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Presidential Election 1960

John Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon by one tenth of one percent with 49.7 percent of the popular vote to Nixon's 49.6 percent.  Ironically, by the time of his death in 1963, more than fifty percent of the American voters said that they had voted for him.

Presidential Election 1960

84 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 34 hours, 22 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
32 Audio CDs

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Kennedy Nixon

As the United States was exiting the 1950s and entering the 1960s, one thing was perfectly clear; the coming decade was going to be a decade of great change when it came to culture, politics, war, and peace.  A decade of fictitious safety with images of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, Father Knows Best, and a Leave It To Beaver way of life were ebbing into history.  To meet the challenges of such a demanding decade of change the United States would have to turn away from the old ideas of Herbert Hoover; although he was still very much alive in 1960, and build on the ideas of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Dwight Eisenhower that helped build a strong and prosperous middle-class.  The United States would need a new generation of leadership that was not afraid of change.

Stevenson buttonFor the first time in history, there was a presidential contest where a majority of the candidates for president were in fact, born in the Twentieth Century.  In fact, on Election Night 1960, David Brinkley of NBC quoted a survey of the demographic of candidates for Congress and they were mostly in the forties, college educated, lawyers, and veterans.  That fits the description perfectly of a candidate for President in 1996 who ran for the House of Representatives in 1960 named Bob Dole.

Adlai Stevenson, two time loser of the presidency against General Eisenhower in the 1950s was making a third try for the Democratic Party Nomination.  Former President Harry Truman was backing his state's favorite son, Stuart Symington.  Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson was noncommittal until after the legislative work of the Senate was done and he would enter the race just a week before the Nominating Convention.  But the real contest in the Democratic Party took place in the nation's primaries between Senator John F. Kennedy and Senator Hubert H. Humphrey with the two biggest contests being in Wisconsin and West Virginia.

To win the Nomination, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. pulled out all of the stops.  He not only put tons of his own money into fulfilling his lifetime dream to first make eldest son, Joe Jr. the first Irish Catholic President, with that dream being dashed after the young Kennedy was killed in the war the dream went to his understudy; Jack, but he got Hollywood involved most famously with Frank Sinatra redoing a campaign version of his song; HIGH HOPES.  Hubert Humphrey said that he felt like a small grocer going up against a big chain of supermarkets.

Nixon Campaign Button

But this introduction of John Kennedy was not new.  In 1956 Adlai Stevenson decided to throw the choice of a running mate to the delegates.  Kennedy, along with Senator Humphrey and Senator Estate Kefauver and Senator Albert Gore, Sr. were in contention.  The elder Kennedy advised Bobby Kennedy not to let Jack do it citing that Stevenson was a loser.  The Kennedy brothers ignored their father's advice but Jack Kennedy lost to Estes Kefauver.  Bobby Kennedy was so angry with the Democratic Party that he voted for Eisenhower and Nixon in 1956.  Joe Kennedy looked at the loss as great because had his son been on that ticket and seeing as how badly Stevenson lost again, Kennedy would have been to blame because of his Catholic faith.

In 1960, Richard Nixon was the incumbent Vice President so he seemed the heir apparent for the Republican Party Nomination for President, but there was a newcomer who represented the more liberal Northeast wing of the Republican Party named Nelson Rockefeller to Nixon's left, and then there was the John Birch Society Southwest wing in Senator Barry Goldwater to Nixon's right.  Neither was a huge threat and Vice President Nixon, along with Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts balanced the Republican ticket.

The Democratic Party still had grumblings leading up to the Convention.  Former President Harry S Truman withdrew his delegation to the Convention because he felt that the convention was rigged and predetermined.  He didn't doubt Kennedy's future abilities, but he felt that Kennedy was too young and inexperienced to be president.  Keep in mind that while he was all of forty-three years old, he had been in the Congress since 1947 and before that had served in the United States Navy.  Bobby Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were an issue.  Jack Kennedy had offered Johnson the vice presidency and Bobby Kennedy tried to dissuade the Majority Leader by arguing that the vice presidency was much too small for him.  Johnson ignored Kennedy's dissuasion and was determined to make the vice presidency much more powerful.

