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Our Nation's Heritage

Award winning music education radio show, presenting not only performances but discussions of musical theory as well as introducing both classical and popular music forms such as Jazz and folk.

Our Nations Heritage

39 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 16 hours, 25 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
19 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

During October of 1928, in the classrooms of 72 schools in the Washington, Oregon, and California, radios began tuning to stations of NBC's Pacific Network (the Orange Network) to hear The Standard School Broadcast. At a time when the mass communication potential of radio was in its infancy, this bold experiment must have been a wonder to the students. Predating CBS's The American School of the Air (which began broadcast on February 4, 1930), it is considered the first educational radio program in the United States.

Old RadioSponsored by the Standard Oil Company of California, the series was widely praised as a medium of music education, presenting not only performances but discussions of musical theory as well as introducing both classical and popular music forms such as Jazz and folk. Standard Oil was recognized by the Peabody Institute Awards in 1948, and again in 1975 for "47 years of continuous educational radio service".

In addition to the award-winning music education, in the producers put together a series of forty half-hour broadcasts titled Our Nation's Heritage. These were not dry "battles and dates" history lessons that the kids would have gotten from textbooks. The episode which reported the signing of the Declaration of Independence explored more than the document itself and took a close and personal look at the members of the Continental Congress through the eyes of delegate Benjamin Franklin. "Pre-Columbian Era" looked at the Indians who crossed from Asia on the Bering Sea Land Bridge but expanded the report to include landings in North America by the Phoenicians, the Chinese, Leif Erickson, Ireland's St. Brendan and others. The penultimate episode was "The Sounds of the Sixties", which may have felt too recent to be "history" to the students who heard it originally, but is especially poignant now more than four decades down the line.

Vinyl recordings of Our Nations Heritage, along with teaching guides, were made available free of charge to elementary and junior high schools free of charge between 1970 and 1973. They make for an interesting look at the attitudes of America towards its history before "the great National Malaise" that followed the Watergate Years.

For more American historical drama, see also: American Adventure, An American in England, American Trail, Cavalcade of America, Democracy in America, Destination Freedom, The Free Company, Frontier Fighters, Inheritance, Norman Corwin Collection, Our Nation's Heritage, Mr President, Science Magazine of the Air, You Are There.

See also: Romance of Oil

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    39 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 25 min
    39 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 16 hours, 25 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 39 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 25 minutes
    2. Our Nations Heritage 01 Pre Columbian Era.mp3
    3. Our Nations Heritage 02 Early Voyage Of Discovery.mp3
    4. Our Nations Heritage 03 First Americans.mp3
    5. Our Nations Heritage 04 Later Voyages Of Discovery.mp3
    6. Our Nations Heritage 05 Conquest Mexico South America.mp3
    7. Our Nations Heritage 06 Expeditions In North America.mp3
    8. Our Nations Heritage 07 New Spain I N America.mp3
    9. Our Nations Heritage 08 New France In America.mp3
    10. Our Nations Heritage 09 English In America.mp3
    11. Our Nations Heritage 10 Life In Colonial America.mp3
    12. Our Nations Heritage 11 Frontier Settlements.mp3
    13. Our Nations Heritage 12 French And Indian Wars.mp3
    14. Our Nations Heritage 13 Colonists Talk Of Independence.mp3
    15. Our Nations Heritage 14 Americans Fight For Independence.mp3
    16. Our Nations Heritage 15 Declaration Of Independence.mp3
    17. Our Nations Heritage 16 Consitution And Bill Of Rights.mp3
    18. Our Nations Heritage 17 First Congress And First President.mp3
    19. Our Nations Heritage 18 Jefferson Era.mp3
    20. Our Nations Heritage 19 Madisons War And Monroes Doctrine.mp3
    21. Our Nations Heritage 20 Federal Power Vs States Rights.mp3
    22. Our Nations Heritage 21 Trails And Waterways West.mp3
    23. Our Nations Heritage 22 New Lands Acquired.mp3
    24. Our Nations Heritage 23 Civil War.mp3
    25. Our Nations Heritage 24 Union Restored.mp3
    26. Our Nations Heritage 25 Spanning Continent.mp3
    27. Our Nations Heritage 26 Last Frontier.mp3
    28. Our Nations Heritage 27 Growth Of American Industry.mp3
    29. Our Nations Heritage 28 Age Of Inventiveness.mp3
    30. Our Nations Heritage 29 New Outposts Acquired.mp3
    31. Our Nations Heritage 30 America Land Of Promise.mp3
    32. Our Nations Heritage 31 Progressive Era.mp3
    33. Our Nations Heritage 32 America In World War I.mp3
    34. Our Nations Heritage 33 Roaring Twenties.mp3
    35. Our Nations Heritage 34 Crash And Depression.mp3
    36. Our Nations Heritage 35 Pearl Harbor To Tehran.mp3
    37. Our Nations Heritage 36 D Day To V J Day.mp3
    38. Our Nations Heritage 37 America At Mid Century.mp3
    39. Our Nations Heritage 38 Sounds Of 60s.mp3
    40. Our Nations Heritage 40 Nation Matures Conclusion.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    39 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 25 min
    39 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    451 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 25 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 39 shows – 451 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 25 minutes
    2. Our Nations Heritage 01 Pre Columbian Era.mp3
    3. Our Nations Heritage 02 Early Voyage Of Discovery.mp3
    4. Our Nations Heritage 03 First Americans.mp3
    5. Our Nations Heritage 04 Later Voyages Of Discovery.mp3
    6. Our Nations Heritage 05 Conquest Mexico South America.mp3
    7. Our Nations Heritage 06 Expeditions In North America.mp3
    8. Our Nations Heritage 07 New Spain I N America.mp3
    9. Our Nations Heritage 08 New France In America.mp3
    10. Our Nations Heritage 09 English In America.mp3
    11. Our Nations Heritage 10 Life In Colonial America.mp3
    12. Our Nations Heritage 11 Frontier Settlements.mp3
    13. Our Nations Heritage 12 French And Indian Wars.mp3
    14. Our Nations Heritage 13 Colonists Talk Of Independence.mp3
    15. Our Nations Heritage 14 Americans Fight For Independence.mp3
    16. Our Nations Heritage 15 Declaration Of Independence.mp3
    17. Our Nations Heritage 16 Consitution And Bill Of Rights.mp3
    18. Our Nations Heritage 17 First Congress And First President.mp3
    19. Our Nations Heritage 18 Jefferson Era.mp3
    20. Our Nations Heritage 19 Madisons War And Monroes Doctrine.mp3
    21. Our Nations Heritage 20 Federal Power Vs States Rights.mp3
    22. Our Nations Heritage 21 Trails And Waterways West.mp3
    23. Our Nations Heritage 22 New Lands Acquired.mp3
    24. Our Nations Heritage 23 Civil War.mp3
    25. Our Nations Heritage 24 Union Restored.mp3
    26. Our Nations Heritage 25 Spanning Continent.mp3
    27. Our Nations Heritage 26 Last Frontier.mp3
    28. Our Nations Heritage 27 Growth Of American Industry.mp3
    29. Our Nations Heritage 28 Age Of Inventiveness.mp3
    30. Our Nations Heritage 29 New Outposts Acquired.mp3
    31. Our Nations Heritage 30 America Land Of Promise.mp3
    32. Our Nations Heritage 31 Progressive Era.mp3
    33. Our Nations Heritage 32 America In World War I.mp3
    34. Our Nations Heritage 33 Roaring Twenties.mp3
    35. Our Nations Heritage 34 Crash And Depression.mp3
    36. Our Nations Heritage 35 Pearl Harbor To Tehran.mp3
    37. Our Nations Heritage 36 D Day To V J Day.mp3
    38. Our Nations Heritage 37 America At Mid Century.mp3
    39. Our Nations Heritage 38 Sounds Of 60s.mp3
    40. Our Nations Heritage 40 Nation Matures Conclusion.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    39 recordings on 19 Audio CDs. Total playtime 16 hours, 25 min
    39 recordings on 19 Audio CDs
    total playtime 16 hours, 25 min

