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News Recordings 1941

News program featuring the biggest events and news stories of 1941 leading up the the Attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.

News Recordings 1941

203 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 3071 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
49 Audio CDs

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"Library of Congress Interview of Men on Street after Pearl Harbor"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

FDR 1941
As 1941 begins, the United States is coming to terms with the fact that Europe is at War. In his State of the Union Address on Jan 6, President Roosevelt introduces the concept of the "Four Freedoms" which the Allied Nations are fighting to defend, and he salutes the efforts of those who stand up to aggression to keep War out of our hemisphere. (Incidentally, on this day the keel of the battleship USS Missouri was laid.)

TobrukOn the 21 and 22 of January, Elmer Davis reports on the British Victory Tobruk in North Africa. As part of Operation Compass, the battle was part of the first major Allied operation in Western Africa and a complete success. The Lend-Lease Act had been introduced before Congress on Jan 10, and on Jan 23, Elmer Davis reported Charles Lindberg's opposition to it.

On Feb 9, Winston Churchill speaks over the radio in a world-wide broadcast where he tells the American people "give us the tools, and we will finish the job", speaking about the fight against Fascism.

On Mar 9, Edward R. Murrow reports on the coming of spring to England after a winter which included the Blitz. The report comes on the day after the Lend-Lease Act was passed by Congress, but Murrow is cautious with his optimism.

On May 3,  we hear Whirlaway winning the Kentucky Derby, and at March Field in California, Bob Hope performs his first show for the USO.

From the sinking of the HMS Hood on May 24 until the end of the month we hear reports on the battleship Bismarck until it is sunk by the Royal Navy. On June 22, the Nazi's launch what would be considered their biggest mistake of the War, Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia. In our collection, we hear the initial reports from Prime Minister Churchill.

Charles LindbergIn August, Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly aboard ship off Newfoundland to draft the Atlantic Charter, the agreement which would eventually shape the post-war world. Churchill reported on the Conference over the BBC on August 24.

On August 31, The Great Gildersleeve, starring Howard Peary, debuts.

On September 11, Charles Lindberg speaks at the America First Rally in Des Moines and accuses "the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt Administration" of leading America towards war. Popular support for Lindberg begins to evaporate almost immediately.

As War swirls throughout the world, it becomes increasingly obvious that America will become involved. The Oct 19 edition of Jergen's Journal, with Walter Winchell, tells of Nazi tanks approaching Moscow and reports the names of 10 American Sailors who are missing after the USS Kearny was torpedoed by a U-boat off Reykjavik. They were the first American military casualties of the war. Winchell ends the broadcast by admonishing Americans that we must first defeat the defeatists at home.

On Nov 11, NBC News reported the sinking of the British aircraft carrier, the HMS Ark Royal.

For most of us, the defining event of 1941 comes near the end of the tumultuous year, the Dec 7 attack on Pearl Harbor. Attack on Pearl HarborOn Dec 5, we hear Senator Tom Connelly of Texas warning Japan against aggression. The CBS World News Today, for Dec 6, reports London's reaction to the apparent breakdown of relations between the US and the Empire of Japan. The Chinese ambassador encourages the free nations to react should Japan "pounce" on another and Britain reacts with amusement over Japanese anger that their proposals to President Roosevelt are published in the newspapers. In the same broadcast,  there is a report from Manila, which is "the center of a circle of tension extending 1500 miles". In Washington, a diplomatic waiting game continues.

Our December 7 coverage includes some of the first programs to be interrupted by news bulletins of the attack through the West Coast blackout warning from KIRO in Seattle through the declaration of war, the Day of Infamy speech, in congress on Dec 8.

The War will dominate the radio news for the next few years.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    The World War II recordings are some of the best I have heard. With a lot of the broadcasts using short wave radio you can't have studio quality on everything. I am happy to report that I did find three broadcasts of interest of a friend of mine who is writing a book about his experience in WWII. The recordings were of his father, a war correspondent broadcasting from Java. The only recording he is looking for is early 1942 Tokyo Rose. You have a disc, but is much later in the war. Thanks for the good quality discs.

