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Words with Music

Featured dreamy organ music reveries intertwined with poetry read by guest stars include Agnes Moorehead, Ona Munson, Merle Oberon, and Raymond Burr.

Words with Music

66 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 16 hours, 41 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
17 Audio CDs

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"Music with Poetry"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

DH LawrenceOna Munson, guest star and poetry readerWords with Music featured organ music reveries and intertwined with poetry.  Some guest stars include Agnes Moorehead, Ona Munson, Merle Oberon, Mary Astor, and Raymond Burr reading poetry.  The organ music is dreamy and relaxing which sets a beautiful tone for the features poetry from amateurs and well known writers like William Shakespeare, John Keats, D. H. Lawrence. 

Words with Music could sometimes be called No Words with Music andalternative broadcasts were created that omitted the poetry from the program. The show was produced by AFRS and Hilton Spaninger, Milton Charles, and Bob Mitchell served as organist for Words with Music respectively.

Poetry and Music radio programs were very popular during the golden age of old time radio. For more dreamy music, see also: Anthology, Moon River, Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade, The NEHI Program, Enchanted Hour, Tony Won's Scrapbook, and Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

"The Sea," by D. H. Lawrence

You, you are all unloving, loveless, you;
Restless and lonely, shaken by your own moods,
You are celibate and single, scorning a comrade even,
Threshing your own passions with no woman for the threshing-floor,
Finishing your dreams for your own sake only,
Playing your great game around the world, alone,
Without playmate, or helpmate, having no one to cherish,
No one to comfort, and refusing any comforter.

Not like the earth, the spouse all full of increase
Moiled over with the rearing of her many-mouthed young;
You are single, you are fruitless, phosphorescent, cold and callous,
Naked of worship, of love or of adornment,
Scorning the panacea even of labour,
Sworn to a high and splendid purposelessness
Of brooding and delighting in the secret of life's goings,
Sea, only you are free, sophisticated.

You who toil not, you who spin not,
Surely but for you and your like, toiling
Were not worth while, nor spinning worth the effort!

You who take the moon as in a sieve, and sift
Her flake by flake and spread her meaning out;
You who roll the stars like jewels in your palm,
So that they seem to utter themselves aloud;
You who steep from out the days their colour,
Reveal the universal tint that dyes
Their web; who shadow the sun's great gestures and expressions
So that he seems a stranger in his passing;
Who voice the dumb night fittingly;
Sea, you shadow of all things, now mock us to death with your shadowing.


