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Vincent Price Collection

From The Saint to the Thriller, enjoy one of radio and films great scary men!

Vincent Price

123 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 53 hours, 58 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
58 Audio CDs

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"Vincent Price on Suspense: Three Skeleton Key"

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Vincent Price
(1911 – 1993)

Vincent Price

Anthology (1911 - 93)

Vincent Price on the radio, circa 1955When you associate the names "Elvira" and "Alice Cooper," you would think that their peers would be a bunch of gothic ruffians. Would you be surprised if one of their peers was Vincent Price? Indeed, to some in the radio world, he was known for his suave persona, catching thugs and evildoers while having enough time to cuddle with the damsel. To others, he was the cause of many nightmares, on the silver screen and through the airwaves.

Vincent Leonard Price Junior., also known as Bink, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to the owner of the National Candy Company, Vincent Price Senior. After graduating from Yale University with a Bachelor's Degree in Art History, now in his early 20s, he left the States and headed for Europe to attend Graduate School in Vienna at Courtauld Institute. It was in Vienna where Vincent was beckoned to the stage in order to play the Judge in "Chicago." From here, he appeared in the pre-Broadway smash "Victoria Regina" with Helen Hayes. The show was so successful that it was sent straight to Broadway. In 1938, Vincent headed west to Hollywood. Immediately, Vincent landed a role in "Service De Luxe." After many successful roles, his ultimate Hollywood fate would soon reach him.

Vincent Price Publicity PhotoVincent's breakthrough performance, and his calling role, came when the script for "the House of Wax," a low-budget horror flick, landed in his lap. After the movie's unexpected success, Price went on to star in many spine-tingling horror movies, such as "The House on Haunted Hill" (1958), "House of Usher"(1960), "Pit and the Pendulum" (1961), and "The Abominable Dr. Phibes"(1971).

Vincent Price in top hat and bowtieIn 1983, Price's did the overture voice in Michael Jackson's famous song, "Thriller." Price was not limited to scary roles. In 1986, Price was cast as Professor Ratigan in Walt Disney Pictures "The Great Mouse Adventure," which he later went on to proclaim was his most favorite role of all time, mainly due to two original songs written exclusively for Price. He was also an avid gourmet chef, writing many Cookbooks on Culinary mastery. Vincent Price's final role was in 1990 where he played the gentle and kind inventor of "Edward Scissorhands." In the film, even though his frailty was very evident, he rose to the occasion, and delivered a great performance.

Disk 1 of this collection represents a collection of some of Price's unusual guest appearances and sound clips in a variety of old time radio shows from Bob and Ray to his great performances in Suspense. The second disk contains Vincent Price's star role in the well-known detective series, The Saint.

