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Presidential Election 1972

Students of the Presidential Election of 1972 think about how Richard Nixon won 49 out of 50 states to George McGovern. This election brought about some serious change in regards to the Vietnam War and young people's actual voting participation.

Presidential Election 1972

121 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 68 hours, 25 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
37 Audio CDs

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Nixon Winning Landslide VictoryWhen one studies the Presidential Election of 1972, they think about how Richard Nixon won 49 out of 50 states to George McGovern winning Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.  But this election brought about some serious change in regards to the Vietnam War and young people's actual voting participation in the way things are run.  As well as the issue of mental illness.

McGovern 1972The transition to Richard Nixon's success towards re-election really started in 1970 after the Kent State Shootings.  America was starting to see a realignment of blue collar Democrats, the traditional working fella feeling as though the values and ideals that they fought for in their war were being threatened by a communist takeover of their former Democratic Party and particularly among the youth who were studying in our colleges and universities.  A great example of this was on May 1, 1970 when President Nixon, while visiting the Pentagon referred to "the bums on the colleges campuses" vs. the brave young men fighting in Vietnam.  Whatever was happening, despite Vietnam and the Ohio National Guard killing unarmed students in a Northeast Ohio university, or an economy about to experience high inflation; that great silent majority was solidly behind their president.  You need look no further than the Construction Workers Riot in Buffalo after the Kent State Shootings.  As Pat Buchanan once said, the Republican Party was winning the political war while the Democratic Party was winning the culture war.

As for the Democratic Party, there was a field consisting of 1968 Presidential Nominee Hubert Humphrey, his running mate, Senator Ed Muskie of Maine, Senator George McGovern of South Dakota, and 1968 Independence Party Nominee George Wallace.  Muskie was out of the race as fast as he was in it.  When the cameras caught him crying in New Hampshire, his campaign was over.  George Wallace had been gaining ground, particularly in southern states like Florida, but in May 1972 all of that came to an end when he was shot in a Maryland shopping center.  Wallace would be paralyzed from the waist down until his death in 1998.  That just left Senator George McGovern and Former Vice President turned US Senator Hubert Humphrey, DFL-MN.

McGovern's message of ending the war, and Humphrey's connections to Lyndon Johnson and the establishment that got us heavily involved in Vietnam  earned George McGovern the nomination.

As the Democratic National Convention was underway, Senator McGovern was yet to name a running mate.  The shortlist was anything but.  Some of the names floating around were Wilbur Mills, Hubert Humphrey, and Walter Mondale.  Finally, after 79 names were placed on the ballot, the Democrats nominated Senator Tom Eagleton of Missouri.  It seemed like a well balanced ticket, but within eighteen days since the Convention, Eagleton would be dropped from the Ticket as it was revealed that he had received electroshock therapy in 1962 for depression.  He is forever known as the Eighteen Day Running Mate.

So the Democrats needed to scramble for a last minute running mate.  They didn't have to look too far as they went straight to the Kennedy dynasty within the Democratic Party and decided on the brother in law of the late President John F. Kennedy, the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Senator Edward M. Kennedy, D-MA; Sargent Shriver, the first Director of the Peace Corps.

Nixon Campaign ButtonEverything was spelling doom for the McGovern/Shriver Ticket.  President Nixon was winding down the war in Vietnam, the Red Scare of the Cold War was all but over, and after the Kent State Shootings; the traditional blue collar Democratic voter was shifting their cultural values to the right.

Unlike 1960 and 1968 where the elections were pretty close, Richard Nixon had good reason to celebrate early as he was going to win 49 of the 50 states' Electoral College Votes.  This would not happen again until 1984 when Ronald Reagan did the same thing.

At the end of the campaign, President Nixon in his first Victory Speech to the American people said, "Only if in these next four years, we, all of us can achieve our common great goals of peace at home and peace for all nations of the world.  And for that, new progress and prosperity which all Americans deserve.  I would only hope that in these next four years we can so conduct ourselves in this country, and so meet our responsibilities in the world in building peace in the world.  That years from now people will look back to the generation of the 1970s, and how we conducted ourselves and they will say, 'God bless America.'"

