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John F. Kennedy Recordings

Extensive collection of presidential speeches, recordings, and assassination coverage + transcripts, images and documents!

John F Kennedy

645 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 171 hours, 54 min)
available in the following formats:

9 MP3 CDs
124 Audio CDs

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"1:45pm Assassination Coverage"

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John Kennedy
(1917 – 1963)


John Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President on January 20, 1961 and with him was a hope of a young Americans born in the 20th century who would fight "common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself." His popular and graceful wife, Jacqueline Kennedy and two young children added to the Kennedy magnetism at home and abroad. He was also a master orator and his speeches inspired the many in the nation to be better Americans. In his inaugural address he directly confronted Americans calling them to become active citizens, stating "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

JFK PortraitJohn F. Kennedy's presidency faced a number of trials from the 20th century including the prolongation of the Cold War, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the beginning of the Vietnam War, and the American Civil Rights Movement. With each of these events in his presidency, he made memorable debates and quotable speeches—his words themselves made history.

As the Russian space program propelled Kennedy to invest energy into America's space program with the goal of landing on the moon by the end of the decade. He urged Congress to dedicate $22 billion to the Apollo Space Program. In his speech to Rice University he stated "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." On July 20, 1969, the goal was realized when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took landed on the moon.

Once of his greatest speeches in Berlin after the Berlin Wall was erected to halt westward movement of East Berliners and keep them under communist control, Kennedy stated "Ich bin ein Berliner". The speech created a stir worldwide for its boldness against the communist bloc and is considered to be a landmark speech of the post-war era. It is also remembered in popular culture because some believe grammatically he stated, "I am a jelly donut."

JFK's position on Civil Rights was inhibited due to his need of the Dixiecrat vote; however, he supported integration and used the Federal Marshals to protect students and freedom riders. On June 11, 1963, President Kennedy intervened wheyn the Alabama Governor personally blocked the doorway to the University of Alabama to stop two African American students from enrolling. That evening made a famous civil rights address on national television and radio which was later used to propel Civil Rights Act of 1964.


This collection also includes hours of news casting from Kennedy's tragic assignation in Dallas, Texas November 22nd, 1963. Though the Warren Commission states that that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, many historians believe that there were other people involved in the murder of President Kennedy including the CIA, the FBI, the Russians, the Cubans, the Chinese, the Mason's, the MIB's, the Mafia, and of course vice president LBJ. Conspiracy theorists, film makers, historians, and others have always been interested in the assassination of a WWII hero, father, and husband and a president.

In these recordings there are glimpses of eye witness accounts which reference locations of possible assassination posts including the Texas School Book Depository, the grassy knoll, and other theories. This extensive collection of news stories gives a first hand and minute by minute account of the tragic assassination of John F. Kennedy. His death was one of the most dramatic and significant events of the 20th century.

John F. Kennedy's life left a mark on American national and international government policies, popular culture, and life. Though he didn't live to see many of his programs and policies to fruition, his speeches are well written and presented; they are considered iconic of the era.

See also: Ted Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy recordings.

See additional Presidential Recordings:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    30     5


    Thank you so much for this wonderful resource!

    Gregory Verified Purchase

    The Kennedy Collection looks excellent. I don't know if you've been to Dallas, but I have several times and the area in front of the School Book Depository is surprisingly much smaller than it looks on film. I drove down the route from the building to the triple over pass and even at around 20 mph you pass down the street in just a few seconds. There is an "X" painted on the street apparently where the president was shot. It makes you wonder if Oswald really had enough time to fire off three to four shots in the amount of time he had using the rifle he was supossed to have used. I've also been over behind the fence of the Grassy Knoll and if anyone was there, they'd of had a perfect shot at anyone sitting in the car that day. The fence is probably not the original but it has alot of graffiti written on the back of it with phrases such as "The Truth Is Out There" and something like "What A Spot for a Perfect Shot" among others. Kind of interesting. There is a museum dedicated to president Kennedy at the top 6th floor of the depository building where you can see the six story floor window. You used to could look out it but now the area is enclosed in glass, but you can look out the window next to it. Anyway, the collection looks great especially all the extras. I'm thinking of possibly ordering one.

    MS Verified Purchase

    I was 4 at the time and the assassination is the first real for-sure memory I have. The radio coverage you've sent is WFAA Radio, which was the Dallas Morning News station. The TV coverage, which starts earlier in the event, was from NBC TV and is anchored by Huntley and Brinkley.

    David Verified Purchase

    I found those broadcasts fascinating.

    Reade Verified Purchase

    I received my cd`s and am very pleased with them. Thank you for all the good service.

    Gary Verified Purchase

    Your JFK collection arrived. An extraordinary collection... my compliments.

    Greg Verified Purchase

    I was 9 yrs. old when JFK was assassinated and remember exactly where I was. To listen to the reports of the breaking news takes me back. The quality of the downloads is excellent. OTR has great selection to choose from.

    Stephen Verified Purchase

    in this time of "fake news" etc. To hear the exact moment is chilling and amazin

    Daniel Verified Purchase

    I meant to say WLW in Cincinnati.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Excellent collection of sound bytes and radio coverage from that awful weekend in November 1963. The coverage from WJW in Cincinnati and WCCO in Minneapolis was especially interesting. Thanks again, otrcat.com!

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Driving home Saturday night I finished listening to the fourth and final debate between Nixon and Kennedy, Oct. 21, 1960 in NYC. Foreign policy focus. Both candidates a little edgier, sharper with aggressive language toward each other's positions (alleged or not). Nixon has a distinct advantage in referring to specific travels and meetings he has made as VP. His command of names and forces at play in various regions of the world is impressive, a realpolitik operator. JFK falls back on idealism and an emphasis on "moving forward," a stress that I learned last night came from Walt Rostow (thanks, David Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest). Essentially, based on my listening, walling off my later reading and historical bickerings since 1960, I would call the debates a draw. This is in turn reflected in the election itself, which in my cynical moments I say was decided by Chicago Mayor Daley's ability to raise the Democratic dead. The rest of the MP3 cd from Otr Cat is loaded with other Nixon recordiings, including the Checkers speech, his post-gubernatorial press conference in CA (he lost), and such. Then after that I will go through the disc of Watergate recordings. Forward -- into the Past!

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    My high school boyfriend was born 24 November. His mother claimed she went into labor on the 23rd when she heard the news.

    Jolly Verified Purchase

    Thank you for the prompt delivery of my order. Congratulations for an excellent series of recordings, I think you are alone in the field.

    Arnold Verified Purchase

    I started ordering your old radio shows about a year ago and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I enjoy the old radio shows such as Life of Riley but particularly like the historical recordings such as World War II news, D-Day, vintage baseball and football broadcasts and most recently the JFK assassination tapes. You are a wonderful resource for these rare recordings and you provide them at a very reasonable cost. Keep up the good work!

