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Lights Out

Pull the sheets over your head and hide! There was plenty of gore and strangeness on Wyllis Cooper's Lights Out, and it got even stranger when Arch Oboler took over.

Lights Out

94 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 41 hours, 33 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
47 Audio CDs

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"Oxychloride X"

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Arch Oboler

Horror Drama (1934 - 47)

Willis Cooper

Lights OutLights Out debuted in 1934 and was radio's premier horror series created by writer/director Wyllis Cooper, who later scripted Boris Karloff's 1939 classic Son of Frankenstein.  Wyllis Cooper was a innovative radio writer and worked on other notable shows such as The Empire Builders, Quiet Please, Campbell's Playhouse, The Army Hour, and Whitehall 1212Lights Out truly set the bar high for other radio dramas in the 1930's due to its gore and strangeness.  It was one of the first old time radio shows that developed the medium of radio with distinct sound effects and dramas intended to be heard. 


Adhesive tape, stuck together and pulled apart, simulated the sound of a man's or woman's skin being ripped off. Pulling the leg off a frozen chicken gave the illusion of an arm being torn out of its socket. A raw egg dropped on a plate stood in for an eye being gouged; poured corn syrup for flowing blood; cleavered cabbages and cantalopes for beheadings; snapped pencils and spareribs for broken fingers and bones. The sound of a hand crushed? A lemon, laid on an anvil, smashed with a hammer. 

Cooper was succeeded by Arch Oboler, one of radio's greatest dramatic talents. Oboler had scripted the Mae West's infamous "Garden of Eden" sketch and brought a new level of psychological horror to radio in scripts like "Cat Wife," "Sub-Basement," and "Chicken Heart." Though most famous for his film roles, Karloff was an accomplished radio performer who hosted his own series Boris Karloff's Treasure Chest and narrated Radio Reader's Digest broadcasts during the final two decades of his life.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

See also Dark Fantasy, Escape, Inner Sanctum, Mysterious Traveler, Mystery in the Air, Suspense, The Whistler, and Weird Circle.For more Arch Oboler productions, see also: Arch Oboler Collection, Everyman's Theater, Plays for Americans and Arch Oboler Plays .

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    41     8


    Got into listening OTR programs while driving cab in late 80's here in Vancouver BC. CFMI Radio would broadcast 4 programs from 10pm to midnight ... I was hooked. Along came Napster in the late 90's and I found that I could download an OTR program called "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar". I got them all (and then I replaced them with the OTRCAT recordings as they were better). Since then, I have Light's Out, YTJD, Dragnet and about 25 other programs! OTRCAT is FANTASTIC!!! Thank you!

    Geoff Verified Purchase

    Lights Out!...everyone.... And so begins another tale of terror! Among the best, if not THE best of old time radio horror.

    Stephen Verified Purchase

    Today I listened to the episodes " Battle Of The Megicians" and " Revenge Of India". Both were good. In my opinion, Lights Out was the Twilight Zone of Radio Horror dramas. I think Rod Serling and Arch Oboler had a lot in common as far as writing and telling a good story.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    Great stories from a master story-teller

    Rock Verified Purchase

    The disc I purchased had the episodes "African Story" and "Mirage". Both were good stories. Neither was horror like some of Lights Out episodes. I would say they were more like Whistler or some Inner Sanctum in that they are about people and their motivations on why they do what they do with a possible surprise ending thrown in.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    And later W C gave us the greatest fantasy series, #Quiet Please#.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Excellent show.

    Dorothy Verified Purchase

    OTR CAT is truly a bright spot in my life. I never tire of it. I never tire of receiving the OTR CAT emails, I always love the variety.


    Just caught the last ten minutes of the first episode of "Lights Out," with Boris Karloff. It was a very spooky one. Ken Niles announced it as a new series, then they went to commercial. I was half listening while checking email. Then I noticed they were playing some very joyful, rousing music. I thought the station had switched to the next show...only for Ken Niles to come back, over the music, and announce next week's episode. That had to be the most bizarre pairing of music and show I've ever heard.