Well, less than two years later, Richard Nixon, who had won re-election in the greatest landslide victory to that time had resigned the presidency in disgrace over his role in the coverup of the break in at the Watergate Complex of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters.

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    It was interesting listening to coverage of the 1972 conventions (including commercials). I was especially fascinated by the Democratic convention, where issues like abortion and gay rights were debated for the first time. I loved it when poet Alan Ginsburg was teaching Walter Cronkite to say "Ahhh" as a way of relaxing. Classic stuff. Thank you, otrcat!

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    121 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 68 hours, 25 min
    121 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 68 hours, 25 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 45 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19700122 Richard Nixon State Union.mp3
    3. 19700420 Richard Nixon Progress Towards Peace in Vietnam.mp3
    4. 19700430 Richard Nixon Invasion into Cambodia.mp3
    5. 19700502 Bill Aames Greg Benidenny.mp3
    6. 19700502 WKNT Kent Burning Down ROTC.mp3
    7. 19700502 WKSU Kent Burning Down ROTC.mp3
    8. 19700503 WKNT Kent James Rhodes Press Conf.mp3
    9. 19700503 WKSU Kent Operation Information.mp3
    10. 19700504 BD.McMillen PolSci 110 Lect 90 Min Before Shooting.mp3
    11. 19700504 Bob Carpenter WKNT Kent Shooting Students.mp3
    12. 19700504 Stephen Titchenal WKSU Kent Shooting Ntnl Guard Pt1.mp3
    13. 19700504 Stephen Titchenal WKSU Kent Shooting Pt 2.mp3
    14. 19700504 WKNT Kent OH Ntnl Guard Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19700505 WKNT Kent Robert White Press Conf.mp3
    16. 19700506 Alan Douglas WKYC Cleveland Alan Douglas Show Pt1.mp3
    17. 19700506 Alan Douglas WKYC Cleveland Alan Douglas Show Pt2.mp3
    18. 19700506 Dean Powell Press Conf After Meeting Richard Nixon.mp3
    19. 19700508 Robert White Addresses Faculty Kent State Univ.mp3
    20. 19700509 Richard Nixon Experience at Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    21. 19700509 WKNT Kent Robert White Ronald Roskens Intrvw.mp3
    22. 19700522 Tim Zurker WKSU Kent Talk Back Program.mp3
    23. 19700610 Tim Zurker WKSU Kent Talk Back Program.mp3
    24. 19700612 WKBN Youngstown Martin Scheuer Intrvw.mp3
    25. 19700614 WBEN Buffalo Trade Union Pro Nixon March.mp3
    26. 19700924 WKNT Kent Report on Kent 25 Indictments.mp3
    27. 19700929 James Michener Think Week Kent State Pt1.mp3
    28. 19700929 James Michener Think Week Kent State Pt2.mp3
    29. 19701002 Sargent Shriver Think Week.mp3
    30. 19701020 Graig Morgan Rally in Support Kent 25.mp3
    31. 19701229 Richard Nixon Signs OSHA Act Into Law.mp3
    32. 19710122 Richard Nixon State Union.mp3
    33. 19710421 Richard Nixon Phone Call Chuck Colson Pt1.mp3
    34. 19710421 Richard Nixon Phone Call Chuck Colson Pt2.mp3
    35. 19710422 John Kerry Test Before Senate Foreign Rel Com.mp3
    36. 19710617 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute.mp3
    37. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 1.mp3
    38. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 2.mp3
    39. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 3.mp3
    40. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 4.mp3
    41. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 5.mp3
    42. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 6.mp3
    43. 19710630 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute.mp3
    44. 19710701 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute.mp3
    45. 19710705 Richard Nixon Certifies 26th Amendment.mp3
    46. 19710809 Richard Nixon Eugene McCarthy 4th Party Candidate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 45 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 24 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19710815 Richard Nixon Nixon Shock.mp3
    3. 19710914 Richard Nixon Possibility to Fund Fourth Party.mp3
    4. 19711021 Richard Nixon Phone Call John Mitchell.mp3
    5. 19711102 William F Buckley Place Treaty Intl Affairs.mp3
