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Vacations in Old Time Radio

Happy few days that you can get away from work or school and really enjoy life (and have more time to listen to OTR shows!)


106 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 29 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
53 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

One of the sad truths of modern life is the monotony of day to day life. Every day we get out of bed, take a shower, grab a cup of coffee, go to work and do what we have to do there, maybe afterwards meet some friends, go home, watch some TV or listen to radio, then go to bed so we can do the same thing, over and over again. It gets to the point that the only time we feel truly alive is when vacation time finally rolls around.

Vacation Bikini PoolThe idea of not working for a period of time every year is a relatively new one. The Puritan ethics of early America would have gone into apoplexy at the thought of taking more time away from work than was necessary for Sabbath worship. Modern employers are less resentful of losing a couple of weeks of production when an employee goes on vacation, believing that the well-rested and refreshed worker is even more productive when he returns.

The concept of a summer break originated when William the Conqueror sat on the throne of England. King William I was from Normandy, and the break was less to give workers to rest and recreate but to provide laborers for the grape harvest. It became a common practice for the aristocracy to leave sweltering London during the summer months when they would "vacate" their city residences to move to the cooler countryside, giving rise to the term "vacation". What we consider a vacation in America is generally referred to as "going on holiday" in other English-speaking countries.

Travel is an important feature for most vacations. When members of the nobility were the only ones who could afford to take extended periods away from work, the "Grand Tour" was part of the coming of age process. With the advent of the Interstate Highway System in post-War America, "road trips" became an attractive vacation option. Whole families would pile into large sedans and with endless miles of open road and relatively cheap gasoline, there was no end to the variety of destinations.

Road tripping is still an attractive vacation option, but many workers are now able to afford jet travel, making even more of the globe available for vacationing. However, the flourishing of mobile communications is making it harder to truly get away from work; many bosses are expecting workers to "stay in touch" with the office, even during vacation time.

  • 1950s FloridaThe Great Gildersleeve, November 27, 1946, NBC, "Birdy Takes a Vacation". Gildy thinks that he is taking his beloved cook for granted, so he gives her two weeks' vacation. What could go wrong? 
  • The Jell-O Program, June 9, 1940, Red Network. The season is almost over, and Jack is planning to sail to Honolulu, but he won't be staying at Waikiki, not when he can get better rates at the Sweet Leilani Motor Court.
  • The Jack Benny Program, January 3, 1954, CBS, AFRS Rebroadcast. After trying to get tickets for the Rose Bowl, Jack plans a mid-Winter vacation to Palm Springs.
  • The Life of Riley, September 8, 1945, NBC. The War is over, and the aircraft plants are beginning to lay off workers. However, Riley is such a good worker that he gets two weeks vacation, with pay! Not everyone believes that he hasn't been given his walking papers.
  • My Favorite Husband, April 29, 1949, CBS. It's time to start planning this summer's vacation, Liz is determined to spend time at a swanky resort, but George wants to take a trip with a travel trailer.
  • Our Miss Brooks, June 17, 1955, CBS, AFRTS Rebroadcast. A travel agency has made an offer to teachers that they will get a break on a trip to Europe if they can find three other people to book the vacation. Connie thinks she can find the customers, but so do all the other teachers.
  • Romance, September 24, 1955, CBS. "The Winds of June". Man and wife travel to Mexico for a vacation, even though it is the warmest part of the year and the fishing won't be great for a few more weeks. Worse, their marriage is not on the best terms, and he meets a sweet young thing who makes him feel young. Like a young man in love with his wife?

See also: Highway of Horrors and Open Road Collection.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    I enjoy the Compilation series of programs on trip because you can listen to a variety of shows.

    David Verified Purchase

    I just wanted to send you a short note to tell you how much I appreciate your great products and excellent service. I drive a lot at times, and the radio shows you sell, make an otherwise boring drive exciting and entertaining. Thank you again

    Wayne Verified Purchase

    And always we enjoy your web site and love taking your radio shows were ever we go.

