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Vice President Recordings

This collection focuses on the men and woman who served as our nation's Vice President from 1949 to the present.

Vice Presidents

1042 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 444 hours, 19 min)
available in the following formats:

20 MP3 CDs
386 Audio CDs

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Vice President Seal
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. That is the Oath of Office the incoming Vice President takes upon entering their office.

The old joke about Vice Presidents goes as follows…I once had two brothers. One went to sea, one became Vice President and I never heard from either again. 

Harry S TrumanShortly after he became Vice President, Harry S Truman's friend and convicted felon Tom Pendergast had passed away.  Truman, ignoring the counsel of his friend, Charlie Ross by just quietly having Ross slip Truman's condolences to the family attended the funeral as Pendergast's friend.  Truman explained it was in gratitude that he attended the funeral.  

April 12, 1945 started out a day like any other day in the United States during World War IIVice President Harry Truman in his capacity as the President of the Senate was presiding over debate of the 96 Senators arguing of this and that.  The Vice President sat at his desk writing a letter to his mother explaining that nothing exciting was happening in Washington.  Later that afternoon, the Vice President went to Speaker Rayburn's office to meet with "the Board of Education" for their regular poker game and bourbon.  When he entered the office, some in his group razzed the Vice President by asking, "Been to any funerals latterly, Harry?"  Truman with his quick wit responded with, "The VP only has two duties Senator.  Getting you no accounts parade over every morning in the Senate, and God knows you need it.  And going to funerals."  He then raised his glass to his late friend saying, "I'll drink to him you don't have to."  Just then, a White House staffer stormed into the office and the rest is history.

There really is no real power behind the vice presidency, as it was originally stated in the United States Constitution. In the beginning, the Vice President was basically a President in Waiting ready to succeed to the presidency upon the President's death or resignation. The only real duty the Vice President has is that they serve as the President of the United States Senate, break a tie vote, and formally presides over the receiving and counting of the electoral ballots cast in the Presidential Election.

The Vice President has no voting power in the Senate other than to break a tie and without permission from the Senators; the Vice President cannot formally address the Senate.

NixonAlben Barkley was the last Vice President to regularly preside over the United States Senate.  He was also the last Vice President to have an office in or near the White House complex.  He was also the last Vice President to be closely tied more to the legislative branch of the federal government than the executive branch.  A little known fact about Barkley is that it was his ten year old grandson, Stephen M. Truitt who coined the nickname, "VEEP".   When Richard Nixon became Vice President in 1953 he dropped the nickname claiming that VEEP because it belonged to Barkley.  

Since 1961, when President Kennedy made Vice President Lyndon Johnson Chairman of the Space Council, every Vice President in the last 60 years has held that position. Over the past 30 years, with the election of Bill Clinton, the Vice President had more power given to them. Al Gore was given the task of figuring out how to make government smaller and smarter. Under the George W. Bush administration, Dick Cheney ran the administration's war room during the War on Terror. As Barack Obama's Vice President, Joe Biden was tasked with running the recovery of the economy after the Great Recession of 2008 and after the death of his son Beau, in 2015, Biden headed up the Cancer Moonshot. Towards the end of the Donald Trump administration, Mike Pence headed the COVID-19 Task Force. Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of preserving the right to vote for all Americans and helping to secure the southern border of the United States. In addition, the Vice President is a Cabinet level position and is a member of the National Security team. Many people may not know this, but just like the President, the Vice President has access to the nuclear codes and has the "football" with them at all times too.

When a person runs for the Presidency of the United States the first major decision is to pick a running mate that will serve the ticket well; usually it is to balance it out. Dwight Eisenhower, the old general picked a young California senator named Richard Nixon. John F. Kennedy, the young senator from Massachusetts picked Senator Lyndon B. Johnson to balance out the geography to carry, namely Texas. Jimmy Carter, a former governor of Georgia chose Minnesota Senator Walter Mondale as his running mate.

Hubert HumphreyHubert Humphrey, who was JFK's chief Primary challenger in 1960 made himself very available to President Johnson after the assassination of President Kennedy. For a while it seemed like LBJ would choose a member of the Cabinet like Robert F. Kennedy, but it was Hubert Humphrey who would get the call.

After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, it was realized that there was no text in the Constitution specifically explaining the presidential line of succession. It was just assumed that if the president died or was forced from office the Vice President automatically became President. Remember when in 1981 after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush was nowhere to be found, Secretary of State Alexander Haig declared the line of succession to be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State? Those famous last words were, "As of now, I am in charge here." That just sent Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil in an uproar about the 25th Amendment. The one thing, there was a vacancy for Vice President until Inauguration Day. The 25th Amendment was sent to the states by Congress on July 6, 1965 and was ratified by 38 of the 50 states on February 10, 1967.

Section One states: In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section Two states: Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Section Three states: Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.


Section Four states: Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

After Spiro Agnew resigned the vice presidency in 1973, President Nixon nominated Gerald Ford as he was more to the left of the more conservative Governor Ronald Reagan of California and more to the right of the more liberal Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York (although Rockefeller would be back a year later) for the first time under the rules of the 25th Amendment. Nearly fifty years later, "experts" and historians believe that had Gerald Ford not been the Vice President in 1973-74, Richard Nixon would not have been forced to resign the presidency in August 1974 due to the Watergate Scandal.

Gerald FordThe year 1976, like 1960 saw another first, the first Vice Presidential Debate. The candidates in that first VP Debate were Walter Mondale and Bob Dole. The next one would be in 1984 between George HW Bush and Geraldine Ferraro; the first time a woman was on a major political party ticket. The only time there would be a third party candidate on the Debate Stage with the VP candidates was in 1992 when Admiral James Stockdale debated Dan Quayle and Al Gore. Stockdale seemed to be the one that night who made that debate a debate between Quayle and Gore.

Bob DoleIn 1980, the two chief rivals for the Republican Nomination for President were Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. When Reagan secured the nomination at the Republican National Convention, he had to think of whom he would pick as his running mate. There was talk of picking his 1976 opponent for the Republican Nomination and Republican Presidential Nominee Former President Gerald Ford. After Ford consulted with his former running mate, Bob Dole and doing a televised interview with Walter Cronkite where the Former President spoke of a "Co-Presidency" as well as a package deal nominating Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State and Alan Greenspan as Secretary of the Treasury, Reagan picked George HW Bush as his running mate. While during the Primaries where Bush attacked Reagan's policies; particularly his Trickle-Down Economic Theory otherwise known as Voodoo Economics, Reagan chose Bush to unify the Republican Party. This was the last time that the bottom half of a ticket was contested at a political convention.

By the time George HW Bush was ready to run for President, he had already been Ronald Reagan's Vice President for eight years. Bush was of the Greatest Generation who had been in charge of the country since 1961, so the 64 year old VP, with a great shortlist of candidates including Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole, and Jack Kemp to choose from went with the 41 year old Baby Boomer, Dan Quayle as his running mate. Ironically, eight years later, when Bob Dole was the Republican Nominee he did pick Jack Kemp as his running mate.

Sometimes, balance is not necessary when rounding out a political ticket. This was in fact the case in 1992 when the Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton chose Tennessee senator, Al Gore as his running mate. Not only were they both from neighboring states in the south, but they were the first Baby Boomer ticket.

When a presidential nominee looks for a running mate, there is an intensive vetting process. Tom Vilsack, who was on shortlists for both the 2004 Democratic Nominee and the 2016 Democratic Nominee has said in interviews what the process entails. You learn things about yourself that you forgot about. In Vilsack's case, in the 2004 vetting they found of all things his draft number during the Vietnam War Era. In 2000, Governor George W. Bush tapped Former Defense Secretary Richard Cheney to head the search for a running mate. The list included rival in the GOP Primary, Senator John McCain of Arizona, Congressman John Kasich of Ohio, and Governor Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania. In the end, Bush picked the very person heading the search, Richard Cheney.

Al Gore

Barack Obama, a relatively new comer to national politics needed a Vice President who knew their way around Congress, so Joe Biden seemed a perfectly natural choice.

Donald Trump, already a polarizing new comer to American politics needed to find a candidate who appealed to the traditional Republican base, but was also safe. Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana and had signed some very conservatives laws pertaining to abortion and same sex marriage into law. He would not eat lunch with another woman other than his wife, Karen whom he affectionately referred to as "Mother." Pence was the perfect choice to counter Trump's flamboyancy and over the top personality.

By the time 2020 came around, the United States was witnessing a breakdown of misogyny and race. The world was in the middle of a ravaging pandemic known as COVID-19. Here at home, George Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer so protesters marched in the cities and having people known as ANTIFA (Anti-Fascists) be accused of burning the cities down. In Lafayette Park, across the street from the White House, a group of peaceful protesters gathered because of the way the government was handling the killing of George Floyd. It was later reported and confirmed by President Trump's Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper in 2022 that General Mark Milley was asked by the President about at least shooting the peaceful protesters in the leg (reminiscent of the Kent State Shootings at Kent State University in May 1970) so that he could get a photo op at a nearby church.

So on the evening of August 12, 2020, Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., made history by selecting the first African-American, Asian-American, and woman running mate for Vice President, California senator Kamala Harris.

PenceAfter the 2020 defeat of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, there was talk of a rigged election. Before January 6, 2021 when Donald Trump and his team were trying to pressure Vice President Pence to not certify the Electoral Vote, Pence sought the counsel of one of his predecessors; Dan Quayle. Quayle advised Pence not to do what Trump wanted him to do. On January 6, 2021, Congress was to meet in a Joint Session to count the Electoral Votes. Outside on the Ellipse of the White House, President Trump and his supporters were gathering at a Stop the Steal Rally. As Congress was debating the Arizona electors, the DC Riot known as an insurrection on the US Capitol took place. Trump supporters chanted "HANG MIKE PENCE!" as Pence would not decertify votes. There was even a gallows erected outside. The Vice President was taken to safety only after the President took to Twitter, "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" In the end, democracy continued and early the next morning, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had their votes certified by Congress.

KamalaWhen Kamala Harris became Vice President, something new happened. For the first time in our history, and not to take away from women who have served in the Cabinet, Congress, or other positions of government, a Vice President representing women, African-Americans, and Asian-Americans had a seat at the national table to talk about issues that effect families. Would any Vice President before Kamala Harris bring to the table the need for affordable child care? Would any Vice President before Kamala Harris bring to the table the need for expanded Medicaid for postpartum mothers beyond two months and having it expanded to 12 months? Would any Vice President before Kamala Harris bring to the table the need for women's health issues and the importance of their privacy to make personal decisions?

This collection focuses on the men and woman who served as our nation's Vice President from 1949 to the Present. It starts with their being named as running mates by their Party's respective Presidential Nominee. There is nothing of where they were before they were nominees or in the case of Richard Nixon, George HW Bush (the first incumbent Vice President to be elected President since Martin Van Buren in 1836), and Joe Biden who were elected President of the United States and Gerald Ford who became President per the 25th Amendment when Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency in 1974 due to the Watergate Scandal.


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    WOW! While the presidency is always focused on, we tend to forget about the VEEP. What a comprehensive deep dive into the people who have served in this office and how they shaped it to fit themselves. As always Jon, great product!


