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The Life of Riley

Laugh along with William Bendix in his sit-com role as the lovable mug in "The Life of Riley."

Life of Riley

265 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 124 hours, 39 min)
available in the following formats:

6 MP3 CDs
131 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from January 03, 1948:

"Two Dates for Junior"

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Life of Riley Family
Family Situation Comedy (1941 - 51)

William BendixFibber McGee and Molly, Burns and Allen, Jack Benny and others had refined broad character comedy in vaudeville and then did it on radio, but none did it with wife and kids characters, intent on portraying the All-American family like Dagwood and later Dennis the Menace did in the funnies. The Life of Riley, and The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet were old time radio shows written to celebrate the classic American suburban family.

The Life of Riley is about Chester A. Riley, an aircraft plant blue-collar worker, his family and their neighbors. William Bendix took the title role in 1944, after doing mostly heavies in the films. The show quickly grew in popularity in post WWII America, as thousands of GI's were coming home to find work, buy a house and raise a family.Just like Riley. Riley is stubborn and opinionated, and knows his way is the right way. His family and neighbors think otherwise.

Life of Riley AdPeg, his capable and charming wife (in spite of it all), was played by Grace Coppin, and then Paula Winslowe. Jack Grimes, Scotty Beckett, Conrad Binyon and Tommy Cook played Junior (Riley's son) through the years, Peggy Conklin, Sharon Douglas and Barbara Eiler was Babs (Riley's daughter). The regulars included John Brown as Gillis, his buddy and Digby "Digger" O'Dell- a pun-loving undertaker that was "creepy" for the kids listening, and a sly swipe at the many "chiller" shows on radio for many adults. Shirley Mitchell was Honeybee Gillis and Francis "Dink" Trout played the wacky Waldo Binny.

TV sit-coms fans will feel right at home, as the Life of Riley went on to become one of the 1950's most popular TV shows, and a model for much of what followed. But it was Riley on the radio who first uttered his classic tag line, "What a revoltin' development this is!" Fans tuned in for laughs, and enjoyed the kids growing up in episodes such as "Babs is born", "Babs First Date" right up to "Babs Moves Out," (telescoped into …this was radio sit-com, after all!)

The idea of a guy getting steamed by the daily grind is still a classic comedy concept, and so is Life of Riley.

For more family comedy shows, see also Aldrich Family, My Son Jeep, Ozzie and Harriet and Vic and Sade.

Life of Riley Mic

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    28     3


    i love the life of riley i was 8 year old right up to day i jest love old time radio ever night from canada

    Warren Verified Purchase

    I feel The Life of Riley is one of the underrated comedy shows of the golden age of radio. I love the characters(especially Digby O’Dell, the friendly undertaker) and the funny situations Riley gets mixed up with. Highly recommended!

    Brad Verified Purchase

    Loved the characters. What begins with foolishness or pride always ends with kindness and love in these shows.

    William Verified Purchase

    This a fantastic series, and I totally enjoying listening to it

    Everett Verified Purchase

    I had not listened to LoR in many years; just got the first disc's collection (though I use the download, which is REALLY convenient) and I can't remember why I didn't love it back then. William Bendix is a fantastic voice actor, the supporting actors are all good, and Life of Riley is a whole bunch of fun! Highly recommended--and I'm coming back to buy more episodes today! :-)

    Ken Verified Purchase

    Life of Riley is one of my favorite shows. Hilarious and great for the whole family.

