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Perry Mason Radio Show

There was a lot more to Radio's Perry Mason than the thoughtful and proper courtroom genius Raymond Burr portrayed on TV. The radio Mason was as likely to answer a slight with gunshots as an "objection, your Honor."

Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality)

265 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 48 hours, 23 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
45 Audio CDs

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"Perry Mason at Wallaces Home"

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Young Raymond Burr
Serial, Based on the novels of Erle Stanley Gardner (1943 - 55)

Perry MasonWhen someone mentions the name "Perry Mason" the first image that runs through their mind is of a lawyer who unmasks murderers and crooks in the courtroom. Even though the television Perry Mason is the one everyone remembers, the original Perry Mason, whose derivation came from radio, is a lot different.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.


John Larkin
John Larkin is one of several
actors who played the radio role
Raymond Burr television
Raymond Burr played
the television role

The roll of Perry Mason shifted over the long run starting with Bartlett Robinson and then followed by Santos Ortega, Donald Briggs, and finally John Larkin who played the famous attorney after 1947.

The Perry Mason of radio would rather swap gunshots with evildoers than sit in a boring courtroom, waiting for the deliberation! Geared more towards action than courtroom drama, Perry Mason ran 12 seasons and later led to the development of the now-popular Raymond Burr television show, which started in the late 1950s.

(Please note that most of these recordings are of mixed sound quality and approximately 10 minutes long which allows for all the episodes to barely fit on a single MP3 CD. This collection includes every available Perry Mason recordings and unfortunately serial story lines are not complete)

See also the crime serials Front Page Farrell and The Clutching Hand. For more courtroom drama, see also:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    9     3


    Probably one of the better old time radio shows.... I enjoy so many :-). It features two different stories in serial form. Unfortunately neither of them are complete so we don't know how they end up. But fabulous listening.

    David Verified Purchase

    “Isn’t it true that Perry Mason debuted on CBS Radio October 18, 1943? Isn’t it true it would move to TV 14 years later? Isn’t it true that Perry Mason was once a character on The Edge Of Night? Isn’t it true you knew all of this, yet still had me type it all out? Well, Isn’t It???”

    Dave Verified Purchase

    " I confess! I did it! And I almost got away with it!" According to Facts on File, Perry Mason was a character as The Edge of Night was designed around him, but differences between Earl Stanley Gardner and the producers led to the redesign of the character as Mike Karr. Gardner would then shift Mason to TV, and the rest is history.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    The Edge of Night was the result of the radio show's producers' attempt to convert the radio show to television. Erle Stanley Gardner rejected the proposal and went with the proposal by Cornwall Jackson and Gail Patrick Jackson instead. The radio show Producer, Irving Vendig, retooled the idea and sold it as a daytime soap opera. The lead character, Mike Karr, was originally a detective; and only later an assistant District Attorney, then a defense attorney, and finally a District Attorney. With all the revisions, Mike Karr was far from Perry Mason. He also never used the character name Perry Mason, or any of the supporting characters from the Mason novels or earlier films.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    I well remember the Perry Mason soap opera. It was on around 12 and when I came from school home for lunch it was on, and I enjoyed listening to it around 47/48

    Will Verified Purchase

    I well remember the Perry Mason soap opera. It was on around 12 and when I came from school home for lunch it was on, and I enjoyed listening to it around 47/48

    Will Verified Purchase

    Perry Mason was a well-known fictional detective, appearing in 21 bestselling novels before being brought to the airwaves. Strangely enough, the radio version of Perry Mason was more a soap opera than a legal thriller. It ran 15 minutes daily and its commercials were for Tide. It ran from 1943 to 1955, at which time it moved to television. But Mason's creator, Erle Stanley Gardner, wasn't happy with the radio version, and he refused to license his characters for TV. So radio's Perry Mason became television's Edge of Night, with the names of the characters changed.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I am currently listening to episodes of Perry Mason in soap opera form that I well remember as a kid. At night, after I jump into bed, I put on the earphones & am once again trilled to hear that wonderful show. I really don't mind that the commercials have been cut out but I deeply resent the absence of the great pipe organ moments. They were so much a part of the show, & so inventive that they taught me to love pipe organ music & today I have a lovely theatre pipe organ in my home & lots of music rolls that I play on it. I even have the theme song for "I Love A Mystery" (Valse Triste) & it's a thrill to hear it with full organ. I can only assume that the pipe organ sequences were removed before you got them, so at least we have the shows & I am most grateful for that

    Francis Verified Purchase

    I love the shows. Being a child of the fifties I grew up with Raymond Burr as Perry Mason, so these shows are a little bit different. I found a list of the air dates for all the PM numbered shows and have updated the file names to include these dates. No big deal, but now they match the file name format of the other 25000 shows I have in my collection, i.e. YYMMDD Show or Episode Name. I am a very satisfied customer.

