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Kent State Shootings

Radio Broadcasts are historical artifacts. In this collection, we present a timeline of the coverage of the shootings at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, including the political climate which led up to the incident, coverage of the shootings, and the aftermath for America.

Kent State Shootings

519 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 304 hours, 36 min)
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The Background

The protest which led to the May 4, 1970, shootings on the Kent State University Campus was over American involvement in the War in Vietnam. Most of us think of Vietnam as being a fight against Communist Expansionism which began when Kennedy sent Special Forces troops to South Vietnam in 1961. In fact, our direct involvement in Vietnam began even before the Korean Conflict as the Second World War was drawing to a close.

The Portuguese began exploring and sending missionaries to South East Asia in the 1500s. By the end of the 1700s, the Portuguese had been displaced by French traders and missionaries who would establish an important trade in silk and tropical products. The Colony of French Indochina was established in 1887.

After Paris fell to the Nazis in WWII, administration of Indochina was turned over to Axis partner Japan. The Vietnamese rubber industry was a boon to the Japanese War Effort, but the Imperial Japanese troops stationed in Vietnam were as oppressive as they were anywhere. When the War ended, France naturally wanted their colony back, but factions within Vietnam were less than enthused about returning to French rule. President Truman sent military equipment and advisors, but it soon became obvious that France, weakened by WWII, could not hold onto Indochina. The French military is defeated at Dien Bien Phu in North Vietnam by Communist Vietminh forces led by Ho Chi Min in 1954.

Fearing Communist Expansion in the region, President Eisenhower deploys the Military Assistance and Advisory Group (MAAG) to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN, the South Vietnamese Army). American involvement in Vietnam steadily increases under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. The overwhelming power of the modern American Forces sees success in the field, but the jungle terrain and the decentralized nature of the enemy make final victory elusive. 


Kent State Protestor

With the War apparently on an unending path, former Vice President Richard Nixon runs for the Presidency in 1968 on a platform of honorably ending the War. His policy of Vietnamization was based on US Forces buying time to allow the ARVN forces to be trained and given modern arms so that they could continue the fight. The caused a marked decrease in the morale of US Troops which was reflected by the War Protest Movement back home. Nonetheless, Nixon, with the unlikely support of the People's Republic of China and the USSR, was making progress towards bringing the troops home, as he reported in his April 20, 1970, address to the nation.

Ten days later, the President announces that there would be a slowing of the withdrawal of American Troops because of increasing North Vietnamese activity in neutral Cambodia. To combat those forces, American Troops would begin violating Cambodian neutrality.

A Hotbed of Protest

A University opened in Kent, Ohio, in September 1910. The school grew to include baccalaureate and graduate level programs in the arts and sciences. Kent State University became one of the leading research universities in the country, but it also became known for its student activism.

Kent State

Most of the troops dying in Vietnam were university-aged young men. Although those enrolled in schools were eligible for student deferrals from the draft, it was recognized that the deferrals were slim protection and that those without deferrals were serving and dying in an unjust War. At the 1966 Kent State Homecoming Parade, several students marched wearing surplus military uniforms and gas masks to protest the War. In the fall of 1968, the campus chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a Black Student's Civil Rights group staged a sit-in to protest police and military recruiters operating on campus. 

On April Fool's day the following spring, SDS members stormed the Administration building and police became involved. The University revoked the charter of the Kent State SDS chapter, and supporters and opponents of the SDS clashed at an April 16 disciplinary hearing. The Ohio State Police were called, resulting in 58 arrests. A year later, Jerry Rubin spoke on campus representing the Youth International Party (YIPpies), further inflaming campus tensions. Rubin's speech was less than three weeks before President Nixon announced expansion into Cambodia.

Anatomy of a Massacre

The President made his announcement on Thursday, April 30, 1970. The following day, about 500 students gathered at the University Commons to demonstrate against the President's pronouncement, but the crowd peacefully dispersed by 1 pm to attend afternoon classes. Plans were made for another rally on Monday to "bring the War home". A copy of the constitution was buried by a group of history students and a sign appeared, nailed to a tree, asking "Why is the ROTC building still standing?"

There is always the potential for mischief on a Friday night in a University town. Around midnight, a group of revelers left their bar and began tossing empty bottles at police cars. Soon, storefront windows were being shattered, including a local bank which set off a loud alarm. Many other local bars began closing in response, but this just meant more people on the street. Kent Mayor LeRoy Satrom declared a state of emergency and Ohio Governor Jim Rhodes ordered all the bars in town closed (putting even more angry people on the street. The crowd was finally driven back to the Campus with tear gas.

On Saturday morning rumors began flying that the town of Kent was threatened by radical revolutionary forces. Merchants reported that their stores would be burned if they did not display anti-war slogans. Supposedly, plans were afoot to burn the ROTC Building and poison the town's water supply with LSD. The ROTC building was, in fact, torched amid a growing protest rally on the campus. Firefighters and police were held back from the fire by rocks thrown by the crowd. The Ohio National Guard was called in but did not arrive until 10 pm.

There were several reports that a majority of the Saturday night participants were not Kent State students. Numerous arrests were made, mostly for curfew violations, and at least one student was treated for a bayonet injury.

On Sunday, Governor Rhodes held a press conference at the Kent Fire House where he berated the protesters for their lack of patriotism and hinted that he might be forced to declare a state of martial law. A few students made their way downtown to assist with clean up after the riot, but the local merchants gave a mixed greeting. Around 8 pm, another rally began to form on the Commons which the Guardsmen dispersed using tear gas. The rally reformed in town at the intersection of Main and Lincoln in the form of a sit-in which the students hoped would lead to a meeting with the Mayor and University President Robert White. The Ohio National Guard enforced the curfew, forcing students back to their dorms. There were more reports of bayonetting.

Campus officials tried to distribute pamphlets that the Monday, May 4, Noon Rally had been canceled, but there were already 2,000 people gathered on the Commons before noon. Just before noon, a campus patrolman riding in a National Guard jeep approached the crowd and read an order to disperse. The crowd answered by tossing rocks at the jeep. 

At noon, the National Guardsmen again warned the crowd to disperse and was ignored, again. The Guardsmen tried to use tear gas, but conditions were windy enough that the tear gas was ineffective. Some protesters tossed the tear gas canisters back at the Guardsmen who were wearing gas masks. Finally, a group of 77 Guardsmen fixed bayonets to their M1 Garand rifles and began advancing on the crowd.

The M1 Garand rifle was the general issued firearm for US Soldiers and Marines in WWII. Although a very heavy rifle by modern standards, it is capable of highly accurate, semi-automatic fire, meaning that every time the trigger is pulled another round is automatically chambered and ready to fire. The M1 fires the .30-06 round which was developed for the military before WWI and is still in common use today as a hunting cartridge to dispatch elk, moose, grizzly bears, lions, and bull elephant.

The crowd on the Commons moved over Blanket Hill toward the parking lot in front of Prentice Hall. The Guardsmen followed but rather than veering left into the parking lot, marched straight onto the Practice Athletic Field. Their intent may have been to flank the movement of the protesters, but they did not realize that the Practice Field was enclosed by a chain link fence. 

For about ten minutes, the Guardsmen remained on the Practice Field, apparently unsure how to proceed without retracing their steps. They could see the crowd gathering in front of them and to the left. There are reports of Guardsmen assuming a kneeling firing position and aiming their rifles at the crowd. Finally, the Guardsmen began marching back over Blanket Hill toward the commons, slowly followed by a large number of protesters. 

The Guardsmen struggle to keep eyes on the crowd which was now behind them. At 12:24, a sergeant began firing his sidearm, a Colt M1911A1 .45 caliber pistol, into the crowd. Sensing this as a signal, several of the Guardsmen assumed firing positions and discharged their M1s into the crowd. Post action reports verify that 67 rounds of ammunition were expended.

Nine students were injured, one of whom was left paralyzed for life, and four were killed. The nearest of the injured students was 71 feet from the Guardsmen, the nearest fatality was 265 feet away. Of those killed, Allison Krause and Jeffrey Miller were participants in the Protest. Sandra Scheuer and William Knox Schroeder were shot as they were walking from one class to another.

Aftermath and Lessons Learned

The images of the Guardsmen with their rifles and gas masks and the dead lying on the campus quickly became indelibly connected to the War Protest movement. Student strikes which were planned in protest of the Cambodian Expansion were further inflamed by the Kent State Massacre. Across the country, ROTC Buildings were burned or bombed on 30 campuses. National Guard Units were mobilized in reaction to at least 21 campus protests in 16 states.

Kent StatePresident Nixon was evacuated to Camp David for two days to ensure his safety and the 82nd Airborne Division was mobilized to keep order in Washington DC. The President was unsuccessful in his efforts to reach out to the student protesters (including a personal visit to a group of 30 holding a vigil on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at 4:15 am on May 9, 1970). Eventually, the President became convinced that the protesters were acting as agents of a foreign power set on disrupting the government.

Nixon won reelection by a landslide in 1972, thanks in part to Henry Kissinger's declaration just before election day that "Peace is at Hand". The Paris Peace Accords, "Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam" were finally signed on January 27, 1973, earning Kissinger the Noble Peace Prize.

What lessons can we take away from Kent State? That is for each listener to decide, however, it should be pointed out that even with the miracles of the Internet, the 24-hour News-cycle, and social media, there are divisions in the Nation which run as deep as they did during the Sixties, perhaps even going back to the Civil War period.

Protest, peaceful and otherwise, is the bedrock of the American Experience going all the way back to the Founding Fathers holding a Tea Party in Boston Harbor. The First Amendment to the Constitution's provisions for Free Speech ensure the right to Protest and part of the justification for the Second Amendment is the possibility that the American Government has the possibility to turn tyrannical.

The protests of the Occupy Movement, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Tea Party Movement, or Patriot Prayer are of value whether we agree with their positions or not. However, these protests and counter-protests are policed by forces which are authorized to use deadly force to protect the public interest. Whether deadly force takes the life of a protester, a police officer, or a bystander, there are no martyrs, there are only victims whose lives are cut off too soon.

(Text courtesy of Kurt Hurner)

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    This collection came out really well. The radio broadcasts from a college station, WKSU was top notch. On May 4, 1970, the Vietnam War was no longer in Southeast Asia, but it came home to Middle America when four students were killed and nine were wounded on a college campus in Northeast Ohio. With the 50th anniversary of this event coming up in May 2020, it will be good to listen to the people who were there. Operation Information, a call in radio program on WKSU the evening of May 3, 1970 at 11:10PM going to 2:00AM May 4 1970 is worth listening to alone.


    This collection has been updated with some GREAT additions. The raw footage from the local radio stations; WKNT and WKSU was very educational. The unedited coverage is what EVERY student of history and EVERY person born in 1965 forward needs to know. Thank you Jon for putting out another great item!


    This updated version is GREAT! Having gone to school at Kent State, 25 years later, I really loved the old WKSU and WKNT, now WNIR broadcasts. They talk about establishments like Brady’s, now a Starbucks and the Robin Hood, now torn down were places I remember from the mid 1990s. I was at the CS&N free concert in 1997. I lived in Tri-Towers too. A great piece of American History and it really comes alive.


    Because I am in a part of the country where people who were around then are still alive to tell stories of the Kent State Shootings. I thought about FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and his role in that tragedy. So I e-mailed Bob Lewis who works at WNIR in Kent/Akron about such things. In 1986, former Governor James Rhodes was running for governor against then incumbent Dick Celeste.At that time, Lewis was working at a radio station in Chardon, Ohio, and Governor Rhodes came through during his campaign and did a live on-air interview with him. In the course of that interview Bob asked him about the 1970 Kent State tragedy. He said that before that early May weekend, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover called him and several other Midwest and Southern governors and warned him that FBI informants told Hoover they had reason to believe there was going to be a "dramatic incident in the heartland". Rhodes said Hoover didn't say what form this "incident" would take, but he told Rhodes and the other governors to be vigilant and ready to respond. The Kent demonstrations picked up steam that weekend, and Rhodes then defended his response to send the Ohio National Guard to the campus based in great part on that warning he said he received from Hoover. Bob told me that he did not believe there are any available recordings of this interview as that Chardon radio station no longer exists, but this was the response Governor Rhodes gave to that question several times during the 1986 campaign. These stories really interest me.

    Kurt Verified Purchase

    Because I am in a part of the country where people who were around then are still alive to tell stories of the Kent State Shootings. I thought about FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and his role in that tragedy. So I e-mailed Bob Lewis who works at WNIR in Kent/Akron about such things. In 1986, former Governor James Rhodes was running for governor against then incumbent Dick Celeste.At that time, Lewis was working at a radio station in Chardon, Ohio, WCDN and Governor Rhodes came through during his campaign and did a live on-air interview with him. In the course of that interview Bob asked him about the 1970 Kent State tragedy. He said that before that early May weekend, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover called him and several other Midwest and Southern governors and warned him that FBI informants told Hoover they had reason to believe there was going to be a "dramatic incident in the heartland". Rhodes said Hoover didn't say what form this "incident" would take, but he told Rhodes and the other governors to be vigilant and ready to respond. The Kent demonstrations picked up steam that weekend, and Rhodes then defended his response to send the Ohio National Guard to the campus based in great part on that warning he said he received from Hoover. Bob told me that he did not believe there are any available recordings of this interview as that Chardon radio station no longer exists, but this was the response Governor Rhodes gave to that question several times during the 1986 campaign. These stories really interest me.


