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The Presidency and Midterms

Historically and in precedented times, the political party in the White Hose usually does horrible bad in gaining seats. Through audio, this collection explores midterm elections since 1962.

Presidency and Midterms

630 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 281 hours, 18 min)
available in the following formats:

12 MP3 CDs
247 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

JFK Portrait

Historically and in precedented times, the political party in the White Hose usually does horrible bad in gaining seats.  1962 and 2002 were the exception to the rule.  Just weeks before the Midterm Election,  the Cuban Missile Crisis was happening.  That year; three Democrats close to President Kennedy were elected: George McGovern of SD, Abe Ribicoff of Connecticut, and of course, Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.  Former Vice President Richard Nixon lost his bid in the 1962 gubernatorial race in California against Governor Pat Brown.

The 1962 Midterms were expected to lose seats for John Kennedy and the Democrats.  The majorities were just not passing laws like the president wanted, but remember that southern Democrats were still quite segregationists.  But late in the campaign there were Soviet missiles on the island of Cuba, just 90 miles off of the coast of FloridaKennedy, learning from his failure at the Bay of Pigs 18 months earlier used that failure to his advantage and saved the world from nuclear war.  Kennedy and the Democrats picked up seats in the Congress as a result of his leadership.

The next consequential Midterm would have been 1974.  Two years earlier in the Presidential Election of 1972, Richard Nixon's team had broken into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate in Washington, DC.  Over the next year and a half; Nixon had denied his involvement in the coverup, until the tapes proved otherwise.  Before media outlets like Fox News, Nixon was faced with an impeachment in the House and all but 12 Senators were ready to convict him in a trial.  That visit to the White House by Barry Goldwater telling the president it was time to go, Richard Nixon resigned the presidency.  The resignation of Nixon and the admittance of Gerald Ford as the healer in chief was not enough for George HW Bush and later, Mary Smith at the Republican National Committee to rally the Party faithful.  One of the bright spots for 1974 was the re-election of Kansas senator Bob Dole.

Reagan and NancyIn the 1990s, the Reagan Revolution was under assault from the new Bill Clinton administration from appointing the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton to head a health care reform task force to the Whitewater scandal; Newt Gingrich with his Contract with America sailed the Republican Party to take majorities in both houses of Congress for the first time since 1954 when Dwight Eisenhower was President.  Bill Clinton, defeated that next day looked to be plotting his comeback and with the tragedy of the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, Bill Clinton would be re-elected in the Presidential Election of 1996.

In the 1998 Midterms, the president was caught up in a scandal that the Republican Party felt was worthy of impeachment.  By the fall when Gingrich and the Republicans in the House were running to impeach the President, the public got behind him with 68% approval.  While the GOP still maintained control of both houses, they lost seats too.  The lame duck session of the House did impeach the president in December 1998, causing an outpouring of hypocrisy by members of the Republican Party in the House to resign their seats, including Newt Gingrich and his handpicked successor to be Speaker of the House; Bob Livingston for the same thing that the president had done.  The Senate in 1999 didn't have enough votes to convict.

One year after the September 11, 2001 attack in New York City and Washington, DC, the United States was rallying behind their president who has declared war with Afghanistan and preparing for war in Iraq.  The argument for war in Iraq a year after the attack, high profile members like Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Biden voted in support of President George W. Bush to do WMD inspections in Iraq.  This would ultimately lead the United States to invade Iraq in 2003 in a shock and awe campaign.  Because of the new patriotism and the political rallying behind the leaders, both houses of Congress went to Republican majorities.  But the pending incoming Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott of Mississippi raised controversy when building up Strom Thurmond at his 100th birthday party when speaking of Mississippi voting for Thurmond in 1948 and how if the rest of the nation voted the way Mississippi did, the country would be better off today.  The exact statement was "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."  Lott was pigeon holed as a racist.  He would be succeeded by Bill Frist of Tennessee.

Obama HealthcareBy 2006, the American people were tired of the status quo with Republican Party politics, particularly with the unending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The 2006 Midterms produced Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994.  But the most historic thing to come out of that election was the election by the House of Representatives voting for Nancy Pelosi as their Speaker of the House.

The hallmark of Barack Obama's first term as president was that of the Affordable Care Act.  Ironically, this was not the policy Obama and the Democrats wanted as they wanted universal health care, but because Senator Joe Lieberman would not support this policy to vote by reconciliation, the compromise was to use the Republican Party plan for affordable health care that was used in the Presidential Election in 1992 to counter the Clinton's' universal health care plan.  As a result, the Republican Party had a wing of the Party calling themselves the Tea Party.  This conservative wing wielded enough power among Republicans to take away the Democratic majorities going into 2011.  In his Post Midterm Press Conference, President Obama admitted that the Democratic Party got a shellacking.

Trump CovidThe 2018 Midterm was going to be a blue wave.  In the first two years of Donald Trump's presidency really didn't see much happening to benefit the American people.  The border wall that Mexico was to pay for had not been built and as a result, there was a rumor about caravans of South Americans crossing the border.  The promise of repealing "ObamaCare" had failed when a dying Senator John McCain voted no for it to be done away with.  Having been diagnosed just days before that vote with glioblastoma, McCain gave a thumbs down to replace the Affordable Care Act.  There seemed to always be an infrastructure week with no infrastructure.  Trump's 2017 tax cut came around Christmas and that law seemed to have its controversies when it came to who really benefited from it.  For example, there was language within that bill where American companies who were to pay a 21 percent business tax rate was given an option to move the business overseas or to Mexico where for a lack of a better term; a 50 percent off coupon on the 21 percent business tax rate.  Needless to say, the House of Representatives went back to the Democratic Party majority thus making Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House for the third time.

Biden and CovidThe 2022 Midterm was expected to be a red wave against Joe Biden, the Democratic Party in Congress, and the current inflation that was a result of what contemporaries say was caused by COVID-19 in 2020, Putin's war in Ukraine, and 40 years of neoliberal policies on taxes.  But there was also the issue of the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade in June 2022.  So while in the early hours after the polls have closed were showing a narrow GOP lead in the House with just two seats at 220 with a plus or minus of ten seats meaning the House could go either way, and until a runoff in Georgia, the Democratic Party May hold the Senate with a 50/50 majority with Vice President Kamala Harris being the tie breaker.  But, Florida saw the ruby red wave with a definitive win for Ron DeSantis and all other Republicans winning statewide races, thus making Donald Trump nervous about 2024.  Joe Biden defied all odds of a president in power taking a shellacking in Midterms.  These unprecedented times proved that despite American History and Midterms; with democracy on the ballot, with the economy on the ballot; they can walk and chew gum at the same time.