    Harold Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    265 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 48 hours, 23 min
    265 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 48 hours, 23 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 118 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. PM 440607 0193 Case Of The Puzzled Suitor.mp3
    3. PM 481026 1337 Mary McKean has been arrested.mp3
    4. PM 481027 1338 Mary McKean awaits the Grand.mp3
    5. PM 481028 1339 Marys trial is to begin tomorrow.mp3
    6. PM 481029 1340 Marys trial starts today.mp3
    7. PM 481101 1341 Perry Mason might be arrested.mp3
    8. PM 481102 1342 Perry transforms a Manhattan apartment.mp3
    9. PM 481103 1343 Mary is still in jail.mp3
    10. PM 481104 1344 Perry Mason still at Large.mp3
    11. PM 481105 1345 Traggs daughter has accepted engagement ring.mp3
    12. PM 481108 1346 It looks like Perry is in big trouble.mp3
    13. PM 481109 1347 Perry and Della are about to be booked.mp3
    14. PM 481110 1348 Prosecutor Murtaugh en route to courthouse.mp3
    15. PM 490711 1521 Smell Of Death.mp3
    16. PM 490817 1548 Mason and Tragg have Barker trapped.mp3
    17. PM 491028 1600 Perry Mason Investigates Palmer Murder.mp3
    18. PM 491103 1604 Ellen Whitlock about to face Perry Mason.mp3
    19. PM 491104 1605 The Trial of Donald and Martha Smith.mp3
    20. PM 500108 1645 The Cake That Killed.mp3
    21. PM 500122 1655 The Case Of The Lonesome Slab.mp3
    22. PM 510107 1905 Ladies Never Lie, Much.mp3
    23. PM 510114 1910 Simon Takes A Curtain Call.mp3
    24. PM 510121 1915 Tuba Or Not Tuba, That Is The Question.mp3
    25. PM 510126 1925 Perry and Tragg make plans.mp3
    26. PM 510129 1926 Helen Henderson remains under protection.mp3
    27. PM 510204 1925 The Carnival Murder.mp3
    28. PM 510211 1930 The Bride Who Lost Her Groom.mp3
    29. PM 510218 1935 Next Of Kin.mp3
    30. PM 510225 1940 The Big Swindle.mp3
    31. PM 510304 1945 The What-Not What Got Hot.mp3
    32. PM 510311 1950 Button, Button.mp3
    33. PM 510318 1955 The Bird And Bees Of East Orange.mp3
    34. PM 510907 2085 Mae Grant Cries Out.mp3
    35. PM 510910 2086 Marcel Threatens Mae.mp3
    36. PM 510925 2097 Perry Questions Hotel Manager.mp3
    37. PM 510926 2098 Shocking Message.mp3
    38. PM 511130 2145 No Mercy For Mae Grant.mp3
    39. PM 511203 2146 Perry At Women's Prison.mp3
    40. PM 511204 2147 Daughter Or Stranger.mp3
    41. PM 511205 2148 Bill's Reaction.mp3
    42. PM 511206 2149 Bill Confronts Mae.mp3
    43. PM 511207 2150 Bill Grant, Witness.mp3
    44. PM 520103 2169 Gloria Teases Dorrie.mp3
    45. PM 520104 2170 Dorrie Is Comforted.mp3
    46. PM 520307 2215 Chambermaid Testifies.mp3
    47. PM 520310 2216 Squeaking Witness Chair.mp3
    48. PM 520311 2217 Dorrie's 6th Birthday.mp3
    49. PM 520312 2218 Subpoena For Dorrie.mp3
    50. PM 520313 2219 Little Dorrie Testifies.mp3
    51. PM 520314 2220 Toy Pistol Testimony.mp3
    52. PM 520317 2221 Prosecutor Exploits Dorrie.mp3
    53. PM 520318 2222 Dorrie's Little Bible.mp3
    54. PM 520319 2223 Crying Dorrie Runs.mp3
    55. PM 520320 2224 Mae To Visit Dorrie.mp3
    56. PM 520321 2225 Mae Heals Dorrie's Hurt.mp3
    57. PM 520324 2226 Perry's Strategy Working.mp3
    58. PM 520325 2227 Perry Demands Kitty's Testimony.mp3
    59. PM 520326 2228 Anna Alerted By Kitty.mp3
    60. PM 520327 2229 Kitty Testifies.mp3
    61. PM 520328 2230 Missing Witness.mp3
    62. PM 520331 2231 False Alibi For Kitty.mp3
    63. PM 520401 2232 Perry Discredits Witness.mp3
    64. PM 520402 2233 Perry Visits Witness.mp3
    65. PM 520403 2234 Gunshot Test.mp3
    66. PM 520404 2235 New Developement.mp3
    67. PM 520407 2236 Kitty's Testimony.mp3
    68. PM 520408 2237 Mae's Phony Pregnancy.mp3
    69. PM 520409 2238 Perry's Decoy Bus Ticket.mp3
    70. PM 520410 2239 Escape In Fake Ambulance.mp3
    71. PM 520411 2240 Tragg Knows Perry Planned Escape.mp3
    72. PM 520414 2241 Mae's Suicide Note.mp3
    73. PM 520415 2242 Cops To Arrest Perry.mp3
    74. PM 520416 2243 Big Packing Case Trick.mp3
    75. PM 520417 2244 Cops Fall For Trick.mp3
    76. PM 520418 2245 Perry Escapes Arrest.mp3
    77. PM 520421 2246 Important Envelope.mp3
    78. PM 520422 2247 At Coffee Shop.mp3
    79. PM 520423 2248 Della Disguised As Waitress.mp3
    80. PM 520424 2249 Perry And Della To Atlanta.mp3
    81. PM 520425 2250 Reward For Perry's Capture.mp3
    82. PM 520428 2251 Norris Knows Perry Is Wanted.mp3
    83. PM 520429 2252 Perry's Trick Gun.mp3
    84. PM 520430 2253 Della To Atlanta.mp3
    85. PM 520501 2254 Reunited In Atlanta.mp3
    86. PM 531228 2686 Making Friends With Dog.mp3
    87. PM 531229 2687 Toni Facina Meets Kate In The Park.mp3
    88. PM 531230 2688 Kate Brings Skipper Home.mp3
    89. PM 531231 2689 Kate Speeks To Officer Mccanerney.mp3
    90. PM 540101 2690 Gordy Tells Kate About His Setup.mp3
    91. PM 540105 2692 Tony Asks Bob To Be Her Agent Again.mp3
    92. PM 540106 2693 Perry Mason Meets Mrs Riley.mp3
    93. PM 540107 2694 Kate Dressing For Audition.mp3
    94. PM 540108 2695 Perry Calls At Kate's House.mp3
    95. PM 540111 2696 Audition For Miss Poers.mp3
    96. PM 540112 2697 Kate's Back May Not Heal.mp3
    97. PM 540113 2698 Kate Hurts Back At Audition.mp3
    98. PM 540114 2699 Mr Beakman Argues.mp3
    99. PM 540115 2700 Appointment In Jail.mp3
    100. PM 540118 2701 At Kate's House.mp3
    101. PM 540119 2702 Riley Won't Meet.mp3
    102. PM 540120 2703 The Big Fellow.mp3
    103. PM 540121 2704 Alliance Insurance Company.mp3
    104. PM 540125 2706 Herbert J. Talks To Miss Powers.mp3
    105. PM 540126 2707 Perry With Lt Tragg.mp3
    106. PM 540127 2708 Auto Theft.mp3
    107. PM 540128 2709 Interrogating Car Thief.mp3
    108. PM 540129 2710 Private Meeting.mp3
    109. PM 540201 2711 Alliance Meeting.mp3
    110. PM 540202 2712 Perry And Della At Dinner.mp3
    111. PM 540203 2713 Perry's Secret Is No Secret.mp3
    112. PM 540204 2714 Perry Wants To Be Noticed.mp3
    113. PM 540205 2715 Wallace At Perry's Office.mp3
    114. PM 540208 2716 5 Five Min With Francis Riley.mp3
    115. PM 540209 2717 Riley Goes To The Morgue.mp3
    116. PM 540210 2718 At The Morgue Talking.mp3
    117. PM 540211 2719 Girl With Cut Hand.mp3
    118. PM 540212 2720 A New Face Gus.mp3
    119. PM 540215 2721 Kate At New Club.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 147 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. PM 540216 2722 Gus Knocks Out Gordy.mp3
    3. PM 540217 2723 Checking Drugstore Doctors.mp3
    4. PM 540218 2724 Perry At Mr Scott's Drugstore.mp3
    5. PM 540219 2725 Girls Name Revealed.mp3
    6. PM 540222 2726 Gus Sows Seeds Ofdoubt 2.mp3