    Trisha Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    265 recordings on 6 MP3 CDs for just $30.00. Total playtime 124 hours, 39 min
    265 recordings on 6 MP3 CDs for just $30.00
    total playtime 124 hours, 39 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 410426 001 Off To California.mp3
    3. LOR 430725 000 Riley Wants To Build A House.mp3
    4. LOR 440123 002 Butler Part 1.mp3
    5. LOR 440130 003 Butler Part 2.mp3
    6. LOR 440206 004 Riley Rents A House And Move From Hotel.mp3
    7. LOR 440213 005 Telephone Story.mp3
    8. LOR 440220 006 Van Planten Theater Part 1.mp3
    9. LOR 440305 Baxter Works In Department Store.mp3
    10. LOR 440326 011 Barber Chair.mp3
    11. LOR 440402 012 Rileys Birthday Thinks Baxter Is Giving Party.mp3
    12. LOR 440409 013 Riley Is Best Dressed Man.mp3
    13. LOR 440416 014 Proxy Wedding Part 1.mp3
    14. LOR 440423 015 Proxy Wedding Part 2.mp3
    15. LOR 440430 016 Baxter Goes To New York.mp3
    16. LOR 440507 017 Dog Catcher.mp3
    17. LOR 440514 018 Riley Fixes Dinner For Mothers Day.mp3
    18. LOR 440604 021 Fish Story (first half).mp3
    19. LOR 440611 022 The Stamp.mp3
    20. LOR 440625 024 Marry Baxter Ms Grimshaw Waldos Aunt.mp3
    21. LOR 440827 033 Houseboat Vacation Part 1.mp3
    22. LOR 440903 034 Houseboat Vacation Part 2.mp3
    23. LOR 440910 Model Boat For Juniors Birthday.mp3
    24. LOR 440917 Roswell Spends Weekend At Beach With Rileys.mp3
    25. LOR 440924 037 Making Each Other Jealous.mp3
    26. LOR 441008 039 Muleys Surprise Party For Riley.mp3
    27. LOR 441022 041 Bosss Soninlaw.mp3
    28. LOR 441029 042 Halloween Haunted House.mp3
    29. LOR 441105 043 Piano Lessons For Junior.mp3
    30. LOR 441112 044 Big Football Bet.mp3
    31. LOR 441119 045 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    32. LOR 441126 046 Bridesmaid Babs.mp3
    33. LOR 441203 047 Most Popular Boy.mp3
    34. LOR 441210 048 Rileys Mash Note At Night School.mp3
    35. LOR 441217 049 Christmas Present.mp3
    36. LOR 441224 050 Roswells A Guest For Christmas.mp3
    37. LOR 441231 051 New Years Eve Party.mp3
    38. LOR 450107 052 Silver Gloves Boxing Tourney.mp3
    39. LOR 450114 053 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    40. LOR 450121 054 Rileys Conscience Bothers Him Taking Nickels.mp3
    41. LOR 450128 055 Five Dollars Is Missing.mp3
    42. LOR 450204 056 Bpla Initiates A New Member.mp3
    43. LOR 450211 057 Riley Trains Juniors Dog.mp3
    44. LOR 450225 059 Helps Luigi Pass English Exam Us Citizen.mp3
    45. LOR 450304 060 Expectant Fathers.mp3
    46. LOR 450311 061 Junior Runs Away.mp3
    47. LOR 450318 062 Riley Tries To Become A Pal To Junior.mp3
    48. LOR 450325 063 Missing Five Dollars.mp3
    49. LOR 450513 069 Rileys Motherinlaw Visits.mp3
    50. LOR 450527 071 Mothers Day.mp3
    51. LOR 450915 078 Feud New Neighbor Gillis Over Jr Goat.mp3
    52. LOR 450922 079 Junior Is Head Household.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 450929 080 Change Time.mp3
    3. LOR 451006 081 Riley Refuses Babs See Simon.mp3
    4. LOR 451020 083 Pegs Old Boyfriend Sydney Is House Guest.mp3
    5. LOR 451027 084 Football Game.mp3
    6. LOR 451103 085 Rosewell Visits.mp3
    7. LOR 451110 Juniors Birthday Party.mp3
    8. LOR 451124 088 Babs And Simon Married.mp3
    9. LOR 451201 089 Bpla Lodge Election Record Saves Riley.mp3
    10. LOR 451208 090 Riley Takes Job Promotion Exam.mp3
    11. LOR 451215 091 Grandmas Captain Riley.mp3
    12. LOR 460126 097 Rileys Tonsillectomy.mp3
    13. LOR 460202 098 Juniors School Play.mp3
    14. LOR 460309 103 Babs Music Scholarship.mp3
    15. LOR 460316 104 Riley Buys An Insurance Policy.mp3
    16. LOR 460323 105 Junior Races Egbert Poison Ivy.mp3
    17. LOR 460406 107 Riley Finds A Silver Fox Fur Coat.mp3
    18. LOR 460413 108 Riley Thinks Junior Is A Shoplifter.mp3
    19. LOR 460420 109 Giant Easter Bunny.mp3
    20. LOR 460427 110 Gambling Doesnt Pay.mp3
    21. LOR 460504 111 Rileys Take In Gillises After A Fire.mp3
    22. LOR 460511 112 Junior Forgets Mothers Day.mp3
    23. LOR 460518 113 Playing Hookey.mp3
    24. LOR 460525 114 Junior Sells Peanuts At Circus.mp3
    25. LOR 460601 115 Riley Family Actors.mp3
    26. LOR 460608 116 Bread Shortage And Black Market.mp3
    27. LOR 460615 117 A New Suit For Fathers Day.mp3
    28. LOR 460622 118 Morris Buys Riley House.mp3
    29. LOR 460629 119 Paper Route Subscription Contest Go Camp.mp3
    30. LOR 460907 121 Riley Thinks Hes Been Promoted.mp3
    31. LOR 460914 122 Riley Doesnt Want Peg Work For Sidney Monahan.mp3
    32. LOR 460921 123 Hides Boat Catch Babs Her Boyfriend Simon.mp3
    33. LOR 460928 124 Riley Bribes Junior To Win Football Game.mp3
    34. LOR 461005 125 Good Neighbor Week.mp3
    35. LOR 461012 126 School Formal Dance Helenes Swap Shop Dress.mp3
    36. LOR 461019 127 Riley Sues Bus Company.mp3
    37. LOR 461026 128 Riley Gets A Job In South America For Company.mp3
    38. LOR 461102 129 Peg And Riley Both Run For Park Supervisor.mp3
    39. LOR 461116 131 Music Brings Riley And Peg Together.mp3
    40. LOR 461123 132 Riley Football Hero For Night Club Team.mp3
    41. LOR 461130 133 Free Medical Advice Simons Uncle-Horse Dr.mp3
    42. LOR 461214 135 Riley Accidently Invites Monahan Visit To NY.mp3
    43. LOR 461228 137 New Years Eve 10 Dates For Babs.mp3
    44. LOR 470111 139 Efficiency Expert.mp3
    45. LOR 470118 140 Riley And Simon Business Partners.mp3
    46. LOR 470125 141 Rileys Honeymoon.mp3
    47. LOR 470201 142 Mr X Riley Switched As A Baby.mp3
    48. LOR 470208 143 Rileys Birthday Forgotten.mp3
    49. LOR 470315 148 Simon Is `advice To Lovelorn Column Editor.mp3
    50. LOR 470322 149 Riley Milkman.mp3
    51. LOR 470329 150 Riley Gentleman New Chair.mp3
    52. LOR 470405 151 Riley Child Beater.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 470412 152 Real Life Soap Opera Marriage Be Beautiful.mp3
    3. LOR 470419 153 Riley Boxer Junior Coward.mp3
    4. LOR 470426 154 Simon Waiter Blackmails Riley.mp3
    5. LOR 470503 155 Launching Babs In Society.mp3
    6. LOR 470510 156 Model Son Mothers Day Speech.mp3
    7. LOR 470517 157 Gillis Is Appointed Foreman over Riley.mp3
    8. LOR 470524 158 Riley, the Umpire.mp3
    9. LOR 470531 159 Accident Insurance Policy.mp3
    10. LOR 470607 160 Riley Courts Peg At Summer Camp.mp3
    11. LOR 470614 161 Junior Wins Soap Box Derby.mp3
    12. LOR 470621 162 Babs Almost Gets A Job In San Francisco.mp3
    13. LOR 470628 163 Riley And Gillis Spend A Week At Lake.mp3
    14. LOR 470705 164 Riley Thinks Peg Is Leaving Him.mp3
    15. LOR 470906 165 Riley Enrolls At Pip Instead Ucla HQ.mp3
    16. LOR 470913 166 Babs Has Two Dates.mp3
    17. LOR 470920 167 Junior Wants To Run Away From Home.mp3
    18. LOR 470927 168 Venus Radio Her Stomach Art Object For Piano.mp3
    19. LOR 471004 169 Riley Gets A Promotion Old Age Sets In.mp3
    20. LOR 471011 170 Riley Cop.mp3
    21. LOR 471018 171 Community Chest Drive.mp3
    22. LOR 471025 172 Ragamuffin Ball.mp3
    23. LOR 471101 173 Football Pool Card.mp3
    24. LOR 471108 174 Junior And Babs Put On Anniversary Party.mp3
    25. LOR 471115 175 Riley In School Play.mp3
    26. LOR 471122 176 Win Buick Contest Guess Number Beans Bowl.mp3
    27. LOR 471129 177 Thanksgiving With Gillises.mp3
    28. LOR 471206 178 Greatest Man I Know.mp3
    29. LOR 471213 179 Babs Is Blackballed At Soroity.mp3
    30. LOR 471220 180 First Christmas In Store Window.mp3
    31. LOR 471227 181 Family Christmas Present Tv Or Piano.mp3
    32. LOR 480103 182 Riley Gets Junior Two Dates For A Dance.mp3
