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Let George Do It

Follow George Valentine (Bob Bailey) as a detective handy man, who got his jobs from responses to a newspaper ad. This old time radio show is complete with toughs, mysterious rendezvous, and people who aren't who they claim.

Let George Do It

245 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 118 hours, 10 min)
available in the following formats:

5 MP3 CDs
123 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from October 03, 1947:

"Forty Two On A Rope"

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Let George Do It

Detective Drama (1946 - 54)

Personal notice: Danger's my stock in trade.
If the job's too tough for you to handle,
you've got a job for me. George Valentine.

Let George Do ItLet George Do It is about a detective with one foot firmly planted in the tough-guy detective genre, and the other in the romance-denied working relationship romantic field. For George Valentine, detective work was job #1. To his secretary, Claire Brooks, it was a developing relationship.Radio's competing Adventures of Sam Spade featured banters between Spade and his stenographer Effie in a similar manner. The constant patter between George and "Brooksie" sounds a great deal like an old time radio version of much later TV series like "Hart to Hart," "Moonlighting" and "Remington Steele."

Bob Bailey stars as George ValentineBob Bailey played George Valentine as a detective handyman, who got his jobs from responses to a newspaper ad. Part-time detective and writer Dan Holiday in Box 13 also used the premise. It pays to advertise! The shows follow the usual formats of crime caper shows, with toughs, mysterious rendezvous and people who aren't who they say they are.

Francis Robinson first played Brooksie, then Virginia Gregg took the role through its best years. Both ladies played Brooksie smart and sassy. Brooksie took every occasion to make it clear to George that the case he was the most off base on was the "Case of the Missing Engagement Ring."

In the late '40s, an organist was used for the scene transitions, and sound effects were fairly minimal, as the show was loaded with snappy patter. In the 1950s, the music turns orchestral, and the production values are a little more thorough.

Let George Do It was an excellent show in its own right, but it just so happened that it was to be the warm-up act for Bob Bailey's most masterful radio role, that of "the man with the action-packed expense account." He joined Yours Truly Johnny Dollar in 1955 and made the show golden as a classic of the final years of old time radio. The role was also played by Wally Maher.

For more hard hitting detective action, don't forget to call on some of the most popular detectives: Phillip Marlowe, Richard Diamond, The Saint, Boston Blackie, and The Falcon.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    23     2


    Let Geroge Do It is a poor substitue for Bailey's talent and I am diappointed with the stores. Too many characters. But that is the say it goes. I am sure some people think they are good. I am too spoiled by that 5 segment year of Bob Bailey, which even the Encyclopedia of Old time radio says was 'Great Radio", with Bailey "born to play the role".

    John Verified Purchase

    Love listening...

    Gregory Verified Purchase

    My collection is huge and digital. I bought most of those for my mom who was undergoing eye surgeries... couldn’t read or watch tv but I hooked her up with a mp3 CD player. Let me tell you... that two years, was a huge God send for my mom. I am currently still a OTR freak. But in a different way. I do program directing as a volunteer for a small am station and run OTR with some history in between. So anyhow, any idea how cool it is to listen to OTR on a tube radio? Well... it is very cool.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    You always get good quality from OTRCAT. I like Let George to It but if you are expecting the quality of the multi part YTJD you won't find it here. Entertaing show and it did feed Bailey for a number of years.

    Dennis Verified Purchase

    ... and don't forget Wally Maher as "Lieutenant Riley".

    Barry Verified Purchase

    This is good series, especially if you are looking for a YTJD fix and finished the whole collection already. It's different, but Bailey was such a good actor, and great to listen to

    Dwight Verified Purchase

    Let George Do It joins Box 13 as OTR shows that are part detective, part mystery, part drama, and worth adding to any collection of highly entertaining Golden Age of Radio shows. Bob Bailey, with his distinctive voice and delivery, began his ascension in Let George Do It, and you get a preview of his later success as Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar. Distinctive scripts, superior casting, excellent production quality, and fun listening. Nothing available in 2021 even comes close to old time radio, and the old saw is true, "They don't make 'em like this anymore."

    Dave Verified Purchase

    I love radio. I love heavily plotted shows -- mysteries and the like. I love certain voices -- Orson Welles, of course; Jack Webb, in all his characters; and Bob Bailey, whose expressions of knowledge, toughness, and emotion are always welcome. Always! Let George Do It! is a splendidly welcome addition to my wonderful radio library! Abby

    Abbot Verified Purchase

    Bob Bailey was just terrific for radio shows.

