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Historic Recordings of Voting in the United States

To understand voting in the United States, one must understand the history of voting.

Voting in US

730 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 281 hours, 58 min)
available in the following formats:

13 MP3 CDs
168 Audio CDs

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When we think of voting in the United States today, we tend to take it for granted.  In fact, we take the right to vote for granted so much that it could very easily be taken away from us too.  To understand voting in the United States, one must understand the history of voting.

In 1787 when the Constitution was ratified, those who could vote in the United States was very specific.  At the time, only white males age 21 years and who owned land could vote.  By the time the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified to the Constitution it granted full citizenship rights including the right to vote to all men who were born in the United States or who became a naturalized citizen.

LBJ Singing Voting Act 1965

The next big test for voting rights would take place through 1920 when the Suffragist Movement started.  The verbiage of the Nineteenth Amendment states that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.  That election year, 1920, women went to the polls in overwhelming numbers and pulled the lever for Warren G. Harding.  100 years later, it seemed fitting that the first woman vice president, Kamala Harris was elected. 

By the 1940s, a state like Georgia was one of the few to allow 18 year olds to vote.  Over the next twenty plus years; particularly during the Vietnam Era it became more of an issue as 18 year olds were being drafted to fight in a war in Southeast Asia but had no political say until the age of 21 years.  That would all be remedied in 1971 with the addition of the Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

While the Fourteenth Amendment was passed, nearly 100 years had passed and African-Americans still could not enjoy the right to vote in free and fair elections.  States like Alabama would make African-Americans do inappropriate tasks like counting how many beans were in a jar before they could cast a ballot.   Civil Rights leaders like John Lewis would march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on March 7, 1965, known as Bloody Sunday to cause as John Lewis called it, "good trouble" to guarantee African-Americans' right to vote.  President Lyndon Johnson addressed a Joint Session of Congress to talk about the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  On May 26, 1965, the United States Senate passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 77 to 19 with with only Senators from Southern states voting against it.  The United States House of Representatives would pass the bill by a vote of 333 to 85 on July 9, 1965.  The president would sign the bill on August 6, 1965.  

Al Gore and Joe LibermanThe 2000 Election was hard fought, and close. It came down to around 500 votes in the state of Florida which triggered recounts.  After court hearings in the Florida Supreme Court and the landmark Supreme Court Case, Bush v Gore; the Election was declared for Governor George W. Bush winning 271 Electoral Votes to Vice President Al Gore's 266 Electoral Votes.  Gore did win the popular vote.

Since the 1970s, the real issue that was taunting free and fair elections was big money in politics.  While the Buckley case in 1976 laid the foundation for this practice, Citizens United made it more permanent.  

By 2020, there was a controversy over the process by which Americans were voting.  Because of COVID-19, and no vaccine at the time, more Americans opted to vote by mail to avoid contracting the virus.  The general rule in elections is when more Americans vote, Democrats tend to win elections.  In that election, Former Vice President Joe Biden won over President Donald Trump with 81 million votes the most ever won by a presidential candidate.  This outcome sparked cries of a rigged election by the defeated president and his VERY loyal supporters.  This feeling was so strong that many Trump supporters attended a Stop the Steal rally in Washington, DC in support of Donald Trump.  What happened was unimaginable as some at the rally stormed the US Capitol to stop the certification of the Electoral Vote declaring Joe Biden the next President and Kamala Harris the next Vice President.

Since the DC Riot, several states have worked to pass election laws making it more difficult to vote in some areas.  MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell went around declaring fraud with the evidence ready to show at a three day FrankSpeech symposium offering anyone $5 million to prove him wrong.  Donald Trump would still go around the country and on the media declaring 2020 was stolen.

So with future elections yet to be observed, it is important that we understand the history of voting.  This collection is dedicated to that sacred right of every American citizen.