    6. 19711206 Richard Nixon Phone Call G.Bush H.Kissinger.mp3
    7. 19711207 WKNT Kent Kent 25 Indictments Dropped.mp3
    8. 19711208 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush.mp3
    9. 19711231 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush.mp3
    10. 19720000 Robert Goralski, the Nixon Doctrine.mp3
    11. 19720120 Richard Nixon State Union.mp3
    12. 19720125 Shirley Chisholm Announces Her Candidacy President.mp3
    13. 19720127 LBJ What it Takes to Be Elected in 1972.mp3
    14. 19720214 Richard Nixon Phone Call Henry Kissinger.mp3
    15. 19720313 George McGovern Eve Florida Dem Primary.mp3
    16. 19720313 GWallace Eve Florida Dem Primary.mp3
    17. 19720404 WOR NY Wisconsin Dem Primary Results.mp3
    18. 19720422 Ed Muskie Talks About Issues.mp3
    19. 19720502 OH Dem Party Primary.mp3
    20. 19720508 Richard Nixon Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    21. 19720509 Richard Nixon Phone Call John Mitchell.mp3
    22. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt1.mp3
    23. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt2.mp3
    24. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt3.mp3
    25. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt4.mp3
    26. 19720515 Ronald Reagan Reaction GWallace Assass Attempt.mp3
    27. 19720515 Walter Cronkite GWallace Shot.mp3
    28. 19720515 WOR NY Maryland Michigan Dem Primary Results.mp3
    29. 19720516 Frank McGee Barbara Walters Coverage GWallace Pt1.mp3
    30. 19720516 Frank McGee Barbara Walters Coverage GWallace Pt2.mp3
    31. 19720623 Richard Nixon Bob Haldeman Watergate Break-In.mp3
    32. 19720630 Richard Nixon Clifford Evans Intrvw.mp3
    33. 19720710 Night One DNC P1.mp3
    34. 19720710 Night One DNC P2.mp3
    35. 19720710 Night One DNC P3.mp3
    36. 19720712 Night Three DNC.mp3
    37. 19720713 Night Four DNC.mp3
    38. 19720714 George McGovern DNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    39. 19720714 Tom Eagleton DNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    40. 19720729 Tom Eagleton Support to Stay on Ticket.mp3
    41. 19720730 Tom Eagleton CBS Special Report Eagleton Case.mp3
    42. 19720801 Tom Eagleton Withdraws VP Nomination.mp3
    43. 19720806 George McGovern Nominates Sargent Shriver Run Mate.mp3
    44. 19720808 George McGovern Sargent Shriver Abt Dem Ticket.mp3
    45. 19720808 Thomas Eagleton Pledges Support McGovern.mp3
    46. 19720821 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Day 1.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 31 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19720821 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Night 1.mp3
    3. 19720821 Day One RNC.mp3
    4. 19720821 Night One RNC.mp3
    5. 19720821 Pat Nixon RNC Speech.mp3
    6. 19720822 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Night 2.mp3
    7. 19720822 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Night 3.mp3
    8. 19720822 Night Two RNC.mp3
    9. 19720823 Night Three RNC.mp3
    10. 19720823 Richard Nixon RNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    11. 19720823 Spiro Agnew RNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    12. 19721011 Roe vs Wade Oral Argument.mp3
    13. 19721024 George McGovern Dayton OH Rally.mp3
    14. 19721024 WKNT Kent Jane Fonda Intrvw.mp3
    15. 19721106 John Connally Democrats Nixon.mp3
    16. 19721106 WOR NY Election Eve Coverage.mp3
    17. 19721107 George McGovern Concession Speech.mp3
    18. 19721107 Jackie Onassis Voting in 1972 Election.mp3
    19. 19721107 Richard Nixon First Victory Speech.mp3
    20. 19721107 Richard Nixon Second Victory Speech.mp3
    21. 19721108 Richard Nixon Call from Henry Kissinger.mp3
    22. 19721108 Richard Nixon Call from Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    23. 19721118 Richard Nixon Call Henry Kissinger.mp3
    24. 19721121 Joe Biden Bob Clark Intrvw.mp3
    25. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call Bob Haldeman Pt1.mp3
    26. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call Bob Haldeman Pt2.mp3
    27. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush.mp3
    28. 19721211 Richard Nixon Phone Call Ron Ziegler.mp3