Kennedy Johnson Campaign Button

Now that the tickets were established, there was still the issue of Kennedy's Catholic faith.  He addressed the Greater Houston Ministerial Association to assure them that his decisions would be made based on that as an American and as a Democrat and not based on his personal faith.  He said it best when he said that he was not the Catholic candidate for President, but the Democratic Party's candidate who happens also to be a Catholic.

A major pioneering introduction to American politics in 1960 was a series of debates between the two major political party candidates.  Historians have said that if you watched the debates on television Senator Kennedy won the debates and if you listened to them on the radio Vice President Nixon won the debates.

By Election Night it was clear that this was going to be a long night.  It's ironic that in 1960, the two youngest men in recent history took a long time to determine the winner and in 2020, it took a long time in a campaign between the two oldest men; Donald Trump and Joe Biden to determine the winner.  John Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon by one tenth of one percent with 49.7 percent of the popular vote to Nixon's 49.6 percent.  Ironically, by the time of his death in 1963, more than fifty percent of the American voters said that they had voted for him.

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    84 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 34 hours, 22 min
    84 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 34 hours, 22 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 63 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19560817 John Kennedy DNC Nominating Speech.mp3
    3. 19560819 John Kennedy VP Nomination Concession Speech.mp3
    4. 19561028 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    5. 19561028 John Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    6. 19580310 John F. Kennedy Face the Nation Intrvw.mp3
    7. 19581116 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    8. 19581116 John F Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    9. 19590101 Nelson Rockefeller Inaugural Address Governor NY.mp3
    10. 19590215 Stuart Symington Meet Press.mp3
    11. 19590719 Nelson Rockefeller Meet Press.mp3
    12. 19590724 Richard Nixon vs Nikita Khrushchev Kitchen Debate.mp3
    13. 19590726 Robert F Kennedy Meet the Press.mp3
    14. 19591102 John Kennedy Speech in Los Angeles.mp3
    15. 19600000 Clancy Hayes Dixieland Band, Go Vote Nixon-Lodge.mp3
    16. 19600000 John Kennedy High Hopes.mp3
    17. 19600000 John Kennedy Jack Kennedy All Way.mp3
    18. 19600000 Kennedy for Me.mp3
    19. 19600102 John Kennedy Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    20. 19600103 John Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    21. 19600105 John Kennedy Conversation on Running President.mp3
    22. 19600110 Stuart Symington Meet Press.mp3
    23. 19600131 Herbert Hoover A Conversation.mp3
    24. 19600401 John Kennedy Decline in Dairy Farmers Income.mp3
    25. 19600403 Hubert Humphrey Meet Press.mp3
    26. 19600403 John Kennedy Face Nation.mp3
    27. 19600403 John Kennedy Face the Nation.mp3
    28. 19600424 Adlai Stevenson Meet Press.mp3
    29. 19600504 W.Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary Debate.mp3
    30. 19600511 John Kennedy WV Primary Victory.mp3
    31. 19600522 Lyndon Johnson Face Nation.mp3
    32. 19600612 Nelson Rockefeller Meet Press.mp3
    33. 19600616 John Kennedy Jack Paar Intrvw.mp3
    34. 19600616 Lyndon Johnson President Eisenhowers Trip to Japan.mp3
    35. 19600626 George Gallop Meet Press.mp3
    36. 19600702 Harry S Truman Resigns Delegate to DNC.mp3
    37. 19600702 Harry Truman Criticism Prearranged Democratic Conv.mp3
    38. 19600704 John Kennedy Response to Criticism Harry Truman.mp3
    39. 19600705 Lyndon Johnson Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    40. 19600709 Lyndon Johnson Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    41. 19600711 Democratic National Convention Night 1.mp3
    42. 19600713 John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Biltmore Hotel.mp3
    43. 19600713 Lyndon Johnson Biltmore Hotel.mp3
