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The Living Series 1948-1951 (Living 1948, Living 1949, Living 1951)

Presented drama-documentaries on a variety of topics and was conceived as a conceived as a "radio mirror" for society.


86 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 39 hours, 38 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
43 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from January 30, 1949:

"State of American Humor with Fred Allen"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

NBC EducationRadio had a long history of public service programing. Broadcasts in public service usually have a reputation for being rather dry fare, but in many instances they managed to be even more entertaining than sponsored "entertainment" shows.

The prestigious University of the Air began broadcasting in 1944. Although the original series was created as a "distance learning" tool (several schools gave college level credit for correspondence courses based on the broadcasts), the shows based on great novels were great entertainment in their own right.

The Living series presented drama-documentaries on a variety of topics. Ben GrauerThe series was conceived as a "radio mirror" for society. The anthology nature of the show managed to raise the art of radio production to levels typified by shows like CBS Workshop and DuPont's Cavalcade of America.

Announcer Ben Grauer both narrated and sometimes acted throughout the series. Grauer joined NBC in 1930 at the age of 22 and quickly rose to become a senior commentator and reporter. He covered nearly every historic event which took place during his 40 year career, including the Olympic Games, the Morro Castle fire, the Paris Peace Conference, coverage of NY's New Years Eve Celebrations, and the US Occupation of Japan. On Living he dealt with most of the announcer's duties as well as taking an occasional roll, such as the doctor examining an aging Uncle Sam in "Growing Pains".

Living 1948 and Living 1949 will appeal to fans of documentary programs on the Discovery Network and the History Channel. Topics include "I am Always With You" in an examination of the Red Cross's mission of disaster relief, "From a Gentleman in Mufti" starring Art Carney playing General Eisenhower reading his report at the end of his service as Army Chief of Staff, "Home, Broken Home" examining the causes and and effects of broken marriages, "The Biggest Job in the World" profiling the Presidency of the United States, and "Only One to a Customer" which explores the working and diseases affecting the human heart, among others.

