Hear the stories of people from the great State of New York who discovered something to make our lives better or safer.
8 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 1 hours, 47 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
2 Audio CDs
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
Uncle York was there when the Dutch sailed into Manhattan and he saw everything that ever happened in New York state since the beginning. The show was written and transcribed by the New York State Department of Commerce.
The show was "dedicated to the men and women everywhere through whose courage and enterprise we enjoy Our Freedom’s Blessings. The show featured stories about people from the state of New York who had an idea then made made it come true. These ideas made life better or safer for other people like the men who figured out how to fly by instruments alone or the discovery of the first synthetic plastic.
See also American Trail, An American in England, Better Living Theater, Captains of Industry, Doctor Fights, Encore Theater, Men of Vision,Our Freedoms Blessings, Exploring the Unknown, and Science Magazine of the Air.
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Our Freedoms Blessings Disc A001
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Our Freedoms Blessings Disc A002
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