This election in 2022 should prove that politics matters and when we see what might happen we step up and want our democracy.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    630 recordings on 12 MP3 CDs for just $55.00. Total playtime 281 hours, 18 min
    630 recordings on 12 MP3 CDs for just $55.00
    total playtime 281 hours, 18 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 78 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19420106 Roosevelt State of the Union Address.mp3
    3. 19420223 Roosevelt Progress of the War.mp3
    4. 19420428 Roosevelt Sacrifice.mp3
    5. 19420907 Roosevelt Inflation and Food Prices.mp3
    6. 19421012 Roosevelt On the Home Front.mp3
    7. 19430107 Roosevelt State of the Union Address.mp3
    8. 19430908 Remarks After the Unconditional Surrender of Italy.mp3
    9. 19440606 Order of the Day.mp3
    10. 19450000 101st Airborne Division Citation Ceremony ca..mp3
    11. 19450508 V-E [Victory in Europe] Day Statement.mp3
    12. 19450612 Guildhall Address London England.mp3
    13. 19460103 Truman Status of the Reconversion Program.mp3
    14. 19460306 Truman Conf of Federal Council of Churches.mp3
    15. 19460323 Truman Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    16. 19460405 Truman Governing Board of Pan American Union.mp3
    17. 19460406 Truman Army Day.mp3
    18. 19460412 HST with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dedication of Hyde Park.mp3
    19. 19460419 Truman Food Conservation.mp3
    20. 19460501 Truman Fordham University Commencement Speech.mp3
    21. 19460524 Truman Railroad Strike Emergency.mp3
    22. 19460525 Truman Legislation for Industrial Peace.mp3
    23. 19460609 Truman Price Controls.mp3
    24. 19460703 Truman Message to the People of the Philippines.mp3
    25. 19461004 Truman Ending of Major Price Controls.mp3
    26. 19461023 Truman Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    27. 19470106 Truman State of the Union Address.mp3
    28. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    29. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    30. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    31. 19500420 Truman Society of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    32. 19500511 Truman Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam.mp3
    33. 19500609 Truman Univ of Missouri Commencement Speech P1.mp3
    34. 19500609 Truman Univ of Missouri Commencement Speech P2.mp3
    35. 19500709 Truman Situation in Korea Part 1.mp3
    36. 19500709 Truman Situation in Korea Part 2.mp3
    37. 19501017 Truman War Memorial Opera House.mp3
    38. 19501024 Truman Address Before the UN General Assembly P1.mp3
    39. 19501024 Truman Address Before the UN General Assembly P2.mp3
    40. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    41. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    42. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    43. 19521024 Campaign speech Detroit MI ending Korean conflict.mp3
    44. 19530416 Chance Peace (also known as Cross of Iron speech).mp3
    45. 19530806 Radio Report to the Nation.mp3
    46. 19540101 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    47. 19540101 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    48. 19540217 Eisenhower Highway Safety.mp3
    49. 19540407 Eisenhower the Domino Theory.mp3
    50. 19540924 Radio TV Address American Situation Little Rock AK.mp3
    51. 19550106 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    52. 19550106 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    53. 19560105 Review of the State of the Union Message.mp3
    54. 19561031 Radio TV Dev Eastern Europe and Middle East.mp3
    55. 19580715 Statement President Landing US Marines Beirut.mp3
    56. 19580813 3rd Special Emerg Sess Gen Assembly UN.mp3
    57. 19580911 Radio TV Regarding Situation in the Formosa Straits.mp3
    58. 19581219 Sat SCORE Eisenhower first voice transmitted space.mp3
    59. 19590316 Radio TV on Security in the Free World.mp3
    60. 19590806 Need for Effective Labor Bill.mp3
    61. 19591013 Eisenhower Pres Library Groundbreaking Ceremony.mp3
    62. 19600525 Radio TV Report American People Events in Paris.mp3
    63. 19600707 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    64. 19600707 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    65. 19600922 Address before 15th Gen Assembly UN.mp3
    66. 19610117 Farewell Address to the American People.mp3
    67. 19620106 JFK Columbus OH Speech.mp3
    68. 19620111 JFK State Union Address.mp3
    69. 19620123 JFK National Conference Milk and Nutrition.mp3
    70. 19620208 JFK Boy Scout Week.mp3
    71. 19620223 JFK Presents NASA Medal John Glenn.mp3
    72. 19620302 JFK Nuclear Testing and Disarmament.mp3
    73. 19620307 JFK Conference Advertising Council.mp3
    74. 19620310 JFK Miami Beach FL Speech.mp3
    75. 19620313 JFK 1st Anniversary Alliance Progress.mp3
    76. 19620324 JFK University California Berkeley.mp3
    77. 19620409 JFK 50th Anniversary Children and Youth Conference.mp3
    78. 19620418 JFK Status Women.mp3
    79. 19620427 JFK White House Correspondence Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 84 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19620504 JFK New Orleans LA Speech.mp3
    3. 19620508 JFK Atlantic City NJ Speech.mp3
    4. 19620511 JFK CBS Interview.mp3
    5. 19620512 JFK Milwaukee WI Speech.mp3
    6. 19620520 JFK A Rally Three Generations New York NY.mp3
    7. 19620521 JFK WH Conference Economic Issues.mp3
    8. 19620522 JFK Conference Democratic Women.mp3
    9. 19620525 JFK WH Conference Conservation.mp3
    10. 19620606 JFK West Point Speech.mp3
    11. 19620611 JFK Yale University Speech.mp3
    12. 19620614 JFK Q and A About Peace Corps.mp3
    13. 19620620 JFK Constitution Hall Speech.mp3
    14. 19620704 JFK Independence Hall Speech.mp3
    15. 19620712 JFK Marine Corps Barracks.mp3
    16. 19620731 JFK Q and A Brazilian Military Personnel.mp3
    17. 19620809 JFK Addresses Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    18. 19620810 JFK Brunswick ME Speech.mp3
    19. 19620813 JFK State American Economy.mp3
    20. 19620817 JFK Pierre SD Speech.mp3
    21. 19620818 JFK Fresno CA Speech.mp3
    22. 19620818 JFK Los Banos CA Speech.mp3
    23. 19620912 JFK Rice University Speech.mp3
    24. 19620914 JFK Newport RI Speech.mp3
    25. 19620920 JFK Board Governors.mp3
    26. 19620920 JFK Harrisburg PA Speech.mp3
    27. 19620927 JFK Wheeling WV Speech.mp3
    28. 19620930 JFK Situation at University Mississippi.mp3
    29. 19621005 JFK Cincinnati OH Speech.mp3
    30. 19621006 JFK Detroit MI Speech.mp3
    31. 19621006 JFK Muskegon MI Speech.mp3
    32. 19621006 JFK St. Paul MN Speech.mp3
    33. 19621010 JFK Baltimore MD Speech.mp3
    34. 19621011 JFK ABC Interview.mp3
    35. 19621012 JFK Pittsburgh PA Speech.mp3
    36. 19621013 JFK Indianapolis IN Speech.mp3
    37. 19621013 JFK Louisville KY Speech.mp3
    38. 19621013 JFK McKeesport PA Speech.mp3
    39. 19621013 JFK Washington PA Speech.mp3
    40. 19621017 JFK Bridgeport CT Speech.mp3
    41. 19621017 JFK New Haven CT Speech.mp3
    42. 19621017 JFK Waterbury CT Speech.mp3
    43. 19621019 JFK Chicago IL Democratic Workers Speech.mp3
    44. 19621019 JFK Chicago IL Speech.mp3
    45. 19621019 JFK Cleveland OH Speech.mp3
    46. 19621019 JFK Springfield IL Speech.mp3
    47. 19621022 JFK Address Nation Cuba.mp3
    48. 19621102 JFK Dismantling Missiles in Cuba.mp3
    49. 19630114 JFK State Union Address.mp3
    50. 19660107 LBJ Phone Call with Nelson Rockefeller.mp3
    51. 19660112 LBJ State Union Address.mp3
    52. 19660131 LBJ Resumption Bombing in N Vietnam.mp3
    53. 19660223 LBJ National Freedom Award.mp3
    54. 19660323 LBJ Foreign Institute.mp3
    55. 19660630 LBJ Omaha NE Speech.mp3
    56. 19660630 LBJ Swears In Dick Helms.mp3
    57. 19660712 LBJ US Foreign Policy in Asia.mp3
    58. 19661015 LBJ Creation Department Transportation.mp3
    59. 19661017 LBJ Departure Asia Pacific Trip.mp3
    60. 19661103 LBJ Phone Call with Gerald Ford.mp3
    61. 19661109 LBJ Phone Call with Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    62. 19661111 LBJ Phone Call with Stewart Udall.mp3
    63. 19661112 LBJ Phone Call with Wilbur Mills.mp3
    64. 19670110 LBJ State Union Address.mp3
    65. 19700122 RMN State Union Address.mp3
    66. 19700322 RMN US Postal Strike.mp3
    67. 19700325 RMN School Desegregation.mp3
    68. 19700417 RMN Apollo 13 Crew Bravery.mp3
    69. 19700418 RMN Apollo 13s Return.mp3
    70. 19700420 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    71. 19700430 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    72. 19700603 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    73. 19700617 RMN Economic Productivity and Policy.mp3
    74. 19700916 RMN Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    75. 19701007 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    76. 19710122 RMN State Union Address.mp3
    77. 19740130 RMN State Union Address.mp3
    78. 19740429 RMN Presidential Tape Recordings.mp3
    79. 19740808 RMN Resignation Speech.mp3
    80. 19740809 GRF Swearing In as President.mp3
    81. 19740812 GRF Commu Conciliation Compromise Cooperation.mp3
    82. 19740908 GRF Pardoning Richard M Nixon.mp3
    83. 19740916 GRF Draft Evaders and Military Deserters.mp3
    84. 19740916 GRF Reasoning Nixon Pardon.mp3
    85. 19740918 GRF Address UN General Assembly.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 67 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19741008 GRF Whip Inflation Now.mp3
    3. 19750115 GRF State Union Address.mp3
    4. 19780119 JEC State Union Address.mp3
    5. 19780917 JEC Joint Statement at Camp David Summit.mp3
    6. 19780918 JEC Address Congress Peace Treaty.mp3
    7. 19781003 JEC Arrival at Asheville NC.mp3
    8. 19781024 JEC AntiInflation Program.mp3
    9. 19790123 JEC State Union Address.mp3
    10. 19820126 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    11. 19820405 RWR Breakfast Freshmen Republican Members Congress.mp3
    12. 19820413 RWR Private Sector Initiative.mp3
    13. 19820415 RWR Meets 8th Graders St Peters Cath Schl Geneva IL.mp3
    14. 19820517 RWR Blind Scholarship Award.mp3
    15. 19820611 RWR Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin.mp3
    16. 19820611 RWR Return from Europe.mp3
    17. 19820623 RWR Intelligence Identity Protection Act.mp3
    18. 19820719 RWR Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    19. 19820811 RWR Billings MT Rally.mp3
    20. 19820824 RWR George Deukmejian CA Governor Event LA CA.mp3
    21. 19820901 RWR US Policy in Middle East.mp3
    22. 19820917 RWR San Gennaro Festival.mp3
    23. 19820920 RWR Lebanon.mp3
    24. 19821007 RWR Fundraiser for Robert List, Las Vegas, NV.mp3
    25. 19821014 RWR Against Drug Trafficking.mp3
    26. 19821103 RWR Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    27. 19830125 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    28. 19830823 RWR Fundraising Dinner Pete Wilson 20th Cemetery.mp3
    29. 19860128 RWR Reporters Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion.mp3
    30. 19860128 RWR Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion.mp3
    31. 19860131 RWR Memorial Service Space Shuttle Challenger Crew.mp3
    32. 19860203 RWR Commission Explosion Space Shuttle Challenger.mp3
    33. 19860204 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    34. 19860206 RWR Signing Legislative Message.mp3
    35. 19860316 RWR Address Situation in Nicaragua.mp3
    36. 19860604 RWR Fundraiser James Broyhill.mp3
    37. 19860609 RWR Final Report Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion.mp3
    38. 19860618 RWR C Flag Ceremony.mp3
    39. 19860704 RWR Americas Independence.mp3
    40. 19860731 RWR Inspires American Youth to Vote.mp3
    41. 19861001 RWR Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Dedication.mp3
    42. 19861012 RWR Keflavik NATO Airbase.mp3
    43. 19861013 RWR Address Gorbachev Meeting.mp3
    44. 19861022 RWR Signs Tax Reform Act Into Law.mp3
    45. 19861027 RWR Signs Antidrug Abuse Act into Law.mp3
    46. 19861105 RWR Senior Staff Briefing.mp3
    47. 19870127 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    48. 19900103 GHWB Capture Manuel Noriega.mp3
    49. 19900103 GHWB Earth Day Proclamation.mp3
    50. 19900131 GHWB State Union Address.mp3
    51. 19900205 GHWB International Panel Climate Control.mp3
    52. 19900329 GHWB Coalition AIDS.mp3
    53. 19900601 GHWB Signing Ceremony Mikhail Gorbachev.mp3
    54. 19900611 GHWB Drug Free Schools Recognition.mp3
    55. 19900726 GHWB Signs Americans Disabilities Act into Law.mp3
    56. 19900803 GHWB Iraqs Invasion Kuwait.mp3
    57. 19900808 GHWB Iraqs Invasion Kuwait.mp3
    58. 19900814 GHWB Crisis in Gulf.mp3
    59. 19900829 GHWB Armed Forces Radio Address.mp3
    60. 19900911 GHWB Persian Gulf Crisis and Federal Budget Deficit.mp3
    61. 19900912 GWHB Message Iraqi People.mp3
    62. 19901001 Bush Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    63. 19901001 GHWB Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    64. 19901002 Bush Budget Deficit.mp3
    65. 19901002 GHWB Address Nation Budget.mp3
    66. 19901031 GHWB Celebrating Reunification Germany.mp3
    67. 19910129 GHWB State Union Address.mp3
    68. 19940117 WJC Observance MLK Day.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 43 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 43 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19940120 WJC Larry King Interview.mp3
    3. 19940124 WJC Los Angeles Earthquake.mp3
    4. 19940125 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    5. 19940210 WJC Entitlement Reform.mp3
    6. 19940216 WJC AARP.mp3
    7. 19940314 WJC Democratic National Committee Reception.mp3
    8. 19940314 WJC G7 Jobs Conference Detroit MI.mp3
    9. 19940321 WJC Health Care Forum East Hillsborough FL.mp3
    10. 19940324 WJC Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    11. 19940331 WJC Signs Goals 2000 Act into Law.mp3
    12. 19940404 WJC White House Easter Egg Roll.mp3
    13. 19940423 WJC WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    14. 19940427 WJC Eulogy Richard M Nixon.mp3
    15. 19940502 WJC Americans Disabilities.mp3
    16. 19940502 WJC Banning Assault Weapons.mp3
    17. 19940506 WJC Womens Health Event.mp3
    18. 19940514 WJC Landmark Peace Memorial Indianapolis IN.mp3
    19. 19940516 WJC Nominates Stephen Breyer Supreme Court.mp3
    20. 19940518 WJC Signs Human Service Amendments.mp3
    21. 19940520 WJC Death Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    22. 19940520 WJC Redevelopment and Reuse Norton Air Force Base.mp3
    23. 19940520 WJC UCLA Commencement Los Angeles CA.mp3
    24. 19940523 WJC Burial Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    25. 19940523 WJC National Park Week.mp3
    26. 19940530 WJC Memorial Day Celebration Arlington VA.mp3
    27. 19940605 WJC USS George Washington.mp3
    28. 19940606 WJC 50th Anniversary Invasion Normandy.mp3
    29. 19940616 WJC IL Victory 94.mp3
    30. 19940616 WJC North Korea.mp3
    31. 19940627 WJC White House Staff Changes.mp3
    32. 19940728 WJC Anticrime Legislation.mp3
    33. 19940729 WJC Further Assistance Rwandan Refugees.mp3
    34. 19940815 WJC Anticrime Legislation.mp3
    35. 19940912 WJC Addresses Americorps Volunteers.mp3
    36. 19940912 WJC Swearing in Americorps Volunteers.mp3
    37. 19940913 WJC Signs Crime Bill into Law.mp3
    38. 19940916 WJC Honoring African American Veterans During WWII.mp3
    39. 19940923 WJC Signs Riegle Comm Dev Regulatory Improv Act.mp3
    40. 19941005 WJC Sustainable End Hunger.mp3
    41. 19941011 WJC Auto Workers Ford Motor Company Detroit MI.mp3
    42. 19941012 WJC Community Policing Grant.mp3
    43. 19941020 WJC Improving Americas Schools Act Farmington MA.mp3
    44. 19941022 WJC Kathleen Brown Dinner San Francisco CA.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 43 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19941024 WJC Cleveland City Club Cleveland OH.mp3
    3. 19941029 WJC Italian American Foundation Dinner.mp3
    4. 19941105 WJC Oakland CA Rally for Diane Feinstein.mp3
    5. 19941106 WJC Larry King Interview.mp3
    6. 19941107 WJC Flint MI Rally for Bob Carr.mp3
    7. 19941109 WJC Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    8. 19950124 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    9. 19980112 WJC Drug Policy.mp3
    10. 19980114 WJC Health Care Bill Rights.mp3
    11. 19980115 WJC Community Policing New York NY.mp3
    12. 19980115 WJC Wall Street Project Conference New York NY.mp3
    13. 19980126 WJC After School Child Care Initiative.mp3
    14. 19980127 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    15. 19980202 WJC 1999 Budget.mp3
    16. 19980218 WJC Childrens Health Care.mp3
    17. 19980306 WJC National Economy.mp3
    18. 19980316 WJC Democratic Business Council Dinner.mp3
    19. 19980424 WJC White House Staff Change.mp3
    20. 19980425 WJC WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    21. 19980525 WJC Memorial Day Ceremony.mp3
    22. 19980526 WJC Federal Budget.mp3
    23. 19980714 WJC Y2K.mp3
    24. 19980724 WJC Address American Legion Boys Nation.mp3
    25. 19980724 WJC Signs Deadbeat Parent Punishment Act into Law.mp3
    26. 19980730 WJC American Heritage Rivers Designation.mp3
    27. 19980807 WJC Signs Workforce Reinvestment Act into Law.mp3
    28. 19980817 WJC Office Independent Council Grand Jury Tstmny P1.mp3
    29. 19980817 WJC Office Independent Council Grand Jury Tstmny P2.mp3
    30. 19980817 WJC Speaks Nation Testifying Before OIC.mp3
    31. 19980820 WJC Military Strikes Against Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    32. 19980820 WJC Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    33. 19980909 WJC Democratic Party Luncheon Orlando FL.mp3
    34. 19980911 WJC Religious Leaders Breakfast.mp3
    35. 19980921 WJC Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    36. 19981009 WJC Top Cops.mp3
    37. 19981012 WJC Education and Death Matthew Shepard.mp3
    38. 19981020 WJC White House Staff Changes.mp3
    39. 19981022 WJC Congress Adjournment.mp3
    40. 19981104 Clinton Legislative Agenda.mp3
    41. 19990119 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    42. 20020108 GWB No Child Left Behind.mp3
    43. 20020129 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    44. 20020504 GWB WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 31 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 3 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 20020520 GWB Cuba Controversy.mp3
    3. 20020527 GWB Memorial Day Speech.mp3
    4. 20020601 GWB West Point Speech.mp3
    5. 20020607 GWB Department Homeland Security.mp3
    6. 20020619 GWB New Mother and Child HIV Prevention.mp3
    7. 20020704 GWB Ripley WV Speech.mp3
    8. 20020911 GWB Ellis Island Speech.mp3