    Richard Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    245 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $25.00. Total playtime 118 hours, 10 min
    245 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $25.00
    total playtime 118 hours, 10 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Let George Do It 460401 Aud1 George Lincoln.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 460402 Aud2 George Lincoln elevator.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 460514 Aud3 George Valentine.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 460920 001 The First Client.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 461004 003 Kleptomaniac.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 461011 004 The Picnic.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 461018 005 Cousin Jeff and the Pigs.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 461025 006 The Brookdale Orphanage.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 461108 008 The Robber.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 461115 009 Snookums the Lap Dog.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 461129 011 Fifty Shares of Mazooma Limited.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 471003 055 FortyTwo on a Rope.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 480405 082 The Murder of a Mind.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 480412 083 Lost and Found.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 480419 084 The Bewildered Bird Watcher.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 480426 085 The Wolf Pack.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 480503 086 Under the River.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 480510 087 The Spirit World.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 480531 090 Friendship Clubs.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 480607 091 The Meek Mr. Murch.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 480614 092 A Piece of Publicity.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 480621 093 Problem Child.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 480628 094 Mr. Korawski American.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 480705 095 Murder Me Twice.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 480712 096 A Close Call.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 480719 097 Cry Murder.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 480726 098 The Lie That Came True.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 480802 099 The Money Maker.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 480809 100 The Perfect Specimen.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 480816 101 The Ghost on Bliss Terrace.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 480823 102 The Corpse That Took a Powder.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 480830 103 A Minor Case of Murder.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 480906 104 The Impatient Redhead.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 480913 105 Father Who Had Nothing to Say.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 480920 106 Hearse That Was Painted Pink.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 480927 107 Little Man Who Was Everywhere.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 481018 110 Death Wears a Gay Sports Jacket.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 481025 111 The Seven Dead Years.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 481101 112 Flowers That Smelled of Murder.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 481108 113 Murder It's a Gift.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 481122 115 Who Is Sylvia.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 481129 116 StandIn for Murder.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 481206 117 The Malignant Heart.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 481227 120 Death in Fancy Dress.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 490103 121 Murder and One to Go.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 490110 122 The Corpse on a Caper.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 490117 123 The PayOff Is Murder.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 490124 124 Till Death Do Us Part.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 490131 125 Mayhem By Experts.mp3
    51. Let George Do It 490207 126 One Against a City.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 49 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Let George Do It 490214 127 Destination Dead End.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 490221 128 Journey Into Hate.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 490228 129 Your Money or Your Life.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 490307 130 The Roundabout Murder.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 490314 131 The Motif Is Murder.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 490321 132 The FourSided Triangle.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 490328 133 The Host of Casa Diablo.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 490418 136 The Elusive Hundred Grand.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 490425 137 Lady in Distress.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 490502 138 Out of Mind.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 490509 139 Vultures on the Wing.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 490516 140 Come and Get Me.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 490523 141 Stranger Than Fiction.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 490530 142 A Matter of Doubt.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 490606 143 Death in Blue Jeans.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 490613 144 Serenade to the Southern Star.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 490620 145 The Next to the Last Guest.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 490711 148 Mr Korawski American.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 490725 150 Laura's House.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 490801 151 The Perfect Alibi.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 490808 152 One Chance at the World.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 490815 153 The Problem of Joe Martin.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 490822 154 The Empress of Fish Falls.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 490829 155 End of Summer.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 490905 156 Everything Is Nice.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 490912 157 Valley Sunset.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 490919 158 The Coward.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 490926 159 The Man Under the Elm Trees.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 491017 162 Double Death.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 491024 163 The Rose Petal Staircase.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 491031 164 Every Shot Counts.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 491107 165 The Dark Chain.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 491114 166 Run Until Dead.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 491121 167 Sweet Poison.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 491128 168 No Riders.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 491205 169 Too Near the Sky.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 491212 170 Partner in Panama.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 491219 171 Follow That Train!.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 491226 172 Snow Blind.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 500102 173 Needle in a Haystack.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 500109 174 The Silent Waterfall.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 500116 175 Juniper Lane.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 500123 176 The Floaters.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 500130 177 The Ugly Duckling.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 500206 178 The Old Style.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 500213 179 Go Jump in the Lake.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 500327 185 The Tears of Sorrow.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 500403 186 The Brothers McIntosh.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 500410 187 Portrait by Priscilla.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Let George Do It 500417 188 MixUp in La Cruza.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 500424 189 Death Begins at 45.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 500501 190 The Chair of Humanities.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 500508 191 Picture With a Black Frame.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 500515 192 The Ant Hill.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 500522 193 Portuguese Cove.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 500529 194 Sudden Storm.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 500605 195 The Witch of Mill Hollow.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 500612 196 The Iron Cat.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 500619 197 Solo in Whispers.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 500626 198 Most Likely to Die.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 500703 199 The Scream of the Eagle.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 500710 200 Island in the Desert.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 500717 201 Eleven O'Clock.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 500724 202 The Golden Lizard.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 500731 203 The Voice of the Giant.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 500807 204 Sweet Are the Uses of Publicity.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 500814 205 The High Price of a Penny.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 500821 206 The Treasure of Millie's Wharf.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 500828 207 High Card.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 500904 208 Second Degree Affection.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 500911 209 The White Elephant.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 500918 210 Cover for an Hour.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 500925 211 Tag! You're It!.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 501002 212 The House That Jack Built.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 501009 213 The Spider and the Fly.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 501106 217 A Visit From Merlin.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 501113 218 Angel's Grotto.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 501120 219 Cause for Thanksgiving.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 501127 220 Nothing but the Truth.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 501204 221 And Hope to Die.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 501211 222 The Bookworm Turns.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 501218 223 Opportunity Knocks Twice.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 501225 224 Santa Claus in Glass.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 510108 226 The Man Behind the Frame.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 510115 227 Tune on a Triangle.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 510122 228 Knock on Wood.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 510129 229 Christmas in January.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 510219 232 How Guilty Can You Get.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 510226 233 See Me Once Seen Me Twice.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 510305 234 The Public Eye.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 510312 235 Murder for Two.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 510319 236 The Prairie Dog.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 510326 237 No Escape from the Jungle.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 510402 238 The Eight Ball.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 510409 239 Uncle Harry's Bones.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 510416 240 The Noose Hangs High.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 510625 250 Unwanted Million.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 510924 263 Framed for Hanging.mp3