    33. LOR 480110 183 Womens Equal Rights Wedding Ring.mp3
    34. LOR 480117 184 Telephone Is Rationed Walking Man Contest.mp3
    35. LOR 480124 185 Babs Quits School.mp3
    36. LOR 480131 186 Uncle Baxter Returns Scholarship.mp3
    37. LOR 480207 187 Father And Son Banquet.mp3
    38. LOR 480214 188 Riley Sends Peg A Comic Valentine.mp3
    39. LOR 480221 189 Lies Peg About Going To Wrestling Match.mp3
    40. LOR 480228 190 Babs Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party.mp3
    41. LOR 480306 191 Nuts And Bolts Club Riley Punches His Foreman.mp3
    42. LOR 480313 192 Monkey.mp3
    43. LOR 480320 193 Suggestion Contest.mp3
    44. LOR 480327 194 Giant Easter Bunny Fertilizer.mp3
    45. LOR 480403 195 Crime Buster Juvenile Delinquency Curfew.mp3
    46. LOR 480410 196 Peg Studies French.mp3
    47. LOR 480417 197 Care Drive.mp3
    48. LOR 480424 198 Spring Fever.mp3
    49. LOR 480501 199 Juniors Baseball Uniform Reform School.mp3
    50. LOR 480508 200 Rileys Mothers Day Gift Is Explained.mp3
    51. LOR 480515 201 Riley Man Distinction.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 480522 202 Monahan Spends Weekend With Rileys.mp3
    3. LOR 480529 203 Coop Picnic Riley Gillis Buy Car Together.mp3
    4. LOR 480612 205 Babs Graduation.mp3
    5. LOR 480619 206 Fathers Day Bathrobes.mp3
    6. LOR 480626 207 A Vacation On Prison Farm.mp3
    7. LOR 480827 Second Job.mp3
    8. LOR 480903 209 Riley Meets Clem Kadiddlehopper.mp3
    9. LOR 480910 210 Household Drudge.mp3
    10. LOR 480917 211 Riley Football Cheerleader.mp3
    11. LOR 480924 212 Babs Starts College.mp3
    12. LOR 481001 213 Junior Steals Fountain Pen.mp3
    13. LOR 481008 214 How To Pick A Mate.mp3
    14. LOR 481015 215 Problem Child.mp3
    15. LOR 481022 216 Riley Campaigns.mp3
    16. LOR 481029 217 Riley And Aardvark.mp3
    17. LOR 481105 218 Comic Books.mp3
    18. LOR 481112 219 Rileys Tonsilectomy.mp3
    19. LOR 481119 220 Fatherinlaw Trouble.mp3
    20. LOR 481126 221 Babs Elderly Boyfriend.mp3
    21. LOR 481203 222 Football Tickets Foremanship Up For Grabs.mp3
    22. LOR 481210 223 Rileys Jilted Sister Visits.mp3
    23. LOR 481217 224 Mrs Morris--Buys A Car Not A Wife.mp3
    24. LOR 481224 225 Christmas Bonuses From Mr Stevenson.mp3
    25. LOR 481231 226 Invites Himself To Bosss New Years Eve Party.mp3
    26. LOR 490107 227 Riley Coaches Juniors Basketball Team.mp3
    27. LOR 490114 228 Riley Gets A Job In Arabia.mp3
    28. LOR 490121 229 Rileys Old Flame Bertha.mp3
    29. LOR 490128 230 A Quiet Evening By Fireside.mp3
    30. LOR 490204 231 Riley Talks In His Sleep About Gertrude.mp3
    31. LOR 490211 232 Babs Elopes Sells Cards With Simon.mp3
    32. LOR 490218 233 Valentine Locket Monahan Signed By Riley.mp3
    33. LOR 490225 234 Sneak Preview Of The Life Of Riley Movie.mp3
    34. LOR 490304 235 Guests Universal Film Opening Cincinnati.mp3
    35. LOR 490311 236 Wedding Photograph Wire Recorder.mp3
    36. LOR 490318 237 Rileys Wedding Complete With Monahan.mp3
    37. LOR 490325 238 Babs Runs For Ucla President.mp3
    38. LOR 490401 239 Wont Let Peg Help Junior With His Homework.mp3
    39. LOR 490408 240 Riley Is Held Up.mp3
    40. LOR 490422 242 Riley Breaks A Vase With His Bowling Ball.mp3
    41. LOR 490429 243 Goes To War After Reading 1941 Newspaper.mp3
    42. LOR 490506 244 Babs Leaves Home 3 Rd Riley Movie Show.mp3
    43. LOR 490513 245 Riley Waits Tables To Meet Peg Flashback.mp3
    44. LOR 490520 246 Junior And Egbert Leave For Camp.mp3
    45. LOR 490527 247 Junior Has His Own Delivery Business.mp3
    46. LOR 490624 000 Xwally Brown Audition Aud Dialogue Only.mp3
    47. LOR 491007 248 Babs Wedding Baby Sitting.mp3
    48. LOR 491014 249 Geiger Counter.mp3
    49. LOR 491021 250 Policeman Boarder.mp3
    50. LOR 491028 251 A Television Set On A 10 Day Free Trial.mp3
    51. LOR 491104 252 Expectant Father.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 52 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 491111 253 Community Chest Drive.mp3
    3. LOR 491118 254 Escort Bureau.mp3
    4. LOR 491125 255 Thanksgiving Dinner With The Boss.mp3
    5. LOR 491202 256 Riley Bookie.mp3
    6. LOR 491216 258 Riley Fireman.mp3
    7. LOR 491223 259 Christmas Club.mp3
    8. LOR 491230 260 Riley Drives A Cab For Babs Boyfriend.mp3
    9. LOR 500106 261 Care Drive.mp3
    10. LOR 500113 262 Rileys Southern Female Neighbor.mp3
    11. LOR 500127 264 Junior Is In Love.mp3
    12. LOR 500217 267 Peg Waitress.mp3
    13. LOR 500224 268 Rileys Step Out.mp3
    14. LOR 500303 269 Riley Becomes An Actor On Tv.mp3
    15. LOR 500310 270 Rent Controversy With His Landlord.mp3
    16. LOR 500317 271 Babs Is Alergic To Riley.mp3
    17. LOR 500324 272 Cissies Marriage.mp3
    18. LOR 500331 273 Chivalry Is Dead.mp3
    19. LOR 500407 274 Miracle Bells.mp3
    20. LOR 500414 275 Rileys Anniversary.mp3
    21. LOR 500421 276 Riley Goes To A Drivein Theater.mp3
    22. LOR 500428 277 Riley Hamburger King.mp3
    23. LOR 500505 278 Riley Decides To Move.mp3
    24. LOR 500519 280 The Electric Company And Simon And Babs.mp3
    25. LOR 500526 281 Peg In A Beauty Contest.mp3
    26. LOR 500602 282 South Pacific.mp3
    27. LOR 500609 283 A Spicy Book.mp3
    28. LOR 500616 284 Two Tvs For Fathers Day.mp3
    29. LOR 501006 287 Surprise Party Show.mp3
    30. LOR 501013 288 Rileys First Car Traffic Court.mp3
    31. LOR 501020 289 Collection Agency.mp3
    32. LOR 501027 290 Riley Wants New Stove For Cake Baking Contest.mp3
    33. LOR 501103 291 Babs Elopement.mp3
    34. LOR 501110 292 Wins Hudson Guessing Number Beans In A Jar.mp3
    35. LOR 501117 293 Rileys First Date.mp3
    36. LOR 501124 294 Riley Locks Up Babs After Student Riot.mp3
    37. LOR 501201 295 Rileys Troubles With New Foreman.mp3
    38. LOR 501208 296 Juniors Lawn Mowing Company Venture.mp3
    39. LOR 501212 298 The Rileys First Baby.mp3
    40. LOR 501215 297 Riley Coward Peg Goes To Work.mp3
    41. LOR 501222 298 The Rileys First Baby.mp3
    42. LOR 501229 299 Be Kind to Simon.mp3
    43. LOR 510105 300 Pegs Father Comes To Visit.mp3
    44. LOR 510112 301 Anniversary Tiff Riley Pays Light Bill.mp3
    45. LOR 510119 302 Scoutmaster Riley Housekeeping System.mp3
    46. LOR 510126 303 Tillie Boomer Riley Becomes Engaged 2 Women.mp3
    47. LOR 510202 304 Babs Blackballed At Sorority.mp3
    48. LOR 510209 305 Charleston Dance Lessons With Louella.mp3
    49. LOR 510216 306 Rileys Case Nerves.mp3
    50. LOR 510223 307 Riley Has Tonsilitis.mp3
    51. LOR 510302 308 Louella Stays With Rileys.mp3
    52. LOR 510316 309 Riley Installs A Time Clock.mp3
    53. LOR 510323 310 Basketball Game Bribe.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 11 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 510330 311 Riley Rent Collector.mp3
    3. LOR 510406 312 Old Man Riley.mp3
    4. LOR 510413 313 Civil Service Exam Riley Changing Jobs.mp3
    5. LOR 510420 314 Riley And Louella A Kiss In Dark.mp3
    6. LOR 510427 315 Babs Wants Privacy Moves Out.mp3
    7. LOR 510504 316 Riley And The Marriage Certificate.mp3
    8. LOR 510511 317 Riley And Black Chiffon Nightgown.mp3
    9. LOR 510518 318 Junior Wins Soap Box Derby.mp3
    10. LOR 510601 320 Riley And Ballot.mp3
    11. LOR 510615 322 Riley Forger.mp3
    12. LOR 510629 324 Rileys Leave For A Vacation In Brooklyn.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    265 recordings on 6 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $30.00. Total playtime 124 hours, 39 min
    265 recordings on 6 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $30.00
