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Random Rarities 16

Our sixteenth edition of Random Rarities if filled with as much variety as the first fifteen. What sets this edition apart is that most of the episodes were broadcast in the last years of WWII and the post war years.

Random Rarities 16

62 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 22 hours, 28 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
22 Audio CDs

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"Its Fun to Live in America"

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A.L. Alexander's Mediation Board

Our sixteenth edition of Random Rarities if filled with as much variety as the first fifteen. What sets this edition apart is that most of the episodes were broadcast in the last years of WWII and the post war years. There are less "orphaned programs" from this period than there were in Radio's infancy, but it is interesting to hear the combination of dread and hopefulness as the Nation steps into post-War prosperity while the clouds of the Cold War form.

Don Wilson from Jack Benny ProgramAmerica's Most Interesting People, 1938, Interviewing Henry Krakauer, 70 year old entrepreneur who sells any and everything alive, including birds for magicians, and "air shopper" Mildred Johnson who finds rare, fresh items and uses the new international airliners to get them fresh to her customers.

The Hallicrafters Hour, 1945, An all-star salute to America's amateur radio operators sponsored by Hallicrafter, premier manufacturer of radio transmitters and receivers. The Hallicrafters HT-4 transmitter was basis of the Army's SCR-299 mobile communications unit, and Hallicrafter units were long considered the Cadillac of amateur radio gear.

Campbell's Short Story, 1940, A complete story every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for America's most popular canned tomato juice. One of the stories , "The Wrong Way to Write", an April Fool's joke that backfires in a big way.

The Joe E. Brown Show, 1939, Hosted by Don Wilson from the Jack Benny Program and sponsored by Post Toasties, this variety program features a zany combination of music and skit drama. Joe Brown was known on the screen for his unusually large mouth, but with a big mouth came an even bigger smile and infectious laugh

Crusaders For Freedom, A history lesson in the form of a dramatized biography from AFRTS. "The secret of happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom is a Brave Heart". Subjects include Freedom of worship and Freedom from Slavery.

The Human Family Christmas Program, 1937, popular radio players (not necessarily network names) put together a syndicated salute to their audience for the Christmas season, including Ray Knight and his Orchestra.

Vic DamoneA.L. Alexander's Mediation Board, 1943, a popular program on Mutual where Mr. Alexander brings people with problems together with a board of respected sociologists, educators and clergy to solve their problems on the air. Maybe not as dramatic as TV's Jerry Springer, but emotions do run very high.

Time For Reason In Radio and Time For Reason, 1947, Adult education pioneer Lyman Bryson hosts this series of opinion programs. The earliest iteration of the program features Bryson reading and answering letters of criticism send by readers to CBS.

The PET Milk Program with Vic Damone, 1948-49, featuring popular crooner, Vic Damone, singing to housewives and pushing canned milk.

It's Fun to Live in America, 1951, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, this series goes beyond the privilege and responsibility of living in America and explores the fun that comes from success based on hard work and ambition.

WWII Public Service Announcements, The War Advertising Council (WAC) was formed as America entered The War. The spots were provided free of charge to broadcasters and were used as part of a domestic propaganda campaign. The War Bond Campaigns and the "Loose Lips Sink Ships" campaign were dedicated to showing the average citizen how they could help achieve Victory, while the explanations of rationing showed that the whole Nation was together in the fight.

See also Random Rarities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1314, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2122, and 23.