    7. PM 540223 2727 Perry At Wallace's Home.mp3
    8. PM 540224 2728 Gordy At Tony's Apt.mp3
    9. PM 540225 2729 Gus Lining Up His Boys.mp3
    10. PM 540226 2730 Drake Looking For Susan.mp3
    11. PM 540301 2731 Finds Clearing House For Cars.mp3
    12. PM 540302 2732 Friend For Kate At Club.mp3
    13. PM 540303 2733 Gordy Talks With Kate.mp3
    14. PM 540304 2734 Gus At The Club.mp3
    15. PM 540305 2735 Meeting Of Gus, Gordy, J.t.mp3
    16. PM 540308 2736 Gus Thinking About Susan.mp3
    17. PM 540309 2737 Tony Being Nice To Kate.mp3
    18. PM 540310 2738 Gus Takes Kate Home.mp3
    19. PM 540311 2739 Gordy Stops Gus.mp3
    20. PM 540312 2740 Perry And Della At Club.mp3
    21. PM 540315 2741 Perry, Who Is Manager.mp3
    22. PM 540316 2742 Perry Gets Call From Drake.mp3
    23. PM 540317 2743 Gus To Kill Employee.mp3
    24. PM 540318 2744 Car Goes Over Cliff.mp3
    25. PM 540319 2745 J.t. Talks About Beakman.mp3
    26. PM 540322 2746 H.q. Finds Pete.mp3
    27. PM 540323 2747 Lt Shows Pictures.mp3
    28. PM 540324 2748 Kate's Mother Tells.mp3
    29. PM 540325 2749 Animal Hospital.mp3
    30. PM 540326 2750 Pete Watkin's Car.mp3
    31. PM 540329 2751 Jt's Hit On Gus.mp3
    32. PM 540330 2752 Perry Talks To Doctor.mp3
    33. PM 540331 2753 In Syndicate Garage.mp3
    34. PM 540401 2754 At Informant's Apartment.mp3
    35. PM 540402 2755 Paul Drake's Hospital Room.mp3
    36. PM 540405 2756 August At Bus Station.mp3
    37. PM 540406 2757 Perry At Bus Station.mp3
    38. PM 540407 2758 August At Doctor's Office.mp3
    39. PM 540408 2759 August With A Nurse.mp3
    40. PM 540409 2760 Perry At Doctor's Office.mp3
    41. PM 540412 2761 Back At Drugstore.mp3
    42. PM 540413 2762 Perry's Rooming House.mp3
    43. PM 540414 2763 Entering Rooming House.mp3
    44. PM 540415 2764 August Is Back.mp3
    45. PM 540416 2765 Fake Mrs Barkley's Death.mp3
    46. PM 540419 2766 August At The Club.mp3
    47. PM 540420 2767 At Club With Kate.mp3
    48. PM 540421 2768 At The Airport.mp3
    49. PM 540422 2769 Pat Driving.mp3
    50. PM 540423 2770 At Delah's Apartment.mp3
    51. PM 540426 2771 Gordy Meets Gus At Lounge.mp3
    52. PM 540427 2772 Gus Talks To Tony.mp3
    53. PM 540428 2773 Mrs Barkley's House.mp3
    54. PM 540429 2774 In On A State Road.mp3
    55. PM 540430 2775 At Jake's Office.mp3
    56. PM 540503 2776 Della Talks To Asst. D.a..mp3
    57. PM 540504 2777 August Reads The Newspaper.mp3
    58. PM 540505 2778 D.a. At Perry's Office.mp3
    59. PM 540506 2779 Arch Kerner's Office Recording.mp3
    60. PM 540507 2780 New Twistsgus Buys A Rifle.mp3
    61. PM 540510 2781 Homicide Office.mp3
    62. PM 540511 2782 Albert And Gus Sight The Rifle.mp3
    63. PM 540512 2783 Second Story Room Lookout.mp3
    64. PM 540513 2784 Plan Doesn't Work.mp3
    65. PM 540514 2785 Newspaper Office.mp3
    66. PM 540517 2786 At Wallace's Office.mp3
    67. PM 540518 2787 Kerner's Office.mp3
    68. PM 540519 2788 Susan Barkley.mp3
    69. PM 540520 2789 Assistant Da At Barkley House.mp3
    70. PM 540521 2790 Perry At The Barkley House.mp3
    71. PM 540524 2791 Susan Tries To Leave Again.mp3
    72. PM 540525 2792 Jt Meets With Gus.mp3
    73. PM 540526 2793 At The Office Gus At Vets.mp3
    74. PM 540527 2794 Mrs. Barkley Talks To Susan.mp3
    75. PM 540528 2795 Susan Calls Perry.mp3
    76. PM 540531 2796 D.a. Tough With Susan.mp3
    77. PM 540601 2797 Susan Calls Gus.mp3
    78. PM 540602 2798 Susan's Lost Memory.mp3
    79. PM 540603 2799 In The Barkley House.mp3
    80. PM 540604 2800 Kate At Home.mp3
    81. PM 540607 2801 Talk Of Framing Kate.mp3
    82. PM 540608 2802 Gordy Knows Big Fellow.mp3
    83. PM 540609 2803 Perry Is Fired.mp3
    84. PM 540610 2804 Police Headquarters.mp3
    85. PM 540611 2805 Perry Meets Paul Drake.mp3
    86. PM 540614 2806 Kate At Home And Gordy Calls.mp3
    87. PM 540615 2807 Drake Tells About Gordy.mp3
    88. PM 540616 2808 9-15 Pm At Kate's House.mp3
    89. PM 540617 2809 Gordy Has Been Murdered.mp3
    90. PM 540618 2810 Ed Beakman Finds Gordy.mp3
    91. PM 540621 2811 Kate In A Daze Meets Gus.mp3
    92. PM 540622 2812 Back At The Murder Apartment.mp3
    93. PM 540623 2813 Ed Questioned.mp3
    94. PM 540624 2814 Parole Officer At Beakman's.mp3
    95. PM 540625 2815 Gus Talks To J.t..mp3
    96. PM 540628 2816 Perry Stops Kate.mp3
    97. PM 540629 2817 Ed Beakman Confesses.mp3
    98. PM 540630 2818 Ed Beakman Tells The Truth.mp3
    99. PM 540701 2819 Jake Visits Perry.mp3
    100. PM 540702 2820 Apt Talks To Jimmy And Marion.mp3
    101. PM 540705 2821 Della Talks With Kate.mp3
    102. PM 540706 2822 Mrapt Gloats To Halverson.mp3
    103. PM 540707 2823 Halverson Talks To Fasina.mp3
    104. PM 540708 2824 Halverson And Tony Continue Talking.mp3
    105. PM 540709 2825 Kate And Della With Tony.mp3
    106. PM 540712 2826 Gus Influencing Tony.mp3
    107. PM 540713 2827 Gus Works On Tony.mp3
    108. PM 540714 2828 Perry At The Funeral.mp3
    109. PM 540715 2829 Tony Goes To The D.a..mp3
    110. PM 540716 2830 Kate, Della, Tony With Apt.mp3
    111. PM 540719 2831 Halverson At Beakman Home.mp3
    112. PM 540720 2832 Perry With Mr Apt.mp3
    113. PM 540721 2833 Drake Gets Order From Perry.mp3
    114. PM 540722 2834 Mrapt Calls A Press Conference.mp3
    115. PM 540723 2835 Halverson At Della's Apt..mp3
    116. PM 540726 2836 Kate In Custody.mp3
    117. PM 540727 2837 At Precinct 13.mp3
    118. PM 540728 2838 The Line Up.mp3
    119. PM 540729 2839 Apt Talks To Kate.mp3
    120. PM 540730 2840 Perry Talks With Kate.mp3
    121. PM 540802 2841 At The City Jail.mp3
    122. PM 540803 2842 Gus At Perry's Office.mp3
    123. PM 540804 2843 Gus Talking To Jt.mp3
    124. PM 540805 2844 At Women's Jail.mp3
    125. PM 540806 2845 Outside Women's Prison.mp3
    126. PM 540809 2846 Gus And Tony.mp3
    127. PM 540810 2847 At The Insurance Company.mp3
    128. PM 540811 2848 Francis Riley's Home.mp3
    129. PM 540812 2849 In The Hotel Lobby.mp3
    130. PM 540813 2850 Halverson With Perry And Della.mp3
    131. PM 540816 2851 Nickolas Importing Company.mp3
    132. PM 540817 2852 Drake Detective Agency.mp3
    133. PM 540818 2853 At Perry's Office.mp3
    134. PM 540819 2854 At Women's Jail.mp3
    135. PM 540820 2855 At Women's Jail.mp3
    136. PM 540823 2856 At Women's Jail.mp3
    137. PM 540824 2857 At Women's Jail And Da's Office.mp3
    138. PM 540825 2858 Da's Office Drake At Nightclub.mp3
    139. PM 540826 2859 Halverson's Sister.mp3
    140. PM 540827 2860 At Women's Jail.mp3
    141. PM 540830 2861 At Perry's Apartment.mp3
    142. PM 540831 2862 Halverson At Perry's Office.mp3
    143. PM 540901 2863 At Women's Jail.mp3
    144. PM 540902 2864 At Women's Jail And Perry's Office.mp3