    Marge Verified Purchase

    That sounds like a 1947 summer series sponsored by Eversharp. I agree the bouncy Eversharp commercial theme is a poor fit with Lights Out and Karloff


    The scariest story I ever listened to was one called "Valse Triste". It was so creepy, I coudn't even listen to the end of it.

    Carol Verified Purchase

    loved the Lights Out where a man was stuck inside the wall of a bank

    Dan Verified Purchase

    "Lights Out" was one of my family's favorite program when I was a kid. We would often turn out the lights and listen to it with just a candle burning. It scared the bejeebers out of us. We were petrified the night Arch brought us "Chicken Heart".


    You are the first person I ever knew who remembered hearing the Chicken Heart story. Until the Bill Cosby routine, I dont think that many people knew it was a real program. Of course, when he heard it, it was a summer replacement program. The original transcription is lost, but there is a recreation of part of it that exists.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    In 1939, Lights Out, radio's "ultimate horror show," was heard for the last time on NBC. In 1942, Arch Obler brought the show back to life on CBS. The show's most familiar trademark, guaranteed to put you under the covers on a dark night was, "Lights out, everybody!", followed by 12 chimes of a clock. (On campus there is a clock that strikes the hours and I will catch myself saying "It-is-later-than-you-think. Lights-out-every-body" quite often.)

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Lights out? Chicken Heart? Three Skeleton Key? Some of my favorites!!!

    Andy Verified Purchase

    My love of audio drama started when my 8 th grade teacher played a casette. I recently found the same story 40 years later on this website. Sent it to texas for purchase next month.

    Jill Verified Purchase

    I played Leiningen vs. the Ants for my 5th graders last year. I had them illustrate what they were envisioning. Most were pretty into it.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I wish I had something like that when I was in school, especially since I took journalism.


    I decided to play my students “The House in Cypress Canyon.” We were currently talking about active listening so I figured it was a good segway. The results were mixed. Some kids really got into it. They asked me questions about it and some wanted me to play more episodes. Others not so much. Few if any were actually scared.

    Ben Verified Purchase

    Scared the bejesus out of me when I first heard it - late at night while I was in bed. Dreamed about it all night!!

    Ted Verified Purchase

    My German mother got me interested in OTR. When my father was in Europe during WWII she was living in a Tenement flat in NY City with my twin brother and sister who were infants. Her favorite program was Lights Out. She told me that the voice would say "Everybody! Lights out! and she would dutifully do it. The a story would come on and scare her out of her wits.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    One of my favorites!


    My grandma, born 1913 also told me about this show. it... is....later....than....you....thinnnk


    wyllis cooper, according to a letter i received some years ago while researching cooper, from betty lou gerson who worked with cooper on an aviation serial called "flying time" said mr. cooper would set in his house at night with all the lights off to come up with stories for lights out. he also had a dog named "geevil".whether it is cooper or oboler these plays still pack a punch! thanks otrcat. john

