Going to sea is a frightening enough proposition with the normal dangers of the sea. Add superstitions and dangerous shipmates, and it is a wonder anyone leaves a safe harbor.
59 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 27 hours, 41 min)
available in the following formats:
2 MP3 CDs
30 Audio CDs
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
The men who "go down to the sea in ships" tend to be a superstitious group, with good reason. Once you get out of sight of land, there are many, many things which can kill you. That far out to sea, it is highly unlikely that anyone back home will ever know what happened to you.
The sea covers more than two-thirds of the planet's surface, which means that a world where mankind is supposed to have dominion is largely unexplored by humans. Oceanographers like to point out that more men have stood on the surface of the moon than have been to the Marianas Trench, the deepest spot in the oceans.
Consider the giant squid. These monsters can be from thirty to almost fifty feet in length and weigh hundreds of pounds. For millennia, giant squids have been thought the stuff of legend because science had never seen one, although there were reports of the monsters or their body parts washing up, dead, on remote beaches. Science has yet to figure out a reliable way to photograph a giant squid in its natural habitat, the only known video of a giant squid in the wild was shot off Japan in 2012.
Which begs the question, if something as big as giant squid can hide from us, what else might be lurking in the unknown depths?
As scary and dangerous as a life at sea can be because of the natural and supernatural forces at play there. The greatest danger on a voyage can come from one's fellow passengers and crew. By centuries-old tradition, a vessel's master has absolute authority, indeed the power of life and death, over those who sail with him. This tradition arose from the fact that the captain has absolute responsibility for the souls which board his vessel. However, history has shown that a captain may succumb to what he sees as a higher responsibility to his mission or another obsession. When that happens, woe be to those sailing with him.
Going to sea has always been seen as a way to escape one's transgressions onshore. Not everyone who sets out on a voyage is a fugitive from justice, of course, but over the course of the journey, those aboard the vessel may get to know one another better than husband and wife, and the picture painted is not always a happy one.
For more boating tales in Old Time Radio, see also: Ships, Yachts and Boats, Cruise of the Poll Parrot, Men at Sea, Racing Boats, Submarines, Battle Stations, Titanic, Naval Battles in OTR, Escape: Ocean Tales, and Spooky Tales of the Sea.
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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