pirates 420423 144 Smiley Knocked Out.mp3
    16. Terry-Pirates 420424 145 Pat To Lead Chinese.mp3
    17. Terry-Pirates 420427 146 Capturing Invader Car.mp3
    18. Terry-Pirates 420428 147 Pat Addresses Troops.mp3
    19. Terry-Pirates 420429 148 Dude Teaches Terry.mp3
    20. Terry-Pirates 420430 149 Searching For Fu Ling.mp3
    21. Terry-Pirates 420501 150 Rescuing Fu Ling.mp3
    22. Terry-Pirates 420504 151 Dude Leaves.mp3
    23. Terry-Pirates 420505 152 Terrys Planespotter.mp3
    24. Terry-Pirates 420506 153 Plane Spotting Contest.mp3
    25. Terry-Pirates 420507 154 Japs Plan A Trap.mp3
    26. Terry-Pirates 420508 155 Japs Use Pat And Terry.mp3
    27. Terry-Pirates 420511 156 Dude And Terry.mp3
    28. Terry-Pirates 420512 157 Dude Terry Captured.mp3
    29. Terry-Pirates 420513 158 Klang Uses Plane.mp3
    30. Terry-Pirates 420514 159 Plane Shot Down.mp3
    31. Terry-Pirates 420515 160 Dude Terry Escape.mp3
    32. Terry-Pirates 420518 161 Teaching Slugger.mp3
    33. Terry-Pirates 420519 162 Escaping From Yankuk.mp3
    34. Terry-Pirates 420520 163 Jap Patrol Boards Junk.mp3
    35. Terry-Pirates 420525 166 Driving Invader Tank.mp3
    36. Terry-Pirates 420526 167 Enemy Marching.mp3
    37. Terry-Pirates 420527 168 Bridge Collapses.mp3
    38. Terry-Pirates 420528 169 Planes Heard Overhead.mp3
    39. Terry-Pirates 420529 170 Pat Appointed Colonel.mp3
    40. Terry-Pirates 420706 On Enemy Ground.mp3
    41. Terry-Pirates 430000 Calcutta Spies.mp3
    42. Terry-Pirates 430331 Capt Blaze Saved.mp3
    43. Terry-Pirates 440110 The Baron In Disguise.mp3
    44. Terry-Pirates 440127 Pats Disguise Uncovered.mp3
    45. Terry-Pirates 440203 Real Baron Is Alive.mp3
    46. Terry-Pirates 440927 Search For Abner Kane.mp3
    47. Terry-Pirates 441019 Air Attack.mp3
    48. Terry-Pirates 450508 Returning To The Usa.mp3
    49. Terry-Pirates 450924 Green Fog.mp3
    50. Terry-Pirates 461200 The Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    51. Terry-Pirates 461202 Bugging Of Room 301.mp3
    52. Terry-Pirates 461203 Recording.mp3
    53. Terry-Pirates 461204 Representative Moss Bunker.mp3
    54. Terry-Pirates 461205 Fatal Evidence.mp3
    55. Terry-Pirates 461206 Search For Dr Quill.mp3
    56. Terry-Pirates 461209 Search For Dr Quill.mp3
    57. Terry-Pirates 461211 041 Aprehending Cuthney.mp3
    58. Terry-Pirates 461212 Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    59. Terry-Pirates 461213 042 Fatal Evidence.mp3
    60. Terry-Pirates 461216 043 The Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    61. Terry-Pirates 461220 045 Meeting In Hong Kong.mp3
    62. Terry-Pirates 461223 046 Search For Dr.quill.mp3
    63. Terry-Pirates 461225 047 Christmas Program In Rhyme.mp3
    64. Terry-Pirates 461226 In Chung King China.mp3
    65. Terry-Pirates 470110 The Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    66. Terry-Pirates 470112 Gold Detector Ring.mp3
    67. Terry-Pirates 470113 Baiting A Trap.mp3
    68. Terry-Pirates 470114 Springing The Trap.mp3
    69. Terry-Pirates 470115 Abduction Of Ginger Lee.mp3
    70. Terry-Pirates 470116 Mind Slave.mp3
    71. Terry-Pirates 470117 Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    72. Terry-Pirates 470120 Man Who Never Sleeps.mp3
    73. Terry-Pirates 470206 Board the Riverboat.mp3
    74. Terry-Pirates 470217 Mechanical Eye.mp3
    75. Terry-Pirates 470317 The Green Swamp.mp3
    76. Terry-Pirates 470429 Adventure without a Name.mp3
    77. Terry-Pirates 470430 Adventure without a Name.mp3
    78. Terry-Pirates 470520 Puzzle Of The 13 Orphans.mp3
    79. Terry-Pirates 470529 Adv.of The Limestone Ledge.mp3
    80. Terry-Pirates 470714 Case Of The Goofy Gosling.mp3
    81. Terry-Pirates 470801 Escape In August.mp3
    82. Terry-Pirates 470912 The Gold Detector Ring.mp3
    83. Terry-Pirates 471014 Deadly Current.mp3
    84. Terry-Pirates 471017 The Mechanical Eye.mp3
    85. Terry-Pirates 471020 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    86. Terry-Pirates 471024 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    87. Terry-Pirates 471031 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    88. Terry-Pirates 471100 Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    89. Terry-Pirates 471107 The Dragon Lady Strikes Back.mp3
    90. Terry-Pirates War Stamp Pitch For Kids.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    178 recordings on 39 Audio CDs. Total playtime 41 hours, 23 min
    178 recordings on 39 Audio CDs
    total playtime 41 hours, 23 min