    Kevin Verified Purchase

    And always we enjoy your web site and love taking your radio shows were ever we go.

    Kevin Verified Purchase

    OTRCAT is really wonderful! These shows bring me back to when I was a kid and they are just so wonderful! Keep up the good work along with your whole staff!

    Charlotte Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    106 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 29 min
    106 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 47 hours, 29 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 36 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. American Family Robinson 400721 52.mp3
    3. Amos Andy Show 470429 Sapphire Wants Vacation.mp3
    4. Amos Andy Show 540411 Vacation At Lake Chipawawa.mp3
    5. Amos Andy Show 550327 Dismal Dell Cabin.mp3
    6. Avalon Time 390513 19 Purchase Of Manhattan.mp3
    7. Barptcbsrn 590715 013 American League Green Book.mp3
    8. Barriecraig540727deathbuysabedroom.mp3
    9. Barriecraig540831hayisforhomicide.mp3
    10. Blair Of Mounties 380314 007 Cedar Lake Mystery.mp3
    11. Blondie 470727 Three Weeks Vacation.mp3
    12. Columbia Workshop 381110 113 Drink Of Water.mp3
    13. Crime Club 470828 Death Swims At Midnight.mp3
    14. Crime Does Not Pay 500227 21 Kangaroo Court.mp3
    15. Eddie Cantor Its Time To Smile 410212 020 Joe Di Maggio.mp3
    16. Empire Builders 310119 69 Glacier National Park.mp3
    17. Eternal Light 470720 0140 Herzl And Minstrel.mp3
    18. Everymans Theater 401011 This Precious Freedom.mp3
    19. Father Knows Best 500706 045 Vacation Arrives.mp3
    20. Firefighters 116 Chief Cody On Vacation.mp3
    21. Firefighters 121 Chief Cody Returns Monkey Problem Begins.mp3
    22. Firefighters 131 Chief Cody And Tim Leave On Vacation.mp3
    23. Firefighters 136 Tim Chief Cody On Vacation At Plum Valley.mp3
    24. Fmm 400625 0254 Packing For Vacation.mp3
    25. Fmm 401001 0255 Back From Vacation Unpacking.mp3
    26. Fmm 420929 0332 Back From Vacation Lost Camera.mp3
    27. Fmm 490531 0590 Making Vacation Plans.mp3
    28. Fred Allen 360429 082 Slogan.mp3
    29. Fred Allen 360603 087 Murder In Chop House.mp3
    30. Fred Allen 380622 166 Studios Predicament.mp3
    31. Fred Allen 390621 202 Crisis On Showboat.mp3
    32. Fred Allen 391227 013 Dr. Allen Clinic.mp3
    33. Fred Allen 400626 039 Us People Speak.mp3
    34. Fred Allen 480627 155 Stop Music.mp3
    35. Fred Allen 490626 194 Final Show.mp3
    36. Ft 521112 293 Vacation For Mom.mp3
    37. Ft 540505 369 Flight To Bermuda.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 42 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Great Gildersleeve 420830 045 Fishing Trip Lake Hackmasack.mp3
    3. Great Gildersleeve 430829 089 End Of Vacation At Grass Lake.mp3
    4. Great Gildersleeve 461127 225 Birdy Takes Vacation.mp3
    5. Great Gildersleeve 500614 369 Vacation Plans On House Boat.mp3
    6. Great Gildersleeve 510530 407 Half Moon Lake Gildys Schedule.mp3
    7. Great Gildersleeve 530624 502 Swimming Trip To Grass Lake.mp3
    8. Halls Of Ivy 520625 110 Summer Vacation.mp3
    9. Hollywood Star Preview 480405 Turnabout.mp3
    10. Hop Harrigan 480206 1395 Airline Protection Racket 12.mp3
    11. I Love Mystery 501212 Incident Concerning Death Ep10of15.mp3
    12. Its Higgins Sir 510724 04 Summer Vacation.mp3
    13. Jack Benny Program 370516 258 Ah Wilderness.mp3