    51. Let George Do It 511001 264 No Way Out.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 51 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 511022 267 A Crime Too Simple.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 511029 268 The Woman in Black.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 511119 271 Destination Danger.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 511126 272 The Meddler.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 511203 273 Off the Record.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 511210 274 The Last Payoff.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 511217 275 Stolen Goods.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 511224 276 Christmas Letter.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 520107 278 A School of Sharks.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 520114 279 The Bad Little God.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 520121 280 A Matter of Honor.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 520128 281 The Common Denominator.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 520204 282 Surprise, Surprise!.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 520211 283 Cortez Island.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 520218 284 The Symbol Three.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 520225 285 The Starlight Pier.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 520303 286 The Deadly Pines.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 520310 287 The Darkest Shadow.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 520317 288 Three Times and Out.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 520324 289 The Graystone Ghost.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 520414 292 The Forgotten Murder.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 520421 293 War Maneuver.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 520428 294 Operation Europa.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 520505 295 Come to the Casbah.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 520512 296 The Iron Hat.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 520519 297 It Happened on Friday.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 520609 300 The Violent Van Pattens.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 520616 301 The Mystic.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 520818 310 Seed of Destruction.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 520825 311 Sabotage.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 520915 314 Human Nature.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 520922 315 Once a Crook.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 520929 316 Chance and Probability.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 521006 317 The Four Seasons.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 521013 318 The Dead of Night.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 521020 319 Cae Reposo.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 521031 HSG003 There Ain't No Justice.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 521107 HSG004 Portrait of a Suicide.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 521110 322 Dead on Arrival.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 521114 HSG005 The Prairie Dog.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 521117 323 The StandIn.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 521121 HSG006 Tonight the Mayhem.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 521128 HSG007 The Eight Ball.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 521205 HSG008 Every Shot Counts.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 521212 HSG009 The Ant Hill.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 521219 HSG010 Touched by an Angel.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 521226 HSG011 Drop Dead.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 530102 HSG012 Uncle Harry's Bones.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 530109 HSG013 No Way to Run a Railroad.mp3
    51. Let George Do It 530116 HSG014 No Escape From the Jungle.mp3
    52. Let George Do It 530123 HSG015 Murder on Vacation.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 45 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 530130 HSG016 The Man Behind the Frame.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 530206 HSG017 Big Brother.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 530213 HSG018 What Became of Terry Cable.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 530220 HSG019 Discovery of Ponce, Lion.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 530227 HSG020 The Fearless Clown.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 530306 HSG021 The Man From French Guiana.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 530313 HSG022 Sucker Stunt.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 530320 HSG023 The Marauder.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 530327 HSG024 The High Price of a Penny.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 530403 HSG025 Tune on a Triangle.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 530410 HSG026 Red Spots in the Snow.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 530529 HSG033 Nothing but the Truth.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 530605 HSG034 High Card.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 530626 HSG037 Angels Grotto.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 530703 HSG038 The Hand in the Coconut.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 530710 HSG039 The Sedan From the City.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 530717 HSG040 Tag! You're It!.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 530724 HSG041 The White Elephant.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 530731 HSG042 Deal Me Out Ill Deal You In.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 530807 HSG043 The Blue Plate Special.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 530814 HSG044 The Noose Hangs High.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 530821 HSG045 The House That Jack Built.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 530828 HSG046 It's a Mystery to Me.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 530904 HSG047 And Hope to Die.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 530911 HSG048 Treasure of Millie's Wharf.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 530918 HSG049 Is Everybody Happy.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 530925 HSG050 See Me Once Seen Me Twice.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 531002 HSG051 The Public Eye.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 531009 HSG052 How Gullible Can You Get.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 531016 HSG053 Second Degree Affection.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 531023 HSG054 Tongalani.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 531030 HSG055 How Guilty Can You Get.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 531106 HSG056 The Bookworm Turns.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 531113 HSG057 A Visit From Merlin.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 531120 HSG058 Spring Session.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 531127 HSG059 Solo in Whispers.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 531204 HSG060 Go Jump in the Lake.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 531211 HSG061 The Brothers McIntosh.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 531218 HSG062 Most Likely to Die.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 531225 HSG063 The Scream of the Eagle.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 540101 HSG064 Portrait by Priscilla.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 540108 HSG065 Triple Indemnity.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 540913 418 Man Under the Elm Trees.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 540920 419 The Coward Olan Soule.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 540927 420 The Ghost of Ireland Betty.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    245 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $25.00. Total playtime 118 hours, 10 min
    245 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $25.00
    3246 MB – total playtime 118 hours, 10 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – 670 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 23 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 460401 Aud1 George Lincoln.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 460402 Aud2 George Lincoln elevator.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 460514 Aud3 George Valentine.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 460920 001 The First Client.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 461004 003 Kleptomaniac.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 461011 004 The Picnic.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 461018 005 Cousin Jeff and the Pigs.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 461025 006 The Brookdale Orphanage.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 461108 008 The Robber.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 461115 009 Snookums the Lap Dog.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 461129 011 Fifty Shares of Mazooma Limited.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 471003 055 FortyTwo on a Rope.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 480405 082 The Murder of a Mind.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 480412 083 Lost and Found.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 480419 084 The Bewildered Bird Watcher.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 480426 085 The Wolf Pack.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 480503 086 Under the River.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 480510 087 The Spirit World.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 480531 090 Friendship Clubs.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 480607 091 The Meek Mr. Murch.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 480614 092 A Piece of Publicity.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 480621 093 Problem Child.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 480628 094 Mr. Korawski American.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 480705 095 Murder Me Twice.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 480712 096 A Close Call.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 480719 097 Cry Murder.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 480726 098 The Lie That Came True.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 480802 099 The Money Maker.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 480809 100 The Perfect Specimen.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 480816 101 The Ghost on Bliss Terrace.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 480823 102 The Corpse That Took a Powder.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 480830 103 A Minor Case of Murder.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 480906 104 The Impatient Redhead.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 480913 105 Father Who Had Nothing to Say.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 480920 106 Hearse That Was Painted Pink.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 480927 107 Little Man Who Was Everywhere.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 481018 110 Death Wears a Gay Sports Jacket.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 481025 111 The Seven Dead Years.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 481101 112 Flowers That Smelled of Murder.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 481108 113 Murder It's a Gift.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 481122 115 Who Is Sylvia.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 481129 116 StandIn for Murder.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 481206 117 The Malignant Heart.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 481227 120 Death in Fancy Dress.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 490103 121 Murder and One to Go.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 490110 122 The Corpse on a Caper.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 490117 123 The PayOff Is Murder.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 490124 124 Till Death Do Us Part.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 490131 125 Mayhem By Experts.mp3
    51. Let George Do It 490207 126 One Against a City.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 49 shows – 664 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 10 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 490214 127 Destination Dead End.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 490221 128 Journey Into Hate.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 490228 129 Your Money or Your Life.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 490307 130 The Roundabout Murder.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 490314 131 The Motif Is Murder.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 490321 132 The FourSided Triangle.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 490328 133 The Host of Casa Diablo.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 490418 136 The Elusive Hundred Grand.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 490425 137 Lady in Distress.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 490502 138 Out of Mind.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 490509 139 Vultures on the Wing.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 490516 140 Come and Get Me.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 490523 141 Stranger Than Fiction.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 490530 142 A Matter of Doubt.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 490606 143 Death in Blue Jeans.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 490613 144 Serenade to the Southern Star.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 490620 145 The Next to the Last Guest.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 490711 148 Mr Korawski American.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 490725 150 Laura's House.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 490801 151 The Perfect Alibi.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 490808 152 One Chance at the World.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 490815 153 The Problem of Joe Martin.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 490822 154 The Empress of Fish Falls.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 490829 155 End of Summer.