The ancient art of astrology is an example of sign reading, as are palmistry, tea leaf reading, tarot cards, and numerology. We predict you will enjoy these radio shows.
54 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 17 hours, 59 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
19 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
Reading signs is a relatively safe way to predict the future, even if the signs that the fortune-teller tries to interpret are pure hokum. The ancient art of astrology is an example of sign reading, as are palmistry, tea leaf reading, tarot cards, and numerology. If the fortune teller happens to make a faulty prediction and gets caught, she can claim that her art was interrupted because she was not able to see all the relevant signs. Usually, the most talented fortune teller will make predictions which are so general that they are bound to come true, or they will base the prognostication on inside information that the mark does not know they have. When this occurs, the supposed mystic will choose the signs which fit their inside information.
As convincing as sign readers can be, the really frightening futurists are psychics, mentalists, and spiritualists. These fortune tellers may claim to use necromancy, or communication with the spirits of the dead, or they may employ scrying or crystal ball reading to show the mark what the mark thinks they want to see. After gaining fame and making his fortune as a magician and escape artist, the great Harry Houdini dedicated his talents to exposing spiritualists as being dangerous con men who preyed on distraught souls.
Although the practice of fortune telling is generally a con, visiting a "real" fortune teller can be a lot of fun. One of the most important elements of the performance is the mark's desire to believe what the fortune teller tells them. When doing a character reading, the fortune teller is actually able to pick up on clues from the mark's clothing, possessions, mannerisms, and speech to know a good deal about them, at least enough to seem as though he has special insight. Often, the mark is so wrapped up in the performance that they will go along with it and accept the very general predictions as applying to somewhat specific circumstances.
See also: Scams, Con men, Cheats, and Bunco Artists in Old Time Radio, Magic Collection, and Mind Readers in Old Time Radio.
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A001
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A002
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A003
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A004
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A005
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A006
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A007
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A008
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A009
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A010
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A011
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A012
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A013
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A014
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A015
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A016
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A017
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A018
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Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers Disc A019
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