    29. 19721211 Richard Nixon Phone G.Bush Bob Haldeman Bob Dole.mp3
    30. 19721219 Richard Nixon Condolence Call to Joe Biden.mp3
    31. 19730120 Richard Nixon Inaugural Address.mp3
    32. 19730131 Bob Dole Committee to Re-Elect President.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    121 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 68 hours, 25 min
    121 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1880 MB – total playtime 68 hours, 25 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 45 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19700122 Richard Nixon State Union.mp3
    3. 19700420 Richard Nixon Progress Towards Peace in Vietnam.mp3
    4. 19700430 Richard Nixon Invasion into Cambodia.mp3
    5. 19700502 Bill Aames Greg Benidenny.mp3
    6. 19700502 WKNT Kent Burning Down ROTC.mp3
    7. 19700502 WKSU Kent Burning Down ROTC.mp3
    8. 19700503 WKNT Kent James Rhodes Press Conf.mp3
    9. 19700503 WKSU Kent Operation Information.mp3
    10. 19700504 BD.McMillen PolSci 110 Lect 90 Min Before Shooting.mp3
    11. 19700504 Bob Carpenter WKNT Kent Shooting Students.mp3
    12. 19700504 Stephen Titchenal WKSU Kent Shooting Ntnl Guard Pt1.mp3
    13. 19700504 Stephen Titchenal WKSU Kent Shooting Pt 2.mp3
    14. 19700504 WKNT Kent OH Ntnl Guard Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19700505 WKNT Kent Robert White Press Conf.mp3
    16. 19700506 Alan Douglas WKYC Cleveland Alan Douglas Show Pt1.mp3
    17. 19700506 Alan Douglas WKYC Cleveland Alan Douglas Show Pt2.mp3
    18. 19700506 Dean Powell Press Conf After Meeting Richard Nixon.mp3
    19. 19700508 Robert White Addresses Faculty Kent State Univ.mp3
    20. 19700509 Richard Nixon Experience at Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    21. 19700509 WKNT Kent Robert White Ronald Roskens Intrvw.mp3
    22. 19700522 Tim Zurker WKSU Kent Talk Back Program.mp3
    23. 19700610 Tim Zurker WKSU Kent Talk Back Program.mp3
    24. 19700612 WKBN Youngstown Martin Scheuer Intrvw.mp3
    25. 19700614 WBEN Buffalo Trade Union Pro Nixon March.mp3
    26. 19700924 WKNT Kent Report on Kent 25 Indictments.mp3
    27. 19700929 James Michener Think Week Kent State Pt1.mp3
    28. 19700929 James Michener Think Week Kent State Pt2.mp3
    29. 19701002 Sargent Shriver Think Week.mp3
    30. 19701020 Graig Morgan Rally in Support Kent 25.mp3
    31. 19701229 Richard Nixon Signs OSHA Act Into Law.mp3
    32. 19710122 Richard Nixon State Union.mp3
    33. 19710421 Richard Nixon Phone Call Chuck Colson Pt1.mp3
    34. 19710421 Richard Nixon Phone Call Chuck Colson Pt2.mp3
    35. 19710422 John Kerry Test Before Senate Foreign Rel Com.mp3
    36. 19710617 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute.mp3
    37. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 1.mp3
    38. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 2.mp3
    39. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 3.mp3
    40. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 4.mp3
    41. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 5.mp3
    42. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 6.mp3
    43. 19710630 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute.mp3
    44. 19710701 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute.mp3
    45. 19710705 Richard Nixon Certifies 26th Amendment.mp3
    46. 19710809 Richard Nixon Eugene McCarthy 4th Party Candidate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 45 shows – 561 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 24 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19710815 Richard Nixon Nixon Shock.mp3
    3. 19710914 Richard Nixon Possibility to Fund Fourth Party.mp3
    4. 19711021 Richard Nixon Phone Call John Mitchell.mp3
    5. 19711102 William F Buckley Place Treaty Intl Affairs.mp3
    6. 19711206 Richard Nixon Phone Call G.Bush H.Kissinger.mp3
    7. 19711207 WKNT Kent Kent 25 Indictments Dropped.mp3
    8. 19711208 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush.mp3
    9. 19711231 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush.mp3
    10. 19720000 Robert Goralski, the Nixon Doctrine.mp3
    11. 19720120 Richard Nixon State Union.mp3
    12. 19720125 Shirley Chisholm Announces Her Candidacy President.mp3
