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Public Service Announcements (PSAs) In Old Time Radio

A Public Service Announcement (PSA) is defined as a message in the public interest which is disseminated through the media free of charge, with the objective of raising awareness of issues.

Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

202 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 9 hours, 28 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
9 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from April 20, 1942:

"Save Kitchen Fats to Save the War"

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Save Waste Fats for Explosives

Loose Lips Might Sink Ships

The roots of the public service announcement reach back to the dawn of the advertising age. During the Civil War newspapers across the Northern states carried free advertising for the US government selling bonds which helped to finance the war effort. The nascent advertising industry pointed to the success of this early bond campaign as proof of ‘what advertising can do’, which led to national campaigns for baking powder, soap and railroad travel; the dawn of the commercial advertising age.

A Public Service Announcement (PSA) is defined as a message in the public interest which is disseminated through the media free of charge, with the objective of raising awareness of issues.  PSAs were an important part of the domestic War effort during WWII. Symbols like Uncle Sam posters ("I Want YOU for U.S. Army") and Rosie the Riveter ("We Can Do It!") were part of the national consciousness, thanks to the efforts of the War Advertising Council.

The WAC was also quick to turn to popular radio programs to get the message out. Several episodes of Fibber McGee and Molly were themed around the need for rationing and buying War Bonds. Jim and Marian Jordan often had a War related PSA at the end of each week’s broadcast.

Two of the most important PSA campaigns of the WAC were the War Bond drives and the "Loose Lips Sink Ships" campaign. As the War progressed, fears on the West coast of wild fires set by the Japanese gave rise to the Smokey Bear campaign. After the War ended, the WAC became the Ad Council.

The post War years were filled with PSAs concerning Civil Defense. Art Linkletter, Groucho Marx, Fred MacMurray, and Bob Hope were among the celebrities assuring Americans that they could survive an Atomic attack and the resulting fall out. WWII VDSeveral PSAs were dedicated to explaining the CONELRAD system, a scheme for disseminating information to the civilian population during an emergency. CONELRAD, or "Control of Electromagnetic Radiation" broadcasts could be heard at 640 kHz and 1240 kHz on the AM dial. Broadcast facilities which were used by CONELRAD were designed to switch between broadcast sites so that enemy bombers would not be able to home in on the signal.

AFRTS, the Armed Forces Radio and Television Services (now known as the American Forces Network) has always been a big consumer of PSA spots. Since the mission of AFRTS is to provide information and entertainment to the troops, PSAs are seen as wholesome material for broadcast. Much of the programming used by AFRTS is donated by the commercial networks back home, but it must be stripped of commercial content before it is broadcast by the military. PSAs are often used as filler where the commercials were taken out.

The American Forces Vietnam Network created a number of PSAs for troops serving in-country. Many of these were important for soldiers wherever they would have been serving, such as information about VA education benefits, maintaining the M16 rifle and reenlistment information, while some of the spots were tailored for the tropical conditions that servicemen faced in Vietnam, with warnings about snakebite, foot rot, malaria and venereal disease.

See also CommercialsCommercials for Movies CollectionRadio Jingles, My Hometownand Introductions and Theme Music.

Civil Defense Bomb Shelter

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    Brought back memories of days gone by and the topics selected make interesting listening about the way we were. Recording quality is very good. Sal

    Salvatore Verified Purchase

    As someone with an interest in WW2 the discs I have purchased have been an invaluable source of information. They are good quality and being mp3's you get a lot of recordings on one disc.