    145. PM 540903 2865 At The Court House And Tony's Place.mp3
    146. PM 540906 2866 Tony's Place And Court House.mp3
    147. PM 540907 2867 Women's Jail And D.a.'s Office.mp3
    148. PM 550121 2965 Larry Boland blackmailing Lois Monahan.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    265 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 48 hours, 23 min
    265 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1335 MB – total playtime 48 hours, 23 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 118 shows – 668 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 8 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. PM 440607 0193 Case Of The Puzzled Suitor.mp3
    3. PM 481026 1337 Mary McKean has been arrested.mp3
    4. PM 481027 1338 Mary McKean awaits the Grand.mp3
    5. PM 481028 1339 Marys trial is to begin tomorrow.mp3
    6. PM 481029 1340 Marys trial starts today.mp3
    7. PM 481101 1341 Perry Mason might be arrested.mp3
    8. PM 481102 1342 Perry transforms a Manhattan apartment.mp3
    9. PM 481103 1343 Mary is still in jail.mp3
    10. PM 481104 1344 Perry Mason still at Large.mp3
    11. PM 481105 1345 Traggs daughter has accepted engagement ring.mp3
    12. PM 481108 1346 It looks like Perry is in big trouble.mp3
    13. PM 481109 1347 Perry and Della are about to be booked.mp3
    14. PM 481110 1348 Prosecutor Murtaugh en route to courthouse.mp3
    15. PM 490711 1521 Smell Of Death.mp3
    16. PM 490817 1548 Mason and Tragg have Barker trapped.mp3
    17. PM 491028 1600 Perry Mason Investigates Palmer Murder.mp3
    18. PM 491103 1604 Ellen Whitlock about to face Perry Mason.mp3
    19. PM 491104 1605 The Trial of Donald and Martha Smith.mp3
    20. PM 500108 1645 The Cake That Killed.mp3
    21. PM 500122 1655 The Case Of The Lonesome Slab.mp3
    22. PM 510107 1905 Ladies Never Lie, Much.mp3
    23. PM 510114 1910 Simon Takes A Curtain Call.mp3
    24. PM 510121 1915 Tuba Or Not Tuba, That Is The Question.mp3
    25. PM 510126 1925 Perry and Tragg make plans.mp3
    26. PM 510129 1926 Helen Henderson remains under protection.mp3
    27. PM 510204 1925 The Carnival Murder.mp3
    28. PM 510211 1930 The Bride Who Lost Her Groom.mp3
    29. PM 510218 1935 Next Of Kin.mp3
    30. PM 510225 1940 The Big Swindle.mp3
    31. PM 510304 1945 The What-Not What Got Hot.mp3
    32. PM 510311 1950 Button, Button.mp3
    33. PM 510318 1955 The Bird And Bees Of East Orange.mp3
    34. PM 510907 2085 Mae Grant Cries Out.mp3
    35. PM 510910 2086 Marcel Threatens Mae.mp3
    36. PM 510925 2097 Perry Questions Hotel Manager.mp3
    37. PM 510926 2098 Shocking Message.mp3
    38. PM 511130 2145 No Mercy For Mae Grant.mp3
    39. PM 511203 2146 Perry At Women's Prison.mp3
    40. PM 511204 2147 Daughter Or Stranger.mp3
    41. PM 511205 2148 Bill's Reaction.mp3
    42. PM 511206 2149 Bill Confronts Mae.mp3
    43. PM 511207 2150 Bill Grant, Witness.mp3
    44. PM 520103 2169 Gloria Teases Dorrie.mp3
    45. PM 520104 2170 Dorrie Is Comforted.mp3
    46. PM 520307 2215 Chambermaid Testifies.mp3
    47. PM 520310 2216 Squeaking Witness Chair.mp3
    48. PM 520311 2217 Dorrie's 6th Birthday.mp3
    49. PM 520312 2218 Subpoena For Dorrie.mp3
    50. PM 520313 2219 Little Dorrie Testifies.mp3
    51. PM 520314 2220 Toy Pistol Testimony.mp3
    52. PM 520317 2221 Prosecutor Exploits Dorrie.mp3
    53. PM 520318 2222 Dorrie's Little Bible.mp3
    54. PM 520319 2223 Crying Dorrie Runs.mp3
    55. PM 520320 2224 Mae To Visit Dorrie.mp3
    56. PM 520321 2225 Mae Heals Dorrie's Hurt.mp3
    57. PM 520324 2226 Perry's Strategy Working.mp3
    58. PM 520325 2227 Perry Demands Kitty's Testimony.mp3
    59. PM 520326 2228 Anna Alerted By Kitty.mp3
    60. PM 520327 2229 Kitty Testifies.mp3
    61. PM 520328 2230 Missing Witness.mp3
    62. PM 520331 2231 False Alibi For Kitty.mp3
    63. PM 520401 2232 Perry Discredits Witness.mp3
    64. PM 520402 2233 Perry Visits Witness.mp3
    65. PM 520403 2234 Gunshot Test.mp3
    66. PM 520404 2235 New Developement.mp3
    67. PM 520407 2236 Kitty's Testimony.mp3
    68. PM 520408 2237 Mae's Phony Pregnancy.mp3
    69. PM 520409 2238 Perry's Decoy Bus Ticket.mp3
    70. PM 520410 2239 Escape In Fake Ambulance.mp3
    71. PM 520411 2240 Tragg Knows Perry Planned Escape.mp3
    72. PM 520414 2241 Mae's Suicide Note.mp3
    73. PM 520415 2242 Cops To Arrest Perry.mp3
    74. PM 520416 2243 Big Packing Case Trick.mp3
    75. PM 520417 2244 Cops Fall For Trick.mp3
    76. PM 520418 2245 Perry Escapes Arrest.mp3
    77. PM 520421 2246 Important Envelope.mp3
    78. PM 520422 2247 At Coffee Shop.mp3
    79. PM 520423 2248 Della Disguised As Waitress.mp3
    80. PM 520424 2249 Perry And Della To Atlanta.mp3
    81. PM 520425 2250 Reward For Perry's Capture.mp3
    82. PM 520428 2251 Norris Knows Perry Is Wanted.mp3
    83. PM 520429 2252 Perry's Trick Gun.mp3
    84. PM 520430 2253 Della To Atlanta.mp3
    85. PM 520501 2254 Reunited In Atlanta.mp3
    86. PM 531228 2686 Making Friends With Dog.mp3
    87. PM 531229 2687 Toni Facina Meets Kate In The Park.mp3
    88. PM 531230 2688 Kate Brings Skipper Home.mp3
    89. PM 531231 2689 Kate Speeks To Officer Mccanerney.mp3
    90. PM 540101 2690 Gordy Tells Kate About His Setup.mp3
    91. PM 540105 2692 Tony Asks Bob To Be Her Agent Again.mp3
    92. PM 540106 2693 Perry Mason Meets Mrs Riley.mp3
    93. PM 540107 2694 Kate Dressing For Audition.mp3
    94. PM 540108 2695 Perry Calls At Kate's House.mp3
    95. PM 540111 2696 Audition For Miss Poers.mp3
    96. PM 540112 2697 Kate's Back May Not Heal.mp3
    97. PM 540113 2698 Kate Hurts Back At Audition.mp3
    98. PM 540114 2699 Mr Beakman Argues.mp3
    99. PM 540115 2700 Appointment In Jail.mp3
    100. PM 540118 2701 At Kate's House.mp3
    101. PM 540119 2702 Riley Won't Meet.mp3
    102. PM 540120 2703 The Big Fellow.mp3
    103. PM 540121 2704 Alliance Insurance Company.mp3
    104. PM 540125 2706 Herbert J. Talks To Miss Powers.mp3
    105. PM 540126 2707 Perry With Lt Tragg.mp3
    106. PM 540127 2708 Auto Theft.mp3
    107. PM 540128 2709 Interrogating Car Thief.mp3
    108. PM 540129 2710 Private Meeting.mp3
    109. PM 540201 2711 Alliance Meeting.mp3
    110. PM 540202 2712 Perry And Della At Dinner.mp3
    111. PM 540203 2713 Perry's Secret Is No Secret.mp3
    112. PM 540204 2714 Perry Wants To Be Noticed.mp3
    113. PM 540205 2715 Wallace At Perry's Office.mp3
    114. PM 540208 2716 5 Five Min With Francis Riley.mp3
    115. PM 540209 2717 Riley Goes To The Morgue.mp3
    116. PM 540210 2718 At The Morgue Talking.mp3
    117. PM 540211 2719 Girl With Cut Hand.mp3
    118. PM 540212 2720 A New Face Gus.mp3
    119. PM 540215 2721 Kate At New Club.mp3