    Mark Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    645 recordings on 9 MP3 CDs for just $45.00. Total playtime 171 hours, 54 min
    645 recordings on 9 MP3 CDs for just $45.00
    total playtime 171 hours, 54 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 91 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 400813 First Recorded Interview.mp3
    3. 511202 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    4. 511206 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    5. 520000 Massachusetts US Senate Song.mp3
    6. 521109 Meet the Press.mp3
    7. 531019 Jackie Kennedy Edward R Murrow Intrvw.mp3
    8. 540000 Speaking Out Against War in Indochina.mp3
    9. 540000 The Record of the 83rd Congress.mp3
    10. 560000 Adlai Stevenson Estes Kefauver Ad.mp3
    11. 560000 Campaigning for Adlai Stevenson Dallas Love Field.mp3
    12. 560813 The Pursuit of Happiness.mp3
    13. 560819 Speaking at the DNC.mp3
    14. 561028 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    15. 570704 Decl Independence.mp3
    16. 580000 Interview in Dallas on Eisenhowers Illness.mp3
    17. 580000 The US Senator John F Kennedy.mp3
    18. 580310 Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    19. 581028 At Home with the Kennedys.mp3
    20. 581116 Meet the Press.mp3
    21. 590000 Dictated Letter to Joseph P Kennedy Sr.mp3
    22. 590329 KTLA News Conference.mp3
    23. 591102 Los Angeles CA Introduced by Frank Sinatra.mp3
    24. 600000 High Hopes.mp3
    25. 600000 Jack Kennedy All the Way.mp3
    26. 600000 Kennedy For Me.mp3
    27. 600000 The Cost of Living.mp3
    28. 600100 Announcing Candidacy.mp3
    29. 600102 Announces Candidacy for Presidency.mp3
    30. 600103 Meet the Press.mp3
    31. 600105 Comments on Running for President.mp3
    32. 600504 West Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary.mp3
    33. 600616 Appearance on the Jack Parr Show.mp3
    34. 600714 Picks Lyndon Johnson as His Running Mate.mp3
    35. 600715 Acceptance Of The Democratic Party Nomination.mp3
    36. 600820 Harry S Truman Press Conference at Truman Library.mp3
    37. 600901 Statement on Civil Rights.mp3
    38. 600902 Portland ME.mp3
    39. 600902 Press Conference.mp3
    40. 600912 Address To Greater Houston Ministerial Association.mp3
    41. 600917 Greenville North Carolina Rally.mp3
    42. 601000 Half Slave Half Free.mp3
    43. 601002 Chase Hotel St. Louis MO.mp3
    44. 601002 South Carolina State House.mp3
    45. 601016 Meet the Press.mp3
    46. 601019 Al Smith Dinner.mp3
    47. 601030 Face Nation.mp3
    48. 601100 Election Eve.mp3
    49. 601103 Street Rally in Phoenix AZ.mp3
    50. 601107 Election Even Event.mp3
    51. 601107 Speech at Boston Garden.mp3
    52. 601109 Victory Speech.mp3
    53. 601110 First News Conference as President-Elect.mp3
    54. 601128 Following a Meeting with Dean Acheson.mp3
    55. 601201 Nominates Members of the Cabinet.mp3
    56. 610000 Peace Corps PSA.mp3
    57. 610100 State Of The Union Message.mp3
    58. 610109 City Upon A Hill Speech.mp3
    59. 610120 130AM Star Studded Inaugural Gala.mp3
    60. 610120 Inauguration Speech.mp3
    61. 610121 Remarks to the Democratic National Committee.mp3
    62. 610121 Swearing In of the Cabinet.mp3
    63. 610125 First Presidential Press Conference.mp3
    64. 610131 State of the Union Address.mp3
    65. 610200 Prayer Breakfast Invocation.mp3
    66. 610201 Excerpts From Press Conference.mp3
    67. 610201 Press Conference.mp3
    68. 610208 Press Conference.mp3
    69. 610215 Press Conference.mp3
    70. 610221 Remarks on the Youth Fitness Program.mp3
    71. 610225 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    72. 610301 Establishment Of The Peace Corps.mp3
    73. 610301 Interview with Eleanor Roosevelt on the Peace Corps.mp3
    74. 610301 Press Conference.mp3
    75. 610308 Press Conference.mp3
    76. 610313 Alliance for Progress.mp3
    77. 610315 Press Conference.mp3
    78. 610323 Interview With Ray Sherer.mp3
    79. 610323 Press Conference.mp3
    80. 610410 Opening Day of the 1961 Baseball Season.mp3
    81. 610412 Press Conference.mp3
    82. 610413 Reaction To Gagarin Flight.mp3
    83. 610420 Bay Of Pigs Am Society Of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    84. 610420 Newspaper Editors.mp3
    85. 610421 Press Conference.mp3
    86. 610425 Civil Defense Message.mp3
    87. 610427 President And The Press Speech.mp3
    88. 610500 Birmingham Segregation.mp3
    89. 610505 Press Conference.mp3
    90. 610508 Birthday Call To Harry Truman.mp3
    91. 610508 Congrats Allan Shepard Being First American Space.mp3
    92. 610525 Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 60 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 610525 The Goal Of Sending A Man To The Moon.mp3
    3. 610527 Remarks at 44th Birthday Celebration.mp3
    4. 610529 Remarks at 44th Birthday Celebration.mp3
    5. 610530 Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation.mp3
    6. 610602 Press Conference.mp3
    7. 610628 Press Conference.mp3
    8. 610700 Expanding Space Program.mp3
    9. 610719 Press Conference.mp3
    10. 610725 Address To Nation On Berlin Crisis.mp3
    11. 610806 Alliance For Progress Little Merit.mp3
    12. 610810 Press Conference.mp3
    13. 610828 First Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    14. 610830 Press Conference.mp3
    15. 610925 Address to the General Assembly of the UN.mp3
    16. 610925 Un 3 Horses Of The Troika Speech.mp3
    17. 611011 Press Conference.mp3
    18. 611012 University of North Carolina.mp3
    19. 611102 Address to the Nation on Nuclear Testing.mp3
    20. 611108 Press Conference.mp3
    21. 611111 Veterans Day Speech.mp3
    22. 611116 University Of WashingtonS 100th Anniversary.mp3
    23. 611118 Democratic Party Fundraising Dinner.mp3
    24. 611125 Un Speech On Terrorism.mp3
    25. 611129 Press Conference.mp3
    26. 611200 To The People Of Berlin.mp3
    27. 611205 The Importance of Physical Fitness.mp3
    28. 611207 Address to the Young Democrats.mp3
    29. 611211 Christmas Message to the People of Berlin.mp3
    30. 620000 Jimmy Dean PT 109.mp3
    31. 620000 Marathon Phone Calls.mp3
    32. 620000 Vaughn Meader The First Family.mp3
    33. 620106 Birthday Celebration for Michael DiSalle.mp3
    34. 620111 State Union.mp3
    35. 620115 Press Conference.mp3
    36. 620120 Inaugural Anniversary Inaugural Parody.mp3
    37. 620124 Press Conference.mp3
    38. 620131 Press Conference.mp3
    39. 620207 Press Conference.mp3
    40. 620214 Press Conference.mp3
    41. 620221 Press Conference.mp3
    42. 620223 Presenting the NASA Medal to John Glenn.mp3
    43. 620300 Tribute To FDR.mp3
    44. 620307 Press Conference.mp3
    45. 620310 Fundraising Speech Sen George Smathers of Florida.mp3
    46. 620313 Fist Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.mp3
    47. 620314 Press Conference.mp3
    48. 620321 Press Conference.mp3
    49. 620323 University of California Berkeley.mp3
    50. 620329 Press Conference.mp3
    51. 620409 50th Anniversary of the Childrens Bureau.mp3
    52. 620411 Press Conference.mp3
    53. 620412 U.S. Steel.mp3
    54. 620418 Press Conference.mp3
    55. 620427 White House Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    56. 620504 Civic Function at City Hall New Orleans.mp3
    57. 620504 Dockside Terminal.mp3
    58. 620509 Press Conference.mp3
    59. 620511 CBS Interview.mp3
    60. 620517 Press Conference.mp3
    61. 620519 Remarks at 45th Birthday Celebration.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 109 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 25 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 620520 Speech on Healthcare for the Aged.mp3
    3. 620523 Press Conference.mp3
    4. 620606 West Point Commencement Speech.mp3
    5. 620607 Press Conference.mp3
    6. 620611 Yale University Commencement.mp3
    7. 620614 Press Conference.mp3
    8. 620614 Talks About the Peace Corps.mp3
    9. 620621 Activating First Salt Water Conversion Plant in US.mp3
    10. 620627 Press Conference.mp3
    11. 620628 Presentation of the New White House Book.mp3
    12. 620702 Commenting Mantlepiece in State Dinning Room.mp3
    13. 620704 Independence Hall Address.mp3
    14. 620705 Press Conference.mp3
    15. 620723 Press Conference.mp3
    16. 620730 Meeting On Economy And Nuclear Test Ban.mp3
    17. 620801 Press Conference.mp3
    18. 620809 Addressing Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    19. 620813 State of the American Economy.mp3
    20. 620822 Excerpt On Cuba From Press Conference.mp3
    21. 620822 Press Conference.mp3
    22. 620829 Press Conference.mp3
    23. 620900 On Labor.mp3
    24. 620903 On Labor.mp3
    25. 620910 Evelyn Lincoln And Phil Reagan.mp3
    26. 620910 Evelyn Lincoln And Robert Troutman.mp3
    27. 620910 Kennedy And C. Douglas Dillon.mp3
    28. 620910 Kennedy And David Mcdonald.mp3
    29. 620910 Kennedy And Unidentified 1.mp3
    30. 620910 Kennedy And Unidentified 2.mp3
    31. 620910 Operator And Operator.mp3
    32. 620910 Operator And Pierre Salinger.mp3
    33. 620910 Unidentified.mp3
    34. 620912 Address On Space Rice University.mp3
    35. 620913 Kennedy Mccormack T Morgan Carl Vinson.mp3
    36. 620913 Press Conference.mp3
    37. 620914 Americas Cup Dinner.mp3
    38. 620926 Press Conference.mp3
    39. 620929 Kennedy And Ross Barnett.mp3
    40. 620929 Kennedy And Ted Sorensen.mp3
    41. 620929 Kennedy Robert Kennedy And Ross Barnett.mp3
    42. 620930 Burke Marshall And Ramsey Clark.mp3
    43. 620930 Jack Rosenthal And Evelyn Lincoln.mp3
    44. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2.mp3
    45. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 3.mp3
    46. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett.mp3
    47. 620930 Ross Barnett Allowing James Meredith into Univ MS 2.mp3
    48. 620930 Ross Barnett Allowing James Meredith into Univ MS.mp3
    49. 620930 Situation at the University of Mississippi.mp3
    50. 621000 Kennedy And Lemoyne Billings.mp3
    51. 621000 Kennedy And Torbert Macdonald.mp3
    52. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 1.mp3
    53. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 2.mp3
    54. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 3.mp3
    55. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 4.mp3
    56. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 5.mp3
    57. 621001 Evelyn Lincoln And Unidentified.mp3
    58. 621001 Kennedy And Archibald Cox 1.mp3
    59. 621001 Kennedy And Archibald Cox 2.mp3
    60. 621001 Kennedy And Creighton Abrams.mp3
    61. 621001 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 6.mp3
    62. 621001 Kennedy Cyrus Vance And Robert Mcnamara.mp3
    63. 621002 Evelyn Lincoln And William H. Brandt.mp3
    64. 621002 Kennedy And Cyrus Vance 1.mp3
    65. 621002 Kennedy And Cyrus Vance 2.mp3
    66. 621005 Political Speech in Cincinnati Ohio.mp3
    67. 621010 Evelyn Lincoln And Robert Troutman.mp3
    68. 621011 Bill Lawrence Interview.mp3
    69. 621011 John F. Kennedy Bill Lawrence Interview.mp3
    70. 621017 New Haven Connecticut Rally.mp3
    71. 621019 Cleveland Ohio Rally.mp3
    72. 621019 Remarks to Democratic Precinct Workers Chicago IL.mp3
    73. 621022 Address On The Buildup Of Arms In Cuba.mp3
    74. 621022 Evelyn Lincoln And Operator.mp3
    75. 621023 On Cuba.mp3
    76. 621026 Phone Call With Pierre Salinger.mp3
    77. 621028 Talks With Dwight Eisenhower About Cuba.mp3
    78. 621028 Talks With Harry Truman About Cuba.mp3
    79. 621028 Talks With Herbert Hoover About Cuba.mp3
    80. 621030 Burke Marshall And Ramsey Clark.mp3
    81. 621030 Jack Rosenthal And Evelyn Lincoln.mp3
    82. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 1.mp3
    83. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2.mp3
    84. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 3.mp3
    85. 621030 Robert Kennedy And Cyrus Vance.mp3
    86. 621100 Dismanting Missles In Cuba.mp3
    87. 621101 Urges the Public to Vote on Election Day.mp3
    88. 621107 Kennedy And Edmund Gerald Pat Brown.mp3
    89. 621107 Kennedy And Edward Kennedy.mp3
    90. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 1.mp3
    91. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 2.mp3
    92. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 3.mp3
    93. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 4.mp3
    94. 621107 Kennedy And William Guy (Gov Of Nd).mp3
    95. 621107 Talks With Pat Brown Richard Nixon is Psychotic.mp3
    96. 621112 Address On The Space Effort.mp3
    97. 621117 Kennedy Eisenhower Skybold Bg 2.mp3
    98. 621117 Kennedy Unidentified Cuban Sabotage Plot.mp3
    99. 621120 Press Conference.mp3
    100. 621121 Getting to the Moon.mp3
    101. 621129 American Pageant of the Arts Dinner.mp3
    102. 621129 An American Pageant Of Arts.mp3
    103. 621200 Economic Club Of Ny.mp3
    104. 621212 Press Conference.mp3
    105. 621217 Kennedy Eisenhower Skybold Bg 1.mp3
    106. 630000 Vaughn Meader The First Family Vol 2.mp3
    107. 630100 State Of The Union Address.mp3
    108. 630124 Press Conference.mp3
    109. 630207 Press Conference.mp3
    110. 630605 International Airport El Paso TX.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 92 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 630214 Press Conference.mp3
    3. 630221 Press Conference.mp3
    4. 630225 American Bankers Association Symposium.mp3
    5. 630228 Kennedy And Ed Edmondsonairline Merger.mp3
    6. 630228 Kennedy And George Meanylabor Leaders.mp3
    7. 630302 Kennedy And Mcgeorge Bundysurv Cuba.mp3
    8. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigs.mp3
    9. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigsgallup Poll.mp3
    10. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigsgallup2.mp3
    11. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Mcnamarasurv Cuba.mp3
    12. 630302 Kennedy And Theodore Kheelnewspaper Strike.mp3
    13. 630302 Kennedy Mcnamarasurv Cuba Nato.mp3
    14. 630304 Kennedy And Carl Kaysenbalance Of Trade.mp3
    15. 630304 Kennedy Mcgeorge Bundymccone Test Press.mp3
    16. 630304 Kennedy William Baggsinteramerican Exposition.mp3
    17. 630304 Kennedyremarks To Foreign Visitors.mp3
    18. 630304 Robert Kennedymccone Ttest Tfx Missile Crisis.mp3
    19. 630304 Robert Kennedymccone Ttest Tfx Missile Crisis2.mp3
    20. 630306 Press Conference.mp3
    21. 630320 San Jose Costa Rica.mp3
    22. 630320 University of Costa Rica.mp3
    23. 630321 Press Conference.mp3
    24. 630400 Us Steel.mp3
    25. 630403 Press Conference.mp3
    26. 630420 Boston College.mp3
    27. 630424 Press Conference.mp3
    28. 630508 Birthday Call To Harry Truman.mp3
    29. 630508 Press Conference.mp3
    30. 630509 AAA Safety Patrol Winners.mp3
    31. 630513 Birmingham Crisis Terminates.mp3
    32. 630518 90th Anniversary Of Vanderbilt Universityt.mp3
    33. 630522 Press Conference.mp3
    34. 630600 Berlin Wall.mp3
    35. 630605 US Air Force Academy Commencement Speech.mp3
    36. 630610 American University Commencement.mp3
    37. 630611 Address On Civil Rights.mp3
    38. 630621 Phone Call With Robert Kennedy.mp3
    39. 630624 Press Conference.mp3
    40. 630626 Ich Bin Ein Berliner Speech.mp3
    41. 630626 Speech in Ireland.mp3
    42. 630715 Nuclear Test.mp3
    43. 630717 Press Conference.mp3
    44. 630724 Speaking with Boys Nation.mp3
    45. 630724 Talks With Harry Truman About Nuclear Test Ban.mp3
    46. 630725 Talks With Godfrey McHugh Over Furniture.mp3
    47. 630726 Address On The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    48. 630726 Talks Harry Truman Support Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    49. 630726 Talks with Dean Rusk Nixon is an SOB.mp3
    50. 630801 Press Conference.mp3
    51. 630801 Remarks At The U.s. Naval Academy.mp3
    52. 630820 Press Conference.mp3
    53. 630827 White House Seminar.mp3
    54. 630902 Labor Day Interview.mp3
    55. 630909 Interview With Chet Huntley and David Brinkley.mp3
    56. 630911 Remarks to Bob Hope.mp3
    57. 630912 Excerpts From Press Conference.mp3
    58. 630912 Press Conference.mp3
    59. 630917 White House Conference on Export Expansion.mp3
    60. 630918 Tax Cuts.mp3
    61. 630920 Address to the General Assembly of the UN.mp3
    62. 630920 UN Address.mp3
    63. 630926 Address At The Mormon Tabernacle.mp3
    64. 630927 Univ Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran Univ.mp3
    65. 630928 Conservation.mp3
    66. 630930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 1.mp3
    67. 630930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2.mp3
    68. 630930 Robert Kennedy And Cyrus Vance.mp3
    69. 631003 Heber Springs Arkansas.mp3
    70. 631009 Press Conference.mp3
    71. 631010 1964 Ticket.mp3
    72. 631019 National Guard Armory Boston MA.mp3