    9. 20020912 GWB Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    10. 20021007 GWB Cincinnati OH Speech.mp3
    11. 20030128 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    12. 20060123 GWB Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    13. 20060131 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    14. 20060320 GWB Cleveland City Club Cleveland OH.mp3
    15. 20060429 GWB WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    16. 20060719 GWB Stem Cell Research Policy.mp3
    17. 20060911 GWB Five Year Anniversary 911.mp3
    18. 20060919 GWB Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    19. 20061028 GWB Birmingham AL Speech.mp3
    20. 20070123 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    21. 20100114 BHO Haiti Earthquake Update.mp3
    22. 20100116 BHO WJC and GWB Help Haiti.mp3
    23. 20100127 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    24. 20100129 BHO GOP House Issues Conference.mp3
    25. 20100202 BHO Nashua NH Town Hall.mp3
    26. 20100203 BHO Democratic Senate Issues Meeting.mp3
    27. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P1.mp3
    28. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P2.mp3
    29. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P3.mp3
    30. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P4.mp3
    31. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P5.mp3
    32. 20100308 BHO International Womens Day.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 49 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20100311 BHO Urgency Health Care Reform.mp3
    3. 20100319 BHO Time Health Reform is Now.mp3
    4. 20100320 BHO It is Time Pass Health Care Reform.mp3
    5. 20100322 BHO Passage Affordable Care Act.mp3
    6. 20100323 BHO Promise Health Care Reform.mp3
    7. 20100323 BHO Signs Affordable Care Act into Law.mp3
    8. 20100325 BHO Health Reform Iowa City IA.mp3
    9. 20100423 BHO Vote 2010.mp3
    10. 20100427 BHO Ottawa IA Town Hall.mp3
    11. 20100501 BHO WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    12. 20100516 BHO Honors Fallen Law Enforcement Officers.mp3
    13. 20100527 BHO Deepwater BP Oil Spill.mp3
    14. 20100528 BHO Assesses BP Oil Spill Response.mp3
    15. 20100615 BHO Address BP Oil Spill and Energy.mp3
    16. 20100701 BHO Comprehensive Immigration Reform.mp3
    17. 20100701 BHO Signs Iran Sanctions Act.mp3
    18. 20100704 BHO Independence Day.mp3
    19. 20100708 BHO ACA and Seniors.mp3
    20. 20100728 BHO Explains healthcaregov.mp3
    21. 20100806 BHO Introducing Elena Kagan.mp3
    22. 20100811 BHO Signs Manufacturing Enhancement Act into Law.mp3
    23. 20100831 BHO End Combat Missions in Iraq.mp3
    24. 20100923 BHO Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    25. 20101001 BHO Announces Pete Rouse as WH Chief Staff.mp3
    26. 20101005 BHO Community College Summit.mp3
    27. 20101005 BHO Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit.mp3
    28. 20101008 BHO Signs 21st Century Com Video Accessibility Act.mp3
    29. 20101103 BHO Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    30. 20110125 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    31. 20140128 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    32. 20140317 BHO Ukraine.mp3
    33. 20140410 BHO Civil Rights Summit.mp3
    34. 20140503 BHO WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    35. 20140513 BHO Immigration Reform.mp3
    36. 20140525 BHO Visits Troops in Afghanistan.mp3
    37. 20140527 BHO Afghanistan.mp3
    38. 20140528 BHO West Point Speech.mp3
    39. 20140529 BHO Concussions Summit.mp3
    40. 20140530 BHO Hurricane Preparedness Meeting.mp3
    41. 20140626 BHO Minneapolis MN Town Hall.mp3
    42. 20140630 BHO Immigration Reform.mp3
    43. 20140721 BHO My Brothers Keeper Town Hall.mp3
    44. 20140828 BHO Economy Iraq and Ukraine.mp3
    45. 20140901 BHO Laborfest Milwaukee WI.mp3
    46. 20140910 BHO Address ISIL Threat.mp3
    47. 20140916 BHO Ebola.mp3
    48. 20140923 BHO UN Climate Summit.mp3
    49. 20140924 BHO UN Sec Cncl Summit Foreign Terrorist Fighters.mp3
    50. 20141105 BHO Post Midterm News Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 33 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20150121 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    3. 20180130 DJT State Union Address.mp3
    4. 20180201 DJT House and Senate Republican Member Conference.mp3
    5. 20180202 DJT Customs Brdr Prot Roundtable Sterling VA.mp3
    6. 20180205 DJT Blue Ash OH Rally.mp3
    7. 20180221 DJT Listening Session Students and Teachers.mp3
    8. 20180226 DJT Business Session Nations Governors.mp3
    9. 20180329 DJT Infrastructure Richfield OH.mp3
    10. 20180509 DJT Military Mothers and Spouses Event.mp3
    11. 20180511 DJT Lowering Drug Prices.mp3
    12. 20180511 DJT Roundtable with Automaker CRLEOs.mp3
    13. 20180516 DJT CA Sanctuary State Roundtable.mp3
    14. 20180523 DJT Spies in Campaign.mp3
    15. 20180530 DJT Signs Right to Try Act.mp3
    16. 20180602 DJT Senate Democrats Resist Will American Voter.mp3
    17. 20180704 DJT Celebrate Americas Independence.mp3
    18. 20180716 DJT Helsinki.mp3
    19. 20180723 DJT Made in America Product Showcase.mp3
    20. 20180727 DJT the Economy.mp3
    21. 20180731 DJT Tampa FL Rally.mp3
    22. 20180804 DJT Columbus OH Rally.mp3
    23. 20180804 DJT Lewis Center OH Rally.mp3
    24. 20180824 DJT Ohio Republican Party Dinner Columbus OH.mp3
    25. 20180905 DJT Meets Sheriffs Across Country.mp3
    26. 20180911 DJT Flight 93 Memorial Service Shanksville PA.mp3
    27. 20180926 DJT UN Security Briefing Counterproliferation.mp3
    28. 20181011 DJT Signs Save Our Seas Act into Law.mp3
    29. 20181012 DJT Lebanon OH Rally.mp3
    30. 20181023 DJT Briefing From Military Leaders.mp3
    31. 20181025 DJT Drug Pricing.mp3
    32. 20181105 DJT Cleveland OH Rally.mp3
    33. 20181107 DJT Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    34. 20181213 DJT Meets with Governors Elect.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 56 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20190206 DJT State Union Address.mp3
    3. 20220103 JRB Promote Competition Reduce Prices Meat Industry.mp3
    4. 20220104 JRB Latest Development in Omicron Variant.mp3
    5. 20220107 JRB Dec 2021 Jobs Report 39 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    6. 20220107 JRB Response Recent Wildfires Louisville CO.mp3
    7. 20220111 JRB Voting Rights Atlanta GA.mp3
    8. 20220113 JRB Whole Government COVID-19 Surge Response.mp3
    9. 20220114 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.mp3
    10. 20220119 JRB 1st Year Press Conference.mp3
    11. 20220120 JRB Science and Technology.mp3
    12. 20220121 JRB Semiconductor Manufacturing in US.mp3
    13. 20220121 JRB US Conference Mayors.mp3
    14. 20220124 JRB Continued Efforts Lower Prices Americans.mp3
    15. 20220126 JRB Private Sector CEOs Support Build Back Better.mp3
    16. 20220128 JRB Building a Better America Pittsburgh PA.mp3
    17. 20220131 JRB National Governors Association.mp3
    18. 20220202 JRB Reignite Cancer Moonshot.mp3
    19. 20220203 JRB Gun Violence Strategies Meeting New York NY.mp3
    20. 20220203 JRB Successful Counterterrorism Operation.mp3
    21. 20220204 JRB EO Project Labor Agreements Upper Marlboro MD.mp3
    22. 20220204 JRB January 2022 Jobs Report 4 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    23. 20220208 JRB Rebuilding Manufacturing Make More in America.mp3
    24. 20220209 JRB Meets Electric Utilities CEOs Build Back Better.mp3
    25. 20220210 JRB Lowering Health Care Costs Families Culpeper VA.mp3
    26. 20220215 JRB National Association Counties.mp3
    27. 20220215 JRB Update Russia and Ukraine.mp3
    28. 20220217 JRB Great Lakes Restoration Lorain OH.mp3
    29. 20220218 JRB Update Ukraine.mp3
    30. 20220222 JRB Secur Critical Minerals Future Made America.mp3
    31. 20220222 JRB Update Russia and Ukraine.mp3
    32. 20220224 JRB Russias Unprovoked Unjustified Attack Ukraine.mp3
    33. 20220225 JRB Nomination Ketanji Brown Jackson Supreme Court.mp3
    34. 20220228 JRB Celebration Black History Month.mp3
    35. 20220301 JRB State Union Address.mp3
    36. 20220302 JRB Building a Better America Superior WI.mp3
    37. 20220303 JRB Ending Arbit Sexual Assault Harassment Act.mp3
    38. 20220304 JRB Delivering Made in America Commitments.mp3
    39. 20220308 JRB Continue Hold Russia Accountable.mp3
    40. 20220308 JRB Supporting Veterans Unity Agenda Fort Worth TX.mp3
    41. 20220309 JRB Meets CEO Gov Support Bipartisan Infrast.mp3
    42. 20220311 JRB Continue Hold Russia Accountable.mp3
    43. 20220314 JRB National League Cities.mp3
    44. 20220315 BHO Health Insurance Reform Right Now.mp3
    45. 20220315 JRB Equal Pay Day.mp3
    46. 20220315 JRB Signs Consolidated Appropriations Act into Law.mp3
    47. 20220316 JRB Reauthorization Violence Against Women Act.mp3
    48. 20220316 JRB US Assistance Ukraine.mp3
    49. 20220318 JRB Meet Researchers and Patients About ARPA-H.mp3
    50. 20220321 JRB Preparing Cyber Attack by Russia.mp3
    51. 20220328 JRB 2023 Federal Budget.mp3
    52. 20220329 JRB Signs Emmett Till Antilynching Bill into Law.mp3
    53. 20220330 JRB Status Countrys Fight Against COVID-19.mp3
    54. 20220331 JRB Lowering Cost Gas Prices.mp3
    55. 20220401 JRB March 2022 Jobs Report 36 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    56. 20220404 JRB Trucking Action Plan Strengthen Supply Chains.mp3
    57. 20220405 JRB 12 Yr Anniversary ACA.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 54 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 20220406 JRB NABTU Legislative Conference.mp3
    3. 20220406 JRB Signs Postal Service Reform Act into Law.mp3
    4. 20220411 JRB New Actions Fight Gun Crime.mp3
    5. 20220412 JRB Lowering Energy Costs Menlo IA.mp3
    6. 20220414 JRB Building a Better America Greensboro NC.mp3
    7. 20220414 JRB Convening Equality.mp3
    8. 20220419 JRB Building a Better America Portsmouth NH.mp3
    9. 20220421 JRB Building a Better America Portland OR.mp3
    10. 20220421 JRB War Between Russia and Ukraine.mp3
    11. 20220422 JRB Earth Day Seattle WA.mp3
    12. 20220422 JRB Lower Costs American Families Auburn WA.mp3
    13. 20220428 JRB Remarks Ukraine.mp3
    14. 20220428 JRB Small Business Owners.mp3
    15. 20220430 JRB WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    16. 20220503 JRB Abortion is a Womans Fundamental Right.mp3
    17. 20220503 JRB Security Assistance Ukraine Troy AL.mp3
    18. 20220504 JRB Economic Growth Jobs and Deficit Reduction.mp3
    19. 20220506 JRB Building a Better America Hamilton OH.mp3
    20. 20220509 JRB Affordable Connectivity.mp3
    21. 20220509 JRB Ukraine Democracy Def Lend Lease Act into Law.mp3
    22. 20220510 JRB Fight Inflation Lower Costs American Families.mp3
    23. 20220511 JRB Am Families Farmers Sit Ukraine Kankakee IL.mp3
    24. 20220511 JRB Intl Brotherhood Electric Workers Chicago IL.mp3
    25. 20220513 JRB Public Safety.mp3
    26. 20220515 JRB National Police Officers Memorial.mp3
    27. 20220517 JRB White Supremacy is a Poison Buffalo NY.mp3
    28. 20220518 JRB Equitable Emergencies Preparedness.mp3
    29. 20220520 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Act.mp3
    30. 20220522 JRB Deal New Hyundai Plant Savannah GA.mp3
    31. 20220523 JRB Launch Indo Pacific Economic Framework.mp3
    32. 20220524 JRB Uvalde TX School Shootings.mp3
    33. 20220525 JRB Public Trust and Safety.mp3
    34. 20220601 JRB Commencement US Coast Guard Academy.mp3
    35. 20220601 JRB Infant Formula.mp3
    36. 20220602 JRB Recent Mass Shootings.mp3
    37. 20220603 JRB May 2022 Jobs Report 36 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    38. 20220608 JRB Summit Americas.mp3
    39. 20220609 JRB 9 Bipartisan Bills Honor Improve Care Veterans.mp3
    40. 20220609 JRB Summit Americas IV CEO.mp3
    41. 20220609 JRB Summit Americas Opening Plenary.mp3
    42. 20220610 JRB Inflation Supply Chain Challenges LA CA.mp3
    43. 20220611 JRB New Mexico Wildfires Santa Fe NM.mp3
    44. 20220614 JRB AFL CIO Quadrennial Constitutional Conv Phil PA.mp3
    45. 20220615 JRB Pride Month.mp3
    46. 20220616 JRB Signs Ocean Shipping Reform Act into Law.mp3
    47. 20220617 JRB Major Economies Forum Energy and Climate.mp3
    48. 20220621 JRB COVID-19 Vaccine Children Under Age 5.mp3
    49. 20220622 JRB Gas Prices and Putins Price Hike.mp3
    50. 20220623 JRB Fed St Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership.mp3
    51. 20220624 JRB SCOTUS Overturning Roe v Wade.mp3
    52. 20220625 JRB Signs Safer Communities Act into Law.mp3
    53. 20220626 JRB Launches Global Infrastructure Partnership.mp3
    54. 20220630 JRB NATO Summit.mp3
    55. 20220701 JRB Reproductive Rights Meeting Governors.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20220704 JRB Celebrating Americas Independence.mp3
    3. 20220706 JRB Am Rescue Plan Pension Relief Cleveland OH.mp3
    4. 20220708 JRB Protecting Access Reprod Health Care Services.mp3
    5. 20220711 JRB Celebrating Safer Communities Act.mp3
    6. 20220720 JRB Climate and Clean Energy Somerset MA.mp3
    7. 20220721 JRB Testing Positive COVID-19.mp3
    8. 20220722 JRB Economic Briefing Lowering Gas Prices.mp3
    9. 20220723 JRB National Organization Black Law Enforcement.mp3
    10. 20220725 JRB CHIPS Act and Meeting CEOs and Labor Leaders.mp3
    11. 20220727 JRB Testing Negative COVID-19.mp3
    12. 20220728 JRB CEOs Econ Conditions Across Key Sectors.mp3
    13. 20220728 JRB Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    14. 20220801 JRB Death Ayman al-Zawahri.mp3
    15. 20220802 JRB CHIPS and Science Act 2022 Hemlock MI.mp3
    16. 20220803 JRB Reproductive Healthcare Access.mp3
    17. 20220804 JRB Roundtable Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    18. 20220805 JRB COVID-19 Fraud Small Business Relief Prgm.mp3
    19. 20220808 JRB Flooding in Eastern Kentucky Lost Creek KY.mp3
    20. 20220809 JRB Signs CHIPS and Science Act into Law.mp3
    21. 20220809 JRB Signs NATIONAL Ratification Doc Finland Sweden.mp3
    22. 20220810 JRB Signs PACT Act into Law.mp3
    23. 20220816 JRB Signs Inflation Reduction Act into Law.mp3
    24. 20220824 JRB Student Loan Debt.mp3
    25. 20220825 JRB Maryland Grassroots Event Rockville MD.mp3
    26. 20220826 JRB Reprod Rights Meeting State Local Officials.mp3
    27. 20220830 JRB Safer America Plan Wilkes Barre PA.mp3
    28. 20220901 JRB Continued Battle Soul Nation Philadelphia PA.mp3
    29. 20220902 JRB Build Back Better Regional Challenge.mp3
    30. 20220905 JRB Labor Day Dignity American Worker Milwaukee WI.mp3
    31. 20220905 JRB Labor Day Dignity American Worker W Mifflin PA.mp3
    32. 20220906 JRB Cabinet Meeting Helping Working Families.mp3
    33. 20220908 JRB Dem Ntnl Committee Reception Forest Heights MD.mp3
    34. 20220909 JRB Intel Groundbreaking Site Licking County OH.mp3
    35. 20220911 JRB Remembering Victims Sept 11 2001 Arlington VA.mp3
    36. 20220912 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Boston MA.mp3
    37. 20220912 JRB Cancer Moonshot Ending Cancer Boston MA.mp3
    38. 20220913 JRB Celebrating Passage Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    39. 20220914 JRB EV Manufact Boom America Detroit MI.mp3
    40. 20220915 JRB 45th Congr Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala.mp3
    41. 20220915 JRB Greets Negotiators in Oval Office.mp3
    42. 20220915 JRB Railway Labor Agreement.mp3
    43. 20220915 JRB United We Stand Summit.mp3
    44. 20220920 JRB DISCLOSE Act.mp3
    45. 20220921 JRB Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    46. 20220921 JRB Global Funds 7th Replenishment Conference NY NY.mp3
    47. 20220922 JRB Update Hurricane Fiona Impact Puerto Rico NY NY.mp3
    48. 20220923 JRB Democratic National Committee Campaign Event.mp3
    49. 20220926 JRB Meeting WH Competition Council.mp3
    50. 20220927 JRB Health Care Costs Medicare and Social Security.mp3
    51. 20220928 JRB Celebration ADA.mp3
    52. 20220928 JRB WH Conference Hunger Nutrition and Health.mp3
    53. 20220929 JRB Hurricane Ian Ongoing Fed Response Efforts.mp3
    54. 20220930 JRB Ongoing Federal Response Efforts Hurricane Ian.mp3
    55. 20221003 JRB Fed Gov Resp Hurricanes Ponce Puerto Rico.mp3
    56. 20221004 JRB Reproductive Rights Task Force Meeting.mp3
    57. 20221005 JRB Response Hurricane Ian Ft Myers FL.mp3
    58. 20221006 JRB Creating Jobs Poughkeepsie NY.mp3
    59. 20221006 JRB Pardons Federally Prosecuted Marijuana Users.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 34 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20221007 JRB Build Econ Bottom Up Middle Out Hagerstown MD.mp3
    3. 20221011 JRB Summit Fire Prevention and Control.mp3
    4. 20221012 JRB Protecting Conserv Iconic Outdoor Space Vail CO.mp3
    5. 20221013 JRB Bipartisan Infrastr Investments Working LA CA.mp3
    6. 20221014 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Irvine CA.mp3
    7. 20221015 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Portland OR.mp3
    8. 20221017 JRB Student Debt Relief Portal Beta Test.mp3
    9. 20221018 JRB Protecting Reproductive Rights.mp3
    10. 20221019 JRB Actions Strengthen Energy Security Lower Costs.mp3
    11. 20221019 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.mp3
    12. 20221020 JRB Rebuilding Nations Infrastructure Pittsburgh PA.mp3
    13. 20221021 JRB Historic Deficit Reduction.mp3
    14. 20221021 JRB Student Debt Relief Dover DE.mp3
    15. 20221025 JRB Receives COVID-19 Vaccine.mp3
    16. 20221026 JRB Meeting DOD Leaders.mp3
    17. 20221026 JRB New Actions Give Families More Breathing Room.mp3
    18. 20221027 JRB Microns Plan Invest CHIPS Manuf Syracuse NY.mp3
    19. 20221028 JRB Campaigning Josh Shapiro John Fetterman Phil PA.mp3
    20. 20221031 JRB Addresses Oil Companies Record Setting Profits.mp3
    21. 20221101 JRB C.Crist V.Demings Campaign Miami Dade FL.mp3
    22. 20221101 JRB Protecting SS Medicare Lowg Rx Drug Costs FL.mp3
    23. 20221102 JRB State Democracy.mp3
    24. 20221102 JRB Strengthening Infrastructure Talent Pipeline.mp3
    25. 20221103 JRB Democratic Party Rally Albuquerque NM.mp3
    26. 20221103 JRB Mike Levin Rally San Diego CA.mp3
    27. 20221103 JRB Student Debt Relief Albuquerque NM.mp3
    28. 20221104 JRB CHIPS and Science Act San Diego CA.mp3
    29. 20221105 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Joliet IL.mp3
    30. 20221105 JRB Philadelphia PA Rally.mp3
    31. 20221106 JRB Yonkers NY Rally.mp3
    32. 20221107 JRB Bowie MD Rally.mp3
    33. 20221109 JRB Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    34. 20221110 JRB Address 2022 Midterms.mp3
    35. 20230207 JRB State of Union Address.mp3
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    630 recordings on 12 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $55.00. Total playtime 281 hours, 18 min
    630 recordings on 12 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $55.00
