different old time radio shows featuring Voodoo as a plot device for revenge, murder, and Voodoo doll shenanigans
25 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 10 hours, 7 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
11 Audio CDs
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The practice of Voodoo has frightened us for generations. The mysteries of the Caribbean make Voodoo a natural plot device for Bold Venture, show with tales of Old Havana. In the "Voodoo Vendetta" Slade Shannon and Sailor Duvall become trapped on the plantation of a murdering heiress, a plantation whose native workers are deep in a Voodoo cult.
Harry Lime lands in Haiti and runs a con on a loud-mouthed tourist concerning Henri Christophe's scepter, but who is conning whom?
Escape! combines Jazz and ancient Voodoo in New Orleans' French Quarter with William Irish's story "Papa Benjamin".
The charms and spells of old Haiti find their way to Berlin when Front Page Drama's presents "Voodoo Murders".
On Suspense!, Dolores Costello appears in "The Kings Birthday", a tale which combines Voodoo and Nazi Mysticism.
A desperate farmer from Haiti comes to Private Detective Richard Diamond because he and his wife may be victims of Voodoo, but Voodoo may be a cover for murder!
An old castle in the south of France is the setting of the AFRN Macabre story "The House In The Garden". We are treated to a tale of jealousy and revenge, mixed with charms and magic.
Voodoo even made it to the Old West when Wild Bill Hickok and his friend Jingles get a call to take on the "Voo Doo of Fiddler's Bend".
Our Western perspective may make Voodoo more mysterious, but it doesn't make the terror it inspires any less delightful! See also: Zombies in Old Time Radio Collection and Witch Doctors and Medicine Men in Old Time Radio.
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A001
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A002
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A003
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A004
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A005
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A006
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A007
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A008
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A009
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A010
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Voodoo in Old Time Radio Disc A011
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