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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    202 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 28 min
    202 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 9 hours, 28 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 202 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 28 minutes
    2. PSA AFVN 440620.mp3
    3. PSA AFVN 700000 1970 Mos Test.mp3
    4. PSA AFVN 700000 Todays Theater Schedule Bob Rossi.mp3
    5. PSA AFVN 700000 Todays Theater Schedule.mp3
    6. PSA AFVN 701000 Mpc Conversion Announcement.mp3
    7. PSA AFVN 701127 Orient Express Church.mp3
    8. PSA AFVN 701127 Uso And.mp3
    9. PSA AFVN Airmail.mp3
    10. PSA AFVN America.mp3
    11. PSA AFVN Avfn Nbc Monitor College Pacific Stars Stripes S.mp3
    12. PSA AFVN C Huhoi Network Id Linked.mp3
    13. PSA AFVN Checking Becomes Network Difficulties Announcemen.mp3
    14. PSA AFVN Chu Hoi Program.mp3
    15. PSA AFVN Da Nang Station Id, Driving , Hourly Cycling Tone.mp3
    16. PSA AFVN Driving.mp3
    17. PSA AFVN Extending Rr.mp3
    18. PSA AFVN Foot Care.mp3
    19. PSA AFVN Free Postage Army Recruiter S.mp3
    20. PSA AFVN Gi Bill.mp3
    21. PSA AFVN Id Mail Call.mp3
    22. PSA AFVN Laryngitis Reenlistment.mp3
    23. PSA AFVN Lsd.mp3
    24. PSA AFVN M 16 Maintenance.mp3
    25. PSA AFVN Malaria.mp3
    26. PSA AFVN Nbc Monitor College.mp3
    27. PSA AFVN Network Id Malaria.mp3
    28. PSA AFVN Orient Express, Church.mp3
    29. PSA AFVN Recruiter.mp3
    30. PSA AFVN Red Cross.mp3
    31. PSA AFVN Same Team Transportation.mp3
    32. PSA AFVN Savings Bond.mp3
    33. PSA AFVN Seeing Red Work Order.mp3
    34. PSA AFVN Skag Heroin.mp3
    35. PSA AFVN Snakebite.mp3
    36. PSA AFVN Uniformed Savings Deposit Program.mp3
    37. PSA AFVN Vd Education S.mp3
    38. PSA Air Force1.mp3
    39. PSA American Cancer Society 480000 Square Moon.mp3
    40. PSA Buy War Bonds.mp3
    41. PSA Care Seeds1.mp3
    42. PSA Christmas Seal Cmpgn 500000 Thunder Valley-Ralph Bellamy.mp3
    43. PSA Church1.mp3
    44. PSA Civil Defense 1959 My Own Shelter Cost $212.mp3
    45. PSA Civil Defense Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow.mp3
    46. PSA Civil Defense Art Linkletter Dont Use Phone.mp3
    47. PSA Civil Defense Attack Warning.mp3
    48. PSA Civil Defense Bob Hope Pattern Of Survival.mp3
    49. PSA Civil Defense Boris Karloff Protect Your Home.mp3
    50. PSA Civil Defense Community Shelter In Schools.mp3
    51. PSA Civil Defense Community Shelter Program.mp3
    52. PSA Civil Defense Conelrad Test Announcement.mp3
    53. PSA Civil Defense Conelrad, Sounds Pretty Complicated.mp3
    54. PSA Civil Defense Design Slanting PSA.mp3
    55. PSA Civil Defense Emerg Broadcast Sys 1968 13000 Architects.mp3
    56. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 1.mp3
    57. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 1968 Csp.mp3
    58. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 2.mp3
    59. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 3.mp3
    60. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Operating Centers.mp3
    61. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Water Supply.mp3
    62. PSA Civil Defense Fallout Shelter Spaces.mp3
    63. PSA Civil Defense Fred Mcmurray CD Family Fallout Shelter.mp3
    64. PSA Civil Defense Groucho Marx Excellent Chances.mp3
    65. PSA Civil Defense How Much Time Do We Have Keep Working.mp3
    66. PSA Civil Defense Howard Duff Remember, 6401240.mp3
    67. PSA Civil Defense In Time Of Emergency Not Contagious.mp3
    68. PSA Civil Defense Industrial Records Protection.mp3
    69. PSA Civil Defense Intro, Conelrad Radio Alert, Real Thing.mp3
    70. PSA Civil Defense Johnny Cash Help Ourselves.mp3
    71. PSA Civil Defense Joni James Civil Defense.mp3
    72. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Community Defense.mp3
    73. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Conelrad.mp3
    74. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 1.mp3
    75. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 2.mp3
    76. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 3.mp3
    77. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 First Aid 1.mp3
    78. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 First Aid 2.mp3
