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The Presidency and the Cold War

Look back at the Cold War and nine presidents who led us through this time. Hear speeches, press conferences, and during the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

Presidency and Cold War

678 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 295 hours, 1071 min)
available in the following formats:

13 MP3 CDs
303 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

When you look at the history of the United States Post World War II, you have to think of those first 45 years or so as the time when the United States and their former allies of World War II; the Soviet Union were involved in what became known as the Cold War. 1947 to 1991; the United States was in the second year of a generation known as the Baby Boom being born. They would spend their youth of the 1950s and early 1960s in this era. By the mid to late 1960s they were coming of age. And until they were about to turn 45 years old; just one week before 1992 began that era was over. This was a period of time where the world's two biggest super powers, one representing capitalism and one representing communism were at odds for world domination.

Truman DoctorineIn 1947, Josef Stalin's Russia was spreading their political system towards the west. President Harry S Truman knew that something needed to be done so he went before a Joint Session of Congress on March 12, 1947 to talk about the Truman Doctrine. What this doctrine was, was a foreign policy plan to contain geopolitical expansion by the Soviet Union. By July 1948, the Doctrine was used to contain communist uprisings in Greece and Turkey. What the Truman Doctrine did was it laid the foundation for NATO in 1949.

It was also in 1947, when the 80th Congress convened, two rising stars from opposite ends of the country; John F. Kennedy, D-MA and Richard M. Nixon, R-CA had been sworn in as freshmen Congressmen to the House of Representatives. Both men became fast friends and they had a bet to see who would rise through the ranks to the presidency faster.

Nixon became an anti-communist crusader by getting on what was known as the House UnAmerican Activities Committee. This was a committee who investigated claims of Communist sympathizers within the United States. The investigations were not just focusing on government officials, particularly in the Truman administration but also in places like Hollywood. SAG President Ronald Reagan would testify to the committee on what he knew about who was red and who wasn't.

Kennedy did more of a research approach to the issues of Communism. He would visit the Middle and Far East knowing from his experiences of war after living in England for a time while his father was the Ambassador to the Court of Saint James that Vietnam, as we were already involved with in 1945 just might be an issue in the future. Kennedy would work what we would call today the Sunday Talk Show Circuit and report on what he had discovered.

Pres Eisenhower and VP NixonBy 1950, the United States began a hot war against the communists by going to war with North Korea with General Douglas MacArthur heading the military mission. President Truman would fire the general for insubordination, which made the president highly unpopular. Decades later, historians would give Truman high marks for the decision.

The Democrats failed to convince the NATO commander, General Dwight Eisenhower to run for President in 1952. He decided to run as a Republican. To balance the ticket generationally; Ike would pick the anti-communist crusader, California senator Richard Nixon as his running mate. Eisenhower declared that if elected he would take a trip to Korea. And just six months after his Inauguration, President Eisenhower was signing an armistice.

Through the rest of the 1950s and into the 1960s, the Cold War was looked at as a competition in education and science. This was punctuated greatly in 1957 when the Russians launched Sputnik into space, leaving the United States behind. President Eisenhower saw this as a warning and decided that the United States needed to educate its young students; particularly in the fields of mathematics and the sciences. With appropriations from Congress, Eisenhower created such schools that tested children to find such aptitudes. By 1960, as Senator Jack Kennedy mentioned during that presidential campaign, the education system in the United States was the envy of the world. Unfortunately though, nearly 30 years later, funding for these schools dried up.

Frances Gary Powers U2 SpyplaneThe early 1960s was when the Cold War reached its deepest freeze. Frances Gary Powers' U2 spy plane was shot down in the spring of 1960. Also in 1960, the two freshman Congressmen from the 80th Congress of 1947 were both running for president of their respective political parties. When it comes to foreign affairs expertise at this most crucial time in the Cold War, you could not have two better candidates than Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon running to succeed President Eisenhower. It was at this time too that Nikita Khrushchev would say to the United States in his address to the United States General Assembly, "We will bury you." The other famous line would be, "Our children will not live under capitalism. Your children will live under communism."

In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles who had been training in the southern United States because of similar climate decided that it was time to go into Cuba and overthrow their dictator, Fidel Castro. The only problem was that the Cuban military was waiting for the exiles at the Bay of Pigs. The invasion would be a fiasco. While this invasion was OK'd by the outgoing Eisenhower administration, President Kennedy held a press conference taking full responsibility for the failure. It was this one incident that lead JFK to not fully listen to and trust his military brass without hearing every option.

Ich-bin-ein-BerlinerAlso in 1961, perhaps the most obscene and most tangible symbol of the Communist Bloc had happened. German was to be divided from the east which would be controlled by the Communists and from the west which would be controlled by the Capitalists. This was the erection of the Berlin Wall. In June 1963, the President would go to the Berlin Wall and speak to the people of West Berlin. "Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in." He would conclude his remarks by stating proudly, "Ich bin ein Berliner."

1962 was perhaps the height of the Cold War. In October 1962 while conducting reconnaissance over Cuba, American spy planes discovered offensive Russian missiles located on the island of Cuba, 90 miles off of the shores of Florida. The missiles were placed in Cuba by the Russians because of the Bay of Pigs. After a tense two weeks of possible nuclear war, President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev reached an agreement for Russia to remove the missiles from Cuba where in a deal made by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to remove the United States' Jupiter missiles from Turkey. With the world's two super powers staring at each other eyeball to eyeball, the Russians blinked first.

Cuban Missile CrisisWhile this writing makes the Cuban Missile Crisis look easy, it was anything but. Remember the failure at the Bay of Pigs 18 months earlier, the Joint Chiefs felt that they needed redemption by having a war. Thankfully, the administration remembered the failure too and all the President could see was that conversation with his Chiefs just before signing the dotted line for the Bay of Pigs.

Domestically, during the Kennedy years and into the (Lyndon) Johnson years leading up to the Vietnam War, Kennedy made fighting the Cold War something that EVERY American should fight to defeat communism around the world. Anything from the physical fitness of American children vs. Russian children to getting an American to the moon and returning them safely to Earth by the end of the 1960s were reasons for national security. Kennedy would impose two international burdens on the American people; the Alliance for Progress in Latin America and the Peace Corps in Africa and Asia.  

To get that American to the moon, it was the responsibility of everyone. While the adults paid the taxes to allow for research and development at NASA; school children bought savings stamps at school.  

Reagan 1964 anticommunistIn addition, the president went around the country to expand on President Roosevelt's program of Social Security by selling the idea of a national health care program for the elderly that would be called in 1965, Medicare. But this program was not favored by all Americans. In 1961 the American Medical Association recruited an actor and the spokesman for General Electric named Ronald Reagan to speak out against this newly proposed "socialized medicine." Even after the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, President Lyndon Johnson ran on let us continue to bring about the Great Society. Reagan would launch his anti-communist crusade at home starting with the Presidential Election of 1964 with his Time for Choosing Speech in support of Barry Goldwater. Before becoming a candidate for governor of California, Reagan would explain the myths about the Great Society.

When Reagan became governor in 1967, California's public education system offered virtually free college tuition for public colleges and universities. Seeing the liberal/communist thoughts of a liberal arts education, Governor Reagan felt that it not right for him to sign off on subsidizing college educations for spoiled brats to be against what he stood for. This anti-college sentiment by the government reached its height by the late 1960s and early 1970s with SDS protesting America's involvement in the Vietnam War. This really rang true in 1970 when President Nixon called out college students in his speech on expanding the war into Cambodia and then calling college protesters bums the next day. 

Kent State shootingThis inflammatory rhetoric about domestic communism on our college campuses led to protests around the nation with the most infamous being in Kent, Ohio at Kent State University where after a weekend of protests by riot of the downtown, the burning down of the ROTC building on the KSU campus, and violating city and campus curfew resulted in the Ohio National Guard shooting into an unlawful and illegal rally of unarmed students on May 4, 1970. The result was nine students wounded and four students killed.

By the untimely end of the Kennedy administration, the United States had lost 400 American troops in Vietnam. By August 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin got the United States in the Vietnam War for real. This war would destroy LBJ for the rest of his presidency. Because of the strong second place showing of Senator Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire Primary and the entrance of Senator Robert Kennedy into the Presidential Election of 1968; Johnson announced he would not seek and would not accept the nomination by the Democratic Party to be a candidate for president.

LBJ Bombing CambodiaInstead, Johnson would spend the remainder of 1968 to have a Bombing halt between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The unfortunate thing for LBJ was that after advising Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon, and George Wallace; the three candidates for president it was reported to Johnson that Former Vice President Nixon had gone to the negotiating table asking the North and South to pause the negotiations until after the Election. Johnson went to the Republican leader of the Senate, Everett Dirksen and accused Nixon of treason. Dirksen responded with, "I know."

Despite the alleged treason of Richard Nixon in 1968 and the killing of four unarmed students at Kent State in 1970; Nixon had ended the draft and the war in 1973. Nixon would open doors of negotiation with China and Russia in the early 1970s. For a time it seemed like the Red Scare was all but over. Nixon did feel that after he resigned the presidency due to the Watergate scandal that because of his absence, it took ten years longer for communism to fall in Russia.

Reagan Trickle Down Economics

When Ronald Reagan became president in 1981, the debt was at $800 billion. World affairs we're getting hot through the 1980s and the economy at home was suffering after a decade of high inflation and oil shortages. The United States went through an overhaul of its tax code much like we experienced in the 1920s under Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover known as the Horse and Sparrow Theory then, in the 1980s it became known as the Trickle Down Economic Theory. While taxes were cut, the military budget was not. Historians will say that by the end of the 1980s and into the first two years of the 1990s, Ronald Reagan had outspent the Soviet Union militarily leading to their collapse. Economists would credit this practice for the $4 trillion debt on the United States by the time George HW Bush became president in 1989.

As the Cold War came to an end in late 1991, leading into the Presidential Election of 1992, the Republican Party utilized the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Communism in George HW Bush's favor. But now that the Cold War was over, it seemed as though it was time for Baby Boomers to assume control of the United States government after being raised in the shadows of the Cold War. During the 1992 Vice Presidential Debate, Senator Al Gore said, "George Bush taking credit for the Berlin Wall coming down is like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise." The Cold War ended the way that it did thanks to the collective leadership of every president from 1947 to 1991, some with better foreign policy credentials like Kennedy, Nixon, and Bush than others.

But the tragic thing at the end of the Cold War is that ten years later, the United States became entangled with an enemy with no geographic boundaries, but with a philosophy. September 11, 2001 would be the beginning of that War on Terror. The difference with this enemy is that unlike the Russians, who wanted to live as much as the Americans, these terror groups want to die and take as many infidels with them in the process.

This collection looks back at the Cold War and nine presidents who led us through this time. In it you will hear speeches, press conferences, and during the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations; some behind the scenes discussions on Cuba, Russia, and Vietnam.

See also: Presidency and Military

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    WOW! A very good collection of America’s foreign policy from 1947-1991. I hope that a post Cold War collection like this comes out as a companion.


