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Random Rarities 30

Even more Rare and Random programs which defy classification but are entertaining listening.

Random Rarities 30

56 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 16 hours, 24 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
18 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The Adventures of Father Brown, 1945, Mutual. One of the least hard-boiled detectives of all, Father Brown is a parish priest as well as an amateur detective.

The Flying Hutchinson's, August 19, 1939, sponsored by Pepsi Cola. George R. Hutchinson took his family on an airplane ride in 1909 and they enjoyed it so much that they opened an airport near Philadelphia. The later set out on a flying expedition, first to all fifty state capitals, then to the capital of every nation in the world.

Forever Ernest, 1946, CBS, Summer replacement for Vox Pop. Former child star Jackie Coogan gets his first regular radio role co-starring Lurene Tuttle is a situation comedy about a 'fraidy-cat' drugstore clerk desperate to impress his girlfriend.

The Adventures of Frank Farrell, Syndicated Adventure Serial. Frank and his friends "play fair to win square" on the various sports teams of Trent High School, and foil bad guys in the off-seasons between championships.

The Fresh Up Show, 1946, Mutual, sponsored by 7-Up. Bert Lahr plays a drug store clerk who gets conned into marrying the local doctor's daughter. Featuring Ruth Davies singing with the 7-Up Orchestra.

Future Tense, 1974, KMUK Kalamazoo. Locally produced science fiction series using scripts from Dimension X and X Minus One.

G.I. Joe, NBC. Post-War tale of soldiers stationed overseas. In "Boy Meets Coconut", a craps game operator gets caught up in an island curse.

Great Moments from the Lives of Great Women, 1937, CBS. Dancer Anna Pavlova has the idea for her greatest work, "Swan Lake".

The Greatest of These, Syndicated. Attorney Harvey Desmond has inherited a million dollars, so now with the profits of a successful practice, he can dedicate his life to good works and charity. His philosophy is to practice the spirit of the law rather than its letter.

The Happy Gang, Daily music and comedy show from up north.

Hogan's Daughter, 1949, NBC. Family situation comedy about an Irish family living in a New York City walk-up. Pop Hogan thinks that life is unfair (how can his neighbor afford a television?) while his daughter Phyllis is looking for a job, but she would rather find a boy.

I Want a Divorce, 1941, Mutual. Joan Blondell looks at the rising divorce rate by dramatizing the problems which drive couples apart.

Jerry Dean, Boy Trooper, 1947, Mutual, audition program. Jerry Dean is a youngster who works with the State Police. A Junior Trooper premium for kids is offered.

Joe and Mabel: The story of a New York cabbie, Joe, his sweetheart, Mabel, and the great advice Joe gets from his friends.

Jack Hoxie Music: Possibly a sound recording of music for a Jack Hoxie Silent Western short feature

John Steele, Adventurer, 1950, Mutual. Don Douglas stars in the title role, Steele holds a variety of jobs in a number of exotic locations. He is rarely the center of the stories presented, rather we get to see others engaged in derring-do through his eyes.

Junior Miss, 1953, CBS. Barbara Whiting stars as 15-year-old Judy Graves, a girl living with her family in a New York apartment. Gale Gordon plays her long-suffering father.

Lights Out, 1935, NBC. An early episode of the great series. Naturally, it is a dark and stormy night. A pair of spooky travelers (Laslow and Mya von Drakenstein of Transylvania) stop at the house of a doctor who is almost as creepy as they are.

Lives of the Great, 1934, Syndication. Biographies of Benjamin Franklin, Ulysses Grant, Mark Twain, and Buffalo Bill.

Lives of Our Greatest Artists, December 31, 1941, WHN New York. The life and career of cantor's son Al Jolson.

Log of the Black Parrot, May 6, 1950, Audition program. Elliot Lewis stars as the captain of a schooner plying the South Pacific in search of riches and adventure. On this run, the captain is carrying a cargo of explosives for a secretive doctor and a beautiful native girl who shot an amorous sailor.

Lord Weejie and Miss Duck, Russell Comer Syndication, 1930s. Aunt Duck, a.k.a. F. Duckworth is a lady investigator who has fallen in with Lord Weejie, a ventriloquist and fortune teller in a street show. Weejie's dummy makes eerily accurate predictions.