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 490905 156 Everything Is Nice.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 490912 157 Valley Sunset.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 490919 158 The Coward.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 490926 159 The Man Under the Elm Trees.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 491017 162 Double Death.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 491024 163 The Rose Petal Staircase.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 491031 164 Every Shot Counts.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 491107 165 The Dark Chain.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 491114 166 Run Until Dead.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 491121 167 Sweet Poison.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 491128 168 No Riders.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 491205 169 Too Near the Sky.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 491212 170 Partner in Panama.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 491219 171 Follow That Train!.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 491226 172 Snow Blind.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 500102 173 Needle in a Haystack.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 500109 174 The Silent Waterfall.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 500116 175 Juniper Lane.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 500123 176 The Floaters.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 500130 177 The Ugly Duckling.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 500206 178 The Old Style.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 500213 179 Go Jump in the Lake.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 500327 185 The Tears of Sorrow.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 500403 186 The Brothers McIntosh.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 500410 187 Portrait by Priscilla.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – 677 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 500417 188 MixUp in La Cruza.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 500424 189 Death Begins at 45.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 500501 190 The Chair of Humanities.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 500508 191 Picture With a Black Frame.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 500515 192 The Ant Hill.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 500522 193 Portuguese Cove.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 500529 194 Sudden Storm.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 500605 195 The Witch of Mill Hollow.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 500612 196 The Iron Cat.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 500619 197 Solo in Whispers.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 500626 198 Most Likely to Die.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 500703 199 The Scream of the Eagle.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 500710 200 Island in the Desert.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 500717 201 Eleven O'Clock.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 500724 202 The Golden Lizard.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 500731 203 The Voice of the Giant.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 500807 204 Sweet Are the Uses of Publicity.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 500814 205 The High Price of a Penny.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 500821 206 The Treasure of Millie's Wharf.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 500828 207 High Card.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 500904 208 Second Degree Affection.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 500911 209 The White Elephant.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 500918 210 Cover for an Hour.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 500925 211 Tag! You're It!.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 501002 212 The House That Jack Built.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 501009 213 The Spider and the Fly.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 501106 217 A Visit From Merlin.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 501113 218 Angel's Grotto.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 501120 219 Cause for Thanksgiving.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 501127 220 Nothing but the Truth.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 501204 221 And Hope to Die.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 501211 222 The Bookworm Turns.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 501218 223 Opportunity Knocks Twice.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 501225 224 Santa Claus in Glass.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 510108 226 The Man Behind the Frame.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 510115 227 Tune on a Triangle.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 510122 228 Knock on Wood.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 510129 229 Christmas in January.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 510219 232 How Guilty Can You Get.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 510226 233 See Me Once Seen Me Twice.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 510305 234 The Public Eye.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 510312 235 Murder for Two.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 510319 236 The Prairie Dog.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 510326 237 No Escape from the Jungle.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 510402 238 The Eight Ball.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 510409 239 Uncle Harry's Bones.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 510416 240 The Noose Hangs High.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 510625 250 Unwanted Million.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 510924 263 Framed for Hanging.mp3
    51. Let George Do It 511001 264 No Way Out.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 51 shows – 673 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 29 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 511022 267 A Crime Too Simple.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 511029 268 The Woman in Black.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 511119 271 Destination Danger.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 511126 272 The Meddler.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 511203 273 Off the Record.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 511210 274 The Last Payoff.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 511217 275 Stolen Goods.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 511224 276 Christmas Letter.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 520107 278 A School of Sharks.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 520114 279 The Bad Little God.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 520121 280 A Matter of Honor.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 520128 281 The Common Denominator.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 520204 282 Surprise, Surprise!.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 520211 283 Cortez Island.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 520218 284 The Symbol Three.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 520225 285 The Starlight Pier.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 520303 286 The Deadly Pines.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 520310 287 The Darkest Shadow.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 520317 288 Three Times and Out.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 520324 289 The Graystone Ghost.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 520414 292 The Forgotten Murder.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 520421 293 War Maneuver.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 520428 294 Operation Europa.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 520505 295 Come to the Casbah.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 520512 296 The Iron Hat.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 520519 297 It Happened on Friday.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 520609 300 The Violent Van Pattens.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 520616 301 The Mystic.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 520818 310 Seed of Destruction.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 520825 311 Sabotage.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 520915 314 Human Nature.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 520922 315 Once a Crook.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 520929 316 Chance and Probability.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 521006 317 The Four Seasons.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 521013 318 The Dead of Night.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 521020 319 Cae Reposo.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 521031 HSG003 There Ain't No Justice.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 521107 HSG004 Portrait of a Suicide.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 521110 322 Dead on Arrival.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 521114 HSG005 The Prairie Dog.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 521117 323 The StandIn.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 521121 HSG006 Tonight the Mayhem.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 521128 HSG007 The Eight Ball.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 521205 HSG008 Every Shot Counts.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 521212 HSG009 The Ant Hill.mp3
    47. Let George Do It 521219 HSG010 Touched by an Angel.mp3
    48. Let George Do It 521226 HSG011 Drop Dead.mp3
    49. Let George Do It 530102 HSG012 Uncle Harry's Bones.mp3
    50. Let George Do It 530109 HSG013 No Way to Run a Railroad.mp3
    51. Let George Do It 530116 HSG014 No Escape From the Jungle.mp3
    52. Let George Do It 530123 HSG015 Murder on Vacation.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 45 shows – 562 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Let George Do It 530130 HSG016 The Man Behind the Frame.mp3
    3. Let George Do It 530206 HSG017 Big Brother.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 530213 HSG018 What Became of Terry Cable.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 530220 HSG019 Discovery of Ponce, Lion.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 530227 HSG020 The Fearless Clown.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 530306 HSG021 The Man From French Guiana.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 530313 HSG022 Sucker Stunt.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 530320 HSG023 The Marauder.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 530327 HSG024 The High Price of a Penny.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 530403 HSG025 Tune on a Triangle.mp3
    12. Let George Do It 530410 HSG026 Red Spots in the Snow.mp3
    13. Let George Do It 530529 HSG033 Nothing but the Truth.mp3
    14. Let George Do It 530605 HSG034 High Card.mp3
    15. Let George Do It 530626 HSG037 Angels Grotto.mp3
    16. Let George Do It 530703 HSG038 The Hand in the Coconut.mp3
    17. Let George Do It 530710 HSG039 The Sedan From the City.mp3
    18. Let George Do It 530717 HSG040 Tag! You're It!.mp3
    19. Let George Do It 530724 HSG041 The White Elephant.mp3
    20. Let George Do It 530731 HSG042 Deal Me Out Ill Deal You In.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 530807 HSG043 The Blue Plate Special.mp3
    22. Let George Do It 530814 HSG044 The Noose Hangs High.mp3
    23. Let George Do It 530821 HSG045 The House That Jack Built.mp3
    24. Let George Do It 530828 HSG046 It's a Mystery to Me.mp3
    25. Let George Do It 530904 HSG047 And Hope to Die.mp3
    26. Let George Do It 530911 HSG048 Treasure of Millie's Wharf.mp3
    27. Let George Do It 530918 HSG049 Is Everybody Happy.mp3
    28. Let George Do It 530925 HSG050 See Me Once Seen Me Twice.mp3
    29. Let George Do It 531002 HSG051 The Public Eye.mp3
    30. Let George Do It 531009 HSG052 How Gullible Can You Get.mp3
    31. Let George Do It 531016 HSG053 Second Degree Affection.mp3
    32. Let George Do It 531023 HSG054 Tongalani.mp3
    33. Let George Do It 531030 HSG055 How Guilty Can You Get.mp3
    34. Let George Do It 531106 HSG056 The Bookworm Turns.mp3
    35. Let George Do It 531113 HSG057 A Visit From Merlin.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 531120 HSG058 Spring Session.mp3
    37. Let George Do It 531127 HSG059 Solo in Whispers.mp3
    38. Let George Do It 531204 HSG060 Go Jump in the Lake.mp3
    39. Let George Do It 531211 HSG061 The Brothers McIntosh.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 531218 HSG062 Most Likely to Die.mp3
    41. Let George Do It 531225 HSG063 The Scream of the Eagle.mp3
    42. Let George Do It 540101 HSG064 Portrait by Priscilla.mp3
    43. Let George Do It 540108 HSG065 Triple Indemnity.mp3
    44. Let George Do It 540913 418 Man Under the Elm Trees.mp3
    45. Let George Do It 540920 419 The Coward Olan Soule.mp3
    46. Let George Do It 540927 420 The Ghost of Ireland Betty.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    245 recordings on 123 Audio CDs. Total playtime 118 hours, 10 min
    245 recordings on 123 Audio CDs
    total playtime 118 hours, 10 min

