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Swimming and Swimming Pool Collection

Escape the summer heat by taking a dip and listening to these great OTR episodes. This original collection of old time radio shows from all genres about humans in water.


57 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 25 hours, 19 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
28 Audio CDs

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Bathing BeautiesThe defining moment of human history was when ancient man stood upright and strode across the open plain, claiming dominion over the planet. However, three-quarters of the planet are covered with water, and with notable Biblical exceptions, you just cannot walk across the water!

Lucille BallHuman beings are designed for land operations, but there are certainly times when being able to swim comes in handy. Most people who are good swimmers learned how while they were kids, in fact, babies are born with what is called an innate swimming reflex. If their face is exposed to water, they automatically hold their breath and even use their arms and legs in a swimming motion. The swimming instinct seems to disappear after kids learn to walk, but there were plenty of G.I. volunteers when Esther Williams offered swimming lessons during her appearance on Command Performance. Lucille Ball did not have it as easy on My Favorite Husband when she learned to swim in her living room.

Swimming is touted as an ideal form of exercise. It challenges the cardiovascular system as well as the musculature, builds endurance and overall athletic performance, and can be done just about anywhere there is water. Bob and Ray celebrated Mary McGoon's efforts in 1949 to swim across the cold waters of Boston Harbor. Fibber McGee displays his marvelous physique when he and Molly take a trip to the ocean in 1935, and in 1957 he makes plans to swim across Lake Michigan as a publicity stunt. W.C. Fields tells us about swimming to Catalina Island on Your Hit Parade, and Vox Pop visits the Aquacade at the 1940 New York World's Fair to discover how deep a person can swim underwater.

Venturing into deep water is an inherently dangerous activity for creatures who are not adapted to an aquatic life, and swimming can be used as a means of murder. The Whistler has a chilling tale of young lovers who meet while swimming off Cape Ann and hatch a watery demise for her husband. Crime Club finds a vacationer drowned on the beach but there are signs of foul play, and the cops on Broadway is My Beat have to discover how a strong swimmer could have drowned in a public swimming pool. The Green Lama faces the mystery of how a pretty girl in a swimming pool is killed by a baby dinosaur, our favorite insurance investigator takes a cold swim and finds an even colder corpse on Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, and Paladin defends a school teacher whose pupil drowns during swimming lessons on Have Gun Will Travel.

Esther WilliamsDespite the dangers, being able to swim often gives the Hero an opportunity to escape the nefarious plans of the bad guy. On the syndicated serial Magic Island, the Gregory's and Jerry are able to get away from the island because the evil Euclideans cannot swim. Jungle Jim takes to the water to get away from Kolu. The Eternal Light shares a story of refugees heading for Palestine swimming for their lives after their ship is torpedoed by a Nazi sub, and Hop, Tand, and Chris swim back to the airfield where their plane awaits after their escape from "La Pantera".

Although most of the planet is covered in water, most of us learn to swim in a man-made swimming pool. Ideally, the purpose of a swimming pool is to provide a safe and clean facility designed for people to swim for sport or exercise, but the real purpose of many swimming pools is to advertise to the world that the property owner is wealthy enough to have a swimming pool. On The Chase and Sanborn Hour, W.C. Fields brags that he has installed a fur-lined swimming pool (which seems like something which would have given the censors a fit). Perhaps the height of luxury comes when Phil Harris drives a Cadillac into the pool on The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show. The gang on It Pays to Be Ignorant have a tough time telling us just what a swimming pool is.

Building a pool is no small excavation, as Fred Allen discovers on Town Hall Tonight when "The Mighty Allen Art Players" present "The Great Swimming Pool Mystery" or "He Didn't Know His Own Backyard from a Hole in the Ground". Maintaining a swimming pool requires a good deal of effort as well, as Jack Benny discovers when he opens his pool for the season. Safety is a major concern for public pools, which makes Alan's intentions to apply as a lifeguard at the Van Nuys Pool worrisome on The Alan Young Show.

A swimming pool provides an opportunity to show off a fashionable swimming suit, which becomes a problem for the Baxter's on The Little Things in Life when they discover that their hosts are dedicated skinny dippers. Skinny dipping gets to be a problem on a few occasions for Wild Bill Hickok and his pal Jingles when they decide to take a dip and the bad guys get the drop on them by stealing their clothes. On the Suspense episode, "Murder Takes a Swim" a treasure hunt leaves a bathing beauty dead along with a gossip columnist.

See also: Esther Williams Collection, Mermaid Collection, and Summer Themed Radio Shows.

