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Meet the Press

an excellent interview program featuring top makers and shakers of the day being put under the microscope and asked tough questions.

Meet the Press

128 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 57 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
63 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from March 01, 1959:

"William Proxmire Senator of Wisconsin"

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Most of America is familiar with Meet the Press that exists in the 21st Century. It is a television panel focus on the newsmakers of the day. What many people may not realize is that the original idea, that is the precursor to the modern NBC Sunday morning program, had its beginnings on the radio in the late 1950s and early 60s.

The press panel would incorporate various journalists and news people from newspapers and broadcasting networks, including the regular member Laurence Spivak, who produced the program. The Korean war, Cuban Missile Crisis, politics in general were on the minds of millions of Americans and Meet the Press radio program allowed the listener to have an "ear" into the workings of government and the possible scandals that might cross paths of the Washington insiders club.

Laurence SpivakHowever, Meet the Press did not just focus on the government happenings. In fact the radio show went international and into the cultural paths of the day. Writers were illuminated, foreign leaders were lit-up and the notorious did not go unnoticed. To Meet the Press was to sit on the proverbial hot seat and be placed under the media microscope.

In one excellent example of Meet the Press, Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin was the focus. He had been leveling charges that the democrats in the House were not getting a fair shake on being heard and their concerns being purposely overlooked. As he faced Mr Spivak and three other panel members, his views on then Senator Johnson not playing fairly on a bipartisan level was being scrutinized. Just as with other Meet the Press programs, Senator Proxmire could not escape the barrage of questions and expected answers that the press placed his way. Similar to the modern television offspring, the radio narrative did not fail to bring the expected pressure that the listening audience relished to be a part of.

In another Meet the Press episode, one of the few Republican victors of the recent election, Governor Nelson Rockefeller became a bit of a spotlight presence with his family background and prior government positions. The press panel member asked a rather direct question of the governor if he felt with his new election if New York would see a deficit or plus in its budget. Governor Rockefeller did not hesitate to categorically say, "deficit." The governor came into a state that was laden with debt that surpassed many other states. The governor was placed under the microscope, yet he held his own. Contrary to the way questions are handled today, the press showed a certain decorum of civility and allowed the panel focus to actually completely answer the interrogation.