    3424 MB – total playtime 124 hours, 39 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – 655 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 51 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 410426 001 Off To California.mp3
    3. LOR 430725 000 Riley Wants To Build A House.mp3
    4. LOR 440123 002 Butler Part 1.mp3
    5. LOR 440130 003 Butler Part 2.mp3
    6. LOR 440206 004 Riley Rents A House And Move From Hotel.mp3
    7. LOR 440213 005 Telephone Story.mp3
    8. LOR 440220 006 Van Planten Theater Part 1.mp3
    9. LOR 440305 Baxter Works In Department Store.mp3
    10. LOR 440326 011 Barber Chair.mp3
    11. LOR 440402 012 Rileys Birthday Thinks Baxter Is Giving Party.mp3
    12. LOR 440409 013 Riley Is Best Dressed Man.mp3
    13. LOR 440416 014 Proxy Wedding Part 1.mp3
    14. LOR 440423 015 Proxy Wedding Part 2.mp3
    15. LOR 440430 016 Baxter Goes To New York.mp3
    16. LOR 440507 017 Dog Catcher.mp3
    17. LOR 440514 018 Riley Fixes Dinner For Mothers Day.mp3
    18. LOR 440604 021 Fish Story (first half).mp3
    19. LOR 440611 022 The Stamp.mp3
    20. LOR 440625 024 Marry Baxter Ms Grimshaw Waldos Aunt.mp3
    21. LOR 440827 033 Houseboat Vacation Part 1.mp3
    22. LOR 440903 034 Houseboat Vacation Part 2.mp3
    23. LOR 440910 Model Boat For Juniors Birthday.mp3
    24. LOR 440917 Roswell Spends Weekend At Beach With Rileys.mp3
    25. LOR 440924 037 Making Each Other Jealous.mp3
    26. LOR 441008 039 Muleys Surprise Party For Riley.mp3
    27. LOR 441022 041 Bosss Soninlaw.mp3
    28. LOR 441029 042 Halloween Haunted House.mp3
    29. LOR 441105 043 Piano Lessons For Junior.mp3
    30. LOR 441112 044 Big Football Bet.mp3
    31. LOR 441119 045 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    32. LOR 441126 046 Bridesmaid Babs.mp3
    33. LOR 441203 047 Most Popular Boy.mp3
    34. LOR 441210 048 Rileys Mash Note At Night School.mp3
    35. LOR 441217 049 Christmas Present.mp3
    36. LOR 441224 050 Roswells A Guest For Christmas.mp3
    37. LOR 441231 051 New Years Eve Party.mp3
    38. LOR 450107 052 Silver Gloves Boxing Tourney.mp3
    39. LOR 450114 053 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    40. LOR 450121 054 Rileys Conscience Bothers Him Taking Nickels.mp3
    41. LOR 450128 055 Five Dollars Is Missing.mp3
    42. LOR 450204 056 Bpla Initiates A New Member.mp3
    43. LOR 450211 057 Riley Trains Juniors Dog.mp3
    44. LOR 450225 059 Helps Luigi Pass English Exam Us Citizen.mp3
    45. LOR 450304 060 Expectant Fathers.mp3
    46. LOR 450311 061 Junior Runs Away.mp3
    47. LOR 450318 062 Riley Tries To Become A Pal To Junior.mp3
    48. LOR 450325 063 Missing Five Dollars.mp3
    49. LOR 450513 069 Rileys Motherinlaw Visits.mp3
    50. LOR 450527 071 Mothers Day.mp3
    51. LOR 450915 078 Feud New Neighbor Gillis Over Jr Goat.mp3
    52. LOR 450922 079 Junior Is Head Household.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. LOR 450929 080 Change Time.mp3
    3. LOR 451006 081 Riley Refuses Babs See Simon.mp3
    4. LOR 451020 083 Pegs Old Boyfriend Sydney Is House Guest.mp3
    5. LOR 451027 084 Football Game.mp3
    6. LOR 451103 085 Rosewell Visits.mp3
    7. LOR 451110 Juniors Birthday Party.mp3
    8. LOR 451124 088 Babs And Simon Married.mp3
    9. LOR 451201 089 Bpla Lodge Election Record Saves Riley.mp3
    10. LOR 451208 090 Riley Takes Job Promotion Exam.mp3
    11. LOR 451215 091 Grandmas Captain Riley.mp3
    12. LOR 460126 097 Rileys Tonsillectomy.mp3
    13. LOR 460202 098 Juniors School Play.mp3
    14. LOR 460309 103 Babs Music Scholarship.mp3
    15. LOR 460316 104 Riley Buys An Insurance Policy.mp3
    16. LOR 460323 105 Junior Races Egbert Poison Ivy.mp3
    17. LOR 460406 107 Riley Finds A Silver Fox Fur Coat.mp3
    18. LOR 460413 108 Riley Thinks Junior Is A Shoplifter.mp3
    19. LOR 460420 109 Giant Easter Bunny.mp3
    20. LOR 460427 110 Gambling Doesnt Pay.mp3
    21. LOR 460504 111 Rileys Take In Gillises After A Fire.mp3
    22. LOR 460511 112 Junior Forgets Mothers Day.mp3
    23. LOR 460518 113 Playing Hookey.mp3
    24. LOR 460525 114 Junior Sells Peanuts At Circus.mp3
    25. LOR 460601 115 Riley Family Actors.mp3
    26. LOR 460608 116 Bread Shortage And Black Market.mp3
    27. LOR 460615 117 A New Suit For Fathers Day.mp3
    28. LOR 460622 118 Morris Buys Riley House.mp3
    29. LOR 460629 119 Paper Route Subscription Contest Go Camp.mp3
    30. LOR 460907 121 Riley Thinks Hes Been Promoted.mp3
    31. LOR 460914 122 Riley Doesnt Want Peg Work For Sidney Monahan.mp3
    32. LOR 460921 123 Hides Boat Catch Babs Her Boyfriend Simon.mp3
    33. LOR 460928 124 Riley Bribes Junior To Win Football Game.mp3
    34. LOR 461005 125 Good Neighbor Week.mp3
    35. LOR 461012 126 School Formal Dance Helenes Swap Shop Dress.mp3
    36. LOR 461019 127 Riley Sues Bus Company.mp3
    37. LOR 461026 128 Riley Gets A Job In South America For Company.mp3
    38. LOR 461102 129 Peg And Riley Both Run For Park Supervisor.mp3
    39. LOR 461116 131 Music Brings Riley And Peg Together.mp3
    40. LOR 461123 132 Riley Football Hero For Night Club Team.mp3
    41. LOR 461130 133 Free Medical Advice Simons Uncle-Horse Dr.mp3
    42. LOR 461214 135 Riley Accidently Invites Monahan Visit To NY.mp3
    43. LOR 461228 137 New Years Eve 10 Dates For Babs.mp3
    44. LOR 470111 139 Efficiency Expert.mp3
    45. LOR 470118 140 Riley And Simon Business Partners.mp3
    46. LOR 470125 141 Rileys Honeymoon.mp3
    47. LOR 470201 142 Mr X Riley Switched As A Baby.mp3
    48. LOR 470208 143 Rileys Birthday Forgotten.mp3
    49. LOR 470315 148 Simon Is `advice To Lovelorn Column Editor.mp3
    50. LOR 470322 149 Riley Milkman.mp3
    51. LOR 470329 150 Riley Gentleman New Chair.mp3
    52. LOR 470405 151 Riley Child Beater.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – 667 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 17 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. LOR 470412 152 Real Life Soap Opera Marriage Be Beautiful.mp3
    3. LOR 470419 153 Riley Boxer Junior Coward.mp3
    4. LOR 470426 154 Simon Waiter Blackmails Riley.mp3
    5. LOR 470503 155 Launching Babs In Society.mp3
    6. LOR 470510 156 Model Son Mothers Day Speech.mp3
    7. LOR 470517 157 Gillis Is Appointed Foreman over Riley.mp3
    8. LOR 470524 158 Riley, the Umpire.mp3
    9. LOR 470531 159 Accident Insurance Policy.mp3
    10. LOR 470607 160 Riley Courts Peg At Summer Camp.mp3
    11. LOR 470614 161 Junior Wins Soap Box Derby.mp3
    12. LOR 470621 162 Babs Almost Gets A Job In San Francisco.mp3
    13. LOR 470628 163 Riley And Gillis Spend A Week At Lake.mp3
    14. LOR 470705 164 Riley Thinks Peg Is Leaving Him.mp3
    15. LOR 470906 165 Riley Enrolls At Pip Instead Ucla HQ.mp3
    16. LOR 470913 166 Babs Has Two Dates.mp3
    17. LOR 470920 167 Junior Wants To Run Away From Home.mp3
    18. LOR 470927 168 Venus Radio Her Stomach Art Object For Piano.mp3
    19. LOR 471004 169 Riley Gets A Promotion Old Age Sets In.mp3
    20. LOR 471011 170 Riley Cop.mp3
    21. LOR 471018 171 Community Chest Drive.mp3
    22. LOR 471025 172 Ragamuffin Ball.mp3
    23. LOR 471101 173 Football Pool Card.mp3
    24. LOR 471108 174 Junior And Babs Put On Anniversary Party.mp3
    25. LOR 471115 175 Riley In School Play.mp3
    26. LOR 471122 176 Win Buick Contest Guess Number Beans Bowl.mp3
    27. LOR 471129 177 Thanksgiving With Gillises.mp3
    28. LOR 471206 178 Greatest Man I Know.mp3
    29. LOR 471213 179 Babs Is Blackballed At Soroity.mp3
    30. LOR 471220 180 First Christmas In Store Window.mp3
    31. LOR 471227 181 Family Christmas Present Tv Or Piano.mp3
    32. LOR 480103 182 Riley Gets Junior Two Dates For A Dance.mp3
    33. LOR 480110 183 Womens Equal Rights Wedding Ring.mp3