    John Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    94 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 41 hours, 33 min
    94 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 41 hours, 33 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lights Out 360617 Cat Wife.mp3
    3. Lights Out 360805 Money, Money, Money ($3,000).mp3
    4. Lights Out 360916 The Sea.mp3
    5. Lights Out 361209 Nobody Died.mp3
    6. Lights Out 370217 Cat Wife.mp3
    7. Lights Out 370303 Sakhalin.mp3
    8. Lights Out 370310 A Day at the Dentist.mp3
    9. Lights Out 370317 State Executioner.mp3
    10. Lights Out 370414 The Little People.mp3
    11. Lights Out 370512 The Organ.mp3
    12. Lights Out 370616 The Meteor Man.mp3
    13. Lights Out 370623 Happy Ending.mp3
    14. Lights Out 370714 Lord Marley's Ghost.MP3
    15. Lights Out 371222 Uninhabited (Christmas Story 1918).mp3
    16. Lights Out 371229 The Dark (7 min version).mp3
    17. Lights Out 380126 Oxychloride X.mp3
    18. Lights Out 380216 Murder Castle.mp3
    19. Lights Out 380310 Chicken Heart (7.5 min).mp3
    20. Lights Out 380316 Superfeature.MP3
    21. Lights Out 380323 The Dream.mp3
    22. Lights Out 380330 Valse Triste.mp3
    23. Lights Out 380406 Cat Wife.mp3
    24. Lights Out 380511 It Happened.mp3
    25. Lights Out 380622 Bon Voyage.mp3
    26. Lights Out 390426 The Devil's Due.mp3
    27. Lights Out 390429 The Cliff.mp3
    28. Lights Out 390520 Crazy Town.mp3
    29. Lights Out 410217 Special to Hollywood.mp3
    30. Lights Out 421006 001 What the Devil.mp3
    31. Lights Out 421013 Revolt of the Worms.mp3
    32. Lights Out 421020 Poltergeist (Gravestone).mp3
    33. Lights Out 421027 Mungahra (The House Is Haunted).mp3
    34. Lights Out 421103 005 Across the Gap.mp3
    35. Lights Out 421110 Bon Voyage.mp3
    36. Lights Out 421117 Come to the Bank.mp3
    37. Lights Out 421201 Mister Maggs (The Chest).mp3
    38. Lights Out 421208 Scoop (Cemetary).mp3
    39. Lights Out 421215 Knock at the Door.mp3
    40. Lights Out 421222 Meteor Man (The Hungry Ones).mp3
    41. Lights Out 421229 Valse Triste.mp3
    42. Lights Out 430105 Fast One, the (Speed).mp3
    43. Lights Out 430119 Cat Wife (Alley Cat).mp3
    44. Lights Out 430126 Protective Mr Drogen (Big Mr Little).mp3
    45. Lights Out 430202 Until Dead (The Luck of Mark Street) HQ.mp3
    46. Lights Out 430209 He Dug It Up.mp3
    47. Lights Out 430216 020 Oxychloride X Hole.mp3
    48. Lights Out 430223 They Met at Dorset.mp3
    49. Lights Out 430302 The Sea.mp3
    50. Lights Out 430309 The Ball aka Paris Macabre.mp3
    51. Lights Out 430316 The Dream.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 44 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lights Out 430323 The Flame.mp3
    3. Lights Out 430330 Money, Money, Money ($3,000) alt.mp3
    4. Lights Out 430406 Superfeature-FamiliarSuddenlyUnfamiliar.mp3
    5. Lights Out 430413 Archer (Ancestor).mp3
    6. Lights Out 430420 Kill.mp3
    7. Lights Out 430427 Execution.mp3
    8. Lights Out 430504 Heavenly Jeep.mp3
    9. Lights Out 430511 Murder in the Script Department.mp3
    10. Lights Out 430518 Spider.mp3
    11. Lights Out 430525 Little Old Lady-Mrs Kingsley's Report.mp3
    12. Lights Out 430601 Ugliest Man in the World (Mr Freak).mp3
    13. Lights Out 430608 Organ (Vacation with Death).mp3
    14. Lights Out 430615 Prelude to Murder.mp3
    15. Lights Out 430622 Nature Study.mp3