These programs were examples of the type of focused and direct cross-examination that Meet the Press became famous for manipulating. The American audience might groan or hurrah over the answers given, but they never went away feeling as if they had been uneducated. Meet the Press brought an intellectual framework that was needful for a society that felt a need to know what was happening around their lives. The listening citizenry would tune in, expect an a program that was insightful and inspiring and always felt compelled to become established in the issues and news that overlayed their lives. "Meet the Press" was an invitation to meet the mind and the heartbeat of the American landscape.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    128 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 57 hours, 52 min
    128 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 57 hours, 52 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 45 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. MTP 581221 Henry Cabot Lodge Sen Massachusetts.mp3
    3. MTP 581228 Kwame Nkrumah Prime Minister Ghana.mp3
    4. MTP 590104 Lt Gen James M Gavin Retired Us Army.mp3
    5. MTP 590111 Sen Paul Douglas D Ill Sen Jacob K Javits R NY.mp3
    6. MTP 590118 Anastas Mikoyan First Deputy Premier Soviet Union.mp3
    7. MTP 590125 Arturo Frondizi President Argentina.mp3
    8. MTP 590215 Stuart Symington Sen Missouri.mp3
    9. MTP 590222 Sumner Slichter Economist Harvard.mp3
    10. MTP 590301 William Proxmire Sen Wisc.mp3
    11. MTP 590308 Neil Mcelroy Secretary Of Defense.mp3
    12. MTP 590315 Raymond Saulnier Economist.mp3
    13. MTP 590322 Robert Frost.mp3
    14. MTP 590405 Paulhenri Spaak Secretary Gen Of Nato.mp3
    15. MTP 590412 Tom Mboya Kenya Political Leader.mp3
    16. MTP 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba.mp3
    17. MTP 590503 Barbara Ward Economist Political Scientist.mp3
    18. MTP 590517 Abba Eban Foreign Minister Israel.mp3
    19. MTP 590524 Vannevar Bush Advocate Of Foreign Aid.mp3
    20. MTP 590531 John L Lewis President United Mine Workers.mp3
    21. MTP 590607 William Fulbright Sen Arkansas.mp3
    22. MTP 590621 Three European Community Leaders.mp3
    23. MTP 590628 Thomas Patton Steel Company Executive.mp3
    24. MTP 590705 Thomas Murray Consultant Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
    25. MTP 590712 Maxwell Taylor Army Gen U S Ambassador S.Vietnam.mp3
    26. MTP 590719 Nelson Rockefeller Governor New York.mp3
    27. MTP 590726 Robert Kennedy.mp3
    28. MTP 590802 Charles Halleck Rep Indiana.mp3
    29. MTP 590809 Herbert Hoover Former President.mp3
    30. MTP 590816 David Lawrence Governor Pennsylvania.mp3
    31. MTP 590823 Erwin Canham President U S Chamber Of Commerce.mp3
    32. MTP 590906 Michael Disalle Governor Ohio.mp3
    33. MTP 590913 Carl Sandburg Edward Steichen Photographer.mp3
    34. MTP 590920 V K Krishna Menon Indias Ambassador To U N.mp3
    35. MTP 591011 Edmund Pat Brown Governor California.mp3
    36. MTP 591018 Charles Percy Sen Illinois.mp3
    37. MTP 591025 Mark Hatfield J Howard Edmondson.mp3
    38. MTP 591101 Edgar Kaiser Chairman Kaiser Steel.mp3
    39. MTP 591108 James Mitchell Secretary Of Labor.mp3
    40. MTP 591115 Richard Bolling Representative Missouri.mp3
    41. MTP 591122 John Mccone Chairman Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
    42. MTP 591129 John Medaris Army Gen.mp3
    43. MTP 591220 Philip Noelbaker.mp3
    44. MTP 600103 John F Kennedy Sen Mass.mp3
    45. MTP 600110 Stuart Symington Sen MO Candidate President.mp3
    46. MTP 600117 Ezra Taft Benson Secretary Of Agriculture.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 45 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. MTP 600124 Hyman Rickover Admiral Father Of Atomic Navy.mp3
    3. MTP 600131 Thruston Morton Sen Kentucky.mp3