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    1042 recordings on 20 MP3 CDs for just $100.00. Total playtime 444 hours, 19 min
    1042 recordings on 20 MP3 CDs for just $100.00
    total playtime 444 hours, 19 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 93 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19440317 Wallace Free Enterprise.mp3
    3. 19440831 Truman Acceptance Speech for VP Nomination.mp3
    4. 19480713 Barkley Keynote Address at DNC.mp3
    5. 19481101 Barkley with Harry Truman Election Eve Remarks.mp3
    6. 19490120 Barkley Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    7. 19491128 Barkley Marriage to Carleton Hadley.mp3
    8. 19500000 Barkley Conditions at War Front.mp3
    9. 19520923 Nixon Checkers Speech.mp3
    10. 19530120 Nixon Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    11. 19531231 Nixon Praises Andrew Frank Schoeppel.mp3
    12. 19560823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    13. 19570000 Nixon Urges Confidence in US.mp3
    14. 19570000 Nixon Urges Teaching of Humanities.mp3
    15. 19590724 Nixon Kitchen Debate v Nikita Khrushchev.mp3
    16. 19600728 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    17. 19600926 Johnson Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    18. 19600926 Nixon 1st Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    19. 19601002 Johnson Face Nation.mp3
    20. 19601006 Nixon Civil Rights.mp3
    21. 19601007 Nixon 2nd Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    22. 19601013 Johnson Whistle Stop in Alabama.mp3
    23. 19601013 Nixon 3rd Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    24. 19601021 Nixon 4th Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    25. 19601027 Nixon Charles Collingwood Interview.mp3
    26. 19601028 Nixon Eisenhowers Record.mp3
    27. 19601028 Nixon I Am a Conservative.mp3
    28. 19601107 Johnson Religious Beliefs of JFK.mp3
    29. 19601109 Nixon Concession Speech.mp3
    30. 19610106 Nixon Delivers Elect College Votes 1960 Election.mp3
    31. 19610411 Johnson Address on Equal Employment Opportunities.mp3
    32. 19630530 Johnson Memorial Day Speech.mp3
    33. 19631121 Johnson Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    34. 19640814 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1105AM.mp3
    35. 19640825 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 231PM.mp3
    36. 19640827 Humphrey Acceptance Speech.mp3
    37. 19641103 Humphrey Election Night Phone Call from LBJ 557PM.mp3
    38. 19650120 Humphrey Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    39. 19650306 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1125AM Pt1.mp3
    40. 19650306 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1125AM Pt2.mp3
    41. 19651219 Humphrey Harry S Truman Commendation.mp3
    42. 19660302 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 605PM.mp3
    43. 19660827 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 831PM.mp3
    44. 19661109 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 101PM.mp3
    45. 19661124 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 940AM Pt1.mp3
    46. 19661124 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 940AM Pt2.mp3
    47. 19670318 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 530PM Pt1.mp3
    48. 19670318 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 530PM Pt2.mp3
    49. 19680503 Humphrey Kent State Univ Memorial Gym.mp3
    50. 19680503 Humphrey Memorial Gym Kent State Univ.mp3
    51. 19680808 Agnew Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    52. 19680829 Humphrey Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    53. 19680829 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1041AM.mp3
    54. 19681020 Humphrey Face Nation.mp3
    55. 19681105 Humphrey Concession Speech.mp3
    56. 19681106 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1132AM.mp3
    57. 19690120 Agnew Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    58. 19691110 Agnew Great Polarizer in American Politics.mp3
    59. 19691113 Agnew Media Monopoly.mp3
    60. 19691120 Agnew Attacks Press.mp3
    61. 19700201 Agnew Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    62. 19700503 Agnew Face Nation.mp3
    63. 19700901 Agnew Debates Eva Paterson.mp3
    64. 19720110 Agnew Call From Nixon.mp3
    65. 19720422 Agnew Attacks Vietnam War Critics.mp3
    66. 19720823 Agnew Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    67. 19730425 Agnew Supports Nixon During Watergate.mp3
    68. 19730822 Agnew Statement on Indictment.mp3
    69. 19730930 Agnew I Am Innocent of Charges Against Me.mp3
    70. 19731010 Agnew Farewell Address to Nation.mp3
    71. 19731010 Agnew Resigns Vice Presidency.mp3
    72. 19731012 Ford Nominated for Vice President.mp3
    73. 19731102 Ford Opening Statement at Confirmation Hearing.mp3
    74. 19731206 Ford Sworn In As Vice President.mp3
    75. 19731225 Ford Skiing in Vail CO.mp3
    76. 19740101 Ford Year Ahead for Richard Nixon Pt1.mp3
    77. 19740101 Ford Year Ahead for Richard Nixon Pt2.mp3
    78. 19740110 Ford Near Death Experience During WWII.mp3
    79. 19740110 Ford Nixons Involvement in Watergate.mp3
    80. 19740110 Ford Thoughts on Legalizing Marijuana.mp3
    81. 19740203 Ford Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    82. 19740306 Ford Privacy.mp3
    83. 19740520 Ford 1974 Midterms Not Be Referendum on Watergate.mp3
    84. 19740628 Ford Future of GOP.mp3
    85. 19740704 Ford Welcome the Nixons Home.mp3
    86. 19740711 Ford Watergate Investigation.mp3
    87. 19740820 Rockefeller Nominated for Vice President.mp3
    88. 19740823 Rockefeller Discusses Confirmation Investigation.mp3
    89. 19741011 Rockefeller Happys Successful Mastectomy.mp3
    90. 19741023 Rockefeller Opening Stmnt Senate Rules Committee.mp3
    91. 19741115 Rockefeller Speaking Before Senate Rules Committee.mp3
    92. 19741210 Rockefeller Leans Was Confirmed Vice President.mp3
    93. 19741219 Rockefeller Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    94. 19750107 Rockefeller Investigation of CIA.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 46 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 7 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19751106 Rockefeller Press Conf After Withdrawing From Race.mp3
    3. 19751107 Rockefeller Will Not Seek 1976 Republican VP Nom.mp3
    4. 19751218 Rockefeller Government is the Problem.mp3
    5. 19760000 Rockefeller Attica Prison Massacre of 1971.mp3
    6. 19760217 Rockefeller Advocates a Reduction in Government.mp3
    7. 19760715 Mondale Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    8. 19760816 Rockefeller Address at the RNC.mp3
    9. 19760817 Rockefeller a Small Donnybrook.mp3
    10. 19760819 Rockefeller Nominates Bob Dole to be Vice President.mp3
    11. 19761015 Mondale Vice Presidential Debate v Bob Dole.mp3
    12. 19761102 Mondale Victory Speech.mp3
    13. 19780114 Mondale Death of Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    14. 19780116 Mondale Memorial Service for Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    15. 19780328 Mondale Bon Voyage to the Carters.mp3
    16. 19781101 Mondale Trip to MN Jimmy Carter.mp3
    17. 19790717 Mondale Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    18. 19790803 Mondale NAACP Speech.mp3
    19. 19791012 Mondale Trip China.mp3
    20. 19791204 Mondale Seattle WA Town Hall.mp3
    21. 19800717 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    22. 19800814 Mondale Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    23. 19801003 Mondale Campaigns at East LA College.mp3
    24. 19810413 Bush Phone Call Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts.mp3
    25. 19810527 Bush US Naval Academy Commissioning.mp3
    26. 19810605 Bush James Stockdale White House Fellows.mp3
    27. 19810607 Bush Bogie Buster Dinner.mp3
    28. 19821115 Bush Statement Following Funeral Leonid Brezhnev.mp3
    29. 19830207 Bush Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    30. 19831026 Bush Statement After Marine Barracks Bombing.mp3
    31. 19840214 Bush Statement Following Funeral Yuri Andropov.mp3
    32. 19840503 Bush Ashland College Pep Rally.mp3
    33. 19840505 Bush Texas A and M Commencement Speech.mp3
    34. 19840823 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    35. 19840902 Bush 40th Anniv Being Shot Down Over Chichi Jima.mp3
    36. 19841011 Bush Vice Presidential Debate v Geraldine Ferraro.mp3
    37. 19850312 Bush Funeral for Konstantin Chernenko.mp3
    38. 19850313 Bush Press Avail After Konstantin Chernenko Funeral.mp3
    39. 19850612 Bush 61st Birthday Party.mp3
    40. 19850814 Bush Meeting at Rancho Del Cielo.mp3
    41. 19860128 Bush Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.mp3
    42. 19860619 Bush World War II Naval Aviation Career.mp3
    43. 19880108 Bush IA GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    44. 19880116 Bush NH GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    45. 19880202 Bush NH GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    46. 19880210 Bush NH GOP Primary Forum.mp3
    47. 19880220 Bush TX GOP Primary Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 38 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19880328 Bush GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    3. 19880816 Bush Announces Dan Quayle as His Running Mate.mp3
    4. 19880818 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    5. 19880818 Quayle Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    6. 19880925 Bush 1st Presidential Debate v Michael Dukakis.mp3
    7. 19881005 Quayle Vice Presidential Debate v Lloyd Bentsen.mp3
    8. 19881013 Bush 2nd Presidential Debate v Michael Dukakis.mp3
    9. 19881108 Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    10. 19881109 Bush Arrival at Andrews Air Force Base.mp3
    11. 19881109 Bush Meeting in Oval Office.mp3
    12. 19890120 Quayle Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    13. 19890815 Quayle Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer Interview.mp3
    14. 19890908 Quayle John M. Ash took Dinner.mp3
    15. 19900601 Quayle Meeting Mikhail Gorbachev.mp3
    16. 19901025 Quayle Wishing Bobby Knight a Happy 50th Birthday.mp3
    17. 19901026 Quayle Receives McNaughton Medal for Public Service.mp3
    18. 19920519 Quayle Murphy Brown.mp3
    19. 19920615 Quayle “Potatoe”.mp3
    20. 19920715 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    21. 19920717 Quayle DARE Press Conf.mp3
    22. 19920820 Quayle Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    23. 19920922 Quayle Ellington Field Arrival.mp3
    24. 19920929 Gore Reagan Bush Ignored Saddam Husseins Terrorism.mp3
    25. 19921013 Quayle VP Debate v Al Gore and James Stockdale.mp3
    26. 19921103 Gore B.Clinton Election Night Victory Speech.mp3
    27. 19930117 Gore Pre-Inaugural Event Monticello.mp3
    28. 19930120 Gore Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    29. 19930208 Gore Creation WH Office Envr Policy.mp3
    30. 19930511 Gore Ntnl Performance Review.mp3
    31. 19930907 Gore Reinventing Government.mp3
    32. 19930920 Gore Health Care Reform.mp3
    33. 19930923 Gore Health Care Rally at WH.mp3
    34. 19931110 Gore NAFTA Debate v H. Ross Perot.mp3
    35. 19931206 Gore Harvard Kennedy School of Government.mp3
    36. 19931208 Gore NAFTA.mp3
    37. 19940301 Gore Senior Center and CVS.mp3
    38. 19940314 Gore G7 Jobs Conference.mp3
    39. 19950000 Gore Chabad Telethon.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 33 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19950921 Gore Democratic Party Fundraiser.mp3
    3. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt1.mp3
    4. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt2.mp3
    5. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt3.mp3
    6. 19960112 Gore Peterbilt Truck Plant Employees.mp3
    7. 19960222 Gore WH Conf. on Empowerment Zones.mp3
    8. 19960607 Gore MIT Commencement.mp3
    9. 19960822 Gore Welfare Reform.mp3
    10. 19960829 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    11. 19960830 Gore Cairo IL Rally.mp3
    12. 19960830 Gore Cape Girardeau MO Rally.mp3
    13. 19960830 Gore Paducah KY Rally.mp3
    14. 19960831 Gore Dyersburg TN Rally.mp3
    15. 19960918 Gore Bill Clinton Grand Staircase Escalante.mp3
    16. 19961009 Gore Vice Presidential Debate v Jack Kemp.mp3
    17. 19961020 Gore Apostolic Church of God Sermon.mp3
    18. 19961105 Gore B.Clinton Election Night Victory Speech.mp3
    19. 19970117 Gore Presidential Gold Medal Ceremony.mp3
    20. 19970609 Gore Human Cloning.mp3
    21. 19971006 Gore Conf Global Climate Change.mp3
    22. 19971031 Gore Harvard Kennedy School of Government.mp3
    23. 19980126 Gore After School Child Care.mp3
    24. 19980202 Gore FY 1999 Budget.mp3
    25. 19980313 Gore Ntnl Innovation Summit.mp3
    26. 19980416 Gore Making After School Count.mp3
    27. 19980714 Gore Y2K.mp3
    28. 19980730 Gore Bill Clinton American Heritage Rivers Design.mp3
    29. 19981218 Gore House or Representatives Impeachment Vote.mp3
    30. 19990425 Gore Columbine High School Memorial Service.mp3
    31. 19990607 Gore WH Conference on Mental Health.mp3
    32. 19991008 Gore Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    33. 19991220 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    34. 20000105 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 37 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 20000117 Gore IA Democratic Caucus Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    3. 20000126 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    4. 20000221 Gore NY Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    5. 20000301 Gore CA Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    6. 20000725 Cheney Announced as George W. Bushs Running Mate.mp3
    7. 20000802 Cheney Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    8. 20000817 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    9. 20001003 Gore 1st Presidential Debate v George W. Bush.mp3
    10. 20001005 Cheney Vice Presidential Debate v Joe Lieberman.mp3
    11. 20001011 Gore 2nd Presidential Debate v George W. Bush.mp3
    12. 20001017 Gore 3rd Presidential Debate v George W. Bush.mp3
    13. 20001107 Cheney School Voucher Program.mp3
    14. 20001128 Gore Legal Challenge to FL Vote.mp3
    15. 20001205 Gore FL Supreme Court Decision.mp3
    16. 20001213 Gore Concession Speech.mp3
    17. 20010103 Gore Swears In Hillary Clinton to US Senate.mp3
    18. 20010106 Gore Delivers Electoral College Votes 2000 Election.mp3
    19. 20010916 Cheney Meet Press.mp3
    20. 20020826 Cheney VFW 103rd.mp3
    21. 20020908 Cheney Meet Press.mp3
    22. 20040124 Cheney DAVOS Meeting.mp3
    23. 20040901 Cheney Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    24. 20041005 Cheney Vice Presidential Debate v John Edwards.mp3
    25. 20070914 Cheney War on Terrorism.mp3
    26. 20080123 Cheney FISA.mp3
    27. 20080420 Cheney Pope Benedict XVI Visit.mp3
    28. 20080823 Biden Named Barack Obamas Running Mate.mp3
    29. 20080824 Biden Message to Supporters.mp3
    30. 20080827 Biden Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    31. 20080828 Biden Warm Up Act for Obama at DNC.mp3
    32. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P1.mp3
    33. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P2.mp3
    34. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P3.mp3
    35. 20080909 Biden Speaks to Campaign Staff and Volunteers.mp3
    36. 20080917 Biden Pro Football Hall of Fame.mp3
    37. 20080918 Biden Akron Ohio Rally.mp3
    38. 20080922 Biden MD Ntnl Guard.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 61 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20081002 Biden Vice Presidential Debate v Sarah Palin.mp3
    3. 20081009 Biden Liberty MO Rally.mp3
    4. 20081013 Biden DE Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    5. 20081015 Biden Athens OH Rally.mp3
    6. 20081022 Biden Interviewed By a 5th Grader.mp3
    7. 20081030 Biden Arnold MO Rally.mp3
    8. 20081031 Biden Newark DE Rally.mp3
    9. 20090104 Cheney Power of Vice Presidency.mp3
    10. 20090108 Cheney Dlvr Electoral College Votes 2008 Election.mp3
    11. 20090115 Biden Farewell to US Senate.mp3
    12. 20090120 Biden Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    13. 20090129 Biden Middle Class Task Force.mp3
    14. 20090427 Biden Serious Materials Plant.mp3
    15. 20090504 Biden Wind Energy.mp3
    16. 20090608 Biden Roadmap to Recovery.mp3
    17. 20090626 Biden WH Advisor on Violence Against Women.mp3
    18. 20090707 Biden Hospital Support for Health Reform.mp3
    19. 20090828 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-MA Pt1.mp3
    20. 20090828 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-MA Pt2.mp3
    21. 20090903 Biden 200 Days of Recovery Act.mp3
    22. 20090904 Biden Major Recovery Act Announcement.mp3
    23. 20090923 Biden Set Record Straight on Medicare.mp3
    24. 20091025 Biden Recovery Through Retrofit Report.mp3
    25. 20091208 Biden Dispels Myths About Medicare.mp3
    26. 20100217 Biden Recovery Act One Year Later.mp3
    27. 20100317 Biden St. Patricks Day.mp3
    28. 20100318 Biden Radio TV Correspondents Association Dinner.mp3
    29. 20100322 Biden Recovery Act Tax Benefits.mp3
    30. 20100323 Biden Affordable Care Act a BIG Fing Deal.mp3
    31. 20100323 Biden Promise of Health Care Reform.mp3
    32. 20100426 Biden Eulogy to Upper Big Branch Victims.mp3
    33. 20100608 Biden Joint Press Conference Mwai Kibaki.mp3
    34. 20100609 Biden Q and A Session in Kenya.mp3
    35. 20100609 Biden Speech in Kenya.mp3
    36. 20100617 Biden Joe Bartons Apology to BP.mp3
    37. 20100702 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Robert Byrd D-WV.mp3
    38. 20100714 Biden Assessing Economic Impact of Recovery Act.mp3
    39. 20101109 Biden Recovery Through Retrofit.mp3
    40. 20101117 Biden It Gets Better.mp3
    41. 20101222 Biden Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell.mp3
    42. 20110228 Biden Ntnl Association of Governors.mp3
    43. 20110323 Biden One Year of Affordable Care Act.mp3
    44. 20110412 Biden Joining Forces to Support Military Families.mp3
    45. 20110506 Biden Visit to Ft. Campbell KY.mp3
    46. 20110607 Biden Luncheon Honoring Angela Merkel.mp3
    47. 20110622 Biden Keeping Our Promises.mp3
    48. 20110821 Biden US China Relations.mp3
    49. 20110823 Biden Sendai Japan.mp3
    50. 20110911 Biden September 11 2001 Anniversary.mp3
    51. 20110916 Biden Constitution Day Lecture.mp3
    52. 20120229 Biden Honoring Iraq War Veterans.mp3
    53. 20120314 Biden Luncheon Honoring David Cameron.mp3
    54. 20120320 Biden St. Patricks Day.mp3
    55. 20120322 Biden Toledo Ohio Rally.mp3
    56. 20120327 Biden Coconut Creek FL Rally.mp3
    57. 20120410 Biden Davenport Iowa Rally.mp3
    58. 20120412 Biden Exeter NH Rally.mp3
    59. 20120418 Biden Reauthorizing Violence Against Women Act.mp3
    60. 20120426 Biden NYU Rally.mp3
    61. 20120510 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    62. 20120525 Biden Grief at TAPS.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 61 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 11 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20120906 Biden Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    3. 20120911 Biden Remembering September 11 2001.mp3
    4. 20121011 Biden Vice Presidential Debate v Paul Ryan.mp3
    5. 20121115 Biden Parks and Recreation.mp3
    6. 20121129 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Warren Rudman R-NH.mp3
    7. 20121220 Biden Eulogy to Daniel Inouye.mp3
    8. 20130104 Biden Dlvrs Electoral College Votes 2012 Election.mp3
    9. 20130111 Biden Video Game Industry.mp3
    10. 20130120 Biden Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    11. 20130121 Biden Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    12. 20130124 Biden Fireside Hangout.mp3
    13. 20130307 Biden Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization.mp3
    14. 20130513 Biden Univ of Pennsylvania Commencement.mp3
    15. 20130530 Biden US and Brazil Relations.mp3
    16. 20130603 Biden Ntnl Conference on Mental Health.mp3
    17. 20130709 Biden Eulogy for Yarnell Hill Firefighters.mp3
    18. 20130710 Biden US and China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.mp3
    19. 20130722 Biden Asia Pacific Policy.mp3
    20. 20130724 Biden US and India Partnership.mp3
    21. 20130823 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    22. 20131205 Biden US and China Business Relations.mp3
    23. 20131206 Biden US and Korea Relations and Asian Pacific.mp3
    24. 20140113 Biden Eulogy to Ariel Sharon.mp3
    25. 20140207 Biden Infrast Investment.mp3
    26. 20140211 Biden Luncheon Honoring Francois Hollande.mp3
    27. 20140314 Biden St. Patricks Day.mp3
    28. 20140414 Biden FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour.mp3
    29. 20140429 Biden Preventing Campus Sexual Assault.mp3
    30. 20140503 Biden Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    31. 20140503 Biden White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    32. 20140509 Biden Univ of South Carolina Commencement.mp3
    33. 20140512 Biden Honor Americas Top Cops.mp3
    34. 20140521 Biden Romanian Civil Society.mp3
    35. 20140622 Biden Preventing Sexual Assault.mp3
    36. 20140630 Biden Meets Remne Family Outside Old Naval Hospital.mp3
    37. 20140723 Biden Rebuild America.mp3
    38. 20140804 Biden US and Africa Leaders Summit.mp3
    39. 20140919 Biden Its On Us Campaign.mp3
    40. 20140929 Biden TAACCCAT Grant Announcement.mp3
    41. 20141014 Biden Allen Univ.mp3
    42. 20141021 Biden Rally for Dan Maffie D-Syracuse.mp3
    43. 20141114 Biden School Shootings and Gun Control.mp3
    44. 20141121 Biden Kiev Ukraine.mp3
    45. 20141122 Biden Istanbul Turkey.mp3
    46. 20141203 Biden Tribal Nations Conference.mp3
    47. 20141204 Biden College Opportunity Summit.mp3
    48. 20141209 Biden Women Rule Summit.mp3
    49. 20141227 Biden Eulogy to Rafael Ramos.mp3
    50. 20150103 Biden Year of Quality Affordable Health Insurance.mp3
    51. 20150109 Biden Americas College Promise Proposal.mp3
    52. 20150208 Biden Munich Security Conference.mp3
    53. 20150302 Biden Alliance for Prosperity.mp3
    54. 20150330 Biden Dedication of Edward M. Kennedy Institute.mp3
    55. 20150407 Biden Easter Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    56. 20150409 BidenUS Policy In Iraq.mp3
    57. 20150506 Biden Iranian Nuclear Challenge.mp3
    58. 20150911 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt1.mp3
    59. 20150911 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt2.mp3
    60. 20150911 Biden Yale Class Day.mp3
    61. 20150925 Biden Luncheon Honoring Xi Jinping.mp3
    62. 20151021 Biden Not Running in 2016.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 54 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20151112 Biden Address to Syracuse Univ Student Body.mp3
    3. 20151206 Biden 36 Hours in Ukraine.mp3
    4. 20151209 Biden Address Before Ukrainian Rada.mp3
    5. 20160330 Biden Easter Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    6. 20160403 Biden Locker Room Pep Talk Syracuse Loses Final 4.mp3
    7. 20160407 Biden Its On Us.mp3
    8. 20160414 Biden Its On Us.mp3
    9. 20160515 Biden Univ of Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    10. 20160516 Biden Syracuse Univ College of Law Commencement.mp3
    11. 20160523 Biden West Point Commencement.mp3
    12. 20160524 Biden Gun Violence Prevention.mp3
    13. 20160526 Biden Mem Sloan Kettering Cancer Moonshot Rndtbl.mp3
    14. 20160614 Biden WH Summit on United State of Women.mp3
    15. 20160615 Biden WH Task Force on Cancer.mp3
    16. 20160716 Pence Named D.Trumps Running Mate.mp3
    17. 20160720 Pence Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    18. 20160727 Biden Speech at DNC.mp3
    19. 20160828 Pence Jake Tapper Interview.mp3
    20. 20160901 Biden Canfield County Fair.mp3
    21. 20161004 Pence Vice Presidential Debate v Tim Kaine.mp3
    22. 20161017 Biden Cancer Moonshot.mp3
    23. 20161017 Biden Release Cancer Moonshot Report.mp3
    24. 20161018 Biden Luncheon Honoring Matteo Renzi.mp3
    25. 20161025 Biden What It Means to Be Middle Class.mp3
    26. 20161030 Biden John Dickerson Interview.mp3
    27. 20161119 Biden Building on a Record of Economic Progress.mp3
    28. 20161205 Biden Georgetown Univ.mp3
    29. 20161205 Biden Importance Sound Financial Sector Regul.mp3
    30. 20161207 Biden Get In Here Kid for a Rap Session.mp3
    31. 20161207 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt1.mp3
    32. 20161207 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt2.mp3
    33. 20161211 Biden Jake Tapper Interview P1.mp3
    34. 20161211 Biden Jake Tapper Interview P2.mp3
    35. 20161217 Biden Eulogy to John Glenn.mp3
    36. 20170103 Biden Swears In Kamala Harris to US Senate.mp3
    37. 20170105 Biden Its on Us Campus Sexual Assault Summit.mp3
    38. 20170105 Biden Judy Woodruff Interview.mp3
    39. 20170106 Biden Delivers Elect College Votes 2016 Election.mp3
    40. 20170112 Biden Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom.mp3
    41. 20170120 Pence Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    42. 20170127 Pence March for Life Rally.mp3
    43. 20170329 Pence Women Empowerment Panel.mp3
    44. 20170418 Pence USS Ronald Reagan.mp3
    45. 20170502 Pence Israel Independence Day.mp3
    46. 20170504 Pence Cinco de Mayo.mp3
    47. 20170504 Pence Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.mp3
    48. 20170508 Pence Hosts Honor Flight Veterans.mp3
    49. 20170509 Pence Hosts Military Families.mp3
    50. 20170517 Pence AAPI Heritage Month.mp3
    51. 20170521 Pence Univ of Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    52. 20170526 Pence US Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    53. 20170607 Pence 2017 Astronaut Selection Announcement.mp3
    54. 20170608 Pence Infrast Summit.mp3
    55. 20170615 Pence Prosperity and Security in Central America.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 49 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20170626 Pence Listening Session CMS Administrator.mp3
    3. 20170706 Pence Kennedy Space Center.mp3
    4. 20170713 Pence Philanthropy Roundtable.mp3
    5. 20170720 Pence Commission on Election Integrity.mp3
    6. 20170721 Pence Roundtable on Health Care.mp3
    7. 20170724 Pence Statement on Healthcare.mp3
    8. 20170802 Pence Adriatic Charter Summit.mp3
    9. 20170815 Pence Argentine Latin American Business Community.mp3
    10. 20170918 Pence Honor Flight Veterans.mp3
    11. 20170920 Pence UN Security Council High Level Debate.mp3
    12. 20170922 Pence Meeting Paul LePage.mp3
    13. 20171005 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    14. 20171016 Pence US Japan Economic Dialogue.mp3
    15. 20171111 Pence Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    16. 20171222 Pence Address Troops at Bagram Airfield.mp3
    17. 20180117 Pence Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony.mp3
    18. 20180118 Pence Ntnl March for Life Event.mp3
    19. 20180122 Pence Joint Statement Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    20. 20180221 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    21. 20180221 Pence Remarks at Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    22. 20180414 Pence 1st Plenary Session of Summit of Americas.mp3
    23. 20180423 Pence Swearing Jim Bridenstine NASA Administrator.mp3
    24. 20180424 Pence Luncheon Honoring Emmanuel Macron.mp3
    25. 20180504 Pence NRA Leadership Forum.mp3
    26. 20180507 Pence Protocolary Meeting at OAS.mp3
    27. 20180512 Pence Hillsdale College Commencement.mp3
    28. 20180515 Pence Ntnl Peace Officers Memorial Summit.mp3
    29. 20180518 Pence Prison Reform Summit.mp3
    30. 20180523 Pence US Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    31. 20180604 Pence Promoting a Hemisphere of Freedom.mp3
    32. 20180618 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    33. 20180728 Pence Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.mp3
    34. 20180731 Pence DHS Ntnl Cybersecurity Summit.mp3
    35. 20180801 Pence Honorable Carry Ceremony.mp3
    36. 20180823 Pence Administrations Space Policy Priorities.mp3
    37. 20180831 Pence Tribute to Sen. John McCain R-AZ.mp3
    38. 20180911 Pence September 11th Pentagon Ceremony.mp3
    39. 20181011 Pence Conf Prosperity Security in Central America.mp3
    40. 20181129 Pence World AIDS Day.mp3
    41. 20181203 Pence Tribute to George HW Bush.mp3
    42. 20181218 Pence Kennedy Space Center.mp3
    43. 20190116 Pence Global Chiefs of Mission Conference.mp3
    44. 20190207 Pence High Intensity Drug Trafficking.mp3
    45. 20190327 Pence Bilateral Meeting Fabiana Rosales.mp3
    46. 20190402 Pence Meeting Family of Detainees of Maduro Regime.mp3
    47. 20190426 Pence NRA Forum.mp3
    48. 20190502 Pence Ntnl Day of Prayer Service.mp3
    49. 20190507 Pence Washington Conference on Americas.mp3
    50. 20190518 Pence Taylor Univ Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 43 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20190525 Pence US Military Academy Commencement.mp3
    3. 20190527 Pence Memorial Day Ceremony.mp3
    4. 20190720 Pence 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing.mp3
    5. 20190820 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    6. 20190901 Pence 80th Anniversary of Outbreak of WWII.mp3
    7. 20190917 Pence Naturalization Ceremony.mp3
    8. 20190920 Pence Luncheon for Scott Morrison.mp3
    9. 20190923 Pence UN Event on Religious Freedom.mp3
    10. 20191111 Pence Ntnl Veterans Day Observance.mp3
    11. 20191114 Pence NASAs Ames Research Center.mp3
    12. 20191125 Pence Honoring Conan Dog.mp3
    13. 20200108 Pence Honors Kyriakos Mitsotakis.mp3
    14. 20200114 Pence Swears J Raymond 1st Chief Space Operations.mp3
    15. 20200119 Pence Holy City Church of God in Christ.mp3
    16. 20200123 Pence 5th World Holocaust Forum.mp3
    17. 20200127 Pence Lunar New Year Celebration.mp3
    18. 20200206 Pence Ntnl Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    19. 20200213 Pence Addresses SC Corps of Cadets.mp3
    20. 20200219 Pence NASA Langley Research Center.mp3
    21. 20200224 Pence Fireside Chat Hoover Instit Board Overseers.mp3
    22. 20200225 Pence Presidents Cup Cybersecurity Comp Trophy.mp3
    23. 20200302 Pence AIPAC Conference.mp3
    24. 20200302 Pence Briefing on Coronavirus.mp3
    25. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Briefing Airline CEOs.mp3
    26. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Briefing CEOs.mp3
    27. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    28. 20200306 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    29. 20200310 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    30. 20200319 Pence Teleconf Governors on Coronavirus Response.mp3
    31. 20200430 Pence Roundtable GM Executives.mp3
    32. 20200519 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    33. 20200520 Pence Roundtable Hospitality and Tourism Leaders.mp3
    34. 20200605 Pence Listening Session Faith and Community Leaders.mp3
    35. 20200612 Pence Listening Session Faith and Community Leaders.mp3
    36. 20200612 Pence Opening Up America Again.mp3
    37. 20200616 Pence Winnebago Industries.mp3
    38. 20200618 Pence Opening Up America Again.mp3
    39. 20200623 Pence School Choice Roundtable.mp3
    40. 20200625 Pence Opening Up America Again.mp3
    41. 20200628 Pence Celebrate Freedom Rally.mp3
    42. 20200702 Pence Naturalization Ceremony.mp3
    43. 20200709 Pence Back Blue Rally.mp3
    44. 20200730 Pence Administrations Pro Growth Economic Policies.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 51 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20200805 Pence Religious Freedom.mp3
    3. 20200812 Harris Named J.Bidens Running Mate.mp3
    4. 20200813 Pence Support Law Enforcement Town Hall.mp3
    5. 20200819 Harris Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    6. 20200819 Harris When We Vote Things Change.mp3
    7. 20200826 Pence Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    8. 20200901 Harris a Socially Distanced Conversation J.Biden.mp3
    9. 20200907 Pence A Stronger American Workforce.mp3
    10. 20200910 Pence Addresses VMI Corps of Cadets.mp3
    11. 20200918 Pence Libre Interactive Roundtable.mp3
    12. 20200924 Pence Made in America Event.mp3
    13. 20200928 Harris Reaction Amy Coney Barrett Named Supr Court.mp3
    14. 20201007 Pence Vice Presidential Debate v Kamala Harris.mp3
    15. 20201012 Harris Stmnt Amy Coney Barrett Confirm Hearing.mp3
    16. 20201013 Harris Questions Amy Coney Barrett.mp3
    17. 20201014 Harris Questions Amy Coney Barrett.mp3
    18. 20201028 Harris Doug Emhoff Campaigning Staying Connected.mp3
    19. 20201107 Harris J.Biden Victory Speech.mp3