    13. 19720127 LBJ What it Takes to Be Elected in 1972.mp3
    14. 19720214 Richard Nixon Phone Call Henry Kissinger.mp3
    15. 19720313 George McGovern Eve Florida Dem Primary.mp3
    16. 19720313 GWallace Eve Florida Dem Primary.mp3
    17. 19720404 WOR NY Wisconsin Dem Primary Results.mp3
    18. 19720422 Ed Muskie Talks About Issues.mp3
    19. 19720502 OH Dem Party Primary.mp3
    20. 19720508 Richard Nixon Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    21. 19720509 Richard Nixon Phone Call John Mitchell.mp3
    22. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt1.mp3
    23. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt2.mp3
    24. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt3.mp3
    25. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt4.mp3
    26. 19720515 Ronald Reagan Reaction GWallace Assass Attempt.mp3
    27. 19720515 Walter Cronkite GWallace Shot.mp3
    28. 19720515 WOR NY Maryland Michigan Dem Primary Results.mp3
    29. 19720516 Frank McGee Barbara Walters Coverage GWallace Pt1.mp3
    30. 19720516 Frank McGee Barbara Walters Coverage GWallace Pt2.mp3
    31. 19720623 Richard Nixon Bob Haldeman Watergate Break-In.mp3
    32. 19720630 Richard Nixon Clifford Evans Intrvw.mp3
    33. 19720710 Night One DNC P1.mp3
    34. 19720710 Night One DNC P2.mp3
    35. 19720710 Night One DNC P3.mp3
    36. 19720712 Night Three DNC.mp3
    37. 19720713 Night Four DNC.mp3
    38. 19720714 George McGovern DNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    39. 19720714 Tom Eagleton DNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    40. 19720729 Tom Eagleton Support to Stay on Ticket.mp3
    41. 19720730 Tom Eagleton CBS Special Report Eagleton Case.mp3
    42. 19720801 Tom Eagleton Withdraws VP Nomination.mp3
    43. 19720806 George McGovern Nominates Sargent Shriver Run Mate.mp3
    44. 19720808 George McGovern Sargent Shriver Abt Dem Ticket.mp3
    45. 19720808 Thomas Eagleton Pledges Support McGovern.mp3
    46. 19720821 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Day 1.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 31 shows – 674 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 33 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19720821 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Night 1.mp3
    3. 19720821 Day One RNC.mp3
    4. 19720821 Night One RNC.mp3
    5. 19720821 Pat Nixon RNC Speech.mp3
    6. 19720822 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Night 2.mp3
    7. 19720822 1972 Republican Ntnl Conv Night 3.mp3
    8. 19720822 Night Two RNC.mp3
    9. 19720823 Night Three RNC.mp3
    10. 19720823 Richard Nixon RNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    11. 19720823 Spiro Agnew RNC Acceptance Speech.mp3
    12. 19721011 Roe vs Wade Oral Argument.mp3
    13. 19721024 George McGovern Dayton OH Rally.mp3
    14. 19721024 WKNT Kent Jane Fonda Intrvw.mp3
    15. 19721106 John Connally Democrats Nixon.mp3
    16. 19721106 WOR NY Election Eve Coverage.mp3
    17. 19721107 George McGovern Concession Speech.mp3
    18. 19721107 Jackie Onassis Voting in 1972 Election.mp3
    19. 19721107 Richard Nixon First Victory Speech.mp3
    20. 19721107 Richard Nixon Second Victory Speech.mp3
    21. 19721108 Richard Nixon Call from Henry Kissinger.mp3
    22. 19721108 Richard Nixon Call from Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    23. 19721118 Richard Nixon Call Henry Kissinger.mp3
    24. 19721121 Joe Biden Bob Clark Intrvw.mp3
    25. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call Bob Haldeman Pt1.mp3
    26. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call Bob Haldeman Pt2.mp3
    27. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush.mp3
    28. 19721211 Richard Nixon Phone Call Ron Ziegler.mp3
    29. 19721211 Richard Nixon Phone G.Bush Bob Haldeman Bob Dole.mp3
    30. 19721219 Richard Nixon Condolence Call to Joe Biden.mp3
    31. 19730120 Richard Nixon Inaugural Address.mp3
    32. 19730131 Bob Dole Committee to Re-Elect President.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    121 recordings on 37 Audio CDs. Total playtime 33 hours, 8 min
    121 recordings on 37 Audio CDs
    total playtime 33 hours, 8 min

