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The Quiz Kids

The Quiz Kids radio game show panel consisted of five extremely bright children giving entertaining answers--making the show was popular with adults and youngsters alike.

Quiz Kids

139 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 68 hours, 13 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
70 Audio CDs

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"Episode 426"

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Quiz Kids

Juvenile Quiz Show (1940-1953)

Quiz Kids advertisementAs the children's version of Information, Please, Quiz Kids became one of the best known juvenile shows of its era. Bald Joe Kelly of National Barn Dance, who incidentally dropped out of school in the third grade, hosted the show. The children contestants were usually age six through sixteen. Although on occasion, a brainy four year old would make an appearance on the show. On one particularly funny show, Jackie Benny guest starred, posing as six-year-old. One of the audience favorites was little Gerard Darrow, who was recruited for the show through a lecture he gave on birds at a Chicago school. At age three, Gerard had identified 300 bird species. Ornithologist extraordinaire, Gerard was welcomed onto the show at age six.

Quiz Kids and host, Joe KellyThe show consisted of five extremely bright kids, several of which were different from week to week. Contestants were awarded $100 savings bonds per appearance. Difficult questions were posed, questions even adults had difficulty answering. The first question on the first episode, for example, was, "I want you to tell me what I would be carrying home if I brought an antimacassar, a dinghy, a sarong and an apteryx. The children on the show were selected due to their intelligence as well as personalities and senses of humor. Answers were often very entertaining, making the show was popular with adults and youngsters alike.

For more quiz show fun, see also: The Game Show Collection, Twenty Questions, You Bet Your Life, It Pays to Be Ignorant, and Information Please. See also, the informative program, The Answer Man. For children who are concerned about manners, see also: Mind Your Manners.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    6     1


    Listened to your Quiz Kids files on 2 CD’s I was hoping to hear my father, Dick Sedlack, who was a contestant in 1944, 45, or 46 for a few months. It was cool that he was a quiz kid. He was on with Joel Kupperman and Ruthy Deskin, and spoke of them often. He was on for a few months, I think. The show was rigged, in that they knew what the kids knew and what they didn’t. My father apprarantly insulted the secretary of agriculture when he was a guest. The next week, all of the questions were geared away from him, and he was gone. He was able to pay for college with his quiz kids pay.

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    They were some very smart kids!

    Donald Verified Purchase

    I enjoy hearing the shows again. At the age of 82, I remember listening to these as a kid. No TV in those days, only your imagination.

    Derald Verified Purchase

    It's good to be reminded that there are pleasant, knowledgeable, polite, well rounded kids out there. The programs may be dated but are still enjoyable. I just wish some station would broadcast a modern version for modern times to show such kids can still be found. Jim

    Jim Verified Purchase

    You must have a terrific system to keep track of what people want so that you will be able to contact them if those shows become available. I wish that I had known that OTR had this show before my father died at age 95. Dad would have absolutely loved hearing Mom's voice five years before he met her on this show. I take comfort in believing that he has found her in whatever afterlife people have and hears her every moment. They were married for almost 62 years, and had the type of marriage that their friends and children aspired to. Some years ago I bought many OTR shows on cassette tapes, and then some on CDs. When I retire at the end of this year I'll probably start buying again, as I'll have the time to listen more.