    4. MTP 600207 Paul Dudley White Physician Heart Specialist.mp3
    5. MTP 600214 Jacob Javits Sen New York.mp3
    6. MTP 600221 George Smathers Sen Florida.mp3
    7. MTP 600228 Henry Jackson Sen Washington.mp3
    8. MTP 600306 Herman Talmadge Governor Sen Georgia.mp3
    9. MTP 600313 Thomas Lanphier Missile Expert.mp3
    10. MTP 600320 Konrad Adenauer Chancellor West Germany.mp3
    11. MTP 600327 Thomas Dewey Former Governor New York.mp3
    12. MTP 600403 Hubert Humphrey Sen Minnesota.mp3
    13. MTP 600410 Keith Glennan Administrator Nasa.mp3
    14. MTP 600417 Martin Luther King Jr Civil Rights Leader.mp3
    15. MTP 600424 Adlai Stevenson Governor Illinois.mp3
    16. MTP 600501 Wayne Morse Democrat Oregon.mp3
    17. MTP 600508 Chester Bowles Representative Connecticut.mp3
    18. MTP 600515 Willy Brandt Mayor West Berlin.mp3
    19. MTP 600522 Alexander Kaznacheev Soviet Expert.mp3
    20. MTP 600529 William Fulbright Sen Arkansas.mp3
    21. MTP 600605 George Aiken Sen Vermont.mp3
    22. MTP 600612 Nelson Rockefeller Governor New York.mp3
    23. MTP 600619 Douglas Dillon Secretary Of Treasury.mp3
    24. MTP 600626 George Gallup Pollster.mp3
    25. MTP 600703 Leroy Collins Governor Florida.mp3
    26. MTP 600904 James P Mitchell.mp3
    27. MTP 600911 Richard M Nixon.mp3
    28. MTP 600918 Henry Cabot Lodge.mp3
    29. MTP 600925 James J Wadsworth.mp3
    30. MTP 601002 Alexander Douglashome Foreign Sec UK.mp3
    31. MTP 601016 Sen John F Kennedy.mp3
    32. MTP 601023 Henry Jackson Sen WA Thruston Morton Sen KY.mp3
    33. MTP 601030 Teresa Casusa Former Aide To Fidel Castro.mp3
    34. MTP 601113 Richard Scammon Electoral Expert.mp3
    35. MTP 601127 Frank Pace Jr Vicechairman Commission Ntnl Goals.mp3
    36. MTP 601204 Robert Anderson Secretary Of Treasury.mp3
    37. MTP 601211 Sen Paul Douglas Illinois.mp3
    38. MTP 601218 John Mccone Chairman Atomic Energy Com.mp3
    39. MTP 601225 Henry Heald President Ford Foundation.mp3
    40. MTP 610101 Gen E P Quesada.mp3
    41. MTP 610108 Everett Dirksen Charles Halleck.mp3
    42. MTP 610122 James M Landis.mp3
    43. MTP 610129 Sergio Rojas Santamarina.mp3
    44. MTP 610205 Luther H Hodges Sec Of Commerce.mp3
    45. MTP 610212 Adam Clayton Powell Jr.mp3
    46. MTP 610219 Abraham Ribicoff.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 38 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. MTP 610226 George Padmore.mp3
    3. MTP 610305 Paul A Samuelson.mp3
    4. MTP 610319 Styles Bridges.mp3
    5. MTP 610402 Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    6. MTP 610409 Dr Robert C Weaver.mp3
    7. MTP 610416 Konrad Adenauer.mp3
    8. MTP 610423 Dr I S Ravdin Dr Sydney Farber.mp3
    9. MTP 610430 Sen Jw Fullbright.mp3
    10. MTP 610507 Habib Bourguiba.mp3
    11. MTP 610514 Dr Jonas Salk.mp3
    12. MTP 610528 James E Webb Dr Hugh L Dryden.mp3
    13. MTP 610604 Edward R Murrow.mp3
    14. MTP 610611 Dr Arnold J Toynbee.mp3
    15. MTP 610618 John G Tower.mp3
    16. MTP 610625 Arthur H Dean.mp3
    17. MTP 610702 Gen Thomas D White.mp3
    18. MTP 610716 Mohammad Ayub Khan.mp3
    19. MTP 610723 Chester Bowles.mp3
    20. MTP 610730 Franz Josef Straus Wilhelm Grewe.mp3
    21. MTP 610813 John J Mccloy.mp3
    22. MTP 610820 Secretary Of State Dean Rusk.mp3
    23. MTP 610827 William E Miller.mp3
    24. MTP 610903 Dr Walter W Heller.mp3
    25. MTP 610917 Adlai E Stevenson.mp3
    26. MTP 610924 Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    27. MTP 611001 Frederick H Boland.mp3
    28. MTP 611008 Dr Tingfu Tsiang.mp3
    29. MTP 611015 Dr Cheddi Jagan.mp3
    30. MTP 611022 Frank B Ellis.mp3
    31. MTP 611029 Glenn T Seaborg.mp3
    32. MTP 611105 Primeminister Nehru Of India.mp3
    33. MTP 611126 Fowler Hamilton.mp3
    34. MTP 611203 Edmund Gullion.mp3
    35. MTP 611210 George W Ball.mp3
