In an attempt to recruit women, the Navy introduced WAVES "Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service" with this star-studded radio show.
22 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 5 hours, 25 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
6 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
All of the Armed Services used radio recruiting programs during and after the War. Although the programs would develop into a rather particular pattern, they were not only a very effective tool for increasing manpower for the service, they were usually high quality radio programing.
Something For The Girls helped to solve the Navy's Manpower shortage by recruiting woman. In theory, every WAVE who took a shore billet freed a sailor who would then find himself "haze gray and underway".
The WAVES, "Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service", was established in August 1942, two months after the WAACs, the Women's Army Auxiliary Corp. Unlike the WAACs, who served with the Army, the WAVES served in the Navy, holding the same rank and ratings as their male counterparts, as well as receiving the same pay and were subject to military discipline.
WAVES were not allowed to serve on aircraft or combatant ships, although they did receive basic enlisted and officer training. Most WAVES served in clerical positions, although many also served in the aviation and supply corps.
Although they would not be fighting on the front lines, there was little doubt that service in the WAVES was something special. So it makes sense that all the stops were pulled out for the Something For The Girls recruiting program. Artists featured included Helen Hayes, Andre Kostelanetz, Celeste Holm, John Charles Thomas, Jim Ameche, Lily Pons, Jane Froman, Sammy Kaye, Nelson Eddy, Ronald Colman, Kate Smith and many others.
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Something for the Girls Disc A001
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Something for the Girls Disc A002
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Something for the Girls Disc A003
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Something for the Girls Disc A004
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Something for the Girls Disc A005
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Something for the Girls Disc A006
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