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    730 recordings on 13 MP3 CDs for just $60.00. Total playtime 281 hours, 58 min
    730 recordings on 13 MP3 CDs for just $60.00
    total playtime 281 hours, 58 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 103 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19421102 Harry S Truman Voting War Effort.mp3
    3. 19441005 Franklin D. Roosevelt the Right to Vote.mp3
    4. 19441005 Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Right to Vote.mp3
    5. 19441106 Get Out Vote for FDR.mp3
    6. 19510704 Harry Truman the Cause of Freedom P1.mp3
    7. 19510704 Harry Truman the Cause of Freedom P2.mp3
    8. 19521103 Harry S Truman Election Eve Remarks.mp3
    9. 19521103 HTruman Radio Remarks Election Eve Kansas City MO.mp3
    10. 19560323 Harry S Truman Ideals Democracy.mp3
    11. 19560529 Harry Truman Reminds Americans Vote.mp3
    12. 19610106 Richard M Nixon Declares John Kennedy President.mp3
    13. 19621011 JFK Bill Lawrence Interview.mp3
    14. 19621101 JFK Reminds Americans Vote November 6th.mp3
    15. 19621101 JFK Urge Public Vote on Election Day.mp3
    16. 19640623 LBJ 835PM Phone Call Mrs Nathan Schwerner.mp3
    17. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 355PM Phone Call James Eastland.mp3
    18. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 405PM Phone Call J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    19. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 425PM Phone Call James Eastland.mp3
    20. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 630PM Phone Call Lee White.mp3
    21. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 821PM Phone Call Paul Johnson.mp3
    22. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 850PM Phone Call Mr Robert Goodman.mp3
    23. 19640625 Walter Cronkite Search in Mississippi.mp3
    24. 19640628 Frank McGee Chaney Goodman Schwerner.mp3
    25. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover FBI Wont Protect Civil Rights Worker.mp3
    26. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover Missing Civil Rights Workers in MS.mp3
    27. 19650313 Lyndon Johnson Meeting George Wallace.mp3
    28. 19650315 LBJ Special Message Congress Voting Rights 1965.mp3
    29. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 1.mp3
    30. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 2.mp3
    31. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 3.mp3
    32. 19650321 Alexander Kendrick Selma City Symbol.mp3
    33. 19650326 Lyndon Johnson 810AM Phone Call J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    34. 19650806 LBJ Signs Voting Rights Act of 1965.mp3
    35. 19660000 Ronald Reagan John Wayne Instructions on Voting.mp3
    36. 19710705 Richard M Nixon Certifies 26th Amendment.mp3
    37. 19710913 Radio Spot Encourage Youth Vote 1972.mp3
    38. 19720606 George McGovern Jimmy Carter Voting Rights Act P1.mp3
    39. 19720606 George McGovern Jimmy Carter Voting Rights Act P2.mp3
    40. 19721106 Richard Nixon Election Eve Statement.mp3
    41. 19800000 John Weyrich I Dont Want Everybody Vote.mp3
    42. 19860715 Ronald Reagan Remarks Teenaged Republicans.mp3
    43. 19860731 Ronald Reagan, Inspire American Youth to Vote.mp3
    44. 19861018 Ronald Reagan Voter Participation.mp3
    45. 19870521 Ronald Reagan Vote America.mp3
    46. 19910000 Gerald Ford Views Gerrymandering Perks Super PACs.mp3
    47. 19910000 Richard Nixon View on Term Limits.mp3
    48. 19910000 Ronald Reagan Views on Gerrymandering.mp3
    49. 19920000 James Carville Pep Talk Clinton Supporters.mp3
    50. 19930520 Bill Clinton Motor Voter Bill Signing.mp3
    51. 19930614 Bill Clinton Flag Day Proclivities.mp3
    52. 19930614 Bill Clinton, Flag Day Proclivities.mp3
    53. 19971222 JBolton FWertheimer Buckley v Valeo Nov 10 1975.mp3
    54. 20000305 Bill Clinton 35th Anniv of Voting Rights March.mp3
    55. 20001103 Bill Clinton Get Out Vote Rally.mp3
    56. 20001108 Clinton No American Again Say My Vote Doesnt Count.mp3
    57. 20001122 George W Bush Florida Vote Recount.mp3
    58. 20001205 Al Gore Florida Vote Recount.mp3
    59. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 1.mp3
    60. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 2.mp3
    61. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 3.mp3
    62. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 4.mp3
    63. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 5.mp3
    64. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 6.mp3
    65. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 7.mp3
    66. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Decision in Bush vs Gore.mp3
    67. 20001211 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument.mp3
    68. 20001212 Brett Kavanaugh Bush vs Gore Decision.mp3
    69. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 1.mp3
    70. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 2.mp3
    71. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 3.mp3
    72. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 4.mp3
    73. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 5.mp3
    74. 20010106 Al Gore Declares George W Bush President.mp3
    75. 20050630 JCarter James Baker Comm Fed Elect Press Briefing.mp3
    76. 20060628 Arthur Davis I have Button on My Television.mp3
    77. 20060628 Bobby Scott We Need Fair Opportunity.mp3
    78. 20060628 D.Scott This Very Shameful Amendment.mp3
    79. 20060628 John Lewis The Right Vote Precious.mp3
    80. 20060628 Linda Sanchez I Know Little Bit About This.mp3
    81. 20060628 Michael Honda Voting Power.mp3
    82. 20060713 ADavis There Were Barack Obamas In Old South.mp3
    83. 20060713 Barbara Lee Let Us Practice What We Preach.mp3
    84. 20060713 CBrown 27000 Votes In My Precinct Were Thrown Out.mp3
    85. 20060713 Charles Rangel Not Too Long Ago.mp3
    86. 20060713 D.Scott Tell Truth Mr Westmoreland.mp3
    87. 20060713 DScott Westmoreland Goal Kill Voting Right Act.mp3
    88. 20060713 Eddie Bernice Johnson Just Two Weeks Ago.mp3
    89. 20060713 JConyers Norwood Never Testified Before Committee.mp3
    90. 20060713 JLewis Cannot Separate Debate Today History.mp3
    91. 20060713 JNadler The Most Fundamental of American Values.mp3
    92. 20060713 John Barrow I Was Raised On Ten Commandments.mp3
    93. 20060713 John Conyers It Was on February 9 1965.mp3
    94. 20060713 JSensenbrenner Norwood Voting Rights Act Farce.mp3
    95. 20060713 Linda Sanchez Lets Pass HR 9 Clean.mp3
    96. 20060713 Marty Meehan We Will Ensure Our Future.mp3
    97. 20060713 Maxine Waters Sad But Simple True.mp3
    98. 20060713 Melvin Luther Watt I Am Living Proof.mp3
    99. 20060713 MLuther Watt This Not History of Pastt.mp3
    100. 20060713 Nancy Pelosi We Must Reject Gradualism.mp3
    101. 20060713 REmanuel Literacy Test Grandfthr Clauses Poll Tax.mp3
    102. 20060713 Steny Hoyer Our Nation Right Thing 41 Years Ago.mp3
    103. 20060713 Stephanie Tubbs Jones I Come Ohio.mp3
    104. 20090106 Dick Cheney Declares Barack Obama President.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 29 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 5 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 20090909 Supr Ct Citizens United v Fed Election Commission.mp3
    3. 20100423 Barack Obama The Importance of Voting.mp3
    4. 20120802 Joe Biden Iowa Starts Voting Early September 27th.mp3
    5. 20130227 US Supreme Court Shelby County vs Holder.mp3
    6. 20140407 Joe Biden Stand Up for Voting Rights.mp3
    7. 20150307 50th Anniversary of Voting Rights March.mp3
    8. 20170106 Joe Biden Declares Donald Trump President.mp3
    9. 20191012 Donald Trump Values Voter Summit.mp3
    10. 20191017 House Jud Cmt Legl Proposal Voting Rights Act.mp3
    11. 20191023 House Judiciary Comt Markup Voting Rights Adv Act.mp3
    12. 20200212 S.Brown Calls Out Senate Repub.mp3
    13. 20200212 S.Brown Presses Retribution Tour.mp3
    14. 20200507 M.McMorrow Maj Didnt Help Firefighter.mp3
    15. 20200513 US Supreme Court Chiafalo v WA CO v Baca Oral Arg.mp3
    16. 20201104 Joe Biden Patience Commendable.mp3
    17. 20201104 Joe Biden We Wont Rest Until Every Vote Counted.mp3
    18. 20201104 Trump Go Supreme Court Dispute Election Count.mp3
    19. 20201105 Gabriel Sterling Update Days Ballot Counting in GA.mp3
    20. 20201112 BRaffensperger Press Conf 2020 Election Results.mp3
    21. 20201125 Rudy Giuliani PA Election Hearing.mp3
    22. 20201130 AZ Legislature Public Hearings on 2020 Election.mp3
    23. 20201201 MCarone Testimony MI State Senate on 2020 Election.mp3
    24. 20201202 Brad Raffensperger These Poll Workers Are Neighbors.mp3
    25. 20201202 MCarone Testimony MI State Senate on 2020 Election.mp3
    26. 20201203 Georgia Senate Integrity of Georgia Voting Process.mp3
    27. 20201214 Arizona Senate Hearings on Election Fraud.mp3
    28. 20201214 Joe Biden Electoral College Vote Certification.mp3
    29. 20201216 AZ Senate Examining Irregularities in 2020 Election.mp3
    30. 20201223 Trump Call GA SOS Investigator Frances Watson.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 61 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 21 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 20210102 Donald Trump Call GA SOS Brad Raffensperger.mp3
    3. 20210104 Brad Raffensperger Press Conf 2020 Election Ballots.mp3
    4. 20210104 Gabriel Sterling Debunks Claims Voter Fraud in GA.mp3
    5. 20210105 Debra Messing GA Purged Raffensperger No Hero.mp3
    6. 20210106 Donald Trump Address Stop Steal Rally.mp3
    7. 20210106 Donald Trump Go Home We Love You.mp3
    8. 20210106 Donald Trump I Jr Address Stop Steal Rally.mp3
    9. 20210106 Joe Biden Siege on US Capitol.mp3
    10. 20210106 Mitch McConnell Comments on Electoral Vote.mp3
    11. 20210106 MPence Cong Certification Electoral College Vote.mp3
    12. 20210107 Mike Pence Declares Joe Biden President.mp3
    13. 20210110 Brad Raffensperger 11780 Votes.mp3
    14. 20210302 Supreme Ct Brnovichich vs DNC Oral Argument.mp3
    15. 20210303 J.Biden Remarks House Dem Caucus.mp3
    16. 20210321 T.Hartmann Coming for Birth Control.mp3
    17. 20210422 House Judic Comt Oversight Voting Rights Act.mp3
    18. 20210427 Pearson Sharp Grave Threat Voting Fraud.mp3
    19. 20210517 T.HartmannBrutal American Oligarchy.mp3
    20. 20210518 AZ Senate Update Maricopa County Election Audit.mp3
    21. 20210616 KHarris Meeting Texas Democrats on Voting Rights.mp3
    22. 20210616 Texas Democrats Press Meeting at White House.mp3
    23. 20210622 Greg Palast Get Out of My House GA GOP Busted.mp3
    24. 20210623 Kamala Harris Voting Rights.mp3
    25. 20210703 Inside TX Politics NCollier Voting Election Legisl.mp3
    26. 20210709 Texas Democrats New Voting Rights Legislation.mp3
    27. 20210709 Texas Democrats Voting Election Legislation.mp3
    28. 20210710 Inside TX Politics BHughes NJohnson Election Bill.mp3
    29. 20210713 Biden Protecting Sacred Constitutional Right Vote.mp3
    30. 20210713 KHarris Meeting TX Democrats Who Fled DC.mp3
    31. 20210714 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Disabled.mp3
    32. 20210714 Texas Republicans Voting Election Legislation.mp3
    33. 20210715 Arizona Senate Election Audit in Maricopa County.mp3
    34. 20210716 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Women.mp3
    35. 20210716 Texas Democrats News Conference on Voting Rights.mp3
    36. 20210718 AKlobuchar Stacy Abrams Voting Rights Roundtable.mp3
    37. 20210721 Barbara Arnwine John Lewis Voting Rights Act.mp3
    38. 20210721 Kamala Harris Poll Workers Election Officials.mp3
    39. 20210721 Lala Wu Texas Voter Legislation Explained.mp3
    40. 20210727 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Native Americans.mp3
    41. 20210803 Mike Lindell Interview D.Pakman.mp3
    42. 20210806 Mike Lindell Interview Drew Griffin.mp3
    43. 20210913 C. Schumer Freedom Vote Act.mp3
    44. 20210913 Rob Reiner California Recall Election.mp3
    45. 20210914 DPakman LElder Claims Fraud Before Recall Electn.mp3
    46. 20210914 FCousins 60 Percent GOP Believing Trump Election.mp3
    47. 20210914 R.Rhodes California Recall of Gavin Newsom.mp3
    48. 20210914 Stephanie Miller California Recall Over.mp3
    49. 20210915 D.Pakman GOP Humiliated CA Recall Defeat.mp3
    50. 20210917 DCalloway BKristol AGonzalez Trump Cancer GOP.mp3
    51. 20210918 FCousins Stop Electing People Want Shut Gov Down.mp3
    52. 20210919 FCousins PA Republicans Copy AZ Ballot Audit.mp3
    53. 20210920 DPakman Trump Letter Demanding Declared GA Winner.mp3
    54. 20210920 FCousins Trump Wants GA Decertify Election Results.mp3
    55. 20210920 Second Rally Completely Humiliating Failure.mp3
    56. 20210921 Spencer Headworth Policing Welfare Recipients.mp3
    57. 20210922 Malcolm Nance Leaked Memo was Planned Coup.mp3
    58. 20210922 R.Rhodes Coup.mp3
    59. 20210923 DPakman MJGreene Humiliates Herself Memes Hs Flr.mp3
    60. 20210923 Mary Gay Scanlon Protecting of Democracy Act.mp3
    61. 20210923 R.Rhodes Corporate Democrats are Problem.mp3
    62. 20210924 AHaywood 2020 Election Over Time Move On.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 90 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 20210924 COVID-19 Response Vaccine Updates.mp3
    3. 20210924 Cyber Ninjas Share Audit Results of AZ Ballot.mp3
    4. 20210924 Presentation of Maricopa County AZ Election Audit.mp3
    5. 20210924 RRhodes Cyber Ninjas Determine Results AZ Audit.mp3
    6. 20210924 THartmann 2022 Election Free Americans Grifters.mp3
    7. 20210926 THartmann Inspired Bullies Mobilize Authorn Candt.mp3
    8. 20210927 DPakman Trump Calls Decertification AZ Elctrl Vote.mp3
    9. 20210927 F.Cousins Texas Conduct Ballot Audit 2020 Election.mp3
    10. 20210927 F.Cousins Trump Declares Victory AZ Audit Aftr Lost.mp3
    11. 20210930 Donald Trump Thoughts on Arizona Audit.mp3
    12. 20211001 F.Cousins Majority of Voters Favor Secession.mp3
    13. 20211002 F.Cousins GOP Want AZ Audit Trump Lost Again.mp3
    14. 20211004 D.Pakman R.Giuliani Admits Evidence Social Media.mp3
    15. 20211004 F.Cousins Trump Attacks Media Over AZ Audit Results.mp3
    16. 20211004 May Davis Why Mail In Voting Racist.mp3
    17. 20211005 S.Miller Mitch McConnell Kyrsten Sinemas Agenda.mp3
    18. 20211006 R.Rhodes Americans Cant Have Nice Things.mp3
    19. 20211007 R.Rhodes Turn Light On Dark Money.mp3
    20. 20211007 T.Hartmann Two Strategies Steal 2024 Election.mp3
    21. 20211010 F.Cousins Trump Tries Avoid Blame Upcoming Midterms.mp3
    22. 20211011 F.Cousins Giuliani Reveal Elect Fraud Evid FB.mp3
    23. 20211011 Jen Senko Brainwashing of My Dad Part 1.mp3
    24. 20211011 Jen Senko Brainwashing of My Dad Part 2.mp3
    25. 20211012 Charlie Pierce Why Do They Believe Him.mp3
    26. 20211012 T.Hartmann Time for Genuine Patriots Rescue America.mp3
    27. 20211013 D.Pakman Dead People Are Voting.mp3
    28. 20211013 R.Rhodes Not Your Fathers Political Party.mp3
    29. 20211014 Geoff Duncan What Happened GOP Under Trump.mp3
    30. 20211016 F.Cousins 37 Members Congress Violat STOCK Act 2021.mp3
    31. 20211018 F.Cousins GOP Still Pushing Be Speaker of House.mp3
    32. 20211019 A.King Makes Case for Voting Rights Legislation.mp3
    33. 20211019 F.Durbin Accuses M.McConnell Weaponizing Filibuster.mp3
    34. 20211020 Kamala Harris Its Really Sad Day.mp3
    35. 20211023 F.Cousins Defend FL Group Door Door Voter Fraud.mp3
    36. 20211025 R.Rhodes So You Want Beca Member of Congress.mp3
    37. 20211029 R.Rhodes They Say Anything Grandstand for President.mp3
    38. 20211102 C. Todd Kristen Welker Election Night 2021.mp3
    39. 20211102 D.Packman CRT Most Important Issue.mp3
    40. 20211102 John Ladarla CRT Most Important Issue.mp3
    41. 20211109 COVID Deaths Trump Voters Outpaces Biden Voters.mp3
    42. 20211117 T.Hartmann Media Hyping Infl Ignoring Good Economy.mp3
    43. 20211118 T.Hartmann Leave It Beaver So Strategy.mp3
    44. 20211206 Has GOP Lost All Sense of Morality.mp3
    45. 20211206 T.Hartmann Dem Prove They Are Party of Freedom.mp3
    46. 20211206 T.Hartmann Media Bias Favors Trump over Biden.mp3
    47. 20211207 D.Pakman Trump Rants Dinner Guests.mp3
    48. 20211207 R.Rhodes this What Gerrymandering Looks Like.mp3
    49. 20211208 D.Pakman Next Coup Has Already Happened.mp3
    50. 20211210 The Craven Plan End Democracy Exposed.mp3
    51. 20211212 D.Parkman Could Donald Trump Bc Speaker House 2023.mp3
    52. 20211212 T.Hartmann Do We Ignore or Engage Rural Voters.mp3
    53. 20211213 Brian Tyler Cohen Secret Election Plot Revealed.mp3
    54. 20211213 F.Cousins M.Meadows Plan Military Overturn Election.mp3
    55. 20211213 F.Cousins S.Meyers Needs Use Platform Educate Voter.mp3
    56. 20211213 T.Hartmann America Edge of Oligarchy or Opportunity.mp3
    57. 20211214 D.Pakman Michael Cohen Interview.mp3
    58. 20211214 D.Parkman Throwing Stones Weak Glass Houses.mp3
    59. 20211214 R.Warnock Nothing More Important Voting Rights.mp3
    60. 20211215 Joe Madison Right Vote Worth Your Life.mp3
    61. 20211216 Joe Manchins Lump of Coal in Our Stocking.mp3
    62. 20211217 J.Jordan Freedom Caucus Direct Implicated Ovrthrgh.mp3
    63. 20211218 F.Cousins K.West Presidential Cmpgn Run by GOP.mp3
    64. 20211224 Pat Ford Americans are Done Trump Biden.mp3
    65. 20211226 F.Cousins Republican Party Plan for 2022 Election.mp3
    66. 20211226 F.Cousins TX Tax Payers Spent 2 Million Voter Fraud.mp3
    67. 20211228 D.Pakman 5000 Dead Voters Found Alive.mp3
    68. 20211228 F.Cousins L.Gohmert Sued M.Pence Overturn Election.mp3
    69. 20220102 D.Pakman MT.Greene Ban Dem Moving Red States.mp3
    70. 20220102 F.Cousins MT.Greene Dem Banned Voting in Red States.mp3
    71. 20220103 D.Pakman Chilling Letter Seizure Electn Materials.mp3
    72. 20220103 D.Pakman Military Generals Warn Military Coup 2024.mp3
    73. 20220103 E.Boehlert Biden Were GOP Press Put Him Mt Rushmore.mp3
    74. 20220103 F.Cousins 6 Prcnt GOP Believes Biden Won Election.mp3
    75. 20220103 Karl Frisch Its Time Talk About Republican Men.mp3
    76. 20220103 R.Rhodes Propaganda Works.mp3
    77. 20220103 T.Hartmann American Rugged Individualism.mp3
    78. 20220104 Charlie Pierce Can Media Help Save Democracy.mp3
    79. 20220104 F.Cousins T.Cruz Says GOP Ready Impeach Biden 2023.mp3
    80. 20220105 C. Schumer Rails Against GOP Opposing Voter Rights.mp3
    81. 20220105 F.Cousins Trump Major Fundraising MAGA Candidates.mp3
    82. 20220105 J.Harrison Full On Assault On All of Our Rights.mp3
    83. 20220105 M.McConnell Invok Jan 6 Pass Voting Rights Disgrace.mp3
    84. 20220106 The Fragility Strength of Our Democracy.mp3
    85. 20220110 M.McConnell Ending Filibuster Ruin Democracy.mp3
    86. 20220110 R.Rhodes Ted Cruz Front Running Phony.mp3
    87. 20220111 B.Karem Politics an Afterthought Working People.mp3
    88. 20220111 BT.Cohen Finally Anncmnt We Have Been Waiting For.mp3
    89. 20220111 F.Cousins Cable Cabinet.mp3
    90. 20220111 F.Cousins Forged Ectn Certif Letters AZ MI Overturn.mp3
    91. 20220111 F.Cousins Mike Rounds labeled Crazy Stupid.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 134 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 20220111 L.Graham Dm Attempted Election Takeover.mp3
    3. 20220111 Mitt Romney Donald Trump Joe Biden Are Same.mp3
    4. 20220111 R.Rhodes If Filibuster.mp3
    5. 20220111 T.Cruz Dem Desperate Break Senate Rules Power Grabs.mp3
    6. 20220111 T.Hartmann FL First State Lose Democracy.mp3
    7. 20220111 T.Hartmann We Have Only Seen Small Part of Coup.mp3
    8. 20220111 Urgent Need Pass Voter Rights Legislation.mp3
    9. 20220112 C. Schumer Mitt Romney Knows Trump Biden Arent Same.mp3
    10. 20220112 D.Pakman Biden Harris Uninspird Hillary 2024.mp3
    11. 20220112 M.Nance Corp Media Hooked on Drama of Trump.mp3
    12. 20220112 Mitch McConnell Profoundly Unpresidential.mp3
    13. 20220112 T.Hartmann Why They Dont You Believe in Democracy.mp3
    14. 20220112 Tom Cotton Speaking in Defense of Filibuster.mp3
    15. 20220113 BT.Cohen Kyrsten Sinema Stuns Shocking Anncmnt.mp3
    16. 20220113 D.Pakman Bad News for Ohio GOP.mp3
    17. 20220113 Its About Who Gets Count Vote.mp3
    18. 20220113 K.Sinema Opposes Filibuster Carveout Voting Rights.mp3
    19. 20220114 R.Rhodes Wont Confirm Judge Traffic Tickets.mp3
    20. 20220118 R.Rhodes Let Games Begin.mp3
    21. 20220119 L.Graham Senate Dem Attempt Dismantle Filibuster.mp3
    22. 20220119 R.Rhodes Big Fat Juicy Election Fraud.mp3
    23. 20220119 T.Hartmann Can Election Police Be Stopped.mp3
    24. 20220120 BT.Cohen Senator Goes Megaviral Speech of Year.mp3
    25. 20220120 R.Rhodes Were All Black Now.mp3
    26. 20220121 BT.Cohen J.Ernst Asked Name 3 Things GOP Stands.mp3
    27. 20220121 D.Pakman No More Presidential Debates for GOP.mp3
    28. 20220121 D.Pakman Will They Try Steal More Elections.mp3
    29. 20220123 F.Cousins Signed Forged Election Doc Knew Illegal.mp3
    30. 20220125 BT.Cohen Dem Unexpected Good News Key Swing St.mp3
    31. 20220125 Jill Wine-Banks Bar Too Low.mp3
    32. 20220126 T.Hartmann What Biden Has Done That You Dont Know.mp3
    33. 20220127 R.Rhodes Cant Just We Do What Works.mp3
    34. 20220127 Rumor Abt M.Obama Created Raise Money for Midterms.mp3
    35. 20220128 F.Cousins 59 Lawmakers Cld Face Jail Fake Elector.mp3
    36. 20220129 Chris Salcedo Demographics in TX Are Changing.mp3
    37. 20220129 Donald Trump Jr Were on Verge of WWIII.mp3
    38. 20220131 D.Pakman Trump Threatens More Riots in Future.mp3
    39. 20220131 T.Hartmann Candidates Answered Call Viokence.mp3
    40. 20220131 T.Hartmann ConfessTreason Exposes Electoral College.mp3
    41. 20220201 Frank Figliuzzi Watergate 711 Robbery By Comparison.mp3
    42. 20220202 Brian Tyler Cohen Trump Turns Ally Lindsey Graham.mp3
    43. 20220202 D.Pakman Trump Demands Pence Be Investigated.mp3
    44. 20220202 D.Pakman Trump Turns Republicans Newsmax Intvw.mp3
    45. 20220203 B.Cesca It Now OK Be Openly Racist.mp3
    46. 20220204 D.Pakman Plan Seize Voting Machines.mp3
    47. 20220204 F.Cousins FLGOP Switch Senior Vote Reg.mp3
    48. 20220204 Jamie Raskin Protecting Vote.mp3
    49. 20220204 T.Hartmann Voting Schemes Stop You Ballot Box.mp3
    50. 20220207 D.Pakman Mar-a Lago Raided by National Archives.mp3
    51. 20220207 Glenn Kirshner Mike Pence No Hero.mp3
    52. 20220208 D.Pakman Democrats Lacking 2024 Candidates.mp3
    53. 20220208 R.Rhodes Republicans Choose Their Voters.mp3
    54. 20220208 Stephanie Miller Did We Just Witness Breakup.mp3
    55. 20220209 D.Pakman Civil War Inside Republican Party.mp3
    56. 20220209 T.Hartmann Will America Learn Radicalism or Perish.mp3
    57. 20220210 D.Pakman Trump Clogged WH Toilet Flushing Documents.mp3
    58. 20220210 T.Hartmann Toiletgate Biggest Doc Dump Flushed Out.mp3
    59. 20220211 F.Cousins M.Taylor Greene Thinks Government Sucks.mp3
    60. 20220211 John Fulgelsang Media Misses Trump’s Ratings.mp3
    61. 20220214 T.Hartmann Fate Future of GOP.mp3
    62. 20220215 D.Pakman Trump Accounts Fin Stmnt Not Trusted.mp3
    63. 20220215 S.Miller Someone Didnt Have Good Valentine’s Day.mp3
    64. 20220215 T.Hartmann America Has Militia Problem.mp3
    65. 20220215 T.Hartmann Charles Sauer How Much Gov Too Much.mp3
    66. 20220215 T.Hartmann Why Are Some Believing Crack Pipe Lies.mp3
    67. 20220216 Bob Cesca Who Heck Will Do Trump Taxes.mp3
    68. 20220216 D.Pakman Trump Admits Fin Stmnt Inaccurate.mp3
    69. 20220218 D.Pakman Candidates Will Try Steal Next Election.mp3
    70. 20220218 D.Pakman MTG Claims Husband’s Vote Was Stolen.mp3
    71. 20220218 T.Hartmann New Mail In Ballot Law 21st Century Tax.mp3
    72. 20220218 WJ.Barber II Can Reset Am Values Reset Democracy.mp3
    73. 20220221 D.Pakman Confirmed Trump Stole Classified Documents.mp3
    74. 20220221 Joe Walsh Can Race War be Stopped.mp3
    75. 20220221 John Aravosis Democrats Have Messaging Problem.mp3
    76. 20220222 C.Pierce Entire Business Infrastructure Crumbling.mp3
    77. 20220222 T.Hartmann Door Door Harassment Black Voters in NC.mp3
    78. 20220223 Stephanie Miller He Said What About Ukraine.mp3