    Our Nations Heritage Disc A001

    1. Our Nations Heritage 01 Pre Columbian Era
    2. Our Nations Heritage 02 Early Voyage Of Discovery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A002

    1. Our Nations Heritage 03 First Americans
    2. Our Nations Heritage 04 Later Voyages Of Discovery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A003

    1. Our Nations Heritage 05 Conquest Mexico South America
    2. Our Nations Heritage 06 Expeditions In North America

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A004

    1. Our Nations Heritage 07 New Spain I N America
    2. Our Nations Heritage 08 New France In America

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A005

    1. Our Nations Heritage 09 English In America
    2. Our Nations Heritage 10 Life In Colonial America

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A006

    1. Our Nations Heritage 11 Frontier Settlements
    2. Our Nations Heritage 12 French And Indian Wars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A007

    1. Our Nations Heritage 13 Colonists Talk Of Independence
    2. Our Nations Heritage 14 Americans Fight For Independence

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A008

    1. Our Nations Heritage 15 Declaration Of Independence
    2. Our Nations Heritage 16 Consitution And Bill Of Rights
    3. Our Nations Heritage 17 First Congress And First President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A009

    1. Our Nations Heritage 18 Jefferson Era
    2. Our Nations Heritage 19 Madisons War And Monroes Doctrine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A010

    1. Our Nations Heritage 20 Federal Power Vs States Rights
    2. Our Nations Heritage 21 Trails And Waterways West

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A011

    1. Our Nations Heritage 22 New Lands Acquired
    2. Our Nations Heritage 23 Civil War

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A012

    1. Our Nations Heritage 24 Union Restored
    2. Our Nations Heritage 25 Spanning Continent

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A013

    1. Our Nations Heritage 26 Last Frontier
    2. Our Nations Heritage 27 Growth Of American Industry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A014

    1. Our Nations Heritage 28 Age Of Inventiveness
    2. Our Nations Heritage 29 New Outposts Acquired

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A015

    1. Our Nations Heritage 30 America Land Of Promise
    2. Our Nations Heritage 31 Progressive Era

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A016

    1. Our Nations Heritage 32 America In World War I
    2. Our Nations Heritage 33 Roaring Twenties

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A017

    1. Our Nations Heritage 34 Crash And Depression
    2. Our Nations Heritage 35 Pearl Harbor To Tehran

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A018

    1. Our Nations Heritage 36 D Day To V J Day
    2. Our Nations Heritage 37 America At Mid Century

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Our Nations Heritage Disc A019

    1. Our Nations Heritage 38 Sounds Of 60s
    2. Our Nations Heritage 40 Nation Matures Conclusion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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