    Terry and the Pirates Disc A001

    1. Terry-Pirates War Stamp Pitch For Kids
    2. Terry-Pirates 411117 031 Terry Connie And Pat
    3. Terry-Pirates 411118 032 Terry Connie And Pat
    4. Terry-Pirates 411119 033 Radio Device Missing
    5. Terry-Pirates 411120 034 Cabinets Switched

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A002

    1. Terry-Pirates 411120 035 Escape In Progress
    2. Terry-Pirates 411124 036 Enemy Overpowered
    3. Terry-Pirates 411125 037 General Chang Held
    4. Terry-Pirates 411126 038 Approaching With Care
    5. Terry-Pirates 411127 039 Gen.chang Is Imposter

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A003

    1. Terry-Pirates 411128 040 Radio Turned Over
    2. Terry-Pirates 411201 041 Snow Bound
    3. Terry-Pirates 411202 042 Icy Winds Of China
    4. Terry-Pirates 411203 043 Mountain Madness

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A004

    1. Terry-Pirates 411204 044 Hideho
    2. Terry-Pirates 411205 045 Rescued
    3. Terry-Pirates 411208 046 Charming Mr Penington Hook
    4. Terry-Pirates 411209 047 Intrigue In Min Chow

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A005

    1. Terry-Pirates 411210 048 Missing Scientist
    2. Terry-Pirates 411211 049 Clue In The Snow
    3. Terry-Pirates 411212 050 Amazing Gas Of Destruction
    4. Terry-Pirates 411215 051 Terrys Fatal Mistake

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A006

    1. Terry-Pirates 411216 052 Midnight Stranger
    2. Terry-Pirates 411217 053 Locked In The Gas Chamber
    3. Terry-Pirates 411218 054 Sos Reveals The Villain
    4. Terry-Pirates 411219 055 Hook Captured

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A007

    1. Terry-Pirates 411222 056 Doctor Found
    2. Terry-Pirates 411223 057 Poison Gas Explosion
    3. Terry-Pirates 411224 058 Gas Destroys Steel
    4. Terry-Pirates 411225 059 Christmas Presents Exchang

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A008

    1. Terry-Pirates 411226 060 Secret Formula Safe
    2. Terry-Pirates 411229 061 Taking Pictures
    3. Terry-Pirates 411230 062 To Be Nurses
    4. Terry-Pirates 411231 063 Terrys Double Seen
    5. Terry-Pirates 420000 Burma Working In Hospital In Chi

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A009

    1. Terry-Pirates 420000 In Calcutta India
    2. Terry-Pirates 420101 064 Mrs.finch
    3. Terry-Pirates 420102 065 Discussing Note
    4. Terry-Pirates 420105 066 Identity Switch
    5. Terry-Pirates 420106 067 Impersonation Test

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A010

    1. Terry-Pirates 420107 068 April Forced To Join
    2. Terry-Pirates 420108 069 Food Drugged
    3. Terry-Pirates 420109 070 Meeting Captain Blaze
    4. Terry-Pirates 420112 071 Cheery Blaze Fooled
    5. Terry-Pirates 420113 072 Cheery Blaze Told Truth

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A011

    1. Terry-Pirates 420114 073 Dragon Lady Captured
    2. Terry-Pirates 420115 074 Blaze And Dragon Lady
    3. Terry-Pirates 420116 075 Kidnapping Mixup
    4. Terry-Pirates 420119 076 Rescuing Cheery
    5. Terry-Pirates 420120 077 Terry Finds Transmitter