    73. 631019 University of Maine.mp3
    74. 631021 Preparing For Speech About Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    75. 631026 Robert Frost Library Amherst College Remark.mp3
    76. 631031 Excerpt On Happiness From Press Conference.mp3
    77. 631031 Presidential Press Conference.mp3
    78. 631100 Hotel Texas Rally.mp3
    79. 631104 Record Memo Death Ngo Dinh Diem Interrupted JFK Jr.mp3
    80. 631114 Final Presidential Press Conference.mp3
    81. 631114 Press Conference.mp3
    82. 631115 Remarks to the Catholic Youth Organization.mp3
    83. 631118 Address at Miami International Airport.mp3
    84. 631118 Addressing the Steelworkers in Tampa.mp3
    85. 631118 Inter-American Press Association.mp3
    86. 631119 National Education Association.mp3
    87. 631120 First Televised Satellite Transmission.mp3
    88. 631121 Brooks Air Force Base.mp3
    89. 631121 Forth Worth Jackie Speaking Spanish.mp3
    90. 631121 Lulac Event Full Version.mp3
    91. 631121 Public Reaction To His Wife.mp3
    92. 631121 Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    93. 631122 Forth Worth Chamber of Commerce Breakfast.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 31 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 631229 The Making of the President 1960.mp3
    3. 641122 KLIF the Faithful Hours.mp3
    4. 780921 Gerald Ford Testimony at the HSCA.mp3
    5. 991101 American Presidents Series John F Kennedy.mp3
    6. American University Commencement.mp3
    7. City Upon A Hill.mp3
    8. Dictates Biographiscal Notes on Entering Politics.mp3
    9. Establishment Of The Peace Corps.mp3
    12. Ich Bin Ein Berliner.mp3
    13. Kennedy Dictates Letter To Wife Jackie.mp3
    14. Kennedy Dictates Memo On French Nuclear Capability.mp3
    15. Kennedy Dictates Notes Concerning Antidiem Coupsouth Vietnam.mp3
    16. Kennedy Dictating A Letter To His Father.mp3
    17. Kennedy Dictating Some Thoughts On Politics.mp3
    18. Kennedy Eisenhower Discuss Cuban Crisis.mp3
    19. Kennedy Evelyn Lincoln Office Chatter.mp3
    20. Kennedy Meeting With General Douglas Macarthur.mp3
    21. Kennedy Nixon Debate 1 600926.mp3
    22. Kennedy Nixon Debate 2 601007.mp3
    23. Kennedy Nixon Debate 3 601013.mp3
    24. Kennedy Nixon Debate 4 601021.mp3
    25. Kennedy Unidentified Brief Fragment.mp3
    26. Kennedy Willard Wirtzny Newspaper Strike.mp3
    27. President And The Press.mp3
    28. President Kennedy And Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    29. President Kennedy Calls Former President Eisenhower.mp3
    30. President Kennedy Calls Former President Hoover.mp3
    31. President Kennedy Calls Former President Truman.mp3
    32. The Goal Of Sending A Man To The Moon.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 43 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 01 JFK's Breakfast Speech, Fort Worth.mp3
    3. 02 Arrival At Love Field.mp3
    4. 03 At The Scenethe Moment Of The Assassination.mp3
    5. 04 Speeding To Parkland.mp3
    6. 05 Various Reports From Parkland And Tsbd.mp3
    7. 06 Report Of JFK's Death.mp3
    8. 07 Report At Airplane With Johnson Swearing In.mp3
    9. 08 Johnson Swearing In.mp3
    10. 09 Arrival At Andrews Air Force Base.mp3
    11. 10 President Johnson'S First Statement.mp3
    12. 11 Oswald'S Denial Of Guilt.mp3
    13. 12 Court Charge Of Oswald.mp3
    14. 12 Reports Of Investigation.mp3
    15. 13 Oswald Being Shot.mp3
    16. 14 Oswald Announced Dead.mp3
    17. 630817 Bill Stuckey Interviews Lee Harvey Oswaldo.mp3
    18. 630821 Wdsu Radio Debate With Lee Harvey Oswald.mp3
    19. 631112 - 1 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    20. 631112 - 2 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    21. 631112 - 3 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    22. 631112 - 4 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    23. 631112 - 5 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    24. 631121 JFK Jackie League Of United Latin American Citizens.mp3
    25. 631121 John F Kennedy Brooks Air Force Base.mp3
    26. 631121 John F Kennedy Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    27. 631122 Dallas PD Channel 1 Recording.mp3
    28. 631122 Dallas Pd Dictabelt Recording Of Assassination.mp3
    29. 631122 Dwight Eisenhower Press Conference.mp3
    30. 631122 Interview With Jesse Curry.mp3
    31. 631122 JFK Last Speech At Hotel Texas Presidential Breakfast.mp3
    32. 631122 JFK's Assassination.mp3
    33. 631122 John F Kennedy Hotel Texas Parking Lot Speech.mp3
    34. 631122 KBOX- Radio coverge of JFK'S Assassination Pt 1.mp3
    35. 631122 KLIF-Radio Dallas Texas (3-HOUR 17-MINUTE Version).mp3
    36. 631122 KXA Radio JFK's Assissination.mp3
    37. 631122 Paul Harvey.mp3
    38. 631122 WBAP Radio JFK's Assissination.mp3
    39. 631122 WCCO Radio JFK's Assassination Pt 1.mp3
    40. 631122 Westinghouse Broadcasting Company Radio Coverage.mp3
    41. 631122 WFAA Radio JFK's Assassination.mp3
    42. 631122 WHBC Radio JFK's Assassination.mp3
    43. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 1.mp3
    44. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 10.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 27 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 2.mp3
    3. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 3.mp3
    4. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 4.mp3
    5. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 5.mp3
    6. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 6.mp3
    7. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 7.mp3
    8. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 8.mp3
    9. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 9.mp3
    10. 631122 WMEX Radio talk show aired the night.mp3
    11. 631122 WTIC Radio JFK's Assissination.mp3
    12. 631122-24 KLOX- Radio coverage JFK's Assassination Aftermath.mp3
    13. 631122-24 WWJ Radio News Coverage JFK's Assissination.mp3
    14. 631123 410AM Sid Davis Reports Arrival of Kennedy’s Body.mp3
    15. 631123 Barbara Walters Describes Nyc On Day Of Assassination.mp3
    16. 631123 Gladys Johnson Interview.mp3
    17. 631123 Interview With Paul Bentley and Nick McDonald.mp3
    18. 631123 KLIF Radio Coverage.mp3
    19. 631124 Interview With James Leavelle.mp3
    21. 631126 Paul Harvey.mp3
    22. 631127 Bedside Interview With John Connally.mp3
    23. 631128 Johnson's Thanksgiving Message.mp3
    24. 631223 Radio Coverage.mp3
    25. 640000 Cronkite D.Rather 11-22 and Warren Report.mp3
    26. 640114 Jackie Kennedy Thanking American People.mp3
    27. 640207 Marina Oswald First Formal Press Conference.mp3
    28. 640927 Warren Commission Report.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 168 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20211122 T.Hartmann L.Waldron Conspiracy Finally Exposed.mp3
    3. 20231117 Waldron Shedding Light on Myths 60 Years Later.mp3
    4. 631122 KLIF Interview Earlene Roberts.mp3
    5. 640314 Henry Wade Interview After Jack Ruby Verdict.mp3
    6. 641122 David L Wolper Four Days In November.mp3
    7. 651122 Gregory Peck Years Of Lightning Day Of Drums.mp3
    8. 660000 Interview With Clay Shaw.mp3
    9. 670000 Interview With Dean Andrews.mp3
    10. 670000 Interview With Jim Garrison.mp3
    11. 670619 Jfk Conspiracy Case Of Jim Garrison.mp3
    12. 680131 Jim Garrison On Tonight Show.mp3
    13. 710000 Jim Garrison On Steve Allen Show.mp3
    14. 750327 Good Night America Jfks Assassination.mp3
    15. 780906 John Connally Hsca Testimony.mp3
    16. Ambulance Driver, November 22, 1963.mp3
    17. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Calls President Kennedy.mp3
    18. Charles Bramm Eyewitness Account Of JFK's Assassination.mp3
    19. Charles Brehm, Assassination Eyewitness.mp3
    20. Clay Shaw Interview 1967.mp3
    21. Conversation Between Air Force One W House Situation Room.mp3
    22. Coversations Between Crown And Wayside.mp3
    23. Dallas DA Wade Oswald Charged With Tippit Kennedy Murders.mp3
    24. Dallas Police 631122 1228.mp3
    25. Dallas Police 631122 1230a.mp3
    26. Dallas Police 631122 1230b.mp3
    27. Dallas Police 631122 1230c.mp3
    28. Dallas Police 631122 1230d.mp3
    29. Dallas Police 631122 1230e.mp3
    30. Dallas Police 631122 1234a.mp3
    31. Dallas Police 631122 1234b.mp3
    32. Dallas Police 631122 1234c.mp3
    33. Dallas Police 631122 1235a.mp3
    34. Dallas Police 631122 1235b.mp3
    35. Dallas Police 631122 1236a.mp3
    36. Dallas Police 631122 1236b.mp3
    37. Dallas Police 631122 1236c.mp3
    38. Dallas Police 631122 1237a.mp3
    39. Dallas Police 631122 1237b.mp3
    40. Dallas Police 631122 1237c.mp3
    41. Dallas Police 631122 1238a.mp3
    42. Dallas Police 631122 1238b.mp3
    43. Dallas Police 631122 1241a.mp3
    44. Dallas Police 631122 1241b.mp3
    45. Dallas Police 631122 1241c.mp3
    46. Dallas Police 631122 1243.mp3
    47. Dallas Police 631122 1245a.mp3
    48. Dallas Police 631122 1245b.mp3
    49. Dallas Police 631122 1245c.mp3
    50. Dallas Police 631122 1245d.mp3
    51. Dallas Police 631122 1246.mp3
    52. Dallas Police 631122 1247a.mp3
    53. Dallas Police 631122 1247b.mp3
    54. Dallas Police 631122 1249.mp3
    55. Dallas Police 631122 1253.mp3
    56. Dallas Police 631122 1254.mp3
    57. Dallas Police 631122 1255a.mp3
    58. Dallas Police 631122 1255b.mp3
    59. Dallas Police 631122 1255c.mp3
    60. Dallas Police 631122 1255d.mp3
    61. Dallas Police 631122 1255e.mp3
    62. Dallas Police 631122 1308.mp3
    63. Dallas Police 631122 1316.mp3
    64. Dallas Police 631122 1318.mp3
    65. Dallas Police 631122 1319a.mp3
    66. Dallas Police 631122 1319b.mp3
    67. Dallas Police 631122 1322a.mp3
    68. Dallas Police 631122 1322b.mp3
    69. Dallas Police 631122 1324.mp3
    70. Dallas Police 631122 1325.mp3
    71. Dallas Police 631122 1326a.mp3
    72. Dallas Police 631122 1326b.mp3
    73. Dallas Police 631122 1326c.mp3
    74. Dallas Police 631122 1332.mp3
    75. Dallas Police 631122 1333a.mp3
    76. Dallas Police 631122 1333b.mp3
    77. Dallas Police 631122 1334a.mp3
    78. Dallas Police 631122 1334b.mp3
    79. Dallas Police 631122 1334c.mp3
    80. Dallas Police 631122 1334d.mp3
    81. Dallas Police 631122 1334e.mp3
    82. Dallas Police 631122 1345.mp3
    83. Dallas Police Chief Curry ''This Case Is Cinched'' 631123.mp3
    84. Dallas Police Chief Curry JFK Visit Preparations 631118a.mp3
    85. Dallas Police Chief Curry JFK Visit Preparations 631118b.mp3
    86. Dallas Police Chief Curry Oswald Interrogation Progress.mp3
    87. Dallas Trademart Announcement Of JFK Connally Shootings.mp3
    88. Dean Rusk Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    89. Death Adlai Stevenson Reacts To Assassination.mp3
    90. Death Eisenhower Reacts To Assassination 631122.mp3
    91. Death Lbj Makes First Public Address As President.mp3
    92. Death Un'S 1 Minute Of Silence.mp3
    93. Dwight Eisenhower Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    94. Eric Leinsdorf Boston Symphony JFK Dead.mp3
    95. Eugene Rostow Bill Moyers Phone Call 631124.mp3
    96. Exerpt From Excomm Meeting On Cuban Missile Crisis.mp3
    97. Eyewitness Report Of Oswald'S Arrest At Texas Theater.mp3
    98. Former House Speaker Joseph Martin JFK's Death.mp3
    99. Funeral 21 Gun Salute Taps.mp3
    100. Funeral Funeral March.mp3
    101. Jack Ruby Trial Verdict.mp3
    102. Jack Ruby Truth Will Never Come Out.mp3
    103. Jean Hill JFK Assassination Account.mp3
    104. Jean Shepherd JFK 631125.mp3
    105. JFK Arrives Love Field 631122.mp3
    106. JFK Assassination Airtoground Communications.mp3
    107. JFK Death Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    108. JFK Death Barry Goldwater.mp3
    109. JFK Death Harry S. Truman.mp3
    110. JFK Funeral 21 Gun Salute Taps.mp3
    111. JFK Funeral 50 Plane Salute.mp3
    112. JFK Funeral Capital Building Music.mp3
    113. JFK Funeral Death Dirge.mp3
    114. JFK Funeral Flag Folding Ceremony Music.mp3
    115. JFK Funeral Latin Mass.mp3
    116. JFK Funeral National Anthem.mp3
    117. JFK Funeral Processional.mp3
    118. JFK Gunfire Dictabelt.mp3
    119. JFK Motorcade.mp3
    120. Jim Garrison Tour Around 544 Camp Street 1967.mp3
    121. Kbox Dallas 631122.mp3
    122. Klif Radio Broadcast, Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963.mp3
    123. Klif TV Reporter Roy Nichols Covers Vigil Parkland Hospital.mp3
    124. L B J 631122 Address To The Nation.mp3
    125. L B J 631122 Swearing In As President.mp3
    126. L B J 631123 First Presidential Proclamation.mp3
    127. L B J 631125 J Edgar Hoover Phone Call.mp3
    128. L B J 631125 Washing Post Columnist Joseph Alsop Phone Call.mp3
    129. L B J 631126 Nyse Pres. Keith Funston Phone Call.mp3
    130. L B J 631127 Eisenhower Press Secy' Jim Haggerty Phone Call.mp3
    131. L B J 631127 Mrs. Governor Nellie Connally Phone Call.mp3
    132. L B J 631127 NBC'S David Sarnoff Phone Call.mp3
    133. L B J 631128 Sen Judiciary Chmn James Eastland Phone Call.mp3
    134. L B J 631129 1110 Et Senate Maj Leader Mike Mansfield.mp3
    135. L B J 631129 1130 Et House Maj Whip Hale Boggs Phone Call.mp3
    136. L B J 631129 1311 Et House Maj Whip Hale Boggs Phone Call.mp3
    137. L B J 631129 1315 Et Advisor Abe Fortas Phone Call.mp3
    138. L B J 631129 1605 Et Senator Richard Russell Phone Call.mp3
    139. L B J 631129 1655 Et Speaker The House Otto Passman Call.mp3
    140. L B J 631129 1720 Et (Approx) J Edgar Hoover Phone Call.mp3
    141. L B J 631129 1745 Et (Approx) Advisor Abe Fortas Phone Call.mp3
    142. L B J 631129 1837 Et House Majority Leader Carl Albert Call.mp3
    143. L B J 631129 2030 Et Senator Thomas Kuchel Phone Call.mp3
    144. L B J 631129 2055 Et Senator Richard Russell Phone Call.mp3
    145. L B J 631130 Cia Director Mccone Phone Call.mp3
    146. L B J 631130 Federal Reserve Board Chmn William Martin Call.mp3
    147. L B J 631202 Jacqueline Kennedy Phone Call.mp3
    148. L B J 631202 Wasgton Post Pres Katherine Graham Phone Call.mp3
    149. L B J 631206 Senator B. Everett Jordan Phone Call (Except).mp3
    150. L B J 631207 Jacqueline Kennedy Phone Call.mp3
    151. L B J 631208 Mrs. Senator Bill Green Phone Call.mp3
    152. L B J 631218 Governor John Connally Phone Call.mp3
    153. L B J 640501 Press Sec'Y George Reedy Phone Call.mp3
    154. L B J 640927 Natl Secty Adv Mcgeorge Bundy Phone Call.mp3
    155. L B J 641118 Senator Russell Phone Call.mp3
    156. L B J 661226 Press Secretary Bill Moyers Phone Call.mp3
    157. L B J 670202 Acting Attrny General Ramsey Clark Phone Call.mp3
    158. Mutual Radio Bulletin JFK Dead 631122.mp3
    159. NBC TV Coverage Part 1.mp3
    160. NBC TV Coverage Part 2.mp3
    161. NBC TV Coverage Part 3.mp3
    162. NBC TV Coverage Part 4.mp3
    163. NBC TV Coverage Part 5.mp3
    164. NBC TV Coverage Part 6.mp3
    165. Nellie Connally 631123 Husband'S Status.mp3
    166. News Coverage Of Motorcade Just Prior To Shooting.mp3
    167. Nj Gov. Hughes Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    168. Ny Gov. Rockefeller Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    169. Official Kennedy Death Announcement.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 24 shows – total playtime 1 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. Kennedy Assassination 631122 WHBC 1480 Canton,Ohio.mp3
    3. 710000 John F Kennedy Was His Name.mp3
    4. Oswald ''I'm Just A Patsy!''.mp3
    5. Oswald Assassination Live.mp3
    6. Oswald Denies Charges Acts Of Violence.mp3
    7. Oswald New Orleans 6308.mp3
    8. Oswald Request For Legal Assistance.mp3
    9. Oswald Shot Cbs Tv, November 24, 1963.mp3
    10. Oswald Shot NBC Tv, November 24, 1963.mp3
    11. Oswald's Landord Earlene Roberts.mp3
    12. Oswaldbringuier Debate.mp3
    13. Pope Paul Vi Address On JFK's Assassination.mp3
    14. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield Reaction To JFK Death.mp3
    15. Senate Minority Leader Dirksen Reaction To JFK's Death.mp3
    16. Senator Richard Russell JFK's Death.mp3
    17. Sgt. Jerry Hill The Arrest Of Oswald.mp3
    18. St. Matthew's Bell Tolls For JFK.mp3
    19. Thurgood Marshall JFK's Death.mp3
    20. United Nations 1 Minute Of Silence For JFK.mp3
    21. Walter Cronkite 'President Kennedy Is Dead' Broadcast.mp3
    22. Walter Cronkite 'President Kennedy Shot' Broadcast.mp3
    23. Wfaa TV Dallas Interviews Abraham Zapruder.mp3
    24. Wfaa TV Dallas Reports Death Pres Parkland Hospital.mp3
    25. Wfaa TV Dallas Reports Shooting President Kennedy.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    645 recordings on 9 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $45.00. Total playtime 171 hours, 54 min
    645 recordings on 9 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $45.00
