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Paul Robeson Recordings

one of the first celebrated dramatic African-American actors in theater and film. This collection contains his apperance on Magic Key in 1936, an excerpt of his 1959 Othello Performance and a collection of his musical recordings from the 1930-40's.

Paul Robeson

59 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 4 hours, 3 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
5 Audio CDs

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Paul Robeson
(1898 – 1976)

Paul Robeson 1942In early stage, screen and radio, very few black actors were able to find respectable dramatic roles. Many roles available to African-American performers were comedic and often disparaging reflecting negative stereotypes at the time. Paul Robeson was one of the first celebrated dramatic African-American actors in theater and film.

Paul Robeson OthelloPaul Robeson's parents greatly affected his life. William Drew Robeson I was a runaway slave and later graduated from Lincoln University and became a minister. His mother Maria Louisa Bustill was a member of Society of Friends (Quaker), who was a staunch supporter of universal equality. His parents were big proponents of education. Robeson excelled academically and was involved in singing, acting, and athletics at Rutgers University, where he was "tapped" to join the exclusive "Cap and Bones". He could converse, sing and perform in over 20 languages.

He was a staunch supporter of equal rights and once stated "The artist must elect to fight for freedom or for slavery." Though he did not make many films in the United States, he opened opportunities for other African-American performers including Sidney Pointier. This collection includes the rare recording featuring Paul Robeson's apperance on Magic Key in 1936, an excerpt of his 1959 Othello Performance and a collection of his musical recordings from the 1930-40's.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    59 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 4 hours, 3 min
    59 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 4 hours, 3 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 59 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 3 minutes
    2. Labor For Victory 430627 Ep044 John Henry Hammers It Out.mp3
    3. Magic Key 360927 53 Faust W P Robeson, J Froman.mp3
    4. All Men are Brothers [live].mp3
    5. All Through the Night.mp3
    6. Ballad for Americans.mp3
    7. Balm in Gilead.mp3
    8. Boris Gudunov (Mussorgsky).mp3
    9. By and By.mp3
    10. Canoe Song(from'Sanders Of The River').mp3
    11. Chassidic Chant.mp3
    12. Christ lag in Todesbanden[l].mp3
    13. Danny Boy.mp3
    14. Deep River.mp3
    15. Drink To Me Only.mp3
    16. Every Time I Feel The Spirit.mp3
    17. Ezekiel Saw the Wheel.mp3
    18. From Border to Border.mp3
    19. Go Down, Moses.mp3
    20. Going Home.mp3
    21. International - Anthem of the USSR.mp3
    22. It Ain't Necessarily So.mp3
    23. Jerusalem.mp3
    24. Joe Hill.mp3
    25. John Brown's Body.mp3
    26. John Henry.mp3
    27. Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho.mp3
    28. Lazybones.mp3
    29. Little Man,You've Had A Busy Day.mp3
    30. Loch Lomond.mp3
    31. Love Song.mp3
    32. Lullaby (Shubert] [l].mp3
    33. Mah Lindy Lou (1933).mp3
    34. Mighty Lak' A Rose.mp3
    35. My Curly Headed Baby.mp3
    36. National Hymne USSR National Anthem.mp3
    37. Native Land.mp3
    38. No More Auction Block Great.mp3
    39. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.mp3
    40. Old Folks At Home - Swanee River.mp3
    41. Old Man River.mp3
    42. Rockin' Chair.mp3
    43. Shenandoah.mp3
    44. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child.mp3
    45. Song of the Plains.mp3
    46. Song of the Volga Boatmen.mp3
    47. Steal Away.mp3
    48. Swing Low Sweet Chariot.mp3
    49. Swing Low,Sweet Chariot Every Time I Feel Th.mp3
    50. Sylvia.mp3
    51. That's Why Darkies Were Born.mp3
    52. The Four Insurgent Generals.mp3
    53. The Lonesome Road.mp3
    54. The Lord God of Abraham.mp3
    55. The Minstrel Boy.mp3
    56. The Peat-Bog Soldiers (Moorsoldaten).mp3
    57. Wagon Wheels.mp3
    58. Water Boy.mp3
    59. Within Four Walls.mp3
    60. News Shakespeare Othello Paul Robeson 1959 (1 min).mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    59 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 4 hours, 3 min
    59 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    114 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 3 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 59 shows – 114 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 3 minutes
    2. Labor For Victory 430627 Ep044 John Henry Hammers It Out.mp3
    3. Magic Key 360927 53 Faust W P Robeson, J Froman.mp3
    4. All Men are Brothers [live].mp3
    5. All Through the Night.mp3
    6. Ballad for Americans.mp3
    7. Balm in Gilead.mp3
    8. Boris Gudunov (Mussorgsky).mp3
    9. By and By.mp3
    10. Canoe Song(from'Sanders Of The River').mp3
    11. Chassidic Chant.mp3
    12. Christ lag in Todesbanden[l].mp3
    13. Danny Boy.mp3
    14. Deep River.mp3
    15. Drink To Me Only.mp3
    16. Every Time I Feel The Spirit.mp3
    17. Ezekiel Saw the Wheel.mp3
    18. From Border to Border.mp3
    19. Go Down, Moses.mp3
    20. Going Home.mp3
    21. International - Anthem of the USSR.mp3
    22. It Ain't Necessarily So.mp3
    23. Jerusalem.mp3
    24. Joe Hill.mp3
    25. John Brown's Body.mp3
    26. John Henry.mp3
    27. Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho.mp3
    28. Lazybones.mp3
    29. Little Man,You've Had A Busy Day.mp3
    30. Loch Lomond.mp3
    31. Love Song.mp3
    32. Lullaby (Shubert] [l].mp3
    33. Mah Lindy Lou (1933).mp3
    34. Mighty Lak' A Rose.mp3
    35. My Curly Headed Baby.mp3
    36. National Hymne USSR National Anthem.mp3
    37. Native Land.mp3
    38. No More Auction Block Great.mp3
    39. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.mp3
    40. Old Folks At Home - Swanee River.mp3
    41. Old Man River.mp3
    42. Rockin' Chair.mp3
    43. Shenandoah.mp3
    44. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child.mp3
    45. Song of the Plains.mp3
    46. Song of the Volga Boatmen.mp3
    47. Steal Away.mp3
    48. Swing Low Sweet Chariot.mp3
    49. Swing Low,Sweet Chariot Every Time I Feel Th.mp3
    50. Sylvia.mp3
    51. That's Why Darkies Were Born.mp3
    52. The Four Insurgent Generals.mp3
    53. The Lonesome Road.mp3
    54. The Lord God of Abraham.mp3
    55. The Minstrel Boy.mp3
    56. The Peat-Bog Soldiers (Moorsoldaten).mp3
    57. Wagon Wheels.mp3
    58. Water Boy.mp3
    59. Within Four Walls.mp3
    60. News Shakespeare Othello Paul Robeson 1959 (1 min).mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    59 recordings on 5 Audio CDs. Total playtime 4 hours, 3 min
    59 recordings on 5 Audio CDs
    total playtime 4 hours, 3 min