    Larry Verified Purchase

    The disc I listened to was disc #31. This is a great capturing of the sounds of December 7,1941 immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbor including commentary and reports from NBC, CBS, and the BBC. The sound quality is good and the programs are informative as to what was going on on that date.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    203 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 3071 min
    203 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 47 hours, 3071 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 119 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. News 410101 KFWB Robert Arden News New Year War News.mp3
    3. News 410102 NBC Kaltenborn Edits News Session Congress Tmrrw.mp3
    4. News 410105 BBC Bruce Belfrage WithNews.mp3
    5. News 410106 FDR Four Freedoms.mp3
    6. News 410110 BBC Alan Howland On German Air Attacks.mp3
    7. News 410121 CBS Elmer Davis News British Attack Tobruk Italy.mp3
    8. News 410122 CBS Elmer DavisNews British Take Tobruk.mp3
    9. News 410123 CBS Elmer Davis Lindbergh Opposes Lend Lease.mp3
    10. News 410131 NBC War News.mp3
    11. News 4101xx NBC Alf Landon.mp3
    12. News 410209 BBC Winston Churchill Give UsTools.mp3
    13. News 410209 NBC Sunday News Roundup.mp3
    14. News 410224 NBC Kaltenborn Convoy issue Dominant Tonight.mp3
    15. News 410224 NBC War News.mp3
    16. News 410308 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    17. News 410309 CBS Edward R Murrow Spring.mp3
    18. News 410322 NBC World News Roundup John MacVane.mp3
    19. News 4103xx RSH Lord Haw Haw La Trib Denies German Balkans.mp3
    20. News 410403 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    21. News 410405 NBC World News Roundup Earl Godwin.mp3
    22. News 410418 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    23. News 410425 BBC Sir Walter Monckton Dir General Minstry Info.mp3
    24. News 410425 NBC News Roundup John MacVane.mp3
    25. News 410427 BBC Winston Churchill Westward Look Land Bright.mp3
    26. News 410502 NBC Story BehindHeadlinesRiddle OfStraits.mp3
    27. News 410503 WHAS 1941 Kentucky Derby Clem McCarthy.mp3
    28. News 410506 NBC Kaltenborn Pres Confer Defense Advsrs Today.mp3
    29. News 410509 MBS Raymond Gram SwingMonitor AndMerrimac.mp3
    30. News 410509 MBS WTHT Cedric Foster Brit Squad Germany.mp3
    31. News 410516 KFWB Robert Arden President Roosevelt Comments.mp3
    32. News 410517 CBSWorld Today.mp3
    33. News 410518 NBC Walter Winchell.mp3
    34. News 410524 RRG German Announcment Sinking of HMS Hood.mp3
    35. News 410527 MBS Fireside Chat On Pan American Unity FDR.mp3
    36. News 410527 NBCR HV Kaltenborn Sinking Battleship Bismark.mp3
    37. News 410531 BBC First Sea Lord A V Alexander Sinking Bismark.mp3
    38. News 410531 BBC Workers Playtime Signature Tune.mp3
    39. News 410601 BBC Clothes Rationing Announcement.mp3
    40. News 410601 CBS Elmer Davis Columbias War Coverage.mp3
    41. News 410608 CBS I Was ThereDuke Of Windsor.mp3
    42. News 410612 BBC Winston Churchill Until Victory Is Won.mp3
    43. News 410616 BBC Winston Churchill Broadcast To America.mp3
    44. News 410622 BBC Winston Churchill Germany Invades Russia.mp3
    45. News 410622 PCPT Russian Radio reports on German Invasion.mp3
    46. News 410627 BBC Douglas Ritchie-Colonel Britton V Campaign.mp3
    47. News 410628 BBCD Erkennungsmelodie.mp3
    48. News 410703 PCPT Josef Stalin Addresses Nation.mp3
    49. News 410703 PCPT Josef Stalin On Peroration.mp3
    50. News 410709 RRG PG Wodehouse Second Broadcast clip.mp3
    51. News 410713 BBC Anglo Soviet Agreement.mp3
    52. News 410714 BBC Churchill Do Your Worst Well Do Our Best.mp3
    53. News 410714 BBC Fighter Pilot Richard Hillary Shot Down.mp3
    54. News 410714 BBC General DeGaulle Urges America To JoinAllies.mp3
    55. News 410714 MBS News And Views By John B Hughes.mp3
    56. News 410723 Wendell Wilkie Calls For End Of US Isolationism.mp3
    57. News 410729 BBC Winston Churchill War Production.mp3
    58. News 410730 CBS Millions For Defense.mp3
    59. News 410812 NBC News Roundup.mp3
    60. News 410824 BBC Churchill Meeting With President Roosevelt.mp3
    61. News 410829 BBC Winston Churchill These Are Great Days.mp3
    62. News 4108xx MBS Wise Williams On Fighting In Russia.mp3
    63. News 410901 KFWB Robert Arden News Commentary Labor Day.mp3
    64. News 410905 BBC Frank Phillips.mp3
    65. News 410908 BBC Alvar Lidell Air Raid On Berlin.mp3
    66. News 410909 BBC Winston Churchill Still Masters Of Our Fate.mp3
    67. News 410911 Lindberghs America First Committee Des Moines IA.mp3
    68. News 410912 KFWB Robert Arden FDR Warning to the Axis Powers.mp3
    69. News 410916 PCPT Dmitri Shostakovich Seige Leningrad Speech.mp3
    70. News 410927 BBC Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky.mp3
    71. News 411007 NBC News Alex Dreier.mp3
    72. News 411019 NBCB Jergens Journal Walter WInchell.mp3
    73. News 411022 BBCD Hugh Carleton Green No Peace With Hitler.mp3
    74. News 411024 NBCB United Press News Ted Steele.mp3
    75. News 411027 CBS I Was There 1941 Austria 1934.mp3
    76. News 411028 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    77. News 411102 NBC Story Behind Headlines Hitlers Crimean War.mp3
    78. News 411106 NBC Capture Blockade Runner Odenwald Atlantic.mp3
    79. News 411107 BBC Winston ChurchillResolution OfPeople.mp3