    20. 20201107 Harris We Did it Joe.mp3
    21. 20201119 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    22. 20201204 Pence Roundtable on COVID-19 Vaccines.mp3
    23. 20201209 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    24. 20201210 Pence Vaccine Distribution.mp3
    25. 20201215 Pence Operation Warp Speed.mp3
    26. 20201216 Pence Life is Winning.mp3
    27. 20201218 Pence 1st Birthday of US Space Force.mp3
    28. 20201218 Pence Safe and Effective Vaccine Confidence.mp3
    29. 20201225 Harris Merry Christmas.mp3
    30. 20201226 Harris Happy Kwanza.mp3
    31. 20201229 Harris Receives 1st COVID Vaccine.mp3
    32. 20210106 Pence Today Was a Dark Day.mp3
    33. 20210107 Pence Delivers Elect College Votes 2020 Election.mp3
    34. 20210111 Harris Family Zoom.mp3
    35. 20210116 Pence Address Sailors at Lemoore CA.mp3
    36. 20210117 Pence Address Troops at Ft. Drum NY.mp3
    37. 20210119 Harris COVID-19 Memorial.mp3
    38. 20210120 Harris Swears In New Senators to US Senate.mp3
    39. 20210120 Harris Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    40. 20210126 Harris Receives 2nd COVID Vaccine.mp3
    41. 20210204 Harris Speaking State Dept. Staff.mp3
    42. 20210205 Harris Importance of Passing American Rescue Plan.mp3
    43. 20210208 Harris Virtual Tour of State Farm Vaccination Site.mp3
    44. 20210211 Harris Speaking Defense Dept. Staff.mp3
    45. 20210218 Harris Roundtable Members Congress Advocacy Groups.mp3
    46. 20210223 Harris Bilateral Meeting Justin Trudeau.mp3
    47. 20210227 Harris 40th Annual Black History Month Celebration.mp3
    48. 20210302 Harris House Democratic Caucus Issues.mp3
    49. 20210307 Harris 56th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.mp3
    50. 20210308 Harris International Womens Day.mp3
    51. 20210308 Harris League Cities Congressional City Conf.mp3
    52. 20210311 Harris Follow Up Follow Through.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 86 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20210312 Harris Passage of American Rescue Plan.mp3
    3. 20210316 Harris 65th Session of Commission on State of Women.mp3
    4. 20210317 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Micheal Martin.mp3
    5. 20210317 Harris Frederick Douglas Global Fellows.mp3
    6. 20210318 Harris Women Labor Leaders.mp3
    7. 20210319 Harris Violence Against Asians.mp3
    8. 20210324 Harris Equal Pay Day.mp3
    9. 20210325 Harris Passover Celebration.mp3
    10. 20210326 Harris West Haven Child Development Center.mp3
    11. 20210331 Harris Roundtable Discussion Faith Leaders.mp3
    12. 20210401 Harris COVID-19 Public Education Campaign.mp3
    13. 20210408 Harris Gun Violence Prevention.mp3
    14. 20210413 Harris Black Womens Maternal Health.mp3
    15. 20210414 Harris Exports on Northern Triangle.mp3
    16. 20210415 Harris American Rescue Plan Invest Child Care.mp3
    17. 20210416 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Suga Yoshihide.mp3
    18. 20210419 Harris American Jobs Plan.mp3
    19. 20210420 Harris Guilty Verdict in Derek Chauvin Trial.mp3
    20. 20210422 Harris Foundation Leaders on Northern Triangle.mp3
    21. 20210422 Harris Leaders Summit on Climate.mp3
    22. 20210423 Harris American Jobs Plan.mp3
    23. 20210426 Harris Bilateral Meeting Alejandro Giammattei.mp3
    24. 20210427 Harris Guatemalan Community Based Organizations.mp3
    25. 20210429 Harris Progress Made in First 100 Days.mp3
    26. 20210430 Harris Investments in Public Transportation.mp3
    27. 20210504 Harris Washington Conference on Americas.mp3
    28. 20210507 Harris Bilateral Meet Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.mp3
    29. 20210511 Harris Meet Cong Asian Pacific American Caucus.mp3
    30. 20210513 Harris Worker Organizing and Empowerment.mp3
    31. 20210517 Harris Meeting Congressional Hispanic Caucus.mp3
    32. 20210519 Harris Asia Pacific Am Heritage Month Unity Summit.mp3
    33. 20210519 Harris Meeting Guatemalan Justice Sector Leaders.mp3
    34. 20210520 Harris COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act.mp3
    35. 20210521 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Moon Jae-in.mp3
    36. 20210524 Harris Digital Divide.mp3
    37. 20210526 Harris Broadband Infrast.mp3
    38. 20210527 Harris Meeting Private Sector Leaders.mp3
    39. 20210528 Harris Keynote Address US Naval Academy Class 2021.mp3
    40. 20210603 Harris Investing in Broadband.mp3
    41. 20210607 Harris Joint Press Conference Alejandro Giammattei.mp3
    42. 20210608 Harris Q and A Press.mp3
    43. 20210615 Harris DACA Anniversary.mp3
    44. 20210615 Harris Providing Access Capital Small Business.mp3
    45. 20210616 Harris Meeting TX State Senate and TX House Rep.mp3
    46. 20210623 Harris LGBTQ Pride Month.mp3
    47. 20210623 Harris Listening Session Voting Rights Advocates.mp3
    48. 20210624 Harris Ntnl Vaccine Month of Action.mp3
    49. 20210630 Harris Generation Equality Forum.mp3
    50. 20210630 Harris Western Wildfires.mp3
    51. 20210703 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Framework.mp3
    52. 20210708 Harris Voting Rights Event.mp3
    53. 20210712 Harris Vaccine Mobilization Event.mp3
    54. 20210714 Harris Meeting Disabilities Adv Right to Vote.mp3
    55. 20210715 Harris Monthly Child Tax Credit Relief Payments.mp3
    56. 20210716 Harris Meeting NCNW on Voting Rights.mp3
    57. 20210721 Harris Poll Worker Election Officials Voting Rights.mp3
    58. 20210722 Harris Meeting Dreamers.mp3
    59. 20210726 Harris 31st Anniv Americans Disabilities Act.mp3
    60. 20210727 Harris Native American Voting Rights.mp3
    61. 20210727 Harris Ntnl Bar Association.mp3
    62. 20210729 Harris Meeting Small Business Owners.mp3
    63. 20210805 Harris HR 3325.mp3
    64. 20210806 Harris Lyndon B. Johnson Monument Dedicatio.mp3
    65. 20210810 Harris Community Health Center.mp3
    66. 20210810 Harris Infrast Investment and Jobs Act.mp3
    67. 20210812 Harris Care Policies.mp3
    68. 20210823 Harris Press Conference Lee Hsien Loong.mp3
    69. 20210823 Harris Vision for Indo Pacific Region.mp3
    70. 20210826 Harris Q and A Press.mp3
    71. 20210909 Harris Reproductive Rights.mp3
    72. 20210909 Harris US Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue.mp3
    73. 20210910 Harris HBCU Week.mp3
    74. 20210911 Harris 20th Anniversary of 911 Attacks.mp3
    75. 20210921 Harris Bilateral Meeting Boris Johnson.mp3
    76. 20210922 Harris Preventing Future Pandemics.mp3
    77. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meet Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.mp3
    78. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meeting Hakainde Hichilema.mp3
    79. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meeting Narendra Modi.mp3
    80. 20210929 Harris Meeting Small Business Leaders.mp3
    81. 20211006 Harris Meeting Ntnl Pan Hellenic Council.mp3
    82. 20211007 Harris Labor Task Force Principals Meeting.mp3
    83. 20211012 Harris Ntnl Congress of American Indians Conference.mp3
    84. 20211013 Harris Bilateral Meeting Mia Amor Mottley.mp3
    85. 20211013 Harris Meeting Yair Lapid.mp3
    86. 20211014 Harris Care Cant Wait.mp3
    87. 20211020 Harris Worker Organizing and Collective Bargaining.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 48 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20211021 Harris 10th Anniversary of MLK Memorial.mp3
    3. 20211025 Harris Climate.mp3
    4. 20211028 Harris Meeting Mayors.mp3
    5. 20211105 Harris NASA Global Space Flight Center.mp3
    6. 20211112 Harris Press Conference.mp3
    7. 20211115 Harris Infrast Investment and Jobs Act.mp3
    8. 20211116 Harris Tribal Nations Summit.mp3
    9. 20211118 Harris Bilateral Meet Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.mp3
    10. 20211122 Harris Equity and Our Health Care Workforce.mp3
    11. 20211201 Harris Administrations Inaugural Space Council Mtng.mp3
    12. 20211201 Harris Lighting of Ntnl Menorah.mp3
    13. 20211202 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law.mp3
    14. 20211207 Harris Maternal Call to Action.mp3
    15. 20211207 Harris Maternal Health Call to Action Summit.mp3
    16. 20211207 Harris One on One Allyson Felix.mp3
    17. 20211209 Harris Summit for Democracy.mp3
    18. 20211213 Harris Private Sector Investment in Central America.mp3
    19. 20211226 Harris Face Nation Interview.mp3
    20. 20220106 Harris One Year Anniversary of Deadly Capitol Riot.mp3
    21. 20220111 Harris Voting Rights.mp3
    22. 20220121 Harris Investments in CA Wildfire Preparedness.mp3
    23. 20220124 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law.mp3
    24. 20220125 Harris Monitor and Trafficking in Persons.mp3
    25. 20220131 Harris Ntnl Governors Association.mp3
    26. 20220202 Harris Reignite Cancer Moonshot.mp3
    27. 20220203 Harris Ntnl Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    28. 20220204 Harris Project Labor Agreements.mp3
    29. 20220208 Harris Child Tax Credit and EITC Day of Action.mp3
    30. 20220211 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law.mp3
    31. 20220214 Harris Affordable Accessible High Speed Internet.mp3
    32. 20220219 Harris Munich Security Conference.mp3
    33. 20220223 Harris Ntnl Black Caucus of State Legislators.mp3
    34. 20220228 Harris Celebration. To Mark Black History Month.mp3
    35. 20220302 Harris Investment in Our Workers.mp3
    36. 20220303 Harris Ending Forced Arbit Sexual Assault Hrssmnt.mp3
    37. 20220306 Harris 57th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.mp3
    38. 20220310 Harris Press Conference Andrzej Duda.mp3
    39. 20220315 Harris Equal Pay Day Summit.mp3
    40. 20220316 Harris Making Communities Safer.mp3
    41. 20220322 Harris Affordable Accessible High Speed Internet.mp3
    42. 20220323 Harris Rooting Out Bias in Home Appraisals.mp3
    43. 20220324 Harris 1st Anniv Voting Rights Executive Order.mp3
    44. 20220325 Harris Ntnl Hispanic Caucus of State Legislatures.mp3
    45. 20220329 Harris Bilateral Meeting Lee Hsein Loong.mp3
    46. 20220329 Harris Emmitt Till Antilynching Act Into Law.mp3
    47. 20220330 Harris Bilateral Meeting Andrew Holness.mp3
    48. 20220401 Harris Inv Community Lenders Econ Development.mp3
    49. 20220404 Harris School Infrast Announcement.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 61 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20220405 Harris 12th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act.mp3
    3. 20220408 Harris Ketanji Brown Jackson Bipartisan Confirm.mp3
    4. 20220411 Harris New Actions to Fight Gun Crimes.mp3
    5. 20220411 Harris Reduce Burden of Medical Debt.mp3
    6. 20220413 Harris Maternal Heath.mp3
    7. 20220414 Harris Peoples Sader.mp3
    8. 20220418 Harris Ongoing Work to Establish Norms for Space.mp3
    9. 20220421 Harris Commitment to Improve Maternal Health.mp3
    10. 20220429 Harris Meeting Caribbean Leaders.mp3
    11. 20220503 Harris EMILYS List Gala.mp3
    12. 20220507 Harris Tennessee State Univ Commencement.mp3
    13. 20220509 Harris Affordable Connectivity Program.mp3
    14. 20220513 Harris Climate Act Clean Energy Sustainable Infrast.mp3
    15. 20220513 Harris Working Lunch Leaders of ASEAN Countries.mp3
    16. 20220517 Harris Joe Jill Biden Celebrate Asian Am Hawaiian.mp3
    17. 20220519 Harris Virtual Meeting Abortion Providers.mp3
    18. 20220520 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law Investments.mp3
    19. 20220523 Harris Mental Health and Wellness.mp3
    20. 20220524 Harris Addresses Uvalde TX School Shooting APAICS.mp3
    21. 20220525 Harris J.Biden Public Trust and Safety.mp3
    22. 20220528 Harris Ruth Whitfield Funeral.mp3
    23. 20220603 Harris US Conference of Mayors.mp3
    24. 20220607 Harris In Her Hands Launch.mp3
    25. 20220608 Harris J.Biden Summit of Americas.mp3
    26. 20220613 Harris Joe Biden Ntnl Msm Asian Pac American Hist.mp3
    27. 20220614 Harris What is at Stake if Roe v Wade is Overturned.mp3
    28. 20220616 Harris WH Task Force Online Harassment and Abuse.mp3
    29. 20220622 Harris Swears Scott Miller Ambassador Swiss Conf.mp3
    30. 20220623 Harris Roe v Wade Roundtable Attorneys General.mp3
    31. 20220624 Harris Maternal Health Crisis.mp3
    32. 20220627 Harris Dana Bash Interview.mp3
    33. 20220627 Harris Swears Bridget A Brink Ambassador Ukraine.mp3
    34. 20220703 Harris ESSENCE Festival Culture.mp3
    35. 20220705 Harris Address NEA.mp3
    36. 20220706 Harris Highland Park Shooting.mp3
    37. 20220708 Harris Discussion St Leg Reproductive Rights.mp3
    38. 20220711 Harris Joe Biden James Webb Telescope Images.mp3
    39. 20220711 Harris Joe Biden Safer Community Act.mp3
    40. 20220713 Harris WH Summit American Rescue Plan and Workforce.mp3
    41. 20220718 Harris 113th NAACPT National Convention.mp3
    42. 20220721 Harris Affordable Connectivity Program.mp3
    43. 20220722 Harris Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    44. 20220722 Harris National Urban League Conf.mp3
    45. 20220722 Harris National Urban League Conference.mp3
    46. 20220725 Harris Fight Protect Reproductive Rights.mp3
    47. 20220725 Harris the Fight to Protect Reproductive Rights.mp3
    48. 20220726 Harris Meeting Disability Rights Leaders.mp3
    49. 20220801 Harris Admin Investments in Climate Resilience.mp3
    50. 20220803 Harris Joe Biden Reproductive Healthcare Access.mp3
    51. 20220805 Harris Fortifying Protecting Reproductive Rights.mp3
    52. 20220808 Harris Access Reprod Health Care College Campuses.mp3
    53. 20220810 Harris Discussion on Reproductive Health Care.mp3
    54. 20220810 Harris Discussion Reproductive Health Care.mp3
    55. 20220810 Harris United Steelworkers Const Convention.mp3
    56. 20220812 Harris Oakland Generation Fund Event.mp3
    57. 20220812 Harris Support Commercial Space Sector.mp3
    58. 20220812 Harris Support of Commercial Space Sector.mp3
    59. 20220902 Harris Meets Yemi Osinbajo.mp3
    60. 20220908 Harris National Baptist Convention.mp3
    61. 20220909 Harris Meet Press Interview.mp3
    62. 20220909 Harris Meet the Press Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 46 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 15: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20220909 Harris Second National Space Council Meeting.mp3
    3. 20220912 Harris Civil Rights Reproductive Rights Leaders.mp3
    4. 20220912 Harris Meeting Civil Rights Reprod Rights Leaders.mp3
    5. 20220913 Harris Biden Celebrating Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    6. 20220913 Harris Joe Biden Passage Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    7. 20220914 Harris Inflation Reduction Act Climate Event.mp3
    8. 20220915 Harris Multilateral Meeting Caribbean Leaders.mp3
    9. 20220919 Harris Swears Yohannes Abraham Ambassador SE Asia.mp3
    10. 20220919 Harris Swears Yohannes Abraham Ambassador SE Asian.mp3
    11. 20220920 Harris SC State University Fall Convocation.mp3
    12. 20220922 Harris Dem Attorneys General Association Conf.mp3
    13. 20220922 Harris Democratic Attorneys Gen Association Conf.mp3
    14. 20220927 Harris Disc Japanese Business Executives CHIPS.mp3
    15. 20220929 Harris USS Howard Tokyo Japan.mp3
    16. 20221001 Harris Joe Biden 2022 Phoenix Awards Dinner.mp3
    17. 20221004 Harris Biden Reproduct Rights Task Force Meeting.mp3
    18. 20221004 Harris Freedman’s Bank Forum.mp3
    19. 20221004 Harris Joe Biden Repro Rights Task Force Meeting.mp3
    20. 20221004 Harris the Freedman’s Bank Forum.mp3
    21. 20221005 Harris Reproductive Rights Roundtable.mp3
    22. 20221006 Harris Swears In Arati Prabhakar Director OSTP.mp3
    23. 20221007 Harris Swears Shefali Razdan Duggal Ambassador NL.mp3
    24. 20221007 Harris Swears Shefali Razdan Duggal Ambassador.mp3
    25. 20221008 Harris Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    26. 20221008 Harris Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    27. 20221011 Harris Seth Meyers Interview P1.mp3
    28. 20221011 Harris Seth Meyers Interview P2.mp3
    29. 20221011 Harris Swears Travis LeBlanc Civil Lib Oversight.mp3
    30. 20221011 Harris Swears Travis LeBlanc Civil Liberties.mp3
    31. 20221015 Harris Voter Education Event Students.mp3
    32. 20221017 Harris Mod Conversation Reproductive Rights Choice.mp3
    33. 20221018 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate.mp3
    34. 20221018 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    35. 20221022 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    36. 20221022 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    37. 20221024 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Celebrate Divali.mp3
    38. 20221025 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    39. 20221025 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    40. 20221026 Harris Investments in Clean School Buses.mp3
    41. 20221028 Harris Biden Campaign J.Shapiro J.Fetterman Phil PA.mp3
    42. 20221028 Harris Joe Biden Cmpgn J.Shapiro J.Fetterman.mp3
    43. 20221028 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    44. 20221028 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    45. 20221029 Harris HRC Annual National Dinner.mp3
    46. 20221102 Harris Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    47. 20221110 Harris Joe Biden Addresses 2022 Midterms.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 65 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 16: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20221110 Harris Joe Biden Addresses the 2022 Midterms.mp3
    3. 20221111 Harris National Veterans Day Observance.mp3
    4. 20221114 Harris Swears C.Bond Ambassador Trinidad and Tobago.mp3
    5. 20221114 Harris Swears Candace Bond Ambsdr Trinidad Tobago.mp3
    6. 20221118 Harris APEC CEO Summit.mp3
    7. 20221121 Harris Moderated Conversation Young Women.mp3
    8. 20221130 Harris White House Tribal Nations Summit.mp3
    9. 20221207 Harris Meeting Ingrida Simonyte.mp3
    10. 20221211 Harris Swears In Karen Bass as Mayor of Los Angeles.mp3
    11. 20221211 Harris Swears In Karen Bass Mayor Los Angeles.mp3
    12. 20221213 Harris US Africa Leaders Summit.mp3
    13. 20221216 Harris US Africa Leaders Summit.mp3
    14. 20221220 Harris Swears K.Ahuja Dir US Office Personnel Mgmt.mp3
    15. 20221220 Harris Swears Kiran Ahuja Dir US Personnel Mgmt.mp3
    16. 20221220 Harris Swears Maria Rosario Jackson Chair NEA.mp3
    17. 20221220 Harris Swears Sandra Thompson Dir Fed Housing Fin.mp3
    18. 20221220 Harris Swears Shelly Lowe Chair Ntnl Endow Hum.mp3
    19. 20221220 Harris Swears Shelly Lowe Ntnl Endow Humanities.mp3
    20. 20221226 Harris Kwanza.mp3
    21. 20221228 Harris a Conversation Mental Health.mp3
    22. 20221228 Harris a Conversation on Mental Health.mp3
    23. 20230104 Harris Economic Plan Rebuilding Infrastructure.mp3
    24. 20230106 Harris Swears Bijan Sabet Ambassador Czech Republic.mp3
    25. 20230109 Harris Swears Elizabeth Bagley Ambassador Brazil.mp3
    26. 20230109 Harris Swears In Elizabeth Bagley Ambassador Brazil.mp3
    27. 20230112 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate Change.mp3
    28. 20230112 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate Change.mp3
    29. 20230117 Harris Biden Welcome Golden State Warriors to WH.mp3
    30. 20230117 Harris Joe Biden Golden State Warriors White House.mp3
    31. 20230119 Harris Transmission Line Groundbreaking.mp3
    32. 20230120 Harris Joe Biden Reflections 1st Two Years.mp3
    33. 20230120 Harris Joe Biden Reflections of 1st Two Years.mp3
    34. 20230122 Harris 50th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.mp3
    35. 20230122 Harris 50th Anniversary Roe v Wade.mp3
    36. 20230127 Harris White House Lead Pipe Summit.mp3
    37. 20230130 Harris Investments in America’s Small Businesses.mp3
    38. 20230130 Harris Invst America Small Businesses Raleigh NC.mp3
    39. 20230131 Harris Awards Congressional Space Medal of Honor.mp3
    40. 20230131 Harris Awards Congressional Spc Medal Honor.mp3
    41. 20230131 Harris Swears In Jessica Davis Ba Ambassador.mp3
    42. 20230131 Harris Swears J.Davis Ba Ambassador.mp3
    43. 20230201 Harris Tyre Nichols Funeral.mp3
    44. 20230202 Harris Biden Clinton 30th Anniversary of FMLA.mp3
    45. 20230202 Harris Joe Biden Bill Clinton 30th Anniversary FMLA.mp3
    46. 20230203 Harris Biden Clean Drinking Water Philadelphia PA.mp3
    47. 20230203 Harris Biden Tout Progress of the Administration.mp3
    48. 20230203 Harris Joe Biden Clean Drinking Water Phil PA.mp3
    49. 20230203 Harris Joe Biden Tout Progress Administration.mp3
    50. 20230206 Harris Central America Forward Launch Event.mp3
    51. 20230208 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate.mp3
    52. 20230208 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    53. 20230210 Harris Biden Welcomes Nation Gov to the White House.mp3
    54. 20230210 Harris Welcomes Nation’s Governors White House.mp3
    55. 20230218 Harris Munich Security Conf.mp3
    56. 20230218 Harris Munich Security Conference.mp3
    57. 20230222 Harris Efforts Lower Costs for Homebuyers.mp3
    58. 20230222 Harris Efforts to Lower Costs for Homebuyers.mp3
    59. 20230223 Harris HBCU Student Journalist Briefing.mp3
    60. 20230224 Harris Access Reproductive Healthcare.mp3
    61. 20230224 Harris Access to Reproductive Healthcare.mp3
    62. 20230227 Harris Affordable High Speed Internet Columbia SC.mp3
    63. 20230227 Harris Black History Month Reception.mp3
    64. 20230227 Harris Expanding Affordable High Speed Internet.mp3
    65. 20230227 Harris Joe Biden Black History Month Reception.mp3
    66. 20230306 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 60 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 17: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20230306 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    3. 20230308 Harris Mod Conversation Climate Miami Beach FL.mp3
    4. 20230308 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    5. 20230310 Harris Worker Taskforce Employers Roundtable.mp3
    6. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    7. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    8. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    9. 20230317 Harris St Patrick’s Day Breakfast.mp3
    10. 20230317 Harris St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast.mp3
    11. 20230322 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Women’s History Month.mp3
    12. 20230324 Harris Swears Eric M. Garcetti Ambassador to India.mp3
    13. 20230324 Harris Swears In Eric M Garcetti Ambassador India.mp3
    14. 20230328 Harris Address at Black Star Gate.mp3
    15. 20230328 Harris Address at Cape Coast Castle.mp3
    16. 20230401 Harris Digital Inclusion Across Africa.mp3
    17. 20230405 Harris Reflects Historic Trip Africa.mp3
    18. 20230405 Harris Reflects on Historic Trip to Africa.mp3
    19. 20230406 Harris Investing in America Dalton GA.mp3
    20. 20230406 Harris Investing in America.mp3
    21. 20230407 Harris Remarks at Fisk University on the TN 3.mp3
    22. 20230407 Harris Remarks at Fisk University TN 3.mp3
    23. 20230411 Harris Joint News Conf Mateusz Morawiecki.mp3
    24. 20230411 Harris Joint News Conference Mateusz Morawiecki.mp3
    25. 20230412 Harris Interagency Task Force Reprod Health Access.mp3
    26. 20230413 Harris Investing in America.mp3
    27. 20230413 Harris Soldiers Ride.mp3
    28. 20230414 Harris National Action Network Convention.mp3
    29. 20230417 Harris Investing in America.mp3
    30. 20230420 Harris Jennifer Hudson Show.mp3
    31. 20230425 Harris Joint Press Conference Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    32. 20230427 Harris Joe Biden Re-election Strategy Call.mp3
    33. 20230427 Harris Joe Jill Biden D.Emhoff Virt Strategy Call.mp3
    34. 20230501 Harris Joe Biden Small Business Week.mp3
    35. 20230503 Harris Moderated Conv WH AA and NHPI Forum.mp3
    36. 20230510 Harris Innovative Educat Excellence for Hispanics.mp3
    37. 20230514 Harris the Maternal Health Crisis.mp3
    38. 20230515 Harris Lynae Vanee Interview.mp3
    39. 20230516 Harris Young Men of Color Small Business Owners.mp3
    40. 20230522 Harris Implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act.mp3
    41. 20230527 Harris West Point Commencement Speech.mp3
    42. 20230602 Harris Gun Violence Awareness Day.mp3
    43. 20230606 Harris Celebration of Israel’s Independence.mp3
    44. 20230608 Harris US and Caribbean Leaders Meeting.mp3
    45. 20230612 Harris Hosts College Sports Day at the White House.mp3
    46. 20230613 Harris Joe Biden Juneteenth Celebration.mp3
    47. 20230622 Harris Anthony Blinken Host Luncheon Narendra Mobi.mp3
    48. 20230623 Harris Reproductive Rights Rally.mp3
    49. 20230624 Harris Joe Biden Investing in America.mp3
    50. 20230629 Harris Advancing Economic Opportunity.mp3
    51. 20230630 Harris Reproductive Rights Maternal Health Crisis.mp3
    52. 20230706 Harris Gila River Tribal Nation Event.mp3
    53. 20230711 Harris Discussion Transpt Acces Disabled.mp3
    54. 20230712 Harris Societal Impact of AI.mp3
    55. 20230714 Harris Inflation Rdctn Act Combat Climate Change.mp3
    56. 20230716 Harris Rainbow PUSH Coalition.mp3
    57. 20230718 Harris Fentanyl Public Health Crisis.mp3
    58. 20230719 Harris Bilateral Meeting Isaac Herzog.mp3
    59. 20230720 Harris Delta Sigma Theta Sorority National Conv.mp3
    60. 20230721 Harris FL State BOE Curriculum Updates.mp3
    61. 20230724 Harris 2023 UnidosUS Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 55 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. 20230728 Harris Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    3. 20230729 Harris NAACP Annual Convention.mp3
    4. 20230801 Harris AME Church.mp3
    5. 20230802 Harris Bilateral Meeting Oyun Erdene Luvsannamsrai.mp3
    6. 20230803 Harris Investment in Broadband.mp3
    7. 20230804 Harris Jobs Day.mp3
    8. 20230808 Harris Major Initiative for Workers.mp3
    9. 20230811 Harris Conversation on Gun Violence.mp3
    10. 20230815 Harris Addressing the Climate Crisis.mp3
    11. 20230825 Harris Welcomes Las Vegas Aces to the White House.mp3
    12. 20230828 Harris Joe Biden Meeting March Wash Orgzrs.mp3
    13. 20230829 Harris Joe Biden Lowering Healthcare Costs.mp3
    14. 20230906 Harris Associated Press Interview.mp3
    15. 20230907 Harris US Asian Summit.mp3
    16. 20230910 Harris Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    17. 20230914 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    18. 20230915 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    19. 20230919 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    20. 20230920 Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.mp3
    21. 20230922 Harris Gun Violence Presentation.mp3
    22. 20230922 Harris with Joe Biden Gun Safety.mp3
    23. 20230924 Harris with Joe Biden Phoenix Awards Dinner.mp3
    24. 20230925 Harris with Joe Biden Meeting HBCU Advisors.mp3
    25. 20230926 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    26. 20230928 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    27. 20231003 Harris Swears In Laphonza Butler to the US Senate.mp3
    28. 20231005 Harris with Joe Biden Eulogy to Diane Feinstein.mp3
    29. 20231011 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    30. 20231012 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    31. 20231017 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    32. 20231018 Harris with Jill Biden Hispanic Heritage Month.mp3
    33. 20231029 Harris 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    34. 20231030 Harris Swears In Adv Council Af Diaspora Engag.mp3
    35. 20231030 Harris with Joe Biden Artificial Intelligence.mp3
    36. 20231101 Harris Addresses Artificial Intelligence.mp3
    37. 20231109 Harris Honoring Apprenticeship Week.mp3
    38. 20231115 Harris with Joe Biden Welcomes APRC Leaders.mp3
    39. 20231127 Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus.mp3
    40. 20231129 Harris Dealbook Summit.mp3
    41. 20231202 Harris COP28 Statement.mp3
    42. 20231202 Harris Press Conf on Israel and Hamas Conflict.mp3
    43. 20231208 Harris Swears In Edgar Kagan Ambassador to Malaysia.mp3
    44. 20231220 Harris US Space Council.mp3
    45. 20240103 Harris Culinary Workers Union Local 226 LV NV.mp3
    46. 20240106 Harris Episcopal Church Retreat.mp3
    47. 20240110 Harris Swears NAtalie Reyes Ambassador to Croatia.mp3
    48. 20240111 Harris Roundtable on Gun Violence.mp3
    49. 20240115 Harris NAACP SC State Conference.mp3
    50. 20240117 Harris the View P1.mp3
    51. 20240117 Harris the View P2.mp3
    52. 20240117 Harris the View P3.mp3
    53. 20240118 Harris US Conference of Mayors.mp3
    54. 20240122 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Big Bend WI.mp3
    55. 20240123 Harris Joe Jill Biden Doug Emhoff Reprod Rights.mp3
    56. 20240123 Harris Laura Coates Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 19: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20240124 Harris Katie Couric Interview.mp3
    3. 20240127 Harris Early Voting Event Las Vegas NV.mp3
    4. 20240129 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Sandy Jose CA.mp3
    5. 20240202 Harris GOTV Rally Orangeburg SC.mp3
    6. 20240206 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Savannah GA.mp3
    7. 20240206 Harris with Joe Biden Recognize Black History Month.mp3
    8. 20240209 Harris Community Violence Awareness Week.mp3
    9. 20240216 Harris Munich Security Conference.mp3
    10. 20240217 Harris Joint Press Conf Volodymyr Zelenskyy.mp3
    11. 20240220 Harris Delivering Clean Water for Every American.mp3
    12. 20240222 Harris Fight Reproductive Freedom Grand Rapids MI.mp3
    13. 20240223 Harris Joe Jill Biden Welcomes Gov to WH.mp3
    14. 20240227 Harris Convenes Voting Rights Leaders.mp3
    15. 20240301 Harris Strengthening Entrepreneurship Durham NC.mp3
    16. 20240303 Harris 59th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.mp3
    17. 20240305 Harris Radio Campesina Network Interview.mp3
    18. 20240308 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Phoenix AZ.mp3
    19. 20240309 Harris Joe Jill Biden Doug Emhoff Ntnl Org Call.mp3
    20. 20240310 Harris Lower Healthcare Costs for Latinos.mp3
    21. 20240312 Harris Supporting Small Business.mp3
    22. 20240314 Harris Electoral and Political Power of Women.mp3
    23. 20240314 Harris Visits a Planned Parenthood Clinic.mp3
    24. 20240315 Harris Marijuana Reform.mp3
    25. 20240318 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Women’s History Month.mp3
    26. 20240322 Harris Alternative Energy in Puerto Rico.mp3
    27. 20240323 Harris Gun Safety Measures.mp3
    28. 20240325 Harris Joint Press Conference with Bernardo Arevalo.mp3
    29. 20240404 Harris Investment in Climate Action.mp3
    30. 20240408 Harris Lower Costs for Americans.mp3
    31. 20240411 Harris Luncheon for Kishida Fumio.mp3
    32. 20240412 Harris AZ Reproductive Freedom Event.mp3
    33. 20240415 Harris Reproductive Freedom.mp3
    34. 20240415 Harris Safer Communities Act.mp3
    35. 20240420 Harris Meets with Heather Martin.mp3
    36. 20240422 Harris Nursing Home Care.mp3
    37. 20240422 Harris Reproductive Freedom.mp3
    38. 20240425 Harris Second Chance Month.mp3
    39. 20240425 Harris Take Your Child to Work Day.mp3
    40. 20240429 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour.mp3
    41. 20240501 Harris Reproductive Freedom Rally.mp3
    42. 20240506 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour.mp3
    43. 20240508 Harris Reproductive Freedoms.mp3
    44. 20240509 Harris Joe Biden Las Vegas Aces to the WH.mp3
    45. 20240513 Harris APAICS Legislative Summit.mp3
    46. 20240513 Harris with Joe Biden AANHPI Heritage Month.mp3
    47. 20240514 Harris Sherri Shepherd Interview.mp3
    48. 20240516 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour.mp3
    49. 20240521 Harris SEIU Convention.mp3
    50. 20240522 Harris Maverick Carter Interview.mp3
    51. 20240524 Harris Digital Inclusion in Africa.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 5 shows – total playtime 3 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 20: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20240524 Harris Luncheon for William Ruto.mp3
    3. 20240528 Harris Swears Courtney O’Donnell Ambassador UNECO.mp3
    4. 20240529 Harris with Joe Biden Black Voters Coalition Launch.mp3
    5. 20240530 Harris US Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    6. 20240604 Harris Jimmy Kimmel Interview.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    1042 recordings on 20 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $100.00. Total playtime 444 hours, 19 min
    1042 recordings on 20 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $100.00
    12204 MB – total playtime 444 hours, 19 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 93 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19440317 Wallace Free Enterprise.mp3
