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Remembering Susan Hayward who passed away 50 years ago today (in 1975) at the age of 57. She would be 107 years old if alive today! Today only: her collection is on sale at 20% off.

Susan Hayward Collection

known as the "Brooklyn Bombshell", Susan Hayward was best known for playing was "Woman who overcomes adversity."

Susan Hayward

22 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 12 hours, 21 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
14 Audio CDs

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"Suspense: Dame Fortune"

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Susan Hayward
(1917 – 1975)

Susan Hayward

The character Susan Hayward was best known for playing was "Woman who overcomes adversity". Eventually known as the "Brooklyn Bombshell", Ms. Hayward was born Edythe Marrenner, Susan Haywardinterestingly, on the same day as Lena Horne, June 30, 1917. At the age of seven, the shy girl was trapped in a body cast after an automobile accident. She was cast in the lead of a school play at the age of twelve, and almost overnight the skinny little redhead with a limp became the confident girl with a sexy swagger and a hunger for fortune and fame.

Around the age of 17 she turned to modeling to help support her family, and she caught the eye of a Hollywood talent scout who gave her a ticket to Hollywood so she could enter the open auditions for Gone With The Wind. Although Scarlett O'Hara eluded her, she cashed in her return ticket, changed her name to Susan Hayward, and landed a contract with Warner Brothers.

Susan began with mostly bit parts. She was featured in an edition of Warner Brothers Academy Theater, the studio's radio showcase for "going to be stars" as the love interest in "The Crowd Roars", a racing car film originally starring James Cagney and Joan Blondell.

On the screen Susan's big break came in Beau Geste (1939) opposite Gary Cooper. When the War came, Susan served as Pin Up girl, appearing on the Over Here War Bonds program. She also lent her voice to Kraft Music Hall, Duffy's Tavern, Suspense and was a featured guest on the Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy Program. On screen she co-starred with John Wayne in Reap the Wild Wind (1942) and The Fighting Seabees (1944).

In 1944, Susan married actor Jess Barker and gave birth to twins in 1945. After the War, she built a reputation as one of Hollywood's most reliable leading ladies, gaining five Academy Award nominations before winning Best Actress for her role in I Want To Live! (1958), the story of a murderess on death row.

Ms. Hayward was a dedicated follower of astrology. On her astrologer's advice, she believed that the most auspicious time to sign a film contract was at 2:47 AM, and set her alarm clock for 2:45 on signing days. Her marriage to Barker was described as "turbulent", and ended in 1954 with a bitter custody battle for the twins.

Susan's movie career slowed during this period, although she did find time to appear on Guest Star Theater, Hollywood Theater of the Stars and Bill Sterns Newsreel.

Howard Hughes wooed Susan into starring again with John Wayne in The Conqueror (1956), a movie which would be ranked as one of the worst of the 1950s, and even proved fatal to many of its cast and crew. In 1957, she wed Georgia rancher Floyd Eaton Chalkey. Living on Chalkey's farm was a decided change from Hollywood, and perhaps the happiest period of her life.

Chalkey passed away in 1966. In mourning, Ms. Hayward nearly retired but she eventually continued to work, even replacing Judy Garland in Valley of the Dolls (1967). Her last public appearance was as presenter for Best Actress at the 1974 Academy Awards. Nearly crippled with brain cancer, she was only able to make the presentation with the support of Charlton Heston.

Susan Hayward's cancer was likely the result of her work on The Conqueror. The epic flop was filmed near St. George, Utah, 137 miles downwind of the Nevada National Security Site, scene of extensive above ground nuclear testing. 91 of the 220 people who worked on the movie developed cancer, including John Wayne, Susan Hayward, director Dick Powell, and Agnes Moorehead.

A Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame honors Susan Hayward's contribution to motion pictures at 6251 Hollywood blvd.
Susan Hayward

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    great, great talent. got the cancer from that terrible john wayne “marlo polo”movie.

