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Thanksgiving Collection

This festive collection contains thirty hours of Thanksgiving-themed episodes from a variety of old time radio series. Primarily comedy and variety shows (and a few detective series), the shows are bound to keep you in the mood for Thanksgiving cheer!


150 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 69 hours, 56 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
70 Audio CDs

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or order disks individually: Add to Cart
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Play a sample episode from February 04, 1953:

"Home For Thanksgiving"

... or click here to save the Mp3 file to your computer

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Fred Allen Porta Thanksgiving

This festive collection contains thirty hours of Thanksgiving-themed episodes from a variety of old time radio series. Primarily comedy and variety shows (and a few detective series), the shows are bound to keep you in the mood for Thanksgiving cheer! (Thanksgiving is observed on the fourth Thursday in November.)  See also: Presidential Thanksgiving.

Included in the collection are great holiday episodes from:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    22     7


    Here's wishing you, your family and OTR cat a wonderful Thanksgiving Jon! And I just want to thank you once again so much for sending me your collection of "Harry Lime" shows! I love them! Harry is one cool detective. And such a well produced show. I will be ordering more various shows from you in the months ahead. I mean one can never have too many old time radio shows on my shelf right? Long live "the Golden Age of Radio!" It truly was the best of times. Thanks for keeping it alive Jon. Take care my friend. I wish you health, happiness, peace and love.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    This is quite a nice collection. It is nice at this time of year to be able sit an listen to Thanksgiving themed programming in a time when the holiday is almost forgotten in the dash from Halloween to Christmas. Thanks and happy Thanksgiving.

    Wilson Verified Purchase

    The Thanksgiving collection has a great variety of programs. I have all three volumes. Especially enjoy the great variety show and theater episodes. Also some fantastic comedy episodes. I have found that collections like these, which offer a variety of programs, is a great introduction to other shows I have not been familiar with. And have found new programs I have really enjoyed this way.