    7726 MB – total playtime 281 hours, 18 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 78 shows – 660 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 2 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19420106 Roosevelt State of the Union Address.mp3
    3. 19420223 Roosevelt Progress of the War.mp3
    4. 19420428 Roosevelt Sacrifice.mp3
    5. 19420907 Roosevelt Inflation and Food Prices.mp3
    6. 19421012 Roosevelt On the Home Front.mp3
    7. 19430107 Roosevelt State of the Union Address.mp3
    8. 19430908 Remarks After the Unconditional Surrender of Italy.mp3
    9. 19440606 Order of the Day.mp3
    10. 19450000 101st Airborne Division Citation Ceremony ca..mp3
    11. 19450508 V-E [Victory in Europe] Day Statement.mp3
    12. 19450612 Guildhall Address London England.mp3
    13. 19460103 Truman Status of the Reconversion Program.mp3
    14. 19460306 Truman Conf of Federal Council of Churches.mp3
    15. 19460323 Truman Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    16. 19460405 Truman Governing Board of Pan American Union.mp3
    17. 19460406 Truman Army Day.mp3
    18. 19460412 HST with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dedication of Hyde Park.mp3
    19. 19460419 Truman Food Conservation.mp3
    20. 19460501 Truman Fordham University Commencement Speech.mp3
    21. 19460524 Truman Railroad Strike Emergency.mp3
    22. 19460525 Truman Legislation for Industrial Peace.mp3
    23. 19460609 Truman Price Controls.mp3
    24. 19460703 Truman Message to the People of the Philippines.mp3
    25. 19461004 Truman Ending of Major Price Controls.mp3
    26. 19461023 Truman Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    27. 19470106 Truman State of the Union Address.mp3
    28. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    29. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    30. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    31. 19500420 Truman Society of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    32. 19500511 Truman Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam.mp3
    33. 19500609 Truman Univ of Missouri Commencement Speech P1.mp3
    34. 19500609 Truman Univ of Missouri Commencement Speech P2.mp3
    35. 19500709 Truman Situation in Korea Part 1.mp3
    36. 19500709 Truman Situation in Korea Part 2.mp3
    37. 19501017 Truman War Memorial Opera House.mp3
    38. 19501024 Truman Address Before the UN General Assembly P1.mp3
    39. 19501024 Truman Address Before the UN General Assembly P2.mp3
    40. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    41. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    42. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    43. 19521024 Campaign speech Detroit MI ending Korean conflict.mp3
    44. 19530416 Chance Peace (also known as Cross of Iron speech).mp3
    45. 19530806 Radio Report to the Nation.mp3
    46. 19540101 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    47. 19540101 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    48. 19540217 Eisenhower Highway Safety.mp3
    49. 19540407 Eisenhower the Domino Theory.mp3
    50. 19540924 Radio TV Address American Situation Little Rock AK.mp3
    51. 19550106 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    52. 19550106 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    53. 19560105 Review of the State of the Union Message.mp3
    54. 19561031 Radio TV Dev Eastern Europe and Middle East.mp3
    55. 19580715 Statement President Landing US Marines Beirut.mp3
    56. 19580813 3rd Special Emerg Sess Gen Assembly UN.mp3
    57. 19580911 Radio TV Regarding Situation in the Formosa Straits.mp3
    58. 19581219 Sat SCORE Eisenhower first voice transmitted space.mp3
    59. 19590316 Radio TV on Security in the Free World.mp3
    60. 19590806 Need for Effective Labor Bill.mp3
    61. 19591013 Eisenhower Pres Library Groundbreaking Ceremony.mp3
    62. 19600525 Radio TV Report American People Events in Paris.mp3
    63. 19600707 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    64. 19600707 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    65. 19600922 Address before 15th Gen Assembly UN.mp3
    66. 19610117 Farewell Address to the American People.mp3
    67. 19620106 JFK Columbus OH Speech.mp3
    68. 19620111 JFK State Union Address.mp3
    69. 19620123 JFK National Conference Milk and Nutrition.mp3
    70. 19620208 JFK Boy Scout Week.mp3
    71. 19620223 JFK Presents NASA Medal John Glenn.mp3
    72. 19620302 JFK Nuclear Testing and Disarmament.mp3
    73. 19620307 JFK Conference Advertising Council.mp3
    74. 19620310 JFK Miami Beach FL Speech.mp3
    75. 19620313 JFK 1st Anniversary Alliance Progress.mp3
    76. 19620324 JFK University California Berkeley.mp3
    77. 19620409 JFK 50th Anniversary Children and Youth Conference.mp3
    78. 19620418 JFK Status Women.mp3
    79. 19620427 JFK White House Correspondence Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 84 shows – 655 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 51 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19620504 JFK New Orleans LA Speech.mp3
    3. 19620508 JFK Atlantic City NJ Speech.mp3
    4. 19620511 JFK CBS Interview.mp3
    5. 19620512 JFK Milwaukee WI Speech.mp3
    6. 19620520 JFK A Rally Three Generations New York NY.mp3
    7. 19620521 JFK WH Conference Economic Issues.mp3
    8. 19620522 JFK Conference Democratic Women.mp3
    9. 19620525 JFK WH Conference Conservation.mp3
    10. 19620606 JFK West Point Speech.mp3
    11. 19620611 JFK Yale University Speech.mp3
    12. 19620614 JFK Q and A About Peace Corps.mp3
    13. 19620620 JFK Constitution Hall Speech.mp3
    14. 19620704 JFK Independence Hall Speech.mp3
    15. 19620712 JFK Marine Corps Barracks.mp3
    16. 19620731 JFK Q and A Brazilian Military Personnel.mp3
    17. 19620809 JFK Addresses Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    18. 19620810 JFK Brunswick ME Speech.mp3
    19. 19620813 JFK State American Economy.mp3
    20. 19620817 JFK Pierre SD Speech.mp3
    21. 19620818 JFK Fresno CA Speech.mp3
    22. 19620818 JFK Los Banos CA Speech.mp3
    23. 19620912 JFK Rice University Speech.mp3
    24. 19620914 JFK Newport RI Speech.mp3
    25. 19620920 JFK Board Governors.mp3
    26. 19620920 JFK Harrisburg PA Speech.mp3
    27. 19620927 JFK Wheeling WV Speech.mp3
    28. 19620930 JFK Situation at University Mississippi.mp3
    29. 19621005 JFK Cincinnati OH Speech.mp3
    30. 19621006 JFK Detroit MI Speech.mp3
    31. 19621006 JFK Muskegon MI Speech.mp3
    32. 19621006 JFK St. Paul MN Speech.mp3
    33. 19621010 JFK Baltimore MD Speech.mp3
    34. 19621011 JFK ABC Interview.mp3
    35. 19621012 JFK Pittsburgh PA Speech.mp3
    36. 19621013 JFK Indianapolis IN Speech.mp3
    37. 19621013 JFK Louisville KY Speech.mp3
    38. 19621013 JFK McKeesport PA Speech.mp3
    39. 19621013 JFK Washington PA Speech.mp3
    40. 19621017 JFK Bridgeport CT Speech.mp3
    41. 19621017 JFK New Haven CT Speech.mp3
    42. 19621017 JFK Waterbury CT Speech.mp3
    43. 19621019 JFK Chicago IL Democratic Workers Speech.mp3
    44. 19621019 JFK Chicago IL Speech.mp3
    45. 19621019 JFK Cleveland OH Speech.mp3
    46. 19621019 JFK Springfield IL Speech.mp3
    47. 19621022 JFK Address Nation Cuba.mp3
    48. 19621102 JFK Dismantling Missiles in Cuba.mp3
    49. 19630114 JFK State Union Address.mp3
    50. 19660107 LBJ Phone Call with Nelson Rockefeller.mp3
    51. 19660112 LBJ State Union Address.mp3
    52. 19660131 LBJ Resumption Bombing in N Vietnam.mp3
    53. 19660223 LBJ National Freedom Award.mp3
    54. 19660323 LBJ Foreign Institute.mp3
    55. 19660630 LBJ Omaha NE Speech.mp3
    56. 19660630 LBJ Swears In Dick Helms.mp3
    57. 19660712 LBJ US Foreign Policy in Asia.mp3
    58. 19661015 LBJ Creation Department Transportation.mp3
    59. 19661017 LBJ Departure Asia Pacific Trip.mp3
    60. 19661103 LBJ Phone Call with Gerald Ford.mp3
    61. 19661109 LBJ Phone Call with Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    62. 19661111 LBJ Phone Call with Stewart Udall.mp3
    63. 19661112 LBJ Phone Call with Wilbur Mills.mp3
    64. 19670110 LBJ State Union Address.mp3
    65. 19700122 RMN State Union Address.mp3
    66. 19700322 RMN US Postal Strike.mp3
    67. 19700325 RMN School Desegregation.mp3
    68. 19700417 RMN Apollo 13 Crew Bravery.mp3
    69. 19700418 RMN Apollo 13s Return.mp3
    70. 19700420 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    71. 19700430 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    72. 19700603 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    73. 19700617 RMN Economic Productivity and Policy.mp3
    74. 19700916 RMN Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    75. 19701007 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia.mp3
    76. 19710122 RMN State Union Address.mp3
    77. 19740130 RMN State Union Address.mp3
    78. 19740429 RMN Presidential Tape Recordings.mp3
    79. 19740808 RMN Resignation Speech.mp3
    80. 19740809 GRF Swearing In as President.mp3
    81. 19740812 GRF Commu Conciliation Compromise Cooperation.mp3
    82. 19740908 GRF Pardoning Richard M Nixon.mp3
    83. 19740916 GRF Draft Evaders and Military Deserters.mp3
    84. 19740916 GRF Reasoning Nixon Pardon.mp3
    85. 19740918 GRF Address UN General Assembly.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 67 shows – 664 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 9 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19741008 GRF Whip Inflation Now.mp3
    3. 19750115 GRF State Union Address.mp3
    4. 19780119 JEC State Union Address.mp3
    5. 19780917 JEC Joint Statement at Camp David Summit.mp3
    6. 19780918 JEC Address Congress Peace Treaty.mp3
    7. 19781003 JEC Arrival at Asheville NC.mp3
    8. 19781024 JEC AntiInflation Program.mp3
    9. 19790123 JEC State Union Address.mp3
    10. 19820126 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    11. 19820405 RWR Breakfast Freshmen Republican Members Congress.mp3
    12. 19820413 RWR Private Sector Initiative.mp3
    13. 19820415 RWR Meets 8th Graders St Peters Cath Schl Geneva IL.mp3
    14. 19820517 RWR Blind Scholarship Award.mp3
    15. 19820611 RWR Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin.mp3
    16. 19820611 RWR Return from Europe.mp3
    17. 19820623 RWR Intelligence Identity Protection Act.mp3
    18. 19820719 RWR Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    19. 19820811 RWR Billings MT Rally.mp3
    20. 19820824 RWR George Deukmejian CA Governor Event LA CA.mp3
    21. 19820901 RWR US Policy in Middle East.mp3
    22. 19820917 RWR San Gennaro Festival.mp3
    23. 19820920 RWR Lebanon.mp3
    24. 19821007 RWR Fundraiser for Robert List, Las Vegas, NV.mp3
    25. 19821014 RWR Against Drug Trafficking.mp3
    26. 19821103 RWR Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    27. 19830125 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    28. 19830823 RWR Fundraising Dinner Pete Wilson 20th Cemetery.mp3
    29. 19860128 RWR Reporters Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion.mp3
    30. 19860128 RWR Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion.mp3
    31. 19860131 RWR Memorial Service Space Shuttle Challenger Crew.mp3
    32. 19860203 RWR Commission Explosion Space Shuttle Challenger.mp3
    33. 19860204 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    34. 19860206 RWR Signing Legislative Message.mp3
    35. 19860316 RWR Address Situation in Nicaragua.mp3
    36. 19860604 RWR Fundraiser James Broyhill.mp3
    37. 19860609 RWR Final Report Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion.mp3
    38. 19860618 RWR C Flag Ceremony.mp3
    39. 19860704 RWR Americas Independence.mp3
    40. 19860731 RWR Inspires American Youth to Vote.mp3
    41. 19861001 RWR Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Dedication.mp3
    42. 19861012 RWR Keflavik NATO Airbase.mp3
    43. 19861013 RWR Address Gorbachev Meeting.mp3
    44. 19861022 RWR Signs Tax Reform Act Into Law.mp3
    45. 19861027 RWR Signs Antidrug Abuse Act into Law.mp3
    46. 19861105 RWR Senior Staff Briefing.mp3
    47. 19870127 RWR State Union Address.mp3
    48. 19900103 GHWB Capture Manuel Noriega.mp3
    49. 19900103 GHWB Earth Day Proclamation.mp3
    50. 19900131 GHWB State Union Address.mp3
    51. 19900205 GHWB International Panel Climate Control.mp3
    52. 19900329 GHWB Coalition AIDS.mp3
    53. 19900601 GHWB Signing Ceremony Mikhail Gorbachev.mp3
    54. 19900611 GHWB Drug Free Schools Recognition.mp3
    55. 19900726 GHWB Signs Americans Disabilities Act into Law.mp3
    56. 19900803 GHWB Iraqs Invasion Kuwait.mp3
    57. 19900808 GHWB Iraqs Invasion Kuwait.mp3
    58. 19900814 GHWB Crisis in Gulf.mp3
    59. 19900829 GHWB Armed Forces Radio Address.mp3
    60. 19900911 GHWB Persian Gulf Crisis and Federal Budget Deficit.mp3
    61. 19900912 GWHB Message Iraqi People.mp3
    62. 19901001 Bush Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    63. 19901001 GHWB Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    64. 19901002 Bush Budget Deficit.mp3
    65. 19901002 GHWB Address Nation Budget.mp3
    66. 19901031 GHWB Celebrating Reunification Germany.mp3
    67. 19910129 GHWB State Union Address.mp3
    68. 19940117 WJC Observance MLK Day.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 43 shows – 679 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 43 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19940120 WJC Larry King Interview.mp3
    3. 19940124 WJC Los Angeles Earthquake.mp3
    4. 19940125 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    5. 19940210 WJC Entitlement Reform.mp3
    6. 19940216 WJC AARP.mp3
    7. 19940314 WJC Democratic National Committee Reception.mp3
    8. 19940314 WJC G7 Jobs Conference Detroit MI.mp3
    9. 19940321 WJC Health Care Forum East Hillsborough FL.mp3
    10. 19940324 WJC Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    11. 19940331 WJC Signs Goals 2000 Act into Law.mp3
    12. 19940404 WJC White House Easter Egg Roll.mp3
    13. 19940423 WJC WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    14. 19940427 WJC Eulogy Richard M Nixon.mp3
    15. 19940502 WJC Americans Disabilities.mp3
    16. 19940502 WJC Banning Assault Weapons.mp3
    17. 19940506 WJC Womens Health Event.mp3
    18. 19940514 WJC Landmark Peace Memorial Indianapolis IN.mp3
    19. 19940516 WJC Nominates Stephen Breyer Supreme Court.mp3
    20. 19940518 WJC Signs Human Service Amendments.mp3
    21. 19940520 WJC Death Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    22. 19940520 WJC Redevelopment and Reuse Norton Air Force Base.mp3
    23. 19940520 WJC UCLA Commencement Los Angeles CA.mp3
    24. 19940523 WJC Burial Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    25. 19940523 WJC National Park Week.mp3
    26. 19940530 WJC Memorial Day Celebration Arlington VA.mp3
    27. 19940605 WJC USS George Washington.mp3
    28. 19940606 WJC 50th Anniversary Invasion Normandy.mp3
    29. 19940616 WJC IL Victory 94.mp3
    30. 19940616 WJC North Korea.mp3
    31. 19940627 WJC White House Staff Changes.mp3
    32. 19940728 WJC Anticrime Legislation.mp3
    33. 19940729 WJC Further Assistance Rwandan Refugees.mp3
    34. 19940815 WJC Anticrime Legislation.mp3
    35. 19940912 WJC Addresses Americorps Volunteers.mp3
    36. 19940912 WJC Swearing in Americorps Volunteers.mp3
    37. 19940913 WJC Signs Crime Bill into Law.mp3
    38. 19940916 WJC Honoring African American Veterans During WWII.mp3
    39. 19940923 WJC Signs Riegle Comm Dev Regulatory Improv Act.mp3
    40. 19941005 WJC Sustainable End Hunger.mp3
    41. 19941011 WJC Auto Workers Ford Motor Company Detroit MI.mp3
    42. 19941012 WJC Community Policing Grant.mp3
    43. 19941020 WJC Improving Americas Schools Act Farmington MA.mp3
    44. 19941022 WJC Kathleen Brown Dinner San Francisco CA.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 43 shows – 694 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 16 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19941024 WJC Cleveland City Club Cleveland OH.mp3
    3. 19941029 WJC Italian American Foundation Dinner.mp3
    4. 19941105 WJC Oakland CA Rally for Diane Feinstein.mp3
    5. 19941106 WJC Larry King Interview.mp3
    6. 19941107 WJC Flint MI Rally for Bob Carr.mp3
    7. 19941109 WJC Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    8. 19950124 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    9. 19980112 WJC Drug Policy.mp3
    10. 19980114 WJC Health Care Bill Rights.mp3
    11. 19980115 WJC Community Policing New York NY.mp3
    12. 19980115 WJC Wall Street Project Conference New York NY.mp3
    13. 19980126 WJC After School Child Care Initiative.mp3
    14. 19980127 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    15. 19980202 WJC 1999 Budget.mp3
    16. 19980218 WJC Childrens Health Care.mp3
    17. 19980306 WJC National Economy.mp3
    18. 19980316 WJC Democratic Business Council Dinner.mp3
    19. 19980424 WJC White House Staff Change.mp3
    20. 19980425 WJC WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    21. 19980525 WJC Memorial Day Ceremony.mp3
    22. 19980526 WJC Federal Budget.mp3
    23. 19980714 WJC Y2K.mp3
    24. 19980724 WJC Address American Legion Boys Nation.mp3
    25. 19980724 WJC Signs Deadbeat Parent Punishment Act into Law.mp3
    26. 19980730 WJC American Heritage Rivers Designation.mp3
    27. 19980807 WJC Signs Workforce Reinvestment Act into Law.mp3
    28. 19980817 WJC Office Independent Council Grand Jury Tstmny P1.mp3
    29. 19980817 WJC Office Independent Council Grand Jury Tstmny P2.mp3
    30. 19980817 WJC Speaks Nation Testifying Before OIC.mp3
    31. 19980820 WJC Military Strikes Against Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    32. 19980820 WJC Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    33. 19980909 WJC Democratic Party Luncheon Orlando FL.mp3
    34. 19980911 WJC Religious Leaders Breakfast.mp3
    35. 19980921 WJC Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    36. 19981009 WJC Top Cops.mp3
    37. 19981012 WJC Education and Death Matthew Shepard.mp3
    38. 19981020 WJC White House Staff Changes.mp3
    39. 19981022 WJC Congress Adjournment.mp3
    40. 19981104 Clinton Legislative Agenda.mp3
    41. 19990119 WJC State Union Address.mp3
    42. 20020108 GWB No Child Left Behind.mp3
    43. 20020129 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    44. 20020504 GWB WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 31 shows – 633 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 3 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 20020520 GWB Cuba Controversy.mp3
    3. 20020527 GWB Memorial Day Speech.mp3
    4. 20020601 GWB West Point Speech.mp3
    5. 20020607 GWB Department Homeland Security.mp3
    6. 20020619 GWB New Mother and Child HIV Prevention.mp3
    7. 20020704 GWB Ripley WV Speech.mp3
    8. 20020911 GWB Ellis Island Speech.mp3
    9. 20020912 GWB Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    10. 20021007 GWB Cincinnati OH Speech.mp3