    14. Jack Benny Program 400609 378 Vacation Plans.mp3
    15. Jack Benny Program 471005 624 Jack Back Sun Valley Vacation.mp3
    16. Jack Benny Program 540103 867 Get Tickets To Rose Bowl Game.mp3
    17. Jack Paar Show 470803 Buying House.mp3
    18. Jimmie Allen 370000 1103 Flash Arrives.mp3
    19. Jimmy Durante Show 480324 25 Vacations.mp3
    20. Joan Davis Show 460527 39 Last Show Of Season.mp3
    21. Joe Penner Park Avenue Penners 370425 30 Parents Homecoming.mp3
    22. Judy Canova Show 450630 026 Judy Going Back Farm Summer.mp3
    23. Komedy Kingdom 370000 18 Vacations.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 490822 Empress Of Fish Falls.mp3
    25. Life Of Riley 450908 Lay Offs.mp3
    26. Life Of Riley 470628 163 Riley And Gillis Spend Week At Lake.mp3
    27. Life Of Riley 480626 207 Vacation On Prison Farm.mp3
    28. Little Things In Life 750805 002 Toothaches Dentist Vacation.mp3
    29. Lum Abner 420908 0266 Vacation.mp3
    30. Lux Radio Theater 470526 573 Vacation From Marriage.mp3
    31. Mama Blooms Brood 340000 32 Papa Wants Vacation.mp3
    32. Mama Blooms Brood 340000 34 Should Sam Retire.mp3
    33. Martin And Lewis Show 490802 018.mp3
    34. Meet Meeks 480515 36 Vacation Plans.mp3
    35. Mr And Mrs North 530609 Wheel Of Chance.mp3
    36. Mr And Mrs North 530901 No Vacation From Murder.mp3
    37. Mr And Mrs North 540223 Winter Honeymoon.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 490429 042 Vacation Time.mp3
    39. My Friend Irma 480621 Planning Vacation.mp3
    40. My Little Margie 550313 Miss Guided Missle Contest.mp3
    41. Nbc Story Shop 470823 Audition.mp3
    42. Night Beat 500904 031 Old Home Week.mp3
    43. Night Beat 511221 073 Five Days Off For Christmas.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 28 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Our Miss Brooks 490417 037 Easter Outfit.mp3
    3. Our Miss Brooks 550717 Planning Trip To Europe.mp3
    4. Our Miss Brooks 550904 305 Summer Vacation.mp3
    5. Phil Harris 19530628 Vacation Without Effort.mp3
    6. Phil Harris 490327 096 Ski Trip.mp3
    7. Philco Radio Time4649 480512 069 Henry Fonda.mp3
    8. Red Skelton Show 420519 Vacation Time.mp3
    9. Red Skelton Show 460604 Vacation Time And Mad Nbc Producers.mp3
    10. Red Skelton Show 511003 Vacations.mp3
    11. Rogues Gallery 451213 Blood On Sand.mp3
    12. Romance 550709 385 Last Summers Love.mp3
    13. Romance 550924 Winds Of June.mp3
    14. Same Time Same Station 730729 Story Of Fmm Part Three.mp3
    15. Story Of Dr Kildare 500322 Jane Dane New Cancer Treatment.mp3
    16. Suspense 490616 Trap.mp3
    17. Taos 470129 1474 Drought In Freeville Pt 07.mp3
    18. Theater Five 640827 My Other Self.mp3
    19. Theater Five 650528 Protective Circle.mp3
    20. This Is Your Fbi 460927 078 Night Of Terror.mp3
    21. Unexpected 105 Find Man Binnie Barnes.mp3
    22. Vic And Sade 400614 Freedom Last Day Of School.mp3
    23. Vic And Sade 440725 Mr Donahue Hates Vacations.mp3
    24. Vic And Sade 440731 Hank Cuts His Debt To Vic.mp3
    25. Vic And Sade 440815 Vacation From Vacation.mp3
    26. Wild Bill Hickok 521024 099 Dangerous Vacation.mp3
    27. Wild Bill Hickok 541112 253 Old Hometown.mp3
    28. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 560326 Lamar Matter Ep01of05.mp3
    29. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 570922 Ideal Vacation Matter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    106 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 29 min