    I sent this message to Tom Grace... Good morning. I was reading a few things about the music of Kent State about May 4 and one thing I read and I have a doubt that you could straighten me out on. In the song; OHIO, they say; “What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground. How could you run when you know?” I know that is about Sandy Scheurer and according to the “experts”, you are the person with Sandy when shot. I know that you were in the same ambulance with her when they were massaging her heart, but I thought that you were closer in proximity to Alan Canfora when you guys were shot. Sorry for being anal about the facts, but I hold history sacred and as a person not even alive yet at the time; I feel that us Gen Xers and the generations after should be given facts; even in song. Another inaccurate song was Hey, Sandy! by Harvey Andrews. Maybe I am hearing it wrong as the song is about Sandy Scheuer, but it makes her out as one of the protesters on May 4, 1970. Maybe all the references about protest are about the students at the rally and the hey, Sandy parts are about her being killed and not even participating. That is the beauty of art, it is interpreted differently by different people. Thanks Tom! His response... Kurt, If you have access to the Peter Davies book or the map issued by the May 4 Visitor Center, that will provide you with the most accurate locations of the thirteen casualties. As you may know, the locations are now denoted by brass markers, installed last April. Sandy Scheuer was in the northeast section of parking lot near the grassy apron between Prentice Hall and the lot. Evidently, students carried her closer to the entry way, where the access road meets the parking lot, and laid her down on the grass. When the ambulances began to arrive, she was one of the casualties the driver would have first seen. Consequently, they loaded her into one of the berths. If you’ve read the various interviews that I’ve given (the previously cited From Camelot to Kent State and one that appears in Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides) you’ll know how a student carried me from the bottom of the Taylor Hill slope, close to and then through the parking lot, to the inside of Prentice Hall. There, he placed me on a couch in the lounge. Outside, students alerted the same ambulance attendants, who had placed Sandy in their vehicle, that another casualty lay inside the dorm. That is how Sandy and I came to be in the same ambulance. Thank you for in interest in the fatal shootings and the historic importance thereof. Best, Tom Grace


    Yep The National Guard.. Shoot first and kill 4 students .then try to justify that Things have not changed much .


    The 51st anniversary is coming up on Tuesday and I cannot help but wonder what would have happened had there been protest laws like some states have today back in 1970.


    I NEVER realized how many songs about this event were written and recorded. We all knew about CSN&Y’s OHIO, but there was a song by Bruce Springsteen, The Beach Boys, the Steve Miller Band, Harvey Andrews, and so many more. They’re all in this collection too.


    Prior to this collection, I NEVER knew that there were so many songs written about Kent State. Groups like The Beach Boys and the Steve Miller Band, or singers like Bruce Springsteen and so many more. Many people thought maybe there was only OHIO by CSN&Y. The music was definitely party of the movement in that era.