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A012

    1. Terry-Pirates 420121 078 Dragon Lady Wont Stop
    2. Terry-Pirates 420122 079 Oil Drums Foil Attack
    3. Terry-Pirates 420123 080 Plan To Use Loudspeaker
    4. Terry-Pirates 420126 081 Dl Tries To Escape
    5. Terry-Pirates 420127 082 Loudspeakers Scare

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A013

    1. Terry-Pirates 420128 083 Firing Squad For Three
    2. Terry-Pirates 420129 084 Truck Crashes In River
    3. Terry-Pirates 420130 085 Under The Waterfall
    4. Terry-Pirates 420202 086 Cheery Takes Singsing
    5. Terry-Pirates 420203 087 Singsing Captured

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A014

    1. Terry-Pirates 420204 088 Down Cliff On Rope
    2. Terry-Pirates 420205 089 Burma Goes Up The Cliff
    3. Terry-Pirates 420206 090 Dragon Lady Goes Up
    4. Terry-Pirates 420209 091 Pat Shoots
    5. Terry-Pirates 420210 092 Single File On Ledge

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A015

    1. Terry-Pirates 420211 093 Captain Blaze Considers
    2. Terry-Pirates 420212 094 Making A Smokescreen
    3. Terry-Pirates 420213 095 Hennick Saves Blaze
    4. Terry-Pirates 420216 096 Orphanage On Fire
    5. Terry-Pirates 420217 097 Mrs.finch Tells Why

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A016

    1. Terry-Pirates 420218 098 Han Kidnaps April
    2. Terry-Pirates 420219 099 Big Stoop Helps
    3. Terry-Pirates 420224 102 Terry Pilots
    4. Terry-Pirates 420225 103 Jap Soldiers Approach
    5. Terry-Pirates 420304 108 From Irrawady To Hanoi

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A017

    1. Terry-Pirates 420305 109 Hanoi Train Station
    2. Terry-Pirates 420306 110 Pat Tells Slugger
    3. Terry-Pirates 420309 111 Slugger Delivers Crate
    4. Terry-Pirates 420310 112 Duplexus Plantation
    5. Terry-Pirates 420311 113 April Arrives

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A018

    1. Terry-Pirates 420312 114 Dillon Kane Found
    2. Terry-Pirates 420313 115 Message To Yellowhair
    3. Terry-Pirates 420316 116 Escape From Temple
    4. Terry-Pirates 420323 121 Using A Net
    5. Terry-Pirates 420324 122 Sanjack Holds April

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A019

    1. Terry-Pirates 420325 123 Baron And Slugger
    2. Terry-Pirates 420326 124 Following The Baron
    3. Terry-Pirates 420327 125 Baron And Slugger
    4. Terry-Pirates 420330 126 Sanjacks Island Burns
    5. Terry-Pirates 420331 127 Rescued From River

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A020

    1. Terry-Pirates 420401 128 Smythe Heatherstone
    2. Terry-Pirates 420402 129 Terry Nurses Dl
    3. Terry-Pirates 420403 130 Dragon Ladys Secet
    4. Terry-Pirates 420406 131 April Will Sing
    5. Terry-Pirates 420407 132 Dragon Lady Comes

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A021

    1. Terry-Pirates 420408 133 April And Fu Ling
    2. Terry-Pirates 420409 134 Kidnapping
    3. Terry-Pirates 420410 135 Slugger Uses Rainbow
    4. Terry-Pirates 420416 139 Mind Reading Act
    5. Terry-Pirates 420420 141 Jigger

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A022

    1. Terry-Pirates 420421 142 Pat And Terry Captured
    2. Terry-Pirates 420422 143 Rescued By Slugger
    3. Terry-Pirates 420423 144 Smiley Knocked Out
    4. Terry-Pirates 420424 145 Pat To Lead Chinese
    5. Terry-Pirates 420427 146 Capturing Invader Car

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A023

    1. Terry-Pirates 420428 147 Pat Addresses Troops
    2. Terry-Pirates 420429 148 Dude Teaches Terry
    3. Terry-Pirates 420430 149 Searching For Fu Ling
    4. Terry-Pirates 420501 150 Rescuing Fu Ling
    5. Terry-Pirates 420504 151 Dude Leaves

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A024

    1. Terry-Pirates 420505 152 Terrys Planespotter
    2. Terry-Pirates 420506 153 Plane Spotting Contest
    3. Terry-Pirates 420507 154 Japs Plan A Trap
    4. Terry-Pirates 420508 155 Japs Use Pat And Terry
    5. Terry-Pirates 420511 156 Dude And Terry