    3. 19440831 Truman Acceptance Speech for VP Nomination.mp3
    4. 19480713 Barkley Keynote Address at DNC.mp3
    5. 19481101 Barkley with Harry Truman Election Eve Remarks.mp3
    6. 19490120 Barkley Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    7. 19491128 Barkley Marriage to Carleton Hadley.mp3
    8. 19500000 Barkley Conditions at War Front.mp3
    9. 19520923 Nixon Checkers Speech.mp3
    10. 19530120 Nixon Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    11. 19531231 Nixon Praises Andrew Frank Schoeppel.mp3
    12. 19560823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    13. 19570000 Nixon Urges Confidence in US.mp3
    14. 19570000 Nixon Urges Teaching of Humanities.mp3
    15. 19590724 Nixon Kitchen Debate v Nikita Khrushchev.mp3
    16. 19600728 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    17. 19600926 Johnson Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    18. 19600926 Nixon 1st Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    19. 19601002 Johnson Face Nation.mp3
    20. 19601006 Nixon Civil Rights.mp3
    21. 19601007 Nixon 2nd Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    22. 19601013 Johnson Whistle Stop in Alabama.mp3
    23. 19601013 Nixon 3rd Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    24. 19601021 Nixon 4th Presidential Debate v JFK.mp3
    25. 19601027 Nixon Charles Collingwood Interview.mp3
    26. 19601028 Nixon Eisenhowers Record.mp3
    27. 19601028 Nixon I Am a Conservative.mp3
    28. 19601107 Johnson Religious Beliefs of JFK.mp3
    29. 19601109 Nixon Concession Speech.mp3
    30. 19610106 Nixon Delivers Elect College Votes 1960 Election.mp3
    31. 19610411 Johnson Address on Equal Employment Opportunities.mp3
    32. 19630530 Johnson Memorial Day Speech.mp3
    33. 19631121 Johnson Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    34. 19640814 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1105AM.mp3
    35. 19640825 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 231PM.mp3
    36. 19640827 Humphrey Acceptance Speech.mp3
    37. 19641103 Humphrey Election Night Phone Call from LBJ 557PM.mp3
    38. 19650120 Humphrey Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    39. 19650306 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1125AM Pt1.mp3
    40. 19650306 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1125AM Pt2.mp3
    41. 19651219 Humphrey Harry S Truman Commendation.mp3
    42. 19660302 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 605PM.mp3
    43. 19660827 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 831PM.mp3
    44. 19661109 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 101PM.mp3
    45. 19661124 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 940AM Pt1.mp3
    46. 19661124 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 940AM Pt2.mp3
    47. 19670318 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 530PM Pt1.mp3
    48. 19670318 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 530PM Pt2.mp3
    49. 19680503 Humphrey Kent State Univ Memorial Gym.mp3
    50. 19680503 Humphrey Memorial Gym Kent State Univ.mp3
    51. 19680808 Agnew Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    52. 19680829 Humphrey Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    53. 19680829 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1041AM.mp3
    54. 19681020 Humphrey Face Nation.mp3
    55. 19681105 Humphrey Concession Speech.mp3
    56. 19681106 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1132AM.mp3
    57. 19690120 Agnew Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    58. 19691110 Agnew Great Polarizer in American Politics.mp3
    59. 19691113 Agnew Media Monopoly.mp3
    60. 19691120 Agnew Attacks Press.mp3
    61. 19700201 Agnew Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    62. 19700503 Agnew Face Nation.mp3
    63. 19700901 Agnew Debates Eva Paterson.mp3
    64. 19720110 Agnew Call From Nixon.mp3
    65. 19720422 Agnew Attacks Vietnam War Critics.mp3
    66. 19720823 Agnew Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    67. 19730425 Agnew Supports Nixon During Watergate.mp3
    68. 19730822 Agnew Statement on Indictment.mp3
    69. 19730930 Agnew I Am Innocent of Charges Against Me.mp3
    70. 19731010 Agnew Farewell Address to Nation.mp3
    71. 19731010 Agnew Resigns Vice Presidency.mp3
    72. 19731012 Ford Nominated for Vice President.mp3
    73. 19731102 Ford Opening Statement at Confirmation Hearing.mp3
    74. 19731206 Ford Sworn In As Vice President.mp3
    75. 19731225 Ford Skiing in Vail CO.mp3
    76. 19740101 Ford Year Ahead for Richard Nixon Pt1.mp3
    77. 19740101 Ford Year Ahead for Richard Nixon Pt2.mp3
    78. 19740110 Ford Near Death Experience During WWII.mp3
    79. 19740110 Ford Nixons Involvement in Watergate.mp3
    80. 19740110 Ford Thoughts on Legalizing Marijuana.mp3
    81. 19740203 Ford Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    82. 19740306 Ford Privacy.mp3
    83. 19740520 Ford 1974 Midterms Not Be Referendum on Watergate.mp3
    84. 19740628 Ford Future of GOP.mp3
    85. 19740704 Ford Welcome the Nixons Home.mp3
    86. 19740711 Ford Watergate Investigation.mp3
    87. 19740820 Rockefeller Nominated for Vice President.mp3
    88. 19740823 Rockefeller Discusses Confirmation Investigation.mp3
    89. 19741011 Rockefeller Happys Successful Mastectomy.mp3
    90. 19741023 Rockefeller Opening Stmnt Senate Rules Committee.mp3
    91. 19741115 Rockefeller Speaking Before Senate Rules Committee.mp3
    92. 19741210 Rockefeller Leans Was Confirmed Vice President.mp3
    93. 19741219 Rockefeller Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    94. 19750107 Rockefeller Investigation of CIA.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 46 shows – 635 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 7 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19751106 Rockefeller Press Conf After Withdrawing From Race.mp3
    3. 19751107 Rockefeller Will Not Seek 1976 Republican VP Nom.mp3
    4. 19751218 Rockefeller Government is the Problem.mp3
    5. 19760000 Rockefeller Attica Prison Massacre of 1971.mp3
    6. 19760217 Rockefeller Advocates a Reduction in Government.mp3
    7. 19760715 Mondale Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    8. 19760816 Rockefeller Address at the RNC.mp3
    9. 19760817 Rockefeller a Small Donnybrook.mp3
    10. 19760819 Rockefeller Nominates Bob Dole to be Vice President.mp3
    11. 19761015 Mondale Vice Presidential Debate v Bob Dole.mp3
    12. 19761102 Mondale Victory Speech.mp3
    13. 19780114 Mondale Death of Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    14. 19780116 Mondale Memorial Service for Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    15. 19780328 Mondale Bon Voyage to the Carters.mp3
    16. 19781101 Mondale Trip to MN Jimmy Carter.mp3
    17. 19790717 Mondale Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    18. 19790803 Mondale NAACP Speech.mp3
    19. 19791012 Mondale Trip China.mp3
    20. 19791204 Mondale Seattle WA Town Hall.mp3
    21. 19800717 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    22. 19800814 Mondale Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    23. 19801003 Mondale Campaigns at East LA College.mp3
    24. 19810413 Bush Phone Call Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts.mp3
    25. 19810527 Bush US Naval Academy Commissioning.mp3
    26. 19810605 Bush James Stockdale White House Fellows.mp3
    27. 19810607 Bush Bogie Buster Dinner.mp3
    28. 19821115 Bush Statement Following Funeral Leonid Brezhnev.mp3
    29. 19830207 Bush Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    30. 19831026 Bush Statement After Marine Barracks Bombing.mp3
    31. 19840214 Bush Statement Following Funeral Yuri Andropov.mp3
    32. 19840503 Bush Ashland College Pep Rally.mp3
    33. 19840505 Bush Texas A and M Commencement Speech.mp3
    34. 19840823 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    35. 19840902 Bush 40th Anniv Being Shot Down Over Chichi Jima.mp3
    36. 19841011 Bush Vice Presidential Debate v Geraldine Ferraro.mp3
    37. 19850312 Bush Funeral for Konstantin Chernenko.mp3
    38. 19850313 Bush Press Avail After Konstantin Chernenko Funeral.mp3
    39. 19850612 Bush 61st Birthday Party.mp3
    40. 19850814 Bush Meeting at Rancho Del Cielo.mp3
    41. 19860128 Bush Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.mp3
    42. 19860619 Bush World War II Naval Aviation Career.mp3
    43. 19880108 Bush IA GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    44. 19880116 Bush NH GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    45. 19880202 Bush NH GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    46. 19880210 Bush NH GOP Primary Forum.mp3
    47. 19880220 Bush TX GOP Primary Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 38 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19880328 Bush GOP Primary Debate.mp3
    3. 19880816 Bush Announces Dan Quayle as His Running Mate.mp3
    4. 19880818 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    5. 19880818 Quayle Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    6. 19880925 Bush 1st Presidential Debate v Michael Dukakis.mp3
    7. 19881005 Quayle Vice Presidential Debate v Lloyd Bentsen.mp3
    8. 19881013 Bush 2nd Presidential Debate v Michael Dukakis.mp3
    9. 19881108 Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    10. 19881109 Bush Arrival at Andrews Air Force Base.mp3
    11. 19881109 Bush Meeting in Oval Office.mp3
    12. 19890120 Quayle Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    13. 19890815 Quayle Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer Interview.mp3
    14. 19890908 Quayle John M. Ash took Dinner.mp3
    15. 19900601 Quayle Meeting Mikhail Gorbachev.mp3
    16. 19901025 Quayle Wishing Bobby Knight a Happy 50th Birthday.mp3
    17. 19901026 Quayle Receives McNaughton Medal for Public Service.mp3
    18. 19920519 Quayle Murphy Brown.mp3
    19. 19920615 Quayle “Potatoe”.mp3
    20. 19920715 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    21. 19920717 Quayle DARE Press Conf.mp3
    22. 19920820 Quayle Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    23. 19920922 Quayle Ellington Field Arrival.mp3
    24. 19920929 Gore Reagan Bush Ignored Saddam Husseins Terrorism.mp3
    25. 19921013 Quayle VP Debate v Al Gore and James Stockdale.mp3
    26. 19921103 Gore B.Clinton Election Night Victory Speech.mp3
    27. 19930117 Gore Pre-Inaugural Event Monticello.mp3
    28. 19930120 Gore Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    29. 19930208 Gore Creation WH Office Envr Policy.mp3
    30. 19930511 Gore Ntnl Performance Review.mp3
    31. 19930907 Gore Reinventing Government.mp3
    32. 19930920 Gore Health Care Reform.mp3
    33. 19930923 Gore Health Care Rally at WH.mp3
    34. 19931110 Gore NAFTA Debate v H. Ross Perot.mp3
    35. 19931206 Gore Harvard Kennedy School of Government.mp3
    36. 19931208 Gore NAFTA.mp3
    37. 19940301 Gore Senior Center and CVS.mp3
    38. 19940314 Gore G7 Jobs Conference.mp3
    39. 19950000 Gore Chabad Telethon.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 33 shows – 639 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 15 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19950921 Gore Democratic Party Fundraiser.mp3
    3. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt1.mp3
    4. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt2.mp3
    5. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt3.mp3
    6. 19960112 Gore Peterbilt Truck Plant Employees.mp3
    7. 19960222 Gore WH Conf. on Empowerment Zones.mp3
    8. 19960607 Gore MIT Commencement.mp3
    9. 19960822 Gore Welfare Reform.mp3
    10. 19960829 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    11. 19960830 Gore Cairo IL Rally.mp3
    12. 19960830 Gore Cape Girardeau MO Rally.mp3
    13. 19960830 Gore Paducah KY Rally.mp3
    14. 19960831 Gore Dyersburg TN Rally.mp3
    15. 19960918 Gore Bill Clinton Grand Staircase Escalante.mp3
    16. 19961009 Gore Vice Presidential Debate v Jack Kemp.mp3
    17. 19961020 Gore Apostolic Church of God Sermon.mp3
    18. 19961105 Gore B.Clinton Election Night Victory Speech.mp3
    19. 19970117 Gore Presidential Gold Medal Ceremony.mp3
    20. 19970609 Gore Human Cloning.mp3
    21. 19971006 Gore Conf Global Climate Change.mp3
    22. 19971031 Gore Harvard Kennedy School of Government.mp3
    23. 19980126 Gore After School Child Care.mp3
    24. 19980202 Gore FY 1999 Budget.mp3
    25. 19980313 Gore Ntnl Innovation Summit.mp3
    26. 19980416 Gore Making After School Count.mp3
    27. 19980714 Gore Y2K.mp3
    28. 19980730 Gore Bill Clinton American Heritage Rivers Design.mp3
    29. 19981218 Gore House or Representatives Impeachment Vote.mp3
    30. 19990425 Gore Columbine High School Memorial Service.mp3
    31. 19990607 Gore WH Conference on Mental Health.mp3
    32. 19991008 Gore Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    33. 19991220 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    34. 20000105 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 37 shows – 620 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 20000117 Gore IA Democratic Caucus Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    3. 20000126 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    4. 20000221 Gore NY Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    5. 20000301 Gore CA Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley.mp3
    6. 20000725 Cheney Announced as George W. Bushs Running Mate.mp3
    7. 20000802 Cheney Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    8. 20000817 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    9. 20001003 Gore 1st Presidential Debate v George W. Bush.mp3
    10. 20001005 Cheney Vice Presidential Debate v Joe Lieberman.mp3
    11. 20001011 Gore 2nd Presidential Debate v George W. Bush.mp3
    12. 20001017 Gore 3rd Presidential Debate v George W. Bush.mp3
    13. 20001107 Cheney School Voucher Program.mp3
    14. 20001128 Gore Legal Challenge to FL Vote.mp3
    15. 20001205 Gore FL Supreme Court Decision.mp3
    16. 20001213 Gore Concession Speech.mp3
    17. 20010103 Gore Swears In Hillary Clinton to US Senate.mp3
    18. 20010106 Gore Delivers Electoral College Votes 2000 Election.mp3
    19. 20010916 Cheney Meet Press.mp3
    20. 20020826 Cheney VFW 103rd.mp3
    21. 20020908 Cheney Meet Press.mp3
    22. 20040124 Cheney DAVOS Meeting.mp3
    23. 20040901 Cheney Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    24. 20041005 Cheney Vice Presidential Debate v John Edwards.mp3
    25. 20070914 Cheney War on Terrorism.mp3
    26. 20080123 Cheney FISA.mp3
    27. 20080420 Cheney Pope Benedict XVI Visit.mp3
    28. 20080823 Biden Named Barack Obamas Running Mate.mp3
    29. 20080824 Biden Message to Supporters.mp3
    30. 20080827 Biden Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    31. 20080828 Biden Warm Up Act for Obama at DNC.mp3
    32. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P1.mp3
    33. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P2.mp3
    34. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P3.mp3
    35. 20080909 Biden Speaks to Campaign Staff and Volunteers.mp3
    36. 20080917 Biden Pro Football Hall of Fame.mp3
    37. 20080918 Biden Akron Ohio Rally.mp3
    38. 20080922 Biden MD Ntnl Guard.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 61 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 20081002 Biden Vice Presidential Debate v Sarah Palin.mp3
    3. 20081009 Biden Liberty MO Rally.mp3
    4. 20081013 Biden DE Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    5. 20081015 Biden Athens OH Rally.mp3
    6. 20081022 Biden Interviewed By a 5th Grader.mp3
    7. 20081030 Biden Arnold MO Rally.mp3
    8. 20081031 Biden Newark DE Rally.mp3
    9. 20090104 Cheney Power of Vice Presidency.mp3
    10. 20090108 Cheney Dlvr Electoral College Votes 2008 Election.mp3
    11. 20090115 Biden Farewell to US Senate.mp3
    12. 20090120 Biden Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    13. 20090129 Biden Middle Class Task Force.mp3
    14. 20090427 Biden Serious Materials Plant.mp3
    15. 20090504 Biden Wind Energy.mp3
    16. 20090608 Biden Roadmap to Recovery.mp3
    17. 20090626 Biden WH Advisor on Violence Against Women.mp3
    18. 20090707 Biden Hospital Support for Health Reform.mp3
    19. 20090828 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-MA Pt1.mp3
    20. 20090828 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-MA Pt2.mp3
    21. 20090903 Biden 200 Days of Recovery Act.mp3
    22. 20090904 Biden Major Recovery Act Announcement.mp3
    23. 20090923 Biden Set Record Straight on Medicare.mp3
    24. 20091025 Biden Recovery Through Retrofit Report.mp3
    25. 20091208 Biden Dispels Myths About Medicare.mp3
    26. 20100217 Biden Recovery Act One Year Later.mp3
    27. 20100317 Biden St. Patricks Day.mp3
    28. 20100318 Biden Radio TV Correspondents Association Dinner.mp3
    29. 20100322 Biden Recovery Act Tax Benefits.mp3
    30. 20100323 Biden Affordable Care Act a BIG Fing Deal.mp3
    31. 20100323 Biden Promise of Health Care Reform.mp3
    32. 20100426 Biden Eulogy to Upper Big Branch Victims.mp3
    33. 20100608 Biden Joint Press Conference Mwai Kibaki.mp3
    34. 20100609 Biden Q and A Session in Kenya.mp3
    35. 20100609 Biden Speech in Kenya.mp3
    36. 20100617 Biden Joe Bartons Apology to BP.mp3
    37. 20100702 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Robert Byrd D-WV.mp3
    38. 20100714 Biden Assessing Economic Impact of Recovery Act.mp3
    39. 20101109 Biden Recovery Through Retrofit.mp3
    40. 20101117 Biden It Gets Better.mp3
    41. 20101222 Biden Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell.mp3
    42. 20110228 Biden Ntnl Association of Governors.mp3
    43. 20110323 Biden One Year of Affordable Care Act.mp3
    44. 20110412 Biden Joining Forces to Support Military Families.mp3
    45. 20110506 Biden Visit to Ft. Campbell KY.mp3
    46. 20110607 Biden Luncheon Honoring Angela Merkel.mp3
    47. 20110622 Biden Keeping Our Promises.mp3
    48. 20110821 Biden US China Relations.mp3
    49. 20110823 Biden Sendai Japan.mp3
    50. 20110911 Biden September 11 2001 Anniversary.mp3
    51. 20110916 Biden Constitution Day Lecture.mp3
    52. 20120229 Biden Honoring Iraq War Veterans.mp3
    53. 20120314 Biden Luncheon Honoring David Cameron.mp3
    54. 20120320 Biden St. Patricks Day.mp3
    55. 20120322 Biden Toledo Ohio Rally.mp3
    56. 20120327 Biden Coconut Creek FL Rally.mp3
    57. 20120410 Biden Davenport Iowa Rally.mp3
    58. 20120412 Biden Exeter NH Rally.mp3
    59. 20120418 Biden Reauthorizing Violence Against Women Act.mp3
    60. 20120426 Biden NYU Rally.mp3
    61. 20120510 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    62. 20120525 Biden Grief at TAPS.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 61 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 11 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 20120906 Biden Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    3. 20120911 Biden Remembering September 11 2001.mp3
    4. 20121011 Biden Vice Presidential Debate v Paul Ryan.mp3
    5. 20121115 Biden Parks and Recreation.mp3
    6. 20121129 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Warren Rudman R-NH.mp3
    7. 20121220 Biden Eulogy to Daniel Inouye.mp3
    8. 20130104 Biden Dlvrs Electoral College Votes 2012 Election.mp3
    9. 20130111 Biden Video Game Industry.mp3
    10. 20130120 Biden Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    11. 20130121 Biden Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    12. 20130124 Biden Fireside Hangout.mp3
    13. 20130307 Biden Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization.mp3
    14. 20130513 Biden Univ of Pennsylvania Commencement.mp3
    15. 20130530 Biden US and Brazil Relations.mp3
    16. 20130603 Biden Ntnl Conference on Mental Health.mp3
    17. 20130709 Biden Eulogy for Yarnell Hill Firefighters.mp3
    18. 20130710 Biden US and China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.mp3
    19. 20130722 Biden Asia Pacific Policy.mp3
    20. 20130724 Biden US and India Partnership.mp3
    21. 20130823 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    22. 20131205 Biden US and China Business Relations.mp3
    23. 20131206 Biden US and Korea Relations and Asian Pacific.mp3
    24. 20140113 Biden Eulogy to Ariel Sharon.mp3
    25. 20140207 Biden Infrast Investment.mp3
    26. 20140211 Biden Luncheon Honoring Francois Hollande.mp3
    27. 20140314 Biden St. Patricks Day.mp3
    28. 20140414 Biden FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour.mp3
    29. 20140429 Biden Preventing Campus Sexual Assault.mp3
    30. 20140503 Biden Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    31. 20140503 Biden White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    32. 20140509 Biden Univ of South Carolina Commencement.mp3
    33. 20140512 Biden Honor Americas Top Cops.mp3
    34. 20140521 Biden Romanian Civil Society.mp3
    35. 20140622 Biden Preventing Sexual Assault.mp3
    36. 20140630 Biden Meets Remne Family Outside Old Naval Hospital.mp3
    37. 20140723 Biden Rebuild America.mp3
    38. 20140804 Biden US and Africa Leaders Summit.mp3
    39. 20140919 Biden Its On Us Campaign.mp3
    40. 20140929 Biden TAACCCAT Grant Announcement.mp3
    41. 20141014 Biden Allen Univ.mp3
    42. 20141021 Biden Rally for Dan Maffie D-Syracuse.mp3
    43. 20141114 Biden School Shootings and Gun Control.mp3
    44. 20141121 Biden Kiev Ukraine.mp3
    45. 20141122 Biden Istanbul Turkey.mp3
    46. 20141203 Biden Tribal Nations Conference.mp3
    47. 20141204 Biden College Opportunity Summit.mp3
    48. 20141209 Biden Women Rule Summit.mp3
    49. 20141227 Biden Eulogy to Rafael Ramos.mp3
    50. 20150103 Biden Year of Quality Affordable Health Insurance.mp3
    51. 20150109 Biden Americas College Promise Proposal.mp3
    52. 20150208 Biden Munich Security Conference.mp3
    53. 20150302 Biden Alliance for Prosperity.mp3
    54. 20150330 Biden Dedication of Edward M. Kennedy Institute.mp3
    55. 20150407 Biden Easter Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    56. 20150409 BidenUS Policy In Iraq.mp3
    57. 20150506 Biden Iranian Nuclear Challenge.mp3
    58. 20150911 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt1.mp3
    59. 20150911 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt2.mp3
    60. 20150911 Biden Yale Class Day.mp3
    61. 20150925 Biden Luncheon Honoring Xi Jinping.mp3
    62. 20151021 Biden Not Running in 2016.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 54 shows – 633 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 2 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20151112 Biden Address to Syracuse Univ Student Body.mp3
    3. 20151206 Biden 36 Hours in Ukraine.mp3
    4. 20151209 Biden Address Before Ukrainian Rada.mp3
    5. 20160330 Biden Easter Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    6. 20160403 Biden Locker Room Pep Talk Syracuse Loses Final 4.mp3
    7. 20160407 Biden Its On Us.mp3
    8. 20160414 Biden Its On Us.mp3
    9. 20160515 Biden Univ of Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    10. 20160516 Biden Syracuse Univ College of Law Commencement.mp3
    11. 20160523 Biden West Point Commencement.mp3
    12. 20160524 Biden Gun Violence Prevention.mp3
    13. 20160526 Biden Mem Sloan Kettering Cancer Moonshot Rndtbl.mp3
    14. 20160614 Biden WH Summit on United State of Women.mp3
    15. 20160615 Biden WH Task Force on Cancer.mp3
    16. 20160716 Pence Named D.Trumps Running Mate.mp3
    17. 20160720 Pence Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    18. 20160727 Biden Speech at DNC.mp3
    19. 20160828 Pence Jake Tapper Interview.mp3
    20. 20160901 Biden Canfield County Fair.mp3
    21. 20161004 Pence Vice Presidential Debate v Tim Kaine.mp3
    22. 20161017 Biden Cancer Moonshot.mp3
    23. 20161017 Biden Release Cancer Moonshot Report.mp3
    24. 20161018 Biden Luncheon Honoring Matteo Renzi.mp3
    25. 20161025 Biden What It Means to Be Middle Class.mp3
    26. 20161030 Biden John Dickerson Interview.mp3
    27. 20161119 Biden Building on a Record of Economic Progress.mp3
    28. 20161205 Biden Georgetown Univ.mp3
    29. 20161205 Biden Importance Sound Financial Sector Regul.mp3
    30. 20161207 Biden Get In Here Kid for a Rap Session.mp3
    31. 20161207 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt1.mp3
    32. 20161207 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt2.mp3
    33. 20161211 Biden Jake Tapper Interview P1.mp3
    34. 20161211 Biden Jake Tapper Interview P2.mp3
    35. 20161217 Biden Eulogy to John Glenn.mp3
    36. 20170103 Biden Swears In Kamala Harris to US Senate.mp3
    37. 20170105 Biden Its on Us Campus Sexual Assault Summit.mp3
    38. 20170105 Biden Judy Woodruff Interview.mp3
    39. 20170106 Biden Delivers Elect College Votes 2016 Election.mp3
    40. 20170112 Biden Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom.mp3
    41. 20170120 Pence Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    42. 20170127 Pence March for Life Rally.mp3
    43. 20170329 Pence Women Empowerment Panel.mp3
    44. 20170418 Pence USS Ronald Reagan.mp3
    45. 20170502 Pence Israel Independence Day.mp3
    46. 20170504 Pence Cinco de Mayo.mp3
    47. 20170504 Pence Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.mp3
    48. 20170508 Pence Hosts Honor Flight Veterans.mp3
    49. 20170509 Pence Hosts Military Families.mp3
    50. 20170517 Pence AAPI Heritage Month.mp3
    51. 20170521 Pence Univ of Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    52. 20170526 Pence US Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    53. 20170607 Pence 2017 Astronaut Selection Announcement.mp3
    54. 20170608 Pence Infrast Summit.mp3
    55. 20170615 Pence Prosperity and Security in Central America.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 49 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 20170626 Pence Listening Session CMS Administrator.mp3
    3. 20170706 Pence Kennedy Space Center.mp3
    4. 20170713 Pence Philanthropy Roundtable.mp3
    5. 20170720 Pence Commission on Election Integrity.mp3
    6. 20170721 Pence Roundtable on Health Care.mp3
    7. 20170724 Pence Statement on Healthcare.mp3
    8. 20170802 Pence Adriatic Charter Summit.mp3
    9. 20170815 Pence Argentine Latin American Business Community.mp3
    10. 20170918 Pence Honor Flight Veterans.mp3
    11. 20170920 Pence UN Security Council High Level Debate.mp3
    12. 20170922 Pence Meeting Paul LePage.mp3
    13. 20171005 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    14. 20171016 Pence US Japan Economic Dialogue.mp3
    15. 20171111 Pence Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    16. 20171222 Pence Address Troops at Bagram Airfield.mp3
    17. 20180117 Pence Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony.mp3
    18. 20180118 Pence Ntnl March for Life Event.mp3
    19. 20180122 Pence Joint Statement Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    20. 20180221 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    21. 20180221 Pence Remarks at Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    22. 20180414 Pence 1st Plenary Session of Summit of Americas.mp3
    23. 20180423 Pence Swearing Jim Bridenstine NASA Administrator.mp3
    24. 20180424 Pence Luncheon Honoring Emmanuel Macron.mp3
    25. 20180504 Pence NRA Leadership Forum.mp3
    26. 20180507 Pence Protocolary Meeting at OAS.mp3
    27. 20180512 Pence Hillsdale College Commencement.mp3
    28. 20180515 Pence Ntnl Peace Officers Memorial Summit.mp3
    29. 20180518 Pence Prison Reform Summit.mp3
    30. 20180523 Pence US Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    31. 20180604 Pence Promoting a Hemisphere of Freedom.mp3
    32. 20180618 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    33. 20180728 Pence Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.mp3
    34. 20180731 Pence DHS Ntnl Cybersecurity Summit.mp3
    35. 20180801 Pence Honorable Carry Ceremony.mp3
    36. 20180823 Pence Administrations Space Policy Priorities.mp3
    37. 20180831 Pence Tribute to Sen. John McCain R-AZ.mp3
    38. 20180911 Pence September 11th Pentagon Ceremony.mp3
    39. 20181011 Pence Conf Prosperity Security in Central America.mp3
    40. 20181129 Pence World AIDS Day.mp3
    41. 20181203 Pence Tribute to George HW Bush.mp3
    42. 20181218 Pence Kennedy Space Center.mp3
    43. 20190116 Pence Global Chiefs of Mission Conference.mp3
    44. 20190207 Pence High Intensity Drug Trafficking.mp3
    45. 20190327 Pence Bilateral Meeting Fabiana Rosales.mp3
    46. 20190402 Pence Meeting Family of Detainees of Maduro Regime.mp3
    47. 20190426 Pence NRA Forum.mp3
    48. 20190502 Pence Ntnl Day of Prayer Service.mp3
    49. 20190507 Pence Washington Conference on Americas.mp3
    50. 20190518 Pence Taylor Univ Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 43 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20190525 Pence US Military Academy Commencement.mp3
    3. 20190527 Pence Memorial Day Ceremony.mp3
    4. 20190720 Pence 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing.mp3
    5. 20190820 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    6. 20190901 Pence 80th Anniversary of Outbreak of WWII.mp3
    7. 20190917 Pence Naturalization Ceremony.mp3
    8. 20190920 Pence Luncheon for Scott Morrison.mp3
    9. 20190923 Pence UN Event on Religious Freedom.mp3
    10. 20191111 Pence Ntnl Veterans Day Observance.mp3
    11. 20191114 Pence NASAs Ames Research Center.mp3
    12. 20191125 Pence Honoring Conan Dog.mp3
    13. 20200108 Pence Honors Kyriakos Mitsotakis.mp3
    14. 20200114 Pence Swears J Raymond 1st Chief Space Operations.mp3
    15. 20200119 Pence Holy City Church of God in Christ.mp3
    16. 20200123 Pence 5th World Holocaust Forum.mp3
    17. 20200127 Pence Lunar New Year Celebration.mp3
    18. 20200206 Pence Ntnl Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    19. 20200213 Pence Addresses SC Corps of Cadets.mp3
    20. 20200219 Pence NASA Langley Research Center.mp3
    21. 20200224 Pence Fireside Chat Hoover Instit Board Overseers.mp3
    22. 20200225 Pence Presidents Cup Cybersecurity Comp Trophy.mp3
    23. 20200302 Pence AIPAC Conference.mp3
    24. 20200302 Pence Briefing on Coronavirus.mp3
    25. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Briefing Airline CEOs.mp3
    26. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Briefing CEOs.mp3
    27. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    28. 20200306 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    29. 20200310 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    30. 20200319 Pence Teleconf Governors on Coronavirus Response.mp3
    31. 20200430 Pence Roundtable GM Executives.mp3
    32. 20200519 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    33. 20200520 Pence Roundtable Hospitality and Tourism Leaders.mp3
    34. 20200605 Pence Listening Session Faith and Community Leaders.mp3
    35. 20200612 Pence Listening Session Faith and Community Leaders.mp3
    36. 20200612 Pence Opening Up America Again.mp3
    37. 20200616 Pence Winnebago Industries.mp3
    38. 20200618 Pence Opening Up America Again.mp3
    39. 20200623 Pence School Choice Roundtable.mp3
    40. 20200625 Pence Opening Up America Again.mp3
    41. 20200628 Pence Celebrate Freedom Rally.mp3
    42. 20200702 Pence Naturalization Ceremony.mp3
    43. 20200709 Pence Back Blue Rally.mp3
    44. 20200730 Pence Administrations Pro Growth Economic Policies.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 51 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20200805 Pence Religious Freedom.mp3
    3. 20200812 Harris Named J.Bidens Running Mate.mp3
    4. 20200813 Pence Support Law Enforcement Town Hall.mp3
    5. 20200819 Harris Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    6. 20200819 Harris When We Vote Things Change.mp3
    7. 20200826 Pence Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    8. 20200901 Harris a Socially Distanced Conversation J.Biden.mp3
    9. 20200907 Pence A Stronger American Workforce.mp3
    10. 20200910 Pence Addresses VMI Corps of Cadets.mp3
    11. 20200918 Pence Libre Interactive Roundtable.mp3
    12. 20200924 Pence Made in America Event.mp3
    13. 20200928 Harris Reaction Amy Coney Barrett Named Supr Court.mp3
    14. 20201007 Pence Vice Presidential Debate v Kamala Harris.mp3
    15. 20201012 Harris Stmnt Amy Coney Barrett Confirm Hearing.mp3
    16. 20201013 Harris Questions Amy Coney Barrett.mp3
    17. 20201014 Harris Questions Amy Coney Barrett.mp3
    18. 20201028 Harris Doug Emhoff Campaigning Staying Connected.mp3
    19. 20201107 Harris J.Biden Victory Speech.mp3
    20. 20201107 Harris We Did it Joe.mp3
    21. 20201119 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing.mp3
    22. 20201204 Pence Roundtable on COVID-19 Vaccines.mp3
    23. 20201209 Pence Ntnl Space Council.mp3
    24. 20201210 Pence Vaccine Distribution.mp3