One of the classic episodes of Living 1949 is Fred Allen presiding on "The State of American Humor". The episode would be used later as part of the Allen obituary program.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    86 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 39 hours, 38 min
    86 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 39 hours, 38 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 38 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Living 1948 480321 04 Silver Cords And Apron Strings.mp3
    3. Living 1948 480328 05 I Am With You Always.mp3
    4. Living 1948 480404 06 From Gentleman Mufti.mp3
    5. Living 1948 480411 07 As Europe Sees Us.mp3
    6. Living 1948 480418 08 USA - Growing Pains.mp3
    7. Living 1948 480425 09 Home Broken Home Rising Divorce Rate.mp3
    8. Living 1948 480502 10 Senator Robert A Taft.mp3
    9. Living 1948 480509 11 Then Now US USSR Relations Since VE.mp3
    10. Living 1948 480516 12 Governor Earl Warren.mp3
    11. Living 1948 480523 13 Socialist Norman Thomas.mp3
    12. Living 1948 480530 14 Freedom I A Homemade Thing.mp3
    13. Living 1948 480613 16 What Price Public Office.mp3
    14. Living 1948 480620 17 Notebook For Convention Listeners.mp3
    15. Living 1948 480627 18 Sound Minds Sound Bodies.mp3
    16. Living 1948 480704 19 American Self Portrait.mp3
    17. Living 1948 480711 20 Democratic National Committee.mp3
    18. Living 1948 480718 21 Wisdom In The Streets.mp3
    19. Living 1948 480725 22 Box Score On The Olympics.mp3
    20. Living 1948 480801 23 Atomic Energy Your Business.mp3
    21. Living 1948 480808 24 The Sun And You.mp3
    22. Living 1948 480815 25 Rackets On The Doorbell.mp3
    23. Living 1948 480822 26 The Biggest Job In The World.mp3
    24. Living 1948 480829 27 New Draft New Army.mp3
    25. Living 1948 480905 28 Plight Of Our Hospitals.mp3
    26. Living 1948 480912 29 Vote For Me.mp3
    27. Living 1948 480919 30 Danger School Zone.mp3
    28. Living 1948 481003 32 Hope Alone Is Not Enough.mp3
    29. Living 1948 481017 34 United Nations Week.mp3
    30. Living 1948 481024 35 United Nations Balance Sheet.mp3
    31. Living 1948 481031 36 Lets Sit This One Out.mp3
    32. Living 1948 481107 37 What Happened.mp3
    33. Living 1948 481114 38 TV Many Happy Returns.mp3
    34. Living 1948 481121 39 Old Story Behind New Look.mp3
    35. Living 1948 481128 40 Thank You God.mp3
    36. Living 1948 481205 41 Story Of The Double Barred Cross.mp3
    37. Living 1948 481212 42 Greatest Christmas Present.mp3
    38. Living 1948 481219 43 Dogs And Children Not Wanted.mp3
    39. Living 1948 481226 44 Little Girl Who Had Everything.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 48 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Living 1949 490102 01 Leaving 1948.mp3
    3. Living 1949 490109 02 Inv Into Congressional Investigations.mp3
    4. Living 1949 490116 03 Inside Inaugurations.mp3
    5. Living 1949 490123 04 Biggest Job In World.mp3
    6. Living 1949 490130 05 State Of American Humor.mp3
    7. Living 1949 490206 06 Operation Cooperation.mp3
    8. Living 1949 490213 07 Only One To Customer.mp3
    9. Living 1949 490220 08 Who Rides Tiger.mp3
    10. Living 1949 490227 09 House That Jack Didnt Build.mp3
    11. Living 1949 490313 11 With Trembling Hands.mp3
    12. Living 1949 490320 12 Second Class Citizen.mp3
    13. Living 1949 490327 13 Dear Mr President.mp3
    14. Living 1949 490403 14 Ramparts We Watch.mp3
    15. Living 1949 490410 15 Operation Cooperation.mp3
    16. Living 1949 490417 16 Holy City.mp3
    17. Living 1949 490424 17 Youre Out.mp3
    18. Living 1949 490501 18 Transplanted Children.mp3
    19. Living 1949 490508 19 Our Enemy Cancer.mp3
    20. Living 1949 490515 20 High Brow, Low Brow, Middle Brow.mp3
    21. Living 1949 490522 21 It Floats Through Air.mp3
    22. Living 1949 490529 22 Death Takes No Holiday.mp3
    23. Living 1949 490605 23 Our Troubled Waters.mp3
    24. Living 1949 490612 24 No Family Should Be Without One.mp3
    25. Living 1949 490704 25 Biggest Firecracker In World.mp3
    26. Living 1949 490710 26 Vanishing Americans.mp3
    27. Living 1949 490717 27 Polio Virus With Its Back Against Wall.mp3
    28. Living 1949 490724 28 Big Top And Midway.mp3
    29. Living 1949 490731 29 Uncle Sam At Doorway.mp3
    30. Living 1949 490807 30 Two Weeks With Pay.mp3
    31. Living 1949 490814 31 As Twig Is Bent.mp3
    32. Living 1949 490821 32 Precious Tide.mp3
    33. Living 1949 490828 33 Chemical Kingdom Today.mp3
    34. Living 1949 490904 34 They Wage Peace.mp3
    35. Living 1950 500624 Mail Order Catalog.mp3
    36. Living 1950 501223 PA03 Prarie Noel.mp3
    37. Living 1950 501230 PA04 Sun Shines Bright.mp3
    38. Living 1951 510106 PA05 Sylvania Story.mp3
    39. Living 1951 510113 PA06 Home Is What They Made It.mp3
    40. Living 1951 510120 PA07 Women Did It.mp3
    41. Living 1951 510127 PA08 Crusade In Baltimore.mp3
    42. Living 1951 510203 PA09 Cloth Of Many Colors.mp3
    43. Living 1951 510210 PA10 City That Refused To Die.mp3
    44. Living 1951 510217 PA11 As Children Go.mp3
    45. Living 1951 510224 PA12 Red Clay And Teamwork.mp3
    46. Living 1951 510303 PA13 Our Partner, Public.mp3
    47. Living 1951 510407 Toward A Nation In Arms.mp3
    48. Living 1951 510421 What Do They Think Of Us.mp3
    49. Living 1951 510707 People's Choice.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    86 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 39 hours, 38 min