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    519 recordings on 14 MP3 CDs for just $70.00. Total playtime 304 hours, 36 min
    519 recordings on 14 MP3 CDs for just $70.00
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    1. Volume 1 – 47 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 22 minutes
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    2. 19660000 Robert F Kennedy Face the Nation.mp3
    3. 19670000 Jerry Rubin Joe Pyne Interview.mp3
    4. 19671126 Robert F Kennedy Face the Nation.mp3
    5. 19680316 Robert F Kennedy Announces Candidacy for President.mp3
    6. 19680318 Robert F Kennedy Conflict in Vietnam.mp3
    7. 19680321 Robert F Kennedy Vanderbilt University.mp3
    8. 19680331 Lyndon Johnson Address to the Nation.mp3
    9. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Ball State University.mp3
    10. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Killing of MLK.mp3
    11. 19680405 Robert F Kennedy Mindless Menace of Violence.mp3
    12. 19680505 Grayson Kirk Face the Nation.mp3
    13. 19680601 Robert F Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy CA Prim Debate.mp3
    14. 19680605 Robert F Kennedy Final Interview.mp3
    15. 19680605 Robert F Kennedy Victory Speech CA Primary.mp3
    16. 19680606 Dick Cavett Death of RFK P1.mp3
    17. 19680606 Dick Cavett Death of RFK P2.mp3
    18. 19680608 Robert F Kennedy Funeral.mp3
    19. 19680608 Robert F Kennedy Requiem Massillon.mp3
    20. 19680808 Richard Nixon Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    21. 19680808 Spiro Agnew Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    22. 19680825 Walter Cronkite What’s Going to Happen in Chicago.mp3
    23. 19680829 Edmund Muskie Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    24. 19680829 Hubert Humphrey Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    25. 19681016 Lyndon Johnson Conference Call with Candidates.mp3
    26. 19681020 Hubert Humphrey Face the Nation.mp3
    27. 19681027 Richard Nixon Face the Nation.mp3
    28. 19681030 Lyndon Johnson Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    29. 19681031 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    30. 19681102 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    31. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 1 Call to George Smathers.mp3
    32. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 2 Call to Richard Nixon.mp3
    33. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 3 Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    34. 19681104 Lyndon Johnson Call to Clark Clifford.mp3
    35. 19681106 George Wallace Concession Speech.mp3
    36. 19681106 Hubert Humphrey Concession Speech.mp3
    37. 19681106 Richard Nixon Victory Speech.mp3
    38. 19681108 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    39. 19681108 Lyndon Johnson Call to Richard Nixon.mp3
    40. 19681123 Lyndon Johnson Call to George Smathers.mp3
    41. 19700401 Jerry Rubin Phill Donahue Interview.mp3
    42. 19700404 Jerry Rubin Dorothy Fuldheim Interview.mp3
    43. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P1.mp3
    44. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P2.mp3
    45. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P3.mp3
    46. 19700512 George McGovern Mark Hatfield Amendment End War.mp3
    47. 19700820 AFVN Pleiku Vietnam Bruce Wahl.mp3
    48. 19950502 George McGovern Eugene McCarthy 25th Anniv.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 38 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 20200527 Harley Daniel Donnelly Remembers.mp3
    3. 20211202 Michael Wilt Remembers.mp3
    4. 20220131 Robert Crane Remembers.mp3
    5. 20220505 Dennis Rein Remembers.mp3
    6. 20220808 Darlene Forgan and Jim Vincent Remember.mp3
    7. Kent St 19670205 Clark Kerr, Face the Nation.mp3
    8. Kent St 19671026 Reagan Role Higher Ed Cont America.mp3
    9. Kent St 19680000 Lee Simon, the Generation Gap.mp3
    10. Kent St 19680503 Hubert Humphrey Memorial Gym.mp3
    11. Kent St 19680816 What is Happening to American Education.mp3
    12. Kent St 19690000 Angela Davis, Address at UC Berkeley.mp3
    13. Kent St 19690214 Leo McClatchy, State of Protest in America.mp3
    14. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Administration Building Pt 1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Administration Building Pt 2.mp3
    16. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Student Union Bowman Hall Pt 1.mp3
    17. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Student Union Bowman Hall Pt 2.mp3
    18. Kent St 19690416 Sds Rally Music Building Pt 1.mp3
    19. Kent St 19690416 Sds Rally Music Building Pt 2.mp3
    20. Kent St 19690417 Sds Rally Fred Fuller Park.mp3
    21. Kent St 19690417 To Calm a Troubled Campus.mp3
    22. Kent St 19690504 Harvard on Strike.mp3
    23. Kent St 19690507 Out of the Classroom Into the Streets.mp3
    24. Kent St 19690514 Richard Nixon First Address on Vietnam.mp3
    25. Kent St 19690520 People’s Park Riot.mp3
    26. Kent St 19690520 Sds Student Religious Liberals Dmnstrn.mp3
    27. Kent St 19690702 Student Activism.mp3
    28. Kent St 19691103 Nixon Address War In Vietnam.mp3
    29. Kent St 19691110 Spiro Agnew.mp3
    30. Kent St 19691201 Roger Mudd Draft Lottery.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700000 Barbara Dane Hallelujah I Am Burn.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700000 Bruce Springsteen Where Was Jesus In Ohio.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700000 Hey Sandy Harvey Andrews.mp3
    34. Kent St 19700000 Ruth Warwick 41000 Plus 4.mp3
    35. Kent St 19700000 Steve Miller Band Jackson Kent Blues.mp3
    36. Kent St 19700000 Walter Judd, Communists on Campus.mp3
    37. Kent St 19700104 the Byrds Live at the Fillmore West.mp3
    38. Kent St 19700111 the 70s A Look Ahead.mp3
    39. Kent St 19700224 Isla Vista Demonstrations UCSB Campus.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 54 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700316 Chicago 7, Kup’s Show Interview.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700326 Changing Social Values in 1970.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700420 Nixon Progress Toward Peace In Vietnam.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700422 Santa Barbara Riots.mp3
    6. Kent St 19700430 Nixon Nation Situation In Southeast Asia.mp3
    7. Kent St 19700501 1971 Chestnut Burr Insert.mp3
    8. Kent St 19700501 Nixon Complains About Bums On Campus.mp3
    9. Kent St 19700501 Wksu 1971 Chestnut Burr Recrod Insertp1.mp3
    10. Kent St 19700501 Wksu 1971 Chestnut Burr Recrod Insertp2.mp3
    11. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recording P1.mp3
    12. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recording P2.mp3
    13. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recordingp1.mp3
    14. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recordingp2.mp3
    15. Kent St 19700502 Wknt Raw Audio Coverage.mp3
    16. Kent St 19700502 Wksu News Prespective.mp3
    17. Kent St 19700502 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting.mp3
    18. Kent St 19700503 Anniversary.mp3
    19. Kent St 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conference.mp3
    20. Kent St 19700503 President Robert.mp3
    21. Kent St 19700503 President Whites Statement Disorders.mp3
    22. Kent St 19700503 Robert White Statement Campus Disorder.mp3
    23. Kent St 19700503 Spiro Agnew Face Nation.mp3
    24. Kent St 19700503 Wksu Operation Information.mp3
    25. Kent St 19700504 30th Anniversary Part 1.mp3
    26. Kent St 19700504 30th Anniversary Part 2.mp3
    27. Kent St 19700504 Actual Audio.mp3
    28. Kent St 19700504 Barclay D. Mcmillen Pol Sci Lecture.mp3
    29. Kent St 19700504 NBC News Continuous Coverage.mp3
    30. Kent St 19700504 Ohio National Guard Press Conference.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700504 Parents Victim Reaction.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700504 Political Sci Class Lecture Discussion.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700504 Professor Glenn Frank.mp3
    34. Kent St 19700504 Public Reaction.mp3
    35. Kent St 19700504 Radio Raw Audio Aftermath Kent State.mp3
    36. Kent St 19700504 Robert Stockdales Reaction.mp3
    37. Kent St 19700504 Robert White Statement.mp3
    38. Kent St 19700504 Roommate Victims Reaction.mp3
    39. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction Part 1.mp3
    40. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction Part 2.mp3
    41. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction.mp3
    42. Kent St 19700504 Untold Story Nancy Rodgers.mp3
    43. Kent St 19700504 Victims Reaction.mp3
    44. Kent St 19700504 Wknt Radio Coverage.mp3
    45. Kent St 19700504 Wknt Raw Audio Coverage.mp3
    46. Kent St 19700504 Wksu News Continuous Coverage.mp3
    47. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt.1.mp3
    48. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt.2.mp3
    49. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt1.mp3
    50. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt2.mp3
    51. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Reporting On The.mp3
    52. Kent St 19700505 Arthur Krause.mp3
    53. Kent St 19700505 Downtown Kent Day After.mp3
    54. Kent St 19700505 Robert Canterbury Explains What Happened.mp3
    55. Kent St 19700506 Students Hold Press Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 32 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700506 WKYC Radio Alan Douglas Show Part 1.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700506 WKYC Radio Alan Douglas Show Part 2.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700508 Nixon, Press Conference Full.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700508 Robert White Meeting.mp3
    6. Kent St 19700508 Wksu News Broadcast.mp3
    7. Kent St 19700509 Abc Coves Ntnwide Student Strike Rally.mp3
    8. Kent St 19700509 Nixon Press Conference.mp3
    9. Kent St 19700509 Nixon Talks Meeting Students Lincoln Mem.mp3
    10. Kent St 19700509 Wknt Intrvw Robert White Ronald Roskins.mp3
    11. Kent St 19700510 Our House Divided.mp3
    12. Kent St 19700512 Elliot Richardson Issues Answers Interview.mp3
    13. Kent St 19700513 Distribution DOD Research Funds Univ.mp3
    14. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P2.mp3
    16. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P3.mp3
    17. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P4.mp3
    18. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P5.mp3
    19. Kent St 19700513 Public Relations in Vietnam.mp3
    20. Kent St 19700515 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    21. Kent St 19700515 Ron Kane Press Event.mp3
    22. Kent St 19700517 Spiro Agnew, Pep Talk.mp3
    23. Kent St 19700518 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    24. Kent St 19700518 Lafayette Talliver Cksuv Testimony.mp3
    25. Kent St 19700518 Robert White Future Kent State.mp3
    26. Kent St 19700518 Robert White Statement.mp3
    27. Kent St 19700519 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    28. Kent St 19700520 Youth in 1970.mp3
    29. Kent St 19700522 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    30. Kent St 19700522 Robert White Speaks To Advisory Board.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700522 Wksu Talk Back Show.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700525 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700526 Cksuv Meeting.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 36 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700527 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700528 Cksuv Mike Johnson Jim Mccain.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700528 Cksuv William Jacobs.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700600 Cksuv Schott Geckler.mp3
    6. Kent St 19700601 Cksuv Dickerson Hale.mp3
    7. Kent St 19700603 Nixon Address Cambodian Sanctuary Op.mp3
    8. Kent St 19700604 Cksuv Howard Runyon Shaw Thackler.mp3
    9. Kent St 19700606 Cksuv Iwas Testimony.mp3
    10. Kent St 19700608 Cksuv Lang Testimony.mp3
    11. Kent St 19700610 Third Condition Monday In May.mp3
    12. Kent St 19700610 Wksu Talk Back Show.mp3
    13. Kent St 19700612 Cksuv Reid Testimony.mp3
    14. Kent St 19700612 the Youth Culture.mp3
    15. Kent St 19700612 Wkbn Interview With Martin Scheuer.mp3
    16. Kent St 19700613 Cksuv Haenle Testimony.mp3
    17. Kent St 19700613 Interview With Ronal Beer.mp3
    18. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 1.mp3
    19. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 2.mp3
    20. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 3.mp3
    21. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 4.mp3
    22. Kent St 19700613 Robert White Press Conference.mp3
    23. Kent St 19700616 Cksuv Resch Testimony.mp3
    24. Kent St 19700626 Cksu Legisl Disorder Hearing Report.mp3
    25. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Kristopson Testimony.mp3
    26. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Lacamera Testimony.mp3
    27. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Miller Testimony.mp3
    28. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 1.mp3
    29. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 2.mp3
    30. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 3.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 4.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 5.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Comm Hearingrobert Canterbury 1.mp3
    34. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Comm Hearingrobert Canterbury 2.mp3
    35. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Commission Hearingjerry Lewis.mp3
    36. Kent St 19700901 Spiro Agnew Debates Eva Paterson.mp3
    37. Kent St 19700925 Robert White Hold Press Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 40 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Kent St 19700928 Fall Convocation Wksu Project 70 Pt 1.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700928 Fall Convocation Wksu Project 70 Pt 2.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700929 Think Week James Michener Pt1.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700929 Think Week James Michener Pt2.mp3
    6. Kent St 19701002 Think Week Sargent Shriver.mp3
    7. Kent St 19701006 Robert White Addresses Student Body.mp3
    8. Kent St 19701019 William Kunstler Downtown Meeting.mp3
    9. Kent St 19701020 Craig Morgan, National Moratorium.mp3
    10. Kent St 19701021 Robert White Address Uni Student Body.mp3
    11. Kent St 19701109 Robert White Comments Grand Jury Reel 1.mp3
    12. Kent St 19701109 Robert White Comments Grand Jury Reel 2.mp3
    13. Kent St 19701201 Domestic Spying.mp3
    14. Kent St 19701208 John Gilligan Speaks.mp3
    15. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 1.mp3
    16. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 2.mp3
    17. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 3.mp3
    18. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 4.mp3
    19. Kent St 19710000 Arthur Krause Barry LeVine Part Family.mp3
    20. Kent St 19710000 Beach Boys Student Demonstration Time.mp3
    21. Kent St 19710000 P.Atkins C.James Driving Mythical America.mp3
    22. Kent St 19710000 Paul Kantor And Grace Slick Diana 1 And 2.mp3
    23. Kent St 19710000 Yes Long Distance Runaround.mp3
    24. Kent St 19710303 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    25. Kent St 19710312 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    26. Kent St 19710318 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    27. Kent St 19710402 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    28. Kent St 19710502 Fred Harrington Be College President 1970.mp3
    29. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 1.mp3
    30. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 2.mp3
    31. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 3.mp3
    32. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 4.mp3
    33. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 5.mp3
    34. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Pt 1.mp3
    35. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Pt 2.mp3
    36. Kent St 19710503 Observance Julian Bond.mp3
    37. Kent St 19710503 Observance Part.mp3
    38. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 1.mp3
    39. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 2.mp3
    40. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 3.mp3
    41. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 4.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 41 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Kent St 19710504 Kent St One Year Later.mp3
    3. Kent St 19710504 Observance Kingman Brewster Pt 1.mp3
    4. Kent St 19710504 Observance Kingman Brewster Pt 2.mp3
    5. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 1.mp3
    6. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 2.mp3
    7. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 3.mp3