    44. 19600715 Adlai Stevenson, DNC Speech.mp3
    45. 19600715 John Kennedy Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    46. 19600725 Herbert Hoover Address to RNC.mp3
    47. 19600728 Barry Goldwater Declines Name Placed in Nomination.mp3
    48. 19600728 Henry Cabot Lodge Acceptance Speech.mp3
    49. 19600728 Richard Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    50. 19600820 John Kennedy and Harry Truman Joint Press Conf.mp3
    51. 19600911 Richard Nixon Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    52. 19600911 Richard Nixon Meet Press.mp3
    53. 19600912 John Kennedy Greater Houston Ministerial Assc.mp3
    54. 19600913 John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Chance Vought.mp3
    55. 19600914 John Kennedy Accepting Liberal Party Nomination.mp3
    56. 19600917 John Kennedy Greenville NC Rally.mp3
    57. 19600918 Henry Cabot Lodge Meet Press.mp3
    58. 19600922 Dwight Eisenhower Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    59. 19600925 George McGovern vs Karl Mundt SD Senate Debate.mp3
    60. 19600926 Lyndon Johnson Walter Cronkite Intrvw.mp3
    61. 19600926 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3
    62. 19601002 Lyndon Johnson Face Nation.mp3
    63. 19601003 Jackie Kennedy Intrvw Benjamin Spock.mp3
    64. 19601007 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 21 shows – total playtime 10 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19601009 Lyndon Johnson Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    3. 19601013 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3
    4. 19601016 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    5. 19601016 John Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    6. 19601021 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3
    7. 19601024 Jackie Kennedy Myrna Loy Intrvw.mp3
    8. 19601027 Richard Nixon Person to Person Intrvw.mp3
    9. 19601030 John Kennedy Face Nation.mp3
    10. 19601106 Robert F Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    11. 19601107 John Kennedy Election Eve Boston.mp3
    12. 19601108 Election Night Coverage Pt1.mp3
    13. 19601108 Election Night Coverage Pt2.mp3
    14. 19601109 John Kennedy Victory Speech.mp3
    15. 19601109 Richard Nixon Concession Speech.mp3
    16. 19601110 John Kennedy 1st Press Conf as President Elect.mp3
    17. 19601113 Richard Scammon Meet Press.mp3
    18. 19610106 Richard Nixon Certified Electoral Votes Kennedy.mp3
    19. 19610109 John Kennedy City on Hill.mp3
    20. 19610117 Dwight Eisenhower Farewell Address to Nation.mp3
    21. 19610120 John Kennedy Inaugural Address.mp3
    22. 19631229 Making President 1960.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    84 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 34 hours, 22 min
    84 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    944 MB – total playtime 34 hours, 22 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 63 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19560817 John Kennedy DNC Nominating Speech.mp3
    3. 19560819 John Kennedy VP Nomination Concession Speech.mp3
    4. 19561028 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    5. 19561028 John Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    6. 19580310 John F. Kennedy Face the Nation Intrvw.mp3
    7. 19581116 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    8. 19581116 John F Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    9. 19590101 Nelson Rockefeller Inaugural Address Governor NY.mp3
    10. 19590215 Stuart Symington Meet Press.mp3
    11. 19590719 Nelson Rockefeller Meet Press.mp3
    12. 19590724 Richard Nixon vs Nikita Khrushchev Kitchen Debate.mp3
    13. 19590726 Robert F Kennedy Meet the Press.mp3
    14. 19591102 John Kennedy Speech in Los Angeles.mp3
    15. 19600000 Clancy Hayes Dixieland Band, Go Vote Nixon-Lodge.mp3
    16. 19600000 John Kennedy High Hopes.mp3
    17. 19600000 John Kennedy Jack Kennedy All Way.mp3
    18. 19600000 Kennedy for Me.mp3
    19. 19600102 John Kennedy Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    20. 19600103 John Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    21. 19600105 John Kennedy Conversation on Running President.mp3