    11. 20030128 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    12. 20060123 GWB Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    13. 20060131 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    14. 20060320 GWB Cleveland City Club Cleveland OH.mp3
    15. 20060429 GWB WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    16. 20060719 GWB Stem Cell Research Policy.mp3
    17. 20060911 GWB Five Year Anniversary 911.mp3
    18. 20060919 GWB Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    19. 20061028 GWB Birmingham AL Speech.mp3
    20. 20070123 GWB State Union Address.mp3
    21. 20100114 BHO Haiti Earthquake Update.mp3
    22. 20100116 BHO WJC and GWB Help Haiti.mp3
    23. 20100127 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    24. 20100129 BHO GOP House Issues Conference.mp3
    25. 20100202 BHO Nashua NH Town Hall.mp3
    26. 20100203 BHO Democratic Senate Issues Meeting.mp3
    27. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P1.mp3
    28. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P2.mp3
    29. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P3.mp3
    30. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P4.mp3
    31. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P5.mp3
    32. 20100308 BHO International Womens Day.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 49 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 20100311 BHO Urgency Health Care Reform.mp3
    3. 20100319 BHO Time Health Reform is Now.mp3
    4. 20100320 BHO It is Time Pass Health Care Reform.mp3
    5. 20100322 BHO Passage Affordable Care Act.mp3
    6. 20100323 BHO Promise Health Care Reform.mp3
    7. 20100323 BHO Signs Affordable Care Act into Law.mp3
    8. 20100325 BHO Health Reform Iowa City IA.mp3
    9. 20100423 BHO Vote 2010.mp3
    10. 20100427 BHO Ottawa IA Town Hall.mp3
    11. 20100501 BHO WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    12. 20100516 BHO Honors Fallen Law Enforcement Officers.mp3
    13. 20100527 BHO Deepwater BP Oil Spill.mp3
    14. 20100528 BHO Assesses BP Oil Spill Response.mp3
    15. 20100615 BHO Address BP Oil Spill and Energy.mp3
    16. 20100701 BHO Comprehensive Immigration Reform.mp3
    17. 20100701 BHO Signs Iran Sanctions Act.mp3
    18. 20100704 BHO Independence Day.mp3
    19. 20100708 BHO ACA and Seniors.mp3
    20. 20100728 BHO Explains healthcaregov.mp3
    21. 20100806 BHO Introducing Elena Kagan.mp3
    22. 20100811 BHO Signs Manufacturing Enhancement Act into Law.mp3
    23. 20100831 BHO End Combat Missions in Iraq.mp3
    24. 20100923 BHO Address UN General Assembly.mp3
    25. 20101001 BHO Announces Pete Rouse as WH Chief Staff.mp3
    26. 20101005 BHO Community College Summit.mp3
    27. 20101005 BHO Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit.mp3
    28. 20101008 BHO Signs 21st Century Com Video Accessibility Act.mp3
    29. 20101103 BHO Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    30. 20110125 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    31. 20140128 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    32. 20140317 BHO Ukraine.mp3
    33. 20140410 BHO Civil Rights Summit.mp3
    34. 20140503 BHO WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    35. 20140513 BHO Immigration Reform.mp3
    36. 20140525 BHO Visits Troops in Afghanistan.mp3
    37. 20140527 BHO Afghanistan.mp3
    38. 20140528 BHO West Point Speech.mp3
    39. 20140529 BHO Concussions Summit.mp3
    40. 20140530 BHO Hurricane Preparedness Meeting.mp3
    41. 20140626 BHO Minneapolis MN Town Hall.mp3
    42. 20140630 BHO Immigration Reform.mp3
    43. 20140721 BHO My Brothers Keeper Town Hall.mp3
    44. 20140828 BHO Economy Iraq and Ukraine.mp3
    45. 20140901 BHO Laborfest Milwaukee WI.mp3
    46. 20140910 BHO Address ISIL Threat.mp3
    47. 20140916 BHO Ebola.mp3
    48. 20140923 BHO UN Climate Summit.mp3
    49. 20140924 BHO UN Sec Cncl Summit Foreign Terrorist Fighters.mp3
    50. 20141105 BHO Post Midterm News Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 33 shows – 624 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 42 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20150121 BHO State Union Address.mp3
    3. 20180130 DJT State Union Address.mp3
    4. 20180201 DJT House and Senate Republican Member Conference.mp3
    5. 20180202 DJT Customs Brdr Prot Roundtable Sterling VA.mp3
    6. 20180205 DJT Blue Ash OH Rally.mp3
    7. 20180221 DJT Listening Session Students and Teachers.mp3
    8. 20180226 DJT Business Session Nations Governors.mp3
    9. 20180329 DJT Infrastructure Richfield OH.mp3
    10. 20180509 DJT Military Mothers and Spouses Event.mp3
    11. 20180511 DJT Lowering Drug Prices.mp3
    12. 20180511 DJT Roundtable with Automaker CRLEOs.mp3
    13. 20180516 DJT CA Sanctuary State Roundtable.mp3
    14. 20180523 DJT Spies in Campaign.mp3
    15. 20180530 DJT Signs Right to Try Act.mp3
    16. 20180602 DJT Senate Democrats Resist Will American Voter.mp3
    17. 20180704 DJT Celebrate Americas Independence.mp3
    18. 20180716 DJT Helsinki.mp3
    19. 20180723 DJT Made in America Product Showcase.mp3
    20. 20180727 DJT the Economy.mp3
    21. 20180731 DJT Tampa FL Rally.mp3
    22. 20180804 DJT Columbus OH Rally.mp3
    23. 20180804 DJT Lewis Center OH Rally.mp3
    24. 20180824 DJT Ohio Republican Party Dinner Columbus OH.mp3
    25. 20180905 DJT Meets Sheriffs Across Country.mp3
    26. 20180911 DJT Flight 93 Memorial Service Shanksville PA.mp3
    27. 20180926 DJT UN Security Briefing Counterproliferation.mp3
    28. 20181011 DJT Signs Save Our Seas Act into Law.mp3
    29. 20181012 DJT Lebanon OH Rally.mp3
    30. 20181023 DJT Briefing From Military Leaders.mp3
    31. 20181025 DJT Drug Pricing.mp3
    32. 20181105 DJT Cleveland OH Rally.mp3
    33. 20181107 DJT Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    34. 20181213 DJT Meets with Governors Elect.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 56 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 20190206 DJT State Union Address.mp3
    3. 20220103 JRB Promote Competition Reduce Prices Meat Industry.mp3
    4. 20220104 JRB Latest Development in Omicron Variant.mp3
    5. 20220107 JRB Dec 2021 Jobs Report 39 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    6. 20220107 JRB Response Recent Wildfires Louisville CO.mp3
    7. 20220111 JRB Voting Rights Atlanta GA.mp3
    8. 20220113 JRB Whole Government COVID-19 Surge Response.mp3
    9. 20220114 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.mp3
    10. 20220119 JRB 1st Year Press Conference.mp3
    11. 20220120 JRB Science and Technology.mp3
    12. 20220121 JRB Semiconductor Manufacturing in US.mp3
    13. 20220121 JRB US Conference Mayors.mp3
    14. 20220124 JRB Continued Efforts Lower Prices Americans.mp3
    15. 20220126 JRB Private Sector CEOs Support Build Back Better.mp3
    16. 20220128 JRB Building a Better America Pittsburgh PA.mp3
    17. 20220131 JRB National Governors Association.mp3
    18. 20220202 JRB Reignite Cancer Moonshot.mp3
    19. 20220203 JRB Gun Violence Strategies Meeting New York NY.mp3
    20. 20220203 JRB Successful Counterterrorism Operation.mp3
    21. 20220204 JRB EO Project Labor Agreements Upper Marlboro MD.mp3
    22. 20220204 JRB January 2022 Jobs Report 4 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    23. 20220208 JRB Rebuilding Manufacturing Make More in America.mp3
    24. 20220209 JRB Meets Electric Utilities CEOs Build Back Better.mp3
    25. 20220210 JRB Lowering Health Care Costs Families Culpeper VA.mp3
    26. 20220215 JRB National Association Counties.mp3
    27. 20220215 JRB Update Russia and Ukraine.mp3
    28. 20220217 JRB Great Lakes Restoration Lorain OH.mp3
    29. 20220218 JRB Update Ukraine.mp3
    30. 20220222 JRB Secur Critical Minerals Future Made America.mp3
    31. 20220222 JRB Update Russia and Ukraine.mp3
    32. 20220224 JRB Russias Unprovoked Unjustified Attack Ukraine.mp3
    33. 20220225 JRB Nomination Ketanji Brown Jackson Supreme Court.mp3
    34. 20220228 JRB Celebration Black History Month.mp3
    35. 20220301 JRB State Union Address.mp3
    36. 20220302 JRB Building a Better America Superior WI.mp3
    37. 20220303 JRB Ending Arbit Sexual Assault Harassment Act.mp3
    38. 20220304 JRB Delivering Made in America Commitments.mp3
    39. 20220308 JRB Continue Hold Russia Accountable.mp3
    40. 20220308 JRB Supporting Veterans Unity Agenda Fort Worth TX.mp3
    41. 20220309 JRB Meets CEO Gov Support Bipartisan Infrast.mp3
    42. 20220311 JRB Continue Hold Russia Accountable.mp3
    43. 20220314 JRB National League Cities.mp3
    44. 20220315 BHO Health Insurance Reform Right Now.mp3
    45. 20220315 JRB Equal Pay Day.mp3
    46. 20220315 JRB Signs Consolidated Appropriations Act into Law.mp3
    47. 20220316 JRB Reauthorization Violence Against Women Act.mp3
    48. 20220316 JRB US Assistance Ukraine.mp3
    49. 20220318 JRB Meet Researchers and Patients About ARPA-H.mp3
    50. 20220321 JRB Preparing Cyber Attack by Russia.mp3
    51. 20220328 JRB 2023 Federal Budget.mp3
    52. 20220329 JRB Signs Emmett Till Antilynching Bill into Law.mp3
    53. 20220330 JRB Status Countrys Fight Against COVID-19.mp3
    54. 20220331 JRB Lowering Cost Gas Prices.mp3
    55. 20220401 JRB March 2022 Jobs Report 36 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    56. 20220404 JRB Trucking Action Plan Strengthen Supply Chains.mp3
    57. 20220405 JRB 12 Yr Anniversary ACA.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 54 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 20220406 JRB NABTU Legislative Conference.mp3
    3. 20220406 JRB Signs Postal Service Reform Act into Law.mp3
    4. 20220411 JRB New Actions Fight Gun Crime.mp3
    5. 20220412 JRB Lowering Energy Costs Menlo IA.mp3
    6. 20220414 JRB Building a Better America Greensboro NC.mp3
    7. 20220414 JRB Convening Equality.mp3
    8. 20220419 JRB Building a Better America Portsmouth NH.mp3
    9. 20220421 JRB Building a Better America Portland OR.mp3
    10. 20220421 JRB War Between Russia and Ukraine.mp3
    11. 20220422 JRB Earth Day Seattle WA.mp3
    12. 20220422 JRB Lower Costs American Families Auburn WA.mp3
    13. 20220428 JRB Remarks Ukraine.mp3
    14. 20220428 JRB Small Business Owners.mp3
    15. 20220430 JRB WH Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    16. 20220503 JRB Abortion is a Womans Fundamental Right.mp3
    17. 20220503 JRB Security Assistance Ukraine Troy AL.mp3
    18. 20220504 JRB Economic Growth Jobs and Deficit Reduction.mp3
    19. 20220506 JRB Building a Better America Hamilton OH.mp3
    20. 20220509 JRB Affordable Connectivity.mp3
    21. 20220509 JRB Ukraine Democracy Def Lend Lease Act into Law.mp3
    22. 20220510 JRB Fight Inflation Lower Costs American Families.mp3
    23. 20220511 JRB Am Families Farmers Sit Ukraine Kankakee IL.mp3
    24. 20220511 JRB Intl Brotherhood Electric Workers Chicago IL.mp3
    25. 20220513 JRB Public Safety.mp3
    26. 20220515 JRB National Police Officers Memorial.mp3
    27. 20220517 JRB White Supremacy is a Poison Buffalo NY.mp3
    28. 20220518 JRB Equitable Emergencies Preparedness.mp3
    29. 20220520 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Act.mp3
    30. 20220522 JRB Deal New Hyundai Plant Savannah GA.mp3
    31. 20220523 JRB Launch Indo Pacific Economic Framework.mp3
    32. 20220524 JRB Uvalde TX School Shootings.mp3
    33. 20220525 JRB Public Trust and Safety.mp3
    34. 20220601 JRB Commencement US Coast Guard Academy.mp3
    35. 20220601 JRB Infant Formula.mp3
    36. 20220602 JRB Recent Mass Shootings.mp3
    37. 20220603 JRB May 2022 Jobs Report 36 Percent Unemployment.mp3
    38. 20220608 JRB Summit Americas.mp3
    39. 20220609 JRB 9 Bipartisan Bills Honor Improve Care Veterans.mp3
    40. 20220609 JRB Summit Americas IV CEO.mp3
    41. 20220609 JRB Summit Americas Opening Plenary.mp3
    42. 20220610 JRB Inflation Supply Chain Challenges LA CA.mp3
    43. 20220611 JRB New Mexico Wildfires Santa Fe NM.mp3
    44. 20220614 JRB AFL CIO Quadrennial Constitutional Conv Phil PA.mp3
    45. 20220615 JRB Pride Month.mp3
    46. 20220616 JRB Signs Ocean Shipping Reform Act into Law.mp3
    47. 20220617 JRB Major Economies Forum Energy and Climate.mp3
    48. 20220621 JRB COVID-19 Vaccine Children Under Age 5.mp3
    49. 20220622 JRB Gas Prices and Putins Price Hike.mp3
    50. 20220623 JRB Fed St Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership.mp3
    51. 20220624 JRB SCOTUS Overturning Roe v Wade.mp3
    52. 20220625 JRB Signs Safer Communities Act into Law.mp3
    53. 20220626 JRB Launches Global Infrastructure Partnership.mp3
    54. 20220630 JRB NATO Summit.mp3
    55. 20220701 JRB Reproductive Rights Meeting Governors.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 58 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20220704 JRB Celebrating Americas Independence.mp3
    3. 20220706 JRB Am Rescue Plan Pension Relief Cleveland OH.mp3
    4. 20220708 JRB Protecting Access Reprod Health Care Services.mp3
    5. 20220711 JRB Celebrating Safer Communities Act.mp3
    6. 20220720 JRB Climate and Clean Energy Somerset MA.mp3
    7. 20220721 JRB Testing Positive COVID-19.mp3
    8. 20220722 JRB Economic Briefing Lowering Gas Prices.mp3
    9. 20220723 JRB National Organization Black Law Enforcement.mp3
    10. 20220725 JRB CHIPS Act and Meeting CEOs and Labor Leaders.mp3
    11. 20220727 JRB Testing Negative COVID-19.mp3
    12. 20220728 JRB CEOs Econ Conditions Across Key Sectors.mp3
    13. 20220728 JRB Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    14. 20220801 JRB Death Ayman al-Zawahri.mp3
    15. 20220802 JRB CHIPS and Science Act 2022 Hemlock MI.mp3
    16. 20220803 JRB Reproductive Healthcare Access.mp3
    17. 20220804 JRB Roundtable Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    18. 20220805 JRB COVID-19 Fraud Small Business Relief Prgm.mp3
    19. 20220808 JRB Flooding in Eastern Kentucky Lost Creek KY.mp3
    20. 20220809 JRB Signs CHIPS and Science Act into Law.mp3
    21. 20220809 JRB Signs NATIONAL Ratification Doc Finland Sweden.mp3
    22. 20220810 JRB Signs PACT Act into Law.mp3
    23. 20220816 JRB Signs Inflation Reduction Act into Law.mp3
    24. 20220824 JRB Student Loan Debt.mp3
    25. 20220825 JRB Maryland Grassroots Event Rockville MD.mp3
    26. 20220826 JRB Reprod Rights Meeting State Local Officials.mp3
    27. 20220830 JRB Safer America Plan Wilkes Barre PA.mp3
    28. 20220901 JRB Continued Battle Soul Nation Philadelphia PA.mp3
    29. 20220902 JRB Build Back Better Regional Challenge.mp3
    30. 20220905 JRB Labor Day Dignity American Worker Milwaukee WI.mp3
    31. 20220905 JRB Labor Day Dignity American Worker W Mifflin PA.mp3
    32. 20220906 JRB Cabinet Meeting Helping Working Families.mp3
    33. 20220908 JRB Dem Ntnl Committee Reception Forest Heights MD.mp3
    34. 20220909 JRB Intel Groundbreaking Site Licking County OH.mp3
    35. 20220911 JRB Remembering Victims Sept 11 2001 Arlington VA.mp3
    36. 20220912 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Boston MA.mp3
    37. 20220912 JRB Cancer Moonshot Ending Cancer Boston MA.mp3
    38. 20220913 JRB Celebrating Passage Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    39. 20220914 JRB EV Manufact Boom America Detroit MI.mp3
    40. 20220915 JRB 45th Congr Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala.mp3
    41. 20220915 JRB Greets Negotiators in Oval Office.mp3
    42. 20220915 JRB Railway Labor Agreement.mp3
    43. 20220915 JRB United We Stand Summit.mp3
    44. 20220920 JRB DISCLOSE Act.mp3
    45. 20220921 JRB Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    46. 20220921 JRB Global Funds 7th Replenishment Conference NY NY.mp3
    47. 20220922 JRB Update Hurricane Fiona Impact Puerto Rico NY NY.mp3
    48. 20220923 JRB Democratic National Committee Campaign Event.mp3
    49. 20220926 JRB Meeting WH Competition Council.mp3
    50. 20220927 JRB Health Care Costs Medicare and Social Security.mp3
    51. 20220928 JRB Celebration ADA.mp3
    52. 20220928 JRB WH Conference Hunger Nutrition and Health.mp3
    53. 20220929 JRB Hurricane Ian Ongoing Fed Response Efforts.mp3
    54. 20220930 JRB Ongoing Federal Response Efforts Hurricane Ian.mp3
    55. 20221003 JRB Fed Gov Resp Hurricanes Ponce Puerto Rico.mp3
    56. 20221004 JRB Reproductive Rights Task Force Meeting.mp3
    57. 20221005 JRB Response Hurricane Ian Ft Myers FL.mp3
    58. 20221006 JRB Creating Jobs Poughkeepsie NY.mp3
    59. 20221006 JRB Pardons Federally Prosecuted Marijuana Users.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 34 shows – 551 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 4 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20221007 JRB Build Econ Bottom Up Middle Out Hagerstown MD.mp3
    3. 20221011 JRB Summit Fire Prevention and Control.mp3
    4. 20221012 JRB Protecting Conserv Iconic Outdoor Space Vail CO.mp3
    5. 20221013 JRB Bipartisan Infrastr Investments Working LA CA.mp3
    6. 20221014 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Irvine CA.mp3
    7. 20221015 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Portland OR.mp3
    8. 20221017 JRB Student Debt Relief Portal Beta Test.mp3
    9. 20221018 JRB Protecting Reproductive Rights.mp3
    10. 20221019 JRB Actions Strengthen Energy Security Lower Costs.mp3
    11. 20221019 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.mp3
    12. 20221020 JRB Rebuilding Nations Infrastructure Pittsburgh PA.mp3
    13. 20221021 JRB Historic Deficit Reduction.mp3
    14. 20221021 JRB Student Debt Relief Dover DE.mp3
    15. 20221025 JRB Receives COVID-19 Vaccine.mp3
    16. 20221026 JRB Meeting DOD Leaders.mp3
    17. 20221026 JRB New Actions Give Families More Breathing Room.mp3
    18. 20221027 JRB Microns Plan Invest CHIPS Manuf Syracuse NY.mp3
    19. 20221028 JRB Campaigning Josh Shapiro John Fetterman Phil PA.mp3
    20. 20221031 JRB Addresses Oil Companies Record Setting Profits.mp3
    21. 20221101 JRB C.Crist V.Demings Campaign Miami Dade FL.mp3
    22. 20221101 JRB Protecting SS Medicare Lowg Rx Drug Costs FL.mp3
    23. 20221102 JRB State Democracy.mp3
    24. 20221102 JRB Strengthening Infrastructure Talent Pipeline.mp3
    25. 20221103 JRB Democratic Party Rally Albuquerque NM.mp3
    26. 20221103 JRB Mike Levin Rally San Diego CA.mp3
    27. 20221103 JRB Student Debt Relief Albuquerque NM.mp3
    28. 20221104 JRB CHIPS and Science Act San Diego CA.mp3
    29. 20221105 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Joliet IL.mp3
    30. 20221105 JRB Philadelphia PA Rally.mp3
    31. 20221106 JRB Yonkers NY Rally.mp3
    32. 20221107 JRB Bowie MD Rally.mp3
    33. 20221109 JRB Post Midterm News Conference.mp3
    34. 20221110 JRB Address 2022 Midterms.mp3
    35. 20230207 JRB State of Union Address.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    630 recordings on 247 Audio CDs. Total playtime 228 hours, 50 min
    630 recordings on 247 Audio CDs
    total playtime 228 hours, 50 min