    8. Kent St 19710504 Paul Brennan, Four Days in May P1.mp3
    9. Kent St 19710504 Paul Brennan, Four Days in May P2.mp3
    10. Kent St 19710504 Protest Rally.mp3
    11. Kent St 19710504 Radio Documentary May 4 1970.mp3
    12. Kent St 19710504 Sit In Rockwell Hall.mp3
    13. Kent St 19710505 Sit In At Rockwell Hall.mp3
    14. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 2.mp3
    16. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 3.mp3
    17. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 4.mp3
    18. Kent St 19710930 Glenn Olds Opening Stmt Fall Convocation.mp3
    19. Kent St 19711004 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    20. Kent St 19711004 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    21. Kent St 19711005 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    22. Kent St 19711005 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    23. Kent St 19711007 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    24. Kent St 19711007 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    25. Kent St 19711008 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    26. Kent St 19711008 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    27. Kent St 19711207 Kent 25 Indictments Dropped.mp3
    28. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 1.mp3
    29. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 2.mp3
    30. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 3.mp3
    31. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 1.mp3
    32. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 10.mp3
    33. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 11.mp3
    34. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 12.mp3
    35. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 2.mp3
    36. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 3.mp3
    37. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 4.mp3
    38. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 5.mp3
    39. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 6.mp3
    40. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 7.mp3
    41. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 8.mp3
    42. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 9.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 46 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Kent St 19720504 Kent St May 1970 Hosted By Eg Marshall.mp3
    3. Kent St 19720504 Kent St Two Years Later.mp3
    4. Kent St 19721024 Wknt Interview With Jane Fonda.mp3
    5. Kent St 19721024 Wknt Jane Fonda Interview.mp3
    6. Kent St 19721107 Nixon Brief Remarks Upon Being Re-Elected.mp3
    7. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 1.mp3
    8. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 2.mp3
    9. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 3.mp3
    10. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 4.mp3
    11. Kent St 19730000 Wksu Interview On Kent St Investigation.mp3
    12. Kent St 19730101 Kent St Massacre.mp3
    13. Kent St 19730504 Investigation.mp3
    14. Kent St 19730910 Carl Moore Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 19740000 Crosby Nash Young.mp3
    16. Kent St 19741021 Four Former National Guardsmen On Trial.mp3
    17. Kent St 19760503 May 4 Coalition Meeting.mp3
    18. Kent St 19760504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 1.mp3
    19. Kent St 19760504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 2.mp3
    20. Kent St 19770000 An American Tragedy.mp3
    21. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 1.mp3
    22. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 2.mp3
    23. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 3.mp3
    24. Kent St 19770601 Wyso News Report On Tent City.mp3
    25. Kent St 19770721 May 4 Coalition Meeting.mp3
    26. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 1.mp3
    27. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 2.mp3
    28. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 3.mp3
    29. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 4.mp3
    30. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 5.mp3
    31. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 6.mp3
    32. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 1.mp3
    33. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 2.mp3
    34. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 3.mp3
    35. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 4.mp3
    36. Kent St 19860000 Abc Remembers Nixon Speaking.mp3
    37. Kent St 19860000 James Rhodes Answers Questions.mp3
    38. Kent St 19900000 Interview With Leroy Satrom.mp3
    39. Kent St 19900502 Diane Konos Remembers.mp3
    40. Kent St 19900502 Ohio National Guardsman Remembers.mp3
    41. Kent St 19900502 Shirley Ohles Remembers.mp3
    42. Kent St 19900504 Janice Marie Remembers.mp3
    43. Kent St 19900504 John Panagos Remembers.mp3
    44. Kent St 19900504 Linda Fifer Remembers.mp3
    45. Kent St 19900504 Lisa Lynott Remembers.mp3
    46. Kent St 19900504 Nancy Brendlinger Remembers.mp3
    47. Kent St 19900504 Richard Karl Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 49 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Kent St 19900504 Walter Adams Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 19900504 William Derry Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 19930504 Alan Canfora Others Talk About May 4 1970.mp3
    5. Kent St 19950502 Arthur Koushel Remembers.mp3
    6. Kent St 19950503 Lloyd De Vos Remembers.mp3
    7. Kent St 19950504 John Hansan Remembers.mp3
    8. Kent St 19950504 John Zbornik Remembers.mp3
    9. Kent St 19970504 C Stills Nash Free Concert.mp3
    10. Kent St 19970504 Crosby Stills Nash Free Concert Ohio.mp3
    11. Kent St 19970504 Crosby Stills Nash Free Concert.mp3
    12. Kent St 19970504 Csn Free Concert In My Life.mp3
    13. Kent St 19970504 Csn Free Concert Teach Your Children.mp3
    14. Kent St 19990301 Intrvw Jerry Lewis Seymour Baron Pt 1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19990301 Intrvw Jerry Lewis Seymour Baron Pt 2.mp3
    16. Kent St 20000401 Carol Mirman Remembers.mp3
    17. Kent St 20000403 James Vacarella Remembers.mp3
    18. Kent St 20000424 William Bruning Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20000503 Barry Seybert Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20000503 Richard Karl Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20000504 Anonymous Remembers.mp3
    22. Kent St 20000504 Bill Barrett Remembers.mp3
    23. Kent St 20000504 Carolyn Cox Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20000504 Christopher Marek Remembers.mp3
    25. Kent St 20000504 Rob Fox Remembers.mp3
    26. Kent St 20000504 Tom Thompson Remembers.mp3
    27. Kent St 20000507 David Turcotte Remembers.mp3
    28. Kent St 20050303 P.Capito 13 Sec American Turned Upon Itself.mp3
    29. Kent St 20050606 Anonymous Remebers.mp3
    30. Kent St 20070816 Chuck Ayers Remembers.mp3
    31. Kent St 20070921 Robert Treichler Remembers.mp3
    32. Kent St 20071016 Joseph Sima Remembers.mp3
    33. Kent St 20071024 Jim Mueller Remembers.mp3
    34. Kent St 20071128 Elden Fender Remembers.mp3
    35. Kent St 20080411 John Guidubaldi Remembers.mp3
    36. Kent St 20080418 Murvin Perry Remembers.mp3
    37. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Debate Pt 1.mp3
    38. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Debate Pt 2.mp3
    39. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Refections.mp3
    40. Kent St 20080630 Carol Cartwright Remembers.mp3
    41. Kent St 20081113 Catherine Dellatre Remembers.mp3
    42. Kent St 20090101 Student Dmnstrn Time.mp3
    43. Kent St 20090319 Edwin =anita Bixenstine Remember.mp3
    44. Kent St 20090519 Roseann Rissland Remembers.mp3
    45. Kent St 20091009 Albert Van Kirt Remembers.mp3
    46. Kent St 20100209 Peter Jedick Remembers.mp3
    47. Kent St 20100224 Jerry Lewis Remembers.mp3
    48. Kent St 20100301 Stephen Titchenal Remembers.mp3
    49. Kent St 20100324 Ken Hammond Remembers.mp3
    50. Kent St 20100408 Denny Benedict Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 39 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 43 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20100502 Diane Gallagher Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20100502 Martha Dishman Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 20100503 Jed Hickson Remembers.mp3
    5. Kent St 20100504 Anonymous Remembers.mp3
    6. Kent St 20100504 Barry Levine Speaking On Allison Krause.mp3
    7. Kent St 20100504 Brother Jeffery Miller.mp3
    8. Kent St 20100504 Ellis Berns Remembers.mp3
    9. Kent St 20100504 Florence Schroeder Mother Bill Schroeder.mp3
    10. Kent St 20100504 John Lewis Social Justice Movement.mp3
    11. Kent St 20100504 Russ Miller Jeffrey Millers Brother.mp3
    12. Kent St 20100504 Tim Ryan Introduces Legislation 40th Anniv.mp3
    13. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Chich Canfora Sister Victim.mp3
    14. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Gerlad Casale.mp3
    15. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Marry Vecchio.mp3
    16. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Mother Bill Schroeder.mp3
    17. Kent St 20100504 Wksu News Broadcast.mp3
    18. Kent St 20100518 Henry Mankowski Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20110504 Chic Canfora 41st Anniversary Lecture.mp3
    20. Kent St 20110505 Randy Gardner Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20121012 May 4th Voices.mp3
    22. Kent St 20130504 Graham Nash Back Story Song Ohio.mp3
    23. Kent St 20140414 Marc Miller Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20150428 Thom Hartmann Interview With Alan Canfora.mp3
    25. Kent St 20150502 Linda Lyke Remembers.mp3
    26. Kent St 20150502 Ronald Goldstein Remembers.mp3
    27. Kent St 20150502 Steve Hegedeos Remembers.mp3
    28. Kent St 20150503 Barry Spiegel Remembers.mp3
    29. Kent St 20150504 Day 60s Died.mp3
    30. Kent St 20150504 Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    31. Kent St 20150504 Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    32. Kent St 20150613 Roger Dipaolo Remembers.mp3
    33. Kent St 20160516 Howard Means 67 Shots End Am Innocence.mp3
    34. Kent St 20161008 Thomas Grace Death Dissent In Long Sixties.mp3
    35. Kent St 20161103 Richard Chemel Remembers.mp3
    36. Kent St 20170425 Paul Tople Remembers.mp3
    37. Kent St 20171013 Sandor Lubisch Remembers.mp3
    38. Kent St 20171101 Glen Schultz Remembers.mp3
    39. Kent St 20181126 Alan Canfora Kent St Survivor.mp3
    40. Kent St 20190303 Tom Grace Chic Canfora Voices May 4 Disc.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 23 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20190314 Larry Shank Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20190504 Doug Guthrie Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 20190625 Barb Oparty Remembers.mp3
    5. Kent St 20190731 Tom Grace Death Decent Long Sixties.mp3
    6. Kent St 20190801 Sara Abou Rashed Voices for Change.mp3
    7. Kent St 20190808 Chic Canfora, May 4 Educators Summit.mp3
    8. Kent St 20190829 Chic Canfora, Keynote Incoming Class 2023.mp3
    9. Kent St 20190918 Sonia Sanchez Student Activism Peace Work.mp3
    10. Kent St 20190920 Howard Ruffner Remembers.mp3
    11. Kent St 20190924 Howard Ruffner, Moments of Truth.mp3
    12. Kent St 20191007 PTSD From May 4th Through Present Day.mp3
    13. Kent St 20191018 Howard Mechanic Remembers.mp3
    14. Kent St 20191030 Brad Brotje Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 20191030 John Thomas Remembers.mp3
    16. Kent St 20191030 Richard Ruggles Remembers.mp3
    17. Kent St 20191113 Kent Rotc Remembers Bill Schroeder.mp3
    18. Kent St 20191117 Betty Hejma Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20191202 Karl Liske Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20200114 Lynn Johnson Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20200122 Myron Midcap Remembers.mp3
    22. Kent St 20200123 Greg Long Remembers.mp3
    23. Kent St 20200123 Henry Halem Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20200124 John Wilsterman Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 25 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20200124 Sandra Pearlman Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20200128 Sheila Horowitz Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 20200130 Harold Lowry Remembers.mp3
    5. Kent St 20200131 Terry Strubbe Remembers.mp3
    6. Kent St 20200203 Pat North Remembers.mp3
    7. Kent St 20200205 Raymond Silvey Kent State Shooting.mp3
    8. Kent St 20200208 Gustzav Asboth Remembers.mp3
    9. Kent St 20200211 Sharon Rapaport Remembers.mp3
    10. Kent St 20200225 Harold Carpenter Remembers.mp3
    11. Kent St 20200227 Jean Boyd Remembers.mp3
    12. Kent St 20200306 John T Hubbell Remembers.mp3
    13. Kent St 20200324 David E Dix Remembers.mp3
    14. Kent St 20200326 Susan Biasella Hohs Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 20200401 Jim Paula Banks Remember 50 Years Later.mp3
    16. Kent St 20200416 Barbara Child Remembers.mp3
    17. Kent St 20200421 James and Paula Banks Remember.mp3
    18. Kent St 20200422 Bill Arthrell Napalm Dog.mp3
    19. Kent St 20200423 Louis Dicerbo Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20200429 David Crosby Reflections On May 4 1970.mp3
    21. Kent St 20200429 Don Grant On Meeting Richard Nixon.mp3
    22. Kent St 20200429 Emily Petrou 1970 Shootings Eyes Child.mp3
    23. Kent St 20200429 Graham Nash Reflections May 4 1970.mp3
    24. Kent St 20200429 Sandra Janashak Cadena Remembers.mp3
    25. Kent St 20200429 Terri L. West Remembers.mp3
    26. Kent St 20200430 Ralph Solonitz Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 29 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20200501 Patrick G. Smith Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20200504 50th Anni Kent St Shooting.mp3
    4. Kent St 20200504 50th Anniversary Commemoration.mp3
    5. Kent St 20200504 Aaron Godfrey 50th Anniversary.mp3
    6. Kent St 20200504 Beto Orourke 50th Anniversary.mp3
    7. Kent St 20200504 Betsy Rader 50th Anniversary.mp3
    8. Kent St 20200504 Brad Cromes 50th Anniversary.mp3
    9. Kent St 20200504 David Pepper 50th Anniversary.mp3
    10. Kent St 20200504 Joe Scarborough Remembering Kent State.mp3
    11. Kent St 20200504 Kathleen Clyde 50th Anniversary.mp3
    12. Kent St 20200504 Kent St Teachin Pt 1.mp3
    13. Kent St 20200504 Kent St Teachin Pt 2.mp3
    14. Kent St 20200504 Robert Giles Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 20200504 Sherrod Brown 50th Anniversary.mp3
    16. Kent St 20200504 Tim Ryan 50th Anniversary.mp3
    17. Kent St 20200513 Lynn Laugel Remembers.mp3
    18. Kent St 20200518 Claudia Franks Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20200527 Roger A. Evans Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20200527 Sue Gilbertson Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20200609 Kim Gilbertson Remembers.mp3
    22. Kent St 20200610 Laura Wilkie Remembers.mp3
    23. Kent St 20210218 Kurt Hurner Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20210411 13 Seconds In Kent State Jeffrey Miller.mp3
    25. Kent St 20210418 13 Seconds In Kent State Allison Krause.mp3
    26. Kent St 20210425 13 Seconds In Kent State William Schroeder.mp3
    27. Kent St 20210430 Howard Emmer Fire Heartland SDS Panel Disc.mp3
    28. Kent St 20210502 13 Seconds In Kent State Sandra Scheuer.mp3
    29. Kent St 20210502 Chic Canfora Tent City Prot Move Gym.mp3
    30. Kent St 20210504 13 Seconds In Kent State Injured.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 20 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20210504 5commemoration.mp3
    3. Kent St 20210504 A Tribute to Alan Canfora.mp3
    4. Kent St 20210504 Emilia Sykes 5anniversary.mp3
    5. Kent St 20210504 Michael Dukakis 5anniversary.mp3
    6. Kent St 20210504 Shammas Malik 5 Anniv.mp3
    7. Kent St 20210504 Unveiling of Markers for Wounded Students.mp3
    8. Kent St 20220316 Tom Grace Bob Pickett and Bill Artrell.mp3
    9. Kent St 20230427 Chic Canfora Stephanie Smith Prep Rem May 4.mp3
    10. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Expanding War Cambodia.mp3
    11. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Prgrss Toward Peace.mp3
    12. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Sit Southeast Asia.mp3
    13. Nixon 700420 Nixon On War In Vietnam.mp3
    14. Nixon 700430 Address Nation Situation Southeast Asia.mp3
    15. Nixon 700430 Nixon On Expanding War Into Cambodia.mp3
    16. Nixon 700509 Meeting Students Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    17. Nixon 700509 Student Talk Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    18. Nixon 700603 Address To Nation Cambodian Sanct Ops.mp3
    19. Nixon 700603 Nixon On Situation In Cambodia.mp3
    20. Nixon 730123 Address To Nation Ending War In Vietnam.mp3
