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Presidential Election 1964 Recordings

Starting out with the promise of a second Kennedy term only to be cut down in Dallas.  Follow President Johnson's style of governing and how he uses the telephone to enact the Civil Rights Act and find the three missing civil rights workers. 

Presidential Election 1964

256 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 58 hours, 2821 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
51 Audio CDs

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The 1964 Presidential started out completely different than what it ended up being.  Riding off from the success of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, President John F. Kennedy was looking stronger; at least with foreign policy.  However, at home he was facing a great crisis that might cost him southern states in the 1964 re-election campaign; segregation and civil rights for American negro.  That is why in November 1963 Kennedy was headed to two southern states; Florida and Texas to mend political fences particularly in the split Democratic Party of Texas between the more conservative wing headed by Governor John Connally and the more liberal wing headed by Vice President Lyndon Johnson.


In October 1963, UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson went to Dallas, Texas only to be spat upon be demonstrators.  Because of this unfortunate incident towards Ambassador Stevenson, Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry went on television days before the President and his party were to come to Dallas and what he expected of them. 

What started out as a year of intense issues from civil rights and nuclear war, and a looming war in Vietnam; President Kennedy was looking forward to campaigning on these issues in the upcoming 1964 Presidential Election.  Barry Goldwater, the Arizona senator and one of the Republicans vying for the Republican Party Presidential Nomination liked President Kennedy Senator Goldwater even went to the president with the idea that they travel around the country together on Air Force One and hold impromptu debates on the issues of civil rights, nuclear weapons, and Vietnam.

But before the campaign started, the president had to make two political trips in the south to mend fences within the Democratic Party.  President Kennedy knew full well that because of the position both he and his attorney general took on civil rights since late 1962 that he would have a hard time carrying both Florida and Texas.  He first went to Florida where assassins were positioned to take the president out, but his movements were too fast that their attempts failed.  All of that changed on Friday, November 22, 1963.  


What was looking like a successful trip through Texas changed in an instant.  While riding in an open limousine on Elm Street in downtown Dallas, Mrs. Nellie Connally turned to President Kennedy and said, "Mr. President, you can't say that Dallas doesn't love you."  Just then, three shots from the Texas School Book Depository in Dealy  Plaza rang out.  Lee Harvey Oswald was successful; he had assassinated the President of the United States.

Civil Rights

After Vice President Johnson was sworn in as President he wasted no time getting to work.  In a job like the presidency it cannot pause with the rest of the country for bereavement.   Right away, LBJ started working the phones.  Aboard Air Force One he consoled Rose Kennedy.  When he got to his office in Washington, he called Harry S Truman and Dwight Eisenhower He talked with J Edgar Hoover about creating a commission to investigate the killing of President Kennedy The day before Thanksgiving, President Johnson addressed a Joint Session of Congress and the nation declaring Let Us Continue.

Missing Civil Rights WorkersOver the next several months and in the middle of a political campaign; President Johnson worked the phones to pressure both political parties to support President Kennedy's Civil Rights Act.  About ten days before the president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, three civil rights workers went down to Mississippi to register black voters in what was known as Freedom Summer.  On June 21, 1964, these three young men were kidnapped, beaten, and murdered with their bodies found in Philadelphia, MS.

RFKThe other issue in 1964 was that of the war in Vietnam.  President Kennedy had sent advisors to Southeast Asia in 1963 and stating in a Labor Day interview with Walter Cronkite that in the final analysis it's their war.  They're the ones who will have to win it or lose it.  

In August 1964, Vietnam finally became more of a reality to the United States when American ships were attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin.  President Johnson consulted everyone from top administration officials to even his Republican opponent; Senator Barry Goldwater about the address to the nation that he was going to deliver in order to get all of their advice.

Kennedy hurt in plane

Besides the presidential election there were some other take aways from the 1964 campaign.  Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy resigned from the Cabinet to run for the US Senate in the state of New York.  This is the same seat that Hillary Clinton would hold from 2001 to 2009.  While he was running for the US Senate, many accused RFK of being a carpetbagger and an opportunist for a run for the presidency in the Presidential Election of 1968.  He could not vote in New York because he did not meet the residency requirements.  Kennedy narrowly defeated his opponent, Senator Ken Keating.

In June 1964, Ted Kennedy suffered serious injuries when he and fellow US Senator Birch Bayh were in a plane crash.  Senator Kennedy was laid up in a hospital bed for months, so campaigning was left to his wife; Joan Kennedy.  Kennedy won re-election to a full six year term in the state of Massachusetts and would remain in that seat until his death in August 2009.

ReaganDemocratic actor and GE Spokesman, Ronald Reagan made his political debut when in October 1964 he reregistered his party affiliation to Republican and endorsed his in-laws' family friend, Barry Goldwater Political experts in the 21st Century say that Reagan's a Time for Choosing Speech in support of Barry Goldwater is what launched the modern Republican movement that we still see today.

In the end, the ticket of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey won in a landslide over Barry Goldwater and William Miller with the Democrats winning 486 Electoral Votes or 43,129,040 (61.1 percent) Popular Votes to the Republicans' 52 Electoral Votes or 27,175,754 (38.5 percent) Popular Votes.

This collection starts out with the promise of a second Kennedy term only to be cut down in Dallas just a year before the Election.  Follow President Johnson's style of governing and how he uses the telephone to enact the Civil Rights Act and works with the government to find the three missing civil rights workers.  You will hear the vision of American from the four candidates for President and Vice President, as well as the supporting actors along the way.