Vintage Swimcaps

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    I'm old enough to remember listening to old-time radio live as a youngster during the 1950s. For 54+ years since 1964 I've also been collecting Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, Lux Radio Theater, Jack Benny Show, and many other programs -- first on reel-to-reel, LP, audio cassette, and now CD. As you know, collecting is a painstaking process. The good news is that you already have at least more Lone Ranger shows I plan to order soon, plus a number of misc other replacements. I value the high quality of your products and your reliable friendly service. P.S. I'm also a cat lover. My first kitten used to fall asleep on my lap, purring approval to the exploits of Wild Bill Hickock.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    57 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 25 hours, 19 min
    57 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 25 hours, 19 min
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    1. 57 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 19 minutes
    2. Alan Young 470530 131 Lifeguard Contest.mp3
    3. Bob And Ray 490802 Mary Mcgoon Plans To Swim Boston Harbor.mp3
    4. Bob And Ray 490803 Mary Mcgoons Plans Swim Boston Harbor.mp3
    5. Bob And Ray 490805 Mary Mcgoon Interviewed After Her Swim.mp3
    6. Bob And Ray 500821 Bob And Ray Show.mp3
    7. Broadway Is My Beat 510805 Howard Crawford Murder Case.mp3
    8. Broadway Is My Beat 540725 Katy Lane Murder Case.mp3
    9. Cavalcade Of America 460401 When Cupid Was Pup.mp3
    10. Chase Sanborn Hour 370815 Alice Brady And Allan Jones.mp3
    11. Claudia 480917 255 Fast Swim But Strange Pool.mp3
    12. Columbia Workshop 370314 030 Split Seconds.mp3
    13. Command Performance 460623 227 Esther Williams Peggy Lee.mp3
    14. Crime Club 470828 Death Swims At Midnight.mp3
    15. Eternal Light 470511 0131 Swim.mp3
    16. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 571019 1423 Newsmaker Mcgee.mp3
    17. Fmam 350715 0014 Swim In Ocean.mp3
    18. Frank Merriwell 490402 April Shower.mp3
    19. Green Lama 490703 Last Dinosaur.mp3
    20. Hail Champ 461107 Hail Champ.mp3
    21. Have Gun Will Travel 600515 078 Lina Countryman.mp3
    22. Hop Harrigan 470918 1294 Channel Wing Plane 17.mp3
    23. Hopalong Cassidy 19510127 Killer In Black.mp3
    24. It Pays To Be Ignorant 441103 109 What Is Swimming Pool.mp3
    25. Jack Armstrong 410114 Zambo Anga Adventure Ep 7.mp3
    26. Jack Benny 440416 512 Bob Hope Parody.mp3
    27. Jack Benny 460303 576 Murder At Lone Palm.mp3
    28. Jack Benny 520406 803 Jack Opens His Swimming Pool.mp3
    29. Jean Shepherd 610904 Clarion Call.mp3
    30. Jean Shepherd 640829 Evading Issue.mp3
    31. Jungle Jim 411115 316 Kolu Takes Prisoner Jim Swims To Ship.mp3
    32. Life Of Riley 500106 261 Care Drive.mp3
    33. Little Things In Life 750807 004 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    34. Lux Radio Theater 531214 859 Million Dollar Mermaid.mp3
    35. Magic Island 360000 025 Battleships Approach.mp3
    36. Magic Island 360000 041 Help From Sub Commander.mp3
    37. Magic Island 360000 108 Test Flight.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 500611 092 Liz Learns To Swim.mp3
    39. Night Beat 520731 104 Flight From Fear.mp3
    40. Orson Welles Radio Almanac 440719 26 Ruth Terry.mp3
    41. Phil Harris 490515 103 Cadillac In Swimming Pool.mp3
    42. Red Skelton 440509 Swimming.mp3
    43. Sam Spade 501215 226 2512345679 Caper.mp3
    44. Shell Chateau 370123 Guest Happiness Boys.mp3
    45. Sonny And Buddy 350217 007 Crossing Rio Grande.mp3
    46. Suspense 430720 Murder Goes For Swim.mp3
    47. Tarzan 321024 Morning Arrives.mp3
    48. Town Hall Tonight 371229 138 Great Swimming Pool Mystery.mp3
    49. Vox Pop 400815 Ny Worlds Fair Buster Crabbe.mp3
    50. Whistler 480204 297 Undertow.mp3
    51. Wild Bill Hickok 540212 209 One Wrong Bullet.mp3
    52. Wild Bill Hickok 540324 220 Rattler.mp3
    53. Your Hit Parade 381022 Stop Beating Round Mulberry Bush 2.mp3