    34. LOR 480117 184 Telephone Is Rationed Walking Man Contest.mp3
    35. LOR 480124 185 Babs Quits School.mp3
    36. LOR 480131 186 Uncle Baxter Returns Scholarship.mp3
    37. LOR 480207 187 Father And Son Banquet.mp3
    38. LOR 480214 188 Riley Sends Peg A Comic Valentine.mp3
    39. LOR 480221 189 Lies Peg About Going To Wrestling Match.mp3
    40. LOR 480228 190 Babs Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party.mp3
    41. LOR 480306 191 Nuts And Bolts Club Riley Punches His Foreman.mp3
    42. LOR 480313 192 Monkey.mp3
    43. LOR 480320 193 Suggestion Contest.mp3
    44. LOR 480327 194 Giant Easter Bunny Fertilizer.mp3
    45. LOR 480403 195 Crime Buster Juvenile Delinquency Curfew.mp3
    46. LOR 480410 196 Peg Studies French.mp3
    47. LOR 480417 197 Care Drive.mp3
    48. LOR 480424 198 Spring Fever.mp3
    49. LOR 480501 199 Juniors Baseball Uniform Reform School.mp3
    50. LOR 480508 200 Rileys Mothers Day Gift Is Explained.mp3
    51. LOR 480515 201 Riley Man Distinction.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 50 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. LOR 480522 202 Monahan Spends Weekend With Rileys.mp3
    3. LOR 480529 203 Coop Picnic Riley Gillis Buy Car Together.mp3
    4. LOR 480612 205 Babs Graduation.mp3
    5. LOR 480619 206 Fathers Day Bathrobes.mp3
    6. LOR 480626 207 A Vacation On Prison Farm.mp3
    7. LOR 480827 Second Job.mp3
    8. LOR 480903 209 Riley Meets Clem Kadiddlehopper.mp3
    9. LOR 480910 210 Household Drudge.mp3
    10. LOR 480917 211 Riley Football Cheerleader.mp3
    11. LOR 480924 212 Babs Starts College.mp3
    12. LOR 481001 213 Junior Steals Fountain Pen.mp3
    13. LOR 481008 214 How To Pick A Mate.mp3
    14. LOR 481015 215 Problem Child.mp3
    15. LOR 481022 216 Riley Campaigns.mp3
    16. LOR 481029 217 Riley And Aardvark.mp3
    17. LOR 481105 218 Comic Books.mp3
    18. LOR 481112 219 Rileys Tonsilectomy.mp3
    19. LOR 481119 220 Fatherinlaw Trouble.mp3
    20. LOR 481126 221 Babs Elderly Boyfriend.mp3
    21. LOR 481203 222 Football Tickets Foremanship Up For Grabs.mp3
    22. LOR 481210 223 Rileys Jilted Sister Visits.mp3
    23. LOR 481217 224 Mrs Morris--Buys A Car Not A Wife.mp3
    24. LOR 481224 225 Christmas Bonuses From Mr Stevenson.mp3
    25. LOR 481231 226 Invites Himself To Bosss New Years Eve Party.mp3
    26. LOR 490107 227 Riley Coaches Juniors Basketball Team.mp3
    27. LOR 490114 228 Riley Gets A Job In Arabia.mp3
    28. LOR 490121 229 Rileys Old Flame Bertha.mp3
    29. LOR 490128 230 A Quiet Evening By Fireside.mp3
    30. LOR 490204 231 Riley Talks In His Sleep About Gertrude.mp3
    31. LOR 490211 232 Babs Elopes Sells Cards With Simon.mp3
    32. LOR 490218 233 Valentine Locket Monahan Signed By Riley.mp3
    33. LOR 490225 234 Sneak Preview Of The Life Of Riley Movie.mp3
    34. LOR 490304 235 Guests Universal Film Opening Cincinnati.mp3
    35. LOR 490311 236 Wedding Photograph Wire Recorder.mp3
    36. LOR 490318 237 Rileys Wedding Complete With Monahan.mp3
    37. LOR 490325 238 Babs Runs For Ucla President.mp3
    38. LOR 490401 239 Wont Let Peg Help Junior With His Homework.mp3
    39. LOR 490408 240 Riley Is Held Up.mp3
    40. LOR 490422 242 Riley Breaks A Vase With His Bowling Ball.mp3
    41. LOR 490429 243 Goes To War After Reading 1941 Newspaper.mp3
    42. LOR 490506 244 Babs Leaves Home 3 Rd Riley Movie Show.mp3
    43. LOR 490513 245 Riley Waits Tables To Meet Peg Flashback.mp3
    44. LOR 490520 246 Junior And Egbert Leave For Camp.mp3
    45. LOR 490527 247 Junior Has His Own Delivery Business.mp3
    46. LOR 490624 000 Xwally Brown Audition Aud Dialogue Only.mp3
    47. LOR 491007 248 Babs Wedding Baby Sitting.mp3
    48. LOR 491014 249 Geiger Counter.mp3
    49. LOR 491021 250 Policeman Boarder.mp3
    50. LOR 491028 251 A Television Set On A 10 Day Free Trial.mp3
    51. LOR 491104 252 Expectant Father.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 52 shows – 677 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 39 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. LOR 491111 253 Community Chest Drive.mp3
    3. LOR 491118 254 Escort Bureau.mp3
    4. LOR 491125 255 Thanksgiving Dinner With The Boss.mp3
    5. LOR 491202 256 Riley Bookie.mp3
    6. LOR 491216 258 Riley Fireman.mp3
    7. LOR 491223 259 Christmas Club.mp3
    8. LOR 491230 260 Riley Drives A Cab For Babs Boyfriend.mp3
    9. LOR 500106 261 Care Drive.mp3
    10. LOR 500113 262 Rileys Southern Female Neighbor.mp3
    11. LOR 500127 264 Junior Is In Love.mp3
    12. LOR 500217 267 Peg Waitress.mp3
    13. LOR 500224 268 Rileys Step Out.mp3
    14. LOR 500303 269 Riley Becomes An Actor On Tv.mp3
    15. LOR 500310 270 Rent Controversy With His Landlord.mp3
    16. LOR 500317 271 Babs Is Alergic To Riley.mp3
    17. LOR 500324 272 Cissies Marriage.mp3
    18. LOR 500331 273 Chivalry Is Dead.mp3
    19. LOR 500407 274 Miracle Bells.mp3
    20. LOR 500414 275 Rileys Anniversary.mp3
    21. LOR 500421 276 Riley Goes To A Drivein Theater.mp3
    22. LOR 500428 277 Riley Hamburger King.mp3
    23. LOR 500505 278 Riley Decides To Move.mp3
    24. LOR 500519 280 The Electric Company And Simon And Babs.mp3
    25. LOR 500526 281 Peg In A Beauty Contest.mp3
    26. LOR 500602 282 South Pacific.mp3
    27. LOR 500609 283 A Spicy Book.mp3
    28. LOR 500616 284 Two Tvs For Fathers Day.mp3
    29. LOR 501006 287 Surprise Party Show.mp3
    30. LOR 501013 288 Rileys First Car Traffic Court.mp3
    31. LOR 501020 289 Collection Agency.mp3
    32. LOR 501027 290 Riley Wants New Stove For Cake Baking Contest.mp3
    33. LOR 501103 291 Babs Elopement.mp3
    34. LOR 501110 292 Wins Hudson Guessing Number Beans In A Jar.mp3
    35. LOR 501117 293 Rileys First Date.mp3
    36. LOR 501124 294 Riley Locks Up Babs After Student Riot.mp3
    37. LOR 501201 295 Rileys Troubles With New Foreman.mp3
    38. LOR 501208 296 Juniors Lawn Mowing Company Venture.mp3
    39. LOR 501212 298 The Rileys First Baby.mp3
    40. LOR 501215 297 Riley Coward Peg Goes To Work.mp3
    41. LOR 501222 298 The Rileys First Baby.mp3
    42. LOR 501229 299 Be Kind to Simon.mp3
    43. LOR 510105 300 Pegs Father Comes To Visit.mp3
    44. LOR 510112 301 Anniversary Tiff Riley Pays Light Bill.mp3
    45. LOR 510119 302 Scoutmaster Riley Housekeeping System.mp3
    46. LOR 510126 303 Tillie Boomer Riley Becomes Engaged 2 Women.mp3
    47. LOR 510202 304 Babs Blackballed At Sorority.mp3
    48. LOR 510209 305 Charleston Dance Lessons With Louella.mp3
    49. LOR 510216 306 Rileys Case Nerves.mp3
    50. LOR 510223 307 Riley Has Tonsilitis.mp3
    51. LOR 510302 308 Louella Stays With Rileys.mp3
    52. LOR 510316 309 Riley Installs A Time Clock.mp3
    53. LOR 510323 310 Basketball Game Bribe.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 11 shows – 135 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. LOR 510330 311 Riley Rent Collector.mp3
    3. LOR 510406 312 Old Man Riley.mp3
    4. LOR 510413 313 Civil Service Exam Riley Changing Jobs.mp3
    5. LOR 510420 314 Riley And Louella A Kiss In Dark.mp3
    6. LOR 510427 315 Babs Wants Privacy Moves Out.mp3
    7. LOR 510504 316 Riley And The Marriage Certificate.mp3
    8. LOR 510511 317 Riley And Black Chiffon Nightgown.mp3
    9. LOR 510518 318 Junior Wins Soap Box Derby.mp3
    10. LOR 510601 320 Riley And Ballot.mp3
    11. LOR 510615 322 Riley Forger.mp3
    12. LOR 510629 324 Rileys Leave For A Vacation In Brooklyn.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    265 recordings on 131 Audio CDs. Total playtime 124 hours, 39 min
    265 recordings on 131 Audio CDs
    total playtime 124 hours, 39 min