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    66 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 41 min
    66 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 16 hours, 41 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 66 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 41 minutes
    2. WWM 0001 Merle Oberon Burns O Wert Thou In Cauld Blast Afrs.mp3
    3. WWM 0002 Margo Reads Tennysons Song Of Lotuseaters Afrs.mp3
    4. WWM 0005 Margo Reads Lizette Woodworth Reeses Tears Afrs.mp3
    5. WWM 0006 Ann Richards William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 Afrs.mp3
    6. WWM 0013 Maureen Osullivan Rupert Brookes Pinetrees Sky Afrs.mp3
    7. WWM 0014 Mary Astor Reads Alan Seegars Clouds Afrs.mp3
    8. WWM 0023 450111 Janet Waldo reading Norman Corwin.mp3
    9. WWM 0027 Mary Jane Croft Robert Nathans When In Crowd Afrs.mp3
    10. WWM 0028 Jane Wyatt Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Love 3 Afrs.mp3
    11. WWM 0064 Joan Crawford.mp3
    12. WWM 0064 Margaret Lindsey.mp3
    13. WWM 0131.mp3
    14. WWM 0132.mp3
    15. WWM 0147 Basil Rathbone Shakespeares 116th Sonnet Afrs 147.mp3
    16. WWM 0148 Basil Rathbone Reads Self Reliance Afrs 148.mp3
    17. WWM 0201 Edith Atwater Excerpt From Song Of Poems Afrs 201.mp3
    18. WWM 0202 Edith Atwater Reads Sonnet By Shakespeare Afrs 202.mp3
    19. WWM 0223 Agnes Moorehead Ideal Passion GE Woodberry Afrs 223.mp3
    20. WWM 0224 Like Someone In Love Afrs 224.mp3
    21. WWM 0225 Edith Atwater Reads Poem Of Serviceman Afrs 225.mp3
    22. WWM 0226 Just Prayer Away Afrs 226.mp3
    23. WWM 0279 With Poetry.mp3
    24. WWM 0280 Without Poetry.mp3
    25. WWM 0281 With Poetry.mp3
    26. WWM 0282 Without Poetry.mp3
    27. WWM 0289 Cecil Calloway Reads Let It Be Forgotten Afrs 289.mp3
    28. WWM 0290 Wilmots Love And Life Afrs 290.mp3
    29. WWM 0335 Walter De La Mares Summer Evening Afrs 335.mp3
    30. WWM 0336 Alice Meynells Lady Of Lambs Afrs 336.mp3
    31. WWM 0475 Constance Dowling Not Growing Like Tree Afrs 475.mp3
    32. WWM 0476 William Cowpers On Friendship Afrs 476.mp3
    33. WWM 0643 With Poetry.mp3
    34. WWM 0644 Without Poetry.mp3
    35. WWM 0659 With Poetry.mp3
    36. WWM 0660 Without Poetry.mp3
    37. WWM 0667 Florence Earle Coates For Joy Afrs 667.mp3
    38. WWM 0668 Charles Swinburnes Year Of Rose Afrs 668.mp3
    39. WWM 0669 With Poetry.mp3
    40. WWM 0670 Without Poetry.mp3
    41. WWM 0673 With Poetry.mp3
    42. WWM 0674 Without Poetry.mp3
    43. WWM 0933 Afrs Without Poetry Why Does It Get Late So Early.mp3
    44. WWM 0934 Afrs Polly Connell Reads Poetry.mp3
    45. WWM 0937.mp3
    46. WWM 0938.mp3
    47. WWM 1171 Afrs Without Poetry Horse That Knows Way.mp3
    48. WWM 1172 Afrs With Poetry Host Elizabeth Drake.mp3
    49. WWM 1179 Afrs Without Poetry Smile Will Go Long Long Way.mp3
    50. WWM 1180 Afrs With Poetry Host Beth Lane.mp3
    51. WWM 1183 Afrs Without Poetry Take Down Stars.mp3
    52. WWM 1184 Afrs With Poetry Lynn Allen Reads Poetry.mp3
    53. WWM 1573 Virginia Tunstalls Evening On Harbour Afrs 1573.mp3
    54. WWM 1574 Nightpiece Read By Jean Peters Afrs 1574.mp3
    55. WWM 1679 Afrs No Poetry.mp3
    56. WWM 1680 Afrs Poetry.mp3
    57. WWM 1681 Afrs 500000 No Poetry.mp3
    58. WWM 1682 Afrs 500000 Poetry Frances Gifford.mp3
    59. WWM 1683 Afrs 500000 No Poetry.mp3
    60. WWM 1684 Afrs 500000 Poetry.mp3
    61. WWM 2239 You Smiled, You Spoke, And I Believed Afrs 2239.mp3
    62. WWM 2240 Raymond Burr Reads Blonde Room Afrs 2240.mp3
    63. WWM 2241 Evelyn Scotts Japanese Moon Afrs 2241.mp3
    64. WWM 2242 David Mortons From Hill Top Afrs 2242.mp3
    65. WWM AFRS Raymond Burr Shakespear's Othello.mp3
    66. WWM Gift Of The Magi.mp3
    67. WWM with Poetry.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    66 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 41 min