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    678 recordings on 13 MP3 CDs for just $65.00. Total playtime 295 hours, 1071 min
    678 recordings on 13 MP3 CDs for just $65.00
    total playtime 295 hours, 1071 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 61 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19470312 Truman Truman Doctrine.mp3
    3. 19471005 Truman Citizens Food Committee.mp3
    4. 19471005 Truman Food for Europe.mp3
    5. 19471024 Truman Inflation and Foreign Economic Aid.mp3
    6. 19480715 Truman Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    7. 19490120 Truman Inaugural Address.mp3
    8. 19500709 Truman Address American People Situation Korea P1.mp3
    9. 19500709 Truman Address American People Situation Korea P2.mp3
    10. 19501024 Truman Addresses United Nations on Korea.mp3
    11. 19501201 Truman Dangers of the US in Korea.mp3
    12. 19501224 Truman Christmas Eve Message.mp3
    13. 19510402 Eisenhower NATO.mp3
    14. 19510411 Truman Report American People on Korea.mp3
    15. 19510625 Truman 1st Anniversary of the Korean War.mp3
    16. 19511202 Kennedy Meet Press Interview.mp3
    17. 19520408 Truman Government Operation of the Steel Mills P2.mp3
    18. 19520408 Truman Government Operation of the Steel Mills.mp3
    19. 19520623 Eisenhower Aggressive Force Communism.mp3
    20. 19520711 Eisenhower Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    21. 19520726 Truman, Address to the DNC P1.mp3
    22. 19520726 Truman, Address to the DNC P2.mp3
    23. 19521109 Kennedy Meet the Press.mp3
    24. 19530115 Truman Farewell Address.mp3
    25. 19530120 Eisenhower Inaugural Address.mp3
    26. 19530202 Eisenhower State Union.mp3
    27. 19530416 Eisenhower Chance for Peace.mp3
    28. 19530727 Eisenhower Korean War Armistice Signed.mp3
    29. 19531208 Eisenhower Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    30. 19540405 Eisenhower Address on Communism.mp3
    31. 19540407 Eisenhower the Domino Theory.mp3
    32. 19540423 Eisenhower Fight Against Communism.mp3
    33. 19540531 Eisenhower Problm Btwn Comm Capitalist Countries P2.mp3
    34. 19560414 Eisenhower NATO and Possible Disarmament Agreement.mp3
    35. 19560421 Eisenhower the Threat of Communism.mp3
    36. 19560823 Eisenhower Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    37. 19560823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    38. 19561028 Kennedy Meet Press Interview.mp3
    39. 19570121 Eisenhower Inaugural Address.mp3
    40. 19571107 Eisenhower Science National Security.mp3
    41. 19571117 Eisenhower Future National Security.mp3
    42. 19580000 Reagan Union Management Relations Pt1.mp3
    43. 19580000 Reagan Union Management Relations Pt2.mp3
    44. 19580417 Eisenhower, Why We Need to Modernize Our Defenses.mp3
    45. 19581116 Kennedy Meet the Press.mp3
    46. 19590724 Nixon vs Nikita Khrushchev Kitchen Debate.mp3
    47. 19600715 Kennedy Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    48. 19600728 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    49. 19600926 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    50. 19601007 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    51. 19601013 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    52. 19601016 Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    53. 19601021 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    54. 19610000 Reagan Socialized Medicine.mp3
    55. 19610117 Eisenhower Farewell Address.mp3
    56. 19610120 Kennedy Inaugural Address.mp3
    57. 19610125 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    58. 19610130 Kennedy State Union.mp3
    59. 19610201 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    60. 19610208 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    61. 19610215 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    62. 19610301 Kennedy Interview About Peace Corps.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 56 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19610301 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19610308 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    4. 19610313 Kennedy Proposing Creation Alliance for Progress.mp3
    5. 19610315 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    6. 19610323 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19610412 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19610420 Kennedy Cuba Bay Pigs.mp3
    9. 19610420 Kennedy Phone Dick Helms Bay Pigs.mp3
    10. 19610420 Kennedy Phone Larry O’Brien Bay Pigs.mp3
    11. 19610420 Kennedy Phone McGeorge Bundy Bay Pigs.mp3
    12. 19610421 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    13. 19610427 Kennedy Presidency Press.mp3
    14. 19610503 Kennedy George Washington University Commencement.mp3
    15. 19610505 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    16. 19610508 Kennedy Alan Shepard.mp3
    17. 19610517 Kennedy Address Before Canadian Parliament.mp3
    18. 19610525 Kennedy Joint Session Congress.mp3
    19. 19610601 Kennedy Address Paris City Council.mp3
    20. 19610602 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    21. 19610606 Kennedy Address on Meeting Nikita Khrushchev.mp3
    22. 19610607 Kennedy US Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    23. 19610628 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    24. 19610719 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    25. 19610725 Kennedy Berlin Crisis.mp3
    26. 19610810 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    27. 19610828 Kennedy Remarks First Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    28. 19610830 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    29. 19610925 Kennedy Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    30. 19611011 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    31. 19611108 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    32. 19611111 Kennedy Veterans Day.mp3
    33. 19611129 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19611205 Kennedy Importance Physical Fitness.mp3
    35. 19611211 Kennedy Christmas Message to Berlin.mp3
    36. 19620111 Kennedy State Union.mp3
    37. 19620115 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19620124 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    39. 19620131 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    40. 19620207 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    41. 19620214 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    42. 19620221 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    43. 19620223 Kennedy John Glenn.mp3
    44. 19620302 Kennedy Nuclear Testing Disarmament.mp3
    45. 19620307 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    46. 19620312 Kennedy 1st Anniversary Alliance for Progress.mp3
    47. 19620314 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    48. 19620321 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    49. 19620323 Kennedy University California Berkeley.mp3
    50. 19620329 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    51. 19620411 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    52. 19620418 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    53. 19620509 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    54. 19620517 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    55. 19620520 Kennedy Speech on Health Care for Aged.mp3
    56. 19620523 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    57. 19620606 Kennedy West Point Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 56 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19620607 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19620614 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    4. 19620614 Kennedy Statement on Peace Corps.mp3
    5. 19620627 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    6. 19620705 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19620723 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19620801 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    9. 19620809 Kennedy Remarks Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    10. 19620822 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    11. 19620829 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    12. 19620912 Kennedy Rice University.mp3
    13. 19620913 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19620926 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19621016 Kennedy EXCOM Meeting.mp3
    16. 19621019 Kennedy Meeting Joint Chiefs.mp3
    17. 19621022 Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis Speech.mp3
    18. 19621022 Kennedy Dwight Eisenhower Cuba.mp3
    19. 19621023 Kennedy Phone Roswell Gilpatric Cuba.mp3
    20. 19621026 Kennedy Phone Pierre Salinger Cuba.mp3
    21. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Dwight Eisenhower Cuba.mp3
    22. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Harry Truman Cuba.mp3
    23. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Herbert Hoover Cuba.mp3
    24. 19621102 Kennedy Removal Soviet Missiles from Cuba.mp3
    25. 19621109 Kennedy Cabinet Meeting on Cold War.mp3
    26. 19621120 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    27. 19621121 Kennedy Phone James Webb Getting Moon.mp3
    28. 19621212 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    29. 19630114 Kennedy State Union.mp3
    30. 19630124 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    31. 19630207 Kennedy Cuba.mp3
    32. 19630207 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    33. 19630214 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19630221 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19630302 Kennedy Phone Robert Kennedy USS Essex.mp3
    36. 19630302 Kennedy Phone Robert McNamara Cuban Surv.mp3
    37. 19630306 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19630320 Kennedy University Costa Rica.mp3
    39. 19630321 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    40. 19630403 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    41. 19630424 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    42. 19630503 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    43. 19630508 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    44. 19630513 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    45. 19630517 Kennedy Arms Limitation.mp3
    46. 19630520 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    47. 19630522 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    48. 19630528 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    49. 19630605 Kennedy US Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    50. 19630610 Kennedy American University Commencement Speech.mp3
    51. 19630624 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    52. 19630626 Kennedy Ich Bin Ein Berliner.mp3
    53. 19630703 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    54. 19630704 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    55. 19630709 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    56. 19630711 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    57. 19630717 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 37 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19630718 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    3. 19630722 Kennedy Meeting on Europe.mp3
    4. 19630722 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    5. 19630723 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    6. 19630724 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    7. 19630726 Kennedy Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    8. 19630729 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    9. 19630731 Kennedy Meeting on Chinese Communist Intensions.mp3
    10. 19630731 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    11. 19630731 Kennedy USSR Nonagressive Pact.mp3
    12. 19630801 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    13. 19630802 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    14. 19630805 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    15. 19630807 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    16. 19630812 Phone Mike Mansfield Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    17. 19630815 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    18. 19630820 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    19. 19630821 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    20. 19630826 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    21. 19630827 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    22. 19630828 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    23. 19630829 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    24. 19630902 Kennedy Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    25. 19630903 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    26. 19630909 Kennedy Chet Huntley David Brinkley Interview.mp3
    27. 19630909 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Pt1.mp3
    28. 19630909 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Pt2.mp3
    29. 19630910 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    30. 19630911 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    31. 19630912 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    32. 19630917 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    33. 19630917 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    34. 19630918 Kennedy Lunar Program.mp3
    35. 19630919 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    36. 19630920 Kennedy Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    37. 19630923 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    38. 19630930 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 54 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19631001 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3
    3. 19631002 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    4. 19631005 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    5. 19631007 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    6. 19631009 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19631010 Kennedy Meeting Andrei Gromyko USSR.mp3
    8. 19631010 Kennedy Phone Robert McNamara Soviet Confron.mp3
    9. 19631022 Kennedy National Academy Sciences.mp3
    10. 19631024 Kennedy American Forces in Europe.mp3
    11. 19631025 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    12. 19631029 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    13. 19631030 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    14. 19631031 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    16. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    17. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt3.mp3
    18. 19631104 Kennedy Dictates Notes on Coup in Vietnam.mp3
    19. 19631105 Kennedy Meeting on Berlin.mp3
    20. 19631107 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3
    21. 19631108 Kennedy Robert McNamara FY 1965 Military Budget.mp3
    22. 19631108 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3
    23. 196311118 Kennedy Addressing United Steelworkers Union.mp3
    24. 19631112 Kennedy Meeting Dean Rusk.mp3
    25. 19631114 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    26. 19631118 Kennedy Address Al Lopez Field Tampa FL.mp3
    27. 19631118 Kennedy Address Florida Chamber Commerce Tampa FL.mp3
    28. 19631118 Kennedy Inter American Press Association Miami FL.mp3
    29. 19631120 Kennedy Grain Prices European Economic Community.mp3
    30. 19631121 Kennedy 1990 Age Space Will Enter its Second Phase.mp3
    31. 19631121 Kennedy Brooks Air Force Base San Antonio TX.mp3
    32. 19631122 Kennedy TX Hotel Fort Worth Chamber Comm Fort Worth.mp3
    33. 19631217 Johnson Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    34. 19631220 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Foreign Policy.mp3
    35. 19631227 Johnson Arrival Ludwig Erhard.mp3
    36. 19631229 Johnson State BBQ for Ludwig Erhard.mp3
    37. 19640108 Johnson State Union.mp3
    38. 19640421 Johnson Phone McGeorge Bundy Alliance for Progress.mp3
    39. 19640429 Johnson Phone J. William Fulbright Communist Bloc.mp3
    40. 19640522 Johnson University Michigan Speech.mp3
    41. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt1.mp3
    42. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt2.mp3
    43. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt3.mp3
    44. 19640527 Johnson A11.24 Phone McGeorge Bundy Communist Bloc.mp3
    45. 19640609 Johnson Phone Robert Kennedy Vietnam.mp3
    46. 19640702 Johnson Swearing Maxwell Taylor Ambassador Vietnam.mp3
    47. 19640724 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    48. 19640803 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    49. 19640804 Johnson A10.53 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    50. 19640804 Johnson A11.06 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    51. 19640804 Johnson Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    52. 19640804 Johnson P08.01 Phone Deke DeLoach Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    53. 19640804 Johnson P09.15 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    54. 19640804 Johnson P10.02 Phone Dean Rusk Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    55. 19640804 Johnson P10.06 Phone Barry Goldwater Gulf Tonkin.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 74 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19640807 Johnson Phone John McKeithen Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    3. 19640904 Johnson Phone Anatoly Dobrynin Communist Bloc.mp3
    4. 19640918 Johnson A11.46 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    5. 19640918 Johnson P07.54 Phone Richard Russell Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    6. 19640921 Johnson Phone McGeorge Bundy Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    7. 19640924 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    8. 19640926 Johnson Phone Earle Wheeler Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    9. 19641018 Johnson Events in China USSR.mp3
    10. 19641018 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    11. 19641020 Phone Billy Graham Communist Bloc.mp3
    12. 19641027 Reagan A Time for Choosing.mp3
    13. 19641101 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    14. 19641103 Johnson P5.11 Phone McGeorge Bundy Vietnam.mp3
    15. 19641103 Johnson P5.57 Phone Hubert Humphrey Vietnam.mp3
    16. 19641105 Johnson A10.37 Phone Mike Mansfield Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    17. 19641105 Johnson A10.37 Phone Mike Mansfield Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    18. 19641105 Johnson P2.48 Phone Robert McNamara.mp3
    19. 19641108 Johnson Phone Allen Ellender Vietnam.mp3
    20. 19641126 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    21. 19650104 Johnson State Union.mp3
    22. 19650215 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam.mp3
    23. 19650217 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    24. 19650217 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    25. 19650306 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    26. 19650407 Johnson Peace Without Conquest.mp3
    27. 19650502 Johnson Remarks on Dominican Crisis.mp3
    28. 19650611 Johnson Manned Space Flight Center.mp3
    29. 19650617 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    30. 19650617 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    31. 19650625 Johnson 20th Anniversary UN Charter.mp3
    32. 19650702 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    33. 19650713 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19650728 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19650825 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19651006 Johnson Phone Robert Kennedy Communist Bloc.mp3
    37. 19651102 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    38. 19651122 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Communist Bloc.mp3
    39. 19651227 LBJ Phone McNamara M.Taylor FY 67 Military Budget.mp3
    40. 19660000 Reagan Myths About Great Society.mp3
    41. 19660104 Reagan Announces His Candidacy for Governor CA.mp3
    42. 19660112 Johnson State Union.mp3
    43. 19660121 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk.mp3
    44. 19660131 Johnson Resumption Bombing in N Vietnam.mp3
    45. 19660220 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    46. 19660323 Johnson Foreign Service Institute.mp3
    47. 19660409 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    48. 19660507 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    49. 19660530 Johnson Memorial Day Service.mp3
    50. 19660628 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    51. 19660630 Johnson Peace Around World Omaha NB.mp3
    52. 19660705 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    53. 19660712 Johnson US Foreign Policy in Asia.mp3
    54. 19660720 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    55. 19660921 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    56. 19661003 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam.mp3
    57. 19661006 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    58. 19661103 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Communist Bloc.mp3
    59. 19661104 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    60. 19661208 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    61. 19661231 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    62. 19670102 Reagan Inaugural Address as CA Governo.mp3
    63. 19670110 Johnson State Union.mp3
    64. 19670125 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    65. 19670202 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    66. 19670309 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    67. 19670315 Johnson Address TN Legislature on Vietnam.mp3
    68. 19670515 Reagan vs RFK Town Meeting World.mp3