    Presidency and Midterms Disc A001

    1. 19420106 Roosevelt State of the Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A002

    1. 19420223 Roosevelt Progress of the War
    2. 19420428 Roosevelt Sacrifice

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A003

    1. 19420907 Roosevelt Inflation and Food Prices
    2. 19421012 Roosevelt On the Home Front

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A004

    1. 19430107 Roosevelt State of the Union Address
    2. 19430908 Remarks After the Unconditional Surrender of Italy
    3. 19440606 Order of the Day
    4. 19450000 101st Airborne Division Citation Ceremony ca.
    5. 19450508 V-E [Victory in Europe] Day Statement

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A005

    1. 19450612 Guildhall Address London England
    2. 19460103 Truman Status of the Reconversion Program
    3. 19460306 Truman Conf of Federal Council of Churches

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A006

    1. 19460323 Truman Jackson Day Dinner
    2. 19460405 Truman Governing Board of Pan American Union
    3. 19460406 Truman Army Day

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A007

    1. 19460412 HST with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dedication of Hyde Park
    2. 19460419 Truman Food Conservation
    3. 19460501 Truman Fordham University Commencement Speech
    4. 19460524 Truman Railroad Strike Emergency

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A008

    1. 19460525 Truman Legislation for Industrial Peace
    2. 19460609 Truman Price Controls
    3. 19460703 Truman Message to the People of the Philippines
    4. 19461004 Truman Ending of Major Price Controls

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A009

    1. 19461023 Truman Address to the UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A010

    1. 19470106 Truman State of the Union Address
    2. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P1

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A011

    1. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P2
    2. 19500104 Truman State of the Union Address P3
    3. 19500420 Truman Society of Newspaper Editors
    4. 19500511 Truman Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A012

    1. 19500609 Truman Univ of Missouri Commencement Speech P1
    2. 19500609 Truman Univ of Missouri Commencement Speech P2
    3. 19500709 Truman Situation in Korea Part 1
    4. 19500709 Truman Situation in Korea Part 2

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A013

    1. 19501017 Truman War Memorial Opera House
    2. 19501024 Truman Address Before the UN General Assembly P1
    3. 19501024 Truman Address Before the UN General Assembly P2

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A014

    1. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P1
    2. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P2
    3. 19510108 Truman State of the Union Address P3
    4. 19521024 Campaign speech Detroit MI ending Korean conflict
    5. 19530416 Chance Peace (also known as Cross of Iron speech)

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A015

    1. 19530806 Radio Report to the Nation
    2. 19540101 State of the Union Address P1

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A016

    1. 19540101 State of the Union Address P2
    2. 19540217 Eisenhower Highway Safety
    3. 19540407 Eisenhower the Domino Theory
    4. 19540924 Radio TV Address American Situation Little Rock AK

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A017

    1. 19550106 State of the Union Address P1
    2. 19550106 State of the Union Address P2
    3. 19560105 Review of the State of the Union Message

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A018

    1. 19561031 Radio TV Dev Eastern Europe and Middle East
    2. 19580715 Statement President Landing US Marines Beirut
    3. 19580813 3rd Special Emerg Sess Gen Assembly UN

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A019

    1. 19580911 Radio TV Regarding Situation in the Formosa Straits
    2. 19581219 Sat SCORE Eisenhower first voice transmitted space
    3. 19590316 Radio TV on Security in the Free World
    4. 19590806 Need for Effective Labor Bill

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A020

    1. 19591013 Eisenhower Pres Library Groundbreaking Ceremony
    2. 19600525 Radio TV Report American People Events in Paris
    3. 19600707 State of the Union Address P1

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A021

    1. 19600707 State of the Union Address P2

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A022

    1. 19600922 Address before 15th Gen Assembly UN
    2. 19610117 Farewell Address to the American People
    3. 19620106 JFK Columbus OH Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A023

    1. 19620111 JFK State Union Address
    2. 19620123 JFK National Conference Milk and Nutrition
    3. 19620208 JFK Boy Scout Week

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A024

    1. 19620223 JFK Presents NASA Medal John Glenn
    2. 19620302 JFK Nuclear Testing and Disarmament
    3. 19620307 JFK Conference Advertising Council
    4. 19620310 JFK Miami Beach FL Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A025

    1. 19620313 JFK 1st Anniversary Alliance Progress
    2. 19620324 JFK University California Berkeley
    3. 19620409 JFK 50th Anniversary Children and Youth Conference
    4. 19620418 JFK Status Women
    5. 19620427 JFK White House Correspondence Dinner

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A026

    1. 19620504 JFK New Orleans LA Speech
    2. 19620508 JFK Atlantic City NJ Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A027

    1. 19620511 JFK CBS Interview
    2. 19620512 JFK Milwaukee WI Speech
    3. 19620520 JFK A Rally Three Generations New York NY

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A028

    1. 19620521 JFK WH Conference Economic Issues
    2. 19620522 JFK Conference Democratic Women
    3. 19620525 JFK WH Conference Conservation
    4. 19620606 JFK West Point Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A029

    1. 19620611 JFK Yale University Speech
    2. 19620614 JFK Q and A About Peace Corps

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A030

    1. 19620620 JFK Constitution Hall Speech
    2. 19620704 JFK Independence Hall Speech
    3. 19620712 JFK Marine Corps Barracks
    4. 19620731 JFK Q and A Brazilian Military Personnel
    5. 19620809 JFK Addresses Peace Corps Volunteers
    6. 19620810 JFK Brunswick ME Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A031