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    256 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 58 hours, 2821 min
    256 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 58 hours, 2821 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19630114 JFK State of the Union Address.mp3
    3. 19630302 JFK Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    4. 19630302 JFK Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    5. 19630527 JFK Phone Call to Dean Rusk and Russell Long.mp3
    6. 19630610 JFK American University Commencement Speech.mp3
    7. 19630611 G.Wallace N.Katzenbach Conf at Univ AL.mp3
    8. 19630611 JFK Address to the Nation Civil Rights.mp3
    9. 19630626 JFK Ich Bin Ein Berliner.mp3
    10. 19630724 JFK Boys Nation Ceremony.mp3
    11. 19630726 JFK Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    12. 19630812 JFK Phone Call to Mike Mansfield.mp3
    13. 19630817 Lee Harvey Oswald WDSU Latin Listening Post Intvw.mp3
    14. 19630902 JFK Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    15. 19630908 JFK Chet Huntley and David Brinkley Interview.mp3
    16. 19630920 JFK Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    17. 19631010 JFK the 1964 Ticket.mp3
    18. 19631031 JFK 63rd Press Conference.mp3
    19. 19631104 JFK Dictation Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem.mp3
    20. 19631112 JFK Plans for the 1964 Democratic Convention Pt1.mp3
    21. 19631112 JFK Plans for the 1964 Democratic Convention Pt2.mp3
    22. 19631114 JFK Press Conference SE Asia Final Press Conference.mp3
    23. 19631118 JFK Florida Chamber of Commerce Tampa FL.mp3
    24. 19631118 JFK Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Tampa FL.mp3
    25. 19631118 JFK Inter-Americana Press Association Miami FL.mp3
    26. 19631118 JFK United Steelworkers 36G Tampa FL.mp3
    27. 19631119 JFK Ntnl Education Association.mp3
    28. 19631121 JFK Brooks Air Force Base San Antonio TX.mp3
    29. 19631121 JFK Dinner Honor Cngrsmn Albert Thomas Houston TX.mp3
    30. 19631121 JFK League Unitd Latin American Citizens Houston TX.mp3
    31. 19631121Nixon President Kennedys Stock Less Today Than 1960.mp3
    32. 19631122 JFK KLIF Dallas TX Coverage.mp3
    33. 19631122 JFK Last Two Speeches Hotel Texas Ft. Worth TX.mp3
    34. 19631122 JFK Police Radio Recordings.mp3
    35. 19631122 LBJ Air Force One Phone Call to Rose Kennedy.mp3
    36. 19631122 LBJ First Speech as President.mp3
    37. 19631123 Barry Goldwater Reaction to Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    38. 19631123 Hubert Humphrey NBC Interview Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    39. 19631123 Jesse Curry Updates Questioning Lee Harvey Oswald.mp3
    40. 19631123 JFK KLIF Dallas TX Coverage.mp3
    41. 19631123 Lee Harvey Oswald Midnight Press Conference.mp3
    42. 19631124 LBJ Phone Call to Bill Moyers and Eugene Rostov.mp3
    43. 19631124 Lee Harvey Oswald KLIF Dallas TX.mp3
    44. 19631124 Nellie Connally Statement to the Press.mp3
    45. 19631124 Richard M. Nixon Reaction to Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    46. 19631125 Eric Sevareid Presidents and Assassins.mp3
    47. 19631125 JFK Requiem Mass and Burial Rite.mp3
    48. 19631125 LBJ 1030A Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    49. 19631125 LBJ 1040A Phone Call to Joseph Alsop.mp3
    50. 19631127 John Connally Bedside Interview Martin Agronsky.mp3
    51. 19631127 LBJ Joint Session of Congress.mp3
    52. 19631128 LBJ 321P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    53. 19631128 LBJ Thanksgiving Day Message to the Nation.mp3
    54. 19631129 LBJ 111P Phone Call to Hale Boggs.mp3
    55. 19631129 LBJ 1130A Phone Call to Hale Boggs.mp3
    56. 19631129 LBJ 1140A Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    57. 19631129 LBJ 115P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt1.mp3
    58. 19631129 LBJ 115P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt2.mp3
    59. 19631129 LBJ 140P Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 131 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19631129 LBJ 405P Phone Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    3. 19631129 LBJ 455P Phone Call John McCormick and Otto Passman.mp3
    4. 19631129 LBJ 510P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    5. 19631129 LBJ 541P Phone Call to Alan Dulles.mp3
    6. 19631129 LBJ 545P Phone Call to John Sherman Cooper.mp3
    7. 19631129 LBJ 615P Phone Call to Les Arends.mp3
    8. 19631129 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Charles Halleck.mp3
    9. 19631129 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    10. 19631129 LBJ 637P Call to Carl Albert.mp3
    11. 19631129 LBJ 652P Phone Call to Gerald Ford.mp3
    12. 19631129 LBJ 700P Phone Call to Joseph Alsop.mp3
    13. 19631129 LBJ 703P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    14. 19631129 LBJ 830P Phone Call to Thomas Kuchel.mp3
    15. 19631129 LBJ 855P Phone Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    16. 19631202 LBJ 1110A Phone Call to Katherine Graham.mp3
    17. 19631202 LBJ Phone Call to Jacqueline Kennedy.mp3
    18. 19631217 LBJ Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    19. 19631221 LBJ Phone Call Jacqueline Kennedy Lady Bird Johnson.mp3
    20. 19631222 LBJ Candle Light Vigil at the Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    21. 19640101 LBJ Phone Call to Jacqueline Kennedy.mp3
    22. 19640108 Eric Sevareid the Crisis of Presidential Succession.mp3
    23. 19640108 LBJ State of the Union Address.mp3
    24. 19640110 George Wallace Speech at UCLA.mp3
    25. 19640114 Jacqueline Kennedy Thank You Message to the World.mp3
    26. 19640127 Margaret Chase Smith Announces Candidacy President.mp3
    27. 19640201 Margaret Chase Smith Report from Congress Interview.mp3
    28. 19640310 Barry Goldwater Goldwater Speaks Out.mp3
    29. 19640310 Barry Goldwater Why I Goofed in New Hampshire.mp3
    30. 19640322 Jacqueline Kennedy Jack Chose Lyndon Running Mate.mp3
    31. 19640407 LBJ 648P Phone Call to T. Ashton Thompson.mp3
    32. 19640407 LBJ 655P Phone Call to Charles Vanik.mp3
    33. 19640407 LBJ 656P Phone Call to Larry OBrien.mp3
    34. 19640421 LBJ 1100A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    35. 19640502 George HW Bush US Senate Race TX.mp3
    36. 19640502 LBJ 214P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    37. 19640513 LBJ 245P Phone Call to Sargent Shriver.mp3
    38. 19640513 LBJ 340P Phone Call to Larry OBrien.mp3
    39. 19640513 LBJ 405P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    40. 19640522 LBJ University of Michigan Commencement Speech.mp3
    41. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt1.mp3
    42. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt2.mp3
    43. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt3.mp3
    44. 19640527 LBJ 1124A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    45. 19640528 LBJ 1145A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy Pt1.mp3
    46. 19640528 LBJ 1145A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy Pt2.mp3
    47. 19640609 LBJ 1225P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    48. 19640609 LBJ 455P Phone Call to Karl Mundt.mp3
    49. 19640611 LBJ 611P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    50. 19640620 LBJ 645P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    51. 19640623 LBJ 311P Phone Call Btwn Jack Valenti RF Kennedy.mp3
    52. 19640623 LBJ 359P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    53. 19640623 LBJ 405P Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    54. 19640623 LBJ 425P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    55. 19640623 LBJ 600P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    56. 19640623 LBJ 622P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    57. 19640623 LBJ 626P Phone Call to George Reedy.mp3
    58. 19640623 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Lee White.mp3
    59. 19640623 LBJ 821P Phone Call to Paul Johnson.mp3
    60. 19640623 LBJ 850P Phone Call to Robert Goodman.mp3
    61. 19640623 LBJ 859P Phone Call to Anne Schwerner.mp3
    62. 19640625 Walter Cronkite the Search in Mississippi.mp3
    63. 19640628 Frank McGee the Search in Mississippi.mp3
    64. 19640702 LBJ 1205P Phone Call to Roy Wilkins.mp3
    65. 19640702 LBJ Signs Into Law the Civil Rights Act of 1964.mp3
    66. 19640703 LBJ 1118A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    67. 19640704 LBJ Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    68. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover FBI Wont Protect Civil Rights Worker.mp3
    69. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover Missing Civil Rights Workers.mp3
    70. 19640710 Orval Faunus and George Wallace Barton College.mp3
    71. 19640714 George Romney Address at the RNC.mp3