Hallicrafters Radio

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    I listened to disc 4 which was from Christmas Day in 1937. It was called the Human Family Tree with assorted corny jokes and skits . There was music of 1937 in between the talking. Ferde Grofe ( yes, that Grofe) wrote a medley of Christmas music and this gave it more of the holiday music you might expect.Otherwise, it sounded like a typical stage variety show that might have been heard in the 1930's.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    62 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 28 min
    62 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 22 hours, 28 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 62 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
    2. A L Alexanders Board Of Mediation 430628 Wife Walksout.mp3
    3. Americas Most Interesting People 381205 01 Henry Krahour.mp3
    4. An evening at crosley square 440910.mp3
    5. Art Linkletters House Party 450521 People Unusal Names.mp3
    6. Art Linkletters House Party Old Father With Child Under One.mp3
    7. Campbells Short Short Story 000000 For Sentimental Reasons.mp3
    8. Campbells Short Short Story 400311 Shake Hands Grandson.mp3
    9. Campbells Short Short Story 400607 Wring Way To Write.mp3
    10. Cbs Stars In Afternoon 460922 Fall Preview Show 90 Min.mp3
    11. Crusaders For Freedom 03 How Firm Foundation.mp3
    12. Crusaders For Freedom 04 I Had Dream.mp3
    13. Hail Champ 461107 Audition 1st Question If You Were About .mp3
    14. Hal Victor Show 490401 Milk Bar.mp3
    15. Halicrafters Hour 450402 Hildegard.mp3
    16. Happy Homes 490504 00x Gardening Show Poor Sound.mp3
    17. Harmony Matinee 460523 Hawaiian War Chant Kskydallas.mp3
    18. Harrington And Wood 481004.mp3
    19. Hollywood Star Theater 481204 Love To Remember.mp3
    20. Hollywood Star Theater 490827 Sacrificial Lamb.mp3
    21. Hollywood Star Theater 490910 Promise Of Murder.mp3
    22. Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 Man Who Came To Dinner.mp3
    23. Human Family 371225 Christmas Program.mp3
    24. Human Side Of Record 480608 Saluting Billy Murray.mp3
    25. Its Fun To Live In America [partial].mp3
    26. Joe E Brown Show 390325.mp3
    27. Joe E Brown Show 390921 Costars Paul Winslow.mp3
    28. Last Man Out 531206 Communist Teacher.mp3
    29. Pet Milk Show 481009 Vic Damone.mp3
    30. Pet Milk Show 481016 Vic Damone.mp3
    31. Pet Milk Show 490312.mp3
    32. Rexall Hollywood Revue 441102 03 Benchley Realty Company.mp3
    33. Rexall Parade of Stars 1942.mp3
    34. Surprise Package 460929 Stars In Afternoon Afrs36.mp3
    35. The Minstrel Train 450628 Oh Golden Slippers.mp3
    36. The Minstrel Train 460611 Strike Up Band.mp3
    37. Time For Reason 470203 About Radio.mp3
    38. Time For Reason 470628 America's Leadership For Freedom.mp3
    39. Time For Reason 470831 The East End Of Europe.mp3
    40. Train Time Audition.mp3
    41. Tribute To Irving Berlind 380803.mp3
    42. Vass Family 000000 057 Romance Runs In Family.mp3
    43. Vass Family 000000 058 Crinoline Days.mp3
    44. Ve Day Special 450508 Afrs Special Victory Program.mp3
    45. Ve Plus 350 460423 United Jewish Appeal.mp3
    46. VFW Jubilee 490404 Bing Crosby, Dinah Shore.mp3
    47. Victory Belles 421212 1st Tune Ten Little Soldiers.mp3
    48. Victory Bond Show 451206 Bing Crosby, Gene Kelly.mp3
    49. Virginia Carillon 471111.mp3
    50. Virginia Carillon 471225.mp3
    51. Virginia Marvin 471113 Audition.mp3
    52. Voices Down Wind 460422.mp3
    53. Wartime Announcementshare Meat.mp3
    54. Wartime Psa Carelesstalk.mp3
    55. Wartime Psa Govenor Olson.mp3
    56. Wartime Psa Help Saveships.mp3
    57. Wartime Psa Is This Trip Necessary.mp3
    58. Wartime Psa Price Control.mp3
    59. Wartime Psa Save Paper.mp3
    60. Wartime Psa Share Meat.mp3
    61. Wartime Psa Sugar Rationing.mp3