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    2. PM 540216 2722 Gus Knocks Out Gordy.mp3
    3. PM 540217 2723 Checking Drugstore Doctors.mp3
    4. PM 540218 2724 Perry At Mr Scott's Drugstore.mp3
    5. PM 540219 2725 Girls Name Revealed.mp3
    6. PM 540222 2726 Gus Sows Seeds Ofdoubt 2.mp3
    7. PM 540223 2727 Perry At Wallace's Home.mp3
    8. PM 540224 2728 Gordy At Tony's Apt.mp3
    9. PM 540225 2729 Gus Lining Up His Boys.mp3
    10. PM 540226 2730 Drake Looking For Susan.mp3
    11. PM 540301 2731 Finds Clearing House For Cars.mp3
    12. PM 540302 2732 Friend For Kate At Club.mp3
    13. PM 540303 2733 Gordy Talks With Kate.mp3
    14. PM 540304 2734 Gus At The Club.mp3
    15. PM 540305 2735 Meeting Of Gus, Gordy, J.t.mp3
    16. PM 540308 2736 Gus Thinking About Susan.mp3
    17. PM 540309 2737 Tony Being Nice To Kate.mp3
    18. PM 540310 2738 Gus Takes Kate Home.mp3
    19. PM 540311 2739 Gordy Stops Gus.mp3
    20. PM 540312 2740 Perry And Della At Club.mp3
    21. PM 540315 2741 Perry, Who Is Manager.mp3
    22. PM 540316 2742 Perry Gets Call From Drake.mp3
    23. PM 540317 2743 Gus To Kill Employee.mp3
    24. PM 540318 2744 Car Goes Over Cliff.mp3
    25. PM 540319 2745 J.t. Talks About Beakman.mp3
    26. PM 540322 2746 H.q. Finds Pete.mp3
    27. PM 540323 2747 Lt Shows Pictures.mp3
    28. PM 540324 2748 Kate's Mother Tells.mp3
    29. PM 540325 2749 Animal Hospital.mp3
    30. PM 540326 2750 Pete Watkin's Car.mp3
    31. PM 540329 2751 Jt's Hit On Gus.mp3
    32. PM 540330 2752 Perry Talks To Doctor.mp3
    33. PM 540331 2753 In Syndicate Garage.mp3
    34. PM 540401 2754 At Informant's Apartment.mp3
    35. PM 540402 2755 Paul Drake's Hospital Room.mp3
    36. PM 540405 2756 August At Bus Station.mp3
    37. PM 540406 2757 Perry At Bus Station.mp3
    38. PM 540407 2758 August At Doctor's Office.mp3
    39. PM 540408 2759 August With A Nurse.mp3
    40. PM 540409 2760 Perry At Doctor's Office.mp3
    41. PM 540412 2761 Back At Drugstore.mp3
    42. PM 540413 2762 Perry's Rooming House.mp3
    43. PM 540414 2763 Entering Rooming House.mp3
    44. PM 540415 2764 August Is Back.mp3
    45. PM 540416 2765 Fake Mrs Barkley's Death.mp3
    46. PM 540419 2766 August At The Club.mp3
    47. PM 540420 2767 At Club With Kate.mp3
    48. PM 540421 2768 At The Airport.mp3
    49. PM 540422 2769 Pat Driving.mp3
    50. PM 540423 2770 At Delah's Apartment.mp3
    51. PM 540426 2771 Gordy Meets Gus At Lounge.mp3
    52. PM 540427 2772 Gus Talks To Tony.mp3
    53. PM 540428 2773 Mrs Barkley's House.mp3
    54. PM 540429 2774 In On A State Road.mp3
    55. PM 540430 2775 At Jake's Office.mp3
    56. PM 540503 2776 Della Talks To Asst. D.a..mp3
    57. PM 540504 2777 August Reads The Newspaper.mp3
    58. PM 540505 2778 D.a. At Perry's Office.mp3
    59. PM 540506 2779 Arch Kerner's Office Recording.mp3
    60. PM 540507 2780 New Twistsgus Buys A Rifle.mp3
    61. PM 540510 2781 Homicide Office.mp3
    62. PM 540511 2782 Albert And Gus Sight The Rifle.mp3
    63. PM 540512 2783 Second Story Room Lookout.mp3
    64. PM 540513 2784 Plan Doesn't Work.mp3
    65. PM 540514 2785 Newspaper Office.mp3
    66. PM 540517 2786 At Wallace's Office.mp3
    67. PM 540518 2787 Kerner's Office.mp3
    68. PM 540519 2788 Susan Barkley.mp3
    69. PM 540520 2789 Assistant Da At Barkley House.mp3
    70. PM 540521 2790 Perry At The Barkley House.mp3
    71. PM 540524 2791 Susan Tries To Leave Again.mp3
    72. PM 540525 2792 Jt Meets With Gus.mp3
    73. PM 540526 2793 At The Office Gus At Vets.mp3
    74. PM 540527 2794 Mrs. Barkley Talks To Susan.mp3
    75. PM 540528 2795 Susan Calls Perry.mp3
    76. PM 540531 2796 D.a. Tough With Susan.mp3
    77. PM 540601 2797 Susan Calls Gus.mp3
    78. PM 540602 2798 Susan's Lost Memory.mp3
    79. PM 540603 2799 In The Barkley House.mp3
    80. PM 540604 2800 Kate At Home.mp3
    81. PM 540607 2801 Talk Of Framing Kate.mp3
    82. PM 540608 2802 Gordy Knows Big Fellow.mp3
    83. PM 540609 2803 Perry Is Fired.mp3
    84. PM 540610 2804 Police Headquarters.mp3
    85. PM 540611 2805 Perry Meets Paul Drake.mp3
    86. PM 540614 2806 Kate At Home And Gordy Calls.mp3
    87. PM 540615 2807 Drake Tells About Gordy.mp3
    88. PM 540616 2808 9-15 Pm At Kate's House.mp3
    89. PM 540617 2809 Gordy Has Been Murdered.mp3
    90. PM 540618 2810 Ed Beakman Finds Gordy.mp3
    91. PM 540621 2811 Kate In A Daze Meets Gus.mp3
    92. PM 540622 2812 Back At The Murder Apartment.mp3
    93. PM 540623 2813 Ed Questioned.mp3
    94. PM 540624 2814 Parole Officer At Beakman's.mp3
    95. PM 540625 2815 Gus Talks To J.t..mp3
    96. PM 540628 2816 Perry Stops Kate.mp3
    97. PM 540629 2817 Ed Beakman Confesses.mp3
    98. PM 540630 2818 Ed Beakman Tells The Truth.mp3
    99. PM 540701 2819 Jake Visits Perry.mp3
    100. PM 540702 2820 Apt Talks To Jimmy And Marion.mp3
    101. PM 540705 2821 Della Talks With Kate.mp3
    102. PM 540706 2822 Mrapt Gloats To Halverson.mp3
    103. PM 540707 2823 Halverson Talks To Fasina.mp3
    104. PM 540708 2824 Halverson And Tony Continue Talking.mp3
    105. PM 540709 2825 Kate And Della With Tony.mp3
    106. PM 540712 2826 Gus Influencing Tony.mp3
    107. PM 540713 2827 Gus Works On Tony.mp3
    108. PM 540714 2828 Perry At The Funeral.mp3
    109. PM 540715 2829 Tony Goes To The D.a..mp3
    110. PM 540716 2830 Kate, Della, Tony With Apt.mp3
    111. PM 540719 2831 Halverson At Beakman Home.mp3
    112. PM 540720 2832 Perry With Mr Apt.mp3
    113. PM 540721 2833 Drake Gets Order From Perry.mp3
    114. PM 540722 2834 Mrapt Calls A Press Conference.mp3
    115. PM 540723 2835 Halverson At Della's Apt..mp3
    116. PM 540726 2836 Kate In Custody.mp3
    117. PM 540727 2837 At Precinct 13.mp3
    118. PM 540728 2838 The Line Up.mp3
    119. PM 540729 2839 Apt Talks To Kate.mp3
    120. PM 540730 2840 Perry Talks With Kate.mp3
    121. PM 540802 2841 At The City Jail.mp3
    122. PM 540803 2842 Gus At Perry's Office.mp3
    123. PM 540804 2843 Gus Talking To Jt.mp3
    124. PM 540805 2844 At Women's Jail.mp3
    125. PM 540806 2845 Outside Women's Prison.mp3
    126. PM 540809 2846 Gus And Tony.mp3
    127. PM 540810 2847 At The Insurance Company.mp3
    128. PM 540811 2848 Francis Riley's Home.mp3
    129. PM 540812 2849 In The Hotel Lobby.mp3
    130. PM 540813 2850 Halverson With Perry And Della.mp3
    131. PM 540816 2851 Nickolas Importing Company.mp3
    132. PM 540817 2852 Drake Detective Agency.mp3
    133. PM 540818 2853 At Perry's Office.mp3
    134. PM 540819 2854 At Women's Jail.mp3
    135. PM 540820 2855 At Women's Jail.mp3
    136. PM 540823 2856 At Women's Jail.mp3
    137. PM 540824 2857 At Women's Jail And Da's Office.mp3
    138. PM 540825 2858 Da's Office Drake At Nightclub.mp3
    139. PM 540826 2859 Halverson's Sister.mp3
    140. PM 540827 2860 At Women's Jail.mp3
    141. PM 540830 2861 At Perry's Apartment.mp3
    142. PM 540831 2862 Halverson At Perry's Office.mp3
    143. PM 540901 2863 At Women's Jail.mp3
    144. PM 540902 2864 At Women's Jail And Perry's Office.mp3
    145. PM 540903 2865 At The Court House And Tony's Place.mp3
    146. PM 540906 2866 Tony's Place And Court House.mp3
    147. PM 540907 2867 Women's Jail And D.a.'s Office.mp3
    148. PM 550121 2965 Larry Boland blackmailing Lois Monahan.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    265 recordings on 45 Audio CDs. Total playtime 48 hours, 23 min
    265 recordings on 45 Audio CDs
    total playtime 48 hours, 23 min