    54. YTJD 560813 458 Crystal Lake Episode 01.mp3
    55. YTJD 560814 459 Crystal Lake Episode 02.mp3
    56. YTJD 560815 460 Crystal Lake Episode 03.mp3
    57. YTJD 560816 461 Crystal Lake Episode 04.mp3
    58. YTJD 560817 462 Crystal Lake Episode 05.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    57 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 25 hours, 19 min
    57 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    683 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 19 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 57 shows – 683 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 19 minutes
    2. Alan Young 470530 131 Lifeguard Contest.mp3
    3. Bob And Ray 490802 Mary Mcgoon Plans To Swim Boston Harbor.mp3
    4. Bob And Ray 490803 Mary Mcgoons Plans Swim Boston Harbor.mp3
    5. Bob And Ray 490805 Mary Mcgoon Interviewed After Her Swim.mp3
    6. Bob And Ray 500821 Bob And Ray Show.mp3
    7. Broadway Is My Beat 510805 Howard Crawford Murder Case.mp3
    8. Broadway Is My Beat 540725 Katy Lane Murder Case.mp3
    9. Cavalcade Of America 460401 When Cupid Was Pup.mp3
    10. Chase Sanborn Hour 370815 Alice Brady And Allan Jones.mp3
    11. Claudia 480917 255 Fast Swim But Strange Pool.mp3
    12. Columbia Workshop 370314 030 Split Seconds.mp3
    13. Command Performance 460623 227 Esther Williams Peggy Lee.mp3
    14. Crime Club 470828 Death Swims At Midnight.mp3
    15. Eternal Light 470511 0131 Swim.mp3
    16. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 571019 1423 Newsmaker Mcgee.mp3
    17. Fmam 350715 0014 Swim In Ocean.mp3
    18. Frank Merriwell 490402 April Shower.mp3
    19. Green Lama 490703 Last Dinosaur.mp3
    20. Hail Champ 461107 Hail Champ.mp3
    21. Have Gun Will Travel 600515 078 Lina Countryman.mp3
    22. Hop Harrigan 470918 1294 Channel Wing Plane 17.mp3
    23. Hopalong Cassidy 19510127 Killer In Black.mp3
    24. It Pays To Be Ignorant 441103 109 What Is Swimming Pool.mp3
    25. Jack Armstrong 410114 Zambo Anga Adventure Ep 7.mp3
    26. Jack Benny 440416 512 Bob Hope Parody.mp3
    27. Jack Benny 460303 576 Murder At Lone Palm.mp3
    28. Jack Benny 520406 803 Jack Opens His Swimming Pool.mp3
    29. Jean Shepherd 610904 Clarion Call.mp3
    30. Jean Shepherd 640829 Evading Issue.mp3
    31. Jungle Jim 411115 316 Kolu Takes Prisoner Jim Swims To Ship.mp3
    32. Life Of Riley 500106 261 Care Drive.mp3
    33. Little Things In Life 750807 004 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    34. Lux Radio Theater 531214 859 Million Dollar Mermaid.mp3
    35. Magic Island 360000 025 Battleships Approach.mp3
    36. Magic Island 360000 041 Help From Sub Commander.mp3
    37. Magic Island 360000 108 Test Flight.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 500611 092 Liz Learns To Swim.mp3
    39. Night Beat 520731 104 Flight From Fear.mp3
    40. Orson Welles Radio Almanac 440719 26 Ruth Terry.mp3
    41. Phil Harris 490515 103 Cadillac In Swimming Pool.mp3
    42. Red Skelton 440509 Swimming.mp3
    43. Sam Spade 501215 226 2512345679 Caper.mp3
    44. Shell Chateau 370123 Guest Happiness Boys.mp3
    45. Sonny And Buddy 350217 007 Crossing Rio Grande.mp3
    46. Suspense 430720 Murder Goes For Swim.mp3
    47. Tarzan 321024 Morning Arrives.mp3
    48. Town Hall Tonight 371229 138 Great Swimming Pool Mystery.mp3
    49. Vox Pop 400815 Ny Worlds Fair Buster Crabbe.mp3
    50. Whistler 480204 297 Undertow.mp3
    51. Wild Bill Hickok 540212 209 One Wrong Bullet.mp3
    52. Wild Bill Hickok 540324 220 Rattler.mp3
    53. Your Hit Parade 381022 Stop Beating Round Mulberry Bush 2.mp3
    54. YTJD 560813 458 Crystal Lake Episode 01.mp3
    55. YTJD 560814 459 Crystal Lake Episode 02.mp3
    56. YTJD 560815 460 Crystal Lake Episode 03.mp3
    57. YTJD 560816 461 Crystal Lake Episode 04.mp3
    58. YTJD 560817 462 Crystal Lake Episode 05.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    57 recordings on 28 Audio CDs. Total playtime 25 hours, 19 min
    57 recordings on 28 Audio CDs
    total playtime 25 hours, 19 min

