Presented drama-documentaries on a variety of topics and was conceived as a conceived as a "radio mirror" for society.
86 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 39 hours, 38 min)
available in the following formats:
2 MP3 CDs
43 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
The prestigious University of the Air began broadcasting in 1944. Although the original series was created as a "distance learning" tool (several schools gave college level credit for correspondence courses based on the broadcasts), the shows based on great novels were great entertainment in their own right.
The Living series presented drama-documentaries on a variety of topics.
Announcer Ben Grauer both narrated and sometimes acted throughout the series. Grauer joined NBC in 1930 at the age of 22 and quickly rose to become a senior commentator and reporter. He covered nearly every historic event which took place during his 40 year career, including the Olympic Games, the Morro Castle fire, the Paris Peace Conference, coverage of NY's New Years Eve Celebrations, and the US Occupation of Japan. On Living he dealt with most of the announcer's duties as well as taking an occasional roll, such as the doctor examining an aging Uncle Sam in "Growing Pains".
Living 1948 and Living 1949 will appeal to fans of documentary programs on the Discovery Network and the History Channel. Topics include "I am Always With You" in an examination of the Red Cross's mission of disaster relief, "From a Gentleman in Mufti" starring Art Carney playing General Eisenhower reading his report at the end of his service as Army Chief of Staff, "Home, Broken Home" examining the causes and and effects of broken marriages, "The Biggest Job in the World" profiling the Presidency of the United States, and "Only One to a Customer" which explores the working and diseases affecting the human heart, among others.
One of the classic episodes of Living 1949 is Fred Allen presiding on "The State of American Humor". The episode would be used later as part of the Allen obituary program.
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Living Disc A001
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