    21. Nixon 730123 Nixon On Ending War In Vietnam.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    519 recordings on 14 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $70.00. Total playtime 304 hours, 36 min
    519 recordings on 14 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $70.00
    8367 MB – total playtime 304 hours, 36 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 47 shows – 615 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19660000 Robert F Kennedy Face the Nation.mp3
    3. 19670000 Jerry Rubin Joe Pyne Interview.mp3
    4. 19671126 Robert F Kennedy Face the Nation.mp3
    5. 19680316 Robert F Kennedy Announces Candidacy for President.mp3
    6. 19680318 Robert F Kennedy Conflict in Vietnam.mp3
    7. 19680321 Robert F Kennedy Vanderbilt University.mp3
    8. 19680331 Lyndon Johnson Address to the Nation.mp3
    9. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Ball State University.mp3
    10. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Killing of MLK.mp3
    11. 19680405 Robert F Kennedy Mindless Menace of Violence.mp3
    12. 19680505 Grayson Kirk Face the Nation.mp3
    13. 19680601 Robert F Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy CA Prim Debate.mp3
    14. 19680605 Robert F Kennedy Final Interview.mp3
    15. 19680605 Robert F Kennedy Victory Speech CA Primary.mp3
    16. 19680606 Dick Cavett Death of RFK P1.mp3
    17. 19680606 Dick Cavett Death of RFK P2.mp3
    18. 19680608 Robert F Kennedy Funeral.mp3
    19. 19680608 Robert F Kennedy Requiem Massillon.mp3
    20. 19680808 Richard Nixon Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    21. 19680808 Spiro Agnew Acceptance Speech at the RNC.mp3
    22. 19680825 Walter Cronkite What’s Going to Happen in Chicago.mp3
    23. 19680829 Edmund Muskie Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    24. 19680829 Hubert Humphrey Acceptance Speech at the DNC.mp3
    25. 19681016 Lyndon Johnson Conference Call with Candidates.mp3
    26. 19681020 Hubert Humphrey Face the Nation.mp3
    27. 19681027 Richard Nixon Face the Nation.mp3
    28. 19681030 Lyndon Johnson Call to Richard Russell.mp3
    29. 19681031 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    30. 19681102 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    31. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 1 Call to George Smathers.mp3
    32. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 2 Call to Richard Nixon.mp3
    33. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 3 Call to Dean Rusk.mp3
    34. 19681104 Lyndon Johnson Call to Clark Clifford.mp3
    35. 19681106 George Wallace Concession Speech.mp3
    36. 19681106 Hubert Humphrey Concession Speech.mp3
    37. 19681106 Richard Nixon Victory Speech.mp3
    38. 19681108 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen.mp3
    39. 19681108 Lyndon Johnson Call to Richard Nixon.mp3
    40. 19681123 Lyndon Johnson Call to George Smathers.mp3
    41. 19700401 Jerry Rubin Phill Donahue Interview.mp3
    42. 19700404 Jerry Rubin Dorothy Fuldheim Interview.mp3
    43. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P1.mp3
    44. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P2.mp3
    45. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P3.mp3
    46. 19700512 George McGovern Mark Hatfield Amendment End War.mp3
    47. 19700820 AFVN Pleiku Vietnam Bruce Wahl.mp3
    48. 19950502 George McGovern Eugene McCarthy 25th Anniv.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 38 shows – 629 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 20200527 Harley Daniel Donnelly Remembers.mp3
    3. 20211202 Michael Wilt Remembers.mp3
    4. 20220131 Robert Crane Remembers.mp3
    5. 20220505 Dennis Rein Remembers.mp3
    6. 20220808 Darlene Forgan and Jim Vincent Remember.mp3
    7. Kent St 19670205 Clark Kerr, Face the Nation.mp3
    8. Kent St 19671026 Reagan Role Higher Ed Cont America.mp3
    9. Kent St 19680000 Lee Simon, the Generation Gap.mp3
    10. Kent St 19680503 Hubert Humphrey Memorial Gym.mp3
    11. Kent St 19680816 What is Happening to American Education.mp3
    12. Kent St 19690000 Angela Davis, Address at UC Berkeley.mp3
    13. Kent St 19690214 Leo McClatchy, State of Protest in America.mp3
    14. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Administration Building Pt 1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Administration Building Pt 2.mp3
    16. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Student Union Bowman Hall Pt 1.mp3
    17. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Student Union Bowman Hall Pt 2.mp3
    18. Kent St 19690416 Sds Rally Music Building Pt 1.mp3
    19. Kent St 19690416 Sds Rally Music Building Pt 2.mp3
    20. Kent St 19690417 Sds Rally Fred Fuller Park.mp3
    21. Kent St 19690417 To Calm a Troubled Campus.mp3
    22. Kent St 19690504 Harvard on Strike.mp3
    23. Kent St 19690507 Out of the Classroom Into the Streets.mp3
    24. Kent St 19690514 Richard Nixon First Address on Vietnam.mp3
    25. Kent St 19690520 People’s Park Riot.mp3
    26. Kent St 19690520 Sds Student Religious Liberals Dmnstrn.mp3
    27. Kent St 19690702 Student Activism.mp3
    28. Kent St 19691103 Nixon Address War In Vietnam.mp3
    29. Kent St 19691110 Spiro Agnew.mp3
    30. Kent St 19691201 Roger Mudd Draft Lottery.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700000 Barbara Dane Hallelujah I Am Burn.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700000 Bruce Springsteen Where Was Jesus In Ohio.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700000 Hey Sandy Harvey Andrews.mp3
    34. Kent St 19700000 Ruth Warwick 41000 Plus 4.mp3
    35. Kent St 19700000 Steve Miller Band Jackson Kent Blues.mp3
    36. Kent St 19700000 Walter Judd, Communists on Campus.mp3
    37. Kent St 19700104 the Byrds Live at the Fillmore West.mp3
    38. Kent St 19700111 the 70s A Look Ahead.mp3
    39. Kent St 19700224 Isla Vista Demonstrations UCSB Campus.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 54 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700316 Chicago 7, Kup’s Show Interview.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700326 Changing Social Values in 1970.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700420 Nixon Progress Toward Peace In Vietnam.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700422 Santa Barbara Riots.mp3
    6. Kent St 19700430 Nixon Nation Situation In Southeast Asia.mp3
    7. Kent St 19700501 1971 Chestnut Burr Insert.mp3
    8. Kent St 19700501 Nixon Complains About Bums On Campus.mp3
    9. Kent St 19700501 Wksu 1971 Chestnut Burr Recrod Insertp1.mp3
    10. Kent St 19700501 Wksu 1971 Chestnut Burr Recrod Insertp2.mp3
    11. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recording P1.mp3
    12. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recording P2.mp3
    13. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recordingp1.mp3
    14. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recordingp2.mp3
    15. Kent St 19700502 Wknt Raw Audio Coverage.mp3
    16. Kent St 19700502 Wksu News Prespective.mp3
    17. Kent St 19700502 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting.mp3
    18. Kent St 19700503 Anniversary.mp3
    19. Kent St 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conference.mp3
    20. Kent St 19700503 President Robert.mp3
    21. Kent St 19700503 President Whites Statement Disorders.mp3
    22. Kent St 19700503 Robert White Statement Campus Disorder.mp3
    23. Kent St 19700503 Spiro Agnew Face Nation.mp3
    24. Kent St 19700503 Wksu Operation Information.mp3
    25. Kent St 19700504 30th Anniversary Part 1.mp3
    26. Kent St 19700504 30th Anniversary Part 2.mp3
    27. Kent St 19700504 Actual Audio.mp3
    28. Kent St 19700504 Barclay D. Mcmillen Pol Sci Lecture.mp3
    29. Kent St 19700504 NBC News Continuous Coverage.mp3
    30. Kent St 19700504 Ohio National Guard Press Conference.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700504 Parents Victim Reaction.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700504 Political Sci Class Lecture Discussion.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700504 Professor Glenn Frank.mp3
    34. Kent St 19700504 Public Reaction.mp3
    35. Kent St 19700504 Radio Raw Audio Aftermath Kent State.mp3
    36. Kent St 19700504 Robert Stockdales Reaction.mp3
    37. Kent St 19700504 Robert White Statement.mp3
    38. Kent St 19700504 Roommate Victims Reaction.mp3
    39. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction Part 1.mp3
    40. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction Part 2.mp3
    41. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction.mp3
    42. Kent St 19700504 Untold Story Nancy Rodgers.mp3
    43. Kent St 19700504 Victims Reaction.mp3
    44. Kent St 19700504 Wknt Radio Coverage.mp3
    45. Kent St 19700504 Wknt Raw Audio Coverage.mp3
    46. Kent St 19700504 Wksu News Continuous Coverage.mp3
    47. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt.1.mp3
    48. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt.2.mp3
    49. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt1.mp3
    50. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt2.mp3
    51. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Reporting On The.mp3
    52. Kent St 19700505 Arthur Krause.mp3
    53. Kent St 19700505 Downtown Kent Day After.mp3
    54. Kent St 19700505 Robert Canterbury Explains What Happened.mp3
    55. Kent St 19700506 Students Hold Press Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 32 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700506 WKYC Radio Alan Douglas Show Part 1.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700506 WKYC Radio Alan Douglas Show Part 2.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700508 Nixon, Press Conference Full.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700508 Robert White Meeting.mp3
    6. Kent St 19700508 Wksu News Broadcast.mp3
    7. Kent St 19700509 Abc Coves Ntnwide Student Strike Rally.mp3
    8. Kent St 19700509 Nixon Press Conference.mp3
    9. Kent St 19700509 Nixon Talks Meeting Students Lincoln Mem.mp3
    10. Kent St 19700509 Wknt Intrvw Robert White Ronald Roskins.mp3
    11. Kent St 19700510 Our House Divided.mp3
    12. Kent St 19700512 Elliot Richardson Issues Answers Interview.mp3
    13. Kent St 19700513 Distribution DOD Research Funds Univ.mp3
    14. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P2.mp3
    16. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P3.mp3
    17. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P4.mp3
    18. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P5.mp3
    19. Kent St 19700513 Public Relations in Vietnam.mp3
    20. Kent St 19700515 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    21. Kent St 19700515 Ron Kane Press Event.mp3
    22. Kent St 19700517 Spiro Agnew, Pep Talk.mp3
    23. Kent St 19700518 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    24. Kent St 19700518 Lafayette Talliver Cksuv Testimony.mp3
    25. Kent St 19700518 Robert White Future Kent State.mp3
    26. Kent St 19700518 Robert White Statement.mp3
    27. Kent St 19700519 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    28. Kent St 19700520 Youth in 1970.mp3
    29. Kent St 19700522 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    30. Kent St 19700522 Robert White Speaks To Advisory Board.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700522 Wksu Talk Back Show.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700525 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700526 Cksuv Meeting.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 36 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700527 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700528 Cksuv Mike Johnson Jim Mccain.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700528 Cksuv William Jacobs.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700600 Cksuv Schott Geckler.mp3
    6. Kent St 19700601 Cksuv Dickerson Hale.mp3
    7. Kent St 19700603 Nixon Address Cambodian Sanctuary Op.mp3
    8. Kent St 19700604 Cksuv Howard Runyon Shaw Thackler.mp3
    9. Kent St 19700606 Cksuv Iwas Testimony.mp3
    10. Kent St 19700608 Cksuv Lang Testimony.mp3
    11. Kent St 19700610 Third Condition Monday In May.mp3
    12. Kent St 19700610 Wksu Talk Back Show.mp3
    13. Kent St 19700612 Cksuv Reid Testimony.mp3
    14. Kent St 19700612 the Youth Culture.mp3
    15. Kent St 19700612 Wkbn Interview With Martin Scheuer.mp3
    16. Kent St 19700613 Cksuv Haenle Testimony.mp3
    17. Kent St 19700613 Interview With Ronal Beer.mp3
    18. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 1.mp3
    19. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 2.mp3
    20. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 3.mp3
    21. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 4.mp3
    22. Kent St 19700613 Robert White Press Conference.mp3
    23. Kent St 19700616 Cksuv Resch Testimony.mp3
    24. Kent St 19700626 Cksu Legisl Disorder Hearing Report.mp3
    25. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Kristopson Testimony.mp3
    26. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Lacamera Testimony.mp3
    27. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Miller Testimony.mp3
    28. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 1.mp3
    29. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 2.mp3
    30. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 3.mp3
    31. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 4.mp3
    32. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 5.mp3
    33. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Comm Hearingrobert Canterbury 1.mp3
    34. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Comm Hearingrobert Canterbury 2.mp3
    35. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Commission Hearingjerry Lewis.mp3
    36. Kent St 19700901 Spiro Agnew Debates Eva Paterson.mp3
    37. Kent St 19700925 Robert White Hold Press Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 40 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19700928 Fall Convocation Wksu Project 70 Pt 1.mp3
    3. Kent St 19700928 Fall Convocation Wksu Project 70 Pt 2.mp3
    4. Kent St 19700929 Think Week James Michener Pt1.mp3
    5. Kent St 19700929 Think Week James Michener Pt2.mp3
    6. Kent St 19701002 Think Week Sargent Shriver.mp3
    7. Kent St 19701006 Robert White Addresses Student Body.mp3
    8. Kent St 19701019 William Kunstler Downtown Meeting.mp3
    9. Kent St 19701020 Craig Morgan, National Moratorium.mp3
    10. Kent St 19701021 Robert White Address Uni Student Body.mp3
    11. Kent St 19701109 Robert White Comments Grand Jury Reel 1.mp3
    12. Kent St 19701109 Robert White Comments Grand Jury Reel 2.mp3
    13. Kent St 19701201 Domestic Spying.mp3
    14. Kent St 19701208 John Gilligan Speaks.mp3
    15. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 1.mp3
    16. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 2.mp3
    17. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 3.mp3
    18. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 4.mp3
    19. Kent St 19710000 Arthur Krause Barry LeVine Part Family.mp3
    20. Kent St 19710000 Beach Boys Student Demonstration Time.mp3
    21. Kent St 19710000 P.Atkins C.James Driving Mythical America.mp3
    22. Kent St 19710000 Paul Kantor And Grace Slick Diana 1 And 2.mp3
    23. Kent St 19710000 Yes Long Distance Runaround.mp3
    24. Kent St 19710303 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    25. Kent St 19710312 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    26. Kent St 19710318 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    27. Kent St 19710402 Cksuv Meeting.mp3
    28. Kent St 19710502 Fred Harrington Be College President 1970.mp3
    29. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 1.mp3
    30. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 2.mp3
    31. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 3.mp3
    32. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 4.mp3
    33. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 5.mp3
    34. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Pt 1.mp3
    35. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Pt 2.mp3
    36. Kent St 19710503 Observance Julian Bond.mp3
    37. Kent St 19710503 Observance Part.mp3
    38. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 1.mp3
    39. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 2.mp3
    40. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 3.mp3
    41. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 4.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 41 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19710504 Kent St One Year Later.mp3
    3. Kent St 19710504 Observance Kingman Brewster Pt 1.mp3
    4. Kent St 19710504 Observance Kingman Brewster Pt 2.mp3
    5. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 1.mp3
    6. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 2.mp3
    7. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 3.mp3
    8. Kent St 19710504 Paul Brennan, Four Days in May P1.mp3
    9. Kent St 19710504 Paul Brennan, Four Days in May P2.mp3
    10. Kent St 19710504 Protest Rally.mp3