    25. 20201215 Pence Operation Warp Speed.mp3
    26. 20201216 Pence Life is Winning.mp3
    27. 20201218 Pence 1st Birthday of US Space Force.mp3
    28. 20201218 Pence Safe and Effective Vaccine Confidence.mp3
    29. 20201225 Harris Merry Christmas.mp3
    30. 20201226 Harris Happy Kwanza.mp3
    31. 20201229 Harris Receives 1st COVID Vaccine.mp3
    32. 20210106 Pence Today Was a Dark Day.mp3
    33. 20210107 Pence Delivers Elect College Votes 2020 Election.mp3
    34. 20210111 Harris Family Zoom.mp3
    35. 20210116 Pence Address Sailors at Lemoore CA.mp3
    36. 20210117 Pence Address Troops at Ft. Drum NY.mp3
    37. 20210119 Harris COVID-19 Memorial.mp3
    38. 20210120 Harris Swears In New Senators to US Senate.mp3
    39. 20210120 Harris Sworn In as Vice President.mp3
    40. 20210126 Harris Receives 2nd COVID Vaccine.mp3
    41. 20210204 Harris Speaking State Dept. Staff.mp3
    42. 20210205 Harris Importance of Passing American Rescue Plan.mp3
    43. 20210208 Harris Virtual Tour of State Farm Vaccination Site.mp3
    44. 20210211 Harris Speaking Defense Dept. Staff.mp3
    45. 20210218 Harris Roundtable Members Congress Advocacy Groups.mp3
    46. 20210223 Harris Bilateral Meeting Justin Trudeau.mp3
    47. 20210227 Harris 40th Annual Black History Month Celebration.mp3
    48. 20210302 Harris House Democratic Caucus Issues.mp3
    49. 20210307 Harris 56th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.mp3
    50. 20210308 Harris International Womens Day.mp3
    51. 20210308 Harris League Cities Congressional City Conf.mp3
    52. 20210311 Harris Follow Up Follow Through.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 86 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20210312 Harris Passage of American Rescue Plan.mp3
    3. 20210316 Harris 65th Session of Commission on State of Women.mp3
    4. 20210317 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Micheal Martin.mp3
    5. 20210317 Harris Frederick Douglas Global Fellows.mp3
    6. 20210318 Harris Women Labor Leaders.mp3
    7. 20210319 Harris Violence Against Asians.mp3
    8. 20210324 Harris Equal Pay Day.mp3
    9. 20210325 Harris Passover Celebration.mp3
    10. 20210326 Harris West Haven Child Development Center.mp3
    11. 20210331 Harris Roundtable Discussion Faith Leaders.mp3
    12. 20210401 Harris COVID-19 Public Education Campaign.mp3
    13. 20210408 Harris Gun Violence Prevention.mp3
    14. 20210413 Harris Black Womens Maternal Health.mp3
    15. 20210414 Harris Exports on Northern Triangle.mp3
    16. 20210415 Harris American Rescue Plan Invest Child Care.mp3
    17. 20210416 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Suga Yoshihide.mp3
    18. 20210419 Harris American Jobs Plan.mp3
    19. 20210420 Harris Guilty Verdict in Derek Chauvin Trial.mp3
    20. 20210422 Harris Foundation Leaders on Northern Triangle.mp3
    21. 20210422 Harris Leaders Summit on Climate.mp3
    22. 20210423 Harris American Jobs Plan.mp3
    23. 20210426 Harris Bilateral Meeting Alejandro Giammattei.mp3
    24. 20210427 Harris Guatemalan Community Based Organizations.mp3
    25. 20210429 Harris Progress Made in First 100 Days.mp3
    26. 20210430 Harris Investments in Public Transportation.mp3
    27. 20210504 Harris Washington Conference on Americas.mp3
    28. 20210507 Harris Bilateral Meet Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.mp3
    29. 20210511 Harris Meet Cong Asian Pacific American Caucus.mp3
    30. 20210513 Harris Worker Organizing and Empowerment.mp3
    31. 20210517 Harris Meeting Congressional Hispanic Caucus.mp3
    32. 20210519 Harris Asia Pacific Am Heritage Month Unity Summit.mp3
    33. 20210519 Harris Meeting Guatemalan Justice Sector Leaders.mp3
    34. 20210520 Harris COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act.mp3
    35. 20210521 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Moon Jae-in.mp3
    36. 20210524 Harris Digital Divide.mp3
    37. 20210526 Harris Broadband Infrast.mp3
    38. 20210527 Harris Meeting Private Sector Leaders.mp3
    39. 20210528 Harris Keynote Address US Naval Academy Class 2021.mp3
    40. 20210603 Harris Investing in Broadband.mp3
    41. 20210607 Harris Joint Press Conference Alejandro Giammattei.mp3
    42. 20210608 Harris Q and A Press.mp3
    43. 20210615 Harris DACA Anniversary.mp3
    44. 20210615 Harris Providing Access Capital Small Business.mp3
    45. 20210616 Harris Meeting TX State Senate and TX House Rep.mp3
    46. 20210623 Harris LGBTQ Pride Month.mp3
    47. 20210623 Harris Listening Session Voting Rights Advocates.mp3
    48. 20210624 Harris Ntnl Vaccine Month of Action.mp3
    49. 20210630 Harris Generation Equality Forum.mp3
    50. 20210630 Harris Western Wildfires.mp3
    51. 20210703 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Framework.mp3
    52. 20210708 Harris Voting Rights Event.mp3
    53. 20210712 Harris Vaccine Mobilization Event.mp3
    54. 20210714 Harris Meeting Disabilities Adv Right to Vote.mp3
    55. 20210715 Harris Monthly Child Tax Credit Relief Payments.mp3
    56. 20210716 Harris Meeting NCNW on Voting Rights.mp3
    57. 20210721 Harris Poll Worker Election Officials Voting Rights.mp3
    58. 20210722 Harris Meeting Dreamers.mp3
    59. 20210726 Harris 31st Anniv Americans Disabilities Act.mp3
    60. 20210727 Harris Native American Voting Rights.mp3
    61. 20210727 Harris Ntnl Bar Association.mp3
    62. 20210729 Harris Meeting Small Business Owners.mp3
    63. 20210805 Harris HR 3325.mp3
    64. 20210806 Harris Lyndon B. Johnson Monument Dedicatio.mp3
    65. 20210810 Harris Community Health Center.mp3
    66. 20210810 Harris Infrast Investment and Jobs Act.mp3
    67. 20210812 Harris Care Policies.mp3
    68. 20210823 Harris Press Conference Lee Hsien Loong.mp3
    69. 20210823 Harris Vision for Indo Pacific Region.mp3
    70. 20210826 Harris Q and A Press.mp3
    71. 20210909 Harris Reproductive Rights.mp3
    72. 20210909 Harris US Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue.mp3
    73. 20210910 Harris HBCU Week.mp3
    74. 20210911 Harris 20th Anniversary of 911 Attacks.mp3
    75. 20210921 Harris Bilateral Meeting Boris Johnson.mp3
    76. 20210922 Harris Preventing Future Pandemics.mp3
    77. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meet Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.mp3
    78. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meeting Hakainde Hichilema.mp3
    79. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meeting Narendra Modi.mp3
    80. 20210929 Harris Meeting Small Business Leaders.mp3
    81. 20211006 Harris Meeting Ntnl Pan Hellenic Council.mp3
    82. 20211007 Harris Labor Task Force Principals Meeting.mp3
    83. 20211012 Harris Ntnl Congress of American Indians Conference.mp3
    84. 20211013 Harris Bilateral Meeting Mia Amor Mottley.mp3
    85. 20211013 Harris Meeting Yair Lapid.mp3
    86. 20211014 Harris Care Cant Wait.mp3
    87. 20211020 Harris Worker Organizing and Collective Bargaining.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 48 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 8 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 20211021 Harris 10th Anniversary of MLK Memorial.mp3
    3. 20211025 Harris Climate.mp3
    4. 20211028 Harris Meeting Mayors.mp3
    5. 20211105 Harris NASA Global Space Flight Center.mp3
    6. 20211112 Harris Press Conference.mp3
    7. 20211115 Harris Infrast Investment and Jobs Act.mp3
    8. 20211116 Harris Tribal Nations Summit.mp3
    9. 20211118 Harris Bilateral Meet Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.mp3
    10. 20211122 Harris Equity and Our Health Care Workforce.mp3
    11. 20211201 Harris Administrations Inaugural Space Council Mtng.mp3
    12. 20211201 Harris Lighting of Ntnl Menorah.mp3
    13. 20211202 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law.mp3
    14. 20211207 Harris Maternal Call to Action.mp3
    15. 20211207 Harris Maternal Health Call to Action Summit.mp3
    16. 20211207 Harris One on One Allyson Felix.mp3
    17. 20211209 Harris Summit for Democracy.mp3
    18. 20211213 Harris Private Sector Investment in Central America.mp3
    19. 20211226 Harris Face Nation Interview.mp3
    20. 20220106 Harris One Year Anniversary of Deadly Capitol Riot.mp3
    21. 20220111 Harris Voting Rights.mp3
    22. 20220121 Harris Investments in CA Wildfire Preparedness.mp3
    23. 20220124 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law.mp3
    24. 20220125 Harris Monitor and Trafficking in Persons.mp3
    25. 20220131 Harris Ntnl Governors Association.mp3
    26. 20220202 Harris Reignite Cancer Moonshot.mp3
    27. 20220203 Harris Ntnl Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    28. 20220204 Harris Project Labor Agreements.mp3
    29. 20220208 Harris Child Tax Credit and EITC Day of Action.mp3
    30. 20220211 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law.mp3
    31. 20220214 Harris Affordable Accessible High Speed Internet.mp3
    32. 20220219 Harris Munich Security Conference.mp3
    33. 20220223 Harris Ntnl Black Caucus of State Legislators.mp3
    34. 20220228 Harris Celebration. To Mark Black History Month.mp3
    35. 20220302 Harris Investment in Our Workers.mp3
    36. 20220303 Harris Ending Forced Arbit Sexual Assault Hrssmnt.mp3
    37. 20220306 Harris 57th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.mp3
    38. 20220310 Harris Press Conference Andrzej Duda.mp3
    39. 20220315 Harris Equal Pay Day Summit.mp3
    40. 20220316 Harris Making Communities Safer.mp3
    41. 20220322 Harris Affordable Accessible High Speed Internet.mp3
    42. 20220323 Harris Rooting Out Bias in Home Appraisals.mp3
    43. 20220324 Harris 1st Anniv Voting Rights Executive Order.mp3
    44. 20220325 Harris Ntnl Hispanic Caucus of State Legislatures.mp3
    45. 20220329 Harris Bilateral Meeting Lee Hsein Loong.mp3
    46. 20220329 Harris Emmitt Till Antilynching Act Into Law.mp3
    47. 20220330 Harris Bilateral Meeting Andrew Holness.mp3
    48. 20220401 Harris Inv Community Lenders Econ Development.mp3
    49. 20220404 Harris School Infrast Announcement.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 61 shows – 600 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 51 minutes
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      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. 20220405 Harris 12th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act.mp3
    3. 20220408 Harris Ketanji Brown Jackson Bipartisan Confirm.mp3
    4. 20220411 Harris New Actions to Fight Gun Crimes.mp3
    5. 20220411 Harris Reduce Burden of Medical Debt.mp3
    6. 20220413 Harris Maternal Heath.mp3
    7. 20220414 Harris Peoples Sader.mp3
    8. 20220418 Harris Ongoing Work to Establish Norms for Space.mp3
    9. 20220421 Harris Commitment to Improve Maternal Health.mp3
    10. 20220429 Harris Meeting Caribbean Leaders.mp3
    11. 20220503 Harris EMILYS List Gala.mp3
    12. 20220507 Harris Tennessee State Univ Commencement.mp3
    13. 20220509 Harris Affordable Connectivity Program.mp3
    14. 20220513 Harris Climate Act Clean Energy Sustainable Infrast.mp3
    15. 20220513 Harris Working Lunch Leaders of ASEAN Countries.mp3
    16. 20220517 Harris Joe Jill Biden Celebrate Asian Am Hawaiian.mp3
    17. 20220519 Harris Virtual Meeting Abortion Providers.mp3
    18. 20220520 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law Investments.mp3
    19. 20220523 Harris Mental Health and Wellness.mp3
    20. 20220524 Harris Addresses Uvalde TX School Shooting APAICS.mp3
    21. 20220525 Harris J.Biden Public Trust and Safety.mp3
    22. 20220528 Harris Ruth Whitfield Funeral.mp3
    23. 20220603 Harris US Conference of Mayors.mp3
    24. 20220607 Harris In Her Hands Launch.mp3
    25. 20220608 Harris J.Biden Summit of Americas.mp3
    26. 20220613 Harris Joe Biden Ntnl Msm Asian Pac American Hist.mp3
    27. 20220614 Harris What is at Stake if Roe v Wade is Overturned.mp3
    28. 20220616 Harris WH Task Force Online Harassment and Abuse.mp3
    29. 20220622 Harris Swears Scott Miller Ambassador Swiss Conf.mp3
    30. 20220623 Harris Roe v Wade Roundtable Attorneys General.mp3
    31. 20220624 Harris Maternal Health Crisis.mp3
    32. 20220627 Harris Dana Bash Interview.mp3
    33. 20220627 Harris Swears Bridget A Brink Ambassador Ukraine.mp3
    34. 20220703 Harris ESSENCE Festival Culture.mp3
    35. 20220705 Harris Address NEA.mp3
    36. 20220706 Harris Highland Park Shooting.mp3
    37. 20220708 Harris Discussion St Leg Reproductive Rights.mp3
    38. 20220711 Harris Joe Biden James Webb Telescope Images.mp3
    39. 20220711 Harris Joe Biden Safer Community Act.mp3
    40. 20220713 Harris WH Summit American Rescue Plan and Workforce.mp3
    41. 20220718 Harris 113th NAACPT National Convention.mp3
    42. 20220721 Harris Affordable Connectivity Program.mp3
    43. 20220722 Harris Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    44. 20220722 Harris National Urban League Conf.mp3
    45. 20220722 Harris National Urban League Conference.mp3
    46. 20220725 Harris Fight Protect Reproductive Rights.mp3
    47. 20220725 Harris the Fight to Protect Reproductive Rights.mp3
    48. 20220726 Harris Meeting Disability Rights Leaders.mp3
    49. 20220801 Harris Admin Investments in Climate Resilience.mp3
    50. 20220803 Harris Joe Biden Reproductive Healthcare Access.mp3
    51. 20220805 Harris Fortifying Protecting Reproductive Rights.mp3
    52. 20220808 Harris Access Reprod Health Care College Campuses.mp3
    53. 20220810 Harris Discussion on Reproductive Health Care.mp3
    54. 20220810 Harris Discussion Reproductive Health Care.mp3
    55. 20220810 Harris United Steelworkers Const Convention.mp3
    56. 20220812 Harris Oakland Generation Fund Event.mp3
    57. 20220812 Harris Support Commercial Space Sector.mp3
    58. 20220812 Harris Support of Commercial Space Sector.mp3
    59. 20220902 Harris Meets Yemi Osinbajo.mp3
    60. 20220908 Harris National Baptist Convention.mp3
    61. 20220909 Harris Meet Press Interview.mp3
    62. 20220909 Harris Meet the Press Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 46 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 15: $5.00
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    2. 20220909 Harris Second National Space Council Meeting.mp3
    3. 20220912 Harris Civil Rights Reproductive Rights Leaders.mp3
    4. 20220912 Harris Meeting Civil Rights Reprod Rights Leaders.mp3
    5. 20220913 Harris Biden Celebrating Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    6. 20220913 Harris Joe Biden Passage Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    7. 20220914 Harris Inflation Reduction Act Climate Event.mp3
    8. 20220915 Harris Multilateral Meeting Caribbean Leaders.mp3
    9. 20220919 Harris Swears Yohannes Abraham Ambassador SE Asia.mp3
    10. 20220919 Harris Swears Yohannes Abraham Ambassador SE Asian.mp3
    11. 20220920 Harris SC State University Fall Convocation.mp3
    12. 20220922 Harris Dem Attorneys General Association Conf.mp3
    13. 20220922 Harris Democratic Attorneys Gen Association Conf.mp3
    14. 20220927 Harris Disc Japanese Business Executives CHIPS.mp3
    15. 20220929 Harris USS Howard Tokyo Japan.mp3
    16. 20221001 Harris Joe Biden 2022 Phoenix Awards Dinner.mp3
    17. 20221004 Harris Biden Reproduct Rights Task Force Meeting.mp3
    18. 20221004 Harris Freedman’s Bank Forum.mp3
    19. 20221004 Harris Joe Biden Repro Rights Task Force Meeting.mp3
    20. 20221004 Harris the Freedman’s Bank Forum.mp3
    21. 20221005 Harris Reproductive Rights Roundtable.mp3
    22. 20221006 Harris Swears In Arati Prabhakar Director OSTP.mp3
    23. 20221007 Harris Swears Shefali Razdan Duggal Ambassador NL.mp3
    24. 20221007 Harris Swears Shefali Razdan Duggal Ambassador.mp3
    25. 20221008 Harris Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    26. 20221008 Harris Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    27. 20221011 Harris Seth Meyers Interview P1.mp3
    28. 20221011 Harris Seth Meyers Interview P2.mp3
    29. 20221011 Harris Swears Travis LeBlanc Civil Lib Oversight.mp3
    30. 20221011 Harris Swears Travis LeBlanc Civil Liberties.mp3
    31. 20221015 Harris Voter Education Event Students.mp3
    32. 20221017 Harris Mod Conversation Reproductive Rights Choice.mp3
    33. 20221018 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate.mp3
    34. 20221018 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    35. 20221022 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    36. 20221022 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    37. 20221024 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Celebrate Divali.mp3
    38. 20221025 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    39. 20221025 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    40. 20221026 Harris Investments in Clean School Buses.mp3
    41. 20221028 Harris Biden Campaign J.Shapiro J.Fetterman Phil PA.mp3
    42. 20221028 Harris Joe Biden Cmpgn J.Shapiro J.Fetterman.mp3
    43. 20221028 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    44. 20221028 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights.mp3
    45. 20221029 Harris HRC Annual National Dinner.mp3
    46. 20221102 Harris Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    47. 20221110 Harris Joe Biden Addresses 2022 Midterms.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 65 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 16: $5.00
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    2. 20221110 Harris Joe Biden Addresses the 2022 Midterms.mp3
    3. 20221111 Harris National Veterans Day Observance.mp3
    4. 20221114 Harris Swears C.Bond Ambassador Trinidad and Tobago.mp3
    5. 20221114 Harris Swears Candace Bond Ambsdr Trinidad Tobago.mp3
    6. 20221118 Harris APEC CEO Summit.mp3
    7. 20221121 Harris Moderated Conversation Young Women.mp3
    8. 20221130 Harris White House Tribal Nations Summit.mp3
    9. 20221207 Harris Meeting Ingrida Simonyte.mp3
    10. 20221211 Harris Swears In Karen Bass as Mayor of Los Angeles.mp3
    11. 20221211 Harris Swears In Karen Bass Mayor Los Angeles.mp3
    12. 20221213 Harris US Africa Leaders Summit.mp3
    13. 20221216 Harris US Africa Leaders Summit.mp3
    14. 20221220 Harris Swears K.Ahuja Dir US Office Personnel Mgmt.mp3
    15. 20221220 Harris Swears Kiran Ahuja Dir US Personnel Mgmt.mp3
    16. 20221220 Harris Swears Maria Rosario Jackson Chair NEA.mp3
    17. 20221220 Harris Swears Sandra Thompson Dir Fed Housing Fin.mp3
    18. 20221220 Harris Swears Shelly Lowe Chair Ntnl Endow Hum.mp3
    19. 20221220 Harris Swears Shelly Lowe Ntnl Endow Humanities.mp3
    20. 20221226 Harris Kwanza.mp3
    21. 20221228 Harris a Conversation Mental Health.mp3
    22. 20221228 Harris a Conversation on Mental Health.mp3
    23. 20230104 Harris Economic Plan Rebuilding Infrastructure.mp3
    24. 20230106 Harris Swears Bijan Sabet Ambassador Czech Republic.mp3
    25. 20230109 Harris Swears Elizabeth Bagley Ambassador Brazil.mp3
    26. 20230109 Harris Swears In Elizabeth Bagley Ambassador Brazil.mp3
    27. 20230112 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate Change.mp3
    28. 20230112 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate Change.mp3
    29. 20230117 Harris Biden Welcome Golden State Warriors to WH.mp3
    30. 20230117 Harris Joe Biden Golden State Warriors White House.mp3
    31. 20230119 Harris Transmission Line Groundbreaking.mp3
    32. 20230120 Harris Joe Biden Reflections 1st Two Years.mp3
    33. 20230120 Harris Joe Biden Reflections of 1st Two Years.mp3
    34. 20230122 Harris 50th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.mp3
    35. 20230122 Harris 50th Anniversary Roe v Wade.mp3
    36. 20230127 Harris White House Lead Pipe Summit.mp3
    37. 20230130 Harris Investments in America’s Small Businesses.mp3
    38. 20230130 Harris Invst America Small Businesses Raleigh NC.mp3
    39. 20230131 Harris Awards Congressional Space Medal of Honor.mp3
    40. 20230131 Harris Awards Congressional Spc Medal Honor.mp3
    41. 20230131 Harris Swears In Jessica Davis Ba Ambassador.mp3
    42. 20230131 Harris Swears J.Davis Ba Ambassador.mp3
    43. 20230201 Harris Tyre Nichols Funeral.mp3
    44. 20230202 Harris Biden Clinton 30th Anniversary of FMLA.mp3
    45. 20230202 Harris Joe Biden Bill Clinton 30th Anniversary FMLA.mp3
    46. 20230203 Harris Biden Clean Drinking Water Philadelphia PA.mp3
    47. 20230203 Harris Biden Tout Progress of the Administration.mp3
    48. 20230203 Harris Joe Biden Clean Drinking Water Phil PA.mp3
    49. 20230203 Harris Joe Biden Tout Progress Administration.mp3
    50. 20230206 Harris Central America Forward Launch Event.mp3
    51. 20230208 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate.mp3
    52. 20230208 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    53. 20230210 Harris Biden Welcomes Nation Gov to the White House.mp3
    54. 20230210 Harris Welcomes Nation’s Governors White House.mp3
    55. 20230218 Harris Munich Security Conf.mp3
    56. 20230218 Harris Munich Security Conference.mp3
    57. 20230222 Harris Efforts Lower Costs for Homebuyers.mp3
    58. 20230222 Harris Efforts to Lower Costs for Homebuyers.mp3
    59. 20230223 Harris HBCU Student Journalist Briefing.mp3
    60. 20230224 Harris Access Reproductive Healthcare.mp3
    61. 20230224 Harris Access to Reproductive Healthcare.mp3
    62. 20230227 Harris Affordable High Speed Internet Columbia SC.mp3
    63. 20230227 Harris Black History Month Reception.mp3
    64. 20230227 Harris Expanding Affordable High Speed Internet.mp3
    65. 20230227 Harris Joe Biden Black History Month Reception.mp3
    66. 20230306 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 60 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
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      Volume 17: $5.00
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    2. 20230306 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    3. 20230308 Harris Mod Conversation Climate Miami Beach FL.mp3
    4. 20230308 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate.mp3
    5. 20230310 Harris Worker Taskforce Employers Roundtable.mp3
    6. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    7. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    8. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    9. 20230317 Harris St Patrick’s Day Breakfast.mp3
    10. 20230317 Harris St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast.mp3
    11. 20230322 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Women’s History Month.mp3
    12. 20230324 Harris Swears Eric M. Garcetti Ambassador to India.mp3
    13. 20230324 Harris Swears In Eric M Garcetti Ambassador India.mp3
    14. 20230328 Harris Address at Black Star Gate.mp3
    15. 20230328 Harris Address at Cape Coast Castle.mp3
    16. 20230401 Harris Digital Inclusion Across Africa.mp3
    17. 20230405 Harris Reflects Historic Trip Africa.mp3
    18. 20230405 Harris Reflects on Historic Trip to Africa.mp3
    19. 20230406 Harris Investing in America Dalton GA.mp3
    20. 20230406 Harris Investing in America.mp3
    21. 20230407 Harris Remarks at Fisk University on the TN 3.mp3
    22. 20230407 Harris Remarks at Fisk University TN 3.mp3
    23. 20230411 Harris Joint News Conf Mateusz Morawiecki.mp3
    24. 20230411 Harris Joint News Conference Mateusz Morawiecki.mp3
    25. 20230412 Harris Interagency Task Force Reprod Health Access.mp3
    26. 20230413 Harris Investing in America.mp3
    27. 20230413 Harris Soldiers Ride.mp3
    28. 20230414 Harris National Action Network Convention.mp3
    29. 20230417 Harris Investing in America.mp3
    30. 20230420 Harris Jennifer Hudson Show.mp3
    31. 20230425 Harris Joint Press Conference Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    32. 20230427 Harris Joe Biden Re-election Strategy Call.mp3
    33. 20230427 Harris Joe Jill Biden D.Emhoff Virt Strategy Call.mp3
    34. 20230501 Harris Joe Biden Small Business Week.mp3
    35. 20230503 Harris Moderated Conv WH AA and NHPI Forum.mp3
    36. 20230510 Harris Innovative Educat Excellence for Hispanics.mp3
    37. 20230514 Harris the Maternal Health Crisis.mp3
    38. 20230515 Harris Lynae Vanee Interview.mp3
    39. 20230516 Harris Young Men of Color Small Business Owners.mp3
    40. 20230522 Harris Implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act.mp3
    41. 20230527 Harris West Point Commencement Speech.mp3
    42. 20230602 Harris Gun Violence Awareness Day.mp3
    43. 20230606 Harris Celebration of Israel’s Independence.mp3
    44. 20230608 Harris US and Caribbean Leaders Meeting.mp3
    45. 20230612 Harris Hosts College Sports Day at the White House.mp3
    46. 20230613 Harris Joe Biden Juneteenth Celebration.mp3
    47. 20230622 Harris Anthony Blinken Host Luncheon Narendra Mobi.mp3
    48. 20230623 Harris Reproductive Rights Rally.mp3
    49. 20230624 Harris Joe Biden Investing in America.mp3
    50. 20230629 Harris Advancing Economic Opportunity.mp3
    51. 20230630 Harris Reproductive Rights Maternal Health Crisis.mp3
    52. 20230706 Harris Gila River Tribal Nation Event.mp3
    53. 20230711 Harris Discussion Transpt Acces Disabled.mp3
    54. 20230712 Harris Societal Impact of AI.mp3
    55. 20230714 Harris Inflation Rdctn Act Combat Climate Change.mp3
    56. 20230716 Harris Rainbow PUSH Coalition.mp3
    57. 20230718 Harris Fentanyl Public Health Crisis.mp3
    58. 20230719 Harris Bilateral Meeting Isaac Herzog.mp3
    59. 20230720 Harris Delta Sigma Theta Sorority National Conv.mp3
    60. 20230721 Harris FL State BOE Curriculum Updates.mp3
    61. 20230724 Harris 2023 UnidosUS Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 55 shows – 639 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 16 minutes
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      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. 20230728 Harris Conversation on Reproductive Rights.mp3
    3. 20230729 Harris NAACP Annual Convention.mp3
    4. 20230801 Harris AME Church.mp3
    5. 20230802 Harris Bilateral Meeting Oyun Erdene Luvsannamsrai.mp3
    6. 20230803 Harris Investment in Broadband.mp3
    7. 20230804 Harris Jobs Day.mp3
    8. 20230808 Harris Major Initiative for Workers.mp3
    9. 20230811 Harris Conversation on Gun Violence.mp3
    10. 20230815 Harris Addressing the Climate Crisis.mp3
    11. 20230825 Harris Welcomes Las Vegas Aces to the White House.mp3
    12. 20230828 Harris Joe Biden Meeting March Wash Orgzrs.mp3
    13. 20230829 Harris Joe Biden Lowering Healthcare Costs.mp3
    14. 20230906 Harris Associated Press Interview.mp3
    15. 20230907 Harris US Asian Summit.mp3
    16. 20230910 Harris Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    17. 20230914 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    18. 20230915 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    19. 20230919 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    20. 20230920 Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.mp3
    21. 20230922 Harris Gun Violence Presentation.mp3
    22. 20230922 Harris with Joe Biden Gun Safety.mp3
    23. 20230924 Harris with Joe Biden Phoenix Awards Dinner.mp3
    24. 20230925 Harris with Joe Biden Meeting HBCU Advisors.mp3
    25. 20230926 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    26. 20230928 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    27. 20231003 Harris Swears In Laphonza Butler to the US Senate.mp3
    28. 20231005 Harris with Joe Biden Eulogy to Diane Feinstein.mp3
    29. 20231011 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    30. 20231012 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    31. 20231017 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    32. 20231018 Harris with Jill Biden Hispanic Heritage Month.mp3
    33. 20231029 Harris 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    34. 20231030 Harris Swears In Adv Council Af Diaspora Engag.mp3
    35. 20231030 Harris with Joe Biden Artificial Intelligence.mp3
    36. 20231101 Harris Addresses Artificial Intelligence.mp3
    37. 20231109 Harris Honoring Apprenticeship Week.mp3
    38. 20231115 Harris with Joe Biden Welcomes APRC Leaders.mp3
    39. 20231127 Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus.mp3
    40. 20231129 Harris Dealbook Summit.mp3
    41. 20231202 Harris COP28 Statement.mp3
    42. 20231202 Harris Press Conf on Israel and Hamas Conflict.mp3
    43. 20231208 Harris Swears In Edgar Kagan Ambassador to Malaysia.mp3
    44. 20231220 Harris US Space Council.mp3
    45. 20240103 Harris Culinary Workers Union Local 226 LV NV.mp3
    46. 20240106 Harris Episcopal Church Retreat.mp3
    47. 20240110 Harris Swears NAtalie Reyes Ambassador to Croatia.mp3
    48. 20240111 Harris Roundtable on Gun Violence.mp3
    49. 20240115 Harris NAACP SC State Conference.mp3
    50. 20240117 Harris the View P1.mp3
    51. 20240117 Harris the View P2.mp3
    52. 20240117 Harris the View P3.mp3
    53. 20240118 Harris US Conference of Mayors.mp3
    54. 20240122 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Big Bend WI.mp3
    55. 20240123 Harris Joe Jill Biden Doug Emhoff Reprod Rights.mp3
    56. 20240123 Harris Laura Coates Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 50 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 19: $5.00
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    2. 20240124 Harris Katie Couric Interview.mp3
    3. 20240127 Harris Early Voting Event Las Vegas NV.mp3
    4. 20240129 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Sandy Jose CA.mp3
    5. 20240202 Harris GOTV Rally Orangeburg SC.mp3
    6. 20240206 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Savannah GA.mp3
    7. 20240206 Harris with Joe Biden Recognize Black History Month.mp3
    8. 20240209 Harris Community Violence Awareness Week.mp3
    9. 20240216 Harris Munich Security Conference.mp3
    10. 20240217 Harris Joint Press Conf Volodymyr Zelenskyy.mp3
    11. 20240220 Harris Delivering Clean Water for Every American.mp3
    12. 20240222 Harris Fight Reproductive Freedom Grand Rapids MI.mp3
    13. 20240223 Harris Joe Jill Biden Welcomes Gov to WH.mp3
    14. 20240227 Harris Convenes Voting Rights Leaders.mp3
    15. 20240301 Harris Strengthening Entrepreneurship Durham NC.mp3
    16. 20240303 Harris 59th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.mp3
    17. 20240305 Harris Radio Campesina Network Interview.mp3
    18. 20240308 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Phoenix AZ.mp3
    19. 20240309 Harris Joe Jill Biden Doug Emhoff Ntnl Org Call.mp3
    20. 20240310 Harris Lower Healthcare Costs for Latinos.mp3
    21. 20240312 Harris Supporting Small Business.mp3
    22. 20240314 Harris Electoral and Political Power of Women.mp3
    23. 20240314 Harris Visits a Planned Parenthood Clinic.mp3
    24. 20240315 Harris Marijuana Reform.mp3
    25. 20240318 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Women’s History Month.mp3
    26. 20240322 Harris Alternative Energy in Puerto Rico.mp3
    27. 20240323 Harris Gun Safety Measures.mp3
    28. 20240325 Harris Joint Press Conference with Bernardo Arevalo.mp3
    29. 20240404 Harris Investment in Climate Action.mp3
    30. 20240408 Harris Lower Costs for Americans.mp3
    31. 20240411 Harris Luncheon for Kishida Fumio.mp3
    32. 20240412 Harris AZ Reproductive Freedom Event.mp3
    33. 20240415 Harris Reproductive Freedom.mp3
    34. 20240415 Harris Safer Communities Act.mp3
    35. 20240420 Harris Meets with Heather Martin.mp3
    36. 20240422 Harris Nursing Home Care.mp3
    37. 20240422 Harris Reproductive Freedom.mp3
    38. 20240425 Harris Second Chance Month.mp3
    39. 20240425 Harris Take Your Child to Work Day.mp3
    40. 20240429 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour.mp3
    41. 20240501 Harris Reproductive Freedom Rally.mp3
    42. 20240506 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour.mp3
    43. 20240508 Harris Reproductive Freedoms.mp3
    44. 20240509 Harris Joe Biden Las Vegas Aces to the WH.mp3
    45. 20240513 Harris APAICS Legislative Summit.mp3
    46. 20240513 Harris with Joe Biden AANHPI Heritage Month.mp3
    47. 20240514 Harris Sherri Shepherd Interview.mp3
    48. 20240516 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour.mp3
    49. 20240521 Harris SEIU Convention.mp3
    50. 20240522 Harris Maverick Carter Interview.mp3
    51. 20240524 Harris Digital Inclusion in Africa.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 5 shows – 102 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 42 minutes
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    2. 20240524 Harris Luncheon for William Ruto.mp3
    3. 20240528 Harris Swears Courtney O’Donnell Ambassador UNECO.mp3
    4. 20240529 Harris with Joe Biden Black Voters Coalition Launch.mp3
    5. 20240530 Harris US Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    6. 20240604 Harris Jimmy Kimmel Interview.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    1042 recordings on 386 Audio CDs. Total playtime 354 hours, 17 min
    1042 recordings on 386 Audio CDs
    total playtime 354 hours, 17 min