    16. Lights Out 430629 Bathysphere(Dictator, The) alt.mp3
    17. Lights Out 430629 Bathysphere(Dictator, The).mp3
    18. Lights Out 430706 The Cliff.mp3
    19. Lights Out 430713 Visitor from Hades.mp3
    20. Lights Out 430720 Profits Unlimited.mp3
    21. Lights Out 430727 Little People (Shrinking People) HQ.mp3
    22. Lights Out 430803 Murder Castle.mp3
    23. Lights Out 430810 Sakhalin.mp3
    24. Lights Out 430817 State Executioner (Official Killer).mp3
    25. Lights Out 430824 SubBasement (Going Down).mp3
    26. Lights Out 430831 Immortal Gentleman (Live Forever).mp3
    27. Lights Out 430907 Lord Marleys Guest-Hollywood Visitor).mp3
    28. Lights Out 430914 The Word.mp3
    29. Lights Out 430921 Mirage.mp3
    30. Lights Out 430928 The Author and the Thing.mp3
    31. Lights Out 450628 The Truth.mp3
    32. Lights Out 450728 The Rocket Ship.mp3
    33. Lights Out 450825 Man in the Middle.mp3
    34. Lights Out 460713 The Coffin in Studio B.mp3
    35. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell alt.mp3
    36. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell.mp3
    37. Lights Out 460727 Battle of the Magicians.mp3
    38. Lights Out 460803 The Revenge of India.mp3
    39. Lights Out 460810 Ghost on the Newsreel Negative HQ.mp3
    40. Lights Out 460824 The Signal Man.mp3
    41. Lights Out 470716 Death Robbery.mp3
    42. Lights Out 470730 The Ring (1st half only).mp3
    43. Lights Out African Story.mp3
    44. Lights Out Mirage.mp3
    45. Lights Out Special To Hollywood.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    94 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 41 hours, 33 min
    94 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    824 MB – total playtime 41 hours, 33 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – 454 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 40 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lights Out 360617 Cat Wife.mp3
    3. Lights Out 360805 Money, Money, Money ($3,000).mp3
    4. Lights Out 360916 The Sea.mp3
    5. Lights Out 361209 Nobody Died.mp3
    6. Lights Out 370217 Cat Wife.mp3
    7. Lights Out 370303 Sakhalin.mp3
    8. Lights Out 370310 A Day at the Dentist.mp3
    9. Lights Out 370317 State Executioner.mp3
    10. Lights Out 370414 The Little People.mp3
    11. Lights Out 370512 The Organ.mp3
    12. Lights Out 370616 The Meteor Man.mp3
    13. Lights Out 370623 Happy Ending.mp3
    14. Lights Out 370714 Lord Marley's Ghost.MP3
    15. Lights Out 371222 Uninhabited (Christmas Story 1918).mp3
    16. Lights Out 371229 The Dark (7 min version).mp3
    17. Lights Out 380126 Oxychloride X.mp3
    18. Lights Out 380216 Murder Castle.mp3
    19. Lights Out 380310 Chicken Heart (7.5 min).mp3
    20. Lights Out 380316 Superfeature.MP3
    21. Lights Out 380323 The Dream.mp3
    22. Lights Out 380330 Valse Triste.mp3
    23. Lights Out 380406 Cat Wife.mp3
    24. Lights Out 380511 It Happened.mp3
    25. Lights Out 380622 Bon Voyage.mp3
    26. Lights Out 390426 The Devil's Due.mp3
    27. Lights Out 390429 The Cliff.mp3
    28. Lights Out 390520 Crazy Town.mp3
    29. Lights Out 410217 Special to Hollywood.mp3
    30. Lights Out 421006 001 What the Devil.mp3
    31. Lights Out 421013 Revolt of the Worms.mp3
    32. Lights Out 421020 Poltergeist (Gravestone).mp3
    33. Lights Out 421027 Mungahra (The House Is Haunted).mp3
    34. Lights Out 421103 005 Across the Gap.mp3