    36. MTP 611217 George Meany.mp3
    37. MTP 611224 Sergeant Shriver.mp3
    38. MTP 620107 Charles Halleck.mp3
    39. MTP 620121 Douglas Dillon.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    128 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 57 hours, 52 min
    128 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1590 MB – total playtime 57 hours, 52 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 45 shows – 571 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 48 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. MTP 581221 Henry Cabot Lodge Sen Massachusetts.mp3
    3. MTP 581228 Kwame Nkrumah Prime Minister Ghana.mp3
    4. MTP 590104 Lt Gen James M Gavin Retired Us Army.mp3
    5. MTP 590111 Sen Paul Douglas D Ill Sen Jacob K Javits R NY.mp3
    6. MTP 590118 Anastas Mikoyan First Deputy Premier Soviet Union.mp3
    7. MTP 590125 Arturo Frondizi President Argentina.mp3
    8. MTP 590215 Stuart Symington Sen Missouri.mp3
    9. MTP 590222 Sumner Slichter Economist Harvard.mp3
    10. MTP 590301 William Proxmire Sen Wisc.mp3
    11. MTP 590308 Neil Mcelroy Secretary Of Defense.mp3
    12. MTP 590315 Raymond Saulnier Economist.mp3
    13. MTP 590322 Robert Frost.mp3
    14. MTP 590405 Paulhenri Spaak Secretary Gen Of Nato.mp3
    15. MTP 590412 Tom Mboya Kenya Political Leader.mp3
    16. MTP 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba.mp3
    17. MTP 590503 Barbara Ward Economist Political Scientist.mp3
    18. MTP 590517 Abba Eban Foreign Minister Israel.mp3
    19. MTP 590524 Vannevar Bush Advocate Of Foreign Aid.mp3
    20. MTP 590531 John L Lewis President United Mine Workers.mp3
    21. MTP 590607 William Fulbright Sen Arkansas.mp3
    22. MTP 590621 Three European Community Leaders.mp3
    23. MTP 590628 Thomas Patton Steel Company Executive.mp3
    24. MTP 590705 Thomas Murray Consultant Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
    25. MTP 590712 Maxwell Taylor Army Gen U S Ambassador S.Vietnam.mp3
    26. MTP 590719 Nelson Rockefeller Governor New York.mp3
    27. MTP 590726 Robert Kennedy.mp3
    28. MTP 590802 Charles Halleck Rep Indiana.mp3
    29. MTP 590809 Herbert Hoover Former President.mp3
    30. MTP 590816 David Lawrence Governor Pennsylvania.mp3
    31. MTP 590823 Erwin Canham President U S Chamber Of Commerce.mp3
    32. MTP 590906 Michael Disalle Governor Ohio.mp3
    33. MTP 590913 Carl Sandburg Edward Steichen Photographer.mp3
    34. MTP 590920 V K Krishna Menon Indias Ambassador To U N.mp3
    35. MTP 591011 Edmund Pat Brown Governor California.mp3
    36. MTP 591018 Charles Percy Sen Illinois.mp3
    37. MTP 591025 Mark Hatfield J Howard Edmondson.mp3
    38. MTP 591101 Edgar Kaiser Chairman Kaiser Steel.mp3
    39. MTP 591108 James Mitchell Secretary Of Labor.mp3
    40. MTP 591115 Richard Bolling Representative Missouri.mp3
    41. MTP 591122 John Mccone Chairman Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
    42. MTP 591129 John Medaris Army Gen.mp3
    43. MTP 591220 Philip Noelbaker.mp3
    44. MTP 600103 John F Kennedy Sen Mass.mp3
    45. MTP 600110 Stuart Symington Sen MO Candidate President.mp3
    46. MTP 600117 Ezra Taft Benson Secretary Of Agriculture.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 45 shows – 566 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 36 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. MTP 600124 Hyman Rickover Admiral Father Of Atomic Navy.mp3
    3. MTP 600131 Thruston Morton Sen Kentucky.mp3
    4. MTP 600207 Paul Dudley White Physician Heart Specialist.mp3
    5. MTP 600214 Jacob Javits Sen New York.mp3
    6. MTP 600221 George Smathers Sen Florida.mp3
    7. MTP 600228 Henry Jackson Sen Washington.mp3
    8. MTP 600306 Herman Talmadge Governor Sen Georgia.mp3
    9. MTP 600313 Thomas Lanphier Missile Expert.mp3
    10. MTP 600320 Konrad Adenauer Chancellor West Germany.mp3