    80. News 411109 NBCB News OfWorld.mp3
    81. News 411110 NBC News Alex Dreier.mp3
    82. News 411111 BBC Irving Swanson Reads President US War.mp3
    83. News 411111 BBC Robert Dougall With A Convoy In Atlantic.mp3
    84. News 411111 NBC News.mp3
    85. News 411115 CBSWorld Today HMS Ark Royal Sunk.mp3
    86. News 411120 CBSMarch Of Time.mp3
    87. News 411129 BBC Winston Churchill Address To Harrow School.mp3
    88. News 411205 Senator Connally Warns Japan.mp3
    89. News 411206 CBS World News Today.mp3
    90. News 411207 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade.mp3
    91. News 411207 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    92. News 411207 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin.mp3
    93. News 411207 1430 NBCR Univ Chicago Roundtable Canada At War.mp3
    94. News 411207 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    95. News 411207 1437 CBS Albert Warner Spec FDRs Next Steps.mp3
    96. News 411207 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction.mp3
    97. News 411207 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed.mp3
    98. News 411207 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins Manilla Cut Off US Censors.mp3
    99. News 411207 1452 NBCB Burma Bombed.mp3
    100. News 411207 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted.mp3
    101. News 411207 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    102. News 411207 1530 NBCR Listen America.mp3
    103. News 411207 1600 NBCB National Vespers.mp3
    104. News 411207 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe and Richard Dyer.mp3
    105. News 411207 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report.mp3
    106. News 411207 1615 WCAE Bulletins About Pearl Harbor.mp3
    107. News 411207 1630 KDKA Pearl Harbor.mp3
    108. News 411207 1630 NBCR News.mp3
    109. News 411207 1700 NBCR Metropolitan Opera.mp3
    110. News 411207 1745 WJAS Sabatoge Bulletin.mp3
    111. News 411207 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.mp3
    112. News 411207 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson and Robert S Allen.mp3
    113. News 411207 1845 NBCB American Coffee Bureau Ep11 E Rsevelt.mp3
    114. News 411207 1845 NBCB American Coffee Ep11 E Rsevelt clipt.mp3
    115. News 411207 1900 KIRO Blackout Bulletin.mp3
    116. News 4112xx Carson Robison Were GonnaHaveSlapDirtyLittleJap.mp3
    117. News 41xxxx ABC Sybil Irving Australian Womens Army Service.mp3
    118. News 41xxxx BBC Battle Of Britain A Radio Dramatisation.mp3
    119. News 41xxxx Calif Gov Olson On Japanese Residents.mp3
    120. News 41xxxx Charles Lindbergh On US Non Intervention.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 84 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. News 411207 1900 NBCB News Roundup.mp3
    3. News 411207 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show.mp3
    4. News 411207 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon.mp3
    5. News 411207 2000 NBCB Bible Week.mp3
    6. News 411207 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program.mp3
    7. News 411207 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum Island Of Death.mp3
    8. News 411207 2030 NBCR One Mans Family.mp3
    9. News 411207 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal.mp3
    10. News 411207 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go Round.mp3
    11. News 411207 2115 NBCB Parker Family.mp3
    12. News 411207 2130 NBCB Dear John.mp3
    13. News 411207 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music.mp3
    14. News 411207 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore.mp3
    15. News 411207 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour.mp3
    16. News 411207 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm.mp3
    17. News 411207 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    18. News 411207 2300 NBCR News Robert St John John W Vandercook.mp3
    19. News 411207 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion.mp3
    20. News 411207 BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks InPacific.mp3
    21. News 411207 BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    22. News 411207 CBS Anlyss Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla.mp3
    23. News 411207 CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu.mp3
    24. News 411207 CBS Football Broadcast War Bulletin.mp3
    25. News 411207 CBS John Charles Daly Reprts Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    26. News 411207 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert War Bulletins.mp3
    27. News 411207 CBS Pearl Harbor Manila Dec 7 and 8 1941.mp3
    28. News 411207 CBS Screen Guild Th Corwin Between Americans.mp3
    29. News 411207 KGMB Webley Edwards.mp3
    30. News 411207 KGU News Pearl Harbor.mp3
    31. News 411207 MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game.mp3
    32. News 411207 MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Attack Pearl Harbor.mp3
    33. News 411207 MBS Interrupts Brooklyn Dodgers NY Giants Game.mp3
    34. News 411207 NBC American Legion Special Defense Message.mp3
    35. News 411207 NBC Kaltenborn Comments Aftr Attack Pearl Harbor.mp3
    36. News 411207 NBC News Bulletins.mp3
    37. News 411207 NBC News George Putnam and Interruptions.mp3
    38. News 411207 NBCGreat Gildersleeve e015 Cousin Octavia Visits.mp3
    39. News 411207 NBCR December 11 NBCR MBS Radio Compilation.mp3