    11. Kent St 19710504 Radio Documentary May 4 1970.mp3
    12. Kent St 19710504 Sit In Rockwell Hall.mp3
    13. Kent St 19710505 Sit In At Rockwell Hall.mp3
    14. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 2.mp3
    16. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 3.mp3
    17. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 4.mp3
    18. Kent St 19710930 Glenn Olds Opening Stmt Fall Convocation.mp3
    19. Kent St 19711004 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    20. Kent St 19711004 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    21. Kent St 19711005 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    22. Kent St 19711005 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    23. Kent St 19711007 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    24. Kent St 19711007 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    25. Kent St 19711008 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1.mp3
    26. Kent St 19711008 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2.mp3
    27. Kent St 19711207 Kent 25 Indictments Dropped.mp3
    28. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 1.mp3
    29. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 2.mp3
    30. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 3.mp3
    31. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 1.mp3
    32. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 10.mp3
    33. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 11.mp3
    34. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 12.mp3
    35. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 2.mp3
    36. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 3.mp3
    37. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 4.mp3
    38. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 5.mp3
    39. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 6.mp3
    40. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 7.mp3
    41. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 8.mp3
    42. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 9.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 46 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19720504 Kent St May 1970 Hosted By Eg Marshall.mp3
    3. Kent St 19720504 Kent St Two Years Later.mp3
    4. Kent St 19721024 Wknt Interview With Jane Fonda.mp3
    5. Kent St 19721024 Wknt Jane Fonda Interview.mp3
    6. Kent St 19721107 Nixon Brief Remarks Upon Being Re-Elected.mp3
    7. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 1.mp3
    8. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 2.mp3
    9. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 3.mp3
    10. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 4.mp3
    11. Kent St 19730000 Wksu Interview On Kent St Investigation.mp3
    12. Kent St 19730101 Kent St Massacre.mp3
    13. Kent St 19730504 Investigation.mp3
    14. Kent St 19730910 Carl Moore Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 19740000 Crosby Nash Young.mp3
    16. Kent St 19741021 Four Former National Guardsmen On Trial.mp3
    17. Kent St 19760503 May 4 Coalition Meeting.mp3
    18. Kent St 19760504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 1.mp3
    19. Kent St 19760504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 2.mp3
    20. Kent St 19770000 An American Tragedy.mp3
    21. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 1.mp3
    22. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 2.mp3
    23. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 3.mp3
    24. Kent St 19770601 Wyso News Report On Tent City.mp3
    25. Kent St 19770721 May 4 Coalition Meeting.mp3
    26. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 1.mp3
    27. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 2.mp3
    28. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 3.mp3
    29. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 4.mp3
    30. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 5.mp3
    31. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 6.mp3
    32. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 1.mp3
    33. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 2.mp3
    34. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 3.mp3
    35. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 4.mp3
    36. Kent St 19860000 Abc Remembers Nixon Speaking.mp3
    37. Kent St 19860000 James Rhodes Answers Questions.mp3
    38. Kent St 19900000 Interview With Leroy Satrom.mp3
    39. Kent St 19900502 Diane Konos Remembers.mp3
    40. Kent St 19900502 Ohio National Guardsman Remembers.mp3
    41. Kent St 19900502 Shirley Ohles Remembers.mp3
    42. Kent St 19900504 Janice Marie Remembers.mp3
    43. Kent St 19900504 John Panagos Remembers.mp3
    44. Kent St 19900504 Linda Fifer Remembers.mp3
    45. Kent St 19900504 Lisa Lynott Remembers.mp3
    46. Kent St 19900504 Nancy Brendlinger Remembers.mp3
    47. Kent St 19900504 Richard Karl Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 49 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 19900504 Walter Adams Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 19900504 William Derry Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 19930504 Alan Canfora Others Talk About May 4 1970.mp3
    5. Kent St 19950502 Arthur Koushel Remembers.mp3
    6. Kent St 19950503 Lloyd De Vos Remembers.mp3
    7. Kent St 19950504 John Hansan Remembers.mp3
    8. Kent St 19950504 John Zbornik Remembers.mp3
    9. Kent St 19970504 C Stills Nash Free Concert.mp3
    10. Kent St 19970504 Crosby Stills Nash Free Concert Ohio.mp3
    11. Kent St 19970504 Crosby Stills Nash Free Concert.mp3
    12. Kent St 19970504 Csn Free Concert In My Life.mp3
    13. Kent St 19970504 Csn Free Concert Teach Your Children.mp3
    14. Kent St 19990301 Intrvw Jerry Lewis Seymour Baron Pt 1.mp3
    15. Kent St 19990301 Intrvw Jerry Lewis Seymour Baron Pt 2.mp3
    16. Kent St 20000401 Carol Mirman Remembers.mp3
    17. Kent St 20000403 James Vacarella Remembers.mp3
    18. Kent St 20000424 William Bruning Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20000503 Barry Seybert Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20000503 Richard Karl Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20000504 Anonymous Remembers.mp3
    22. Kent St 20000504 Bill Barrett Remembers.mp3
    23. Kent St 20000504 Carolyn Cox Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20000504 Christopher Marek Remembers.mp3
    25. Kent St 20000504 Rob Fox Remembers.mp3
    26. Kent St 20000504 Tom Thompson Remembers.mp3
    27. Kent St 20000507 David Turcotte Remembers.mp3
    28. Kent St 20050303 P.Capito 13 Sec American Turned Upon Itself.mp3
    29. Kent St 20050606 Anonymous Remebers.mp3
    30. Kent St 20070816 Chuck Ayers Remembers.mp3
    31. Kent St 20070921 Robert Treichler Remembers.mp3
    32. Kent St 20071016 Joseph Sima Remembers.mp3
    33. Kent St 20071024 Jim Mueller Remembers.mp3
    34. Kent St 20071128 Elden Fender Remembers.mp3
    35. Kent St 20080411 John Guidubaldi Remembers.mp3
    36. Kent St 20080418 Murvin Perry Remembers.mp3
    37. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Debate Pt 1.mp3
    38. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Debate Pt 2.mp3
    39. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Refections.mp3
    40. Kent St 20080630 Carol Cartwright Remembers.mp3
    41. Kent St 20081113 Catherine Dellatre Remembers.mp3
    42. Kent St 20090101 Student Dmnstrn Time.mp3
    43. Kent St 20090319 Edwin =anita Bixenstine Remember.mp3
    44. Kent St 20090519 Roseann Rissland Remembers.mp3
    45. Kent St 20091009 Albert Van Kirt Remembers.mp3
    46. Kent St 20100209 Peter Jedick Remembers.mp3
    47. Kent St 20100224 Jerry Lewis Remembers.mp3
    48. Kent St 20100301 Stephen Titchenal Remembers.mp3
    49. Kent St 20100324 Ken Hammond Remembers.mp3
    50. Kent St 20100408 Denny Benedict Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 39 shows – 596 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 43 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20100502 Diane Gallagher Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20100502 Martha Dishman Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 20100503 Jed Hickson Remembers.mp3
    5. Kent St 20100504 Anonymous Remembers.mp3
    6. Kent St 20100504 Barry Levine Speaking On Allison Krause.mp3
    7. Kent St 20100504 Brother Jeffery Miller.mp3
    8. Kent St 20100504 Ellis Berns Remembers.mp3
    9. Kent St 20100504 Florence Schroeder Mother Bill Schroeder.mp3
    10. Kent St 20100504 John Lewis Social Justice Movement.mp3
    11. Kent St 20100504 Russ Miller Jeffrey Millers Brother.mp3
    12. Kent St 20100504 Tim Ryan Introduces Legislation 40th Anniv.mp3
    13. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Chich Canfora Sister Victim.mp3
    14. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Gerlad Casale.mp3
    15. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Marry Vecchio.mp3
    16. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Mother Bill Schroeder.mp3
    17. Kent St 20100504 Wksu News Broadcast.mp3
    18. Kent St 20100518 Henry Mankowski Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20110504 Chic Canfora 41st Anniversary Lecture.mp3
    20. Kent St 20110505 Randy Gardner Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20121012 May 4th Voices.mp3
    22. Kent St 20130504 Graham Nash Back Story Song Ohio.mp3
    23. Kent St 20140414 Marc Miller Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20150428 Thom Hartmann Interview With Alan Canfora.mp3
    25. Kent St 20150502 Linda Lyke Remembers.mp3
    26. Kent St 20150502 Ronald Goldstein Remembers.mp3
    27. Kent St 20150502 Steve Hegedeos Remembers.mp3
    28. Kent St 20150503 Barry Spiegel Remembers.mp3
    29. Kent St 20150504 Day 60s Died.mp3
    30. Kent St 20150504 Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    31. Kent St 20150504 Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    32. Kent St 20150613 Roger Dipaolo Remembers.mp3
    33. Kent St 20160516 Howard Means 67 Shots End Am Innocence.mp3
    34. Kent St 20161008 Thomas Grace Death Dissent In Long Sixties.mp3
    35. Kent St 20161103 Richard Chemel Remembers.mp3
    36. Kent St 20170425 Paul Tople Remembers.mp3
    37. Kent St 20171013 Sandor Lubisch Remembers.mp3
    38. Kent St 20171101 Glen Schultz Remembers.mp3
    39. Kent St 20181126 Alan Canfora Kent St Survivor.mp3
    40. Kent St 20190303 Tom Grace Chic Canfora Voices May 4 Disc.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 23 shows – 617 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20190314 Larry Shank Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20190504 Doug Guthrie Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 20190625 Barb Oparty Remembers.mp3
    5. Kent St 20190731 Tom Grace Death Decent Long Sixties.mp3
    6. Kent St 20190801 Sara Abou Rashed Voices for Change.mp3
    7. Kent St 20190808 Chic Canfora, May 4 Educators Summit.mp3
    8. Kent St 20190829 Chic Canfora, Keynote Incoming Class 2023.mp3
    9. Kent St 20190918 Sonia Sanchez Student Activism Peace Work.mp3
    10. Kent St 20190920 Howard Ruffner Remembers.mp3
    11. Kent St 20190924 Howard Ruffner, Moments of Truth.mp3
    12. Kent St 20191007 PTSD From May 4th Through Present Day.mp3
    13. Kent St 20191018 Howard Mechanic Remembers.mp3
    14. Kent St 20191030 Brad Brotje Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 20191030 John Thomas Remembers.mp3
    16. Kent St 20191030 Richard Ruggles Remembers.mp3
    17. Kent St 20191113 Kent Rotc Remembers Bill Schroeder.mp3
    18. Kent St 20191117 Betty Hejma Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20191202 Karl Liske Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20200114 Lynn Johnson Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20200122 Myron Midcap Remembers.mp3
    22. Kent St 20200123 Greg Long Remembers.mp3
    23. Kent St 20200123 Henry Halem Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20200124 John Wilsterman Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 25 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20200124 Sandra Pearlman Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20200128 Sheila Horowitz Remembers.mp3
    4. Kent St 20200130 Harold Lowry Remembers.mp3
    5. Kent St 20200131 Terry Strubbe Remembers.mp3
    6. Kent St 20200203 Pat North Remembers.mp3
    7. Kent St 20200205 Raymond Silvey Kent State Shooting.mp3
    8. Kent St 20200208 Gustzav Asboth Remembers.mp3
    9. Kent St 20200211 Sharon Rapaport Remembers.mp3
    10. Kent St 20200225 Harold Carpenter Remembers.mp3
    11. Kent St 20200227 Jean Boyd Remembers.mp3
    12. Kent St 20200306 John T Hubbell Remembers.mp3
    13. Kent St 20200324 David E Dix Remembers.mp3
    14. Kent St 20200326 Susan Biasella Hohs Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 20200401 Jim Paula Banks Remember 50 Years Later.mp3
    16. Kent St 20200416 Barbara Child Remembers.mp3
    17. Kent St 20200421 James and Paula Banks Remember.mp3
    18. Kent St 20200422 Bill Arthrell Napalm Dog.mp3
    19. Kent St 20200423 Louis Dicerbo Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20200429 David Crosby Reflections On May 4 1970.mp3
    21. Kent St 20200429 Don Grant On Meeting Richard Nixon.mp3
    22. Kent St 20200429 Emily Petrou 1970 Shootings Eyes Child.mp3
    23. Kent St 20200429 Graham Nash Reflections May 4 1970.mp3
    24. Kent St 20200429 Sandra Janashak Cadena Remembers.mp3
    25. Kent St 20200429 Terri L. West Remembers.mp3
    26. Kent St 20200430 Ralph Solonitz Remembers.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 29 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
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      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20200501 Patrick G. Smith Remembers.mp3
    3. Kent St 20200504 50th Anni Kent St Shooting.mp3
    4. Kent St 20200504 50th Anniversary Commemoration.mp3
    5. Kent St 20200504 Aaron Godfrey 50th Anniversary.mp3
    6. Kent St 20200504 Beto Orourke 50th Anniversary.mp3
    7. Kent St 20200504 Betsy Rader 50th Anniversary.mp3
    8. Kent St 20200504 Brad Cromes 50th Anniversary.mp3
    9. Kent St 20200504 David Pepper 50th Anniversary.mp3
    10. Kent St 20200504 Joe Scarborough Remembering Kent State.mp3
    11. Kent St 20200504 Kathleen Clyde 50th Anniversary.mp3
    12. Kent St 20200504 Kent St Teachin Pt 1.mp3
    13. Kent St 20200504 Kent St Teachin Pt 2.mp3
    14. Kent St 20200504 Robert Giles Remembers.mp3
    15. Kent St 20200504 Sherrod Brown 50th Anniversary.mp3
    16. Kent St 20200504 Tim Ryan 50th Anniversary.mp3
    17. Kent St 20200513 Lynn Laugel Remembers.mp3
    18. Kent St 20200518 Claudia Franks Remembers.mp3
    19. Kent St 20200527 Roger A. Evans Remembers.mp3
    20. Kent St 20200527 Sue Gilbertson Remembers.mp3
    21. Kent St 20200609 Kim Gilbertson Remembers.mp3
    22. Kent St 20200610 Laura Wilkie Remembers.mp3
    23. Kent St 20210218 Kurt Hurner Remembers.mp3
    24. Kent St 20210411 13 Seconds In Kent State Jeffrey Miller.mp3
    25. Kent St 20210418 13 Seconds In Kent State Allison Krause.mp3
    26. Kent St 20210425 13 Seconds In Kent State William Schroeder.mp3
    27. Kent St 20210430 Howard Emmer Fire Heartland SDS Panel Disc.mp3
    28. Kent St 20210502 13 Seconds In Kent State Sandra Scheuer.mp3
    29. Kent St 20210502 Chic Canfora Tent City Prot Move Gym.mp3
    30. Kent St 20210504 13 Seconds In Kent State Injured.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 20 shows – 117 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 16 minutes
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      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. Kent St 20210504 5commemoration.mp3
    3. Kent St 20210504 A Tribute to Alan Canfora.mp3
    4. Kent St 20210504 Emilia Sykes 5anniversary.mp3
    5. Kent St 20210504 Michael Dukakis 5anniversary.mp3
    6. Kent St 20210504 Shammas Malik 5 Anniv.mp3
    7. Kent St 20210504 Unveiling of Markers for Wounded Students.mp3
    8. Kent St 20220316 Tom Grace Bob Pickett and Bill Artrell.mp3
    9. Kent St 20230427 Chic Canfora Stephanie Smith Prep Rem May 4.mp3
    10. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Expanding War Cambodia.mp3
    11. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Prgrss Toward Peace.mp3
    12. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Sit Southeast Asia.mp3
    13. Nixon 700420 Nixon On War In Vietnam.mp3
    14. Nixon 700430 Address Nation Situation Southeast Asia.mp3
    15. Nixon 700430 Nixon On Expanding War Into Cambodia.mp3
    16. Nixon 700509 Meeting Students Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    17. Nixon 700509 Student Talk Lincoln Memorial.mp3
    18. Nixon 700603 Address To Nation Cambodian Sanct Ops.mp3
    19. Nixon 700603 Nixon On Situation In Cambodia.mp3
    20. Nixon 730123 Address To Nation Ending War In Vietnam.mp3
    21. Nixon 730123 Nixon On Ending War In Vietnam.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    519 recordings on 222 Audio CDs. Total playtime 202 hours, 47 min
    519 recordings on 222 Audio CDs
    total playtime 202 hours, 47 min

