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Spring Collection

Spring is a time of hopefulness and renewal, fresh breezes and new gardens.


76 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 38 hours, 13 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
42 Audio CDs

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"Jack Gets His House Painted"

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Spring Greetings PostcardSpring time happens at slightly different times of the year for different cultures. For most peoples in the Northern hemisphere, spring begins at the Vernal equinox, usually the 19 or 20 of March. This is the day in the Noon Sun's journey from the low point at the Winter Solstice to the high at the Summer Solstice where the time from sunrise to sunset are equal. The sunlight hours in the Southern Hemisphere are equal on this day as well, but since the seasons are reversed "down under", it is their Autumnal Equinox.

In the Chinese and Celtic cultures, Spring signifies the end of Winter and begins at the beginning of February (St. Brigid's Day, February 1, in Ireland). Whether Spring begins in February or March, the warmth signaled by the increasing hours of daylight signal that Winter is releasing its icy grip and the glory of summer is just around the corner.

Alice FayeIn snowy climates, there may still be some white drifts in the hills, but we can be assured that the first fragile blossoms of springtime will soon be pushing up through the snow. As the sun becomes warmer, Momma can open the windows for the first time in months. As the musty air of winter is driven out by the fresh spring breeze, the need for Spring Cleaning is obvious. This means that there will be a thunderous crash as the closet door gets opened on Fibber McGee and Molly. Phil Harris and his sidekick Remley decide that it is time to get some spring cleaning accomplished, which has a less than positive effect on Alice Faye's living room on the Phil Harris and Alice Faye Program. The annual dusting does not improve the food at Duffy's Tavern but is it an excuse for Archie and Finnegan to schedule a double date. Live for everyone's favorite high school English teacher when spring cleaning means a visit from the vacuum cleaner salesman on Our Miss Brooks.

Eve Arden as Our Miss Brooks

Spring is a time of hopefulness, and nowhere is there more hopefulness than the baseball diamond. Everyone from The Sports Answer Man to The United Press to Red Skelton on Avalon Time is anxious to see how the "boys of Summer" came through the winter and pay close attention to spring training camps. The 1949 film It Happens Every Spring was adapted by Lux Radio Theatre and The Screen Directors Playhouse, taking a look at the lengths some players will go to in order to make a good showing at spring training and ensure a great baseball season.

Easter is another important Springtime ritual, and for some, like Our Miss Brooks, getting a near spring outfit for Easter is even more important than baseball, so Miss Brooks volunteers to work through the Spring break so she can afford new duds.

An attractive new Spring outfit is doubly important because Spring is the time of new romance! Fred Allen and Portland Hoffa rediscover romance on Texaco Star Theater, and Andy gets a flowerpot dropped on his head on Amos 'n' Andy.

On Life With Luigi our favorite immigrant takes a springtime walk around the neighborhood and discovers even more wonderful things about his new home, and on The Great Gildersleeve, well, let’s face it, anytime of the year is a good time for Gildy to fall in love, but it seems more special in the Spring!  

Easter GreetingsSee also: Easter Collection and Gardening Collection

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    6     0


    Great compellation here! Lot's of variety and fun shows to put you in the mood for Spring. Best of All, Claudia, and Great Gildersleeve were my favorites off this set.