    35. Lights Out 421110 Bon Voyage.mp3
    36. Lights Out 421117 Come to the Bank.mp3
    37. Lights Out 421201 Mister Maggs (The Chest).mp3
    38. Lights Out 421208 Scoop (Cemetary).mp3
    39. Lights Out 421215 Knock at the Door.mp3
    40. Lights Out 421222 Meteor Man (The Hungry Ones).mp3
    41. Lights Out 421229 Valse Triste.mp3
    42. Lights Out 430105 Fast One, the (Speed).mp3
    43. Lights Out 430119 Cat Wife (Alley Cat).mp3
    44. Lights Out 430126 Protective Mr Drogen (Big Mr Little).mp3
    45. Lights Out 430202 Until Dead (The Luck of Mark Street) HQ.mp3
    46. Lights Out 430209 He Dug It Up.mp3
    47. Lights Out 430216 020 Oxychloride X Hole.mp3
    48. Lights Out 430223 They Met at Dorset.mp3
    49. Lights Out 430302 The Sea.mp3
    50. Lights Out 430309 The Ball aka Paris Macabre.mp3
    51. Lights Out 430316 The Dream.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 44 shows – 369 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 53 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Lights Out 430323 The Flame.mp3
    3. Lights Out 430330 Money, Money, Money ($3,000) alt.mp3
    4. Lights Out 430406 Superfeature-FamiliarSuddenlyUnfamiliar.mp3
    5. Lights Out 430413 Archer (Ancestor).mp3
    6. Lights Out 430420 Kill.mp3
    7. Lights Out 430427 Execution.mp3
    8. Lights Out 430504 Heavenly Jeep.mp3
    9. Lights Out 430511 Murder in the Script Department.mp3
    10. Lights Out 430518 Spider.mp3
    11. Lights Out 430525 Little Old Lady-Mrs Kingsley's Report.mp3
    12. Lights Out 430601 Ugliest Man in the World (Mr Freak).mp3
    13. Lights Out 430608 Organ (Vacation with Death).mp3
    14. Lights Out 430615 Prelude to Murder.mp3
    15. Lights Out 430622 Nature Study.mp3
    16. Lights Out 430629 Bathysphere(Dictator, The) alt.mp3
    17. Lights Out 430629 Bathysphere(Dictator, The).mp3
    18. Lights Out 430706 The Cliff.mp3
    19. Lights Out 430713 Visitor from Hades.mp3
    20. Lights Out 430720 Profits Unlimited.mp3
    21. Lights Out 430727 Little People (Shrinking People) HQ.mp3
    22. Lights Out 430803 Murder Castle.mp3
    23. Lights Out 430810 Sakhalin.mp3
    24. Lights Out 430817 State Executioner (Official Killer).mp3
    25. Lights Out 430824 SubBasement (Going Down).mp3
    26. Lights Out 430831 Immortal Gentleman (Live Forever).mp3
    27. Lights Out 430907 Lord Marleys Guest-Hollywood Visitor).mp3
    28. Lights Out 430914 The Word.mp3
    29. Lights Out 430921 Mirage.mp3
    30. Lights Out 430928 The Author and the Thing.mp3
    31. Lights Out 450628 The Truth.mp3
    32. Lights Out 450728 The Rocket Ship.mp3
    33. Lights Out 450825 Man in the Middle.mp3
    34. Lights Out 460713 The Coffin in Studio B.mp3
    35. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell alt.mp3
    36. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell.mp3
    37. Lights Out 460727 Battle of the Magicians.mp3
    38. Lights Out 460803 The Revenge of India.mp3
    39. Lights Out 460810 Ghost on the Newsreel Negative HQ.mp3
    40. Lights Out 460824 The Signal Man.mp3
    41. Lights Out 470716 Death Robbery.mp3
    42. Lights Out 470730 The Ring (1st half only).mp3
    43. Lights Out African Story.mp3
    44. Lights Out Mirage.mp3
    45. Lights Out Special To Hollywood.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    94 recordings on 47 Audio CDs. Total playtime 41 hours, 33 min
    94 recordings on 47 Audio CDs
    total playtime 41 hours, 33 min