    72. 19640714 Nelson Rockefeller Address at the RNC.mp3
    73. 19640716 Barry Goldwater Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    74. 19640716 William Miller Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    75. 19640721 LBJ 1225P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    76. 19640721 LBJ 329P Phone Call to Richard Daley Pt1.mp3
    77. 19640721 LBJ 329P Phone Call to Richard Daley Pt2.mp3
    78. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt1.mp3
    79. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt2.mp3
    80. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt3.mp3
    81. 19640724 LBJ Press Conference.mp3
    82. 19640725 LBJ 1001A Phone Call to Richard Daley.mp3
    83. 19640728 LBJ 1015A Phone Call to George Meany.mp3
    84. 19640729 LBJ 230P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy Pt1.mp3
    85. 19640729 LBJ 230P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy Pt2.mp3
    86. 19640801 LBJ 727P Phone Call to George Mahon Pt1.mp3
    87. 19640801 LBJ 727P Phone Call to George Mahon Pt2.mp3
    88. 19640802 LBJ 1155A Phone Call to Lady Bird Johnson.mp3
    89. 19640803 LBJ 1020A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    90. 19640804 LBJ 1002P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    91. 19640804 LBJ 1006P Phone Call to Barry Goldwater.mp3
    92. 19640804 LBJ 1106A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    93. 19640804 LBJ 801P Phone Call to Deke DeLoach.mp3
    94. 19640804 LBJ 915P Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    95. 19640804 LBJ Gulf of Tonkin.mp3
    96. 19640804 LBJ Phone Call to Lee White.mp3
    97. 19640804 Lyndon V Johnson 1053A Phone Call Robert McNamara.mp3
    98. 19640805 LBJ 245P Call to Robert Jones Pt1.mp3
    99. 19640805 LBJ 245P Call to Robert Jones Pt2.mp3
    100. 19640805 LBJ 256P Call to Tiger Teague.mp3
    101. 19640807 LBJ 147P Phone Call to Lee White.mp3
    102. 19640807 LBJ 450P Phone Call to John McKeithen.mp3
    103. 19640814 LBJ 1105A Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    104. 19640825 LBJ 231P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    105. 19640825 RF Kennedy Candidacy for the US Senate from NY.mp3
    106. 19640827 Hubert H. Humphrey Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    107. 19640827 LBJ Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    108. 19640827 Robert F. Kennedy Address to the DNC.mp3
    109. 19640904 LBJ 200P Phone Call to Anatoly Dobrynin.mp3
    110. 19640907 LBJ 410P Phone Call to William Scranton.mp3
    111. 19640908 LBJ 643P Phone Call to Harry S Truman.mp3
    112. 19640918 LBJ 1018A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    113. 19640918 LBJ 1146A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    114. 19640918 LBJ 754P Phone Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    115. 19640921 LBJ 655P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    116. 19640924 LBJ 1147A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    117. 19640926 LBJ 1152A Phone Call to Earle Wheeler.mp3
    118. 19640927 Frank McGee the Warren Commission Report.mp3
    119. 19640929 Barry Goldwater Cincinnati Ohio Rally.mp3
    120. 19641002 LBJ 250P Phone Call to George Mahon.mp3
    121. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Ashland VA.mp3
    122. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Richmond VA.mp3
    123. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Petersburg VA.mp3
    124. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Suffolk VA.mp3
    125. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Ahoskie NC.mp3
    126. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Tarboro NC.mp3
    127. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 7th Whistle Stop Rocky Mount NC.mp3
    128. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 8th Whistle Stop in Selma NC.mp3
    129. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 9th Whistle Stop in Raleigh.mp3
    130. 19641006 LBJ Alexandra VA.mp3
    131. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 10th Whistle Stop in Columbia SC.mp3
    132. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 11th Whistle Stop Orangeburg SC.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 67 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 12th Whistle Stop Charleston SC.mp3
    3. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Durham NC.mp3
    4. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Burlington NC.mp3
    5. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Greensboro NC.mp3
    6. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Lexington NC.mp3
    7. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Salisbury NC.mp3
    8. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Concord NC.mp3
    9. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 7th Whistle Stop in Charlotte NC.mp3
    10. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 8th Whistle Stop in Rock Hill SC.mp3
    11. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 9th Whistle Stop in Chester SC.mp3
    12. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Jesup GA.mp3
    13. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Waycross GA.mp3
    14. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Valdosta GA.mp3
    15. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop Thomasville GA.mp3
    16. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Drifton FL.mp3
    17. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson. 1st Whistle Stop in Savannah GA.mp3
    18. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Chipley FL.mp3
    19. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Crestview FL.mp3
    20. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Pensacola FL.mp3
    21. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Flomaton AL.mp3
    22. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Mobile.mp3
    23. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Biloxi MS.mp3
    24. 19641009 LBJ New Orleans LA Rally.mp3
    25. 19641010 LBJ 821P Phone Call to Walter Jenkins.mp3
    26. 19641014 Harry Truman, Support of LBJ and HHH.mp3
    27. 19641014 LBJ 356P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt1.mp3
    28. 19641014 LBJ 356P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt2.mp3
    29. 19641015 LBJ 912A Phone Call to Lady Bird Johnson.mp3
    30. 19641020 LBJ 500P Phone Call to Billy Graham.mp3
    31. 19641022 Robert F. Kennedy Introduced by Rose Kennedy.mp3
    32. 19641024 LBJ Chattanooga TN Rally.mp3
    33. 19641024 LBJ Memphis TN Rally.mp3
    34. 19641026 LBJ 1145P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    35. 19641027 Ronald Reagan A Time for Choosing.mp3
    36. 19641031 LBJ 1035A Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    37. 19641101 LBJ 658P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    38. 19641101 LBJ A Simple Philosophy.mp3
    39. 19641101 LBJ Atomic Power.mp3
    40. 19641101 LBJ Half Hour Speech Campaign ‘64.mp3
    41. 19641101 LBJ Military Strength.mp3
    42. 19641101 LBJ Prosperity.mp3
    43. 19641102 Robert F. Kennedy Columbia University.mp3
    44. 19641103 Barry Goldwater Concession Speech.mp3
    45. 19641103 LBJ 1155P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    46. 19641103 LBJ 511P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    47. 19641103 LBJ 557P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    48. 19641103 LBJ Victory Speech.mp3
    49. 19641103 Lyndon Johnson Phone Call to Bill Moyers.mp3
    50. 19641103 Walton Cronkite Election Night 1964.mp3
    51. 19641104 LBJ 1136A Phone Call to Harry S Truman.mp3
    52. 19641104 LBJ 1204A Phone Call to Ted Kennedy.mp3
    53. 19641105 LBJ 1037A Phone Call to Mike Mansfield Pt1.mp3
    54. 19641105 LBJ 1037A Phone Call to Mike Mansfield Pt2.mp3
    55. 19641105 LBJ 242P Phone Call to Mary Lasker.mp3
    56. 19641105 LBJ 248P Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    57. 19641108 LBJ 1156A Phone Call to Allen Ellender.mp3
    58. 19641123 LBJ 1224P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    59. 19641123 LBJ 954P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    60. 19641124 LBJ 1217A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    61. 19641124 LBJ 305A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    62. 19641126 LBJ 1157A Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    63. 19641214 LBJ 1010A Phone Call to Harry S Truman.mp3
    64. 19641214 LBJ 1015A Phone Call to Dwight D. Eisenhower.mp3
    65. 19641214 LBJ 1130A Phone Call to Nicholas Katzenbach.mp3
    66. 19641218 LBJ Lighting of the Ntnl Christmas Tree.mp3
    67. 19650104 LBJ State of the Union Address.mp3
    68. 19650120 LBJ Inaugural Address.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    256 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 58 hours, 2821 min
