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Valentine's Day Collection

Valentine's Day is a time to go a little bit crazy for your Sweetheart. This collection includes extra Valentine's Day special episodes from the golden age of radio! OTRCAT Wuvvves you!

Valentines Day

30 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 13 hours, 1174 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
14 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from February 16, 1950:

"Duffys Tavern: Mystery Valentine"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The origins of Valentine's day are hard to pin down. The popular story is that it is the Feast Day of St. Valentine, but which St. Valentine? As it turns out, there are several to choose from. The most likely seems to be Valentinus of Rome, a priest or bishop who was jailed for converting Romans to Christianity. His head was cut off on February 14, 269 C.E., but before the big event he sent a note to his jailer's daughter signed "Your Valentine". This may have been the beginning of the tradition of sending Valentine Cards, but it is a good bet that the Good Bishop did not spend the afternoon of February 13 running all over town trying to find a heart-shaped box full of chocolates!

That sort of behavior would have been appropriate during the Roman Feast of Lupercalia, which took place on February 15. The festival celebrates Lupercal, the She-wolf who raised Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. Lupercal was also revered as a fertility goddess, and her festival was celebrated by men running naked in the streets and drawing women's names from a jar. The women whose names were drawn would be "married" to whoever drew her name for the rest of the festival. It was not uncommon for the couples to remain together, at least, until the next Lupercalia. These are the sort people who wound not forget to get a box of chocolates for their Sweethearts!

  • Fibber McGee and Molly, February 10, 1942, "Valentine Candy". The matron of 79 Wistful Vista receives a two-pound box of chocolates and is heartily impressed that the man of the house remembered the most romantic day of the year. However, Fibber cannot remember ordering the candy! Not that he will ever admit such a mistake to Molly.
  • The Cavalcade of America, February 14, 1944, "G.I. Valentine". Francis Langford tells about the WAACs and Army Nurses she met while on a USO Tour through Alaska, England, and North Africa. She tells about waiting for a bomber returning from a combat mission, a dedicated nurse, and a group of lonely WAACs in North Africa.
  • My Favorite Husband, February 11, 1949, "Valentine's Day". Liz tries to help Katie the maid to romance the butcher by slipping him a poem that Katie wrote. The butcher is convinced that Liz wrote the poem and that she is in love with him. What will George do when he finds out that he has been replaced?

Listen with amour to the lovely stories of yore -- Our Miss Brooks sending unsigned Valentines and waiting by the mailbox for a reply, Reggie at Duffy's Tavern getting a mysterious valentine, Riley being bitter at Peg for squeezing tomatoes, Henry Aldrich not being able to throw a party at his house all the while hungering for lemon mirangue pie, Honest Harold writing his own valentines, only to have a sleepwalker delivery boy mix them up, and more amore amore!