    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A001

    1. 19700122 Richard Nixon State Union
    2. 19700420 Richard Nixon Progress Towards Peace in Vietnam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A002

    1. 19700430 Richard Nixon Invasion into Cambodia
    2. 19700502 Bill Aames Greg Benidenny
    3. 19700502 WKNT Kent Burning Down ROTC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A003

    1. 19700502 WKSU Kent Burning Down ROTC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A004

    1. 19700503 WKNT Kent James Rhodes Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A005

    1. 19700504 BD.McMillen PolSci 110 Lect 90 Min Before Shooting

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A006

    1. 19700504 Bob Carpenter WKNT Kent Shooting Students

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A007

    1. 19700504 Stephen Titchenal WKSU Kent Shooting Ntnl Guard Pt1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A008

    1. 19700504 Stephen Titchenal WKSU Kent Shooting Pt 2
    2. 19700504 WKNT Kent OH Ntnl Guard Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A009

    1. 19700505 WKNT Kent Robert White Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A010

    1. 19700506 Alan Douglas WKYC Cleveland Alan Douglas Show Pt1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A011

    1. 19700506 Alan Douglas WKYC Cleveland Alan Douglas Show Pt2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A012

    1. 19700506 Dean Powell Press Conf After Meeting Richard Nixon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A013

    1. 19700508 Robert White Addresses Faculty Kent State Univ
    2. 19700509 Richard Nixon Experience at Lincoln Memorial

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A014

    1. 19700509 WKNT Kent Robert White Ronald Roskens Intrvw
    2. 19700612 WKBN Youngstown Martin Scheuer Intrvw
    3. 19700614 WBEN Buffalo Trade Union Pro Nixon March

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A015

    1. 19700924 WKNT Kent Report on Kent 25 Indictments

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A016

    1. 19700929 James Michener Think Week Kent State Pt1
    2. 19700929 James Michener Think Week Kent State Pt2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A017

    1. 19701002 Sargent Shriver Think Week
    2. 19701020 Graig Morgan Rally in Support Kent 25
    3. 19701229 Richard Nixon Signs OSHA Act Into Law

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A018

    1. 19710122 Richard Nixon State Union
    2. 19710421 Richard Nixon Phone Call Chuck Colson Pt1
    3. 19710421 Richard Nixon Phone Call Chuck Colson Pt2
    4. 19710422 John Kerry Test Before Senate Foreign Rel Com

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A019

    1. 19710617 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute
    2. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 1
    3. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 2
    4. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 3
    5. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 4
    6. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 5
    7. 19710630 John Kerry Dick Cavett Show Part 6
    8. 19710630 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute
    9. 19710701 Richard Nixon Orders Break In Brookings Institute
    10. 19710705 Richard Nixon Certifies 26th Amendment
    11. 19710809 Richard Nixon Eugene McCarthy 4th Party Candidate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A020

    1. 19710815 Richard Nixon Nixon Shock
    2. 19710914 Richard Nixon Possibility to Fund Fourth Party
    3. 19711021 Richard Nixon Phone Call John Mitchell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A021