    Lights Out Disc A001

    1. Lights Out African Story
    2. Lights Out Mirage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A002

    1. Lights Out Special To Hollywood
    2. Lights Out 360617 Cat Wife

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A003

    1. Lights Out 360805 Money, Money, Money ($3,000)
    2. Lights Out 360916 The Sea

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A004

    1. Lights Out 361209 Nobody Died
    2. Lights Out 370217 Cat Wife

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A005

    1. Lights Out 370303 Sakhalin
    2. Lights Out 370310 A Day at the Dentist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A006

    1. Lights Out 370317 State Executioner
    2. Lights Out 370414 The Little People

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A007

    1. Lights Out 370512 The Organ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A008

    1. Lights Out 370616 The Meteor Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A009

    1. Lights Out 370623 Happy Ending
    2. Lights Out 370714 Lord Marley's Ghost

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A010

    1. Lights Out 371222 Uninhabited (Christmas Story 1918)
    2. Lights Out 371229 The Dark (7 min version)
    3. Lights Out 380126 Oxychloride X

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A011

    1. Lights Out 380216 Murder Castle
    2. Lights Out 380310 Chicken Heart (7.5 min)
    3. Lights Out 380316 Superfeature

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A012

    1. Lights Out 380323 The Dream
    2. Lights Out 380330 Valse Triste

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A013

    1. Lights Out 380406 Cat Wife
    2. Lights Out 380511 It Happened

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A014

    1. Lights Out 380622 Bon Voyage
    2. Lights Out 390426 The Devil's Due

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A015

    1. Lights Out 390429 The Cliff
    2. Lights Out 390520 Crazy Town

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A016

    1. Lights Out 410217 Special to Hollywood
    2. Lights Out 421006 001 What the Devil
    3. Lights Out 421013 Revolt of the Worms

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A017

    1. Lights Out 421020 Poltergeist (Gravestone)
    2. Lights Out 421027 Mungahra (The House Is Haunted)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A018

    1. Lights Out 421103 005 Across the Gap
    2. Lights Out 421110 Bon Voyage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A019

    1. Lights Out 421117 Come to the Bank
    2. Lights Out 421201 Mister Maggs (The Chest)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A020

    1. Lights Out 421208 Scoop (Cemetary)
    2. Lights Out 421215 Knock at the Door

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A021

    1. Lights Out 421222 Meteor Man (The Hungry Ones)
    2. Lights Out 421229 Valse Triste

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A022

    1. Lights Out 430105 Fast One, the (Speed)
    2. Lights Out 430119 Cat Wife (Alley Cat)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A023

    1. Lights Out 430126 Protective Mr Drogen (Big Mr Little)
    2. Lights Out 430202 Until Dead (The Luck of Mark Street) HQ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A024

    1. Lights Out 430209 He Dug It Up
    2. Lights Out 430216 020 Oxychloride X Hole

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A025

    1. Lights Out 430223 They Met at Dorset
    2. Lights Out 430302 The Sea

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A026

    1. Lights Out 430309 The Ball aka Paris Macabre
    2. Lights Out 430316 The Dream

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A027

    1. Lights Out 430323 The Flame
    2. Lights Out 430330 Money, Money, Money ($3,000) alt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A028

    1. Lights Out 430406 Superfeature-FamiliarSuddenlyUnfamiliar
    2. Lights Out 430413 Archer (Ancestor)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A029

    1. Lights Out 430420 Kill
    2. Lights Out 430427 Execution

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A030

    1. Lights Out 430504 Heavenly Jeep
    2. Lights Out 430511 Murder in the Script Department

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A031

    1. Lights Out 430518 Spider
    2. Lights Out 430525 Little Old Lady-Mrs Kingsley's Report

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A032

    1. Lights Out 430601 Ugliest Man in the World (Mr Freak)
    2. Lights Out 430608 Organ (Vacation with Death)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A033

    1. Lights Out 430615 Prelude to Murder
    2. Lights Out 430622 Nature Study

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A034

    1. Lights Out 430629 Bathysphere(Dictator, The) alt
    2. Lights Out 430629 Bathysphere(Dictator, The)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A035

    1. Lights Out 430706 The Cliff
    2. Lights Out 430713 Visitor from Hades

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A036

    1. Lights Out 430720 Profits Unlimited
    2. Lights Out 430727 Little People (Shrinking People) HQ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A037

    1. Lights Out 430803 Murder Castle
    2. Lights Out 430810 Sakhalin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A038

    1. Lights Out 430817 State Executioner (Official Killer)
    2. Lights Out 430824 SubBasement (Going Down)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A039

    1. Lights Out 430831 Immortal Gentleman (Live Forever)
    2. Lights Out 430907 Lord Marleys Guest-Hollywood Visitor)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A040

    1. Lights Out 430914 The Word
    2. Lights Out 430921 Mirage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A041

    1. Lights Out 430928 The Author and the Thing
    2. Lights Out 450628 The Truth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A042

    1. Lights Out 450728 The Rocket Ship
    2. Lights Out 450825 Man in the Middle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A043

    1. Lights Out 460713 The Coffin in Studio B
    2. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell alt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Lights Out Disc A044

    1. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell
    2. Lights Out 460727 Battle of the Magicians

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    Lights Out Disc A045

    1. Lights Out 460803 The Revenge of India
    2. Lights Out 460810 Ghost on the Newsreel Negative HQ

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    Lights Out Disc A046

    1. Lights Out 460824 The Signal Man
    2. Lights Out 470716 Death Robbery

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    Lights Out Disc A047

    1. Lights Out 470730 The Ring (1st half only)

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