    22. 19600110 Stuart Symington Meet Press.mp3
    23. 19600131 Herbert Hoover A Conversation.mp3
    24. 19600401 John Kennedy Decline in Dairy Farmers Income.mp3
    25. 19600403 Hubert Humphrey Meet Press.mp3
    26. 19600403 John Kennedy Face Nation.mp3
    27. 19600403 John Kennedy Face the Nation.mp3
    28. 19600424 Adlai Stevenson Meet Press.mp3
    29. 19600504 W.Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary Debate.mp3
    30. 19600511 John Kennedy WV Primary Victory.mp3
    31. 19600522 Lyndon Johnson Face Nation.mp3
    32. 19600612 Nelson Rockefeller Meet Press.mp3
    33. 19600616 John Kennedy Jack Paar Intrvw.mp3
    34. 19600616 Lyndon Johnson President Eisenhowers Trip to Japan.mp3
    35. 19600626 George Gallop Meet Press.mp3
    36. 19600702 Harry S Truman Resigns Delegate to DNC.mp3
    37. 19600702 Harry Truman Criticism Prearranged Democratic Conv.mp3
    38. 19600704 John Kennedy Response to Criticism Harry Truman.mp3
    39. 19600705 Lyndon Johnson Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    40. 19600709 Lyndon Johnson Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    41. 19600711 Democratic National Convention Night 1.mp3
    42. 19600713 John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Biltmore Hotel.mp3
    43. 19600713 Lyndon Johnson Biltmore Hotel.mp3
    44. 19600715 Adlai Stevenson, DNC Speech.mp3
    45. 19600715 John Kennedy Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    46. 19600725 Herbert Hoover Address to RNC.mp3
    47. 19600728 Barry Goldwater Declines Name Placed in Nomination.mp3
    48. 19600728 Henry Cabot Lodge Acceptance Speech.mp3
    49. 19600728 Richard Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    50. 19600820 John Kennedy and Harry Truman Joint Press Conf.mp3
    51. 19600911 Richard Nixon Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    52. 19600911 Richard Nixon Meet Press.mp3
    53. 19600912 John Kennedy Greater Houston Ministerial Assc.mp3
    54. 19600913 John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Chance Vought.mp3
    55. 19600914 John Kennedy Accepting Liberal Party Nomination.mp3
    56. 19600917 John Kennedy Greenville NC Rally.mp3
    57. 19600918 Henry Cabot Lodge Meet Press.mp3
    58. 19600922 Dwight Eisenhower Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    59. 19600925 George McGovern vs Karl Mundt SD Senate Debate.mp3
    60. 19600926 Lyndon Johnson Walter Cronkite Intrvw.mp3
    61. 19600926 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3
    62. 19601002 Lyndon Johnson Face Nation.mp3
    63. 19601003 Jackie Kennedy Intrvw Benjamin Spock.mp3
    64. 19601007 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 21 shows – 299 MB – total playtime 10 hours, 53 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19601009 Lyndon Johnson Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    3. 19601013 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3
    4. 19601016 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw.mp3
    5. 19601016 John Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    6. 19601021 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate.mp3
    7. 19601024 Jackie Kennedy Myrna Loy Intrvw.mp3
    8. 19601027 Richard Nixon Person to Person Intrvw.mp3
    9. 19601030 John Kennedy Face Nation.mp3
    10. 19601106 Robert F Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    11. 19601107 John Kennedy Election Eve Boston.mp3
    12. 19601108 Election Night Coverage Pt1.mp3
    13. 19601108 Election Night Coverage Pt2.mp3
    14. 19601109 John Kennedy Victory Speech.mp3
    15. 19601109 Richard Nixon Concession Speech.mp3
    16. 19601110 John Kennedy 1st Press Conf as President Elect.mp3
    17. 19601113 Richard Scammon Meet Press.mp3
    18. 19610106 Richard Nixon Certified Electoral Votes Kennedy.mp3
    19. 19610109 John Kennedy City on Hill.mp3
    20. 19610117 Dwight Eisenhower Farewell Address to Nation.mp3
    21. 19610120 John Kennedy Inaugural Address.mp3
    22. 19631229 Making President 1960.mp3
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    84 recordings on 32 Audio CDs. Total playtime 28 hours, 7 min
    84 recordings on 32 Audio CDs
    total playtime 28 hours, 7 min