    86 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1089 MB – total playtime 39 hours, 38 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 38 shows – 478 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 23 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Living 1948 480321 04 Silver Cords And Apron Strings.mp3
    3. Living 1948 480328 05 I Am With You Always.mp3
    4. Living 1948 480404 06 From Gentleman Mufti.mp3
    5. Living 1948 480411 07 As Europe Sees Us.mp3
    6. Living 1948 480418 08 USA - Growing Pains.mp3
    7. Living 1948 480425 09 Home Broken Home Rising Divorce Rate.mp3
    8. Living 1948 480502 10 Senator Robert A Taft.mp3
    9. Living 1948 480509 11 Then Now US USSR Relations Since VE.mp3
    10. Living 1948 480516 12 Governor Earl Warren.mp3
    11. Living 1948 480523 13 Socialist Norman Thomas.mp3
    12. Living 1948 480530 14 Freedom I A Homemade Thing.mp3
    13. Living 1948 480613 16 What Price Public Office.mp3
    14. Living 1948 480620 17 Notebook For Convention Listeners.mp3
    15. Living 1948 480627 18 Sound Minds Sound Bodies.mp3
    16. Living 1948 480704 19 American Self Portrait.mp3
    17. Living 1948 480711 20 Democratic National Committee.mp3
    18. Living 1948 480718 21 Wisdom In The Streets.mp3
    19. Living 1948 480725 22 Box Score On The Olympics.mp3
    20. Living 1948 480801 23 Atomic Energy Your Business.mp3
    21. Living 1948 480808 24 The Sun And You.mp3
    22. Living 1948 480815 25 Rackets On The Doorbell.mp3
    23. Living 1948 480822 26 The Biggest Job In The World.mp3
    24. Living 1948 480829 27 New Draft New Army.mp3
    25. Living 1948 480905 28 Plight Of Our Hospitals.mp3
    26. Living 1948 480912 29 Vote For Me.mp3
    27. Living 1948 480919 30 Danger School Zone.mp3
    28. Living 1948 481003 32 Hope Alone Is Not Enough.mp3
    29. Living 1948 481017 34 United Nations Week.mp3
    30. Living 1948 481024 35 United Nations Balance Sheet.mp3
    31. Living 1948 481031 36 Lets Sit This One Out.mp3
    32. Living 1948 481107 37 What Happened.mp3
    33. Living 1948 481114 38 TV Many Happy Returns.mp3
    34. Living 1948 481121 39 Old Story Behind New Look.mp3
    35. Living 1948 481128 40 Thank You God.mp3
    36. Living 1948 481205 41 Story Of The Double Barred Cross.mp3
    37. Living 1948 481212 42 Greatest Christmas Present.mp3
    38. Living 1948 481219 43 Dogs And Children Not Wanted.mp3
    39. Living 1948 481226 44 Little Girl Who Had Everything.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 48 shows – 611 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 14 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Living 1949 490102 01 Leaving 1948.mp3
    3. Living 1949 490109 02 Inv Into Congressional Investigations.mp3
    4. Living 1949 490116 03 Inside Inaugurations.mp3
    5. Living 1949 490123 04 Biggest Job In World.mp3
    6. Living 1949 490130 05 State Of American Humor.mp3
    7. Living 1949 490206 06 Operation Cooperation.mp3
    8. Living 1949 490213 07 Only One To Customer.mp3
    9. Living 1949 490220 08 Who Rides Tiger.mp3
    10. Living 1949 490227 09 House That Jack Didnt Build.mp3
    11. Living 1949 490313 11 With Trembling Hands.mp3
    12. Living 1949 490320 12 Second Class Citizen.mp3
    13. Living 1949 490327 13 Dear Mr President.mp3
    14. Living 1949 490403 14 Ramparts We Watch.mp3
    15. Living 1949 490410 15 Operation Cooperation.mp3
    16. Living 1949 490417 16 Holy City.mp3
    17. Living 1949 490424 17 Youre Out.mp3
    18. Living 1949 490501 18 Transplanted Children.mp3
    19. Living 1949 490508 19 Our Enemy Cancer.mp3
    20. Living 1949 490515 20 High Brow, Low Brow, Middle Brow.mp3
    21. Living 1949 490522 21 It Floats Through Air.mp3
    22. Living 1949 490529 22 Death Takes No Holiday.mp3
    23. Living 1949 490605 23 Our Troubled Waters.mp3
    24. Living 1949 490612 24 No Family Should Be Without One.mp3
    25. Living 1949 490704 25 Biggest Firecracker In World.mp3
    26. Living 1949 490710 26 Vanishing Americans.mp3
    27. Living 1949 490717 27 Polio Virus With Its Back Against Wall.mp3
    28. Living 1949 490724 28 Big Top And Midway.mp3
    29. Living 1949 490731 29 Uncle Sam At Doorway.mp3
    30. Living 1949 490807 30 Two Weeks With Pay.mp3
    31. Living 1949 490814 31 As Twig Is Bent.mp3
    32. Living 1949 490821 32 Precious Tide.mp3
    33. Living 1949 490828 33 Chemical Kingdom Today.mp3
    34. Living 1949 490904 34 They Wage Peace.mp3
    35. Living 1950 500624 Mail Order Catalog.mp3
    36. Living 1950 501223 PA03 Prarie Noel.mp3
    37. Living 1950 501230 PA04 Sun Shines Bright.mp3
    38. Living 1951 510106 PA05 Sylvania Story.mp3
    39. Living 1951 510113 PA06 Home Is What They Made It.mp3
    40. Living 1951 510120 PA07 Women Did It.mp3
    41. Living 1951 510127 PA08 Crusade In Baltimore.mp3
    42. Living 1951 510203 PA09 Cloth Of Many Colors.mp3
    43. Living 1951 510210 PA10 City That Refused To Die.mp3
    44. Living 1951 510217 PA11 As Children Go.mp3
    45. Living 1951 510224 PA12 Red Clay And Teamwork.mp3
    46. Living 1951 510303 PA13 Our Partner, Public.mp3
    47. Living 1951 510407 Toward A Nation In Arms.mp3
    48. Living 1951 510421 What Do They Think Of Us.mp3
    49. Living 1951 510707 People's Choice.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    86 recordings on 43 Audio CDs. Total playtime 39 hours, 38 min
    86 recordings on 43 Audio CDs
    total playtime 39 hours, 38 min