    79. 20220224 F.Cousins Matt Gaetz Begging Donald Trump Speaker.mp3
    80. 20220224 S.Miller Putin Get Moneys Worth w Trump.mp3
    81. 20220224 T.Hartmann People Who Took America War Exposed.mp3
    82. 20220224 T.Hartmann Rick Scotts 11 Pt Plan Rescue America.mp3
    83. 20220225 T.Hartmann GA GOP Installs Plan End Democracy.mp3
    84. 20220226 F.Cousins Terrifying Agenda for 2022.mp3
    85. 20220227 B.Tyler Cohen Trump Calls US Leadership Dumb CPAC.mp3
    86. 20220228 D.Pakman Trump Announces 2024 Bid CPAC.mp3
    87. 20220301 T.Hartmann Can Democracy Be Destroyed.mp3
    88. 20220301 T.Hartmann Why Everything Causing Death Poverty.mp3
    89. 20220302 Bob Cesca Even Mitch McConnell Embarrassed.mp3
    90. 20220302 D.Pakman Lauren Boebert Mocks Biden.mp3
    91. 20220302 John Yarmuth This All Performance Art.mp3
    92. 20220302 Malcolm Nance There Were Two Children in Audience.mp3
    93. 20220302 Stephanie Miller Boebert Taylor Greene Heckle Biden.mp3
    94. 20220302 T.Hartmann As Fourth Great Turning Unwinds.mp3
    95. 20220304 K.Weil How ProPutin Connected Flat Earthers AntiVax.mp3
    96. 20220307 B.Barr I Would Still Vote for Donald Trump 2024.mp3
    97. 20220307 F.Cousins Trump Would Enter Murder Pact America.mp3
    98. 20220308 D.Pakman Bill Barr Still Vote Trump Over Democrat.mp3
    99. 20220308 S.Miller Jody Hamilton Rick Scott Adam Schiff.mp3
    100. 20220309 Bill Barr Trump Improved Republican Party.mp3
    101. 20220310 T.Hartmann There Plan End Medicare Social Security.mp3
    102. 20220311 Joe Biden Delivers Remarks House Dem Caucus.mp3
    103. 20220314 D.Pakman Trump Stuns World at Rally.mp3
    104. 20220314 J.Biden Ntnl League Cities Congressional City Conf.mp3
    105. 20220316 T.Hartmann Libertarian Movmnt Brought Us Crisis.mp3
    106. 20220318 D.Pakman Calls For Violence Media Doesn’t Care.mp3
    107. 20220318 T.Homer Dixon Could US Become Dictatorship by 2030.mp3
    108. 20220323 Richard Wolff Will US Starve Because of Ukraine.mp3
    109. 20220323 T.Hartmann All Sold Out Politicians Left Perf Act.mp3
    110. 20220324 F.Cousins Bill Make Voting Records Address Public.mp3
    111. 20220324 K.Harris Celeb Anniv Signing of Voting Rights EO.mp3
    112. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt1.mp3
    113. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt2.mp3
    114. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt3.mp3
    115. 20220328 D.Pakman Debate Over Killing Women Having Abortions.mp3
    116. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt1.mp3
    117. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt2.mp3
    118. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt3.mp3
    119. 20220404 Eric Boehlert Political Discourse.mp3
    120. 20220404 F.Cousins AK Rep Not Happy with Sarah Palin.mp3
    121. 20220405 D.Pakman Rally Attendees Have Interesting Theories.mp3
    122. 20220405 R.Rhodes Party By Subtraction.mp3
    123. 20220407 I.Milhiser Protesting Become Functionally Illegal.mp3
    124. 20220407 S.Miller We All Need Carry Eric Boehlerts Message.mp3
    125. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt1.mp3
    126. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt2.mp3
    127. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt3.mp3
    128. 20220411 D.Pakman There Division Over Trump Endorsements.mp3
    129. 20220411 R.Rhodes Stop Electing Stupid People.mp3
    130. 20220415 D.Pakman Trump Raising Millions Fundraising Email.mp3
    131. 20220417 F.Cousins Rep Vote Pull Out of Future POTUS Debates.mp3
    132. 20220419 F.Cousins Rick Scott Most Evil Senator.mp3
    133. 20220419 Mallory McMorrow We Will Not Let Hate Win.mp3
    134. 20220419 R.Rhodes Political War on Math.mp3
    135. 20220419 T.Hartmann Could Democrats Win Big.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 38 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20220420 R.Rhodes Follow Money.mp3
    3. 20220420 T.Hartmann Why Democrats Like Sen. McMorrow are Mad.mp3
    4. 20220421 F.Cousins M.Lindell Swears 2020 Election Overturned.mp3
    5. 20220424 D.Pakman Interview with JR Majewski of OH.mp3
    6. 20220430 D.Pakman Interview with Ro Khanna of CA.mp3
    7. 20220501 D.Pakman Do We Have POTUS Stand Ins Like Dave.mp3
    8. 20220502 D.Pakman Cognitive Tests for Political Candidates.mp3
    9. 20220503 D.Pakman America Going Backwards.mp3
    10. 20220503 D.Pakman Republicans Rejoyce.mp3
    11. 20220504 D.Pakman Interview with John Gibbs of MI.mp3
    12. 20220505 F.Cousins Go FULL MAGA or Be Destroyed.mp3
    13. 20220526 B.Tyler Cohen Voters Make Elected Officials Listen.mp3
    14. 20220526 T.Hartmann Proof Old Ways Don’t Work.mp3
    15. 20220530 Brian Tyler Cohen Fed Up Tim Ryan Shreds JD Vance.mp3
    16. 20220601 T.Hartmann Tapes Reveal Plan Contest Elections.mp3
    17. 20220602 F.Cousins Leaked Memo Reveals Distancing from Trump.mp3
    18. 20220602 F.Cousins Republicans Recruiting Poll Workers.mp3
    19. 20220602 Greg Palist It Jim Crow 2.0.mp3
    20. 20220607 F.Cousins 20000 Forged Sign Strongr Voter Fraud Leg.mp3
    21. 20220608 Sam Lawrence Can Gen Z Democrats Knock Out GOP.mp3
    22. 20220613 J6 Committee 2nd Public Hearing.mp3
    23. 20220616 J6 Committee 3rd Public Hearing.mp3
    24. 20220620 Steven Hassan Will Next Election be Violent.mp3
    25. 20220621 J6 Committee 4th Public Hearing.mp3
    26. 20220621 Jeff Mandell Voter Fraud in Wisconsin.mp3
    27. 20220623 J6 Committee 5th Public Hearing.mp3
    28. 20220624 R.Rhodes How Reverse All of This.mp3
    29. 20220627 A.Perez Dark Money Turn SCOTUS Against Democ.mp3
    30. 20220628 J.Renacci Announced Chairman of American Greatness.mp3
    31. 20220628 J6 Committee 6th Public Hearing.mp3
    32. 20220630 Karl Frisch Were They Caught Red Handed.mp3
    33. 20220630 R.Rhodes Voting Everything.mp3
    34. 20220701 R.Rhodes VOTE VOTE VOTE.mp3
    35. 20220706 R.Rhodes Turn Thoughts Prayers into Register Vote.mp3
    36. 20220707 S.Assadzandi Prog Overhaul WV Democratic Party.mp3
    37. 20220711 T.Hartmann Moore vs. Harper Coming.mp3
    38. 20220711 T.Hartmann Only Thing that Can Save America.mp3
    39. 20220712 Greg Kelly We Are in Jeopardy This Why.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 30 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20220712 J6 Committee 7th Public Hearing.mp3
    3. 20220712 Stephanie Miller Let’s Play What Hell Herschel.mp3
    4. 20220715 R.Rhodes This Not Performance Art This Vision.mp3
    5. 20220718 D.Pakman Avoid Criminal Charges Running President.mp3
    6. 20220722 T.Hartmann Door Door Voter Harassment.mp3
    7. 20220726 D.Pakman Another Voter Guilty of Fraud.mp3
    8. 20220729 R.Rhodes Compare Contrast.mp3
    9. 20220802 T.Hartmann Constitution Going Get Rewritten.mp3
    10. 20220808 R.Rhodes US vs Them.mp3
    11. 20220819 R.Rhodes Less Than 12 Weeks.mp3
    12. 20220822 R.Rhodes Democracy on Ballot.mp3
    13. 20220823 R.Rhodes Dark Money.mp3
    14. 20220831 T.Hartmann Does Senate Represent America.mp3
    15. 20220901 Joe Biden Battle for Soul of America.mp3
    16. 20220902 R.Rhodes American Democracy on Ballot.mp3
    17. 20220903 Donald Trump Rally for Dr. Oz.mp3
    18. 20220907 Kari Lake Katie Hobbs AZ Gubernatorial Forum.mp3
    19. 20220917 T.Hartmann How Neoliberalism Invaded Gutted America.mp3
    20. 20220920 Joe Biden DISCLOSE Act.mp3
    21. 20220930 Greg Abbot Beto O’Rourke TX Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    22. 20221004 J.Mills Paul LePage Sam Hunkler ME Gub Debate.mp3
    23. 20221005 R.Rhodes Don’t Vote Angry.mp3
    24. 20221006 Bill Priztker Darren Bailey IL Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    25. 20221006 Chuck Grassley Mike Franken US Senate Debate.mp3
    26. 20221007 M.Kelly B.Masters Marc Victor US Senate Debate.mp3
    27. 20221007 Ron Johnson Mandela Barnes US Senate Debate.mp3
    28. 20221010 Tim Ryan JD Vance US Senate Debate.mp3
    29. 20221013 Gretchen Whitmer Tudor Dixon MI Gub Debate.mp3
    30. 20221014 Raphael Warnock Herschel Walker US Senate Debate.mp3
    31. 20221014 T.Evers T.Michaels WI Gubernatorial Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 43 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20221015 K.Harris Voter Education Event with Students.mp3
    3. 20221016 D.Pakman What Happened GOP.mp3
    4. 20221016 M.Taylor Green Marcus Flowers GA 14th Cong Debate.mp3
    5. 20221016 R.Warnock Chase Oliver US Senate Debate.mp3
    6. 20221017 B.Kemp Stacy Abrams GA Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    7. 20221017 D.Pakman Majorie Taylor Green vs Marcus Flowers.mp3
    8. 20221017 D.Pakman Most Important Races of 2022.mp3
    9. 20221017 Mike Lee Evan McMullin US Senate Debate.mp3
    10. 20221017 R.Rhodes You Get What You Vote For.mp3
    11. 20221017 Tim Ryan JD Vance US Senate Debate.mp3
    12. 20221018 D.Pakman Republicans Surging on Democrats.mp3
    13. 20221018 K.Stitt Joy Hofmeister OK Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    14. 20221018 M.Rubio Val Demings US Senate Debate.mp3
    15. 20221018 Nancy Pelosi Midterm Elections.mp3
    16. 20221018 R.Rhodes Barbarians at Gate.mp3
    17. 20221020 R.Rhodes Problem Solving.mp3
    18. 20221021 R.Rhodes Deficit Was Cut Half Less 2 Yrs.mp3
    19. 20221021 T.Hartmann Attack American Democracy.mp3
    20. 20221021 T.Hartmann Family Values.mp3
    21. 20221024 R.DeSantis C.Crist FL Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    22. 20221025 Mehmet Oz John Fetterman US Senate Debate.mp3
    23. 20221028 JD Vance GET OUT THE VOTE.mp3
    24. 20221029 R.Rhodes America Down Rabbit Hole.mp3
    25. 20221030 B.Kemp Stacy Abrams GA Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    26. 20221101 Tim Ryan JD Vance Ohio Town Hall.mp3
    27. 20221102 Joe Biden State of Democracy.mp3
    28. 20221104 More People Vote Early Portage County OH.mp3
    29. 20221107 R.Rhodes Running Same Play.mp3
    30. 20221107 T.Hartmann Secret Democratic Victory Revealed.mp3
    31. 20221107 Young People Need Vote.mp3
    32. 20221108 Alan Minsky Why 2022 Midterms Are So Important.mp3
    33. 20221108 D.Pakman Election Day 2022.mp3
    34. 20221108 Election Day Coverage From Kent State P1.mp3
    35. 20221108 Election Day Coverage From Kent State P2.mp3
    36. 20221108 G.Palast 149000 Voters Challenged by Vigilantes.mp3
    37. 20221108 Rick Smith Election Night 2022.mp3
    38. 20221108 S.Miller Jody Hamilton Party Wants Steal Democracy.mp3
    39. 20221108 Students Portage County OH Exercise Right Vote.mp3
    40. 20221109 Bob Cesca What Does Trump Do Now.mp3
    41. 20221109 D.Pakman Day After.mp3
    42. 20221109 E.Stefanik We Will Fire Nancy Pelosi.mp3
    43. 20221109 S.Miller Morning After 2024.mp3
    44. 20221110 D.Pakman Balance of Power May Comr GA.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 48 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 5 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20221110 J.Biden K.Harris Made Difference Last Tue.mp3
    3. 20221110 K.Frisch Media Needs Do Better.mp3
    4. 20221110 R.Rhodes Outran 86 Yr Midterm History.mp3
    5. 20221111 Rhodes Bal Pwr Still Hangs Congress.mp3
    6. 20221113 Brian Tyler Cohen How Did We Get This Point.mp3
    7. 20221114 Allison Gill Young Dem Came Out Young GOP Did Not.mp3
    8. 20221115 Farron Cousins Process Fixing Ballot.mp3
    9. 20221115 Greg Palist 1 Million Ballots Disappeared.mp3
    10. 20221115 Jim Jordan GOP Outlook Post Midterm.mp3
    11. 20221115 Randi Rhodes Post Mortem Period.mp3
    12. 20221115 Randi Rhodes Post Mortem Periods.mp3
    13. 20221116 Randi Rhodes 2024 is Off Running.mp3
    14. 20221128 Thom Hartmann This Algorithm Great Threat Humanity.mp3
    15. 20221201 Greg Palast Ballot Box Segregation.mp3
    16. 20221207 Moore vs Harper Supreme Court Oral Argument.mp3
    17. 20221208 David Pakman Finger Pointing After 2022.mp3
    18. 20221209 Greg Palast Millions Could Not Vote.mp3
    19. 20221228 Glenn Kirshner How to Deal with Election Deniers.mp3
    20. 20230126 David DeWitt Most Corrupt State Robbing You Blind.mp3
    21. 20230310 David Pakman Early Voting vs Same Day Voting in GOP.mp3
    22. 20230313 David Pakman the 2024 Campaign Kicks Off in Iowa P1.mp3
    23. 20230313 David Pakman the 2024 Campaign Kicks Off in Iowa P2.mp3
    24. 20230314 David Pakman Careful What You Vote For.mp3
    25. 20230405 Thom Hartmann Americans Love Money More Democracy.mp3
    26. 20230406 Justin Jones An Assault on Democracy.mp3
    27. 20230406 Justin Pearson Speaks Ahead of Expulsion Vote.mp3
    28. 20230407 Randi Rhodes the Danger of a Tyrannical Government.mp3
    29. 20230410 Radio Rhodes the People are Coming.mp3
    30. 20230410 What New OH Voting Law Means for Young Voters.mp3
    31. 20230411 Thom Hartmann Generation Z is Awake.mp3
    32. 20230424 Brian Tyler Cohen Cleta Mitchell Plan Voting 2024.mp3
    33. 20230424 T.Hartmann end Childhood What We Are Voting For.mp3
    34. 20230424 Thom Hartmann Why Americans Fight Woke.mp3
    35. 20230425 the Importance of Your Vote.mp3
    36. 20230429 Brian Tyler Cohen the Dangers of Gerrymandering.mp3
    37. 20230501 Alex Lawson 217 to 215 to Cut Your Social Security.mp3
    38. 20230712 Thom Hartmann, Are We Headed to Single Party Rule.mp3
    39. 20230716 Brian Tyler Cohen, Could the House Flip in 2024.mp3
    40. 20230719 Brian Tyler Cohen, AL GOP Defies SCOTUS Order.mp3
    41. 20230720 Thom Hartmann, Election Police in FL and TX.mp3
    42. 20230724 Thom Hartmann, Does DNA Affect the Way We Vote.mp3
    43. 20230726 Frank LaRose and Dick Celeste Debate Ohio Issue 1.mp3
    44. 20230726 Mark Elias, Voter Suppression by WI GOP.mp3
    45. 20230729 Thom Hartmann Democracy is Natural to Humans.mp3
    46. 20230801 David Pepper Authoritarianism in Ohio.mp3
    47. 20230804 Randi Rhodes Voting in the Dead of Summer.mp3
    48. 20230809 Liz Walters Democracy Wins in Ohio.mp3
    49. 20230809 Randi Rhodes You Did It OHIO.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 61 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20230819 Election Breeches in Coffee County GA.mp3
    3. 20230820 Luke Beasley Struggle to Comprehend Facts.mp3
    4. 20230820 Marc Elias New Lawsuit Could Flip the House.mp3
    5. 20230820 Rona McDaniel This is a Critical Opportunity.mp3
    6. 20230824 Marc Elias unexpected Setback in GA.mp3
    7. 20230828 Dean Obeidallah You Disqualify Trump From Ballot.mp3
    8. 20230829 Brendon Fischer AI Could Stop You From Voting.mp3
    9. 20230910 Thom Hartmann Voting Blue Pay Off.mp3
    10. 20230914 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    11. 20230915 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    12. 20230919 Kama Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    13. 20230919 Thom Hartmann 2024 Elections Could Get Violent.mp3
    14. 20230919 Thom Hartmann Big Pharma Big Rip Off.mp3
    15. 20230919 Thom Hartmann Prison for Pregnancy.mp3
    16. 20230920 Alex Lawson the End of Medicare and Social Security.mp3
    17. 20230920 Donald Trump Commit to Caucus.mp3
    18. 20230920 K.Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.mp3
    19. 20230920 Thom Hartmann 9 Trillion Dollar Budget Cuts.mp3
    20. 20230921 Dana Goldberg Make Voting a National Holiday.mp3
    21. 20230921 Dana Goldberg, Make Voting a National Holiday.mp3
    22. 20230925 D.Pakman Threats of Automatic Voter Registration.mp3
    23. 20230925 David Pakman Threats Automatic Voter Registr.mp3
    24. 20230926 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    25. 20230926 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    26. 20230928 Joe Biden Democracy is an American Issue.mp3
    27. 20230928 Joe Biden, Democracy is an American Issue.mp3
    28. 20230928 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    29. 20230928 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    30. 20231003 Hillary Clinton Let Have Fact Base Discussion.mp3
    31. 20231003 Hillary Clinton, Let’s Have a Fact Based Discussion.mp3
    32. 20231005 Hillary Clinton American Democracy is in Trouble.mp3
    33. 20231005 Hillary Clinton, American Democracy is in Trouble.mp3
    34. 20231006 J.Fugelsang Only Time Freedom Caucus Believed Democ.mp3
    35. 20231008 Marc Elias GOP May Lose Congressional Seat.mp3
    36. 20231008 Marc Elias, GOP May Lose Congressional Seat.mp3
    37. 20231011 Bob Cesca First 4 Years Were Beta.mp3
    38. 20231011 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    39. 20231011 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    40. 20231011 Thom Hartmann Corrupt Oligarchs and Liars.mp3
    41. 20231011 Thom Hartmann Three Factions in the US.mp3
    42. 20231011 Thom Hartmann, Corrupt Oligarchs and Liars.mp3
    43. 20231011 Thom Hartmann, Three Factions in the US.mp3
    44. 20231012 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    45. 20231012 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    46. 20231012 Thom Hartmann Oligarchy vs Democracy.mp3
    47. 20231012 Thom Hartmann, Oligarchy vs Democracy.mp3
    48. 20231013 Steven Levinsky Why Democracy Was Abandoned.mp3
    49. 20231013 Thom Hartmann An Internal Civil War in a Party.mp3
    50. 20231013 Thom Hartmann, An Internal Civil War in a Party.mp3
    51. 20231014 Luke Beasley This Is Not Good.mp3
    52. 20231015 Brian Tyler Cohen Mental Stability of Candidates.mp3
    53. 20231015 Brian Tyler Cohen Narrative Age and President.mp3
    54. 20231016 Brad Sherman a House in Chaos.mp3
    55. 20231016 Lee Pope Stop Being a Jerk Simple.mp3
    56. 20231016 Luke Beasley the Rhetoric of an Unraveling Mind.mp3
    57. 20231017 Dean Obeidallah How Did We Get Here.mp3
    58. 20231017 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    59. 20231017 Luke Beasley Politics of Military Props.mp3
    60. 20231018 Bob Cesca a Party Falling Off of the Cliff.mp3
    61. 20231018 David Pakman A Level of Discourse.mp3
    62. 20231018 David Pakman the Importance of Registering to Vote.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 43 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20231018 Rick Smith a Dangerous Place to Be as a Country.mp3
    3. 20231019 Randi Rhodes Bad Government.mp3
    4. 20231019 Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Banning Woke Words.mp3
    5. 20231020 David Pakman Remember.mp3
    6. 20231020 Luke Beasley Has Hell Frozen Over.mp3
    7. 20231020 R. Rhodes What Leadership Does and Doesnt Look Like.mp3
    8. 20231020 Stephanie Miller a Sexy Liberal Roundtable.mp3
    9. 20231020 Thom Hartmann Why Can’t the GOP Unite.mp3
    10. 20231021 John Fugelsang the Crook on the Hook.mp3
    11. 20231021 Michael Steele Dismantling Everything.mp3
    12. 20231022 Marc Elias Nightmare Maps in 2024.mp3
    13. 20231023 Brian Tyler Cohen the Issue of Cognitive Decline.mp3
    14. 20231023 Lee Papa the Cardboard King Reveals More.mp3
    15. 20231023 Randi Rhodes Biden Was Built for This Moment.mp3
    16. 20231023 T.Hartmann Great Demise of American Democracy.mp3
    17. 20231024 Luke Beasley, Compare the Record for Working People.mp3
    18. 20231025 Brian Tyler Cohen, Meet Speaker Mike Johnson.mp3
    19. 20231025 Luke Beasley, the Record of Mike Johnson.mp3
    20. 20231027 Thom Hartmann, Death by Billions.mp3
    21. 20231028 David Pakman Policy vs Culture.mp3
    22. 20231029 Jared Moskowitz What Mike Johnson Means 18 GOP.mp3
    23. 20231031 Rick Smith, You Have to Get Out and Vote.mp3
    24. 20231101 Scott Gessler, Cross Examines CO Elector.mp3
    25. 20231104 Marc Elias, Effort to Eliminate Electoral College.mp3
    26. 20231106 David Pakman, A Real Wake Up Call.mp3
    27. 20231106 David Pakman, Bonkers and Confusing.mp3
    28. 20231106 David Pakman, Fact vs Emotion.mp3
    29. 20231106 Randi Rhodes, Poll This.mp3
    30. 20231106 Rick Smith No Respect Law No Respect America.mp3
    31. 20231107 David Pakman, the Dangers of Project 2025.mp3
    32. 20231107 Kent State News, Election Night 2023.mp3
    33. 20231108 Bob Cesca, Is MAGA Just For Entertainment.mp3
    34. 20231108 David Pakman, Big Wins on Election Night.mp3
    35. 20231108 David Pakman, MAGA Meltdown in 2023.mp3
    36. 20231108 Randi Rhodes, Are We Tired of Winning Yet.mp3
    37. 20231108 Rick Smith, the Take Away on Election 2023.mp3
    38. 20231108 Thom Hartmann, It Is a New Day After.mp3
    39. 20231108 Trea Crowder, Election 2023 Roundup.mp3
    40. 20231109 Rick Smith, How Did We Get Here.mp3
    41. 20231110 David Pakman, Most Successful President in 50 Years.mp3
    42. 20231110 John Fugelsang Look Presidential Next Ramaswamy.mp3
    43. 20231111 Brian Tyler Cohen, CONFUSION on Stage.mp3
    44. 20231111 Brian Tyler Cohen, Utter Confusion on Stage.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 38 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20231111 Donald Trump, Root Out the Vermin.mp3
    3. 20231111 Michael Cohen, Everything He Touches, He Destroys.mp3
    4. 20231111 Nancy Pelosi, Elections Are About the Future.mp3
    5. 20231113 Anderson Cooper Why Comments Are So Troubling.mp3
    6. 20231113 David Pakman, Major Cognitive Decline.mp3
    7. 20231113 Lee Papa, Cannot Vote Run From Jail.mp3
    8. 20231113 Luke Beasley, Echos in a Disgusting Speech.mp3
    9. 20231113 Noel Casler, This is Horrifying.mp3
    10. 20231113 Stephanie Miller, SAY WHAT.mp3
    11. 20231114 Bernie Sanders, Fighting Corporate Greed.mp3
    12. 20231114 Charlie Pierce, A Bunch of Enablers.mp3
    13. 20231114 David Pakman Inflation ZORO Fox Defends Comments.mp3
    14. 20231114 Dean Obeidallah, Who is More Senile.mp3
    15. 20231114 James Comer, Explains Exchange with Jared Moskowitz.mp3
    16. 20231114 Jared Moskowitz and James Comer, Verbal Altercation.mp3
    17. 20231114 Randi Rhodes, Vermin.mp3
    18. 20231114 Rick Smith, a Literal Shock.mp3
    19. 20231115 Bob Cesca, 2024 is Gonna be CRAZY.mp3
    20. 20231115 Chip Roy, Throws Down the Gauntlet to GOP House.mp3
    21. 20231115 David Pakman, a Typical Day in Congress.mp3
    22. 20231115 Hal Sparks, The Way You Act When Polls Go Your Way.mp3
    23. 20231115 Jo Jo From Jerz, Consumed with Rage.mp3
    24. 20231115 Malcolm Nance, It Is Like August 2016.mp3
    25. 20231115 Stephanie Miller, All in a 24 Hour Period.mp3
    26. 20231116 David Pakman, A Political Party Meltdown.mp3
    27. 20231116 Randi Rhodes, Losing Our Humanity.mp3
    28. 20231117 David Pakman, Ignoring Cognitive Decline.mp3
    29. 20231117 John Fugelsang, 2024 is Survivor vs Apprentice.mp3
    30. 20231117 Randi Rhodes, Bah Bye.mp3
    31. 20231118 Luke Beasley What 2nd Trump Term Means to World.mp3
    32. 20231120 Brian Tyler Cohen, 2024 Political Landscape ROCKED.mp3
    33. 20231120 Lee Papa, We Are a Stupid Country.mp3
    34. 20231120 Randi Rhodes, Project 2025.mp3
    35. 20231120 Rick Smith, a Side of Outrage Please.mp3
    36. 20231121 Rick Smith, It Is All About Outrage.mp3
    37. 20231121 Stephanie Miller C.Hutchinson Gives Dark Reasons.mp3
    38. 20231122 Bob Cesca, Decency and Competency.mp3
    39. 20231128 Randi Rhodes, Eff Your Feelings.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 12 shows – total playtime 7 hours, 25 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 20231206 Anderson vs Griswold Oral Argument.mp3
    3. 20231220 David Pakman, Missing Binder in Final Days of Trump.mp3
    4. 20231220 David Pakman, Trump Barred From CO Ballot.mp3
    5. 20231222 Faron Cousins GOP Congress Passed 20 Legislation.mp3
    6. 20231227 Glenn Kirshner, the 2024 Justices Sprint.mp3
    7. 20231227 Pondering Politics Deliberate Pain Suffering People.mp3
    8. 20231227 Pondering Politics, Economy, Dictatorship, REVENGE.mp3
    9. 20240105 Joe Biden, Democracy vs Dictatorship.mp3
    10. 20240105 Liz Cheney, An Oath to Defend Democracy.mp3
    11. 20240108 Jamie Raskin, Democracy vs Autocracy in 2024.mp3
    12. 20240604 Kamala Harris Freedom is on the Ballot.mp3
    13. 20240613 Marc Elias Five Alarm Fire.mp3
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    730 recordings on 13 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $60.00. Total playtime 281 hours, 58 min
    730 recordings on 13 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $60.00