    5235 MB – total playtime 171 hours, 54 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 91 shows – 685 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 8 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 400813 First Recorded Interview.mp3
    3. 511202 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    4. 511206 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    5. 520000 Massachusetts US Senate Song.mp3
    6. 521109 Meet the Press.mp3
    7. 531019 Jackie Kennedy Edward R Murrow Intrvw.mp3
    8. 540000 Speaking Out Against War in Indochina.mp3
    9. 540000 The Record of the 83rd Congress.mp3
    10. 560000 Adlai Stevenson Estes Kefauver Ad.mp3
    11. 560000 Campaigning for Adlai Stevenson Dallas Love Field.mp3
    12. 560813 The Pursuit of Happiness.mp3
    13. 560819 Speaking at the DNC.mp3
    14. 561028 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    15. 570704 Decl Independence.mp3
    16. 580000 Interview in Dallas on Eisenhowers Illness.mp3
    17. 580000 The US Senator John F Kennedy.mp3
    18. 580310 Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    19. 581028 At Home with the Kennedys.mp3
    20. 581116 Meet the Press.mp3
    21. 590000 Dictated Letter to Joseph P Kennedy Sr.mp3
    22. 590329 KTLA News Conference.mp3
    23. 591102 Los Angeles CA Introduced by Frank Sinatra.mp3
    24. 600000 High Hopes.mp3
    25. 600000 Jack Kennedy All the Way.mp3
    26. 600000 Kennedy For Me.mp3
    27. 600000 The Cost of Living.mp3
    28. 600100 Announcing Candidacy.mp3
    29. 600102 Announces Candidacy for Presidency.mp3
    30. 600103 Meet the Press.mp3
    31. 600105 Comments on Running for President.mp3
    32. 600504 West Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary.mp3
    33. 600616 Appearance on the Jack Parr Show.mp3
    34. 600714 Picks Lyndon Johnson as His Running Mate.mp3
    35. 600715 Acceptance Of The Democratic Party Nomination.mp3
    36. 600820 Harry S Truman Press Conference at Truman Library.mp3
    37. 600901 Statement on Civil Rights.mp3
    38. 600902 Portland ME.mp3
    39. 600902 Press Conference.mp3
    40. 600912 Address To Greater Houston Ministerial Association.mp3
    41. 600917 Greenville North Carolina Rally.mp3
    42. 601000 Half Slave Half Free.mp3
    43. 601002 Chase Hotel St. Louis MO.mp3
    44. 601002 South Carolina State House.mp3
    45. 601016 Meet the Press.mp3
    46. 601019 Al Smith Dinner.mp3
    47. 601030 Face Nation.mp3
    48. 601100 Election Eve.mp3
    49. 601103 Street Rally in Phoenix AZ.mp3
    50. 601107 Election Even Event.mp3
    51. 601107 Speech at Boston Garden.mp3
    52. 601109 Victory Speech.mp3
    53. 601110 First News Conference as President-Elect.mp3
    54. 601128 Following a Meeting with Dean Acheson.mp3
    55. 601201 Nominates Members of the Cabinet.mp3
    56. 610000 Peace Corps PSA.mp3
    57. 610100 State Of The Union Message.mp3
    58. 610109 City Upon A Hill Speech.mp3
    59. 610120 130AM Star Studded Inaugural Gala.mp3
    60. 610120 Inauguration Speech.mp3
    61. 610121 Remarks to the Democratic National Committee.mp3
    62. 610121 Swearing In of the Cabinet.mp3
    63. 610125 First Presidential Press Conference.mp3
    64. 610131 State of the Union Address.mp3
    65. 610200 Prayer Breakfast Invocation.mp3
    66. 610201 Excerpts From Press Conference.mp3
    67. 610201 Press Conference.mp3
    68. 610208 Press Conference.mp3
    69. 610215 Press Conference.mp3
    70. 610221 Remarks on the Youth Fitness Program.mp3
    71. 610225 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    72. 610301 Establishment Of The Peace Corps.mp3
    73. 610301 Interview with Eleanor Roosevelt on the Peace Corps.mp3
    74. 610301 Press Conference.mp3
    75. 610308 Press Conference.mp3
    76. 610313 Alliance for Progress.mp3
    77. 610315 Press Conference.mp3
    78. 610323 Interview With Ray Sherer.mp3
    79. 610323 Press Conference.mp3
    80. 610410 Opening Day of the 1961 Baseball Season.mp3
    81. 610412 Press Conference.mp3
    82. 610413 Reaction To Gagarin Flight.mp3
    83. 610420 Bay Of Pigs Am Society Of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    84. 610420 Newspaper Editors.mp3
    85. 610421 Press Conference.mp3
    86. 610425 Civil Defense Message.mp3
    87. 610427 President And The Press Speech.mp3
    88. 610500 Birmingham Segregation.mp3
    89. 610505 Press Conference.mp3
    90. 610508 Birthday Call To Harry Truman.mp3
    91. 610508 Congrats Allan Shepard Being First American Space.mp3
    92. 610525 Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 60 shows – 660 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 610525 The Goal Of Sending A Man To The Moon.mp3
    3. 610527 Remarks at 44th Birthday Celebration.mp3
    4. 610529 Remarks at 44th Birthday Celebration.mp3
    5. 610530 Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation.mp3
    6. 610602 Press Conference.mp3
    7. 610628 Press Conference.mp3
    8. 610700 Expanding Space Program.mp3
    9. 610719 Press Conference.mp3
    10. 610725 Address To Nation On Berlin Crisis.mp3
    11. 610806 Alliance For Progress Little Merit.mp3
    12. 610810 Press Conference.mp3
    13. 610828 First Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    14. 610830 Press Conference.mp3
    15. 610925 Address to the General Assembly of the UN.mp3
    16. 610925 Un 3 Horses Of The Troika Speech.mp3
    17. 611011 Press Conference.mp3
    18. 611012 University of North Carolina.mp3
    19. 611102 Address to the Nation on Nuclear Testing.mp3
    20. 611108 Press Conference.mp3
    21. 611111 Veterans Day Speech.mp3
    22. 611116 University Of WashingtonS 100th Anniversary.mp3
    23. 611118 Democratic Party Fundraising Dinner.mp3
    24. 611125 Un Speech On Terrorism.mp3
    25. 611129 Press Conference.mp3
    26. 611200 To The People Of Berlin.mp3
    27. 611205 The Importance of Physical Fitness.mp3
    28. 611207 Address to the Young Democrats.mp3
    29. 611211 Christmas Message to the People of Berlin.mp3
    30. 620000 Jimmy Dean PT 109.mp3
    31. 620000 Marathon Phone Calls.mp3
    32. 620000 Vaughn Meader The First Family.mp3
    33. 620106 Birthday Celebration for Michael DiSalle.mp3
    34. 620111 State Union.mp3
    35. 620115 Press Conference.mp3
    36. 620120 Inaugural Anniversary Inaugural Parody.mp3
    37. 620124 Press Conference.mp3
    38. 620131 Press Conference.mp3
    39. 620207 Press Conference.mp3
    40. 620214 Press Conference.mp3
    41. 620221 Press Conference.mp3
    42. 620223 Presenting the NASA Medal to John Glenn.mp3
    43. 620300 Tribute To FDR.mp3
    44. 620307 Press Conference.mp3
    45. 620310 Fundraising Speech Sen George Smathers of Florida.mp3
    46. 620313 Fist Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.mp3
    47. 620314 Press Conference.mp3
    48. 620321 Press Conference.mp3
    49. 620323 University of California Berkeley.mp3
    50. 620329 Press Conference.mp3
    51. 620409 50th Anniversary of the Childrens Bureau.mp3
    52. 620411 Press Conference.mp3
    53. 620412 U.S. Steel.mp3
    54. 620418 Press Conference.mp3
    55. 620427 White House Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    56. 620504 Civic Function at City Hall New Orleans.mp3
    57. 620504 Dockside Terminal.mp3
    58. 620509 Press Conference.mp3
    59. 620511 CBS Interview.mp3
    60. 620517 Press Conference.mp3
    61. 620519 Remarks at 45th Birthday Celebration.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 109 shows – 678 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 25 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 620520 Speech on Healthcare for the Aged.mp3
    3. 620523 Press Conference.mp3
    4. 620606 West Point Commencement Speech.mp3
    5. 620607 Press Conference.mp3
    6. 620611 Yale University Commencement.mp3
    7. 620614 Press Conference.mp3
    8. 620614 Talks About the Peace Corps.mp3
    9. 620621 Activating First Salt Water Conversion Plant in US.mp3
    10. 620627 Press Conference.mp3
    11. 620628 Presentation of the New White House Book.mp3
    12. 620702 Commenting Mantlepiece in State Dinning Room.mp3
    13. 620704 Independence Hall Address.mp3
    14. 620705 Press Conference.mp3
    15. 620723 Press Conference.mp3
    16. 620730 Meeting On Economy And Nuclear Test Ban.mp3
    17. 620801 Press Conference.mp3
    18. 620809 Addressing Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    19. 620813 State of the American Economy.mp3
    20. 620822 Excerpt On Cuba From Press Conference.mp3
    21. 620822 Press Conference.mp3
    22. 620829 Press Conference.mp3
    23. 620900 On Labor.mp3
    24. 620903 On Labor.mp3
    25. 620910 Evelyn Lincoln And Phil Reagan.mp3
    26. 620910 Evelyn Lincoln And Robert Troutman.mp3
    27. 620910 Kennedy And C. Douglas Dillon.mp3
    28. 620910 Kennedy And David Mcdonald.mp3
    29. 620910 Kennedy And Unidentified 1.mp3
    30. 620910 Kennedy And Unidentified 2.mp3
    31. 620910 Operator And Operator.mp3
    32. 620910 Operator And Pierre Salinger.mp3
    33. 620910 Unidentified.mp3
    34. 620912 Address On Space Rice University.mp3
    35. 620913 Kennedy Mccormack T Morgan Carl Vinson.mp3
    36. 620913 Press Conference.mp3
    37. 620914 Americas Cup Dinner.mp3
    38. 620926 Press Conference.mp3
    39. 620929 Kennedy And Ross Barnett.mp3
    40. 620929 Kennedy And Ted Sorensen.mp3
    41. 620929 Kennedy Robert Kennedy And Ross Barnett.mp3
    42. 620930 Burke Marshall And Ramsey Clark.mp3
    43. 620930 Jack Rosenthal And Evelyn Lincoln.mp3
    44. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2.mp3
    45. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 3.mp3
    46. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett.mp3
    47. 620930 Ross Barnett Allowing James Meredith into Univ MS 2.mp3
    48. 620930 Ross Barnett Allowing James Meredith into Univ MS.mp3
    49. 620930 Situation at the University of Mississippi.mp3
    50. 621000 Kennedy And Lemoyne Billings.mp3
    51. 621000 Kennedy And Torbert Macdonald.mp3
    52. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 1.mp3
    53. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 2.mp3
    54. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 3.mp3
    55. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 4.mp3
    56. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 5.mp3
    57. 621001 Evelyn Lincoln And Unidentified.mp3
    58. 621001 Kennedy And Archibald Cox 1.mp3
    59. 621001 Kennedy And Archibald Cox 2.mp3
    60. 621001 Kennedy And Creighton Abrams.mp3
    61. 621001 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 6.mp3
    62. 621001 Kennedy Cyrus Vance And Robert Mcnamara.mp3
    63. 621002 Evelyn Lincoln And William H. Brandt.mp3
    64. 621002 Kennedy And Cyrus Vance 1.mp3
    65. 621002 Kennedy And Cyrus Vance 2.mp3
    66. 621005 Political Speech in Cincinnati Ohio.mp3
    67. 621010 Evelyn Lincoln And Robert Troutman.mp3
    68. 621011 Bill Lawrence Interview.mp3
    69. 621011 John F. Kennedy Bill Lawrence Interview.mp3
    70. 621017 New Haven Connecticut Rally.mp3
    71. 621019 Cleveland Ohio Rally.mp3
    72. 621019 Remarks to Democratic Precinct Workers Chicago IL.mp3
    73. 621022 Address On The Buildup Of Arms In Cuba.mp3
    74. 621022 Evelyn Lincoln And Operator.mp3
    75. 621023 On Cuba.mp3
    76. 621026 Phone Call With Pierre Salinger.mp3
    77. 621028 Talks With Dwight Eisenhower About Cuba.mp3
    78. 621028 Talks With Harry Truman About Cuba.mp3
    79. 621028 Talks With Herbert Hoover About Cuba.mp3
    80. 621030 Burke Marshall And Ramsey Clark.mp3
    81. 621030 Jack Rosenthal And Evelyn Lincoln.mp3
    82. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 1.mp3
    83. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2.mp3
    84. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 3.mp3
    85. 621030 Robert Kennedy And Cyrus Vance.mp3
    86. 621100 Dismanting Missles In Cuba.mp3
    87. 621101 Urges the Public to Vote on Election Day.mp3
    88. 621107 Kennedy And Edmund Gerald Pat Brown.mp3
    89. 621107 Kennedy And Edward Kennedy.mp3
    90. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 1.mp3
    91. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 2.mp3
    92. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 3.mp3
    93. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 4.mp3
    94. 621107 Kennedy And William Guy (Gov Of Nd).mp3
    95. 621107 Talks With Pat Brown Richard Nixon is Psychotic.mp3
    96. 621112 Address On The Space Effort.mp3
    97. 621117 Kennedy Eisenhower Skybold Bg 2.mp3
    98. 621117 Kennedy Unidentified Cuban Sabotage Plot.mp3
    99. 621120 Press Conference.mp3
    100. 621121 Getting to the Moon.mp3
    101. 621129 American Pageant of the Arts Dinner.mp3
    102. 621129 An American Pageant Of Arts.mp3
    103. 621200 Economic Club Of Ny.mp3
    104. 621212 Press Conference.mp3
    105. 621217 Kennedy Eisenhower Skybold Bg 1.mp3
    106. 630000 Vaughn Meader The First Family Vol 2.mp3
    107. 630100 State Of The Union Address.mp3
    108. 630124 Press Conference.mp3
    109. 630207 Press Conference.mp3
    110. 630605 International Airport El Paso TX.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 92 shows – 653 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 51 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 630214 Press Conference.mp3
    3. 630221 Press Conference.mp3
    4. 630225 American Bankers Association Symposium.mp3
    5. 630228 Kennedy And Ed Edmondsonairline Merger.mp3
    6. 630228 Kennedy And George Meanylabor Leaders.mp3
    7. 630302 Kennedy And Mcgeorge Bundysurv Cuba.mp3
    8. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigs.mp3
    9. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigsgallup Poll.mp3
    10. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigsgallup2.mp3
    11. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Mcnamarasurv Cuba.mp3
    12. 630302 Kennedy And Theodore Kheelnewspaper Strike.mp3
    13. 630302 Kennedy Mcnamarasurv Cuba Nato.mp3
    14. 630304 Kennedy And Carl Kaysenbalance Of Trade.mp3
    15. 630304 Kennedy Mcgeorge Bundymccone Test Press.mp3
    16. 630304 Kennedy William Baggsinteramerican Exposition.mp3
    17. 630304 Kennedyremarks To Foreign Visitors.mp3
    18. 630304 Robert Kennedymccone Ttest Tfx Missile Crisis.mp3
    19. 630304 Robert Kennedymccone Ttest Tfx Missile Crisis2.mp3
    20. 630306 Press Conference.mp3
    21. 630320 San Jose Costa Rica.mp3
    22. 630320 University of Costa Rica.mp3
    23. 630321 Press Conference.mp3
    24. 630400 Us Steel.mp3
    25. 630403 Press Conference.mp3
    26. 630420 Boston College.mp3
    27. 630424 Press Conference.mp3
    28. 630508 Birthday Call To Harry Truman.mp3
    29. 630508 Press Conference.mp3
    30. 630509 AAA Safety Patrol Winners.mp3
    31. 630513 Birmingham Crisis Terminates.mp3
    32. 630518 90th Anniversary Of Vanderbilt Universityt.mp3
    33. 630522 Press Conference.mp3
    34. 630600 Berlin Wall.mp3
    35. 630605 US Air Force Academy Commencement Speech.mp3
    36. 630610 American University Commencement.mp3
    37. 630611 Address On Civil Rights.mp3
    38. 630621 Phone Call With Robert Kennedy.mp3
    39. 630624 Press Conference.mp3
    40. 630626 Ich Bin Ein Berliner Speech.mp3
    41. 630626 Speech in Ireland.mp3
    42. 630715 Nuclear Test.mp3
    43. 630717 Press Conference.mp3
    44. 630724 Speaking with Boys Nation.mp3
    45. 630724 Talks With Harry Truman About Nuclear Test Ban.mp3
    46. 630725 Talks With Godfrey McHugh Over Furniture.mp3
    47. 630726 Address On The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    48. 630726 Talks Harry Truman Support Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    49. 630726 Talks with Dean Rusk Nixon is an SOB.mp3
    50. 630801 Press Conference.mp3
    51. 630801 Remarks At The U.s. Naval Academy.mp3
    52. 630820 Press Conference.mp3
    53. 630827 White House Seminar.mp3
    54. 630902 Labor Day Interview.mp3
    55. 630909 Interview With Chet Huntley and David Brinkley.mp3
    56. 630911 Remarks to Bob Hope.mp3
    57. 630912 Excerpts From Press Conference.mp3
    58. 630912 Press Conference.mp3
    59. 630917 White House Conference on Export Expansion.mp3
    60. 630918 Tax Cuts.mp3
    61. 630920 Address to the General Assembly of the UN.mp3
    62. 630920 UN Address.mp3
    63. 630926 Address At The Mormon Tabernacle.mp3
    64. 630927 Univ Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran Univ.mp3
    65. 630928 Conservation.mp3
    66. 630930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 1.mp3
    67. 630930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2.mp3
    68. 630930 Robert Kennedy And Cyrus Vance.mp3
    69. 631003 Heber Springs Arkansas.mp3
    70. 631009 Press Conference.mp3
    71. 631010 1964 Ticket.mp3
    72. 631019 National Guard Armory Boston MA.mp3
    73. 631019 University of Maine.mp3