    Barb Verified Purchase

    Just wanted to wish you a happy turkey day. I live every day by "counting my blessings." If we all did that -- wouldn't this world be a much better place? Love your wonderful website -- the best in the business.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Today, I listened to disc #43 of the Thanksgiving programs. These were great radio programs to escape the heat of summer and be transported to November for an hour. The first program, Claudia, was a serial program like Vic and Sade having additional guests come to dinner at the house for Thanksgiving. The second was The Aldrich Family and Henry Aldrich trying to raise money for a turkey run with a substitute duck and the final show was Burns and Allen's Thanksgiving program with Gracie's Thanksgiving turkey swallowing a ring that belonged to a bride to be. They were all successful programs in that I forgot how hot it was outside and How thankful I was not to be involved in any of the misadventures of these particular programs.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    150 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 69 hours, 56 min
    150 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 69 hours, 56 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 48 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 1 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Aldrich Family 481125 Thanksgiving Dance And Turkey Run.mp3
    3. Aldrich Family 521123 Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    4. Amos And Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    5. Amos And Andy 491120 Turkey Falls Off Truck.mp3
    6. Amos And Andy 501119 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    7. Answer Man 441123 Thanksgiving Questions.mp3
    8. Answerman 461128 How Long Was First Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    9. Anthology 541121 38 Story Of Thanksgiving.mp3
    10. Arthur Godfrey Collection 471128Day After Thanksgiving.mp3
    11. Bcrc Show 611123 453 Its Most Unusual Day.mp3
    12. Bergen Mccarthy 551127 Jack Benny.mp3
    13. Bing Crosby 521127 08 Ge W Connee Boswell.mp3
    14. Birds Eye Open House 451122 087 But I Did.mp3
    15. Birdseye 451122 Groucho Brings Live Turkey To Dinner.mp3
    16. Bob And Ray 491123 Linda Lovely Skipper Called This Mornin.mp3
    17. Bob And Ray 591126 109 One Fellas Family.mp3
    18. Bob Hope 3955 451120 278 Joe E Brown.mp3
    19. Bob Hope 451120 Afrs El Toro Marine Base Joe E Brown.mp3
    20. Breakfast Club 681128Thanksgiving Day Show News Broadcast.mp3
    21. Burnsallen 401118 Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    22. Burnsallen 421117 Gracie Buys Live Turkey.mp3
    23. Burnsallen 481125 Thanksgiving Program.mp3
    24. Calv 351006 000 No Turning Back Sponsored By Bell Telephone.mp3
    25. Calv 400123 171 Tisquantum, Strange Friend Of Pilgrims.mp3
    26. Calv 421123 306 Feast From Harvest.mp3
    27. Calv 431122 358 Soldiers Of Soil.mp3
    28. Calv 471124 543 Us Pilgrims.mp3
    29. Calv 501121 675 Stepping Stones.mp3
    30. Calv 521125 763 Path Of Praise.mp3
    31. Calvin And Colonel 610000 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    32. Casey 471127 After Turkey, Bill.mp3
    33. Casey 481125 Holiday.mp3
    34. Cav 481122 587 Us Pilgrims George Tobias.mp3
    35. Cbs World News Today 450513This Is Day Of Prayer.mp3
    36. Charlotte Greenwood 451118 57 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    37. Churchill 441123 Americas Thanksgiving Day.mp3
    38. Claudia 471127 044 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    39. Claudia 481123 302 More For Thanksgiving.mp3
    40. Club 930 491124 Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    41. Columbia Workshop 411109 026 Psalm For Dark Year.mp3
    42. Command Performance 441123 Thanksgiving Special.mp3
    43. Coty 461128 0459 Thanksgiving In Wilderness.mp3
    44. Cwm 511125 240 Thanksgiving Rhyme Hoppy.mp3
    45. Cwm 521130 293 Lazy After Thanksgiving B Bailey.mp3
    46. Dr Christian 391122 Prelude To Thanksgiving.mp3
    47. Durante 461122 Thanksgiving Pilgrim Opera.mp3
    48. Durante 471126 W Victor Moore.mp3
    49. Falstaffs Fables 49 Why Turkey On Thanksgiving.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 44 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Elgin Holiday Specials 471126 Thanksgiving 6th Annual.mp3
    3. Elgin Holiday Specials 481125 Thanksgiving 7th Annual.mp3
    4. Father Knows Best 501123 Happy Thanksgiving.mp3
    5. Father Knows Best 531126 Thanksgiving.mp3
    6. Fmm 401119 Visiting Uncle Dennis.mp3
    7. Fmm 491122 Taxbillthanksgiving.mp3
    8. Fmm 551124 Thanksgiving Dinner Out.mp3
    9. Fmm 571116 Thanksgiving At Mcgees.mp3
    10. Fmm 571221 Thanksgiving.mp3
    11. Ford Show 461127 Dennis Day.mp3