    7745 MB – total playtime 281 hours, 58 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 103 shows – 624 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 44 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19421102 Harry S Truman Voting War Effort.mp3
    3. 19441005 Franklin D. Roosevelt the Right to Vote.mp3
    4. 19441005 Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Right to Vote.mp3
    5. 19441106 Get Out Vote for FDR.mp3
    6. 19510704 Harry Truman the Cause of Freedom P1.mp3
    7. 19510704 Harry Truman the Cause of Freedom P2.mp3
    8. 19521103 Harry S Truman Election Eve Remarks.mp3
    9. 19521103 HTruman Radio Remarks Election Eve Kansas City MO.mp3
    10. 19560323 Harry S Truman Ideals Democracy.mp3
    11. 19560529 Harry Truman Reminds Americans Vote.mp3
    12. 19610106 Richard M Nixon Declares John Kennedy President.mp3
    13. 19621011 JFK Bill Lawrence Interview.mp3
    14. 19621101 JFK Reminds Americans Vote November 6th.mp3
    15. 19621101 JFK Urge Public Vote on Election Day.mp3
    16. 19640623 LBJ 835PM Phone Call Mrs Nathan Schwerner.mp3
    17. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 355PM Phone Call James Eastland.mp3
    18. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 405PM Phone Call J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    19. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 425PM Phone Call James Eastland.mp3
    20. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 630PM Phone Call Lee White.mp3
    21. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 821PM Phone Call Paul Johnson.mp3
    22. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 850PM Phone Call Mr Robert Goodman.mp3
    23. 19640625 Walter Cronkite Search in Mississippi.mp3
    24. 19640628 Frank McGee Chaney Goodman Schwerner.mp3
    25. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover FBI Wont Protect Civil Rights Worker.mp3
    26. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover Missing Civil Rights Workers in MS.mp3
    27. 19650313 Lyndon Johnson Meeting George Wallace.mp3
    28. 19650315 LBJ Special Message Congress Voting Rights 1965.mp3
    29. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 1.mp3
    30. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 2.mp3
    31. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 3.mp3
    32. 19650321 Alexander Kendrick Selma City Symbol.mp3
    33. 19650326 Lyndon Johnson 810AM Phone Call J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    34. 19650806 LBJ Signs Voting Rights Act of 1965.mp3
    35. 19660000 Ronald Reagan John Wayne Instructions on Voting.mp3
    36. 19710705 Richard M Nixon Certifies 26th Amendment.mp3
    37. 19710913 Radio Spot Encourage Youth Vote 1972.mp3
    38. 19720606 George McGovern Jimmy Carter Voting Rights Act P1.mp3
    39. 19720606 George McGovern Jimmy Carter Voting Rights Act P2.mp3
    40. 19721106 Richard Nixon Election Eve Statement.mp3
    41. 19800000 John Weyrich I Dont Want Everybody Vote.mp3
    42. 19860715 Ronald Reagan Remarks Teenaged Republicans.mp3
    43. 19860731 Ronald Reagan, Inspire American Youth to Vote.mp3
    44. 19861018 Ronald Reagan Voter Participation.mp3
    45. 19870521 Ronald Reagan Vote America.mp3
    46. 19910000 Gerald Ford Views Gerrymandering Perks Super PACs.mp3
    47. 19910000 Richard Nixon View on Term Limits.mp3
    48. 19910000 Ronald Reagan Views on Gerrymandering.mp3
    49. 19920000 James Carville Pep Talk Clinton Supporters.mp3
    50. 19930520 Bill Clinton Motor Voter Bill Signing.mp3
    51. 19930614 Bill Clinton Flag Day Proclivities.mp3
    52. 19930614 Bill Clinton, Flag Day Proclivities.mp3
    53. 19971222 JBolton FWertheimer Buckley v Valeo Nov 10 1975.mp3
    54. 20000305 Bill Clinton 35th Anniv of Voting Rights March.mp3
    55. 20001103 Bill Clinton Get Out Vote Rally.mp3
    56. 20001108 Clinton No American Again Say My Vote Doesnt Count.mp3
    57. 20001122 George W Bush Florida Vote Recount.mp3
    58. 20001205 Al Gore Florida Vote Recount.mp3
    59. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 1.mp3
    60. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 2.mp3
    61. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 3.mp3
    62. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 4.mp3
    63. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 5.mp3
    64. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 6.mp3
    65. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 7.mp3
    66. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Decision in Bush vs Gore.mp3
    67. 20001211 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument.mp3
    68. 20001212 Brett Kavanaugh Bush vs Gore Decision.mp3
    69. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 1.mp3
    70. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 2.mp3
    71. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 3.mp3
    72. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 4.mp3
    73. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 5.mp3
    74. 20010106 Al Gore Declares George W Bush President.mp3
    75. 20050630 JCarter James Baker Comm Fed Elect Press Briefing.mp3
    76. 20060628 Arthur Davis I have Button on My Television.mp3
    77. 20060628 Bobby Scott We Need Fair Opportunity.mp3
    78. 20060628 D.Scott This Very Shameful Amendment.mp3
    79. 20060628 John Lewis The Right Vote Precious.mp3
    80. 20060628 Linda Sanchez I Know Little Bit About This.mp3
    81. 20060628 Michael Honda Voting Power.mp3
    82. 20060713 ADavis There Were Barack Obamas In Old South.mp3
    83. 20060713 Barbara Lee Let Us Practice What We Preach.mp3
    84. 20060713 CBrown 27000 Votes In My Precinct Were Thrown Out.mp3
    85. 20060713 Charles Rangel Not Too Long Ago.mp3
    86. 20060713 D.Scott Tell Truth Mr Westmoreland.mp3
    87. 20060713 DScott Westmoreland Goal Kill Voting Right Act.mp3
    88. 20060713 Eddie Bernice Johnson Just Two Weeks Ago.mp3
    89. 20060713 JConyers Norwood Never Testified Before Committee.mp3
    90. 20060713 JLewis Cannot Separate Debate Today History.mp3
    91. 20060713 JNadler The Most Fundamental of American Values.mp3
    92. 20060713 John Barrow I Was Raised On Ten Commandments.mp3
    93. 20060713 John Conyers It Was on February 9 1965.mp3
    94. 20060713 JSensenbrenner Norwood Voting Rights Act Farce.mp3
    95. 20060713 Linda Sanchez Lets Pass HR 9 Clean.mp3
    96. 20060713 Marty Meehan We Will Ensure Our Future.mp3
    97. 20060713 Maxine Waters Sad But Simple True.mp3
    98. 20060713 Melvin Luther Watt I Am Living Proof.mp3
    99. 20060713 MLuther Watt This Not History of Pastt.mp3
    100. 20060713 Nancy Pelosi We Must Reject Gradualism.mp3
    101. 20060713 REmanuel Literacy Test Grandfthr Clauses Poll Tax.mp3
    102. 20060713 Steny Hoyer Our Nation Right Thing 41 Years Ago.mp3
    103. 20060713 Stephanie Tubbs Jones I Come Ohio.mp3
    104. 20090106 Dick Cheney Declares Barack Obama President.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 29 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 5 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 20090909 Supr Ct Citizens United v Fed Election Commission.mp3
    3. 20100423 Barack Obama The Importance of Voting.mp3
    4. 20120802 Joe Biden Iowa Starts Voting Early September 27th.mp3
    5. 20130227 US Supreme Court Shelby County vs Holder.mp3
    6. 20140407 Joe Biden Stand Up for Voting Rights.mp3
    7. 20150307 50th Anniversary of Voting Rights March.mp3
    8. 20170106 Joe Biden Declares Donald Trump President.mp3
    9. 20191012 Donald Trump Values Voter Summit.mp3
    10. 20191017 House Jud Cmt Legl Proposal Voting Rights Act.mp3
    11. 20191023 House Judiciary Comt Markup Voting Rights Adv Act.mp3
    12. 20200212 S.Brown Calls Out Senate Repub.mp3
    13. 20200212 S.Brown Presses Retribution Tour.mp3
    14. 20200507 M.McMorrow Maj Didnt Help Firefighter.mp3
    15. 20200513 US Supreme Court Chiafalo v WA CO v Baca Oral Arg.mp3
    16. 20201104 Joe Biden Patience Commendable.mp3
    17. 20201104 Joe Biden We Wont Rest Until Every Vote Counted.mp3
    18. 20201104 Trump Go Supreme Court Dispute Election Count.mp3
    19. 20201105 Gabriel Sterling Update Days Ballot Counting in GA.mp3
    20. 20201112 BRaffensperger Press Conf 2020 Election Results.mp3
    21. 20201125 Rudy Giuliani PA Election Hearing.mp3
    22. 20201130 AZ Legislature Public Hearings on 2020 Election.mp3
    23. 20201201 MCarone Testimony MI State Senate on 2020 Election.mp3
    24. 20201202 Brad Raffensperger These Poll Workers Are Neighbors.mp3
    25. 20201202 MCarone Testimony MI State Senate on 2020 Election.mp3
    26. 20201203 Georgia Senate Integrity of Georgia Voting Process.mp3
    27. 20201214 Arizona Senate Hearings on Election Fraud.mp3
    28. 20201214 Joe Biden Electoral College Vote Certification.mp3
    29. 20201216 AZ Senate Examining Irregularities in 2020 Election.mp3
    30. 20201223 Trump Call GA SOS Investigator Frances Watson.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 61 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 21 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 20210102 Donald Trump Call GA SOS Brad Raffensperger.mp3
    3. 20210104 Brad Raffensperger Press Conf 2020 Election Ballots.mp3
    4. 20210104 Gabriel Sterling Debunks Claims Voter Fraud in GA.mp3
    5. 20210105 Debra Messing GA Purged Raffensperger No Hero.mp3
    6. 20210106 Donald Trump Address Stop Steal Rally.mp3
    7. 20210106 Donald Trump Go Home We Love You.mp3
    8. 20210106 Donald Trump I Jr Address Stop Steal Rally.mp3
    9. 20210106 Joe Biden Siege on US Capitol.mp3
    10. 20210106 Mitch McConnell Comments on Electoral Vote.mp3
    11. 20210106 MPence Cong Certification Electoral College Vote.mp3
    12. 20210107 Mike Pence Declares Joe Biden President.mp3
    13. 20210110 Brad Raffensperger 11780 Votes.mp3
    14. 20210302 Supreme Ct Brnovichich vs DNC Oral Argument.mp3
    15. 20210303 J.Biden Remarks House Dem Caucus.mp3
    16. 20210321 T.Hartmann Coming for Birth Control.mp3
    17. 20210422 House Judic Comt Oversight Voting Rights Act.mp3
    18. 20210427 Pearson Sharp Grave Threat Voting Fraud.mp3
    19. 20210517 T.HartmannBrutal American Oligarchy.mp3
    20. 20210518 AZ Senate Update Maricopa County Election Audit.mp3
    21. 20210616 KHarris Meeting Texas Democrats on Voting Rights.mp3
    22. 20210616 Texas Democrats Press Meeting at White House.mp3
    23. 20210622 Greg Palast Get Out of My House GA GOP Busted.mp3
    24. 20210623 Kamala Harris Voting Rights.mp3
    25. 20210703 Inside TX Politics NCollier Voting Election Legisl.mp3
    26. 20210709 Texas Democrats New Voting Rights Legislation.mp3
    27. 20210709 Texas Democrats Voting Election Legislation.mp3
    28. 20210710 Inside TX Politics BHughes NJohnson Election Bill.mp3
    29. 20210713 Biden Protecting Sacred Constitutional Right Vote.mp3
    30. 20210713 KHarris Meeting TX Democrats Who Fled DC.mp3
    31. 20210714 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Disabled.mp3
    32. 20210714 Texas Republicans Voting Election Legislation.mp3
    33. 20210715 Arizona Senate Election Audit in Maricopa County.mp3
    34. 20210716 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Women.mp3
    35. 20210716 Texas Democrats News Conference on Voting Rights.mp3
    36. 20210718 AKlobuchar Stacy Abrams Voting Rights Roundtable.mp3
    37. 20210721 Barbara Arnwine John Lewis Voting Rights Act.mp3
    38. 20210721 Kamala Harris Poll Workers Election Officials.mp3
    39. 20210721 Lala Wu Texas Voter Legislation Explained.mp3
    40. 20210727 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Native Americans.mp3
    41. 20210803 Mike Lindell Interview D.Pakman.mp3
    42. 20210806 Mike Lindell Interview Drew Griffin.mp3
    43. 20210913 C. Schumer Freedom Vote Act.mp3
    44. 20210913 Rob Reiner California Recall Election.mp3
    45. 20210914 DPakman LElder Claims Fraud Before Recall Electn.mp3
    46. 20210914 FCousins 60 Percent GOP Believing Trump Election.mp3
    47. 20210914 R.Rhodes California Recall of Gavin Newsom.mp3
    48. 20210914 Stephanie Miller California Recall Over.mp3
    49. 20210915 D.Pakman GOP Humiliated CA Recall Defeat.mp3
    50. 20210917 DCalloway BKristol AGonzalez Trump Cancer GOP.mp3
    51. 20210918 FCousins Stop Electing People Want Shut Gov Down.mp3
    52. 20210919 FCousins PA Republicans Copy AZ Ballot Audit.mp3
    53. 20210920 DPakman Trump Letter Demanding Declared GA Winner.mp3
    54. 20210920 FCousins Trump Wants GA Decertify Election Results.mp3
    55. 20210920 Second Rally Completely Humiliating Failure.mp3
    56. 20210921 Spencer Headworth Policing Welfare Recipients.mp3
    57. 20210922 Malcolm Nance Leaked Memo was Planned Coup.mp3
    58. 20210922 R.Rhodes Coup.mp3
    59. 20210923 DPakman MJGreene Humiliates Herself Memes Hs Flr.mp3
    60. 20210923 Mary Gay Scanlon Protecting of Democracy Act.mp3
    61. 20210923 R.Rhodes Corporate Democrats are Problem.mp3
    62. 20210924 AHaywood 2020 Election Over Time Move On.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 90 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 20210924 COVID-19 Response Vaccine Updates.mp3
    3. 20210924 Cyber Ninjas Share Audit Results of AZ Ballot.mp3
    4. 20210924 Presentation of Maricopa County AZ Election Audit.mp3
    5. 20210924 RRhodes Cyber Ninjas Determine Results AZ Audit.mp3
    6. 20210924 THartmann 2022 Election Free Americans Grifters.mp3
    7. 20210926 THartmann Inspired Bullies Mobilize Authorn Candt.mp3
    8. 20210927 DPakman Trump Calls Decertification AZ Elctrl Vote.mp3
    9. 20210927 F.Cousins Texas Conduct Ballot Audit 2020 Election.mp3
    10. 20210927 F.Cousins Trump Declares Victory AZ Audit Aftr Lost.mp3
    11. 20210930 Donald Trump Thoughts on Arizona Audit.mp3
    12. 20211001 F.Cousins Majority of Voters Favor Secession.mp3
    13. 20211002 F.Cousins GOP Want AZ Audit Trump Lost Again.mp3
    14. 20211004 D.Pakman R.Giuliani Admits Evidence Social Media.mp3
    15. 20211004 F.Cousins Trump Attacks Media Over AZ Audit Results.mp3
    16. 20211004 May Davis Why Mail In Voting Racist.mp3
    17. 20211005 S.Miller Mitch McConnell Kyrsten Sinemas Agenda.mp3
    18. 20211006 R.Rhodes Americans Cant Have Nice Things.mp3
    19. 20211007 R.Rhodes Turn Light On Dark Money.mp3
    20. 20211007 T.Hartmann Two Strategies Steal 2024 Election.mp3
    21. 20211010 F.Cousins Trump Tries Avoid Blame Upcoming Midterms.mp3
    22. 20211011 F.Cousins Giuliani Reveal Elect Fraud Evid FB.mp3
    23. 20211011 Jen Senko Brainwashing of My Dad Part 1.mp3
    24. 20211011 Jen Senko Brainwashing of My Dad Part 2.mp3
    25. 20211012 Charlie Pierce Why Do They Believe Him.mp3
    26. 20211012 T.Hartmann Time for Genuine Patriots Rescue America.mp3
    27. 20211013 D.Pakman Dead People Are Voting.mp3
    28. 20211013 R.Rhodes Not Your Fathers Political Party.mp3
    29. 20211014 Geoff Duncan What Happened GOP Under Trump.mp3
    30. 20211016 F.Cousins 37 Members Congress Violat STOCK Act 2021.mp3
    31. 20211018 F.Cousins GOP Still Pushing Be Speaker of House.mp3
    32. 20211019 A.King Makes Case for Voting Rights Legislation.mp3
    33. 20211019 F.Durbin Accuses M.McConnell Weaponizing Filibuster.mp3
    34. 20211020 Kamala Harris Its Really Sad Day.mp3
    35. 20211023 F.Cousins Defend FL Group Door Door Voter Fraud.mp3
    36. 20211025 R.Rhodes So You Want Beca Member of Congress.mp3
    37. 20211029 R.Rhodes They Say Anything Grandstand for President.mp3
    38. 20211102 C. Todd Kristen Welker Election Night 2021.mp3
    39. 20211102 D.Packman CRT Most Important Issue.mp3
    40. 20211102 John Ladarla CRT Most Important Issue.mp3
    41. 20211109 COVID Deaths Trump Voters Outpaces Biden Voters.mp3
    42. 20211117 T.Hartmann Media Hyping Infl Ignoring Good Economy.mp3
    43. 20211118 T.Hartmann Leave It Beaver So Strategy.mp3
    44. 20211206 Has GOP Lost All Sense of Morality.mp3
    45. 20211206 T.Hartmann Dem Prove They Are Party of Freedom.mp3
    46. 20211206 T.Hartmann Media Bias Favors Trump over Biden.mp3
    47. 20211207 D.Pakman Trump Rants Dinner Guests.mp3
    48. 20211207 R.Rhodes this What Gerrymandering Looks Like.mp3
    49. 20211208 D.Pakman Next Coup Has Already Happened.mp3
    50. 20211210 The Craven Plan End Democracy Exposed.mp3
    51. 20211212 D.Parkman Could Donald Trump Bc Speaker House 2023.mp3
    52. 20211212 T.Hartmann Do We Ignore or Engage Rural Voters.mp3
    53. 20211213 Brian Tyler Cohen Secret Election Plot Revealed.mp3
    54. 20211213 F.Cousins M.Meadows Plan Military Overturn Election.mp3
    55. 20211213 F.Cousins S.Meyers Needs Use Platform Educate Voter.mp3
    56. 20211213 T.Hartmann America Edge of Oligarchy or Opportunity.mp3
    57. 20211214 D.Pakman Michael Cohen Interview.mp3
    58. 20211214 D.Parkman Throwing Stones Weak Glass Houses.mp3
    59. 20211214 R.Warnock Nothing More Important Voting Rights.mp3
    60. 20211215 Joe Madison Right Vote Worth Your Life.mp3
    61. 20211216 Joe Manchins Lump of Coal in Our Stocking.mp3
    62. 20211217 J.Jordan Freedom Caucus Direct Implicated Ovrthrgh.mp3
    63. 20211218 F.Cousins K.West Presidential Cmpgn Run by GOP.mp3
    64. 20211224 Pat Ford Americans are Done Trump Biden.mp3
    65. 20211226 F.Cousins Republican Party Plan for 2022 Election.mp3
    66. 20211226 F.Cousins TX Tax Payers Spent 2 Million Voter Fraud.mp3
    67. 20211228 D.Pakman 5000 Dead Voters Found Alive.mp3
    68. 20211228 F.Cousins L.Gohmert Sued M.Pence Overturn Election.mp3
    69. 20220102 D.Pakman MT.Greene Ban Dem Moving Red States.mp3
    70. 20220102 F.Cousins MT.Greene Dem Banned Voting in Red States.mp3
    71. 20220103 D.Pakman Chilling Letter Seizure Electn Materials.mp3
    72. 20220103 D.Pakman Military Generals Warn Military Coup 2024.mp3
    73. 20220103 E.Boehlert Biden Were GOP Press Put Him Mt Rushmore.mp3
    74. 20220103 F.Cousins 6 Prcnt GOP Believes Biden Won Election.mp3
    75. 20220103 Karl Frisch Its Time Talk About Republican Men.mp3
    76. 20220103 R.Rhodes Propaganda Works.mp3
    77. 20220103 T.Hartmann American Rugged Individualism.mp3
    78. 20220104 Charlie Pierce Can Media Help Save Democracy.mp3
    79. 20220104 F.Cousins T.Cruz Says GOP Ready Impeach Biden 2023.mp3
    80. 20220105 C. Schumer Rails Against GOP Opposing Voter Rights.mp3
    81. 20220105 F.Cousins Trump Major Fundraising MAGA Candidates.mp3
    82. 20220105 J.Harrison Full On Assault On All of Our Rights.mp3
    83. 20220105 M.McConnell Invok Jan 6 Pass Voting Rights Disgrace.mp3
    84. 20220106 The Fragility Strength of Our Democracy.mp3
    85. 20220110 M.McConnell Ending Filibuster Ruin Democracy.mp3
    86. 20220110 R.Rhodes Ted Cruz Front Running Phony.mp3
    87. 20220111 B.Karem Politics an Afterthought Working People.mp3
    88. 20220111 BT.Cohen Finally Anncmnt We Have Been Waiting For.mp3
    89. 20220111 F.Cousins Cable Cabinet.mp3
    90. 20220111 F.Cousins Forged Ectn Certif Letters AZ MI Overturn.mp3
    91. 20220111 F.Cousins Mike Rounds labeled Crazy Stupid.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 134 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 20220111 L.Graham Dm Attempted Election Takeover.mp3
    3. 20220111 Mitt Romney Donald Trump Joe Biden Are Same.mp3
    4. 20220111 R.Rhodes If Filibuster.mp3
    5. 20220111 T.Cruz Dem Desperate Break Senate Rules Power Grabs.mp3
    6. 20220111 T.Hartmann FL First State Lose Democracy.mp3
    7. 20220111 T.Hartmann We Have Only Seen Small Part of Coup.mp3
    8. 20220111 Urgent Need Pass Voter Rights Legislation.mp3
    9. 20220112 C. Schumer Mitt Romney Knows Trump Biden Arent Same.mp3
    10. 20220112 D.Pakman Biden Harris Uninspird Hillary 2024.mp3
    11. 20220112 M.Nance Corp Media Hooked on Drama of Trump.mp3
    12. 20220112 Mitch McConnell Profoundly Unpresidential.mp3
    13. 20220112 T.Hartmann Why They Dont You Believe in Democracy.mp3
    14. 20220112 Tom Cotton Speaking in Defense of Filibuster.mp3
    15. 20220113 BT.Cohen Kyrsten Sinema Stuns Shocking Anncmnt.mp3
    16. 20220113 D.Pakman Bad News for Ohio GOP.mp3
    17. 20220113 Its About Who Gets Count Vote.mp3
    18. 20220113 K.Sinema Opposes Filibuster Carveout Voting Rights.mp3
    19. 20220114 R.Rhodes Wont Confirm Judge Traffic Tickets.mp3
    20. 20220118 R.Rhodes Let Games Begin.mp3
    21. 20220119 L.Graham Senate Dem Attempt Dismantle Filibuster.mp3
    22. 20220119 R.Rhodes Big Fat Juicy Election Fraud.mp3
    23. 20220119 T.Hartmann Can Election Police Be Stopped.mp3
    24. 20220120 BT.Cohen Senator Goes Megaviral Speech of Year.mp3
    25. 20220120 R.Rhodes Were All Black Now.mp3
    26. 20220121 BT.Cohen J.Ernst Asked Name 3 Things GOP Stands.mp3
    27. 20220121 D.Pakman No More Presidential Debates for GOP.mp3
    28. 20220121 D.Pakman Will They Try Steal More Elections.mp3
    29. 20220123 F.Cousins Signed Forged Election Doc Knew Illegal.mp3
    30. 20220125 BT.Cohen Dem Unexpected Good News Key Swing St.mp3
    31. 20220125 Jill Wine-Banks Bar Too Low.mp3
    32. 20220126 T.Hartmann What Biden Has Done That You Dont Know.mp3
    33. 20220127 R.Rhodes Cant Just We Do What Works.mp3
    34. 20220127 Rumor Abt M.Obama Created Raise Money for Midterms.mp3
    35. 20220128 F.Cousins 59 Lawmakers Cld Face Jail Fake Elector.mp3
    36. 20220129 Chris Salcedo Demographics in TX Are Changing.mp3
    37. 20220129 Donald Trump Jr Were on Verge of WWIII.mp3
    38. 20220131 D.Pakman Trump Threatens More Riots in Future.mp3
    39. 20220131 T.Hartmann Candidates Answered Call Viokence.mp3
    40. 20220131 T.Hartmann ConfessTreason Exposes Electoral College.mp3
    41. 20220201 Frank Figliuzzi Watergate 711 Robbery By Comparison.mp3
    42. 20220202 Brian Tyler Cohen Trump Turns Ally Lindsey Graham.mp3
    43. 20220202 D.Pakman Trump Demands Pence Be Investigated.mp3
    44. 20220202 D.Pakman Trump Turns Republicans Newsmax Intvw.mp3
    45. 20220203 B.Cesca It Now OK Be Openly Racist.mp3
    46. 20220204 D.Pakman Plan Seize Voting Machines.mp3
    47. 20220204 F.Cousins FLGOP Switch Senior Vote Reg.mp3
    48. 20220204 Jamie Raskin Protecting Vote.mp3
    49. 20220204 T.Hartmann Voting Schemes Stop You Ballot Box.mp3
    50. 20220207 D.Pakman Mar-a Lago Raided by National Archives.mp3
    51. 20220207 Glenn Kirshner Mike Pence No Hero.mp3
    52. 20220208 D.Pakman Democrats Lacking 2024 Candidates.mp3
    53. 20220208 R.Rhodes Republicans Choose Their Voters.mp3
    54. 20220208 Stephanie Miller Did We Just Witness Breakup.mp3
    55. 20220209 D.Pakman Civil War Inside Republican Party.mp3
    56. 20220209 T.Hartmann Will America Learn Radicalism or Perish.mp3
    57. 20220210 D.Pakman Trump Clogged WH Toilet Flushing Documents.mp3
    58. 20220210 T.Hartmann Toiletgate Biggest Doc Dump Flushed Out.mp3
    59. 20220211 F.Cousins M.Taylor Greene Thinks Government Sucks.mp3
    60. 20220211 John Fulgelsang Media Misses Trump’s Ratings.mp3
    61. 20220214 T.Hartmann Fate Future of GOP.mp3
    62. 20220215 D.Pakman Trump Accounts Fin Stmnt Not Trusted.mp3
    63. 20220215 S.Miller Someone Didnt Have Good Valentine’s Day.mp3
    64. 20220215 T.Hartmann America Has Militia Problem.mp3
    65. 20220215 T.Hartmann Charles Sauer How Much Gov Too Much.mp3
    66. 20220215 T.Hartmann Why Are Some Believing Crack Pipe Lies.mp3
    67. 20220216 Bob Cesca Who Heck Will Do Trump Taxes.mp3
    68. 20220216 D.Pakman Trump Admits Fin Stmnt Inaccurate.mp3
    69. 20220218 D.Pakman Candidates Will Try Steal Next Election.mp3
    70. 20220218 D.Pakman MTG Claims Husband’s Vote Was Stolen.mp3
    71. 20220218 T.Hartmann New Mail In Ballot Law 21st Century Tax.mp3
    72. 20220218 WJ.Barber II Can Reset Am Values Reset Democracy.mp3
    73. 20220221 D.Pakman Confirmed Trump Stole Classified Documents.mp3
    74. 20220221 Joe Walsh Can Race War be Stopped.mp3
    75. 20220221 John Aravosis Democrats Have Messaging Problem.mp3
    76. 20220222 C.Pierce Entire Business Infrastructure Crumbling.mp3
    77. 20220222 T.Hartmann Door Door Harassment Black Voters in NC.mp3
    78. 20220223 Stephanie Miller He Said What About Ukraine.mp3
    79. 20220224 F.Cousins Matt Gaetz Begging Donald Trump Speaker.mp3
    80. 20220224 S.Miller Putin Get Moneys Worth w Trump.mp3