    256 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1615 MB – total playtime 58 hours, 47 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 58 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19630114 JFK State of the Union Address.mp3
    3. 19630302 JFK Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    4. 19630302 JFK Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    5. 19630527 JFK Phone Call to Dean Rusk and Russell Long.mp3
    6. 19630610 JFK American University Commencement Speech.mp3
    7. 19630611 G.Wallace N.Katzenbach Conf at Univ AL.mp3
    8. 19630611 JFK Address to the Nation Civil Rights.mp3
    9. 19630626 JFK Ich Bin Ein Berliner.mp3
    10. 19630724 JFK Boys Nation Ceremony.mp3
    11. 19630726 JFK Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    12. 19630812 JFK Phone Call to Mike Mansfield.mp3
    13. 19630817 Lee Harvey Oswald WDSU Latin Listening Post Intvw.mp3
    14. 19630902 JFK Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    15. 19630908 JFK Chet Huntley and David Brinkley Interview.mp3
    16. 19630920 JFK Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    17. 19631010 JFK the 1964 Ticket.mp3
    18. 19631031 JFK 63rd Press Conference.mp3
    19. 19631104 JFK Dictation Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem.mp3
    20. 19631112 JFK Plans for the 1964 Democratic Convention Pt1.mp3
    21. 19631112 JFK Plans for the 1964 Democratic Convention Pt2.mp3
    22. 19631114 JFK Press Conference SE Asia Final Press Conference.mp3
    23. 19631118 JFK Florida Chamber of Commerce Tampa FL.mp3
    24. 19631118 JFK Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Tampa FL.mp3
    25. 19631118 JFK Inter-Americana Press Association Miami FL.mp3
    26. 19631118 JFK United Steelworkers 36G Tampa FL.mp3
    27. 19631119 JFK Ntnl Education Association.mp3
    28. 19631121 JFK Brooks Air Force Base San Antonio TX.mp3
    29. 19631121 JFK Dinner Honor Cngrsmn Albert Thomas Houston TX.mp3
    30. 19631121 JFK League Unitd Latin American Citizens Houston TX.mp3
    31. 19631121Nixon President Kennedys Stock Less Today Than 1960.mp3
    32. 19631122 JFK KLIF Dallas TX Coverage.mp3
    33. 19631122 JFK Last Two Speeches Hotel Texas Ft. Worth TX.mp3
    34. 19631122 JFK Police Radio Recordings.mp3
    35. 19631122 LBJ Air Force One Phone Call to Rose Kennedy.mp3
    36. 19631122 LBJ First Speech as President.mp3
    37. 19631123 Barry Goldwater Reaction to Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    38. 19631123 Hubert Humphrey NBC Interview Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    39. 19631123 Jesse Curry Updates Questioning Lee Harvey Oswald.mp3
    40. 19631123 JFK KLIF Dallas TX Coverage.mp3
    41. 19631123 Lee Harvey Oswald Midnight Press Conference.mp3
    42. 19631124 LBJ Phone Call to Bill Moyers and Eugene Rostov.mp3
    43. 19631124 Lee Harvey Oswald KLIF Dallas TX.mp3
    44. 19631124 Nellie Connally Statement to the Press.mp3
    45. 19631124 Richard M. Nixon Reaction to Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    46. 19631125 Eric Sevareid Presidents and Assassins.mp3
    47. 19631125 JFK Requiem Mass and Burial Rite.mp3
    48. 19631125 LBJ 1030A Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    49. 19631125 LBJ 1040A Phone Call to Joseph Alsop.mp3
    50. 19631127 John Connally Bedside Interview Martin Agronsky.mp3
    51. 19631127 LBJ Joint Session of Congress.mp3
    52. 19631128 LBJ 321P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    53. 19631128 LBJ Thanksgiving Day Message to the Nation.mp3
    54. 19631129 LBJ 111P Phone Call to Hale Boggs.mp3
    55. 19631129 LBJ 1130A Phone Call to Hale Boggs.mp3
    56. 19631129 LBJ 1140A Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    57. 19631129 LBJ 115P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt1.mp3
    58. 19631129 LBJ 115P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt2.mp3
    59. 19631129 LBJ 140P Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 131 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19631129 LBJ 405P Phone Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    3. 19631129 LBJ 455P Phone Call John McCormick and Otto Passman.mp3
    4. 19631129 LBJ 510P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    5. 19631129 LBJ 541P Phone Call to Alan Dulles.mp3
    6. 19631129 LBJ 545P Phone Call to John Sherman Cooper.mp3
    7. 19631129 LBJ 615P Phone Call to Les Arends.mp3
    8. 19631129 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Charles Halleck.mp3
    9. 19631129 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    10. 19631129 LBJ 637P Call to Carl Albert.mp3
    11. 19631129 LBJ 652P Phone Call to Gerald Ford.mp3
    12. 19631129 LBJ 700P Phone Call to Joseph Alsop.mp3
    13. 19631129 LBJ 703P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    14. 19631129 LBJ 830P Phone Call to Thomas Kuchel.mp3
    15. 19631129 LBJ 855P Phone Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    16. 19631202 LBJ 1110A Phone Call to Katherine Graham.mp3
    17. 19631202 LBJ Phone Call to Jacqueline Kennedy.mp3
    18. 19631217 LBJ Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    19. 19631221 LBJ Phone Call Jacqueline Kennedy Lady Bird Johnson.mp3
    20. 19631222 LBJ Candle Light Vigil at the Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    21. 19640101 LBJ Phone Call to Jacqueline Kennedy.mp3
    22. 19640108 Eric Sevareid the Crisis of Presidential Succession.mp3
    23. 19640108 LBJ State of the Union Address.mp3
    24. 19640110 George Wallace Speech at UCLA.mp3
    25. 19640114 Jacqueline Kennedy Thank You Message to the World.mp3
    26. 19640127 Margaret Chase Smith Announces Candidacy President.mp3
    27. 19640201 Margaret Chase Smith Report from Congress Interview.mp3
    28. 19640310 Barry Goldwater Goldwater Speaks Out.mp3
    29. 19640310 Barry Goldwater Why I Goofed in New Hampshire.mp3
    30. 19640322 Jacqueline Kennedy Jack Chose Lyndon Running Mate.mp3
    31. 19640407 LBJ 648P Phone Call to T. Ashton Thompson.mp3
    32. 19640407 LBJ 655P Phone Call to Charles Vanik.mp3
    33. 19640407 LBJ 656P Phone Call to Larry OBrien.mp3
    34. 19640421 LBJ 1100A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    35. 19640502 George HW Bush US Senate Race TX.mp3
    36. 19640502 LBJ 214P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    37. 19640513 LBJ 245P Phone Call to Sargent Shriver.mp3
    38. 19640513 LBJ 340P Phone Call to Larry OBrien.mp3
    39. 19640513 LBJ 405P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    40. 19640522 LBJ University of Michigan Commencement Speech.mp3
    41. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt1.mp3
    42. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt2.mp3
    43. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt3.mp3
    44. 19640527 LBJ 1124A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    45. 19640528 LBJ 1145A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy Pt1.mp3
    46. 19640528 LBJ 1145A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy Pt2.mp3
    47. 19640609 LBJ 1225P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    48. 19640609 LBJ 455P Phone Call to Karl Mundt.mp3
    49. 19640611 LBJ 611P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    50. 19640620 LBJ 645P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    51. 19640623 LBJ 311P Phone Call Btwn Jack Valenti RF Kennedy.mp3
    52. 19640623 LBJ 359P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    53. 19640623 LBJ 405P Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    54. 19640623 LBJ 425P Phone Call to James Eastland.mp3
    55. 19640623 LBJ 600P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    56. 19640623 LBJ 622P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    57. 19640623 LBJ 626P Phone Call to George Reedy.mp3
    58. 19640623 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Lee White.mp3
    59. 19640623 LBJ 821P Phone Call to Paul Johnson.mp3
    60. 19640623 LBJ 850P Phone Call to Robert Goodman.mp3
    61. 19640623 LBJ 859P Phone Call to Anne Schwerner.mp3
    62. 19640625 Walter Cronkite the Search in Mississippi.mp3
    63. 19640628 Frank McGee the Search in Mississippi.mp3
    64. 19640702 LBJ 1205P Phone Call to Roy Wilkins.mp3
    65. 19640702 LBJ Signs Into Law the Civil Rights Act of 1964.mp3
    66. 19640703 LBJ 1118A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    67. 19640704 LBJ Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    68. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover FBI Wont Protect Civil Rights Worker.mp3
    69. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover Missing Civil Rights Workers.mp3
    70. 19640710 Orval Faunus and George Wallace Barton College.mp3
    71. 19640714 George Romney Address at the RNC.mp3
    72. 19640714 Nelson Rockefeller Address at the RNC.mp3