    Stephen Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    76 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 38 hours, 13 min
    76 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 38 hours, 13 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 37 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 43 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Al Pearce 400214 X Elmer Sells Ladies Clothes.mp3
    3. Avalon Time 390304 09 Horses And Racing.mp3
    4. Barptcbsrn 600329 197 Sportsaphone.mp3
    5. Best Of All 550321 32 Spring.mp3
    6. Cecil Sally 426 Composing Love Poem Cant Finish.mp3
    7. Challenge Of Yukon 440217 As Man Thinketh.mp3
    8. Chase And Sanborn Hour 370613 06 Joan Blondell.mp3
    9. Chuck Wagon Jamboree 000000 I Like Mountain Music.mp3
    10. Claudia 490310 379 City Versus Country.mp3
    11. Coast To Coast On Bus 370620 Fathers Day.mp3
    12. CP 460117 207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show.mp3
    13. CP 460922 232 Janet Blair David Street.mp3
    14. CP 480518 323 Jack Mccoy Dan Dailey Evelyn Knight.mp3
    15. Dr Christian 390328 049 Spring In Air.mp3
    16. Dr Christian 400320 072 Spring Dance.mp3
    17. Duffys Tavern 440104 Fred Allen.mp3
    18. Duffys Tavern 490406 318 Archie And Finnegan Doubledate.mp3
    19. Fibber Mcgee 430511 0364 New Barometer Indicates Snow.mp3
    20. Fibber Mcgee 470408 0511 Mollys Twisted Ankle.mp3
    21. Fort Laramie 560617 Winter Soldier.mp3
    22. Fred Allen Fred Allen Show 460324 063 Candy Anonymous.mp3
    23. Fred Allen Hour Of Smiles 340411 04 Spring Has Arrived.mp3
    24. Good News Of 380414 024 Freddie Bartholomew.mp3
    25. Good News Of 381110 046 Lionel Barrymore.mp3
    26. Great Gildersleeve 430328 075 Springtime In Summerfield.mp3
    27. Great Gildersleeve 500118 348 Dinner With Katheryn.mp3
    28. Guest Star 520601 0271 Younger Than Springtime.mp3
    29. Hello Sucker 520126 04 Gardening Swindles.mp3
    30. It Pays To Be Ignorant 450323 Room Full Married People Empty.mp3
    31. Its Time To Smile 410305 023 Humphrey Bogart Hattie Mcdaniel.mp3
    32. Jack Benny 370425 255 In Spring Trala.mp3
    33. Jack Benny 480321 648 Academy Awards Are Discussed.mp3
    34. Jack Benny 490327 688 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    35. Jack Benny 490424 692 Jack Decides To Trade In Maxwell.mp3
    36. Jack Benny 500416 729 Jack Gets House Painted.mp3
    37. Jack Benny 510325 763 Sunset Boulevard.mp3
    38. Jack Pearl Show 370409 23 Wake Up And Live.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 39 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Jean Shepherd Show 630423 Shepherd Fingers Beads Of Despair.mp3
    3. Jean Shepherd Show 650424 In Asia Until May.mp3
    4. Jungle Jim 440325 439 Japanese Officer Is Captured.mp3
    5. Komedy Kingdom 370000 06 Geography .mp3
    6. Lone Ranger 410507 1293 Spring Roundup.mp3
    7. Lux Radio Theater 440522 440 Springtime In Rockies.mp3
    8. Lux Radio Theater 491003 670 It Happens Every Spring.mp3
    9. Lux Radio Theater 530629 835 One More Spring.mp3
    10. Martin And Lewis Show 490501 005 Madeleine Carroll.mp3
    11. Mayor Of Town 430428 34 Recalls Scenes Love In Springdale.mp3
    12. Milton Berle Show 480323 55 Salutes Coming Of Spring.mp3
    13. Mr District Attorney 480519 514 Spring Fever.mp3
    14. Nonsense And Melody 30000x 12 In Park In Paris In Spring.mp3
