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Presidential Candidate Announcements 1960-2022

While only 44 men have served as President and 48 men have served as Vice President, so many Americans have stepped up to answer the call to run for these two top spots. Listen as we hear from some of these Americans as they make their plans known, give their victory, and even their concession.

Presidential Candidate Announcements

184 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 99 hours, 28 min)
available in the following formats:

5 MP3 CDs
92 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Presidential SealAnnouncing for the highest and second highest office in the United States is no easy thing. While only 44 men have served as President and 48 men have served as Vice President, so many Americans have stepped up to answer the call to run for these two top spots. Listen as we hear from some of these Americans as they make their plans known, give their victory, and even their concession.

The beauty of our republic is that anybody born an orphan like Tom Vilsack or born a billionaire like Donald Trump, someone born Catholic like Al Smith and John Kennedy, someone born the son of a president like George W. Bush and Jeb Bush and the son of a senator like Al Gore, someone born an African-American like Jesse Jackson, Akan Keyes, Barack Obama, and Herman Cain, or someone born a woman like Margaret Chase Smith, Shirley Chisholm, Kamala Harris, and Hillary Clinton can run for the presidency.  Some, like John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Barack Obama, Robert Kennedy, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump have taken some of their challengers to create a team of rivals.

It just goes to show that in the United States of America, anybody can become president.

