Inspired by President Roosevelt and England Prime Minister Winston Churchill "The Charter Of Freedom," this radio program illustrated various historical stories of freedom.
15 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 6 hours)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
The host spoke of how President Roosevelt and England Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed "The Charter Of Freedom". This charter was a declaration of how all people must have lives that were free of oppression and allowed to live lives that were free. This charter became the basis for the program, Lands of the Free. The charter addressed specific points of economic, protection, and peace that all men shall enjoy. Although the premise and promise of the charter has not always held true, the radio programs that followed addressed the portrayal of these intangibles.
Different programs by NBC of Lands of the Free illustrated various historical stories of how these charter points were addressed in various Western Hemisphere countries.
One of the points was freedom of trade and Spain was inhibiting that freedom with some countries in South America. In 1640, Buenas Aires is the setting for this story that showcased Spain's control over New World cargo and the laws and taxes that applied to the shipping of goods from Spain's colonies to Seville, Spain. The monopoly that Seville held upon all trade, affected the public well-being and health of many citizens in South America. The storyline followed a young man going to Spain seeking to change the laws of trade.
"Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" followed the course of Venezuelan Francisco De Miranda, spokesman and statesman, and begins with him on a ship headed to Spain. The story followed his activities, through many countries. The man of renown had friends in many courts and governments...including friends with American heros Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.
Threatened with prison and title being removed, Miranda's story is intrigue at its best.
Although the Lands of the Free radio programs were short-lived, their message looms for posterity. Just as the Charter for Freedom prescribed how men should be free, so too the program carried these and many amazing stories of lands demanding and fighting for their respective rights of liberty.
See also: Patriotic Collection, The People Act, More Patriotic Old Time Radio Collections
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Lands of the Free Disc A001
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Lands of the Free Disc A002
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Lands of the Free Disc A003
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Lands of the Free Disc A004
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Lands of the Free Disc A005
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Lands of the Free Disc A006
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Lands of the Free Disc A007
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