    Vice Presidents Disc A001

    1. 19440317 Wallace Free Enterprise
    2. 19440831 Truman Acceptance Speech for VP Nomination
    3. 19480713 Barkley Keynote Address at DNC
    4. 19481101 Barkley with Harry Truman Election Eve Remarks
    5. 19490120 Barkley Sworn In as Vice President
    6. 19491128 Barkley Marriage to Carleton Hadley
    7. 19500000 Barkley Conditions at War Front

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    Vice Presidents Disc A002

    1. 19520923 Nixon Checkers Speech
    2. 19530120 Nixon Sworn In as Vice President
    3. 19531231 Nixon Praises Andrew Frank Schoeppel
    4. 19560823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC
    5. 19570000 Nixon Urges Confidence in US
    6. 19570000 Nixon Urges Teaching of Humanities
    7. 19590724 Nixon Kitchen Debate v Nikita Khrushchev

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    Vice Presidents Disc A003

    1. 19600728 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A004

    1. 19600926 Johnson Walter Cronkite Interview
    2. 19600926 Nixon 1st Presidential Debate v JFK

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    Vice Presidents Disc A005

    1. 19601002 Johnson Face Nation
    2. 19601006 Nixon Civil Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A006

    1. 19601007 Nixon 2nd Presidential Debate v JFK
    2. 19601013 Johnson Whistle Stop in Alabama

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    Vice Presidents Disc A007

    1. 19601013 Nixon 3rd Presidential Debate v JFK

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    Vice Presidents Disc A008

    1. 19601021 Nixon 4th Presidential Debate v JFK

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    Vice Presidents Disc A009

    1. 19601027 Nixon Charles Collingwood Interview
    2. 19601028 Nixon Eisenhowers Record
    3. 19601028 Nixon I Am a Conservative
    4. 19601107 Johnson Religious Beliefs of JFK
    5. 19601109 Nixon Concession Speech
    6. 19610106 Nixon Delivers Elect College Votes 1960 Election
    7. 19610411 Johnson Address on Equal Employment Opportunities
    8. 19630530 Johnson Memorial Day Speech
    9. 19631121 Johnson Honoring Albert Thomas
    10. 19640814 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1105AM

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    Vice Presidents Disc A010

    1. 19640825 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 231PM
    2. 19640827 Humphrey Acceptance Speech
    3. 19641103 Humphrey Election Night Phone Call from LBJ 557PM
    4. 19650120 Humphrey Sworn In as Vice President
    5. 19650306 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1125AM Pt1
    6. 19650306 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1125AM Pt2

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    Vice Presidents Disc A011

    1. 19651219 Humphrey Harry S Truman Commendation
    2. 19660302 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 605PM
    3. 19660827 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 831PM
    4. 19661109 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 101PM

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    Vice Presidents Disc A012

    1. 19661124 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 940AM Pt1
    2. 19661124 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 940AM Pt2
    3. 19670318 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 530PM Pt1
    4. 19670318 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 530PM Pt2

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    Vice Presidents Disc A013

    1. 19680503 Humphrey Kent State Univ Memorial Gym

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    Vice Presidents Disc A014

    1. 19680503 Humphrey Memorial Gym Kent State Univ

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    Vice Presidents Disc A015

    1. 19680808 Agnew Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19680829 Humphrey Acceptance Speech DNC
    3. 19680829 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1041AM

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    Vice Presidents Disc A016

    1. 19681020 Humphrey Face Nation
    2. 19681105 Humphrey Concession Speech
    3. 19681106 Humphrey Phone Call LBJ 1132AM
    4. 19690120 Agnew Sworn In as Vice President
    5. 19691110 Agnew Great Polarizer in American Politics

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    Vice Presidents Disc A017

    1. 19691113 Agnew Media Monopoly
    2. 19691120 Agnew Attacks Press

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    Vice Presidents Disc A018

    1. 19700201 Agnew Face the Nation Interview
    2. 19700503 Agnew Face Nation
    3. 19700901 Agnew Debates Eva Paterson
    4. 19720110 Agnew Call From Nixon
    5. 19720422 Agnew Attacks Vietnam War Critics

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    Vice Presidents Disc A019

    1. 19720823 Agnew Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19730425 Agnew Supports Nixon During Watergate
    3. 19730822 Agnew Statement on Indictment
    4. 19730930 Agnew I Am Innocent of Charges Against Me
    5. 19731010 Agnew Farewell Address to Nation

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    Vice Presidents Disc A020

    1. 19731010 Agnew Resigns Vice Presidency

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    Vice Presidents Disc A021

    1. 19731012 Ford Nominated for Vice President
    2. 19731102 Ford Opening Statement at Confirmation Hearing
    3. 19731206 Ford Sworn In As Vice President
    4. 19731225 Ford Skiing in Vail CO
    5. 19740101 Ford Year Ahead for Richard Nixon Pt1
    6. 19740101 Ford Year Ahead for Richard Nixon Pt2
    7. 19740110 Ford Near Death Experience During WWII
    8. 19740110 Ford Nixons Involvement in Watergate
    9. 19740110 Ford Thoughts on Legalizing Marijuana

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    Vice Presidents Disc A022

    1. 19740203 Ford Face the Nation Interview
    2. 19740306 Ford Privacy
    3. 19740520 Ford 1974 Midterms Not Be Referendum on Watergate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A023

    1. 19740628 Ford Future of GOP
    2. 19740704 Ford Welcome the Nixons Home
    3. 19740711 Ford Watergate Investigation
    4. 19740820 Rockefeller Nominated for Vice President
    5. 19740823 Rockefeller Discusses Confirmation Investigation

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    Vice Presidents Disc A024

    1. 19741011 Rockefeller Happys Successful Mastectomy
    2. 19741023 Rockefeller Opening Stmnt Senate Rules Committee
    3. 19741115 Rockefeller Speaking Before Senate Rules Committee
    4. 19741210 Rockefeller Leans Was Confirmed Vice President
    5. 19741219 Rockefeller Sworn In as Vice President
    6. 19750107 Rockefeller Investigation of CIA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A025

    1. 19751106 Rockefeller Press Conf After Withdrawing From Race
    2. 19751107 Rockefeller Will Not Seek 1976 Republican VP Nom
    3. 19751218 Rockefeller Government is the Problem
    4. 19760000 Rockefeller Attica Prison Massacre of 1971
    5. 19760217 Rockefeller Advocates a Reduction in Government

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    Vice Presidents Disc A026

    1. 19760715 Mondale Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 19760816 Rockefeller Address at the RNC
    3. 19760817 Rockefeller a Small Donnybrook
    4. 19760819 Rockefeller Nominates Bob Dole to be Vice President
    5. 19761102 Mondale Victory Speech
    6. 19780114 Mondale Death of Hubert Humphrey

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    Vice Presidents Disc A027

    1. 19780116 Mondale Memorial Service for Hubert Humphrey
    2. 19780328 Mondale Bon Voyage to the Carters

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    Vice Presidents Disc A028

    1. 19781101 Mondale Trip to MN Jimmy Carter

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    Vice Presidents Disc A029

    1. 19790717 Mondale Landon Lecture Series

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    Vice Presidents Disc A030

    1. 19790803 Mondale NAACP Speech
    2. 19791012 Mondale Trip China

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    Vice Presidents Disc A031

    1. 19791204 Mondale Seattle WA Town Hall

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    Vice Presidents Disc A032

    1. 19800717 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19800814 Mondale Acceptance Speech DNC
    3. 19801003 Mondale Campaigns at East LA College
    4. 19810413 Bush Phone Call Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts

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    Vice Presidents Disc A033

    1. 19810527 Bush US Naval Academy Commissioning
    2. 19810605 Bush James Stockdale White House Fellows
    3. 19810607 Bush Bogie Buster Dinner
    4. 19821115 Bush Statement Following Funeral Leonid Brezhnev

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    Vice Presidents Disc A034

    1. 19830207 Bush Face the Nation Interview
    2. 19831026 Bush Statement After Marine Barracks Bombing
    3. 19840214 Bush Statement Following Funeral Yuri Andropov
    4. 19840503 Bush Ashland College Pep Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A035

    1. 19840505 Bush Texas A and M Commencement Speech
    2. 19840823 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC
    3. 19840902 Bush 40th Anniv Being Shot Down Over Chichi Jima
    4. 19850312 Bush Funeral for Konstantin Chernenko
    5. 19850313 Bush Press Avail After Konstantin Chernenko Funeral
    6. 19850612 Bush 61st Birthday Party

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    Vice Presidents Disc A036

    1. 19850814 Bush Meeting at Rancho Del Cielo
    2. 19860128 Bush Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
    3. 19860619 Bush World War II Naval Aviation Career

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    Vice Presidents Disc A037

    1. 19880220 Bush TX GOP Primary Debate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A038

    1. 19880816 Bush Announces Dan Quayle as His Running Mate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A039

    1. 19880818 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A040

    1. 19880818 Quayle Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19881108 Bush Victory Speech
    3. 19881109 Bush Arrival at Andrews Air Force Base
    4. 19881109 Bush Meeting in Oval Office
    5. 19890120 Quayle Sworn In as Vice President

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    Vice Presidents Disc A041

    1. 19890815 Quayle Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer Interview
    2. 19890908 Quayle John M. Ash took Dinner
    3. 19900601 Quayle Meeting Mikhail Gorbachev
    4. 19901025 Quayle Wishing Bobby Knight a Happy 50th Birthday
    5. 19901026 Quayle Receives McNaughton Medal for Public Service
    6. 19920519 Quayle Murphy Brown
    7. 19920615 Quayle “Potatoe”

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    Vice Presidents Disc A042

    1. 19920715 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 19920717 Quayle DARE Press Conf
    3. 19920820 Quayle Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A043

    1. 19920922 Quayle Ellington Field Arrival
    2. 19920929 Gore Reagan Bush Ignored Saddam Husseins Terrorism
    3. 19921103 Gore B.Clinton Election Night Victory Speech
    4. 19930117 Gore Pre-Inaugural Event Monticello
    5. 19930120 Gore Sworn In as Vice President

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    Vice Presidents Disc A044

    1. 19930208 Gore Creation WH Office Envr Policy

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    Vice Presidents Disc A045

    1. 19930511 Gore Ntnl Performance Review

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    Vice Presidents Disc A046

    1. 19930907 Gore Reinventing Government

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    Vice Presidents Disc A047

    1. 19930920 Gore Health Care Reform

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    Vice Presidents Disc A048

    1. 19930923 Gore Health Care Rally at WH
    2. 19931208 Gore NAFTA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A049

    1. 19940314 Gore G7 Jobs Conference
    2. 19950000 Gore Chabad Telethon
    3. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt1

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    Vice Presidents Disc A050

    1. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt2
    2. 19960000 Gore An Inconvenient Talk Pt3

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    Vice Presidents Disc A051

    1. 19960112 Gore Peterbilt Truck Plant Employees

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    Vice Presidents Disc A052

    1. 19960222 Gore WH Conf. on Empowerment Zones

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    Vice Presidents Disc A053

    1. 19960607 Gore MIT Commencement
    2. 19960822 Gore Welfare Reform

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    Vice Presidents Disc A054

    1. 19960829 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 19960830 Gore Cairo IL Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A055

    1. 19960830 Gore Cape Girardeau MO Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A056

    1. 19960830 Gore Paducah KY Rally
    2. 19960831 Gore Dyersburg TN Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A057

    1. 19960918 Gore Bill Clinton Grand Staircase Escalante
    2. 19961020 Gore Apostolic Church of God Sermon

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    Vice Presidents Disc A058

    1. 19961105 Gore B.Clinton Election Night Victory Speech
    2. 19970117 Gore Presidential Gold Medal Ceremony

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    Vice Presidents Disc A059

    1. 19970609 Gore Human Cloning
    2. 19980126 Gore After School Child Care

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    Vice Presidents Disc A060

    1. 19980202 Gore FY 1999 Budget

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    Vice Presidents Disc A061

    1. 19980313 Gore Ntnl Innovation Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A062

    1. 19980416 Gore Making After School Count
    2. 19980714 Gore Y2K

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    Vice Presidents Disc A063

    1. 19980730 Gore Bill Clinton American Heritage Rivers Design

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    Vice Presidents Disc A064

    1. 19981218 Gore House or Representatives Impeachment Vote
    2. 19990425 Gore Columbine High School Memorial Service
    3. 19991008 Gore Face the Nation Interview
    4. 20130104 Biden Dlvrs Electoral College Votes 2012 Election
    5. 20130111 Biden Video Game Industry

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    Vice Presidents Disc A065

    1. 20130120 Biden Sworn In as Vice President
    2. 20130121 Biden Sworn In as Vice President
    3. 20130124 Biden Fireside Hangout
    4. 20130307 Biden Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization

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    Vice Presidents Disc A066

    1. 20130513 Biden Univ of Pennsylvania Commencement
    2. 20130530 Biden US and Brazil Relations

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    Vice Presidents Disc A067

    1. 20130603 Biden Ntnl Conference on Mental Health
    2. 20130709 Biden Eulogy for Yarnell Hill Firefighters

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    Vice Presidents Disc A068

    1. 20130710 Biden US and China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
    2. 20130722 Biden Asia Pacific Policy

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    Vice Presidents Disc A069

    1. 20130724 Biden US and India Partnership

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    Vice Presidents Disc A070

    1. 20130823 Biden College Affordability
    2. 20131205 Biden US and China Business Relations

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    Vice Presidents Disc A071

    1. 20131206 Biden US and Korea Relations and Asian Pacific
    2. 20140113 Biden Eulogy to Ariel Sharon

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    Vice Presidents Disc A072

    1. 20140207 Biden Infrast Investment
    2. 20140211 Biden Luncheon Honoring Francois Hollande

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    Vice Presidents Disc A073

    1. 20140314 Biden St. Patricks Day
    2. 20140414 Biden FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour
    3. 20140429 Biden Preventing Campus Sexual Assault

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    Vice Presidents Disc A074

    1. 20140503 Biden Miami Dade College Commencement
    2. 20140503 Biden White House Correspondents Dinner
    3. 20140509 Biden Univ of South Carolina Commencement
    4. 20140512 Biden Honor Americas Top Cops

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    Vice Presidents Disc A075

    1. 20140521 Biden Romanian Civil Society
    2. 20140622 Biden Preventing Sexual Assault
    3. 20140630 Biden Meets Remne Family Outside Old Naval Hospital
    4. 20140723 Biden Rebuild America
    5. 20140804 Biden US and Africa Leaders Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A076

    1. 20140919 Biden Its On Us Campaign

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    Vice Presidents Disc A077

    1. 20140929 Biden TAACCCAT Grant Announcement
    2. 20141014 Biden Allen Univ

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    Vice Presidents Disc A078

    1. 20141021 Biden Rally for Dan Maffie D-Syracuse
    2. 20141114 Biden School Shootings and Gun Control
    3. 20141121 Biden Kiev Ukraine

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    Vice Presidents Disc A079