See also:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    184 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $25.00. Total playtime 99 hours, 28 min
    184 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $25.00
    total playtime 99 hours, 28 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 65 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. AtP 19600102 JFK announces his Candidacy.mp3
    3. AtP 19600507 Lyndon B. Johnson.mp3
    4. AtP 19601108 Richard Nixon's concession speech.mp3
    5. AtP 19601109 JFK Victory Speech.mp3
    6. AtP 19640000 Goldwater Concedes the Presidential Election.mp3
    7. AtP 19640000 Lyndon B. Johnson's Victory Speech.mp3
    8. AtP 19640127 Margaret Chase Smith announcing her candidacy.mp3
    9. AtP 19680000 George Romney announces his Candidacy.mp3
    10. AtP 19680000 Hubert H. Humphrey announces his Candidacy.mp3
    11. AtP 19680000 Hubert H. Humphrey concedes.mp3
    12. AtP 19680000 Nelson Rockefeller announces his Candidacy.mp3
    13. AtP 19680000 Richard Nixon announces his Candidacy.mp3
    14. AtP 19680316 Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    15. AtP 19680316 Robert Kennedy Announce Candidacy President.mp3
    16. AtP 19680331 Lyndon B Johnson announces not seek Re-election.mp3
    17. AtP 19680605 Robert F. Kennedy's Victory speech.mp3
    18. AtP 19681106 Richard Nixon Declares Victory.mp3
    19. AtP 19720000 George McGovern concedes Presidential Election.mp3
    20. AtP 19720111 Hubert H. Humphrey announces his Candidacy.mp3
    21. AtP 19720125 Shirley Chisholm announces her Candidacy.mp3
    22. AtP 19721107 Richard Nixon Victory Speech at White House.mp3
    23. AtP 19721108 Nixon Victory Speech.mp3
    24. AtP 19750708 Gerald Ford accouncing his Candidacy.mp3
    25. AtP 19760000 Jimmy Carter Victory Speech.mp3
    26. AtP 19761103 Gerald R Ford concession speech.mp3
    27. AtP 19790000 Edward M. Kennedy announces his Candidacy.mp3
    28. AtP 19791113 Ronald Reagan announces his Candidacy.mp3
    29. AtP 19801104 Jimmy Carter concession speech.mp3
    30. AtP 19801104 Ronald Reagan Victory Speech.mp3
    31. AtP 19830217 Gary Hart.mp3
    32. AtP 19830221 Walter Mondale.mp3
    33. AtP 19840000 Jesse Jackson announces his Candidacy.mp3
    34. AtP 19840000 Walter Mondale Concedes Presidential Election.mp3
    35. AtP 19840315 George McGovern withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    36. AtP 19840316 John Glenn withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    37. AtP 19841106 Ronald Reagan Victory Speech.mp3
    38. AtP 19870223 Richard Gephardt.mp3
    39. AtP 19870306 Jack Kemp.mp3
    40. AtP 19870429 Michael Dukakis.mp3
    41. AtP 19870508 Gary Hart.mp3
    42. AtP 19870609 Joseph Biden.mp3
    43. AtP 19870629 Albert Gore Jr.mp3
    44. AtP 19870715 Bill Clinton declines candidacy.mp3
    45. AtP 19870923 Joseph Biden withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    46. AtP 19871002 Pat Robertson.mp3
    47. AtP 19871010 Jesse Jackson.mp3
    48. AtP 19871012 George Bush.mp3
    49. AtP 19871109 Bob Dole.mp3
    50. AtP 19871129 Patricia Schroeder declines candidacy.mp3
    51. AtP 19871215 Gary Hart.mp3
    52. AtP 19880000 George Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    53. AtP 19880421 Albert Gore Jr withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    54. AtP 19880712 Michael Dukakis announcing his running mate.mp3
    55. AtP 19880817 Geroge Bush announcing his running mate.mp3
    56. AtP 19880911 Michael Dukakis concession speech.mp3
    57. AtP 19910430 Paul Tsongas announces his Candidacy.mp3
    58. AtP 19910913 Douglas Wilder.mp3
    59. AtP 19910915 Tom Harkin announces his Candidacy.mp3
    60. AtP 19910930 Bob Kerrey.mp3
    61. AtP 19911003 Bill Clinton announces his Candidacy.mp3
    62. AtP 19911021 Jerry Brown.mp3
    63. AtP 19911204 David Duke.mp3
    64. AtP 19911210 Pat Buchanan.mp3
    65. AtP 19911220 Mario Cuomo Declines running.mp3
    66. AtP 19920218 Bill Clinton Second Place Showing New Hampshire.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 36 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. AtP 19920709 Bill Clinton announces his running mate.mp3
    3. AtP 19920716 Ross Perot withdraw campaign.mp3
    4. AtP 19921001 Ross Perot second announcement.mp3
    5. AtP 19921103 George Bush concession speech.mp3
    6. AtP 19921103 Ross Perot concession speech.mp3
    7. AtP 19921104 Bill Clinton Victory Speech.mp3
    8. AtP 19950210 Dan Quayle not running for presidency.mp3
    9. AtP 19950320 Pat Buchanan.mp3
    10. AtP 19950326 Alan Keyes.mp3
    11. AtP 19950410 Bob Dole.mp3
    12. AtP 19950828 Pete Wilson announces his Candidacy.mp3
    13. AtP 19950929 Pete Wilson withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    14. AtP 19951108 Colin Powell declines candidacy for presidency.mp3
    15. AtP 19960810 Bob Dole announces his running-mate.mp3
    16. AtP 19961105 Bill Clinton Victory Speech.mp3
    17. AtP 19961105 Robert Dole concession speech.mp3
    18. AtP 19990302 Pat Buchanan.mp3
    19. AtP 19990310 Elizabeth Dole Exploratory Committee.mp3
    20. AtP 19990601 George W Bush.mp3
    21. AtP 19990616 Albert Gore.mp3
    22. AtP 19990714 John Kasich withdrawl.mp3
    23. AtP 19990908 Bill Bradley.mp3
    24. AtP 19990927 John McCain.mp3
    25. AtP 19991020 Dole Withdrawl.mp3
    26. AtP 19991025 Pat Buchanan withdrawl.mp3
    27. AtP 19991111 Pat Buchanan announces candidacy Reform Party.mp3
    28. AtP 20000107 Trump talking about possible third party.mp3