    Andrea Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    139 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 68 hours, 13 min
    139 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 68 hours, 13 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. QK400000 Can You Spell Four Of Five Following Words Aud.mp3
    3. QK400918 013 Can You Write Four Line Poem Using Timbuctu.mp3
    4. QK401225 027 What Storys First Line Is Marley Was Dead.mp3
    5. QK410226 036 What Is Name Of Largest Island.mp3
    6. QK410407 QKSpecial Broadcast From Disney Studios.mp3
    7. QK410416 043 Would You Drink Aqua Fountus.mp3
    8. QK410611 051 What Should I Name My Calf.mp3
    9. QK411105 072 What Branch Of Service Wears Black Stockings.mp3
    10. QK430124 136 Would You Like If Varicella Paid You Visit.mp3
    11. QK430221 140 Would Bathtub Drain Quicker If You Stayed In It.mp3
    12. QK430328 145 Name Famous People Given Their First Names Only.mp3
    13. QK460324 301 What Husband Gave His Wife Her Only Name.mp3
    14. QK460616 313 Fathers Day Show.mp3
    15. QK460721 318 If Brick Weighs One Pound Plus One Half Brick.mp3
    16. QK470309 351 Where Would You Find Tribe Of Hope Indians.mp3
    17. QK470518 361 If You Dug Hole From Denver To Sea Level.mp3
    18. QK470727 371 3 Explorers Last Names Begin With La De Da.mp3
    19. QK470803 372 Is Member Of Royal Family In Us Government.mp3
    20. QK470810 373 Who Are George Allen And Gracie Burns.mp3
    21. QK470817 374 Name 2 Words Starting Su That Sound Like Sh.mp3
    22. QK470824 375 If All Presidents Up To 1896 Stood In Line.mp3
    23. QK470831 376 Why Didnt Words Armed Assault Disturb Police.mp3
    24. QK471207 390 Think Of Song Describing 1946 Xmas Seals.mp3
    25. QK480321 405 Who Hopes To Whip Cream In June.mp3
    26. QK480328 406 How Do You Know Eating Carrots Helps Your Eyes.mp3
    27. QK480411 408 What Field Does Detroit Hope Proud Growth 1948.mp3
    28. QK480418 409 What Animal Has Always Had New Look.mp3
    29. QK480425 410 What City Has New Jack In Box.mp3
    30. QK480502 411 Where Would You Go To Find Hammus Alabalmus.mp3
    31. QK480509 412 Combined Molybdenum Thorium Erbium.mp3
    32. QK480516 413 If You Gave Party.mp3
    33. QK480523 414 Riddle Kept Visitors To Pittsburgh Going Home.mp3
    34. QK480530 415 Nymph With Telescope Looking At Comet.mp3
    35. QK480606 416 Dessert That Combines Baseball Nicknames.mp3
    36. QK480613 417 Arrange Letters.mp3
    37. QK480620 418 PA Protactinium And Third Sunday In June.mp3
    38. QK480627 419 Eighth Anniversary Show.mp3
    39. QK480704 420 Celebrating Independence Day.mp3
    40. QK480711 421 Combination Of Names Means Damp Rabbit.mp3
    41. QK480718 422 What Popular Song Is Name Of An Explorer.mp3
    42. QK480725 423 Tom Dick And Harry Were In News.mp3
    43. QK480801 424 Monarch Recently Turned Indian.mp3
    44. QK480808 425 What Skin Makes Best Slippers.mp3
    45. QK480815 426 What Would Dewey Wear Into White House.mp3
    46. QK480822 427 What Kitchen Item Works Upside Down.mp3
    47. QK480829 428 Why Can People Sign Their Name For Hershey.mp3
    48. QK480905 429 Who Is Most Recent Queen For Day.mp3
    49. QK480912 430 How Does Great Pied Hornbill Handle Women.mp3
    50. QK480919 431 Napoleon Might Have Felt Crowded In Exile.mp3
    51. QK480926 432 If Hawaii Is Fortyninth State.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 47 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. QK481003 433 Fish And Generals Name.mp3
    3. QK481010 434 What Presidents Name Is An Indian Tribe.mp3
    4. QK481017 435 First Letter Of An Article We All Possess.mp3
    5. QK481024 436 Ten Thousand Eyes Were On Him.mp3
    6. QK481031 437 Numbers 1306 Held Before Mirror.mp3
    7. QK481107 438 Mousetrap Buttonhook And Statue Of Liberty.mp3
    8. QK481114 439 What Does Political Party Womens Have Common.mp3
    9. QK481121 440 Thanksgiving Poem.mp3
    10. QK481128 441 What Time Is It In Australia When Show Starts.mp3
    11. QK481205 442 There Really Is Santa Claus.mp3
    12. QK481212 443 Two Buckets Of Water At Different Temperatures.mp3
    13. QK481219 444 Christmas Party.mp3
    14. QK481226 445 Similar Names.mp3
    15. QK490102 446 How Are Fingerprints And Snowflakes Alike.mp3
    16. QK490109 447 Who Is Known As Dean Of Cabinet.mp3
    17. QK490116 448 When Woman Sticks Her Hand Out Of Car Window.mp3
    18. QK490123 449 QKFrom Five Different States.mp3
