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Mystery-Horror Sampler 1

Horror and Mystery Radio Shows work so well because Radio is a medium of imagination. TV and films show the viewer what he should be scared of, but they show what the producer finds frightening. The author of a book or other printed story can better stimulate the reader's imagination but still has to overcome the limitations of the written word.

Mystery Sampler 1

40 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 16 hours)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
17 Audio CDs

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Mystery Horror Sampler

What does Radio do best? Commercial Radio made the listener feel good so that he or she would go out and buy things, However, some of the best radio kept the listener up at night with the bedsheets pulled over their heads, their hearts racing, and ready to jump right out of their skins.

Horror and Mystery Radio Shows work so well because Radio is a medium of imagination. TV and films show the viewer what he should be scared of, but they show what the producer finds frightening. The author of a book or other printed story can better stimulate the reader's imagination but still has to overcome the limitations of the written word.

Radio is much more than a happy medium. The spoken word goes directly to the center of the imagination and allows the imagination free rein. The images that the imagination can create will be many times more vivid than could be captured by a camera and reproduced on screen.

While the thrills of Radio Horror are more intense and vivid than those from the printed [age, they tend to be a lot more fun. Taking the effort to read a story implies a lot more commitment to the work, and the brain takes it more seriously. 

Listening to a Radio Mystery allows for the imagination to run wild while not impressing so tightly on the psyche. The Horror keeps its intensity while allowing the listener to enjoy the fun of the thrilling tales.

5-Minute Mystery: "Murder Will Out", The father is killed for his money.

ABC Mystery Time: "The Tale", An exciting story of pearls upon the sea,

Arch Oboler's Plays: "The House I Live In", A man awaits a letter from his son.

Appointment With Fear: "And The Deep Shuddered", a widow believes that she is still on the doomed RMS Lusitania.

Beyond Midnight: "The Green Vase", An inheritance drives an author to the border of sanity and madness.

The Black Mass: "The Rats in the Walls", A classic chiller from H.P. Lovecraft

Beyond the Green Door: "Henry Gill Joins the Foreign Legion", Be careful when you are drinking with strangers…

Cabin B-13: "The Sleep of Death", No one who stays in the room survives the night.

CBS Radio Mystery Theatre: "The Courtyard of Death", The Mad-monk Rasputin has an unconventional way of saving souls.

The CBS Radio Workshop: "The Case of the White Kitten", A suburban cop learns to use a modern tape recorder.

Chandu the Magician:  "Fortune Told", Frank Chandler receives a message while with the mountain gypsies.

The Chase: "Killer at Large", A Doctor tries to treat a potential murderer in a mental institution

The Creaking Door: "Haunted Hangman", An executioner doing his duty against a possibly innocent man at a military prison.

Creeps By Night: "Walking Dead", Beating drums presage this tale of voodoo on a Haitian plantation.

Columbia Presents Corwin: "Untitled", Many people had met Hank Peters, but now, in the war zone, he is dead.

Dark Fantasy: "The Sea Phantom", The mate finds a skeleton writing in the captain's cabin.

Dark Venture: "Pursuit", The late night streets of London are the setting for robbery and murder.

The Devil and Mr. O/Lights Out: "Mr. Freak", The ugliest man in the world on the edge of suicide.

The Diary of Fate: "Nelson Walker", A drifter's fate comes down to a torn paper bag.

Dragnet: "The Werewolf", Sgt. Friday is o the trial of a brutal robber who beats his victims.

Dreadful John at Midnight: "Ghost Hunt", A haunted house in London is the scene of many suicides.

Drop Dead: "Chicken Heart", A piece of preserved flesh grows until it takes over the world.

The Eleventh Hour: "Millionaire's Double", A man vacationing in Paris discovers that he is the virtual twin of a wealthy financier and becomes embroiled in a nefarious plot.

Ellery Queen: "The Adventure of the Message in Red", The killer calls his victims on the phone and shoots them as soon as they open their doors.

Ellery Queen's Minute Mysteries: "Rocking Chair Fraud", A museum asks for Queen's help.

Escape: "Country of the Blind", You're trapped in a hidden valley where no-one has eyes.

Everyman's Theater: "Cat Wife", She doesn't love him but she has an incredible hold over him.

Faces in the Window: "The Pit and the Pendulum", A man reacts to the terror of a death sentence.

Favorite Story: "Frankenstein", Mary Shelley's classic tale is Fred Allen's Favorite Story.

Five After the Hour: "Murder Has No Tongue", A madman thinks that he has created the perfect crime after his wife divorced him.

Forecast/Suspense: "The Lodger", A brutal murderer takes a room as the headquarters of his bloody spree through foggy London.

The Ghost Corps: "The Prayer Rug of Narna Sahib", A freelance diplomat finds intrigue aplenty in a Cairo rug market.

The Hall of Fantasy: "The Shadow People", Elaine is seeing forms in the darkness that cannot be seen in the light.