    81. 20220224 T.Hartmann People Who Took America War Exposed.mp3
    82. 20220224 T.Hartmann Rick Scotts 11 Pt Plan Rescue America.mp3
    83. 20220225 T.Hartmann GA GOP Installs Plan End Democracy.mp3
    84. 20220226 F.Cousins Terrifying Agenda for 2022.mp3
    85. 20220227 B.Tyler Cohen Trump Calls US Leadership Dumb CPAC.mp3
    86. 20220228 D.Pakman Trump Announces 2024 Bid CPAC.mp3
    87. 20220301 T.Hartmann Can Democracy Be Destroyed.mp3
    88. 20220301 T.Hartmann Why Everything Causing Death Poverty.mp3
    89. 20220302 Bob Cesca Even Mitch McConnell Embarrassed.mp3
    90. 20220302 D.Pakman Lauren Boebert Mocks Biden.mp3
    91. 20220302 John Yarmuth This All Performance Art.mp3
    92. 20220302 Malcolm Nance There Were Two Children in Audience.mp3
    93. 20220302 Stephanie Miller Boebert Taylor Greene Heckle Biden.mp3
    94. 20220302 T.Hartmann As Fourth Great Turning Unwinds.mp3
    95. 20220304 K.Weil How ProPutin Connected Flat Earthers AntiVax.mp3
    96. 20220307 B.Barr I Would Still Vote for Donald Trump 2024.mp3
    97. 20220307 F.Cousins Trump Would Enter Murder Pact America.mp3
    98. 20220308 D.Pakman Bill Barr Still Vote Trump Over Democrat.mp3
    99. 20220308 S.Miller Jody Hamilton Rick Scott Adam Schiff.mp3
    100. 20220309 Bill Barr Trump Improved Republican Party.mp3
    101. 20220310 T.Hartmann There Plan End Medicare Social Security.mp3
    102. 20220311 Joe Biden Delivers Remarks House Dem Caucus.mp3
    103. 20220314 D.Pakman Trump Stuns World at Rally.mp3
    104. 20220314 J.Biden Ntnl League Cities Congressional City Conf.mp3
    105. 20220316 T.Hartmann Libertarian Movmnt Brought Us Crisis.mp3
    106. 20220318 D.Pakman Calls For Violence Media Doesn’t Care.mp3
    107. 20220318 T.Homer Dixon Could US Become Dictatorship by 2030.mp3
    108. 20220323 Richard Wolff Will US Starve Because of Ukraine.mp3
    109. 20220323 T.Hartmann All Sold Out Politicians Left Perf Act.mp3
    110. 20220324 F.Cousins Bill Make Voting Records Address Public.mp3
    111. 20220324 K.Harris Celeb Anniv Signing of Voting Rights EO.mp3
    112. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt1.mp3
    113. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt2.mp3
    114. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt3.mp3
    115. 20220328 D.Pakman Debate Over Killing Women Having Abortions.mp3
    116. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt1.mp3
    117. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt2.mp3
    118. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt3.mp3
    119. 20220404 Eric Boehlert Political Discourse.mp3
    120. 20220404 F.Cousins AK Rep Not Happy with Sarah Palin.mp3
    121. 20220405 D.Pakman Rally Attendees Have Interesting Theories.mp3
    122. 20220405 R.Rhodes Party By Subtraction.mp3
    123. 20220407 I.Milhiser Protesting Become Functionally Illegal.mp3
    124. 20220407 S.Miller We All Need Carry Eric Boehlerts Message.mp3
    125. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt1.mp3
    126. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt2.mp3
    127. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt3.mp3
    128. 20220411 D.Pakman There Division Over Trump Endorsements.mp3
    129. 20220411 R.Rhodes Stop Electing Stupid People.mp3
    130. 20220415 D.Pakman Trump Raising Millions Fundraising Email.mp3
    131. 20220417 F.Cousins Rep Vote Pull Out of Future POTUS Debates.mp3
    132. 20220419 F.Cousins Rick Scott Most Evil Senator.mp3
    133. 20220419 Mallory McMorrow We Will Not Let Hate Win.mp3
    134. 20220419 R.Rhodes Political War on Math.mp3
    135. 20220419 T.Hartmann Could Democrats Win Big.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 38 shows – 587 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 20220420 R.Rhodes Follow Money.mp3
    3. 20220420 T.Hartmann Why Democrats Like Sen. McMorrow are Mad.mp3
    4. 20220421 F.Cousins M.Lindell Swears 2020 Election Overturned.mp3
    5. 20220424 D.Pakman Interview with JR Majewski of OH.mp3
    6. 20220430 D.Pakman Interview with Ro Khanna of CA.mp3
    7. 20220501 D.Pakman Do We Have POTUS Stand Ins Like Dave.mp3
    8. 20220502 D.Pakman Cognitive Tests for Political Candidates.mp3
    9. 20220503 D.Pakman America Going Backwards.mp3
    10. 20220503 D.Pakman Republicans Rejoyce.mp3
    11. 20220504 D.Pakman Interview with John Gibbs of MI.mp3
    12. 20220505 F.Cousins Go FULL MAGA or Be Destroyed.mp3
    13. 20220526 B.Tyler Cohen Voters Make Elected Officials Listen.mp3
    14. 20220526 T.Hartmann Proof Old Ways Don’t Work.mp3
    15. 20220530 Brian Tyler Cohen Fed Up Tim Ryan Shreds JD Vance.mp3
    16. 20220601 T.Hartmann Tapes Reveal Plan Contest Elections.mp3
    17. 20220602 F.Cousins Leaked Memo Reveals Distancing from Trump.mp3
    18. 20220602 F.Cousins Republicans Recruiting Poll Workers.mp3
    19. 20220602 Greg Palist It Jim Crow 2.0.mp3
    20. 20220607 F.Cousins 20000 Forged Sign Strongr Voter Fraud Leg.mp3
    21. 20220608 Sam Lawrence Can Gen Z Democrats Knock Out GOP.mp3
    22. 20220613 J6 Committee 2nd Public Hearing.mp3
    23. 20220616 J6 Committee 3rd Public Hearing.mp3
    24. 20220620 Steven Hassan Will Next Election be Violent.mp3
    25. 20220621 J6 Committee 4th Public Hearing.mp3
    26. 20220621 Jeff Mandell Voter Fraud in Wisconsin.mp3
    27. 20220623 J6 Committee 5th Public Hearing.mp3
    28. 20220624 R.Rhodes How Reverse All of This.mp3
    29. 20220627 A.Perez Dark Money Turn SCOTUS Against Democ.mp3
    30. 20220628 J.Renacci Announced Chairman of American Greatness.mp3
    31. 20220628 J6 Committee 6th Public Hearing.mp3
    32. 20220630 Karl Frisch Were They Caught Red Handed.mp3
    33. 20220630 R.Rhodes Voting Everything.mp3
    34. 20220701 R.Rhodes VOTE VOTE VOTE.mp3
    35. 20220706 R.Rhodes Turn Thoughts Prayers into Register Vote.mp3
    36. 20220707 S.Assadzandi Prog Overhaul WV Democratic Party.mp3
    37. 20220711 T.Hartmann Moore vs. Harper Coming.mp3
    38. 20220711 T.Hartmann Only Thing that Can Save America.mp3
    39. 20220712 Greg Kelly We Are in Jeopardy This Why.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 30 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 23 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 20220712 J6 Committee 7th Public Hearing.mp3
    3. 20220712 Stephanie Miller Let’s Play What Hell Herschel.mp3
    4. 20220715 R.Rhodes This Not Performance Art This Vision.mp3
    5. 20220718 D.Pakman Avoid Criminal Charges Running President.mp3
    6. 20220722 T.Hartmann Door Door Voter Harassment.mp3
    7. 20220726 D.Pakman Another Voter Guilty of Fraud.mp3
    8. 20220729 R.Rhodes Compare Contrast.mp3
    9. 20220802 T.Hartmann Constitution Going Get Rewritten.mp3
    10. 20220808 R.Rhodes US vs Them.mp3
    11. 20220819 R.Rhodes Less Than 12 Weeks.mp3
    12. 20220822 R.Rhodes Democracy on Ballot.mp3
    13. 20220823 R.Rhodes Dark Money.mp3
    14. 20220831 T.Hartmann Does Senate Represent America.mp3
    15. 20220901 Joe Biden Battle for Soul of America.mp3
    16. 20220902 R.Rhodes American Democracy on Ballot.mp3
    17. 20220903 Donald Trump Rally for Dr. Oz.mp3
    18. 20220907 Kari Lake Katie Hobbs AZ Gubernatorial Forum.mp3
    19. 20220917 T.Hartmann How Neoliberalism Invaded Gutted America.mp3
    20. 20220920 Joe Biden DISCLOSE Act.mp3
    21. 20220930 Greg Abbot Beto O’Rourke TX Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    22. 20221004 J.Mills Paul LePage Sam Hunkler ME Gub Debate.mp3
    23. 20221005 R.Rhodes Don’t Vote Angry.mp3
    24. 20221006 Bill Priztker Darren Bailey IL Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    25. 20221006 Chuck Grassley Mike Franken US Senate Debate.mp3
    26. 20221007 M.Kelly B.Masters Marc Victor US Senate Debate.mp3
    27. 20221007 Ron Johnson Mandela Barnes US Senate Debate.mp3
    28. 20221010 Tim Ryan JD Vance US Senate Debate.mp3
    29. 20221013 Gretchen Whitmer Tudor Dixon MI Gub Debate.mp3
    30. 20221014 Raphael Warnock Herschel Walker US Senate Debate.mp3
    31. 20221014 T.Evers T.Michaels WI Gubernatorial Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 43 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20221015 K.Harris Voter Education Event with Students.mp3
    3. 20221016 D.Pakman What Happened GOP.mp3
    4. 20221016 M.Taylor Green Marcus Flowers GA 14th Cong Debate.mp3
    5. 20221016 R.Warnock Chase Oliver US Senate Debate.mp3
    6. 20221017 B.Kemp Stacy Abrams GA Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    7. 20221017 D.Pakman Majorie Taylor Green vs Marcus Flowers.mp3
    8. 20221017 D.Pakman Most Important Races of 2022.mp3
    9. 20221017 Mike Lee Evan McMullin US Senate Debate.mp3
    10. 20221017 R.Rhodes You Get What You Vote For.mp3
    11. 20221017 Tim Ryan JD Vance US Senate Debate.mp3
    12. 20221018 D.Pakman Republicans Surging on Democrats.mp3
    13. 20221018 K.Stitt Joy Hofmeister OK Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    14. 20221018 M.Rubio Val Demings US Senate Debate.mp3
    15. 20221018 Nancy Pelosi Midterm Elections.mp3
    16. 20221018 R.Rhodes Barbarians at Gate.mp3
    17. 20221020 R.Rhodes Problem Solving.mp3
    18. 20221021 R.Rhodes Deficit Was Cut Half Less 2 Yrs.mp3
    19. 20221021 T.Hartmann Attack American Democracy.mp3
    20. 20221021 T.Hartmann Family Values.mp3
    21. 20221024 R.DeSantis C.Crist FL Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    22. 20221025 Mehmet Oz John Fetterman US Senate Debate.mp3
    23. 20221028 JD Vance GET OUT THE VOTE.mp3
    24. 20221029 R.Rhodes America Down Rabbit Hole.mp3
    25. 20221030 B.Kemp Stacy Abrams GA Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    26. 20221101 Tim Ryan JD Vance Ohio Town Hall.mp3
    27. 20221102 Joe Biden State of Democracy.mp3
    28. 20221104 More People Vote Early Portage County OH.mp3
    29. 20221107 R.Rhodes Running Same Play.mp3
    30. 20221107 T.Hartmann Secret Democratic Victory Revealed.mp3
    31. 20221107 Young People Need Vote.mp3
    32. 20221108 Alan Minsky Why 2022 Midterms Are So Important.mp3
    33. 20221108 D.Pakman Election Day 2022.mp3
    34. 20221108 Election Day Coverage From Kent State P1.mp3
    35. 20221108 Election Day Coverage From Kent State P2.mp3
    36. 20221108 G.Palast 149000 Voters Challenged by Vigilantes.mp3
    37. 20221108 Rick Smith Election Night 2022.mp3
    38. 20221108 S.Miller Jody Hamilton Party Wants Steal Democracy.mp3
    39. 20221108 Students Portage County OH Exercise Right Vote.mp3
    40. 20221109 Bob Cesca What Does Trump Do Now.mp3
    41. 20221109 D.Pakman Day After.mp3
    42. 20221109 E.Stefanik We Will Fire Nancy Pelosi.mp3
    43. 20221109 S.Miller Morning After 2024.mp3
    44. 20221110 D.Pakman Balance of Power May Comr GA.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 48 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 5 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 20221110 J.Biden K.Harris Made Difference Last Tue.mp3
    3. 20221110 K.Frisch Media Needs Do Better.mp3
    4. 20221110 R.Rhodes Outran 86 Yr Midterm History.mp3
    5. 20221111 Rhodes Bal Pwr Still Hangs Congress.mp3
    6. 20221113 Brian Tyler Cohen How Did We Get This Point.mp3
    7. 20221114 Allison Gill Young Dem Came Out Young GOP Did Not.mp3
    8. 20221115 Farron Cousins Process Fixing Ballot.mp3
    9. 20221115 Greg Palist 1 Million Ballots Disappeared.mp3
    10. 20221115 Jim Jordan GOP Outlook Post Midterm.mp3
    11. 20221115 Randi Rhodes Post Mortem Period.mp3
    12. 20221115 Randi Rhodes Post Mortem Periods.mp3
    13. 20221116 Randi Rhodes 2024 is Off Running.mp3
    14. 20221128 Thom Hartmann This Algorithm Great Threat Humanity.mp3
    15. 20221201 Greg Palast Ballot Box Segregation.mp3
    16. 20221207 Moore vs Harper Supreme Court Oral Argument.mp3
    17. 20221208 David Pakman Finger Pointing After 2022.mp3
    18. 20221209 Greg Palast Millions Could Not Vote.mp3
    19. 20221228 Glenn Kirshner How to Deal with Election Deniers.mp3
    20. 20230126 David DeWitt Most Corrupt State Robbing You Blind.mp3
    21. 20230310 David Pakman Early Voting vs Same Day Voting in GOP.mp3
    22. 20230313 David Pakman the 2024 Campaign Kicks Off in Iowa P1.mp3
    23. 20230313 David Pakman the 2024 Campaign Kicks Off in Iowa P2.mp3
    24. 20230314 David Pakman Careful What You Vote For.mp3
    25. 20230405 Thom Hartmann Americans Love Money More Democracy.mp3
    26. 20230406 Justin Jones An Assault on Democracy.mp3
    27. 20230406 Justin Pearson Speaks Ahead of Expulsion Vote.mp3
    28. 20230407 Randi Rhodes the Danger of a Tyrannical Government.mp3
    29. 20230410 Radio Rhodes the People are Coming.mp3
    30. 20230410 What New OH Voting Law Means for Young Voters.mp3
    31. 20230411 Thom Hartmann Generation Z is Awake.mp3
    32. 20230424 Brian Tyler Cohen Cleta Mitchell Plan Voting 2024.mp3
    33. 20230424 T.Hartmann end Childhood What We Are Voting For.mp3
    34. 20230424 Thom Hartmann Why Americans Fight Woke.mp3
    35. 20230425 the Importance of Your Vote.mp3
    36. 20230429 Brian Tyler Cohen the Dangers of Gerrymandering.mp3
    37. 20230501 Alex Lawson 217 to 215 to Cut Your Social Security.mp3
    38. 20230712 Thom Hartmann, Are We Headed to Single Party Rule.mp3
    39. 20230716 Brian Tyler Cohen, Could the House Flip in 2024.mp3
    40. 20230719 Brian Tyler Cohen, AL GOP Defies SCOTUS Order.mp3
    41. 20230720 Thom Hartmann, Election Police in FL and TX.mp3
    42. 20230724 Thom Hartmann, Does DNA Affect the Way We Vote.mp3
    43. 20230726 Frank LaRose and Dick Celeste Debate Ohio Issue 1.mp3
    44. 20230726 Mark Elias, Voter Suppression by WI GOP.mp3
    45. 20230729 Thom Hartmann Democracy is Natural to Humans.mp3
    46. 20230801 David Pepper Authoritarianism in Ohio.mp3
    47. 20230804 Randi Rhodes Voting in the Dead of Summer.mp3
    48. 20230809 Liz Walters Democracy Wins in Ohio.mp3
    49. 20230809 Randi Rhodes You Did It OHIO.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 61 shows – 602 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 55 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 20230819 Election Breeches in Coffee County GA.mp3
    3. 20230820 Luke Beasley Struggle to Comprehend Facts.mp3
    4. 20230820 Marc Elias New Lawsuit Could Flip the House.mp3
    5. 20230820 Rona McDaniel This is a Critical Opportunity.mp3
    6. 20230824 Marc Elias unexpected Setback in GA.mp3
    7. 20230828 Dean Obeidallah You Disqualify Trump From Ballot.mp3
    8. 20230829 Brendon Fischer AI Could Stop You From Voting.mp3
    9. 20230910 Thom Hartmann Voting Blue Pay Off.mp3
    10. 20230914 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    11. 20230915 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    12. 20230919 Kama Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    13. 20230919 Thom Hartmann 2024 Elections Could Get Violent.mp3
    14. 20230919 Thom Hartmann Big Pharma Big Rip Off.mp3
    15. 20230919 Thom Hartmann Prison for Pregnancy.mp3
    16. 20230920 Alex Lawson the End of Medicare and Social Security.mp3
    17. 20230920 Donald Trump Commit to Caucus.mp3
    18. 20230920 K.Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.mp3
    19. 20230920 Thom Hartmann 9 Trillion Dollar Budget Cuts.mp3
    20. 20230921 Dana Goldberg Make Voting a National Holiday.mp3
    21. 20230921 Dana Goldberg, Make Voting a National Holiday.mp3
    22. 20230925 D.Pakman Threats of Automatic Voter Registration.mp3
    23. 20230925 David Pakman Threats Automatic Voter Registr.mp3
    24. 20230926 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    25. 20230926 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    26. 20230928 Joe Biden Democracy is an American Issue.mp3
    27. 20230928 Joe Biden, Democracy is an American Issue.mp3
    28. 20230928 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    29. 20230928 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    30. 20231003 Hillary Clinton Let Have Fact Base Discussion.mp3
    31. 20231003 Hillary Clinton, Let’s Have a Fact Based Discussion.mp3
    32. 20231005 Hillary Clinton American Democracy is in Trouble.mp3
    33. 20231005 Hillary Clinton, American Democracy is in Trouble.mp3
    34. 20231006 J.Fugelsang Only Time Freedom Caucus Believed Democ.mp3
    35. 20231008 Marc Elias GOP May Lose Congressional Seat.mp3
    36. 20231008 Marc Elias, GOP May Lose Congressional Seat.mp3
    37. 20231011 Bob Cesca First 4 Years Were Beta.mp3
    38. 20231011 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    39. 20231011 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    40. 20231011 Thom Hartmann Corrupt Oligarchs and Liars.mp3
    41. 20231011 Thom Hartmann Three Factions in the US.mp3
    42. 20231011 Thom Hartmann, Corrupt Oligarchs and Liars.mp3
    43. 20231011 Thom Hartmann, Three Factions in the US.mp3
    44. 20231012 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    45. 20231012 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    46. 20231012 Thom Hartmann Oligarchy vs Democracy.mp3
    47. 20231012 Thom Hartmann, Oligarchy vs Democracy.mp3
    48. 20231013 Steven Levinsky Why Democracy Was Abandoned.mp3
    49. 20231013 Thom Hartmann An Internal Civil War in a Party.mp3
    50. 20231013 Thom Hartmann, An Internal Civil War in a Party.mp3
    51. 20231014 Luke Beasley This Is Not Good.mp3
    52. 20231015 Brian Tyler Cohen Mental Stability of Candidates.mp3
    53. 20231015 Brian Tyler Cohen Narrative Age and President.mp3
    54. 20231016 Brad Sherman a House in Chaos.mp3
    55. 20231016 Lee Pope Stop Being a Jerk Simple.mp3
    56. 20231016 Luke Beasley the Rhetoric of an Unraveling Mind.mp3
    57. 20231017 Dean Obeidallah How Did We Get Here.mp3
    58. 20231017 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    59. 20231017 Luke Beasley Politics of Military Props.mp3
    60. 20231018 Bob Cesca a Party Falling Off of the Cliff.mp3
    61. 20231018 David Pakman A Level of Discourse.mp3
    62. 20231018 David Pakman the Importance of Registering to Vote.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 43 shows – 619 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20231018 Rick Smith a Dangerous Place to Be as a Country.mp3
    3. 20231019 Randi Rhodes Bad Government.mp3
    4. 20231019 Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Banning Woke Words.mp3
    5. 20231020 David Pakman Remember.mp3
    6. 20231020 Luke Beasley Has Hell Frozen Over.mp3
    7. 20231020 R. Rhodes What Leadership Does and Doesnt Look Like.mp3
    8. 20231020 Stephanie Miller a Sexy Liberal Roundtable.mp3
    9. 20231020 Thom Hartmann Why Can’t the GOP Unite.mp3
    10. 20231021 John Fugelsang the Crook on the Hook.mp3
    11. 20231021 Michael Steele Dismantling Everything.mp3
    12. 20231022 Marc Elias Nightmare Maps in 2024.mp3
    13. 20231023 Brian Tyler Cohen the Issue of Cognitive Decline.mp3
    14. 20231023 Lee Papa the Cardboard King Reveals More.mp3
    15. 20231023 Randi Rhodes Biden Was Built for This Moment.mp3
    16. 20231023 T.Hartmann Great Demise of American Democracy.mp3
    17. 20231024 Luke Beasley, Compare the Record for Working People.mp3
    18. 20231025 Brian Tyler Cohen, Meet Speaker Mike Johnson.mp3
    19. 20231025 Luke Beasley, the Record of Mike Johnson.mp3
    20. 20231027 Thom Hartmann, Death by Billions.mp3
    21. 20231028 David Pakman Policy vs Culture.mp3
    22. 20231029 Jared Moskowitz What Mike Johnson Means 18 GOP.mp3
    23. 20231031 Rick Smith, You Have to Get Out and Vote.mp3
    24. 20231101 Scott Gessler, Cross Examines CO Elector.mp3
    25. 20231104 Marc Elias, Effort to Eliminate Electoral College.mp3
    26. 20231106 David Pakman, A Real Wake Up Call.mp3
    27. 20231106 David Pakman, Bonkers and Confusing.mp3
    28. 20231106 David Pakman, Fact vs Emotion.mp3
    29. 20231106 Randi Rhodes, Poll This.mp3
    30. 20231106 Rick Smith No Respect Law No Respect America.mp3
    31. 20231107 David Pakman, the Dangers of Project 2025.mp3
    32. 20231107 Kent State News, Election Night 2023.mp3
    33. 20231108 Bob Cesca, Is MAGA Just For Entertainment.mp3
    34. 20231108 David Pakman, Big Wins on Election Night.mp3
    35. 20231108 David Pakman, MAGA Meltdown in 2023.mp3
    36. 20231108 Randi Rhodes, Are We Tired of Winning Yet.mp3
    37. 20231108 Rick Smith, the Take Away on Election 2023.mp3
    38. 20231108 Thom Hartmann, It Is a New Day After.mp3
    39. 20231108 Trea Crowder, Election 2023 Roundup.mp3
    40. 20231109 Rick Smith, How Did We Get Here.mp3
    41. 20231110 David Pakman, Most Successful President in 50 Years.mp3
    42. 20231110 John Fugelsang Look Presidential Next Ramaswamy.mp3
    43. 20231111 Brian Tyler Cohen, CONFUSION on Stage.mp3
    44. 20231111 Brian Tyler Cohen, Utter Confusion on Stage.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 38 shows – 610 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20231111 Donald Trump, Root Out the Vermin.mp3
    3. 20231111 Michael Cohen, Everything He Touches, He Destroys.mp3
    4. 20231111 Nancy Pelosi, Elections Are About the Future.mp3
    5. 20231113 Anderson Cooper Why Comments Are So Troubling.mp3
    6. 20231113 David Pakman, Major Cognitive Decline.mp3
    7. 20231113 Lee Papa, Cannot Vote Run From Jail.mp3
    8. 20231113 Luke Beasley, Echos in a Disgusting Speech.mp3
    9. 20231113 Noel Casler, This is Horrifying.mp3
    10. 20231113 Stephanie Miller, SAY WHAT.mp3
    11. 20231114 Bernie Sanders, Fighting Corporate Greed.mp3
    12. 20231114 Charlie Pierce, A Bunch of Enablers.mp3
    13. 20231114 David Pakman Inflation ZORO Fox Defends Comments.mp3
    14. 20231114 Dean Obeidallah, Who is More Senile.mp3
    15. 20231114 James Comer, Explains Exchange with Jared Moskowitz.mp3
    16. 20231114 Jared Moskowitz and James Comer, Verbal Altercation.mp3
    17. 20231114 Randi Rhodes, Vermin.mp3
    18. 20231114 Rick Smith, a Literal Shock.mp3
    19. 20231115 Bob Cesca, 2024 is Gonna be CRAZY.mp3
    20. 20231115 Chip Roy, Throws Down the Gauntlet to GOP House.mp3
    21. 20231115 David Pakman, a Typical Day in Congress.mp3
    22. 20231115 Hal Sparks, The Way You Act When Polls Go Your Way.mp3
    23. 20231115 Jo Jo From Jerz, Consumed with Rage.mp3
    24. 20231115 Malcolm Nance, It Is Like August 2016.mp3
    25. 20231115 Stephanie Miller, All in a 24 Hour Period.mp3
    26. 20231116 David Pakman, A Political Party Meltdown.mp3
    27. 20231116 Randi Rhodes, Losing Our Humanity.mp3
    28. 20231117 David Pakman, Ignoring Cognitive Decline.mp3
    29. 20231117 John Fugelsang, 2024 is Survivor vs Apprentice.mp3
    30. 20231117 Randi Rhodes, Bah Bye.mp3
    31. 20231118 Luke Beasley What 2nd Trump Term Means to World.mp3
    32. 20231120 Brian Tyler Cohen, 2024 Political Landscape ROCKED.mp3
    33. 20231120 Lee Papa, We Are a Stupid Country.mp3
    34. 20231120 Randi Rhodes, Project 2025.mp3
    35. 20231120 Rick Smith, a Side of Outrage Please.mp3
    36. 20231121 Rick Smith, It Is All About Outrage.mp3
    37. 20231121 Stephanie Miller C.Hutchinson Gives Dark Reasons.mp3
    38. 20231122 Bob Cesca, Decency and Competency.mp3
    39. 20231128 Randi Rhodes, Eff Your Feelings.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 12 shows – 204 MB – total playtime 7 hours, 25 minutes
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      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 20231206 Anderson vs Griswold Oral Argument.mp3
    3. 20231220 David Pakman, Missing Binder in Final Days of Trump.mp3
    4. 20231220 David Pakman, Trump Barred From CO Ballot.mp3
    5. 20231222 Faron Cousins GOP Congress Passed 20 Legislation.mp3
    6. 20231227 Glenn Kirshner, the 2024 Justices Sprint.mp3
    7. 20231227 Pondering Politics Deliberate Pain Suffering People.mp3
    8. 20231227 Pondering Politics, Economy, Dictatorship, REVENGE.mp3
    9. 20240105 Joe Biden, Democracy vs Dictatorship.mp3
    10. 20240105 Liz Cheney, An Oath to Defend Democracy.mp3
    11. 20240108 Jamie Raskin, Democracy vs Autocracy in 2024.mp3
    12. 20240604 Kamala Harris Freedom is on the Ballot.mp3
    13. 20240613 Marc Elias Five Alarm Fire.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    730 recordings on 168 Audio CDs. Total playtime 157 hours, 9 min
    730 recordings on 168 Audio CDs
    total playtime 157 hours, 9 min