    79. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Food Storage.mp3
    80. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Preparedness Card.mp3
    81. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Warning Signals.mp3
    82. PSA Civil Defense Mitzi Gaynor 6401240.mp3
    83. PSA Civil Defense Oper Alert 1961 What Do During War Jfk.mp3
    84. PSA Civil Defense Pat Boone Warning Signals.mp3
    85. PSA Civil Defense Pds 53 Sounds Pretty Complicated.mp3
    86. PSA Civil Defense Personal And Family Survival.mp3
    87. PSA Civil Defense PSA Civil Defense Watchers.mp3
    88. PSA Civil Defense PSA Pedro Do You Know What To Do 1953.mp3
    89. PSA Civil Defense Psychiatrist Shelter Signs.mp3
    90. PSA Civil Defense Public Shelter Sign.mp3
    91. PSA Civil Defense Radioactive Fallout.mp3
    92. PSA Civil Defense Shelter In Schools.mp3
    93. PSA Civil Defense Shelter Manager.mp3
    94. PSA Civil Defense Slanting Design.mp3
    95. PSA Civil Defense Stars Defense One Chinese Schoolboy 1960.mp3
    96. PSA Civil Defense Stars Defense Shelter Means Survival 1965.mp3
    97. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense 1960.mp3
    98. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense 1965 Beyond Sign Itself.mp3
    99. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense Where People Are 1965.mp3
    100. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #1.mp3
    101. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #2.mp3
    102. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #3.mp3
    103. PSA Civil Defense Take Step Four Wheels To Survival.mp3
    104. PSA Civil Defense Take Step Grandmas Pantry.mp3
    105. PSA Civil Defense Time Do We Have Disaster On Big Scale.mp3
    106. PSA Civil Defense Time Emergency Brilliant Nuclear Flash.mp3
    107. PSA Civil Defense Tony Bennett Civil Defense Nuclear Attack.mp3
    108. PSA Civil Defense Uk Protect And Survive.mp3
    109. PSA Civil Defense Wben Buffalo Ny Announcement 53.mp3
    110. PSA Civil Defense What To Take To Shelter.mp3
    111. PSA Civil Defense When Syracuse 75 Annoucement.mp3
    112. PSA Conserve Food.mp3
    113. PSA Cost Of Living.mp3
    114. PSA Crime On Waterfront 510817 Nation Nightmare-Bill Downs.mp3
    115. PSA Drive Safely 520000.mp3
    116. PSA Drive Safely1.mp3
    117. PSA Drive Safely2.mp3
    118. PSA Drive Safely3.mp3
    119. PSA Drive Safely4.mp3
    120. PSA Drive Safely5.mp3
    121. PSA Education1.mp3
    122. PSA FDA Medical Quackery 1950.mp3
    123. PSA Forest Fires1.mp3
    124. PSA Forest Fires2.mp3
    125. PSA Freedom1.mp3
    126. PSA Guard American Freedom.mp3
    127. PSA Highway Safety 1.mp3
    128. PSA Highway Safety 2.mp3
    129. PSA Interrupt This Program.mp3
    130. PSA Jack Benny Tolerance1.mp3
    131. PSA Looking For Lester 450000 Roy Acuff Smoky Mtn Boys.mp3
    132. PSA March Dime 530000 Smr Concert Alec Templeton Kostelanetz.mp3
    133. PSA March Of Dimes 530000 Man Against Crippler Polio.mp3
    134. PSA Maurice Ellis The Dixieaires 500000 Prodigal Son.mp3
    135. PSA Mil Future1.mp3
    136. PSA Mil World Customs1.mp3
    137. PSA Mil World Customs2.mp3
    138. PSA Nations Nightmare Narcotic Evil Bill Downs 510719.mp3
    139. PSA Old Schools.mp3
    140. PSA Peace On Earth.mp3
    141. PSA Police Job.mp3
    142. PSA Prevent Forest Fires 1.mp3
    143. PSA Prevent Forest Fires 2.mp3
    144. PSA Radio Free Europe Psa 1960s.mp3
    145. PSA Radio Free Europe Ronald Reagan.mp3
    146. PSA Resettlement Administration 350000 Joseph Cotten.mp3
    147. PSA Riot Squad 460000 Disabled Vet Fnd Henry Fonda.mp3
    148. PSA Salvation Army 490000 Christmas 1949.mp3
    149. PSA Syphilis-Sister Tharp 500000 Rosetta The Rosettes.mp3
    150. PSA Trouble Is My Middle Name 500000 Merle Travis.mp3
    151. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Dear Ralph.mp3
    152. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Machine.mp3
    153. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Whats Yours.mp3
    154. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Good News.mp3
    155. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Postmaster General.mp3
    156. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Reporter.mp3
    157. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Snow.mp3