    29. AtP 20000725 George W Bush announce running-mate.mp3
    30. AtP 20000808 Al Gore announce running-mate.mp3
    31. AtP 20001213 Al Gore concession speech.mp3
    32. AtP 20001213 George W Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    33. AtP 20030113 Joe Lieberman.mp3
    34. AtP 20030219 Carol Moseley announcing exploratory presidency.mp3
    35. AtP 20030219 Richard Gephardt.mp3
    36. AtP 20030506 Bob Graham.mp3
    37. AtP 20030623 Howard Dean.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 39 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. AtP 20030902 John F Kerry.mp3
    3. AtP 20030916 John Edwards.mp3
    4. AtP 20031013 Dennis Kucinich.mp3
    5. AtP 20040119 Howard Dean concession speech.mp3
    6. AtP 20040706 John F Kerry annc John Edwards running mate.mp3
    7. AtP 20041103 George W Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    8. AtP 20041103 John F Kerry concession speech.mp3
    9. AtP 20060000 Tom Vilsack announces his Candidacy.mp3
    10. AtP 20060417 Mike Gravel.mp3
    11. AtP 20061130 Tom Vilsack.mp3
    12. AtP 20070120 Hillary Clinton.mp3
    13. AtP 20070121 Bill Richardson.mp3
    14. AtP 20070131 Joe Biden.mp3
    15. AtP 20070210 Barrack Obama announces his Candidacy.mp3
    16. AtP 20070213 Mitt Romney.mp3
    17. AtP 20070223 Tom Vilsack.mp3
    18. AtP 20070425 John McCain.mp3
    19. AtP 20080103 Hillary Clinton addresses third place.mp3
    20. AtP 20080103 Obama Victory Speech.mp3
    21. AtP 20080120 Hillary Clinton Pres exploratory committee.mp3
    22. AtP 20080130 John Edwards withdrawl.mp3
    23. AtP 20080607 Hillary Clinton suspends her campaign.mp3
    24. AtP 20080823 Obama announces his running-mate.mp3
    25. AtP 20080829 John McCain announces his running mate.mp3
    26. AtP 20081104 Barak Obama Victory Speech.mp3
    27. AtP 20081104 John McCain concession speech.mp3
    28. AtP 20110426 Ron Paul.mp3
    29. AtP 20110511 Newt Gingrich.mp3
    30. AtP 20110521 Herman Cain.mp3
    31. AtP 20110602 Mitt Romney.mp3
    32. AtP 20110606 Rick Santorum.mp3
    33. AtP 20110627 Michelle Bachmann announces her Candidacy.mp3
    34. AtP 20111025 Rick Perry.mp3
    35. AtP 20111203 Herman Cain Suspends his Candidacy.mp3
    36. AtP 20120811 Mitt Romney announces his running-mate.mp3
    37. AtP 20121106 Barrack Obama's Victory Speech.mp3
    38. AtP 20121106 Mitt Romney concession speech.mp3
    39. AtP 20150000 Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy.mp3
    40. AtP 20150323 Ted Cruz.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 29 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. AtP 20150407 Rand Paul.mp3
    3. AtP 20150413 Marco Rubio announces Candidacy for Presidency.mp3
    4. AtP 20150430 Bernie Sanders announces his Candidacy.mp3
    5. AtP 20150504 Ben Carson announces his Candidacy.mp3
    6. AtP 20150504 Carly Fiarino announces her Candidacy.mp3
    7. AtP 20150505 Mike Huckabee.mp3
    8. AtP 20150527 Rick Santorum announces his Candidacy.mp3
    9. AtP 20150530 Martin O'Malley.mp3
    10. AtP 20150601 Lindsey Graham annc Candidacy for Presidency.mp3
    11. AtP 20150603 Lincoln Chafee.mp3
    12. AtP 20150604 Rick Perry.mp3
    13. AtP 20150613 Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy.mp3
    14. AtP 20150615 Jeb Bush.mp3
    15. AtP 20150616 Donald Trump announces his Candicacy.mp3
    16. AtP 20150624 Bobby Jindal announces his Candicacy.mp3
    17. AtP 20150630 Chris Christie announces his Candidacy.mp3
    18. AtP 20150713 Scott Walker.mp3
    19. AtP 20150721 John Kasich.mp3
    20. AtP 20150921 Scott Walker suspends his candidacy.mp3
    21. AtP 20151020 James Webb withdrawl.mp3
    22. AtP 20151021 Joe Biden declines a run for the presidency.mp3
    23. AtP 20160201 Hillary Clinton Iowa Caucus Victory.mp3
    24. AtP 20160503 Ted Cruz annc Carly Fiorina as running mate.mp3
    25. AtP 20160716 Donald Trump announces his running-mate.mp3
    26. AtP 20160723 Hillary Clinton announces her running-mate.mp3
    27. AtP 20161109 Donald Trump Victory Speech.mp3
    28. AtP 20161109 Hillary Clinton Concedes Presidential Election.mp3
    29. AtP 20190127 Kamala Harris announces her Candidacy.mp3
    30. AtP 20190209 Elizabeth Warren announces her Candidacy.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 15 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. AtP 20190210 Amy Klobuchar announces her Candidacy.mp3
    3. AtP 20190301 Jay Inslee announces his Candidacy.mp3
    4. AtP 20190305 Bernie Sanders Announcing for President.mp3
    5. AtP 20190307 John Hickenlooper announces his Candidacy.mp3
    6. AtP 20190324 Kristen Gillibrand announces her Candidacy.mp3
    7. AtP 20190330 Beto O'Rourke Kickoff Rally in El Paso.mp3
    8. AtP 20190406 Tim Ryan announces his Candidacy.mp3
    9. AtP 20190414 Pete Buttigieg announces his Candidacy.mp3
    10. AtP 20190429 Joe Biden Kickoff Rally.mp3
    11. AtP 20190618 Donald Trump announcing Second Term Run.mp3
    12. AtP 20200812 Joe Biden Kamala Harris Runningmate.mp3
    13. AtP 20201107 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Victory Celebration.mp3
    14. AtP 20201214 Joe Biden First Adrs Official President-Elect.mp3
    15. AtP 20221115 Trump Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    16. AtP 20230419 RF Kennedy, Jr., Announces Candidacy President.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    184 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $25.00. Total playtime 99 hours, 28 min
    184 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $25.00