    Life of Riley Disc A001

    1. LOR 410426 001 Off To California
    2. LOR 430725 000 Riley Wants To Build A House
    3. LOR 440123 002 Butler Part 1

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    Life of Riley Disc A002

    1. LOR 440130 003 Butler Part 2
    2. LOR 440206 004 Riley Rents A House And Move From Hotel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A003

    1. LOR 440213 005 Telephone Story
    2. LOR 440220 006 Van Planten Theater Part 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A004

    1. LOR 440305 Baxter Works In Department Store
    2. LOR 440326 011 Barber Chair

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A005

    1. LOR 440402 012 Rileys Birthday Thinks Baxter Is Giving Party
    2. LOR 440409 013 Riley Is Best Dressed Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A006

    1. LOR 440416 014 Proxy Wedding Part 1
    2. LOR 440423 015 Proxy Wedding Part 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A007

    1. LOR 440430 016 Baxter Goes To New York
    2. LOR 440507 017 Dog Catcher

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    Life of Riley Disc A008

    1. LOR 440514 018 Riley Fixes Dinner For Mothers Day
    2. LOR 440604 021 Fish Story (first half)
    3. LOR 440611 022 The Stamp

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A009

    1. LOR 440625 024 Marry Baxter Ms Grimshaw Waldos Aunt
    2. LOR 440827 033 Houseboat Vacation Part 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A010

    1. LOR 440903 034 Houseboat Vacation Part 2
    2. LOR 440910 Model Boat For Juniors Birthday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A011

    1. LOR 440917 Roswell Spends Weekend At Beach With Rileys
    2. LOR 440924 037 Making Each Other Jealous

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A012

    1. LOR 441008 039 Muleys Surprise Party For Riley
    2. LOR 441022 041 Bosss Soninlaw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A013

    1. LOR 441029 042 Halloween Haunted House
    2. LOR 441105 043 Piano Lessons For Junior

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A014

    1. LOR 441112 044 Big Football Bet
    2. LOR 441119 045 Turkey Hunt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A015

    1. LOR 441126 046 Bridesmaid Babs
    2. LOR 441203 047 Most Popular Boy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A016

    1. LOR 441210 048 Rileys Mash Note At Night School
    2. LOR 441217 049 Christmas Present

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A017

    1. LOR 441224 050 Roswells A Guest For Christmas
    2. LOR 441231 051 New Years Eve Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A018

    1. LOR 450107 052 Silver Gloves Boxing Tourney
    2. LOR 450114 053 Wedding Anniversary

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A019

    1. LOR 450121 054 Rileys Conscience Bothers Him Taking Nickels
    2. LOR 450128 055 Five Dollars Is Missing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A020

    1. LOR 450204 056 Bpla Initiates A New Member
    2. LOR 450211 057 Riley Trains Juniors Dog

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A021

    1. LOR 450225 059 Helps Luigi Pass English Exam Us Citizen
    2. LOR 450304 060 Expectant Fathers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A022

    1. LOR 450311 061 Junior Runs Away
    2. LOR 450318 062 Riley Tries To Become A Pal To Junior

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A023

    1. LOR 450325 063 Missing Five Dollars
    2. LOR 450513 069 Rileys Motherinlaw Visits

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A024

    1. LOR 450527 071 Mothers Day
    2. LOR 450915 078 Feud New Neighbor Gillis Over Jr Goat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A025

    1. LOR 450922 079 Junior Is Head Household
    2. LOR 450929 080 Change Time

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A026

    1. LOR 451006 081 Riley Refuses Babs See Simon
    2. LOR 451020 083 Pegs Old Boyfriend Sydney Is House Guest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A027

    1. LOR 451027 084 Football Game
    2. LOR 451103 085 Rosewell Visits

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A028

    1. LOR 451110 Juniors Birthday Party
    2. LOR 451124 088 Babs And Simon Married

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A029

    1. LOR 451201 089 Bpla Lodge Election Record Saves Riley
    2. LOR 451208 090 Riley Takes Job Promotion Exam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A030

    1. LOR 451215 091 Grandmas Captain Riley
    2. LOR 460126 097 Rileys Tonsillectomy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A031

