When hard-boiled detectives were the kings of the airwaves, Luke Slaughter was a hard-boiled cowboy.
16 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 6 hours, 35 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
8 Audio CDs
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Western Drama (1958)
"Slaughter's my name, Luke Slaughter, cattle's my business. It's a tough business, and I've got a big steak in it. And there's no man west of the Rio Grande big enouth to take it from me!"
Luke Slaughter was the brainchild of William N. Robson famed producer and director of radio. Robson's credits include Calling All Cars, The Columbia Workshop, Americans All-Immigrants All, Escape, Suspense, and Fort Laramie.
Sam Buffington was only 27 when he took on the role of Luke Slaughter, a portrayal often compared to William Conrad's Matt Dillion onGunsmoke. His sidekick Wichita was performed by Junius Matthews.
Luke Slaughter was aired in between other adult Western dramas Frontier Gentleman and Have Gun Will Travel. The show lasted only 16 scripts before Have Gun Will Travel took its timeslot.
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Luke Slaughter Disc A001
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Luke Slaughter Disc A002
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Luke Slaughter Disc A003
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Luke Slaughter Disc A004
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Luke Slaughter Disc A005
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Luke Slaughter Disc A006
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Luke Slaughter Disc A007
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Luke Slaughter Disc A008
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