    73. 19640716 Barry Goldwater Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    74. 19640716 William Miller Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    75. 19640721 LBJ 1225P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    76. 19640721 LBJ 329P Phone Call to Richard Daley Pt1.mp3
    77. 19640721 LBJ 329P Phone Call to Richard Daley Pt2.mp3
    78. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt1.mp3
    79. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt2.mp3
    80. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt3.mp3
    81. 19640724 LBJ Press Conference.mp3
    82. 19640725 LBJ 1001A Phone Call to Richard Daley.mp3
    83. 19640728 LBJ 1015A Phone Call to George Meany.mp3
    84. 19640729 LBJ 230P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy Pt1.mp3
    85. 19640729 LBJ 230P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy Pt2.mp3
    86. 19640801 LBJ 727P Phone Call to George Mahon Pt1.mp3
    87. 19640801 LBJ 727P Phone Call to George Mahon Pt2.mp3
    88. 19640802 LBJ 1155A Phone Call to Lady Bird Johnson.mp3
    89. 19640803 LBJ 1020A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    90. 19640804 LBJ 1002P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    91. 19640804 LBJ 1006P Phone Call to Barry Goldwater.mp3
    92. 19640804 LBJ 1106A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    93. 19640804 LBJ 801P Phone Call to Deke DeLoach.mp3
    94. 19640804 LBJ 915P Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    95. 19640804 LBJ Gulf of Tonkin.mp3
    96. 19640804 LBJ Phone Call to Lee White.mp3
    97. 19640804 Lyndon V Johnson 1053A Phone Call Robert McNamara.mp3
    98. 19640805 LBJ 245P Call to Robert Jones Pt1.mp3
    99. 19640805 LBJ 245P Call to Robert Jones Pt2.mp3
    100. 19640805 LBJ 256P Call to Tiger Teague.mp3
    101. 19640807 LBJ 147P Phone Call to Lee White.mp3
    102. 19640807 LBJ 450P Phone Call to John McKeithen.mp3
    103. 19640814 LBJ 1105A Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    104. 19640825 LBJ 231P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    105. 19640825 RF Kennedy Candidacy for the US Senate from NY.mp3
    106. 19640827 Hubert H. Humphrey Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    107. 19640827 LBJ Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    108. 19640827 Robert F. Kennedy Address to the DNC.mp3
    109. 19640904 LBJ 200P Phone Call to Anatoly Dobrynin.mp3
    110. 19640907 LBJ 410P Phone Call to William Scranton.mp3
    111. 19640908 LBJ 643P Phone Call to Harry S Truman.mp3
    112. 19640918 LBJ 1018A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    113. 19640918 LBJ 1146A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    114. 19640918 LBJ 754P Phone Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    115. 19640921 LBJ 655P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    116. 19640924 LBJ 1147A Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    117. 19640926 LBJ 1152A Phone Call to Earle Wheeler.mp3
    118. 19640927 Frank McGee the Warren Commission Report.mp3
    119. 19640929 Barry Goldwater Cincinnati Ohio Rally.mp3
    120. 19641002 LBJ 250P Phone Call to George Mahon.mp3
    121. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Ashland VA.mp3
    122. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Richmond VA.mp3
    123. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Petersburg VA.mp3
    124. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Suffolk VA.mp3
    125. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Ahoskie NC.mp3
    126. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Tarboro NC.mp3
    127. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 7th Whistle Stop Rocky Mount NC.mp3
    128. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 8th Whistle Stop in Selma NC.mp3
    129. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 9th Whistle Stop in Raleigh.mp3
    130. 19641006 LBJ Alexandra VA.mp3
    131. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 10th Whistle Stop in Columbia SC.mp3
    132. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 11th Whistle Stop Orangeburg SC.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 67 shows – 331 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 2 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 12th Whistle Stop Charleston SC.mp3
    3. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Durham NC.mp3
    4. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Burlington NC.mp3
    5. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Greensboro NC.mp3
    6. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Lexington NC.mp3
    7. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Salisbury NC.mp3
    8. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Concord NC.mp3
    9. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 7th Whistle Stop in Charlotte NC.mp3
    10. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 8th Whistle Stop in Rock Hill SC.mp3
    11. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 9th Whistle Stop in Chester SC.mp3
    12. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Jesup GA.mp3
    13. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Waycross GA.mp3
    14. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Valdosta GA.mp3
    15. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop Thomasville GA.mp3
    16. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Drifton FL.mp3
    17. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson. 1st Whistle Stop in Savannah GA.mp3
    18. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Chipley FL.mp3
    19. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Crestview FL.mp3
    20. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Pensacola FL.mp3
    21. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Flomaton AL.mp3
    22. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Mobile.mp3
    23. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Biloxi MS.mp3
    24. 19641009 LBJ New Orleans LA Rally.mp3
    25. 19641010 LBJ 821P Phone Call to Walter Jenkins.mp3
    26. 19641014 Harry Truman, Support of LBJ and HHH.mp3
    27. 19641014 LBJ 356P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt1.mp3
    28. 19641014 LBJ 356P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt2.mp3
    29. 19641015 LBJ 912A Phone Call to Lady Bird Johnson.mp3
    30. 19641020 LBJ 500P Phone Call to Billy Graham.mp3
    31. 19641022 Robert F. Kennedy Introduced by Rose Kennedy.mp3
    32. 19641024 LBJ Chattanooga TN Rally.mp3
    33. 19641024 LBJ Memphis TN Rally.mp3
    34. 19641026 LBJ 1145P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    35. 19641027 Ronald Reagan A Time for Choosing.mp3
    36. 19641031 LBJ 1035A Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    37. 19641101 LBJ 658P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    38. 19641101 LBJ A Simple Philosophy.mp3
    39. 19641101 LBJ Atomic Power.mp3
    40. 19641101 LBJ Half Hour Speech Campaign ‘64.mp3
    41. 19641101 LBJ Military Strength.mp3
    42. 19641101 LBJ Prosperity.mp3
    43. 19641102 Robert F. Kennedy Columbia University.mp3
    44. 19641103 Barry Goldwater Concession Speech.mp3
    45. 19641103 LBJ 1155P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    46. 19641103 LBJ 511P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    47. 19641103 LBJ 557P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    48. 19641103 LBJ Victory Speech.mp3
    49. 19641103 Lyndon Johnson Phone Call to Bill Moyers.mp3
    50. 19641103 Walton Cronkite Election Night 1964.mp3
    51. 19641104 LBJ 1136A Phone Call to Harry S Truman.mp3
    52. 19641104 LBJ 1204A Phone Call to Ted Kennedy.mp3
    53. 19641105 LBJ 1037A Phone Call to Mike Mansfield Pt1.mp3
    54. 19641105 LBJ 1037A Phone Call to Mike Mansfield Pt2.mp3
    55. 19641105 LBJ 242P Phone Call to Mary Lasker.mp3
    56. 19641105 LBJ 248P Phone Call to Robert McNamara.mp3
    57. 19641108 LBJ 1156A Phone Call to Allen Ellender.mp3
    58. 19641123 LBJ 1224P Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    59. 19641123 LBJ 954P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    60. 19641124 LBJ 1217A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    61. 19641124 LBJ 305A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy.mp3
    62. 19641126 LBJ 1157A Phone Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    63. 19641214 LBJ 1010A Phone Call to Harry S Truman.mp3
    64. 19641214 LBJ 1015A Phone Call to Dwight D. Eisenhower.mp3
    65. 19641214 LBJ 1130A Phone Call to Nicholas Katzenbach.mp3
    66. 19641218 LBJ Lighting of the Ntnl Christmas Tree.mp3
    67. 19650104 LBJ State of the Union Address.mp3
    68. 19650120 LBJ Inaugural Address.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    256 recordings on 51 Audio CDs. Total playtime 49 hours, 59 min
    256 recordings on 51 Audio CDs
    total playtime 49 hours, 59 min