    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A001

    1. PM 440607 0193 Case Of The Puzzled Suitor
    2. PM 481026 1337 Mary McKean has been arrested
    3. PM 481027 1338 Mary McKean awaits the Grand
    4. PM 481028 1339 Marys trial is to begin tomorrow
    5. PM 481029 1340 Marys trial starts today

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A002

    1. PM 481101 1341 Perry Mason might be arrested
    2. PM 481102 1342 Perry transforms a Manhattan apartment
    3. PM 481103 1343 Mary is still in jail
    4. PM 481104 1344 Perry Mason still at Large
    5. PM 481105 1345 Traggs daughter has accepted engagement ring
    6. PM 481108 1346 It looks like Perry is in big trouble

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A003

    1. PM 481109 1347 Perry and Della are about to be booked
    2. PM 481110 1348 Prosecutor Murtaugh en route to courthouse
    3. PM 490711 1521 Smell Of Death
    4. PM 490817 1548 Mason and Tragg have Barker trapped
    5. PM 491028 1600 Perry Mason Investigates Palmer Murder

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A004

    1. PM 491103 1604 Ellen Whitlock about to face Perry Mason
    2. PM 491104 1605 The Trial of Donald and Martha Smith
    3. PM 500108 1645 The Cake That Killed

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A005

    1. PM 500122 1655 The Case Of The Lonesome Slab
    2. PM 510107 1905 Ladies Never Lie, Much

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A006

    1. PM 510114 1910 Simon Takes A Curtain Call
    2. PM 510121 1915 Tuba Or Not Tuba, That Is The Question

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A007

    1. PM 510126 1925 Perry and Tragg make plans
    2. PM 510129 1926 Helen Henderson remains under protection
    3. PM 510204 1925 The Carnival Murder