    Living Disc A001

    1. Living 1948 480321 04 Silver Cords And Apron Strings
    2. Living 1948 480328 05 I Am With You Always

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A002

    1. Living 1948 480404 06 From Gentleman Mufti
    2. Living 1948 480411 07 As Europe Sees Us

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A003

    1. Living 1948 480418 08 USA - Growing Pains
    2. Living 1948 480425 09 Home Broken Home Rising Divorce Rate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A004

    1. Living 1948 480502 10 Senator Robert A Taft
    2. Living 1948 480509 11 Then Now US USSR Relations Since VE

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A005

    1. Living 1948 480516 12 Governor Earl Warren
    2. Living 1948 480523 13 Socialist Norman Thomas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A006

    1. Living 1948 480530 14 Freedom I A Homemade Thing
    2. Living 1948 480613 16 What Price Public Office

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A007

    1. Living 1948 480620 17 Notebook For Convention Listeners
    2. Living 1948 480627 18 Sound Minds Sound Bodies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A008

    1. Living 1948 480704 19 American Self Portrait
    2. Living 1948 480711 20 Democratic National Committee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A009

    1. Living 1948 480718 21 Wisdom In The Streets
    2. Living 1948 480725 22 Box Score On The Olympics

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A010

    1. Living 1948 480801 23 Atomic Energy Your Business
    2. Living 1948 480808 24 The Sun And You

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A011

    1. Living 1948 480815 25 Rackets On The Doorbell
    2. Living 1948 480822 26 The Biggest Job In The World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A012