Martha White BiscuitMartha White Biscuit Time, 1953 Country Music Morning show, WSM Nashville. Martha White Flour ("Goodness Gracious, It's Good!") helps to get the morning going with rollicking tunes from Flatt and Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys, live from the stage of the Grand Ol' Opry.

Men of Vision, 1935, Better Vision Institute Syndication. A look at great men who have "opened the eyes of the world", men who have "brought the world better vision".

Motor Oil Revue, 1930, National Refining Syndication. A variety of fun musical styles pushing En-Ar Gas and Oil along with everything to keep your car purring.

One Night Stand Presents Joe Reichman, the Pagliacci of the Piano. 1944, AFRS. Band remote broadcast for the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.

Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft October 24, 1939, English Language Newscast. RRG was the German public broadcasting service from 1925 to 1945 and became a major outlet for Nazi propaganda beginning in 1933.

Sales of Short Spot Programming, 1944. The recording is a pitch to advertisers for the effectiveness of short radio spots lasting from mere seconds to a couple of minutes. This is in contrast to most radio advertising during the OTR period when a sponsor bought radio time in quarter, half, or full hour blocks.

Teenage Gospelettes, 1959. A mixed choir presents songs of worship and praise. The harmonies are accompanied by a rather "honky-tonk" sounding piano.

Temple Hour, New York Federation of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. A program of song, prayer, and information about the Jewish Faith, an inspiring Sabbath Day broadcast.

The Terrea Lea Program, 1950, NBC. A long-time fixture in the Los Angeles folk music scene, Miss Lea and "her singing guitar" present haunting melodies on this rare program.

Thesaurus, NBC Transcription. The network provided a series of transcription disks to local affiliates for play when network material was not available. The studio recorded music and program could be played straight from the disk or arranged however the station engineer wanted.

Twelve Days of Christmas: Folk Singer Tom Glazer shares his rendition of "The Twelve Days of Christmas".

Tobacco Auctioneer Chants, 1950-1966. The almost musical calls of the auctioneers will be familiar to Jack Benny's Lucky Strikes Program fans, but these are apparently taken from actual tobacco auctions.

Tom Breneman's Laugh Parade, August 1945. Broadcast from the Hollywood USO, featuring jokes by the host and from Service Members passing through the USO on their return from the Pacific.

Turn Back the ClockTurn Back the Clock, 1960(?), AFRTS. Andy and Virginia present new (at the time) and old versions of popular songs.

Uncle Sam Speaks, November 4, 1946, Office of War Information syndication. The question is asked: Can the Germans be reeducated for Democracy? Panelists will demonstrate that Nazism has been eliminated from the German educational system.

Union Oil Program, 1939-40, CBS. The early episodes present music and stories, the second season is dedicated to modern light operettas.

Alben W. Barkley, 1952. A short political message from Truman's Vice President.

Your Sugar Report, AFRS, 1945. Show business gossip, music, and some "sugar" for the boys overseas from Hollywood Starlet Brenda Marshall. Ms. Marshal went on to be matron of honor at Ronald and Nancy Reagan's wedding.

Katherine Steele on WHAS Louiseville: Queen of the West, Dale Evans explains how she got her stage name

Wings of the Dragon: Audition program about a pair of American pilots fighting in China before America joins the War.

World Program Services Syndications: A pair of 1936 recordings of Johny Long and Charlie Spivak and their Orchestras.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    hey jon still a big fan of your old time radio business.....love the variety offered....listening to them....and your good response to any questions or problems.....keep up the good work.....the a j smiths....thanks have a good day!