    12. Fountain Of Fun 19421122 Wlw Turkey Rationed.mp3
    13. Frank Sinatra 460100 Homesick Thats All.mp3
    14. Fred Allen 381102 169 November Harvest Thanksgiving.mp3
    15. Ft 471127 Home For Thanksgiving.mp3
    16. Ft 491123 Courtship Of Miles Standish.mp3
    17. Ft 530204 Home For Thanksgiving.mp3
    18. Gildersleeve 411116 Serviceman For Thanksgiving.mp3
    19. Gildersleeve 421122 Thanksgiving, B Ration Book.mp3
    20. Gildersleeve 451125 Big Football Game.mp3
    21. Gildersleeve 471126 Thanksgiving Tom Sawyer Raft.mp3
    22. Gildersleeve 511121 Thanksgiving With Mikey.mp3
    23. Goldberg 411123 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    24. Good News 381124 Thanksgiving Andy Hardy.mp3
    25. Good News 391102 Billy Halop.mp3
    26. Good News 391123 047 Walter Huston Raymond Walburn.mp3
    27. Gunsmoke 580907 Turkey Shoot.mp3
    28. Hallmark Playhouse 470306 053 Petes Thanksgiving.mp3
    29. Hallmark Playhouse 471127 Why Keep Your Heart in Cold.mp3
    30. Hallmark Playhouse 481125 025 Free Land.mp3
    31. Hallmark Playhouse 501123 103 Home For Thanksgiving.mp3
    32. Heartbeat Theater 651121 508 Wind At Thanksgiving.mp3
    33. Honest Harold 501122 Thanksgiving Play.mp3
    34. Jack Benny 371128 Jack Cooked Turkey.mp3
    35. Jack Benny 391119 Discovers Purchased Ostrich Thanksgiving.mp3
    36. Jack Benny 411123 Thanksgiving Day Dinner.mp3
    37. Jack Benny 431121 Jack Dreams He Is Turkey.mp3
    38. Jack Benny 441119 from Corona Naval Hospital.mp3
    39. Jack Benny 471123 Movie Of Jacks Life Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    40. Jack Benny 471130 Turkey Dream.mp3
    41. Jack Benny 481128 How Jack And Gang Spent Thanksgiving.mp3
    42. Jack Benny 491127 Jack Plays Cards At Home.mp3
    43. Jack Benny 501126 Jack Tries To Buy Usc Ucla Tickets.mp3
    44. Jack Benny 521130 Thanksgiving Pilgrims.mp3
    45. Jack Benny 531129 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Jeff Regan Investigator 481120 Pilgrim S Progress.mp3
    3. Jimmy Durante And Garry Moore 461122.mp3
    4. Joyce Jordan Md 471128 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    5. Judy In Hollywood 431109 Judy Canova Get Turkey.mp3
    6. Kay Fairchild Stepmother 401121 Thanksgiving Without John.mp3
    7. Kay Kyser And His Orchestra 440700 2 Shine On Harvest Moon.mp3
    8. Kpo Thank You America 441123.mp3
    9. Kraft Music Hall 471127dorothy Lamour.mp3
    10. Let George 501120 Cause For Thanksgiving.mp3
    11. Life Of Riley 441119 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    12. Life Of Riley 471129 Thanksgiving With Gillis.mp3
    13. Life Of Riley 481119 Thanksgiving Flashback.mp3
    14. Life With Luigi 491122 Thanksgiving Celebration.mp3
    15. Lr 531125 32562477 Thanksgiving In Modoc City Repeat.mp3
    16. Ltil 751127 084 Real First Thanksgiving.mp3
    17. Luigi 491122 Thanksgiving Celebration.mp3
    18. Luigi 511120 149 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    19. Lux Radio Theatre 481220 Miracle On 34 Th Street.mp3
    20. Ma Perkins 601124 Last Show Thanksgiving.mp3
    21. Marriage 531122 E08 Fred Hetzell Visits From Kansas.mp3
    22. Mary Lee Taylor Program 481126 Turkey Chowder.mp3
    23. Maxwell House Coffee Time 401121 Thanksgiving.mp3
    24. Meet Me At Parkys 471123 087 Thanksgiving Celebration.mp3
    25. Mel Blanc 461126 Thanksgiving Party.mp3
    26. Milton Berle 471125 Thanksgiving.mp3
    27. My Little Margie 000000 Thanksgiving Visitor.mp3
    28. News Of World 471126 Morgan Beatty.mp3
    29. Omb 491127 Thanksgiving Weekend.mp3
    30. Omb 501119 Thanksgiving Program.mp3
    31. Pabst Blue Ribbon Show 471127 Thanksgiving Program.mp3
    32. Philco Radio Time 461127 Judy Garland.mp3
    33. Philco Radio Time 471126 Frankie Laine.mp3
    34. Point Sublime 471124 Big Crowd For Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    35. Quiz Kids 481121 440 Thanksgiving Poem.mp3
    36. Raising Husband 451122 Americans At Thanksgiving.mp3
    37. Readers Digest 470306 Petes Thanksgiving.mp3
    38. Redsk 511121 Things To Be Thankful For.mp3
    39. Riley 441119 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    40. Riley 481119 Thanksgiving Flashback.mp3
    41. Ripley 294 Thanksgiving Fast.mp3
    42. Roma Wine Show 431108 Thanksgiving.mp3
    43. Sam Spade 501124 Terrified Turkey Caper.mp3
    44. Screen Guild Players 430111 Holiday Inn.mp3
    45. Screen Guild Theater 481125 402 13 Rue Madeline.mp3
    46. Sealtest Variety Theatre 481125 John Lund Donald Oconnor.mp3
    47. Soldiers In Greasepaint 431125 Uso.mp3
    48. Squibb Show 431124 W Betty Mulliner.mp3
    49. Superman 421126 064 Midnight Intruder.mp3
    50. Suspense 550301 Screaming Woman.mp3
    51. Tarzan 511122 African Thanksgiving.mp3
    52. Thank You America 441123 Thanksgiving Show W Rudy Vallee.mp3