    74. 631021 Preparing For Speech About Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    75. 631026 Robert Frost Library Amherst College Remark.mp3
    76. 631031 Excerpt On Happiness From Press Conference.mp3
    77. 631031 Presidential Press Conference.mp3
    78. 631100 Hotel Texas Rally.mp3
    79. 631104 Record Memo Death Ngo Dinh Diem Interrupted JFK Jr.mp3
    80. 631114 Final Presidential Press Conference.mp3
    81. 631114 Press Conference.mp3
    82. 631115 Remarks to the Catholic Youth Organization.mp3
    83. 631118 Address at Miami International Airport.mp3
    84. 631118 Addressing the Steelworkers in Tampa.mp3
    85. 631118 Inter-American Press Association.mp3
    86. 631119 National Education Association.mp3
    87. 631120 First Televised Satellite Transmission.mp3
    88. 631121 Brooks Air Force Base.mp3
    89. 631121 Forth Worth Jackie Speaking Spanish.mp3
    90. 631121 Lulac Event Full Version.mp3
    91. 631121 Public Reaction To His Wife.mp3
    92. 631121 Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    93. 631122 Forth Worth Chamber of Commerce Breakfast.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 31 shows – 539 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 631229 The Making of the President 1960.mp3
    3. 641122 KLIF the Faithful Hours.mp3
    4. 780921 Gerald Ford Testimony at the HSCA.mp3
    5. 991101 American Presidents Series John F Kennedy.mp3
    6. American University Commencement.mp3
    7. City Upon A Hill.mp3
    8. Dictates Biographiscal Notes on Entering Politics.mp3
    9. Establishment Of The Peace Corps.mp3
    12. Ich Bin Ein Berliner.mp3
    13. Kennedy Dictates Letter To Wife Jackie.mp3
    14. Kennedy Dictates Memo On French Nuclear Capability.mp3
    15. Kennedy Dictates Notes Concerning Antidiem Coupsouth Vietnam.mp3
    16. Kennedy Dictating A Letter To His Father.mp3
    17. Kennedy Dictating Some Thoughts On Politics.mp3
    18. Kennedy Eisenhower Discuss Cuban Crisis.mp3
    19. Kennedy Evelyn Lincoln Office Chatter.mp3
    20. Kennedy Meeting With General Douglas Macarthur.mp3
    21. Kennedy Nixon Debate 1 600926.mp3
    22. Kennedy Nixon Debate 2 601007.mp3
    23. Kennedy Nixon Debate 3 601013.mp3
    24. Kennedy Nixon Debate 4 601021.mp3
    25. Kennedy Unidentified Brief Fragment.mp3
    26. Kennedy Willard Wirtzny Newspaper Strike.mp3
    27. President And The Press.mp3
    28. President Kennedy And Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    29. President Kennedy Calls Former President Eisenhower.mp3
    30. President Kennedy Calls Former President Hoover.mp3
    31. President Kennedy Calls Former President Truman.mp3
    32. The Goal Of Sending A Man To The Moon.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 43 shows – 606 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 4 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 01 JFK's Breakfast Speech, Fort Worth.mp3
    3. 02 Arrival At Love Field.mp3
    4. 03 At The Scenethe Moment Of The Assassination.mp3
    5. 04 Speeding To Parkland.mp3
    6. 05 Various Reports From Parkland And Tsbd.mp3
    7. 06 Report Of JFK's Death.mp3
    8. 07 Report At Airplane With Johnson Swearing In.mp3
    9. 08 Johnson Swearing In.mp3
    10. 09 Arrival At Andrews Air Force Base.mp3
    11. 10 President Johnson'S First Statement.mp3
    12. 11 Oswald'S Denial Of Guilt.mp3
    13. 12 Court Charge Of Oswald.mp3
    14. 12 Reports Of Investigation.mp3
    15. 13 Oswald Being Shot.mp3
    16. 14 Oswald Announced Dead.mp3
    17. 630817 Bill Stuckey Interviews Lee Harvey Oswaldo.mp3
    18. 630821 Wdsu Radio Debate With Lee Harvey Oswald.mp3
    19. 631112 - 1 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    20. 631112 - 2 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    21. 631112 - 3 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    22. 631112 - 4 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    23. 631112 - 5 45 Pm Coverage.mp3
    24. 631121 JFK Jackie League Of United Latin American Citizens.mp3
    25. 631121 John F Kennedy Brooks Air Force Base.mp3
    26. 631121 John F Kennedy Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    27. 631122 Dallas PD Channel 1 Recording.mp3
    28. 631122 Dallas Pd Dictabelt Recording Of Assassination.mp3
    29. 631122 Dwight Eisenhower Press Conference.mp3
    30. 631122 Interview With Jesse Curry.mp3
    31. 631122 JFK Last Speech At Hotel Texas Presidential Breakfast.mp3
    32. 631122 JFK's Assassination.mp3
    33. 631122 John F Kennedy Hotel Texas Parking Lot Speech.mp3
    34. 631122 KBOX- Radio coverge of JFK'S Assassination Pt 1.mp3
    35. 631122 KLIF-Radio Dallas Texas (3-HOUR 17-MINUTE Version).mp3
    36. 631122 KXA Radio JFK's Assissination.mp3
    37. 631122 Paul Harvey.mp3
    38. 631122 WBAP Radio JFK's Assissination.mp3
    39. 631122 WCCO Radio JFK's Assassination Pt 1.mp3
    40. 631122 Westinghouse Broadcasting Company Radio Coverage.mp3
    41. 631122 WFAA Radio JFK's Assassination.mp3
    42. 631122 WHBC Radio JFK's Assassination.mp3
    43. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 1.mp3
    44. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 10.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 27 shows – 663 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 8 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 2.mp3
    3. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 3.mp3
    4. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 4.mp3
    5. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 5.mp3
    6. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 6.mp3
    7. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 7.mp3
    8. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 8.mp3
    9. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 9.mp3
    10. 631122 WMEX Radio talk show aired the night.mp3
    11. 631122 WTIC Radio JFK's Assissination.mp3
    12. 631122-24 KLOX- Radio coverage JFK's Assassination Aftermath.mp3
    13. 631122-24 WWJ Radio News Coverage JFK's Assissination.mp3
    14. 631123 410AM Sid Davis Reports Arrival of Kennedy’s Body.mp3
    15. 631123 Barbara Walters Describes Nyc On Day Of Assassination.mp3
    16. 631123 Gladys Johnson Interview.mp3
    17. 631123 Interview With Paul Bentley and Nick McDonald.mp3
    18. 631123 KLIF Radio Coverage.mp3
    19. 631124 Interview With James Leavelle.mp3
    21. 631126 Paul Harvey.mp3
    22. 631127 Bedside Interview With John Connally.mp3
    23. 631128 Johnson's Thanksgiving Message.mp3
    24. 631223 Radio Coverage.mp3
    25. 640000 Cronkite D.Rather 11-22 and Warren Report.mp3
    26. 640114 Jackie Kennedy Thanking American People.mp3
    27. 640207 Marina Oswald First Formal Press Conference.mp3
    28. 640927 Warren Commission Report.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 168 shows – 701 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 31 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20211122 T.Hartmann L.Waldron Conspiracy Finally Exposed.mp3
    3. 20231117 Waldron Shedding Light on Myths 60 Years Later.mp3
    4. 631122 KLIF Interview Earlene Roberts.mp3
    5. 640314 Henry Wade Interview After Jack Ruby Verdict.mp3
    6. 641122 David L Wolper Four Days In November.mp3
    7. 651122 Gregory Peck Years Of Lightning Day Of Drums.mp3
    8. 660000 Interview With Clay Shaw.mp3
    9. 670000 Interview With Dean Andrews.mp3
    10. 670000 Interview With Jim Garrison.mp3
    11. 670619 Jfk Conspiracy Case Of Jim Garrison.mp3
    12. 680131 Jim Garrison On Tonight Show.mp3
    13. 710000 Jim Garrison On Steve Allen Show.mp3
    14. 750327 Good Night America Jfks Assassination.mp3
    15. 780906 John Connally Hsca Testimony.mp3
    16. Ambulance Driver, November 22, 1963.mp3
    17. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Calls President Kennedy.mp3
    18. Charles Bramm Eyewitness Account Of JFK's Assassination.mp3
    19. Charles Brehm, Assassination Eyewitness.mp3
    20. Clay Shaw Interview 1967.mp3
    21. Conversation Between Air Force One W House Situation Room.mp3
    22. Coversations Between Crown And Wayside.mp3
    23. Dallas DA Wade Oswald Charged With Tippit Kennedy Murders.mp3
    24. Dallas Police 631122 1228.mp3
    25. Dallas Police 631122 1230a.mp3
    26. Dallas Police 631122 1230b.mp3
    27. Dallas Police 631122 1230c.mp3
    28. Dallas Police 631122 1230d.mp3
    29. Dallas Police 631122 1230e.mp3
    30. Dallas Police 631122 1234a.mp3
    31. Dallas Police 631122 1234b.mp3
    32. Dallas Police 631122 1234c.mp3
    33. Dallas Police 631122 1235a.mp3
    34. Dallas Police 631122 1235b.mp3
    35. Dallas Police 631122 1236a.mp3
    36. Dallas Police 631122 1236b.mp3
    37. Dallas Police 631122 1236c.mp3
    38. Dallas Police 631122 1237a.mp3
    39. Dallas Police 631122 1237b.mp3
    40. Dallas Police 631122 1237c.mp3
    41. Dallas Police 631122 1238a.mp3
    42. Dallas Police 631122 1238b.mp3
    43. Dallas Police 631122 1241a.mp3
    44. Dallas Police 631122 1241b.mp3
    45. Dallas Police 631122 1241c.mp3
    46. Dallas Police 631122 1243.mp3
    47. Dallas Police 631122 1245a.mp3
    48. Dallas Police 631122 1245b.mp3
    49. Dallas Police 631122 1245c.mp3
    50. Dallas Police 631122 1245d.mp3
    51. Dallas Police 631122 1246.mp3
    52. Dallas Police 631122 1247a.mp3
    53. Dallas Police 631122 1247b.mp3
    54. Dallas Police 631122 1249.mp3
    55. Dallas Police 631122 1253.mp3
    56. Dallas Police 631122 1254.mp3
    57. Dallas Police 631122 1255a.mp3
    58. Dallas Police 631122 1255b.mp3
    59. Dallas Police 631122 1255c.mp3
    60. Dallas Police 631122 1255d.mp3
    61. Dallas Police 631122 1255e.mp3
    62. Dallas Police 631122 1308.mp3
    63. Dallas Police 631122 1316.mp3
    64. Dallas Police 631122 1318.mp3
    65. Dallas Police 631122 1319a.mp3
    66. Dallas Police 631122 1319b.mp3
    67. Dallas Police 631122 1322a.mp3
    68. Dallas Police 631122 1322b.mp3
    69. Dallas Police 631122 1324.mp3
    70. Dallas Police 631122 1325.mp3
    71. Dallas Police 631122 1326a.mp3
    72. Dallas Police 631122 1326b.mp3
    73. Dallas Police 631122 1326c.mp3
    74. Dallas Police 631122 1332.mp3
    75. Dallas Police 631122 1333a.mp3
    76. Dallas Police 631122 1333b.mp3
    77. Dallas Police 631122 1334a.mp3
    78. Dallas Police 631122 1334b.mp3
    79. Dallas Police 631122 1334c.mp3
    80. Dallas Police 631122 1334d.mp3
    81. Dallas Police 631122 1334e.mp3
    82. Dallas Police 631122 1345.mp3
    83. Dallas Police Chief Curry ''This Case Is Cinched'' 631123.mp3
    84. Dallas Police Chief Curry JFK Visit Preparations 631118a.mp3
    85. Dallas Police Chief Curry JFK Visit Preparations 631118b.mp3
    86. Dallas Police Chief Curry Oswald Interrogation Progress.mp3
    87. Dallas Trademart Announcement Of JFK Connally Shootings.mp3
    88. Dean Rusk Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    89. Death Adlai Stevenson Reacts To Assassination.mp3
    90. Death Eisenhower Reacts To Assassination 631122.mp3
    91. Death Lbj Makes First Public Address As President.mp3
    92. Death Un'S 1 Minute Of Silence.mp3
    93. Dwight Eisenhower Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    94. Eric Leinsdorf Boston Symphony JFK Dead.mp3
    95. Eugene Rostow Bill Moyers Phone Call 631124.mp3
    96. Exerpt From Excomm Meeting On Cuban Missile Crisis.mp3
    97. Eyewitness Report Of Oswald'S Arrest At Texas Theater.mp3
    98. Former House Speaker Joseph Martin JFK's Death.mp3
    99. Funeral 21 Gun Salute Taps.mp3
    100. Funeral Funeral March.mp3
    101. Jack Ruby Trial Verdict.mp3
    102. Jack Ruby Truth Will Never Come Out.mp3
    103. Jean Hill JFK Assassination Account.mp3
    104. Jean Shepherd JFK 631125.mp3
    105. JFK Arrives Love Field 631122.mp3
    106. JFK Assassination Airtoground Communications.mp3
    107. JFK Death Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    108. JFK Death Barry Goldwater.mp3
    109. JFK Death Harry S. Truman.mp3
    110. JFK Funeral 21 Gun Salute Taps.mp3
    111. JFK Funeral 50 Plane Salute.mp3
    112. JFK Funeral Capital Building Music.mp3
    113. JFK Funeral Death Dirge.mp3
    114. JFK Funeral Flag Folding Ceremony Music.mp3
    115. JFK Funeral Latin Mass.mp3
    116. JFK Funeral National Anthem.mp3
    117. JFK Funeral Processional.mp3
    118. JFK Gunfire Dictabelt.mp3
    119. JFK Motorcade.mp3
    120. Jim Garrison Tour Around 544 Camp Street 1967.mp3
    121. Kbox Dallas 631122.mp3
    122. Klif Radio Broadcast, Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963.mp3
    123. Klif TV Reporter Roy Nichols Covers Vigil Parkland Hospital.mp3
    124. L B J 631122 Address To The Nation.mp3
    125. L B J 631122 Swearing In As President.mp3
    126. L B J 631123 First Presidential Proclamation.mp3
    127. L B J 631125 J Edgar Hoover Phone Call.mp3
    128. L B J 631125 Washing Post Columnist Joseph Alsop Phone Call.mp3
    129. L B J 631126 Nyse Pres. Keith Funston Phone Call.mp3
    130. L B J 631127 Eisenhower Press Secy' Jim Haggerty Phone Call.mp3
    131. L B J 631127 Mrs. Governor Nellie Connally Phone Call.mp3
    132. L B J 631127 NBC'S David Sarnoff Phone Call.mp3
    133. L B J 631128 Sen Judiciary Chmn James Eastland Phone Call.mp3
    134. L B J 631129 1110 Et Senate Maj Leader Mike Mansfield.mp3
    135. L B J 631129 1130 Et House Maj Whip Hale Boggs Phone Call.mp3
    136. L B J 631129 1311 Et House Maj Whip Hale Boggs Phone Call.mp3
    137. L B J 631129 1315 Et Advisor Abe Fortas Phone Call.mp3
    138. L B J 631129 1605 Et Senator Richard Russell Phone Call.mp3
    139. L B J 631129 1655 Et Speaker The House Otto Passman Call.mp3
    140. L B J 631129 1720 Et (Approx) J Edgar Hoover Phone Call.mp3
    141. L B J 631129 1745 Et (Approx) Advisor Abe Fortas Phone Call.mp3
    142. L B J 631129 1837 Et House Majority Leader Carl Albert Call.mp3
    143. L B J 631129 2030 Et Senator Thomas Kuchel Phone Call.mp3
    144. L B J 631129 2055 Et Senator Richard Russell Phone Call.mp3
    145. L B J 631130 Cia Director Mccone Phone Call.mp3
    146. L B J 631130 Federal Reserve Board Chmn William Martin Call.mp3
    147. L B J 631202 Jacqueline Kennedy Phone Call.mp3
    148. L B J 631202 Wasgton Post Pres Katherine Graham Phone Call.mp3
    149. L B J 631206 Senator B. Everett Jordan Phone Call (Except).mp3
    150. L B J 631207 Jacqueline Kennedy Phone Call.mp3
    151. L B J 631208 Mrs. Senator Bill Green Phone Call.mp3
    152. L B J 631218 Governor John Connally Phone Call.mp3
    153. L B J 640501 Press Sec'Y George Reedy Phone Call.mp3
    154. L B J 640927 Natl Secty Adv Mcgeorge Bundy Phone Call.mp3
    155. L B J 641118 Senator Russell Phone Call.mp3
    156. L B J 661226 Press Secretary Bill Moyers Phone Call.mp3
    157. L B J 670202 Acting Attrny General Ramsey Clark Phone Call.mp3
    158. Mutual Radio Bulletin JFK Dead 631122.mp3
    159. NBC TV Coverage Part 1.mp3
    160. NBC TV Coverage Part 2.mp3
    161. NBC TV Coverage Part 3.mp3
    162. NBC TV Coverage Part 4.mp3
    163. NBC TV Coverage Part 5.mp3
    164. NBC TV Coverage Part 6.mp3
    165. Nellie Connally 631123 Husband'S Status.mp3
    166. News Coverage Of Motorcade Just Prior To Shooting.mp3
    167. Nj Gov. Hughes Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    168. Ny Gov. Rockefeller Reacts To JFK's Death.mp3
    169. Official Kennedy Death Announcement.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 24 shows – 49 MB – total playtime 1 hours, 47 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. Kennedy Assassination 631122 WHBC 1480 Canton,Ohio.mp3
    3. 710000 John F Kennedy Was His Name.mp3
    4. Oswald ''I'm Just A Patsy!''.mp3
    5. Oswald Assassination Live.mp3
    6. Oswald Denies Charges Acts Of Violence.mp3
    7. Oswald New Orleans 6308.mp3
    8. Oswald Request For Legal Assistance.mp3
    9. Oswald Shot Cbs Tv, November 24, 1963.mp3
    10. Oswald Shot NBC Tv, November 24, 1963.mp3
    11. Oswald's Landord Earlene Roberts.mp3
    12. Oswaldbringuier Debate.mp3
    13. Pope Paul Vi Address On JFK's Assassination.mp3
    14. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield Reaction To JFK Death.mp3
    15. Senate Minority Leader Dirksen Reaction To JFK's Death.mp3
    16. Senator Richard Russell JFK's Death.mp3
    17. Sgt. Jerry Hill The Arrest Of Oswald.mp3
    18. St. Matthew's Bell Tolls For JFK.mp3
    19. Thurgood Marshall JFK's Death.mp3
    20. United Nations 1 Minute Of Silence For JFK.mp3
    21. Walter Cronkite 'President Kennedy Is Dead' Broadcast.mp3
    22. Walter Cronkite 'President Kennedy Shot' Broadcast.mp3
    23. Wfaa TV Dallas Interviews Abraham Zapruder.mp3
    24. Wfaa TV Dallas Reports Death Pres Parkland Hospital.mp3
    25. Wfaa TV Dallas Reports Shooting President Kennedy.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    645 recordings on 124 Audio CDs. Total playtime 116 hours, 35 min
    645 recordings on 124 Audio CDs
    total playtime 116 hours, 35 min