    69. 19670625 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    70. 19670625 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    71. 19670706 Reagan Is It Possible Be a Good Governor.mp3
    72. 19670817 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    73. 19670928 Reagan Eureka College Press Conf.mp3
    74. 19670929 Johnson Speech on Vietnam.mp3
    75. 19671025 Reagan Big Government Welfare State.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 73 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19671026 Reagan Role Higher Ed Contemporary America.mp3
    3. 19671117 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    4. 19671219 Johnson Dan Rather Ray Sheer Frank Reynolds Intvw.mp3
    5. 19680117 Johnson State Union.mp3
    6. 19680122 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    7. 19680124 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    8. 19680131 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Tet Offensive.mp3
    9. 19680212 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    10. 19680214 Johnson Phone Clark Clifford Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    11. 19680214 Johnson Phone Clark Clifford Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    12. 19680331 Johnson Peace in Vietnam.mp3
    13. 19680403 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19680530 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19680701 Johnson Signs Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.mp3
    16. 19680808 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    17. 19681016 Johnson Conf Humphrey Nixon Wallace Vietnam.mp3
    18. 19681030 Johnson Phone Richard Russell Vietnam.mp3
    19. 19681031 Johnson Cessation Bombing N Vietnam.mp3
    20. 19681031 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam.mp3
    21. 19681102 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam.mp3
    22. 19681103 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    23. 19681103 Johnson Phone George Smathers Vietnam.mp3
    24. 19681103 Johnson Phone Richard Nixon Vietnam.mp3
    25. 19681104 Johnson Conf D.Rusk Clark Clifford W.Rostow Vietnam.mp3
    26. 19681108 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam.mp3
    27. 19681108 Johnson Phone Richard Nixon Vietnam.mp3
    28. 19681119 Johnson Medal Honor Presentation.mp3
    29. 19681123 Johnson Phone George Smathers.mp3
    30. 19681217 Nixon Meeting UN Secretary General.mp3
    31. 19690114 Johnson State Union.mp3
    32. 19690120 Nixon Inaugural Address.mp3
    33. 19690514 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    34. 19690604 Nixon US Air Force Academy Commencement Speech.mp3
    35. 19690610 Nixon Midway Talks.mp3
    36. 19690720 Nixon Phone Apollo 11 Crew.mp3
    37. 19690724 Nixon Greets Apollo 11 Crew on USS Hornet.mp3
    38. 19690730 Nixon Visits 1st Infantry Division Di An.mp3
    39. 19690918 Nixon Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    40. 19691103 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    41. 19691215 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    42. 19691229 Johnson Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    43. 19700122 Nixon State Union.mp3
    44. 19700418 Nixon Welcoming Home Apollo 13 Crew.mp3
    45. 19700420 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    46. 19700430 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    47. 19700508 Nixon Press Conf After Cambodia Expansion.mp3
    48. 19700603 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    49. 19701007 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    50. 19710122 Nixon State Union.mp3
    51. 19710225 Nixon Second Foreign Policy Report Congress.mp3
    52. 19710407 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    53. 19710407 Nixon Phone Billy Graham Vietnam.mp3
    54. 19710418 Nixon Phone Henry Kissinger China.mp3
    55. 19710520 Nixon Agreement on Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.mp3
    56. 19710617 Nixon Conv Bob Haldeman Pentagon Papers.mp3
    57. 19710630 Nixon Conv Bob Haldeman Pentagon Papers.mp3
    58. 19710701 Nixon Conv Pentagon Papers.mp3
    59. 19710715 Nixon Announces Trip China.mp3
    60. 19711029 Bush Taiwan Being Kicked Out UN.mp3
    61. 19711221 Nixon Conv John Ehrlichman John Mitchell DOJ Spies.mp3
    62. 19711222 Nixon Conv John Ehrlichman John Mitchell DOJ Spies.mp3
    63. 19720102 Nixon Dan Rather Interview.mp3
    64. 19720120 Nixon State Union.mp3
    65. 19720125 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    66. 19720214 Nixon Phone Henry Kissinger China.mp3
    67. 19720217 Nixon Departing for China.mp3
    68. 19720221 Nixon Toast Chou en Lai.mp3
    69. 19720228 Nixon Welcome Home From China.mp3
    70. 19720324 Nixon Press Conf.mp3
    71. 19720426 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    72. 19720508 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    73. 19720528 Nixon Address Soviet People From Kremlin.mp3
    74. 19720601 Nixon Joint Session Congress Return from Moscow.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 49 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 46 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19720823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    3. 19721102 Nixon Look Future.mp3
    4. 19730102 Nixon Phone Lyndon Johnson Vietnam.mp3
    5. 19730120 Nixon Inaugural Address.mp3
    6. 19730123 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    7. 19730123 Nixon Phone Pat Nixon We Got Agreement.mp3
    8. 19730329 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    9. 19730410 Nixon Conv Lee Kuan Yew China’s Future.mp3
    10. 19730516 Nixon John Connally Hunting Trip Leonid Brezhnev.mp3
    11. 19730516 Nixon John Connally US Soviet Relations.mp3
    12. 19730524 Nixon Honors POWs White House.mp3
    13. 19730608 Nixon Florida Technical Univ Commencement.mp3
    14. 19730612 Nixon Phone Brent Scowcroft Vietnam.mp3
    15. 19730618 Nixon Leonid Brezhnev Working Relationship.mp3
    16. 19730618 Nixon Welcomes Leonid Brezhnev United States.mp3
    17. 19731214 Nixon Pageant Peace.mp3
    18. 19740130 Nixon State Union.mp3
    19. 19740916 Ford Return Vietnam Era Draft Evaders.mp3
    20. 19740918 Ford Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    21. 19750115 Ford State Union.mp3
    22. 19750410 Ford Joint Session Congress.mp3
    23. 19750421 Ford Walter Cronkite Bob Schieffer E.Sevareid Intvw.mp3
    24. 19750506 Ford Press Conf.mp3
    25. 19750717 Ford Phone Call Apollo Soyuz Astronauts.mp3
    26. 19750801 Ford Helsinki Accords.mp3
    27. 19760119 Ford State Union.mp3
    28. 19760331 Reagan Restore America.mp3
    29. 19760715 Carter Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    30. 19760819 Ford Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    31. 19760819 Reagan Address RNC.mp3
    32. 19761006 Ford Carter Presidential Debate.mp3
    33. 19761022 Ford Carter Presidential Debate.mp3
    34. 19770112 Ford State Union.mp3
    35. 19770120 Carter Inaugural Address.mp3
    36. 19770414 Carter Organization American States Address.mp3
    37. 19770522 Carter University Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    38. 19780119 Carter State Union.mp3
    39. 19781130 Carter, Press Conference on Defense Spending.mp3
    40. 19781130 Nixon Q A on Foreign Affairs Oxford Union.mp3
    41. 19781215 Carter Establishing Diplomatic Relations China.mp3
    42. 19790123 Carter State Union.mp3
    43. 19790220 Carter Our Role in a World of Change.mp3
    44. 19790618 Carter Address on SALT II Treaty.mp3
    45. 19791001 Carter Calls for Calm Over Russians in Cuba.mp3
    46. 19791113 Reagan Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    47. 19800104 Carter Afghanistan.mp3
    48. 19800123 Carter State Union.mp3
    49. 19800321 Carter Boycott Summer Olympic Games.mp3
    50. 19800423 Reagan Bush GOP Debate Houston TX.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 46 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19800506 Carter, Mariel Boat Lift.mp3
    3. 19800508 Nixon Barbara Walters Interview.mp3
    4. 19800717 Reagan Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    5. 19800814 Carter Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    6. 19800921 Reagan Presidential Debate vs John Anderson.mp3
    7. 19801019 Reagan a Strategy for Peace in 80s.mp3
    8. 19801028 Carter Reagan Presidential Debate.mp3
    9. 19801031 Reagan Campaign Rally in Dallas TX.mp3
    10. 19801103 Reagan Bush A Vision for America.mp3
    11. 19810120 Reagan Inaugural Address.mp3
    12. 19810129 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    13. 19810306 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19810330 Reagan National Conf AFL CIO.mp3
    15. 19810402 Bush Meeting Mieczyslaw Jagielski Poland.mp3
    16. 19810527 Reagan West Point Commencement Speech.mp3
    17. 19810616 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    18. 19810820 Reagan Reenlistment Ceremony USS Constellation.mp3
    19. 19811002 Reagan US Strategic Weapons Program.mp3
    20. 19811110 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    21. 19811118 Reagan Strategic Arms Reduction Talks.mp3
    22. 19811217 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    23. 19811223 Reagan Christmas and Poland.mp3
    24. 19820126 Reagan State Union.mp3
    25. 19820218 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    26. 19820331 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    27. 19820513 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    28. 19820608 Reagan Address British Parliament.mp3
    29. 19820611 Reagan Checkpoint Charlie West Berlin.mp3
    30. 19820617 Reagan United Nations Address on Disarmament.mp3
    31. 19820623 Reagan, Intelligence Identification Protection Act.mp3
    32. 19820630 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    33. 19820728 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19820928 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19821111 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19821122 Reagan, Arms Reduction and Nuclear Deterrence.mp3
    37. 19830105 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19830125 Reagan State Union.mp3
    39. 19830207 Bush, Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    40. 19830216 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    41. 19830308 Reagan Evil Empire.mp3
    42. 19830323 Reagan Defense National Security.mp3
    43. 19830421 Reagan, US Soviet Relations.mp3
    44. 19830427 Reagan Joint Session Congress.mp3
    45. 19830517 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    46. 19830530 Reagan, Economic Summit State Dinner.mp3
    47. 19830628 Reagan Press Conf.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 52 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 7 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 19830726 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19830903 Reagan Address on Soviet Attack Korean Airliner.mp3
    4. 19830905 Reagan Soviet Attack on Korean Airliner.mp3
    5. 19830926 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    6. 19831019 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19831113 Reagan Remarks Troops DMZ Camp Liberty Bell Korea.mp3
    8. 19831116 Nixon US Soviet Relations.mp3
    9. 19831220 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    10. 19840110 Reagan, Arrival Ceremony of Zhao Ziyang.mp3
    11. 19840116 Reagan US Soviet Relations.mp3
    12. 19840125 Reagan State Union.mp3
    13. 19840129 Reagan Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    14. 19840222 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19840404 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    16. 19840427 Reagan Address Chinese Community Leaders.mp3
    17. 19840428 Address on Trip China.mp3
    18. 19840430 Reagan Fudan University.mp3
    19. 19840501 Reagan Fudan University.mp3
    20. 19840503 Bush the Soviets Exploit Points of Weakness.mp3
    21. 19840522 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    22. 19840614 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    23. 19840724 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    24. 19840811 Reagan We Begin Bombing in Five Minutes.mp3
    25. 19840823 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    26. 19840823 Reagan Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    27. 19840924 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    28. 19841011 Bush VP Debate vs Geraldine Ferraro.mp3
    29. 19841021 Reagan Presidential Debate vs Walter Mondale.mp3
    30. 19850000 Nixon Contemporary Foreign Policy.mp3
    31. 19850109 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    32. 19850121 Reagan Inaugural Address.mp3
    33. 19850206 Reagan State Union.mp3
    34. 19850221 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19850321 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19850509 Nixon, Barbara Walters Interview.mp3
    37. 19850510 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19850618 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    39. 19850723 Reagan Arrival Ceremony Li Xiannian..mp3
    40. 19850723 Reagan Li Xiannian Toasts State Dinner.mp3
    41. 19850805 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    42. 19850909 Bush Upcoming US Soviet Summit.mp3
    43. 19850917 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    44. 19851024 Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    45. 19851116 Reagan Arrival in Geneva.mp3
    46. 19851117 Reagan Geneva Summit Meeting Advisors.mp3
    47. 19851118 Reagan Geneva Summit Meeting Advisors.mp3
    48. 19851120 Reagan M.Gorbachev Geneva Summit Private Dinner.mp3
    49. 19851120 Reagan M.Gorbachev Geneva Summit.mp3
    50. 19851121 Reagan International Press Center M.Gorbachev.mp3
    51. 19851121 Reagan Joint Session Congress on Geneva Summit.mp3
    52. 19851228 Reagan Soviet Occupation Afghanistan.mp3
    53. 19851228 Reagan Speaks Soviet People.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 19860107 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19860204 Reagan State Union.mp3
    4. 19860210 Reagan Lou Cannon David Hoffman Interview.mp3
    5. 19860211 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    6. 19860409 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19860507 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19860611 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    9. 19860812 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    10. 19860922 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    11. 19861009 Reagan Departure for Reykjavik Summit.mp3
    12. 19861013 Reagan Address on Reykjavik Summit.mp3
    13. 19861119 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19870127 Reagan State Union.mp3
    15. 19870304 Reagan Address on Tower Commission Report.mp3
    16. 19870319 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    17. 19870611 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    18. 19870612 Reagan Tear Down this Wall.mp3
    19. 19870615 Reagan Address on Venice Summit.mp3
    20. 19870829 Reagan US Soviet Relations.mp3
    21. 19870921 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    22. 19871022 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    23. 19871208 Reagan Arrival Ceremony for M.Gorbachev.mp3
    24. 19871208 Reagan Live Broadcast US Soviet Citizens.mp3
    25. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev Sign INF Treaty.mp3
    26. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev State Dinner Arrival.mp3
    27. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev State Dinner Toasts.mp3
    28. 19871208 Reagan Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    29. 19871209 Reagan Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    30. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Meeting M.Gorbachev Departure.mp3
    31. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    32. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Summit National Address.mp3
    33. 19871217 Reagan Bob Dole Endorsement INF Treaty.mp3
    34. 19880125 Reagan State Union.mp3
    35. 19880224 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19880520 Reagan Valentin Zorin Boris Kalyagin Interview.mp3
    37. 19880529 Reagan Opening Ceremonies Soviet US Summit.mp3
    38. 19880530 Reagan M.Gorbachev Toasts State Dinner Moscow.mp3
    39. 19880530 Reagan Remarks Religious Leaders Danilov Monastery.mp3
    40. 19880530 Reagan Remarks Soviet Dissidents.mp3
    41. 19880531 Reagan M.Gorbachev Reciprocal State Dinner Toasts.mp3
    42. 19880531 Reagan M.Gorbachev Walking in Red Square.mp3
    43. 19880531 Reagan Moscow State University.mp3
    44. 19880531 Reagan Remarks for Artists Cultural Leaders.mp3
    45. 19880601 Reagan Exchange Documents Ratifying INF Treaty.mp3
    46. 19880601 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    47. 19880602 Reagan Remarks Following Soviet US Summit.mp3
    48. 19880602 Reagan Remarks US Embassy Staff.mp3
    49. 19880603 Regan Return From Soviet Union.mp3
    50. 19880815 Reagan RNC Address.mp3
    51. 19880818 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 45 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 19880925 Bush Presidential Debate vs. Michael Dukakis.mp3
    3. 19880926 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    4. 19881207 Reagan Bush Arrival on Governors Island.mp3
    5. 19881207 Reagan Bush Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    6. 19881207 Reagan Bush Working Lunch M.Gorbachev.mp3
    7. 19881208 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19890111 Reagan Farewell Address.mp3
    9. 19890120 Bush Inaugural Address.mp3
    10. 19890209 Bush State Union.mp3
    11. 19890605 Bush Press Statement on Tiananmen Square.mp3
    12. 19891109 Bush Statement on Fall Berlin Wall.mp3
    13. 19891203 Bush M.Gorbachev Malta Conf.mp3
    14. 19891204 Bush Malta Conf.mp3
    15. 19900131 Bush State Union.mp3
    16. 19900225 Bush Helmut Kohl Joint Press Conf.mp3
    17. 19900531 Bush Summit M.Gorbachev.mp3
    18. 19900601 Bush Summit M.Gorbachev.mp3
    19. 19900608 Bush Press Conf Helmet Kohl.mp3
    20. 19901003 Bush Celebration Reunification Germany.mp3
    21. 19910129 Bush State Union.mp3
    22. 19910306 Bush Joint Session Congress.mp3
    23. 19910730 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Moscow Inst Intl Studies.mp3
    24. 19910730 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Touring Kremlin Grounds.mp3
    25. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Reciprocal Dinner.mp3
    26. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Signing Ceremony.mp3
    27. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev START Treaty Press Conf.mp3
    28. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Arrival in Kiev.mp3
    29. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Supreme Soviet Building.mp3
    30. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    31. 19910821 Bush Coup in Soviet Union.mp3
    32. 19910911 Bush Baltic American Organization.mp3
    33. 19911225 Bush End Communism.mp3
    34. 19920107 Nixon, Ted Keppel Interview.mp3
    35. 19920128 Bush State Union.mp3
    36. 19920317 Nixon Post Communist World.mp3
    37. 19920817 Reagan RNC Address.mp3
    38. 19920820 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    39. 19930105 Bush Farewell West Point.mp3
    40. 19930113 Bush Reagan Presidential Medal Freedom.mp3
    41. 19940114 Clinton Joint Press Conf Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    42. 19940519 Clinton Joint Press Conf PV Narasimha Rao.mp3
    43. 19961005 Clinton WH Meeting Benj Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat.mp3
    44. 19981119 Clinton A Discussion in Tokyo Japan.mp3
    45. 19991115 Clinton Joint Press Conf Suleyman Demirel.mp3
    46. 19991115 Clinton Recv Order of State of Turkish Republic.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 25 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 19991115 Clinton Welcoming Ceremony in Ankara Turkey.mp3
    3. 19991116 Clinton Adress Business Leaders Istanbul Turkey.mp3
    4. 19991116 Clinton State Dinner in Turkey.mp3
    5. 20000915 Clinton Joint Press Conf Atal Bihari Vajpayee.mp3
    6. 20010611 Bush Kyoto Protocol.mp3
    7. 20050718 Bush Joint Press Conf Manmohan Singh.mp3
    8. 20050807 Biden Where Are We Militarily in Iraq.mp3
    9. 20060613 Biden We Need Leave Iraq Intact.mp3
    10. 20170424 Trump Remarks Wrld Jewish Congress Plenary Assembly.mp3
    11. 20170523 Trump Address at Jewish Museum.mp3
    12. 20171210 Trump Meeting Henry Kissinger.mp3
    13. 20180514 Trump Dedication of US Embassy in Jerusalem.mp3
    14. 20180514 Trump US Embassy Jerusalem Dedication.mp3
    15. 20190818 Trump Statement on Various Foreign Policy Issues.mp3
    16. 20200128 Trump Joint Press Conf Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    17. 20200915 Trump Bilateral Meeting Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    18. 20230412 Biden 25th Anniversary of Good Friday Agreement.mp3
    19. 20230413 Biden Bilateral Meeting Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.mp3
    20. 20230413 Biden House of Oireachtas Address.mp3
    21. 20230413 Biden State Diner in Dublin Ireland.mp3
    22. 20230414 Biden Remarks People of County Mayo.mp3
    23. 20230426 Biden Arrival Ceremony for Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    24. 20230426 Biden Bilateral Meeting Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    25. 20230426 Biden Joint Press Conf Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    26. 20230426 Biden State Dinner Honoring Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
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    678 recordings on 13 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $65.00. Total playtime 295 hours, 1071 min
    678 recordings on 13 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $65.00