    Bob Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    22 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $4.00. Total playtime 12 hours, 21 min
    22 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $4.00
    total playtime 12 hours, 21 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 22 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 21 minutes
    2. Bergen Mccarthy 440206 Susan Hayward.mp3
    3. Bergen Mccarthy 451216 Trip To Planetarium.mp3
    4. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 490318 490.mp3
    5. Calv 520325 737 Breakfast At Nancys.mp3
    6. Democratic National Comittee Program 441106.mp3
    7. Duffys Tavern 430323 083 Archie Big Game Hunter Afrs.mp3
    8. Ft 511107 244 Story Of Danny Dollar Bill.mp3
    9. Ft 530520 319 Highway East.mp3
    10. Guest Star 490116 0095 Song Of Vagabond.mp3
    11. Hollywood Theatre Of Stars 491115 Highway To Danger.mp3
    12. Kraft Music Hall 420430 Hey Mabel.mp3
    13. Lux 411110 325 Hold Back Dawn.mp3
    14. Lux 450423 481 Petrified Forest.mp3
    15. Lux 530209 816 Hrt With Song In My Heart.mp3
    16. Orson Welles Radio Almanac 440712 25 Susan Hayward.mp3
    17. Over Here 421219 Susan Hayward.mp3
    18. Screen Guild 430208 Ep130 Hold Back Dawn.mp3
    19. Screen Guild 450507 244 Heaven Can Wait.mp3
    20. Screen Guild 470203 333 Gaslight.mp3
    21. Suspense 430330 035 Dead Sleep Lightly.mp3
    22. Suspense 461024 216 Dame Fortune.mp3
    23. Warner Brothers Academy Theatre 380605 10 Crowd Roars.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    22 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $4.00. Total playtime 12 hours, 21 min
    22 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $4.00
    334 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 21 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 22 shows – 334 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 21 minutes
    2. Bergen Mccarthy 440206 Susan Hayward.mp3
    3. Bergen Mccarthy 451216 Trip To Planetarium.mp3
    4. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 490318 490.mp3
    5. Calv 520325 737 Breakfast At Nancys.mp3
    6. Democratic National Comittee Program 441106.mp3
    7. Duffys Tavern 430323 083 Archie Big Game Hunter Afrs.mp3
    8. Ft 511107 244 Story Of Danny Dollar Bill.mp3
    9. Ft 530520 319 Highway East.mp3
    10. Guest Star 490116 0095 Song Of Vagabond.mp3
    11. Hollywood Theatre Of Stars 491115 Highway To Danger.mp3
    12. Kraft Music Hall 420430 Hey Mabel.mp3
    13. Lux 411110 325 Hold Back Dawn.mp3
    14. Lux 450423 481 Petrified Forest.mp3
    15. Lux 530209 816 Hrt With Song In My Heart.mp3
    16. Orson Welles Radio Almanac 440712 25 Susan Hayward.mp3
    17. Over Here 421219 Susan Hayward.mp3
    18. Screen Guild 430208 Ep130 Hold Back Dawn.mp3
    19. Screen Guild 450507 244 Heaven Can Wait.mp3
    20. Screen Guild 470203 333 Gaslight.mp3
    21. Suspense 430330 035 Dead Sleep Lightly.mp3
    22. Suspense 461024 216 Dame Fortune.mp3
    23. Warner Brothers Academy Theatre 380605 10 Crowd Roars.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    22 recordings on 14 Audio CDs. Total playtime 12 hours, 21 min
    22 recordings on 14 Audio CDs
    total playtime 12 hours, 21 min

    Susan Hayward Disc A001

    1. Warner Brothers Academy Theatre 380605 10 Crowd Roars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A002

    1. Lux 411110 325 Hold Back Dawn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A003

    1. Kraft Music Hall 420430 Hey Mabel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A004

    1. Over Here 421219 Susan Hayward

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A005

    1. Screen Guild 430208 Ep130 Hold Back Dawn
    2. Duffys Tavern 430323 083 Archie Big Game Hunter Afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A006

    1. Suspense 430330 035 Dead Sleep Lightly
    2. Bergen Mccarthy 440206 Susan Hayward
    3. Orson Welles Radio Almanac 440712 25 Susan Hayward

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A007

    1. Democratic National Comittee Program 441106

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A008

    1. Lux 450423 481 Petrified Forest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A009

    1. Screen Guild 450507 244 Heaven Can Wait
    2. Bergen Mccarthy 451216 Trip To Planetarium

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A010

    1. Suspense 461024 216 Dame Fortune
    2. Screen Guild 470203 333 Gaslight

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A011

    1. Guest Star 490116 0095 Song Of Vagabond
    2. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 490318 490
    3. Hollywood Theatre Of Stars 491115 Highway To Danger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A012

    1. Ft 511107 244 Story Of Danny Dollar Bill
    2. Calv 520325 737 Breakfast At Nancys

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A013

    1. Lux 530209 816 Hrt With Song In My Heart

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Susan Hayward Disc A014

    1. Ft 530520 319 Highway East

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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