    John F Kennedy Disc A001

    1. 01 JFK's Breakfast Speech, Fort Worth
    2. 02 Arrival At Love Field
    3. 03 At The Scenethe Moment Of The Assassination
    4. 04 Speeding To Parkland
    5. 05 Various Reports From Parkland And Tsbd
    6. 06 Report Of JFK's Death
    7. 07 Report At Airplane With Johnson Swearing In
    8. 08 Johnson Swearing In
    9. 09 Arrival At Andrews Air Force Base
    10. 10 President Johnson'S First Statement
    11. 11 Oswald'S Denial Of Guilt
    12. 12 Court Charge Of Oswald
    13. 12 Reports Of Investigation
    14. 13 Oswald Being Shot
    15. 14 Oswald Announced Dead
    16. 20231117 Waldron Shedding Light on Myths 60 Years Later
    17. Ambulance Driver, November 22, 1963

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A002

    1. American University Commencement
    2. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Calls President Kennedy
    3. Charles Bramm Eyewitness Account Of JFK's Assassination
    4. Charles Brehm, Assassination Eyewitness
    5. City Upon A Hill
    6. Clay Shaw Interview 1967
    7. Conversation Between Air Force One W House Situation Room
    8. Coversations Between Crown And Wayside
    9. Dallas DA Wade Oswald Charged With Tippit Kennedy Murders
    10. Dallas Police Chief Curry Oswald Interrogation Progress
    11. Dallas Trademart Announcement Of JFK Connally Shootings
    12. Dean Rusk Reacts To JFK's Death
    13. Death Adlai Stevenson Reacts To Assassination
    14. Death Lbj Makes First Public Address As President
    15. Death Un'S 1 Minute Of Silence

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A003

    1. Dictates Biographiscal Notes on Entering Politics
    2. Dwight Eisenhower Reacts To JFK's Death
    3. Eric Leinsdorf Boston Symphony JFK Dead
    4. Establishment Of The Peace Corps
    5. Exerpt From Excomm Meeting On Cuban Missile Crisis
    6. Eyewitness Report Of Oswald'S Arrest At Texas Theater
    7. Former House Speaker Joseph Martin JFK's Death
    8. Funeral 21 Gun Salute Taps
    9. Funeral Funeral March

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    John F Kennedy Disc A004


    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A005

    1. Ich Bin Ein Berliner
    2. Jack Ruby Trial Verdict
    3. Jack Ruby Truth Will Never Come Out
    4. Jean Hill JFK Assassination Account
    5. JFK Assassination Airtoground Communications
    6. JFK Death Adlai Stevenson
    7. JFK Death Barry Goldwater
    8. JFK Death Harry S. Truman
    9. JFK Funeral 21 Gun Salute Taps
    10. JFK Funeral 50 Plane Salute
    11. JFK Funeral Capital Building Music
    12. JFK Funeral Death Dirge
    13. JFK Funeral Flag Folding Ceremony Music
    14. JFK Funeral Latin Mass
    15. JFK Funeral National Anthem
    16. JFK Funeral Processional
    17. JFK Gunfire Dictabelt
    18. JFK Motorcade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A006

    1. Jim Garrison Tour Around 544 Camp Street 1967
    2. Kennedy Dictates Letter To Wife Jackie
    3. Kennedy Dictates Memo On French Nuclear Capability
    4. Kennedy Dictates Notes Concerning Antidiem Coupsouth Vietnam
    5. Kennedy Dictating A Letter To His Father
    6. Kennedy Dictating Some Thoughts On Politics
    7. Kennedy Eisenhower Discuss Cuban Crisis
    8. Kennedy Evelyn Lincoln Office Chatter
    9. Kennedy Meeting With General Douglas Macarthur
    10. Kennedy Unidentified Brief Fragment
    11. Kennedy Willard Wirtzny Newspaper Strike

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A007

    1. Klif Radio Broadcast, Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963
    2. Klif TV Reporter Roy Nichols Covers Vigil Parkland Hospital

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A008

    1. NBC TV Coverage Part 2
    2. NBC TV Coverage Part 3
    3. NBC TV Coverage Part 4

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A009

    1. NBC TV Coverage Part 5
    2. NBC TV Coverage Part 6
    3. News Coverage Of Motorcade Just Prior To Shooting
    4. Nj Gov. Hughes Reacts To JFK's Death
    5. Ny Gov. Rockefeller Reacts To JFK's Death
    6. Official Kennedy Death Announcement
    7. Oswald ''I'm Just A Patsy!''
    8. Oswald Assassination Live
    9. Oswald Denies Charges Acts Of Violence
    10. Oswald New Orleans 6308
    11. Oswald Request For Legal Assistance
    12. Oswald Shot Cbs Tv, November 24, 1963
    13. Oswald Shot NBC Tv, November 24, 1963
    14. Oswald's Landord Earlene Roberts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A010