    106 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1304 MB – total playtime 47 hours, 29 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 36 shows – 500 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. American Family Robinson 400721 52.mp3
    3. Amos Andy Show 470429 Sapphire Wants Vacation.mp3
    4. Amos Andy Show 540411 Vacation At Lake Chipawawa.mp3
    5. Amos Andy Show 550327 Dismal Dell Cabin.mp3
    6. Avalon Time 390513 19 Purchase Of Manhattan.mp3
    7. Barptcbsrn 590715 013 American League Green Book.mp3
    8. Barriecraig540727deathbuysabedroom.mp3
    9. Barriecraig540831hayisforhomicide.mp3
    10. Blair Of Mounties 380314 007 Cedar Lake Mystery.mp3
    11. Blondie 470727 Three Weeks Vacation.mp3
    12. Columbia Workshop 381110 113 Drink Of Water.mp3
    13. Crime Club 470828 Death Swims At Midnight.mp3
    14. Crime Does Not Pay 500227 21 Kangaroo Court.mp3
    15. Eddie Cantor Its Time To Smile 410212 020 Joe Di Maggio.mp3
    16. Empire Builders 310119 69 Glacier National Park.mp3
    17. Eternal Light 470720 0140 Herzl And Minstrel.mp3
    18. Everymans Theater 401011 This Precious Freedom.mp3
    19. Father Knows Best 500706 045 Vacation Arrives.mp3
    20. Firefighters 116 Chief Cody On Vacation.mp3
    21. Firefighters 121 Chief Cody Returns Monkey Problem Begins.mp3
    22. Firefighters 131 Chief Cody And Tim Leave On Vacation.mp3
    23. Firefighters 136 Tim Chief Cody On Vacation At Plum Valley.mp3
    24. Fmm 400625 0254 Packing For Vacation.mp3
    25. Fmm 401001 0255 Back From Vacation Unpacking.mp3
    26. Fmm 420929 0332 Back From Vacation Lost Camera.mp3
    27. Fmm 490531 0590 Making Vacation Plans.mp3
    28. Fred Allen 360429 082 Slogan.mp3
    29. Fred Allen 360603 087 Murder In Chop House.mp3
    30. Fred Allen 380622 166 Studios Predicament.mp3
    31. Fred Allen 390621 202 Crisis On Showboat.mp3
    32. Fred Allen 391227 013 Dr. Allen Clinic.mp3
    33. Fred Allen 400626 039 Us People Speak.mp3
    34. Fred Allen 480627 155 Stop Music.mp3
    35. Fred Allen 490626 194 Final Show.mp3
    36. Ft 521112 293 Vacation For Mom.mp3
    37. Ft 540505 369 Flight To Bermuda.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 42 shows – 492 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 55 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Great Gildersleeve 420830 045 Fishing Trip Lake Hackmasack.mp3
    3. Great Gildersleeve 430829 089 End Of Vacation At Grass Lake.mp3
    4. Great Gildersleeve 461127 225 Birdy Takes Vacation.mp3
    5. Great Gildersleeve 500614 369 Vacation Plans On House Boat.mp3
    6. Great Gildersleeve 510530 407 Half Moon Lake Gildys Schedule.mp3
    7. Great Gildersleeve 530624 502 Swimming Trip To Grass Lake.mp3
    8. Halls Of Ivy 520625 110 Summer Vacation.mp3
    9. Hollywood Star Preview 480405 Turnabout.mp3
    10. Hop Harrigan 480206 1395 Airline Protection Racket 12.mp3
    11. I Love Mystery 501212 Incident Concerning Death Ep10of15.mp3
    12. Its Higgins Sir 510724 04 Summer Vacation.mp3
    13. Jack Benny Program 370516 258 Ah Wilderness.mp3
    14. Jack Benny Program 400609 378 Vacation Plans.mp3
    15. Jack Benny Program 471005 624 Jack Back Sun Valley Vacation.mp3
    16. Jack Benny Program 540103 867 Get Tickets To Rose Bowl Game.mp3
    17. Jack Paar Show 470803 Buying House.mp3