    53. Thanksgiving Special 1944.mp3
    54. Voices And Events 501118.mp3
    55. Vs411120 Rush Humiliated On Thanksgiving.mp3
    56. Winston Churchill Americas Thanksgiving 441123.mp3
    57. You Are There 471221 10 Sailing Of Mayflower.mp3
    58. Ytjd 561125 Thanksgiving Message Excerpt.mp3
    59. Ywb 501123 3174 Thanksgiving Celebration At Old Folks Home.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    150 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 69 hours, 56 min
    150 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1926 MB – total playtime 69 hours, 56 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 48 shows – 602 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 1 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Aldrich Family 481125 Thanksgiving Dance And Turkey Run.mp3
    3. Aldrich Family 521123 Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    4. Amos And Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    5. Amos And Andy 491120 Turkey Falls Off Truck.mp3
    6. Amos And Andy 501119 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    7. Answer Man 441123 Thanksgiving Questions.mp3
    8. Answerman 461128 How Long Was First Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    9. Anthology 541121 38 Story Of Thanksgiving.mp3
    10. Arthur Godfrey Collection 471128Day After Thanksgiving.mp3
    11. Bcrc Show 611123 453 Its Most Unusual Day.mp3
    12. Bergen Mccarthy 551127 Jack Benny.mp3
    13. Bing Crosby 521127 08 Ge W Connee Boswell.mp3
    14. Birds Eye Open House 451122 087 But I Did.mp3
    15. Birdseye 451122 Groucho Brings Live Turkey To Dinner.mp3
    16. Bob And Ray 491123 Linda Lovely Skipper Called This Mornin.mp3
    17. Bob And Ray 591126 109 One Fellas Family.mp3
    18. Bob Hope 3955 451120 278 Joe E Brown.mp3
    19. Bob Hope 451120 Afrs El Toro Marine Base Joe E Brown.mp3
    20. Breakfast Club 681128Thanksgiving Day Show News Broadcast.mp3
    21. Burnsallen 401118 Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    22. Burnsallen 421117 Gracie Buys Live Turkey.mp3
    23. Burnsallen 481125 Thanksgiving Program.mp3
    24. Calv 351006 000 No Turning Back Sponsored By Bell Telephone.mp3
    25. Calv 400123 171 Tisquantum, Strange Friend Of Pilgrims.mp3
    26. Calv 421123 306 Feast From Harvest.mp3
    27. Calv 431122 358 Soldiers Of Soil.mp3
    28. Calv 471124 543 Us Pilgrims.mp3
    29. Calv 501121 675 Stepping Stones.mp3
    30. Calv 521125 763 Path Of Praise.mp3
    31. Calvin And Colonel 610000 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    32. Casey 471127 After Turkey, Bill.mp3
    33. Casey 481125 Holiday.mp3
    34. Cav 481122 587 Us Pilgrims George Tobias.mp3
    35. Cbs World News Today 450513This Is Day Of Prayer.mp3
    36. Charlotte Greenwood 451118 57 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    37. Churchill 441123 Americas Thanksgiving Day.mp3
    38. Claudia 471127 044 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    39. Claudia 481123 302 More For Thanksgiving.mp3
    40. Club 930 491124 Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    41. Columbia Workshop 411109 026 Psalm For Dark Year.mp3
    42. Command Performance 441123 Thanksgiving Special.mp3
    43. Coty 461128 0459 Thanksgiving In Wilderness.mp3
    44. Cwm 511125 240 Thanksgiving Rhyme Hoppy.mp3
    45. Cwm 521130 293 Lazy After Thanksgiving B Bailey.mp3
    46. Dr Christian 391122 Prelude To Thanksgiving.mp3
    47. Durante 461122 Thanksgiving Pilgrim Opera.mp3
    48. Durante 471126 W Victor Moore.mp3
    49. Falstaffs Fables 49 Why Turkey On Thanksgiving.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 44 shows – 684 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Elgin Holiday Specials 471126 Thanksgiving 6th Annual.mp3
    3. Elgin Holiday Specials 481125 Thanksgiving 7th Annual.mp3
    4. Father Knows Best 501123 Happy Thanksgiving.mp3
    5. Father Knows Best 531126 Thanksgiving.mp3
    6. Fmm 401119 Visiting Uncle Dennis.mp3
    7. Fmm 491122 Taxbillthanksgiving.mp3
    8. Fmm 551124 Thanksgiving Dinner Out.mp3
    9. Fmm 571116 Thanksgiving At Mcgees.mp3
    10. Fmm 571221 Thanksgiving.mp3
    11. Ford Show 461127 Dennis Day.mp3
    12. Fountain Of Fun 19421122 Wlw Turkey Rationed.mp3
    13. Frank Sinatra 460100 Homesick Thats All.mp3
    14. Fred Allen 381102 169 November Harvest Thanksgiving.mp3
    15. Ft 471127 Home For Thanksgiving.mp3
    16. Ft 491123 Courtship Of Miles Standish.mp3
    17. Ft 530204 Home For Thanksgiving.mp3
    18. Gildersleeve 411116 Serviceman For Thanksgiving.mp3
    19. Gildersleeve 421122 Thanksgiving, B Ration Book.mp3
    20. Gildersleeve 451125 Big Football Game.mp3
    21. Gildersleeve 471126 Thanksgiving Tom Sawyer Raft.mp3
    22. Gildersleeve 511121 Thanksgiving With Mikey.mp3