    15. Our Miss Brooks 490417 037 Easter Outfit.mp3
    16. Our Miss Brooks 550501 287 Takes Over Spring Garden.mp3
    17. Paul Whiteman Forever Tops 460429 Charms Of Spring.mp3
    18. Phil Harris 490501 101 Spring Housecleaning.mp3
    19. Railroad Hour 510716 146 Springtime In Paris.mp3
    20. Railroad Hour 520512 189 Spring Is Here.mp3
    21. Recollections At 30 560919 Abdicatation Of King Edward Viii.mp3
    22. Red Skelton Show 420303 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    23. Red Skelton Show 420324 Hike In Park.mp3
    24. Request Performance 460421 29 Spring Comes To Central Park.mp3
    25. Richard Diamond Private Detective 490903 Baker Case.mp3
    26. Romance 550430 375 After All Its Spring.mp3
    27. Romance 550507 376 Second Time Around.mp3
    28. Screen Directors Playhouse 490327 012 Suddenly Its Spring.mp3
    29. Screen Directors Playhouse 500414 064 Happens Every Spring.mp3
    30. Sears Radio Theater 790712 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    31. Show World 400108 Show World.mp3
    32. Studio One 480316 One More Spring.mp3
    33. Taystee Breadwinners 340000 16 Its Springtime On Parade.mp3
    34. Texaco Star Theatre 460224 00 Aida.mp3
    35. Texaco Town 380323 78 Last Show Of Series.mp3
    36. Theater Guild On Air 460602 039 Call It Day.mp3
    37. Theater Of Romance 450227 Springtime For Henry.mp3
    38. Vic And Sade 410400 X 40 Pounds Of Golf Clubs.mp3
    39. Walter Winchell 490327 Bert Parks Wife Has Baby.mp3
    40. War Telescope 431113 Will War Be Over By Next Spring.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    76 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 38 hours, 13 min
    76 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1084 MB – total playtime 38 hours, 13 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 37 shows – 514 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 43 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Al Pearce 400214 X Elmer Sells Ladies Clothes.mp3
    3. Avalon Time 390304 09 Horses And Racing.mp3
    4. Barptcbsrn 600329 197 Sportsaphone.mp3
    5. Best Of All 550321 32 Spring.mp3
    6. Cecil Sally 426 Composing Love Poem Cant Finish.mp3
    7. Challenge Of Yukon 440217 As Man Thinketh.mp3
    8. Chase And Sanborn Hour 370613 06 Joan Blondell.mp3
    9. Chuck Wagon Jamboree 000000 I Like Mountain Music.mp3
    10. Claudia 490310 379 City Versus Country.mp3
    11. Coast To Coast On Bus 370620 Fathers Day.mp3
    12. CP 460117 207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show.mp3
    13. CP 460922 232 Janet Blair David Street.mp3
    14. CP 480518 323 Jack Mccoy Dan Dailey Evelyn Knight.mp3
    15. Dr Christian 390328 049 Spring In Air.mp3
    16. Dr Christian 400320 072 Spring Dance.mp3
    17. Duffys Tavern 440104 Fred Allen.mp3
    18. Duffys Tavern 490406 318 Archie And Finnegan Doubledate.mp3
    19. Fibber Mcgee 430511 0364 New Barometer Indicates Snow.mp3
    20. Fibber Mcgee 470408 0511 Mollys Twisted Ankle.mp3
    21. Fort Laramie 560617 Winter Soldier.mp3
    22. Fred Allen Fred Allen Show 460324 063 Candy Anonymous.mp3
    23. Fred Allen Hour Of Smiles 340411 04 Spring Has Arrived.mp3
    24. Good News Of 380414 024 Freddie Bartholomew.mp3
    25. Good News Of 381110 046 Lionel Barrymore.mp3
    26. Great Gildersleeve 430328 075 Springtime In Summerfield.mp3
    27. Great Gildersleeve 500118 348 Dinner With Katheryn.mp3