    158. PSA USPS Zipcode Lamber Zip Code.mp3
    159. PSA USPS Zipcode Schraffenberger Zip Code Ballad.mp3
    160. PSA USPS Zipcode Stein What Perfect Christmas.mp3
    161. PSA VD Looking For Lester Roy Acuff 480000.mp3
    162. PSA VD Prodigal Son Maurice Ellis And Dixieaires 480000.mp3
    163. PSA VD Syphilis Sister Tharp Rosetta And Rosettes 480000.mp3
    164. PSA VD Trouble Is My Middle Name Merle Travis 480000.mp3
    165. PSA Ve-day Plus 350 460423 The United Jewish Appeal.mp3
    166. PSA Voice Of Industry 370000 Story Of Canning.mp3
    167. PSA Wabc Promos 1970 Produced By Julian Breen.mp3
    168. PSA We Hold These 451215 Truths Orson Welles-Fed Radio Ed.mp3
    169. PSA WWII 420407 Fibber Mcgee Molly On Essential Materials.mp3
    170. PSA WWII 431218 Recruiting Join Wacs.mp3
    171. PSA WWII 440415 Wac Recruiting Promo G Miller.mp3
    172. PSA WWII Bing Crosby Recruiting Womens Army Corps.mp3
    173. PSA WWII Careless Talk.mp3
    174. PSA WWII Fat Grease1.mp3
    175. PSA WWII Fat Grease2.mp3
    176. PSA WWII Fat Grease3.mp3
    177. PSA WWII Fat Grease4.mp3
    178. PSA WWII Fat Grease5.mp3
    179. PSA WWII Fat Grease6.mp3
    180. PSA WWII Fat Grease7.mp3
    181. PSA WWII Fat Grease8.mp3
    182. PSA WWII Govenor Olson.mp3
    183. PSA WWII Help Save Ships.mp3
    184. PSA WWII Home Canning.mp3
    185. PSA WWII Is This Trip Necessary.mp3
    186. PSA WWII Join Wac.mp3
    187. PSA WWII Mail Prints.mp3
    188. PSA WWII Nbc Is Patriotic.mp3
    189. PSA WWII Price Controls.mp3
    190. PSA WWII Save Paper.mp3
    191. PSA WWII Save Used Fat Reminder.mp3
    192. PSA WWII Save Used Fat.mp3
    193. PSA WWII Second War Loan Drive.mp3
    194. PSA WWII Share Meat Elong Version.mp3
    195. PSA WWII Share Meat.mp3
    196. PSA WWII Sugar And Gas Rationing.mp3
    197. PSA WWII Sugar Rationing.mp3
    198. PSA WWII Tire Rationing.mp3
    199. PSA WWII Tire Registration.mp3
    200. PSA WWII Total Victory.mp3
    201. PSA WWII Use V Mail.mp3
    202. PSA WWII Victory Garden E43.mp3
    203. PSA WWII Waste Paper.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    202 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 28 min
    202 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    261 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 28 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 202 shows – 261 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 28 minutes
    2. PSA AFVN 440620.mp3
    3. PSA AFVN 700000 1970 Mos Test.mp3
    4. PSA AFVN 700000 Todays Theater Schedule Bob Rossi.mp3
    5. PSA AFVN 700000 Todays Theater Schedule.mp3
    6. PSA AFVN 701000 Mpc Conversion Announcement.mp3
    7. PSA AFVN 701127 Orient Express Church.mp3
    8. PSA AFVN 701127 Uso And.mp3
    9. PSA AFVN Airmail.mp3
    10. PSA AFVN America.mp3
    11. PSA AFVN Avfn Nbc Monitor College Pacific Stars Stripes S.mp3
    12. PSA AFVN C Huhoi Network Id Linked.mp3
    13. PSA AFVN Checking Becomes Network Difficulties Announcemen.mp3
    14. PSA AFVN Chu Hoi Program.mp3
    15. PSA AFVN Da Nang Station Id, Driving , Hourly Cycling Tone.mp3
    16. PSA AFVN Driving.mp3
    17. PSA AFVN Extending Rr.mp3
    18. PSA AFVN Foot Care.mp3
    19. PSA AFVN Free Postage Army Recruiter S.mp3
    20. PSA AFVN Gi Bill.mp3
    21. PSA AFVN Id Mail Call.mp3
    22. PSA AFVN Laryngitis Reenlistment.mp3
    23. PSA AFVN Lsd.mp3
    24. PSA AFVN M 16 Maintenance.mp3
    25. PSA AFVN Malaria.mp3
    26. PSA AFVN Nbc Monitor College.mp3
    27. PSA AFVN Network Id Malaria.mp3
    28. PSA AFVN Orient Express, Church.mp3
    29. PSA AFVN Recruiter.mp3
    30. PSA AFVN Red Cross.mp3
    31. PSA AFVN Same Team Transportation.mp3
    32. PSA AFVN Savings Bond.mp3
    33. PSA AFVN Seeing Red Work Order.mp3
    34. PSA AFVN Skag Heroin.mp3
    35. PSA AFVN Snakebite.mp3
    36. PSA AFVN Uniformed Savings Deposit Program.mp3
    37. PSA AFVN Vd Education S.mp3
    38. PSA Air Force1.mp3
    39. PSA American Cancer Society 480000 Square Moon.mp3
    40. PSA Buy War Bonds.mp3
    41. PSA Care Seeds1.mp3
    42. PSA Christmas Seal Cmpgn 500000 Thunder Valley-Ralph Bellamy.mp3
    43. PSA Church1.mp3
    44. PSA Civil Defense 1959 My Own Shelter Cost $212.mp3
    45. PSA Civil Defense Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow.mp3
    46. PSA Civil Defense Art Linkletter Dont Use Phone.mp3