    40. News 411207 NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War OnAllies.mp3
    41. News 411207 WCCO News.mp3
    42. News 411207 WNYC Fiorello La Guardia.mp3
    43. News 411208 0009 NBCB Bert Silen Reports Manila Bomb.mp3
    44. News 411208 0100 NBCR News and Music.mp3
    45. News 411208 0900 NBCR Don McNeills Breakfast Club.mp3
    46. News 411208 1045 NBCB Familar Melodies.mp3
    47. News 411208 1100 NBCR Story Of Mary Marlin.mp3
    48. News 411208 1150 CBS Joint Congress Session Decl War Proceed.mp3
    49. News 411208 1240 NBCR Coverage After FDR Speech To Congress.mp3
    50. News 411208 1330 NBCR Irving Miller Lets Sing And Swing.mp3
    51. News 411208 1345 NBCR News Bert Silen And Upton Close.mp3
    52. News 411208 1400 NBCB Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra.mp3
    53. News 411208 2130 NBCB Latest New Eastern War Zone Bert Silen.mp3
    54. News 411208 BBC Wilfred Pickles On Far East Attacks.mp3
    55. News 411208 BBC Winston Churchill War With Japan.mp3
    56. News 411208 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manila.mp3
    57. News 411208 CBS News.mp3
    58. News 411208 FDRs Speech To Joint Session Of Congress.mp3
    59. News 411208 Introduction Then FDRs Day Of Infamy Speech.mp3
    60. News 411208 LOC American TalkersDay After Pearl Harbor.mp3
    61. News 411208 NBC News and Music of Reminiscence.mp3
    62. News 411208 NBCR News With John W Vandercook.mp3
    63. News 411209 CBS World News Today.mp3
    64. News 411209 FDR Fireside Chat.mp3
    65. News 411210 CBS John Daly Bulletin Jap Attacks Phillipines.mp3
    66. News 411210 CBS Three Front War Summary.mp3
    67. News 411211 CBS Congress Declares War On Germany.mp3
    68. News 411211 CBSMarch Of Time.mp3
    69. News 411211 EIAR Benito Mussolini Discorso.mp3
    70. News 411211 EIAR Dichiarazione di Guerra agli USA.mp3
    71. News 411211 NBC March of Time Pearl Harbor.mp3
    72. News 411215 CBS Columbia Workshop Corwin Hold These Truths.mp3
    73. News 411215 NBCB News.mp3
    74. News 411216 Kate Smith They Started Something.mp3
    75. News 411216 Teddy Powell Orchestra Goodby Mama Off Yokohama.mp3
    76. News 411217 NBC WJZ News of the World Glenn Riggs.mp3
    77. News 411217 Sammy Kaye Remember Pearl Harbor.mp3
    78. News 411223 Fall Of Wake Island.mp3
    79. News 411224 BBC Winston Churchill White House Xmas Tree.mp3
    80. News 411224 FDR Christmas Broadcast.mp3
    81. News 411224 MBS White House Christmas Tree Ceremony.mp3
    82. News 411226 Churchhill to Congress.mp3
    83. News 411228 RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Part 1.mp3
    84. News 411228 RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Part 2.mp3
    85. News 411230 CBC Winston Churchill Preparation Assault.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    203 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 3071 min
    203 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1314 MB – total playtime 47 hours, 51 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 119 shows – 621 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. News 410101 KFWB Robert Arden News New Year War News.mp3
    3. News 410102 NBC Kaltenborn Edits News Session Congress Tmrrw.mp3
    4. News 410105 BBC Bruce Belfrage WithNews.mp3
    5. News 410106 FDR Four Freedoms.mp3
    6. News 410110 BBC Alan Howland On German Air Attacks.mp3
    7. News 410121 CBS Elmer Davis News British Attack Tobruk Italy.mp3
    8. News 410122 CBS Elmer DavisNews British Take Tobruk.mp3
    9. News 410123 CBS Elmer Davis Lindbergh Opposes Lend Lease.mp3
    10. News 410131 NBC War News.mp3
    11. News 4101xx NBC Alf Landon.mp3
    12. News 410209 BBC Winston Churchill Give UsTools.mp3
    13. News 410209 NBC Sunday News Roundup.mp3
    14. News 410224 NBC Kaltenborn Convoy issue Dominant Tonight.mp3
    15. News 410224 NBC War News.mp3
    16. News 410308 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    17. News 410309 CBS Edward R Murrow Spring.mp3
    18. News 410322 NBC World News Roundup John MacVane.mp3
    19. News 4103xx RSH Lord Haw Haw La Trib Denies German Balkans.mp3
    20. News 410403 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    21. News 410405 NBC World News Roundup Earl Godwin.mp3
    22. News 410418 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    23. News 410425 BBC Sir Walter Monckton Dir General Minstry Info.mp3
    24. News 410425 NBC News Roundup John MacVane.mp3
    25. News 410427 BBC Winston Churchill Westward Look Land Bright.mp3
    26. News 410502 NBC Story BehindHeadlinesRiddle OfStraits.mp3
    27. News 410503 WHAS 1941 Kentucky Derby Clem McCarthy.mp3
    28. News 410506 NBC Kaltenborn Pres Confer Defense Advsrs Today.mp3
    29. News 410509 MBS Raymond Gram SwingMonitor AndMerrimac.mp3
    30. News 410509 MBS WTHT Cedric Foster Brit Squad Germany.mp3
    31. News 410516 KFWB Robert Arden President Roosevelt Comments.mp3
    32. News 410517 CBSWorld Today.mp3
    33. News 410518 NBC Walter Winchell.mp3
    34. News 410524 RRG German Announcment Sinking of HMS Hood.mp3
    35. News 410527 MBS Fireside Chat On Pan American Unity FDR.mp3
    36. News 410527 NBCR HV Kaltenborn Sinking Battleship Bismark.mp3
    37. News 410531 BBC First Sea Lord A V Alexander Sinking Bismark.mp3
    38. News 410531 BBC Workers Playtime Signature Tune.mp3
    39. News 410601 BBC Clothes Rationing Announcement.mp3
    40. News 410601 CBS Elmer Davis Columbias War Coverage.mp3