    1. LOR 460202 098 Juniors School Play
    2. LOR 460309 103 Babs Music Scholarship

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A032

    1. LOR 460316 104 Riley Buys An Insurance Policy
    2. LOR 460323 105 Junior Races Egbert Poison Ivy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A033

    1. LOR 460406 107 Riley Finds A Silver Fox Fur Coat
    2. LOR 460413 108 Riley Thinks Junior Is A Shoplifter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A034

    1. LOR 460420 109 Giant Easter Bunny
    2. LOR 460427 110 Gambling Doesnt Pay

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A035

    1. LOR 460504 111 Rileys Take In Gillises After A Fire
    2. LOR 460511 112 Junior Forgets Mothers Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A036

    1. LOR 460518 113 Playing Hookey
    2. LOR 460525 114 Junior Sells Peanuts At Circus

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A037

    1. LOR 460601 115 Riley Family Actors
    2. LOR 460608 116 Bread Shortage And Black Market

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A038

    1. LOR 460615 117 A New Suit For Fathers Day
    2. LOR 460622 118 Morris Buys Riley House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A039

    1. LOR 460629 119 Paper Route Subscription Contest Go Camp
    2. LOR 460907 121 Riley Thinks Hes Been Promoted

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A040

    1. LOR 460914 122 Riley Doesnt Want Peg Work For Sidney Monahan
    2. LOR 460921 123 Hides Boat Catch Babs Her Boyfriend Simon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A041

    1. LOR 460928 124 Riley Bribes Junior To Win Football Game
    2. LOR 461005 125 Good Neighbor Week

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A042

    1. LOR 461012 126 School Formal Dance Helenes Swap Shop Dress
    2. LOR 461019 127 Riley Sues Bus Company
    3. LOR 461026 128 Riley Gets A Job In South America For Company

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A043

    1. LOR 461102 129 Peg And Riley Both Run For Park Supervisor
    2. LOR 461116 131 Music Brings Riley And Peg Together

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A044

    1. LOR 461123 132 Riley Football Hero For Night Club Team
    2. LOR 461130 133 Free Medical Advice Simons Uncle-Horse Dr

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A045

    1. LOR 461214 135 Riley Accidently Invites Monahan Visit To NY
    2. LOR 461228 137 New Years Eve 10 Dates For Babs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A046

    1. LOR 470111 139 Efficiency Expert
    2. LOR 470118 140 Riley And Simon Business Partners

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A047

    1. LOR 470125 141 Rileys Honeymoon
    2. LOR 470201 142 Mr X Riley Switched As A Baby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A048

    1. LOR 470208 143 Rileys Birthday Forgotten
    2. LOR 470315 148 Simon Is `advice To Lovelorn Column Editor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A049

    1. LOR 470322 149 Riley Milkman
    2. LOR 470329 150 Riley Gentleman New Chair

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A050

    1. LOR 470405 151 Riley Child Beater
    2. LOR 470412 152 Real Life Soap Opera Marriage Be Beautiful

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A051

    1. LOR 470419 153 Riley Boxer Junior Coward
    2. LOR 470426 154 Simon Waiter Blackmails Riley

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A052

    1. LOR 470503 155 Launching Babs In Society
    2. LOR 470510 156 Model Son Mothers Day Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A053

    1. LOR 470517 157 Gillis Is Appointed Foreman over Riley
    2. LOR 470524 158 Riley, the Umpire

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A054

    1. LOR 470531 159 Accident Insurance Policy
    2. LOR 470607 160 Riley Courts Peg At Summer Camp

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A055

    1. LOR 470614 161 Junior Wins Soap Box Derby
    2. LOR 470621 162 Babs Almost Gets A Job In San Francisco

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A056

    1. LOR 470628 163 Riley And Gillis Spend A Week At Lake
    2. LOR 470705 164 Riley Thinks Peg Is Leaving Him

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A057

    1. LOR 470906 165 Riley Enrolls At Pip Instead Ucla HQ
    2. LOR 470913 166 Babs Has Two Dates

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A058

    1. LOR 470920 167 Junior Wants To Run Away From Home
    2. LOR 470927 168 Venus Radio Her Stomach Art Object For Piano

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A059

    1. LOR 471004 169 Riley Gets A Promotion Old Age Sets In
    2. LOR 471011 170 Riley Cop

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    Life of Riley Disc A060

    1. LOR 471018 171 Community Chest Drive
    2. LOR 471025 172 Ragamuffin Ball

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A061

    1. LOR 471101 173 Football Pool Card
    2. LOR 471108 174 Junior And Babs Put On Anniversary Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A062

    1. LOR 471115 175 Riley In School Play
    2. LOR 471122 176 Win Buick Contest Guess Number Beans Bowl

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A063

    1. LOR 471129 177 Thanksgiving With Gillises
    2. LOR 471206 178 Greatest Man I Know

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A064

    1. LOR 471213 179 Babs Is Blackballed At Soroity
    2. LOR 471220 180 First Christmas In Store Window

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Life of Riley Disc A065

    1. LOR 471227 181 Family Christmas Present Tv Or Piano
    2. LOR 480103 182 Riley Gets Junior Two Dates For A Dance

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    Life of Riley Disc A066

    1. LOR 480110 183 Womens Equal Rights Wedding Ring
    2. LOR 480117 184 Telephone Is Rationed Walking Man Contest

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    Life of Riley Disc A067

    1. LOR 480124 185 Babs Quits School
    2. LOR 480131 186 Uncle Baxter Returns Scholarship

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    Life of Riley Disc A068

    1. LOR 480207 187 Father And Son Banquet
    2. LOR 480214 188 Riley Sends Peg A Comic Valentine

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    Life of Riley Disc A069

    1. LOR 480221 189 Lies Peg About Going To Wrestling Match
    2. LOR 480228 190 Babs Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party

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    Life of Riley Disc A070

    1. LOR 480306 191 Nuts And Bolts Club Riley Punches His Foreman
    2. LOR 480313 192 Monkey

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    Life of Riley Disc A071

    1. LOR 480320 193 Suggestion Contest
    2. LOR 480327 194 Giant Easter Bunny Fertilizer

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    Life of Riley Disc A072

    1. LOR 480403 195 Crime Buster Juvenile Delinquency Curfew
    2. LOR 480410 196 Peg Studies French

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    Life of Riley Disc A073

    1. LOR 480417 197 Care Drive
    2. LOR 480424 198 Spring Fever

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    Life of Riley Disc A074

    1. LOR 480501 199 Juniors Baseball Uniform Reform School
    2. LOR 480508 200 Rileys Mothers Day Gift Is Explained

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    Life of Riley Disc A075

    1. LOR 480515 201 Riley Man Distinction
    2. LOR 480522 202 Monahan Spends Weekend With Rileys

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    Life of Riley Disc A076

    1. LOR 480529 203 Coop Picnic Riley Gillis Buy Car Together
    2. LOR 480612 205 Babs Graduation

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    Life of Riley Disc A077

    1. LOR 480619 206 Fathers Day Bathrobes
    2. LOR 480626 207 A Vacation On Prison Farm

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    Life of Riley Disc A078

    1. LOR 480827 Second Job
    2. LOR 480903 209 Riley Meets Clem Kadiddlehopper

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    Life of Riley Disc A079

    1. LOR 480910 210 Household Drudge
    2. LOR 480917 211 Riley Football Cheerleader

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    Life of Riley Disc A080

    1. LOR 480924 212 Babs Starts College
    2. LOR 481001 213 Junior Steals Fountain Pen

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    Life of Riley Disc A081

    1. LOR 481008 214 How To Pick A Mate
    2. LOR 481015 215 Problem Child

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    Life of Riley Disc A082

    1. LOR 481022 216 Riley Campaigns
    2. LOR 481029 217 Riley And Aardvark

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    Life of Riley Disc A083

    1. LOR 481105 218 Comic Books
    2. LOR 481112 219 Rileys Tonsilectomy

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    Life of Riley Disc A084

    1. LOR 481119 220 Fatherinlaw Trouble
    2. LOR 481126 221 Babs Elderly Boyfriend

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    Life of Riley Disc A085

    1. LOR 481203 222 Football Tickets Foremanship Up For Grabs
    2. LOR 481210 223 Rileys Jilted Sister Visits

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    Life of Riley Disc A086

    1. LOR 481217 224 Mrs Morris--Buys A Car Not A Wife
    2. LOR 481224 225 Christmas Bonuses From Mr Stevenson

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    Life of Riley Disc A087

    1. LOR 481231 226 Invites Himself To Bosss New Years Eve Party
    2. LOR 490107 227 Riley Coaches Juniors Basketball Team