    47. PSA Civil Defense Attack Warning.mp3
    48. PSA Civil Defense Bob Hope Pattern Of Survival.mp3
    49. PSA Civil Defense Boris Karloff Protect Your Home.mp3
    50. PSA Civil Defense Community Shelter In Schools.mp3
    51. PSA Civil Defense Community Shelter Program.mp3
    52. PSA Civil Defense Conelrad Test Announcement.mp3
    53. PSA Civil Defense Conelrad, Sounds Pretty Complicated.mp3
    54. PSA Civil Defense Design Slanting PSA.mp3
    55. PSA Civil Defense Emerg Broadcast Sys 1968 13000 Architects.mp3
    56. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 1.mp3
    57. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 1968 Csp.mp3
    58. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 2.mp3
    59. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 3.mp3
    60. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Operating Centers.mp3
    61. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Water Supply.mp3
    62. PSA Civil Defense Fallout Shelter Spaces.mp3
    63. PSA Civil Defense Fred Mcmurray CD Family Fallout Shelter.mp3
    64. PSA Civil Defense Groucho Marx Excellent Chances.mp3
    65. PSA Civil Defense How Much Time Do We Have Keep Working.mp3
    66. PSA Civil Defense Howard Duff Remember, 6401240.mp3
    67. PSA Civil Defense In Time Of Emergency Not Contagious.mp3
    68. PSA Civil Defense Industrial Records Protection.mp3
    69. PSA Civil Defense Intro, Conelrad Radio Alert, Real Thing.mp3
    70. PSA Civil Defense Johnny Cash Help Ourselves.mp3
    71. PSA Civil Defense Joni James Civil Defense.mp3
    72. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Community Defense.mp3
    73. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Conelrad.mp3
    74. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 1.mp3
    75. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 2.mp3
    76. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 3.mp3
    77. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 First Aid 1.mp3
    78. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 First Aid 2.mp3
    79. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Food Storage.mp3
    80. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Preparedness Card.mp3
    81. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Warning Signals.mp3
    82. PSA Civil Defense Mitzi Gaynor 6401240.mp3
    83. PSA Civil Defense Oper Alert 1961 What Do During War Jfk.mp3
    84. PSA Civil Defense Pat Boone Warning Signals.mp3
    85. PSA Civil Defense Pds 53 Sounds Pretty Complicated.mp3
    86. PSA Civil Defense Personal And Family Survival.mp3
    87. PSA Civil Defense PSA Civil Defense Watchers.mp3
    88. PSA Civil Defense PSA Pedro Do You Know What To Do 1953.mp3
    89. PSA Civil Defense Psychiatrist Shelter Signs.mp3
    90. PSA Civil Defense Public Shelter Sign.mp3
    91. PSA Civil Defense Radioactive Fallout.mp3
    92. PSA Civil Defense Shelter In Schools.mp3
    93. PSA Civil Defense Shelter Manager.mp3
    94. PSA Civil Defense Slanting Design.mp3
    95. PSA Civil Defense Stars Defense One Chinese Schoolboy 1960.mp3
    96. PSA Civil Defense Stars Defense Shelter Means Survival 1965.mp3
    97. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense 1960.mp3
    98. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense 1965 Beyond Sign Itself.mp3
    99. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense Where People Are 1965.mp3
    100. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #1.mp3
    101. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #2.mp3
    102. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #3.mp3
    103. PSA Civil Defense Take Step Four Wheels To Survival.mp3
    104. PSA Civil Defense Take Step Grandmas Pantry.mp3
    105. PSA Civil Defense Time Do We Have Disaster On Big Scale.mp3
    106. PSA Civil Defense Time Emergency Brilliant Nuclear Flash.mp3
    107. PSA Civil Defense Tony Bennett Civil Defense Nuclear Attack.mp3
    108. PSA Civil Defense Uk Protect And Survive.mp3
    109. PSA Civil Defense Wben Buffalo Ny Announcement 53.mp3
    110. PSA Civil Defense What To Take To Shelter.mp3
    111. PSA Civil Defense When Syracuse 75 Annoucement.mp3
    112. PSA Conserve Food.mp3
    113. PSA Cost Of Living.mp3
    114. PSA Crime On Waterfront 510817 Nation Nightmare-Bill Downs.mp3