    41. News 410608 CBS I Was ThereDuke Of Windsor.mp3
    42. News 410612 BBC Winston Churchill Until Victory Is Won.mp3
    43. News 410616 BBC Winston Churchill Broadcast To America.mp3
    44. News 410622 BBC Winston Churchill Germany Invades Russia.mp3
    45. News 410622 PCPT Russian Radio reports on German Invasion.mp3
    46. News 410627 BBC Douglas Ritchie-Colonel Britton V Campaign.mp3
    47. News 410628 BBCD Erkennungsmelodie.mp3
    48. News 410703 PCPT Josef Stalin Addresses Nation.mp3
    49. News 410703 PCPT Josef Stalin On Peroration.mp3
    50. News 410709 RRG PG Wodehouse Second Broadcast clip.mp3
    51. News 410713 BBC Anglo Soviet Agreement.mp3
    52. News 410714 BBC Churchill Do Your Worst Well Do Our Best.mp3
    53. News 410714 BBC Fighter Pilot Richard Hillary Shot Down.mp3
    54. News 410714 BBC General DeGaulle Urges America To JoinAllies.mp3
    55. News 410714 MBS News And Views By John B Hughes.mp3
    56. News 410723 Wendell Wilkie Calls For End Of US Isolationism.mp3
    57. News 410729 BBC Winston Churchill War Production.mp3
    58. News 410730 CBS Millions For Defense.mp3
    59. News 410812 NBC News Roundup.mp3
    60. News 410824 BBC Churchill Meeting With President Roosevelt.mp3
    61. News 410829 BBC Winston Churchill These Are Great Days.mp3
    62. News 4108xx MBS Wise Williams On Fighting In Russia.mp3
    63. News 410901 KFWB Robert Arden News Commentary Labor Day.mp3
    64. News 410905 BBC Frank Phillips.mp3
    65. News 410908 BBC Alvar Lidell Air Raid On Berlin.mp3
    66. News 410909 BBC Winston Churchill Still Masters Of Our Fate.mp3
    67. News 410911 Lindberghs America First Committee Des Moines IA.mp3
    68. News 410912 KFWB Robert Arden FDR Warning to the Axis Powers.mp3
    69. News 410916 PCPT Dmitri Shostakovich Seige Leningrad Speech.mp3
    70. News 410927 BBC Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky.mp3
    71. News 411007 NBC News Alex Dreier.mp3
    72. News 411019 NBCB Jergens Journal Walter WInchell.mp3
    73. News 411022 BBCD Hugh Carleton Green No Peace With Hitler.mp3
    74. News 411024 NBCB United Press News Ted Steele.mp3
    75. News 411027 CBS I Was There 1941 Austria 1934.mp3
    76. News 411028 NBC News OfWorld.mp3
    77. News 411102 NBC Story Behind Headlines Hitlers Crimean War.mp3
    78. News 411106 NBC Capture Blockade Runner Odenwald Atlantic.mp3
    79. News 411107 BBC Winston ChurchillResolution OfPeople.mp3
    80. News 411109 NBCB News OfWorld.mp3
    81. News 411110 NBC News Alex Dreier.mp3
    82. News 411111 BBC Irving Swanson Reads President US War.mp3
    83. News 411111 BBC Robert Dougall With A Convoy In Atlantic.mp3
    84. News 411111 NBC News.mp3
    85. News 411115 CBSWorld Today HMS Ark Royal Sunk.mp3
    86. News 411120 CBSMarch Of Time.mp3
    87. News 411129 BBC Winston Churchill Address To Harrow School.mp3
    88. News 411205 Senator Connally Warns Japan.mp3
    89. News 411206 CBS World News Today.mp3
    90. News 411207 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade.mp3
    91. News 411207 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    92. News 411207 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin.mp3
    93. News 411207 1430 NBCR Univ Chicago Roundtable Canada At War.mp3
    94. News 411207 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    95. News 411207 1437 CBS Albert Warner Spec FDRs Next Steps.mp3
    96. News 411207 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction.mp3
    97. News 411207 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed.mp3
    98. News 411207 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins Manilla Cut Off US Censors.mp3
    99. News 411207 1452 NBCB Burma Bombed.mp3
    100. News 411207 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted.mp3
    101. News 411207 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    102. News 411207 1530 NBCR Listen America.mp3
    103. News 411207 1600 NBCB National Vespers.mp3
    104. News 411207 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe and Richard Dyer.mp3
    105. News 411207 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report.mp3
    106. News 411207 1615 WCAE Bulletins About Pearl Harbor.mp3
    107. News 411207 1630 KDKA Pearl Harbor.mp3
    108. News 411207 1630 NBCR News.mp3
    109. News 411207 1700 NBCR Metropolitan Opera.mp3
    110. News 411207 1745 WJAS Sabatoge Bulletin.mp3
    111. News 411207 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.mp3
    112. News 411207 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson and Robert S Allen.mp3
    113. News 411207 1845 NBCB American Coffee Bureau Ep11 E Rsevelt.mp3
    114. News 411207 1845 NBCB American Coffee Ep11 E Rsevelt clipt.mp3
    115. News 411207 1900 KIRO Blackout Bulletin.mp3
    116. News 4112xx Carson Robison Were GonnaHaveSlapDirtyLittleJap.mp3
    117. News 41xxxx ABC Sybil Irving Australian Womens Army Service.mp3
    118. News 41xxxx BBC Battle Of Britain A Radio Dramatisation.mp3
    119. News 41xxxx Calif Gov Olson On Japanese Residents.mp3
    120. News 41xxxx Charles Lindbergh On US Non Intervention.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 84 shows – 693 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 14 minutes
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    2. News 411207 1900 NBCB News Roundup.mp3
    3. News 411207 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show.mp3
    4. News 411207 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon.mp3