    Voting in US Disc A001

    1. 19421102 Harry S Truman Voting War Effort
    2. 19441005 Franklin D. Roosevelt the Right to Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A002

    1. 19441005 Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Right to Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A003

    1. 19441106 Get Out Vote for FDR
    2. 19510704 Harry Truman the Cause of Freedom P1

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    Voting in US Disc A004

    1. 19510704 Harry Truman the Cause of Freedom P2
    2. 19521103 Harry S Truman Election Eve Remarks
    3. 19521103 HTruman Radio Remarks Election Eve Kansas City MO
    4. 19560323 Harry S Truman Ideals Democracy
    5. 19560529 Harry Truman Reminds Americans Vote
    6. 19610106 Richard M Nixon Declares John Kennedy President
    7. 19621011 JFK Bill Lawrence Interview
    8. 19621101 JFK Reminds Americans Vote November 6th
    9. 19621101 JFK Urge Public Vote on Election Day
    10. 19640623 LBJ 835PM Phone Call Mrs Nathan Schwerner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Voting in US Disc A005

    1. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 355PM Phone Call James Eastland
    2. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 405PM Phone Call J Edgar Hoover
    3. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 425PM Phone Call James Eastland
    4. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 630PM Phone Call Lee White
    5. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 821PM Phone Call Paul Johnson
    6. 19640623 Lyndon Johnson 850PM Phone Call Mr Robert Goodman

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    Voting in US Disc A006

    1. 19640625 Walter Cronkite Search in Mississippi

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    Voting in US Disc A007

    1. 19640628 Frank McGee Chaney Goodman Schwerner

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    Voting in US Disc A008

    1. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover FBI Wont Protect Civil Rights Worker
    2. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover Missing Civil Rights Workers in MS
    3. 19650313 Lyndon Johnson Meeting George Wallace

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    Voting in US Disc A009

    1. 19650315 LBJ Special Message Congress Voting Rights 1965
    2. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 1

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    Voting in US Disc A010

    1. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 2
    2. 19650318 Phone Call Btwn LBJ George Wallace Part 3
    3. 19650321 Alexander Kendrick Selma City Symbol
    4. 19650326 Lyndon Johnson 810AM Phone Call J Edgar Hoover

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    Voting in US Disc A011

    1. 19650806 LBJ Signs Voting Rights Act of 1965
    2. 19660000 Ronald Reagan John Wayne Instructions on Voting
    3. 19710705 Richard M Nixon Certifies 26th Amendment
    4. 19710913 Radio Spot Encourage Youth Vote 1972

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    Voting in US Disc A012

    1. 19720606 George McGovern Jimmy Carter Voting Rights Act P1
    2. 19720606 George McGovern Jimmy Carter Voting Rights Act P2
    3. 19721106 Richard Nixon Election Eve Statement
    4. 19800000 John Weyrich I Dont Want Everybody Vote
    5. 19860715 Ronald Reagan Remarks Teenaged Republicans
    6. 19860731 Ronald Reagan, Inspire American Youth to Vote
    7. 19861018 Ronald Reagan Voter Participation
    8. 19870521 Ronald Reagan Vote America
    9. 19910000 Gerald Ford Views Gerrymandering Perks Super PACs
    10. 19910000 Richard Nixon View on Term Limits
    11. 19910000 Ronald Reagan Views on Gerrymandering
    12. 19920000 James Carville Pep Talk Clinton Supporters

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    Voting in US Disc A013

    1. 19930520 Bill Clinton Motor Voter Bill Signing
    2. 19930614 Bill Clinton Flag Day Proclivities

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    Voting in US Disc A014

    1. 19930614 Bill Clinton, Flag Day Proclivities
    2. 20140407 Joe Biden Stand Up for Voting Rights
    3. 20150307 50th Anniversary of Voting Rights March

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Voting in US Disc A015

    1. 20170106 Joe Biden Declares Donald Trump President
    2. 20200212 S.Brown Calls Out Senate Repub
    3. 20200212 S.Brown Presses Retribution Tour
    4. 20200507 M.McMorrow Maj Didnt Help Firefighter
    5. 20201104 Joe Biden Patience Commendable
    6. 20201104 Joe Biden We Wont Rest Until Every Vote Counted

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Voting in US Disc A016

    1. 20201104 Trump Go Supreme Court Dispute Election Count
    2. 20201105 Gabriel Sterling Update Days Ballot Counting in GA
    3. 20201112 BRaffensperger Press Conf 2020 Election Results
    4. 20201125 Rudy Giuliani PA Election Hearing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Voting in US Disc A017

    1. 20201201 MCarone Testimony MI State Senate on 2020 Election
    2. 20201202 Brad Raffensperger These Poll Workers Are Neighbors
    3. 20201202 MCarone Testimony MI State Senate on 2020 Election

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    Voting in US Disc A018

    1. 20201214 Joe Biden Electoral College Vote Certification
    2. 20201216 AZ Senate Examining Irregularities in 2020 Election
    3. 20201223 Trump Call GA SOS Investigator Frances Watson

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    Voting in US Disc A019

    1. 20210102 Donald Trump Call GA SOS Brad Raffensperger

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    Voting in US Disc A020

    1. 20210104 Brad Raffensperger Press Conf 2020 Election Ballots
    2. 20210104 Gabriel Sterling Debunks Claims Voter Fraud in GA
    3. 20210105 Debra Messing GA Purged Raffensperger No Hero
    4. 20210106 Donald Trump Go Home We Love You

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Voting in US Disc A021

    1. 20210106 Donald Trump I Jr Address Stop Steal Rally
    2. 20210106 Joe Biden Siege on US Capitol
    3. 20210106 Mitch McConnell Comments on Electoral Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A022

    1. 20210106 MPence Cong Certification Electoral College Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A023

    1. 20210107 Mike Pence Declares Joe Biden President
    2. 20210110 Brad Raffensperger 11780 Votes
    3. 20210303 J.Biden Remarks House Dem Caucus
    4. 20210321 T.Hartmann Coming for Birth Control
    5. 20210427 Pearson Sharp Grave Threat Voting Fraud
    6. 20210517 T.HartmannBrutal American Oligarchy
    7. 20210616 KHarris Meeting Texas Democrats on Voting Rights

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Voting in US Disc A024

    1. 20210616 Texas Democrats Press Meeting at White House
    2. 20210622 Greg Palast Get Out of My House GA GOP Busted
    3. 20210623 Kamala Harris Voting Rights
    4. 20210703 Inside TX Politics NCollier Voting Election Legisl

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    Voting in US Disc A025

    1. 20210709 Texas Democrats New Voting Rights Legislation
    2. 20210709 Texas Democrats Voting Election Legislation

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    Voting in US Disc A026

    1. 20210710 Inside TX Politics BHughes NJohnson Election Bill
    2. 20210713 Biden Protecting Sacred Constitutional Right Vote
    3. 20210713 KHarris Meeting TX Democrats Who Fled DC
    4. 20210714 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Disabled

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    Voting in US Disc A027

    1. 20210714 Texas Republicans Voting Election Legislation
    2. 20210716 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Women
    3. 20210716 Texas Democrats News Conference on Voting Rights

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    Voting in US Disc A028

    1. 20210721 Barbara Arnwine John Lewis Voting Rights Act
    2. 20210721 Kamala Harris Poll Workers Election Officials

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    Voting in US Disc A029

    1. 20210721 Lala Wu Texas Voter Legislation Explained
    2. 20210727 Kamala Harris Voting Rights of Native Americans
    3. 20210803 Mike Lindell Interview D.Pakman
    4. 20210806 Mike Lindell Interview Drew Griffin
    5. 20210913 C. Schumer Freedom Vote Act

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    Voting in US Disc A030

    1. 20210913 Rob Reiner California Recall Election
    2. 20210914 DPakman LElder Claims Fraud Before Recall Electn
    3. 20210914 FCousins 60 Percent GOP Believing Trump Election
    4. 20210914 R.Rhodes California Recall of Gavin Newsom
    5. 20210914 Stephanie Miller California Recall Over
    6. 20210915 D.Pakman GOP Humiliated CA Recall Defeat
    7. 20210917 DCalloway BKristol AGonzalez Trump Cancer GOP
    8. 20210918 FCousins Stop Electing People Want Shut Gov Down
    9. 20210919 FCousins PA Republicans Copy AZ Ballot Audit