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A025

    1. Terry-Pirates 420512 157 Dude Terry Captured
    2. Terry-Pirates 420513 158 Klang Uses Plane
    3. Terry-Pirates 420514 159 Plane Shot Down
    4. Terry-Pirates 420515 160 Dude Terry Escape
    5. Terry-Pirates 420518 161 Teaching Slugger

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A026

    1. Terry-Pirates 420519 162 Escaping From Yankuk
    2. Terry-Pirates 420520 163 Jap Patrol Boards Junk
    3. Terry-Pirates 420525 166 Driving Invader Tank
    4. Terry-Pirates 420526 167 Enemy Marching
    5. Terry-Pirates 420527 168 Bridge Collapses

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A027

    1. Terry-Pirates 420528 169 Planes Heard Overhead
    2. Terry-Pirates 420529 170 Pat Appointed Colonel
    3. Terry-Pirates 420706 On Enemy Ground
    4. Terry-Pirates 430000 Calcutta Spies

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A028

    1. Terry-Pirates 430331 Capt Blaze Saved
    2. Terry-Pirates 440110 The Baron In Disguise
    3. Terry-Pirates 440127 Pats Disguise Uncovered
    4. Terry-Pirates 440203 Real Baron Is Alive

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A029

    1. Terry-Pirates 440927 Search For Abner Kane
    2. Terry-Pirates 441019 Air Attack
    3. Terry-Pirates 450508 Returning To The Usa
    4. Terry-Pirates 450924 Green Fog

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A030

    1. Terry-Pirates 460902 Pat Ryan Above Yacht Ventura
    2. Terry-Pirates 461200 The Man Who Never Sleeps
    3. Terry-Pirates 461202 Bugging Of Room 301
    4. Terry-Pirates 461203 Recording

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A031

    1. Terry-Pirates 461204 Representative Moss Bunker
    2. Terry-Pirates 461205 Fatal Evidence
    3. Terry-Pirates 461206 Search For Dr Quill
    4. Terry-Pirates 461209 Search For Dr Quill

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A032

    1. Terry-Pirates 461211 041 Aprehending Cuthney
    2. Terry-Pirates 461212 Man Who Never Sleeps
    3. Terry-Pirates 461213 042 Fatal Evidence
    4. Terry-Pirates 461216 043 The Man Who Never Sleeps

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A033

    1. Terry-Pirates 461220 045 Meeting In Hong Kong
    2. Terry-Pirates 461223 046 Search For Dr.quill
    3. Terry-Pirates 461225 047 Christmas Program In Rhyme
    4. Terry-Pirates 461226 In Chung King China

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A034

    1. Terry-Pirates 470110 The Man Who Never Sleeps
    2. Terry-Pirates 470112 Gold Detector Ring
    3. Terry-Pirates 470113 Baiting A Trap
    4. Terry-Pirates 470114 Springing The Trap

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A035

    1. Terry-Pirates 470115 Abduction Of Ginger Lee
    2. Terry-Pirates 470116 Mind Slave
    3. Terry-Pirates 470117 Man Who Never Sleeps
    4. Terry-Pirates 470120 Man Who Never Sleeps

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A036

    1. Terry-Pirates 470206 Board the Riverboat
    2. Terry-Pirates 470217 Mechanical Eye
    3. Terry-Pirates 470317 The Green Swamp
    4. Terry-Pirates 470429 Adventure without a Name
    5. Terry-Pirates 470430 Adventure without a Name

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A037

    1. Terry-Pirates 470520 Puzzle Of The 13 Orphans
    2. Terry-Pirates 470529 Adv.of The Limestone Ledge
    3. Terry-Pirates 470714 Case Of The Goofy Gosling
    4. Terry-Pirates 470801 Escape In August

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A038

    1. Terry-Pirates 470912 The Gold Detector Ring
    2. Terry-Pirates 471014 Deadly Current
    3. Terry-Pirates 471017 The Mechanical Eye
    4. Terry-Pirates 471020 Dragon Lady Strikes Back

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    Terry and the Pirates Disc A039

    1. Terry-Pirates 471024 Dragon Lady Strikes Back
    2. Terry-Pirates 471031 Dragon Lady Strikes Back
    3. Terry-Pirates 471100 Dragon Lady Strikes Back
    4. Terry-Pirates 471107 The Dragon Lady Strikes Back

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