For more radio horror personalities, see also: Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, and Peter Lorre. For more brainy detectives, see also: Softboiled Detectives.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    123 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 53 hours, 58 min
    123 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 53 hours, 58 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Thirteenth Juror 490423 What Happened John Wilkes Boothe.mp3
    3. BRAY 590821 CBS SHOW.mp3
    4. CBS Radio Workshop 560406 11 Cinderella.mp3
    5. CBS Radio Workshop 570421 62 Son of Man.mp3
    6. Cpc 450717 Undecided Molecule.mp3
    7. CP471130 353 Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis.mp3
    8. Duffy510126 Actors Club at the Tavern-Vincent Price.mp3
    9. Escape 108 500131 Present Tense.mp3
    10. Escape 114 500317 Three Skeleton Key.mp3
    11. Escape 129 500630 Bloodbath.mp3
    12. Family 470612 e018 Laughing into Glory.mp3
    13. Family 491012 e139 The Happy Prince.mp3
    14. Family 501025 e193 Jane Eyre.mp3
    15. Family 540609 e374 Where There's a Will.mp3
    16. frightenstein main intro and music.mp3
    17. frightenstein vincent price apes at the zoo.mp3
    18. frightenstein vincent price grizeldas cooking education.mp3
    19. frightenstein vincent price librarian in for 10 years.mp3
    20. frightenstein vincent price professors centrefuge.mp3
    21. frightenstein why doesnt vincent price ever introduce me.mp3
    22. HSP 510205 042 Calculated Risk.mp3
    23. HSP 510920 09 Hour of Truth.mp3
    24. HST 460203 Shock.mp3
    25. JB490206 Don Signs a New Contract.mp3
    26. lux440306 The Letter.mp3
    27. lux450205 470 Laura.mp3
    28. lux461007 Dragonwyck.mp3
    29. lux470217 560 Devotion.mp3
    30. Alice Cooper Vincent Price - Black Widow.mp3
    31. Alice Cooper Vincent Price-Theawake.mp3
    32. Faust'O-Vincent Price.mp3
    33. Vincent Price Boys.mp3
    34. Vincent Price Interview.mp3
    35. Vincent Price Mushrooms.mp3
    36. Vincent Price Roastpork.mp3
    37. Obsession Paranoia With Vincentprice.mp3
    38. Philip Morris Plyhs 022549 Leonas Room.mp3
    39. Rudy Vallee 380414 Maurice Evans.mp3
    40. Sgp 450423 242 Flesh And The Fantasy.mp3
    41. Sgp 460401 On Borrowed Time.mp3
    42. Sgp 501005 475 Champaign For Ceasar.mp3
    43. Sealtest 470320 Village Store.mp3
    44. Stars Over Hollywood 501230 06 Continental Cowboy.mp3
    45. Spns067 431123 Death Of Charles Umberstein Vint Price.mp3
    46. Spns094 440601 Fugue In C Minor Vincent Price.mp3
    47. Spns210 460912 Hunting Trip.mp3
    48. Spns317 481202 Hands Of Mr Ottermole.mp3
    49. Spns688 570303 Present Tense.mp3
    50. Spns702 570609 Green And Gold String Vincent Price.mp3
    51. Spns724 571110 Pit The Pendulum.mp3
    52. Spns753 580601 Rave Notice Vincent Price.mp3
    53. Spns773 581018 Three Skeleton Key Vincent Price.mp3
    54. Spns811 590719 Occurence At Owl Creek Bridge.mp3
    55. Croupier 490921 The Roman.mp3
    56. Theater of Romance 451009 067 Angel Street.mp3
    57. Treasury Star 072 with Vincent Price.mp3
    58. Treasury Star 081 with Vincent Price.mp3
    59. YTJD 580202 574 The Price of Fame Matter.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 65 shows – total playtime 30 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Saint 000000 Diamonds in Cake.mp3
    3. Saint 471001 013 Murder On The High Seas.mp3
    4. Saint 471015 Mr Important.mp3
    5. Saint 471029 Mr Richie's Loss.mp3
    6. Saint 471217 Saint Goes Underground.mp3
    7. Saint 480303 Case of Unhappy Homocide.mp3
    8. Saint 480526 Case of Blond Who Lost Her Head.mp3
    9. Saint 490731 Conley Silver Mine.mp3
    10. Saint 490814 Old Man's Car.mp3
    11. Saint 490918 Color-Blind Killer.mp3
    12. Saint 491106 Unhappy Homocide.mp3
    13. Saint 491107 Prove I Did It.mp3
    14. Saint 491113 Fake Amnesia Killer.mp3
    15. Saint 491225 Nineteen Santa Clauses.mp3
    16. Saint 500000 Real Gone Guy.mp3
    17. Saint 500108 Cake That Killed.mp3
    18. Saint 500122 Case of Lonesome Slab.mp3