    115. PSA Drive Safely 520000.mp3
    116. PSA Drive Safely1.mp3
    117. PSA Drive Safely2.mp3
    118. PSA Drive Safely3.mp3
    119. PSA Drive Safely4.mp3
    120. PSA Drive Safely5.mp3
    121. PSA Education1.mp3
    122. PSA FDA Medical Quackery 1950.mp3
    123. PSA Forest Fires1.mp3
    124. PSA Forest Fires2.mp3
    125. PSA Freedom1.mp3
    126. PSA Guard American Freedom.mp3
    127. PSA Highway Safety 1.mp3
    128. PSA Highway Safety 2.mp3
    129. PSA Interrupt This Program.mp3
    130. PSA Jack Benny Tolerance1.mp3
    131. PSA Looking For Lester 450000 Roy Acuff Smoky Mtn Boys.mp3
    132. PSA March Dime 530000 Smr Concert Alec Templeton Kostelanetz.mp3
    133. PSA March Of Dimes 530000 Man Against Crippler Polio.mp3
    134. PSA Maurice Ellis The Dixieaires 500000 Prodigal Son.mp3
    135. PSA Mil Future1.mp3
    136. PSA Mil World Customs1.mp3
    137. PSA Mil World Customs2.mp3
    138. PSA Nations Nightmare Narcotic Evil Bill Downs 510719.mp3
    139. PSA Old Schools.mp3
    140. PSA Peace On Earth.mp3
    141. PSA Police Job.mp3
    142. PSA Prevent Forest Fires 1.mp3
    143. PSA Prevent Forest Fires 2.mp3
    144. PSA Radio Free Europe Psa 1960s.mp3
    145. PSA Radio Free Europe Ronald Reagan.mp3
    146. PSA Resettlement Administration 350000 Joseph Cotten.mp3
    147. PSA Riot Squad 460000 Disabled Vet Fnd Henry Fonda.mp3
    148. PSA Salvation Army 490000 Christmas 1949.mp3
    149. PSA Syphilis-Sister Tharp 500000 Rosetta The Rosettes.mp3
    150. PSA Trouble Is My Middle Name 500000 Merle Travis.mp3
    151. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Dear Ralph.mp3
    152. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Machine.mp3
    153. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Whats Yours.mp3
    154. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Good News.mp3
    155. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Postmaster General.mp3
    156. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Reporter.mp3
    157. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Snow.mp3
    158. PSA USPS Zipcode Lamber Zip Code.mp3
    159. PSA USPS Zipcode Schraffenberger Zip Code Ballad.mp3
    160. PSA USPS Zipcode Stein What Perfect Christmas.mp3
    161. PSA VD Looking For Lester Roy Acuff 480000.mp3
    162. PSA VD Prodigal Son Maurice Ellis And Dixieaires 480000.mp3
    163. PSA VD Syphilis Sister Tharp Rosetta And Rosettes 480000.mp3
    164. PSA VD Trouble Is My Middle Name Merle Travis 480000.mp3
    165. PSA Ve-day Plus 350 460423 The United Jewish Appeal.mp3
    166. PSA Voice Of Industry 370000 Story Of Canning.mp3
    167. PSA Wabc Promos 1970 Produced By Julian Breen.mp3
    168. PSA We Hold These 451215 Truths Orson Welles-Fed Radio Ed.mp3
    169. PSA WWII 420407 Fibber Mcgee Molly On Essential Materials.mp3
    170. PSA WWII 431218 Recruiting Join Wacs.mp3
    171. PSA WWII 440415 Wac Recruiting Promo G Miller.mp3
    172. PSA WWII Bing Crosby Recruiting Womens Army Corps.mp3
    173. PSA WWII Careless Talk.mp3
    174. PSA WWII Fat Grease1.mp3
    175. PSA WWII Fat Grease2.mp3
    176. PSA WWII Fat Grease3.mp3
    177. PSA WWII Fat Grease4.mp3
    178. PSA WWII Fat Grease5.mp3
    179. PSA WWII Fat Grease6.mp3
    180. PSA WWII Fat Grease7.mp3
    181. PSA WWII Fat Grease8.mp3
    182. PSA WWII Govenor Olson.mp3
    183. PSA WWII Help Save Ships.mp3
    184. PSA WWII Home Canning.mp3
    185. PSA WWII Is This Trip Necessary.mp3
    186. PSA WWII Join Wac.mp3
    187. PSA WWII Mail Prints.mp3
    188. PSA WWII Nbc Is Patriotic.mp3
    189. PSA WWII Price Controls.mp3
    190. PSA WWII Save Paper.mp3
    191. PSA WWII Save Used Fat Reminder.mp3
    192. PSA WWII Save Used Fat.mp3
    193. PSA WWII Second War Loan Drive.mp3
    194. PSA WWII Share Meat Elong Version.mp3
    195. PSA WWII Share Meat.mp3
    196. PSA WWII Sugar And Gas Rationing.mp3
    197. PSA WWII Sugar Rationing.mp3
    198. PSA WWII Tire Rationing.mp3
    199. PSA WWII Tire Registration.mp3
    200. PSA WWII Total Victory.mp3
    201. PSA WWII Use V Mail.mp3
    202. PSA WWII Victory Garden E43.mp3
    203. PSA WWII Waste Paper.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    202 recordings on 9 Audio CDs. Total playtime 9 hours, 28 min
    202 recordings on 9 Audio CDs
    total playtime 9 hours, 28 min