    Let George Do It Disc A001

    1. Let George Do It 460401 Aud1 George Lincoln
    2. Let George Do It 460402 Aud2 George Lincoln elevator

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    Let George Do It Disc A002

    1. Let George Do It 460514 Aud3 George Valentine
    2. Let George Do It 460920 001 The First Client

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    Let George Do It Disc A003

    1. Let George Do It 461004 003 Kleptomaniac
    2. Let George Do It 461011 004 The Picnic

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    Let George Do It Disc A004

    1. Let George Do It 461018 005 Cousin Jeff and the Pigs
    2. Let George Do It 461025 006 The Brookdale Orphanage

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    Let George Do It Disc A005

    1. Let George Do It 461108 008 The Robber
    2. Let George Do It 461115 009 Snookums the Lap Dog

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    Let George Do It Disc A006

    1. Let George Do It 461129 011 Fifty Shares of Mazooma Limited
    2. Let George Do It 471003 055 FortyTwo on a Rope

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    Let George Do It Disc A007

    1. Let George Do It 480405 082 The Murder of a Mind
    2. Let George Do It 480412 083 Lost and Found

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    Let George Do It Disc A008

    1. Let George Do It 480419 084 The Bewildered Bird Watcher
    2. Let George Do It 480426 085 The Wolf Pack

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    Let George Do It Disc A009

    1. Let George Do It 480503 086 Under the River
    2. Let George Do It 480510 087 The Spirit World

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    Let George Do It Disc A010

    1. Let George Do It 480531 090 Friendship Clubs
    2. Let George Do It 480607 091 The Meek Mr. Murch

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    Let George Do It Disc A011

    1. Let George Do It 480614 092 A Piece of Publicity
    2. Let George Do It 480621 093 Problem Child

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    Let George Do It Disc A012

    1. Let George Do It 480628 094 Mr. Korawski American
    2. Let George Do It 480705 095 Murder Me Twice

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    Let George Do It Disc A013

    1. Let George Do It 480712 096 A Close Call
    2. Let George Do It 480719 097 Cry Murder

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    Let George Do It Disc A014