    1. 19620813 JFK State American Economy
    2. 19620817 JFK Pierre SD Speech
    3. 19620818 JFK Fresno CA Speech
    4. 19620818 JFK Los Banos CA Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A032

    1. 19620912 JFK Rice University Speech
    2. 19620914 JFK Newport RI Speech
    3. 19620920 JFK Board Governors
    4. 19620920 JFK Harrisburg PA Speech
    5. 19620927 JFK Wheeling WV Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A033

    1. 19620930 JFK Situation at University Mississippi
    2. 19621005 JFK Cincinnati OH Speech
    3. 19621006 JFK Detroit MI Speech
    4. 19621006 JFK Muskegon MI Speech
    5. 19621006 JFK St. Paul MN Speech
    6. 19621010 JFK Baltimore MD Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A034

    1. 19621011 JFK ABC Interview
    2. 19621012 JFK Pittsburgh PA Speech
    3. 19621013 JFK Indianapolis IN Speech
    4. 19621013 JFK Louisville KY Speech
    5. 19621013 JFK McKeesport PA Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A035

    1. 19621013 JFK Washington PA Speech
    2. 19621017 JFK Bridgeport CT Speech
    3. 19621017 JFK New Haven CT Speech
    4. 19621017 JFK Waterbury CT Speech
    5. 19621019 JFK Chicago IL Democratic Workers Speech
    6. 19621019 JFK Chicago IL Speech
    7. 19621019 JFK Cleveland OH Speech
    8. 19621019 JFK Springfield IL Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A036

    1. 19621022 JFK Address Nation Cuba
    2. 19621102 JFK Dismantling Missiles in Cuba
    3. 19630114 JFK State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A037

    1. 19660107 LBJ Phone Call with Nelson Rockefeller
    2. 19660112 LBJ State Union Address
    3. 19660131 LBJ Resumption Bombing in N Vietnam

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A038

    1. 19660223 LBJ National Freedom Award
    2. 19660323 LBJ Foreign Institute

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A039

    1. 19660630 LBJ Omaha NE Speech
    2. 19660630 LBJ Swears In Dick Helms
    3. 19660712 LBJ US Foreign Policy in Asia

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A040

    1. 19661015 LBJ Creation Department Transportation
    2. 19661017 LBJ Departure Asia Pacific Trip
    3. 19661103 LBJ Phone Call with Gerald Ford
    4. 19661109 LBJ Phone Call with Hubert Humphrey
    5. 19661111 LBJ Phone Call with Stewart Udall
    6. 19661112 LBJ Phone Call with Wilbur Mills

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A041

    1. 19670110 LBJ State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A042

    1. 19700122 RMN State Union Address
    2. 19700322 RMN US Postal Strike
    3. 19700325 RMN School Desegregation
    4. 19700417 RMN Apollo 13 Crew Bravery
    5. 19700418 RMN Apollo 13s Return

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A043

    1. 19700420 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia
    2. 19700430 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia
    3. 19700603 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A044

    1. 19700617 RMN Economic Productivity and Policy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A045

    1. 19700916 RMN Landon Lecture Series
    2. 19701007 RMN Address Nation Situation in Southeast Asia

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A046

    1. 19710122 RMN State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A047

    1. 19740130 RMN State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A048

    1. 19740429 RMN Presidential Tape Recordings
    2. 19740808 RMN Resignation Speech
    3. 19740809 GRF Swearing In as President

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A049

    1. 19740812 GRF Commu Conciliation Compromise Cooperation
    2. 19740908 GRF Pardoning Richard M Nixon
    3. 19740916 GRF Draft Evaders and Military Deserters

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A050

    1. 19740916 GRF Reasoning Nixon Pardon
    2. 19740918 GRF Address UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A051

    1. 19741008 GRF Whip Inflation Now

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A052

    1. 19750115 GRF State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A053

    1. 19780119 JEC State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A054

    1. 19780917 JEC Joint Statement at Camp David Summit
    2. 19780918 JEC Address Congress Peace Treaty

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A055

    1. 19781003 JEC Arrival at Asheville NC
    2. 19781024 JEC AntiInflation Program

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A056

    1. 19790123 JEC State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A057

    1. 19820126 RWR State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A058

    1. 19820405 RWR Breakfast Freshmen Republican Members Congress
    2. 19820413 RWR Private Sector Initiative

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A059

    1. 19820415 RWR Meets 8th Graders St Peters Cath Schl Geneva IL
    2. 19820517 RWR Blind Scholarship Award
    3. 19820611 RWR Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin
    4. 19820611 RWR Return from Europe

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A060

    1. 19820623 RWR Intelligence Identity Protection Act
    2. 19820719 RWR Balanced Budget Amendment
    3. 19820811 RWR Billings MT Rally

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A061

    1. 19820824 RWR George Deukmejian CA Governor Event LA CA
    2. 19820901 RWR US Policy in Middle East
    3. 19820917 RWR San Gennaro Festival

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A062

    1. 19820920 RWR Lebanon
    2. 19821007 RWR Fundraiser for Robert List, Las Vegas, NV
    3. 19821014 RWR Against Drug Trafficking
    4. 19821103 RWR Post Midterm News Conference

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A063

    1. 19830125 RWR State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A064

    1. 19830823 RWR Fundraising Dinner Pete Wilson 20th Cemetery
    2. 19860128 RWR Reporters Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
    3. 19860128 RWR Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
    4. 19860131 RWR Memorial Service Space Shuttle Challenger Crew
    5. 19860203 RWR Commission Explosion Space Shuttle Challenger

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A065

    1. 19860204 RWR State Union Address
    2. 19860206 RWR Signing Legislative Message

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A066

    1. 19860316 RWR Address Situation in Nicaragua
    2. 19860604 RWR Fundraiser James Broyhill
    3. 19860609 RWR Final Report Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
    4. 19860618 RWR C Flag Ceremony

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A067

    1. 19860704 RWR Americas Independence
    2. 19860731 RWR Inspires American Youth to Vote
    3. 19861001 RWR Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Dedication
    4. 19861012 RWR Keflavik NATO Airbase

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A068

    1. 19861013 RWR Address Gorbachev Meeting
    2. 19861022 RWR Signs Tax Reform Act Into Law
    3. 19861027 RWR Signs Antidrug Abuse Act into Law
    4. 19861105 RWR Senior Staff Briefing

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A069

    1. 19870127 RWR State Union Address
    2. 19900103 GHWB Capture Manuel Noriega
    3. 19900103 GHWB Earth Day Proclamation

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A070

    1. 19900131 GHWB State Union Address
    2. 19900205 GHWB International Panel Climate Control
    3. 19900329 GHWB Coalition AIDS

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A071

    1. 19900601 GHWB Signing Ceremony Mikhail Gorbachev
    2. 19900611 GHWB Drug Free Schools Recognition
    3. 19900726 GHWB Signs Americans Disabilities Act into Law
    4. 19900803 GHWB Iraqs Invasion Kuwait

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A072

    1. 19900808 GHWB Iraqs Invasion Kuwait
    2. 19900814 GHWB Crisis in Gulf
    3. 19900829 GHWB Armed Forces Radio Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A073

    1. 19900911 GHWB Persian Gulf Crisis and Federal Budget Deficit
    2. 19900912 GWHB Message Iraqi People
    3. 19901001 Bush Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A074

    1. 19901001 GHWB Address UN General Assembly
    2. 19901002 Bush Budget Deficit
    3. 19901002 GHWB Address Nation Budget
    4. 19901031 GHWB Celebrating Reunification Germany

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A075

    1. 19910129 GHWB State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A076

    1. 19940117 WJC Observance MLK Day

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A077

    1. 19940120 WJC Larry King Interview

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A078

    1. 19940124 WJC Los Angeles Earthquake
    2. 19940210 WJC Entitlement Reform

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A079

    1. 19940216 WJC AARP

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A080

    1. 19940314 WJC Democratic National Committee Reception

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A081

    1. 19940314 WJC G7 Jobs Conference Detroit MI

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A082

    1. 19940324 WJC Whitewater Press Conference

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A083

    1. 19940331 WJC Signs Goals 2000 Act into Law
    2. 19940404 WJC White House Easter Egg Roll

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A084

    1. 19940423 WJC WH Correspondence Dinner
    2. 19940427 WJC Eulogy Richard M Nixon
    3. 19940502 WJC Americans Disabilities

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A085

    1. 19940502 WJC Banning Assault Weapons
    2. 19940506 WJC Womens Health Event

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A086

    1. 19940514 WJC Landmark Peace Memorial Indianapolis IN
    2. 19940516 WJC Nominates Stephen Breyer Supreme Court

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A087

    1. 19940518 WJC Signs Human Service Amendments
    2. 19940520 WJC Death Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A088

    1. 19940520 WJC Redevelopment and Reuse Norton Air Force Base
    2. 19940523 WJC Burial Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A089

    1. 19940523 WJC National Park Week

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A090

    1. 19940530 WJC Memorial Day Celebration Arlington VA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A091

    1. 19940605 WJC USS George Washington
    2. 19940606 WJC 50th Anniversary Invasion Normandy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A092

    1. 19940616 WJC IL Victory 94
    2. 19940616 WJC North Korea
    3. 19940627 WJC White House Staff Changes

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A093

    1. 19940728 WJC Anticrime Legislation
    2. 19940729 WJC Further Assistance Rwandan Refugees

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A094

    1. 19940815 WJC Anticrime Legislation
    2. 19940912 WJC Addresses Americorps Volunteers

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A095

    1. 19940912 WJC Swearing in Americorps Volunteers
    2. 19940913 WJC Signs Crime Bill into Law

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A096

    1. 19940916 WJC Honoring African American Veterans During WWII

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A097

    1. 19940923 WJC Signs Riegle Comm Dev Regulatory Improv Act
    2. 19941005 WJC Sustainable End Hunger

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A098

    1. 19941011 WJC Auto Workers Ford Motor Company Detroit MI
    2. 19941012 WJC Community Policing Grant

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A099

    1. 19941020 WJC Improving Americas Schools Act Farmington MA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A100

    1. 19941022 WJC Kathleen Brown Dinner San Francisco CA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A101

    1. 19941024 WJC Cleveland City Club Cleveland OH

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A102

    1. 19941029 WJC Italian American Foundation Dinner

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A103

    1. 19941106 WJC Larry King Interview

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A104

    1. 19941107 WJC Flint MI Rally for Bob Carr

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A105

    1. 19941109 WJC Post Midterm News Conference
    2. 19980112 WJC Drug Policy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A106

    1. 19980114 WJC Health Care Bill Rights
    2. 19980115 WJC Community Policing New York NY

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A107

    1. 19980115 WJC Wall Street Project Conference New York NY
    2. 19980126 WJC After School Child Care Initiative

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A108

    1. 19980202 WJC 1999 Budget
    2. 19980218 WJC Childrens Health Care
    3. 19980306 WJC National Economy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A109

    1. 19980316 WJC Democratic Business Council Dinner
    2. 19980424 WJC White House Staff Change
    3. 19980425 WJC WH Correspondence Dinner

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A110

    1. 19980525 WJC Memorial Day Ceremony
    2. 19980526 WJC Federal Budget

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A111

    1. 19980714 WJC Y2K

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A112

    1. 19980724 WJC Address American Legion Boys Nation
    2. 19980724 WJC Signs Deadbeat Parent Punishment Act into Law

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A113

    1. 19980730 WJC American Heritage Rivers Designation

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A114

    1. 19980807 WJC Signs Workforce Reinvestment Act into Law
    2. 19980817 WJC Speaks Nation Testifying Before OIC
    3. 19980820 WJC Military Strikes Against Sudan and Afghanistan
    4. 19980820 WJC Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan
    5. 19980909 WJC Democratic Party Luncheon Orlando FL

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A115

    1. 19980911 WJC Religious Leaders Breakfast
    2. 19980921 WJC Address UN General Assembly
    3. 19981009 WJC Top Cops

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A116

    1. 19981012 WJC Education and Death Matthew Shepard
    2. 19981020 WJC White House Staff Changes
    3. 19981022 WJC Congress Adjournment
    4. 19981104 Clinton Legislative Agenda

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A117

    1. 20140128 BHO State Union Address
    2. 20140317 BHO Ukraine

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A118

    1. 20140410 BHO Civil Rights Summit
    2. 20140503 BHO WH Correspondence Dinner
    3. 20140513 BHO Immigration Reform

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A119

    1. 20140525 BHO Visits Troops in Afghanistan
    2. 20140527 BHO Afghanistan

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A120

    1. 20140528 BHO West Point Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A121

    1. 20140529 BHO Concussions Summit
    2. 20140530 BHO Hurricane Preparedness Meeting

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A122

    1. 20140630 BHO Immigration Reform
    2. 20140721 BHO My Brothers Keeper Town Hall

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A123

    1. 20140828 BHO Economy Iraq and Ukraine
    2. 20140901 BHO Laborfest Milwaukee WI

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A124

    1. 20140910 BHO Address ISIL Threat
    2. 20140916 BHO Ebola
    3. 20140923 BHO UN Climate Summit
    4. 20140924 BHO UN Sec Cncl Summit Foreign Terrorist Fighters

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A125

    1. 20150121 BHO State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A126

    1. 20180201 DJT House and Senate Republican Member Conference
    2. 20180202 DJT Customs Brdr Prot Roundtable Sterling VA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A127

    1. 20180205 DJT Blue Ash OH Rally

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A128

    1. 20180226 DJT Business Session Nations Governors

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A129

    1. 20180329 DJT Infrastructure Richfield OH
    2. 20180509 DJT Military Mothers and Spouses Event

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A130

    1. 20180511 DJT Lowering Drug Prices
    2. 20180511 DJT Roundtable with Automaker CRLEOs

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A131

    1. 20180516 DJT CA Sanctuary State Roundtable
    2. 20180523 DJT Spies in Campaign

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A132

    1. 20180530 DJT Signs Right to Try Act
    2. 20180602 DJT Senate Democrats Resist Will American Voter
    3. 20180704 DJT Celebrate Americas Independence

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A133

    1. 20180716 DJT Helsinki
    2. 20180723 DJT Made in America Product Showcase

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A134

    1. 20180727 DJT the Economy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A135

    1. 20180731 DJT Tampa FL Rally

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A136

    1. 20180824 DJT Ohio Republican Party Dinner Columbus OH
    2. 20180905 DJT Meets Sheriffs Across Country

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A137

    1. 20180911 DJT Flight 93 Memorial Service Shanksville PA
    2. 20181011 DJT Signs Save Our Seas Act into Law
    3. 20181023 DJT Briefing From Military Leaders
    4. 20181025 DJT Drug Pricing

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A138

    1. 20181105 DJT Cleveland OH Rally
    2. 20181213 DJT Meets with Governors Elect

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A139

    1. 20220103 JRB Promote Competition Reduce Prices Meat Industry
    2. 20220104 JRB Latest Development in Omicron Variant
    3. 20220107 JRB Dec 2021 Jobs Report 39 Percent Unemployment

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A140

    1. 20220107 JRB Response Recent Wildfires Louisville CO
    2. 20220111 JRB Voting Rights Atlanta GA
    3. 20220113 JRB Whole Government COVID-19 Surge Response

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A141

    1. 20220114 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
    2. 20220120 JRB Science and Technology
    3. 20220121 JRB Semiconductor Manufacturing in US
    4. 20220121 JRB US Conference Mayors

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A142

    1. 20220124 JRB Continued Efforts Lower Prices Americans
    2. 20220126 JRB Private Sector CEOs Support Build Back Better
    3. 20220128 JRB Building a Better America Pittsburgh PA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A143

    1. 20220131 JRB National Governors Association
    2. 20220202 JRB Reignite Cancer Moonshot