    23. Goldberg 411123 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    24. Good News 381124 Thanksgiving Andy Hardy.mp3
    25. Good News 391102 Billy Halop.mp3
    26. Good News 391123 047 Walter Huston Raymond Walburn.mp3
    27. Gunsmoke 580907 Turkey Shoot.mp3
    28. Hallmark Playhouse 470306 053 Petes Thanksgiving.mp3
    29. Hallmark Playhouse 471127 Why Keep Your Heart in Cold.mp3
    30. Hallmark Playhouse 481125 025 Free Land.mp3
    31. Hallmark Playhouse 501123 103 Home For Thanksgiving.mp3
    32. Heartbeat Theater 651121 508 Wind At Thanksgiving.mp3
    33. Honest Harold 501122 Thanksgiving Play.mp3
    34. Jack Benny 371128 Jack Cooked Turkey.mp3
    35. Jack Benny 391119 Discovers Purchased Ostrich Thanksgiving.mp3
    36. Jack Benny 411123 Thanksgiving Day Dinner.mp3
    37. Jack Benny 431121 Jack Dreams He Is Turkey.mp3
    38. Jack Benny 441119 from Corona Naval Hospital.mp3
    39. Jack Benny 471123 Movie Of Jacks Life Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    40. Jack Benny 471130 Turkey Dream.mp3
    41. Jack Benny 481128 How Jack And Gang Spent Thanksgiving.mp3
    42. Jack Benny 491127 Jack Plays Cards At Home.mp3
    43. Jack Benny 501126 Jack Tries To Buy Usc Ucla Tickets.mp3
    44. Jack Benny 521130 Thanksgiving Pilgrims.mp3
    45. Jack Benny 531129 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 58 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Jeff Regan Investigator 481120 Pilgrim S Progress.mp3
    3. Jimmy Durante And Garry Moore 461122.mp3
    4. Joyce Jordan Md 471128 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    5. Judy In Hollywood 431109 Judy Canova Get Turkey.mp3
    6. Kay Fairchild Stepmother 401121 Thanksgiving Without John.mp3
    7. Kay Kyser And His Orchestra 440700 2 Shine On Harvest Moon.mp3
    8. Kpo Thank You America 441123.mp3
    9. Kraft Music Hall 471127dorothy Lamour.mp3
    10. Let George 501120 Cause For Thanksgiving.mp3
    11. Life Of Riley 441119 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    12. Life Of Riley 471129 Thanksgiving With Gillis.mp3
    13. Life Of Riley 481119 Thanksgiving Flashback.mp3
    14. Life With Luigi 491122 Thanksgiving Celebration.mp3
    15. Lr 531125 32562477 Thanksgiving In Modoc City Repeat.mp3
    16. Ltil 751127 084 Real First Thanksgiving.mp3
    17. Luigi 491122 Thanksgiving Celebration.mp3
    18. Luigi 511120 149 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    19. Lux Radio Theatre 481220 Miracle On 34 Th Street.mp3
    20. Ma Perkins 601124 Last Show Thanksgiving.mp3
    21. Marriage 531122 E08 Fred Hetzell Visits From Kansas.mp3
    22. Mary Lee Taylor Program 481126 Turkey Chowder.mp3
    23. Maxwell House Coffee Time 401121 Thanksgiving.mp3
    24. Meet Me At Parkys 471123 087 Thanksgiving Celebration.mp3
    25. Mel Blanc 461126 Thanksgiving Party.mp3
    26. Milton Berle 471125 Thanksgiving.mp3
    27. My Little Margie 000000 Thanksgiving Visitor.mp3
    28. News Of World 471126 Morgan Beatty.mp3
    29. Omb 491127 Thanksgiving Weekend.mp3
    30. Omb 501119 Thanksgiving Program.mp3
    31. Pabst Blue Ribbon Show 471127 Thanksgiving Program.mp3
    32. Philco Radio Time 461127 Judy Garland.mp3
    33. Philco Radio Time 471126 Frankie Laine.mp3
    34. Point Sublime 471124 Big Crowd For Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    35. Quiz Kids 481121 440 Thanksgiving Poem.mp3
    36. Raising Husband 451122 Americans At Thanksgiving.mp3
    37. Readers Digest 470306 Petes Thanksgiving.mp3
    38. Redsk 511121 Things To Be Thankful For.mp3
    39. Riley 441119 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    40. Riley 481119 Thanksgiving Flashback.mp3
    41. Ripley 294 Thanksgiving Fast.mp3
    42. Roma Wine Show 431108 Thanksgiving.mp3
    43. Sam Spade 501124 Terrified Turkey Caper.mp3
    44. Screen Guild Players 430111 Holiday Inn.mp3
    45. Screen Guild Theater 481125 402 13 Rue Madeline.mp3
    46. Sealtest Variety Theatre 481125 John Lund Donald Oconnor.mp3
    47. Soldiers In Greasepaint 431125 Uso.mp3
    48. Squibb Show 431124 W Betty Mulliner.mp3
    49. Superman 421126 064 Midnight Intruder.mp3
    50. Suspense 550301 Screaming Woman.mp3
    51. Tarzan 511122 African Thanksgiving.mp3
    52. Thank You America 441123 Thanksgiving Show W Rudy Vallee.mp3
    53. Thanksgiving Special 1944.mp3
    54. Voices And Events 501118.mp3
    55. Vs411120 Rush Humiliated On Thanksgiving.mp3
    56. Winston Churchill Americas Thanksgiving 441123.mp3
    57. You Are There 471221 10 Sailing Of Mayflower.mp3
    58. Ytjd 561125 Thanksgiving Message Excerpt.mp3
    59. Ywb 501123 3174 Thanksgiving Celebration At Old Folks Home.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    150 recordings on 70 Audio CDs. Total playtime 65 hours, 53 min
    150 recordings on 70 Audio CDs
    total playtime 65 hours, 53 min