    11. MTP 600327 Thomas Dewey Former Governor New York.mp3
    12. MTP 600403 Hubert Humphrey Sen Minnesota.mp3
    13. MTP 600410 Keith Glennan Administrator Nasa.mp3
    14. MTP 600417 Martin Luther King Jr Civil Rights Leader.mp3
    15. MTP 600424 Adlai Stevenson Governor Illinois.mp3
    16. MTP 600501 Wayne Morse Democrat Oregon.mp3
    17. MTP 600508 Chester Bowles Representative Connecticut.mp3
    18. MTP 600515 Willy Brandt Mayor West Berlin.mp3
    19. MTP 600522 Alexander Kaznacheev Soviet Expert.mp3
    20. MTP 600529 William Fulbright Sen Arkansas.mp3
    21. MTP 600605 George Aiken Sen Vermont.mp3
    22. MTP 600612 Nelson Rockefeller Governor New York.mp3
    23. MTP 600619 Douglas Dillon Secretary Of Treasury.mp3
    24. MTP 600626 George Gallup Pollster.mp3
    25. MTP 600703 Leroy Collins Governor Florida.mp3
    26. MTP 600904 James P Mitchell.mp3
    27. MTP 600911 Richard M Nixon.mp3
    28. MTP 600918 Henry Cabot Lodge.mp3
    29. MTP 600925 James J Wadsworth.mp3
    30. MTP 601002 Alexander Douglashome Foreign Sec UK.mp3
    31. MTP 601016 Sen John F Kennedy.mp3
    32. MTP 601023 Henry Jackson Sen WA Thruston Morton Sen KY.mp3
    33. MTP 601030 Teresa Casusa Former Aide To Fidel Castro.mp3
    34. MTP 601113 Richard Scammon Electoral Expert.mp3
    35. MTP 601127 Frank Pace Jr Vicechairman Commission Ntnl Goals.mp3
    36. MTP 601204 Robert Anderson Secretary Of Treasury.mp3
    37. MTP 601211 Sen Paul Douglas Illinois.mp3
    38. MTP 601218 John Mccone Chairman Atomic Energy Com.mp3
    39. MTP 601225 Henry Heald President Ford Foundation.mp3
    40. MTP 610101 Gen E P Quesada.mp3
    41. MTP 610108 Everett Dirksen Charles Halleck.mp3
    42. MTP 610122 James M Landis.mp3
    43. MTP 610129 Sergio Rojas Santamarina.mp3
    44. MTP 610205 Luther H Hodges Sec Of Commerce.mp3
    45. MTP 610212 Adam Clayton Powell Jr.mp3
    46. MTP 610219 Abraham Ribicoff.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 38 shows – 452 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 27 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. MTP 610226 George Padmore.mp3
    3. MTP 610305 Paul A Samuelson.mp3
    4. MTP 610319 Styles Bridges.mp3
    5. MTP 610402 Hubert Humphrey.mp3
    6. MTP 610409 Dr Robert C Weaver.mp3
    7. MTP 610416 Konrad Adenauer.mp3
    8. MTP 610423 Dr I S Ravdin Dr Sydney Farber.mp3
    9. MTP 610430 Sen Jw Fullbright.mp3
    10. MTP 610507 Habib Bourguiba.mp3
    11. MTP 610514 Dr Jonas Salk.mp3
    12. MTP 610528 James E Webb Dr Hugh L Dryden.mp3
    13. MTP 610604 Edward R Murrow.mp3
    14. MTP 610611 Dr Arnold J Toynbee.mp3
    15. MTP 610618 John G Tower.mp3
    16. MTP 610625 Arthur H Dean.mp3
    17. MTP 610702 Gen Thomas D White.mp3
    18. MTP 610716 Mohammad Ayub Khan.mp3
    19. MTP 610723 Chester Bowles.mp3
    20. MTP 610730 Franz Josef Straus Wilhelm Grewe.mp3
    21. MTP 610813 John J Mccloy.mp3
    22. MTP 610820 Secretary Of State Dean Rusk.mp3
    23. MTP 610827 William E Miller.mp3
    24. MTP 610903 Dr Walter W Heller.mp3
    25. MTP 610917 Adlai E Stevenson.mp3
    26. MTP 610924 Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    27. MTP 611001 Frederick H Boland.mp3
    28. MTP 611008 Dr Tingfu Tsiang.mp3
    29. MTP 611015 Dr Cheddi Jagan.mp3
    30. MTP 611022 Frank B Ellis.mp3
    31. MTP 611029 Glenn T Seaborg.mp3
    32. MTP 611105 Primeminister Nehru Of India.mp3
    33. MTP 611126 Fowler Hamilton.mp3
    34. MTP 611203 Edmund Gullion.mp3
    35. MTP 611210 George W Ball.mp3
    36. MTP 611217 George Meany.mp3
    37. MTP 611224 Sergeant Shriver.mp3
    38. MTP 620107 Charles Halleck.mp3
    39. MTP 620121 Douglas Dillon.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    128 recordings on 63 Audio CDs. Total playtime 57 hours, 52 min
    128 recordings on 63 Audio CDs
    total playtime 57 hours, 52 min