    1. 19711102 William F Buckley Place Treaty Intl Affairs
    2. 19711206 Richard Nixon Phone Call G.Bush H.Kissinger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A022

    1. 19711207 WKNT Kent Kent 25 Indictments Dropped
    2. 19711208 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush
    3. 19711231 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A023

    1. 19720000 Robert Goralski, the Nixon Doctrine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A024

    1. 19720120 Richard Nixon State Union
    2. 19720125 Shirley Chisholm Announces Her Candidacy President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A025

    1. 19720127 LBJ What it Takes to Be Elected in 1972
    2. 19720214 Richard Nixon Phone Call Henry Kissinger
    3. 19720313 George McGovern Eve Florida Dem Primary

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A026

    1. 19720313 GWallace Eve Florida Dem Primary
    2. 19720404 WOR NY Wisconsin Dem Primary Results
    3. 19720422 Ed Muskie Talks About Issues
    4. 19720502 OH Dem Party Primary
    5. 19720508 Richard Nixon Situation in Southeast Asia
    6. 19720509 Richard Nixon Phone Call John Mitchell
    7. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt1
    8. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt2

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A027

    1. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt3
    2. 19720515 Richard Nixon GWallace Assassination Attempt Pt4
    3. 19720515 Ronald Reagan Reaction GWallace Assass Attempt
    4. 19720515 Walter Cronkite GWallace Shot
    5. 19720515 WOR NY Maryland Michigan Dem Primary Results

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A028

    1. 19720516 Frank McGee Barbara Walters Coverage GWallace Pt1

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A029

    1. 19720516 Frank McGee Barbara Walters Coverage GWallace Pt2
    2. 19720623 Richard Nixon Bob Haldeman Watergate Break-In

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A030

    1. 19720630 Richard Nixon Clifford Evans Intrvw
    2. 19720714 George McGovern DNC Acceptance Speech
    3. 19720714 Tom Eagleton DNC Acceptance Speech
    4. 19720729 Tom Eagleton Support to Stay on Ticket

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A031

    1. 19720730 Tom Eagleton CBS Special Report Eagleton Case
    2. 19720801 Tom Eagleton Withdraws VP Nomination
    3. 19720806 George McGovern Nominates Sargent Shriver Run Mate
    4. 19720808 George McGovern Sargent Shriver Abt Dem Ticket
    5. 19720808 Thomas Eagleton Pledges Support McGovern

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A032

    1. 19720821 Pat Nixon RNC Speech
    2. 19720823 Richard Nixon RNC Acceptance Speech

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A033

    1. 19720823 Spiro Agnew RNC Acceptance Speech

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A034

    1. 19721011 Roe vs Wade Oral Argument

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A035

    1. 19721024 George McGovern Dayton OH Rally
    2. 19721024 WKNT Kent Jane Fonda Intrvw

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A036

    1. 19721106 John Connally Democrats Nixon
    2. 19721106 WOR NY Election Eve Coverage
    3. 19721107 George McGovern Concession Speech
    4. 19721107 Jackie Onassis Voting in 1972 Election
    5. 19721107 Richard Nixon First Victory Speech
    6. 19721107 Richard Nixon Second Victory Speech
    7. 19721108 Richard Nixon Call from Henry Kissinger
    8. 19721108 Richard Nixon Call from Hubert Humphrey

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    Presidential Election 1972 Disc A037

    1. 19721118 Richard Nixon Call Henry Kissinger
    2. 19721121 Joe Biden Bob Clark Intrvw
    3. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call Bob Haldeman Pt1
    4. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call Bob Haldeman Pt2
    5. 19721129 Richard Nixon Phone Call George Bush
    6. 19721211 Richard Nixon Phone Call Ron Ziegler
    7. 19721211 Richard Nixon Phone G.Bush Bob Haldeman Bob Dole
    8. 19721219 Richard Nixon Condolence Call to Joe Biden
    9. 19730120 Richard Nixon Inaugural Address
    10. 19730131 Bob Dole Committee to Re-Elect President

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