    2791 MB – total playtime 99 hours, 28 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 65 shows – 615 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. AtP 19600102 JFK announces his Candidacy.mp3
    3. AtP 19600507 Lyndon B. Johnson.mp3
    4. AtP 19601108 Richard Nixon's concession speech.mp3
    5. AtP 19601109 JFK Victory Speech.mp3
    6. AtP 19640000 Goldwater Concedes the Presidential Election.mp3
    7. AtP 19640000 Lyndon B. Johnson's Victory Speech.mp3
    8. AtP 19640127 Margaret Chase Smith announcing her candidacy.mp3
    9. AtP 19680000 George Romney announces his Candidacy.mp3
    10. AtP 19680000 Hubert H. Humphrey announces his Candidacy.mp3
    11. AtP 19680000 Hubert H. Humphrey concedes.mp3
    12. AtP 19680000 Nelson Rockefeller announces his Candidacy.mp3
    13. AtP 19680000 Richard Nixon announces his Candidacy.mp3
    14. AtP 19680316 Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
    15. AtP 19680316 Robert Kennedy Announce Candidacy President.mp3
    16. AtP 19680331 Lyndon B Johnson announces not seek Re-election.mp3
    17. AtP 19680605 Robert F. Kennedy's Victory speech.mp3
    18. AtP 19681106 Richard Nixon Declares Victory.mp3
    19. AtP 19720000 George McGovern concedes Presidential Election.mp3
    20. AtP 19720111 Hubert H. Humphrey announces his Candidacy.mp3
    21. AtP 19720125 Shirley Chisholm announces her Candidacy.mp3
    22. AtP 19721107 Richard Nixon Victory Speech at White House.mp3
    23. AtP 19721108 Nixon Victory Speech.mp3
    24. AtP 19750708 Gerald Ford accouncing his Candidacy.mp3
    25. AtP 19760000 Jimmy Carter Victory Speech.mp3
    26. AtP 19761103 Gerald R Ford concession speech.mp3
    27. AtP 19790000 Edward M. Kennedy announces his Candidacy.mp3
    28. AtP 19791113 Ronald Reagan announces his Candidacy.mp3
    29. AtP 19801104 Jimmy Carter concession speech.mp3
    30. AtP 19801104 Ronald Reagan Victory Speech.mp3
    31. AtP 19830217 Gary Hart.mp3
    32. AtP 19830221 Walter Mondale.mp3
    33. AtP 19840000 Jesse Jackson announces his Candidacy.mp3
    34. AtP 19840000 Walter Mondale Concedes Presidential Election.mp3
    35. AtP 19840315 George McGovern withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    36. AtP 19840316 John Glenn withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    37. AtP 19841106 Ronald Reagan Victory Speech.mp3
    38. AtP 19870223 Richard Gephardt.mp3
    39. AtP 19870306 Jack Kemp.mp3
    40. AtP 19870429 Michael Dukakis.mp3
    41. AtP 19870508 Gary Hart.mp3
    42. AtP 19870609 Joseph Biden.mp3
    43. AtP 19870629 Albert Gore Jr.mp3
    44. AtP 19870715 Bill Clinton declines candidacy.mp3
    45. AtP 19870923 Joseph Biden withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    46. AtP 19871002 Pat Robertson.mp3
    47. AtP 19871010 Jesse Jackson.mp3
    48. AtP 19871012 George Bush.mp3
    49. AtP 19871109 Bob Dole.mp3
    50. AtP 19871129 Patricia Schroeder declines candidacy.mp3
    51. AtP 19871215 Gary Hart.mp3
    52. AtP 19880000 George Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    53. AtP 19880421 Albert Gore Jr withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    54. AtP 19880712 Michael Dukakis announcing his running mate.mp3
    55. AtP 19880817 Geroge Bush announcing his running mate.mp3
    56. AtP 19880911 Michael Dukakis concession speech.mp3
    57. AtP 19910430 Paul Tsongas announces his Candidacy.mp3
    58. AtP 19910913 Douglas Wilder.mp3
    59. AtP 19910915 Tom Harkin announces his Candidacy.mp3
    60. AtP 19910930 Bob Kerrey.mp3
    61. AtP 19911003 Bill Clinton announces his Candidacy.mp3
    62. AtP 19911021 Jerry Brown.mp3
    63. AtP 19911204 David Duke.mp3
    64. AtP 19911210 Pat Buchanan.mp3
    65. AtP 19911220 Mario Cuomo Declines running.mp3
    66. AtP 19920218 Bill Clinton Second Place Showing New Hampshire.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 36 shows – 590 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 20 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. AtP 19920709 Bill Clinton announces his running mate.mp3
    3. AtP 19920716 Ross Perot withdraw campaign.mp3
    4. AtP 19921001 Ross Perot second announcement.mp3
    5. AtP 19921103 George Bush concession speech.mp3
    6. AtP 19921103 Ross Perot concession speech.mp3
    7. AtP 19921104 Bill Clinton Victory Speech.mp3
    8. AtP 19950210 Dan Quayle not running for presidency.mp3
    9. AtP 19950320 Pat Buchanan.mp3
    10. AtP 19950326 Alan Keyes.mp3
    11. AtP 19950410 Bob Dole.mp3
    12. AtP 19950828 Pete Wilson announces his Candidacy.mp3
    13. AtP 19950929 Pete Wilson withdraws his candidacy.mp3
    14. AtP 19951108 Colin Powell declines candidacy for presidency.mp3
    15. AtP 19960810 Bob Dole announces his running-mate.mp3
    16. AtP 19961105 Bill Clinton Victory Speech.mp3
    17. AtP 19961105 Robert Dole concession speech.mp3
    18. AtP 19990302 Pat Buchanan.mp3
    19. AtP 19990310 Elizabeth Dole Exploratory Committee.mp3
    20. AtP 19990601 George W Bush.mp3
    21. AtP 19990616 Albert Gore.mp3
    22. AtP 19990714 John Kasich withdrawl.mp3
    23. AtP 19990908 Bill Bradley.mp3
    24. AtP 19990927 John McCain.mp3
    25. AtP 19991020 Dole Withdrawl.mp3
    26. AtP 19991025 Pat Buchanan withdrawl.mp3
    27. AtP 19991111 Pat Buchanan announces candidacy Reform Party.mp3
    28. AtP 20000107 Trump talking about possible third party.mp3
    29. AtP 20000725 George W Bush announce running-mate.mp3
    30. AtP 20000808 Al Gore announce running-mate.mp3