    19. Saint 500611 Sinister Sneeze.mp3
    20. Saint 500618 Music Murder.mp3
    21. Saint 500702 Search for a Killer.mp3
    22. Saint 500709 Contract out on Saint.mp3
    23. Saint 500716 Death of Saint.mp3
    24. Saint 500723 Fighter's Contract.mp3
    25. Saint 500730 Author of Murder.mp3
    26. Saint 500806 Corpse Said Ouch.mp3
    27. Saint 500813 Dossier on a Damsel.mp3
    28. Saint 500820 011 Reflection On Murder.mp3
    29. Saint 500827 Cupid and Corpse.mp3
    30. Saint 500903 Baseball Murder.mp3
    31. Saint 500910 Horrible Hamburger.mp3
    32. Saint 500917 Ghost That Giggled.mp3
    33. Saint 500924 Dossier on a Doggone Dog.mp3
    34. Saint 501029 Wanted a Husband.mp3
    35. Saint 501105 Kidnapped Daughter.mp3
    36. Saint 501112 Return of Harry Morgan.mp3
    37. Saint 501119 Plot in Prison.mp3
    38. Saint 501126 Terrible Tintype.mp3
    39. Saint 501203 Young Detective.mp3
    40. Saint 501210 Monkey.mp3
    41. Saint 501217 Fight.mp3
    42. Saint 501224 Christmas Eve Problems.mp3
    43. Saint 510107 Alive Dead Husband.mp3
    44. Saint 510114 Actor.mp3
    45. Saint 510121 Tuba.mp3
    46. Saint 510204 Carnival Murder.mp3
    47. Saint 510211 Missing Bridegroom.mp3
    48. Saint 510218 Noon Deadline.mp3
    49. Saint 510225 Amnesia Victim.mp3
    50. Saint 510304 Furniture Move.mp3
    51. Saint 510311 Shipboard Mystery.mp3
    52. Saint 510318 Bookstore Murder.mp3
    53. Saint 510325 Intruder.mp3
    54. Saint 510401 College Campus Threat.mp3
    55. Saint 510408 Hawthorne House Mystery.mp3
    56. Saint 510415 Mayor's Son.mp3
    57. Saint 510422 Missing Gun.mp3
    58. Saint 510429 Missing Husband.mp3
    59. Saint 510520 Red Rose.mp3
    60. Saint 510527 Military Instructor.mp3
    61. Saint 510603 Train.mp3
    62. Saint 510624 Peter Great.mp3
    63. Saint 510701 Cowboy.mp3
    64. Saint 510708 Missing Angel.mp3
    65. Saint 510715 Nursemaid.mp3
    66. Saint Audition Miracle Tea Party.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    123 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 53 hours, 58 min
    123 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1024 MB – total playtime 53 hours, 58 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 58 shows – 366 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 42 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Thirteenth Juror 490423 What Happened John Wilkes Boothe.mp3
    3. BRAY 590821 CBS SHOW.mp3
    4. CBS Radio Workshop 560406 11 Cinderella.mp3
    5. CBS Radio Workshop 570421 62 Son of Man.mp3
    6. Cpc 450717 Undecided Molecule.mp3
    7. CP471130 353 Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis.mp3
    8. Duffy510126 Actors Club at the Tavern-Vincent Price.mp3
    9. Escape 108 500131 Present Tense.mp3
    10. Escape 114 500317 Three Skeleton Key.mp3
    11. Escape 129 500630 Bloodbath.mp3
    12. Family 470612 e018 Laughing into Glory.mp3
    13. Family 491012 e139 The Happy Prince.mp3
    14. Family 501025 e193 Jane Eyre.mp3
    15. Family 540609 e374 Where There's a Will.mp3
    16. frightenstein main intro and music.mp3
    17. frightenstein vincent price apes at the zoo.mp3
    18. frightenstein vincent price grizeldas cooking education.mp3
    19. frightenstein vincent price librarian in for 10 years.mp3
    20. frightenstein vincent price professors centrefuge.mp3
    21. frightenstein why doesnt vincent price ever introduce me.mp3
    22. HSP 510205 042 Calculated Risk.mp3
    23. HSP 510920 09 Hour of Truth.mp3
    24. HST 460203 Shock.mp3
    25. JB490206 Don Signs a New Contract.mp3
    26. lux440306 The Letter.mp3
    27. lux450205 470 Laura.mp3
    28. lux461007 Dragonwyck.mp3
    29. lux470217 560 Devotion.mp3
    30. Alice Cooper Vincent Price - Black Widow.mp3
    31. Alice Cooper Vincent Price-Theawake.mp3
    32. Faust'O-Vincent Price.mp3
    33. Vincent Price Boys.mp3
    34. Vincent Price Interview.mp3
    35. Vincent Price Mushrooms.mp3
    36. Vincent Price Roastpork.mp3
    37. Obsession Paranoia With Vincentprice.mp3
    38. Philip Morris Plyhs 022549 Leonas Room.mp3