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    Life of Riley Disc A088

    1. LOR 490114 228 Riley Gets A Job In Arabia
    2. LOR 490121 229 Rileys Old Flame Bertha

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    Life of Riley Disc A089

    1. LOR 490128 230 A Quiet Evening By Fireside
    2. LOR 490204 231 Riley Talks In His Sleep About Gertrude

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    Life of Riley Disc A090

    1. LOR 490211 232 Babs Elopes Sells Cards With Simon
    2. LOR 490218 233 Valentine Locket Monahan Signed By Riley

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    Life of Riley Disc A091

    1. LOR 490225 234 Sneak Preview Of The Life Of Riley Movie
    2. LOR 490304 235 Guests Universal Film Opening Cincinnati

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    Life of Riley Disc A092

    1. LOR 490311 236 Wedding Photograph Wire Recorder
    2. LOR 490318 237 Rileys Wedding Complete With Monahan

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    Life of Riley Disc A093

    1. LOR 490325 238 Babs Runs For Ucla President
    2. LOR 490401 239 Wont Let Peg Help Junior With His Homework

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    Life of Riley Disc A094

    1. LOR 490408 240 Riley Is Held Up
    2. LOR 490422 242 Riley Breaks A Vase With His Bowling Ball

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    Life of Riley Disc A095

    1. LOR 490429 243 Goes To War After Reading 1941 Newspaper
    2. LOR 490506 244 Babs Leaves Home 3 Rd Riley Movie Show

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    Life of Riley Disc A096

    1. LOR 490513 245 Riley Waits Tables To Meet Peg Flashback
    2. LOR 490520 246 Junior And Egbert Leave For Camp

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    Life of Riley Disc A097

    1. LOR 490527 247 Junior Has His Own Delivery Business
    2. LOR 490624 000 Xwally Brown Audition Aud Dialogue Only

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    Life of Riley Disc A098

    1. LOR 491007 248 Babs Wedding Baby Sitting
    2. LOR 491014 249 Geiger Counter

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    Life of Riley Disc A099

    1. LOR 491021 250 Policeman Boarder
    2. LOR 491028 251 A Television Set On A 10 Day Free Trial

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    Life of Riley Disc A100

    1. LOR 491104 252 Expectant Father
    2. LOR 491111 253 Community Chest Drive

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    Life of Riley Disc A101

    1. LOR 491118 254 Escort Bureau
    2. LOR 491125 255 Thanksgiving Dinner With The Boss

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    Life of Riley Disc A102

    1. LOR 491202 256 Riley Bookie
    2. LOR 491216 258 Riley Fireman

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    Life of Riley Disc A103

    1. LOR 491223 259 Christmas Club
    2. LOR 491230 260 Riley Drives A Cab For Babs Boyfriend

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    Life of Riley Disc A104

    1. LOR 500106 261 Care Drive
    2. LOR 500113 262 Rileys Southern Female Neighbor

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    Life of Riley Disc A105

    1. LOR 500127 264 Junior Is In Love
    2. LOR 500217 267 Peg Waitress

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    Life of Riley Disc A106

    1. LOR 500224 268 Rileys Step Out
    2. LOR 500303 269 Riley Becomes An Actor On Tv

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    Life of Riley Disc A107

    1. LOR 500310 270 Rent Controversy With His Landlord
    2. LOR 500317 271 Babs Is Alergic To Riley

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    Life of Riley Disc A108

    1. LOR 500324 272 Cissies Marriage
    2. LOR 500331 273 Chivalry Is Dead

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    Life of Riley Disc A109

    1. LOR 500407 274 Miracle Bells
    2. LOR 500414 275 Rileys Anniversary

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    Life of Riley Disc A110

    1. LOR 500421 276 Riley Goes To A Drivein Theater
    2. LOR 500428 277 Riley Hamburger King

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    Life of Riley Disc A111

    1. LOR 500505 278 Riley Decides To Move
    2. LOR 500519 280 The Electric Company And Simon And Babs

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    Life of Riley Disc A112

    1. LOR 500526 281 Peg In A Beauty Contest
    2. LOR 500602 282 South Pacific

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    Life of Riley Disc A113

    1. LOR 500609 283 A Spicy Book
    2. LOR 500616 284 Two Tvs For Fathers Day

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    Life of Riley Disc A114

    1. LOR 501006 287 Surprise Party Show
    2. LOR 501013 288 Rileys First Car Traffic Court

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    Life of Riley Disc A115

    1. LOR 501020 289 Collection Agency
    2. LOR 501027 290 Riley Wants New Stove For Cake Baking Contest

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    Life of Riley Disc A116

    1. LOR 501103 291 Babs Elopement
    2. LOR 501110 292 Wins Hudson Guessing Number Beans In A Jar

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    Life of Riley Disc A117

    1. LOR 501117 293 Rileys First Date
    2. LOR 501124 294 Riley Locks Up Babs After Student Riot

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    Life of Riley Disc A118

    1. LOR 501201 295 Rileys Troubles With New Foreman
    2. LOR 501208 296 Juniors Lawn Mowing Company Venture

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    Life of Riley Disc A119

    1. LOR 501212 298 The Rileys First Baby
    2. LOR 501215 297 Riley Coward Peg Goes To Work

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    Life of Riley Disc A120

    1. LOR 501222 298 The Rileys First Baby
    2. LOR 501229 299 Be Kind to Simon

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    Life of Riley Disc A121

    1. LOR 510105 300 Pegs Father Comes To Visit
    2. LOR 510112 301 Anniversary Tiff Riley Pays Light Bill

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    Life of Riley Disc A122

    1. LOR 510119 302 Scoutmaster Riley Housekeeping System
    2. LOR 510126 303 Tillie Boomer Riley Becomes Engaged 2 Women

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    Life of Riley Disc A123

    1. LOR 510202 304 Babs Blackballed At Sorority
    2. LOR 510209 305 Charleston Dance Lessons With Louella

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    Life of Riley Disc A124

    1. LOR 510216 306 Rileys Case Nerves
    2. LOR 510223 307 Riley Has Tonsilitis

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    Life of Riley Disc A125

    1. LOR 510302 308 Louella Stays With Rileys
    2. LOR 510316 309 Riley Installs A Time Clock

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    Life of Riley Disc A126

    1. LOR 510323 310 Basketball Game Bribe
    2. LOR 510330 311 Riley Rent Collector

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    Life of Riley Disc A127

    1. LOR 510406 312 Old Man Riley
    2. LOR 510413 313 Civil Service Exam Riley Changing Jobs

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    Life of Riley Disc A128

    1. LOR 510420 314 Riley And Louella A Kiss In Dark
    2. LOR 510427 315 Babs Wants Privacy Moves Out

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    Life of Riley Disc A129

    1. LOR 510504 316 Riley And The Marriage Certificate
    2. LOR 510511 317 Riley And Black Chiffon Nightgown

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    Life of Riley Disc A130

    1. LOR 510518 318 Junior Wins Soap Box Derby
    2. LOR 510601 320 Riley And Ballot

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    Life of Riley Disc A131

    1. LOR 510615 322 Riley Forger
    2. LOR 510629 324 Rileys Leave For A Vacation In Brooklyn

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