    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A001

    1. PSA AFVN Airmail
    2. PSA AFVN America
    3. PSA AFVN Avfn Nbc Monitor College Pacific Stars Stripes S
    4. PSA AFVN C Huhoi Network Id Linked
    5. PSA AFVN Checking Becomes Network Difficulties Announcemen
    6. PSA AFVN Chu Hoi Program
    7. PSA AFVN Da Nang Station Id, Driving , Hourly Cycling Tone
    8. PSA AFVN Driving
    9. PSA AFVN Extending Rr
    10. PSA AFVN Foot Care
    11. PSA AFVN Free Postage Army Recruiter S
    12. PSA AFVN Gi Bill
    13. PSA AFVN Id Mail Call
    14. PSA AFVN Laryngitis Reenlistment
    15. PSA AFVN Lsd
    16. PSA AFVN M 16 Maintenance
    17. PSA AFVN Malaria
    18. PSA AFVN Nbc Monitor College
    19. PSA AFVN Network Id Malaria
    20. PSA AFVN Orient Express, Church
    21. PSA AFVN Recruiter
    22. PSA AFVN Red Cross
    23. PSA AFVN Same Team Transportation
    24. PSA AFVN Savings Bond
    25. PSA AFVN Seeing Red Work Order
    26. PSA AFVN Skag Heroin
    27. PSA AFVN Snakebite
    28. PSA AFVN Uniformed Savings Deposit Program
    29. PSA AFVN Vd Education S
    30. PSA Air Force1
    31. PSA Buy War Bonds
    32. PSA Care Seeds1
    33. PSA Church1
    34. PSA Civil Defense 1959 My Own Shelter Cost $212
    35. PSA Civil Defense Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow
    36. PSA Civil Defense Art Linkletter Dont Use Phone
    37. PSA Civil Defense Attack Warning
    38. PSA Civil Defense Bob Hope Pattern Of Survival
    39. PSA Civil Defense Boris Karloff Protect Your Home
    40. PSA Civil Defense Community Shelter In Schools
    41. PSA Civil Defense Community Shelter Program
    42. PSA Civil Defense Conelrad Test Announcement
    43. PSA Civil Defense Conelrad, Sounds Pretty Complicated
    44. PSA Civil Defense Design Slanting PSA
    45. PSA Civil Defense Emerg Broadcast Sys 1968 13000 Architects
    46. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 1
    47. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 1968 Csp
    48. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 2
    49. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Broadcast System 3
    50. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Operating Centers
    51. PSA Civil Defense Emergency Water Supply
    52. PSA Civil Defense Fallout Shelter Spaces
    53. PSA Civil Defense Fred Mcmurray CD Family Fallout Shelter
    54. PSA Civil Defense Groucho Marx Excellent Chances
    55. PSA Civil Defense How Much Time Do We Have Keep Working
    56. PSA Civil Defense In Time Of Emergency Not Contagious
    57. PSA Civil Defense Industrial Records Protection
    58. PSA Civil Defense Intro, Conelrad Radio Alert, Real Thing
    59. PSA Civil Defense Johnny Cash Help Ourselves
    60. PSA Civil Defense Joni James Civil Defense
    61. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Community Defense
    62. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Conelrad
    63. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 1
    64. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 2
    65. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Fallout Shelter 3
    66. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 First Aid 1
    67. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 First Aid 2
    68. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Food Storage
    69. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Preparedness Card
    70. PSA Civil Defense Leo Hoegh 1959 Warning Signals
    71. PSA Civil Defense Oper Alert 1961 What Do During War Jfk
    72. PSA Civil Defense Pat Boone Warning Signals
    73. PSA Civil Defense Pds 53 Sounds Pretty Complicated
    74. PSA Civil Defense Personal And Family Survival
    75. PSA Civil Defense PSA Civil Defense Watchers
    76. PSA Civil Defense PSA Pedro Do You Know What To Do 1953
    77. PSA Civil Defense Psychiatrist Shelter Signs
    78. PSA Civil Defense Public Shelter Sign
    79. PSA Civil Defense Radioactive Fallout
    80. PSA Civil Defense Shelter In Schools
    81. PSA Civil Defense Shelter Manager
    82. PSA Civil Defense Slanting Design
    83. PSA Civil Defense Stars Defense One Chinese Schoolboy 1960