    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A001

    1. 19630114 JFK State of the Union Address
    2. 19630302 JFK Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    3. 19630302 JFK Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    4. 19630527 JFK Phone Call to Dean Rusk and Russell Long

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A002

    1. 19630610 JFK American University Commencement Speech
    2. 19630611 G.Wallace N.Katzenbach Conf at Univ AL
    3. 19630611 JFK Address to the Nation Civil Rights
    4. 19630626 JFK Ich Bin Ein Berliner
    5. 19630724 JFK Boys Nation Ceremony

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A003

    1. 19630726 JFK Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    2. 19630812 JFK Phone Call to Mike Mansfield

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A004

    1. 19630817 Lee Harvey Oswald WDSU Latin Listening Post Intvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A005

    1. 19630902 JFK Walter Cronkite Interview
    2. 19630908 JFK Chet Huntley and David Brinkley Interview

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A006

    1. 19630920 JFK Address to the UN General Assembly
    2. 19631010 JFK the 1964 Ticket
    3. 19631031 JFK 63rd Press Conference
    4. 19631104 JFK Dictation Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A007

    1. 19631112 JFK Plans for the 1964 Democratic Convention Pt2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A008

    1. 19631114 JFK Press Conference SE Asia Final Press Conference
    2. 19631118 JFK Florida Chamber of Commerce Tampa FL
    3. 19631118 JFK Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Tampa FL

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A009

    1. 19631118 JFK Inter-Americana Press Association Miami FL
    2. 19631118 JFK United Steelworkers 36G Tampa FL
    3. 19631119 JFK Ntnl Education Association
    4. 19631121 JFK Brooks Air Force Base San Antonio TX
    5. 19631121 JFK Dinner Honor Cngrsmn Albert Thomas Houston TX

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A010

    1. 19631121 JFK League Unitd Latin American Citizens Houston TX
    2. 19631121Nixon President Kennedys Stock Less Today Than 1960

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A011

    1. 19631122 JFK Last Two Speeches Hotel Texas Ft. Worth TX

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A012

    1. 19631122 JFK Police Radio Recordings
    2. 19631122 LBJ Air Force One Phone Call to Rose Kennedy
    3. 19631122 LBJ First Speech as President
    4. 19631123 Barry Goldwater Reaction to Kennedy Assassination