    28. Guest Star 520601 0271 Younger Than Springtime.mp3
    29. Hello Sucker 520126 04 Gardening Swindles.mp3
    30. It Pays To Be Ignorant 450323 Room Full Married People Empty.mp3
    31. Its Time To Smile 410305 023 Humphrey Bogart Hattie Mcdaniel.mp3
    32. Jack Benny 370425 255 In Spring Trala.mp3
    33. Jack Benny 480321 648 Academy Awards Are Discussed.mp3
    34. Jack Benny 490327 688 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    35. Jack Benny 490424 692 Jack Decides To Trade In Maxwell.mp3
    36. Jack Benny 500416 729 Jack Gets House Painted.mp3
    37. Jack Benny 510325 763 Sunset Boulevard.mp3
    38. Jack Pearl Show 370409 23 Wake Up And Live.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 39 shows – 570 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 29 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Jean Shepherd Show 630423 Shepherd Fingers Beads Of Despair.mp3
    3. Jean Shepherd Show 650424 In Asia Until May.mp3
    4. Jungle Jim 440325 439 Japanese Officer Is Captured.mp3
    5. Komedy Kingdom 370000 06 Geography .mp3
    6. Lone Ranger 410507 1293 Spring Roundup.mp3
    7. Lux Radio Theater 440522 440 Springtime In Rockies.mp3
    8. Lux Radio Theater 491003 670 It Happens Every Spring.mp3
    9. Lux Radio Theater 530629 835 One More Spring.mp3
    10. Martin And Lewis Show 490501 005 Madeleine Carroll.mp3
    11. Mayor Of Town 430428 34 Recalls Scenes Love In Springdale.mp3
    12. Milton Berle Show 480323 55 Salutes Coming Of Spring.mp3
    13. Mr District Attorney 480519 514 Spring Fever.mp3
    14. Nonsense And Melody 30000x 12 In Park In Paris In Spring.mp3
    15. Our Miss Brooks 490417 037 Easter Outfit.mp3
    16. Our Miss Brooks 550501 287 Takes Over Spring Garden.mp3
    17. Paul Whiteman Forever Tops 460429 Charms Of Spring.mp3
    18. Phil Harris 490501 101 Spring Housecleaning.mp3
    19. Railroad Hour 510716 146 Springtime In Paris.mp3
    20. Railroad Hour 520512 189 Spring Is Here.mp3
    21. Recollections At 30 560919 Abdicatation Of King Edward Viii.mp3
    22. Red Skelton Show 420303 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    23. Red Skelton Show 420324 Hike In Park.mp3
    24. Request Performance 460421 29 Spring Comes To Central Park.mp3
    25. Richard Diamond Private Detective 490903 Baker Case.mp3
    26. Romance 550430 375 After All Its Spring.mp3
    27. Romance 550507 376 Second Time Around.mp3
    28. Screen Directors Playhouse 490327 012 Suddenly Its Spring.mp3
    29. Screen Directors Playhouse 500414 064 Happens Every Spring.mp3
    30. Sears Radio Theater 790712 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    31. Show World 400108 Show World.mp3
    32. Studio One 480316 One More Spring.mp3
    33. Taystee Breadwinners 340000 16 Its Springtime On Parade.mp3
    34. Texaco Star Theatre 460224 00 Aida.mp3
    35. Texaco Town 380323 78 Last Show Of Series.mp3
    36. Theater Guild On Air 460602 039 Call It Day.mp3
    37. Theater Of Romance 450227 Springtime For Henry.mp3
    38. Vic And Sade 410400 X 40 Pounds Of Golf Clubs.mp3
    39. Walter Winchell 490327 Bert Parks Wife Has Baby.mp3
    40. War Telescope 431113 Will War Be Over By Next Spring.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    76 recordings on 42 Audio CDs. Total playtime 38 hours, 13 min
    76 recordings on 42 Audio CDs
    total playtime 38 hours, 13 min