The Lives of Harry Lime: "Rogue's Holiday", Harry takes a cruising holiday when the heat is on.

The Haunting Hour: "Breakdown", A wealthy woman suspects her brother and thinks her nurse is on his side.

The Hermits Cave: "Buried Alive", A man descends into madness when he is locked in a sealed room.

High Adventure: "Snakes", A man and woman in an apartment in the middle of the city are trapped by snakes in the corridor.

The House of Mystery: "The Monster in the Lake", Mrs. Dobbs, who lives at Macklin Lake, is haunted by a creature that lives in the lake.

I Love a Mystery: "Temple of Vampires", Jack, Reggie, and Doc are interrupted on their way to Central America.

I Love Adventure: "Finishing School Kidnapping", The Twenty One Old Men of 10 Gramercy Park call the boys to London to rescue the innocent young ladies.

See also: Mystery Horror Sampler 2

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    10     5


    Great sampler but even on a computer its tough to get to the last 30 or 40 programs.

    Thomas Verified Purchase

    Mystery Sampler 1 is a splendid collection of forty recordings that Old Time radio enthusiasts will enjoy immensely. The stories engage listeners through the psycholgical struggles of the characters and can keep an audience on the edge of their seats. Often dark and sinister, the plots often stimulate deeper thinking on the human psyche. Samples include material from Dark Fantasy, Dark Venture, Escape, Everyman's Theater, Ellery Queen, the Halls of Fantasy, the Haunting Hour and the Hermit's Cave. Not to be overlooked, however, is the fact that the sampler also offers excerpts from such classics as Poe's "Pit and the Pendulum" and Shelley's "Frankenstein." Great compliation by the folks at Old Time Radio!

    Aldorigo Verified Purchase

    Quality of each disc is excellent, have not completed many of the discs but it is obviously of a high standard------will take some time,well done!

    Thomas Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 16 hours
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – total playtime 16 hours
    2. 5MM Murder Will Out.mp3
    3. Abc Mystery Time Tale.mp3
    4. Arch Obolers Plays 450426 03 House I Live In.mp3
    5. AWF 451120 045 And Deep Shuddered-S644.mp3
    6. Beyond Midnight Green Vase.mp3
    7. Black Mass 640700 Rats In Walls.mp3
    8. BtGD 07 Henry Gill Joins Foreign Legi.mp3
    9. Cabin B-13 481226 24 The Sleep Of Death.mp3
    10. CBSRMT 74-11-26 e0179 Courtyard of Death.mp3
    11. Cbsrw 560713 25 The Case Of White Kitten.mp3
    12. Chandu 481115 100 Fortune Told.mp3
    13. Chase 530118 34 Killer At Large.mp3
    14. Creaking Door 05 Haunted Hangman.mp3
    15. Creeps By Night 440516 13 Walking Dead.mp3
    16. CW 440418 007 Untitled.mp3
    17. Dark Fantasy 420206 12 Sea Phantom.mp3
    18. Dark Venture 450731 Pursuit.mp3
    19. Devil Mr O 711015 05 Mr Freak.mp3
    20. Diary Of Fate 480615 027 Nelson Walker.mp3
    21. Dragnet 490617 003 Production 3 Aka Werewolf.mp3
    22. DreadfulJohnAtMidnight-GhostHunt.mp3
    23. Drop Dead 07 Chicken Heart.mp3
    24. Eleventh Hour Millionaires Double.mp3
    25. Ellery Queen 451107 249 Message In Red.mp3
    26. EQMM Rocking Chair Fraud.mp3
    27. Escape 471126 016 Country Of The Blind.mp3
    28. Everymans Theater 401018 03 Cat Wife.mp3
    29. Faces In Window 530124 Pit And Pendulum.mp3
    30. Favorite Story 471213 014 Frankenstein.mp3
    31. Five After the Hour 450627 Murder Has No Tongue.mp3
    32. Forecast 400723 Suspense Lodger.mp3
    33. Ghostc 14 Prayer Rug of Nana Sieb 1.mp3
    34. Hall Of Fantasy 520905 Shadow People.mp3
    35. Harry Lime 510921 008 Rogues Holiday.mp3
    36. Haunting Hour 450505 07 Breakdown.mp3
    37. Hermit's Cave 17 Buried Alive.mp3
    38. High Adventure Sa 771027 Snakes.mp3
    39. House Of Mystery 450508 Monster In Lake.mp3
    40. I L A M 500102 01 Temple Of Vampires.mp3
    41. ILA 480530 06 Finishing School Kidnapping.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    440 MB – total playtime 16 hours
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – 440 MB – total playtime 16 hours
    2. 5MM Murder Will Out.mp3
    3. Abc Mystery Time Tale.mp3
    4. Arch Obolers Plays 450426 03 House I Live In.mp3
    5. AWF 451120 045 And Deep Shuddered-S644.mp3
    6. Beyond Midnight Green Vase.mp3
    7. Black Mass 640700 Rats In Walls.mp3
    8. BtGD 07 Henry Gill Joins Foreign Legi.mp3
    9. Cabin B-13 481226 24 The Sleep Of Death.mp3
    10. CBSRMT 74-11-26 e0179 Courtyard of Death.mp3
    11. Cbsrw 560713 25 The Case Of White Kitten.mp3
    12. Chandu 481115 100 Fortune Told.mp3
    13. Chase 530118 34 Killer At Large.mp3
    14. Creaking Door 05 Haunted Hangman.mp3
    15. Creeps By Night 440516 13 Walking Dead.mp3
    16. CW 440418 007 Untitled.mp3
    17. Dark Fantasy 420206 12 Sea Phantom.mp3
    18. Dark Venture 450731 Pursuit.mp3
    19. Devil Mr O 711015 05 Mr Freak.mp3
    20. Diary Of Fate 480615 027 Nelson Walker.mp3
    21. Dragnet 490617 003 Production 3 Aka Werewolf.mp3
    22. DreadfulJohnAtMidnight-GhostHunt.mp3
    23. Drop Dead 07 Chicken Heart.mp3
    24. Eleventh Hour Millionaires Double.mp3
    25. Ellery Queen 451107 249 Message In Red.mp3
    26. EQMM Rocking Chair Fraud.mp3
    27. Escape 471126 016 Country Of The Blind.mp3
    28. Everymans Theater 401018 03 Cat Wife.mp3
    29. Faces In Window 530124 Pit And Pendulum.mp3
    30. Favorite Story 471213 014 Frankenstein.mp3
    31. Five After the Hour 450627 Murder Has No Tongue.mp3
    32. Forecast 400723 Suspense Lodger.mp3
    33. Ghostc 14 Prayer Rug of Nana Sieb 1.mp3
    34. Hall Of Fantasy 520905 Shadow People.mp3
    35. Harry Lime 510921 008 Rogues Holiday.mp3
    36. Haunting Hour 450505 07 Breakdown.mp3
    37. Hermit's Cave 17 Buried Alive.mp3
    38. High Adventure Sa 771027 Snakes.mp3
    39. House Of Mystery 450508 Monster In Lake.mp3
    40. I L A M 500102 01 Temple Of Vampires.mp3
    41. ILA 480530 06 Finishing School Kidnapping.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    40 recordings on 17 Audio CDs. Total playtime 16 hours, 0 min
    40 recordings on 17 Audio CDs
    total playtime 16 hours, 0 min