    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A001

    1. 19560817 John Kennedy DNC Nominating Speech
    2. 19560819 John Kennedy VP Nomination Concession Speech
    3. 19561028 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw
    4. 19561028 John Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw

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    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A002

    1. 19580310 John F. Kennedy Face the Nation Intrvw
    2. 19581116 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw

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    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A003

    1. 19581116 John F Kennedy Meet Press
    2. 19590101 Nelson Rockefeller Inaugural Address Governor NY

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A004

    1. 19590215 Stuart Symington Meet Press
    2. 19590719 Nelson Rockefeller Meet Press

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A005

    1. 19590724 Richard Nixon vs Nikita Khrushchev Kitchen Debate
    2. 19590726 Robert F Kennedy Meet the Press
    3. 19591102 John Kennedy Speech in Los Angeles
    4. 19600000 Clancy Hayes Dixieland Band, Go Vote Nixon-Lodge
    5. 19600000 John Kennedy High Hopes
    6. 19600000 John Kennedy Jack Kennedy All Way
    7. 19600000 Kennedy for Me

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A006

    1. 19600102 John Kennedy Announces His Candidacy President
    2. 19600103 John Kennedy Meet Press
    3. 19600105 John Kennedy Conversation on Running President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A007

    1. 19600110 Stuart Symington Meet Press

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A008

    1. 19600131 Herbert Hoover A Conversation
    2. 19600401 John Kennedy Decline in Dairy Farmers Income

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A009

    1. 19600403 Hubert Humphrey Meet Press
    2. 19600403 John Kennedy Face Nation
    3. 19600403 John Kennedy Face the Nation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A010

    1. 19600424 Adlai Stevenson Meet Press

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A011

    1. 19600504 W.Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    2. 19600511 John Kennedy WV Primary Victory
    3. 19600522 Lyndon Johnson Face Nation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A012

    1. 19600612 Nelson Rockefeller Meet Press
    2. 19600616 John Kennedy Jack Paar Intrvw
    3. 19600616 Lyndon Johnson President Eisenhowers Trip to Japan
    4. 19600626 George Gallop Meet Press

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A013

    1. 19600702 Harry S Truman Resigns Delegate to DNC
    2. 19600702 Harry Truman Criticism Prearranged Democratic Conv
    3. 19600704 John Kennedy Response to Criticism Harry Truman
    4. 19600705 Lyndon Johnson Announces His Candidacy President
    5. 19600709 Lyndon Johnson Meet Press Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A014

    1. 19600713 John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Biltmore Hotel
    2. 19600713 Lyndon Johnson Biltmore Hotel
    3. 19600715 Adlai Stevenson, DNC Speech
    4. 19600715 John Kennedy Acceptance Speech DNC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A015

    1. 19600725 Herbert Hoover Address to RNC
    2. 19600728 Barry Goldwater Declines Name Placed in Nomination
    3. 19600728 Henry Cabot Lodge Acceptance Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A016

    1. 19600728 Richard Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A017

    1. 19600820 John Kennedy and Harry Truman Joint Press Conf
    2. 19600911 Richard Nixon Meet Press Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A018

    1. 19600911 Richard Nixon Meet Press

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A019

    1. 19600912 John Kennedy Greater Houston Ministerial Assc
    2. 19600913 John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Chance Vought
    3. 19600914 John Kennedy Accepting Liberal Party Nomination

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A020

    1. 19600917 John Kennedy Greenville NC Rally
    2. 19600918 Henry Cabot Lodge Meet Press
    3. 19600922 Dwight Eisenhower Address UN General Assembly

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A021

    1. 19600925 George McGovern vs Karl Mundt SD Senate Debate
    2. 19600926 Lyndon Johnson Walter Cronkite Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A022

    1. 19600926 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A023

    1. 19601002 Lyndon Johnson Face Nation
    2. 19601003 Jackie Kennedy Intrvw Benjamin Spock

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A024

    1. 19601007 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A025

    1. 19601009 Lyndon Johnson Meet Press Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A026

    1. 19601013 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A027

    1. 19601016 John F Kennedy Meet Press Intrvw
    2. 19601016 John Kennedy Meet Press

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A028

    1. 19601021 Richard Nixon John Kennedy Presidential Debate
    2. 19601024 Jackie Kennedy Myrna Loy Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A029

    1. 19601027 Richard Nixon Person to Person Intrvw
    2. 19601030 John Kennedy Face Nation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A030

    1. 19601106 Robert F Kennedy Meet Press
    2. 19601107 John Kennedy Election Eve Boston
    3. 19601109 John Kennedy Victory Speech
    4. 19601109 Richard Nixon Concession Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A031

    1. 19601110 John Kennedy 1st Press Conf as President Elect
    2. 19601113 Richard Scammon Meet Press
    3. 19610106 Richard Nixon Certified Electoral Votes Kennedy
    4. 19610109 John Kennedy City on Hill

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 1960 Disc A032

    1. 19610117 Dwight Eisenhower Farewell Address to Nation
    2. 19610120 John Kennedy Inaugural Address

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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