    62. Wartime Psa Total Victory.mp3
    63. Welcome Back Baseball 500415 Bob Hope, Bing Crosby V.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    62 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 28 min
    62 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    604 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 28 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 62 shows – 604 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
    2. A L Alexanders Board Of Mediation 430628 Wife Walksout.mp3
    3. Americas Most Interesting People 381205 01 Henry Krahour.mp3
    4. An evening at crosley square 440910.mp3
    5. Art Linkletters House Party 450521 People Unusal Names.mp3
    6. Art Linkletters House Party Old Father With Child Under One.mp3
    7. Campbells Short Short Story 000000 For Sentimental Reasons.mp3
    8. Campbells Short Short Story 400311 Shake Hands Grandson.mp3
    9. Campbells Short Short Story 400607 Wring Way To Write.mp3
    10. Cbs Stars In Afternoon 460922 Fall Preview Show 90 Min.mp3
    11. Crusaders For Freedom 03 How Firm Foundation.mp3
    12. Crusaders For Freedom 04 I Had Dream.mp3
    13. Hail Champ 461107 Audition 1st Question If You Were About .mp3
    14. Hal Victor Show 490401 Milk Bar.mp3
    15. Halicrafters Hour 450402 Hildegard.mp3
    16. Happy Homes 490504 00x Gardening Show Poor Sound.mp3
    17. Harmony Matinee 460523 Hawaiian War Chant Kskydallas.mp3
    18. Harrington And Wood 481004.mp3
    19. Hollywood Star Theater 481204 Love To Remember.mp3
    20. Hollywood Star Theater 490827 Sacrificial Lamb.mp3
    21. Hollywood Star Theater 490910 Promise Of Murder.mp3
    22. Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 Man Who Came To Dinner.mp3
    23. Human Family 371225 Christmas Program.mp3
    24. Human Side Of Record 480608 Saluting Billy Murray.mp3
    25. Its Fun To Live In America [partial].mp3
    26. Joe E Brown Show 390325.mp3
    27. Joe E Brown Show 390921 Costars Paul Winslow.mp3
    28. Last Man Out 531206 Communist Teacher.mp3
    29. Pet Milk Show 481009 Vic Damone.mp3
    30. Pet Milk Show 481016 Vic Damone.mp3
    31. Pet Milk Show 490312.mp3
    32. Rexall Hollywood Revue 441102 03 Benchley Realty Company.mp3
    33. Rexall Parade of Stars 1942.mp3
    34. Surprise Package 460929 Stars In Afternoon Afrs36.mp3
    35. The Minstrel Train 450628 Oh Golden Slippers.mp3
    36. The Minstrel Train 460611 Strike Up Band.mp3
    37. Time For Reason 470203 About Radio.mp3
    38. Time For Reason 470628 America's Leadership For Freedom.mp3
    39. Time For Reason 470831 The East End Of Europe.mp3
    40. Train Time Audition.mp3
    41. Tribute To Irving Berlind 380803.mp3
    42. Vass Family 000000 057 Romance Runs In Family.mp3
    43. Vass Family 000000 058 Crinoline Days.mp3
    44. Ve Day Special 450508 Afrs Special Victory Program.mp3
    45. Ve Plus 350 460423 United Jewish Appeal.mp3
    46. VFW Jubilee 490404 Bing Crosby, Dinah Shore.mp3
    47. Victory Belles 421212 1st Tune Ten Little Soldiers.mp3
    48. Victory Bond Show 451206 Bing Crosby, Gene Kelly.mp3
    49. Virginia Carillon 471111.mp3
    50. Virginia Carillon 471225.mp3
    51. Virginia Marvin 471113 Audition.mp3
    52. Voices Down Wind 460422.mp3
    53. Wartime Announcementshare Meat.mp3
    54. Wartime Psa Carelesstalk.mp3
    55. Wartime Psa Govenor Olson.mp3
    56. Wartime Psa Help Saveships.mp3
    57. Wartime Psa Is This Trip Necessary.mp3
    58. Wartime Psa Price Control.mp3
    59. Wartime Psa Save Paper.mp3
    60. Wartime Psa Share Meat.mp3
    61. Wartime Psa Sugar Rationing.mp3
    62. Wartime Psa Total Victory.mp3
    63. Welcome Back Baseball 500415 Bob Hope, Bing Crosby V.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    62 recordings on 22 Audio CDs. Total playtime 21 hours, 0 min
    62 recordings on 22 Audio CDs
    total playtime 21 hours, 0 min