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A013

    1. 19631123 Hubert Humphrey NBC Interview Kennedy Assassination
    2. 19631123 Jesse Curry Updates Questioning Lee Harvey Oswald
    3. 19631123 Lee Harvey Oswald Midnight Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A014

    1. 19631124 LBJ Phone Call to Bill Moyers and Eugene Rostov
    2. 19631124 Nellie Connally Statement to the Press
    3. 19631124 Richard M. Nixon Reaction to Kennedy Assassination
    4. 19631125 Eric Sevareid Presidents and Assassins
    5. 19631125 LBJ 1030A Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover
    6. 19631125 LBJ 1040A Phone Call to Joseph Alsop

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A015

    1. 19631127 John Connally Bedside Interview Martin Agronsky
    2. 19631127 LBJ Joint Session of Congress
    3. 19631128 LBJ 321P Phone Call to James Eastland
    4. 19631128 LBJ Thanksgiving Day Message to the Nation
    5. 19631129 LBJ 111P Phone Call to Hale Boggs
    6. 19631129 LBJ 1130A Phone Call to Hale Boggs
    7. 19631129 LBJ 1140A Phone Call to Everett Dirksen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A016

    1. 19631129 LBJ 115P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt1
    2. 19631129 LBJ 115P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt2
    3. 19631129 LBJ 140P Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover
    4. 19631129 LBJ 405P Phone Call to Richard Russell
    5. 19631129 LBJ 455P Phone Call John McCormick and Otto Passman
    6. 19631129 LBJ 510P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen
    7. 19631129 LBJ 541P Phone Call to Alan Dulles
    8. 19631129 LBJ 545P Phone Call to John Sherman Cooper
    9. 19631129 LBJ 615P Phone Call to Les Arends
    10. 19631129 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Charles Halleck

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A017

    1. 19631129 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Dean Rusk
    2. 19631129 LBJ 637P Call to Carl Albert
    3. 19631129 LBJ 652P Phone Call to Gerald Ford
    4. 19631129 LBJ 700P Phone Call to Joseph Alsop
    5. 19631129 LBJ 703P Phone Call to James Eastland
    6. 19631129 LBJ 830P Phone Call to Thomas Kuchel
    7. 19631129 LBJ 855P Phone Call to Richard Russell
    8. 19631202 LBJ 1110A Phone Call to Katherine Graham
    9. 19631202 LBJ Phone Call to Jacqueline Kennedy
    10. 19631217 LBJ Address to the UN General Assembly
    11. 19631221 LBJ Phone Call Jacqueline Kennedy Lady Bird Johnson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A018

    1. 19631222 LBJ Candle Light Vigil at the Lincoln Memorial
    2. 19640101 LBJ Phone Call to Jacqueline Kennedy
    3. 19640108 Eric Sevareid the Crisis of Presidential Succession

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A019

    1. 19640108 LBJ State of the Union Address

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A020

    1. 19640110 George Wallace Speech at UCLA
    2. 19640114 Jacqueline Kennedy Thank You Message to the World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A021

    1. 19640127 Margaret Chase Smith Announces Candidacy President
    2. 19640201 Margaret Chase Smith Report from Congress Interview
    3. 19640310 Barry Goldwater Goldwater Speaks Out
    4. 19640310 Barry Goldwater Why I Goofed in New Hampshire
    5. 19640322 Jacqueline Kennedy Jack Chose Lyndon Running Mate
    6. 19640407 LBJ 648P Phone Call to T. Ashton Thompson
    7. 19640407 LBJ 655P Phone Call to Charles Vanik
    8. 19640407 LBJ 656P Phone Call to Larry OBrien
    9. 19640421 LBJ 1100A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    10. 19640502 George HW Bush US Senate Race TX
    11. 19640502 LBJ 214P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A022

    1. 19640513 LBJ 245P Phone Call to Sargent Shriver
    2. 19640513 LBJ 340P Phone Call to Larry OBrien
    3. 19640513 LBJ 405P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    4. 19640522 LBJ University of Michigan Commencement Speech
    5. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt1
    6. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt2
    7. 19640527 LBJ 1055A Phone Call to Richard Russell Pt3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A023

    1. 19640527 LBJ 1124A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    2. 19640528 LBJ 1145A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy Pt1
    3. 19640528 LBJ 1145A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy Pt2
    4. 19640609 LBJ 1225P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    5. 19640609 LBJ 455P Phone Call to Karl Mundt
    6. 19640611 LBJ 611P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    7. 19640620 LBJ 645P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    8. 19640623 LBJ 311P Phone Call Btwn Jack Valenti RF Kennedy
    9. 19640623 LBJ 359P Phone Call to James Eastland
    10. 19640623 LBJ 405P Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover
    11. 19640623 LBJ 425P Phone Call to James Eastland
    12. 19640623 LBJ 600P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen
    13. 19640623 LBJ 622P Phone Call to Everett Dirksen
    14. 19640623 LBJ 626P Phone Call to George Reedy
    15. 19640623 LBJ 630P Phone Call to Lee White

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A024

    1. 19640623 LBJ 821P Phone Call to Paul Johnson
    2. 19640623 LBJ 850P Phone Call to Robert Goodman
    3. 19640623 LBJ 859P Phone Call to Anne Schwerner

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A025

    1. 19640625 Walter Cronkite the Search in Mississippi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A026

    1. 19640628 Frank McGee the Search in Mississippi
    2. 19640702 LBJ 1205P Phone Call to Roy Wilkins

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A027

    1. 19640702 LBJ Signs Into Law the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    2. 19640703 LBJ 1118A Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    3. 19640704 LBJ Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    4. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover FBI Wont Protect Civil Rights Worker
    5. 19640710 J Edgar Hoover Missing Civil Rights Workers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A028

    1. 19640710 Orval Faunus and George Wallace Barton College
    2. 19640714 George Romney Address at the RNC
    3. 19640714 Nelson Rockefeller Address at the RNC

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A029

    1. 19640716 Barry Goldwater Acceptance Speech at the RNC
    2. 19640716 William Miller Acceptance Speech at the RNC

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A030

    1. 19640721 LBJ 1225P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy
    2. 19640721 LBJ 329P Phone Call to Richard Daley Pt1
    3. 19640721 LBJ 329P Phone Call to Richard Daley Pt2
    4. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt1
    5. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt2

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A031

    1. 19640723 LBJ 531P Phone Call to John Connally Pt3
    2. 19640724 LBJ Press Conference
    3. 19640725 LBJ 1001A Phone Call to Richard Daley
    4. 19640728 LBJ 1015A Phone Call to George Meany