    39. Rudy Vallee 380414 Maurice Evans.mp3
    40. Sgp 450423 242 Flesh And The Fantasy.mp3
    41. Sgp 460401 On Borrowed Time.mp3
    42. Sgp 501005 475 Champaign For Ceasar.mp3
    43. Sealtest 470320 Village Store.mp3
    44. Stars Over Hollywood 501230 06 Continental Cowboy.mp3
    45. Spns067 431123 Death Of Charles Umberstein Vint Price.mp3
    46. Spns094 440601 Fugue In C Minor Vincent Price.mp3
    47. Spns210 460912 Hunting Trip.mp3
    48. Spns317 481202 Hands Of Mr Ottermole.mp3
    49. Spns688 570303 Present Tense.mp3
    50. Spns702 570609 Green And Gold String Vincent Price.mp3
    51. Spns724 571110 Pit The Pendulum.mp3
    52. Spns753 580601 Rave Notice Vincent Price.mp3
    53. Spns773 581018 Three Skeleton Key Vincent Price.mp3
    54. Spns811 590719 Occurence At Owl Creek Bridge.mp3
    55. Croupier 490921 The Roman.mp3
    56. Theater of Romance 451009 067 Angel Street.mp3
    57. Treasury Star 072 with Vincent Price.mp3
    58. Treasury Star 081 with Vincent Price.mp3
    59. YTJD 580202 574 The Price of Fame Matter.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 65 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 30 hours, 16 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Saint 000000 Diamonds in Cake.mp3
    3. Saint 471001 013 Murder On The High Seas.mp3
    4. Saint 471015 Mr Important.mp3
    5. Saint 471029 Mr Richie's Loss.mp3
    6. Saint 471217 Saint Goes Underground.mp3
    7. Saint 480303 Case of Unhappy Homocide.mp3
    8. Saint 480526 Case of Blond Who Lost Her Head.mp3
    9. Saint 490731 Conley Silver Mine.mp3
    10. Saint 490814 Old Man's Car.mp3
    11. Saint 490918 Color-Blind Killer.mp3
    12. Saint 491106 Unhappy Homocide.mp3
    13. Saint 491107 Prove I Did It.mp3
    14. Saint 491113 Fake Amnesia Killer.mp3
    15. Saint 491225 Nineteen Santa Clauses.mp3
    16. Saint 500000 Real Gone Guy.mp3
    17. Saint 500108 Cake That Killed.mp3
    18. Saint 500122 Case of Lonesome Slab.mp3
    19. Saint 500611 Sinister Sneeze.mp3
    20. Saint 500618 Music Murder.mp3
    21. Saint 500702 Search for a Killer.mp3
    22. Saint 500709 Contract out on Saint.mp3
    23. Saint 500716 Death of Saint.mp3
    24. Saint 500723 Fighter's Contract.mp3
    25. Saint 500730 Author of Murder.mp3
    26. Saint 500806 Corpse Said Ouch.mp3
    27. Saint 500813 Dossier on a Damsel.mp3
    28. Saint 500820 011 Reflection On Murder.mp3
    29. Saint 500827 Cupid and Corpse.mp3
    30. Saint 500903 Baseball Murder.mp3
    31. Saint 500910 Horrible Hamburger.mp3
    32. Saint 500917 Ghost That Giggled.mp3
    33. Saint 500924 Dossier on a Doggone Dog.mp3
    34. Saint 501029 Wanted a Husband.mp3
    35. Saint 501105 Kidnapped Daughter.mp3
    36. Saint 501112 Return of Harry Morgan.mp3
    37. Saint 501119 Plot in Prison.mp3
    38. Saint 501126 Terrible Tintype.mp3
    39. Saint 501203 Young Detective.mp3
    40. Saint 501210 Monkey.mp3
    41. Saint 501217 Fight.mp3
    42. Saint 501224 Christmas Eve Problems.mp3
    43. Saint 510107 Alive Dead Husband.mp3
    44. Saint 510114 Actor.mp3
    45. Saint 510121 Tuba.mp3
    46. Saint 510204 Carnival Murder.mp3
    47. Saint 510211 Missing Bridegroom.mp3
    48. Saint 510218 Noon Deadline.mp3
    49. Saint 510225 Amnesia Victim.mp3
    50. Saint 510304 Furniture Move.mp3
    51. Saint 510311 Shipboard Mystery.mp3
    52. Saint 510318 Bookstore Murder.mp3
    53. Saint 510325 Intruder.mp3
    54. Saint 510401 College Campus Threat.mp3
    55. Saint 510408 Hawthorne House Mystery.mp3
    56. Saint 510415 Mayor's Son.mp3
    57. Saint 510422 Missing Gun.mp3
    58. Saint 510429 Missing Husband.mp3
    59. Saint 510520 Red Rose.mp3
    60. Saint 510527 Military Instructor.mp3
    61. Saint 510603 Train.mp3
    62. Saint 510624 Peter Great.mp3
    63. Saint 510701 Cowboy.mp3
    64. Saint 510708 Missing Angel.mp3
    65. Saint 510715 Nursemaid.mp3
    66. Saint Audition Miracle Tea Party.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    123 recordings on 58 Audio CDs. Total playtime 53 hours, 58 min
    123 recordings on 58 Audio CDs
    total playtime 53 hours, 58 min

