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Witch Doctors and Medicine Men in Old Time Radio

There are many things in the natural world that can make you sick or injured, there are even more in the Supernatural World.

Witch Doctors

20 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 5 hours, 58 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs

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Shrunken Heads man

The natural world is filled with dangerous things that can hurt you or make you sick. With a little bit of intelligence and experience, we can avoid most of these. We know to slow down when running over uneven rocks so that we don't fall and hurt ourselves. Mothers everywhere warn their children not to eat too many berries out of season or they could get sick. Every child learns to be careful around a hot stove or they will get burned.

The supernatural world is filled with even more dangers, and they are not as easy for us to see. If we get sick from eating the wrong berries or burned from a hot pot, turning to a traditional healer is the obvious thing to do, but when injury or illness comes from the spirit world the answer is a witch doctor.

When European explorers first encountered native healers in their explorations of Africa, the Americas, and Oceania, they were taken aback by the huge amount of political power witch doctors held over their villages and tribe. Ironically, many of these explorers were supposedly working as missionaries to spread Christianity which had featured exorcism, the casting out of demons, as a central tenet of their faith.

To the scientific mind, the elaborate ceremonies and rituals practiced by witch doctors seem like the worst form of quackery. To a barely literate colonial soldier, they could appear to be nothing short of devil worship. Although a witch doctor's knowledge and practices often had a basis in superstition, modern analysis has shown that some of their potions have true medicinal value.

In the sensationalist literature of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the term witch doctor carried racist overtones with the implication that the native peoples who lived under the influence of witch doctors needed the civilizing influence of white society. In fact, people living in these tropical regions often enjoyed a healthier lifestyle with greater opportunities than the poor living in Victorian London.

  • VoodooTarzan of the Apes, 1932-1934, WOR, World Broadcasting Syndication. This series, although incomplete, is very faithful to Edgar Rice Burroughs' original stories. In fact, Burroughs approved the scripts and Jane is played by his daughter, Joan Burroughs.
  • Tarzan and the Diamond of Ashair, May 1935, WOR Syndication. Perhaps the earliest surviving complete serial featuring the characters created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The King of the Jungle is guiding a party to discover the Father of Diamonds, which the native witch doctors will prevent at any cost.
  • Moon Over Africa, July 27, 1935, Bruce Eells Syndication. The Professor, Jack, and Lorna witness the Witch of the Moon transform from a girl into a leopard. The leading warrior convinces his witch doctor to concoct a spell to drive the white man away from the village.
  • Suspense, October 27, 1942, "Lord of the Witchdoctors", from a story by John Dickson Carr. Three colonial nations are competing for influence over the island of Zanzibar, a rich caliphate of the coast of Equatorial Africa. Along with his harem, the Sultan keeps a ferocious lion caged in his palace. The natives on the mainland are being driven into a frenzy by the Lord of the Witch Doctors. The Witch Doctor is actually a Piccadilly Street magician sent by the Foreign Office, which means that along with supernatural shenanigans, there is plenty of Victorian Era espionage.
  • Adventure Ahead, September 23, 1944. "Talking Drums". American adventurer Philip Baring grew up on the West Coast of Africa and returns to help his father complete construction of a railroad through the jungle. The Ashanti Talking drums are spreading fear among the native workers. What are the witch doctors using the drums to tell the workers? Young Philip speaks Ashanti, can his music studies help him understand the drums as well?
  • Mark Trail, October 27, 1950, Mutual Network. The great naturalist is in Hawaii to survey the population of Nenes, rare Hawaiian geese. Early in the survey, Trail has a run in with a kahuna, or Hawaiian witch doctor, who promises him a supernatural whammy!