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A032

    1. 19640729 LBJ 230P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy Pt1
    2. 19640729 LBJ 230P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy Pt2
    3. 19640801 LBJ 727P Phone Call to George Mahon Pt1
    4. 19640801 LBJ 727P Phone Call to George Mahon Pt2
    5. 19640802 LBJ 1155A Phone Call to Lady Bird Johnson
    6. 19640803 LBJ 1020A Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    7. 19640804 LBJ 1002P Phone Call to Dean Rusk
    8. 19640804 LBJ 1006P Phone Call to Barry Goldwater
    9. 19640804 LBJ 1106A Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    10. 19640804 LBJ 801P Phone Call to Deke DeLoach
    11. 19640804 LBJ 915P Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    12. 19640804 LBJ Gulf of Tonkin
    13. 19640804 LBJ Phone Call to Lee White
    14. 19640804 Lyndon V Johnson 1053A Phone Call Robert McNamara
    15. 19640805 LBJ 245P Call to Robert Jones Pt1
    16. 19640805 LBJ 245P Call to Robert Jones Pt2
    17. 19640805 LBJ 256P Call to Tiger Teague

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A033

    1. 19640807 LBJ 147P Phone Call to Lee White
    2. 19640807 LBJ 450P Phone Call to John McKeithen
    3. 19640814 LBJ 1105A Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey
    4. 19640825 LBJ 231P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey
    5. 19640825 RF Kennedy Candidacy for the US Senate from NY
    6. 19640827 Hubert H. Humphrey Acceptance Speech at the DNC

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A034

    1. 19640827 LBJ Acceptance Speech at the DNC
    2. 19640827 Robert F. Kennedy Address to the DNC
    3. 19640904 LBJ 200P Phone Call to Anatoly Dobrynin
    4. 19640907 LBJ 410P Phone Call to William Scranton

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A035

    1. 19640908 LBJ 643P Phone Call to Harry S Truman
    2. 19640918 LBJ 1018A Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    3. 19640918 LBJ 1146A Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    4. 19640918 LBJ 754P Phone Call to Richard Russell
    5. 19640921 LBJ 655P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    6. 19640924 LBJ 1147A Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    7. 19640926 LBJ 1152A Phone Call to Earle Wheeler

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A036

    1. 19640927 Frank McGee the Warren Commission Report
    2. 19640929 Barry Goldwater Cincinnati Ohio Rally

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A037

    1. 19641002 LBJ 250P Phone Call to George Mahon
    2. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Ashland VA
    3. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Richmond VA
    4. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Petersburg VA
    5. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Suffolk VA

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A038

    1. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Ahoskie NC
    2. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Tarboro NC
    3. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 7th Whistle Stop Rocky Mount NC
    4. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 8th Whistle Stop in Selma NC
    5. 19641006 Lady Bird Johnson 9th Whistle Stop in Raleigh
    6. 19641006 LBJ Alexandra VA

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A039

    1. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 10th Whistle Stop in Columbia SC
    2. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 11th Whistle Stop Orangeburg SC

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A040

    1. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 12th Whistle Stop Charleston SC
    2. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Durham NC
    3. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Burlington NC

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A041

    1. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Greensboro NC
    2. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Lexington NC
    3. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Salisbury NC
    4. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Concord NC
    5. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 7th Whistle Stop in Charlotte NC
    6. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 8th Whistle Stop in Rock Hill SC
    7. 19641007 Lady Bird Johnson 9th Whistle Stop in Chester SC

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A042

    1. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Jesup GA
    2. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Waycross GA
    3. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Valdosta GA
    4. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop Thomasville GA
    5. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Drifton FL

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A043

    1. 19641008 Lady Bird Johnson. 1st Whistle Stop in Savannah GA
    2. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 1st Whistle Stop in Chipley FL
    3. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 2nd Whistle Stop in Crestview FL
    4. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 3rd Whistle Stop in Pensacola FL
    5. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 4th Whistle Stop in Flomaton AL

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A044

    1. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 5th Whistle Stop in Mobile
    2. 19641009 Lady Bird Johnson 6th Whistle Stop in Biloxi MS
    3. 19641009 LBJ New Orleans LA Rally
    4. 19641010 LBJ 821P Phone Call to Walter Jenkins

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A045

    1. 19641014 Harry Truman, Support of LBJ and HHH
    2. 19641014 LBJ 356P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt1
    3. 19641014 LBJ 356P Phone Call to Abe Fortas Pt2
    4. 19641015 LBJ 912A Phone Call to Lady Bird Johnson
    5. 19641020 LBJ 500P Phone Call to Billy Graham
    6. 19641022 Robert F. Kennedy Introduced by Rose Kennedy

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A046

    1. 19641024 LBJ Chattanooga TN Rally
    2. 19641024 LBJ Memphis TN Rally
    3. 19641026 LBJ 1145P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A047

    1. 19641027 Ronald Reagan A Time for Choosing
    2. 19641031 LBJ 1035A Phone Call to J Edgar Hoover
    3. 19641101 LBJ 658P Phone Call to Dean Rusk
    4. 19641101 LBJ A Simple Philosophy
    5. 19641101 LBJ Atomic Power

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A048

    1. 19641101 LBJ Half Hour Speech Campaign ‘64
    2. 19641101 LBJ Military Strength
    3. 19641101 LBJ Prosperity
    4. 19641102 Robert F. Kennedy Columbia University
    5. 19641103 Barry Goldwater Concession Speech
    6. 19641103 LBJ 1155P Phone Call to Robert F. Kennedy

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A049

    1. 19641103 LBJ 511P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    2. 19641103 LBJ 557P Phone Call to Hubert Humphrey
    3. 19641103 LBJ Victory Speech
    4. 19641103 Lyndon Johnson Phone Call to Bill Moyers
    5. 19641103 Walton Cronkite Election Night 1964
    6. 19641104 LBJ 1136A Phone Call to Harry S Truman
    7. 19641104 LBJ 1204A Phone Call to Ted Kennedy
    8. 19641105 LBJ 1037A Phone Call to Mike Mansfield Pt1
    9. 19641105 LBJ 1037A Phone Call to Mike Mansfield Pt2
    10. 19641105 LBJ 242P Phone Call to Mary Lasker
    11. 19641105 LBJ 248P Phone Call to Robert McNamara
    12. 19641108 LBJ 1156A Phone Call to Allen Ellender

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A050

    1. 19641123 LBJ 1224P Phone Call to Dean Rusk
    2. 19641123 LBJ 954P Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    3. 19641124 LBJ 1217A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    4. 19641124 LBJ 305A Phone Call to McGeorge Bundy
    5. 19641126 LBJ 1157A Phone Call to Dean Rusk
    6. 19641214 LBJ 1010A Phone Call to Harry S Truman
    7. 19641214 LBJ 1015A Phone Call to Dwight D. Eisenhower
    8. 19641214 LBJ 1130A Phone Call to Nicholas Katzenbach
    9. 19641218 LBJ Lighting of the Ntnl Christmas Tree

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    Presidential Election 1964 Disc A051

    1. 19650104 LBJ State of the Union Address
    2. 19650120 LBJ Inaugural Address

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