Featuring the earliest recording artists of their day including Enrico Caruso, Billy Murray, as well as minstrel team Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan.
173 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 7 hours, 31 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
The early wax cylinder records were sold in a cardboard cylinder with a cardboard lid placed on each end. The appearance of the container, along with the tinny sound of the playback, led John Philip Sousa to deride the new technology as "canned music". Even if it was canned, it didn't stop Sousa and others from "jumping on the bandwagon" and having their music recorded.
Recording artists could be difficult for record company executives from the very beginning. A dedicated baseball fan, Billy Murray was known to call in sick so he could skip recording sessions and see the New York Highlanders (Yankees) play. Opera star Enrico Caruso was such a genius at self promotion that his reputation as a singer is still with us, even though he was gone even before the radio era. Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan specialized in what they called "coon songs", following a audio version of the black faced minstrel shows. Harry Macdonough recorded for several labels, including Edison, Michigan Electric and Victor, then went on to become an executive in charge of artists and repertoire and later technical development at Victor and Columbia.
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A001
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A002
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A003
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A004
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A005
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A006
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Wax Cylinders 4 (1907 - 1908) Disc A007
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