    Albert j Verified Purchase

    Have I said I like Random Rarities? Because the programs are so random and they really are rare, this disc #7 is a perfect example.It started with Martha White Biscuit Time featuring Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs playing some bluegrass tunes. The next program was Temple Hour with both song and spoken word of the Jewish faith.Finally was Thesaurus, a number of songs that might be called novelty songs, none of which I had heard before. Anyway, I always look foreward and enjoy all the different Random Rarities.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 24 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 16 hours, 24 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 24 minutes
    2. Father Brown 450722 3 Tools Of Death Afrs Dram Repl 24.mp3
    3. Flying Hutchinsons.mp3
    4. Frank Farrell 12 Search For Helen And Mr. Newman.mp3
    5. Frank Farrell 13 Rescued.mp3
    6. Frank Farrell 25a Mr. Newmans Ranch Troubles.mp3
    7. Frank Farrell 26a Blackie Captured Nr.mp3
    8. Frank Farrell Audition Basketball Heroics.mp3
    9. Fresh Up Show 450620.mp3
    10. Future Tense Double Dare.mp3
    11. Future Tense Romance.mp3
    12. Gi Joeboy Meets Coconut.mp3
    13. Great Moments From Lives Of Women 370000 Anna Pavlova.mp3
    14. Greatest Of Thesedoctor With Awar Wound.mp3
    15. Greatest Of Thesemissing Funds.mp3
    16. Happy Gang 1939.mp3
    17. Hogans Daughter.mp3
    18. I Want Divorce Song Writer 410214.mp3
    19. Jerry Deanboy Trooper 01.mp3
    20. Joe And Mabeljoe Writes Poem 410302.mp3
    21. Joe Reichman Remote 440716 Ons 0468 Biltmore Bowl Biltmore.mp3
    22. John Steele Adventurershadow On Snow 500820.mp3
    23. Junior Miss Rainy Day.mp3
    24. Lights Outstrange Couple Stays Overnight 350000.mp3
    25. Lives Of Our Great Artists 401231 00x Story Of Al Jolson.mp3
    26. Log Of Black Parrot 500506 Audition.mp3
    27. Lord Weejie And Miss Duck 01 1930s Russell C Comer Agency Nr.mp3
    28. Lord Weejie And Miss Duck 02 1930s Russell C Comer Agency Nr.mp3
    29. Martha White Biscuit Time.mp3
    30. Men Of Vision Ben Franklin 370802.mp3
    31. Men Of Vision Galileo 370822.mp3
    32. Men Of Vision Roger Bacon 370802.mp3
    33. Men Of Vision Thomas Young 370726.mp3
    34. Motor Oil Review 300301 001 Theres Fly On Aunties Nose.mp3
    35. Reichrundfunk 391024 Station Djd 430 Berlin Finnish Moscow.mp3
    36. Sales Of Short Spot Programming 440000 Nyc Aircheck.mp3
    37. Synd Pictures Jack Hoxie Marshall Of Money 300915 Huge Chip.mp3
    38. Teenage Gospelettes Set Me Free Wrvk Sinclair 590000.mp3
    39. Temple Hour 002 Heavens Are Declaring Hydenafrs.mp3
    40. Terrea Lea Show 500630 Ep009.mp3
    41. Thesaurus 1053 Jesters.mp3
    42. Thesaurus 1053 Sammy Kaye.mp3
    43. Tobacco Auctioneer Chants 1950 1966.mp3
    44. Tom Brenemans Laugh Parade 450808 Joke About Horse.mp3
    45. Turn Back Clock 610000 1150 Laughing Outside Teddy Randazo.mp3
    46. Twelve Days Of Christmas Tom Glazer Keynote Pre 1942.mp3
    47. Uncle Sam Speaks 461104 004 Can We Educate Germans Democracy.mp3
    48. Union Oil Program 390202 Aud Stories Never Heard Till Now.mp3
    49. Union Oil Program 391116 Ep007 Fortune Teller.mp3
    50. Union Oil Program 400418 Ep029 Pink Lady.mp3
    51. Union Oil Program 400527 Ep035 New Moon.mp3
    52. Vp Alben Barkley Urge You To Vote Covington Ky 521030.mp3
    53. Whas Dale Evans Name Katherine Steele 17 Apr 1949.mp3
    54. Wings Of Dragon 370000 Ep001 Black Ghost Makes An Air Raid.mp3
    55. Wps 361124 Charlie Spivak And His Orchestra.mp3