    19. QK490130 450 Symbols Sulfur Hydrogen Molybdenum Oxygen.mp3
    20. QK490206 451 Fish Spelled Backwards Is Gener.mp3
    21. QK490213 452 How Many Miles From Nm To Dc.mp3
    22. QK490220 453 Sleep Was Under Control But Isnt Anymore.mp3
    23. QK490227 454 Atomic Numbers Of Elements Are Political Slogan.mp3
    24. QK490306 455 What Button Stayed In Place For Two Years.mp3
    25. QK490313 456 Blind Mice Plus Dead Mans Chest.mp3
    26. QK490320 457 Which Of Seven Dwarfs Dipped In River Shannon.mp3
    27. QK490327 458 Barnacle Bill Big Bad Wolf And Richards Friend.mp3
    28. QK490403 459 Outstanding Man Who Was Pm And Is Now An Mp.mp3
    29. QK490410 460 Hackle And Ginger Quill.mp3
    30. QK490417 461 Why Does Easter Rabbit Always Have Shiny Nose.mp3
    31. QK490424 462 Achilles Of Baseball.mp3
    32. QK490501 463 Diego Rivera Sounds Like Nice Vacation Spot.mp3
    33. QK490508 464 Mothers Day.mp3
    34. QK490515 465 Times Children Of Israel Marched Around Jericho.mp3
    35. QK490522 466 Middle Names Of American Poets John And James.mp3
    36. QK490529 467 Class People Washington Dc Rides In Carriages.mp3
    37. QK500129 503 If Groundhog Sees Lamont Cranston Next Thursday.mp3
    38. QK500402 512 What Is Significance Of Number 82070.mp3
    39. QK500625 524 Tenth Anniversary Show.mp3
    40. QK500702 525 Farm Questions.mp3
    41. QK500709 526 What Sick Celebrity Had 250000 Visitors.mp3
    42. QK500716 527 Kids Sub For Joe Kelly.mp3
    43. QK500723 528 He Threw Out His Birdcage Ran Past Woodpile.mp3
    44. QK500730 529 Mammals Lifespan And Landing Of Pilgrims.mp3
    45. QK500806 530 Voting To Music.mp3
    46. QK500813 531 International Trade Fair.mp3
    47. QK500820 532 Geographical Delegate.mp3
    48. QK500827 533 Hiawatha And Minnehaha.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 42 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 56 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. QK500900 Prebroadcast Warmup For Sept 24 1950 Program.mp3
    3. QK500903 534 Labor Day Picnic Near Gambusia Affinus.mp3
    4. QK500910 535 Beauty Pack Mule Pack Or Cincpac.mp3
    5. QK500917 536 Kiwanis Club And Kids Day.mp3
    6. QK500924 537 Who Should Written Betty Mcdonalds First Book.mp3
    7. QK501001 538 Tallahassee Is Capital.mp3
    8. QK501008 539 Nursery Rhyme Seventh Us President And Pier.mp3
    9. QK501015 540 Fraternal Order Of Eagles.mp3
    10. QK501022 541 First Landing Across Atlantic.mp3
    11. QK501029 542 If Ten Cows Walked In Straight Line.mp3
    12. QK501105 543 If Two Men Order Ham And Eggs Which Is Soldier.mp3
    13. QK501112 544 Song Suggests Which College Football Player.mp3
    14. QK501119 545 Rotary International.mp3
    15. QK501126 546 4 h Club.mp3
    16. QK501203 547 Lions Club.mp3
    17. QK501210 548 Special Music Themed Program.mp3
    18. QK501217 549 Elks Club.mp3
    19. QK501224 550 Christmas Questions And Visit From Santa.mp3
    20. QK501231 551 Questions Kids Missed In 1950.mp3
    21. QK510107 552 American Legends And Myths.mp3
    22. QK510114 553 Questions About Science.mp3
    23. QK510121 554 Baseball Player With Name Of Moses Fatherinlaw.mp3
    24. QK510128 555 Biblical And Ancient Times.mp3
    25. QK510204 556 National Dental Health Day.mp3
    26. QK510211 557 What Kind Of Necktie Would Cupid Wear.mp3
    27. QK510218 558 Past And Present News Events.mp3
    28. QK510225 559 Twins From Syracuse.mp3
    29. QK510304 560 Walker Bulldogs.mp3
    30. QK510311 561 St Patricks Day And An Imitation Diamond.mp3
    31. QK510318 562 American Legion Womens Auxiliary.mp3
    32. QK510325 563 Live From Shamrock Hotel.mp3
    33. QK510513 564 Who Was Impressed By An Irish Bob.mp3
    34. QK510520 565 If Your Initials Were Roman Numerals.mp3
    35. QK510527 566 How Does Emperor Penguin Protect Its Young.mp3
    36. QK510603 567 What General Is Always In Shape.mp3
    37. QK510610 568 Winners 6th Annual Teachers Contest Announced.mp3
    38. QK510617 569 Glad He Changed Color Of Socks Last Winter.mp3
    39. QK510624 570 Eleventh Anniversary Program.mp3
    40. QK510701 571 Most Appropriate Hairdo For July 4 th.mp3
    41. QK510708 572 Newtons First Law Of Motion And Air Force.mp3
    42. QK510715 573 What Would You Expect To Find In Sutton Hoo.mp3
    43. QKCan You Spell Four Of Five Words.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    139 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 68 hours, 13 min