    1. Oswaldbringuier Debate
    2. Pope Paul Vi Address On JFK's Assassination
    3. President And The Press
    4. President Kennedy And Adlai Stevenson
    5. President Kennedy Calls Former President Eisenhower
    6. President Kennedy Calls Former President Hoover
    7. President Kennedy Calls Former President Truman
    8. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield Reaction To JFK Death
    9. Senate Minority Leader Dirksen Reaction To JFK's Death
    10. Senator Richard Russell JFK's Death
    11. Sgt. Jerry Hill The Arrest Of Oswald
    12. St. Matthew's Bell Tolls For JFK

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A011

    1. The Goal Of Sending A Man To The Moon
    2. Thurgood Marshall JFK's Death
    3. United Nations 1 Minute Of Silence For JFK
    4. Walter Cronkite 'President Kennedy Is Dead' Broadcast
    5. Walter Cronkite 'President Kennedy Shot' Broadcast
    6. Wfaa TV Dallas Interviews Abraham Zapruder
    7. Wfaa TV Dallas Reports Death Pres Parkland Hospital
    8. Wfaa TV Dallas Reports Shooting President Kennedy
    9. 400813 First Recorded Interview
    10. 511202 Meet the Press Interview

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A012

    1. 511206 Meet the Press Interview
    2. 520000 Massachusetts US Senate Song
    3. 521109 Meet the Press
    4. 531019 Jackie Kennedy Edward R Murrow Intrvw
    5. 540000 Speaking Out Against War in Indochina
    6. 540000 The Record of the 83rd Congress
    7. 560000 Adlai Stevenson Estes Kefauver Ad

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A013

    1. 560000 Campaigning for Adlai Stevenson Dallas Love Field
    2. 560813 The Pursuit of Happiness
    3. 560819 Speaking at the DNC
    4. 561028 Meet the Press Interview

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A014

    1. 570704 Decl Independence
    2. 580000 Interview in Dallas on Eisenhowers Illness
    3. 580000 The US Senator John F Kennedy
    4. 580310 Face the Nation Interview

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A015

    1. 581028 At Home with the Kennedys
    2. 581116 Meet the Press
    3. 590000 Dictated Letter to Joseph P Kennedy Sr
    4. 590329 KTLA News Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A016

    1. 591102 Los Angeles CA Introduced by Frank Sinatra
    2. 600000 High Hopes
    3. 600000 Jack Kennedy All the Way
    4. 600000 Kennedy For Me
    5. 600000 The Cost of Living
    6. 600100 Announcing Candidacy
    7. 600102 Announces Candidacy for Presidency

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A017

    1. 600103 Meet the Press
    2. 600105 Comments on Running for President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A018

    1. 600504 West Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary
    2. 600616 Appearance on the Jack Parr Show
    3. 600714 Picks Lyndon Johnson as His Running Mate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A019

    1. 600715 Acceptance Of The Democratic Party Nomination
    2. 600820 Harry S Truman Press Conference at Truman Library
    3. 600901 Statement on Civil Rights
    4. 600902 Portland ME

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A020

    1. 600902 Press Conference
    2. 600912 Address To Greater Houston Ministerial Association
    3. 600917 Greenville North Carolina Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A021

    1. Kennedy Nixon Debate 1 600926
    2. 601000 Half Slave Half Free
    3. 601002 Chase Hotel St. Louis MO

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    John F Kennedy Disc A022

    1. 601002 South Carolina State House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A023

    1. Kennedy Nixon Debate 2 601007

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A024

    1. Kennedy Nixon Debate 3 601013

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A025

    1. 601016 Meet the Press
    2. 601019 Al Smith Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A026

    1. Kennedy Nixon Debate 4 601021

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A027

    1. 601030 Face Nation
    2. 601100 Election Eve
    3. 601103 Street Rally in Phoenix AZ
    4. 601107 Election Even Event

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A028

    1. 601107 Speech at Boston Garden
    2. 601109 Victory Speech
    3. 601110 First News Conference as President-Elect
    4. 601128 Following a Meeting with Dean Acheson
    5. 601201 Nominates Members of the Cabinet
    6. 610000 Peace Corps PSA
    7. 610100 State Of The Union Message
    8. 610109 City Upon A Hill Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A029

    1. 610120 130AM Star Studded Inaugural Gala
    2. 610120 Inauguration Speech
    3. 610121 Remarks to the Democratic National Committee
    4. 610121 Swearing In of the Cabinet
    5. 610125 First Presidential Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A030

    1. 610131 State of the Union Address
    2. 610200 Prayer Breakfast Invocation
    3. 610201 Excerpts From Press Conference
    4. 610201 Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A031

    1. 610208 Press Conference
    2. 610215 Press Conference
    3. 610221 Remarks on the Youth Fitness Program

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A032

    1. 610225 White House Correspondents Dinner
    2. 610301 Establishment Of The Peace Corps
    3. 610301 Interview with Eleanor Roosevelt on the Peace Corps
    4. 610301 Press Conference
    5. 610308 Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A033

    1. 610313 Alliance for Progress
    2. 610315 Press Conference
    3. 610323 Interview With Ray Sherer

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    John F Kennedy Disc A034

    1. 610323 Press Conference
    2. 610410 Opening Day of the 1961 Baseball Season

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A035

    1. 610412 Press Conference
    2. 610413 Reaction To Gagarin Flight
    3. 610420 Bay Of Pigs Am Society Of Newspaper Editors
    4. 610420 Newspaper Editors

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A036

    1. 610421 Press Conference
    2. 610425 Civil Defense Message
    3. 610427 President And The Press Speech
    4. 610500 Birmingham Segregation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A037

    1. 610505 Press Conference
    2. 610508 Birthday Call To Harry Truman
    3. 610508 Congrats Allan Shepard Being First American Space

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A038

    1. 610525 Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon
    2. 610525 The Goal Of Sending A Man To The Moon
    3. 610527 Remarks at 44th Birthday Celebration

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A039

    1. 610529 Remarks at 44th Birthday Celebration
    2. 610530 Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation
    3. 610602 Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A040

    1. 610628 Press Conference
    2. 610700 Expanding Space Program
    3. 610719 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A041

    1. 610725 Address To Nation On Berlin Crisis
    2. 610806 Alliance For Progress Little Merit
    3. 610810 Press Conference
    4. 610828 First Peace Corps Volunteers

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    John F Kennedy Disc A042

    1. 610830 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A043

    1. 610925 Address to the General Assembly of the UN
    2. 610925 Un 3 Horses Of The Troika Speech

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    John F Kennedy Disc A044

    1. 611011 Press Conference
    2. 611012 University of North Carolina
    3. 611102 Address to the Nation on Nuclear Testing

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    John F Kennedy Disc A045

    1. 611108 Press Conference
    2. 611111 Veterans Day Speech
    3. 611116 University Of WashingtonS 100th Anniversary

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    John F Kennedy Disc A046

    1. 611118 Democratic Party Fundraising Dinner
    2. 611125 Un Speech On Terrorism
    3. 611129 Press Conference
    4. 611200 To The People Of Berlin
    5. 611205 The Importance of Physical Fitness

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A047

    1. 611207 Address to the Young Democrats
    2. 611211 Christmas Message to the People of Berlin
    3. 620000 Jimmy Dean PT 109
    4. 620106 Birthday Celebration for Michael DiSalle

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    John F Kennedy Disc A048

    1. 620111 State Union

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    John F Kennedy Disc A049

    1. 620115 Press Conference
    2. 620120 Inaugural Anniversary Inaugural Parody
    3. 620124 Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A050

    1. 620131 Press Conference
    2. 620207 Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A051

    1. 620214 Press Conference
    2. 620221 Press Conference
    3. 620223 Presenting the NASA Medal to John Glenn
    4. 620300 Tribute To FDR

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A052

    1. 620307 Press Conference
    2. 620310 Fundraising Speech Sen George Smathers of Florida
    3. 620313 Fist Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress

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    John F Kennedy Disc A053

    1. 620314 Press Conference
    2. 620321 Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A054

    1. 620323 University of California Berkeley
    2. 620329 Press Conference
    3. 620409 50th Anniversary of the Childrens Bureau

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    John F Kennedy Disc A055

    1. 620411 Press Conference
    2. 620412 U.S. Steel
    3. 620418 Press Conference
    4. 620427 White House Correspondence Dinner

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    John F Kennedy Disc A056

    1. 620504 Civic Function at City Hall New Orleans
    2. 620504 Dockside Terminal
    3. 620509 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A057

    1. 620511 CBS Interview
    2. 620517 Press Conference
    3. 620519 Remarks at 45th Birthday Celebration

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    John F Kennedy Disc A058

    1. 620520 Speech on Healthcare for the Aged
    2. 620523 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A059

    1. 620606 West Point Commencement Speech
    2. 620607 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A060

    1. 620611 Yale University Commencement
    2. 620614 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A061

    1. 620614 Talks About the Peace Corps
    2. 620621 Activating First Salt Water Conversion Plant in US
    3. 620627 Press Conference
    4. 620628 Presentation of the New White House Book

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    John F Kennedy Disc A062

    1. 620702 Commenting Mantlepiece in State Dinning Room
    2. 620704 Independence Hall Address
    3. 620705 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A063

    1. 620723 Press Conference
    2. 620801 Press Conference
    3. 620809 Addressing Peace Corps Volunteers

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    John F Kennedy Disc A064

    1. 620813 State of the American Economy
    2. 620822 Excerpt On Cuba From Press Conference
    3. 620822 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A065

    1. 620829 Press Conference
    2. 620900 On Labor
    3. 620903 On Labor
    4. 620910 Evelyn Lincoln And Phil Reagan
    5. 620910 Evelyn Lincoln And Robert Troutman
    6. 620910 Kennedy And C. Douglas Dillon
    7. 620910 Kennedy And David Mcdonald
    8. 620910 Kennedy And Unidentified 1
    9. 620910 Kennedy And Unidentified 2
    10. 620910 Operator And Operator
    11. 620910 Operator And Pierre Salinger
    12. 620910 Unidentified
    13. 620912 Address On Space Rice University
    14. 620913 Kennedy Mccormack T Morgan Carl Vinson

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    John F Kennedy Disc A066

    1. 620913 Press Conference
    2. 620914 Americas Cup Dinner
    3. 620926 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A067

    1. 620929 Kennedy And Ross Barnett
    2. 620929 Kennedy And Ted Sorensen
    3. 620929 Kennedy Robert Kennedy And Ross Barnett
    4. 620930 Burke Marshall And Ramsey Clark
    5. 620930 Jack Rosenthal And Evelyn Lincoln
    6. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2
    7. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 3
    8. 620930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett
    9. 620930 Ross Barnett Allowing James Meredith into Univ MS 2
    10. 620930 Ross Barnett Allowing James Meredith into Univ MS
    11. 620930 Situation at the University of Mississippi
    12. 621000 Kennedy And Lemoyne Billings
    13. 621000 Kennedy And Torbert Macdonald
    14. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 1
    15. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 2
    16. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 3
    17. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 4

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    John F Kennedy Disc A068

    1. 621001 Creighton Abrams And Robert Kennedy 5
    2. 621001 Evelyn Lincoln And Unidentified
    3. 621001 Kennedy And Archibald Cox 1
    4. 621001 Kennedy And Archibald Cox 2
    5. 621001 Kennedy And Creighton Abrams
    6. 621001 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 6
    7. 621001 Kennedy Cyrus Vance And Robert Mcnamara
    8. 621002 Evelyn Lincoln And William H. Brandt
    9. 621002 Kennedy And Cyrus Vance 1
    10. 621002 Kennedy And Cyrus Vance 2
    11. 621005 Political Speech in Cincinnati Ohio
    12. 621010 Evelyn Lincoln And Robert Troutman
    13. 621011 Bill Lawrence Interview

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    John F Kennedy Disc A069

    1. 621011 John F. Kennedy Bill Lawrence Interview
    2. 621017 New Haven Connecticut Rally
    3. 621019 Cleveland Ohio Rally
    4. 621019 Remarks to Democratic Precinct Workers Chicago IL
    5. 621022 Address On The Buildup Of Arms In Cuba
    6. 621022 Evelyn Lincoln And Operator
    7. 621023 On Cuba
    8. 621026 Phone Call With Pierre Salinger
    9. 621028 Talks With Dwight Eisenhower About Cuba

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    John F Kennedy Disc A070

    1. 621028 Talks With Harry Truman About Cuba
    2. 621028 Talks With Herbert Hoover About Cuba
    3. 621030 Burke Marshall And Ramsey Clark
    4. 621030 Jack Rosenthal And Evelyn Lincoln
    5. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 1
    6. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2
    7. 621030 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 3
    8. 621030 Robert Kennedy And Cyrus Vance
    9. 621100 Dismanting Missles In Cuba
    10. 621101 Urges the Public to Vote on Election Day
    11. 621107 Kennedy And Edmund Gerald Pat Brown
    12. 621107 Kennedy And Edward Kennedy
    13. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 1
    14. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 2
    15. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 3
    16. 621107 Kennedy And John Connally 4
    17. 621107 Kennedy And William Guy (Gov Of Nd)
    18. 621107 Talks With Pat Brown Richard Nixon is Psychotic
    19. 621112 Address On The Space Effort
    20. 621117 Kennedy Eisenhower Skybold Bg 2
    21. 621117 Kennedy Unidentified Cuban Sabotage Plot

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    John F Kennedy Disc A071

    1. 621120 Press Conference
    2. 621121 Getting to the Moon
    3. 621129 American Pageant of the Arts Dinner
    4. 621129 An American Pageant Of Arts
    5. 621200 Economic Club Of Ny

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    John F Kennedy Disc A072

    1. 621212 Press Conference
    2. 621217 Kennedy Eisenhower Skybold Bg 1

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    John F Kennedy Disc A073

    1. 630000 Vaughn Meader The First Family Vol 2
    2. 630100 State Of The Union Address

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    John F Kennedy Disc A074

    1. 630124 Press Conference
    2. 630207 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A075

    1. 630214 Press Conference
    2. 630221 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A076