    18. Jimmie Allen 370000 1103 Flash Arrives.mp3
    19. Jimmy Durante Show 480324 25 Vacations.mp3
    20. Joan Davis Show 460527 39 Last Show Of Season.mp3
    21. Joe Penner Park Avenue Penners 370425 30 Parents Homecoming.mp3
    22. Judy Canova Show 450630 026 Judy Going Back Farm Summer.mp3
    23. Komedy Kingdom 370000 18 Vacations.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 490822 Empress Of Fish Falls.mp3
    25. Life Of Riley 450908 Lay Offs.mp3
    26. Life Of Riley 470628 163 Riley And Gillis Spend Week At Lake.mp3
    27. Life Of Riley 480626 207 Vacation On Prison Farm.mp3
    28. Little Things In Life 750805 002 Toothaches Dentist Vacation.mp3
    29. Lum Abner 420908 0266 Vacation.mp3
    30. Lux Radio Theater 470526 573 Vacation From Marriage.mp3
    31. Mama Blooms Brood 340000 32 Papa Wants Vacation.mp3
    32. Mama Blooms Brood 340000 34 Should Sam Retire.mp3
    33. Martin And Lewis Show 490802 018.mp3
    34. Meet Meeks 480515 36 Vacation Plans.mp3
    35. Mr And Mrs North 530609 Wheel Of Chance.mp3
    36. Mr And Mrs North 530901 No Vacation From Murder.mp3
    37. Mr And Mrs North 540223 Winter Honeymoon.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 490429 042 Vacation Time.mp3
    39. My Friend Irma 480621 Planning Vacation.mp3
    40. My Little Margie 550313 Miss Guided Missle Contest.mp3
    41. Nbc Story Shop 470823 Audition.mp3
    42. Night Beat 500904 031 Old Home Week.mp3
    43. Night Beat 511221 073 Five Days Off For Christmas.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 28 shows – 312 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 20 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Our Miss Brooks 490417 037 Easter Outfit.mp3
    3. Our Miss Brooks 550717 Planning Trip To Europe.mp3
    4. Our Miss Brooks 550904 305 Summer Vacation.mp3
    5. Phil Harris 19530628 Vacation Without Effort.mp3
    6. Phil Harris 490327 096 Ski Trip.mp3
    7. Philco Radio Time4649 480512 069 Henry Fonda.mp3
    8. Red Skelton Show 420519 Vacation Time.mp3
    9. Red Skelton Show 460604 Vacation Time And Mad Nbc Producers.mp3
    10. Red Skelton Show 511003 Vacations.mp3
    11. Rogues Gallery 451213 Blood On Sand.mp3
    12. Romance 550709 385 Last Summers Love.mp3
    13. Romance 550924 Winds Of June.mp3
    14. Same Time Same Station 730729 Story Of Fmm Part Three.mp3
    15. Story Of Dr Kildare 500322 Jane Dane New Cancer Treatment.mp3
    16. Suspense 490616 Trap.mp3
    17. Taos 470129 1474 Drought In Freeville Pt 07.mp3
    18. Theater Five 640827 My Other Self.mp3
    19. Theater Five 650528 Protective Circle.mp3
    20. This Is Your Fbi 460927 078 Night Of Terror.mp3
    21. Unexpected 105 Find Man Binnie Barnes.mp3
    22. Vic And Sade 400614 Freedom Last Day Of School.mp3
    23. Vic And Sade 440725 Mr Donahue Hates Vacations.mp3
    24. Vic And Sade 440731 Hank Cuts His Debt To Vic.mp3
    25. Vic And Sade 440815 Vacation From Vacation.mp3
    26. Wild Bill Hickok 521024 099 Dangerous Vacation.mp3
    27. Wild Bill Hickok 541112 253 Old Hometown.mp3
    28. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 560326 Lamar Matter Ep01of05.mp3
    29. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 570922 Ideal Vacation Matter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    106 recordings on 53 Audio CDs. Total playtime 47 hours, 29 min
    106 recordings on 53 Audio CDs
    total playtime 47 hours, 29 min