    56. Wps 361124 Johnny Long And His Orchestra.mp3
    57. Your Sugar Report 450120 145 Brenda Marshall Hllywd Gossip.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 24 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    451 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 24 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – 451 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 24 minutes
    2. Father Brown 450722 3 Tools Of Death Afrs Dram Repl 24.mp3
    3. Flying Hutchinsons.mp3
    4. Frank Farrell 12 Search For Helen And Mr. Newman.mp3
    5. Frank Farrell 13 Rescued.mp3
    6. Frank Farrell 25a Mr. Newmans Ranch Troubles.mp3
    7. Frank Farrell 26a Blackie Captured Nr.mp3
    8. Frank Farrell Audition Basketball Heroics.mp3
    9. Fresh Up Show 450620.mp3
    10. Future Tense Double Dare.mp3
    11. Future Tense Romance.mp3
    12. Gi Joeboy Meets Coconut.mp3
    13. Great Moments From Lives Of Women 370000 Anna Pavlova.mp3
    14. Greatest Of Thesedoctor With Awar Wound.mp3
    15. Greatest Of Thesemissing Funds.mp3
    16. Happy Gang 1939.mp3
    17. Hogans Daughter.mp3
    18. I Want Divorce Song Writer 410214.mp3
    19. Jerry Deanboy Trooper 01.mp3
    20. Joe And Mabeljoe Writes Poem 410302.mp3
    21. Joe Reichman Remote 440716 Ons 0468 Biltmore Bowl Biltmore.mp3
    22. John Steele Adventurershadow On Snow 500820.mp3
    23. Junior Miss Rainy Day.mp3
    24. Lights Outstrange Couple Stays Overnight 350000.mp3
    25. Lives Of Our Great Artists 401231 00x Story Of Al Jolson.mp3
    26. Log Of Black Parrot 500506 Audition.mp3
    27. Lord Weejie And Miss Duck 01 1930s Russell C Comer Agency Nr.mp3
    28. Lord Weejie And Miss Duck 02 1930s Russell C Comer Agency Nr.mp3
    29. Martha White Biscuit Time.mp3
    30. Men Of Vision Ben Franklin 370802.mp3
    31. Men Of Vision Galileo 370822.mp3
    32. Men Of Vision Roger Bacon 370802.mp3
    33. Men Of Vision Thomas Young 370726.mp3
    34. Motor Oil Review 300301 001 Theres Fly On Aunties Nose.mp3
    35. Reichrundfunk 391024 Station Djd 430 Berlin Finnish Moscow.mp3
    36. Sales Of Short Spot Programming 440000 Nyc Aircheck.mp3
    37. Synd Pictures Jack Hoxie Marshall Of Money 300915 Huge Chip.mp3
    38. Teenage Gospelettes Set Me Free Wrvk Sinclair 590000.mp3
    39. Temple Hour 002 Heavens Are Declaring Hydenafrs.mp3
    40. Terrea Lea Show 500630 Ep009.mp3
    41. Thesaurus 1053 Jesters.mp3
    42. Thesaurus 1053 Sammy Kaye.mp3
    43. Tobacco Auctioneer Chants 1950 1966.mp3
    44. Tom Brenemans Laugh Parade 450808 Joke About Horse.mp3
    45. Turn Back Clock 610000 1150 Laughing Outside Teddy Randazo.mp3
    46. Twelve Days Of Christmas Tom Glazer Keynote Pre 1942.mp3
    47. Uncle Sam Speaks 461104 004 Can We Educate Germans Democracy.mp3
    48. Union Oil Program 390202 Aud Stories Never Heard Till Now.mp3
    49. Union Oil Program 391116 Ep007 Fortune Teller.mp3
    50. Union Oil Program 400418 Ep029 Pink Lady.mp3
    51. Union Oil Program 400527 Ep035 New Moon.mp3
    52. Vp Alben Barkley Urge You To Vote Covington Ky 521030.mp3
    53. Whas Dale Evans Name Katherine Steele 17 Apr 1949.mp3
    54. Wings Of Dragon 370000 Ep001 Black Ghost Makes An Air Raid.mp3
    55. Wps 361124 Charlie Spivak And His Orchestra.mp3
    56. Wps 361124 Johnny Long And His Orchestra.mp3
    57. Your Sugar Report 450120 145 Brenda Marshall Hllywd Gossip.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    56 recordings on 18 Audio CDs. Total playtime 16 hours, 24 min
    56 recordings on 18 Audio CDs
    total playtime 16 hours, 24 min