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    Voting in US Disc A031

    1. 20210920 DPakman Trump Letter Demanding Declared GA Winner
    2. 20210920 FCousins Trump Wants GA Decertify Election Results
    3. 20210920 Second Rally Completely Humiliating Failure
    4. 20210921 Spencer Headworth Policing Welfare Recipients
    5. 20210922 Malcolm Nance Leaked Memo was Planned Coup
    6. 20210922 R.Rhodes Coup
    7. 20210923 DPakman MJGreene Humiliates Herself Memes Hs Flr

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    Voting in US Disc A032

    1. 20210923 Mary Gay Scanlon Protecting of Democracy Act
    2. 20210923 R.Rhodes Corporate Democrats are Problem
    3. 20210924 AHaywood 2020 Election Over Time Move On
    4. 20210924 COVID-19 Response Vaccine Updates
    5. 20210924 THartmann 2022 Election Free Americans Grifters

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    Voting in US Disc A033

    1. 20210926 THartmann Inspired Bullies Mobilize Authorn Candt
    2. 20210927 DPakman Trump Calls Decertification AZ Elctrl Vote
    3. 20210927 F.Cousins Texas Conduct Ballot Audit 2020 Election
    4. 20210927 F.Cousins Trump Declares Victory AZ Audit Aftr Lost
    5. 20210930 Donald Trump Thoughts on Arizona Audit
    6. 20211001 F.Cousins Majority of Voters Favor Secession
    7. 20211002 F.Cousins GOP Want AZ Audit Trump Lost Again
    8. 20211004 D.Pakman R.Giuliani Admits Evidence Social Media
    9. 20211004 F.Cousins Trump Attacks Media Over AZ Audit Results

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    Voting in US Disc A034

    1. 20211004 May Davis Why Mail In Voting Racist
    2. 20211005 S.Miller Mitch McConnell Kyrsten Sinemas Agenda
    3. 20211006 R.Rhodes Americans Cant Have Nice Things
    4. 20211007 R.Rhodes Turn Light On Dark Money
    5. 20211007 T.Hartmann Two Strategies Steal 2024 Election
    6. 20211010 F.Cousins Trump Tries Avoid Blame Upcoming Midterms
    7. 20211011 F.Cousins Giuliani Reveal Elect Fraud Evid FB

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    Voting in US Disc A035

    1. 20211011 Jen Senko Brainwashing of My Dad Part 1
    2. 20211011 Jen Senko Brainwashing of My Dad Part 2
    3. 20211012 Charlie Pierce Why Do They Believe Him
    4. 20211012 T.Hartmann Time for Genuine Patriots Rescue America
    5. 20211013 D.Pakman Dead People Are Voting

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    Voting in US Disc A036

    1. 20211013 R.Rhodes Not Your Fathers Political Party
    2. 20211014 Geoff Duncan What Happened GOP Under Trump
    3. 20211016 F.Cousins 37 Members Congress Violat STOCK Act 2021
    4. 20211018 F.Cousins GOP Still Pushing Be Speaker of House
    5. 20211019 A.King Makes Case for Voting Rights Legislation

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    Voting in US Disc A037

    1. 20211019 F.Durbin Accuses M.McConnell Weaponizing Filibuster
    2. 20211020 Kamala Harris Its Really Sad Day
    3. 20211023 F.Cousins Defend FL Group Door Door Voter Fraud
    4. 20211025 R.Rhodes So You Want Beca Member of Congress
    5. 20211102 D.Packman CRT Most Important Issue
    6. 20211102 John Ladarla CRT Most Important Issue
    7. 20211109 COVID Deaths Trump Voters Outpaces Biden Voters
    8. 20211117 T.Hartmann Media Hyping Infl Ignoring Good Economy
    9. 20211118 T.Hartmann Leave It Beaver So Strategy

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    Voting in US Disc A038

    1. 20211206 Has GOP Lost All Sense of Morality
    2. 20211206 T.Hartmann Dem Prove They Are Party of Freedom
    3. 20211206 T.Hartmann Media Bias Favors Trump over Biden
    4. 20211207 D.Pakman Trump Rants Dinner Guests
    5. 20211207 R.Rhodes this What Gerrymandering Looks Like
    6. 20211208 D.Pakman Next Coup Has Already Happened
    7. 20211210 The Craven Plan End Democracy Exposed
    8. 20211212 D.Parkman Could Donald Trump Bc Speaker House 2023

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    Voting in US Disc A039

    1. 20211212 T.Hartmann Do We Ignore or Engage Rural Voters
    2. 20211213 Brian Tyler Cohen Secret Election Plot Revealed
    3. 20211213 F.Cousins M.Meadows Plan Military Overturn Election
    4. 20211213 F.Cousins S.Meyers Needs Use Platform Educate Voter
    5. 20211213 T.Hartmann America Edge of Oligarchy or Opportunity
    6. 20211214 D.Pakman Michael Cohen Interview
    7. 20211214 D.Parkman Throwing Stones Weak Glass Houses

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    Voting in US Disc A040

    1. 20211214 R.Warnock Nothing More Important Voting Rights
    2. 20211215 Joe Madison Right Vote Worth Your Life
    3. 20211216 Joe Manchins Lump of Coal in Our Stocking
    4. 20211217 J.Jordan Freedom Caucus Direct Implicated Ovrthrgh
    5. 20211218 F.Cousins K.West Presidential Cmpgn Run by GOP
    6. 20211224 Pat Ford Americans are Done Trump Biden
    7. 20211226 F.Cousins Republican Party Plan for 2022 Election
    8. 20211226 F.Cousins TX Tax Payers Spent 2 Million Voter Fraud

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    Voting in US Disc A041

    1. 20211228 D.Pakman 5000 Dead Voters Found Alive
    2. 20211228 F.Cousins L.Gohmert Sued M.Pence Overturn Election
    3. 20220102 D.Pakman MT.Greene Ban Dem Moving Red States
    4. 20220102 F.Cousins MT.Greene Dem Banned Voting in Red States
    5. 20220103 D.Pakman Chilling Letter Seizure Electn Materials
    6. 20220103 D.Pakman Military Generals Warn Military Coup 2024
    7. 20220103 E.Boehlert Biden Were GOP Press Put Him Mt Rushmore
    8. 20220103 F.Cousins 6 Prcnt GOP Believes Biden Won Election
    9. 20220103 Karl Frisch Its Time Talk About Republican Men

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    Voting in US Disc A042

    1. 20220103 R.Rhodes Propaganda Works
    2. 20220103 T.Hartmann American Rugged Individualism
    3. 20220104 Charlie Pierce Can Media Help Save Democracy
    4. 20220104 F.Cousins T.Cruz Says GOP Ready Impeach Biden 2023
    5. 20220105 C. Schumer Rails Against GOP Opposing Voter Rights
    6. 20220105 F.Cousins Trump Major Fundraising MAGA Candidates
    7. 20220105 J.Harrison Full On Assault On All of Our Rights
    8. 20220105 M.McConnell Invok Jan 6 Pass Voting Rights Disgrace

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    Voting in US Disc A043

    1. 20220106 The Fragility Strength of Our Democracy
    2. 20220110 M.McConnell Ending Filibuster Ruin Democracy
    3. 20220110 R.Rhodes Ted Cruz Front Running Phony
    4. 20220111 B.Karem Politics an Afterthought Working People

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    Voting in US Disc A044

    1. 20220111 BT.Cohen Finally Anncmnt We Have Been Waiting For
    2. 20220111 F.Cousins Cable Cabinet
    3. 20220111 F.Cousins Forged Ectn Certif Letters AZ MI Overturn
    4. 20220111 F.Cousins Mike Rounds labeled Crazy Stupid
    5. 20220111 L.Graham Dm Attempted Election Takeover
    6. 20220111 Mitt Romney Donald Trump Joe Biden Are Same
    7. 20220111 R.Rhodes If Filibuster
    8. 20220111 T.Cruz Dem Desperate Break Senate Rules Power Grabs
    9. 20220111 T.Hartmann FL First State Lose Democracy

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    Voting in US Disc A045

    1. 20220111 T.Hartmann We Have Only Seen Small Part of Coup
    2. 20220111 Urgent Need Pass Voter Rights Legislation
    3. 20220112 C. Schumer Mitt Romney Knows Trump Biden Arent Same
    4. 20220112 D.Pakman Biden Harris Uninspird Hillary 2024

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    Voting in US Disc A046

    1. 20220112 M.Nance Corp Media Hooked on Drama of Trump
    2. 20220112 Mitch McConnell Profoundly Unpresidential
    3. 20220112 T.Hartmann Why They Dont You Believe in Democracy
    4. 20220112 Tom Cotton Speaking in Defense of Filibuster
    5. 20220113 BT.Cohen Kyrsten Sinema Stuns Shocking Anncmnt
    6. 20220113 D.Pakman Bad News for Ohio GOP
    7. 20220113 Its About Who Gets Count Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A047

    1. 20220113 K.Sinema Opposes Filibuster Carveout Voting Rights
    2. 20220118 R.Rhodes Let Games Begin
    3. 20220119 L.Graham Senate Dem Attempt Dismantle Filibuster
    4. 20220119 R.Rhodes Big Fat Juicy Election Fraud
    5. 20220119 T.Hartmann Can Election Police Be Stopped
    6. 20220120 BT.Cohen Senator Goes Megaviral Speech of Year

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    Voting in US Disc A048

    1. 20220120 R.Rhodes Were All Black Now
    2. 20220121 BT.Cohen J.Ernst Asked Name 3 Things GOP Stands
    3. 20220121 D.Pakman No More Presidential Debates for GOP
    4. 20220121 D.Pakman Will They Try Steal More Elections
    5. 20220123 F.Cousins Signed Forged Election Doc Knew Illegal
    6. 20220125 BT.Cohen Dem Unexpected Good News Key Swing St
    7. 20220125 Jill Wine-Banks Bar Too Low
    8. 20220126 T.Hartmann What Biden Has Done That You Dont Know

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    Voting in US Disc A049

    1. 20220127 R.Rhodes Cant Just We Do What Works
    2. 20220127 Rumor Abt M.Obama Created Raise Money for Midterms
    3. 20220128 F.Cousins 59 Lawmakers Cld Face Jail Fake Elector
    4. 20220129 Chris Salcedo Demographics in TX Are Changing
    5. 20220129 Donald Trump Jr Were on Verge of WWIII
    6. 20220131 D.Pakman Trump Threatens More Riots in Future
    7. 20220131 T.Hartmann Candidates Answered Call Viokence
    8. 20220131 T.Hartmann ConfessTreason Exposes Electoral College
    9. 20220201 Frank Figliuzzi Watergate 711 Robbery By Comparison
    10. 20220202 Brian Tyler Cohen Trump Turns Ally Lindsey Graham

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    Voting in US Disc A050

    1. 20220202 D.Pakman Trump Demands Pence Be Investigated
    2. 20220202 D.Pakman Trump Turns Republicans Newsmax Intvw
    3. 20220203 B.Cesca It Now OK Be Openly Racist
    4. 20220204 D.Pakman Plan Seize Voting Machines
    5. 20220204 F.Cousins FLGOP Switch Senior Vote Reg

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    Voting in US Disc A051

    1. 20220204 Jamie Raskin Protecting Vote
    2. 20220204 T.Hartmann Voting Schemes Stop You Ballot Box

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    Voting in US Disc A052

    1. 20220207 D.Pakman Mar-a Lago Raided by National Archives

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    Voting in US Disc A053

    1. 20220207 Glenn Kirshner Mike Pence No Hero

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    Voting in US Disc A054

    1. 20220208 D.Pakman Democrats Lacking 2024 Candidates
    2. 20220208 R.Rhodes Republicans Choose Their Voters

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    Voting in US Disc A055

    1. 20220208 Stephanie Miller Did We Just Witness Breakup
    2. 20220209 D.Pakman Civil War Inside Republican Party
    3. 20220209 T.Hartmann Will America Learn Radicalism or Perish
    4. 20220210 D.Pakman Trump Clogged WH Toilet Flushing Documents
    5. 20220210 T.Hartmann Toiletgate Biggest Doc Dump Flushed Out
    6. 20220211 F.Cousins M.Taylor Greene Thinks Government Sucks
    7. 20220211 John Fulgelsang Media Misses Trump’s Ratings
    8. 20220214 T.Hartmann Fate Future of GOP
    9. 20220215 D.Pakman Trump Accounts Fin Stmnt Not Trusted

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    Voting in US Disc A056

    1. 20220215 S.Miller Someone Didnt Have Good Valentine’s Day
    2. 20220215 T.Hartmann America Has Militia Problem
    3. 20220215 T.Hartmann Charles Sauer How Much Gov Too Much
    4. 20220215 T.Hartmann Why Are Some Believing Crack Pipe Lies
    5. 20220216 Bob Cesca Who Heck Will Do Trump Taxes
    6. 20220216 D.Pakman Trump Admits Fin Stmnt Inaccurate
    7. 20220218 D.Pakman Candidates Will Try Steal Next Election
    8. 20220218 D.Pakman MTG Claims Husband’s Vote Was Stolen

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    Voting in US Disc A057

    1. 20220218 T.Hartmann New Mail In Ballot Law 21st Century Tax
    2. 20220218 WJ.Barber II Can Reset Am Values Reset Democracy
    3. 20220221 D.Pakman Confirmed Trump Stole Classified Documents
    4. 20220221 Joe Walsh Can Race War be Stopped
    5. 20220221 John Aravosis Democrats Have Messaging Problem
    6. 20220222 C.Pierce Entire Business Infrastructure Crumbling
    7. 20220222 T.Hartmann Door Door Harassment Black Voters in NC

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    Voting in US Disc A058

    1. 20220223 Stephanie Miller He Said What About Ukraine
    2. 20220224 F.Cousins Matt Gaetz Begging Donald Trump Speaker
    3. 20220224 S.Miller Putin Get Moneys Worth w Trump
    4. 20220224 T.Hartmann People Who Took America War Exposed
    5. 20220224 T.Hartmann Rick Scotts 11 Pt Plan Rescue America
    6. 20220225 T.Hartmann GA GOP Installs Plan End Democracy
    7. 20220226 F.Cousins Terrifying Agenda for 2022
    8. 20220227 B.Tyler Cohen Trump Calls US Leadership Dumb CPAC

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    Voting in US Disc A059

    1. 20220228 D.Pakman Trump Announces 2024 Bid CPAC
    2. 20220301 T.Hartmann Can Democracy Be Destroyed
    3. 20220301 T.Hartmann Why Everything Causing Death Poverty
    4. 20220302 Bob Cesca Even Mitch McConnell Embarrassed
    5. 20220302 D.Pakman Lauren Boebert Mocks Biden
    6. 20220302 John Yarmuth This All Performance Art

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    Voting in US Disc A060

    1. 20220302 Malcolm Nance There Were Two Children in Audience
    2. 20220302 Stephanie Miller Boebert Taylor Greene Heckle Biden
    3. 20220302 T.Hartmann As Fourth Great Turning Unwinds
    4. 20220304 K.Weil How ProPutin Connected Flat Earthers AntiVax
    5. 20220307 B.Barr I Would Still Vote for Donald Trump 2024
    6. 20220307 F.Cousins Trump Would Enter Murder Pact America
    7. 20220308 D.Pakman Bill Barr Still Vote Trump Over Democrat

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    Voting in US Disc A061

    1. 20220308 S.Miller Jody Hamilton Rick Scott Adam Schiff
    2. 20220309 Bill Barr Trump Improved Republican Party
    3. 20220310 T.Hartmann There Plan End Medicare Social Security

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    Voting in US Disc A062

    1. 20220311 Joe Biden Delivers Remarks House Dem Caucus
    2. 20220314 D.Pakman Trump Stuns World at Rally

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    Voting in US Disc A063

    1. 20220314 J.Biden Ntnl League Cities Congressional City Conf
    2. 20220316 T.Hartmann Libertarian Movmnt Brought Us Crisis
    3. 20220318 D.Pakman Calls For Violence Media Doesn’t Care
    4. 20220318 T.Homer Dixon Could US Become Dictatorship by 2030
    5. 20220323 Richard Wolff Will US Starve Because of Ukraine
    6. 20220323 T.Hartmann All Sold Out Politicians Left Perf Act

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    Voting in US Disc A064

    1. 20220324 F.Cousins Bill Make Voting Records Address Public
    2. 20220324 K.Harris Celeb Anniv Signing of Voting Rights EO
    3. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt1
    4. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt2
    5. 20220328 D.Pakman Critiquing Political Rally Pt3
    6. 20220328 D.Pakman Debate Over Killing Women Having Abortions
    7. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt1
    8. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt2
    9. 20220404 D.Pakman These Rallies Are Not Funny Anymore Pt3

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    Voting in US Disc A065

    1. 20220404 Eric Boehlert Political Discourse
    2. 20220404 F.Cousins AK Rep Not Happy with Sarah Palin
    3. 20220405 D.Pakman Rally Attendees Have Interesting Theories
    4. 20220405 R.Rhodes Party By Subtraction
    5. 20220407 I.Milhiser Protesting Become Functionally Illegal
    6. 20220407 S.Miller We All Need Carry Eric Boehlerts Message
    7. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt1

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    Voting in US Disc A066

    1. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt2
    2. 20220411 D.Pakman Political Movement With Teeth Pt3
    3. 20220411 D.Pakman There Division Over Trump Endorsements
    4. 20220411 R.Rhodes Stop Electing Stupid People
    5. 20220415 D.Pakman Trump Raising Millions Fundraising Email
    6. 20220417 F.Cousins Rep Vote Pull Out of Future POTUS Debates
    7. 20220419 F.Cousins Rick Scott Most Evil Senator
    8. 20220419 Mallory McMorrow We Will Not Let Hate Win
    9. 20220419 R.Rhodes Political War on Math
    10. 20220419 T.Hartmann Could Democrats Win Big

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    Voting in US Disc A067

    1. 20220420 R.Rhodes Follow Money
    2. 20220420 T.Hartmann Why Democrats Like Sen. McMorrow are Mad
    3. 20220421 F.Cousins M.Lindell Swears 2020 Election Overturned
    4. 20220424 D.Pakman Interview with JR Majewski of OH
    5. 20220430 D.Pakman Interview with Ro Khanna of CA
    6. 20220501 D.Pakman Do We Have POTUS Stand Ins Like Dave

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    Voting in US Disc A068

    1. 20220502 D.Pakman Cognitive Tests for Political Candidates
    2. 20220503 D.Pakman America Going Backwards
    3. 20220503 D.Pakman Republicans Rejoyce
    4. 20220504 D.Pakman Interview with John Gibbs of MI
    5. 20220505 F.Cousins Go FULL MAGA or Be Destroyed
    6. 20220526 B.Tyler Cohen Voters Make Elected Officials Listen

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    Voting in US Disc A069

    1. 20220526 T.Hartmann Proof Old Ways Don’t Work
    2. 20220530 Brian Tyler Cohen Fed Up Tim Ryan Shreds JD Vance
    3. 20220601 T.Hartmann Tapes Reveal Plan Contest Elections
    4. 20220602 F.Cousins Leaked Memo Reveals Distancing from Trump
    5. 20220602 F.Cousins Republicans Recruiting Poll Workers
    6. 20220602 Greg Palist It Jim Crow 2.0
    7. 20220607 F.Cousins 20000 Forged Sign Strongr Voter Fraud Leg
    8. 20220608 Sam Lawrence Can Gen Z Democrats Knock Out GOP

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    Voting in US Disc A070

    1. 20220620 Steven Hassan Will Next Election be Violent
    2. 20220621 Jeff Mandell Voter Fraud in Wisconsin
    3. 20220627 A.Perez Dark Money Turn SCOTUS Against Democ
    4. 20220628 J.Renacci Announced Chairman of American Greatness
    5. 20220630 Karl Frisch Were They Caught Red Handed
    6. 20220630 R.Rhodes Voting Everything
    7. 20220706 R.Rhodes Turn Thoughts Prayers into Register Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A071

    1. 20220707 S.Assadzandi Prog Overhaul WV Democratic Party
    2. 20220711 T.Hartmann Moore vs. Harper Coming
    3. 20220711 T.Hartmann Only Thing that Can Save America
    4. 20220712 Greg Kelly We Are in Jeopardy This Why
    5. 20220712 Stephanie Miller Let’s Play What Hell Herschel
    6. 20220718 D.Pakman Avoid Criminal Charges Running President
    7. 20220722 T.Hartmann Door Door Voter Harassment
    8. 20220726 D.Pakman Another Voter Guilty of Fraud