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    30 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 13 hours, 1174 min
    30 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 13 hours, 1174 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 30 shows – total playtime 13 hours, 19 minutes
    2. Aldrich Family 430211 Valentine's Day Party.mp3
    3. Amos And Andy 450216 Sapphire Kicks Kingfish Out.mp3
    4. Ave Maria Hour Saint Valentine.mp3
    5. Blondie 490209 Alexander's Valentine's Day Dilemma.mp3
    6. Blue Ribbon Town 450210 Valentine To Jack Benny.mp3
    7. Bob Hope - Skit Valentine's Day.mp3
    8. Bota Valentine's Day Develop The Magnetic Power Of Love.mp3
    9. Cav Of America 440214 G I Valentine.mp3
    10. Comic Weekly Man 510211 199 Valentines.mp3
    11. Dr Christian 400214 067 My True Valentine.mp3
    12. Drama International SA Be My Valentine.mp3
    13. Duffy's Tavern 500216 Mystery Valentine.mp3
    14. Duffy's Tavern 510209 Unsigned Valentine, The.mp3
    15. Fabulous Dr. Tweedy 47-02-12 (24) Valentine Day Dance.mp3
    16. Fibber McGee 420210 Valentine Candy.mp3
    17. Fibber McGee 580427 Lincoln & Valentines Day.mp3
    18. Ft 560208 459 Funny Valentine.mp3
    19. Great Gildrslv 530211 483 2 Dates Mayors Valentine Party.mp3
    20. Honest Harold 510214 Mistaken Valentines.mp3
    21. Judy Canova 460209 050 Valentines Flashback Cactus Junction.mp3
    22. Life Of Riley 480214 188 Comic Valentine For Peg.mp3
    23. Life Of Riley 490218 233 Valentine Locket From Monahan.mp3
    24. Life With Luigi 19500214 070 Valentines Date At Pump Room.mp3
    25. Mail Call 19450214 0133 Frances Langford.mp3
    26. March Of Time 380217 Singing Valentines are Invented.mp3
    27. My Favorite Husband 490211 031 Valentines Day.mp3
    28. Our Miss Brooks 500219 Valentine's Day Date.mp3
    29. Ozzie Harriet 490213 Buying A Valentine.mp3
    30. Ph490213 Someone Sends Alice Flowers For Valentines Day.mp3
    31. Quiet Please 490213 Valentine.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    30 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 13 hours, 1174 min
    30 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    366 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 19 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 30 shows – 366 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 19 minutes
    2. Aldrich Family 430211 Valentine's Day Party.mp3
    3. Amos And Andy 450216 Sapphire Kicks Kingfish Out.mp3
    4. Ave Maria Hour Saint Valentine.mp3
    5. Blondie 490209 Alexander's Valentine's Day Dilemma.mp3
    6. Blue Ribbon Town 450210 Valentine To Jack Benny.mp3
    7. Bob Hope - Skit Valentine's Day.mp3
    8. Bota Valentine's Day Develop The Magnetic Power Of Love.mp3
    9. Cav Of America 440214 G I Valentine.mp3
    10. Comic Weekly Man 510211 199 Valentines.mp3
    11. Dr Christian 400214 067 My True Valentine.mp3
    12. Drama International SA Be My Valentine.mp3
    13. Duffy's Tavern 500216 Mystery Valentine.mp3
    14. Duffy's Tavern 510209 Unsigned Valentine, The.mp3
    15. Fabulous Dr. Tweedy 47-02-12 (24) Valentine Day Dance.mp3
    16. Fibber McGee 420210 Valentine Candy.mp3
    17. Fibber McGee 580427 Lincoln & Valentines Day.mp3
    18. Ft 560208 459 Funny Valentine.mp3
    19. Great Gildrslv 530211 483 2 Dates Mayors Valentine Party.mp3
    20. Honest Harold 510214 Mistaken Valentines.mp3
    21. Judy Canova 460209 050 Valentines Flashback Cactus Junction.mp3
    22. Life Of Riley 480214 188 Comic Valentine For Peg.mp3
    23. Life Of Riley 490218 233 Valentine Locket From Monahan.mp3
    24. Life With Luigi 19500214 070 Valentines Date At Pump Room.mp3
    25. Mail Call 19450214 0133 Frances Langford.mp3
    26. March Of Time 380217 Singing Valentines are Invented.mp3
    27. My Favorite Husband 490211 031 Valentines Day.mp3
    28. Our Miss Brooks 500219 Valentine's Day Date.mp3
    29. Ozzie Harriet 490213 Buying A Valentine.mp3
    30. Ph490213 Someone Sends Alice Flowers For Valentines Day.mp3
    31. Quiet Please 490213 Valentine.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    30 recordings on 14 Audio CDs. Total playtime 13 hours, 19 min
    30 recordings on 14 Audio CDs
    total playtime 13 hours, 19 min

    Valentines Day Disc A001

    1. Ave Maria Hour Saint Valentine
    2. Bob Hope - Skit Valentine's Day
    3. Bota Valentine's Day Develop The Magnetic Power Of Love

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A002

    1. Drama International SA Be My Valentine
    2. Fabulous Dr. Tweedy 47-02-12 (24) Valentine Day Dance

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A003

    1. Life With Luigi 19500214 070 Valentines Date At Pump Room
    2. Mail Call 19450214 0133 Frances Langford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A004

    1. March Of Time 380217 Singing Valentines are Invented
    2. Dr Christian 400214 067 My True Valentine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A005

    1. Fibber McGee 420210 Valentine Candy
    2. Aldrich Family 430211 Valentine's Day Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A006

    1. Cav Of America 440214 G I Valentine
    2. Blue Ribbon Town 450210 Valentine To Jack Benny

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A007

    1. Amos And Andy 450216 Sapphire Kicks Kingfish Out
    2. Judy Canova 460209 050 Valentines Flashback Cactus Junction

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A008

    1. Life Of Riley 480214 188 Comic Valentine For Peg
    2. Blondie 490209 Alexander's Valentine's Day Dilemma

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A009

    1. My Favorite Husband 490211 031 Valentines Day
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490213 Buying A Valentine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A010

    1. Ph490213 Someone Sends Alice Flowers For Valentines Day
    2. Quiet Please 490213 Valentine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A011

    1. Life Of Riley 490218 233 Valentine Locket From Monahan
    2. Duffy's Tavern 500216 Mystery Valentine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A012

    1. Our Miss Brooks 500219 Valentine's Day Date
    2. Duffy's Tavern 510209 Unsigned Valentine, The

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A013

    1. Comic Weekly Man 510211 199 Valentines
    2. Honest Harold 510214 Mistaken Valentines

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Valentines Day Disc A014

    1. Great Gildrslv 530211 483 2 Dates Mayors Valentine Party
    2. Ft 560208 459 Funny Valentine
    3. Fibber McGee 580427 Lincoln & Valentines Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00