    66 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    458 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 41 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 66 shows – 458 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 41 minutes
    2. WWM 0001 Merle Oberon Burns O Wert Thou In Cauld Blast Afrs.mp3
    3. WWM 0002 Margo Reads Tennysons Song Of Lotuseaters Afrs.mp3
    4. WWM 0005 Margo Reads Lizette Woodworth Reeses Tears Afrs.mp3
    5. WWM 0006 Ann Richards William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 Afrs.mp3
    6. WWM 0013 Maureen Osullivan Rupert Brookes Pinetrees Sky Afrs.mp3
    7. WWM 0014 Mary Astor Reads Alan Seegars Clouds Afrs.mp3
    8. WWM 0023 450111 Janet Waldo reading Norman Corwin.mp3
    9. WWM 0027 Mary Jane Croft Robert Nathans When In Crowd Afrs.mp3
    10. WWM 0028 Jane Wyatt Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Love 3 Afrs.mp3
    11. WWM 0064 Joan Crawford.mp3
    12. WWM 0064 Margaret Lindsey.mp3
    13. WWM 0131.mp3
    14. WWM 0132.mp3
    15. WWM 0147 Basil Rathbone Shakespeares 116th Sonnet Afrs 147.mp3
    16. WWM 0148 Basil Rathbone Reads Self Reliance Afrs 148.mp3
    17. WWM 0201 Edith Atwater Excerpt From Song Of Poems Afrs 201.mp3
    18. WWM 0202 Edith Atwater Reads Sonnet By Shakespeare Afrs 202.mp3
    19. WWM 0223 Agnes Moorehead Ideal Passion GE Woodberry Afrs 223.mp3
    20. WWM 0224 Like Someone In Love Afrs 224.mp3
    21. WWM 0225 Edith Atwater Reads Poem Of Serviceman Afrs 225.mp3
    22. WWM 0226 Just Prayer Away Afrs 226.mp3
    23. WWM 0279 With Poetry.mp3
    24. WWM 0280 Without Poetry.mp3
    25. WWM 0281 With Poetry.mp3
    26. WWM 0282 Without Poetry.mp3
    27. WWM 0289 Cecil Calloway Reads Let It Be Forgotten Afrs 289.mp3
    28. WWM 0290 Wilmots Love And Life Afrs 290.mp3
    29. WWM 0335 Walter De La Mares Summer Evening Afrs 335.mp3
    30. WWM 0336 Alice Meynells Lady Of Lambs Afrs 336.mp3
    31. WWM 0475 Constance Dowling Not Growing Like Tree Afrs 475.mp3
    32. WWM 0476 William Cowpers On Friendship Afrs 476.mp3
    33. WWM 0643 With Poetry.mp3
    34. WWM 0644 Without Poetry.mp3
    35. WWM 0659 With Poetry.mp3
    36. WWM 0660 Without Poetry.mp3
    37. WWM 0667 Florence Earle Coates For Joy Afrs 667.mp3
    38. WWM 0668 Charles Swinburnes Year Of Rose Afrs 668.mp3
    39. WWM 0669 With Poetry.mp3
    40. WWM 0670 Without Poetry.mp3
    41. WWM 0673 With Poetry.mp3
    42. WWM 0674 Without Poetry.mp3
    43. WWM 0933 Afrs Without Poetry Why Does It Get Late So Early.mp3
    44. WWM 0934 Afrs Polly Connell Reads Poetry.mp3
    45. WWM 0937.mp3
    46. WWM 0938.mp3
    47. WWM 1171 Afrs Without Poetry Horse That Knows Way.mp3
    48. WWM 1172 Afrs With Poetry Host Elizabeth Drake.mp3
    49. WWM 1179 Afrs Without Poetry Smile Will Go Long Long Way.mp3
    50. WWM 1180 Afrs With Poetry Host Beth Lane.mp3
    51. WWM 1183 Afrs Without Poetry Take Down Stars.mp3
    52. WWM 1184 Afrs With Poetry Lynn Allen Reads Poetry.mp3
    53. WWM 1573 Virginia Tunstalls Evening On Harbour Afrs 1573.mp3
    54. WWM 1574 Nightpiece Read By Jean Peters Afrs 1574.mp3
    55. WWM 1679 Afrs No Poetry.mp3
    56. WWM 1680 Afrs Poetry.mp3
    57. WWM 1681 Afrs 500000 No Poetry.mp3
    58. WWM 1682 Afrs 500000 Poetry Frances Gifford.mp3
    59. WWM 1683 Afrs 500000 No Poetry.mp3
    60. WWM 1684 Afrs 500000 Poetry.mp3
    61. WWM 2239 You Smiled, You Spoke, And I Believed Afrs 2239.mp3
    62. WWM 2240 Raymond Burr Reads Blonde Room Afrs 2240.mp3
    63. WWM 2241 Evelyn Scotts Japanese Moon Afrs 2241.mp3
    64. WWM 2242 David Mortons From Hill Top Afrs 2242.mp3
    65. WWM AFRS Raymond Burr Shakespear's Othello.mp3
    66. WWM Gift Of The Magi.mp3
    67. WWM with Poetry.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    66 recordings on 17 Audio CDs. Total playtime 16 hours, 41 min
    66 recordings on 17 Audio CDs
    total playtime 16 hours, 41 min