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    Voting in US Disc A072

    1. 20220802 T.Hartmann Constitution Going Get Rewritten
    2. 20220808 R.Rhodes US vs Them
    3. 20220822 R.Rhodes Democracy on Ballot
    4. 20220823 R.Rhodes Dark Money
    5. 20220831 T.Hartmann Does Senate Represent America

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    Voting in US Disc A073

    1. 20220901 Joe Biden Battle for Soul of America

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    Voting in US Disc A074

    1. 20220907 Kari Lake Katie Hobbs AZ Gubernatorial Forum

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    Voting in US Disc A075

    1. 20220917 T.Hartmann How Neoliberalism Invaded Gutted America
    2. 20220920 Joe Biden DISCLOSE Act

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    Voting in US Disc A076

    1. 20220930 Greg Abbot Beto O’Rourke TX Gubernatorial Debate
    2. 20221005 R.Rhodes Don’t Vote Angry

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    Voting in US Disc A077

    1. 20221006 Bill Priztker Darren Bailey IL Gubernatorial Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A078

    1. 20221006 Chuck Grassley Mike Franken US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A079

    1. 20221007 M.Kelly B.Masters Marc Victor US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A080

    1. 20221007 Ron Johnson Mandela Barnes US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A081

    1. 20221010 Tim Ryan JD Vance US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A082

    1. 20221013 Gretchen Whitmer Tudor Dixon MI Gub Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A083

    1. 20221014 Raphael Warnock Herschel Walker US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A084

    1. 20221014 T.Evers T.Michaels WI Gubernatorial Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A085

    1. 20221015 K.Harris Voter Education Event with Students
    2. 20221016 D.Pakman What Happened GOP
    3. 20221016 M.Taylor Green Marcus Flowers GA 14th Cong Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A086

    1. 20221016 R.Warnock Chase Oliver US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A087

    1. 20221017 B.Kemp Stacy Abrams GA Gubernatorial Debate
    2. 20221017 D.Pakman Majorie Taylor Green vs Marcus Flowers

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    Voting in US Disc A088

    1. 20221017 D.Pakman Most Important Races of 2022

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    Voting in US Disc A089

    1. 20221017 Mike Lee Evan McMullin US Senate Debate
    2. 20221017 R.Rhodes You Get What You Vote For

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    Voting in US Disc A090

    1. 20221017 Tim Ryan JD Vance US Senate Debate
    2. 20221018 D.Pakman Republicans Surging on Democrats

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    Voting in US Disc A091

    1. 20221018 M.Rubio Val Demings US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A092

    1. 20221018 Nancy Pelosi Midterm Elections
    2. 20221018 R.Rhodes Barbarians at Gate
    3. 20221020 R.Rhodes Problem Solving
    4. 20221021 T.Hartmann Attack American Democracy
    5. 20221021 T.Hartmann Family Values

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    Voting in US Disc A093

    1. 20221024 R.DeSantis C.Crist FL Gubernatorial Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A094

    1. 20221025 Mehmet Oz John Fetterman US Senate Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A095

    1. 20221028 JD Vance GET OUT THE VOTE

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    Voting in US Disc A096

    1. 20221030 B.Kemp Stacy Abrams GA Gubernatorial Debate

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    Voting in US Disc A097

    1. 20221101 Tim Ryan JD Vance Ohio Town Hall

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    Voting in US Disc A098

    1. 20221102 Joe Biden State of Democracy
    2. 20221104 More People Vote Early Portage County OH
    3. 20221107 R.Rhodes Running Same Play
    4. 20221107 T.Hartmann Secret Democratic Victory Revealed
    5. 20221107 Young People Need Vote
    6. 20221108 Alan Minsky Why 2022 Midterms Are So Important

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    Voting in US Disc A099

    1. 20221108 D.Pakman Election Day 2022

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    Voting in US Disc A100

    1. 20221108 Election Day Coverage From Kent State P1

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    Voting in US Disc A101

    1. 20221108 Election Day Coverage From Kent State P2
    2. 20221108 G.Palast 149000 Voters Challenged by Vigilantes

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    Voting in US Disc A102

    1. 20221108 S.Miller Jody Hamilton Party Wants Steal Democracy
    2. 20221108 Students Portage County OH Exercise Right Vote
    3. 20221109 Bob Cesca What Does Trump Do Now

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    Voting in US Disc A103

    1. 20221109 D.Pakman Day After
    2. 20221109 E.Stefanik We Will Fire Nancy Pelosi

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    Voting in US Disc A104

    1. 20221109 S.Miller Morning After 2024

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    Voting in US Disc A105

    1. 20221110 D.Pakman Balance of Power May Comr GA

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    Voting in US Disc A106

    1. 20221110 J.Biden K.Harris Made Difference Last Tue
    2. 20221110 K.Frisch Media Needs Do Better
    3. 20221110 R.Rhodes Outran 86 Yr Midterm History
    4. 20221113 Brian Tyler Cohen How Did We Get This Point

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    Voting in US Disc A107

    1. 20221114 Allison Gill Young Dem Came Out Young GOP Did Not
    2. 20221115 Farron Cousins Process Fixing Ballot
    3. 20221115 Greg Palist 1 Million Ballots Disappeared
    4. 20221115 Jim Jordan GOP Outlook Post Midterm
    5. 20221128 Thom Hartmann This Algorithm Great Threat Humanity

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    Voting in US Disc A108

    1. 20221201 Greg Palast Ballot Box Segregation
    2. 20221208 David Pakman Finger Pointing After 2022
    3. 20221209 Greg Palast Millions Could Not Vote
    4. 20221228 Glenn Kirshner How to Deal with Election Deniers
    5. 20230126 David DeWitt Most Corrupt State Robbing You Blind
    6. 20230310 David Pakman Early Voting vs Same Day Voting in GOP
    7. 20230313 David Pakman the 2024 Campaign Kicks Off in Iowa P1

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    Voting in US Disc A109

    1. 20230313 David Pakman the 2024 Campaign Kicks Off in Iowa P2
    2. 20230314 David Pakman Careful What You Vote For

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    Voting in US Disc A110

    1. 20230405 Thom Hartmann Americans Love Money More Democracy
    2. 20230406 Justin Jones An Assault on Democracy
    3. 20230406 Justin Pearson Speaks Ahead of Expulsion Vote
    4. 20230410 Radio Rhodes the People are Coming
    5. 20230410 What New OH Voting Law Means for Young Voters

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    Voting in US Disc A111

    1. 20230411 Thom Hartmann Generation Z is Awake
    2. 20230424 Brian Tyler Cohen Cleta Mitchell Plan Voting 2024
    3. 20230424 T.Hartmann end Childhood What We Are Voting For
    4. 20230424 Thom Hartmann Why Americans Fight Woke
    5. 20230425 the Importance of Your Vote
    6. 20230429 Brian Tyler Cohen the Dangers of Gerrymandering

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    Voting in US Disc A112

    1. 20230501 Alex Lawson 217 to 215 to Cut Your Social Security
    2. 20230712 Thom Hartmann, Are We Headed to Single Party Rule
    3. 20230716 Brian Tyler Cohen, Could the House Flip in 2024
    4. 20230719 Brian Tyler Cohen, AL GOP Defies SCOTUS Order
    5. 20230720 Thom Hartmann, Election Police in FL and TX
    6. 20230724 Thom Hartmann, Does DNA Affect the Way We Vote

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    Voting in US Disc A113

    1. 20230726 Frank LaRose and Dick Celeste Debate Ohio Issue 1

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    Voting in US Disc A114

    1. 20230726 Mark Elias, Voter Suppression by WI GOP
    2. 20230729 Thom Hartmann Democracy is Natural to Humans
    3. 20230801 David Pepper Authoritarianism in Ohio

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    Voting in US Disc A115

    1. 20230809 Liz Walters Democracy Wins in Ohio
    2. 20230809 Randi Rhodes You Did It OHIO
    3. 20230820 Luke Beasley Struggle to Comprehend Facts
    4. 20230820 Marc Elias New Lawsuit Could Flip the House
    5. 20230820 Rona McDaniel This is a Critical Opportunity

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    Voting in US Disc A116

    1. 20230824 Marc Elias unexpected Setback in GA
    2. 20230828 Dean Obeidallah You Disqualify Trump From Ballot
    3. 20230829 Brendon Fischer AI Could Stop You From Voting
    4. 20230910 Thom Hartmann Voting Blue Pay Off

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    Voting in US Disc A117

    1. 20230914 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A118

    1. 20230915 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A119

    1. 20230919 Kama Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20230919 Thom Hartmann 2024 Elections Could Get Violent
    3. 20230919 Thom Hartmann Big Pharma Big Rip Off
    4. 20230919 Thom Hartmann Prison for Pregnancy
    5. 20230920 Alex Lawson the End of Medicare and Social Security

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    Voting in US Disc A120

    1. 20230920 K.Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
    2. 20230920 Thom Hartmann 9 Trillion Dollar Budget Cuts
    3. 20230921 Dana Goldberg Make Voting a National Holiday
    4. 20230921 Dana Goldberg, Make Voting a National Holiday

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    Voting in US Disc A121

    1. 20230925 D.Pakman Threats of Automatic Voter Registration
    2. 20230925 David Pakman Threats Automatic Voter Registr
    3. 20230926 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A122

    1. 20230926 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A123

    1. 20230928 Joe Biden Democracy is an American Issue

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    Voting in US Disc A124

    1. 20230928 Joe Biden, Democracy is an American Issue

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    Voting in US Disc A125

    1. 20230928 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A126

    1. 20230928 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231003 Hillary Clinton Let Have Fact Base Discussion

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    Voting in US Disc A127

    1. 20231003 Hillary Clinton, Let’s Have a Fact Based Discussion
    2. 20231005 Hillary Clinton American Democracy is in Trouble
    3. 20231005 Hillary Clinton, American Democracy is in Trouble
    4. 20231006 J.Fugelsang Only Time Freedom Caucus Believed Democ
    5. 20231008 Marc Elias GOP May Lose Congressional Seat
    6. 20231008 Marc Elias, GOP May Lose Congressional Seat

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    Voting in US Disc A128

    1. 20231011 Bob Cesca First 4 Years Were Beta

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    Voting in US Disc A129

    1. 20231011 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A130

    1. 20231011 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231011 Thom Hartmann Corrupt Oligarchs and Liars
    3. 20231011 Thom Hartmann Three Factions in the US

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    Voting in US Disc A131

    1. 20231011 Thom Hartmann, Corrupt Oligarchs and Liars
    2. 20231011 Thom Hartmann, Three Factions in the US
    3. 20231012 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Voting in US Disc A132

    1. 20231012 Kamala Harris, Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231012 Thom Hartmann Oligarchy vs Democracy
    3. 20231012 Thom Hartmann, Oligarchy vs Democracy

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    Voting in US Disc A133

    1. 20231013 Steven Levinsky Why Democracy Was Abandoned
    2. 20231013 Thom Hartmann An Internal Civil War in a Party
    3. 20231013 Thom Hartmann, An Internal Civil War in a Party
    4. 20231014 Luke Beasley This Is Not Good
    5. 20231015 Brian Tyler Cohen Mental Stability of Candidates
    6. 20231015 Brian Tyler Cohen Narrative Age and President
    7. 20231016 Brad Sherman a House in Chaos

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    Voting in US Disc A134

    1. 20231016 Lee Pope Stop Being a Jerk Simple
    2. 20231016 Luke Beasley the Rhetoric of an Unraveling Mind
    3. 20231017 Dean Obeidallah How Did We Get Here

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    Voting in US Disc A135

    1. 20231017 Kamala Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231017 Luke Beasley Politics of Military Props

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    Voting in US Disc A136

    1. 20231018 Bob Cesca a Party Falling Off of the Cliff
    2. 20231018 David Pakman A Level of Discourse
    3. 20231018 David Pakman the Importance of Registering to Vote
    4. 20231019 Randi Rhodes Bad Government
    5. 20231019 Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Banning Woke Words
    6. 20231020 David Pakman Remember
    7. 20231020 Luke Beasley Has Hell Frozen Over

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    Voting in US Disc A137

    1. 20231020 Stephanie Miller a Sexy Liberal Roundtable
    2. 20231020 Thom Hartmann Why Can’t the GOP Unite
    3. 20231021 John Fugelsang the Crook on the Hook

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    Voting in US Disc A138

    1. 20231021 Michael Steele Dismantling Everything
    2. 20231022 Marc Elias Nightmare Maps in 2024

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    Voting in US Disc A139

    1. 20231023 Brian Tyler Cohen the Issue of Cognitive Decline
    2. 20231023 Lee Papa the Cardboard King Reveals More
    3. 20231023 Randi Rhodes Biden Was Built for This Moment
    4. 20231023 T.Hartmann Great Demise of American Democracy
    5. 20231024 Luke Beasley, Compare the Record for Working People
    6. 20231025 Brian Tyler Cohen, Meet Speaker Mike Johnson

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    Voting in US Disc A140

    1. 20231025 Luke Beasley, the Record of Mike Johnson
    2. 20231027 Thom Hartmann, Death by Billions
    3. 20231028 David Pakman Policy vs Culture
    4. 20231029 Jared Moskowitz What Mike Johnson Means 18 GOP
    5. 20231104 Marc Elias, Effort to Eliminate Electoral College
    6. 20231106 David Pakman, A Real Wake Up Call

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    Voting in US Disc A141

    1. 20231106 David Pakman, Bonkers and Confusing
    2. 20231106 David Pakman, Fact vs Emotion
    3. 20231106 Randi Rhodes, Poll This
    4. 20231106 Rick Smith No Respect Law No Respect America
    5. 20231107 David Pakman, the Dangers of Project 2025

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    Voting in US Disc A142

    1. 20231107 Kent State News, Election Night 2023
    2. 20231108 Bob Cesca, Is MAGA Just For Entertainment

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    Voting in US Disc A143

    1. 20231108 David Pakman, Big Wins on Election Night
    2. 20231108 David Pakman, MAGA Meltdown in 2023

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    Voting in US Disc A144

    1. 20231108 Trea Crowder, Election 2023 Roundup
    2. 20231110 David Pakman, Most Successful President in 50 Years
    3. 20231110 John Fugelsang Look Presidential Next Ramaswamy
    4. 20231111 Brian Tyler Cohen, CONFUSION on Stage
    5. 20231111 Brian Tyler Cohen, Utter Confusion on Stage

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    Voting in US Disc A145

    1. 20231111 Michael Cohen, Everything He Touches, He Destroys

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    Voting in US Disc A146

    1. 20231111 Nancy Pelosi, Elections Are About the Future
    2. 20231113 Anderson Cooper Why Comments Are So Troubling

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    Voting in US Disc A147

    1. 20231113 David Pakman, Major Cognitive Decline
    2. 20231113 Lee Papa, Cannot Vote Run From Jail

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    Voting in US Disc A148

    1. 20231113 Luke Beasley, Echos in a Disgusting Speech
    2. 20231113 Noel Casler, This is Horrifying
    3. 20231113 Stephanie Miller, SAY WHAT
    4. 20231114 Charlie Pierce, A Bunch of Enablers

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    Voting in US Disc A149

    1. 20231114 David Pakman Inflation ZORO Fox Defends Comments

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    Voting in US Disc A150

    1. 20231114 Dean Obeidallah, Who is More Senile
    2. 20231114 James Comer, Explains Exchange with Jared Moskowitz
    3. 20231114 Jared Moskowitz and James Comer, Verbal Altercation
    4. 20231114 Randi Rhodes, Vermin
    5. 20231115 Bob Cesca, 2024 is Gonna be CRAZY

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    Voting in US Disc A151

    1. 20231115 Chip Roy, Throws Down the Gauntlet to GOP House

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    Voting in US Disc A152

    1. 20231115 David Pakman, a Typical Day in Congress

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    Voting in US Disc A153

    1. 20231115 Hal Sparks, The Way You Act When Polls Go Your Way
    2. 20231115 Jo Jo From Jerz, Consumed with Rage
    3. 20231115 Malcolm Nance, It Is Like August 2016
    4. 20231115 Stephanie Miller, All in a 24 Hour Period

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    Voting in US Disc A154

    1. 20231116 David Pakman, A Political Party Meltdown
    2. 20231116 Randi Rhodes, Losing Our Humanity

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    Voting in US Disc A155

    1. 20231117 David Pakman, Ignoring Cognitive Decline
    2. 20231117 John Fugelsang, 2024 is Survivor vs Apprentice

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    Voting in US Disc A156

    1. 20231118 Luke Beasley What 2nd Trump Term Means to World
    2. 20231120 Brian Tyler Cohen, 2024 Political Landscape ROCKED
    3. 20231120 Lee Papa, We Are a Stupid Country
    4. 20231120 Randi Rhodes, Project 2025
    5. 20231121 Stephanie Miller C.Hutchinson Gives Dark Reasons
    6. 20231122 Bob Cesca, Decency and Competency

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    Voting in US Disc A157

    1. 20231128 Randi Rhodes, Eff Your Feelings
    2. 20231220 David Pakman, Missing Binder in Final Days of Trump

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    Voting in US Disc A158

    1. 20231220 David Pakman, Trump Barred From CO Ballot

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    Voting in US Disc A159

    1. 20231222 Faron Cousins GOP Congress Passed 20 Legislation
    2. 20231227 Glenn Kirshner, the 2024 Justices Sprint
    3. 20231227 Pondering Politics Deliberate Pain Suffering People
    4. 20231227 Pondering Politics, Economy, Dictatorship, REVENGE

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    Voting in US Disc A160

    1. 20240105 Joe Biden, Democracy vs Dictatorship

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    Voting in US Disc A161

    1. 20240105 Liz Cheney, An Oath to Defend Democracy

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    Voting in US Disc A162

    1. 20240604 Kamala Harris Freedom is on the Ballot
    2. 20240613 Marc Elias Five Alarm Fire

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    Voting in US Disc A163

    1. 20001103 Bill Clinton Get Out Vote Rally
    2. 20001108 Clinton No American Again Say My Vote Doesnt Count
    3. 20001122 George W Bush Florida Vote Recount
    4. 20001205 Al Gore Florida Vote Recount

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    Voting in US Disc A164

    1. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 1
    2. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 2
    3. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 3
    4. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 4
    5. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 5
    6. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 6

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    Voting in US Disc A165

    1. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Oral Argument Part 7
    2. 20001208 FL Supreme Court Decision in Bush vs Gore
    3. 20001212 Brett Kavanaugh Bush vs Gore Decision
    4. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 1
    5. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 2
    6. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 3

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    Voting in US Disc A166

    1. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 4
    2. 20001212 US Supreme Court Bush vs Gore Decision Part 5
    3. 20010106 Al Gore Declares George W Bush President
    4. 20050630 JCarter James Baker Comm Fed Elect Press Briefing
    5. 20060628 Arthur Davis I have Button on My Television
    6. 20060628 Bobby Scott We Need Fair Opportunity
    7. 20060628 D.Scott This Very Shameful Amendment
    8. 20060628 John Lewis The Right Vote Precious
    9. 20060628 Linda Sanchez I Know Little Bit About This
    10. 20060628 Michael Honda Voting Power

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    Voting in US Disc A167

    1. 20060713 ADavis There Were Barack Obamas In Old South
    2. 20060713 Barbara Lee Let Us Practice What We Preach
    3. 20060713 CBrown 27000 Votes In My Precinct Were Thrown Out
    4. 20060713 Charles Rangel Not Too Long Ago
    5. 20060713 D.Scott Tell Truth Mr Westmoreland
    6. 20060713 DScott Westmoreland Goal Kill Voting Right Act
    7. 20060713 Eddie Bernice Johnson Just Two Weeks Ago
    8. 20060713 JConyers Norwood Never Testified Before Committee
    9. 20060713 JLewis Cannot Separate Debate Today History
    10. 20060713 JNadler The Most Fundamental of American Values
    11. 20060713 John Barrow I Was Raised On Ten Commandments
    12. 20060713 John Conyers It Was on February 9 1965
    13. 20060713 JSensenbrenner Norwood Voting Rights Act Farce
    14. 20060713 Linda Sanchez Lets Pass HR 9 Clean
    15. 20060713 Marty Meehan We Will Ensure Our Future
    16. 20060713 Maxine Waters Sad But Simple True
    17. 20060713 Melvin Luther Watt I Am Living Proof
    18. 20060713 MLuther Watt This Not History of Pastt
    19. 20060713 Nancy Pelosi We Must Reject Gradualism
    20. 20060713 REmanuel Literacy Test Grandfthr Clauses Poll Tax
    21. 20060713 Steny Hoyer Our Nation Right Thing 41 Years Ago
    22. 20060713 Stephanie Tubbs Jones I Come Ohio

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    Voting in US Disc A168

    1. 20090106 Dick Cheney Declares Barack Obama President
    2. 20100423 Barack Obama The Importance of Voting
    3. 20120802 Joe Biden Iowa Starts Voting Early September 27th

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