    Kent State Shootings Disc A001

    1. 19660000 Robert F Kennedy Face the Nation
    2. 19670000 Jerry Rubin Joe Pyne Interview
    3. 19671126 Robert F Kennedy Face the Nation

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A002

    1. 19680316 Robert F Kennedy Announces Candidacy for President

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A003

    1. 19680318 Robert F Kennedy Conflict in Vietnam

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A004

    1. 19680321 Robert F Kennedy Vanderbilt University
    2. 19680331 Lyndon Johnson Address to the Nation

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A005

    1. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Ball State University
    2. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Killing of MLK

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A006

    1. 19680405 Robert F Kennedy Mindless Menace of Violence
    2. 19680505 Grayson Kirk Face the Nation

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A007

    1. 19680601 Robert F Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy CA Prim Debate
    2. 19680605 Robert F Kennedy Final Interview

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A008

    1. 19680605 Robert F Kennedy Victory Speech CA Primary
    2. 19680606 Dick Cavett Death of RFK P1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A009

    1. 19680606 Dick Cavett Death of RFK P2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A010

    1. 19680608 Robert F Kennedy Funeral

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A011

    1. 19680808 Richard Nixon Acceptance Speech at the RNC
    2. 19680808 Spiro Agnew Acceptance Speech at the RNC

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A012

    1. 19680825 Walter Cronkite What’s Going to Happen in Chicago

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A013

    1. 19680829 Edmund Muskie Acceptance Speech at the DNC
    2. 19680829 Hubert Humphrey Acceptance Speech at the DNC
    3. 19681016 Lyndon Johnson Conference Call with Candidates

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A014

    1. 19681020 Hubert Humphrey Face the Nation
    2. 19681027 Richard Nixon Face the Nation

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A015

    1. 19681030 Lyndon Johnson Call to Richard Russell
    2. 19681031 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen
    3. 19681102 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen
    4. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 1 Call to George Smathers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A016

    1. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 2 Call to Richard Nixon
    2. 19681103 Lyndon Johnson 3 Call to Dean Rusk
    3. 19681104 Lyndon Johnson Call to Clark Clifford
    4. 19681106 George Wallace Concession Speech
    5. 19681106 Hubert Humphrey Concession Speech
    6. 19681106 Richard Nixon Victory Speech
    7. 19681108 Lyndon Johnson Call to Everett Dirksen

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A017

    1. 19681108 Lyndon Johnson Call to Richard Nixon
    2. 19681123 Lyndon Johnson Call to George Smathers
    3. 19700401 Jerry Rubin Phill Donahue Interview
    4. 19700404 Jerry Rubin Dorothy Fuldheim Interview

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A018

    1. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P1
    2. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A019

    1. 19700417 Jerry Rubin Talk at UCLA P3
    2. 19700512 George McGovern Mark Hatfield Amendment End War

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A020

    1. 19700820 AFVN Pleiku Vietnam Bruce Wahl

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A021

    1. 20200527 Harley Daniel Donnelly Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A022

    1. 20211202 Michael Wilt Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A023

    1. 20220808 Darlene Forgan and Jim Vincent Remember

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A024

    1. Kent St 19670205 Clark Kerr, Face the Nation
    2. Kent St 19671026 Reagan Role Higher Ed Cont America

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A025

    1. Kent St 19680000 Lee Simon, the Generation Gap

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A026

    1. Kent St 19680503 Hubert Humphrey Memorial Gym

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A027

    1. Kent St 19680816 What is Happening to American Education

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A028

    1. Kent St 19690000 Angela Davis, Address at UC Berkeley
    2. Kent St 19690214 Leo McClatchy, State of Protest in America

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A029

    1. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Administration Building Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Administration Building Pt 2
    3. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Student Union Bowman Hall Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A030

    1. Kent St 19690408 Sds Rally Student Union Bowman Hall Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19690416 Sds Rally Music Building Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A031

    1. Kent St 19690416 Sds Rally Music Building Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A032

    1. Kent St 19690417 Sds Rally Fred Fuller Park

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A033

    1. Kent St 19690417 To Calm a Troubled Campus

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A034

    1. Kent St 19690504 Harvard on Strike
    2. Kent St 19690507 Out of the Classroom Into the Streets
    3. Kent St 19690514 Richard Nixon First Address on Vietnam

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A035

    1. Kent St 19690520 People’s Park Riot

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A036

    1. Kent St 19690520 Sds Student Religious Liberals Dmnstrn
    2. Kent St 19690702 Student Activism

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A037

    1. Kent St 19691103 Nixon Address War In Vietnam
    2. Kent St 19691110 Spiro Agnew
    3. Kent St 19691201 Roger Mudd Draft Lottery

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A038

    1. Kent St 19700000 Barbara Dane Hallelujah I Am Burn
    2. Kent St 19700000 Bruce Springsteen Where Was Jesus In Ohio
    3. Kent St 19700000 Hey Sandy Harvey Andrews
    4. Kent St 19700000 Ruth Warwick 41000 Plus 4
    5. Kent St 19700000 Steve Miller Band Jackson Kent Blues

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A039

    1. Kent St 19700000 Walter Judd, Communists on Campus

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A040

    1. Kent St 19700104 the Byrds Live at the Fillmore West

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A041

    1. Kent St 19700111 the 70s A Look Ahead

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A042

    1. Kent St 19700316 Chicago 7, Kup’s Show Interview
    2. Kent St 19700326 Changing Social Values in 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A043

    1. Kent St 19700420 Nixon Progress Toward Peace In Vietnam
    2. Kent St 19700422 Santa Barbara Riots

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A044

    1. Kent St 19700430 Nixon Nation Situation In Southeast Asia
    2. Kent St 19700501 1971 Chestnut Burr Insert
    3. Kent St 19700501 Nixon Complains About Bums On Campus

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A045

    1. Kent St 19700501 Wksu 1971 Chestnut Burr Recrod Insertp1
    2. Kent St 19700501 Wksu 1971 Chestnut Burr Recrod Insertp2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A046

    1. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recording P1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A047

    1. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recording P2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A048

    1. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recordingp1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A049

    1. Kent St 19700502 Police Radio Recordingp2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A050

    1. Kent St 19700502 Wknt Raw Audio Coverage
    2. Kent St 19700502 Wksu News Prespective

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A051

    1. Kent St 19700502 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting
    2. Kent St 19700503 Anniversary

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A052

    1. Kent St 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conference
    2. Kent St 19700503 President Robert
    3. Kent St 19700503 President Whites Statement Disorders
    4. Kent St 19700503 Robert White Statement Campus Disorder
    5. Kent St 19700503 Spiro Agnew Face Nation
    6. Kent St 19700504 30th Anniversary Part 1
    7. Kent St 19700504 30th Anniversary Part 2
    8. Kent St 19700504 Actual Audio

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A053

    1. Kent St 19700504 Barclay D. Mcmillen Pol Sci Lecture
    2. Kent St 19700504 NBC News Continuous Coverage

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A054

    1. Kent St 19700504 Ohio National Guard Press Conference
    2. Kent St 19700504 Parents Victim Reaction

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A055

    1. Kent St 19700504 Political Sci Class Lecture Discussion
    2. Kent St 19700504 Professor Glenn Frank
    3. Kent St 19700504 Public Reaction

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A056

    1. Kent St 19700504 Radio Raw Audio Aftermath Kent State
    2. Kent St 19700504 Robert Stockdales Reaction
    3. Kent St 19700504 Robert White Statement
    4. Kent St 19700504 Roommate Victims Reaction
    5. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction Part 1
    6. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction Part 2
    7. Kent St 19700504 Students Reaction

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A057

    1. Kent St 19700504 Untold Story Nancy Rodgers
    2. Kent St 19700504 Victims Reaction

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A058

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wknt Radio Coverage

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A059

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wknt Raw Audio Coverage

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A060

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wksu News Continuous Coverage

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A061

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt.1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A062

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt.2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A063

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A064

    1. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Raw On Scenes Reporting Pt2
    2. Kent St 19700504 Wksu Reporting On The
    3. Kent St 19700505 Arthur Krause
    4. Kent St 19700505 Downtown Kent Day After
    5. Kent St 19700505 Robert Canterbury Explains What Happened
    6. Kent St 19700506 Students Hold Press Conference

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A065

    1. Kent St 19700506 WKYC Radio Alan Douglas Show Part 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A066

    1. Kent St 19700506 WKYC Radio Alan Douglas Show Part 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A067

    1. Kent St 19700508 Nixon, Press Conference Full

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A068

    1. Kent St 19700508 Robert White Meeting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A069

    1. Kent St 19700508 Wksu News Broadcast
    2. Kent St 19700509 Abc Coves Ntnwide Student Strike Rally
    3. Kent St 19700509 Nixon Press Conference
    4. Kent St 19700509 Nixon Talks Meeting Students Lincoln Mem
    5. Kent St 19700509 Wknt Intrvw Robert White Ronald Roskins

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A070

    1. Kent St 19700510 Our House Divided

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A071

    1. Kent St 19700512 Elliot Richardson Issues Answers Interview
    2. Kent St 19700513 Distribution DOD Research Funds Univ
    3. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P1
    4. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P2
    5. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P3
    6. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P4
    7. Kent St 19700513 Nixon’s Visit with College Students P5
    8. Kent St 19700513 Public Relations in Vietnam

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A072

    1. Kent St 19700515 Ron Kane Press Event
    2. Kent St 19700517 Spiro Agnew, Pep Talk

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A073

    1. Kent St 19700518 Lafayette Talliver Cksuv Testimony
    2. Kent St 19700518 Robert White Future Kent State

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A074

    1. Kent St 19700518 Robert White Statement
    2. Kent St 19700520 Youth in 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A075

    1. Kent St 19700522 Robert White Speaks To Advisory Board

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A076

    1. Kent St 19700526 Cksuv Meeting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A077

    1. Kent St 19700527 Cksuv Meeting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A078

    1. Kent St 19700528 Cksuv Mike Johnson Jim Mccain
    2. Kent St 19700528 Cksuv William Jacobs
    3. Kent St 19700600 Cksuv Schott Geckler
    4. Kent St 19700601 Cksuv Dickerson Hale

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A079

    1. Kent St 19700603 Nixon Address Cambodian Sanctuary Op
    2. Kent St 19700604 Cksuv Howard Runyon Shaw Thackler

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A080

    1. Kent St 19700606 Cksuv Iwas Testimony
    2. Kent St 19700608 Cksuv Lang Testimony
    3. Kent St 19700610 Third Condition Monday In May
    4. Kent St 19700612 Cksuv Reid Testimony

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A081

    1. Kent St 19700612 the Youth Culture
    2. Kent St 19700612 Wkbn Interview With Martin Scheuer

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A082

    1. Kent St 19700613 Cksuv Haenle Testimony
    2. Kent St 19700613 Interview With Ronal Beer

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A083

    1. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A084

    1. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 2
    2. Kent St 19700613 Kent St University Commencement 4

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A085

    1. Kent St 19700613 Robert White Press Conference
    2. Kent St 19700616 Cksuv Resch Testimony

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A086

    1. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Kristopson Testimony
    2. Kent St 19700630 Cksuv Miller Testimony

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A087

    1. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 4

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A088

    1. Kent St 19700700 Legislative Hearing Reel 5
    2. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Comm Hearingrobert Canterbury 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A089

    1. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Comm Hearingrobert Canterbury 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A090

    1. Kent St 19700820 Scranton Commission Hearingjerry Lewis
    2. Kent St 19700901 Spiro Agnew Debates Eva Paterson

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A091

    1. Kent St 19700925 Robert White Hold Press Conference
    2. Kent St 19700928 Fall Convocation Wksu Project 70 Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A092

    1. Kent St 19700928 Fall Convocation Wksu Project 70 Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19700929 Think Week James Michener Pt1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A093

    1. Kent St 19700929 Think Week James Michener Pt2
    2. Kent St 19701002 Think Week Sargent Shriver
    3. Kent St 19701006 Robert White Addresses Student Body

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A094

    1. Kent St 19701019 William Kunstler Downtown Meeting
    2. Kent St 19701020 Craig Morgan, National Moratorium

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A095

    1. Kent St 19701021 Robert White Address Uni Student Body
    2. Kent St 19701109 Robert White Comments Grand Jury Reel 1
    3. Kent St 19701109 Robert White Comments Grand Jury Reel 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A096

    1. Kent St 19701201 Domestic Spying

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A097

    1. Kent St 19701208 John Gilligan Speaks
    2. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 1
    3. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A098

    1. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 3
    2. Kent St 19701229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 4
    3. Kent St 19710000 Beach Boys Student Demonstration Time
    4. Kent St 19710000 P.Atkins C.James Driving Mythical America
    5. Kent St 19710000 Paul Kantor And Grace Slick Diana 1 And 2
    6. Kent St 19710000 Yes Long Distance Runaround

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A099

    1. Kent St 19710318 Cksuv Meeting
    2. Kent St 19710502 Fred Harrington Be College President 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A100

    1. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A101

    1. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 3
    2. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 4
    3. Kent St 19710503 Observance Jesus Freaks Dick Gregory Pt 5

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A102

    1. Kent St 19710503 Observance Part
    2. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 1
    3. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A103

    1. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 3
    2. Kent St 19710503 Observance Pt 4

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A104

    1. Kent St 19710504 Kent St One Year Later
    2. Kent St 19710504 Observance Kingman Brewster Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A105

    1. Kent St 19710504 Observance Kingman Brewster Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A106

    1. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19710504 Observance. 1230 Pm Memorial Service Pt 3

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A107

    1. Kent St 19710504 Paul Brennan, Four Days in May P1
    2. Kent St 19710504 Paul Brennan, Four Days in May P2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A108