    Words with Music Disc A001

    1. WWM 0001 Merle Oberon Burns O Wert Thou In Cauld Blast Afrs
    2. WWM 0002 Margo Reads Tennysons Song Of Lotuseaters Afrs
    3. WWM 0005 Margo Reads Lizette Woodworth Reeses Tears Afrs
    4. WWM 0006 Ann Richards William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 Afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A002

    1. WWM 0013 Maureen Osullivan Rupert Brookes Pinetrees Sky Afrs
    2. WWM 0014 Mary Astor Reads Alan Seegars Clouds Afrs
    3. WWM 0027 Mary Jane Croft Robert Nathans When In Crowd Afrs
    4. WWM 0028 Jane Wyatt Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Love 3 Afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A003

    1. WWM 0064 Joan Crawford
    2. WWM 0064 Margaret Lindsey
    3. WWM 0131
    4. WWM 0132

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A004

    1. WWM 0147 Basil Rathbone Shakespeares 116th Sonnet Afrs 147
    2. WWM 0148 Basil Rathbone Reads Self Reliance Afrs 148
    3. WWM 0201 Edith Atwater Excerpt From Song Of Poems Afrs 201
    4. WWM 0202 Edith Atwater Reads Sonnet By Shakespeare Afrs 202

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A005

    1. WWM 0223 Agnes Moorehead Ideal Passion GE Woodberry Afrs 223
    2. WWM 0224 Like Someone In Love Afrs 224
    3. WWM 0225 Edith Atwater Reads Poem Of Serviceman Afrs 225
    4. WWM 0226 Just Prayer Away Afrs 226

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A006

    1. WWM 0279 With Poetry
    2. WWM 0280 Without Poetry
    3. WWM 0281 With Poetry
    4. WWM 0282 Without Poetry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A007

    1. WWM 0289 Cecil Calloway Reads Let It Be Forgotten Afrs 289
    2. WWM 0290 Wilmots Love And Life Afrs 290
    3. WWM 0335 Walter De La Mares Summer Evening Afrs 335
    4. WWM 0336 Alice Meynells Lady Of Lambs Afrs 336

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A008

    1. WWM 0475 Constance Dowling Not Growing Like Tree Afrs 475
    2. WWM 0476 William Cowpers On Friendship Afrs 476
    3. WWM 0643 With Poetry
    4. WWM 0644 Without Poetry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A009

    1. WWM 0659 With Poetry
    2. WWM 0660 Without Poetry
    3. WWM 0667 Florence Earle Coates For Joy Afrs 667
    4. WWM 0668 Charles Swinburnes Year Of Rose Afrs 668

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A010

    1. WWM 0669 With Poetry
    2. WWM 0670 Without Poetry
    3. WWM 0673 With Poetry
    4. WWM 0674 Without Poetry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A011

    1. WWM 0933 Afrs Without Poetry Why Does It Get Late So Early
    2. WWM 0934 Afrs Polly Connell Reads Poetry
    3. WWM 0937
    4. WWM 0938

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A012

    1. WWM 1171 Afrs Without Poetry Horse That Knows Way
    2. WWM 1172 Afrs With Poetry Host Elizabeth Drake
    3. WWM 1179 Afrs Without Poetry Smile Will Go Long Long Way
    4. WWM 1180 Afrs With Poetry Host Beth Lane

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A013

    1. WWM 1183 Afrs Without Poetry Take Down Stars
    2. WWM 1184 Afrs With Poetry Lynn Allen Reads Poetry
    3. WWM 1573 Virginia Tunstalls Evening On Harbour Afrs 1573
    4. WWM 1574 Nightpiece Read By Jean Peters Afrs 1574

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A014

    1. WWM 1679 Afrs No Poetry
    2. WWM 1680 Afrs Poetry
    3. WWM 2239 You Smiled, You Spoke, And I Believed Afrs 2239
    4. WWM 2240 Raymond Burr Reads Blonde Room Afrs 2240

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A015

    1. WWM 2241 Evelyn Scotts Japanese Moon Afrs 2241
    2. WWM 2242 David Mortons From Hill Top Afrs 2242
    3. WWM AFRS Raymond Burr Shakespear's Othello
    4. WWM Gift Of The Magi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A016

    1. WWM with Poetry
    2. WWM 0023 450111 Janet Waldo reading Norman Corwin
    3. WWM 1681 Afrs 500000 No Poetry
    4. WWM 1682 Afrs 500000 Poetry Frances Gifford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Words with Music Disc A017

    1. WWM 1683 Afrs 500000 No Poetry
    2. WWM 1684 Afrs 500000 Poetry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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