    1. 20141122 Biden Istanbul Turkey
    2. 20141203 Biden Tribal Nations Conference
    3. 20141204 Biden College Opportunity Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A080

    1. 20141209 Biden Women Rule Summit
    2. 20141227 Biden Eulogy to Rafael Ramos
    3. 20150103 Biden Year of Quality Affordable Health Insurance

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    Vice Presidents Disc A081

    1. 20150109 Biden Americas College Promise Proposal

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    Vice Presidents Disc A082

    1. 20150208 Biden Munich Security Conference
    2. 20150302 Biden Alliance for Prosperity
    3. 20150330 Biden Dedication of Edward M. Kennedy Institute

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    Vice Presidents Disc A083

    1. 20150407 Biden Easter Prayer Breakfast
    2. 20150409 BidenUS Policy In Iraq

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    Vice Presidents Disc A084

    1. 20150506 Biden Iranian Nuclear Challenge
    2. 20150911 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt1
    3. 20150911 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt2

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    Vice Presidents Disc A085

    1. 20150911 Biden Yale Class Day

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    Vice Presidents Disc A086

    1. 20150925 Biden Luncheon Honoring Xi Jinping
    2. 20151021 Biden Not Running in 2016

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    Vice Presidents Disc A087

    1. 20151112 Biden Address to Syracuse Univ Student Body
    2. 20151206 Biden 36 Hours in Ukraine

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    Vice Presidents Disc A088

    1. 20151209 Biden Address Before Ukrainian Rada
    2. 20160330 Biden Easter Prayer Breakfast
    3. 20160403 Biden Locker Room Pep Talk Syracuse Loses Final 4

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    Vice Presidents Disc A089

    1. 20160407 Biden Its On Us

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    Vice Presidents Disc A090

    1. 20160414 Biden Its On Us
    2. 20160515 Biden Univ of Notre Dame Commencement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A091

    1. 20160516 Biden Syracuse Univ College of Law Commencement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A092

    1. 20160523 Biden West Point Commencement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A093

    1. 20160524 Biden Gun Violence Prevention

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    Vice Presidents Disc A094

    1. 20160614 Biden WH Summit on United State of Women
    2. 20160615 Biden WH Task Force on Cancer

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    Vice Presidents Disc A095

    1. 20160716 Pence Named D.Trumps Running Mate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A096

    1. 20160720 Pence Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 20160727 Biden Speech at DNC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A097

    1. 20160828 Pence Jake Tapper Interview
    2. 20160901 Biden Canfield County Fair

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    Vice Presidents Disc A098

    1. 20161017 Biden Cancer Moonshot
    2. 20161017 Biden Release Cancer Moonshot Report

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    Vice Presidents Disc A099

    1. 20161018 Biden Luncheon Honoring Matteo Renzi
    2. 20161025 Biden What It Means to Be Middle Class

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    Vice Presidents Disc A100

    1. 20161030 Biden John Dickerson Interview
    2. 20161119 Biden Building on a Record of Economic Progress
    3. 20161205 Biden Georgetown Univ

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    Vice Presidents Disc A101

    1. 20161205 Biden Importance Sound Financial Sector Regul
    2. 20161207 Biden Get In Here Kid for a Rap Session
    3. 20161207 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt1

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    Vice Presidents Disc A102

    1. 20161207 Biden Stephen Colbert Interview Pt2
    2. 20161211 Biden Jake Tapper Interview P1
    3. 20161211 Biden Jake Tapper Interview P2
    4. 20161217 Biden Eulogy to John Glenn
    5. 20170103 Biden Swears In Kamala Harris to US Senate
    6. 20170105 Biden Its on Us Campus Sexual Assault Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A103

    1. 20170105 Biden Judy Woodruff Interview
    2. 20170106 Biden Delivers Elect College Votes 2016 Election

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    Vice Presidents Disc A104

    1. 20170112 Biden Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
    2. 20170120 Pence Sworn In as Vice President
    3. 20170127 Pence March for Life Rally
    4. 20170329 Pence Women Empowerment Panel

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    Vice Presidents Disc A105

    1. 20170418 Pence USS Ronald Reagan
    2. 20170502 Pence Israel Independence Day

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    Vice Presidents Disc A106

    1. 20170504 Pence Cinco de Mayo
    2. 20170504 Pence Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
    3. 20170508 Pence Hosts Honor Flight Veterans
    4. 20170509 Pence Hosts Military Families
    5. 20170517 Pence AAPI Heritage Month

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    Vice Presidents Disc A107

    1. 20170521 Pence Univ of Notre Dame Commencement
    2. 20170526 Pence US Naval Academy Commencement
    3. 20170607 Pence 2017 Astronaut Selection Announcement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A108

    1. 20170608 Pence Infrast Summit
    2. 20170615 Pence Prosperity and Security in Central America

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    Vice Presidents Disc A109

    1. 20170626 Pence Listening Session CMS Administrator

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    Vice Presidents Disc A110

    1. 20170706 Pence Kennedy Space Center
    2. 20170713 Pence Philanthropy Roundtable
    3. 20170721 Pence Roundtable on Health Care
    4. 20170724 Pence Statement on Healthcare

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    Vice Presidents Disc A111

    1. 20170802 Pence Adriatic Charter Summit
    2. 20170815 Pence Argentine Latin American Business Community
    3. 20170918 Pence Honor Flight Veterans

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    Vice Presidents Disc A112

    1. 20170920 Pence UN Security Council High Level Debate
    2. 20170922 Pence Meeting Paul LePage
    3. 20171016 Pence US Japan Economic Dialogue
    4. 20171111 Pence Wreath Laying Ceremony

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    Vice Presidents Disc A113

    1. 20171222 Pence Address Troops at Bagram Airfield
    2. 20180117 Pence Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony
    3. 20180118 Pence Ntnl March for Life Event
    4. 20180122 Pence Joint Statement Benjamin Netanyahu

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    Vice Presidents Disc A114

    1. 20180221 Pence Remarks at Ntnl Space Council
    2. 20180414 Pence 1st Plenary Session of Summit of Americas

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    Vice Presidents Disc A115

    1. 20180423 Pence Swearing Jim Bridenstine NASA Administrator
    2. 20180424 Pence Luncheon Honoring Emmanuel Macron

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    Vice Presidents Disc A116

    1. 20180504 Pence NRA Leadership Forum
    2. 20180507 Pence Protocolary Meeting at OAS

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    Vice Presidents Disc A117

    1. 20180512 Pence Hillsdale College Commencement
    2. 20180515 Pence Ntnl Peace Officers Memorial Summit
    3. 20180518 Pence Prison Reform Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A118

    1. 20180523 Pence US Coast Guard Commencement
    2. 20180604 Pence Promoting a Hemisphere of Freedom

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    Vice Presidents Disc A119

    1. 20180728 Pence Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
    2. 20180731 Pence DHS Ntnl Cybersecurity Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A120

    1. 20180801 Pence Honorable Carry Ceremony

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    Vice Presidents Disc A121

    1. 20180823 Pence Administrations Space Policy Priorities
    2. 20180831 Pence Tribute to Sen. John McCain R-AZ
    3. 20180911 Pence September 11th Pentagon Ceremony

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    Vice Presidents Disc A122

    1. 20181011 Pence Conf Prosperity Security in Central America
    2. 20181129 Pence World AIDS Day
    3. 20181203 Pence Tribute to George HW Bush
    4. 20181218 Pence Kennedy Space Center

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    Vice Presidents Disc A123

    1. 20190116 Pence Global Chiefs of Mission Conference
    2. 20190207 Pence High Intensity Drug Trafficking
    3. 20190327 Pence Bilateral Meeting Fabiana Rosales
    4. 20190402 Pence Meeting Family of Detainees of Maduro Regime

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    Vice Presidents Disc A124

    1. 20190426 Pence NRA Forum
    2. 20190502 Pence Ntnl Day of Prayer Service
    3. 20190507 Pence Washington Conference on Americas

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    Vice Presidents Disc A125

    1. 20190518 Pence Taylor Univ Commencement
    2. 20190525 Pence US Military Academy Commencement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A126

    1. 20190527 Pence Memorial Day Ceremony
    2. 20190720 Pence 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing
    3. 20190901 Pence 80th Anniversary of Outbreak of WWII

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    Vice Presidents Disc A127

    1. 20190917 Pence Naturalization Ceremony
    2. 20190920 Pence Luncheon for Scott Morrison
    3. 20190923 Pence UN Event on Religious Freedom

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    Vice Presidents Disc A128

    1. 20191111 Pence Ntnl Veterans Day Observance
    2. 20191114 Pence NASAs Ames Research Center
    3. 20191125 Pence Honoring Conan Dog

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    Vice Presidents Disc A129

    1. 20200108 Pence Honors Kyriakos Mitsotakis
    2. 20200114 Pence Swears J Raymond 1st Chief Space Operations
    3. 20200119 Pence Holy City Church of God in Christ
    4. 20200123 Pence 5th World Holocaust Forum

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    Vice Presidents Disc A130

    1. 20200127 Pence Lunar New Year Celebration
    2. 20200206 Pence Ntnl Prayer Breakfast

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    Vice Presidents Disc A131

    1. 20200213 Pence Addresses SC Corps of Cadets
    2. 20200219 Pence NASA Langley Research Center

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    Vice Presidents Disc A132

    1. 20200224 Pence Fireside Chat Hoover Instit Board Overseers
    2. 20200225 Pence Presidents Cup Cybersecurity Comp Trophy

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    Vice Presidents Disc A133

    1. 20200302 Pence AIPAC Conference
    2. 20200302 Pence Briefing on Coronavirus

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    Vice Presidents Disc A134

    1. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Briefing Airline CEOs
    2. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Briefing CEOs

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    Vice Presidents Disc A135

    1. 20200304 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
    2. 20200306 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

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    Vice Presidents Disc A136

    1. 20200310 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

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    Vice Presidents Disc A137

    1. 20200319 Pence Teleconf Governors on Coronavirus Response

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    Vice Presidents Disc A138

    1. 20200430 Pence Roundtable GM Executives
    2. 20200519 Pence Ntnl Space Council

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    Vice Presidents Disc A139

    1. 20200605 Pence Listening Session Faith and Community Leaders

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    Vice Presidents Disc A140

    1. 20200612 Pence Opening Up America Again
    2. 20200616 Pence Winnebago Industries

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    Vice Presidents Disc A141

    1. 20200618 Pence Opening Up America Again

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    Vice Presidents Disc A142

    1. 20200623 Pence School Choice Roundtable

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    Vice Presidents Disc A143

    1. 20200625 Pence Opening Up America Again
    2. 20200628 Pence Celebrate Freedom Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A144

    1. 20200702 Pence Naturalization Ceremony
    2. 20200709 Pence Back Blue Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A145

    1. 20200730 Pence Administrations Pro Growth Economic Policies
    2. 20200805 Pence Religious Freedom

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    Vice Presidents Disc A146

    1. 20200812 Harris Named J.Bidens Running Mate
    2. 20200813 Pence Support Law Enforcement Town Hall

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    Vice Presidents Disc A147

    1. 20200819 Harris Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 20200819 Harris When We Vote Things Change
    3. 20200826 Pence Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A148

    1. 20200901 Harris a Socially Distanced Conversation J.Biden
    2. 20200907 Pence A Stronger American Workforce

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    Vice Presidents Disc A149

    1. 20200910 Pence Addresses VMI Corps of Cadets

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    Vice Presidents Disc A150

    1. 20200918 Pence Libre Interactive Roundtable

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    Vice Presidents Disc A151

    1. 20200924 Pence Made in America Event
    2. 20200928 Harris Reaction Amy Coney Barrett Named Supr Court
    3. 20201012 Harris Stmnt Amy Coney Barrett Confirm Hearing

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    Vice Presidents Disc A152

    1. 20201013 Harris Questions Amy Coney Barrett
    2. 20201014 Harris Questions Amy Coney Barrett
    3. 20201028 Harris Doug Emhoff Campaigning Staying Connected

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    Vice Presidents Disc A153

    1. 20201107 Harris J.Biden Victory Speech
    2. 20201107 Harris We Did it Joe

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    Vice Presidents Disc A154

    1. 20201119 Pence Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

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    Vice Presidents Disc A155

    1. 20201204 Pence Roundtable on COVID-19 Vaccines

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    Vice Presidents Disc A156

    1. 20201210 Pence Vaccine Distribution

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    Vice Presidents Disc A157

    1. 20201215 Pence Operation Warp Speed

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    Vice Presidents Disc A158

    1. 20201216 Pence Life is Winning

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    Vice Presidents Disc A159

    1. 20201218 Pence 1st Birthday of US Space Force
    2. 20201218 Pence Safe and Effective Vaccine Confidence
    3. 20201225 Harris Merry Christmas
    4. 20201226 Harris Happy Kwanza
    5. 20201229 Harris Receives 1st COVID Vaccine

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    Vice Presidents Disc A160

    1. 20210106 Pence Today Was a Dark Day
    2. 20210107 Pence Delivers Elect College Votes 2020 Election
    3. 20210111 Harris Family Zoom
    4. 20210116 Pence Address Sailors at Lemoore CA
    5. 20210117 Pence Address Troops at Ft. Drum NY

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    Vice Presidents Disc A161

    1. 20210119 Harris COVID-19 Memorial
    2. 20210120 Harris Swears In New Senators to US Senate
    3. 20210120 Harris Sworn In as Vice President
    4. 20210126 Harris Receives 2nd COVID Vaccine
    5. 20210204 Harris Speaking State Dept. Staff

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    Vice Presidents Disc A162

    1. 20210205 Harris Importance of Passing American Rescue Plan

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    Vice Presidents Disc A163

    1. 20210208 Harris Virtual Tour of State Farm Vaccination Site
    2. 20210211 Harris Speaking Defense Dept. Staff

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    Vice Presidents Disc A164

    1. 20210218 Harris Roundtable Members Congress Advocacy Groups
    2. 20210223 Harris Bilateral Meeting Justin Trudeau
    3. 20210227 Harris 40th Annual Black History Month Celebration
    4. 20210302 Harris House Democratic Caucus Issues

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    Vice Presidents Disc A165

    1. 20210307 Harris 56th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday
    2. 20210308 Harris International Womens Day
    3. 20210308 Harris League Cities Congressional City Conf

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    Vice Presidents Disc A166

    1. 20210311 Harris Follow Up Follow Through
    2. 20210312 Harris Passage of American Rescue Plan
    3. 20210316 Harris 65th Session of Commission on State of Women

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    Vice Presidents Disc A167

    1. 20210317 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Micheal Martin
    2. 20210317 Harris Frederick Douglas Global Fellows
    3. 20210318 Harris Women Labor Leaders
    4. 20210319 Harris Violence Against Asians
    5. 20210324 Harris Equal Pay Day
    6. 20210325 Harris Passover Celebration

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    Vice Presidents Disc A168

    1. 20210326 Harris West Haven Child Development Center
    2. 20210331 Harris Roundtable Discussion Faith Leaders
    3. 20210401 Harris COVID-19 Public Education Campaign

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    Vice Presidents Disc A169

    1. 20210408 Harris Gun Violence Prevention

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    Vice Presidents Disc A170

    1. 20210413 Harris Black Womens Maternal Health
    2. 20210414 Harris Exports on Northern Triangle

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    Vice Presidents Disc A171

    1. 20210415 Harris American Rescue Plan Invest Child Care
    2. 20210416 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Suga Yoshihide
    3. 20210419 Harris American Jobs Plan
    4. 20210420 Harris Guilty Verdict in Derek Chauvin Trial
    5. 20210422 Harris Foundation Leaders on Northern Triangle

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    Vice Presidents Disc A172

    1. 20210422 Harris Leaders Summit on Climate
    2. 20210423 Harris American Jobs Plan
    3. 20210426 Harris Bilateral Meeting Alejandro Giammattei
    4. 20210427 Harris Guatemalan Community Based Organizations

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    Vice Presidents Disc A173

    1. 20210429 Harris Progress Made in First 100 Days

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    Vice Presidents Disc A174

    1. 20210430 Harris Investments in Public Transportation
    2. 20210504 Harris Washington Conference on Americas

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    Vice Presidents Disc A175

    1. 20210507 Harris Bilateral Meet Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
    2. 20210511 Harris Meet Cong Asian Pacific American Caucus
    3. 20210513 Harris Worker Organizing and Empowerment
    4. 20210517 Harris Meeting Congressional Hispanic Caucus
    5. 20210519 Harris Asia Pacific Am Heritage Month Unity Summit
    6. 20210519 Harris Meeting Guatemalan Justice Sector Leaders
    7. 20210520 Harris COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A176

    1. 20210521 Harris Bilateral Meeting HE Moon Jae-in
    2. 20210524 Harris Digital Divide

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    Vice Presidents Disc A177

    1. 20210526 Harris Broadband Infrast
    2. 20210527 Harris Meeting Private Sector Leaders
    3. 20210528 Harris Keynote Address US Naval Academy Class 2021
    4. 20210603 Harris Investing in Broadband

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    Vice Presidents Disc A178

    1. 20210607 Harris Joint Press Conference Alejandro Giammattei

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    Vice Presidents Disc A179

    1. 20210608 Harris Q and A Press
    2. 20210615 Harris DACA Anniversary

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    Vice Presidents Disc A180

    1. 20210615 Harris Providing Access Capital Small Business
    2. 20210616 Harris Meeting TX State Senate and TX House Rep
    3. 20210623 Harris LGBTQ Pride Month
    4. 20210623 Harris Listening Session Voting Rights Advocates

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    Vice Presidents Disc A181

    1. 20210624 Harris Ntnl Vaccine Month of Action
    2. 20210630 Harris Generation Equality Forum
    3. 20210630 Harris Western Wildfires

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    Vice Presidents Disc A182

    1. 20210703 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Framework
    2. 20210708 Harris Voting Rights Event
    3. 20210712 Harris Vaccine Mobilization Event

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    Vice Presidents Disc A183

    1. 20210714 Harris Meeting Disabilities Adv Right to Vote
    2. 20210715 Harris Monthly Child Tax Credit Relief Payments
    3. 20210716 Harris Meeting NCNW on Voting Rights
    4. 20210721 Harris Poll Worker Election Officials Voting Rights
    5. 20210722 Harris Meeting Dreamers
    6. 20210726 Harris 31st Anniv Americans Disabilities Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A184

    1. 20210727 Harris Native American Voting Rights
    2. 20210727 Harris Ntnl Bar Association
    3. 20210729 Harris Meeting Small Business Owners

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    Vice Presidents Disc A185

    1. 20210805 Harris HR 3325
    2. 20210806 Harris Lyndon B. Johnson Monument Dedicatio
    3. 20210810 Harris Community Health Center

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    Vice Presidents Disc A186

    1. 20210810 Harris Infrast Investment and Jobs Act
    2. 20210812 Harris Care Policies

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    Vice Presidents Disc A187

    1. 20210823 Harris Press Conference Lee Hsien Loong
    2. 20210823 Harris Vision for Indo Pacific Region

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    Vice Presidents Disc A188

    1. 20210826 Harris Q and A Press
    2. 20210909 Harris Reproductive Rights
    3. 20210909 Harris US Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue

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    Vice Presidents Disc A189

    1. 20210910 Harris HBCU Week
    2. 20210911 Harris 20th Anniversary of 911 Attacks
    3. 20210921 Harris Bilateral Meeting Boris Johnson
    4. 20210922 Harris Preventing Future Pandemics

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    Vice Presidents Disc A190

    1. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meet Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
    2. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meeting Hakainde Hichilema
    3. 20210923 Harris Bilateral Meeting Narendra Modi
    4. 20210929 Harris Meeting Small Business Leaders
    5. 20211006 Harris Meeting Ntnl Pan Hellenic Council
    6. 20211007 Harris Labor Task Force Principals Meeting
    7. 20211012 Harris Ntnl Congress of American Indians Conference
    8. 20211013 Harris Bilateral Meeting Mia Amor Mottley
    9. 20211013 Harris Meeting Yair Lapid

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    Vice Presidents Disc A191

    1. 20211014 Harris Care Cant Wait
    2. 20211020 Harris Worker Organizing and Collective Bargaining

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    Vice Presidents Disc A192

    1. 20211021 Harris 10th Anniversary of MLK Memorial
    2. 20211025 Harris Climate
    3. 20211028 Harris Meeting Mayors

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    Vice Presidents Disc A193

    1. 20211105 Harris NASA Global Space Flight Center
    2. 20211112 Harris Press Conference

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    Vice Presidents Disc A194

    1. 20211115 Harris Infrast Investment and Jobs Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A195

    1. 20211116 Harris Tribal Nations Summit
    2. 20211118 Harris Bilateral Meet Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
    3. 20211122 Harris Equity and Our Health Care Workforce

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    Vice Presidents Disc A196

    1. 20211201 Harris Lighting of Ntnl Menorah
    2. 20211202 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law
    3. 20211207 Harris Maternal Call to Action

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    Vice Presidents Disc A197

    1. 20211207 Harris Maternal Health Call to Action Summit
    2. 20211207 Harris One on One Allyson Felix
    3. 20211209 Harris Summit for Democracy
    4. 20211213 Harris Private Sector Investment in Central America

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    Vice Presidents Disc A198

    1. 20211226 Harris Face Nation Interview
    2. 20220106 Harris One Year Anniversary of Deadly Capitol Riot

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    Vice Presidents Disc A199

    1. 20220111 Harris Voting Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A200

    1. 20220121 Harris Investments in CA Wildfire Preparedness

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    Vice Presidents Disc A201

    1. 20220124 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law
    2. 20220131 Harris Ntnl Governors Association

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    Vice Presidents Disc A202

    1. 20220202 Harris Reignite Cancer Moonshot

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    Vice Presidents Disc A203

    1. 20220203 Harris Ntnl Prayer Breakfast
    2. 20220204 Harris Project Labor Agreements

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    Vice Presidents Disc A204

    1. 20220208 Harris Child Tax Credit and EITC Day of Action
    2. 20220211 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law

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    Vice Presidents Disc A205

    1. 20220214 Harris Affordable Accessible High Speed Internet
    2. 20220219 Harris Munich Security Conference
    3. 20220223 Harris Ntnl Black Caucus of State Legislators

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    Vice Presidents Disc A206

    1. 20220228 Harris Celebration. To Mark Black History Month
    2. 20220302 Harris Investment in Our Workers

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    Vice Presidents Disc A207

    1. 20220303 Harris Ending Forced Arbit Sexual Assault Hrssmnt
    2. 20220306 Harris 57th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday

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    Vice Presidents Disc A208

    1. 20220310 Harris Press Conference Andrzej Duda
    2. 20220316 Harris Making Communities Safer

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    Vice Presidents Disc A209

    1. 20220322 Harris Affordable Accessible High Speed Internet
    2. 20220323 Harris Rooting Out Bias in Home Appraisals

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    Vice Presidents Disc A210

    1. 20220324 Harris 1st Anniv Voting Rights Executive Order
    2. 20220325 Harris Ntnl Hispanic Caucus of State Legislatures
    3. 20220329 Harris Bilateral Meeting Lee Hsein Loong
    4. 20220329 Harris Emmitt Till Antilynching Act Into Law
    5. 20220330 Harris Bilateral Meeting Andrew Holness

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    Vice Presidents Disc A211

    1. 20220401 Harris Inv Community Lenders Econ Development
    2. 20220404 Harris School Infrast Announcement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A212

    1. 20220405 Harris 12th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A213

    1. 20220408 Harris Ketanji Brown Jackson Bipartisan Confirm

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    Vice Presidents Disc A214

    1. 20220411 Harris New Actions to Fight Gun Crimes

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    Vice Presidents Disc A215

    1. 20220411 Harris Reduce Burden of Medical Debt
    2. 20220413 Harris Maternal Heath

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    Vice Presidents Disc A216

    1. 20220414 Harris Peoples Sader
    2. 20220418 Harris Ongoing Work to Establish Norms for Space

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    Vice Presidents Disc A217

    1. 20220421 Harris Commitment to Improve Maternal Health
    2. 20220429 Harris Meeting Caribbean Leaders
    3. 20220503 Harris EMILYS List Gala
    4. 20220507 Harris Tennessee State Univ Commencement

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    Vice Presidents Disc A218

    1. 20220509 Harris Affordable Connectivity Program
    2. 20220513 Harris Climate Act Clean Energy Sustainable Infrast
    3. 20220513 Harris Working Lunch Leaders of ASEAN Countries
    4. 20220517 Harris Joe Jill Biden Celebrate Asian Am Hawaiian
    5. 20220519 Harris Virtual Meeting Abortion Providers

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    Vice Presidents Disc A219

    1. 20220520 Harris Bipartisan Infrast Law Investments
    2. 20220523 Harris Mental Health and Wellness

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    Vice Presidents Disc A220

    1. 20220524 Harris Addresses Uvalde TX School Shooting APAICS
    2. 20220525 Harris J.Biden Public Trust and Safety
    3. 20220528 Harris Ruth Whitfield Funeral

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    Vice Presidents Disc A221

    1. 20220603 Harris US Conference of Mayors
    2. 20220607 Harris In Her Hands Launch
    3. 20220613 Harris Joe Biden Ntnl Msm Asian Pac American Hist
    4. 20220614 Harris What is at Stake if Roe v Wade is Overturned

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    Vice Presidents Disc A222

    1. 20220616 Harris WH Task Force Online Harassment and Abuse
    2. 20220622 Harris Swears Scott Miller Ambassador Swiss Conf
    3. 20220623 Harris Roe v Wade Roundtable Attorneys General
    4. 20220624 Harris Maternal Health Crisis
    5. 20220627 Harris Dana Bash Interview
    6. 20220627 Harris Swears Bridget A Brink Ambassador Ukraine

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    Vice Presidents Disc A223

    1. 20220703 Harris ESSENCE Festival Culture
    2. 20220705 Harris Address NEA
    3. 20220706 Harris Highland Park Shooting

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    Vice Presidents Disc A224

    1. 20220708 Harris Discussion St Leg Reproductive Rights
    2. 20220711 Harris Joe Biden James Webb Telescope Images
    3. 20220711 Harris Joe Biden Safer Community Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A225

    1. 20220713 Harris WH Summit American Rescue Plan and Workforce
    2. 20220718 Harris 113th NAACPT National Convention

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    Vice Presidents Disc A226

    1. 20220721 Harris Affordable Connectivity Program
    2. 20220722 Harris Brian Tyler Cohen Interview
    3. 20220722 Harris National Urban League Conf

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    Vice Presidents Disc A227

    1. 20220722 Harris National Urban League Conference
    2. 20220725 Harris Fight Protect Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A228

    1. 20220725 Harris the Fight to Protect Reproductive Rights
    2. 20220726 Harris Meeting Disability Rights Leaders
    3. 20220801 Harris Admin Investments in Climate Resilience

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    Vice Presidents Disc A229