    5. News 411207 2000 NBCB Bible Week.mp3
    6. News 411207 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program.mp3
    7. News 411207 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum Island Of Death.mp3
    8. News 411207 2030 NBCR One Mans Family.mp3
    9. News 411207 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal.mp3
    10. News 411207 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go Round.mp3
    11. News 411207 2115 NBCB Parker Family.mp3
    12. News 411207 2130 NBCB Dear John.mp3
    13. News 411207 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music.mp3
    14. News 411207 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore.mp3
    15. News 411207 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour.mp3
    16. News 411207 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm.mp3
    17. News 411207 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    18. News 411207 2300 NBCR News Robert St John John W Vandercook.mp3
    19. News 411207 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion.mp3
    20. News 411207 BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks InPacific.mp3
    21. News 411207 BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    22. News 411207 CBS Anlyss Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla.mp3
    23. News 411207 CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu.mp3
    24. News 411207 CBS Football Broadcast War Bulletin.mp3
    25. News 411207 CBS John Charles Daly Reprts Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    26. News 411207 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert War Bulletins.mp3
    27. News 411207 CBS Pearl Harbor Manila Dec 7 and 8 1941.mp3
    28. News 411207 CBS Screen Guild Th Corwin Between Americans.mp3
    29. News 411207 KGMB Webley Edwards.mp3
    30. News 411207 KGU News Pearl Harbor.mp3
    31. News 411207 MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game.mp3
    32. News 411207 MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Attack Pearl Harbor.mp3
    33. News 411207 MBS Interrupts Brooklyn Dodgers NY Giants Game.mp3
    34. News 411207 NBC American Legion Special Defense Message.mp3
    35. News 411207 NBC Kaltenborn Comments Aftr Attack Pearl Harbor.mp3
    36. News 411207 NBC News Bulletins.mp3
    37. News 411207 NBC News George Putnam and Interruptions.mp3
    38. News 411207 NBCGreat Gildersleeve e015 Cousin Octavia Visits.mp3
    39. News 411207 NBCR December 11 NBCR MBS Radio Compilation.mp3
    40. News 411207 NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War OnAllies.mp3
    41. News 411207 WCCO News.mp3
    42. News 411207 WNYC Fiorello La Guardia.mp3
    43. News 411208 0009 NBCB Bert Silen Reports Manila Bomb.mp3
    44. News 411208 0100 NBCR News and Music.mp3
    45. News 411208 0900 NBCR Don McNeills Breakfast Club.mp3
    46. News 411208 1045 NBCB Familar Melodies.mp3
    47. News 411208 1100 NBCR Story Of Mary Marlin.mp3
    48. News 411208 1150 CBS Joint Congress Session Decl War Proceed.mp3
    49. News 411208 1240 NBCR Coverage After FDR Speech To Congress.mp3
    50. News 411208 1330 NBCR Irving Miller Lets Sing And Swing.mp3
    51. News 411208 1345 NBCR News Bert Silen And Upton Close.mp3
    52. News 411208 1400 NBCB Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra.mp3
    53. News 411208 2130 NBCB Latest New Eastern War Zone Bert Silen.mp3
    54. News 411208 BBC Wilfred Pickles On Far East Attacks.mp3
    55. News 411208 BBC Winston Churchill War With Japan.mp3
    56. News 411208 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manila.mp3
    57. News 411208 CBS News.mp3
    58. News 411208 FDRs Speech To Joint Session Of Congress.mp3
    59. News 411208 Introduction Then FDRs Day Of Infamy Speech.mp3
    60. News 411208 LOC American TalkersDay After Pearl Harbor.mp3
    61. News 411208 NBC News and Music of Reminiscence.mp3
    62. News 411208 NBCR News With John W Vandercook.mp3
    63. News 411209 CBS World News Today.mp3
    64. News 411209 FDR Fireside Chat.mp3
    65. News 411210 CBS John Daly Bulletin Jap Attacks Phillipines.mp3
    66. News 411210 CBS Three Front War Summary.mp3
    67. News 411211 CBS Congress Declares War On Germany.mp3
    68. News 411211 CBSMarch Of Time.mp3
    69. News 411211 EIAR Benito Mussolini Discorso.mp3
    70. News 411211 EIAR Dichiarazione di Guerra agli USA.mp3
    71. News 411211 NBC March of Time Pearl Harbor.mp3
    72. News 411215 CBS Columbia Workshop Corwin Hold These Truths.mp3
    73. News 411215 NBCB News.mp3
    74. News 411216 Kate Smith They Started Something.mp3
    75. News 411216 Teddy Powell Orchestra Goodby Mama Off Yokohama.mp3
    76. News 411217 NBC WJZ News of the World Glenn Riggs.mp3
    77. News 411217 Sammy Kaye Remember Pearl Harbor.mp3
    78. News 411223 Fall Of Wake Island.mp3
    79. News 411224 BBC Winston Churchill White House Xmas Tree.mp3
    80. News 411224 FDR Christmas Broadcast.mp3
    81. News 411224 MBS White House Christmas Tree Ceremony.mp3
    82. News 411226 Churchhill to Congress.mp3
    83. News 411228 RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Part 1.mp3
    84. News 411228 RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Part 2.mp3
    85. News 411230 CBC Winston Churchill Preparation Assault.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    203 recordings on 49 Audio CDs. Total playtime 47 hours, 51 min
    203 recordings on 49 Audio CDs
    total playtime 47 hours, 51 min