    Vincent Price Disc A001

    1. frightenstein main intro and music
    2. frightenstein vincent price apes at the zoo
    3. frightenstein vincent price grizeldas cooking education
    4. frightenstein vincent price librarian in for 10 years
    5. frightenstein vincent price professors centrefuge
    6. frightenstein why doesnt vincent price ever introduce me
    7. Alice Cooper Vincent Price - Black Widow
    8. Alice Cooper Vincent Price-Theawake
    9. Faust'O-Vincent Price
    10. Vincent Price Boys
    11. Vincent Price Interview
    12. Vincent Price Mushrooms
    13. Vincent Price Roastpork
    14. Obsession Paranoia With Vincentprice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A002

    1. Philip Morris Plyhs 022549 Leonas Room
    2. Saint Audition Miracle Tea Party
    3. Treasury Star 072 with Vincent Price

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A003

    1. Treasury Star 081 with Vincent Price
    2. Saint 000000 Diamonds in Cake

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A004

    1. Rudy Vallee 380414 Maurice Evans

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A005

    1. Spns067 431123 Death Of Charles Umberstein Vint Price

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A006

    1. lux440306 The Letter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A007

    1. Spns094 440601 Fugue In C Minor Vincent Price

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A008

    1. lux450205 470 Laura

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A009

    1. Sgp 450423 242 Flesh And The Fantasy
    2. Cpc 450717 Undecided Molecule

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A010

    1. Theater of Romance 451009 067 Angel Street
    2. HST 460203 Shock

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A011

    1. Sgp 460401 On Borrowed Time
    2. Spns210 460912 Hunting Trip

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A012

    1. lux461007 Dragonwyck

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A013

    1. lux470217 560 Devotion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A014

    1. Sealtest 470320 Village Store
    2. Family 470612 e018 Laughing into Glory

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A015

    1. Saint 471001 013 Murder On The High Seas
    2. Saint 471015 Mr Important

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A016

    1. Saint 471029 Mr Richie's Loss
    2. CP471130 353 Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A017

    1. Saint 471217 Saint Goes Underground
    2. Saint 480303 Case of Unhappy Homocide

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A018

    1. Saint 480526 Case of Blond Who Lost Her Head
    2. Spns317 481202 Hands Of Mr Ottermole

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A019

    1. JB490206 Don Signs a New Contract
    2. Thirteenth Juror 490423 What Happened John Wilkes Boothe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A020

    1. Saint 490731 Conley Silver Mine
    2. Saint 490814 Old Man's Car

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A021

    1. Saint 490918 Color-Blind Killer
    2. Croupier 490921 The Roman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A022