    Spring Disc A001

    1. Cecil Sally 426 Composing Love Poem Cant Finish
    2. Nonsense And Melody 30000x 12 In Park In Paris In Spring
    3. Chuck Wagon Jamboree 000000 I Like Mountain Music
    4. Taystee Breadwinners 340000 16 Its Springtime On Parade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A002

    1. Fred Allen Hour Of Smiles 340411 04 Spring Has Arrived
    2. Komedy Kingdom 370000 06 Geography

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A003

    1. Jack Pearl Show 370409 23 Wake Up And Live
    2. Jack Benny 370425 255 In Spring Trala

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A004

    1. Chase And Sanborn Hour 370613 06 Joan Blondell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A005

    1. Coast To Coast On Bus 370620 Fathers Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A006

    1. Texaco Town 380323 78 Last Show Of Series

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A007

    1. Good News Of 380414 024 Freddie Bartholomew

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A008

    1. Good News Of 381110 046 Lionel Barrymore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A009

    1. Avalon Time 390304 09 Horses And Racing
    2. Dr Christian 390328 049 Spring In Air

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A010

    1. Show World 400108 Show World
    2. Al Pearce 400214 X Elmer Sells Ladies Clothes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A011

    1. Dr Christian 400320 072 Spring Dance
    2. Its Time To Smile 410305 023 Humphrey Bogart Hattie Mcdaniel
    3. Vic And Sade 410400 X 40 Pounds Of Golf Clubs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A012

    1. Lone Ranger 410507 1293 Spring Roundup
    2. Red Skelton Show 420303 Spring Cleaning

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A013

    1. Red Skelton Show 420324 Hike In Park
    2. Great Gildersleeve 430328 075 Springtime In Summerfield

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A014

    1. Mayor Of Town 430428 34 Recalls Scenes Love In Springdale
    2. Fibber Mcgee 430511 0364 New Barometer Indicates Snow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A015

    1. War Telescope 431113 Will War Be Over By Next Spring
    2. Duffys Tavern 440104 Fred Allen
    3. Challenge Of Yukon 440217 As Man Thinketh

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A016

    1. Jungle Jim 440325 439 Japanese Officer Is Captured
    2. Lux Radio Theater 440522 440 Springtime In Rockies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A017

    1. Theater Of Romance 450227 Springtime For Henry
    2. It Pays To Be Ignorant 450323 Room Full Married People Empty

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A018

    1. CP 460117 207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show
    2. Texaco Star Theatre 460224 00 Aida

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A019

    1. Fred Allen Fred Allen Show 460324 063 Candy Anonymous
    2. Request Performance 460421 29 Spring Comes To Central Park

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A020

    1. Paul Whiteman Forever Tops 460429 Charms Of Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A021

    1. Theater Guild On Air 460602 039 Call It Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A022

    1. CP 460922 232 Janet Blair David Street
    2. Fibber Mcgee 470408 0511 Mollys Twisted Ankle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A023

    1. Studio One 480316 One More Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A024

    1. Jack Benny 480321 648 Academy Awards Are Discussed
    2. Milton Berle Show 480323 55 Salutes Coming Of Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A025

    1. CP 480518 323 Jack Mccoy Dan Dailey Evelyn Knight
    2. Mr District Attorney 480519 514 Spring Fever

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A026

    1. Claudia 490310 379 City Versus Country
    2. Jack Benny 490327 688 Spring Cleaning

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A027

    1. Screen Directors Playhouse 490327 012 Suddenly Its Spring
    2. Walter Winchell 490327 Bert Parks Wife Has Baby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A028

    1. Duffys Tavern 490406 318 Archie And Finnegan Doubledate
    2. Our Miss Brooks 490417 037 Easter Outfit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A029

    1. Jack Benny 490424 692 Jack Decides To Trade In Maxwell
    2. Martin And Lewis Show 490501 005 Madeleine Carroll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A030

    1. Phil Harris 490501 101 Spring Housecleaning
    2. Richard Diamond Private Detective 490903 Baker Case

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A031

    1. Lux Radio Theater 491003 670 It Happens Every Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A032

    1. Great Gildersleeve 500118 348 Dinner With Katheryn
    2. Screen Directors Playhouse 500414 064 Happens Every Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A033

    1. Jack Benny 500416 729 Jack Gets House Painted
    2. Jack Benny 510325 763 Sunset Boulevard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A034

    1. Railroad Hour 510716 146 Springtime In Paris
    2. Hello Sucker 520126 04 Gardening Swindles

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A035

    1. Railroad Hour 520512 189 Spring Is Here
    2. Guest Star 520601 0271 Younger Than Springtime

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A036

    1. Lux Radio Theater 530629 835 One More Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A037

    1. Best Of All 550321 32 Spring
    2. Romance 550430 375 After All Its Spring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A038

    1. Our Miss Brooks 550501 287 Takes Over Spring Garden
    2. Romance 550507 376 Second Time Around

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A039

    1. Fort Laramie 560617 Winter Soldier
    2. Recollections At 30 560919 Abdicatation Of King Edward Viii
    3. Barptcbsrn 600329 197 Sportsaphone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A040

    1. Jean Shepherd Show 630423 Shepherd Fingers Beads Of Despair

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A041

    1. Jean Shepherd Show 650424 In Asia Until May

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Spring Disc A042

    1. Sears Radio Theater 790712 Spring Cleaning

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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