    139 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1874 MB – total playtime 68 hours, 13 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – 670 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 23 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. QK400000 Can You Spell Four Of Five Following Words Aud.mp3
    3. QK400918 013 Can You Write Four Line Poem Using Timbuctu.mp3
    4. QK401225 027 What Storys First Line Is Marley Was Dead.mp3
    5. QK410226 036 What Is Name Of Largest Island.mp3
    6. QK410407 QKSpecial Broadcast From Disney Studios.mp3
    7. QK410416 043 Would You Drink Aqua Fountus.mp3
    8. QK410611 051 What Should I Name My Calf.mp3
    9. QK411105 072 What Branch Of Service Wears Black Stockings.mp3
    10. QK430124 136 Would You Like If Varicella Paid You Visit.mp3
    11. QK430221 140 Would Bathtub Drain Quicker If You Stayed In It.mp3
    12. QK430328 145 Name Famous People Given Their First Names Only.mp3
    13. QK460324 301 What Husband Gave His Wife Her Only Name.mp3
    14. QK460616 313 Fathers Day Show.mp3
    15. QK460721 318 If Brick Weighs One Pound Plus One Half Brick.mp3
    16. QK470309 351 Where Would You Find Tribe Of Hope Indians.mp3
    17. QK470518 361 If You Dug Hole From Denver To Sea Level.mp3
    18. QK470727 371 3 Explorers Last Names Begin With La De Da.mp3
    19. QK470803 372 Is Member Of Royal Family In Us Government.mp3
    20. QK470810 373 Who Are George Allen And Gracie Burns.mp3
    21. QK470817 374 Name 2 Words Starting Su That Sound Like Sh.mp3
    22. QK470824 375 If All Presidents Up To 1896 Stood In Line.mp3
    23. QK470831 376 Why Didnt Words Armed Assault Disturb Police.mp3
    24. QK471207 390 Think Of Song Describing 1946 Xmas Seals.mp3
    25. QK480321 405 Who Hopes To Whip Cream In June.mp3
    26. QK480328 406 How Do You Know Eating Carrots Helps Your Eyes.mp3
    27. QK480411 408 What Field Does Detroit Hope Proud Growth 1948.mp3
    28. QK480418 409 What Animal Has Always Had New Look.mp3
    29. QK480425 410 What City Has New Jack In Box.mp3
    30. QK480502 411 Where Would You Go To Find Hammus Alabalmus.mp3
    31. QK480509 412 Combined Molybdenum Thorium Erbium.mp3
    32. QK480516 413 If You Gave Party.mp3
    33. QK480523 414 Riddle Kept Visitors To Pittsburgh Going Home.mp3
    34. QK480530 415 Nymph With Telescope Looking At Comet.mp3
    35. QK480606 416 Dessert That Combines Baseball Nicknames.mp3
    36. QK480613 417 Arrange Letters.mp3
    37. QK480620 418 PA Protactinium And Third Sunday In June.mp3
    38. QK480627 419 Eighth Anniversary Show.mp3
    39. QK480704 420 Celebrating Independence Day.mp3
    40. QK480711 421 Combination Of Names Means Damp Rabbit.mp3
    41. QK480718 422 What Popular Song Is Name Of An Explorer.mp3
    42. QK480725 423 Tom Dick And Harry Were In News.mp3
    43. QK480801 424 Monarch Recently Turned Indian.mp3
    44. QK480808 425 What Skin Makes Best Slippers.mp3
    45. QK480815 426 What Would Dewey Wear Into White House.mp3
    46. QK480822 427 What Kitchen Item Works Upside Down.mp3
    47. QK480829 428 Why Can People Sign Their Name For Hershey.mp3
    48. QK480905 429 Who Is Most Recent Queen For Day.mp3
    49. QK480912 430 How Does Great Pied Hornbill Handle Women.mp3
    50. QK480919 431 Napoleon Might Have Felt Crowded In Exile.mp3
    51. QK480926 432 If Hawaii Is Fortyninth State.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 47 shows – 629 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. QK481003 433 Fish And Generals Name.mp3
    3. QK481010 434 What Presidents Name Is An Indian Tribe.mp3
    4. QK481017 435 First Letter Of An Article We All Possess.mp3
    5. QK481024 436 Ten Thousand Eyes Were On Him.mp3
    6. QK481031 437 Numbers 1306 Held Before Mirror.mp3
    7. QK481107 438 Mousetrap Buttonhook And Statue Of Liberty.mp3
    8. QK481114 439 What Does Political Party Womens Have Common.mp3
    9. QK481121 440 Thanksgiving Poem.mp3
    10. QK481128 441 What Time Is It In Australia When Show Starts.mp3
    11. QK481205 442 There Really Is Santa Claus.mp3
    12. QK481212 443 Two Buckets Of Water At Different Temperatures.mp3
    13. QK481219 444 Christmas Party.mp3
    14. QK481226 445 Similar Names.mp3
    15. QK490102 446 How Are Fingerprints And Snowflakes Alike.mp3
    16. QK490109 447 Who Is Known As Dean Of Cabinet.mp3
    17. QK490116 448 When Woman Sticks Her Hand Out Of Car Window.mp3
    18. QK490123 449 QKFrom Five Different States.mp3
    19. QK490130 450 Symbols Sulfur Hydrogen Molybdenum Oxygen.mp3