    Meet the Press Disc A001

    1. MTP 581221 Henry Cabot Lodge Sen Massachusetts
    2. MTP 581228 Kwame Nkrumah Prime Minister Ghana

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A002

    1. MTP 590104 Lt Gen James M Gavin Retired Us Army
    2. MTP 590111 Sen Paul Douglas D Ill Sen Jacob K Javits R NY

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A003

    1. MTP 590118 Anastas Mikoyan First Deputy Premier Soviet Union
    2. MTP 590125 Arturo Frondizi President Argentina

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A004

    1. MTP 590215 Stuart Symington Sen Missouri
    2. MTP 590222 Sumner Slichter Economist Harvard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A005

    1. MTP 590301 William Proxmire Sen Wisc
    2. MTP 590308 Neil Mcelroy Secretary Of Defense

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A006

    1. MTP 590315 Raymond Saulnier Economist
    2. MTP 590322 Robert Frost

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A007

    1. MTP 590405 Paulhenri Spaak Secretary Gen Of Nato
    2. MTP 590412 Tom Mboya Kenya Political Leader

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A008

    1. MTP 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba
    2. MTP 590503 Barbara Ward Economist Political Scientist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A009

    1. MTP 590517 Abba Eban Foreign Minister Israel
    2. MTP 590524 Vannevar Bush Advocate Of Foreign Aid

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A010

    1. MTP 590531 John L Lewis President United Mine Workers
    2. MTP 590607 William Fulbright Sen Arkansas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A011

    1. MTP 590621 Three European Community Leaders
    2. MTP 590628 Thomas Patton Steel Company Executive

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A012

    1. MTP 590705 Thomas Murray Consultant Atomic Energy Commission
    2. MTP 590712 Maxwell Taylor Army Gen U S Ambassador S.Vietnam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A013

    1. MTP 590719 Nelson Rockefeller Governor New York
    2. MTP 590726 Robert Kennedy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A014

    1. MTP 590802 Charles Halleck Rep Indiana
    2. MTP 590809 Herbert Hoover Former President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A015

    1. MTP 590816 David Lawrence Governor Pennsylvania
    2. MTP 590823 Erwin Canham President U S Chamber Of Commerce

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A016

    1. MTP 590906 Michael Disalle Governor Ohio
    2. MTP 590913 Carl Sandburg Edward Steichen Photographer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A017

    1. MTP 590920 V K Krishna Menon Indias Ambassador To U N
    2. MTP 591011 Edmund Pat Brown Governor California

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A018

    1. MTP 591018 Charles Percy Sen Illinois
    2. MTP 591025 Mark Hatfield J Howard Edmondson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A019

    1. MTP 591101 Edgar Kaiser Chairman Kaiser Steel
    2. MTP 591108 James Mitchell Secretary Of Labor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A020

    1. MTP 591115 Richard Bolling Representative Missouri
    2. MTP 591122 John Mccone Chairman Atomic Energy Commission

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A021

    1. MTP 591129 John Medaris Army Gen
    2. MTP 591220 Philip Noelbaker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A022

    1. MTP 600103 John F Kennedy Sen Mass
    2. MTP 600110 Stuart Symington Sen MO Candidate President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A023

    1. MTP 600117 Ezra Taft Benson Secretary Of Agriculture
    2. MTP 600124 Hyman Rickover Admiral Father Of Atomic Navy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A024

    1. MTP 600131 Thruston Morton Sen Kentucky
    2. MTP 600207 Paul Dudley White Physician Heart Specialist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A025

    1. MTP 600214 Jacob Javits Sen New York
    2. MTP 600221 George Smathers Sen Florida

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A026

    1. MTP 600228 Henry Jackson Sen Washington
    2. MTP 600306 Herman Talmadge Governor Sen Georgia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A027

    1. MTP 600313 Thomas Lanphier Missile Expert
    2. MTP 600320 Konrad Adenauer Chancellor West Germany

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A028

    1. MTP 600327 Thomas Dewey Former Governor New York
    2. MTP 600403 Hubert Humphrey Sen Minnesota

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A029

    1. MTP 600410 Keith Glennan Administrator Nasa
    2. MTP 600417 Martin Luther King Jr Civil Rights Leader

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A030

    1. MTP 600424 Adlai Stevenson Governor Illinois
    2. MTP 600501 Wayne Morse Democrat Oregon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A031

    1. MTP 600508 Chester Bowles Representative Connecticut
    2. MTP 600515 Willy Brandt Mayor West Berlin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A032

    1. MTP 600522 Alexander Kaznacheev Soviet Expert
    2. MTP 600529 William Fulbright Sen Arkansas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A033

    1. MTP 600605 George Aiken Sen Vermont
    2. MTP 600612 Nelson Rockefeller Governor New York

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A034

    1. MTP 600619 Douglas Dillon Secretary Of Treasury
    2. MTP 600626 George Gallup Pollster

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A035

    1. MTP 600703 Leroy Collins Governor Florida
    2. MTP 600904 James P Mitchell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Meet the Press Disc A036