    News Recordings 1941 Disc A001

    1. News 4101xx NBC Alf Landon
    2. News 4103xx RSH Lord Haw Haw La Trib Denies German Balkans
    3. News 4108xx MBS Wise Williams On Fighting In Russia
    4. News 4112xx Carson Robison Were GonnaHaveSlapDirtyLittleJap
    5. News 41xxxx ABC Sybil Irving Australian Womens Army Service

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A002

    1. News 41xxxx BBC Battle Of Britain A Radio Dramatisation
    2. News 41xxxx Calif Gov Olson On Japanese Residents
    3. News 41xxxx Charles Lindbergh On US Non Intervention

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A003

    1. News 410101 KFWB Robert Arden News New Year War News
    2. News 410102 NBC Kaltenborn Edits News Session Congress Tmrrw
    3. News 410105 BBC Bruce Belfrage WithNews
    4. News 410106 FDR Four Freedoms
    5. News 410110 BBC Alan Howland On German Air Attacks

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A004

    1. News 410121 CBS Elmer Davis News British Attack Tobruk Italy
    2. News 410122 CBS Elmer DavisNews British Take Tobruk
    3. News 410123 CBS Elmer Davis Lindbergh Opposes Lend Lease
    4. News 410131 NBC War News

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A005

    1. News 410209 BBC Winston Churchill Give UsTools
    2. News 410209 NBC Sunday News Roundup

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A006

    1. News 410224 NBC Kaltenborn Convoy issue Dominant Tonight
    2. News 410224 NBC War News
    3. News 410308 NBC News OfWorld
    4. News 410309 CBS Edward R Murrow Spring
    5. News 410322 NBC World News Roundup John MacVane

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A007

    1. News 410403 NBC News OfWorld
    2. News 410405 NBC World News Roundup Earl Godwin
    3. News 410418 NBC News OfWorld
    4. News 410425 BBC Sir Walter Monckton Dir General Minstry Info
    5. News 410425 NBC News Roundup John MacVane

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A008

    1. News 410427 BBC Winston Churchill Westward Look Land Bright
    2. News 410502 NBC Story BehindHeadlinesRiddle OfStraits
    3. News 410503 WHAS 1941 Kentucky Derby Clem McCarthy
    4. News 410506 NBC Kaltenborn Pres Confer Defense Advsrs Today

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A009

    1. News 410509 MBS Raymond Gram SwingMonitor AndMerrimac
    2. News 410509 MBS WTHT Cedric Foster Brit Squad Germany
    3. News 410516 KFWB Robert Arden President Roosevelt Comments
    4. News 410517 CBSWorld Today
    5. News 410518 NBC Walter Winchell
    6. News 410524 RRG German Announcment Sinking of HMS Hood

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A010

    1. News 410527 MBS Fireside Chat On Pan American Unity FDR
    2. News 410527 NBCR HV Kaltenborn Sinking Battleship Bismark
    3. News 410531 BBC First Sea Lord A V Alexander Sinking Bismark
    4. News 410531 BBC Workers Playtime Signature Tune
    5. News 410601 BBC Clothes Rationing Announcement
    6. News 410601 CBS Elmer Davis Columbias War Coverage

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A011

    1. News 410608 CBS I Was ThereDuke Of Windsor
    2. News 410612 BBC Winston Churchill Until Victory Is Won
    3. News 410616 BBC Winston Churchill Broadcast To America
    4. News 410622 BBC Winston Churchill Germany Invades Russia
    5. News 410622 PCPT Russian Radio reports on German Invasion
    6. News 410627 BBC Douglas Ritchie-Colonel Britton V Campaign
    7. News 410628 BBCD Erkennungsmelodie
    8. News 410703 PCPT Josef Stalin Addresses Nation
    9. News 410703 PCPT Josef Stalin On Peroration
    10. News 410709 RRG PG Wodehouse Second Broadcast clip
    11. News 410713 BBC Anglo Soviet Agreement
    12. News 410714 BBC Churchill Do Your Worst Well Do Our Best

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A012

    1. News 410714 BBC Fighter Pilot Richard Hillary Shot Down
    2. News 410714 BBC General DeGaulle Urges America To JoinAllies
    3. News 410714 MBS News And Views By John B Hughes
    4. News 410723 Wendell Wilkie Calls For End Of US Isolationism
    5. News 410729 BBC Winston Churchill War Production

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A013

    1. News 410730 CBS Millions For Defense

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A014

    1. News 410812 NBC News Roundup
    2. News 410824 BBC Churchill Meeting With President Roosevelt
    3. News 410829 BBC Winston Churchill These Are Great Days
    4. News 410901 KFWB Robert Arden News Commentary Labor Day
    5. News 410905 BBC Frank Phillips
    6. News 410908 BBC Alvar Lidell Air Raid On Berlin

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A015

    1. News 410909 BBC Winston Churchill Still Masters Of Our Fate
    2. News 410911 Lindberghs America First Committee Des Moines IA
    3. News 410912 KFWB Robert Arden FDR Warning to the Axis Powers
    4. News 410916 PCPT Dmitri Shostakovich Seige Leningrad Speech
    5. News 410927 BBC Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky
    6. News 411007 NBC News Alex Dreier

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A016

    1. News 411019 NBCB Jergens Journal Walter WInchell
    2. News 411022 BBCD Hugh Carleton Green No Peace With Hitler
    3. News 411024 NBCB United Press News Ted Steele
    4. News 411027 CBS I Was There 1941 Austria 1934
    5. News 411028 NBC News OfWorld
    6. News 411102 NBC Story Behind Headlines Hitlers Crimean War
    7. News 411106 NBC Capture Blockade Runner Odenwald Atlantic
    8. News 411107 BBC Winston ChurchillResolution OfPeople

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A017

    1. News 411109 NBCB News OfWorld
    2. News 411110 NBC News Alex Dreier
    3. News 411111 BBC Irving Swanson Reads President US War
    4. News 411111 BBC Robert Dougall With A Convoy In Atlantic
    5. News 411111 NBC News
    6. News 411115 CBSWorld Today HMS Ark Royal Sunk

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A018

    1. News 411120 CBSMarch Of Time
    2. News 411129 BBC Winston Churchill Address To Harrow School
    3. News 411205 Senator Connally Warns Japan
    4. News 411206 CBS World News Today
    5. News 411207 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade
    6. News 411207 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor
    7. News 411207 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A019

    1. News 411207 1430 NBCR Univ Chicago Roundtable Canada At War
    2. News 411207 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
    3. News 411207 1437 CBS Albert Warner Spec FDRs Next Steps
    4. News 411207 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction
    5. News 411207 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed
    6. News 411207 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins Manilla Cut Off US Censors
    7. News 411207 1452 NBCB Burma Bombed
    8. News 411207 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A020

    1. News 411207 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn
    2. News 411207 1530 NBCR Listen America
    3. News 411207 1600 NBCB National Vespers