    Thanksgiving Disc A001

    1. Falstaffs Fables 49 Why Turkey On Thanksgiving
    2. Fountain Of Fun 19421122 Wlw Turkey Rationed
    3. Ripley 294 Thanksgiving Fast
    4. Thanksgiving Special 1944

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A002

    1. My Little Margie 000000 Thanksgiving Visitor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A003

    1. Calv 351006 000 No Turning Back Sponsored By Bell Telephone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A004

    1. Jack Benny 371128 Jack Cooked Turkey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A005

    1. Fred Allen 381102 169 November Harvest Thanksgiving

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A006

    1. Good News 381124 Thanksgiving Andy Hardy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A007

    1. Good News 391102 Billy Halop

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A008

    1. Jack Benny 391119 Discovers Purchased Ostrich Thanksgiving
    2. Dr Christian 391122 Prelude To Thanksgiving

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A009

    1. Good News 391123 047 Walter Huston Raymond Walburn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A010

    1. Calv 400123 171 Tisquantum, Strange Friend Of Pilgrims
    2. Burnsallen 401118 Thanksgiving Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A011

    1. Fmm 401119 Visiting Uncle Dennis
    2. Kay Fairchild Stepmother 401121 Thanksgiving Without John

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A012

    1. Maxwell House Coffee Time 401121 Thanksgiving
    2. Columbia Workshop 411109 026 Psalm For Dark Year

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A013

    1. Gildersleeve 411116 Serviceman For Thanksgiving
    2. Vs411120 Rush Humiliated On Thanksgiving
    3. Goldberg 411123 Thanksgiving Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A014

    1. Jack Benny 411123 Thanksgiving Day Dinner
    2. Burnsallen 421117 Gracie Buys Live Turkey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A015

    1. Gildersleeve 421122 Thanksgiving, B Ration Book
    2. Calv 421123 306 Feast From Harvest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A016

    1. Superman 421126 064 Midnight Intruder
    2. Screen Guild Players 430111 Holiday Inn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A017