    Random Rarities 16 Disc A001

    1. Art Linkletters House Party Old Father With Child Under One
    2. Crusaders For Freedom 03 How Firm Foundation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A002

    1. Crusaders For Freedom 04 I Had Dream
    2. Its Fun To Live In America [partial]
    3. Rexall Parade of Stars 1942

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A003

    1. Train Time Audition
    2. Wartime Announcementshare Meat
    3. Wartime Psa Carelesstalk
    4. Wartime Psa Govenor Olson
    5. Wartime Psa Help Saveships
    6. Wartime Psa Is This Trip Necessary
    7. Wartime Psa Price Control
    8. Wartime Psa Save Paper
    9. Wartime Psa Share Meat
    10. Wartime Psa Sugar Rationing
    11. Wartime Psa Total Victory
    12. Campbells Short Short Story 000000 For Sentimental Reasons
    13. Vass Family 000000 057 Romance Runs In Family
    14. Vass Family 000000 058 Crinoline Days

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A004

    1. Human Family 371225 Christmas Program

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A005

    1. Tribute To Irving Berlind 380803

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A006

    1. Americas Most Interesting People 381205 01 Henry Krahour
    2. Joe E Brown Show 390325

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A007

    1. Joe E Brown Show 390921 Costars Paul Winslow
    2. Campbells Short Short Story 400311 Shake Hands Grandson
    3. Campbells Short Short Story 400607 Wring Way To Write

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A008

    1. Victory Belles 421212 1st Tune Ten Little Soldiers
    2. A L Alexanders Board Of Mediation 430628 Wife Walksout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A009

    1. An evening at crosley square 440910
    2. Rexall Hollywood Revue 441102 03 Benchley Realty Company

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A010

    1. Halicrafters Hour 450402 Hildegard
    2. Ve Day Special 450508 Afrs Special Victory Program

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A011

    1. Art Linkletters House Party 450521 People Unusal Names
    2. The Minstrel Train 450628 Oh Golden Slippers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A012

    1. Victory Bond Show 451206 Bing Crosby, Gene Kelly
    2. Voices Down Wind 460422

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A013

    1. Ve Plus 350 460423 United Jewish Appeal
    2. Harmony Matinee 460523 Hawaiian War Chant Kskydallas
    3. The Minstrel Train 460611 Strike Up Band

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A014

    1. Surprise Package 460929 Stars In Afternoon Afrs36
    2. Hail Champ 461107 Audition 1st Question If You Were About

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A015

    1. Time For Reason 470203 About Radio
    2. Time For Reason 470628 America's Leadership For Freedom
    3. Time For Reason 470831 The East End Of Europe
    4. Virginia Carillon 471111
    5. Virginia Marvin 471113 Audition

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    Random Rarities 16 Disc A016

    1. Virginia Carillon 471225
    2. Human Side Of Record 480608 Saluting Billy Murray
    3. Harrington And Wood 481004

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A017

    1. Pet Milk Show 481009 Vic Damone
    2. Pet Milk Show 481016 Vic Damone
    3. Hollywood Star Theater 481204 Love To Remember

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A018

    1. Pet Milk Show 490312
    2. Hal Victor Show 490401 Milk Bar

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A019

    1. VFW Jubilee 490404 Bing Crosby, Dinah Shore
    2. Happy Homes 490504 00x Gardening Show Poor Sound

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A020

    1. Hollywood Star Theater 490827 Sacrificial Lamb
    2. Hollywood Star Theater 490910 Promise Of Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A021

    1. Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 Man Who Came To Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 16 Disc A022

    1. Welcome Back Baseball 500415 Bob Hope, Bing Crosby V
    2. Last Man Out 531206 Communist Teacher

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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