    8111 MB – total playtime 295 hours, 17 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 61 shows – 674 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19470312 Truman Truman Doctrine.mp3
    3. 19471005 Truman Citizens Food Committee.mp3
    4. 19471005 Truman Food for Europe.mp3
    5. 19471024 Truman Inflation and Foreign Economic Aid.mp3
    6. 19480715 Truman Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    7. 19490120 Truman Inaugural Address.mp3
    8. 19500709 Truman Address American People Situation Korea P1.mp3
    9. 19500709 Truman Address American People Situation Korea P2.mp3
    10. 19501024 Truman Addresses United Nations on Korea.mp3
    11. 19501201 Truman Dangers of the US in Korea.mp3
    12. 19501224 Truman Christmas Eve Message.mp3
    13. 19510402 Eisenhower NATO.mp3
    14. 19510411 Truman Report American People on Korea.mp3
    15. 19510625 Truman 1st Anniversary of the Korean War.mp3
    16. 19511202 Kennedy Meet Press Interview.mp3
    17. 19520408 Truman Government Operation of the Steel Mills P2.mp3
    18. 19520408 Truman Government Operation of the Steel Mills.mp3
    19. 19520623 Eisenhower Aggressive Force Communism.mp3
    20. 19520711 Eisenhower Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    21. 19520726 Truman, Address to the DNC P1.mp3
    22. 19520726 Truman, Address to the DNC P2.mp3
    23. 19521109 Kennedy Meet the Press.mp3
    24. 19530115 Truman Farewell Address.mp3
    25. 19530120 Eisenhower Inaugural Address.mp3
    26. 19530202 Eisenhower State Union.mp3
    27. 19530416 Eisenhower Chance for Peace.mp3
    28. 19530727 Eisenhower Korean War Armistice Signed.mp3
    29. 19531208 Eisenhower Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    30. 19540405 Eisenhower Address on Communism.mp3
    31. 19540407 Eisenhower the Domino Theory.mp3
    32. 19540423 Eisenhower Fight Against Communism.mp3
    33. 19540531 Eisenhower Problm Btwn Comm Capitalist Countries P2.mp3
    34. 19560414 Eisenhower NATO and Possible Disarmament Agreement.mp3
    35. 19560421 Eisenhower the Threat of Communism.mp3
    36. 19560823 Eisenhower Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    37. 19560823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    38. 19561028 Kennedy Meet Press Interview.mp3
    39. 19570121 Eisenhower Inaugural Address.mp3
    40. 19571107 Eisenhower Science National Security.mp3
    41. 19571117 Eisenhower Future National Security.mp3
    42. 19580000 Reagan Union Management Relations Pt1.mp3
    43. 19580000 Reagan Union Management Relations Pt2.mp3
    44. 19580417 Eisenhower, Why We Need to Modernize Our Defenses.mp3
    45. 19581116 Kennedy Meet the Press.mp3
    46. 19590724 Nixon vs Nikita Khrushchev Kitchen Debate.mp3
    47. 19600715 Kennedy Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    48. 19600728 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    49. 19600926 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    50. 19601007 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    51. 19601013 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    52. 19601016 Kennedy Meet Press.mp3
    53. 19601021 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate.mp3
    54. 19610000 Reagan Socialized Medicine.mp3
    55. 19610117 Eisenhower Farewell Address.mp3
    56. 19610120 Kennedy Inaugural Address.mp3
    57. 19610125 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    58. 19610130 Kennedy State Union.mp3
    59. 19610201 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    60. 19610208 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    61. 19610215 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    62. 19610301 Kennedy Interview About Peace Corps.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 56 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19610301 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19610308 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    4. 19610313 Kennedy Proposing Creation Alliance for Progress.mp3
    5. 19610315 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    6. 19610323 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19610412 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19610420 Kennedy Cuba Bay Pigs.mp3
    9. 19610420 Kennedy Phone Dick Helms Bay Pigs.mp3
    10. 19610420 Kennedy Phone Larry O’Brien Bay Pigs.mp3
    11. 19610420 Kennedy Phone McGeorge Bundy Bay Pigs.mp3
    12. 19610421 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    13. 19610427 Kennedy Presidency Press.mp3
    14. 19610503 Kennedy George Washington University Commencement.mp3
    15. 19610505 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    16. 19610508 Kennedy Alan Shepard.mp3
    17. 19610517 Kennedy Address Before Canadian Parliament.mp3
    18. 19610525 Kennedy Joint Session Congress.mp3
    19. 19610601 Kennedy Address Paris City Council.mp3
    20. 19610602 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    21. 19610606 Kennedy Address on Meeting Nikita Khrushchev.mp3
    22. 19610607 Kennedy US Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    23. 19610628 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    24. 19610719 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    25. 19610725 Kennedy Berlin Crisis.mp3
    26. 19610810 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    27. 19610828 Kennedy Remarks First Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    28. 19610830 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    29. 19610925 Kennedy Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    30. 19611011 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    31. 19611108 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    32. 19611111 Kennedy Veterans Day.mp3
    33. 19611129 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19611205 Kennedy Importance Physical Fitness.mp3
    35. 19611211 Kennedy Christmas Message to Berlin.mp3
    36. 19620111 Kennedy State Union.mp3
    37. 19620115 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19620124 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    39. 19620131 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    40. 19620207 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    41. 19620214 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    42. 19620221 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    43. 19620223 Kennedy John Glenn.mp3
    44. 19620302 Kennedy Nuclear Testing Disarmament.mp3
    45. 19620307 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    46. 19620312 Kennedy 1st Anniversary Alliance for Progress.mp3
    47. 19620314 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    48. 19620321 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    49. 19620323 Kennedy University California Berkeley.mp3
    50. 19620329 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    51. 19620411 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    52. 19620418 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    53. 19620509 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    54. 19620517 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    55. 19620520 Kennedy Speech on Health Care for Aged.mp3
    56. 19620523 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    57. 19620606 Kennedy West Point Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 56 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19620607 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19620614 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    4. 19620614 Kennedy Statement on Peace Corps.mp3
    5. 19620627 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    6. 19620705 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19620723 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19620801 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    9. 19620809 Kennedy Remarks Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    10. 19620822 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    11. 19620829 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    12. 19620912 Kennedy Rice University.mp3
    13. 19620913 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19620926 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19621016 Kennedy EXCOM Meeting.mp3
    16. 19621019 Kennedy Meeting Joint Chiefs.mp3
    17. 19621022 Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis Speech.mp3
    18. 19621022 Kennedy Dwight Eisenhower Cuba.mp3
    19. 19621023 Kennedy Phone Roswell Gilpatric Cuba.mp3
    20. 19621026 Kennedy Phone Pierre Salinger Cuba.mp3
    21. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Dwight Eisenhower Cuba.mp3
    22. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Harry Truman Cuba.mp3
    23. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Herbert Hoover Cuba.mp3
    24. 19621102 Kennedy Removal Soviet Missiles from Cuba.mp3
    25. 19621109 Kennedy Cabinet Meeting on Cold War.mp3
    26. 19621120 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    27. 19621121 Kennedy Phone James Webb Getting Moon.mp3
    28. 19621212 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    29. 19630114 Kennedy State Union.mp3
    30. 19630124 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    31. 19630207 Kennedy Cuba.mp3
    32. 19630207 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    33. 19630214 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19630221 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19630302 Kennedy Phone Robert Kennedy USS Essex.mp3
    36. 19630302 Kennedy Phone Robert McNamara Cuban Surv.mp3
    37. 19630306 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19630320 Kennedy University Costa Rica.mp3
    39. 19630321 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    40. 19630403 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    41. 19630424 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    42. 19630503 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    43. 19630508 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    44. 19630513 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    45. 19630517 Kennedy Arms Limitation.mp3
    46. 19630520 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    47. 19630522 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    48. 19630528 Kennedy Meeting on NATO.mp3
    49. 19630605 Kennedy US Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    50. 19630610 Kennedy American University Commencement Speech.mp3
    51. 19630624 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    52. 19630626 Kennedy Ich Bin Ein Berliner.mp3
    53. 19630703 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    54. 19630704 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    55. 19630709 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    56. 19630711 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    57. 19630717 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 37 shows – 631 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19630718 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    3. 19630722 Kennedy Meeting on Europe.mp3
    4. 19630722 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    5. 19630723 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    6. 19630724 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    7. 19630726 Kennedy Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    8. 19630729 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    9. 19630731 Kennedy Meeting on Chinese Communist Intensions.mp3
    10. 19630731 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    11. 19630731 Kennedy USSR Nonagressive Pact.mp3
    12. 19630801 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    13. 19630802 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    14. 19630805 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    15. 19630807 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    16. 19630812 Phone Mike Mansfield Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    17. 19630815 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    18. 19630820 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    19. 19630821 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    20. 19630826 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    21. 19630827 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    22. 19630828 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    23. 19630829 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    24. 19630902 Kennedy Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    25. 19630903 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    26. 19630909 Kennedy Chet Huntley David Brinkley Interview.mp3
    27. 19630909 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Pt1.mp3
    28. 19630909 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Pt2.mp3
    29. 19630910 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    30. 19630911 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    31. 19630912 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    32. 19630917 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    33. 19630917 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    34. 19630918 Kennedy Lunar Program.mp3
    35. 19630919 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    36. 19630920 Kennedy Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    37. 19630923 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    38. 19630930 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 54 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19631001 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3
    3. 19631002 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    4. 19631005 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    5. 19631007 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    6. 19631009 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19631010 Kennedy Meeting Andrei Gromyko USSR.mp3
    8. 19631010 Kennedy Phone Robert McNamara Soviet Confron.mp3
    9. 19631022 Kennedy National Academy Sciences.mp3
    10. 19631024 Kennedy American Forces in Europe.mp3
    11. 19631025 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    12. 19631029 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    13. 19631030 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam.mp3
    14. 19631031 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    16. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    17. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt3.mp3
    18. 19631104 Kennedy Dictates Notes on Coup in Vietnam.mp3
    19. 19631105 Kennedy Meeting on Berlin.mp3
    20. 19631107 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3
    21. 19631108 Kennedy Robert McNamara FY 1965 Military Budget.mp3
    22. 19631108 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR.mp3
    23. 196311118 Kennedy Addressing United Steelworkers Union.mp3
    24. 19631112 Kennedy Meeting Dean Rusk.mp3
    25. 19631114 Kennedy Press Conf.mp3
    26. 19631118 Kennedy Address Al Lopez Field Tampa FL.mp3
    27. 19631118 Kennedy Address Florida Chamber Commerce Tampa FL.mp3
    28. 19631118 Kennedy Inter American Press Association Miami FL.mp3
    29. 19631120 Kennedy Grain Prices European Economic Community.mp3
    30. 19631121 Kennedy 1990 Age Space Will Enter its Second Phase.mp3
    31. 19631121 Kennedy Brooks Air Force Base San Antonio TX.mp3
    32. 19631122 Kennedy TX Hotel Fort Worth Chamber Comm Fort Worth.mp3
    33. 19631217 Johnson Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    34. 19631220 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Foreign Policy.mp3
    35. 19631227 Johnson Arrival Ludwig Erhard.mp3
    36. 19631229 Johnson State BBQ for Ludwig Erhard.mp3
    37. 19640108 Johnson State Union.mp3
    38. 19640421 Johnson Phone McGeorge Bundy Alliance for Progress.mp3
    39. 19640429 Johnson Phone J. William Fulbright Communist Bloc.mp3
    40. 19640522 Johnson University Michigan Speech.mp3
    41. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt1.mp3
    42. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt2.mp3
    43. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt3.mp3
    44. 19640527 Johnson A11.24 Phone McGeorge Bundy Communist Bloc.mp3
    45. 19640609 Johnson Phone Robert Kennedy Vietnam.mp3
    46. 19640702 Johnson Swearing Maxwell Taylor Ambassador Vietnam.mp3
    47. 19640724 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    48. 19640803 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    49. 19640804 Johnson A10.53 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    50. 19640804 Johnson A11.06 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    51. 19640804 Johnson Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    52. 19640804 Johnson P08.01 Phone Deke DeLoach Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    53. 19640804 Johnson P09.15 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    54. 19640804 Johnson P10.02 Phone Dean Rusk Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    55. 19640804 Johnson P10.06 Phone Barry Goldwater Gulf Tonkin.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 74 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19640807 Johnson Phone John McKeithen Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    3. 19640904 Johnson Phone Anatoly Dobrynin Communist Bloc.mp3
    4. 19640918 Johnson A11.46 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    5. 19640918 Johnson P07.54 Phone Richard Russell Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    6. 19640921 Johnson Phone McGeorge Bundy Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    7. 19640924 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    8. 19640926 Johnson Phone Earle Wheeler Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    9. 19641018 Johnson Events in China USSR.mp3
    10. 19641018 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    11. 19641020 Phone Billy Graham Communist Bloc.mp3
    12. 19641027 Reagan A Time for Choosing.mp3
    13. 19641101 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    14. 19641103 Johnson P5.11 Phone McGeorge Bundy Vietnam.mp3
    15. 19641103 Johnson P5.57 Phone Hubert Humphrey Vietnam.mp3
    16. 19641105 Johnson A10.37 Phone Mike Mansfield Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    17. 19641105 Johnson A10.37 Phone Mike Mansfield Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    18. 19641105 Johnson P2.48 Phone Robert McNamara.mp3
    19. 19641108 Johnson Phone Allen Ellender Vietnam.mp3
    20. 19641126 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Gulf Tonkin.mp3
    21. 19650104 Johnson State Union.mp3
    22. 19650215 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam.mp3
    23. 19650217 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    24. 19650217 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    25. 19650306 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    26. 19650407 Johnson Peace Without Conquest.mp3
    27. 19650502 Johnson Remarks on Dominican Crisis.mp3
    28. 19650611 Johnson Manned Space Flight Center.mp3
    29. 19650617 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    30. 19650617 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    31. 19650625 Johnson 20th Anniversary UN Charter.mp3
    32. 19650702 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    33. 19650713 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19650728 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19650825 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19651006 Johnson Phone Robert Kennedy Communist Bloc.mp3
    37. 19651102 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    38. 19651122 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Communist Bloc.mp3
    39. 19651227 LBJ Phone McNamara M.Taylor FY 67 Military Budget.mp3
    40. 19660000 Reagan Myths About Great Society.mp3
    41. 19660104 Reagan Announces His Candidacy for Governor CA.mp3
    42. 19660112 Johnson State Union.mp3
    43. 19660121 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk.mp3
    44. 19660131 Johnson Resumption Bombing in N Vietnam.mp3
    45. 19660220 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    46. 19660323 Johnson Foreign Service Institute.mp3
    47. 19660409 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    48. 19660507 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    49. 19660530 Johnson Memorial Day Service.mp3
    50. 19660628 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    51. 19660630 Johnson Peace Around World Omaha NB.mp3
    52. 19660705 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    53. 19660712 Johnson US Foreign Policy in Asia.mp3
    54. 19660720 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    55. 19660921 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    56. 19661003 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam.mp3
    57. 19661006 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    58. 19661103 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Communist Bloc.mp3
    59. 19661104 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    60. 19661208 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    61. 19661231 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    62. 19670102 Reagan Inaugural Address as CA Governo.mp3
    63. 19670110 Johnson State Union.mp3
    64. 19670125 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    65. 19670202 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    66. 19670309 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    67. 19670315 Johnson Address TN Legislature on Vietnam.mp3
    68. 19670515 Reagan vs RFK Town Meeting World.mp3
    69. 19670625 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    70. 19670625 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    71. 19670706 Reagan Is It Possible Be a Good Governor.mp3