    1. Roma Wine Show 431108 Thanksgiving
    2. Judy In Hollywood 431109 Judy Canova Get Turkey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A018

    1. Amos And Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble
    2. Jack Benny 431121 Jack Dreams He Is Turkey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A019

    1. Calv 431122 358 Soldiers Of Soil
    2. Squibb Show 431124 W Betty Mulliner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A020

    1. Soldiers In Greasepaint 431125 Uso
    2. Kay Kyser And His Orchestra 440700 2 Shine On Harvest Moon
    3. Jack Benny 441119 from Corona Naval Hospital

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A021

    1. Life Of Riley 441119 Turkey Hunt
    2. Riley 441119 Turkey Hunt
    3. Answer Man 441123 Thanksgiving Questions
    4. Churchill 441123 Americas Thanksgiving Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A022

    1. Command Performance 441123 Thanksgiving Special
    2. Kpo Thank You America 441123
    3. Thank You America 441123 Thanksgiving Show W Rudy Vallee
    4. Winston Churchill Americas Thanksgiving 441123

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A023

    1. Cbs World News Today 450513This Is Day Of Prayer
    2. Charlotte Greenwood 451118 57 Thanksgiving Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A024

    1. Bob Hope 3955 451120 278 Joe E Brown
    2. Bob Hope 451120 Afrs El Toro Marine Base Joe E Brown

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A025

    1. Birds Eye Open House 451122 087 But I Did
    2. Birdseye 451122 Groucho Brings Live Turkey To Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A026

    1. Raising Husband 451122 Americans At Thanksgiving
    2. Gildersleeve 451125 Big Football Game
    3. Frank Sinatra 460100 Homesick Thats All

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A027

    1. Durante 461122 Thanksgiving Pilgrim Opera
    2. Jimmy Durante And Garry Moore 461122

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A028

    1. Mel Blanc 461126 Thanksgiving Party
    2. Ford Show 461127 Dennis Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Thanksgiving Disc A029

    1. Philco Radio Time 461127 Judy Garland
    2. Answerman 461128 How Long Was First Thanksgiving Dinner
    3. Coty 461128 0459 Thanksgiving In Wilderness

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    Thanksgiving Disc A030

    1. Hallmark Playhouse 470306 053 Petes Thanksgiving
    2. Readers Digest 470306 Petes Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A031

    1. Jack Benny 471123 Movie Of Jacks Life Thanksgiving Show
    2. Meet Me At Parkys 471123 087 Thanksgiving Celebration

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    Thanksgiving Disc A032

    1. Calv 471124 543 Us Pilgrims
    2. Point Sublime 471124 Big Crowd For Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Thanksgiving Disc A033

    1. Milton Berle 471125 Thanksgiving
    2. Durante 471126 W Victor Moore

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    Thanksgiving Disc A034

    1. Gildersleeve 471126 Thanksgiving Tom Sawyer Raft
    2. News Of World 471126 Morgan Beatty

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    Thanksgiving Disc A035

    1. Philco Radio Time 471126 Frankie Laine
    2. Casey 471127 After Turkey, Bill
    3. Claudia 471127 044 Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Thanksgiving Disc A036

    1. Ft 471127 Home For Thanksgiving
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 471127 Why Keep Your Heart in Cold

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    Thanksgiving Disc A037

    1. Kraft Music Hall 471127dorothy Lamour
    2. Pabst Blue Ribbon Show 471127 Thanksgiving Program

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    Thanksgiving Disc A038

    1. Arthur Godfrey Collection 471128Day After Thanksgiving
    2. Joyce Jordan Md 471128 Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Thanksgiving Disc A039

    1. Life Of Riley 471129 Thanksgiving With Gillis
    2. Jack Benny 471130 Turkey Dream

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    Thanksgiving Disc A040

    1. You Are There 471221 10 Sailing Of Mayflower
    2. Life Of Riley 481119 Thanksgiving Flashback

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    Thanksgiving Disc A041

    1. Riley 481119 Thanksgiving Flashback
    2. Jeff Regan Investigator 481120 Pilgrim S Progress

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    Thanksgiving Disc A042

    1. Quiz Kids 481121 440 Thanksgiving Poem
    2. Cav 481122 587 Us Pilgrims George Tobias

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    Thanksgiving Disc A043

    1. Claudia 481123 302 More For Thanksgiving
    2. Aldrich Family 481125 Thanksgiving Dance And Turkey Run
    3. Burnsallen 481125 Thanksgiving Program