    1. Let George Do It 480726 098 The Lie That Came True
    2. Let George Do It 480802 099 The Money Maker

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    Let George Do It Disc A015

    1. Let George Do It 480809 100 The Perfect Specimen
    2. Let George Do It 480816 101 The Ghost on Bliss Terrace

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    Let George Do It Disc A016

    1. Let George Do It 480823 102 The Corpse That Took a Powder
    2. Let George Do It 480830 103 A Minor Case of Murder

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    Let George Do It Disc A017

    1. Let George Do It 480906 104 The Impatient Redhead
    2. Let George Do It 480913 105 Father Who Had Nothing to Say

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    Let George Do It Disc A018

    1. Let George Do It 480920 106 Hearse That Was Painted Pink
    2. Let George Do It 480927 107 Little Man Who Was Everywhere

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    Let George Do It Disc A019

    1. Let George Do It 481018 110 Death Wears a Gay Sports Jacket
    2. Let George Do It 481025 111 The Seven Dead Years

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    Let George Do It Disc A020

    1. Let George Do It 481101 112 Flowers That Smelled of Murder
    2. Let George Do It 481108 113 Murder It's a Gift

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    Let George Do It Disc A021

    1. Let George Do It 481122 115 Who Is Sylvia
    2. Let George Do It 481129 116 StandIn for Murder

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    Let George Do It Disc A022

    1. Let George Do It 481206 117 The Malignant Heart
    2. Let George Do It 481227 120 Death in Fancy Dress

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    Let George Do It Disc A023

    1. Let George Do It 490103 121 Murder and One to Go
    2. Let George Do It 490110 122 The Corpse on a Caper

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    Let George Do It Disc A024

    1. Let George Do It 490117 123 The PayOff Is Murder
    2. Let George Do It 490124 124 Till Death Do Us Part

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    Let George Do It Disc A025

    1. Let George Do It 490131 125 Mayhem By Experts
    2. Let George Do It 490207 126 One Against a City

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    Let George Do It Disc A026

    1. Let George Do It 490214 127 Destination Dead End
    2. Let George Do It 490221 128 Journey Into Hate

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    Let George Do It Disc A027

    1. Let George Do It 490228 129 Your Money or Your Life
    2. Let George Do It 490307 130 The Roundabout Murder

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    Let George Do It Disc A028

    1. Let George Do It 490314 131 The Motif Is Murder
    2. Let George Do It 490321 132 The FourSided Triangle

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    Let George Do It Disc A029

    1. Let George Do It 490328 133 The Host of Casa Diablo
    2. Let George Do It 490418 136 The Elusive Hundred Grand

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    Let George Do It Disc A030

    1. Let George Do It 490425 137 Lady in Distress
    2. Let George Do It 490502 138 Out of Mind

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    Let George Do It Disc A031

    1. Let George Do It 490509 139 Vultures on the Wing
    2. Let George Do It 490516 140 Come and Get Me

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    Let George Do It Disc A032

    1. Let George Do It 490523 141 Stranger Than Fiction
    2. Let George Do It 490530 142 A Matter of Doubt

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    Let George Do It Disc A033

    1. Let George Do It 490606 143 Death in Blue Jeans
    2. Let George Do It 490613 144 Serenade to the Southern Star

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    Let George Do It Disc A034

    1. Let George Do It 490620 145 The Next to the Last Guest
    2. Let George Do It 490711 148 Mr Korawski American

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    Let George Do It Disc A035

    1. Let George Do It 490725 150 Laura's House
    2. Let George Do It 490801 151 The Perfect Alibi

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    Let George Do It Disc A036

    1. Let George Do It 490808 152 One Chance at the World
    2. Let George Do It 490815 153 The Problem of Joe Martin

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    Let George Do It Disc A037

    1. Let George Do It 490822 154 The Empress of Fish Falls
    2. Let George Do It 490829 155 End of Summer

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    Let George Do It Disc A038

    1. Let George Do It 490905 156 Everything Is Nice
    2. Let George Do It 490912 157 Valley Sunset

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    Let George Do It Disc A039

    1. Let George Do It 490919 158 The Coward
    2. Let George Do It 490926 159 The Man Under the Elm Trees

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    Let George Do It Disc A040

    1. Let George Do It 491017 162 Double Death
    2. Let George Do It 491024 163 The Rose Petal Staircase

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    Let George Do It Disc A041

    1. Let George Do It 491031 164 Every Shot Counts
    2. Let George Do It 491107 165 The Dark Chain

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    Let George Do It Disc A042

    1. Let George Do It 491114 166 Run Until Dead
    2. Let George Do It 491121 167 Sweet Poison

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    Let George Do It Disc A043

    1. Let George Do It 491128 168 No Riders
    2. Let George Do It 491205 169 Too Near the Sky

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    Let George Do It Disc A044

    1. Let George Do It 491212 170 Partner in Panama
    2. Let George Do It 491219 171 Follow That Train!

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    Let George Do It Disc A045

    1. Let George Do It 491226 172 Snow Blind
    2. Let George Do It 500102 173 Needle in a Haystack

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    Let George Do It Disc A046

    1. Let George Do It 500109 174 The Silent Waterfall
    2. Let George Do It 500116 175 Juniper Lane

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    Let George Do It Disc A047

    1. Let George Do It 500123 176 The Floaters
    2. Let George Do It 500130 177 The Ugly Duckling

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    Let George Do It Disc A048

    1. Let George Do It 500206 178 The Old Style
    2. Let George Do It 500213 179 Go Jump in the Lake

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    Let George Do It Disc A049

    1. Let George Do It 500327 185 The Tears of Sorrow
    2. Let George Do It 500403 186 The Brothers McIntosh

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    Let George Do It Disc A050

    1. Let George Do It 500410 187 Portrait by Priscilla
    2. Let George Do It 500417 188 MixUp in La Cruza

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    Let George Do It Disc A051