    72. 19670817 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    73. 19670928 Reagan Eureka College Press Conf.mp3
    74. 19670929 Johnson Speech on Vietnam.mp3
    75. 19671025 Reagan Big Government Welfare State.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 73 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 19671026 Reagan Role Higher Ed Contemporary America.mp3
    3. 19671117 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    4. 19671219 Johnson Dan Rather Ray Sheer Frank Reynolds Intvw.mp3
    5. 19680117 Johnson State Union.mp3
    6. 19680122 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    7. 19680124 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    8. 19680131 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Tet Offensive.mp3
    9. 19680212 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam.mp3
    10. 19680214 Johnson Phone Clark Clifford Vietnam Pt1.mp3
    11. 19680214 Johnson Phone Clark Clifford Vietnam Pt2.mp3
    12. 19680331 Johnson Peace in Vietnam.mp3
    13. 19680403 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19680530 Johnson Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19680701 Johnson Signs Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.mp3
    16. 19680808 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    17. 19681016 Johnson Conf Humphrey Nixon Wallace Vietnam.mp3
    18. 19681030 Johnson Phone Richard Russell Vietnam.mp3
    19. 19681031 Johnson Cessation Bombing N Vietnam.mp3
    20. 19681031 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam.mp3
    21. 19681102 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam.mp3
    22. 19681103 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam.mp3
    23. 19681103 Johnson Phone George Smathers Vietnam.mp3
    24. 19681103 Johnson Phone Richard Nixon Vietnam.mp3
    25. 19681104 Johnson Conf D.Rusk Clark Clifford W.Rostow Vietnam.mp3
    26. 19681108 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam.mp3
    27. 19681108 Johnson Phone Richard Nixon Vietnam.mp3
    28. 19681119 Johnson Medal Honor Presentation.mp3
    29. 19681123 Johnson Phone George Smathers.mp3
    30. 19681217 Nixon Meeting UN Secretary General.mp3
    31. 19690114 Johnson State Union.mp3
    32. 19690120 Nixon Inaugural Address.mp3
    33. 19690514 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    34. 19690604 Nixon US Air Force Academy Commencement Speech.mp3
    35. 19690610 Nixon Midway Talks.mp3
    36. 19690720 Nixon Phone Apollo 11 Crew.mp3
    37. 19690724 Nixon Greets Apollo 11 Crew on USS Hornet.mp3
    38. 19690730 Nixon Visits 1st Infantry Division Di An.mp3
    39. 19690918 Nixon Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    40. 19691103 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    41. 19691215 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    42. 19691229 Johnson Walter Cronkite Interview.mp3
    43. 19700122 Nixon State Union.mp3
    44. 19700418 Nixon Welcoming Home Apollo 13 Crew.mp3
    45. 19700420 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    46. 19700430 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    47. 19700508 Nixon Press Conf After Cambodia Expansion.mp3
    48. 19700603 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    49. 19701007 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    50. 19710122 Nixon State Union.mp3
    51. 19710225 Nixon Second Foreign Policy Report Congress.mp3
    52. 19710407 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    53. 19710407 Nixon Phone Billy Graham Vietnam.mp3
    54. 19710418 Nixon Phone Henry Kissinger China.mp3
    55. 19710520 Nixon Agreement on Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.mp3
    56. 19710617 Nixon Conv Bob Haldeman Pentagon Papers.mp3
    57. 19710630 Nixon Conv Bob Haldeman Pentagon Papers.mp3
    58. 19710701 Nixon Conv Pentagon Papers.mp3
    59. 19710715 Nixon Announces Trip China.mp3
    60. 19711029 Bush Taiwan Being Kicked Out UN.mp3
    61. 19711221 Nixon Conv John Ehrlichman John Mitchell DOJ Spies.mp3
    62. 19711222 Nixon Conv John Ehrlichman John Mitchell DOJ Spies.mp3
    63. 19720102 Nixon Dan Rather Interview.mp3
    64. 19720120 Nixon State Union.mp3
    65. 19720125 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    66. 19720214 Nixon Phone Henry Kissinger China.mp3
    67. 19720217 Nixon Departing for China.mp3
    68. 19720221 Nixon Toast Chou en Lai.mp3
    69. 19720228 Nixon Welcome Home From China.mp3
    70. 19720324 Nixon Press Conf.mp3
    71. 19720426 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    72. 19720508 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    73. 19720528 Nixon Address Soviet People From Kremlin.mp3
    74. 19720601 Nixon Joint Session Congress Return from Moscow.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 49 shows – 680 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 46 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 19720823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    3. 19721102 Nixon Look Future.mp3
    4. 19730102 Nixon Phone Lyndon Johnson Vietnam.mp3
    5. 19730120 Nixon Inaugural Address.mp3
    6. 19730123 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    7. 19730123 Nixon Phone Pat Nixon We Got Agreement.mp3
    8. 19730329 Nixon Address on Vietnam.mp3
    9. 19730410 Nixon Conv Lee Kuan Yew China’s Future.mp3
    10. 19730516 Nixon John Connally Hunting Trip Leonid Brezhnev.mp3
    11. 19730516 Nixon John Connally US Soviet Relations.mp3
    12. 19730524 Nixon Honors POWs White House.mp3
    13. 19730608 Nixon Florida Technical Univ Commencement.mp3
    14. 19730612 Nixon Phone Brent Scowcroft Vietnam.mp3
    15. 19730618 Nixon Leonid Brezhnev Working Relationship.mp3
    16. 19730618 Nixon Welcomes Leonid Brezhnev United States.mp3
    17. 19731214 Nixon Pageant Peace.mp3
    18. 19740130 Nixon State Union.mp3
    19. 19740916 Ford Return Vietnam Era Draft Evaders.mp3
    20. 19740918 Ford Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    21. 19750115 Ford State Union.mp3
    22. 19750410 Ford Joint Session Congress.mp3
    23. 19750421 Ford Walter Cronkite Bob Schieffer E.Sevareid Intvw.mp3
    24. 19750506 Ford Press Conf.mp3
    25. 19750717 Ford Phone Call Apollo Soyuz Astronauts.mp3
    26. 19750801 Ford Helsinki Accords.mp3
    27. 19760119 Ford State Union.mp3
    28. 19760331 Reagan Restore America.mp3
    29. 19760715 Carter Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    30. 19760819 Ford Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    31. 19760819 Reagan Address RNC.mp3
    32. 19761006 Ford Carter Presidential Debate.mp3
    33. 19761022 Ford Carter Presidential Debate.mp3
    34. 19770112 Ford State Union.mp3
    35. 19770120 Carter Inaugural Address.mp3
    36. 19770414 Carter Organization American States Address.mp3
    37. 19770522 Carter University Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    38. 19780119 Carter State Union.mp3
    39. 19781130 Carter, Press Conference on Defense Spending.mp3
    40. 19781130 Nixon Q A on Foreign Affairs Oxford Union.mp3
    41. 19781215 Carter Establishing Diplomatic Relations China.mp3
    42. 19790123 Carter State Union.mp3
    43. 19790220 Carter Our Role in a World of Change.mp3
    44. 19790618 Carter Address on SALT II Treaty.mp3
    45. 19791001 Carter Calls for Calm Over Russians in Cuba.mp3
    46. 19791113 Reagan Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    47. 19800104 Carter Afghanistan.mp3
    48. 19800123 Carter State Union.mp3
    49. 19800321 Carter Boycott Summer Olympic Games.mp3
    50. 19800423 Reagan Bush GOP Debate Houston TX.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 46 shows – 681 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 47 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 19800506 Carter, Mariel Boat Lift.mp3
    3. 19800508 Nixon Barbara Walters Interview.mp3
    4. 19800717 Reagan Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    5. 19800814 Carter Acceptance Speech DNC.mp3
    6. 19800921 Reagan Presidential Debate vs John Anderson.mp3
    7. 19801019 Reagan a Strategy for Peace in 80s.mp3
    8. 19801028 Carter Reagan Presidential Debate.mp3
    9. 19801031 Reagan Campaign Rally in Dallas TX.mp3
    10. 19801103 Reagan Bush A Vision for America.mp3
    11. 19810120 Reagan Inaugural Address.mp3
    12. 19810129 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    13. 19810306 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19810330 Reagan National Conf AFL CIO.mp3
    15. 19810402 Bush Meeting Mieczyslaw Jagielski Poland.mp3
    16. 19810527 Reagan West Point Commencement Speech.mp3
    17. 19810616 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    18. 19810820 Reagan Reenlistment Ceremony USS Constellation.mp3
    19. 19811002 Reagan US Strategic Weapons Program.mp3
    20. 19811110 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    21. 19811118 Reagan Strategic Arms Reduction Talks.mp3
    22. 19811217 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    23. 19811223 Reagan Christmas and Poland.mp3
    24. 19820126 Reagan State Union.mp3
    25. 19820218 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    26. 19820331 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    27. 19820513 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    28. 19820608 Reagan Address British Parliament.mp3
    29. 19820611 Reagan Checkpoint Charlie West Berlin.mp3
    30. 19820617 Reagan United Nations Address on Disarmament.mp3
    31. 19820623 Reagan, Intelligence Identification Protection Act.mp3
    32. 19820630 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    33. 19820728 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    34. 19820928 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19821111 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19821122 Reagan, Arms Reduction and Nuclear Deterrence.mp3
    37. 19830105 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19830125 Reagan State Union.mp3
    39. 19830207 Bush, Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    40. 19830216 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    41. 19830308 Reagan Evil Empire.mp3
    42. 19830323 Reagan Defense National Security.mp3
    43. 19830421 Reagan, US Soviet Relations.mp3
    44. 19830427 Reagan Joint Session Congress.mp3
    45. 19830517 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    46. 19830530 Reagan, Economic Summit State Dinner.mp3
    47. 19830628 Reagan Press Conf.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 52 shows – 663 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 7 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 19830726 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19830903 Reagan Address on Soviet Attack Korean Airliner.mp3
    4. 19830905 Reagan Soviet Attack on Korean Airliner.mp3
    5. 19830926 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    6. 19831019 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19831113 Reagan Remarks Troops DMZ Camp Liberty Bell Korea.mp3
    8. 19831116 Nixon US Soviet Relations.mp3
    9. 19831220 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    10. 19840110 Reagan, Arrival Ceremony of Zhao Ziyang.mp3
    11. 19840116 Reagan US Soviet Relations.mp3
    12. 19840125 Reagan State Union.mp3
    13. 19840129 Reagan Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    14. 19840222 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    15. 19840404 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    16. 19840427 Reagan Address Chinese Community Leaders.mp3
    17. 19840428 Address on Trip China.mp3
    18. 19840430 Reagan Fudan University.mp3
    19. 19840501 Reagan Fudan University.mp3
    20. 19840503 Bush the Soviets Exploit Points of Weakness.mp3
    21. 19840522 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    22. 19840614 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    23. 19840724 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    24. 19840811 Reagan We Begin Bombing in Five Minutes.mp3
    25. 19840823 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    26. 19840823 Reagan Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    27. 19840924 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    28. 19841011 Bush VP Debate vs Geraldine Ferraro.mp3
    29. 19841021 Reagan Presidential Debate vs Walter Mondale.mp3
    30. 19850000 Nixon Contemporary Foreign Policy.mp3
    31. 19850109 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    32. 19850121 Reagan Inaugural Address.mp3
    33. 19850206 Reagan State Union.mp3
    34. 19850221 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    35. 19850321 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19850509 Nixon, Barbara Walters Interview.mp3
    37. 19850510 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    38. 19850618 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    39. 19850723 Reagan Arrival Ceremony Li Xiannian..mp3
    40. 19850723 Reagan Li Xiannian Toasts State Dinner.mp3
    41. 19850805 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    42. 19850909 Bush Upcoming US Soviet Summit.mp3
    43. 19850917 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    44. 19851024 Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    45. 19851116 Reagan Arrival in Geneva.mp3
    46. 19851117 Reagan Geneva Summit Meeting Advisors.mp3
    47. 19851118 Reagan Geneva Summit Meeting Advisors.mp3
    48. 19851120 Reagan M.Gorbachev Geneva Summit Private Dinner.mp3
    49. 19851120 Reagan M.Gorbachev Geneva Summit.mp3
    50. 19851121 Reagan International Press Center M.Gorbachev.mp3
    51. 19851121 Reagan Joint Session Congress on Geneva Summit.mp3
    52. 19851228 Reagan Soviet Occupation Afghanistan.mp3
    53. 19851228 Reagan Speaks Soviet People.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 50 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 19860107 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    3. 19860204 Reagan State Union.mp3
    4. 19860210 Reagan Lou Cannon David Hoffman Interview.mp3
    5. 19860211 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    6. 19860409 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19860507 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19860611 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    9. 19860812 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    10. 19860922 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    11. 19861009 Reagan Departure for Reykjavik Summit.mp3
    12. 19861013 Reagan Address on Reykjavik Summit.mp3
    13. 19861119 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    14. 19870127 Reagan State Union.mp3
    15. 19870304 Reagan Address on Tower Commission Report.mp3
    16. 19870319 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    17. 19870611 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    18. 19870612 Reagan Tear Down this Wall.mp3
    19. 19870615 Reagan Address on Venice Summit.mp3
    20. 19870829 Reagan US Soviet Relations.mp3
    21. 19870921 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    22. 19871022 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    23. 19871208 Reagan Arrival Ceremony for M.Gorbachev.mp3
    24. 19871208 Reagan Live Broadcast US Soviet Citizens.mp3
    25. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev Sign INF Treaty.mp3
    26. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev State Dinner Arrival.mp3
    27. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev State Dinner Toasts.mp3
    28. 19871208 Reagan Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    29. 19871209 Reagan Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    30. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Meeting M.Gorbachev Departure.mp3
    31. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    32. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Summit National Address.mp3
    33. 19871217 Reagan Bob Dole Endorsement INF Treaty.mp3
    34. 19880125 Reagan State Union.mp3
    35. 19880224 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    36. 19880520 Reagan Valentin Zorin Boris Kalyagin Interview.mp3
    37. 19880529 Reagan Opening Ceremonies Soviet US Summit.mp3
    38. 19880530 Reagan M.Gorbachev Toasts State Dinner Moscow.mp3
    39. 19880530 Reagan Remarks Religious Leaders Danilov Monastery.mp3
    40. 19880530 Reagan Remarks Soviet Dissidents.mp3
    41. 19880531 Reagan M.Gorbachev Reciprocal State Dinner Toasts.mp3
    42. 19880531 Reagan M.Gorbachev Walking in Red Square.mp3
    43. 19880531 Reagan Moscow State University.mp3
    44. 19880531 Reagan Remarks for Artists Cultural Leaders.mp3
    45. 19880601 Reagan Exchange Documents Ratifying INF Treaty.mp3
    46. 19880601 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    47. 19880602 Reagan Remarks Following Soviet US Summit.mp3
    48. 19880602 Reagan Remarks US Embassy Staff.mp3
    49. 19880603 Regan Return From Soviet Union.mp3
    50. 19880815 Reagan RNC Address.mp3
    51. 19880818 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 45 shows – 659 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 59 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 19880925 Bush Presidential Debate vs. Michael Dukakis.mp3
    3. 19880926 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly.mp3
    4. 19881207 Reagan Bush Arrival on Governors Island.mp3
    5. 19881207 Reagan Bush Meeting M.Gorbachev.mp3
    6. 19881207 Reagan Bush Working Lunch M.Gorbachev.mp3
    7. 19881208 Reagan Press Conf.mp3
    8. 19890111 Reagan Farewell Address.mp3
    9. 19890120 Bush Inaugural Address.mp3
    10. 19890209 Bush State Union.mp3
    11. 19890605 Bush Press Statement on Tiananmen Square.mp3
    12. 19891109 Bush Statement on Fall Berlin Wall.mp3
    13. 19891203 Bush M.Gorbachev Malta Conf.mp3
    14. 19891204 Bush Malta Conf.mp3
    15. 19900131 Bush State Union.mp3
    16. 19900225 Bush Helmut Kohl Joint Press Conf.mp3
    17. 19900531 Bush Summit M.Gorbachev.mp3
    18. 19900601 Bush Summit M.Gorbachev.mp3
    19. 19900608 Bush Press Conf Helmet Kohl.mp3
    20. 19901003 Bush Celebration Reunification Germany.mp3
    21. 19910129 Bush State Union.mp3
    22. 19910306 Bush Joint Session Congress.mp3
    23. 19910730 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Moscow Inst Intl Studies.mp3
    24. 19910730 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Touring Kremlin Grounds.mp3
    25. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Reciprocal Dinner.mp3
    26. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Signing Ceremony.mp3
    27. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev START Treaty Press Conf.mp3
    28. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Arrival in Kiev.mp3
    29. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Supreme Soviet Building.mp3
    30. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    31. 19910821 Bush Coup in Soviet Union.mp3
    32. 19910911 Bush Baltic American Organization.mp3
    33. 19911225 Bush End Communism.mp3
    34. 19920107 Nixon, Ted Keppel Interview.mp3
    35. 19920128 Bush State Union.mp3
    36. 19920317 Nixon Post Communist World.mp3
    37. 19920817 Reagan RNC Address.mp3
    38. 19920820 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC.mp3
    39. 19930105 Bush Farewell West Point.mp3
    40. 19930113 Bush Reagan Presidential Medal Freedom.mp3
    41. 19940114 Clinton Joint Press Conf Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    42. 19940519 Clinton Joint Press Conf PV Narasimha Rao.mp3
    43. 19961005 Clinton WH Meeting Benj Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat.mp3
    44. 19981119 Clinton A Discussion in Tokyo Japan.mp3
    45. 19991115 Clinton Joint Press Conf Suleyman Demirel.mp3
    46. 19991115 Clinton Recv Order of State of Turkish Republic.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 25 shows – 254 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 15 minutes
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      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 19991115 Clinton Welcoming Ceremony in Ankara Turkey.mp3
    3. 19991116 Clinton Adress Business Leaders Istanbul Turkey.mp3
    4. 19991116 Clinton State Dinner in Turkey.mp3
    5. 20000915 Clinton Joint Press Conf Atal Bihari Vajpayee.mp3
    6. 20010611 Bush Kyoto Protocol.mp3
    7. 20050718 Bush Joint Press Conf Manmohan Singh.mp3
    8. 20050807 Biden Where Are We Militarily in Iraq.mp3
    9. 20060613 Biden We Need Leave Iraq Intact.mp3
    10. 20170424 Trump Remarks Wrld Jewish Congress Plenary Assembly.mp3
    11. 20170523 Trump Address at Jewish Museum.mp3
    12. 20171210 Trump Meeting Henry Kissinger.mp3
    13. 20180514 Trump Dedication of US Embassy in Jerusalem.mp3
    14. 20180514 Trump US Embassy Jerusalem Dedication.mp3
    15. 20190818 Trump Statement on Various Foreign Policy Issues.mp3
    16. 20200128 Trump Joint Press Conf Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    17. 20200915 Trump Bilateral Meeting Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    18. 20230412 Biden 25th Anniversary of Good Friday Agreement.mp3
    19. 20230413 Biden Bilateral Meeting Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.mp3
    20. 20230413 Biden House of Oireachtas Address.mp3
    21. 20230413 Biden State Diner in Dublin Ireland.mp3
    22. 20230414 Biden Remarks People of County Mayo.mp3
    23. 20230426 Biden Arrival Ceremony for Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    24. 20230426 Biden Bilateral Meeting Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    25. 20230426 Biden Joint Press Conf Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
    26. 20230426 Biden State Dinner Honoring Yoon Suk Yeal.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    678 recordings on 303 Audio CDs. Total playtime 272 hours, 40 min
    678 recordings on 303 Audio CDs
    total playtime 272 hours, 40 min