    Swimming Disc A001

    1. Hopalong Cassidy 19510127 Killer In Black
    2. Tarzan 321024 Morning Arrives
    3. Sonny And Buddy 350217 007 Crossing Rio Grande

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A002

    1. Fmam 350715 0014 Swim In Ocean
    2. Magic Island 360000 025 Battleships Approach
    3. Magic Island 360000 041 Help From Sub Commander
    4. Magic Island 360000 108 Test Flight

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A003

    1. Shell Chateau 370123 Guest Happiness Boys

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A004

    1. Columbia Workshop 370314 030 Split Seconds

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    Swimming Disc A005

    1. Chase Sanborn Hour 370815 Alice Brady And Allan Jones

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A006

    1. Town Hall Tonight 371229 138 Great Swimming Pool Mystery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A007

    1. Your Hit Parade 381022 Stop Beating Round Mulberry Bush 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A008

    1. Vox Pop 400815 Ny Worlds Fair Buster Crabbe
    2. Jack Armstrong 410114 Zambo Anga Adventure Ep 7
    3. Jungle Jim 411115 316 Kolu Takes Prisoner Jim Swims To Ship

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A009

    1. Suspense 430720 Murder Goes For Swim
    2. Jack Benny 440416 512 Bob Hope Parody

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A010

    1. Red Skelton 440509 Swimming
    2. Orson Welles Radio Almanac 440719 26 Ruth Terry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A011

    1. It Pays To Be Ignorant 441103 109 What Is Swimming Pool
    2. Jack Benny 460303 576 Murder At Lone Palm

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A012

    1. Cavalcade Of America 460401 When Cupid Was Pup
    2. Command Performance 460623 227 Esther Williams Peggy Lee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A013

    1. Hail Champ 461107 Hail Champ
    2. Eternal Light 470511 0131 Swim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A014

    1. Alan Young 470530 131 Lifeguard Contest
    2. Crime Club 470828 Death Swims At Midnight

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A015

    1. Hop Harrigan 470918 1294 Channel Wing Plane 17
    2. Whistler 480204 297 Undertow
    3. Claudia 480917 255 Fast Swim But Strange Pool

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A016

    1. Frank Merriwell 490402 April Shower
    2. Phil Harris 490515 103 Cadillac In Swimming Pool

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A017

    1. Green Lama 490703 Last Dinosaur
    2. Bob And Ray 490802 Mary Mcgoon Plans To Swim Boston Harbor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A018

    1. Bob And Ray 490803 Mary Mcgoons Plans Swim Boston Harbor
    2. Bob And Ray 490805 Mary Mcgoon Interviewed After Her Swim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A019

    1. Life Of Riley 500106 261 Care Drive
    2. My Favorite Husband 500611 092 Liz Learns To Swim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A020

    1. Bob And Ray 500821 Bob And Ray Show
    2. Sam Spade 501215 226 2512345679 Caper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A021

    1. Broadway Is My Beat 510805 Howard Crawford Murder Case
    2. Jack Benny 520406 803 Jack Opens His Swimming Pool

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A022

    1. Night Beat 520731 104 Flight From Fear
    2. Lux Radio Theater 531214 859 Million Dollar Mermaid

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A023

    1. Wild Bill Hickok 540212 209 One Wrong Bullet
    2. Wild Bill Hickok 540324 220 Rattler

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A024

    1. Broadway Is My Beat 540725 Katy Lane Murder Case
    2. YTJD 560813 458 Crystal Lake Episode 01
    3. YTJD 560814 459 Crystal Lake Episode 02

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A025

    1. YTJD 560815 460 Crystal Lake Episode 03
    2. YTJD 560816 461 Crystal Lake Episode 04
    3. YTJD 560817 462 Crystal Lake Episode 05
    4. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 571019 1423 Newsmaker Mcgee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A026

    1. Have Gun Will Travel 600515 078 Lina Countryman
    2. Jean Shepherd 610904 Clarion Call

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A027

    1. Jean Shepherd 640829 Evading Issue

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Swimming Disc A028

    1. Little Things In Life 750807 004 Wedding Anniversary

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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