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A008

    1. PM 510211 1930 The Bride Who Lost Her Groom
    2. PM 510218 1935 Next Of Kin

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A009

    1. PM 510225 1940 The Big Swindle
    2. PM 510304 1945 The What-Not What Got Hot

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A010

    1. PM 510311 1950 Button, Button
    2. PM 510318 1955 The Bird And Bees Of East Orange
    3. PM 510907 2085 Mae Grant Cries Out

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A011

    1. PM 510910 2086 Marcel Threatens Mae
    2. PM 510925 2097 Perry Questions Hotel Manager
    3. PM 510926 2098 Shocking Message
    4. PM 511130 2145 No Mercy For Mae Grant
    5. PM 511203 2146 Perry At Women's Prison
    6. PM 511204 2147 Daughter Or Stranger
    7. PM 511205 2148 Bill's Reaction

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A012

    1. PM 511206 2149 Bill Confronts Mae
    2. PM 511207 2150 Bill Grant, Witness
    3. PM 520103 2169 Gloria Teases Dorrie
    4. PM 520104 2170 Dorrie Is Comforted
    5. PM 520307 2215 Chambermaid Testifies
    6. PM 520310 2216 Squeaking Witness Chair
    7. PM 520311 2217 Dorrie's 6th Birthday

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A013

    1. PM 520312 2218 Subpoena For Dorrie
    2. PM 520313 2219 Little Dorrie Testifies
    3. PM 520314 2220 Toy Pistol Testimony
    4. PM 520317 2221 Prosecutor Exploits Dorrie
    5. PM 520318 2222 Dorrie's Little Bible
    6. PM 520319 2223 Crying Dorrie Runs

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A014

    1. PM 520320 2224 Mae To Visit Dorrie
    2. PM 520321 2225 Mae Heals Dorrie's Hurt
    3. PM 520324 2226 Perry's Strategy Working
    4. PM 520325 2227 Perry Demands Kitty's Testimony
    5. PM 520326 2228 Anna Alerted By Kitty
    6. PM 520327 2229 Kitty Testifies

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A015

    1. PM 520328 2230 Missing Witness
    2. PM 520331 2231 False Alibi For Kitty
    3. PM 520401 2232 Perry Discredits Witness
    4. PM 520402 2233 Perry Visits Witness
    5. PM 520403 2234 Gunshot Test
    6. PM 520404 2235 New Developement
    7. PM 520407 2236 Kitty's Testimony

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A016

    1. PM 520408 2237 Mae's Phony Pregnancy
    2. PM 520409 2238 Perry's Decoy Bus Ticket
    3. PM 520410 2239 Escape In Fake Ambulance
    4. PM 520411 2240 Tragg Knows Perry Planned Escape
    5. PM 520414 2241 Mae's Suicide Note
    6. PM 520415 2242 Cops To Arrest Perry
    7. PM 520416 2243 Big Packing Case Trick

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A017

    1. PM 520417 2244 Cops Fall For Trick
    2. PM 520418 2245 Perry Escapes Arrest
    3. PM 520421 2246 Important Envelope
    4. PM 520422 2247 At Coffee Shop
    5. PM 520423 2248 Della Disguised As Waitress
    6. PM 520424 2249 Perry And Della To Atlanta

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A018

    1. PM 520425 2250 Reward For Perry's Capture
    2. PM 520428 2251 Norris Knows Perry Is Wanted
    3. PM 520429 2252 Perry's Trick Gun
    4. PM 520430 2253 Della To Atlanta
    5. PM 520501 2254 Reunited In Atlanta
    6. PM 531228 2686 Making Friends With Dog

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A019

    1. PM 531229 2687 Toni Facina Meets Kate In The Park
    2. PM 531230 2688 Kate Brings Skipper Home
    3. PM 531231 2689 Kate Speeks To Officer Mccanerney
    4. PM 540101 2690 Gordy Tells Kate About His Setup
    5. PM 540105 2692 Tony Asks Bob To Be Her Agent Again
    6. PM 540106 2693 Perry Mason Meets Mrs Riley
    7. PM 540107 2694 Kate Dressing For Audition

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A020

    1. PM 540108 2695 Perry Calls At Kate's House
    2. PM 540111 2696 Audition For Miss Poers
    3. PM 540112 2697 Kate's Back May Not Heal
    4. PM 540113 2698 Kate Hurts Back At Audition
    5. PM 540114 2699 Mr Beakman Argues
    6. PM 540115 2700 Appointment In Jail
    7. PM 540118 2701 At Kate's House

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A021

    1. PM 540119 2702 Riley Won't Meet
    2. PM 540120 2703 The Big Fellow
    3. PM 540121 2704 Alliance Insurance Company
    4. PM 540125 2706 Herbert J. Talks To Miss Powers
    5. PM 540126 2707 Perry With Lt Tragg
    6. PM 540127 2708 Auto Theft
    7. PM 540128 2709 Interrogating Car Thief

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A022

    1. PM 540129 2710 Private Meeting
    2. PM 540201 2711 Alliance Meeting
    3. PM 540202 2712 Perry And Della At Dinner
    4. PM 540203 2713 Perry's Secret Is No Secret
    5. PM 540204 2714 Perry Wants To Be Noticed
    6. PM 540205 2715 Wallace At Perry's Office
    7. PM 540208 2716 5 Five Min With Francis Riley

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A023

    1. PM 540209 2717 Riley Goes To The Morgue
    2. PM 540210 2718 At The Morgue Talking
    3. PM 540211 2719 Girl With Cut Hand
    4. PM 540212 2720 A New Face Gus
    5. PM 540215 2721 Kate At New Club
    6. PM 540216 2722 Gus Knocks Out Gordy
    7. PM 540217 2723 Checking Drugstore Doctors

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A024

    1. PM 540218 2724 Perry At Mr Scott's Drugstore
    2. PM 540219 2725 Girls Name Revealed
    3. PM 540222 2726 Gus Sows Seeds Ofdoubt 2
    4. PM 540223 2727 Perry At Wallace's Home
    5. PM 540224 2728 Gordy At Tony's Apt
    6. PM 540225 2729 Gus Lining Up His Boys
    7. PM 540226 2730 Drake Looking For Susan

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A025

    1. PM 540301 2731 Finds Clearing House For Cars
    2. PM 540302 2732 Friend For Kate At Club
    3. PM 540303 2733 Gordy Talks With Kate
    4. PM 540304 2734 Gus At The Club
    5. PM 540305 2735 Meeting Of Gus, Gordy, J.t
    6. PM 540308 2736 Gus Thinking About Susan

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A026

    1. PM 540309 2737 Tony Being Nice To Kate
    2. PM 540310 2738 Gus Takes Kate Home
    3. PM 540311 2739 Gordy Stops Gus
    4. PM 540312 2740 Perry And Della At Club
    5. PM 540315 2741 Perry, Who Is Manager
    6. PM 540316 2742 Perry Gets Call From Drake

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A027

    1. PM 540317 2743 Gus To Kill Employee
    2. PM 540318 2744 Car Goes Over Cliff
    3. PM 540319 2745 J.t. Talks About Beakman
    4. PM 540322 2746 H.q. Finds Pete
    5. PM 540323 2747 Lt Shows Pictures
    6. PM 540324 2748 Kate's Mother Tells
    7. PM 540325 2749 Animal Hospital