    Presidency and Cold War Disc A001

    1. 19470312 Truman Truman Doctrine
    2. 19471005 Truman Citizens Food Committee
    3. 19471005 Truman Food for Europe
    4. 19471024 Truman Inflation and Foreign Economic Aid

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A002

    1. 19480715 Truman Acceptance Speech DNC
    2. 19490120 Truman Inaugural Address
    3. 19500709 Truman Address American People Situation Korea P1

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A003

    1. 19500709 Truman Address American People Situation Korea P2
    2. 19501024 Truman Addresses United Nations on Korea
    3. 19501201 Truman Dangers of the US in Korea
    4. 19501224 Truman Christmas Eve Message
    5. 19510402 Eisenhower NATO
    6. 19510411 Truman Report American People on Korea

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A004

    1. 19510625 Truman 1st Anniversary of the Korean War
    2. 19511202 Kennedy Meet Press Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A005

    1. 19520408 Truman Government Operation of the Steel Mills P2
    2. 19520408 Truman Government Operation of the Steel Mills
    3. 19520623 Eisenhower Aggressive Force Communism
    4. 19520711 Eisenhower Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A006

    1. 19520726 Truman, Address to the DNC P1
    2. 19520726 Truman, Address to the DNC P2
    3. 19521109 Kennedy Meet the Press

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A007

    1. 19530115 Truman Farewell Address
    2. 19530120 Eisenhower Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A008

    1. 19530202 Eisenhower State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A009

    1. 19530416 Eisenhower Chance for Peace
    2. 19530727 Eisenhower Korean War Armistice Signed
    3. 19531208 Eisenhower Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A010

    1. 19540405 Eisenhower Address on Communism
    2. 19540407 Eisenhower the Domino Theory
    3. 19540423 Eisenhower Fight Against Communism

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A011

    1. 19540531 Eisenhower Problm Btwn Comm Capitalist Countries P2
    2. 19560414 Eisenhower NATO and Possible Disarmament Agreement
    3. 19560421 Eisenhower the Threat of Communism

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A012

    1. 19560823 Eisenhower Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19560823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A013

    1. 19561028 Kennedy Meet Press Interview
    2. 19570121 Eisenhower Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A014

    1. 19571107 Eisenhower Science National Security
    2. 19571117 Eisenhower Future National Security
    3. 19580000 Reagan Union Management Relations Pt1

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A015

    1. 19580000 Reagan Union Management Relations Pt2
    2. 19580417 Eisenhower, Why We Need to Modernize Our Defenses
    3. 19581116 Kennedy Meet the Press

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A016

    1. 19590724 Nixon vs Nikita Khrushchev Kitchen Debate
    2. 19600715 Kennedy Acceptance Speech DNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A017

    1. 19600728 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A018

    1. 19600926 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A019

    1. 19601007 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A020

    1. 19601013 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A021

    1. 19601016 Kennedy Meet Press

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A022

    1. 19601021 Kennedy Nixon Presidential Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A023

    1. 19610000 Reagan Socialized Medicine
    2. 19610117 Eisenhower Farewell Address
    3. 19610120 Kennedy Inaugural Address

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A024

    1. 19610125 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A025

    1. 19610130 Kennedy State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A026

    1. 19610201 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610208 Kennedy Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A027

    1. 19610215 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610301 Kennedy Interview About Peace Corps
    3. 19610301 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A028

    1. 19610308 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610313 Kennedy Proposing Creation Alliance for Progress

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A029

    1. 19610315 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610323 Kennedy Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A030

    1. 19610412 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610420 Kennedy Cuba Bay Pigs
    3. 19610420 Kennedy Phone Dick Helms Bay Pigs
    4. 19610420 Kennedy Phone Larry O’Brien Bay Pigs
    5. 19610420 Kennedy Phone McGeorge Bundy Bay Pigs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A031

    1. 19610421 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610427 Kennedy Presidency Press
    3. 19610503 Kennedy George Washington University Commencement

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A032

    1. 19610505 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610508 Kennedy Alan Shepard
    3. 19610517 Kennedy Address Before Canadian Parliament

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A033

    1. 19610525 Kennedy Joint Session Congress
    2. 19610601 Kennedy Address Paris City Council

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A034

    1. 19610602 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610606 Kennedy Address on Meeting Nikita Khrushchev

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A035

    1. 19610607 Kennedy US Naval Academy Commencement
    2. 19610628 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A036

    1. 19610719 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610725 Kennedy Berlin Crisis

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A037

    1. 19610810 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19610828 Kennedy Remarks First Peace Corps Volunteers
    3. 19610830 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A038

    1. 19610925 Kennedy Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A039

    1. 19611011 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19611108 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A040

    1. 19611111 Kennedy Veterans Day
    2. 19611129 Kennedy Press Conf
    3. 19611205 Kennedy Importance Physical Fitness
    4. 19611211 Kennedy Christmas Message to Berlin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A041

    1. 19620111 Kennedy State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A042

    1. 19620115 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620124 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A043

    1. 19620131 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620207 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A044

    1. 19620214 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620221 Kennedy Press Conf
    3. 19620223 Kennedy John Glenn

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A045

    1. 19620302 Kennedy Nuclear Testing Disarmament
    2. 19620307 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A046

    1. 19620312 Kennedy 1st Anniversary Alliance for Progress
    2. 19620314 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A047

    1. 19620321 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620323 Kennedy University California Berkeley

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A048

    1. 19620329 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620411 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A049

    1. 19620418 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620509 Kennedy Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A050

    1. 19620517 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620520 Kennedy Speech on Health Care for Aged