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A144

    1. 20220203 JRB Gun Violence Strategies Meeting New York NY
    2. 20220203 JRB Successful Counterterrorism Operation

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A145

    1. 20220204 JRB EO Project Labor Agreements Upper Marlboro MD
    2. 20220204 JRB January 2022 Jobs Report 4 Percent Unemployment
    3. 20220208 JRB Rebuilding Manufacturing Make More in America

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A146

    1. 20220209 JRB Meets Electric Utilities CEOs Build Back Better
    2. 20220210 JRB Lowering Health Care Costs Families Culpeper VA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A147

    1. 20220215 JRB National Association Counties
    2. 20220215 JRB Update Russia and Ukraine
    3. 20220217 JRB Great Lakes Restoration Lorain OH

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A148

    1. 20220218 JRB Update Ukraine
    2. 20220222 JRB Secur Critical Minerals Future Made America
    3. 20220222 JRB Update Russia and Ukraine

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A149

    1. 20220224 JRB Russias Unprovoked Unjustified Attack Ukraine
    2. 20220225 JRB Nomination Ketanji Brown Jackson Supreme Court

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A150

    1. 20220228 JRB Celebration Black History Month

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A151

    1. 20220301 JRB State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A152

    1. 20220302 JRB Building a Better America Superior WI
    2. 20220303 JRB Ending Arbit Sexual Assault Harassment Act

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A153

    1. 20220304 JRB Delivering Made in America Commitments
    2. 20220308 JRB Continue Hold Russia Accountable

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A154

    1. 20220308 JRB Supporting Veterans Unity Agenda Fort Worth TX
    2. 20220309 JRB Meets CEO Gov Support Bipartisan Infrast
    3. 20220311 JRB Continue Hold Russia Accountable

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A155

    1. 20220314 JRB National League Cities
    2. 20220315 BHO Health Insurance Reform Right Now

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A156

    1. 20220315 JRB Equal Pay Day
    2. 20220315 JRB Signs Consolidated Appropriations Act into Law
    3. 20220316 JRB Reauthorization Violence Against Women Act
    4. 20220316 JRB US Assistance Ukraine

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A157

    1. 20220318 JRB Meet Researchers and Patients About ARPA-H
    2. 20220321 JRB Preparing Cyber Attack by Russia
    3. 20220328 JRB 2023 Federal Budget
    4. 20220329 JRB Signs Emmett Till Antilynching Bill into Law

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A158

    1. 20220330 JRB Status Countrys Fight Against COVID-19
    2. 20220331 JRB Lowering Cost Gas Prices
    3. 20220401 JRB March 2022 Jobs Report 36 Percent Unemployment
    4. 20220404 JRB Trucking Action Plan Strengthen Supply Chains

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A159

    1. 20220405 JRB 12 Yr Anniversary ACA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A160

    1. 20220406 JRB NABTU Legislative Conference
    2. 20220406 JRB Signs Postal Service Reform Act into Law

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A161

    1. 20220411 JRB New Actions Fight Gun Crime
    2. 20220412 JRB Lowering Energy Costs Menlo IA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A162

    1. 20220414 JRB Building a Better America Greensboro NC
    2. 20220419 JRB Building a Better America Portsmouth NH

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A163

    1. 20220421 JRB Building a Better America Portland OR
    2. 20220421 JRB War Between Russia and Ukraine

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A164

    1. 20220422 JRB Earth Day Seattle WA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A165

    1. 20220422 JRB Lower Costs American Families Auburn WA
    2. 20220428 JRB Remarks Ukraine
    3. 20220428 JRB Small Business Owners

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A166

    1. 20220430 JRB WH Correspondence Dinner
    2. 20220503 JRB Abortion is a Womans Fundamental Right
    3. 20220503 JRB Security Assistance Ukraine Troy AL
    4. 20220504 JRB Economic Growth Jobs and Deficit Reduction

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A167

    1. 20220506 JRB Building a Better America Hamilton OH
    2. 20220509 JRB Affordable Connectivity
    3. 20220509 JRB Ukraine Democracy Def Lend Lease Act into Law

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A168

    1. 20220510 JRB Fight Inflation Lower Costs American Families
    2. 20220511 JRB Am Families Farmers Sit Ukraine Kankakee IL

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A169

    1. 20220511 JRB Intl Brotherhood Electric Workers Chicago IL

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A170

    1. 20220513 JRB Public Safety
    2. 20220515 JRB National Police Officers Memorial
    3. 20220517 JRB White Supremacy is a Poison Buffalo NY
    4. 20220518 JRB Equitable Emergencies Preparedness

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A171

    1. 20220520 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Act
    2. 20220522 JRB Deal New Hyundai Plant Savannah GA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A172

    1. 20220523 JRB Launch Indo Pacific Economic Framework
    2. 20220524 JRB Uvalde TX School Shootings

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A173

    1. 20220525 JRB Public Trust and Safety

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A174

    1. 20220601 JRB Commencement US Coast Guard Academy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A175

    1. 20220601 JRB Infant Formula
    2. 20220602 JRB Recent Mass Shootings

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A176

    1. 20220603 JRB May 2022 Jobs Report 36 Percent Unemployment
    2. 20220609 JRB 9 Bipartisan Bills Honor Improve Care Veterans
    3. 20220609 JRB Summit Americas IV CEO

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A177

    1. 20220610 JRB Inflation Supply Chain Challenges LA CA
    2. 20220611 JRB New Mexico Wildfires Santa Fe NM

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A178

    1. 20220614 JRB AFL CIO Quadrennial Constitutional Conv Phil PA
    2. 20220615 JRB Pride Month

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A179

    1. 20220616 JRB Signs Ocean Shipping Reform Act into Law
    2. 20220617 JRB Major Economies Forum Energy and Climate
    3. 20220621 JRB COVID-19 Vaccine Children Under Age 5
    4. 20220622 JRB Gas Prices and Putins Price Hike
    5. 20220623 JRB Fed St Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership
    6. 20220624 JRB SCOTUS Overturning Roe v Wade
    7. 20220625 JRB Signs Safer Communities Act into Law

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A180

    1. 20220626 JRB Launches Global Infrastructure Partnership
    2. 20220630 JRB NATO Summit

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A181

    1. 20220701 JRB Reproductive Rights Meeting Governors
    2. 20220706 JRB Am Rescue Plan Pension Relief Cleveland OH

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A182

    1. 20220708 JRB Protecting Access Reprod Health Care Services
    2. 20220711 JRB Celebrating Safer Communities Act
    3. 20220720 JRB Climate and Clean Energy Somerset MA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A183

    1. 20220721 JRB Testing Positive COVID-19
    2. 20220722 JRB Economic Briefing Lowering Gas Prices
    3. 20220723 JRB National Organization Black Law Enforcement

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A184

    1. 20220725 JRB CHIPS Act and Meeting CEOs and Labor Leaders
    2. 20220727 JRB Testing Negative COVID-19

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A185

    1. 20220728 JRB CEOs Econ Conditions Across Key Sectors
    2. 20220728 JRB Inflation Reduction Act
    3. 20220801 JRB Death Ayman al-Zawahri

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A186

    1. 20220802 JRB CHIPS and Science Act 2022 Hemlock MI
    2. 20220803 JRB Reproductive Healthcare Access

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A187

    1. 20220804 JRB Roundtable Inflation Reduction Act
    2. 20220805 JRB COVID-19 Fraud Small Business Relief Prgm
    3. 20220808 JRB Flooding in Eastern Kentucky Lost Creek KY

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A188

    1. 20220809 JRB Signs CHIPS and Science Act into Law
    2. 20220809 JRB Signs NATIONAL Ratification Doc Finland Sweden

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A189

    1. 20220810 JRB Signs PACT Act into Law
    2. 20220816 JRB Signs Inflation Reduction Act into Law
    3. 20220824 JRB Student Loan Debt

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A190

    1. 20220825 JRB Maryland Grassroots Event Rockville MD
    2. 20220826 JRB Reprod Rights Meeting State Local Officials

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A191

    1. 20220830 JRB Safer America Plan Wilkes Barre PA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A192

    1. 20220901 JRB Continued Battle Soul Nation Philadelphia PA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A193

    1. 20220902 JRB Build Back Better Regional Challenge

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A194

    1. 20220905 JRB Labor Day Dignity American Worker Milwaukee WI
    2. 20220905 JRB Labor Day Dignity American Worker W Mifflin PA
    3. 20220906 JRB Cabinet Meeting Helping Working Families

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A195

    1. 20220908 JRB Dem Ntnl Committee Reception Forest Heights MD
    2. 20220909 JRB Intel Groundbreaking Site Licking County OH

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A196

    1. 20220911 JRB Remembering Victims Sept 11 2001 Arlington VA
    2. 20220912 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Boston MA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A197

    1. 20220912 JRB Cancer Moonshot Ending Cancer Boston MA
    2. 20220913 JRB Celebrating Passage Inflation Reduction Act

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A198

    1. 20220914 JRB EV Manufact Boom America Detroit MI
    2. 20220915 JRB 45th Congr Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala
    3. 20220915 JRB Greets Negotiators in Oval Office
    4. 20220915 JRB Railway Labor Agreement

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A199

    1. 20220915 JRB United We Stand Summit
    2. 20220920 JRB DISCLOSE Act
    3. 20220921 JRB Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A200

    1. 20220921 JRB Global Funds 7th Replenishment Conference NY NY
    2. 20220922 JRB Update Hurricane Fiona Impact Puerto Rico NY NY
    3. 20220923 JRB Democratic National Committee Campaign Event
    4. 20220926 JRB Meeting WH Competition Council

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A201

    1. 20220927 JRB Health Care Costs Medicare and Social Security
    2. 20220928 JRB Celebration ADA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A202

    1. 20220928 JRB WH Conference Hunger Nutrition and Health
    2. 20220929 JRB Hurricane Ian Ongoing Fed Response Efforts
    3. 20220930 JRB Ongoing Federal Response Efforts Hurricane Ian

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A203

    1. 20221003 JRB Fed Gov Resp Hurricanes Ponce Puerto Rico
    2. 20221004 JRB Reproductive Rights Task Force Meeting

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A204

    1. 20221005 JRB Response Hurricane Ian Ft Myers FL
    2. 20221006 JRB Creating Jobs Poughkeepsie NY
    3. 20221006 JRB Pardons Federally Prosecuted Marijuana Users

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A205

    1. 20221007 JRB Build Econ Bottom Up Middle Out Hagerstown MD
    2. 20221011 JRB Summit Fire Prevention and Control
    3. 20221012 JRB Protecting Conserv Iconic Outdoor Space Vail CO

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A206

    1. 20221013 JRB Bipartisan Infrastr Investments Working LA CA
    2. 20221014 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Irvine CA

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A207

    1. 20221015 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Portland OR
    2. 20221017 JRB Student Debt Relief Portal Beta Test
    3. 20221018 JRB Protecting Reproductive Rights
    4. 20221019 JRB Actions Strengthen Energy Security Lower Costs

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A208

    1. 20221019 JRB Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
    2. 20221020 JRB Rebuilding Nations Infrastructure Pittsburgh PA
    3. 20221021 JRB Historic Deficit Reduction

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A209

    1. 20221021 JRB Student Debt Relief Dover DE
    2. 20221025 JRB Receives COVID-19 Vaccine
    3. 20221026 JRB Meeting DOD Leaders
    4. 20221026 JRB New Actions Give Families More Breathing Room
    5. 20221031 JRB Addresses Oil Companies Record Setting Profits

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A210

    1. 20221101 JRB C.Crist V.Demings Campaign Miami Dade FL

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A211

    1. 20221101 JRB Protecting SS Medicare Lowg Rx Drug Costs FL
    2. 20221102 JRB State Democracy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A212

    1. 20221102 JRB Strengthening Infrastructure Talent Pipeline
    2. 20221103 JRB Democratic Party Rally Albuquerque NM

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A213

    1. 20221103 JRB Mike Levin Rally San Diego CA
    2. 20221103 JRB Student Debt Relief Albuquerque NM

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A214

    1. 20221104 JRB CHIPS and Science Act San Diego CA
    2. 20221105 JRB Lowering Costs American Families Joliet IL

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A215

    1. 20221106 JRB Yonkers NY Rally

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A216

    1. 20221107 JRB Bowie MD Rally

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A217

    1. 20221109 JRB Post Midterm News Conference

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A218

    1. 20221110 JRB Address 2022 Midterms
    2. 20020108 GWB No Child Left Behind

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A219

    1. 20020129 GWB State Union Address
    2. 20020504 GWB WH Correspondence Dinner

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A220

    1. 20020520 GWB Cuba Controversy
    2. 20020527 GWB Memorial Day Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A221

    1. 20020601 GWB West Point Speech
    2. 20020607 GWB Department Homeland Security
    3. 20020619 GWB New Mother and Child HIV Prevention

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A222

    1. 20020704 GWB Ripley WV Speech
    2. 20020911 GWB Ellis Island Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A223

    1. 20020912 GWB Address UN General Assembly
    2. 20021007 GWB Cincinnati OH Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A224

    1. 20030128 GWB State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A225

    1. 20060131 GWB State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A226

    1. 20060320 GWB Cleveland City Club Cleveland OH
    2. 20060429 GWB WH Correspondence Dinner
    3. 20060719 GWB Stem Cell Research Policy

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A227

    1. 20060911 GWB Five Year Anniversary 911
    2. 20060919 GWB Address UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A228

    1. 20061028 GWB Birmingham AL Speech

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A229

    1. 20070123 GWB State Union Address
    2. 20100114 BHO Haiti Earthquake Update

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A230

    1. 20100116 BHO WJC and GWB Help Haiti

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A231

    1. 20100127 BHO State Union Address

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A232

    1. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P1

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A233

    1. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P3

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A234

    1. 20100225 BHO Bipartisan Meeting Health Reform P4

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A235

    1. 20100308 BHO International Womens Day

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A236

    1. 20100311 BHO Urgency Health Care Reform
    2. 20100319 BHO Time Health Reform is Now

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A237

    1. 20100320 BHO It is Time Pass Health Care Reform
    2. 20100322 BHO Passage Affordable Care Act
    3. 20100323 BHO Promise Health Care Reform

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A238

    1. 20100323 BHO Signs Affordable Care Act into Law
    2. 20100325 BHO Health Reform Iowa City IA
    3. 20100423 BHO Vote 2010

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A239

    1. 20100427 BHO Ottawa IA Town Hall

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A240

    1. 20100501 BHO WH Correspondence Dinner
    2. 20100516 BHO Honors Fallen Law Enforcement Officers

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A241

    1. 20100527 BHO Deepwater BP Oil Spill

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A242

    1. 20100528 BHO Assesses BP Oil Spill Response
    2. 20100615 BHO Address BP Oil Spill and Energy
    3. 20100701 BHO Comprehensive Immigration Reform

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A243

    1. 20100701 BHO Signs Iran Sanctions Act
    2. 20100704 BHO Independence Day
    3. 20100728 BHO Explains healthcaregov
    4. 20100806 BHO Introducing Elena Kagan
    5. 20100811 BHO Signs Manufacturing Enhancement Act into Law
    6. 20100831 BHO End Combat Missions in Iraq

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A244

    1. 20100923 BHO Address UN General Assembly
    2. 20101001 BHO Announces Pete Rouse as WH Chief Staff

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A245

    1. 20101005 BHO Community College Summit
    2. 20101005 BHO Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A246

    1. 20101008 BHO Signs 21st Century Com Video Accessibility Act
    2. 20101103 BHO Post Midterm News Conference

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    Presidency and Midterms Disc A247

    1. 20110125 BHO State Union Address

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