    1. Family 491012 e139 The Happy Prince
    2. Saint 491106 Unhappy Homocide

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A023

    1. Saint 491107 Prove I Did It
    2. Saint 491113 Fake Amnesia Killer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A024

    1. Saint 491225 Nineteen Santa Clauses
    2. Saint 500000 Real Gone Guy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A025

    1. Saint 500108 Cake That Killed
    2. Saint 500122 Case of Lonesome Slab

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A026

    1. Escape 108 500131 Present Tense
    2. Escape 114 500317 Three Skeleton Key

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A027

    1. Saint 500611 Sinister Sneeze
    2. Saint 500618 Music Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A028

    1. Escape 129 500630 Bloodbath
    2. Saint 500702 Search for a Killer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A029

    1. Saint 500709 Contract out on Saint
    2. Saint 500716 Death of Saint

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A030

    1. Saint 500723 Fighter's Contract
    2. Saint 500730 Author of Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A031

    1. Saint 500806 Corpse Said Ouch
    2. Saint 500813 Dossier on a Damsel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A032

    1. Saint 500820 011 Reflection On Murder
    2. Saint 500827 Cupid and Corpse

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A033

    1. Saint 500903 Baseball Murder
    2. Saint 500910 Horrible Hamburger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A034

    1. Saint 500917 Ghost That Giggled
    2. Saint 500924 Dossier on a Doggone Dog

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A035

    1. Sgp 501005 475 Champaign For Ceasar

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A036

    1. Family 501025 e193 Jane Eyre
    2. Saint 501029 Wanted a Husband

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A037

    1. Saint 501105 Kidnapped Daughter
    2. Saint 501112 Return of Harry Morgan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A038

    1. Saint 501119 Plot in Prison
    2. Saint 501126 Terrible Tintype

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A039

    1. Saint 501203 Young Detective
    2. Saint 501210 Monkey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A040

    1. Saint 501217 Fight
    2. Saint 501224 Christmas Eve Problems

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A041

    1. Stars Over Hollywood 501230 06 Continental Cowboy
    2. Saint 510107 Alive Dead Husband

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A042

    1. Saint 510114 Actor
    2. Saint 510121 Tuba

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A043

    1. Duffy510126 Actors Club at the Tavern-Vincent Price
    2. Saint 510204 Carnival Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A044

    1. HSP 510205 042 Calculated Risk
    2. Saint 510211 Missing Bridegroom

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A045

    1. Saint 510218 Noon Deadline
    2. Saint 510225 Amnesia Victim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A046

    1. Saint 510304 Furniture Move
    2. Saint 510311 Shipboard Mystery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A047

    1. Saint 510318 Bookstore Murder
    2. Saint 510325 Intruder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A048

    1. Saint 510401 College Campus Threat
    2. Saint 510408 Hawthorne House Mystery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A049

    1. Saint 510415 Mayor's Son
    2. Saint 510422 Missing Gun

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A050

    1. Saint 510429 Missing Husband
    2. Saint 510520 Red Rose

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A051

    1. Saint 510527 Military Instructor
    2. Saint 510603 Train

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A052

    1. Saint 510624 Peter Great
    2. Saint 510701 Cowboy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A053

    1. Saint 510708 Missing Angel
    2. Saint 510715 Nursemaid

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A054

    1. HSP 510920 09 Hour of Truth
    2. Family 540609 e374 Where There's a Will

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A055

    1. CBS Radio Workshop 560406 11 Cinderella
    2. Spns688 570303 Present Tense

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vincent Price Disc A056

    1. CBS Radio Workshop 570421 62 Son of Man
    2. Spns702 570609 Green And Gold String Vincent Price

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    Vincent Price Disc A057

    1. Spns724 571110 Pit The Pendulum
    2. YTJD 580202 574 The Price of Fame Matter
    3. Spns753 580601 Rave Notice Vincent Price

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    Vincent Price Disc A058

    1. Spns773 581018 Three Skeleton Key Vincent Price
    2. Spns811 590719 Occurence At Owl Creek Bridge
    3. BRAY 590821 CBS SHOW

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