    Vacations Disc A001

    1. Firefighters 116 Chief Cody On Vacation
    2. Firefighters 121 Chief Cody Returns Monkey Problem Begins
    3. Firefighters 131 Chief Cody And Tim Leave On Vacation
    4. Firefighters 136 Tim Chief Cody On Vacation At Plum Valley

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A002

    1. Phil Harris 19530628 Vacation Without Effort
    2. Unexpected 105 Find Man Binnie Barnes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A003

    1. Empire Builders 310119 69 Glacier National Park
    2. Mama Blooms Brood 340000 32 Papa Wants Vacation
    3. Mama Blooms Brood 340000 34 Should Sam Retire

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A004

    1. Fred Allen 360429 082 Slogan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A005

    1. Fred Allen 360603 087 Murder In Chop House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A006

    1. Jimmie Allen 370000 1103 Flash Arrives
    2. Komedy Kingdom 370000 18 Vacations
    3. Joe Penner Park Avenue Penners 370425 30 Parents Homecoming

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A007

    1. Jack Benny Program 370516 258 Ah Wilderness
    2. Blair Of Mounties 380314 007 Cedar Lake Mystery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A008

    1. Fred Allen 380622 166 Studios Predicament

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A009

    1. Columbia Workshop 381110 113 Drink Of Water
    2. Avalon Time 390513 19 Purchase Of Manhattan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A010

    1. Fred Allen 390621 202 Crisis On Showboat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A011

    1. Fred Allen 391227 013 Dr. Allen Clinic

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A012

    1. Jack Benny Program 400609 378 Vacation Plans
    2. Vic And Sade 400614 Freedom Last Day Of School

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A013

    1. Fmm 400625 0254 Packing For Vacation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A014

    1. Fred Allen 400626 039 Us People Speak
    2. American Family Robinson 400721 52

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A015

    1. Fmm 401001 0255 Back From Vacation Unpacking
    2. Everymans Theater 401011 This Precious Freedom

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A016

    1. Eddie Cantor Its Time To Smile 410212 020 Joe Di Maggio
    2. Red Skelton Show 420519 Vacation Time

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A017

    1. Great Gildersleeve 420830 045 Fishing Trip Lake Hackmasack
    2. Lum Abner 420908 0266 Vacation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A018

    1. Fmm 420929 0332 Back From Vacation Lost Camera
    2. Great Gildersleeve 430829 089 End Of Vacation At Grass Lake
    3. Vic And Sade 440725 Mr Donahue Hates Vacations
    4. Vic And Sade 440731 Hank Cuts His Debt To Vic

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A019

    1. Vic And Sade 440815 Vacation From Vacation
    2. Judy Canova Show 450630 026 Judy Going Back Farm Summer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A020

    1. Life Of Riley 450908 Lay Offs
    2. Rogues Gallery 451213 Blood On Sand

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A021

    1. Joan Davis Show 460527 39 Last Show Of Season
    2. Red Skelton Show 460604 Vacation Time And Mad Nbc Producers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A022

    1. This Is Your Fbi 460927 078 Night Of Terror
    2. Great Gildersleeve 461127 225 Birdy Takes Vacation
    3. Taos 470129 1474 Drought In Freeville Pt 07

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A023

    1. Amos Andy Show 470429 Sapphire Wants Vacation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A024

    1. Lux Radio Theater 470526 573 Vacation From Marriage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A025

    1. Life Of Riley 470628 163 Riley And Gillis Spend Week At Lake
    2. Eternal Light 470720 0140 Herzl And Minstrel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A026

    1. Blondie 470727 Three Weeks Vacation
    2. Jack Paar Show 470803 Buying House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A027