    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A001

    1. 5MM Murder Will Out
    2. Abc Mystery Time Tale
    3. Beyond Midnight Green Vase
    4. BtGD 07 Henry Gill Joins Foreign Legi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A002

    1. CBSRMT 74-11-26 e0179 Courtyard of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A003

    1. Creaking Door 05 Haunted Hangman
    2. DreadfulJohnAtMidnight-GhostHunt
    3. Drop Dead 07 Chicken Heart

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A004

    1. Eleventh Hour Millionaires Double
    2. EQMM Rocking Chair Fraud
    3. Ghostc 14 Prayer Rug of Nana Sieb 1
    4. Hermit's Cave 17 Buried Alive

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A005

    1. Forecast 400723 Suspense Lodger
    2. Everymans Theater 401018 03 Cat Wife

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A006

    1. Dark Fantasy 420206 12 Sea Phantom
    2. CW 440418 007 Untitled

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A007

    1. Creeps By Night 440516 13 Walking Dead
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450426 03 House I Live In
    3. Haunting Hour 450505 07 Breakdown

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A008

    1. House Of Mystery 450508 Monster In Lake
    2. Five After the Hour 450627 Murder Has No Tongue
    3. Dark Venture 450731 Pursuit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A009

    1. Ellery Queen 451107 249 Message In Red
    2. AWF 451120 045 And Deep Shuddered-S644

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A010

    1. Escape 471126 016 Country Of The Blind
    2. Favorite Story 471213 014 Frankenstein

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A011

    1. ILA 480530 06 Finishing School Kidnapping
    2. Diary Of Fate 480615 027 Nelson Walker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A012

    1. Chandu 481115 100 Fortune Told
    2. Cabin B-13 481226 24 The Sleep Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A013

    1. Dragnet 490617 003 Production 3 Aka Werewolf
    2. I L A M 500102 01 Temple Of Vampires

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A014

    1. Harry Lime 510921 008 Rogues Holiday
    2. Hall Of Fantasy 520905 Shadow People

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A015

    1. Chase 530118 34 Killer At Large
    2. Faces In Window 530124 Pit And Pendulum

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A016

    1. Cbsrw 560713 25 The Case Of White Kitten
    2. Black Mass 640700 Rats In Walls

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery Sampler 1 Disc A017

    1. Devil Mr O 711015 05 Mr Freak
    2. High Adventure Sa 771027 Snakes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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