    20. QK490206 451 Fish Spelled Backwards Is Gener.mp3
    21. QK490213 452 How Many Miles From Nm To Dc.mp3
    22. QK490220 453 Sleep Was Under Control But Isnt Anymore.mp3
    23. QK490227 454 Atomic Numbers Of Elements Are Political Slogan.mp3
    24. QK490306 455 What Button Stayed In Place For Two Years.mp3
    25. QK490313 456 Blind Mice Plus Dead Mans Chest.mp3
    26. QK490320 457 Which Of Seven Dwarfs Dipped In River Shannon.mp3
    27. QK490327 458 Barnacle Bill Big Bad Wolf And Richards Friend.mp3
    28. QK490403 459 Outstanding Man Who Was Pm And Is Now An Mp.mp3
    29. QK490410 460 Hackle And Ginger Quill.mp3
    30. QK490417 461 Why Does Easter Rabbit Always Have Shiny Nose.mp3
    31. QK490424 462 Achilles Of Baseball.mp3
    32. QK490501 463 Diego Rivera Sounds Like Nice Vacation Spot.mp3
    33. QK490508 464 Mothers Day.mp3
    34. QK490515 465 Times Children Of Israel Marched Around Jericho.mp3
    35. QK490522 466 Middle Names Of American Poets John And James.mp3
    36. QK490529 467 Class People Washington Dc Rides In Carriages.mp3
    37. QK500129 503 If Groundhog Sees Lamont Cranston Next Thursday.mp3
    38. QK500402 512 What Is Significance Of Number 82070.mp3
    39. QK500625 524 Tenth Anniversary Show.mp3
    40. QK500702 525 Farm Questions.mp3
    41. QK500709 526 What Sick Celebrity Had 250000 Visitors.mp3
    42. QK500716 527 Kids Sub For Joe Kelly.mp3
    43. QK500723 528 He Threw Out His Birdcage Ran Past Woodpile.mp3
    44. QK500730 529 Mammals Lifespan And Landing Of Pilgrims.mp3
    45. QK500806 530 Voting To Music.mp3
    46. QK500813 531 International Trade Fair.mp3
    47. QK500820 532 Geographical Delegate.mp3
    48. QK500827 533 Hiawatha And Minnehaha.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 42 shows – 575 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 56 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. QK500900 Prebroadcast Warmup For Sept 24 1950 Program.mp3
    3. QK500903 534 Labor Day Picnic Near Gambusia Affinus.mp3
    4. QK500910 535 Beauty Pack Mule Pack Or Cincpac.mp3
    5. QK500917 536 Kiwanis Club And Kids Day.mp3
    6. QK500924 537 Who Should Written Betty Mcdonalds First Book.mp3
    7. QK501001 538 Tallahassee Is Capital.mp3
    8. QK501008 539 Nursery Rhyme Seventh Us President And Pier.mp3
    9. QK501015 540 Fraternal Order Of Eagles.mp3
    10. QK501022 541 First Landing Across Atlantic.mp3
    11. QK501029 542 If Ten Cows Walked In Straight Line.mp3
    12. QK501105 543 If Two Men Order Ham And Eggs Which Is Soldier.mp3
    13. QK501112 544 Song Suggests Which College Football Player.mp3
    14. QK501119 545 Rotary International.mp3
    15. QK501126 546 4 h Club.mp3
    16. QK501203 547 Lions Club.mp3
    17. QK501210 548 Special Music Themed Program.mp3
    18. QK501217 549 Elks Club.mp3
    19. QK501224 550 Christmas Questions And Visit From Santa.mp3
    20. QK501231 551 Questions Kids Missed In 1950.mp3
    21. QK510107 552 American Legends And Myths.mp3
    22. QK510114 553 Questions About Science.mp3
    23. QK510121 554 Baseball Player With Name Of Moses Fatherinlaw.mp3
    24. QK510128 555 Biblical And Ancient Times.mp3
    25. QK510204 556 National Dental Health Day.mp3
    26. QK510211 557 What Kind Of Necktie Would Cupid Wear.mp3
    27. QK510218 558 Past And Present News Events.mp3
    28. QK510225 559 Twins From Syracuse.mp3
    29. QK510304 560 Walker Bulldogs.mp3
    30. QK510311 561 St Patricks Day And An Imitation Diamond.mp3
    31. QK510318 562 American Legion Womens Auxiliary.mp3
    32. QK510325 563 Live From Shamrock Hotel.mp3
    33. QK510513 564 Who Was Impressed By An Irish Bob.mp3
    34. QK510520 565 If Your Initials Were Roman Numerals.mp3
    35. QK510527 566 How Does Emperor Penguin Protect Its Young.mp3
    36. QK510603 567 What General Is Always In Shape.mp3
    37. QK510610 568 Winners 6th Annual Teachers Contest Announced.mp3
    38. QK510617 569 Glad He Changed Color Of Socks Last Winter.mp3
    39. QK510624 570 Eleventh Anniversary Program.mp3
    40. QK510701 571 Most Appropriate Hairdo For July 4 th.mp3
    41. QK510708 572 Newtons First Law Of Motion And Air Force.mp3
    42. QK510715 573 What Would You Expect To Find In Sutton Hoo.mp3
    43. QKCan You Spell Four Of Five Words.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    139 recordings on 70 Audio CDs. Total playtime 68 hours, 13 min
    139 recordings on 70 Audio CDs
    total playtime 68 hours, 13 min