    31. AtP 20001213 Al Gore concession speech.mp3
    32. AtP 20001213 George W Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    33. AtP 20030113 Joe Lieberman.mp3
    34. AtP 20030219 Carol Moseley announcing exploratory presidency.mp3
    35. AtP 20030219 Richard Gephardt.mp3
    36. AtP 20030506 Bob Graham.mp3
    37. AtP 20030623 Howard Dean.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 39 shows – 566 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 37 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. AtP 20030902 John F Kerry.mp3
    3. AtP 20030916 John Edwards.mp3
    4. AtP 20031013 Dennis Kucinich.mp3
    5. AtP 20040119 Howard Dean concession speech.mp3
    6. AtP 20040706 John F Kerry annc John Edwards running mate.mp3
    7. AtP 20041103 George W Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    8. AtP 20041103 John F Kerry concession speech.mp3
    9. AtP 20060000 Tom Vilsack announces his Candidacy.mp3
    10. AtP 20060417 Mike Gravel.mp3
    11. AtP 20061130 Tom Vilsack.mp3
    12. AtP 20070120 Hillary Clinton.mp3
    13. AtP 20070121 Bill Richardson.mp3
    14. AtP 20070131 Joe Biden.mp3
    15. AtP 20070210 Barrack Obama announces his Candidacy.mp3
    16. AtP 20070213 Mitt Romney.mp3
    17. AtP 20070223 Tom Vilsack.mp3
    18. AtP 20070425 John McCain.mp3
    19. AtP 20080103 Hillary Clinton addresses third place.mp3
    20. AtP 20080103 Obama Victory Speech.mp3
    21. AtP 20080120 Hillary Clinton Pres exploratory committee.mp3
    22. AtP 20080130 John Edwards withdrawl.mp3
    23. AtP 20080607 Hillary Clinton suspends her campaign.mp3
    24. AtP 20080823 Obama announces his running-mate.mp3
    25. AtP 20080829 John McCain announces his running mate.mp3
    26. AtP 20081104 Barak Obama Victory Speech.mp3
    27. AtP 20081104 John McCain concession speech.mp3
    28. AtP 20110426 Ron Paul.mp3
    29. AtP 20110511 Newt Gingrich.mp3
    30. AtP 20110521 Herman Cain.mp3
    31. AtP 20110602 Mitt Romney.mp3
    32. AtP 20110606 Rick Santorum.mp3
    33. AtP 20110627 Michelle Bachmann announces her Candidacy.mp3
    34. AtP 20111025 Rick Perry.mp3
    35. AtP 20111203 Herman Cain Suspends his Candidacy.mp3
    36. AtP 20120811 Mitt Romney announces his running-mate.mp3
    37. AtP 20121106 Barrack Obama's Victory Speech.mp3
    38. AtP 20121106 Mitt Romney concession speech.mp3
    39. AtP 20150000 Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy.mp3
    40. AtP 20150323 Ted Cruz.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 29 shows – 593 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 35 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. AtP 20150407 Rand Paul.mp3
    3. AtP 20150413 Marco Rubio announces Candidacy for Presidency.mp3
    4. AtP 20150430 Bernie Sanders announces his Candidacy.mp3
    5. AtP 20150504 Ben Carson announces his Candidacy.mp3
    6. AtP 20150504 Carly Fiarino announces her Candidacy.mp3
    7. AtP 20150505 Mike Huckabee.mp3
    8. AtP 20150527 Rick Santorum announces his Candidacy.mp3
    9. AtP 20150530 Martin O'Malley.mp3
    10. AtP 20150601 Lindsey Graham annc Candidacy for Presidency.mp3
    11. AtP 20150603 Lincoln Chafee.mp3
    12. AtP 20150604 Rick Perry.mp3
    13. AtP 20150613 Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy.mp3
    14. AtP 20150615 Jeb Bush.mp3
    15. AtP 20150616 Donald Trump announces his Candicacy.mp3
    16. AtP 20150624 Bobby Jindal announces his Candicacy.mp3
    17. AtP 20150630 Chris Christie announces his Candidacy.mp3
    18. AtP 20150713 Scott Walker.mp3
    19. AtP 20150721 John Kasich.mp3
    20. AtP 20150921 Scott Walker suspends his candidacy.mp3
    21. AtP 20151020 James Webb withdrawl.mp3
    22. AtP 20151021 Joe Biden declines a run for the presidency.mp3
    23. AtP 20160201 Hillary Clinton Iowa Caucus Victory.mp3
    24. AtP 20160503 Ted Cruz annc Carly Fiorina as running mate.mp3
    25. AtP 20160716 Donald Trump announces his running-mate.mp3
    26. AtP 20160723 Hillary Clinton announces her running-mate.mp3
    27. AtP 20161109 Donald Trump Victory Speech.mp3
    28. AtP 20161109 Hillary Clinton Concedes Presidential Election.mp3
    29. AtP 20190127 Kamala Harris announces her Candidacy.mp3
    30. AtP 20190209 Elizabeth Warren announces her Candidacy.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 15 shows – 427 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. AtP 20190210 Amy Klobuchar announces her Candidacy.mp3
    3. AtP 20190301 Jay Inslee announces his Candidacy.mp3
    4. AtP 20190305 Bernie Sanders Announcing for President.mp3
    5. AtP 20190307 John Hickenlooper announces his Candidacy.mp3
    6. AtP 20190324 Kristen Gillibrand announces her Candidacy.mp3
    7. AtP 20190330 Beto O'Rourke Kickoff Rally in El Paso.mp3
    8. AtP 20190406 Tim Ryan announces his Candidacy.mp3
    9. AtP 20190414 Pete Buttigieg announces his Candidacy.mp3
    10. AtP 20190429 Joe Biden Kickoff Rally.mp3
    11. AtP 20190618 Donald Trump announcing Second Term Run.mp3
    12. AtP 20200812 Joe Biden Kamala Harris Runningmate.mp3
    13. AtP 20201107 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Victory Celebration.mp3
    14. AtP 20201214 Joe Biden First Adrs Official President-Elect.mp3
    15. AtP 20221115 Trump Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    16. AtP 20230419 RF Kennedy, Jr., Announces Candidacy President.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    184 recordings on 92 Audio CDs. Total playtime 79 hours, 42 min
    184 recordings on 92 Audio CDs
    total playtime 79 hours, 42 min