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A021

    1. News 411207 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe and Richard Dyer
    2. News 411207 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report
    3. News 411207 1615 WCAE Bulletins About Pearl Harbor
    4. News 411207 1630 KDKA Pearl Harbor
    5. News 411207 1630 NBCR News

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A022

    1. News 411207 1700 NBCR Metropolitan Opera
    2. News 411207 1745 WJAS Sabatoge Bulletin
    3. News 411207 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A023

    1. News 411207 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson and Robert S Allen
    2. News 411207 1845 NBCB American Coffee Bureau Ep11 E Rsevelt
    3. News 411207 1845 NBCB American Coffee Ep11 E Rsevelt clipt
    4. News 411207 1900 KIRO Blackout Bulletin
    5. News 411207 1900 NBCB News Roundup

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A024

    1. News 411207 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show
    2. News 411207 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A025

    1. News 411207 2000 NBCB Bible Week
    2. News 411207 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A026

    1. News 411207 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum Island Of Death
    2. News 411207 2030 NBCR One Mans Family

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A027

    1. News 411207 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal
    2. News 411207 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go Round
    3. News 411207 2115 NBCB Parker Family

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A028

    1. News 411207 2130 NBCB Dear John
    2. News 411207 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music
    3. News 411207 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A029

    1. News 411207 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A030

    1. News 411207 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm
    2. News 411207 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A031

    1. News 411207 2300 NBCR News Robert St John John W Vandercook
    2. News 411207 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion
    3. News 411207 BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks InPacific
    4. News 411207 BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack
    5. News 411207 CBS Anlyss Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla
    6. News 411207 CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu
    7. News 411207 CBS Football Broadcast War Bulletin
    8. News 411207 CBS John Charles Daly Reprts Pearl Harbor Attack
    9. News 411207 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert War Bulletins

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A032

    1. News 411207 CBS Pearl Harbor Manila Dec 7 and 8 1941

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A033

    1. News 411207 CBS Screen Guild Th Corwin Between Americans
    2. News 411207 KGMB Webley Edwards
    3. News 411207 KGU News Pearl Harbor
    4. News 411207 MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game
    5. News 411207 MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Attack Pearl Harbor
    6. News 411207 MBS Interrupts Brooklyn Dodgers NY Giants Game
    7. News 411207 NBC American Legion Special Defense Message
    8. News 411207 NBC Kaltenborn Comments Aftr Attack Pearl Harbor
    9. News 411207 NBC News Bulletins

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A034

    1. News 411207 NBC News George Putnam and Interruptions
    2. News 411207 NBCGreat Gildersleeve e015 Cousin Octavia Visits

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A035

    1. News 411207 NBCR December 11 NBCR MBS Radio Compilation
    2. News 411207 NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War OnAllies
    3. News 411207 WCCO News
    4. News 411207 WNYC Fiorello La Guardia
    5. News 411208 0009 NBCB Bert Silen Reports Manila Bomb

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A036

    1. News 411208 0100 NBCR News and Music

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A037

    1. News 411208 0900 NBCR Don McNeills Breakfast Club

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A038

    1. News 411208 1045 NBCB Familar Melodies
    2. News 411208 1100 NBCR Story Of Mary Marlin

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A039

    1. News 411208 1150 CBS Joint Congress Session Decl War Proceed

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A040

    1. News 411208 1240 NBCR Coverage After FDR Speech To Congress
    2. News 411208 1330 NBCR Irving Miller Lets Sing And Swing
    3. News 411208 1345 NBCR News Bert Silen And Upton Close

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A041

    1. News 411208 1400 NBCB Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A042

    1. News 411208 2130 NBCB Latest New Eastern War Zone Bert Silen
    2. News 411208 BBC Wilfred Pickles On Far East Attacks
    3. News 411208 BBC Winston Churchill War With Japan
    4. News 411208 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manila

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A043

    1. News 411208 CBS News
    2. News 411208 FDRs Speech To Joint Session Of Congress
    3. News 411208 Introduction Then FDRs Day Of Infamy Speech
    4. News 411208 LOC American TalkersDay After Pearl Harbor
    5. News 411208 NBC News and Music of Reminiscence
    6. News 411208 NBCR News With John W Vandercook

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A044

    1. News 411209 CBS World News Today
    2. News 411209 FDR Fireside Chat
    3. News 411210 CBS John Daly Bulletin Jap Attacks Phillipines
    4. News 411210 CBS Three Front War Summary

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A045

    1. News 411211 CBS Congress Declares War On Germany
    2. News 411211 CBSMarch Of Time
    3. News 411211 EIAR Benito Mussolini Discorso
    4. News 411211 EIAR Dichiarazione di Guerra agli USA
    5. News 411211 NBC March of Time Pearl Harbor

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A046

    1. News 411215 CBS Columbia Workshop Corwin Hold These Truths

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A047

    1. News 411215 NBCB News
    2. News 411216 Kate Smith They Started Something
    3. News 411216 Teddy Powell Orchestra Goodby Mama Off Yokohama
    4. News 411217 NBC WJZ News of the World Glenn Riggs
    5. News 411217 Sammy Kaye Remember Pearl Harbor
    6. News 411223 Fall Of Wake Island
    7. News 411224 BBC Winston Churchill White House Xmas Tree
    8. News 411224 FDR Christmas Broadcast

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A048

    1. News 411224 MBS White House Christmas Tree Ceremony
    2. News 411226 Churchhill to Congress
    3. News 411228 RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Part 1
    4. News 411228 RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Part 2

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    News Recordings 1941 Disc A049

    1. News 411230 CBC Winston Churchill Preparation Assault

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