    1. Let George Do It 500424 189 Death Begins at 45
    2. Let George Do It 500501 190 The Chair of Humanities

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    Let George Do It Disc A052

    1. Let George Do It 500508 191 Picture With a Black Frame
    2. Let George Do It 500515 192 The Ant Hill

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    Let George Do It Disc A053

    1. Let George Do It 500522 193 Portuguese Cove
    2. Let George Do It 500529 194 Sudden Storm

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    Let George Do It Disc A054

    1. Let George Do It 500605 195 The Witch of Mill Hollow
    2. Let George Do It 500612 196 The Iron Cat

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    Let George Do It Disc A055

    1. Let George Do It 500619 197 Solo in Whispers
    2. Let George Do It 500626 198 Most Likely to Die

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    Let George Do It Disc A056

    1. Let George Do It 500703 199 The Scream of the Eagle
    2. Let George Do It 500710 200 Island in the Desert

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    Let George Do It Disc A057

    1. Let George Do It 500717 201 Eleven O'Clock
    2. Let George Do It 500724 202 The Golden Lizard

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    Let George Do It Disc A058

    1. Let George Do It 500731 203 The Voice of the Giant
    2. Let George Do It 500807 204 Sweet Are the Uses of Publicity

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    Let George Do It Disc A059

    1. Let George Do It 500814 205 The High Price of a Penny
    2. Let George Do It 500821 206 The Treasure of Millie's Wharf

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    Let George Do It Disc A060

    1. Let George Do It 500828 207 High Card
    2. Let George Do It 500904 208 Second Degree Affection

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    Let George Do It Disc A061

    1. Let George Do It 500911 209 The White Elephant
    2. Let George Do It 500918 210 Cover for an Hour

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    Let George Do It Disc A062

    1. Let George Do It 500925 211 Tag! You're It!
    2. Let George Do It 501002 212 The House That Jack Built

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    Let George Do It Disc A063

    1. Let George Do It 501009 213 The Spider and the Fly
    2. Let George Do It 501106 217 A Visit From Merlin

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    Let George Do It Disc A064

    1. Let George Do It 501113 218 Angel's Grotto
    2. Let George Do It 501120 219 Cause for Thanksgiving

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    Let George Do It Disc A065

    1. Let George Do It 501127 220 Nothing but the Truth
    2. Let George Do It 501204 221 And Hope to Die

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    Let George Do It Disc A066

    1. Let George Do It 501211 222 The Bookworm Turns
    2. Let George Do It 501218 223 Opportunity Knocks Twice

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    Let George Do It Disc A067

    1. Let George Do It 501225 224 Santa Claus in Glass
    2. Let George Do It 510108 226 The Man Behind the Frame

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    Let George Do It Disc A068

    1. Let George Do It 510115 227 Tune on a Triangle
    2. Let George Do It 510122 228 Knock on Wood

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    Let George Do It Disc A069

    1. Let George Do It 510129 229 Christmas in January
    2. Let George Do It 510219 232 How Guilty Can You Get

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    Let George Do It Disc A070

    1. Let George Do It 510226 233 See Me Once Seen Me Twice
    2. Let George Do It 510305 234 The Public Eye

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    Let George Do It Disc A071

    1. Let George Do It 510312 235 Murder for Two
    2. Let George Do It 510319 236 The Prairie Dog

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    Let George Do It Disc A072

    1. Let George Do It 510326 237 No Escape from the Jungle
    2. Let George Do It 510402 238 The Eight Ball

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    Let George Do It Disc A073

    1. Let George Do It 510409 239 Uncle Harry's Bones
    2. Let George Do It 510416 240 The Noose Hangs High

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    Let George Do It Disc A074

    1. Let George Do It 510625 250 Unwanted Million
    2. Let George Do It 510924 263 Framed for Hanging

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    Let George Do It Disc A075

    1. Let George Do It 511001 264 No Way Out
    2. Let George Do It 511022 267 A Crime Too Simple

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    Let George Do It Disc A076

    1. Let George Do It 511029 268 The Woman in Black
    2. Let George Do It 511119 271 Destination Danger

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    Let George Do It Disc A077

    1. Let George Do It 511126 272 The Meddler
    2. Let George Do It 511203 273 Off the Record

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    Let George Do It Disc A078

    1. Let George Do It 511210 274 The Last Payoff
    2. Let George Do It 511217 275 Stolen Goods

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    Let George Do It Disc A079

    1. Let George Do It 511224 276 Christmas Letter
    2. Let George Do It 520107 278 A School of Sharks

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    Let George Do It Disc A080

    1. Let George Do It 520114 279 The Bad Little God
    2. Let George Do It 520121 280 A Matter of Honor

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    Let George Do It Disc A081

    1. Let George Do It 520128 281 The Common Denominator
    2. Let George Do It 520204 282 Surprise, Surprise!

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    Let George Do It Disc A082

    1. Let George Do It 520211 283 Cortez Island
    2. Let George Do It 520218 284 The Symbol Three

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    Let George Do It Disc A083

    1. Let George Do It 520225 285 The Starlight Pier
    2. Let George Do It 520303 286 The Deadly Pines

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    Let George Do It Disc A084

    1. Let George Do It 520310 287 The Darkest Shadow
    2. Let George Do It 520317 288 Three Times and Out

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    Let George Do It Disc A085

    1. Let George Do It 520324 289 The Graystone Ghost
    2. Let George Do It 520414 292 The Forgotten Murder

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    Let George Do It Disc A086

    1. Let George Do It 520421 293 War Maneuver
    2. Let George Do It 520428 294 Operation Europa

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    Let George Do It Disc A087

    1. Let George Do It 520505 295 Come to the Casbah
    2. Let George Do It 520512 296 The Iron Hat

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    Let George Do It Disc A088

    1. Let George Do It 520519 297 It Happened on Friday
    2. Let George Do It 520609 300 The Violent Van Pattens

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    Let George Do It Disc A089