    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A001

    1. AtP 19600102 JFK announces his Candidacy
    2. AtP 19600507 Lyndon B. Johnson
    3. AtP 19601108 Richard Nixon's concession speech
    4. AtP 19601109 JFK Victory Speech
    5. AtP 19640000 Goldwater Concedes the Presidential Election
    6. AtP 19640000 Lyndon B. Johnson's Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A002

    1. AtP 19640127 Margaret Chase Smith announcing her candidacy
    2. AtP 19680000 George Romney announces his Candidacy
    3. AtP 19680000 Hubert H. Humphrey announces his Candidacy
    4. AtP 19680000 Hubert H. Humphrey concedes
    5. AtP 19680000 Nelson Rockefeller announces his Candidacy
    6. AtP 19680000 Richard Nixon announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A003

    1. AtP 19680316 Robert F. Kennedy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A004

    1. AtP 19680316 Robert Kennedy Announce Candidacy President

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A005

    1. AtP 19680331 Lyndon B Johnson announces not seek Re-election

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A006

    1. AtP 19680605 Robert F. Kennedy's Victory speech
    2. AtP 19681106 Richard Nixon Declares Victory
    3. AtP 19720000 George McGovern concedes Presidential Election
    4. AtP 19720111 Hubert H. Humphrey announces his Candidacy
    5. AtP 19720125 Shirley Chisholm announces her Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A007