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    20 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 5 hours, 58 min
    20 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 5 hours, 58 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 20 shows – total playtime 5 hours, 58 minutes
    2. Adventure Ahead 440923 Talking Drums.mp3
    3. COTY 450612384 Medicine Man.mp3
    4. Dangerous Assignment 500809 027 Death Drums.mp3
    5. Ft 530708 326 Medicine Man.mp3
    6. Gunsmoke 570428 264 Medicine Man.mp3
    7. Mark Trail 501023 085 Sticks Of Fear.mp3
    8. Moon Over Africa 350727 Witchcraft Episode.mp3
    9. Mysterious Traveler 510313 Knives Of Death.mp3
    10. Nick Carter 440325 050 Drums Of Death.mp3
    11. Superman 400603 0049 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer Pt 04.mp3
    12. Superman 400605 0050 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer Pt 05.mp3
    13. Suspense 421027 Lord Of Witch Doctors.mp3
    14. Tarzan 321107 41 Ape Battles Snake.mp3
    15. Tarzan 321109 43 Tarzan Saves Jane.mp3
    16. Tarzan 321111 45 Reunited.mp3
    17. Tarzan 321114 46 Escape.mp3
    18. Tarzan 321122 52 Sounds In Cave.mp3
    19. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350516 12 Diamond Of Asher 12.mp3
    20. Unexpected 130 Voodoo Night Barry Sullivan.mp3
    21. Unsolved Mysteries 360000 00 Witch Doctor.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    20 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 5 hours, 58 min
    20 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    158 MB – total playtime 5 hours, 58 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 20 shows – 158 MB – total playtime 5 hours, 58 minutes
    2. Adventure Ahead 440923 Talking Drums.mp3
    3. COTY 450612384 Medicine Man.mp3
    4. Dangerous Assignment 500809 027 Death Drums.mp3
    5. Ft 530708 326 Medicine Man.mp3
    6. Gunsmoke 570428 264 Medicine Man.mp3
    7. Mark Trail 501023 085 Sticks Of Fear.mp3
    8. Moon Over Africa 350727 Witchcraft Episode.mp3
    9. Mysterious Traveler 510313 Knives Of Death.mp3
    10. Nick Carter 440325 050 Drums Of Death.mp3
    11. Superman 400603 0049 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer Pt 04.mp3
    12. Superman 400605 0050 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer Pt 05.mp3
    13. Suspense 421027 Lord Of Witch Doctors.mp3
    14. Tarzan 321107 41 Ape Battles Snake.mp3
    15. Tarzan 321109 43 Tarzan Saves Jane.mp3
    16. Tarzan 321111 45 Reunited.mp3
    17. Tarzan 321114 46 Escape.mp3
    18. Tarzan 321122 52 Sounds In Cave.mp3
    19. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350516 12 Diamond Of Asher 12.mp3
    20. Unexpected 130 Voodoo Night Barry Sullivan.mp3
    21. Unsolved Mysteries 360000 00 Witch Doctor.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    20 recordings on 7 Audio CDs. Total playtime 5 hours, 58 min
    20 recordings on 7 Audio CDs
    total playtime 5 hours, 58 min

    Witch Doctors Disc A001

    1. Unexpected 130 Voodoo Night Barry Sullivan
    2. Tarzan 321107 41 Ape Battles Snake
    3. Tarzan 321109 43 Tarzan Saves Jane
    4. Tarzan 321111 45 Reunited
    5. Tarzan 321114 46 Escape
    6. Tarzan 321122 52 Sounds In Cave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Witch Doctors Disc A002

    1. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350516 12 Diamond Of Asher 12
    2. Moon Over Africa 350727 Witchcraft Episode
    3. Unsolved Mysteries 360000 00 Witch Doctor
    4. Superman 400603 0049 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer Pt 04
    5. Superman 400605 0050 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer Pt 05

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Witch Doctors Disc A003

    1. Suspense 421027 Lord Of Witch Doctors
    2. Nick Carter 440325 050 Drums Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Witch Doctors Disc A004

    1. Adventure Ahead 440923 Talking Drums
    2. COTY 450612384 Medicine Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Witch Doctors Disc A005

    1. Dangerous Assignment 500809 027 Death Drums
    2. Mark Trail 501023 085 Sticks Of Fear

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Witch Doctors Disc A006

    1. Mysterious Traveler 510313 Knives Of Death
    2. Ft 530708 326 Medicine Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Witch Doctors Disc A007

    1. Gunsmoke 570428 264 Medicine Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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