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    Thanksgiving Disc A044

    1. Casey 481125 Holiday
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 481125 025 Free Land

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    Thanksgiving Disc A045

    1. Screen Guild Theater 481125 402 13 Rue Madeline
    2. Sealtest Variety Theatre 481125 John Lund Donald Oconnor

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    Thanksgiving Disc A046

    1. Mary Lee Taylor Program 481126 Turkey Chowder
    2. Jack Benny 481128 How Jack And Gang Spent Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A047

    1. Lux Radio Theatre 481220 Miracle On 34 Th Street

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    Thanksgiving Disc A048

    1. Amos And Andy 491120 Turkey Falls Off Truck
    2. Fmm 491122 Taxbillthanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A049

    1. Life With Luigi 491122 Thanksgiving Celebration
    2. Luigi 491122 Thanksgiving Celebration

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    Thanksgiving Disc A050

    1. Bob And Ray 491123 Linda Lovely Skipper Called This Mornin
    2. Ft 491123 Courtship Of Miles Standish

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    Thanksgiving Disc A051

    1. Club 930 491124 Thanksgiving Show
    2. Jack Benny 491127 Jack Plays Cards At Home

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    Thanksgiving Disc A052

    1. Omb 491127 Thanksgiving Weekend
    2. Voices And Events 501118

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    Thanksgiving Disc A053

    1. Amos And Andy 501119 Thanksgiving Dinner
    2. Omb 501119 Thanksgiving Program

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    Thanksgiving Disc A054

    1. Let George 501120 Cause For Thanksgiving
    2. Calv 501121 675 Stepping Stones

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    Thanksgiving Disc A055

    1. Honest Harold 501122 Thanksgiving Play
    2. Father Knows Best 501123 Happy Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A056

    1. Hallmark Playhouse 501123 103 Home For Thanksgiving
    2. Ywb 501123 3174 Thanksgiving Celebration At Old Folks Home
    3. Sam Spade 501124 Terrified Turkey Caper

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    Thanksgiving Disc A057

    1. Jack Benny 501126 Jack Tries To Buy Usc Ucla Tickets
    2. Luigi 511120 149 Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Thanksgiving Disc A058

    1. Gildersleeve 511121 Thanksgiving With Mikey
    2. Redsk 511121 Things To Be Thankful For

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    Thanksgiving Disc A059

    1. Tarzan 511122 African Thanksgiving
    2. Cwm 511125 240 Thanksgiving Rhyme Hoppy

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    Thanksgiving Disc A060

    1. Aldrich Family 521123 Thanksgiving Turkey
    2. Calv 521125 763 Path Of Praise

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    Thanksgiving Disc A061

    1. Bing Crosby 521127 08 Ge W Connee Boswell
    2. Cwm 521130 293 Lazy After Thanksgiving B Bailey

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    Thanksgiving Disc A062

    1. Jack Benny 521130 Thanksgiving Pilgrims
    2. Ft 530204 Home For Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A063

    1. Marriage 531122 E08 Fred Hetzell Visits From Kansas
    2. Lr 531125 32562477 Thanksgiving In Modoc City Repeat

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    Thanksgiving Disc A064

    1. Father Knows Best 531126 Thanksgiving
    2. Jack Benny 531129 Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Thanksgiving Disc A065

    1. Anthology 541121 38 Story Of Thanksgiving
    2. Suspense 550301 Screaming Woman
    3. Fmm 551124 Thanksgiving Dinner Out

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    Thanksgiving Disc A066

    1. Bergen Mccarthy 551127 Jack Benny
    2. Ytjd 561125 Thanksgiving Message Excerpt
    3. Fmm 571116 Thanksgiving At Mcgees

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    Thanksgiving Disc A067

    1. Fmm 571221 Thanksgiving
    2. Gunsmoke 580907 Turkey Shoot
    3. Bob And Ray 591126 109 One Fellas Family
    4. Ma Perkins 601124 Last Show Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A068

    1. Calvin And Colonel 610000 Thanksgiving Dinner
    2. Bcrc Show 611123 453 Its Most Unusual Day

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    Thanksgiving Disc A069

    1. Heartbeat Theater 651121 508 Wind At Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving Disc A070

    1. Breakfast Club 681128Thanksgiving Day Show News Broadcast
    2. Ltil 751127 084 Real First Thanksgiving

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