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A051

    1. 19620523 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620606 Kennedy West Point Commencement

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A052

    1. 19620607 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620614 Kennedy Press Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A053

    1. 19620614 Kennedy Statement on Peace Corps
    2. 19620627 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A054

    1. 19620705 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620723 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A055

    1. 19620801 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620809 Kennedy Remarks Peace Corps Volunteers
    3. 19620822 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A056

    1. 19620829 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620912 Kennedy Rice University

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A057

    1. 19620913 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19620926 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A058

    1. 19621019 Kennedy Meeting Joint Chiefs
    2. 19621022 Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis Speech

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A059

    1. 19621022 Kennedy Dwight Eisenhower Cuba
    2. 19621023 Kennedy Phone Roswell Gilpatric Cuba
    3. 19621026 Kennedy Phone Pierre Salinger Cuba
    4. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Dwight Eisenhower Cuba
    5. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Harry Truman Cuba
    6. 19621028 Kennedy Phone Herbert Hoover Cuba
    7. 19621102 Kennedy Removal Soviet Missiles from Cuba
    8. 19621109 Kennedy Cabinet Meeting on Cold War

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A060

    1. 19621120 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19621121 Kennedy Phone James Webb Getting Moon
    3. 19621212 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A061

    1. 19630114 Kennedy State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A062

    1. 19630124 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630207 Kennedy Cuba

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A063

    1. 19630207 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630214 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A064

    1. 19630221 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630302 Kennedy Phone Robert Kennedy USS Essex
    3. 19630302 Kennedy Phone Robert McNamara Cuban Surv

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A065

    1. 19630306 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630320 Kennedy University Costa Rica
    3. 19630321 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A066

    1. 19630403 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630424 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A067

    1. 19630503 Kennedy Meeting on NATO
    2. 19630508 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A068

    1. 19630513 Kennedy Meeting on NATO
    2. 19630517 Kennedy Arms Limitation

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A069

    1. 19630520 Kennedy Meeting on NATO
    2. 19630522 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A070

    1. 19630528 Kennedy Meeting on NATO
    2. 19630605 Kennedy US Air Force Academy Commencement

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A071

    1. 19630610 Kennedy American University Commencement Speech
    2. 19630624 Kennedy Press Conf
    3. 19630626 Kennedy Ich Bin Ein Berliner

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A072

    1. 19630703 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A073

    1. 19630704 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A074

    1. 19630709 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    2. 19630711 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A075

    1. 19630717 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630718 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    3. 19630722 Kennedy Meeting on Europe

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A076

    1. 19630722 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    2. 19630724 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A077

    1. 19630726 Kennedy Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    2. 19630729 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    3. 19630731 Kennedy Meeting on Chinese Communist Intensions

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A078

    1. 19630731 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    2. 19630731 Kennedy USSR Nonagressive Pact

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A079

    1. 19630801 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A080

    1. 19630802 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A081

    1. 19630805 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A082

    1. 19630807 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    2. 19630812 Phone Mike Mansfield Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    3. 19630815 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A083

    1. 19630820 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19630821 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A084

    1. 19630826 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A085

    1. 19630827 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A086

    1. 19630828 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam
    2. 19630902 Kennedy Walter Cronkite Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A087

    1. 19630903 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam
    2. 19630909 Kennedy Chet Huntley David Brinkley Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A088

    1. 19630909 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Pt1

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A089

    1. 19630909 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Pt2
    2. 19630911 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A090

    1. 19630912 Kennedy Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A091

    1. 19630917 Kennedy Meeting on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A092

    1. 19630917 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A093

    1. 19630918 Kennedy Lunar Program

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A094

    1. 19630919 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam
    2. 19630920 Kennedy Address Before UN General Assembly
    3. 19630923 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A095

    1. 19630930 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR
    2. 19631001 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A096

    1. 19631002 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam
    2. 19631009 Kennedy Press Conf
    3. 19631010 Kennedy Phone Robert McNamara Soviet Confron

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A097

    1. 19631022 Kennedy National Academy Sciences
    2. 19631024 Kennedy American Forces in Europe

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A098

    1. 19631025 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A099

    1. 19631029 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A100

    1. 19631030 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A101

    1. 19631031 Kennedy Press Conf
    2. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt1

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A102

    1. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt2
    2. 19631102 Kennedy Meeting on Vietnam Pt3

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A103

    1. 19631104 Kennedy Dictates Notes on Coup in Vietnam
    2. 19631105 Kennedy Meeting on Berlin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A104

    1. 19631107 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR
    2. 19631108 Kennedy Robert McNamara FY 1965 Military Budget

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A105

    1. 19631108 Kennedy Wheat Sales USSR

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidency and Cold War Disc A106

    1. 196311118 Kennedy Addressing United Steelworkers Union
    2. 19631112 Kennedy Meeting Dean Rusk
    3. 19631114 Kennedy Press Conf
    4. 19631118 Kennedy Address Al Lopez Field Tampa FL

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A107

    1. 19631118 Kennedy Address Florida Chamber Commerce Tampa FL
    2. 19631118 Kennedy Inter American Press Association Miami FL

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A108

    1. 19631120 Kennedy Grain Prices European Economic Community
    2. 19631121 Kennedy 1990 Age Space Will Enter its Second Phase

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A109

    1. 19631121 Kennedy Brooks Air Force Base San Antonio TX

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A110

    1. 19631122 Kennedy TX Hotel Fort Worth Chamber Comm Fort Worth

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A111

    1. 19631217 Johnson Address Before UN General Assembly
    2. 19631220 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Foreign Policy
    3. 19631227 Johnson Arrival Ludwig Erhard
    4. 19631229 Johnson State BBQ for Ludwig Erhard

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A112

    1. 19640108 Johnson State Union
    2. 19640421 Johnson Phone McGeorge Bundy Alliance for Progress
    3. 19640429 Johnson Phone J. William Fulbright Communist Bloc

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A113

    1. 19640522 Johnson University Michigan Speech
    2. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt1
    3. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt2
    4. 19640527 A10.55 Phone Richard Russell Communist Pt3
    5. 19640527 Johnson A11.24 Phone McGeorge Bundy Communist Bloc
    6. 19640609 Johnson Phone Robert Kennedy Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A114

    1. 19640702 Johnson Swearing Maxwell Taylor Ambassador Vietnam
    2. 19640724 Johnson Press Conf
    3. 19640803 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin
    4. 19640804 Johnson A10.53 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin
    5. 19640804 Johnson A11.06 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin
    6. 19640804 Johnson Gulf Tonkin
    7. 19640804 Johnson P08.01 Phone Deke DeLoach Gulf Tonkin
    8. 19640804 Johnson P09.15 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin
    9. 19640804 Johnson P10.02 Phone Dean Rusk Gulf Tonkin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A115

    1. 19640804 Johnson P10.06 Phone Barry Goldwater Gulf Tonkin
    2. 19640807 Johnson Phone John McKeithen Gulf Tonkin
    3. 19640904 Johnson Phone Anatoly Dobrynin Communist Bloc
    4. 19640918 Johnson A11.46 Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin
    5. 19640918 Johnson P07.54 Phone Richard Russell Gulf Tonkin
    6. 19640921 Johnson Phone McGeorge Bundy Nuclear Weapons
    7. 19640924 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Nuclear Weapons
    8. 19640926 Johnson Phone Earle Wheeler Nuclear Weapons

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A116

    1. 19641018 Johnson Events in China USSR
    2. 19641018 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Gulf Tonkin
    3. 19641020 Phone Billy Graham Communist Bloc
    4. 19641027 Reagan A Time for Choosing
    5. 19641101 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam
    6. 19641103 Johnson P5.11 Phone McGeorge Bundy Vietnam
    7. 19641103 Johnson P5.57 Phone Hubert Humphrey Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A117

    1. 19641105 Johnson A10.37 Phone Mike Mansfield Vietnam Pt1
    2. 19641105 Johnson A10.37 Phone Mike Mansfield Vietnam Pt2
    3. 19641105 Johnson P2.48 Phone Robert McNamara
    4. 19641108 Johnson Phone Allen Ellender Vietnam
    5. 19641126 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Gulf Tonkin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A118

    1. 19650104 Johnson State Union
    2. 19650215 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A119

    1. 19650217 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam Pt1
    2. 19650217 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam Pt2
    3. 19650306 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    4. 19650407 Johnson Peace Without Conquest

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A120

    1. 19650502 Johnson Remarks on Dominican Crisis
    2. 19650611 Johnson Manned Space Flight Center
    3. 19650617 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Vietnam Pt1
    4. 19650617 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Vietnam Pt2

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A121

    1. 19650625 Johnson 20th Anniversary UN Charter
    2. 19650702 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    3. 19650713 Johnson Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A122

    1. 19650728 Johnson Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A123

    1. 19650825 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19651006 Johnson Phone Robert Kennedy Communist Bloc
    3. 19651102 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A124

    1. 19651122 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Communist Bloc
    2. 19651227 LBJ Phone McNamara M.Taylor FY 67 Military Budget
    3. 19660000 Reagan Myths About Great Society

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A125

    1. 19660104 Reagan Announces His Candidacy for Governor CA

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A126

    1. 19660112 Johnson State Union
    2. 19660121 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk
    3. 19660131 Johnson Resumption Bombing in N Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A127

    1. 19660220 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam
    2. 19660323 Johnson Foreign Service Institute
    3. 19660409 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam
    4. 19660507 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    5. 19660530 Johnson Memorial Day Service

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A128

    1. 19660628 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    2. 19660630 Johnson Peace Around World Omaha NB

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A129

    1. 19660705 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19660712 Johnson US Foreign Policy in Asia

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A130

    1. 19660720 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19660921 Johnson Press Conf
    3. 19661003 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A131

    1. 19661006 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19661103 Johnson Phone Gerald Ford Communist Bloc

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A132

    1. 19661104 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19661208 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    3. 19661231 Johnson Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A133

    1. 19670102 Reagan Inaugural Address as CA Governo

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A134

    1. 19670110 Johnson State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A135

    1. 19670125 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    2. 19670202 Johnson Press Conf
    3. 19670309 Johnson Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A136

    1. 19670315 Johnson Address TN Legislature on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A137

    1. 19670515 Reagan vs RFK Town Meeting World

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A138

    1. 19670625 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam Pt1
    2. 19670625 Johnson Phone Dwight Eisenhower Vietnam Pt2
    3. 19670706 Reagan Is It Possible Be a Good Governor

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A139

    1. 19670817 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19670928 Reagan Eureka College Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A140

    1. 19670929 Johnson Speech on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A141

    1. 19671025 Reagan Big Government Welfare State

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A142

    1. 19671026 Reagan Role Higher Ed Contemporary America

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A143

    1. 19671117 Johnson Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A144

    1. 19671219 Johnson Dan Rather Ray Sheer Frank Reynolds Intvw

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A145

    1. 19680117 Johnson State Union
    2. 19680122 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    3. 19680124 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A146

    1. 19680131 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Tet Offensive
    2. 19680212 Johnson Phone Robert McNamara Vietnam
    3. 19680214 Johnson Phone Clark Clifford Vietnam Pt1
    4. 19680214 Johnson Phone Clark Clifford Vietnam Pt2

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A147

    1. 19680331 Johnson Peace in Vietnam
    2. 19680403 Johnson Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A148

    1. 19680530 Johnson Press Conf
    2. 19680701 Johnson Signs Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A149

    1. 19680808 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19681016 Johnson Conf Humphrey Nixon Wallace Vietnam
    3. 19681030 Johnson Phone Richard Russell Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A150

    1. 19681031 Johnson Cessation Bombing N Vietnam
    2. 19681031 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam
    3. 19681102 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A151

    1. 19681103 Johnson Phone Dean Rusk Vietnam
    2. 19681103 Johnson Phone George Smathers Vietnam
    3. 19681103 Johnson Phone Richard Nixon Vietnam
    4. 19681104 Johnson Conf D.Rusk Clark Clifford W.Rostow Vietnam
    5. 19681108 Johnson Phone Everett Dirksen Vietnam
    6. 19681108 Johnson Phone Richard Nixon Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A152

    1. 19681119 Johnson Medal Honor Presentation
    2. 19681123 Johnson Phone George Smathers
    3. 19681217 Nixon Meeting UN Secretary General

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A153

    1. 19690114 Johnson State Union
    2. 19690120 Nixon Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A154

    1. 19690514 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    2. 19690604 Nixon US Air Force Academy Commencement Speech
    3. 19690610 Nixon Midway Talks
    4. 19690720 Nixon Phone Apollo 11 Crew
    5. 19690724 Nixon Greets Apollo 11 Crew on USS Hornet
    6. 19690730 Nixon Visits 1st Infantry Division Di An

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A155

    1. 19690918 Nixon Address Before UN General Assembly
    2. 19691103 Nixon Address on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A156

    1. 19691215 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    2. 19691229 Johnson Walter Cronkite Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A157

    1. 19700122 Nixon State Union
    2. 19700418 Nixon Welcoming Home Apollo 13 Crew
    3. 19700420 Nixon Address on Vietnam

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A158

    1. 19700430 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    2. 19700508 Nixon Press Conf After Cambodia Expansion

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A159

    1. 19700603 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    2. 19701007 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    3. 19710122 Nixon State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A160

    1. 19710225 Nixon Second Foreign Policy Report Congress
    2. 19710407 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    3. 19710407 Nixon Phone Billy Graham Vietnam
    4. 19710418 Nixon Phone Henry Kissinger China
    5. 19710520 Nixon Agreement on Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
    6. 19710617 Nixon Conv Bob Haldeman Pentagon Papers
    7. 19710630 Nixon Conv Bob Haldeman Pentagon Papers
    8. 19710701 Nixon Conv Pentagon Papers
    9. 19710715 Nixon Announces Trip China

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A161

    1. 19711029 Bush Taiwan Being Kicked Out UN
    2. 19711221 Nixon Conv John Ehrlichman John Mitchell DOJ Spies
    3. 19711222 Nixon Conv John Ehrlichman John Mitchell DOJ Spies

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A162

    1. 19720102 Nixon Dan Rather Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A163

    1. 19720120 Nixon State Union
    2. 19720125 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    3. 19720214 Nixon Phone Henry Kissinger China
    4. 19720217 Nixon Departing for China

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A164

    1. 19720221 Nixon Toast Chou en Lai
    2. 19720228 Nixon Welcome Home From China
    3. 19720324 Nixon Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A165

    1. 19720426 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    2. 19720508 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    3. 19720528 Nixon Address Soviet People From Kremlin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A166