    1. Living 1948 480829 27 New Draft New Army
    2. Living 1948 480905 28 Plight Of Our Hospitals

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A013

    1. Living 1948 480912 29 Vote For Me
    2. Living 1948 480919 30 Danger School Zone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A014

    1. Living 1948 481003 32 Hope Alone Is Not Enough
    2. Living 1948 481017 34 United Nations Week

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A015

    1. Living 1948 481024 35 United Nations Balance Sheet
    2. Living 1948 481031 36 Lets Sit This One Out

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A016

    1. Living 1948 481107 37 What Happened
    2. Living 1948 481114 38 TV Many Happy Returns

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A017

    1. Living 1948 481121 39 Old Story Behind New Look
    2. Living 1948 481128 40 Thank You God

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A018

    1. Living 1948 481205 41 Story Of The Double Barred Cross
    2. Living 1948 481212 42 Greatest Christmas Present

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A019

    1. Living 1948 481219 43 Dogs And Children Not Wanted
    2. Living 1948 481226 44 Little Girl Who Had Everything

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A020

    1. Living 1949 490102 01 Leaving 1948
    2. Living 1949 490109 02 Inv Into Congressional Investigations

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A021

    1. Living 1949 490116 03 Inside Inaugurations
    2. Living 1949 490123 04 Biggest Job In World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A022

    1. Living 1949 490130 05 State Of American Humor
    2. Living 1949 490206 06 Operation Cooperation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A023

    1. Living 1949 490213 07 Only One To Customer
    2. Living 1949 490220 08 Who Rides Tiger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A024

    1. Living 1949 490227 09 House That Jack Didnt Build
    2. Living 1949 490313 11 With Trembling Hands

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A025

    1. Living 1949 490320 12 Second Class Citizen
    2. Living 1949 490327 13 Dear Mr President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A026

    1. Living 1949 490403 14 Ramparts We Watch
    2. Living 1949 490410 15 Operation Cooperation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A027

    1. Living 1949 490417 16 Holy City
    2. Living 1949 490424 17 Youre Out

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A028

    1. Living 1949 490501 18 Transplanted Children
    2. Living 1949 490508 19 Our Enemy Cancer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A029

    1. Living 1949 490515 20 High Brow, Low Brow, Middle Brow
    2. Living 1949 490522 21 It Floats Through Air

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A030

    1. Living 1949 490529 22 Death Takes No Holiday
    2. Living 1949 490605 23 Our Troubled Waters

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A031

    1. Living 1949 490612 24 No Family Should Be Without One
    2. Living 1949 490704 25 Biggest Firecracker In World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A032

    1. Living 1949 490710 26 Vanishing Americans
    2. Living 1949 490717 27 Polio Virus With Its Back Against Wall

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A033

    1. Living 1949 490724 28 Big Top And Midway
    2. Living 1949 490731 29 Uncle Sam At Doorway

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A034

    1. Living 1949 490807 30 Two Weeks With Pay
    2. Living 1949 490814 31 As Twig Is Bent

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A035

    1. Living 1949 490821 32 Precious Tide
    2. Living 1949 490828 33 Chemical Kingdom Today

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A036

    1. Living 1949 490904 34 They Wage Peace
    2. Living 1950 500624 Mail Order Catalog

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A037

    1. Living 1950 501223 PA03 Prarie Noel
    2. Living 1950 501230 PA04 Sun Shines Bright

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A038

    1. Living 1951 510106 PA05 Sylvania Story
    2. Living 1951 510113 PA06 Home Is What They Made It

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A039

    1. Living 1951 510120 PA07 Women Did It
    2. Living 1951 510127 PA08 Crusade In Baltimore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A040

    1. Living 1951 510203 PA09 Cloth Of Many Colors
    2. Living 1951 510210 PA10 City That Refused To Die

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A041

    1. Living 1951 510217 PA11 As Children Go
    2. Living 1951 510224 PA12 Red Clay And Teamwork

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A042

    1. Living 1951 510303 PA13 Our Partner, Public
    2. Living 1951 510407 Toward A Nation In Arms

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Living Disc A043

    1. Living 1951 510421 What Do They Think Of Us
    2. Living 1951 510707 People's Choice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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