    1. 20220803 Harris Joe Biden Reproductive Healthcare Access
    2. 20220805 Harris Fortifying Protecting Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A230

    1. 20220808 Harris Access Reprod Health Care College Campuses
    2. 20220810 Harris Discussion on Reproductive Health Care

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    Vice Presidents Disc A231

    1. 20220810 Harris Discussion Reproductive Health Care
    2. 20220810 Harris United Steelworkers Const Convention
    3. 20220812 Harris Oakland Generation Fund Event

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    Vice Presidents Disc A232

    1. 20220812 Harris Support Commercial Space Sector
    2. 20220812 Harris Support of Commercial Space Sector
    3. 20220902 Harris Meets Yemi Osinbajo
    4. 20220908 Harris National Baptist Convention

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    Vice Presidents Disc A233

    1. 20220909 Harris Meet Press Interview
    2. 20220909 Harris Meet the Press Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A234

    1. 20220912 Harris Civil Rights Reproductive Rights Leaders
    2. 20220912 Harris Meeting Civil Rights Reprod Rights Leaders
    3. 20220913 Harris Biden Celebrating Inflation Reduction Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A235

    1. 20220913 Harris Joe Biden Passage Inflation Reduction Act
    2. 20220914 Harris Inflation Reduction Act Climate Event
    3. 20220915 Harris Multilateral Meeting Caribbean Leaders
    4. 20220919 Harris Swears Yohannes Abraham Ambassador SE Asia
    5. 20220919 Harris Swears Yohannes Abraham Ambassador SE Asian

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    Vice Presidents Disc A236

    1. 20220920 Harris SC State University Fall Convocation
    2. 20220922 Harris Dem Attorneys General Association Conf

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    Vice Presidents Disc A237

    1. 20220922 Harris Democratic Attorneys Gen Association Conf
    2. 20220927 Harris Disc Japanese Business Executives CHIPS
    3. 20220929 Harris USS Howard Tokyo Japan

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    Vice Presidents Disc A238

    1. 20221001 Harris Joe Biden 2022 Phoenix Awards Dinner
    2. 20221004 Harris Biden Reproduct Rights Task Force Meeting

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    Vice Presidents Disc A239

    1. 20221004 Harris Freedman’s Bank Forum
    2. 20221004 Harris Joe Biden Repro Rights Task Force Meeting
    3. 20221004 Harris the Freedman’s Bank Forum

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    Vice Presidents Disc A240

    1. 20221005 Harris Reproductive Rights Roundtable
    2. 20221006 Harris Swears In Arati Prabhakar Director OSTP
    3. 20221007 Harris Swears Shefali Razdan Duggal Ambassador NL
    4. 20221007 Harris Swears Shefali Razdan Duggal Ambassador

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    Vice Presidents Disc A241

    1. 20221008 Harris Conversation on Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A242

    1. 20221008 Harris Conversation Reproductive Rights
    2. 20221011 Harris Seth Meyers Interview P1
    3. 20221011 Harris Seth Meyers Interview P2
    4. 20221011 Harris Swears Travis LeBlanc Civil Lib Oversight
    5. 20221011 Harris Swears Travis LeBlanc Civil Liberties

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    Vice Presidents Disc A243

    1. 20221015 Harris Voter Education Event Students
    2. 20221017 Harris Mod Conversation Reproductive Rights Choice

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    Vice Presidents Disc A244

    1. 20221018 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A245

    1. 20221018 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A246

    1. 20221022 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A247

    1. 20221022 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A248

    1. 20221024 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Celebrate Divali

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    Vice Presidents Disc A249

    1. 20221025 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A250

    1. 20221025 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights
    2. 20221026 Harris Investments in Clean School Buses

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    Vice Presidents Disc A251

    1. 20221028 Harris Mod Conversation on Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A252

    1. 20221028 Harris Moderated Conversation Reproductive Rights
    2. 20221029 Harris HRC Annual National Dinner

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    Vice Presidents Disc A253

    1. 20221102 Harris Inflation Reduction Act
    2. 20221110 Harris Joe Biden Addresses 2022 Midterms
    3. 20221110 Harris Joe Biden Addresses the 2022 Midterms

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    Vice Presidents Disc A254

    1. 20221111 Harris National Veterans Day Observance
    2. 20221114 Harris Swears C.Bond Ambassador Trinidad and Tobago
    3. 20221114 Harris Swears Candace Bond Ambsdr Trinidad Tobago

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    Vice Presidents Disc A255

    1. 20221118 Harris APEC CEO Summit
    2. 20221121 Harris Moderated Conversation Young Women
    3. 20221130 Harris White House Tribal Nations Summit
    4. 20221207 Harris Meeting Ingrida Simonyte

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    Vice Presidents Disc A256

    1. 20221211 Harris Swears In Karen Bass as Mayor of Los Angeles
    2. 20221211 Harris Swears In Karen Bass Mayor Los Angeles
    3. 20221213 Harris US Africa Leaders Summit
    4. 20221216 Harris US Africa Leaders Summit
    5. 20221220 Harris Swears K.Ahuja Dir US Office Personnel Mgmt
    6. 20221220 Harris Swears Kiran Ahuja Dir US Personnel Mgmt
    7. 20221220 Harris Swears Maria Rosario Jackson Chair NEA
    8. 20221220 Harris Swears Sandra Thompson Dir Fed Housing Fin
    9. 20221220 Harris Swears Shelly Lowe Chair Ntnl Endow Hum
    10. 20221220 Harris Swears Shelly Lowe Ntnl Endow Humanities
    11. 20221226 Harris Kwanza
    12. 20221228 Harris a Conversation Mental Health
    13. 20221228 Harris a Conversation on Mental Health
    14. 20230104 Harris Economic Plan Rebuilding Infrastructure
    15. 20230106 Harris Swears Bijan Sabet Ambassador Czech Republic
    16. 20230109 Harris Swears Elizabeth Bagley Ambassador Brazil
    17. 20230109 Harris Swears In Elizabeth Bagley Ambassador Brazil

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    Vice Presidents Disc A257

    1. 20230112 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate Change

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    Vice Presidents Disc A258

    1. 20230112 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate Change
    2. 20230117 Harris Biden Welcome Golden State Warriors to WH

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    Vice Presidents Disc A259

    1. 20230117 Harris Joe Biden Golden State Warriors White House
    2. 20230119 Harris Transmission Line Groundbreaking
    3. 20230120 Harris Joe Biden Reflections 1st Two Years
    4. 20230120 Harris Joe Biden Reflections of 1st Two Years
    5. 20230122 Harris 50th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade

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    Vice Presidents Disc A260

    1. 20230122 Harris 50th Anniversary Roe v Wade
    2. 20230130 Harris Investments in America’s Small Businesses

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    Vice Presidents Disc A261

    1. 20230130 Harris Invst America Small Businesses Raleigh NC
    2. 20230131 Harris Awards Congressional Space Medal of Honor

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    Vice Presidents Disc A262

    1. 20230131 Harris Awards Congressional Spc Medal Honor
    2. 20230131 Harris Swears In Jessica Davis Ba Ambassador
    3. 20230131 Harris Swears J.Davis Ba Ambassador
    4. 20230201 Harris Tyre Nichols Funeral

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    Vice Presidents Disc A263

    1. 20230202 Harris Biden Clinton 30th Anniversary of FMLA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A264

    1. 20230202 Harris Joe Biden Bill Clinton 30th Anniversary FMLA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A265

    1. 20230203 Harris Biden Clean Drinking Water Philadelphia PA
    2. 20230203 Harris Biden Tout Progress of the Administration

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    Vice Presidents Disc A266

    1. 20230203 Harris Joe Biden Clean Drinking Water Phil PA
    2. 20230203 Harris Joe Biden Tout Progress Administration

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    Vice Presidents Disc A267

    1. 20230206 Harris Central America Forward Launch Event
    2. 20230208 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A268

    1. 20230208 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate
    2. 20230210 Harris Biden Welcomes Nation Gov to the White House

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    Vice Presidents Disc A269

    1. 20230210 Harris Welcomes Nation’s Governors White House
    2. 20230218 Harris Munich Security Conf

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    Vice Presidents Disc A270

    1. 20230218 Harris Munich Security Conference
    2. 20230222 Harris Efforts Lower Costs for Homebuyers
    3. 20230222 Harris Efforts to Lower Costs for Homebuyers

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    Vice Presidents Disc A271

    1. 20230223 Harris HBCU Student Journalist Briefing
    2. 20230224 Harris Access Reproductive Healthcare
    3. 20230224 Harris Access to Reproductive Healthcare

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    Vice Presidents Disc A272

    1. 20230227 Harris Affordable High Speed Internet Columbia SC
    2. 20230227 Harris Black History Month Reception

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    Vice Presidents Disc A273

    1. 20230227 Harris Expanding Affordable High Speed Internet
    2. 20230227 Harris Joe Biden Black History Month Reception

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    Vice Presidents Disc A274

    1. 20230306 Harris Moderated Conversation Climate

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    Vice Presidents Disc A275

    1. 20230306 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate
    2. 20230308 Harris Mod Conversation Climate Miami Beach FL

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    Vice Presidents Disc A276

    1. 20230308 Harris Moderated Conversation on Climate
    2. 20230310 Harris Worker Taskforce Employers Roundtable
    3. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P1
    4. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P2
    5. 20230316 Harris Stephen Colbert Interview P3

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    Vice Presidents Disc A277

    1. 20230317 Harris St Patrick’s Day Breakfast
    2. 20230317 Harris St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast
    3. 20230322 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Women’s History Month
    4. 20230324 Harris Swears Eric M. Garcetti Ambassador to India
    5. 20230324 Harris Swears In Eric M Garcetti Ambassador India

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    Vice Presidents Disc A278

    1. 20230328 Harris Address at Black Star Gate
    2. 20230328 Harris Address at Cape Coast Castle
    3. 20230401 Harris Digital Inclusion Across Africa

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    Vice Presidents Disc A279

    1. 20230405 Harris Reflects Historic Trip Africa

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    Vice Presidents Disc A280

    1. 20230405 Harris Reflects on Historic Trip to Africa
    2. 20230406 Harris Investing in America Dalton GA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A281

    1. 20230406 Harris Investing in America
    2. 20230407 Harris Remarks at Fisk University on the TN 3
    3. 20230407 Harris Remarks at Fisk University TN 3

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    Vice Presidents Disc A282

    1. 20230411 Harris Joint News Conf Mateusz Morawiecki
    2. 20230411 Harris Joint News Conference Mateusz Morawiecki
    3. 20230412 Harris Interagency Task Force Reprod Health Access
    4. 20230413 Harris Investing in America
    5. 20230413 Harris Soldiers Ride

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    Vice Presidents Disc A283

    1. 20230414 Harris National Action Network Convention
    2. 20230417 Harris Investing in America

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    Vice Presidents Disc A284

    1. 20230420 Harris Jennifer Hudson Show
    2. 20230425 Harris Joint Press Conference Yoon Suk Yeal

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    Vice Presidents Disc A285

    1. 20230427 Harris Joe Biden Re-election Strategy Call
    2. 20230427 Harris Joe Jill Biden D.Emhoff Virt Strategy Call

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    Vice Presidents Disc A286

    1. 20230501 Harris Joe Biden Small Business Week

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    Vice Presidents Disc A287

    1. 20230503 Harris Moderated Conv WH AA and NHPI Forum

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    Vice Presidents Disc A288

    1. 20230510 Harris Innovative Educat Excellence for Hispanics
    2. 20230514 Harris the Maternal Health Crisis
    3. 20230515 Harris Lynae Vanee Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A289

    1. 20230516 Harris Young Men of Color Small Business Owners
    2. 20230522 Harris Implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act
    3. 20230602 Harris Gun Violence Awareness Day

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    Vice Presidents Disc A290

    1. 20230606 Harris Celebration of Israel’s Independence
    2. 20230608 Harris US and Caribbean Leaders Meeting
    3. 20230612 Harris Hosts College Sports Day at the White House
    4. 20230613 Harris Joe Biden Juneteenth Celebration

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    Vice Presidents Disc A291

    1. 20230622 Harris Anthony Blinken Host Luncheon Narendra Mobi
    2. 20230623 Harris Reproductive Rights Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A292

    1. 20230624 Harris Joe Biden Investing in America
    2. 20230629 Harris Advancing Economic Opportunity

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    Vice Presidents Disc A293

    1. 20230630 Harris Reproductive Rights Maternal Health Crisis
    2. 20230706 Harris Gila River Tribal Nation Event

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    Vice Presidents Disc A294

    1. 20230711 Harris Discussion Transpt Acces Disabled
    2. 20230712 Harris Societal Impact of AI

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    Vice Presidents Disc A295

    1. 20230714 Harris Inflation Rdctn Act Combat Climate Change

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    Vice Presidents Disc A296

    1. 20230716 Harris Rainbow PUSH Coalition
    2. 20230718 Harris Fentanyl Public Health Crisis
    3. 20230719 Harris Bilateral Meeting Isaac Herzog

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    Vice Presidents Disc A297

    1. 20230720 Harris Delta Sigma Theta Sorority National Conv
    2. 20230721 Harris FL State BOE Curriculum Updates

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    Vice Presidents Disc A298

    1. 20230724 Harris 2023 UnidosUS Conference
    2. 20230728 Harris Conversation on Reproductive Rights

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    Vice Presidents Disc A299

    1. 20230729 Harris NAACP Annual Convention
    2. 20230801 Harris AME Church
    3. 20230802 Harris Bilateral Meeting Oyun Erdene Luvsannamsrai

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    Vice Presidents Disc A300

    1. 20230803 Harris Investment in Broadband
    2. 20230804 Harris Jobs Day
    3. 20230808 Harris Major Initiative for Workers

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    Vice Presidents Disc A301

    1. 20230811 Harris Conversation on Gun Violence
    2. 20230815 Harris Addressing the Climate Crisis
    3. 20230825 Harris Welcomes Las Vegas Aces to the White House

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    Vice Presidents Disc A302

    1. 20230828 Harris Joe Biden Meeting March Wash Orgzrs
    2. 20230829 Harris Joe Biden Lowering Healthcare Costs
    3. 20230906 Harris Associated Press Interview
    4. 20230907 Harris US Asian Summit

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    Vice Presidents Disc A303

    1. 20230910 Harris Face the Nation Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A304

    1. 20230914 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A305

    1. 20230915 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A306

    1. 20230919 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A307

    1. 20230920 Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
    2. 20230922 Harris Gun Violence Presentation
    3. 20230922 Harris with Joe Biden Gun Safety

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    Vice Presidents Disc A308

    1. 20230924 Harris with Joe Biden Phoenix Awards Dinner
    2. 20230925 Harris with Joe Biden Meeting HBCU Advisors

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    Vice Presidents Disc A309

    1. 20230926 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A310

    1. 20230928 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231003 Harris Swears In Laphonza Butler to the US Senate
    3. 20231005 Harris with Joe Biden Eulogy to Diane Feinstein

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    Vice Presidents Disc A311

    1. 20231011 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A312

    1. 20231012 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A313

    1. 20231017 Harris Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A314

    1. 20231018 Harris with Jill Biden Hispanic Heritage Month
    2. 20231029 Harris 60 Minutes Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A315

    1. 20231030 Harris Swears In Adv Council Af Diaspora Engag
    2. 20231030 Harris with Joe Biden Artificial Intelligence
    3. 20231101 Harris Addresses Artificial Intelligence

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    Vice Presidents Disc A316

    1. 20231109 Harris Honoring Apprenticeship Week
    2. 20231115 Harris with Joe Biden Welcomes APRC Leaders

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    Vice Presidents Disc A317

    1. 20231127 Harris Congressional Hispanic Caucus

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    Vice Presidents Disc A318

    1. 20231129 Harris Dealbook Summit
    2. 20231202 Harris COP28 Statement
    3. 20231202 Harris Press Conf on Israel and Hamas Conflict
    4. 20231208 Harris Swears In Edgar Kagan Ambassador to Malaysia

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    Vice Presidents Disc A319

    1. 20240103 Harris Culinary Workers Union Local 226 LV NV
    2. 20240106 Harris Episcopal Church Retreat
    3. 20240110 Harris Swears NAtalie Reyes Ambassador to Croatia

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    Vice Presidents Disc A320

    1. 20240111 Harris Roundtable on Gun Violence
    2. 20240115 Harris NAACP SC State Conference
    3. 20240117 Harris the View P1
    4. 20240117 Harris the View P2
    5. 20240117 Harris the View P3

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    Vice Presidents Disc A321

    1. 20240118 Harris US Conference of Mayors
    2. 20240122 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Big Bend WI

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    Vice Presidents Disc A322

    1. 20240123 Harris Joe Jill Biden Doug Emhoff Reprod Rights
    2. 20240123 Harris Laura Coates Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A323

    1. 20240124 Harris Katie Couric Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A324

    1. 20240127 Harris Early Voting Event Las Vegas NV

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    Vice Presidents Disc A325

    1. 20240129 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Sandy Jose CA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A326

    1. 20240202 Harris GOTV Rally Orangeburg SC
    2. 20240206 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Savannah GA

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    Vice Presidents Disc A327

    1. 20240206 Harris with Joe Biden Recognize Black History Month
    2. 20240209 Harris Community Violence Awareness Week
    3. 20240216 Harris Munich Security Conference

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    Vice Presidents Disc A328

    1. 20240217 Harris Joint Press Conf Volodymyr Zelenskyy
    2. 20240220 Harris Delivering Clean Water for Every American
    3. 20240222 Harris Fight Reproductive Freedom Grand Rapids MI

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    Vice Presidents Disc A329

    1. 20240223 Harris Joe Jill Biden Welcomes Gov to WH
    2. 20240227 Harris Convenes Voting Rights Leaders
    3. 20240301 Harris Strengthening Entrepreneurship Durham NC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A330

    1. 20240303 Harris 59th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday
    2. 20240305 Harris Radio Campesina Network Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A331

    1. 20240308 Harris Fight for Reproductive Freedom Phoenix AZ

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    Vice Presidents Disc A332

    1. 20240309 Harris Joe Jill Biden Doug Emhoff Ntnl Org Call
    2. 20240310 Harris Lower Healthcare Costs for Latinos

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    Vice Presidents Disc A333

    1. 20240312 Harris Supporting Small Business
    2. 20240314 Harris Electoral and Political Power of Women
    3. 20240314 Harris Visits a Planned Parenthood Clinic

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    Vice Presidents Disc A334

    1. 20240315 Harris Marijuana Reform
    2. 20240318 Harris Joe and Jill Biden Women’s History Month
    3. 20240322 Harris Alternative Energy in Puerto Rico

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    Vice Presidents Disc A335

    1. 20240323 Harris Gun Safety Measures
    2. 20240325 Harris Joint Press Conference with Bernardo Arevalo
    3. 20240404 Harris Investment in Climate Action

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    Vice Presidents Disc A336

    1. 20240408 Harris Lower Costs for Americans
    2. 20240411 Harris Luncheon for Kishida Fumio

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    Vice Presidents Disc A337

    1. 20240412 Harris AZ Reproductive Freedom Event
    2. 20240415 Harris Reproductive Freedom
    3. 20240415 Harris Safer Communities Act
    4. 20240420 Harris Meets with Heather Martin

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    Vice Presidents Disc A338

    1. 20240422 Harris Nursing Home Care
    2. 20240422 Harris Reproductive Freedom

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    Vice Presidents Disc A339

    1. 20240425 Harris Second Chance Month
    2. 20240425 Harris Take Your Child to Work Day
    3. 20240501 Harris Reproductive Freedom Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A340

    1. 20240506 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A341

    1. 20240508 Harris Reproductive Freedoms
    2. 20240509 Harris Joe Biden Las Vegas Aces to the WH

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    Vice Presidents Disc A342

    1. 20240513 Harris APAICS Legislative Summit
    2. 20240513 Harris with Joe Biden AANHPI Heritage Month

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    Vice Presidents Disc A343

    1. 20240514 Harris Sherri Shepherd Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A344

    1. 20240516 Harris Economic Opportunity Tour

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    Vice Presidents Disc A345

    1. 20240521 Harris SEIU Convention
    2. 20240522 Harris Maverick Carter Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A346

    1. 20240524 Harris Digital Inclusion in Africa
    2. 20240524 Harris Luncheon for William Ruto
    3. 20240528 Harris Swears Courtney O’Donnell Ambassador UNECO

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    Vice Presidents Disc A347

    1. 20240529 Harris with Joe Biden Black Voters Coalition Launch
    2. 20240604 Harris Jimmy Kimmel Interview

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    Vice Presidents Disc A348

    1. 20000105 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley

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    Vice Presidents Disc A349

    1. 20000117 Gore IA Democratic Caucus Debate v Bill Bradley

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    Vice Presidents Disc A350

    1. 20000126 Gore NH Democratic Primary Debate v Bill Bradley

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    Vice Presidents Disc A351

    1. 20000725 Cheney Announced as George W. Bushs Running Mate
    2. 20000802 Cheney Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Vice Presidents Disc A352

    1. 20000817 Gore Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 20001107 Cheney School Voucher Program
    3. 20001128 Gore Legal Challenge to FL Vote

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    Vice Presidents Disc A353

    1. 20001205 Gore FL Supreme Court Decision
    2. 20001213 Gore Concession Speech
    3. 20010103 Gore Swears In Hillary Clinton to US Senate
    4. 20010106 Gore Delivers Electoral College Votes 2000 Election

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    Vice Presidents Disc A354

    1. 20010916 Cheney Meet Press

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    Vice Presidents Disc A355

    1. 20020826 Cheney VFW 103rd

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    Vice Presidents Disc A356

    1. 20020908 Cheney Meet Press

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    Vice Presidents Disc A357

    1. 20040124 Cheney DAVOS Meeting

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    Vice Presidents Disc A358

    1. 20040901 Cheney Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 20070914 Cheney War on Terrorism

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    Vice Presidents Disc A359

    1. 20080123 Cheney FISA
    2. 20080420 Cheney Pope Benedict XVI Visit
    3. 20080823 Biden Named Barack Obamas Running Mate
    4. 20080824 Biden Message to Supporters

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    Vice Presidents Disc A360

    1. 20080827 Biden Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 20080828 Biden Warm Up Act for Obama at DNC
    3. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P1
    4. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P2
    5. 20080907 Biden Tom Brokaw Interview P3
    6. 20080909 Biden Speaks to Campaign Staff and Volunteers
    7. 20080917 Biden Pro Football Hall of Fame

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    Vice Presidents Disc A361

    1. 20080918 Biden Akron Ohio Rally
    2. 20080922 Biden MD Ntnl Guard
    3. 20081009 Biden Liberty MO Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A362

    1. 20081013 Biden DE Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner
    2. 20081015 Biden Athens OH Rally
    3. 20081022 Biden Interviewed By a 5th Grader
    4. 20081030 Biden Arnold MO Rally
    5. 20081031 Biden Newark DE Rally
    6. 20090104 Cheney Power of Vice Presidency

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    Vice Presidents Disc A363

    1. 20090108 Cheney Dlvr Electoral College Votes 2008 Election
    2. 20090115 Biden Farewell to US Senate
    3. 20090120 Biden Sworn In as Vice President

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    Vice Presidents Disc A364

    1. 20090129 Biden Middle Class Task Force
    2. 20090427 Biden Serious Materials Plant
    3. 20090504 Biden Wind Energy

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    Vice Presidents Disc A365

    1. 20090608 Biden Roadmap to Recovery
    2. 20090626 Biden WH Advisor on Violence Against Women
    3. 20090707 Biden Hospital Support for Health Reform
    4. 20090828 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-MA Pt1
    5. 20090828 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-MA Pt2

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    Vice Presidents Disc A366

    1. 20090903 Biden 200 Days of Recovery Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A367

    1. 20090904 Biden Major Recovery Act Announcement
    2. 20090923 Biden Set Record Straight on Medicare

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    Vice Presidents Disc A368

    1. 20091025 Biden Recovery Through Retrofit Report
    2. 20091208 Biden Dispels Myths About Medicare

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    Vice Presidents Disc A369

    1. 20100217 Biden Recovery Act One Year Later
    2. 20100317 Biden St. Patricks Day
    3. 20100318 Biden Radio TV Correspondents Association Dinner

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    Vice Presidents Disc A370

    1. 20100322 Biden Recovery Act Tax Benefits
    2. 20100323 Biden Affordable Care Act a BIG Fing Deal

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    Vice Presidents Disc A371

    1. 20100323 Biden Promise of Health Care Reform
    2. 20100426 Biden Eulogy to Upper Big Branch Victims
    3. 20100608 Biden Joint Press Conference Mwai Kibaki

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    Vice Presidents Disc A372

    1. 20100609 Biden Q and A Session in Kenya

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    Vice Presidents Disc A373

    1. 20100609 Biden Speech in Kenya
    2. 20100617 Biden Joe Bartons Apology to BP
    3. 20100702 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Robert Byrd D-WV

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    Vice Presidents Disc A374

    1. 20100714 Biden Assessing Economic Impact of Recovery Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A375

    1. 20101109 Biden Recovery Through Retrofit
    2. 20101117 Biden It Gets Better

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    Vice Presidents Disc A376

    1. 20101222 Biden Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell
    2. 20110228 Biden Ntnl Association of Governors
    3. 20110323 Biden One Year of Affordable Care Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A377

    1. 20110412 Biden Joining Forces to Support Military Families

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    Vice Presidents Disc A378

    1. 20110506 Biden Visit to Ft. Campbell KY
    2. 20110607 Biden Luncheon Honoring Angela Merkel
    3. 20110622 Biden Keeping Our Promises

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    Vice Presidents Disc A379

    1. 20110821 Biden US China Relations
    2. 20110823 Biden Sendai Japan

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    Vice Presidents Disc A380

    1. 20110911 Biden September 11 2001 Anniversary
    2. 20120229 Biden Honoring Iraq War Veterans
    3. 20120314 Biden Luncheon Honoring David Cameron

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    Vice Presidents Disc A381

    1. 20120320 Biden St. Patricks Day
    2. 20120322 Biden Toledo Ohio Rally
    3. 20120327 Biden Coconut Creek FL Rally
    4. 20120410 Biden Davenport Iowa Rally
    5. 20120412 Biden Exeter NH Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A382

    1. 20120418 Biden Reauthorizing Violence Against Women Act

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    Vice Presidents Disc A383

    1. 20120426 Biden NYU Rally

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    Vice Presidents Disc A384

    1. 20120510 Biden College Affordability
    2. 20120525 Biden Grief at TAPS

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    Vice Presidents Disc A385

    1. 20120906 Biden Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 20120911 Biden Remembering September 11 2001
    3. 20121115 Biden Parks and Recreation
    4. 20121129 Biden Eulogy to Sen. Warren Rudman R-NH

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    Vice Presidents Disc A386

    1. 20121220 Biden Eulogy to Daniel Inouye

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