    1. 19720601 Nixon Joint Session Congress Return from Moscow
    2. 19720823 Nixon Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A167

    1. 19721102 Nixon Look Future
    2. 19730102 Nixon Phone Lyndon Johnson Vietnam
    3. 19730120 Nixon Inaugural Address
    4. 19730123 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    5. 19730123 Nixon Phone Pat Nixon We Got Agreement

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A168

    1. 19730329 Nixon Address on Vietnam
    2. 19730410 Nixon Conv Lee Kuan Yew China’s Future
    3. 19730516 Nixon John Connally Hunting Trip Leonid Brezhnev
    4. 19730516 Nixon John Connally US Soviet Relations
    5. 19730524 Nixon Honors POWs White House

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A169

    1. 19730608 Nixon Florida Technical Univ Commencement
    2. 19730612 Nixon Phone Brent Scowcroft Vietnam
    3. 19730618 Nixon Leonid Brezhnev Working Relationship
    4. 19730618 Nixon Welcomes Leonid Brezhnev United States

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A170

    1. 19731214 Nixon Pageant Peace

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A171

    1. 19740130 Nixon State Union
    2. 19740916 Ford Return Vietnam Era Draft Evaders

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A172

    1. 19740918 Ford Address Before UN General Assembly
    2. 19750115 Ford State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A173

    1. 19750410 Ford Joint Session Congress

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A174

    1. 19750421 Ford Walter Cronkite Bob Schieffer E.Sevareid Intvw

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A175

    1. 19750506 Ford Press Conf
    2. 19750717 Ford Phone Call Apollo Soyuz Astronauts

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A176

    1. 19750801 Ford Helsinki Accords

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A177

    1. 19760119 Ford State Union
    2. 19760331 Reagan Restore America

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A178

    1. 19760715 Carter Acceptance Speech DNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A179

    1. 19760819 Ford Acceptance Speech RNC
    2. 19760819 Reagan Address RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A180

    1. 19770112 Ford State Union
    2. 19770120 Carter Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A181

    1. 19770414 Carter Organization American States Address
    2. 19770522 Carter University Notre Dame Commencement

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A182

    1. 19780119 Carter State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A183

    1. 19781130 Carter, Press Conference on Defense Spending
    2. 19781215 Carter Establishing Diplomatic Relations China

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A184

    1. 19790123 Carter State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A185

    1. 19790220 Carter Our Role in a World of Change

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A186

    1. 19790618 Carter Address on SALT II Treaty
    2. 19791001 Carter Calls for Calm Over Russians in Cuba

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A187

    1. 19791113 Reagan Announcing His Candidacy for President
    2. 19800104 Carter Afghanistan
    3. 19800123 Carter State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A188

    1. 19800321 Carter Boycott Summer Olympic Games

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A189

    1. 19800423 Reagan Bush GOP Debate Houston TX
    2. 19800506 Carter, Mariel Boat Lift

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A190

    1. 19800508 Nixon Barbara Walters Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A191

    1. 19800717 Reagan Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A192

    1. 19800814 Carter Acceptance Speech DNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A193

    1. 19800921 Reagan Presidential Debate vs John Anderson

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A194

    1. 19801019 Reagan a Strategy for Peace in 80s
    2. 19801031 Reagan Campaign Rally in Dallas TX

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A195

    1. 19801103 Reagan Bush A Vision for America
    2. 19810120 Reagan Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A196

    1. 19810129 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19810306 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A197

    1. 19810330 Reagan National Conf AFL CIO
    2. 19810402 Bush Meeting Mieczyslaw Jagielski Poland
    3. 19810527 Reagan West Point Commencement Speech

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A198

    1. 19810616 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19810820 Reagan Reenlistment Ceremony USS Constellation
    3. 19811002 Reagan US Strategic Weapons Program

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A199

    1. 19811110 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19811118 Reagan Strategic Arms Reduction Talks

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A200

    1. 19811217 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19811223 Reagan Christmas and Poland

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A201

    1. 19820126 Reagan State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A202

    1. 19820218 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A203

    1. 19820331 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A204

    1. 19820513 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A205

    1. 19820608 Reagan Address British Parliament
    2. 19820611 Reagan Checkpoint Charlie West Berlin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A206

    1. 19820617 Reagan United Nations Address on Disarmament
    2. 19820623 Reagan, Intelligence Identification Protection Act

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A207

    1. 19820630 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A208

    1. 19820728 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19820928 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A209

    1. 19821111 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19821122 Reagan, Arms Reduction and Nuclear Deterrence

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A210

    1. 19830105 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A211

    1. 19830125 Reagan State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A212

    1. 19830207 Bush, Face the Nation Interview
    2. 19830216 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A213

    1. 19830308 Reagan Evil Empire
    2. 19830323 Reagan Defense National Security

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A214

    1. 19830421 Reagan, US Soviet Relations

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A215

    1. 19830427 Reagan Joint Session Congress

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A216

    1. 19830517 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19830530 Reagan, Economic Summit State Dinner

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A217

    1. 19830628 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A218

    1. 19830726 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19830903 Reagan Address on Soviet Attack Korean Airliner

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A219

    1. 19830905 Reagan Soviet Attack on Korean Airliner
    2. 19830926 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A220

    1. 19831019 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19831113 Reagan Remarks Troops DMZ Camp Liberty Bell Korea

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A221

    1. 19831116 Nixon US Soviet Relations

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A222

    1. 19831220 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19840110 Reagan, Arrival Ceremony of Zhao Ziyang

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A223

    1. 19840116 Reagan US Soviet Relations

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A224

    1. 19840125 Reagan State Union
    2. 19840129 Reagan Announcing His Candidacy for President

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A225

    1. 19840222 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19840404 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A226

    1. 19840427 Reagan Address Chinese Community Leaders
    2. 19840428 Address on Trip China
    3. 19840430 Reagan Fudan University

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A227

    1. 19840501 Reagan Fudan University
    2. 19840503 Bush the Soviets Exploit Points of Weakness

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A228

    1. 19840522 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A229

    1. 19840614 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19840724 Reagan Press Conf
    3. 19840811 Reagan We Begin Bombing in Five Minutes

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A230

    1. 19840823 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A231

    1. 19840823 Reagan Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A232

    1. 19840924 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly
    2. 19850000 Nixon Contemporary Foreign Policy

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A233

    1. 19850109 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19850121 Reagan Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A234

    1. 19850206 Reagan State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A235

    1. 19850221 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19850321 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A236

    1. 19850509 Nixon, Barbara Walters Interview
    2. 19850510 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A237

    1. 19850618 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19850723 Reagan Arrival Ceremony Li Xiannian.
    3. 19850723 Reagan Li Xiannian Toasts State Dinner

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A238

    1. 19850805 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19850909 Bush Upcoming US Soviet Summit

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A239

    1. 19850917 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19851024 Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A240

    1. 19851116 Reagan Arrival in Geneva
    2. 19851117 Reagan Geneva Summit Meeting Advisors
    3. 19851118 Reagan Geneva Summit Meeting Advisors
    4. 19851120 Reagan M.Gorbachev Geneva Summit Private Dinner
    5. 19851120 Reagan M.Gorbachev Geneva Summit

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A241

    1. 19851121 Reagan International Press Center M.Gorbachev
    2. 19851121 Reagan Joint Session Congress on Geneva Summit
    3. 19851228 Reagan Soviet Occupation Afghanistan
    4. 19851228 Reagan Speaks Soviet People

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A242

    1. 19860107 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A243

    1. 19860204 Reagan State Union
    2. 19860210 Reagan Lou Cannon David Hoffman Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A244

    1. 19860211 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A245

    1. 19860409 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19860507 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A246

    1. 19860611 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A247

    1. 19860812 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19860922 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A248

    1. 19861009 Reagan Departure for Reykjavik Summit
    2. 19861013 Reagan Address on Reykjavik Summit
    3. 19861119 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A249

    1. 19870127 Reagan State Union
    2. 19870304 Reagan Address on Tower Commission Report

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A250

    1. 19870319 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A251

    1. 19870611 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19870612 Reagan Tear Down this Wall

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A252

    1. 19870615 Reagan Address on Venice Summit
    2. 19870829 Reagan US Soviet Relations
    3. 19870921 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A253

    1. 19871022 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19871208 Reagan Arrival Ceremony for M.Gorbachev

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A254

    1. 19871208 Reagan Live Broadcast US Soviet Citizens
    2. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev Sign INF Treaty
    3. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev State Dinner Arrival

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A255

    1. 19871208 Reagan M.Gorbachev State Dinner Toasts
    2. 19871208 Reagan Meeting M.Gorbachev
    3. 19871209 Reagan Meeting M.Gorbachev

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A256

    1. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Meeting M.Gorbachev Departure
    2. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Meeting M.Gorbachev
    3. 19871210 Reagan US USSR Summit National Address
    4. 19871217 Reagan Bob Dole Endorsement INF Treaty

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A257

    1. 19880125 Reagan State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A258

    1. 19880224 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19880520 Reagan Valentin Zorin Boris Kalyagin Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A259

    1. 19880529 Reagan Opening Ceremonies Soviet US Summit
    2. 19880530 Reagan M.Gorbachev Toasts State Dinner Moscow
    3. 19880530 Reagan Remarks Religious Leaders Danilov Monastery

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A260

    1. 19880530 Reagan Remarks Soviet Dissidents

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A261

    1. 19880531 Reagan M.Gorbachev Reciprocal State Dinner Toasts

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A262

    1. 19880531 Reagan M.Gorbachev Walking in Red Square

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A263

    1. 19880531 Reagan Moscow State University

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A264

    1. 19880531 Reagan Remarks for Artists Cultural Leaders

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A265

    1. 19880601 Reagan Exchange Documents Ratifying INF Treaty
    2. 19880601 Reagan Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A266

    1. 19880602 Reagan Remarks Following Soviet US Summit
    2. 19880602 Reagan Remarks US Embassy Staff
    3. 19880603 Regan Return From Soviet Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A267

    1. 19880815 Reagan RNC Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A268

    1. 19880818 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A269

    1. 19880926 Reagan Address Before UN General Assembly
    2. 19881207 Reagan Bush Arrival on Governors Island

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A270

    1. 19881207 Reagan Bush Meeting M.Gorbachev
    2. 19881207 Reagan Bush Working Lunch M.Gorbachev

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A271

    1. 19881208 Reagan Press Conf
    2. 19890111 Reagan Farewell Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A272

    1. 19890120 Bush Inaugural Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A273

    1. 19890209 Bush State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A274

    1. 19890605 Bush Press Statement on Tiananmen Square
    2. 19891109 Bush Statement on Fall Berlin Wall

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A275

    1. 19891203 Bush M.Gorbachev Malta Conf
    2. 19891204 Bush Malta Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A276

    1. 19900131 Bush State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A277

    1. 19900225 Bush Helmut Kohl Joint Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A278

    1. 19900531 Bush Summit M.Gorbachev
    2. 19900601 Bush Summit M.Gorbachev
    3. 19900608 Bush Press Conf Helmet Kohl

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A279

    1. 19901003 Bush Celebration Reunification Germany

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A280

    1. 19910129 Bush State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A281

    1. 19910306 Bush Joint Session Congress
    2. 19910730 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Moscow Inst Intl Studies

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A282

    1. 19910730 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Touring Kremlin Grounds
    2. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Reciprocal Dinner
    3. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Signing Ceremony

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A283

    1. 19910731 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev START Treaty Press Conf

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A284

    1. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Arrival in Kiev
    2. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Supreme Soviet Building

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A285

    1. 19910801 Bush Trip Moscow Kiev Wreath Laying Ceremony
    2. 19910821 Bush Coup in Soviet Union
    3. 19910911 Bush Baltic American Organization
    4. 19911225 Bush End Communism

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A286

    1. 19920107 Nixon, Ted Keppel Interview

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A287

    1. 19920128 Bush State Union

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A288

    1. 19920317 Nixon Post Communist World
    2. 19920817 Reagan RNC Address

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A289

    1. 19920820 Bush Acceptance Speech RNC

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A290

    1. 19930105 Bush Farewell West Point
    2. 19930113 Bush Reagan Presidential Medal Freedom

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A291

    1. 19940114 Clinton Joint Press Conf Boris Yeltsin

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A292

    1. 19940519 Clinton Joint Press Conf PV Narasimha Rao
    2. 19961005 Clinton WH Meeting Benj Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A293

    1. 19981119 Clinton A Discussion in Tokyo Japan

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A294

    1. 19991115 Clinton Joint Press Conf Suleyman Demirel
    2. 19991115 Clinton Recv Order of State of Turkish Republic

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A295

    1. 19991115 Clinton Welcoming Ceremony in Ankara Turkey
    2. 19991116 Clinton Adress Business Leaders Istanbul Turkey

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A296

    1. 19991116 Clinton State Dinner in Turkey
    2. 20170424 Trump Remarks Wrld Jewish Congress Plenary Assembly
    3. 20170523 Trump Address at Jewish Museum
    4. 20171210 Trump Meeting Henry Kissinger
    5. 20180514 Trump Dedication of US Embassy in Jerusalem

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A297

    1. 20190818 Trump Statement on Various Foreign Policy Issues

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A298

    1. 20200128 Trump Joint Press Conf Benjamin Netanyahu
    2. 20200915 Trump Bilateral Meeting Benjamin Netanyahu

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A299

    1. 20230412 Biden 25th Anniversary of Good Friday Agreement
    2. 20230413 Biden Bilateral Meeting Taoiseach Leo Varadkar

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A300

    1. 20230413 Biden House of Oireachtas Address
    2. 20230413 Biden State Diner in Dublin Ireland

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A301

    1. 20230414 Biden Remarks People of County Mayo
    2. 20230426 Biden Arrival Ceremony for Yoon Suk Yeal

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A302

    1. 20230426 Biden Bilateral Meeting Yoon Suk Yeal
    2. 20230426 Biden Joint Press Conf Yoon Suk Yeal
    3. 20230426 Biden State Dinner Honoring Yoon Suk Yeal
    4. 20000915 Clinton Joint Press Conf Atal Bihari Vajpayee

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    Presidency and Cold War Disc A303

    1. 20010611 Bush Kyoto Protocol
    2. 20050718 Bush Joint Press Conf Manmohan Singh
    3. 20050807 Biden Where Are We Militarily in Iraq
    4. 20060613 Biden We Need Leave Iraq Intact

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