October 24th, 2009 will mark the 80th anniversary of the NBC Radio Network debut of The Fleischmann's Yeast Radio Hour which quickly became known as the Rudy Vallee Show. While today Vallee may be best remembered as that iconic, good looking crooner with the megaphone and raccoon coat, his work on radio is what should distinguish him and earn him a place in the Radio Hall of Fame.
For the next three years Vallee was consistently among the highest rated performers and his show never lost its top position, yet he wanted to do more and as the summer of 1932 progressed, Vallee pushed his sponsor to allow him to change the nature of his show. He suggested the format be changed to allow for more guests taken from a variety of fields. Despite some concern, Fleischmann;s agreed and on October 6th, 1932 Vallee took to the air and, now without the expected introduction by McNamee, told the audience he was giving them something entirely new; "Let;s call it variety," he explained. And so, on that night, the classic American variety show, the kind still hosted by Leno and Letterman, was born.
Vallee never lost the number 1 ranking on Thursdays at 8 PM, and his corporate sponsor Standard Brands never left the show. What makes it particularly remarkable is that the network run spanned 520 consecutive weeks. Fortunately many of the later shows have survived and are gems, perfect samples of great radio hosted by the man who understood the audience and the medium as well, if not better, than anyone. Wouldn't it be nice if in this time of national discomfort there was another Rudy Vallee who could calm the nation's jitters and replace the radio of hate with radio of quality?
See also Rudy Vallee Collection.
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