    1. 630225 American Bankers Association Symposium
    2. 630228 Kennedy And Ed Edmondsonairline Merger
    3. 630228 Kennedy And George Meanylabor Leaders
    4. 630302 Kennedy And Mcgeorge Bundysurv Cuba
    5. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigs
    6. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigsgallup Poll
    7. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Kennedybay Of Pigsgallup2
    8. 630302 Kennedy And Robert Mcnamarasurv Cuba
    9. 630302 Kennedy And Theodore Kheelnewspaper Strike
    10. 630302 Kennedy Mcnamarasurv Cuba Nato
    11. 630304 Kennedy And Carl Kaysenbalance Of Trade
    12. 630304 Kennedy Mcgeorge Bundymccone Test Press
    13. 630304 Kennedy William Baggsinteramerican Exposition
    14. 630304 Kennedyremarks To Foreign Visitors
    15. 630304 Robert Kennedymccone Ttest Tfx Missile Crisis
    16. 630304 Robert Kennedymccone Ttest Tfx Missile Crisis2

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    John F Kennedy Disc A077

    1. 630306 Press Conference
    2. 630320 San Jose Costa Rica
    3. 630320 University of Costa Rica

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    John F Kennedy Disc A078

    1. 630321 Press Conference
    2. 630400 Us Steel
    3. 630403 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A079

    1. 630420 Boston College
    2. 630424 Press Conference
    3. 630508 Birthday Call To Harry Truman

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    John F Kennedy Disc A080

    1. 630508 Press Conference
    2. 630509 AAA Safety Patrol Winners
    3. 630513 Birmingham Crisis Terminates
    4. 630518 90th Anniversary Of Vanderbilt Universityt

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    John F Kennedy Disc A081

    1. 630522 Press Conference
    2. 630600 Berlin Wall
    3. 630605 International Airport El Paso TX
    4. 630605 US Air Force Academy Commencement Speech

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    John F Kennedy Disc A082

    1. 630610 American University Commencement
    2. 630611 Address On Civil Rights
    3. 630621 Phone Call With Robert Kennedy

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    John F Kennedy Disc A083

    1. 630624 Press Conference
    2. 630626 Ich Bin Ein Berliner Speech
    3. 630626 Speech in Ireland
    4. 630715 Nuclear Test

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    John F Kennedy Disc A084

    1. 630717 Press Conference
    2. 630724 Speaking with Boys Nation
    3. 630724 Talks With Harry Truman About Nuclear Test Ban
    4. 630725 Talks With Godfrey McHugh Over Furniture
    5. 630726 Address On The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    6. 630726 Talks Harry Truman Support Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    7. 630726 Talks with Dean Rusk Nixon is an SOB

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    John F Kennedy Disc A085

    1. 630801 Press Conference
    2. 630801 Remarks At The U.s. Naval Academy

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    John F Kennedy Disc A086

    1. 630817 Bill Stuckey Interviews Lee Harvey Oswaldo
    2. 630820 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A087

    1. 630821 Wdsu Radio Debate With Lee Harvey Oswald
    2. 630827 White House Seminar
    3. 630902 Labor Day Interview

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    John F Kennedy Disc A088

    1. 630909 Interview With Chet Huntley and David Brinkley
    2. 630911 Remarks to Bob Hope
    3. 630912 Excerpts From Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A089

    1. 630912 Press Conference
    2. 630917 White House Conference on Export Expansion

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    John F Kennedy Disc A090

    1. 630918 Tax Cuts
    2. 630920 Address to the General Assembly of the UN

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    John F Kennedy Disc A091

    1. 630920 UN Address
    2. 630926 Address At The Mormon Tabernacle
    3. 630927 Univ Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran Univ

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    John F Kennedy Disc A092

    1. 630928 Conservation
    2. 630930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 1
    3. 630930 Kennedy And Ross Barnett 2
    4. 630930 Robert Kennedy And Cyrus Vance
    5. 631003 Heber Springs Arkansas
    6. 631009 Press Conference
    7. 631010 1964 Ticket

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    John F Kennedy Disc A093

    1. 631019 National Guard Armory Boston MA
    2. 631019 University of Maine
    3. 631021 Preparing For Speech About Eleanor Roosevelt
    4. 631026 Robert Frost Library Amherst College Remark
    5. 631031 Excerpt On Happiness From Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A094

    1. 631031 Presidential Press Conference
    2. 631100 Hotel Texas Rally
    3. 631104 Record Memo Death Ngo Dinh Diem Interrupted JFK Jr

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    John F Kennedy Disc A095

    1. 631112 - 1 45 Pm Coverage

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    John F Kennedy Disc A096

    1. 631112 - 2 45 Pm Coverage

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    John F Kennedy Disc A097

    1. 631112 - 3 45 Pm Coverage

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    John F Kennedy Disc A098

    1. 631112 - 4 45 Pm Coverage
    2. 631112 - 5 45 Pm Coverage

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    John F Kennedy Disc A099

    1. 631114 Final Presidential Press Conference
    2. 631114 Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A100

    1. 631115 Remarks to the Catholic Youth Organization
    2. 631118 Address at Miami International Airport
    3. 631118 Addressing the Steelworkers in Tampa
    4. 631118 Inter-American Press Association
    5. Dallas Police Chief Curry JFK Visit Preparations 631118a
    6. Dallas Police Chief Curry JFK Visit Preparations 631118b
    7. 631119 National Education Association
    8. 631120 First Televised Satellite Transmission
    9. 631121 Brooks Air Force Base
    10. 631121 Forth Worth Jackie Speaking Spanish
    11. 631121 JFK Jackie League Of United Latin American Citizens

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    John F Kennedy Disc A101

    1. 631121 John F Kennedy Brooks Air Force Base
    2. 631121 John F Kennedy Honoring Albert Thomas
    3. 631121 Lulac Event Full Version
    4. 631121 Public Reaction To His Wife
    5. 631121 Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Albert Thomas

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    John F Kennedy Disc A102

    1. 631122 Dallas PD Channel 1 Recording
    2. 631122 Dallas Pd Dictabelt Recording Of Assassination

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    John F Kennedy Disc A103

    1. 631122 Dwight Eisenhower Press Conference
    2. 631122 Forth Worth Chamber of Commerce Breakfast

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    John F Kennedy Disc A104

    1. 631122 Interview With Jesse Curry

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    John F Kennedy Disc A105

    1. 631122 JFK Last Speech At Hotel Texas Presidential Breakfast
    2. 631122 JFK's Assassination

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    John F Kennedy Disc A106

    1. 631122 John F Kennedy Hotel Texas Parking Lot Speech
    2. 631122 KLIF Interview Earlene Roberts
    3. 631122 KXA Radio JFK's Assissination
    4. 631122 Paul Harvey

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    John F Kennedy Disc A107

    1. 631122 WFAA Radio JFK's Assassination
    2. 631122 WHBC Radio JFK's Assassination
    3. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 1

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    John F Kennedy Disc A108

    1. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 4
    2. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 5
    3. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 6
    4. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 7
    5. 631122 WLW Radio Extended Coverage JFK's Assissination Pt 9

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    John F Kennedy Disc A109

    1. 631122 WMEX Radio talk show aired the night

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    John F Kennedy Disc A110

    1. 631122-24 KLOX- Radio coverage JFK's Assassination Aftermath

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    John F Kennedy Disc A111

    1. Kennedy Assassination 631122 WHBC 1480 Canton,Ohio
    2. Dallas Police 631122 1228
    3. Dallas Police 631122 1230a
    4. Dallas Police 631122 1230b
    5. Dallas Police 631122 1230c
    6. Dallas Police 631122 1230d
    7. Dallas Police 631122 1230e
    8. Dallas Police 631122 1234a
    9. Dallas Police 631122 1234b
    10. Dallas Police 631122 1234c
    11. Dallas Police 631122 1235a
    12. Dallas Police 631122 1235b
    13. Dallas Police 631122 1236a
    14. Dallas Police 631122 1236b
    15. Dallas Police 631122 1236c
    16. Dallas Police 631122 1237a
    17. Dallas Police 631122 1237b
    18. Dallas Police 631122 1237c
    19. Dallas Police 631122 1238a
    20. Dallas Police 631122 1238b
    21. Dallas Police 631122 1241a
    22. Dallas Police 631122 1241b
    23. Dallas Police 631122 1241c
    24. Dallas Police 631122 1243
    25. Dallas Police 631122 1245a
    26. Dallas Police 631122 1245b
    27. Dallas Police 631122 1245c
    28. Dallas Police 631122 1245d
    29. Dallas Police 631122 1246
    30. Dallas Police 631122 1247a
    31. Dallas Police 631122 1247b
    32. Dallas Police 631122 1249

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    John F Kennedy Disc A112

    1. Dallas Police 631122 1253
    2. Dallas Police 631122 1254
    3. Dallas Police 631122 1255a
    4. Dallas Police 631122 1255b
    5. Dallas Police 631122 1255c
    6. Dallas Police 631122 1255d
    7. Dallas Police 631122 1255e
    8. Dallas Police 631122 1308
    9. Dallas Police 631122 1316
    10. Dallas Police 631122 1318
    11. Dallas Police 631122 1319a
    12. Dallas Police 631122 1319b
    13. Dallas Police 631122 1322a
    14. Dallas Police 631122 1322b
    15. Dallas Police 631122 1324
    16. Dallas Police 631122 1325
    17. Dallas Police 631122 1326a
    18. Dallas Police 631122 1326b
    19. Dallas Police 631122 1326c
    20. Dallas Police 631122 1332
    21. Dallas Police 631122 1333a
    22. Dallas Police 631122 1333b
    23. Dallas Police 631122 1334a
    24. Dallas Police 631122 1334b
    25. Dallas Police 631122 1334c
    26. Dallas Police 631122 1334d
    27. Dallas Police 631122 1334e
    28. Dallas Police 631122 1345
    29. Death Eisenhower Reacts To Assassination 631122
    30. JFK Arrives Love Field 631122
    31. Kbox Dallas 631122
    32. L B J 631122 Address To The Nation
    33. L B J 631122 Swearing In As President
    34. Mutual Radio Bulletin JFK Dead 631122
    35. 631123 410AM Sid Davis Reports Arrival of Kennedy’s Body
    36. 631123 Barbara Walters Describes Nyc On Day Of Assassination
    37. 631123 Gladys Johnson Interview

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    John F Kennedy Disc A113

    1. 631123 Interview With Paul Bentley and Nick McDonald
    2. Dallas Police Chief Curry ''This Case Is Cinched'' 631123
    3. L B J 631123 First Presidential Proclamation
    4. Nellie Connally 631123 Husband'S Status
    5. 631124 Interview With James Leavelle
    6. Eugene Rostow Bill Moyers Phone Call 631124

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    John F Kennedy Disc A114

    1. Jean Shepherd JFK 631125
    2. L B J 631125 J Edgar Hoover Phone Call
    3. L B J 631125 Washing Post Columnist Joseph Alsop Phone Call

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    John F Kennedy Disc A115

    1. 631126 Paul Harvey
    2. L B J 631126 Nyse Pres. Keith Funston Phone Call
    3. 631127 Bedside Interview With John Connally
    4. L B J 631127 Eisenhower Press Secy' Jim Haggerty Phone Call
    5. L B J 631127 Mrs. Governor Nellie Connally Phone Call
    6. L B J 631127 NBC'S David Sarnoff Phone Call
    7. 631128 Johnson's Thanksgiving Message
    8. L B J 631128 Sen Judiciary Chmn James Eastland Phone Call
    9. L B J 631129 1110 Et Senate Maj Leader Mike Mansfield
    10. L B J 631129 1130 Et House Maj Whip Hale Boggs Phone Call
    11. L B J 631129 1311 Et House Maj Whip Hale Boggs Phone Call
    12. L B J 631129 1315 Et Advisor Abe Fortas Phone Call

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    John F Kennedy Disc A116

    1. L B J 631129 1605 Et Senator Richard Russell Phone Call
    2. L B J 631129 1655 Et Speaker The House Otto Passman Call
    3. L B J 631129 1720 Et (Approx) J Edgar Hoover Phone Call
    4. L B J 631129 1745 Et (Approx) Advisor Abe Fortas Phone Call
    5. L B J 631129 1837 Et House Majority Leader Carl Albert Call
    6. L B J 631129 2030 Et Senator Thomas Kuchel Phone Call

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    John F Kennedy Disc A117

    1. L B J 631129 2055 Et Senator Richard Russell Phone Call
    2. L B J 631130 Cia Director Mccone Phone Call
    3. L B J 631130 Federal Reserve Board Chmn William Martin Call
    4. L B J 631202 Jacqueline Kennedy Phone Call
    5. L B J 631202 Wasgton Post Pres Katherine Graham Phone Call
    6. L B J 631206 Senator B. Everett Jordan Phone Call (Except)
    7. L B J 631207 Jacqueline Kennedy Phone Call
    8. L B J 631208 Mrs. Senator Bill Green Phone Call
    9. L B J 631218 Governor John Connally Phone Call
    10. 640114 Jackie Kennedy Thanking American People
    11. 640207 Marina Oswald First Formal Press Conference

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    John F Kennedy Disc A118

    1. 640314 Henry Wade Interview After Jack Ruby Verdict
    2. L B J 640501 Press Sec'Y George Reedy Phone Call
    3. 640927 Warren Commission Report
    4. L B J 640927 Natl Secty Adv Mcgeorge Bundy Phone Call

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    John F Kennedy Disc A119

    1. L B J 641118 Senator Russell Phone Call
    2. 641122 KLIF the Faithful Hours

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    John F Kennedy Disc A120

    1. 660000 Interview With Clay Shaw
    2. L B J 661226 Press Secretary Bill Moyers Phone Call
    3. 670000 Interview With Dean Andrews
    4. 670000 Interview With Jim Garrison
    5. L B J 670202 Acting Attrny General Ramsey Clark Phone Call

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    John F Kennedy Disc A121

    1. 670619 Jfk Conspiracy Case Of Jim Garrison

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    John F Kennedy Disc A122

    1. 680131 Jim Garrison On Tonight Show

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    John F Kennedy Disc A123

    1. 710000 Jim Garrison On Steve Allen Show
    2. 710000 John F Kennedy Was His Name

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    John F Kennedy Disc A124

    1. 750327 Good Night America Jfks Assassination

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