    1. AtP 19721107 Richard Nixon Victory Speech at White House
    2. AtP 19721108 Nixon Victory Speech
    3. AtP 19750708 Gerald Ford accouncing his Candidacy
    4. AtP 19760000 Jimmy Carter Victory Speech
    5. AtP 19761103 Gerald R Ford concession speech
    6. AtP 19790000 Edward M. Kennedy announces his Candidacy
    7. AtP 19791113 Ronald Reagan announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A008

    1. AtP 19801104 Jimmy Carter concession speech
    2. AtP 19801104 Ronald Reagan Victory Speech
    3. AtP 19830217 Gary Hart
    4. AtP 19830221 Walter Mondale

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A009

    1. AtP 19840000 Jesse Jackson announces his Candidacy
    2. AtP 19840000 Walter Mondale Concedes Presidential Election
    3. AtP 19840315 George McGovern withdraws his candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A010

    1. AtP 19840316 John Glenn withdraws his candidacy
    2. AtP 19841106 Ronald Reagan Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A011

    1. AtP 19870223 Richard Gephardt
    2. AtP 19870306 Jack Kemp

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A012

    1. AtP 19870429 Michael Dukakis
    2. AtP 19870508 Gary Hart
    3. AtP 19870609 Joseph Biden

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A013

    1. AtP 19870629 Albert Gore Jr
    2. AtP 19870715 Bill Clinton declines candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A014

    1. AtP 19870923 Joseph Biden withdraws his candidacy
    2. AtP 19871002 Pat Robertson

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A015

    1. AtP 19871010 Jesse Jackson

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A016

    1. AtP 19871012 George Bush
    2. AtP 19871109 Bob Dole

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A017

    1. AtP 19871129 Patricia Schroeder declines candidacy
    2. AtP 19871215 Gary Hart
    3. AtP 19880000 George Bush Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A018

    1. AtP 19880421 Albert Gore Jr withdraws his candidacy
    2. AtP 19880712 Michael Dukakis announcing his running mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A019

    1. AtP 19880817 Geroge Bush announcing his running mate
    2. AtP 19880911 Michael Dukakis concession speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A020

    1. AtP 19910430 Paul Tsongas announces his Candidacy
    2. AtP 19910913 Douglas Wilder

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A021

    1. AtP 19910915 Tom Harkin announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A022

    1. AtP 19910930 Bob Kerrey

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A023

    1. AtP 19911003 Bill Clinton announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A024

    1. AtP 19911021 Jerry Brown

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A025

    1. AtP 19911204 David Duke

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A026

    1. AtP 19911210 Pat Buchanan
    2. AtP 19911220 Mario Cuomo Declines running

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A027

    1. AtP 19920218 Bill Clinton Second Place Showing New Hampshire
    2. AtP 19920709 Bill Clinton announces his running mate
    3. AtP 19920716 Ross Perot withdraw campaign

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A028

    1. AtP 19921001 Ross Perot second announcement
    2. AtP 19921103 George Bush concession speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A029

    1. AtP 19921103 Ross Perot concession speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A030

    1. AtP 19921104 Bill Clinton Victory Speech
    2. AtP 19950210 Dan Quayle not running for presidency

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A031

    1. AtP 19950320 Pat Buchanan
    2. AtP 19950326 Alan Keyes

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A032

    1. AtP 19950410 Bob Dole

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A033

    1. AtP 19950828 Pete Wilson announces his Candidacy
    2. AtP 19950929 Pete Wilson withdraws his candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A034

    1. AtP 19951108 Colin Powell declines candidacy for presidency

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A035

    1. AtP 19960810 Bob Dole announces his running-mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A036

    1. AtP 19961105 Bill Clinton Victory Speech
    2. AtP 19961105 Robert Dole concession speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A037

    1. AtP 19990302 Pat Buchanan
    2. AtP 19990310 Elizabeth Dole Exploratory Committee

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A038

    1. AtP 19990601 George W Bush
    2. AtP 19990616 Albert Gore

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A039

    1. AtP 19990714 John Kasich withdrawl
    2. AtP 19990908 Bill Bradley

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A040

    1. AtP 19990927 John McCain
    2. AtP 19991020 Dole Withdrawl

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A041

    1. AtP 19991025 Pat Buchanan withdrawl

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A042

    1. AtP 19991111 Pat Buchanan announces candidacy Reform Party
    2. AtP 20150000 Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A043

    1. AtP 20150323 Ted Cruz
    2. AtP 20150413 Marco Rubio announces Candidacy for Presidency

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A044

    1. AtP 20150430 Bernie Sanders announces his Candidacy
    2. AtP 20150504 Ben Carson announces his Candidacy
    3. AtP 20150504 Carly Fiarino announces her Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A045