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A002

    1. PSA Civil Defense Stars Defense Shelter Means Survival 1965
    2. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense 1960
    3. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense 1965 Beyond Sign Itself
    4. PSA Civil Defense Stars For Defense Where People Are 1965
    5. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #1
    6. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #2
    7. PSA Civil Defense Surviveall Fallout Shelter Radio Spot #3
    8. PSA Civil Defense Take Step Four Wheels To Survival
    9. PSA Civil Defense Take Step Grandmas Pantry
    10. PSA Civil Defense Time Do We Have Disaster On Big Scale
    11. PSA Civil Defense Time Emergency Brilliant Nuclear Flash
    12. PSA Civil Defense Tony Bennett Civil Defense Nuclear Attack
    13. PSA Civil Defense Uk Protect And Survive
    14. PSA Civil Defense Wben Buffalo Ny Announcement 53
    15. PSA Civil Defense What To Take To Shelter
    16. PSA Civil Defense When Syracuse 75 Annoucement
    17. PSA Conserve Food
    18. PSA Cost Of Living
    19. PSA Drive Safely1
    20. PSA Drive Safely2
    21. PSA Drive Safely3
    22. PSA Drive Safely4
    23. PSA Drive Safely5
    24. PSA Education1
    25. PSA FDA Medical Quackery 1950
    26. PSA Forest Fires1
    27. PSA Forest Fires2
    28. PSA Freedom1
    29. PSA Guard American Freedom
    30. PSA Highway Safety 1
    31. PSA Highway Safety 2
    32. PSA Interrupt This Program
    33. PSA Jack Benny Tolerance1
    34. PSA Mil Future1
    35. PSA Mil World Customs1
    36. PSA Mil World Customs2
    37. PSA Old Schools
    38. PSA Peace On Earth
    39. PSA Police Job
    40. PSA Prevent Forest Fires 1
    41. PSA Prevent Forest Fires 2
    42. PSA Radio Free Europe Psa 1960s
    43. PSA Radio Free Europe Ronald Reagan
    44. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Dear Ralph
    45. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Machine
    46. PSA USPS Zipcode 1967 Whats Yours
    47. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Good News
    48. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Postmaster General
    49. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Reporter
    50. PSA USPS Zipcode 1968 Snow
    51. PSA USPS Zipcode Lamber Zip Code
    52. PSA USPS Zipcode Schraffenberger Zip Code Ballad
    53. PSA USPS Zipcode Stein What Perfect Christmas
    54. PSA Wabc Promos 1970 Produced By Julian Breen
    55. PSA WWII Bing Crosby Recruiting Womens Army Corps
    56. PSA WWII Careless Talk
    57. PSA WWII Fat Grease1
    58. PSA WWII Fat Grease2
    59. PSA WWII Fat Grease3
    60. PSA WWII Fat Grease4
    61. PSA WWII Fat Grease5
    62. PSA WWII Fat Grease6
    63. PSA WWII Fat Grease7
    64. PSA WWII Fat Grease8
    65. PSA WWII Govenor Olson
    66. PSA WWII Help Save Ships
    67. PSA WWII Home Canning

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A003

    1. PSA WWII Is This Trip Necessary
    2. PSA WWII Join Wac
    3. PSA WWII Mail Prints
    4. PSA WWII Nbc Is Patriotic
    5. PSA WWII Price Controls
    6. PSA WWII Save Paper
    7. PSA WWII Save Used Fat Reminder
    8. PSA WWII Save Used Fat
    9. PSA WWII Second War Loan Drive
    10. PSA WWII Share Meat Elong Version
    11. PSA WWII Share Meat
    12. PSA WWII Sugar And Gas Rationing
    13. PSA WWII Sugar Rationing
    14. PSA WWII Tire Rationing
    15. PSA WWII Tire Registration
    16. PSA WWII Total Victory
    17. PSA WWII Use V Mail
    18. PSA WWII Victory Garden E43
    19. PSA WWII Waste Paper
    20. PSA Resettlement Administration 350000 Joseph Cotten
    21. PSA Voice Of Industry 370000 Story Of Canning
    22. PSA WWII 420407 Fibber Mcgee Molly On Essential Materials
    23. PSA WWII 431218 Recruiting Join Wacs
    24. PSA WWII 440415 Wac Recruiting Promo G Miller
    25. PSA AFVN 440620
    26. PSA Looking For Lester 450000 Roy Acuff Smoky Mtn Boys

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A004

    1. PSA We Hold These 451215 Truths Orson Welles-Fed Radio Ed

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A005

    1. PSA Riot Squad 460000 Disabled Vet Fnd Henry Fonda
    2. PSA Ve-day Plus 350 460423 The United Jewish Appeal
    3. PSA American Cancer Society 480000 Square Moon
    4. PSA VD Looking For Lester Roy Acuff 480000
    5. PSA VD Prodigal Son Maurice Ellis And Dixieaires 480000

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A006

    1. PSA VD Syphilis Sister Tharp Rosetta And Rosettes 480000
    2. PSA VD Trouble Is My Middle Name Merle Travis 480000
    3. PSA Salvation Army 490000 Christmas 1949

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A007

    1. PSA Christmas Seal Cmpgn 500000 Thunder Valley-Ralph Bellamy
    2. PSA Maurice Ellis The Dixieaires 500000 Prodigal Son
    3. PSA Syphilis-Sister Tharp 500000 Rosetta The Rosettes
    4. PSA Trouble Is My Middle Name 500000 Merle Travis

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A008

    1. PSA Nations Nightmare Narcotic Evil Bill Downs 510719
    2. PSA Crime On Waterfront 510817 Nation Nightmare-Bill Downs
    3. PSA Drive Safely 520000

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    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Disc A009

    1. PSA March Dime 530000 Smr Concert Alec Templeton Kostelanetz
    2. PSA March Of Dimes 530000 Man Against Crippler Polio
    3. PSA Civil Defense Howard Duff Remember, 6401240
    4. PSA Civil Defense Mitzi Gaynor 6401240
    5. PSA AFVN 700000 1970 Mos Test
    6. PSA AFVN 700000 Todays Theater Schedule Bob Rossi
    7. PSA AFVN 700000 Todays Theater Schedule
    8. PSA AFVN 701000 Mpc Conversion Announcement
    9. PSA AFVN 701127 Orient Express Church
    10. PSA AFVN 701127 Uso And

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