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A028

    1. PM 540326 2750 Pete Watkin's Car
    2. PM 540329 2751 Jt's Hit On Gus
    3. PM 540330 2752 Perry Talks To Doctor
    4. PM 540331 2753 In Syndicate Garage
    5. PM 540401 2754 At Informant's Apartment
    6. PM 540402 2755 Paul Drake's Hospital Room
    7. PM 540405 2756 August At Bus Station

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A029

    1. PM 540406 2757 Perry At Bus Station
    2. PM 540407 2758 August At Doctor's Office
    3. PM 540408 2759 August With A Nurse
    4. PM 540409 2760 Perry At Doctor's Office
    5. PM 540412 2761 Back At Drugstore
    6. PM 540413 2762 Perry's Rooming House
    7. PM 540414 2763 Entering Rooming House

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A030

    1. PM 540415 2764 August Is Back
    2. PM 540416 2765 Fake Mrs Barkley's Death
    3. PM 540419 2766 August At The Club
    4. PM 540420 2767 At Club With Kate
    5. PM 540421 2768 At The Airport
    6. PM 540422 2769 Pat Driving
    7. PM 540423 2770 At Delah's Apartment

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A031

    1. PM 540426 2771 Gordy Meets Gus At Lounge
    2. PM 540427 2772 Gus Talks To Tony
    3. PM 540428 2773 Mrs Barkley's House
    4. PM 540429 2774 In On A State Road
    5. PM 540430 2775 At Jake's Office
    6. PM 540503 2776 Della Talks To Asst. D.a.
    7. PM 540504 2777 August Reads The Newspaper

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A032

    1. PM 540505 2778 D.a. At Perry's Office
    2. PM 540506 2779 Arch Kerner's Office Recording
    3. PM 540507 2780 New Twistsgus Buys A Rifle
    4. PM 540510 2781 Homicide Office
    5. PM 540511 2782 Albert And Gus Sight The Rifle
    6. PM 540512 2783 Second Story Room Lookout
    7. PM 540513 2784 Plan Doesn't Work

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A033

    1. PM 540514 2785 Newspaper Office
    2. PM 540517 2786 At Wallace's Office
    3. PM 540518 2787 Kerner's Office
    4. PM 540519 2788 Susan Barkley
    5. PM 540520 2789 Assistant Da At Barkley House
    6. PM 540521 2790 Perry At The Barkley House

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A034

    1. PM 540524 2791 Susan Tries To Leave Again
    2. PM 540525 2792 Jt Meets With Gus
    3. PM 540526 2793 At The Office Gus At Vets
    4. PM 540527 2794 Mrs. Barkley Talks To Susan
    5. PM 540528 2795 Susan Calls Perry
    6. PM 540531 2796 D.a. Tough With Susan

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A035

    1. PM 540601 2797 Susan Calls Gus
    2. PM 540602 2798 Susan's Lost Memory
    3. PM 540603 2799 In The Barkley House
    4. PM 540604 2800 Kate At Home
    5. PM 540607 2801 Talk Of Framing Kate
    6. PM 540608 2802 Gordy Knows Big Fellow

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A036

    1. PM 540609 2803 Perry Is Fired
    2. PM 540610 2804 Police Headquarters
    3. PM 540611 2805 Perry Meets Paul Drake
    4. PM 540614 2806 Kate At Home And Gordy Calls
    5. PM 540615 2807 Drake Tells About Gordy
    6. PM 540616 2808 9-15 Pm At Kate's House

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A037

    1. PM 540617 2809 Gordy Has Been Murdered
    2. PM 540618 2810 Ed Beakman Finds Gordy
    3. PM 540621 2811 Kate In A Daze Meets Gus
    4. PM 540622 2812 Back At The Murder Apartment
    5. PM 540623 2813 Ed Questioned
    6. PM 540624 2814 Parole Officer At Beakman's

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A038

    1. PM 540625 2815 Gus Talks To J.t.
    2. PM 540628 2816 Perry Stops Kate
    3. PM 540629 2817 Ed Beakman Confesses
    4. PM 540630 2818 Ed Beakman Tells The Truth
    5. PM 540701 2819 Jake Visits Perry
    6. PM 540702 2820 Apt Talks To Jimmy And Marion
    7. PM 540705 2821 Della Talks With Kate

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A039

    1. PM 540706 2822 Mrapt Gloats To Halverson
    2. PM 540707 2823 Halverson Talks To Fasina
    3. PM 540708 2824 Halverson And Tony Continue Talking
    4. PM 540709 2825 Kate And Della With Tony
    5. PM 540712 2826 Gus Influencing Tony
    6. PM 540713 2827 Gus Works On Tony
    7. PM 540714 2828 Perry At The Funeral

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A040

    1. PM 540715 2829 Tony Goes To The D.a.
    2. PM 540716 2830 Kate, Della, Tony With Apt
    3. PM 540719 2831 Halverson At Beakman Home
    4. PM 540720 2832 Perry With Mr Apt
    5. PM 540721 2833 Drake Gets Order From Perry
    6. PM 540722 2834 Mrapt Calls A Press Conference
    7. PM 540723 2835 Halverson At Della's Apt.

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A041

    1. PM 540726 2836 Kate In Custody
    2. PM 540727 2837 At Precinct 13
    3. PM 540728 2838 The Line Up
    4. PM 540729 2839 Apt Talks To Kate
    5. PM 540730 2840 Perry Talks With Kate
    6. PM 540802 2841 At The City Jail
    7. PM 540803 2842 Gus At Perry's Office

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A042

    1. PM 540804 2843 Gus Talking To Jt
    2. PM 540805 2844 At Women's Jail
    3. PM 540806 2845 Outside Women's Prison
    4. PM 540809 2846 Gus And Tony
    5. PM 540810 2847 At The Insurance Company
    6. PM 540811 2848 Francis Riley's Home
    7. PM 540812 2849 In The Hotel Lobby

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A043

    1. PM 540813 2850 Halverson With Perry And Della
    2. PM 540816 2851 Nickolas Importing Company
    3. PM 540817 2852 Drake Detective Agency
    4. PM 540818 2853 At Perry's Office
    5. PM 540819 2854 At Women's Jail
    6. PM 540820 2855 At Women's Jail
    7. PM 540823 2856 At Women's Jail

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A044

    1. PM 540824 2857 At Women's Jail And Da's Office
    2. PM 540825 2858 Da's Office Drake At Nightclub
    3. PM 540826 2859 Halverson's Sister
    4. PM 540827 2860 At Women's Jail
    5. PM 540830 2861 At Perry's Apartment
    6. PM 540831 2862 Halverson At Perry's Office
    7. PM 540901 2863 At Women's Jail

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    Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality) Disc A045

    1. PM 540902 2864 At Women's Jail And Perry's Office
    2. PM 540903 2865 At The Court House And Tony's Place
    3. PM 540906 2866 Tony's Place And Court House
    4. PM 540907 2867 Women's Jail And D.a.'s Office
    5. PM 550121 2965 Larry Boland blackmailing Lois Monahan

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