    Paul Robeson Disc A001

    1. All Men are Brothers [live]
    2. All Through the Night
    3. Ballad for Americans
    4. Balm in Gilead
    5. Boris Gudunov (Mussorgsky)
    6. By and By
    7. Canoe Song(from'Sanders Of The River')
    8. Chassidic Chant
    9. Christ lag in Todesbanden[l]
    10. Danny Boy
    11. Deep River
    12. Drink To Me Only
    13. Every Time I Feel The Spirit
    14. Ezekiel Saw the Wheel
    15. From Border to Border
    16. Go Down, Moses
    17. Going Home
    18. International - Anthem of the USSR
    19. It Ain't Necessarily So
    20. Jerusalem
    21. Joe Hill
    22. John Brown's Body

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Paul Robeson Disc A002

    1. John Henry
    2. Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho
    3. Lazybones
    4. Little Man,You've Had A Busy Day
    5. Loch Lomond
    6. Love Song
    7. Lullaby (Shubert] [l]
    8. Mah Lindy Lou (1933)
    9. Mighty Lak' A Rose
    10. My Curly Headed Baby
    11. National Hymne USSR National Anthem
    12. Native Land
    13. No More Auction Block Great
    14. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
    15. Old Folks At Home - Swanee River
    16. Old Man River
    17. Rockin' Chair
    18. Shenandoah
    19. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
    20. Song of the Plains
    21. Song of the Volga Boatmen
    22. Steal Away
    23. Swing Low Sweet Chariot

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Paul Robeson Disc A003

    1. Swing Low,Sweet Chariot Every Time I Feel Th
    2. Sylvia
    3. That's Why Darkies Were Born
    4. The Four Insurgent Generals
    5. The Lonesome Road
    6. The Lord God of Abraham
    7. The Minstrel Boy
    8. The Peat-Bog Soldiers (Moorsoldaten)
    9. Wagon Wheels
    10. Water Boy
    11. Within Four Walls
    12. News Shakespeare Othello Paul Robeson 1959 (1 min)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Paul Robeson Disc A004

    1. Magic Key 360927 53 Faust W P Robeson, J Froman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Paul Robeson Disc A005

    1. Labor For Victory 430627 Ep044 John Henry Hammers It Out

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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