    1. AtP 20150505 Mike Huckabee

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A046

    1. AtP 20150527 Rick Santorum announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A047

    1. AtP 20150530 Martin O'Malley

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A048

    1. AtP 20150601 Lindsey Graham annc Candidacy for Presidency

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A049

    1. AtP 20150603 Lincoln Chafee

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A050

    1. AtP 20150604 Rick Perry

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A051

    1. AtP 20150613 Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A052

    1. AtP 20150616 Donald Trump announces his Candicacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A053

    1. AtP 20150624 Bobby Jindal announces his Candicacy
    2. AtP 20150630 Chris Christie announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A054

    1. AtP 20150713 Scott Walker
    2. AtP 20150921 Scott Walker suspends his candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A055

    1. AtP 20151020 James Webb withdrawl
    2. AtP 20151021 Joe Biden declines a run for the presidency
    3. AtP 20160201 Hillary Clinton Iowa Caucus Victory

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A056

    1. AtP 20160503 Ted Cruz annc Carly Fiorina as running mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A057

    1. AtP 20160716 Donald Trump announces his running-mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A058

    1. AtP 20160723 Hillary Clinton announces her running-mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A059

    1. AtP 20161109 Donald Trump Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A060

    1. AtP 20161109 Hillary Clinton Concedes Presidential Election
    2. AtP 20190210 Amy Klobuchar announces her Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A061

    1. AtP 20190301 Jay Inslee announces his Candidacy
    2. AtP 20190305 Bernie Sanders Announcing for President
    3. AtP 20190307 John Hickenlooper announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A062

    1. AtP 20190330 Beto O'Rourke Kickoff Rally in El Paso

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A063

    1. AtP 20190406 Tim Ryan announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A064

    1. AtP 20200812 Joe Biden Kamala Harris Runningmate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A065

    1. AtP 20201107 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Victory Celebration

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A066

    1. AtP 20201214 Joe Biden First Adrs Official President-Elect

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A067

    1. AtP 20221115 Trump Announcing His Candidacy for President

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A068

    1. AtP 20000107 Trump talking about possible third party
    2. AtP 20000725 George W Bush announce running-mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A069

    1. AtP 20000808 Al Gore announce running-mate
    2. AtP 20001213 Al Gore concession speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A070

    1. AtP 20001213 George W Bush Victory Speech
    2. AtP 20030113 Joe Lieberman

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A071

    1. AtP 20030219 Carol Moseley announcing exploratory presidency

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A072

    1. AtP 20030219 Richard Gephardt

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A073

    1. AtP 20030506 Bob Graham

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A074

    1. AtP 20030623 Howard Dean

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A075

    1. AtP 20031013 Dennis Kucinich
    2. AtP 20040119 Howard Dean concession speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A076

    1. AtP 20040706 John F Kerry annc John Edwards running mate
    2. AtP 20041103 George W Bush Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A077

    1. AtP 20041103 John F Kerry concession speech
    2. AtP 20060000 Tom Vilsack announces his Candidacy
    3. AtP 20060417 Mike Gravel

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A078

    1. AtP 20061130 Tom Vilsack
    2. AtP 20070120 Hillary Clinton
    3. AtP 20070121 Bill Richardson

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A079

    1. AtP 20070131 Joe Biden
    2. AtP 20070210 Barrack Obama announces his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A080

    1. AtP 20070213 Mitt Romney
    2. AtP 20070223 Tom Vilsack

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A081

    1. AtP 20070425 John McCain
    2. AtP 20080103 Hillary Clinton addresses third place
    3. AtP 20080103 Obama Victory Speech
    4. AtP 20080120 Hillary Clinton Pres exploratory committee

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A082

    1. AtP 20080130 John Edwards withdrawl
    2. AtP 20080823 Obama announces his running-mate

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A083

    1. AtP 20080829 John McCain announces his running mate
    2. AtP 20081104 Barak Obama Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A084

    1. AtP 20081104 John McCain concession speech
    2. AtP 20110426 Ron Paul
    3. AtP 20110511 Newt Gingrich

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A085

    1. AtP 20110521 Herman Cain

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A086

    1. AtP 20110602 Mitt Romney

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A087

    1. AtP 20110606 Rick Santorum

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A088

    1. AtP 20110627 Michelle Bachmann announces her Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A089

    1. AtP 20111025 Rick Perry

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A090

    1. AtP 20111203 Herman Cain Suspends his Candidacy

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A091

    1. AtP 20120811 Mitt Romney announces his running-mate
    2. AtP 20121106 Barrack Obama's Victory Speech

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    Presidential Candidate Announcements Disc A092

    1. AtP 20121106 Mitt Romney concession speech

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