    Quiz Kids Disc A001

    1. QKCan You Spell Four Of Five Words
    2. QK400000 Can You Spell Four Of Five Following Words Aud

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A002

    1. QK400918 013 Can You Write Four Line Poem Using Timbuctu
    2. QK401225 027 What Storys First Line Is Marley Was Dead

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A003

    1. QK410226 036 What Is Name Of Largest Island
    2. QK410407 QKSpecial Broadcast From Disney Studios

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A004

    1. QK410416 043 Would You Drink Aqua Fountus
    2. QK410611 051 What Should I Name My Calf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A005

    1. QK411105 072 What Branch Of Service Wears Black Stockings
    2. QK430124 136 Would You Like If Varicella Paid You Visit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A006

    1. QK430221 140 Would Bathtub Drain Quicker If You Stayed In It
    2. QK430328 145 Name Famous People Given Their First Names Only

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A007

    1. QK460324 301 What Husband Gave His Wife Her Only Name
    2. QK460616 313 Fathers Day Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A008

    1. QK460721 318 If Brick Weighs One Pound Plus One Half Brick
    2. QK470309 351 Where Would You Find Tribe Of Hope Indians

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A009

    1. QK470518 361 If You Dug Hole From Denver To Sea Level
    2. QK470727 371 3 Explorers Last Names Begin With La De Da

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Quiz Kids Disc A010

    1. QK470803 372 Is Member Of Royal Family In Us Government
    2. QK470810 373 Who Are George Allen And Gracie Burns

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