    1. Nbc Story Shop 470823 Audition
    2. Crime Club 470828 Death Swims At Midnight

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A028

    1. Jack Benny Program 471005 624 Jack Back Sun Valley Vacation
    2. Hop Harrigan 480206 1395 Airline Protection Racket 12

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A029

    1. Jimmy Durante Show 480324 25 Vacations
    2. Hollywood Star Preview 480405 Turnabout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A030

    1. Philco Radio Time4649 480512 069 Henry Fonda
    2. Meet Meeks 480515 36 Vacation Plans

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A031

    1. My Friend Irma 480621 Planning Vacation
    2. Life Of Riley 480626 207 Vacation On Prison Farm

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A032

    1. Fred Allen 480627 155 Stop Music
    2. Phil Harris 490327 096 Ski Trip

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A033

    1. Our Miss Brooks 490417 037 Easter Outfit
    2. My Favorite Husband 490429 042 Vacation Time

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A034

    1. Fmm 490531 0590 Making Vacation Plans
    2. Suspense 490616 Trap

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A035

    1. Fred Allen 490626 194 Final Show
    2. Martin And Lewis Show 490802 018

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A036

    1. Let George Do It 490822 Empress Of Fish Falls
    2. Crime Does Not Pay 500227 21 Kangaroo Court

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A037

    1. Story Of Dr Kildare 500322 Jane Dane New Cancer Treatment
    2. Great Gildersleeve 500614 369 Vacation Plans On House Boat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vacations Disc A038

    1. Father Knows Best 500706 045 Vacation Arrives
    2. Night Beat 500904 031 Old Home Week

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    Vacations Disc A039

    1. I Love Mystery 501212 Incident Concerning Death Ep10of15
    2. Great Gildersleeve 510530 407 Half Moon Lake Gildys Schedule

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    Vacations Disc A040

    1. Its Higgins Sir 510724 04 Summer Vacation
    2. Red Skelton Show 511003 Vacations

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    Vacations Disc A041

    1. Night Beat 511221 073 Five Days Off For Christmas
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520625 110 Summer Vacation

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    Vacations Disc A042

    1. Wild Bill Hickok 521024 099 Dangerous Vacation
    2. Ft 521112 293 Vacation For Mom

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    Vacations Disc A043

    1. Mr And Mrs North 530609 Wheel Of Chance
    2. Great Gildersleeve 530624 502 Swimming Trip To Grass Lake

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    Vacations Disc A044

    1. Mr And Mrs North 530901 No Vacation From Murder
    2. Jack Benny Program 540103 867 Get Tickets To Rose Bowl Game

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    Vacations Disc A045

    1. Mr And Mrs North 540223 Winter Honeymoon
    2. Amos Andy Show 540411 Vacation At Lake Chipawawa

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    Vacations Disc A046

    1. Ft 540505 369 Flight To Bermuda
    2. Barriecraig540727deathbuysabedroom

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    Vacations Disc A047

    1. Barriecraig540831hayisforhomicide
    2. Wild Bill Hickok 541112 253 Old Hometown

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    Vacations Disc A048

    1. My Little Margie 550313 Miss Guided Missle Contest
    2. Amos Andy Show 550327 Dismal Dell Cabin

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    Vacations Disc A049

    1. Romance 550709 385 Last Summers Love
    2. Our Miss Brooks 550717 Planning Trip To Europe

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    Vacations Disc A050

    1. Our Miss Brooks 550904 305 Summer Vacation
    2. Romance 550924 Winds Of June
    3. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 560326 Lamar Matter Ep01of05

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    Vacations Disc A051

    1. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 570922 Ideal Vacation Matter
    2. Barptcbsrn 590715 013 American League Green Book
    3. Theater Five 640827 My Other Self

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    Vacations Disc A052

    1. Theater Five 650528 Protective Circle

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    Vacations Disc A053

    1. Same Time Same Station 730729 Story Of Fmm Part Three
    2. Little Things In Life 750805 002 Toothaches Dentist Vacation

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