    Random Rarities 30 Disc A001

    1. Flying Hutchinsons
    2. Frank Farrell 12 Search For Helen And Mr. Newman
    3. Frank Farrell 13 Rescued
    4. Frank Farrell 25a Mr. Newmans Ranch Troubles

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A002

    1. Frank Farrell 26a Blackie Captured Nr
    2. Frank Farrell Audition Basketball Heroics
    3. Future Tense Double Dare
    4. Future Tense Romance

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A003

    1. Gi Joeboy Meets Coconut
    2. Greatest Of Thesedoctor With Awar Wound

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A004

    1. Greatest Of Thesemissing Funds
    2. Happy Gang 1939

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A005

    1. Hogans Daughter
    2. Jerry Deanboy Trooper 01

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A006

    1. Junior Miss Rainy Day
    2. Lord Weejie And Miss Duck 01 1930s Russell C Comer Agency Nr
    3. Lord Weejie And Miss Duck 02 1930s Russell C Comer Agency Nr

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A007

    1. Martha White Biscuit Time
    2. Temple Hour 002 Heavens Are Declaring Hydenafrs
    3. Thesaurus 1053 Jesters

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A008

    1. Thesaurus 1053 Sammy Kaye
    2. Tobacco Auctioneer Chants 1950 1966
    3. Twelve Days Of Christmas Tom Glazer Keynote Pre 1942
    4. Whas Dale Evans Name Katherine Steele 17 Apr 1949
    5. Motor Oil Review 300301 001 Theres Fly On Aunties Nose
    6. Synd Pictures Jack Hoxie Marshall Of Money 300915 Huge Chip
    7. Lights Outstrange Couple Stays Overnight 350000

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A009

    1. Wps 361124 Charlie Spivak And His Orchestra
    2. Wps 361124 Johnny Long And His Orchestra
    3. Great Moments From Lives Of Women 370000 Anna Pavlova
    4. Wings Of Dragon 370000 Ep001 Black Ghost Makes An Air Raid
    5. Men Of Vision Thomas Young 370726

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A010

    1. Men Of Vision Ben Franklin 370802
    2. Men Of Vision Roger Bacon 370802
    3. Men Of Vision Galileo 370822
    4. Union Oil Program 390202 Aud Stories Never Heard Till Now

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A011

    1. Reichrundfunk 391024 Station Djd 430 Berlin Finnish Moscow
    2. Union Oil Program 391116 Ep007 Fortune Teller

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A012

    1. Union Oil Program 400418 Ep029 Pink Lady
    2. Union Oil Program 400527 Ep035 New Moon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A013

    1. Lives Of Our Great Artists 401231 00x Story Of Al Jolson
    2. I Want Divorce Song Writer 410214

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A014

    1. Joe And Mabeljoe Writes Poem 410302
    2. Sales Of Short Spot Programming 440000 Nyc Aircheck
    3. Joe Reichman Remote 440716 Ons 0468 Biltmore Bowl Biltmore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A015

    1. Your Sugar Report 450120 145 Brenda Marshall Hllywd Gossip
    2. Fresh Up Show 450620

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A016

    1. Father Brown 450722 3 Tools Of Death Afrs Dram Repl 24
    2. Tom Brenemans Laugh Parade 450808 Joke About Horse
    3. Uncle Sam Speaks 461104 004 Can We Educate Germans Democracy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A017

    1. Log Of Black Parrot 500506 Audition
    2. Terrea Lea Show 500630 Ep009
    3. John Steele Adventurershadow On Snow 500820

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 30 Disc A018

    1. Vp Alben Barkley Urge You To Vote Covington Ky 521030
    2. Teenage Gospelettes Set Me Free Wrvk Sinclair 590000
    3. Turn Back Clock 610000 1150 Laughing Outside Teddy Randazo

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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