    1. MTP 600911 Richard M Nixon
    2. MTP 600918 Henry Cabot Lodge

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    Meet the Press Disc A037

    1. MTP 600925 James J Wadsworth
    2. MTP 601002 Alexander Douglashome Foreign Sec UK

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    Meet the Press Disc A038

    1. MTP 601016 Sen John F Kennedy
    2. MTP 601023 Henry Jackson Sen WA Thruston Morton Sen KY

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    Meet the Press Disc A039

    1. MTP 601030 Teresa Casusa Former Aide To Fidel Castro
    2. MTP 601113 Richard Scammon Electoral Expert

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    Meet the Press Disc A040

    1. MTP 601127 Frank Pace Jr Vicechairman Commission Ntnl Goals
    2. MTP 601204 Robert Anderson Secretary Of Treasury

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    Meet the Press Disc A041

    1. MTP 601211 Sen Paul Douglas Illinois
    2. MTP 601218 John Mccone Chairman Atomic Energy Com

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    Meet the Press Disc A042

    1. MTP 601225 Henry Heald President Ford Foundation
    2. MTP 610101 Gen E P Quesada

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    Meet the Press Disc A043

    1. MTP 610108 Everett Dirksen Charles Halleck
    2. MTP 610122 James M Landis

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    Meet the Press Disc A044

    1. MTP 610129 Sergio Rojas Santamarina
    2. MTP 610205 Luther H Hodges Sec Of Commerce

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    Meet the Press Disc A045

    1. MTP 610212 Adam Clayton Powell Jr
    2. MTP 610219 Abraham Ribicoff

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    Meet the Press Disc A046

    1. MTP 610226 George Padmore
    2. MTP 610305 Paul A Samuelson

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    Meet the Press Disc A047

    1. MTP 610319 Styles Bridges
    2. MTP 610402 Hubert Humphrey

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    Meet the Press Disc A048

    1. MTP 610409 Dr Robert C Weaver
    2. MTP 610416 Konrad Adenauer

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    Meet the Press Disc A049

    1. MTP 610423 Dr I S Ravdin Dr Sydney Farber
    2. MTP 610430 Sen Jw Fullbright

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    Meet the Press Disc A050

    1. MTP 610507 Habib Bourguiba
    2. MTP 610514 Dr Jonas Salk

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    Meet the Press Disc A051

    1. MTP 610528 James E Webb Dr Hugh L Dryden
    2. MTP 610604 Edward R Murrow

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    Meet the Press Disc A052

    1. MTP 610611 Dr Arnold J Toynbee
    2. MTP 610618 John G Tower

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    Meet the Press Disc A053

    1. MTP 610625 Arthur H Dean
    2. MTP 610702 Gen Thomas D White

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    Meet the Press Disc A054

    1. MTP 610716 Mohammad Ayub Khan
    2. MTP 610723 Chester Bowles

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    Meet the Press Disc A055

    1. MTP 610730 Franz Josef Straus Wilhelm Grewe
    2. MTP 610813 John J Mccloy

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    Meet the Press Disc A056

    1. MTP 610820 Secretary Of State Dean Rusk
    2. MTP 610827 William E Miller

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    Meet the Press Disc A057

    1. MTP 610903 Dr Walter W Heller
    2. MTP 610917 Adlai E Stevenson

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    Meet the Press Disc A058

    1. MTP 610924 Robert F Kennedy
    2. MTP 611001 Frederick H Boland

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    Meet the Press Disc A059

    1. MTP 611008 Dr Tingfu Tsiang
    2. MTP 611015 Dr Cheddi Jagan

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    Meet the Press Disc A060

    1. MTP 611022 Frank B Ellis
    2. MTP 611029 Glenn T Seaborg
    3. MTP 611105 Primeminister Nehru Of India

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    Meet the Press Disc A061

    1. MTP 611126 Fowler Hamilton
    2. MTP 611203 Edmund Gullion

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    Meet the Press Disc A062

    1. MTP 611210 George W Ball
    2. MTP 611217 George Meany

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    Meet the Press Disc A063

    1. MTP 611224 Sergeant Shriver
    2. MTP 620107 Charles Halleck
    3. MTP 620121 Douglas Dillon

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