    1. Kent St 19710504 Protest Rally

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A109

    1. Kent St 19710504 Radio Documentary May 4 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A110

    1. Kent St 19710504 Sit In Rockwell Hall

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A111

    1. Kent St 19710505 Sit In At Rockwell Hall

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A112

    1. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 2
    3. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 3
    4. Kent St 19710601 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 4

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A113

    1. Kent St 19710930 Glenn Olds Opening Stmt Fall Convocation

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A114

    1. Kent St 19711004 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A115

    1. Kent St 19711004 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A116

    1. Kent St 19711005 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A117

    1. Kent St 19711005 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A118

    1. Kent St 19711007 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A119

    1. Kent St 19711007 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A120

    1. Kent St 19711008 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A121

    1. Kent St 19711008 Whither Ksu Open Forum Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19711207 Kent 25 Indictments Dropped

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A122

    1. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 2
    3. Kent St 19711229 Leroy Satrom St City Address Pt 3

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A123

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 10

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A124

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 11

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A125

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 12

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A126

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 3

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A127

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 4
    2. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 5

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A128

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 6
    2. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 7

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A129

    1. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 8
    2. Kent St 19720000 Campus Security Advsry Cmt Meeting Pt 9

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A130

    1. Kent St 19720504 Kent St May 1970 Hosted By Eg Marshall
    2. Kent St 19720504 Kent St Two Years Later

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A131

    1. Kent St 19721024 Wknt Interview With Jane Fonda
    2. Kent St 19721024 Wknt Jane Fonda Interview
    3. Kent St 19721107 Nixon Brief Remarks Upon Being Re-Elected

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A132

    1. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 2
    3. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 3
    4. Kent St 19721229 Leroy Satrom Press Conference Pt 4

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A133

    1. Kent St 19730000 Wksu Interview On Kent St Investigation
    2. Kent St 19730101 Kent St Massacre
    3. Kent St 19730504 Investigation
    4. Kent St 19740000 Crosby Nash Young
    5. Kent St 19741021 Four Former National Guardsmen On Trial

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A134

    1. Kent St 19760503 May 4 Coalition Meeting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A135

    1. Kent St 19760504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A136

    1. Kent St 19760504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 2
    2. Kent St 19770000 An American Tragedy

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A137

    1. Kent St 19770504 Kent St Commemoration Pt 3

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A138

    1. Kent St 19770601 Wyso News Report On Tent City
    2. Kent St 19770721 May 4 Coalition Meeting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A139

    1. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A140

    1. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 3
    2. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 4

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A141

    1. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 5
    2. Kent St 19780504 Annual Commemoration Pt 6

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A142

    1. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 1
    2. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A143

    1. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 3
    2. Kent St 19790222 May 4 Task Force Winter Program Pt 4
    3. Kent St 19860000 Abc Remembers Nixon Speaking
    4. Kent St 19860000 James Rhodes Answers Questions

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A144

    1. Kent St 19900000 Interview With Leroy Satrom
    2. Kent St 19900502 Diane Konos Remembers
    3. Kent St 19900502 Shirley Ohles Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A145

    1. Kent St 19900504 Janice Marie Remembers
    2. Kent St 19900504 John Panagos Remembers
    3. Kent St 19900504 Linda Fifer Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A146

    1. Kent St 19900504 Lisa Lynott Remembers
    2. Kent St 19900504 Nancy Brendlinger Remembers
    3. Kent St 19900504 Richard Karl Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A147

    1. Kent St 19900504 Walter Adams Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A148

    1. Kent St 19900504 William Derry Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A149

    1. Kent St 19930504 Alan Canfora Others Talk About May 4 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A150

    1. Kent St 19950502 Arthur Koushel Remembers
    2. Kent St 19950503 Lloyd De Vos Remembers
    3. Kent St 19950504 John Hansan Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A151

    1. Kent St 19950504 John Zbornik Remembers
    2. Kent St 19970504 C Stills Nash Free Concert
    3. Kent St 19970504 Crosby Stills Nash Free Concert Ohio
    4. Kent St 19970504 Crosby Stills Nash Free Concert
    5. Kent St 19970504 Csn Free Concert In My Life
    6. Kent St 19970504 Csn Free Concert Teach Your Children
    7. Kent St 19990301 Intrvw Jerry Lewis Seymour Baron Pt 1

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A152

    1. Kent St 19990301 Intrvw Jerry Lewis Seymour Baron Pt 2
    2. Kent St 20130504 Graham Nash Back Story Song Ohio

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A153

    1. Kent St 20140414 Marc Miller Remembers
    2. Kent St 20150428 Thom Hartmann Interview With Alan Canfora

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A154

    1. Kent St 20150502 Linda Lyke Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A155

    1. Kent St 20150502 Ronald Goldstein Remembers
    2. Kent St 20150502 Steve Hegedeos Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A156

    1. Kent St 20150503 Barry Spiegel Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A157

    1. Kent St 20150504 Day 60s Died

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A158

    1. Kent St 20150504 Kent St Pt 1
    2. Kent St 20150504 Kent St Pt 2

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A159

    1. Kent St 20150613 Roger Dipaolo Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A160

    1. Kent St 20160516 Howard Means 67 Shots End Am Innocence

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A161

    1. Kent St 20161103 Richard Chemel Remembers
    2. Kent St 20170425 Paul Tople Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A162

    1. Kent St 20171013 Sandor Lubisch Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A163

    1. Kent St 20171101 Glen Schultz Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A164

    1. Kent St 20190731 Tom Grace Death Decent Long Sixties

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A165

    1. Kent St 20190801 Sara Abou Rashed Voices for Change

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A166

    1. Kent St 20190829 Chic Canfora, Keynote Incoming Class 2023

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A167

    1. Kent St 20190918 Sonia Sanchez Student Activism Peace Work

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A168

    1. Kent St 20190924 Howard Ruffner, Moments of Truth

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A169

    1. Kent St 20191007 PTSD From May 4th Through Present Day

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A170

    1. Kent St 20191018 Howard Mechanic Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A171

    1. Kent St 20191030 Brad Brotje Remembers
    2. Kent St 20191030 John Thomas Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A172

    1. Kent St 20191030 Richard Ruggles Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A173

    1. Kent St 20191113 Kent Rotc Remembers Bill Schroeder

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A174

    1. Kent St 20191117 Betty Hejma Remembers
    2. Kent St 20191202 Karl Liske Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A175

    1. Kent St 20200114 Lynn Johnson Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200122 Myron Midcap Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A176

    1. Kent St 20200123 Greg Long Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A177

    1. Kent St 20200203 Pat North Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200205 Raymond Silvey Kent State Shooting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A178

    1. Kent St 20200208 Gustzav Asboth Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200211 Sharon Rapaport Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A179

    1. Kent St 20200227 Jean Boyd Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A180

    1. Kent St 20200326 Susan Biasella Hohs Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200401 Jim Paula Banks Remember 50 Years Later
    3. Kent St 20200422 Bill Arthrell Napalm Dog

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A181

    1. Kent St 20200423 Louis Dicerbo Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200429 David Crosby Reflections On May 4 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A182

    1. Kent St 20200429 Don Grant On Meeting Richard Nixon
    2. Kent St 20200429 Emily Petrou 1970 Shootings Eyes Child
    3. Kent St 20200429 Graham Nash Reflections May 4 1970

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A183

    1. Kent St 20200429 Sandra Janashak Cadena Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A184

    1. Kent St 20200429 Terri L. West Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A185

    1. Kent St 20200430 Ralph Solonitz Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A186

    1. Kent St 20200501 Patrick G. Smith Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200504 50th Anni Kent St Shooting

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A187

    1. Kent St 20200504 50th Anniversary Commemoration
    2. Kent St 20200504 Aaron Godfrey 50th Anniversary
    3. Kent St 20200504 Beto Orourke 50th Anniversary
    4. Kent St 20200504 Betsy Rader 50th Anniversary
    5. Kent St 20200504 Brad Cromes 50th Anniversary
    6. Kent St 20200504 David Pepper 50th Anniversary
    7. Kent St 20200504 Joe Scarborough Remembering Kent State
    8. Kent St 20200504 Kathleen Clyde 50th Anniversary

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A188

    1. Kent St 20200504 Robert Giles Remembers
    2. Kent St 20200504 Sherrod Brown 50th Anniversary
    3. Kent St 20200504 Tim Ryan 50th Anniversary

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A189

    1. Kent St 20200513 Lynn Laugel Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A190

    1. Kent St 20200527 Roger A. Evans Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A191

    1. Kent St 20200527 Sue Gilbertson Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A192

    1. Kent St 20200609 Kim Gilbertson Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A193

    1. Kent St 20200610 Laura Wilkie Remembers
    2. Kent St 20210218 Kurt Hurner Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A194

    1. Kent St 20210430 Howard Emmer Fire Heartland SDS Panel Disc

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A195

    1. Kent St 20210504 5commemoration
    2. Kent St 20210504 A Tribute to Alan Canfora
    3. Kent St 20210504 Emilia Sykes 5anniversary
    4. Kent St 20210504 Michael Dukakis 5anniversary
    5. Kent St 20210504 Shammas Malik 5 Anniv

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A196

    1. Kent St 20210504 Unveiling of Markers for Wounded Students
    2. Kent St 20220316 Tom Grace Bob Pickett and Bill Artrell
    3. Kent St 20230427 Chic Canfora Stephanie Smith Prep Rem May 4
    4. Kent St 20000401 Carol Mirman Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A197

    1. Kent St 20000403 James Vacarella Remembers
    2. Kent St 20000424 William Bruning Remembers
    3. Kent St 20000503 Barry Seybert Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A198

    1. Kent St 20000503 Richard Karl Remembers
    2. Kent St 20000504 Anonymous Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A199

    1. Kent St 20000504 Bill Barrett Remembers
    2. Kent St 20000504 Carolyn Cox Remembers
    3. Kent St 20000504 Christopher Marek Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A200

    1. Kent St 20000504 Rob Fox Remembers
    2. Kent St 20000504 Tom Thompson Remembers
    3. Kent St 20000507 David Turcotte Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A201

    1. Kent St 20050303 P.Capito 13 Sec American Turned Upon Itself

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A202

    1. Kent St 20050606 Anonymous Remebers
    2. Kent St 20070921 Robert Treichler Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A203

    1. Kent St 20071016 Joseph Sima Remembers
    2. Kent St 20071024 Jim Mueller Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A204

    1. Kent St 20071128 Elden Fender Remembers
    2. Kent St 20080411 John Guidubaldi Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A205

    1. Kent St 20080418 Murvin Perry Remembers
    2. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Debate Pt 1
    3. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Debate Pt 2
    4. Kent St 20080506 Kent St Refections

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A206

    1. Kent St 20080630 Carol Cartwright Remembers
    2. Kent St 20081113 Catherine Dellatre Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A207

    1. Kent St 20090101 Student Dmnstrn Time
    2. Kent St 20090319 Edwin =anita Bixenstine Remember

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A208

    1. Kent St 20090519 Roseann Rissland Remembers
    2. Kent St 20091009 Albert Van Kirt Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A209

    1. Kent St 20100209 Peter Jedick Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A210

    1. Kent St 20100224 Jerry Lewis Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A211

    1. Kent St 20100301 Stephen Titchenal Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A212

    1. Kent St 20100324 Ken Hammond Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A213

    1. Kent St 20100408 Denny Benedict Remembers
    2. Kent St 20100502 Diane Gallagher Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A214

    1. Kent St 20100502 Martha Dishman Remembers
    2. Kent St 20100503 Jed Hickson Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A215

    1. Kent St 20100504 Anonymous Remembers
    2. Kent St 20100504 Barry Levine Speaking On Allison Krause
    3. Kent St 20100504 Brother Jeffery Miller

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A216

    1. Kent St 20100504 Ellis Berns Remembers
    2. Kent St 20100504 Florence Schroeder Mother Bill Schroeder

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A217

    1. Kent St 20100504 John Lewis Social Justice Movement
    2. Kent St 20100504 Russ Miller Jeffrey Millers Brother
    3. Kent St 20100504 Tim Ryan Introduces Legislation 40th Anniv
    4. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Chich Canfora Sister Victim
    5. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Gerlad Casale

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A218

    1. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Marry Vecchio
    2. Kent St 20100504 Wksu Mother Bill Schroeder
    3. Kent St 20100504 Wksu News Broadcast
    4. Kent St 20100518 Henry Mankowski Remembers

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A219

    1. Kent St 20110504 Chic Canfora 41st Anniversary Lecture
    2. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Expanding War Cambodia
    3. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Prgrss Toward Peace

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A220

    1. Nixon 700420 Address To Nation Sit Southeast Asia
    2. Nixon 700420 Nixon On War In Vietnam
    3. Nixon 700430 Address Nation Situation Southeast Asia

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A221

    1. Nixon 700430 Nixon On Expanding War Into Cambodia
    2. Nixon 700509 Meeting Students Lincoln Memorial
    3. Nixon 700509 Student Talk Lincoln Memorial
    4. Nixon 700603 Address To Nation Cambodian Sanct Ops
    5. Nixon 700603 Nixon On Situation In Cambodia
    6. Nixon 730123 Address To Nation Ending War In Vietnam

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    Kent State Shootings Disc A222

    1. Nixon 730123 Nixon On Ending War In Vietnam

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