    1. Let George Do It 520616 301 The Mystic
    2. Let George Do It 520818 310 Seed of Destruction

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    Let George Do It Disc A090

    1. Let George Do It 520825 311 Sabotage
    2. Let George Do It 520915 314 Human Nature

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    Let George Do It Disc A091

    1. Let George Do It 520922 315 Once a Crook
    2. Let George Do It 520929 316 Chance and Probability

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    Let George Do It Disc A092

    1. Let George Do It 521006 317 The Four Seasons
    2. Let George Do It 521013 318 The Dead of Night

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    Let George Do It Disc A093

    1. Let George Do It 521020 319 Cae Reposo
    2. Let George Do It 521031 HSG003 There Ain't No Justice

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    Let George Do It Disc A094

    1. Let George Do It 521107 HSG004 Portrait of a Suicide
    2. Let George Do It 521110 322 Dead on Arrival

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    Let George Do It Disc A095

    1. Let George Do It 521114 HSG005 The Prairie Dog
    2. Let George Do It 521117 323 The StandIn

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    Let George Do It Disc A096

    1. Let George Do It 521121 HSG006 Tonight the Mayhem
    2. Let George Do It 521128 HSG007 The Eight Ball

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    Let George Do It Disc A097

    1. Let George Do It 521205 HSG008 Every Shot Counts
    2. Let George Do It 521212 HSG009 The Ant Hill

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    Let George Do It Disc A098

    1. Let George Do It 521219 HSG010 Touched by an Angel
    2. Let George Do It 521226 HSG011 Drop Dead

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    Let George Do It Disc A099

    1. Let George Do It 530102 HSG012 Uncle Harry's Bones
    2. Let George Do It 530109 HSG013 No Way to Run a Railroad

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    Let George Do It Disc A100

    1. Let George Do It 530116 HSG014 No Escape From the Jungle
    2. Let George Do It 530123 HSG015 Murder on Vacation

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    Let George Do It Disc A101

    1. Let George Do It 530130 HSG016 The Man Behind the Frame
    2. Let George Do It 530206 HSG017 Big Brother

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    Let George Do It Disc A102

    1. Let George Do It 530213 HSG018 What Became of Terry Cable
    2. Let George Do It 530220 HSG019 Discovery of Ponce, Lion

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    Let George Do It Disc A103

    1. Let George Do It 530227 HSG020 The Fearless Clown
    2. Let George Do It 530306 HSG021 The Man From French Guiana

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    Let George Do It Disc A104

    1. Let George Do It 530313 HSG022 Sucker Stunt
    2. Let George Do It 530320 HSG023 The Marauder

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    Let George Do It Disc A105

    1. Let George Do It 530327 HSG024 The High Price of a Penny
    2. Let George Do It 530403 HSG025 Tune on a Triangle

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    Let George Do It Disc A106

    1. Let George Do It 530410 HSG026 Red Spots in the Snow
    2. Let George Do It 530529 HSG033 Nothing but the Truth

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    Let George Do It Disc A107

    1. Let George Do It 530605 HSG034 High Card
    2. Let George Do It 530626 HSG037 Angels Grotto

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    Let George Do It Disc A108

    1. Let George Do It 530703 HSG038 The Hand in the Coconut
    2. Let George Do It 530710 HSG039 The Sedan From the City

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    Let George Do It Disc A109

    1. Let George Do It 530717 HSG040 Tag! You're It!
    2. Let George Do It 530724 HSG041 The White Elephant

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    Let George Do It Disc A110

    1. Let George Do It 530731 HSG042 Deal Me Out Ill Deal You In
    2. Let George Do It 530807 HSG043 The Blue Plate Special

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    Let George Do It Disc A111

    1. Let George Do It 530814 HSG044 The Noose Hangs High
    2. Let George Do It 530821 HSG045 The House That Jack Built

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    Let George Do It Disc A112

    1. Let George Do It 530828 HSG046 It's a Mystery to Me
    2. Let George Do It 530904 HSG047 And Hope to Die

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    Let George Do It Disc A113

    1. Let George Do It 530911 HSG048 Treasure of Millie's Wharf
    2. Let George Do It 530918 HSG049 Is Everybody Happy

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    Let George Do It Disc A114

    1. Let George Do It 530925 HSG050 See Me Once Seen Me Twice
    2. Let George Do It 531002 HSG051 The Public Eye

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    Let George Do It Disc A115

    1. Let George Do It 531009 HSG052 How Gullible Can You Get
    2. Let George Do It 531016 HSG053 Second Degree Affection

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    Let George Do It Disc A116

    1. Let George Do It 531023 HSG054 Tongalani
    2. Let George Do It 531030 HSG055 How Guilty Can You Get

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    Let George Do It Disc A117

    1. Let George Do It 531106 HSG056 The Bookworm Turns
    2. Let George Do It 531113 HSG057 A Visit From Merlin

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    Let George Do It Disc A118

    1. Let George Do It 531120 HSG058 Spring Session
    2. Let George Do It 531127 HSG059 Solo in Whispers

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    Let George Do It Disc A119

    1. Let George Do It 531204 HSG060 Go Jump in the Lake
    2. Let George Do It 531211 HSG061 The Brothers McIntosh

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    Let George Do It Disc A120

    1. Let George Do It 531218 HSG062 Most Likely to Die
    2. Let George Do It 531225 HSG063 The Scream of the Eagle

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    Let George Do It Disc A121

    1. Let George Do It 540101 HSG064 Portrait by Priscilla
    2. Let George Do It 540108 HSG065 Triple Indemnity

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    Let George Do It Disc A122

    1. Let George Do It 540913 418 Man Under the Elm Trees
    2. Let George Do It 540920 419 The Coward Olan Soule

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    Let George Do It Disc A123

    1. Let George Do It 540927 420 The Ghost of Ireland Betty

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